A structural interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide (Lower Cretaceous), northern Alaska




Separation of Powers in the American Public Law美国公法中的三权分立It has already been intimated that Montesquieu’s theory(指孟德斯鸠的三权分立理论)of the separation of powers was made the basis of the system of government adopted in the United States at the end of the eighteenth century.A perusal of the writings of those men who influenced most profoundly the political thought of the time will reveal a practically unanimous 1acceptance of the theory.我们都知道,孟德斯鸠的三权分立学说是美国在18世纪末组建政府体系的理论基础,一些熟读相关政治理论作品且在政治领域有很大影响力的学者认为,时间会证明,总有一天绝大多数的人都会接受这一理论。

The theory was accepted not ,however ,as a scientific theory but as a legal rule. Many of the state constitutions, which either were adopted soon after the American revolution or have been put into force since , contain clauses known as “distributing clauses,” of which that contained in the constitution of Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州)may be taken as a most forcible example. Article 30 of the first constitution of Massachusetts provides that “in the government of this common-wealth the legislative department shall never exercise the executive or judiciary powers or either of them;the executive shall never exercise the legislative or judicial powers or either of them;the judiciary shall never exercise the legislative or executive powers or either of them,to the end that it may be a government of laws and not of men.” Other constitutions, of which the constitution of the United States is one , provide that the legislative power shall be vested in a legislature, that the executive power shall be vested in a President or governor , and that the judicial power shall be vested in certain courts.Such provisions,however ,are held to have practically the same legal effect as the distributing clause in the Massachusetts constitution, on the theory th at “affirmative(肯定的)words are often , in their operation , negative of other objects than those affirmed.”这个理论并没有被全面接受,更多的时候它只是一个科学的理论而不是法律规章。

新视野B2U1 Text B课文详解(带课文翻译)

新视野B2U1 Text B课文详解(带课文翻译)

Section B T h e g re a t j o u r n ey o f l e a r n i n g
Text Reading
4 Malcolm X’s considerable frustration at his inability to read and write launched him on a quest to overcome his deficiencies. He said, “I saw that the best thing I could do was get hold of a dictionary – to study, to learn some words.” And he was lucky enough to reason also that he should try to improve his handwriting. “It was sad. I couldn’t even write in a straight line,” he told us. These ideas together moved him to appeal to the prison authorities for some paper and pencils.
Section B T h e g re a t j o u r n ey o f l e a r n i n g
Text Reading
6 Malcolm X depicted how the next morning when he woke up, he kept thinking about the words he had copied and read aloud and about the acquisition of the knowledge he was pursuing. It was a marvelous feeling. He felt immensely proud.



Translate the Words with Shading Colors in the Sentences1.A total cut-off of supplies would cripple the country's economy.全面切断物品供应会使该国经济陷入瘫痪。

2.One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.这种疾病的一个显著症状就是记忆逐渐丧失。

3.The unions called for a two-hour strike in protest at the railway authority's announcement.各工会号召罢工两小时,以对铁路当局所发通告表示抗议。

4.The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue.船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案。

5.In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严苛的准则。

6.The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy.报告说两艘船存在的设计缺陷也促成了这场悲剧的发生。

7.He is gifted with rare eloquence.他天生具有罕见的口才。

8.The Prime Minister's fragile government was on the brink of collapse.首相领导的脆弱的政府处在瓦解边缘。

9.But,after a decent interval,trade relations began to return to normal.但是经过一段合宜的间歇,贸易关系开始恢复正常。



英语六级阅读难点关键句之二41. His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States, but his definition of racial prejudice as “ racially-based negative prejudgmen ts against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competitio n,” can be interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews in medieval Europe.42. Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of and so was crucial in sustaining—the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were contin ually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.43. Even the folk knowledge in social systems on which ordinary life is based in ear ning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part in political activities, fighting and so on , is not very dissimilar from the more sophisticated images of the social system derived fr om the social sciences, even though it is built upon the very imperfect samples of person al experience.44. There are several steps that can be taken, of which the chief one is to demand of all the organizations that exist with the declared objectives of safeguarding the interests of animals that they should declare clearly where they stand on violence towards people.45. It was possible to demonstrate by other methods refined structural differences am ong neuron types, however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulse or its condu ction was influenced by these differences, which seemed instead to influence the developm ental patterning of the neural circuits.46. According to this theory, it is not the quality of the sensory nerve impulses that determines the diverse conscious sensations they produce, but rather the different areas of the brain into which they discharge , and there is some evidence for this view.47. The result of attrition is that, where the areas of the whole leaves follow a norm al distribution, a bimodal distribution is produced, one peak composed mainly of fragment ed pieces, the other of the larger remains.48. The Bible does not tell us how the Roman census takers made out, and as regar ds our more immediate concern, the reliability of present day economic forecasting, there are considerable difference of opinion.49. A survey conducted in Britain confirmed that an abnormally high percentage of p atients suffering from arthritis of the spine who had been treated with X rays contracted c ancer.50. Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.(41-50句译文)41、对于针对美国黑人的种族歧视,他的理论相对成立得较好,但是他帆种族偏见如此定义:“在某一特定区域内的种族竞争中被普遍接受的一个种族所受到的基于种族的负面偏见。



Passage 4 The fossil remains of the first flying vertebrates, the pterosaurs, have intrigued paleontologists for morethan two centuries. How such large creatures, which weighed in some cases as much as a piloted hang-glider(5) and had wingspans from 8 to 12 meters, solved theproblems of powered flight, and exactly what thesecreatures were——reptiles or birds-are among the ques-tions scientists have puzzled over. Perhaps the least controversial assertion about the(10) pterosaurs is that they were reptiles. Their skulls,pelvises,and hind feet are reptilian. The anatomy oftheir wings suggests that they did not evolve into theclass of birds. In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourthfinger of each forelimb supported a winglike membrane.(15) The other fingers were short and reptilian, with sharpclaws. In birds the second finger is the principal strutof the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. If thepterosaurs walked on all fours, the three short fingersmay have been employed for grasping. When a(20) pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourthfinger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward inan extended inverted V-shape along each side of the animal‘s body. The pterosaurs resembled both birds and bats in(25) their overall structure and proportions. This is not sur-prising because the design of any flying vertebrate issubject to aerodynamic constraints. Both the pterosaursand the birds have hollow bones, a feature that repre-sents a savings in weight. In the birds, however, these(30) bones are reinforced more massively by internal struts. Although scales typically cover reptiles, thepterosaurs probably had hairy coats. T.H. Huxley rea-soned that flying vertebrates must have been warm-blooded because flying implies a high rate of(35) metabolism, which in turn implies a high internal tem-perature. Huxley speculated that a coat of hair wouldinsulate against loss of body heat and might streamlinethe body to reduce drag in flight. The recent discoveryof a pterosaur specimen covered in long, dense,and(40) relatively thick hairlike fossil material was the first clearevidence that his reasoning was correct. Efforts to explain how the pterosaurs became air-borne have led to suggestions that they launched them-selves by jumping from cliffs, by dropping from trees.(45) or even by rising into light winds from the crests ofwaves. Each hypothesis has its difficulties. The firstwrongly assumes that the pterosaurs‘ hind feet rese-mbled a bat’s and could serve as hooks by which theanimal could hang in preparation for flight. The second(50) hypothesis seems unlikely because large pterosaurscould not have landed in trees without damaging theirwings. The third calls for high waves to channelupdrafts. The wind that made such waves however,might have been too strong for the pterosaurs to(55) control their flight once airborne.1. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists now generally agree that the (A) enormous wingspan of the pterosaurs enabled them to fly great distances  (B) structure of the skeleton of the pterosaurs suggests a close evolutionary relationship to bats (C) fossil remains of the pterosaurs reveal how they solved the problem of powered flight (D) pterosaurs were reptiles (E) pterosaurs walked on all fours2. The author views the idea that the pterosaurs became airborne by rising into light winds created by waves as (A) revolutionary (B) unlikely (C) unassailable (D) probable (E) outdated3. According to the passage, the skeleton of a pterosaur can be distinguished from that of a bird by the (A) size of its wingspan (B) presence of hollow spaces in its bones (C) anatomic origin of its wing strut (D) presence of hooklike projections on its hind feet (E) location of the shoulder joint joining the wing to its body4. The ideas attributed to T.H. Huxley in the passage suggest that he would most likely agree with which of the following statements? (A) An animal‘s brain size has little bearing on its ability to master complex behaviors. (B) An animal‘s appearance is often influenced by environmental requirements and physical capabilities. (C) Animals within a given family group are unlikely to change their appearance dramatically over a period of time. (D) The origin of flight in vertebrates was an accidental development rather than the outcome of specialization or adaptation. (E) The pterosaurs should be classified as birds, not reptiles.5. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is characteristic of the pterosaurs? (A) They were unable to fold their wings when not in use. (B) They hung upside down from branches as bats do before flight. (C) They flew in order to capture prey.  (D) They were an early stage in the evolution of the birds. (E) They lived primarily in a forestlike habitat.6.Which of the following best describes the organization of the last paragraph of the passage? (A) New evidence is introduced to support a traditional point of view. (B) Three explanations for a phenomenon are presented, and each is disputed by means of specific information. (C) Three hypotheses are outlined, and evidence supporting each is given. (D) Recent discoveries are described, and their implications for future study are projected (E) A summary of the material in the preceding paragraphs is presented, and conclusions are drawn.7. It can be inferred from the passage that some scientists believe that pterosaurs (A) lived near large bodies of water (B) had sharp teeth for tearing food (C) were attacked and eaten by larger reptiles (D) had longer tails than many birds  (E) consumed twice their weight daily to maintain their body temperature。



• 《斯泰拉做出格》(Stella Dose Tricks1996) • 《心灵深处》(Under the Skin1996 • 《大脑长在脚上的姑娘》(the Girls with Brain in Her Feet,1997). • 《真实的女性》(Real Women1998)
3. The third group were young activists in the civil rights and anti-war movements.
4. The accident was a word in the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964.
mainly with women's suffrage
Writers such as Virginia Woolf are associated with the ideas of the first wave of feminism.
弗吉尼亚· 伍尔芙(Virginia Woolf)。 英国女作家,意识流小说的代表 人物之一。被认为是二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋之一。 Virginia Woolf are associated with the ideas of the first wave of feminism. In her book A Room of One's Own, Woolf describes how men socially and psychically dominate women.
以现代的哲学与社会运动的观点来看,女性主义的通常以18世纪的启蒙时代 思想家为起源。
如玛丽· 沃斯通克拉夫特 (Mary Wollstonecraft)
所著《女权辩护》(A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,)是19世纪 之前女性主义的著作之一。 将女性比喻为高贵、社会 菁英,女性就应该被社会所 尊重,并且认为女性拥有 比男性多的权力是理所当 然的事情。



