超声误诊无性细胞瘤一例发布时间:2021-09-24T02:21:37.511Z 来源:《医师在线》2021年23期作者:超声误诊无性细胞瘤一例[导读] 卵巢无性细胞瘤是卵巢恶性生殖细胞瘤贺宇凡,曾思惠通讯作者(广东省妇幼保健院广东广州 511400)【摘要】:卵巢无性细胞瘤是卵巢恶性生殖细胞瘤,来源于尚未分化以前的原始生殖细胞,临床发病率低且缺乏典型早期症状,主要表现为腹痛及腹部肿块。
•仁心雕龙•“诸痛痒疮,皆属于心”对针刺治疗慢性荨麻瘆的启示高德强\王煜明^刘岩\杨佼\徐晨琛、曾志见、解晨露\方继良、崔炳南1 (i中国中医科学院广安门医院,北京100053; 2北京中医药大学东直门医院,北京100700)摘要:“诸痛痒疮,皆属于心”是《黄帝内经》中关于病机的重要论述。
关键词:针刺;慢性荨麻疹;理论探讨基金资助:首都卫生发展科研专项项目(No.2018-2-4152 ),国家A然科学基金面上项目(N o.81774433,N〇.81973867 ),国家重点研发计划(N〇.2018YFC1705802 )Enlightenment of f c pain, itch, and sore are always associated with heart9 on thetreatment of chronic urticaria with acupunctureGAO De-qiang1,WANG Yu-ming1,LIU Yan2,YANG Jiao1,XU Chen-chen1,ZENG Zhi-jian1,XIE Chen-lu1,FANG Ji-liang1,CUI Bing-nan1('Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China; :Dongzhimen Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China )Abstract: 'Pain, itch, and sore are always associated with heart' is an important exposition on disease cause pattern in Huangdi Neijing.At present, applying this theory in acupuncture for treating chronic urticaria which is characterized by recurrentitch and wheals is relatively inadequate. The article discussed the theory in terms of origin, clinical application, and research prospects. It is believed that psychiatric and psychological are vital factors in the incidence and progression of chronic urticaria,thus regulating blood and pacify the spirit in the context of Chinese medicine should be emphasized. Further research is needed to examine the efficacy of acupuncture treatment guided by the theory, enrich connotation of the theory by blood biomarker and brain function imaging.Key W O rd st Acupuncture; Chronic urticaria; Theoretical discussionFunding:Capital Funds for Health Development Scientific Research (No.2018-2-4152), General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.81774433, No.81973867), National Key R&D Program of China (N〇.2018YFC 1705802)荨麻疹是由于皮肤、黏膜小血管扩张及渗透性 增加导致的一种局限性水肿,表现为大小不等的风 团与瘙痒[1_21,病程超过6周称为慢性荨麻疹。
医学英语翻译试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "cardiology" refers to the study of which organ?A. HeartB. LiverC. KidneyD. Lung2. Which of the following is not a symptom of diabetes?A. Frequent urinationB. Excessive thirstC. Rapid weight lossD. Fever3. The medical abbreviation "IV" stands for:A. IntravenousB. IntramuscularC. IntraperitonealD. Intradermal4. What does the abbreviation "MRI" stand for in medical terms?A. Magnetic Resonance ImagingB. Maximum Respiratory IndexC. Multiple Respiratory InfectionsD. Medical Research Institute5. The term "anemia" is associated with a deficiency of whichsubstance in the blood?A. PlateletsB. Red blood cellsC. White blood cellsD. Plasma6. Which of the following is a common treatment for hypertension?A. AntibioticsB. AntihypertensivesC. AntiviralsD. Antihistamines7. The medical term "hyperglycemia" refers to:A. High blood sugarB. High blood pressureC. High cholesterolD. High blood calcium8. What is the medical term for the removal of the appendix?A. AppendectomyB. ColectomyC. HysterectomyD. Nephrectomy9. The abbreviation "AED" in medical settings stands for:A. Automated External DefibrillatorB. Advanced Emergency DoctorC. Acute Epileptic DisorderD. Acute Endocrine Dysfunction10. Which of the following is a type of cancer that affects the blood?A. MelanomaB. LeukemiaC. Lung cancerD. Breast cancer答案:1. A2. D3. A4. A5. B6. B7. A8. A9. A 10. B二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. The medical term for the surgical removal of the gallbladder is __________.2. The condition where the body cannot properly regulate body temperature is known as __________.3. A person with a medical condition that causes them to have an abnormally high level of lipids in the blood is said to