2 outline
•Lesson 2•Outline Writing•Basic Writing in English (3)•2009. 9-12•Zhai HuitingAn outline can use Roman numerals/letters or decimal form.by Z.H.T.•Roman Numeral •I.• A.• B.• 1.• 2.• a.• b.•Decimal•1.0• 1.1• 1.2• 1.2.1• 1.2.2• • of outline:•Topic outline—nouns and theirmodifiers•Brief, clear, an instant overview •Sentence outline—completesentences•More detailed plan of the paperAside from the unattractive surrounding, the people around me show this mood of tension and displeasure. Mary, a slim blonde at my right, chews the inside of her lower lip. I can see by the way her forehead is wrinkled that she is having quite a bit of trouble. Because only one or two words in blue ink stand upon her clean white page, she looks around the room fearfully for some new ideas. David Harris, sitting at my left, nibbles each finger of each hand. The tension gets to him too; drops of perspiration run slowly down his cheeks. All these signs of gloom do not help my mood at all.These painful moments make me wonder if what my friends told me about college was all true. Where are the freedom and relaxed atmosphere my friends bragged about? I’m supposed to be enjoying myself instead of suffering! Everybody seems to have forgotten that college is hard work too. My first days in writing class prove that delight and pleasure often disappear when assignments are due!Thesis statement:____________________________________________________________________.I. Introduction:_____________________________________II. ________________________________A. _____________________________________________B. _________________________________________C. ____________________________________________III. _____________________________________________A. ___________________________________B. ___________________________________IV. Conclusion: _____________________________________________________A shadow of gloom hangs over the things and the people that surround me in this room My first writing class wears a shadow of gloom.The surroundings are old and depressing.Nobody chooses the broken chair for fear of toppling onto the ground.Books are put randomly on the bookcase with a missing shelf.My desk is filled with holes and scratches made by former students.The People around me show the mood of tension and displeasure.Mary looks around the room fearfully for new ideas.David nibbles each finger, nervously sweating.College life is hard work too when it comes to writing assignment. Now a sentence outlineyou classify types of news?News aboutmotion pictures•entertainment•Other subjects EntertainmentChoice C•Industry•Science •Business •Tourism•Medicineentertainment•international•national•RegionalRules for writing outlines:•1. avoid single subdivisions.•2. avoid mixing types. (topic--sentence)•3. use parallel structures for headings of the same rank.。
公式算法:CRI(综合排名指数)=质量度*出价CPA(每次行为获得成本)=总消费/获得行为次数CTR(点击率)=点击量/展现量ACP(Average Click Price,平均点击价格)=消费总额/点击量Cost(花费)=平均点击价格*点击量CPM(每千人成本)=(消费/展现量)*1000平均排名=(展现量1*排名1+展现量2*排名2)/(展现量1+展现量2)跳出率:只浏览了一个页面便离开了网站的访问次数占总的访问次数的百分比Conversion rate 转化率:完成转化行为的次数占总点击次数的比率转化次数/点击量Conversion Cost 平均转化成本=消费/转化次数访问深度比率=访问超过()页的用户/总的访问数访问时间()分钟以上的用户数/总的用户数ACP 平均点击价格=点击总费用/点击次数平均每次点击产生的消费,即一定时间、一定范围内您为网民的每次点击访问所支付的推广费用。