1语言学术语(英-汉对照)表 Aabbreviation 缩写词,略语 ablative 夺格,离格 accent 重音(符) accusative 宾格achievement test 成绩测试 acoustic phonetics 声学语音学 acquisition 习得 acronym 缩略语action process 动作过程 actor 动作者address form 称呼形式 addressee 受话人 addresser 发话人 adjective 形容词adjunct 修饰成分 附加语 adverb 副词 affix 词缀affixation 词缀附加法 affricate 塞擦音 agreement 一致关系 airstream 气流 alliteration 头韵 allomorph 词/语素变体 allophone 音位变体allophonic variation 音位变体 allophony 音位变体现象 alveolar ridge 齿龈 alveolar 齿龈音 ambiguity 歧义analogical creation 类推造字 anapest 抑抑扬格 anaphor 前指替代anaphoric reference 前指照应 animate 有生命的 annotation 注解antecedent 先行词 前在词anthropological linguistics 人类语言学anticipatory coarticulation 逆化协同发音antonomasia 换称 代类名 antonym 反义词antonymy 反义(关系) appellative 称谓性applied linguistics 应用语言学 applied sociolinguistics 应用社会语言学appropriacy 适宜性appropriateness 适宜性 得体性 approximant 无摩擦延续音 aptitude test 素质测试 Arabic 阿拉伯语arbitrariness 任意性 argument 中项 中词 主目 article 冠词articulation 发音 articulator 发音器官articulatory phonetics 发音语音学artificial speech 人工言语 aspect 体aspirated 吐气 送气 assimilation 同化 associative 联想associative meaning 联想意义 assonance 准压韵 半谐音 attributive 属性 修饰语 定语 auditory phonetics 听觉语音学 authentic input 真实投入 authorial style 权威风格 authoring program 编程 autonomy 自主性 auxiliary 助词auxiliary verb 助动词 Bbabbling stage 婴儿语阶段 back-formation 逆构词法 base component 基础部分behavioural process 行为过程 behaviourism 行为主义 bilabial 双唇音bilabial nasal 双唇鼻音bilateral opposition 双边对立 bilingualism 双语现象 binary division 二分法 binary feature 二分特征 binary taxonomy 二分分类学 binding 制约binding theory 制约论 blade 舌叶 舌面前部 blank verse 无韵诗 blending 混成法borrowing 借用 借词 bound morpheme 粘着语素 bounding theory 管辖论 bracketing 括号法brevity maxim 简洁准则 bridging 架接broad transcription 宽式音标 broadening 词义扩大 Brown corpus 布朗语料库 Ccalculability 可计算性 calque 仿造 仿造词语 cancellability 可删除 cardinal numeral 基数 cardinal vowel 基本元音 case 格case grammar 格语法 case theory 格理论 category 范畴categorical component 范畴成分 causative 使役的 使投动词 center 中心词central determiner 中心限定词 chain relation 链状关系 chain system 链状系统 choice 选择choice system 选择系统 circumstance 环境因子 class 词类class shift 词性变换 clause 小句 从句 click 吸气音 咂音 clipping 截断法 closed class 封闭类 closed syllable 闭音节 cluster 音丛coarticulation 协同发音 coda 结尾音节 符尾 code 语码 信码cognitive psychology 认知心理学 cognitive system 认知系统 coherence 相关 关联 cohension 衔接co-hyponym 同下义词 colligation 类连结collocative meaning 搭配意义 color word 色彩词。



16 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 本期人物 PERSONAGE OF THE EDITIONSYSTEMATIZATION OF THE DESIGN PROCESS LEADING TO THE SYSTEMATIZATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESSThe design of these Courthouses is seen as an opportunity to emphasise the need to optimize all constructions processes for public buildings in Ecuador, by implementing a planning model based, on one hand on modular building components, standardization of production processes, light prefabrication and dry assembly methods, and on the other, on the systematisation of the design methodology, in order to produce a generic model flexible enough to be modified and adapted depending on the specific contexts and needs of each case.The 20 programs are thus systematized according to the strict functional correlations given by the operational needs, generating programmatic modules following logic of use, be it public, semi-public, or private use, and determined dimensionally by the structural-spatial building module selected to optimize construction. The functional dynamics of these programmatic modules are also based on the double circulation system determined by the operating requirements of the courthouses, and on the vertical distribution logic of the spaces, prioritizing public use on the ground floor while concentrating private use on the upper floors.This way a series of matrices for the subsystems of the project are generated,设计工艺过程的系统化带来施工过程的系统化这些法院大楼的设计被视为一个契机,用以强化厄瓜多尔公共建筑整体施工过程需要优化的需求,所采用的规划模型一方面基于模块化建筑组件、生产工序标准化、轻型预制和干式装配方法,另一方面基于设计方法的系统化,从而可制作出具备充分灵活性的通用模型,可根据具体环境和不同情况需求进行调整和适应。



UNIT 5 Sociology Matters1.Culture is the totality of learned,socially transmitted customs,knowledge,material objects,and behavior.It includes the ideas,values,customs,and artifacts of groups of people.Though culture differ in their customs,artifacts,and languages,they all share certain basic characteristics.Furthermore,cultural characteristics change as cultures develop ,and cultures infuence one another through their technological ,commercial, and artistic achievements.文化是指社会传播学,海关,知识,材料的对象,和行为。




Cultural universals文化共性2.All societies,despite their differences,have developed certain general practices known as cultural universals.Many cultural universals are ,in fact,adaptations to meet essential human needs ,such as people’s need for food ,shelter,and clothing. Anthropologist George murdock compiled a list of cultural that included athletic sports, cooking ,funeral ceremonies,medicine,and sexual restrictions.所有的社会,尽管他们的差别,已经形成了一定的一般做法被称为文化的共性。

Flavoring the gravity dual of N=1 Yang-Mills with probes

Flavoring the gravity dual of N=1 Yang-Mills with probes
Flavoring the gravity dual of N = 1 Yang-Mills with probes
´ Carlos N´ un ˜ ez † 1 , Angel Paredes ∗
† 2
and Alfonso V. Ramallo ∗
Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
US-FT-3/03 MIT-CPT/3441 hep-th/0311201
November 2003
1 2
nunez@ angel@c.es 3 alfonso@c.es
The gauge/string correspondence, an old proposal due to ’t Hooft [1], is now well understood in the context of maximally supersymmetric super Yang-Mills (SYM) theories. Indeed, the so-called AdS/CFT correspondence is a conjectured equivalence between type IIB string theory on AdS5 × S 5 and N = 4 SYM theory [2]. In the large ’t Hooft coupling limit, the N = 4 SYM theory is dual to the type IIB supergravity background corresponding to the near-horizon geometry of a stack of parallel D3-branes, whose metric is precisely that of the AdS5 × S 5 space. There are nowadays a lot of non-trivial tests of this duality (for a review see [3]). The extension of the gauge/string correspondence to theories with less supersymmetries is obviously of great interest. A possible way to obtain supergravity duals of SYM theories with reduced supersymmetry is to consider branes wrapping supersymmetric cycles of CalabiYau manifolds [4]. In order to preserve some supersymmetry the normal bundle of the cycle within the Calabi-Yau space has to be twisted [5]. Gauged supergravities in lower dimensions provide the most natural framework to implement this twisting. In these theories the gauge field can be used to fiber the cycle in which the brane is wrapped in such a way that some supersymmetries are preserved. In this paper we will restrict ourselves to the case of the supergravity dual of N = 1 SYM. This background, which corresponds to a fivebrane wrapping a two-cycle, was obtained in ref. [6] from the solution found in ref. [7] representing non-abelian magnetic monopoles in four dimensions. The geometry of this background is smooth and leads to confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. Actually, if only the abelian part of the vector field of seven dimensional gauged supergravity is excited, one obtains a geometry which is singular at the origin and coincides with the smooth one at large distances, i.e. in the UV. Therefore, the singularity at the origin is resolved by making the gauge field non-abelian, in complete analogy to what happens with the resolution of the Dirac string by the ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole. Moreover, as argued in ref. [8], the same mechanism that de-singularizes the supergravity solution also gives rise to gaugino condensation. Based on this observation, the NSVZ beta function can be reproduced at leading order [9, 10, 11]. Other aspects of this supergravity dual have been studied in ref. [12](for a review see [13]). Most of the analysis carried out with the background of [6] do not incorporate quarks in the fundamental representation which, in a string theory setup, correspond to open strings. In order to introduce an open string sector in a supergravity dual it is quite natural to add Dbrane probes and see whether one can extract some information about the quark dynamics. As usual, if the number of brane probes is much smaller than those of the background, one can assume that there is no backreaction of the probe in the bulk geometry. In this paper we follow this approach and we will probe with D5-branes the supergravity dual of N = 1 SYM. The main technique to determine the supersymmetric brane probe configurations is kappa symmetry [14], which tells us that, if ǫ is a Killing spinor of the background, only those embeddings for which a certain matrix Γκ satisfies Γκ ǫ = ǫ . (1.1)



iБайду номын сангаас
a b ai bi = ∈ GL2 (R)I and τ = (τi )i ∈ X I . It induces a left c d c i di i action of GL2 (F ) on X I × GL2 (AF,f ) defined by γ (τ, g ) = (γ (τ ), γg ). Here GL2 (F ) is naturally embedded in GL2 (AF ) = GL2 (R)I × GL2 (AF,f ). We also consider the right action of GL2 (AF,f ) on X I × GL2 (AF,f ) defined by (τ, g )g ′ = (τ, gg ′ ). A complex valued function f = f (τ, g ) on X I × GL2 (AF,f ) is said to be holomorphic if the function τ → f (τ, g ) on X I is holomorphic for each g and the map g → (τ → f (τ, g )) is locally constant on GL2 (AF,f ). The actions of GL2 (F ) and of GL2 (AF,f ) on holomorphic functions on X I × GL2 (AF,f ) are defined as follows. For γ ∈ GL2 (F ) and a holomorphic function f on X I × GL2 (AF,f ), we define γ (k)∗ f = γ ∗ f to be for γ = det(γ ) 2 (γ f )(τ, g ) = f (γτ, γg ) = (cτ + d)k