have __________.4. The abbreviation "CT" in medical imaging stands for__________.5. The medical term for a condition characterized bydifficulty in breathing is __________.6. The study of the structure and function of the nervous system is known as __________.7. A common diagnostic tool used to visualize blood vesselsis __________.8. The medical term for the surgical removal of the prostate gland is __________.9. A condition characterized by the abnormal presence of air or gas in the tissues is called __________.10. The medical term for the surgical removal of the uterus is __________.答案:1. Cholecystectomy2. Dysregulation3. Hyperlipidemia4. Computed Tomography5. Dyspnea6. Neurology7. Angiography8. Prostatectomy9. Emphysema10. Hysterectomy三、翻译题(每题5分,共30分)1. 将下列医学术语从英文翻译成中文:- Hypertension: 高血压- Diabetes mellitus: 糖尿病- Asthma: 哮喘- Osteoporosis: 骨质疏松症2. 将下列医学术语从中文翻译成英文:- 冠心病: Coronary heart disease- 脑卒中: Stroke- 慢性阻塞性肺疾病: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)- 甲状腺功能亢进: Hyperthyroidism3. 翻译以下医学句子:- The patient is scheduled for a cardiac catheterizationnext week.病人下周安排进行心脏导管检查。
药学英语第五版原文翻译Introduction to PhysiologyIntroductionPhysiology is the study of the functions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations. The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite machines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry.Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for or example—many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into生理学简介介绍生理学是研究生物体功能的科学。
血清生物标志物在缺血缺氧性脑病新生儿中的研究进展兰雪,崔艳芳,陈国萍,于嘉,肇颖新(哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院新生儿科,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)摘要:治疗性低温疗法作为低氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)治疗标准的广泛引入,给临床医生带来了越来越大的压力,要求他们对发生的低氧损伤(hypoxic injury,H I)的程度和随之而来的脑病的严重程度做出早期和准确的评估。
关键词:血清生物标记物;新生儿;缺血缺氧性脑病;研究进展中图分类号:R7222文献标识码:AResearch Progresses of Serum Biomarkers in Neonateswith Hypoxic Ischemic EncephalopathyLAN Xue,CUI Yanfang,CHEN Guoping,YU Jia,ZHAO Yingxin (Department of Neonatology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin150001,China) Abstract:The widespread introduction of therapeutic hypothermia as a standard of care for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy(HIE)has created an increasing pressure on clinicians to make an early and accurate asse s ment ofthe degree of hypoxicinjury(HI)that occurs and the severity ofthe accompanyingencephalopathy.However,none of the blood-based markersisyetgoodenoughto accuratelydetectsignificantHIorpredictoutcomes.HIEisa s ociatedwith manypredictablechanges in inflammatory proteins,neuron-specific proteins,and MicroRNA expressions that evolve rapidly withinhoursto daysafterbirth.Thecombination of clinical data and biochemicaltestresultsis currentlythe mostpromising approachtoimprovethe detection and prediction of neonatal HIE outcomes.This paper summarizes the current research on SERUM biomarkers of HIE and shows its potentialtopredictHIEresults.Key words:;Serum biomarkers;Newborn;Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy;Progress在新生儿低氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)的管理中,最大的难点是对于HIE的预测、检测和分级,分级的结果会影响治疗干预的方式。
中空纤维组成,纤维内径为200um,壁厚10um左右。其材料是半 透膜,如铜仿膜、血仿膜、醋酸纤维膜、聚砜膜、聚丙烯晴膜等。 血液在管中流动,这些中空纤维称为血室。外壳与血室之间间隙是 透析液流动的地方称为水室。透析器长20-25cm,直径为5-10cm, 透析面积为0.8-1.7m2,预冲血量为75-90ml。
原因 表现
血液透析时血液中的毒素迅速下降,血浆渗透压下降,而由于血脑屏障使脑脊液中的尿素等溶质下降较 慢,以致脑脊液的渗透压相对较高,水分由血液进入脑脊液形成脑水肿。也与透析后脑脊液与血液之间 的PH值梯度增大即脑脊液中PH值相对较低有关。
主要由体外循环系统、 透析液配置供给系统 及监控这两大系统的 相关设备组成。
又称“人工肾”,透析过程中 血液与透析液在透析器呈反向 流动,溶质(毒素)和水的跨 膜运转均在透析器中进行,透 析膜是透析器的主要组成部分。
将自来水中的微粒、 细菌、离子和微生物 去掉,提供高纯度水 供透析使用。
其它 急性药物或毒物中毒、难治性充血 性心衰与急性肺水肿的急救、肝肾 综合征、肝硬化顽固性腹水等。