计算公式:平均点击价格=消费总额/点击次数(四舍五入保留2 位小数) ROI 投资回报率=利润/消费*100%CRI、CPA、CTR、ACP、CPM、ROI、名词解释:O2O:online2outline 线上支付、线下服务、线下体验APP:第三方智能手机的应用程序SEM(搜索引擎营销):以搜索引擎为平台,以调整网页在搜索结果页上排名从而给网站带来访问量为方法,针对搜索引擎用户展开的营销活动。
CPC (点击价格):网名的每次点击访问所支付的实际推广费用。
最低展现价格:为使该关键词上线展现的最低出价最低展现价格≤点击价格≤出价最低展现价格会有浮动(质量度的变换或商业价值的变化)出价可以设定低于最低展现价格,但此情况下该词无法展现点击价格永远不可能高于出价***********************************Impressions 展现量:被网民查看的次数。
1.如何在allegro中取消花焊盘(⼗字焊盘)set up->design parameter ->shape->edit global dynamic shape parameters->Thermal relief connects ->Thru pins ,Smd pins -> full contact2.allegro 中如何设置等长setup -> constraints->electrical->net->routing->Min Max Propagation delays选择要等长的net->右击->create->pin pair->选择pin修改 prop daly 的min 和max项3.如何设置allegro的快捷键修改⽂件inst d ir\share\pcb\env或inst_dir\pcbevn\env快捷键定义如下:alias F12 zoom outalias ~R angle 90 (旋转90 度)alias ~F mirror (激活镜相命令)alias ~Z next (执⾏下⼀步命令)alias End redisplay(刷新屏幕)alias Del Delete(激活删除命令)alias Home Zoom fit(全屏显⽰)alias Insert Define grid(设置栅格)alias End redisplayalias Pgdown zoom outalias Pgup zoom inalias F12 custom smoothalias Pgup slidealias Pgdown donealias Home hilightalias End dehilightalias Insert add connectalias Del Delete4.如何在allegro中删除有过孔或布线的层时不影响其他层1.输出specctra的dsn⽂件allegro->file->export->router->demo.dsn->run2.产⽣session⽂件specctra(pcb router)->file->write->session->demo.ses->ok3.删除某⼀层中的布线和过孔delete(ctrl+D)->..4.删除allegro中的板层setup->cross section->⿏标右键->delete5.导⼊session⽂件allegro->file->import->router->demo.ses->run也可先将通过该层的过孔先替换成顶层焊盘,删除该层以后再替换回来5.如何在Allegro中同时旋转多个零件1.Edit->Move 在Options中Rotation的Point选User Pick2 再右键选Term Group 按住⿏标左键不放并拉⼀个框选中器件多余的可⽤Ctrl+⿏标左键点击去掉.3. 选好需整体旋转的器件后右键complete.4. 提⽰你Pick orgion ⿏标左键选旋转中⼼.5 下⾯右键选rotate 即可旋转了.6.allegro 16.0 透明度设置display->colour/visibility->display->OpenGL->Global transparency->transparent7.allegro Drill hole size is equal or larger than smallest pad size.Pad will be drilled away.提⽰Drill hole size is equal or larger than smallest pad size.Pad will be drilled away.不⽤理睬这⼀提⽰8.ALLEGRO 如何⽣成钻孔⽂件Manufacture -> NC -> Drill Customization->auto generate symbolsManufacture -> NC -> Drill LegendManufacture -> NC ->NC parameters->enhanced excellon format->closeManufacture -> NC -> NC Drill->auto tool select->optimize drill head travel9.CAM350如何正确导⼊钻带⽂件导进去后MACRO->PLAY->选择(CAM350--SCRIPTS)PADS_DRILL->选择钻带的REP⽂件还没测试过,rep⽂件从哪⼉来的呢10.allegro 如何设置route keepin,package keepin1.setup->area->route keepin,package keepin ->画框2.edit ->z-copy->options->package keepin,route keepin->offset->50->点击外框11.allegro 中如何禁⽌显⽰shape完全禁⽌的⽅法没找到setup->user preference editor->display->display_shapefill->输⼊⼀个较⼤的数shape在显⽰时就不是那么显眼了set-user preference editor-shape-no shape fill(v)12.如何在allegro设置⾃定义元件库路径在下⾯两个位置添加⾃定义元件的路径Setup->User Preferences Editor->Design_paths->padpathSetup->User Preferences Editor->Design_paths->psmpath1.在allegro中如何修改线宽在Allegro的Setup->constraints⾥的set standard values中可定义每⼀层⾛线的宽度,⽐如,可以定义VCC和GND的线宽为10 Mil。
outline 用法
Outline 用法1. 什么是 OutlineOutline 是一种用于组织和安排文章、演讲或项目的工具。
Outline 可以帮助我们在写作或演讲时更清晰地表达思想,使读者或听众更容易理解和跟随。
2. Outline 的重要性Outline 在写作和演讲中起着至关重要的作用。