语言学术语(英-汉对照)表appropriateness适宜性得体性broadening词义扩大Aapproximant无摩擦延续音Browncorpus布朗语料库abbreviation缩写词,略语aptitudetest素质测试Cablative夺格,离格Arabic阿拉伯语calculability可计算性accent重音(符)arbitrariness任意性calque仿造仿造词语accusative宾格argument中项中词主目cancellability可删除achievementtest成绩测试article冠词cardinalnumeral基数acousticphonetics声学语音学articulation发音cardinalvowel基本元音acquisition习得articulator发音器官case格acronym缩略语articulatoryphonetics发音语音学casegrammar格语法actionprocess动作过程artificialspeech人工言语casetheory格理论actor动作者aspect体category范畴addressform称呼形式aspirated吐气送气categoricalcomponent范畴成分addressee受话人assimilation同化causative使役的使投动词addresser发话人associative联想center中心词adjective形容词associativemeaning联想意义centraldeterminer中心限定词adjunct修饰成分附加语assonance准压韵半谐音chainrelation链状关系adverb副词attributive属性修饰语定语chainsystem链状系统affix词缀auditoryphonetics听觉语音学choice选择affixation词缀附加法authenticinput真实投入choicesystem选择系统affricate塞擦音authorialstyle权威风格circumstance环境因子agreement一致关系authoringprogram编程class词类airstream气流autonomy自主性classshift词性变换alliteration头韵auxiliary助词clause小句从句allomorph词/语素变体auxiliaryverb助动词click吸气音咂音allophone音位变体Bclipping截断法allophonicvariation音位变体babblingstage婴儿语阶段closedclass封闭类allophony音位变体现象back-formation逆构词法closedsyllable闭音节alveolarridge齿龈basecomponent基础部分cluster音丛alveolar齿龈音behaviouralprocess行为过程coarticulation协同发音ambiguity歧义behaviourism行为主义coda结尾音节符尾analogicalcreation类推造字bilabial双唇音code语码信码anapest抑抑扬格bilabialnasal双唇鼻音cognitivepsychology认知心理学anaphor前指替代bilateralopposition双边对立cognitivesystem认知系统anaphoricreference前指照应bilingualism双语现象coherence相关关联animate有生命的binarydivision二分法cohension衔接annotation注解binaryfeature二分特征co-hyponym同下义词antecedent先行词前在词binarytaxonomy二分分类学colligation类连结anthropologicallinguistics人类语言binding制约collocativemeaning搭配意义学bindingtheory制约论colorword色彩词anticipatorycoarticulation逆化协同blade舌叶舌面前部colorwordsystem色彩词系统发音blankverse无韵诗command指令antonomasia换称代类名blending混成法commoncore共核antonym反义词borrowing借用借词commonnoun普通名词antonymy反义(关系)boundmorpheme粘着语素communication交际appellative称谓性boundingtheory管辖论communicativecompetence交际能appliedlinguistics应用语言学bracketing括号法力appliedsociolinguistics应用社会语brevitymaxim简洁准则communicativedynamism,CD交际言学bridging架接性动力appropriacy适宜性broadtranscription宽式音标communicativelanguageteaching,CLT交际语言教学法consequent跟随成分cross-linguistic跨语言的communicativeSentencePattern,CSPconsonance辅音韵culturally-specific文化特异的交际性句子模式consonant辅音curriculum教学大纲communicativesyllabus交际教学大constantopposition不变对立customizing定制的纲constative表述的Dcommunicativetest交际性测试constituentcommand成分指令dactyl扬抑抑格communicative-grammaticalapproachconstituentproposition成分命题Danilanguage达尼语交际-语法教学法constituentstructureanalysis成分结dataretrieval,DR资料检索compactdisk激光盘database数据库构分析comparativedegree比较级constituent成分dative(case)与格competence能力construct编制dativemovement与格移动complement补语constructvalidity编制效度declarative陈述句complementaryantonym互补反义词construction构建decoding解码complementaryantonymy互补反义constructivism构建主义deductive演绎的关系contentanalysis内容分析deepstructure深层结构complementarydistribution互补分contentvalidity内容效度defeasibility消除可行性布contentword实义词definite有定的complexpredicate复合谓语contextdependent语境依赖的degeneratedata无用的语料component成分contextofsituation情景语境deixis指称componentialanalysis成分分析context语境delicacy精密阶compositeproposition复合命题contextualanalyses语境分析denotation外延指称compositionality复合性contextualmeaning语境意义dental齿音compound复合词复合句contrastiveanalysis对比分析dentalization齿音化comprehension理解controltheory控制理论derivation衍生computation计算controlledlanguage有控制的语言derivationalaffix衍生词汇computationallinguistics计算语言学convention常规规约derivationalmorphology派生形态学computationalsystem计算系统conventionalmeaning常规意义规约descriptiveadequacy描写充分性computer-assistedlearning,CAL计算descriptivelinguistics描写语言学意义机辅助学习conventionality常规性规约性designfeature结构特征computercorpus计算机语料库conversationalimplicature会话含义determiner限定词computerhardware计算机硬件conversationalmaxim会话准则developinggrammar发展语法computerliteracy计算机操作能力converseantonymy相反反义现象deviant变体computernetworks计算机网络conversion变换deviation偏离变异computersystem计算机系统cooperativeprinciple,CP合作原则devoicing清音化computer-assistedinstruction,CAI计coordinateconstruction并列结构diachroniclinguistics历时语言学算机辅助教学coordination并列diachronic历时的computer-assistedlearning,CALL计算coreferential互参的diacritic附加符号变音符机辅助语言学习coronal舌面前音diagnostictest诊断性测试conative意动的corpusdata语料库语料dialect方言concept概念corpus(plcorpora)语料素材dialectology方言学conceptualmeaning概念意义corpuslinguistics语料库语言学digitizedsound数字化语音concord一致(关系)context上下文dimetre二音步诗行concordance共现关系countable可数(名词)diphthong二合元音双元音concretenoun具体名词counterfactualproposition反事实命directobject直接宾语concurrent同时发生的directspeech,DS直接言语题conjugation词形变化couplet对句对联directthought,DT直接思想conjunct连接副词creativity创造性原创性directionality方向性conjunction连接词Creole克里澳尔语混和语discourse语篇话语conjunctionbuttressing连接词支撑cross-culturalcommunication跨文化discourseanalysis语篇分析话语分析connotation内涵discourseinterpretation语篇理解交际discrete分离的离散的finite有定的有限的民族学discrete-pointgrammar离散语法etic非位的素的finitestategrammar有限状态语discretepointtest分立性测试eventprocess事件过程法disjunction分离关系example-basedmachinetranslationfirst-personnarrator第一人称叙述displacement移位基于例句的机器翻译者dissimilation异化(作用)exchangeerror交换错误Firthianphonology弗斯音系学distinctivefeature区别性特征exchangesequence交际序列flap闪音distinguisher辩义成分exchangestructure交际结构flexibility灵活性变通性do-insertionruledo添加规则exhaustive穷尽的彻底的floppydisk软盘domain范围领域existent存在物focus焦点中心dorsal舌背音舌中音existential存在句folketymology俗词源学民间词源dorsum舌背(音)existentialprocess存在过程foregroundedfeatures突出特征doublecomparative双重比较existentialquantifier存在数量词foregrounding突出前景话drill-and-practicesoftware操练软件exocentric外向的foreignlanguageteaching外语教D-structureD结构exocentricconstruction外向结构学dual双数experiential经验的form形式dualisticview二分观点experientialfunction经验功能formaldifference形式差异duality二重性experimentalpsycholinguistics实验formalization形式化Eformation形成心理语言学earlyModernEnglish早期现代英语explanatoryadequacy解释充分性formative构形成分构词成分economy经济性简洁性explicitgrammarinstruction,EGI明freeform自由形式ejective爆发音freeindirectspeech,FIS自由间接言显的语法教学法electronicmail电子邮件expressionminimization表达最底程语ElizabethanEnglish伊利莎白时期英freeindirectthought,FIT自由间接思度语expressive表达的想ellipsis省略(法)extendedstandardtheory,EST扩展freemorpheme自由语素ellipticalsentencestructure省略句子freerootmorpheme自由词根语标准理论结构extensive引申的扩展的素embeddedelement嵌入成分extent-conditionformat程度条件格freevariant自由变体emic位学的freeverse自由韵文式emotive感情的externalevaluation外部评估French法语empirical经验主义的externalqualifier外部修饰语frequencyeffect频率效应empiricaldata经验主义的语料extrinsicsourcesoferror外在的错误fricative(摩)擦音empiricalvalidity经验效度friction摩擦来源empiricism经验主义eyemovement眼部移动front舌面前舌前的emptycategory,EC空范畴Ffullyautomatichighqualitytranslation,enablingskills使成技能化facevalidity卷面效度FAHQT全自动高质量翻译encoding编码facilitation便利促进functionword功能词endrhyme末端韵Fasoldfunction功能endocentricconstruction内向结构feasibility可行性functionalgrammar功能语法entailment蕴涵feature特征functionallinguistics功能语言学entrycondition入列条件feedback反馈functionalsentenceperspective,FSPepenthesis插音增音felicitycondition适宜性条件恰当条功能句子观equipollentopposition均等对立functionsoflanguage语言功能件equivalence相等feminine阴性fusion溶合equivalencereliability相等信度fiction小说fuzzy模糊的erroranalysis错误分析figurativelanguage比喻性语言象征GEST科技英语genderdifference性别差异性语言ethnicityidentity民族认同figuresofspeech修辞手段修辞格generallinguistics普通语言学ethnographyofcommunication交际finiteelement有定成分generalisation概括generativegrammar生成语法historicallinguistics历史语言学indicative陈述式陈述语气generativesemantics生成语言学holophrasticstage单词句阶段indirectobject间接宾语genitive属格所有格homonym同音/形异议词indirctspeech,IS间接言语genre体裁语类HopiHopi语indirectthought,IT间接思想German德语horizontalrelation链状关系Indo-Europeanlanguages印欧语given(information)已给信息Hornscale霍恩阶言globaltask整体任务humancognitivesystem人类认知系inference推论推理glottal喉音inferencedrawing推论统glottalstop喉塞音humanlanguage人类语言inferentialcommunication推论交goal目标humanspeech人类言语际governmenttheory支配理论humantranslation人译infinitive不定式government支配hypercorrection矫枉过正infix中缀grammaticalanalysis语法分析hyponym下义词inflection屈折(变化)grammaticalfunction;;hyponymy下义关系inflectionalaffix屈折词缀grammaticalstructure语法结构hypothesis假设inflectionalmorphology屈折形态gradableantonymy分等级的反义关hypothesis-deduction假设-演绎学系Iinflectiveendings屈折结尾gradualopposition渐次对立iamb抑扬格informationretrieval信息检索grammaticalcategory语法范畴iambicpentameter抑扬格五音步诗informationstructure信息结构grammaticalconcept语法概念informative(function)信息功行grammaticaldescription语法描写ICanalysis直接成分分析法能grammaticalform语法形式ICALL(intelligentCALL)智能计算机innateness先天性grammaticalmarker语法标记innatenesshypothesis(语法)天赋辅助语言学习grammaticalmeaning语法意义ideational(function)概念功假设grammaticalorganization语法组input输入能成identifying认同的inputhypothesis语言输入说grammaticalpattern语法类型idiom成语习语instrumental(function)工具功grammaticalprocess语法过程idiomatically-governed习语支配能grammaticalrule语法规则integrativetest综合性测试的grammaticalsentencepattern,GSPill-formedsentences不合适的句intensifier强调成分语法句形子intensive强调的增强的grammaticalstructure语法结illocutionaryact话中行为施为性行interactional(function)交互功构为能grammaticalsubject语法主语illocutionaryforce言外作用施为作interdental齿间音grammaticalsystem语法系统interface界面用grammaticalword语法词imaginative(function)想象功能interference干扰graphiticform文字形式immediacyassumption即时假定interjection感叹词GriceanmaximGrice准则immediateconstituentanalysis直接interlanguage中介语group词组interlingua国际语成分分析法guttural腭音imperativerule祈使规则interlingualapproach语际法Himperative祈使语气命令的interlocutor会话者half-rhyme半韵implicate意含internalevaluation内部评估hardpalate硬腭implication蕴涵含义internalstructure内部结构head中心词中心成分implicationconnective蕴涵连接internationalphoneticalphabet,IPA headedconstruction中心结构implicature含义言外之意国际音标heptameter七音步诗行impliedmeaning蕴涵意义internet互联网hierarchicalstructure等级结构implosive内破裂音内爆音interpersonal人际的hierarchicalsystem等级系统inanimate无生命的interpersonalfunction人际功hierarchy等级体系inclusivenessrelation内包意义能high高(元音)indefinite不定的,无定的interpretation解释interrogativesentence疑问句langue语言(系统)loantranslation翻译借词intonation语调larynx喉头loanblend混合借词intra-linguisticrelation语言内关系lateral边音旁流音loanshift转移借词intransitive不及物的Latin拉丁语loanword借词intrinsicsourcesoferror错误的内Latingrammar拉丁语法localareanetworks,LAN局域网源laxvowel松元音locutionaryact发话行为,表述性言invariableword不变词length长度音长语行为invention新创词语letter字母logicalcomponent逻辑成分inversion倒置,倒装level层,级,平面logicalconnective逻辑连词IPAchart国际音标图Levinson,Stephenlogicalformcomponent逻辑式成IPSsymbol国际音标符号lexeme词位词素分irony讽刺反话lexicalambiguity词汇歧义logicalformrepresentation逻辑式表isolatedopposition孤立对立lexicalchange词汇变化达Italian意大利语lexicallevel词汇层logicalformula逻辑公式Jlexicalmeaning词汇意义logicalfunction逻辑功能Japanese日语lexicalmorphology词汇形态学logicalsemantics逻辑语义学jargon黑话行语lexicalstudies词汇研究logicalstructure逻辑结构Jesperson,Ottolexicalword词汇词logicalsubject逻辑主语Johnson&Johnsonlexicogrammar词汇语法logophoricity词照应Johnsonlexicon词汇词典LondonSchool伦敦学派Jones,Daniellexis词longvowed长元音Kliaison连音连续lossofsound语音脱落kernelsentence核心句limerick打油诗loudness响度keyword关键词line诗行Mknowledge知识linearphonology线性音系学machinetranslation机器翻knowninformation已知信息linearstructure线形结构译Krashenlinguisticuniversity语言普遍性macrolinguistics宏观语言学Kruszewski,Mikolajlinguisticbehaviour语言行为macroproposition宏观命题Kuno,Susumolinguisticbehaviourpotential语言行macrostructure宏观结构Lmainclause主句为潜势label标示标记linguisticcompetence语言能Malinowski,Bronislawlabial唇音man-machinesymbiosis人机共生力labiodental唇齿音linguisticcontext语言语境上下文mannermaxim方式准则language语言linguisticdata语言素材mannerofarticulation发音方式languageacquisitiondevice,LAD语linguisticdescription语言描写marked标记的言习得机制linguisticdeterminism语言决定masculine阳性languageattitude语言态度matalinguistic元语言学的论languagechoice语言选择linguisticfacts语言事实material(process)物质过程languagecomprehension语言理linguisticrelativity语言相对性mathematicalprinciples数学原解linguisticsexism语言性别歧视理languagedata语言素材linguisticstructure语言结构maxim准则languagelearning语言学习linguistictheory语言理论maximalonsetprinciple最大节首辅languagemaintenance语言维护linguisticunit语言单位音原则languageprocessing语言处理linguisticuniversal语言普遍meaningpotential意义潜languagestructure语言结构性势languagesystem语言系统linguisticvariation语言变异meaningshift转移languageteaching语言教linguistics语言学meaning意学liprounding圆唇化义languageuniversal语言普遍性literallanguage本义语言mental(processs)思维过程心理过languageuse语言使用literarystylistics文学文体学程mentalism心灵主义node节变化message信息mothertongue母语本族nominalgroup名词词组metafunction元功能nominalization名词化语metalinguistic元语言的motivation动因动机nominative主格metaphor隐喻move(移动)non-authenticinput非真实语料的输metathesis换位(作用)MT机器翻译入metonymy换喻转喻MTquality机译质量non-contrastiveanalysis非对比性分metre韵律multilateralopposition多边对立析metricalpatterning韵律格式multi-levelphonology多层次音系non-conventionality非规约性microcomputer微机non-detachability非可分离性学microprocessor微处理器multilingualism多语制多语现象non-linearphonology非线性音系mid中(元音)N学mind思维narratee被叙述者non-linguisticentity非语言实体minimalattachmenttheory最少接触narrator叙述者non-pulmonicsound非肺闭塞音理论narrators’representationofspeechnon-reciprocaldiscourse非交替性语minimalpair最小对立体acts,NRSA言语行为的叙述者表篇minimalistprogramnon-reflexivepronoun非反身代词达minimumfreeform最小自由形narrator’respresentationofspeech,nonsensewordstage无意义词语阶式NRS言语的叙述者表达段mirrormaxim镜像准则narrator’respresentationofthoughtnonverbalcues非言语提示mistake错误acts,NRTA思维行为的叙述者表norm规范modalsubject语气主语notationsystem标写系统达modalverb情态动词narrator’repsresentationofthought,notion意念modality情态NRT思维的叙述者表达notional-functionalsyllabus意念功能modernFrench现代法语narrowtranscription窄式音标教学大纲modification修饰narrowing狭窄化nounphrase名词短语modifier修饰语nasal鼻音noun名词monomorphemic单语素的nasalcavity鼻腔numbersystem数字系统monophonemic单音位的nasalsound鼻音number数字monophthong单元音nasalstop鼻塞音Omonosyllabic单音节的nasaltract鼻道object宾语Motaguegrammar蒙太古语法nasality鼻音性object-deletion宾语省略mood语气nasalization鼻音化objectivecase宾格morph形素词素形式Nash,Walterobjectivity客观性morpheme语素词素形nativespeaker操本族语者obligatory强制性素naturallanguage自然语言observationaladequacy观察充分morpheme-exchangeerror词素交错naturalisticdata自然语料性误near-adultgrammar近成人语法abstruction阻塞morphemicshape词素形状negation否定否定结构OCRscanner光学字符阅读器扫描morphemicstructure词素结构negative否定的仪morphemictranscription词素标negativeinterference负面干扰octametre八音步诗行音negativemarker否定标记OldEnglish古英语morphologicalchange形态变化negativetransfer负转移one-placepredicate一位谓语morphologicalrule形态规则neogrammarian新语法学家on-linetranslation在线翻译morphology形态学network网络onomatopoeia拟声词morpho-phonemiccomponent形态networkcomputer网络计算机onset节首辅音音位成分neutralizableopposition可中立对openclass开放类morphophonemics形态音位学opensyllable开音节立morphophonology形态音系学newinformation新信息operationalsystem操作系统morpho-syntacticalchange形态句法newstylistics新文体学operative可操作性operator操作词person人称polysyllabic多音节(词)oppositenessrelation对立关系personal(function)自指性功能polysystemicanalysis多系统分析opposition对立pharyngeal咽头音喉音Portugese葡萄牙语optimalrelevance最适宜关联pharynx喉头positivetransfer正移转option选择phatic(communion)寒暄交谈交感性possessive所有的属有的optional可选择的possiblegrammar可能语言的语谈话oralcavity口腔phone音素音子法oralstop口阻塞音phonematicunit音声单位postalveolar后齿龈音ordinalnumeral序数词phoneme音位post-Bloomfieldianlinguistics后布龙originoflanguage语言起源phoneticalphabet音标菲尔德语言学orthography正字法phoneticformcomponent语音形式postdeterminer后限定词ostensivecommunication直示交post-structuralistview后结构主义观部分际phoneticsimilarity语音相似性点output产出phoneticsymbol语音符号pragmaticinference语用推论overgeneralization过分法则化phonetictranscription标音pragmaticroles语用角色Ppragmatics语用学(法)palatal腭音舌面中音phonetics语音学PragueSchool布拉格学palatal-alveolar腭齿龈音phonologicalanalysis音位分析派palatalization(硬)腭化phonologicalcomponent音位部predeterminer前限定词paradigm聚合体predicatecalculus谓语演算分paradigmaticrelation聚合关phonologicallevel音系层predicatelogic谓语逻辑系phonologicalprocess音位过程predicate谓语paraphrase释义意译phonologicalrepresentation音位表predicator谓语(动)词parole言语predictivevalidity预测效度达partofspeech词类phonologicalrule音位规则pre-editing预先编辑译前加工participant参与者phonologicalstructure音位结构prefix前缀particle小品词语助词phonologicalsystem音位系统pre-modifiedinput预修正的输particulargrammar特定语的语phonologicalvariant音位变体入法phonology音系学premodifier前修饰语partitive部分的部分格phrasalverb短语动词preposition介词passivetransformation被动转phrase短语prepositionalcalculus介词演算换phrasestructure短语结构prepositionallogic介词逻辑passive(voice)被动语态phrasestructuregrammar短语结构prepositionalopposition介词对patterndrilltechnique句型操练语法立法phrasestructurerule,PSrule短语结prepositionalphrase介词短pattern模式构规则语patterning制定模式pidgin皮软语洋泾滨语不纯正外prescriptive规定式pause停顿presupposition前提预设语peak(节)峰Pitch音高声调高低primarycardinalvowel主要基本元perceptualspan感知时距placeofarticulation发音部位音perfectionism完善主义play剧本primarystress主重音第一重音perfective完成体plosion爆破principleofinformativeness信息性performancetest语言运用测试plosive爆破音爆发音原则performance语言运plural复数principleofleasteffort最省力原用pluralism多元主义则performative(verb)行事性动plurality复数形式principleofquantity数量原则词poetic(function)诗学功能privativeopposition表非对立表缺对perlocutionaryact话后行为poetry诗歌立perseverativecoarticulation重复性polymorphemic(word)多语素process过程协同发音词productionerror产生性错误productivity多产性realisation体现R-principle关联原则proficiencytest水平测试recall回忆rulesystem规则系统pro-form代词形式替代形式receivedpronunciation,RP标准发rule-basedapproaches基于规则的programminglanguage编程语言音方法progressive进行体receiver受话者信息接受者rulesoflanguage语言规则progressiveassimilation顺同化recencyeffect近期效应Sprojectionrule投射规则recognition识别samenessrelation相同关系pronominal代词recursion可溯Sanskrit梵文pronoun代词recursive可溯的还原的Sapir-WhorfHypothesis萨丕尔-沃夫pronunciation发音recursiveness递归性假设pronunciationdictionary发音词典reference所指参照Saussure索绪尔pronunciation发音referentialmeaning所指意义scaleofdelicacy精密阶proportionalopposition部分对referentialtheory所指理论schema图式立referential所指的scheme-orientedlanguage面向图式proposition命题reflectedmeaning反映意义的语言prosestyle散文风格reflexive(form)反身形式secondlanguageacquisition第二语prosodicanalysis节律分析超音质分regionaldialect地域方言言习得析register语域secondarycardinalvowel次要基本元psycholinguistics心理语言学regressiveassimilation逆同化音psycholinguistic-sociolinguisticregulatory(function)控制性语言功secondarystress次重音approach心理-社会语言学方法segment音段能psychologicalreality心理现实relationmaxim关系准则selectionrestriction选择限制psychologicalsubject心理主语relationalopposite关系对立selectionalrules选择规则psychologyoflanguage语言心理学relationalprocess关系过程self-reflexive自反身psychometric-structuralistapproachrelativeclause关系分句关系从句semanticassociationnetwork语义关心理测定-结构主义法relativepronoun关系代词联网络pulmonicsound肺闭塞音relativeuninterruptibility相对的非间semanticchange语义变化Putonghua普通话semanticcomponent语义部断性Qrelevancetheory关联理论分Q-basedimplicature基于质量的含reliability信度semanticfeature特征义repetition重复semanticinterpretation语义解释Q-principle质量原则representationalsystem表达系统semanticinterpretativerules语义解quality质representational表达实体释规则量residue剩余成分semanticprocess语义过程restrictedlanguage限制性语言semanticrepresentation语义表达qualitymaxim质量准则retrievalprocess检索过程semanticsentencepattern,SSP语义quantifier数量词retrievalsystem检索系统句型quantitativeanalysis定量分析retroflexsound卷舌音semantictriangle语义三角quantitativeparadigm数量变化表reverserhyme反陨semantics语义学quantitymaxim数量准则revisedextendedstandardtheory,semi-consonant半辅音quatrain四行诗REST修正扩展标准理论semioticsystem符号系统Rrewritingrules重写规则semiotics符号学range范围rheme述位semi-vowel半元音rank级rhetoricalskill修辞技能senserelation意义关系rationalism理性主义rhyme韵韵角压韵sense意义rawdata原始素材rhythm韵律节奏sentence句子R-basedimplicature基于关联的涵Romanalphabetletter罗马字母sentencefragments句子成分义root词根sentencemeaning句义reader读者rootmorpheme词根语素sentencememory句子记忆readingcomprehension阅读理解roundvowel圆元音sentencestress句重音sentencestructure句子结构speechsynthesis言语合成superlativedegree最高级sententialcalculus句子演算spelling拼写,拼法superordinate上坐标词setting场景splitinfinitives分裂的不定式suprasegmentalfeature超语段特征sibilant咝擦音spokencorpus口语语料库surfaceform表层形式sign符号spokenlanguagetranslation口语翻surfacerepresentation表层表达signified所指受指surfacestructure表层结构译signifier能指施指spondee扬扬格syllabicstructure音节结构simile明喻spoonerism首音互换斯本内现象syllabification音节划节simultaneity同时性spread展元音syllable音节singular单数S-structure表层结构syllabusdesign教学大纲设计situationalcontext情景语境stability稳定性syllabus教学大纲situationallevel情景层stabilityreliability稳定性效度syllogism三段论法situationalsyllabus情景教学大纲StandardEnglish标准英语symbol符号situationalvariation情景变异standardtheory标准理论synchronic(linguistics)共时(语言学)slot空缺standardization标准化synonym同义词socialrole社会角色statisticalanalysis统计分析synonymous同义的socialsemiotic社会符号学status地位synonymy同义现象socio-culturalrole社会文化角色stem词干syntacticcomponent句法部分sociolinguisticstudyoflanguage语言stimulus刺激syntacticfeatures句法特征的社会语言学研究stimulus-response刺激反应syntacticfunction句法功能sociolinguisticstudyofsociety社会stop闭塞音syntacticmarker句法标记的社会语言学研究storedknowledge储存知识syntacticprocess句法过程sociolinguistics社会语言学strategicknowledge学习策略知识syntacticrestriction句法限制sociologicalapproach社会学方法stratification层syntacticstructure句法结构softpalate软腭streamofconsciousness意识流syntacticalchange变化solidarity团结stresspattern重音模式syntagmaticrelation组合关系sonnet十四行诗stress重音syntax句法sonorant响音structuralanalysis结构分析systemnetwork系统网络sonorityscale响音阶structural(structuralist)grammar结systemofsigns符号系统sound语音systemofsystems系统的系统构语法soundimage语音图像structuralsyllabus结构教学大纲systemic(grammar)系统语法soundpattern语音模式structuraltest结构测试systemic-functionalGrammar,SFG系soundsegment音段structuralism结构主义统功能语法soundsystem语音系统structuralistlinguistics结构主义语言soundwave音波T学speaker’smeanin说g话者意义structuralistview结构主义观点tacitknowledge默契的知识speech言语style文体风格tagmeme法位speechacttheory言语行为理论stylisticanalysis文体分析tagmemics法位学speechcommunity言语社团stylistics文体学tap一次接触音speechcomprehension言语理解subcategorize次范畴targetlanguage目标语言speechevent言语事件subject主语tautology同义反复冗辞speechfunction言语功能subject-deletion主语省略template模块speechmode言语方式subjectivetest主观性测试tensevowel紧元音speechorgan言语器官subjectivity主观性tense时态speechperception言语感知subjunctivemood虚拟语气testcontent测试内容speechpresentation言语表达subordinateconstruction从属结构testform测试形式speechproduction;言语产生subordination从属testee受试者speechresearch言语研究substitutability替代性testing测试speechrole言语角色substitution替换test-retestreliability一测再测信speechsound语音suffix后缀度tetrameter四音步诗行Uvoicing浊音化,有声化text语篇Unaspirated不松气的vowelglide元音音渡textcomprehension语篇理解underlyingform底层形式vowel元音textencoding语篇编码underlyingrepresentation底层表达Wtextinterpretation语篇解释uninterruptibility非中断性webpage网页textstyle语篇风格universalgrammar,UG普遍语法Wh-interrogative特殊疑问句textualorganization语篇组织universalquantifier普遍限量词womenregister女性语域textual语篇功能universal普遍现象word词theme主位universality普遍性wordclass词类theoreticallinguistics理论语言学universalsoflanguage语言的普遍现wordformation词语形成third-personnarrator第三人称叙述wordgroup词组象者unmarked未标记的wordmeaning词义thoughtpresentation思想表达unroundedvowel非圆元音wordorder词序three-placepredicate三位谓语urbandialectology都市方言学wordrecognition词语识别tone声调音调user用户wordformation词语形成tongueheight舌高user-friendly方便用户的word-for-word逐词翻译tongueposition舌位utterancemeaning语句意义wording措辞tonguetip舌尖utterance语句workingmemorysystem工作记忆系topic主题uvula小舌统tracetheory轨迹论uvular小舌音writing文字traditionalgrammar传统语法writingsystem文字系统transcribed标音Vwrittenlanguage书面语transcription音标标音validity效度writtentext篇章transfer移转variable可变化的Xtransferapproach移转法variableword可变化词X-barTheoryX-bar理论transformation转换variation变异Ytransformationofinterrogation疑问variety变体语体yes/nointerrogative是非问句转换velar软腭音yes/noquestion是非问句transformationalcomponent转换部velarization腭音化Z分、transformationalgrammar转换语velum软口盖zeroform零形式法verb动词transformationalprocess转换过程verbphrase动词短语transformationalrule转换规则verbalcommunication言语交际transformational-generativegrammar,verbalprocess言语过程TGgrammar转换生成语法verbiage言辞transitivity及物性vernacularlanguageeducation本地translation翻译化教育treediagram树形图verticalrelation选择关系trill颤音vocabulary词汇trochee抑扬格长短格vocalcord声带trope转喻隐喻vocalorgan发音器官truthcondition真值条件vocaltract声道truthvalue真值vocative呼格tu/vousdistinction你/您区别voice语态turnlength话语轮次长度voicedconsonant浊辅音turnquantity话语轮次数量voicedobstruent浊塞音turn-taking依次发言voiced(sound)浊音two-placepredicate二位谓语voicelessconsonant清辅音two-wordutterance二词话语voicelessobstruent清塞音typology类型学voiceless(sound)清音。