基因组学与应用生物学,2020年,第39卷,第12期,第5809-5815页研究报告Research Report人着床前胚胎的单细胞和单胚胎基因表达研究郭瑞峰孙博文^上海健康医学院,上海,201318* 通信作者,***************.cn摘要在小鼠胚胎发育过程中,有报道显示F G F信号通路在着床前胚胎的细胞分化中起关键作用。
本研究利用体外发育第7天和第3天的人着床前胚胎,通过单 细胞微流控芯片技术和单胚胎的全基因组表达谱技术,确定了在不同发育阶段中出现的差异表达基因和信 号通路变化,发现了 F G F/PI3K通路在人内细胞团分化中起到重要作用,同时还锁定该通路中的两个基因 /7W和4/0^,是关键的细胞分化基因。
因此,与F G F通路相关的细胞分化关键基因可能在胚胎发育、辅助生 殖、人类干细胞研究中有重要作用。
本研究使用了独特的差异基因分析技术,在寻找发育相关基因中有重要 的应用价值。
关键词单细胞微流控芯片,全基因组表达谱芯片,人着床前胚胎,分化,F G F信号通路Single-cell and Single-embryo Gene Expression Profiling of Human Preimplantation EmbryosG u o R ui f e n g S u n B o w e n*Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Shanghai, 201318*Corresponsingauthor,***************.cnDOI: 10.13417/j.gab.039.005809Abstract I t w a s reported that F G F signaling p a t h w a y plays k e y role in cell differentiation o f m o u s e p r ei mp la ntation d e v e l o p m e n t.H o w e v e r,i t is still unclear w h i c h m o l ecular m e c h a n i s m s control cell differentiation during d ev e l o p m e n t o f h u m a n preimplantation e m b r y o s.B y using single-cell microfluidic chip tec h n o l o g y a n d g e n e chip technol og y,w e identified differentially expressed g e n e s a n d signaling p a t h w a y c h a n g e s at distinct d e v-el o pm e n t a l stages in d a y7 a n d d a y3 h u m a n preimplantation e m b r y o s.It s h o w e d that F G F/PI3K p a t h w a y w a s k e y to the differentiation o f h u m a n inner cell m a s s,a n d t w o genes in this p a t h w a y,n a m e l y FN1a n d AKT3,m i g h t be the m o s t i mportant g enes in cell differentiation.T h erefore,the k e y genes o f cell differentiation related to F G F p a t h w a y m a y play an important role in e m b r y o n i c d e v e l o p m e n t,assisted reproduction a n d h u m a n s t e m cell r es e a r c h.U n i q u e differential g e n e analysis technique w a s applied in this study,a n d i t is an important m e t h o d in the search o f g e nes during d e v e l o p m e n t.Keywords Single-cell microfluidic chip,H u m a n g e n o m e g e n e c h i p,H u m a n preimplantation e m b r y o,Differentiation,F G F signaling p a t h w a y在哺乳动物胚胎早期发育过程中,基因表达水细胞分化事件,而(:办2和O c M是决定小鼠胚胎滋 平的变化是决定细胞分化的关键机制之一。
临床药师参与脑出血术后继发感染患者治疗的实践陈永妍*于丽**(河南省郑州市第七人民医院药学部 郑州 450016)摘要 目的:探讨临床药师在中枢神经系统感染诊疗方案制定中的作用。
关键词 临床药师 中枢系统感染药学监护 抗菌药物中图分类号:R512.39; R969.3 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)07-0069-04Clinical pharmacists participate in the practice of the treatment of a patient with secondary infection after intracerebral hemorrhageCHEN Yongyan*, YU li**(Department of Pharmacy, The Seventh Hospital of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou 450016, China) ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the role of clinical pharmacists in the diagnosis and treatment of central nervous system infection (CNS). Methods: In the course of diagnosis and treatment of a patients with secondary CNS infection after intracerebral hemorrhage, clinical pharmacists advised physicians to adjust the individualized use of antibacterials based on the clinical manifestation and medication history of the patient and the efficiency of the use of antibacterials. Results: A good clinical effect was achieved after the antibacterial therapy was adjusted. Conclusion: Clinical pharmacists use their good clinical thinking to participate in the formulation and adjustment of anti-infective schemes and to carry out pharmaceutical monitoring, which can improve the safety and effectiveness of antibacterial therapy.KEy WORDS clinical pharmacist; central nervous system infection; pharmaceutical care; antibacterials医院获得性中枢神经系统感染是神经外科常见的重症感染之一。
the chromosomal basis of inheritancePPT教学课件
• Sturtevant hypothesized :
that the frequency of recombinant offspring reflected the distances between genes on a chromosome.