它可以帮助我们:•组织思维:通过创建 Outline,我们可以清晰地组织和整理自己的思维。
•提高效率:Outline 可以帮助我们节省时间和精力。
在写作或演讲之前,我们可以先创建 Outline,然后按照 Outline 的结构填充内容。
•强调重点:Outline 可以帮助我们凸显重要观点和关键信息。
通过将重要内容放在 Outline 的高层级中,读者或听众可以更容易地理解和记住。
•改善逻辑结构:Outline 可以帮助我们检查和改善文章或演讲的逻辑结构。
通过观察 Outline 的整体框架,我们可以发现逻辑上的不一致或缺失,并进行调整和改进。
3. 创建一个 Outline创建一个有效的 Outline 需要遵循一些基本原则。
下面是创建 Outline 的步骤:3.1 确定主题首先,我们需要确定文章、演讲或项目的主题。
3.2 列出主要观点在确定主题后,我们需要列出主要观点。
3.3 添加支持细节在每个主要观点下,我们可以添加支持细节。
3.4 确定层次结构在列出主要观点和支持细节后,我们可以确定 Outline 的层次结构。
outline写法Outline的写法可以根据不同的格式和目的而有所不同,以下是一些常见的Outline写法:1. 字母数字式:这种格式是最常见的Outline格式,它使用字母和数字的组合来表示层级逻辑关系。
2. 整句式:这种格式的每个层级都是完整的句子。
3. 小数点式/十进制式:这种格式使用小数点或十进制数字来表示层级逻辑关系。
好的,以下是一些关于如何写好一个Outline的建议:1. 确定主题和目的:在开始编写Outline之前,需要明确论文的主题和目的。
2. 列出主要观点:在确定主题和目的后,你需要列出主要观点。
3. 分解主题:将主题分解成更小的部分或主题,并为每个部分或主题编写一个标题。
4. 添加子主题:为每个主题添加子主题。
本文将介绍四个常用的表示轮廓的英语单词:outline, contour, profile, silhouette。
一、outline1. 定义outline作为名词,指的是物体形状立体外缘线条构成的轮廓,尤指模糊的轮廓外形(The outline of something is its general shape, especially when it cannot be clearly seen.)。
outline也可以指物体平面轮廓图(A sketch or drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading.)。
2. 例句The mountain was visible only in outline as the light faded. 光线暗了下来,只能看见山的轮廓。
He has drawn a horse in outline. 他画出了一匹马的轮廓图。
She penciled the rough outline of a house. 她用铅笔画出房子的轮廓图。
3. 相关词汇outline作为动词,指的是用线条勾画出物体的轮廓(To draw or trace the outline of.),例如:He outlined the figure with a pencil. 他用铅笔勾画出图形的轮廓。
outline还可以作为动词,指的是概括或描述某事物的主要特征或要点(To give the main features or general idea of.),例如:She outlined her plan to the team. 她向团队概述了她的计划。
outline还可以作为名词,指的是对某事物的概要或提纲(A summary of a text or subject, usually presented in headings and subheadings.),例如:He gave us an outline of the history of the company. 他给我们讲了公司的历史概要。
outline用法outline的用法主要有以下几种:1. 作为名词:outline是一个名词,表示轮廓、概要、大纲、轮廓图等意思。
例如:- The outline of the building is visible from the street.(大楼的轮廓可以从街上看到。
)- The teacher gave us an outline of the lesson plan before class.(老师在课前给我们发了一个课程大纲。
)2. 作为动词:outline也可以作为动词,表示勾勒、描绘轮廓等意思。
例如:- She outlined the main points of the report on the board.(她在黑板上勾勒出了报告的主要内容。
)- The artist used charcoal to outline the figure in the painting.(画家用炭笔勾勒出了画中人物的轮廓。
)3. 作为介词短语:outline还可以作为介词短语,表示在...的边缘上、轮廓地描述等意思。
例如:- The outline of the mountain can be seen in the distance.(从远处可以看到山的轮廓。
)- She outlined the problem in broad terms.(她用广泛的方式描述了问题。
例如,在表示轮廓的时候,outline可以和名词搭配,如outline of a building;在表示概括、总结的时候,outline可以和动词搭配,如outline the main points。
English Writing 2-2-2
Steps in Writing an Essay
Step I: Planning an Essay
Exercise: Put the items into logical order by filling in the outline. Thesis statement: My high school had three problem areas. Involved with drugs Leaky ceilings
English Writing 2-2
Spring 2013
Steps in Writing an Essay
Step I: Planning an Essay • a thesis statement • outlining
Thesis Statement A thesis statement is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. Outline An outline is a general plan of the material that is to be presented in a speech or a paper. The outline shows the order of the various topics, the relative importance of each, and the relationship between the various parts.