87例 肛瘘手 术患 者 中 ,能 够准 确 发 现 内 口位 置 的有 85例 ,有 2例 术 中不 能确 定 内 口位 置 ,可 能是 与 内 口相通 的肛 瘘管 道 已经 闭锁 ,无 论 使 用探 针 或 双氧水 均不 能发 现 内 口,其 中有 前 位 内 口 21例 、左 侧 12例 、右侧 9例 、后位 43例 。术前 直肠指 诊对 肛 瘘 内 口在前 位 、左 侧 、右侧 和后 位 的判断 准确率 分别
复杂 性肛 瘘 术后 复 发率 较 高 ,主要 是 术者 对 肛 瘘 主管 走 向分辨 不 清 、内 口判 断 不 准确 、支 管 遗 漏 , 以致不 能彻底 清除感 染病灶 j。如 果术 前 能够 对 肛 瘘 内 口位置 、瘘管 与括 约肌 的关系进 行准 确评估 , 有助于提高手术成功率 J。故术前对复杂性 肛瘘 进行 定位 、定量 诊断 具有重 要意 义 。
直肠 腔 内超声检 查 能根据 肛瘘瘘 道与 正常组 织 超声 显像 的不 同 ,准 确判 断肛瘘 的主管 位置及 走 向 、 支 管个数 和分 布 ,同时能较 准确 地判断 内 口位 置 ,更 好地 指导 临床 手术 ,特别是 三维超 声 的应用 ,使 病灶 显示 立体化 ,层 次更 清晰 ,极 大地 提高 了一次 手术 治 愈率 ,缩短 了疗程 。 。
术完成 。所 以如果 术 前 能 对肛 瘘 进 行 准确 分 类 ,可 大大提 高手 术 的成 功 率 。本 研 究 发 现 ,术 前 直肠 指 诊对肛 瘘分类 的判 断总 准确 率 为 72.4% ;术 前直 肠 腔 内超声 的总准确 率为 86.2% ,后 者 优 于前 者 。术 前 直肠 指诊 可能 由 于患 者 紧张 、疼 痛 不 能 对肛 瘘 进 行 准确评 估 ,而直 肠 腔 内超 声 敏感 性 要 明 显优 于 直 肠 指诊 ,与术 中诊 断有着很 高 的一致 性 。