The farther apart two genes are, the higher the probability that a crossover will occur between them and therefore a higher recombination frequency.
•The physical basis of recombination between unlinked genes is the random orientation of homologous chromosomes at metaphase I of meiosis. leads to the independent assortment of alleles.
• This map is an ordered list of the genetic loci along a particular chromosome.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• However, 17% of the flies were recombinants, suggesting incomplete linkage.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
去甲肾上腺素泵入护理文书范文英文回答:Administering norepinephrine infusion requires careful nursing documentation to ensure patient safety andeffective communication among healthcare providers. Here is an example of a nursing documentation for norepinephrine infusion:Date: [Insert Date]Time: [Insert Time]Patient Name: [Insert Patient Name]Medical Record Number: [Insert Medical Record Number]Norepinephrine Infusion:Start Time: [Insert Start Time]Infusion Rate: [Insert Infusion Rate]Concentration: [Insert Concentration]Intravenous Access: [Insert Site of Access]Monitoring: [Insert Vital Signs Monitoring Frequency]Drip Titration: [Insert Drip Titration Protocol]Response to Therapy: [Insert Patient's Hemodynamic Response]Assessment:Neurological Status: [Insert Neurological Assessment Findings]Cardiovascular Status: [Insert Cardiovascular Assessment Findings]Respiratory Status: [Insert Respiratory Assessment Findings]Fluid Balance: [Insert Fluid Balance Assessment Findings]Skin Integrity: [Insert Skin Integrity Assessment Findings]Interventions:Maintain intravenous access site patency and assess for signs of infiltration or extravasation.Monitor vital signs closely and document any changes or abnormalities.Assess for adverse reactions such as hypertension, tachycardia, or arrhythmias.Collaborate with the healthcare team to adjust infusion rate based on patient's hemodynamic response.Provide patient and family education regarding the purpose and potential side effects of norepinephrine infusion.Evaluation:Evaluate patient's response to norepinephrine infusion, including improvement in hemodynamic stability and resolution of symptoms.Document any adverse events or complications related to norepinephrine infusion.Communicate with the healthcare team regarding any changes in patient's condition or response to therapy.中文回答:去甲肾上腺素泵入护理文书的撰写需要注意患者安全和医护人员之间的有效沟通。
人本位护理制定静脉输液标准英文回答:Humanistic Care Standards for Intravenous Fluid Administration.Introduction.Intravenous fluid administration is a common procedure in healthcare settings, used to provide fluids and electrolytes to patients who are unable to take insufficient amounts orally. Humanistic care principles emphasize the importance of respecting the dignity, autonomy, and individuality of patients, and these principles should be applied to all aspects of care, including intravenous fluid administration.Standards of Care.The following standards of care should be followed whenadministering intravenous fluids:Informed consent: Patients should be fully informed about the risks and benefits of intravenous fluid administration and should give their consent before the procedure is performed.Individualized care: The type and amount of fluids administered should be tailored to the individual patient's needs, taking into account their age, weight, medical condition, and fluid intake.Respect for patient autonomy: Patients should be given the opportunity to participate in decisions about their care, including the choice of fluid type and the rate of administration.Minimization of discomfort: Intravenous fluid administration should be performed in a way that minimizes discomfort for the patient.Education and support: Patients and their familiesshould be educated about the purpose of intravenous fluid administration and how to care for the intravenous site.Best Practices.In addition to the standards of care, the following best practices can help ensure that intravenous fluid administration is performed in a humanistic and compassionate manner:Use a gentle touch: When inserting the intravenous catheter, use a gentle touch to minimize discomfort for the patient.Explain the procedure: Explain the procedure to the patient in a clear and concise way, using language that they can understand.Listen to the patient's concerns: Take the time to listen to the patient's concerns and questions, and answer them thoroughly.Respect the patient's privacy: Protect the patient's privacy during the procedure, and ensure that they are comfortable with the level of exposure.Provide emotional support: Offer emotional support to the patient throughout the procedure, and let them knowthat you are there for them.Conclusion.By adhering to these standards of care and best practices, healthcare professionals can ensure that intravenous fluid administration is performed in a humanistic and compassionate manner, respecting the dignity, autonomy, and individuality of patients.中文回答:以人为本护理制定静脉输液标准。
CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS中国社区医师2021年第37卷第7期血尿是指尿液中红细胞排泄超过正常,分为镜下血尿及肉眼血尿。
制作方法设计及制作:在邵绍丰等研究的基础上[4],进行加工改善,通过使用纯血液与尿液滴定的办法制作不同浓度的血尿标本,根据1L 新鲜尿液中红细胞的占比所显示的颜色而制作,分为0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7共8个色号,逐渐梯度递增浓度,颜色也随之加深,0为无色,血液浓度为0、1为淡黄,血液浓度为0.125%;2为微红,血液浓度为0.25%;3为淡红,血液浓度为0.5%;4为浅红,血液浓度为1%;5为鲜红,血液浓度为2%;6为深红,血液浓度为4%;7为暗血尿程度比色尺的制作及在评估血尿中的作用王小英霍斯文张文玲赖伟红何旋525200高州市人民医院,广东高州doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-614x.2021.07.080摘要目的:制作血尿程度比色尺,应用于血尿患者的尿液观察及评估血尿程度,为病情观察及判断治疗效果提供科学依据。
中医护理学术带头人的能力英文回答:Essential Competencies for Leaders in Chinese Medicine Nursing.1. Clinical Expertise:Advanced knowledge and skills in Chinese medicine nursing practices, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage therapy.Proven ability to effectively manage a wide range of health conditions and patient populations.Up-to-date understanding of the latest research and best practices in Chinese medicine.2. Leadership and Management Skills:Strong leadership qualities, including the ability to inspire, motivate, and develop a team.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the capacity to build effective relationships with patients, colleagues, and stakeholders.Advanced understanding of nursing administration and management principles.3. Research and Innovation:Strong commitment to research and innovation, with a track record of contributions to the field.Ability to identify and address research gaps and translate findings into practice.Proficiency in research methods and statistical analysis.4. Education and Training:Advanced degree in nursing or a related field, preferably with a specialization in Chinese medicine.Experience in teaching and mentoring students and junior nurses.Expertise in developing and delivering educational programs in Chinese medicine nursing.5. Collaboration and Networking:Excellent collaboration skills, with a strong network of professionals in Chinese medicine and related fields.Ability to build strategic partnerships and work effectively with interdisciplinary teams.Commitment to professional development and networking opportunities.6. Ethical and Professional Conduct:Uphold the highest ethical and professional standards, including patient confidentiality, informed consent, and cultural sensitivity.Commitment to patient-centered care and advocacy.Active participation in professional societies and organizations.中文回答:中医护理学术带头人的能力要求。
妇产科范文3000字英文回答:Obstetrics.Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It is a highly specialized field that requires extensive knowledge and training. Obstetricians are responsible for providing care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. They also provide care to newborns during the first few weeks of life.Obstetrics is a challenging but rewarding field. It is a field that is constantly evolving, and new advancements are being made all the time. Obstetricians are always learning and adapting to the latest changes in the field.The Role of the Obstetrician.The role of the obstetrician is to provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. They also provide care to newborns during the first few weeks of life. Obstetricians work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as nurses, midwives, and pediatricians. Together, they provide a comprehensive range of care to women and their families.Obstetric Care.Obstetric care includes a variety of services, such as:Prenatal care: Prenatal care is the care that is provided to women during pregnancy. It includes regular checkups, blood tests, and ultrasounds. The goal ofprenatal care is to ensure that the mother and baby are healthy and that the pregnancy is progressing normally.Labor and delivery: Labor and delivery is the processof giving birth. Obstetricians are responsible for monitoring the labor process and delivering the baby. They also provide pain relief and emotional support to themother.Postpartum care: Postpartum care is the care that is provided to women after they have given birth. It includes checkups, blood tests, and counseling. The