怎样写英文摘要(5篇)第一篇:怎样写英文摘要摘要的类型与基本内容根据内容的不同,摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道指示性摘要(1)报道性摘要(informative abstract):也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要,其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。
(2)指示性摘要(indicative abstract):也常称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要(descriptive abstract)或论点摘要(topic abstract),一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题,而不涉及论据和结论,多用于综述、会议报告等。
(3)报道-指示性摘要(informative-indicative abstract):以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分,以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分。
传统的摘要多为一段式,在内容上大致包括引言(Introduction),材料与方法(Materials and Methods),结果(Results)和讨论(Discussion)等主要方面,即IMRAD((Introduction,Methods,Results and Discussion)结构的写作模式。
20世纪80年代中期出现了另一种摘要文体,即“结构式摘要"(structured abstract),该摘要实质上是报道性摘要的结构化表达。
结论写完以后再写摘要.摘要给人第一口苹果的品尝效果.审稿人一般用15分钟看摘要和引言.如果第一印象不好,他/她会去寻找理由建议主编退稿.5 摘要的读者面比论文全文的读者面大得多。
写摘要的顺序第一句话:讲一下你这篇文章的研究意义(但是有的杂志不需要这句话)第二句话:以 To eluicdatie the mechanism..., To investigate....,或者for the purpose of....开头来讲述你这样研究的目的。
要取得这一完整连贯,就应该使用一些连接词(link-words),如but,and,however,also等连接要点;同样,也可使用诸如since,though,even if,when,after,before等词。
How New York Became America’s Largest City?In the 18th century New York was smaller than Philadelphia and Boston. Today it is the largest city in America. How can the change in its size and importance be explained?To answer this question we must consider certain facts about geography, history, and economics. Together these three will explain the huge growth of America’s most famous city.The map of the Northeast shows that four of the most heavily populated areas in this region are around seaports. At these points materials from across the sea enter the United States, and the product of the land are sent there for export across the sea.Economists know that places where transportation lines meet are good places for making raw materials into finished goods. That is why seaports often have cities nearby. But cities like New York needed more than their geographical location in order to become great industrial centers. Their development did not happen simply by chance.About 1815, when many Americans from the east coast had already moved toward the west, trade routes from the ports to the central regions of the country began to be a serious problem. The slow wagons of that time, drawn by horses or oxen, were too expensive for moving heavy freight very far. Americans had long admired Europe’s canals. In New York State a canal seemed the best solution to the transportation problem. From the eastern end of Lake Erie all the way across the state to the Hudson River there is a long strip of low land. Here the Erie Canal was constructed. After several years of work it was completed in 1825.The canal produced an immediate effect. Freight costs were cut to about one-tenth of what had been. New York City, which had been smaller than Philadelphia and Boston, quickly became the leading city of the coast. In the years that followed, transportation routes on the Great Lakes were joined to routes on the Mississippi River. Then New York City became the end point of a great inland shipping system that extended from the Atlantic Ocean far up the western branches of the Mississippi.The coming of the railroads made canal shipping less important, but it tied New York even more closely to the central regions of the country. It was easier for people in the central states to ship their goods to New York for export overseas.Exports from New York were greater than imports. Consequently, shipping companies were eager to fill their ships with passengers on the return trip from Europe. Passengers could come from Europe very cheaply as a result.Thus New York became the greatest port for receiving people from European countries. Many of these people remained in the city. Others stayed in New York for a few weeks, months, or years, and then moved to other parts of the United States. For these great number of new Americans New York had to provide homes, goods, and services. Their labor helped the city become great. (505 words)摘要How New York Became America’s Largest City?New York was once smaller than Philadelphia and Boston, but now it is America’s largest city because of geography, history and economics.New York was located at the seaport where materials were imported to the US and the products of the US were sent abroad across the sea. The city was further developed when the Erie Canal was completed in 1825. This linked Lake Erie to New York via the Hudson River and the cost of transporting goods to those who had settled inland was cut down. In addition, the Great Lakes were soon linked to the Mississippi. Later, railroads tied New York closer to the central states, whose goods were exported via New York. Fewer goods were imported, so cheap passengers were available from Europe. New York became the main port for receiving Europeans, many of whom stayed in the city and helped it become great. (154 words)实例2①试题题目Directions: Study the following essay carefully and write a summary in about 80 words.We continue to share with our remotest ancestors the most tangled and evasive attitudes about death, despite the great distance we have come in understanding some of the profound aspects of biology. We have as much distaste for talking about personal death as for thinking about it; it is an indelicacy, like talking in mixed company about venereal disease or abortion in the