1Chapter 1_intro胡壮麟语言学教程第一章

1Chapter 1_intro胡壮麟语言学教程第一章
Languages are intimately related to the societies and individuals who use them.
Writing is derivative of speech.
2. What is Language?
Language “is not to be confused with human speech, of which it is only a definite part, though certainly an essential one. It is both a social product of the faculty of speech and a collection of necessary conventions that have been adopted by a social body to permit individuals to exercise that faculty”.
--R. H. Robins (1921-2000):
General Linguistics (1989)
“Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of symbols principally transmitted by vocal sounds.”
It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding of human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and sociocultural roles.



When discussing American literary masterpieces,its essential to consider the diverse range of works that have shaped the nations literary landscape.Here are some of the most influential and celebrated American novels and their significance:1.The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne:This1850novel explores themes of sin, guilt,and redemption in17thcentury Puritan Massachusetts.The story of Hester Prynne, who is publicly shamed for adultery,is a powerful commentary on societal judgment and the human capacity for forgiveness.2.MobyDick by Herman Melville:Published in1851,this epic tale of Captain Ahabs obsessive quest to kill the great white whale,Moby Dick,is a profound work that delves into the nature of obsession,revenge,and the human struggle against the forces of nature.3.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain:Often called the Great American Novel,Twains1884work follows the journey of Huck and a runaway slave,Jim,down the Mississippi River.It is celebrated for its humor,regional storytelling,and critique of racism and social norms.4.The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald:This1925novel is a reflection on the Jazz Age and the American Dream.The story of Jay Gatsbys pursuit of wealth and love,and his ultimate downfall,is a poignant exploration of the disillusionment that can accompany the pursuit of success.5.To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:Published in1960,this novel is a comingofage story set in the Deep South during the1930s.It deals with serious issues of racial injustice and moral growth,as seen through the eyes of young Scout Finch,whose father is a lawyer defending a black man accused of rape.6.Beloved by Toni Morrison:Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in1988,Morrisons novel tells the story of a former slave,Sethe,who is haunted by the ghost of her dead daughter.The book addresses the psychological effects of slavery and the struggle for identity and freedom.7.Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison:Published in1952,Ellisons novel follows the life of an unnamed African American man who struggles to find his identity in a racially divided society.It is a powerful commentary on the invisibility of black individuals in American society.8.The Catcher in the Rye by J.D.Salinger:This1951novel is a seminal work of teenage angst and alienation.The story of Holden Caulfields experiences in New York City afterbeing expelled from his prep school is a timeless exploration of the challenges of adolescence.9.On the Road by Jack Kerouac:Published in1957,this novel is a defining work of the Beat Generation.It follows the crosscountry adventures of Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty,reflecting the restless spirit of postWorld War II America.10.1984by George Orwell:Although not strictly an American novel,Orwells1949 dystopian masterpiece has had a profound impact on American literature and thought. The story of Winston Smith living under the oppressive regime of Big Brother is a chilling warning about totalitarianism and the erosion of individual freedom.These novels,among many others,have contributed to the rich tapestry of American literature,offering insights into the nations history,culture,and the human condition. Each work stands as a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the complexities of life and the enduring quest for understanding and connection.。