goal of postpartum care is to ensure that the mother and baby are healthy and that the mother is recovering from childbirth.Obstetric Emergencies.Obstetric emergencies are a serious but rare occurrence. They can include conditions such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage. Obstetricians are trained to manage these emergencies and to provide the necessary careto the mother and baby.The Importance of Obstetrics.Obstetrics is an important field of medicine that plays a vital role in the health of women and families. Obstetricians provide care to women during one of the most important times in their lives. They help to ensure thatwomen have a safe and healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.中文回答:妇产科。
·综述·DOI:10.12449/JCH240333间充质干细胞及其外泌体在药物性肝损伤治疗中的作用邢国静1,2,罗龙龙1,王丽菲1,王顺娜1,郑晓凤3,卢利霞1,张久聪11 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九四〇医院消化内科,兰州 7300502 宁夏医科大学总医院消化内科,银川 7500013 兰州大学第二医院消化内科,兰州 730030通信作者:卢利霞,****************(ORCID:0009-0003-4791-9049);张久聪,********************(ORCID:0000-0003-4006-3033)摘要:药物性肝损伤(DILI)的发生率呈逐年上升趋势且损伤机制并不明确,针对DILI的治疗药物、肝脏支持系统及肝移植均有一定的局限性。
关键词:间质干细胞;外泌体;药物性肝损伤基金项目:甘肃省卫生健康行业科研项目(GSWSKY2023-34);第九四〇医院研究生导师专项课题(2023YXKY020);第九四〇医院青年培育项目(2021yxky054);中央高校优秀青年团队培育项目(31920220065);甘肃省非感染性肝病临床医学研究中心(21JR7RA017)Role of mesenchymal stem cells and their exosomes in the treatment of drug-induced liver injuryXING Guojing1,2, LUO Longlong1, WANG Lifei1, WANG Shunna1, ZHENG Xiaofeng3, LU Lixia1, ZHANG Jiucong1.(1. Department of Gastroenterology,The 940th Hospital of Joint Logistic Support Force of PLA,Lanzhou 730050,China;2. Department of Gastroenterology,General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University,Yinchuan 750001,China;3. Department of Gastroenterology,The Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730030, China)Corresponding authors: LU Lixia,****************(ORCID: 0009-0003-4791-9049); ZHANG Jiucong,********************(ORCID: 0000-0003-4006-3033)Abstract:The incidence rate of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is increasing year by year with unknown mechanisms, and the treatment methods for DILI mainly include drugs,liver support systems,and liver transplantation,all of which have certain limitations. Therefore, the search for safer and more effective treatment methods has become a research hotspot at present. Studies have shown that mesenchymal stem cells and their exosomes can alleviate liver injury by reducing liver inflammation, promoting hepatocyte proliferation and regeneration,inhibiting the apoptosis of hepatocytes,improving oxidative stress,and regulating immunity. This article briefly reviews the role of mesenchymal stem cells and their exosomes in the treatment of DILI,so as to provide a reference for further research.Key words:Mesenchymal Stem Cells; Exosomes; Drug Induced Liver InjuryResearch funding:Gansu Province Health Care Industry Research Program (GSWSKY2023-34);Special Projects for Graduate Student Supervisors of the 940th Hospital Youth (2023YXKY020); Youth Formation Program of the 940th Hospital (2021yxky054);Project of Excellent Youth Team Training for the Central Universities (31920220065); Gansu Provincial Clinical Medical Research Center for Non-Infectious Liver Diseases (21JR7RA017)药物性肝损伤(drug⁃induced liver injury,DILI)是指由化学药品、生物制品、中成药等按处方药或非处方药管理的药品,以及中药材、天然药物、保健品、膳食补充剂等产品,或其代谢产物乃至其辅料、污染物、杂质等所导致的肝损伤[1],是常见的药物不良反应,可在短期内造成肝衰竭,甚至死亡。
护理科研思维英语作文Title: Enhancing Research Thinking in Nursing: A Comprehensive Approach。
In the realm of nursing, cultivating a robust research mindset is indispensable. It not only fosters innovation but also ensures evidence-based practice, ultimately improving patient outcomes. This essay delves into the various dimensions of nurturing research thinking within the nursing profession.Understanding Research Thinking。
Research thinking in nursing encompasses critical analysis, problem-solving, and evidence integration. It involves questioning existing practices, seeking evidence to support decisions, and continuously refining approaches based on empirical findings. In essence, it's aboutmarrying scientific inquiry with clinical expertise to deliver optimal care.Importance of Research Thinking in Nursing。
中国卫生产业Medicine and health management 医药卫生管理静脉输液是临床最常用的一种基础护理操作,也是衡量护理操作技术水平的一项重要依据。