old days. Death on a grand scale does not bother us in the same special way: we can sit around a dinner table and discuss war, involving 60 million volatilized human deaths, as though we were talking about bad weather; we can watch abrupt bloody death every day, in color, on films and television, without blinking back a tear. It is when the numbers of dead are very small, and very close, that we begin to think in scurrying circles. At the very center of the problem is the naked cold deadness of one’s own self, the only reality in nature of which we can have absolutecertainty, and it is unmentionable, unthinkable. We may be even less willing to face the issue at first hand than our predecessors because of a secret new hope that maybe it will go away. We like to think, hiding the thought, that with all the marvelous ways in which we seem now to lead nature around by the nose, perhaps we can avoid the central problem if we just become, next year, say, a bit smarter. (246 words)②原文要点:1) continue to have the most confused ideas of death like predecessors2) avoid talking about death3) talk about death when millions of people die4) become confused and anxious when each time the dead people are very few and the death rates are almost equal5) people's fearfulness6) seem to control nature7) avoid death③参考摘要:People dislike talking about death because they just like their predecessors still have the vaguest ideas of the issue. They talk about death only when million upon millions of people are killed in war. When they find only very few people die each time and the death rates are almost equal, they become very anxious, thinking that next time they themselves will meet their doom. Therefore, they fear very much. However, they have a hope that when they control nature, they can avoid death. (84 words) 实例3Directions: Describe in about 80 words what the sentry saw and did from the moment when the strips of metal fell from the sky until he got back to his camp. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the passage.The sentry watched a hawk that hovered overhead, looking for some unsuspecting prey to pounce upon. Then he heard the distant, muffled roar of planes, then silence. For the past week he had been told to take note of everything that happened on the hill within his range of vision, and to report anything suspicious. The hill led to an experimental factory, where new and secret weapons were tested. There was a threat of war and the factory would be invaluable to the enemy. So the approaches to it were watched day in, and day out.He shifted his position; he felt that he had been crouching in the heather since the beginning of the time, but only a couple of hours of the day's duty had passed. Suddenly he saw something falling from the sky like snow, only it was not snow. He put out his hand and caught bits of that were drifting near him. They were thin strips of metal to confuse delicate instruments, so that it would not be possible to detect the landing of enemy craft. Next he heard a long, low, continuous roar from the east and saw bundles descending from the sky which looked like umbrellas opening, but which be knew to be parachutes with men hanging from them. He wanted to go at once to give the alarm, but he had to be sure that the parachutes were not his own men out on an exercise. The men were on ground now. One of them pointed in the direction of secret factory and they all began marching toward it. He had no more doubts and set off at once down the hill. He crawled slowly, sometimes on his stomach, sometimes on his side, weaving decided that he had ample cover and started to run. But he had erred, forbullets were soon whistling past him. He drooped flat on the ground. Nobody came to search for him, so he counted up to a hundred and then began crawling again. He moved tortuously and as silently as he could to his camp at the foot of the hill. (355 words)① Points (Saw and Did).1) Put out hands; caught strip metal.2) Saw bundles.3) Waited.4) Saw men on ground.5) One pointed; all marched.6) Went downhill.7) Crawled-stomach, side-to stream.8) Started running.9) Dropped flat (why? –bullets).10) Counted 100; crawled.11) Silently to camp.② Rough Draft (Linking of Points)(写得不好的摘要)When the sentry held out his hand to catch what was falling out of the sky, he found that it was strips of metal. The bundles began coming down. The sentry waited until men appeared on the ground. One of them pointed and the sentry saw them march towards the factory. Crawling on his stomach and on his side, the sentry moved downhill. He began running when he came to a stream, but dropped down when he was shot at. After counting up to a hundred to himself, he began crawling silently again downhill.(94 words)③ Fair Copy (Corrected Draft)(写得比较好的摘要)After catching hold of metal strips falling out of the sky, the sentry saw bundles descending and, after a time, some men appeared on the ground. One of them pointed and they all began marching towards the factory. The sentry crawled downhill on his stomach and on his side. When he came to a stream, he began running but dropped down when the men shot at him. He counted up to a hundred, then silently started crawling again towards his camp.(81 words)。
文题包括样本、参数和处理三要素,其中样 本和参数随文章而变,处理则涉及关联、效应、
A样本中B参数和C参数的关联(Association B para meter with C parameter in A sample)
“To explore association event related potential P300 with clinical symptoms in patients with schizophrenia”.