Functions of culture:
(1)Culture enables us to communicate with others through a language that we have learned and that we share in common.
(2) Culture makes it possible to anticipate (predict) how others in our society are likely to respond to our actions.
5 Some metaphors concerning culture
I. Definition of Culture
The term “culture” has been defined in many different ways in dictionaries and by scholars, such as Edward Tylor, Geert Hofstede, Gary P. Ferrado and so on. It is really difficult to define culture because it is a large and inclusive concept.
Culture can be defined from different perspectives or disciplines such as biology, psychology, anthropology, etc. The following are only some of the representative ones.
横看成岭侧成峰,远近高下各不同。 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。



自考“英语(一)”笔记(56)15.unrealistic adj. impractical (不切实际的)1)It is unrealistic to expect better conditions in the near future.(在不远的将来指望有更好的形势是不现实的。

)2)This demand proved unrealistic and unworkable. (这个要求证明是不切实际且不成行的。

)3)You have unrealistic expectations. (你的期望不切实际。

)16.imitate v. 模仿imitation n. 模仿imitative adj. 模仿的;仿制的1)Many writers imitate the language of Shakespeare. (许多作家模仿莎士比亚的语言。

)2)His handwriting is difficult to imitate. (他的笔迹很难模仿。

)3)Children learn many things by imitation. (儿童通过模仿学会许多东西。

)4)Acting is an imitative art. (表演是一种模仿性艺术。

)5)Monkeys are imitative (猴儿爱模仿。

)17.undermine vt. weaken (侵蚀…基础;暗中破坏;逐渐损害)1)Many severe colds undermined the old man’s health.(多次严重的感冒损害了白叟的健康。

)2)Failures undermined her confidence. (一再的失败使她渐渐丧失了信心。

)3)The foundations of the house have been undermined by groundwater.(地下水侵蚀了这座房屋的地基。

RTF Fissurometer Model RTF说明书

RTF Fissurometer Model RTF说明书

I NSTRUCTION M ANUALFISSUROMETERModel RTFRoctest Limited, 2002. All rights reserved.This product should be installed and operated only by qualified personnel. Its misuse is potentially dangerous. The Company makes no warranty as to the information furnished in this manual and assumes no liability for damages resulting from the installation or use of this product. The information herein is subject to change without notification.Tel.: 1.450.465.1113 • 1.877.ROCTEST (Canada, USA) • (France) • 41.91.610.1800 (Switzerland)E1071A-020320TABLE OF CONTENTS1RTF 1D UNIAXIAL FISSUROMETER (1)1.1Description (1)1.2Installation (2)1.3Readings and interpretation (2)1.4Environmental factors (3)2RTF 3D TRIAXIAL FISSUROMETER (3)2.1Description (3)2.2Installation. (6)2.3Readings and interpretation (7)3SPECIFICATIONS (8)4MISCELLANEOUS (9)1 RTF 1D UNIAXIAL FISSUROMETER1.1 DESCRIPTIONThe RTF Surface Fissurometer is designed to monitor relative movements of adjacent surfaces across cracks in rock or in construction joints. Typical applications include: ∙Measuring movements at construction joints on concrete∙Monitoring deformation cracks on brick, masonry, concrete structures or rockThe RTF comprises two main components: the measuring module and the installation brackets. The measuring module consists of a displacement transducer housed in a rugged cylindrical enclosure which is end-fitted with a spring-loaded sliding rod. The displacement transducer is an LVDT, a linear potentiometer or a vibrating wire transducer depending on customer’s wishes. The installation brackets are anchored across a crack or a joint. One bracket supports the measuring module whereas the other is fitted with the reference surface.Movement between the two anchors is sensed by the transducer thanks to its sliding rod always in contact with the reference surface.A steel protective cover is available to ensure a better protection for the fissurometer.The RTF is delivered with a Calibration Data Sheet.FIGURE 1: RTF 1D with potentiometer1.2 INSTALLATIONThe RTF 1D fissurometer is installed astride the joint or crack to be monitored with anchor bolts. A steel positioning template fitted with six holes permit to locate holes emplacements for the mounting of the brackets and protective cover on the surface being monitored.Once the six holes are drilled, fasten the two fissurometer's steel brackets. Screw the sensor to its bracket and lock it with the hexagonal nut according to the expected movement of the joint (opening or closing).The sensor can be provided with a short length of electrical cable requiring a splice in the field or a sufficient length of cable to reach the reading panel. In cases where the electrical cable length is sufficient, the cable must be threaded through the BX connector on one end of the protective cover before fastening the cover.In cases where the sensor is provided with a short length of electrical cable, the connection with the extension cable should be done using a Scotchcast #82A-7 splicing kit at a distance allowing the splice to be located under the protective cover.After complete installation of the fissurometer, take an initial reading.1.3 READINGS AND INTERPRETATIONAn RTF equipped with an LVDT can be read with an ACCULOG-X readout. An RTF equipped with a potentiometer can be read with a REP-1 readout. For information about these readout units, please refer to separate instruction manuals.In order to reed a RTF equipped with a vibrating wire transducer, proceed as follow: when using a MB-6T, put the position GAGE selector to position 2(JM) and the THERMISTOR selector (if applicable) to position:Thermistor type Position2KΩ A3KΩ (standard) B10KΩ CAn increase in the readings according to the initial reading taken after installation indicates an opening of the joint over which the fissurometer is installed. The opposite means, consequently, a closing of the joint.For the measurement of the displacement, the following equation applies using Linear Units displayed by the MB-6T:Where: D DL0L1C.F. =====(L1– L0) ⨯ C.F.The displacement in mmInitial reading with MB-6TCurrent reading with MB-6TCalibration factor in mm/Linear UnitsExampleL0 L1 C.F.D ====250060000.001651 mm./Linear Units(6000 – 2500) ⨯ 0.0016515.779mmNote that increasing numbers indicate increasing displacement.The measured displacement divided by the gage length can be said to represent the change in strain in concrete or rock.1.4 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORSSince the purpose of the jointmeter installation is to monitor site conditions, factors which may affect these conditions should always be observed and recorded. Seemingly minor effects may have a real influence on the behavior of the structure being monitored and may give an early indication of potential problems. Some of these factors include, but are not limited to: blasting, rainfall, tidal levels, excavation and fill levels and sequences, traffic, temperature and barometric changes, changes in personnel, nearby construction activities, seasonal changes, etc.The RTF can also be read with a data acquisition system.2 RTF 3D TRIAXIAL FISSUROMETER2.1 DESCRIPTIONThe RTF 3D allows simultaneous measurements in three orthogonal directions. It comprises the following parts:∙Up to 3 measuring modules∙ A reference stainless-steel cubic prism∙Two brackets, one supporting the measuring modules, and one the cubic prism ∙One or two spacing plates∙Three PVC positioning blocks and/or one positioning template consisting of asteel plate fitted with holesFigure 2: RTF 3D2.2 INSTALLATIONThe RTF 3D must be installed on a plane surface astride the crack or joint. It can be anchored to the surface using either bolts or groutable lengths of Rebars.Prior to installation, make sure that both surfaces on each side of the crack/joint are at the same level. If not, compensate using grout.Two methods can be used to locate holes emplacement: using the positioning steel template (refer to Section 1.2), or using the PVC positioning blocks shown below.FIGURE 3: PVC Positioning BlockIn that second case, proceed as follows:1. Mount the bracket with the cubic prism at the proper location2. Thread the PVC positioning blocks into the other bracket3. Install that bracket such a way that the PVC positioning blocks sit on the cubic prism4. Locate the holes emplacements, then bore5. Install the spacing plate(s)6. Install the two brackets, making sure that all the screws are well tightened7. Remove the PVC positioning blocks and install the measuring modules2.3 READINGS AND INTERPRETATIONRefer to Section 1.33 SPECIFICATIONS**Fiber-optic transducers are available on request LP: Linear PotentiometerVW: Vibrating wire4 MISCELLANEOUSCONVERSION FACTORS*At 4 ︒C E6TabConv-990505TABLE 1: Thermistor: temperature reading (Continued)TABLE 3: Thermistor: temperature reading11。









6. Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律)保护。

7. Lucretia Mott’s的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。




参考译文1. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticitythat enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.2. That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists.3. Research into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability to predict these events and thus to minimize damage and avoid loss of life.4. The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed.5. Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.6. One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected.7. Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States.8. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer.9. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the AtlanticOcean from those flowing into the Pacific.10. The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition.。