[关键词]静脉输液;操作技术;操作技巧[中图分类号]R472[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-5654(2016)02(b)-0142-03Opinions of Intravenous Infusion Technique and SkillsWANG Xue-meiNo 321Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army,Baicheng,Jilin Province,137000China[Abstract]Intravenous infusion,the nurse and the doctor should be based on the actual situation of the patient,good infu⁃sion supplies,nurse-patient preparatory work before venipuncture own preparation,sterile infusion bottle inspection,drug correctly configuration.Nurses should have good psychological quality,proper selection of the puncture site,correct assess⁃ment of the vein,the rational use of a tourniquet can not beat the puncture site and other measures to continuously improve the success rate of venipuncture.To grasp the edema and swelling in patients with poor peripheral circulation,dehydration,malnutrition patients,weight loss,hardening of the arteries,poor flexibility,sliding,bending patients,obese patients,in⁃creased blood viscosity of patients and elderly patients venipuncture techniques.Meanwhile,the nurses to nurse -patient communication skills by mastering,give full play to the role of intravenous infusion therapy,in which patients receive a speedy recovery.[Key words]Intravenous infusion;Operating techniques;Operating skills[作者简介]王雪梅(1969.03-),女,吉林白城人,专科,主管护师,研究方向:护理学。
❖ salty medicine:Have the effect of the purging and soft firm fights, such as: the glauber's salt in purge, kelp can treat gall.
the compatibility of Chinese
traditional medicine
❖ selectively to apply two or more drugs together, called the compatibility.
❖ huang di order cases, "will a variety of drug compatibility relations of seven referred to as the" seven emotions ".
hide gelatin)
2. The understanding and use of the Chinese traditional medicine is based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which has a unique theoretical system and application form.
the basic theory of Chinese materia medica
Zinn herbs:Rich in volatile oil, and spread to nourish, passage of qi activity, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, such as ginger, mint can cure a cold table card, combination can treat thoracic abdominal distension full, chili feasible blood stasis. Bitter medicine:Has clear heat purging fire, aperient, inverse, cough, such as rhizoma coptidis heat boils, rhubarb constipation, bitter almond stop coughing.
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(b+vg+ Or b vg+)
(b vg)
Fig. 15.4
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
4. Independent assortment of chromosomes and crossing over produce genetic recombinants
• chromosomes theory of inheritance.
1. Mendelian inheritance has its physical basis in the behavior of chromosomes during sexual life cycles
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
nonhomologous chromosomes
2. Morgan traced a gene to a specific chromosome 3. Linked genes tend to be inherited together because they are located on the
same chromosome 4. Independent assortment of chromosomes and crossing over produce genetic
recombinants 5. Geneticists use recombination data to map a chromosome’s genetic loci
• Mendel’s hereditary factors are the genes located on chromosomes.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• The normal character phenotype is the wild type (red). • Alternative traits are mutant phenotypes.
female male
Fig. 15.2
Genes located on a sex chromosome are called sex-linked genes.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
The production of offspring with new combinations of traits inherited from two parents is genetic recombination. result from:
• (1) independent assortment of genes located on
• Thomas Hunt Morgan was the first to associate a specific gene with a specific chromosome.
•Morgan choice an experimental animal, Drosophila melanogaster
Chromosomal basis of Mendel’s laws.
Fig. 15.1
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin a gene to a specific chromosome
•fruit fly species that eats fungi on fruit •prolific breeders •generation time of two weeks. •Fruit flies have three pairs of autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes (XX in females, XY in males). 3+1
Morgan concluded that a fly’s eye color was linked to its sex (x).
Fig. 15.3
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
3. Linked genes tend to be inherited together because they are located on the same chromosome
生物醫學暨環境生物學系 張學偉 助理教授
Section A: Relating Mendelism to Chromosomes
1. Mendelian inheritance has its physical basis in the behavior of chromosomes during sexual life cycles
• Results of crosses with linked genes deviate from those expected according to independent assortment.
• Morgan reasoned that body color and wing shape are usually inherited together because their genes are on the same chromosome.