Discourse pattern:
Introductory Thesis statement Topic sentence 1 Explanation Topic sentence 2 Explanation Topic sentence 3 Explanation Restatement Closing Body Head
The following are some concepts and questions based on which the final exam questions have been constructed.To make your review of the questions a little easier I have roughly classified the questions under Stiglitz and Bhagwati. Note that there may be some overlapping between the two sections.Stiglitz:What are some of the issues raised by Stglitz that he argues have been the causes of discontents with the process of globalization?What does Stiglitz consider as appositive outcome of globalization and free trade?What are Stiglitz’s main criticisms of the West with respect to its behaviors and policies over the period identified as era of globalization?What are the most disturbing and harmful policies of the IMF toward developing countries?(Note: Stiglitz gives a great deal attention to the IMF and its policies. Make sure to review his remarks on this behavior of the IMF carefully.)The implications of globalization for the world financial stability and the financial crisis attributed to capital market liberalizationThe Washington Consensus: What is it? How was it arrived at?What does the Washington Consensus call for?Does Stiglitz agree with the Washington Consensus? Explain.What does Stglitz say about the state of poverty in the world?What do anti-corporation groups accuse multinational corporations of?The distinction between economic growth and economic developmentWhat is the potential impact international trade on economic growth and economic development? What does Stiglitz say about the market economy, its strength and its shortfalls?Is Stigliz against globalization for developing countries? Explain.Why does Stigliz like the policies pursued by China during it transition but criticizes Russia for its policies?BhagwatiWhat does Bhagwati mean by the “trilogy of discontents?”What are the basic arguments anti-capitalists make in opposing globalization?What have been the political effects of globalization?The old approach to economic developmentThe more effective approach to economic development has been that of a number of Asian countries that in a rather short period of time has been able to grow their economies and achieve many of their development goals? Describe this new approach.What are some the positive contributions of multinational corporations to developing countries and to the global economy as a whole?What does Bhagwati say in defense of multinationals being accused of the exploitation of developing countries?Child labor and its related issuesDoes Bhagwati consider globalization as the cause of child labor? Explain.What is meant by “gender gap?”What does Bhagwati expect to happen to the gender gap in an international free trade environment?Why it has been said that the policies promoted by the IMF disproportionately hurt women?Globalization and the social status of women: What does Bhagwati say about it?Who does Bhagwati hold responsible for the problems facing women who work in EPZs?Immiserizing growth as described by BhagwatiHow to avoid immiserizing growth?What does Bhagwati mean by “global care cycle?”What is Bhagwati’s response to those who express concerns about the “global care cycle” phenomenon?The effect of growing cash crops on womenWhy do some argue that WTO rulings have been hurting women?When it comes to helping the poor in a globally competitive economic environment Bhagwati emphasizes the importance of providing “access.” What does he mean?Why doesn’t Bhagwati see income and wealth inequ ality as a major issue? What does he recommend?What are externalities?Should the world have uniform environmental standards?The difference between global environment and domestic environmentHow does Bhagwati suggest that domestic or local pollutions be dealt with?According to Bhagwati, how do corporations behave when it comes to protecting the environment? What is the role of democratic institutions in protecting and managing environment?Should our eventual objective be to bring the level of environmental pollution to zero? Explain.When it comes to protecting the environment, globalization results in a race to the bottom. What does this statement imply?What could be the role that NGOs can play in protecting the environment?What does Bhagwati say we could do about the global environment?What does the Kyoto agreement (protocol) entail?。