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AUTHO RThomas X.Homza BP Exploration(Alaska)Inc.,P.O.Box 196612,900East Benson Blvd.,Anchorage,Alaska 99519;present ad-dress:EnCana Oil &Gas (U.S.A.)Inc.,3601C Street,Suite 1334,Anchorage,Alaska 99503;tom.homza@Tom Homza is an exploration geologist for EnCana Oil &Gas (U.S.A.)Inc.He is currently working in EnCana’s Alaska Office,which he helped launch and he presently manages.He holds an M.S.degree and a Ph.D.in geology from the University of Alaska,Fairbanks and a B.S.degree in geology from the University of Vermont.Tom spent seven years at BP,where he worked in both exploration and develop-ment geology in several basins.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI thank BP Exploration (Alaska)Inc.,Phillips Petroleum Company (now ConocoPhillips),and Chevron U.S.A.(now ChevronTexaco)for per-mission to publish this work.Although the interpretations are my own,my understanding of the slide was enhanced by conversations with several colleagues at BP:Roy Allen,Greg Brewton,Mick Casey,Bret Chambers,Erik Hulm,Robert Humphreys,Sarah Lewis,Gary Pelka,and Jennifer Snow;Chevron:Art Bradley,Buddy Snell,Russ Warner,and Bob Wright;and Phillips:Don Griffiths,Allen Huckabay,and Frank Snyder.Paul Weimer,David House-knecht,Ken Bird,and Gil Mull reviewed early versions of this paper.I thank Steven Boyer,Russell Davies,and John Lorenz for their helpful edits.A structural interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide (Lower Cretaceous),northern AlaskaThomas X.HomzaABSTRACTModern three-dimensional seismic imaging enables a basic geo-metric description and kinematic interpretation of part of the Fish Creek Slide,a massive ( 4000km 2;1500mi 2)slope failure be-neath Alaska’s North Slope.The Fish Creek Slide is divided into a dominantly extensional organized slide zone in the west and a mostly contractional disorganized slide zone in the east.In the organized slide zone,a series of six organized slide blocks detached from the lower slope along steep escarpments during an inferred Albian earthquake focused at depth on a preexisting southeast-striking fault.Blocks were transported eastward into the basin as failure progressed catastroph-ically yet systematically by northwestward,en echelon,upslope,footwall collapse.During slide evolution,the primary flat detach-ment switched from the highly radioactive zone down stratigraphic section to the Lower Cretaceous unconformity.Although the seis-mic interpretation is hampered by a variety of slide-induced signal problems,several significant,previously unrecognized elements of the Fish Creek Slide are described:shear zones related to displace-ment variations in the slide,duplex structures in the slide blocks,postslide erosional features,and axial structural lows in slide blocks.INTRODUCTIONThe Fish Creek Slide (Weimer,1987)is a seismically defined dis-turbed zone beneath the northeastern National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NPRA)and the adjacent offshore area (Figure 1).Lower slope to basin deposits of the Albian Torok Formation (Figure 2)were dis-placed eastward during a catastrophic failure event to form the slide (Weimer,1987).The 450-million-bbl Alpine field underlies the easternmost part of the slide (Figure 1).The slide is important to oil explorers be-cause it directly overlies prospective Jurassic intervals and involves prospective Cretaceous rocks,both of which are being activelyAAPG Bulletin,v.88,no.3(March 2004),pp.265–278265Copyright #2004.The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.All rights reserved.Manuscript received March 19,2003;provisional acceptance June 13,2003;revised manuscript received October 20,2003;final acceptance October 27,2003.DOI:10.1306/10270303029explored.In May of 2001,Phillips Alaska Inc.(now ConcocoPhillips Alaska Inc.)and its partner Anadarko Petroleum Company announced several discoveries in the slide area (Figure 1).Six penetrations encountered three separate hydrocarbon accumulations.Detailed information about the discoveries is presently confi-dential;however,it is very likely that the Fish Creek Slide was critical to the exploration play either by providing a top seal (Fish Creek Slide detachment)for Jurassic reservoirs and/or by defining sediment dis-persal patterns for Cretaceous reservoirs between slide blocks.Constraining the geometry and kinematics of the Fish Creek Slide may help define prospect ele-ments both in the Jurassic and Cretaceous plays.The approximately 4000-km 2(1500-mi 2)Fish Creek Slide involves a variety of complex structures in a kidney-shaped region at an average present depth of approximately 6000ft (1800m).The slide has ele-ments characteristic of both an organized slide zone and a disorganized slide zone in Field’s (1981)classification of mass transport deposits.Only the former is discuss-ed because of its greater impact on the interpretation and space constraints (see Weimer,1987,for more on the disorganized slide zone).An east-west seismic line shows the two basic fea-tures of the organized slide zone (Figure 3):(1)north-northeast–striking (slope-parallel)elongate slide blocks and (2)interblock onlap fill (not discussed in detail,see Weimer,1987).Six individual slide blocks,as much as nearly 1km (0.6mi)thick,3km (2mi)wide,and tens of kilometers long,constitute the organized slide zone (Figures 3,4).In general,the slide blocks decrease in size and increase in structural complexity in the general transport direction:east,away from the Albian shelf edge.This trend corresponds to both the original taper of the Torok clinoforms and the generaleastwardFigure 1.Location map for the Fish Creek Slide (shaded)showing the 3-D seismic survey outline,well locations,and Al-pine oil field (hatchured).Recent exploratory wells are shown as X and as if they encountered hydrocarbons.The 3-D seismic survey does not cover that portion of the slide where the detachment lies at the highly radioactive zone level (dark shading);instead,the detachment in the survey is at the Lower Cretaceous un-conformity (light shading).The boundary between these two domains is covered only by 2-D seismic data (lines omitted)and is poorly constrained.Locations of Figures 3,5,7,and 8are shown.266A Structural Interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide (Lower Cretaceous),AlaskaFigure2.Simplified stratigraph-ic cross section of the North Slopeshowing the positions of major structural detachments and the progressive erosion of older stra-tigraphy northward,beneath the Lower Cretaceous unconformity (LCU,thick wavy line).HRZ= highly radioactive zone.The thick straight line indicates the Fish Creek Slide detachment and corresponds to the stratig-raphy that is truncated beneath the Fish Creek Slide detachment. This line is red where the de-tachment is at LCU level and black where it is at HRZ level.Homza267transition from coherent,extensional blocks of the or-ganized slide zone to internally deformed,contraction-al blocks of the downslope disorganized slide zone (e.g.,Cobbold and Szatmari,1991)(Figures 3,4).A steep ramp/escarpment characterizes the de-tachment along most of the western edge of the Fish Creek Slide and flattens abruptly to a mostly layer-parallel detachment that underlies approximately 98%of the disturbed zone.Velocity and seismic character variations throughout the slide make it difficult to pick consistently and precisely the detachment and inter-pret seismic data within and beneath the slide.The purpose of this report is to use new three-dimensional (3-D)seismic data to (1)describe the geol-ogy and geophysics of the southwestern part of the Fish Creek Slide,focusing on the detachment and slide blocks in the organized slide zone,and (2)propose an evolutionary model for the slide.SimilardescriptionsFigure 3.(a)Seismic line 188through the Fish Creek Slide showing the general eastward taper of the slide,four horizon picks,the Fish Creek platform boundary fault,the west Fish Creek well with time-based gamma-ray log and synthetic seismic trace,and the slide-induced velocity anomalies.See Figures 1and 4for location of the profile.(b)Seismic line 188flattened on the Sag River Formation reflection showing a clearer image of the slide blocks (labeled)and the Lower Cretaceous unconformity/detachment.Note the axial lows in blocks 4and 5,the apparent rollover structures on the west sides of blocks,and the polarity reversal of the detachment re-flection from beneath blocks to beneath the onlap fill.A post-slide event erosional channel into which block 5slumped is labeled ‘‘a.’’268A Structural Interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide (Lower Cretaceous),Alaskaof other parts of the slide must await further data and work.The two main conclusions are (1)that a tecton-ically triggered en echelon series of footwall collapse events,driven by dextral slip at depth,stepped north-westward sequentially and very abruptly to form the slide;and (2)that both the Aptian–Albian highly ra-dioactive zone and the Hauterivian Lower Cretaceous unconformity (Figure 2)served as the primary de-tachment in separate areas at slightly different times.The complexity of the Fish Creek Slide limits the scope of this study to a basic geometric description and kin-ematic model,and whereas the new data enable more detailed descriptions than previous two-dimensional (2-D)-based studies,many questionsremain.Figure 4.(a)Two-way time map of the top Sag River horizon pick with coherency data superimposed.The impression of the slide geometry on the Sag River reflection is a result of the velocity anomalies induced by the slide.Lines AA 0and BB 0indicate the position of shear zones in the slide blocks.BB 0directly overlies the Fish Creek platform boundary fault (see Figure 6).Note the subtle z shape of slide blocks 2,3,and 4and the structural lows that trend along the axes of blocks.(b)Time slice 1608ms showing the transition from the organized slide zone to the disorganized slide zone (approximate).The erosional low between blocks 4and 5is labeled ‘‘a.’’The serrated block edges near shear zones A and B are labeled ‘‘b,’’and areas of contraction are labeled ‘‘c.’’Note the thrust-belt-like map pattern of the duplex of Figure 8.(c)Simple jigsaw puzzle-type reconstruction of slide blocks.The blocks are treated as rigid units (i.e.,no internal deformation has been retrodeformed)and are reconstructed to a fixed escarpment edge to yield a best-fit geometry.This exercise yields an average extension for the Fish Creek Slide of approximately 65%and a clockwise block rotation of approximately 10j .Homza269Database/MethodsMore than30industry and government wells pene-trate the Cretaceous section within10mi(16km)of the Fish Creek Slide,and many of these penetrated the central part of the Fish Creek Slide(Figure1)(see Schindler,1988,for a history of the government pro-gram).Logs from all available wells help establish the regional geologic framework,and the five wells in the slide were used to constrain its internal elements.No additional lithologic descriptions or core analyses were carried out specifically for this study,but previous analyses were used and noted in the text.Some2000 line mi of multivintage2-D seismic data,including sev-eral hundred line miles of public data,were used to define elements of the Fish Creek Slide.The primary database is a high-quality(processed to a nominal fold of60),proprietary,530-mi2(1372-km2),3-D seismic survey collected by Northern Geophysical of America and Western Geophysical Company in1998and1999, respectively.About270mi2(700km2)of this survey covers the west-central part of the slide,accounting for about18%of the total slide area(Figure1).The3-D seismic data were interpreted on near-offset and coherency data(see Brown,1986for an in-troduction to coherency)using Landmark Graphics’SeisWorks package.Paradigm’s VoxelGeo product was used for volume-flattening/3-D visualization,and Land-mark Graphics’StratWorks software was used in well-log analysis.Previous WorkWeimer(1987)provided the first detailed description of the Fish Creek Slide.Although he was limited to 2-D seismic data,his primary conclusions are corrob-orated in the present study.Weimer(1987)interpreted the disturbed zone as a tectonically triggered submarine slide and accurately described its general geometry.Pei-kert(1985)interpreted the disturbed zone as a series of contourite mounds,an interpretation that was sound-ly refuted by Weimer(1987).The feature is widely referenced as a submarine slide(e.g.,Molenaar,1981; Kerr,1985;Bird,1987;Kirschner et al.,1992). GEOLOGIC SETTINGBoth subregional stratigraphy and structure influenced the geometry and kinematics of the Fish Creek Slide. Only pertinent aspects of the regional setting are discussed;a synoptic North Slope stratigraphic column is provided(Figure2)in lieu of a regional stratigraphic discussion(see Bird,1987;Hubbard et al.,1987;Moore et al.,1994,for regional geology).StratigraphyIn the study area,a Hauterivian rift-related unconform-ity truncates a series of Ellesmerian and Beaufortian sequence sedimentary rocks at a moderate angle(Fig-ures2,5).Only Beaufortian rocks are truncated in the 3-D area.During this erosion,the pre-Lower Creta-ceous unconformity rocks were primarily south-dipping (all coordinates in present terms);thus,the Lower Cretaceous unconformity erodes the older section pro-gressively northward.Above the Lower Cretaceous un-conformity,rift-related/transgressive sands of the Hau-terivian C-sand member of the Kuparuk Formation were deposited and subsequently transgressed by the Kalu-bik Formation and the highly radioactive zone of Bar-remian through Albian age(Pebble shale/lower Hue shale/gamma-ray zone(GRZ)equivalents in U.S.Ge-ological Survey terminology,e.g.,Bird,1987).The east-ward-younging highly radioactive zone represents the distal toesets of the thick(>5000ft;1.5km)east-prograding foreland basin sequence of the Aptian through Cenomanian Torok Formation(distal facies) and Nanushuk Group(proximal).No significant thick-ness of post-Cretaceous rocks is present in the study area.Of this stratigraphy,only the C-sand member of the Kuparuk Formation,the Kalubik Formation,the highly radioactive zone,and the slope-basin deposits of the Torok Formation are displaced as part of the Fish Creek ing the public data discussed by Weimer (1987),the timing of the Fish Creek Slide is estimated to be middle to late Albian.StructureTwo long-lived structural elements dominate the area: the Fish Creek platform(Kirschner and Rycerski,1988), a gently southeast-plunging,granitic,basement high, and the adjacent Nechelik trough,a broad basement low that is separated from the Fish Creek platform in this area by(1)a discrete,southeast-striking,down-to-the-northeast normal fault and(2)a north-striking, down-to-the-east splay of that fault(Figures3,5,6,7). Although these features are defined best by lower Ellesmerian isopachs and gravity and magnetics data, they continued to influence the geology of the area throughout Beaufortian and Brookian deposition,as270A Structural Interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide(Lower Cretaceous),Alaskaevidenced by stratigraphic and structural patterns at various levels.EFFECTS OF THE SLIDE ON THE SEISMIC SIGNALSeismic interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide is chal-lenging because the slide dramatically affects the seis-mic signal.Only pertinent effects are discussed:veloc-ity anomalies,polarity switching,and diffraction tails.In general,the highly radioactive zone is present in the slide blocks and absent between the blocks.Weimer (1987)correctly noted that where the highly radioactive zone is present,a seismic traveltime delay,or push-down,is observed relative to where the highly radioactive zone is absent (Figure 3a).This is caused by the relative velocities of the highly radioactive zone and Torok toesets (seismically slow)and the on-lap fill (anomalously fast).One way to decrease the push-down effect is to use modern software to flatten the seismic data on a subslide reflector (e.g.,Figure 3b).In a flattened section,polarity reversal becomes ap-parent as the detachment changes polarity from a peak(black)beneath the blocks to a trough (white)beneath the fill (Figure 3b).Further,many of the blocks are tall,narrow,and taper upward to form steeply dipping zones of varying acoustic properties.This causes mi-gration problems resulting in diffraction tails or non-geologic dipping seismic events.Diffraction tails are difficult to distinguish from onlap fill patterns and from apparent downlapping reflectors associated with roll-over structures (e.g.,Figure 3a).GEOMETRY OF THE ORGANIZED SLIDE ZONE The DetachmentThe fault separating the transported material in the slide from the undeformed material beneath the slide takes two basic forms:a steep ramp or escarpment mark-ing the edge of the slide and a flat detachment or de-collement that underlies most of the slide.The EscarpmentThe escarpment is clearly visible in the 3-D survey (Fig-ures 3,4).There,its map trace describes aleft-steppingFigure posite seismic line showing an oblique view of the interpreted ramp transition from the highly radioactive zone (HRZ)to the Lower Cre-taceous unconformity (LCU)detachment for the Fish Creek Slide.Note the angular trunca-tion beneath the detachment where the detachment lies at the LCU.The two seismic panels on the left are from 2-D lines.See Figures 1and 4for location.Homza271Figure6.Isochron from the basement to the top of the Lisburne Group showing the fault(white polygon)separating the relatively high Fish Creek platform(FCP)from the low Nechelik trough.Inset map at right fits into the box at the upper left and shows coherency data from the highly radioactive zone(HRZ)pick.Note the correspondence between the trends of the en echelon fault pattern and the Fish Creek platform boundary fault.The strain ellipse,resolved from the en echelon pattern and associated structures,indicates northwest-oriented dextral shear.Overlaid on the map are the Fish Creek Slide escarpment at the highly radioactive zone level and the north-oriented splay off the basement fault that has a similar trend to the Fish Creek Slide escarpment(see Figure7).Note that the Fish Creekplatform boundary fault directly underlies the escarpment for more than1mi(1.6km)in the central part of the survey.Figures1,4for location)show-ing the correspondence betweenthe deep north-trending splay ofthe Fish Creek platform bound-ary fault and the Fish Creek Slide(FCS)escarpment.The trends ofthese faults are roughly parallelwherever the splay is observed(Figure6).Slide blocks1and2are labeled.Note the rolloverstructures to the west of eachblock and that the rollover ad-jacent to block2is deformed bycompression,suggesting that itwas present before block1slid,and that the translation of block1caused this redeformation.272A Structural Interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide(Lower Cretaceous),Alaskaen echelon pattern of short(<2mi;3km)north-northwest–striking segments and southeast transfers or relay faults(e.g.,Peacock and Sanderson,1994).The deeper,clearly defined fault that separates the Fish Creek platform and the Nechelik trough lies directly beneath,and parallel to,a well-imaged transfer fault in the Fish Creek Slide escarpment(Figure6).Further,in some places where the escarpment does not directly overlie the deeper fault,it is possible to map a lower angle fault that links the two.The northwest portion of the deeper fault records Albian reactivation in the form of left-stepping,north-northwest–striking,en ech-elon transverse faults(i.e.,a southeast-striking,dextral, brittle,shear zone)(Figure6inset and unpublished data).The north-striking northernmost part of the es-carpment in the3-D survey directly overlies a down-to-the-east normal fault in the basement(Figure7)that splays off the southeast-striking part of the Fish Creek platform boundary fault.Together,these geometries strongly suggest kinematic linkage between the Fish Creek Slide and preexisting faults.Clearly,an additional primary influence on the po-sition of the Fish Creek Slide was the unstable geometry of the Torok slope,which trended generally north-south and dipped about5j eastward.The updip tip line(i.e., height)of the escarpment is mapped at a relatively low level of confidence because of the presence of com-plex and equivocal geometries associated with footwall collapse features and dipping reflections in the Torok (e.g.,Figure3).However,the oldest,continuous,post-slide,slope reflection is the same throughout the south-ern part of the slide(in2-D and3-D),thereby suggesting synchronous slip along the escarpment and catastrophic failure.The geometry of the escarpment outside the3-D survey is poorly constrained,but it appears en echelon with a decrease in dip along the southern edge of the slide.The Flat DetachmentFor oil and gas exploration,it is important to accu-rately pick the flat detachment on the seismic data because the placement of the detachment strongly influences the structural model.This,however,is dif-ficult in the Fish Creek Slide.Three primary tech-niques guided the pick for the Fish Creek Slide.First, well logs,synthetic seismic traces,and core descrip-tions from wells outside the slide were tied to reflec-tors that extend into the slide at various levels relative to the detachment,thereby constraining the detach-ment level.Second,hanging-wall cutoffs associated with rollovers were assumed to downlap directly onto the detachment surface.This is considered a robust assumption,and it provides solid constraints in dif-ferent parts of the slide.Third,well logs from within the slide were used to pick the detachment.Detach-ment picks are problematic insofar as there is no diag-nostic log signature for the detachment(e.g.,Figure 3a),the wells penetrate different elements of the slide, there may be loss or duplication of section in these wells,and the detachment may not reside at the same level in all places.Based on limited data,Weimer(1987)interpreted the detachment to lie near the base of the highly ra-dioactive zone throughout the slide.In the south and the east,outside the3-D survey,downlap onto the highly radioactive zone reflector is apparent,thereby supporting Weimer’s(1987)interpretation.However, this is not the case in the3-D area where the highly radioactive zone is well above,and rolls over onto,the detachment,which,in turn,clearly ties to the Lower Cretaceous unconformity(Figures3,5).Further,core from the N.Kalikpik well(Figure1),which penetrated block1and has a normal highly radioactive zone sec-tion,shows a shear/rubble zone with slickensides at the stratigraphic position of the Lower Cretaceous un-conformity.To the east of the3-D data,a broad area of no internal deformation characterizes the slide,and the detachment is difficult to pick.Farther east,the detach-ment is observed to step up to the highly radioactive zone,where it remains until the eastern line of zero displacement is reached.Thus,based on well data,seis-mic ties,and geometries,the detachment is interpreted to lie at the Lower Cretaceous unconformity level throughout the3-D area and near the base of the highly radioactive zone to the south and east of the3-D area (Figures1,5).Steps in the detachment from the highly radioactive zone to the Lower Cretaceous unconform-ity are detectable on some2-D lines to the south(Fig-ure5)and to the east of the3-D survey,but poor imaging precludes their detailed description.A Lower Cretaceous unconformity level detachment makes mechanical sense insofar as the Lower Cretaceous un-conformity represents a sharp boundary,where during the Cretaceous,weaker,less consolidated material di-rectly overlaid strong rock,making the unconformity a preferred slip surface.The dip on the detachment at the time of the slide is difficult to ascertain.A detachment-to-Nanushuk top-set isochron map(not shown)suggests that although the Torok slope deposits dipped eastward,the detach-ment actually dipped slightly( 1j)southwestward dur-ing Nanushuk deposition.A complex interplay amongHomza273foreland flexure,Nechelik trough subsidence,differen-tial compaction,and a complicated velocity field prob-ably contributes to this paradox and precludes a detailed analysis in this study.It is possible,however,that the slide moved updip along a gently southwest-dipping detachment.Geometric/Kinematic Interpretation of theOrganized Slide ZoneIn Field’s(1981)nomenclature,slide blocks are dis-crete,internally coherent,detached units.Collectively, multiple slide blocks are termed an organized slide zone.Slide blocks are subdivided into slump blocks (rotated slide blocks)and glide blocks(pure transla-tion,no rotation).Although Fish Creek Slide blocks are nearly pure glide blocks,parts of each block record internal deformation and/or rotation;hence,the gen-eral term slide block is used.Moderate-amplitude,horizontal-to west-dipping reflections characterize the six slide blocks in the or-ganized slide zone(Figures3,4,5,7).Each block is structurally dismembered to some degree.The pieces of each block have sharp boundaries,enabling a simple puzzle-like reconstruction both within individual blocks and among separate blocks(Figure4).Together,the six blocks define a left-stepping,en echelon fan geometry (Figure4).In the3-D area,block1is farthest northwest, thickest,and most parallel to the escarpment,whereas block6is farthest southeast,thinnest,and most dis-cordant.Blocks are less structurally complex at their south ends.Horizontal separation is greater between the escarpment and adjacent blocks than it is between blocks.Shear Zones and DuplexesBlocks2–4define a very subtle z-shaped sigmoid ap-pearance across the survey(Figure4).Three subtle yet pervasive southeast-striking linear shear zones intersect the southern bend in the sigmoid,and two of these(A and B)correspond to transfer segments on the escarp-ment.Lineation B further corresponds to the Fish Creek platform boundary fault.The lineations intersect the arcuate slide blocks at points of roughly equal curvature and of transverse failure.Figure4b shows jagged serra-tions on the western edge of several slide blocks,where those blocks are proximal to the lineaments.These serrations are interpreted as bending-induced,block-parallel extensional features associated with southeast-oriented dextral shear.An antiformal stack-type duplex structure(see Boy-er and Elliot,1982)of ductily deformed and thrust-duplicated Kalubik Creek and highly radioactive zone in block5is interpreted near the southeast limit of lineation B(and of3-D data)(Figures3,4).Here,I speculate that although the system’s mechanics pre-vented this part of block5from sliding en masse far-ther east(i.e.,it was effectively stuck),continued east-directed stress compressed and internally deformed the block.Block5is then interpreted to have served as a relatively stationary structural indentor,with respect to the relatively free face to the north,and shear oc-curred around its north side,along the shear zone B.The northern sigmoid bend is associated with the position of another indentor(Figures4,8).Here,where block3nears the northern limit of3-D data,the block is an east-vergent duplex with a floor thrust at the Lower Cretaceous unconformity and a roof thrust near the top of the highly radioactive zone reflection(Fig-ure8).The highly radioactive zone event is duplicated several times as horsts with fault-bend fold geometries (e.g.,Boyer and Elliot,1982;Suppe,1983).Flattening the entire volume of data and panning through lines and time slices on a seismic workstation spectacularly re-veals this duplex geometry.The part of block3south of the duplex slid farther east,unobstructed by this northern duplex(indentor),thereby defining a sinistral northern bend of the gentle z-shaped sigmoid.Taken together,these shear zones and duplexes suggest that the sigmoidal shape is related to variations in eastward displacement(greatest in the center of the survey)that are governed by the position of both stationary,in-dentor blocks and by the Fish Creek platform edge. Rollover(Hanging-Wall)AnticlinesSeveral slide blocks have well-imaged rollover anti-clines on their landward,west sides(Figures3,4,7), whereas no rollovers are observed on the east sides of blocks in the3-D survey.This asymmetry suggests a westward stepwise progression of failure by footwall collapse,wherein the present east side of a block was once the primary escarpment.If,in contrast,the pro-gression of failure was basinward,and one large block detached first along the present escarpment,then one would expect a more symmetric rollover distribution (i.e.,horst and graben architecture)upon subsequent extension because the single block would have a rela-tively constant thickness,and directional gravity sliding would not be preferred.Theoretically,true rollover anticlines are more pro-nounced where the hanging-wall block was detached274A Structural Interpretation of the Fish Creek Slide(Lower Cretaceous),Alaska。