少数情况下,文题用于Objective时,要稍作变 动,但框架不变。如文题为:
“Epidemiological survey of depression prevalenc
“There was no significant different in total number of whit e blood cell between depression group and normal contr之间对C参数进行比较研究 (A comparative study of C parameter between A sample and B sample (or among multiple sample) 。 例如“在电针、氟西汀和安慰剂治疗的抑郁症病人之间进行 疗效比较研究” 可译作“A comparative study of antidepressive effect among patients with depression taking electroacupuncture, fluoxetine and placebo”.
1. 研究背景:简要介绍研究领域的背景和相关研究的现状。
2. 研究目的:说明研究的目的、目标或问题。
3. 研究方法:概述研究所采用的方法、实验设计或数据收集方式。
4. 研究结果:列出主要的研究结果或发现。
5. 结论/意义:总结研究的主要结论,并指出对学术领域或实
6. 展望:提出未来研究的方向或建议。
一、摘要的基本内容:无论哪种摘要,内容一般包括:(1)目的(objective,purpose):包括研究背景、范围、内容,要解决的问题及解决这一问题的重要性和意义;(2)方法(methods and materials):包括材料、手段和过程;(3)结果与简短讨论(results and discussions):包括数据与分析;(4)结论(conclusion):主要结论,研究的价值和意义等。
二、英文摘要的撰写2.1 摘要书写的一般技巧:英文摘要的撰写应遵循ABC原则,即准确(accuracy),简练(brevity),清晰(clarity)2.2 摘要写作的时态:摘要所采用的时态应因情况而定,力求表达自然、妥当。
2、叙述研究目的或主要研究活动:如采用“论文导向”,多使用现在式,(如:This paper presents…),如采用“研究导向”,则使用过去式(如:This study investigated…)。
研究方法回答“what method is used in the study?”或“How was the study conducted”等问题,还常常涉及到研究材料、对象、设备、环境或实验过程等内容。
4. 叙述结论或建议:可用现在式、臆测动词或may、should、could等助动词。
2.3 摘要写作的人称和语态:有相当数量的作者和审稿人认为,科技论文的撰写应使用第三人称,过去时和被动语态。
Example 3 范例3 -指示性摘要
一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时及其被动语 态
This section highlights early electronics milestones that have made significant contributions to aerospace and defense. Today everyone thinks digital, whereas more than 50% of electronic advances since technology founding 50 years ago were in the analog or continuous domain. It is too easy to forget that before the 1970s and 1980s analog systems had been the norm.
thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth
analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often
used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper‘s
abstract 摘要 discipline 学科 ascertain 确定,弄清
article 期刊论文 thesis (学位)论文 review 评论
conference proceeding
摘要是对研究性论文、学位论文、学术评论、会议论文或任 何特定领域和学科分析研究的一种简略的概述,并经常被用 来使读者能够快速了解文章的意图。
英语摘要十大万能模板框架一In the first paragraph of the dissertation, the author highlights that due attention has to be paid to__. Several fundamental factors have contributed to such a tendency. First and foremost, among the most convincing causes identified by people, one should be stressed, that is __. In addition, as far as the author is concerned, __ is of utmost significance to our society. The last but not the least, as is illustrated in the last paragraph of the essay, the writer also takes __into consideration. Given all the above argument, we can draw the conclusion that __ is indeed crucial.在本段的第一段,作者强调我们必须充分重视_(中心词)。
对一篇完整的论文都要求写随文摘要,摘要的主要功能有:1) 让读者尽快了解论文的主要内容,以补充题名的不足。
2) 为科技情报文献检索数据库的建设和维护提供方便。
英语专业学术论⽂写作:摘要学术论⽂写作:摘要⼀、摘要的写作⽬的和结构要素摘要简要地概述论⽂的内容, 拥有与正⽂同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全⽂,就能获得必要的信息。
其结构要素是:(1) 主题阐述(Topic specification);(2) 研究⽬的陈述(Purpose statement);(3) 理论指导(Theory/Perspective)(3) 研究⽅法(Methodology and Data);(4) 研究结果/发现(Results/Findings);(5) 研究结论/启⽰(Conclusions/Implications)。
练习1:就结构要素评析下⾯4个摘要(为判断⽅便,列汉语标题)Sample 11. Introduction2. Translation Activity in New Century2.1Definition and Purpose of Translation Activity2.2 Translation Activity under the Background of Cross-culture Communication2.2.1The Trend of Cross-culture Communication2.2.2 New Requirements for Translation Activity3. The Trend of Cross-culture Communication3.1 Definitions of Cultural Symbols3.2 The Formation of Characteristic Cultural Symbols3.3Main Categories of Cultural Symbols4. Strategy in Dealing with Cultural Symbols Translation4.1 Comparison between Domestication and Foreignization4.2 Nida Eugene. A and Dynamic Equivalence Translation4.3 Translation Studies School and Foreignization4.4 Two Strategies in Text Analysis5. Conclusion1. Introduction2. The Rhetorical Motivation in Trade Name2.1 Rational Needs and Rational Needs2.1.1 Rational Needs2.1.2 Emotional Needs2.2 Cultural Factors2.2.1 Ethnic Culture2.2.2 Regional Culture2.2.3 Religious Culture2.2.4 Culture of Place and Person3. The Rhetorical Approaches to Trade Name 3.1 Homophone3.1.1 Homophone in Chinese3.1.2 Homophone between Chinese and English 3.1.3 Homophone in English3.2 Onomatopoeia3.2.1 Emotional onomatopoeia3.2.2 Rational onomatopoeia3.3 Rhyme3.3.1 Alliteration3.3.2 The Ending of Lines of Verse3.3.3 Assonance3.4 Reduplicated Sound4. The Translation of Trade Names4.1 Transliteration4.2 Variant Translation4.3 Phonological and Semantic Combination5. Conclusion附:该论⽂⽬录CONTENTS1. Introduction1.1 Rational and Objective of the Study1.2 Organization of the Paper2.Theoretical Foundation of Verbal Irony Study: A Pragmatic Approach2.1 Description of Verbal Irony2.2 Gricean Perspectives—Irony as Conversational Implicature2.3 Post-Gricean perspective—Irony as Echoic Mentioning3. Verbal Irony and the Responses in Public Debate3.1 Assumptions and Expectations3.2 Introduction to American Public Presidential Debate (APPD) and the Debate Extract Analyzed3.3 Analysis Based on EMT4. Conclusion4.1 Findings in EMT Application—Uncertainty4.1.1 Uncertainty in Identifying Verbal Irony4.1.2 Uncertainty in Justifying the Working Mechanism4.2 Tentative Suggestion—Pragmatics with Lights from the Rhetorical Perspective 4.3 Last Remarks附:该论⽂⽬录CONTENTS1. Introduction1.1Rationale1.2 Literature Review1.3 The Organization of the Thesis2. Theoretical F oundations of D omestication and F oreignization2.1 Domestication and Foreignization2.1.1 Definitions of Domestication and Foreignization2.1.2 Functions of Domestication and Foreignization2.1.2.1 Function of Domestication2.1.2.2 Function of Foreignization2.2 Political News2.2.1 Definition of Political News2.2.2 The Stylistic Features of Political News and Translated PoliticalNews3. Domestication and F oreignization in the T ranslation of P olitical N ews3.1 The Uniqueness of Domestication and Foreignizationin the Translation of Political News3.2 Three Factors Influencing the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization3.2.1 The Translator’s Subjective Factors3.2.2 The Reader3.2.3 The Political Ideology3.3 The Balance of Domestication and Foreignization4. Conclusion⼆、内容的注意事项1. 不要写成⽂献综述(?Sample 1), 也不要说⼈所共知的话(? sample 5)2. 以上结构要素要有具体内容,不要空洞练习2:下⽂是从语⽤顺应理论出发对商务信函写作(sample 5)和商标翻译(Sample 6) 进⾏的研究, 请你(1)删掉⽆关的内容,(2)核对结构要素,(3)并判断哪个内容具体。
(3)主要结论 用That 从句表示实验结果: The results indicated that … The results show that … The results demonstrated that … The results reveal that …
由It 引起的that 从句:
(3) 可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况 下,要少用 of 句型
accuracy of measurement → measurement accuracy
structure of crystal → crystal structure
(4) 可用动词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词 形式
Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made → Thickness of plastic sheet was measured
Variations of Tg with the water content and with the drawing are discussed in terms of the structure in these materials.
பைடு நூலகம்
The increments(增量) of ΔCp at Tg are also interpreted using a three phases model.
Abstract Writing for Technological Articles
Surface and Coatings Technology
1. 英文摘要结构
通常国际刊物、科学书籍、论文和学术报 告一般都附有内容摘要。 写摘要时,应用最为简练的语言来表达论 文之精华。
英文摘要书写技巧【摘要】The abstract is a crucial part of any research paper, providing a brief summary of the study's key points. In this article, we discuss some important tips for writing an effective abstract.Firstly, it is essential to choose a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the research. Including relevant keywords can help improve the visibility of the study in search results. The abstract should provide a brief overview of the research, outlining the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Using a structured format with distinct sections can help guide the reader through the abstract. Avoiding technical jargon can ensure that the abstract is accessible to a wider audience.【关键词】英文摘要、书写技巧、清晰简洁的标题、关键词、研究摘要、结构化格式、避免技术术语1. 引言1.1 IntroductionThe abstract is a crucial part of any research paper as it provides a brief overview of the study and its findings. It servesas a snapshot of the entire paper, allowing readers to quickly understand the purpose and significance of the research. In this article, we will discuss some key tips for writing an effective abstract that effectively communicates the essence of your research. By following these guidelines, authors can ensure that their abstracts are clear, concise, and informative, ultimately helping to attract readers and generate interest in their work.2. 正文2.1 Choose a clear and concise titleRemember that the title of your abstract is often the first thing that readers will see, so it is important to make a good first impression. By choosing a clear and concise title, you can ensure that your abstract stands out and attracts the attention of potential readers.2.2 Include keywordsOne strategy for choosing keywords is to identify key terms that are repeated throughout your paper. These may include important concepts, variables, or theories that are central to your research. Additionally, consider using synonyms or alternative terms that readers might use when searching for information on your topic.2.3 Provide a brief summary of the researchOverall, the summary should give readers a clear understanding of what the research is about and why it is significant. By providing a concise overview of the study, the abstract can help readers determine whether the research is relevant to their interests and worth further investigation.2.4 Use a structured formatOne common format for structuring an abstract includes the following sections:2.5 Avoid technical jargonAdditionally, avoiding technical jargon can also help improve the overall readability and flow of your abstract. Readers will be able to grasp the key concepts and findings of your research more easily, leading to a more engaging and informative abstract.3. 结论3.1 ConclusionIn conclusion, writing a concise and well-structured abstract is essential for effectively communicating the key findings and importance of your research. By following the tips outlined inthis article, such as choosing a clear title, including relevant keywords, providing a brief summary of the research, using a structured format, and avoiding technical jargon, researchers can increase the visibility and impact of their work. A well-written abstract can attract more readers, increase the chances of publication, and enhance the overall quality of a research paper. Therefore, it is important for researchers to dedicate time and effort to crafting a well-written abstract that accurately represents the significance of their research findings.。
英文摘要书写技巧【摘要】Abstract:Introduction:This article will provide insights into the key techniques for writing an effective abstract in English academic writing.【关键词】关键词:英文摘要、书写技巧、引言、关键词选择、清晰表达、简洁表达、缩写、句子结构、语法错误、拼写错误、结论、摘要技巧1. 引言1.1 IntroductionIn this article, we will discuss some key techniques for writing an abstract in English. We will cover important aspects such as selecting appropriate keywords, expressing ideas clearly and concisely, using abbreviations judiciously, avoiding long and complex sentence structures, and ensuring proper grammar and spelling. By following these tips, researchers and scholars can improve the quality of their abstracts and increase the chances of their work being noticed and cited by others in their field.2. 正文2.1 关键词的选择Try to use a mix of broad and specific terms to capture the breadth and depth of your research. Avoid using overly technical jargon that may not be familiar to a wider audience. Additionally, make sure to include synonyms and related terms to increase the chances of your abstract showing up in different search queries.2.2 清晰和简洁的表达One way to achieve clarity and conciseness in your abstract is to use simple and direct language. Avoid using overly technical terminology or jargon that may be unfamiliar to your audience. Instead, choose words that are commonly understood and accurately convey your meaning.2.3 适当使用缩写1. Define abbreviations when they are first used: When you introduce an abbreviation in your abstract, be sure to spell out the full term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. For example, "The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends..."2.4 避免冗长和复杂的句子结构Another tip is to break up long sentences into shorter, more manageable chunks. This can help to improve the flow of the abstract and make it easier for readers to follow along. Additionally, using bullet points or lists can help to organize information in a clear and concise manner.2.5 注意语法和拼写错误When writing an English abstract, it is crucial to pay attention to grammar and spelling errors. These mistakes can greatly impact the overall quality and professionalism of your abstract. Here are some tips to help you avoid these errors:3. 结论3.1 SummaryIn summary, mastering the skills of writing an effective English abstract is crucial for researchers and academics. By carefully selecting appropriate keywords, expressing ideas clearly and concisely, using abbreviations judiciously, avoiding long and complex sentence structures, and paying attention to grammar and spelling errors, authors can ensure that their abstracts are informative, engaging, and easily understood by a wide audience. A well-written abstract can significantly enhance the visibility and impact of a research paper, attracting morereaders and increasing the likelihood of citations. Therefore, it is important for writers to practice and refine their abstract writing skills, with a focus on clarity, precision, and accuracy. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, authors can improve the quality of their abstracts and increase the chances of their research being recognized and appreciated in the academic community.3.2 ConclusionIn conclusion, writing a concise and effective abstract requires careful consideration of key elements such as keyword selection, clarity and brevity of expression, appropriate use of abbreviations, avoidance of lengthy and complex sentence structures, and attention to grammar and spelling errors. By following these tips, researchers can craft abstracts that effectively summarize their work and attract the attention of readers. Ultimately, a well-written abstract can enhance the visibility and impact of a research study, making it more likely to be read and cited by others in the field. Researchers should therefore devote time and effort to honing their abstract writing skills in order to effectively communicate the significance of their work and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.。
英语摘要怎么写作业在撰写英语摘要时,你需要遵循以下步骤:1. 理解原文:在开始写作之前,确保你完全理解了文章或报告的主题和要点。
2. 确定摘要类型:摘要通常分为两种类型:描述性摘要和信息性摘要。
3. 突出关键点:摘要应该包括文章的主要论点、论据和结论。
4. 使用第三人称:摘要应该保持客观,使用第三人称来描述研究和结果。
5. 避免使用引用:摘要应该用自己的话来表达,而不是直接引用原文。
6. 保持简洁:摘要应该简洁明了,通常长度不超过原文的10-15%。
7. 使用简单语言:避免使用复杂或专业的术语,除非它们是理解文章的关键。
8. 结构清晰:摘要的结构应该清晰,通常包括引言、主体和结论。
9. 检查格式:确保你的摘要遵循了所需的格式,包括缩进、字体和间距。
10. 校对:在提交之前,仔细校对摘要,检查语法错误和拼写错误。
摘要示例:> The article explores the impact of social media on adolescent mental health. It presents a comprehensive study involving 1,000 participants, highlighting a significant increase in anxiety and depression among frequent users. The study suggests that excessive screen time and social comparison contribute to these mental health issues. The author recommends implementing digital literacy programs in schools to educate adolescents on the responsible use of social media.通过遵循这些步骤,你可以有效地撰写出高质量的英语摘要。
1. 主题句:开篇明确文章的中心思想,让读者对文章内容有一个初步
2. 论点:列出支撑主题句的主要观点,这些论点是文章的骨架。
3. 论据:为每个论点提供具体的事实、数据、例证或引用,增强论点
4. 分析:对论据进行解释和分析,展示它们是如何支持论点的。
5. 反驳:如果有反对意见,可以简要提出并加以反驳,展现文章的全
6. 结论:总结文章的主要观点,重申主题句,给出结论或建议。
例如,如果一篇英语作文的标题是 "The Benefits of Learning a Second Language",那么摘要可能如下:
- 主题句:学习第二语言对个人和社会都有诸多益处。
- 论点一:提高认知能力。
- 论据:研究表明,双语者在解决问题和多任务处理方面表现更佳。
- 分析:这可能是因为学习语言需要大脑进行更多的思考和适应。
- 论点二:增强职业竞争力。
- 论据:多语言技能在全球化的职场中越来越受到重视。
- 分析:掌握多种语言的员工能够更好地与国际客户沟通。
- 论点三:促进文化交流。
- 论据:语言是文化的载体,学习新语言有助于理解不同文化。
- 分析:这有助于建立跨文化理解和尊重。
- 结论:学习第二语言不仅能够提升个人能力,还能促进社会和谐与
• • • • • Reading by many people---Advertise! Summarize paper Self-contained Brief(100~200words) No figures or references
• 指示性(概括性)摘要:多用于理论性较强的 论文,主要概括论文的主要观点、研究范围、 分析过程、内容梗概和结论,并不定量报道其 具体内容,如具体数据等。
example 4
• 本文通过实验的方法对中温辐射条件下受 体温度的测量,利用能量守恒方程及斯蒂 芬-波尔茨曼定律通过和黑体黑度的比较 将实际物体的黑度计算出来,从而得出中 温辐射时物体的黑度是随温度的升高而增 大的规律,并对实验进行模拟,得出了实 际物体在中温条件下的函数关系,并粗略 的对误差进行分析和改进。
• 【摘要】本世纪以来,城镇化快增长成 为我国发展的主旋律,与此同时,国家 通过政策积极引导城镇化的健康发展。 • Since 21st Century, the urbanization has become the main theme of China economy development. Meanwhile, the government has been doing everything possible to ensure the harmonious development of urbanization.
• 信息性(报道性)摘要:多用于实验性和技术 性较强的论文,主要报道论文的研究成果、数 据和结论。
Prof. Feng型摘要: • 1)background info; • 2)the subject matter& research purpose/objective; • 3) research methods; • 4) findings/results; 5) suggestion and proposed conclusion. • 6) No first person allowed
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原来的摘要的首句多用第三人称This paper…等开头,现在倾向于采用更简洁的被动语态或原形动词开头。
例如:To de scribe…,To study…,To investigate…, To assess…,To determine…。
(2)词类:冠词,主要是定冠词the 易被漏用。
the 用于表示整个群体、分类、时间、地名以及独一无二的事物、形容词最高级等较易掌握,用于特指时常被漏用。
正确使用动词和动名词,如to do something 、approach to doing something、looking forward to meeting you等