Outline 2
Outline (Page 201-203)I. Introduction: However, what I saw and what I remembered were not the same. I sadly realized that the best memories are those left undisturbed.Developmental Paragraph:II. As I remember my old apartment building, it was bright and alive.A. It was a medieval castle, a pirate’s den, space station.B. I would steal away with my friends and play in the basement.C. Our favorite place to play was the coal bin; we used it as a rocket ship.III. The branch near our apartment was a place for adventure.A. We enjoyed the honeysuckles there.B. Our biggest thrill was the day the police caught an alligator there.Ⅳ.Unlike before, the apartment building was now rundown and in disrepair.A. The court was dirty and broken up, and the windows were broken.B. The once-clean walls were covered with graffiti and other stains.C. Instead of medieval knights, etc., there were tough-looking adolescents.Ⅴ.The area where I used to play was hardly recognizable.A. The branch was polluted and the honeysuckles had died.B. The branch was filled with old bicycles, broken bottles, and garbage.C. Now one would expect to find rats instead of alligators.D. The once sweet-smelling area now smelled horrible.Ⅵ.Conclusion (Please write it out by yourself)。
outline的中文意思英 [atlan] 美 [atlan]第三人称单数:outlines第三人称复数:outlines现在分词:outlining过去分词:outlined过去式:outlinedoutline 基本解释名词梗概,大纲,提纲,草稿,要点,主要原则;外形,轮廓,轮廓线,轮廓画法,略图(画法)及物动词概述;略述;画轮廓,打草图,描略图例句1. Make an outline of the scene before you paint.在上颜料之前先给此景画一个素描。
2. These reports give an outline rather than the details.这些报告只给了一个大纲,而没有提供细节。
3. The outline of Italy suggests a boot.意大利的轮廓像一只靴子。
outline的单语例句1. The new approach uses a miniature camera mounted on the earpiece of a person's eyeglasses, which projects a minified outline version of a wider visual field.2. The outline calls for authorities to use social capital to invest in the cultural industry and participate in the construction of major cultural projects.3. The country should also outline an unequivocal road to promote an essential shift of its economic development strategyfrom commodity export to capital export.4. Cardiac catheterization allows a specialist to see an outline of the coronary arteries and determine the extent of blockages in these vessels.5. I hope China will categorically outline her stance on vital international issues.6. Adam's outline also complained that the governor can't question people who would help his case, such as President Barack Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.7. One year it went to a hound that was no more than a chalk outline in " Dogville " by Denmark's Lars von Trier.8. The revisions also outline penalties for organized cheating conducted by teachers, as well as those who facilitate cheating by providing exam content.9. He was obliged to appear in parliament to outline his political plans after the opposition collected enough signatures calling for him to do so.outline的词典解释1. 概述;概括If you outline an idea or a plan, you explain it in a general way.e.g. The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.市长概述了他整顿市容的计划。
英语写作sentence outline和topic outline
英语写作sentence outline和topic outline 在英语写作中,大纲(outline)是一种组织和规划文章内容的有效工具。
以下是英语写作中常用的两种大纲类型:Sentence Outline(句子大纲):句子大纲是以句子为单位来呈现文章的结构和要点。
例如,以下是一个关于“健康饮食”主题的句子大纲:I. IntroductionA. 介绍健康饮食的重要性B. 提出本文的主题:如何保持健康饮食II. Benefits of Healthy EatingA. 健康饮食对身体的益处B. 健康饮食对心理的益处III. Tips for Healthy EatingA. 多吃蔬菜水果B. 适量摄入蛋白质和脂肪C. 控制糖分和盐分的摄入D. 注意饮食的份量和频率IV. ConclusionA. 总结健康饮食的重要性B. 鼓励读者实践健康饮食2. Topic Outline(主题大纲):主题大纲是以主题或论点为单位来呈现文章的结构和要点。
例如,以下是一个关于“气候变化”主题的Topic Outline:I. IntroductionA. 介绍气候变化的现象和影响B. 提出本文的主题:应对气候变化的措施II. Causes of Climate ChangeA. 人为因素:工业排放、农业活动等B. 自然因素:太阳辐射、自然灾害等III. Effects of Climate ChangeA. 对自然环境的影响:极端天气、物种灭绝等B. 对人类社会的影响:粮食安全、经济发展等IV. Solutions to Climate ChangeA. 减少温室气体排放:能源转型、提高能源效率等B. 适应气候变化:投资基础设施、改善生态系统等C. 国际合作与政策制定:共同应对气候挑战等V. ConclusionA. 总结气候变化的严重性和应对措施的重要性B. 强调个人和社会的责任和行动对于应对气候变化的作用。
1.She sketched out a plan of action.她草拟了一个行动计划。
2.He outlined his ideas for the new project.他概述了他对新项目的想法。
3.The teacher provided an outline of the course material.老师提供了课程资料的概要。
4.The book's preface outlines the author's main arguments.这本书的序言概述了作者的主要论点。
5.They brainstormed and came up with a detailed outline of the project.他们集思广益,想出了这个项目的详细提纲。
6.The speech outlined the main points of the argument.演讲概述了争论的主要观点。
7.Please provide a brief outline of your project proposal.请简要概述您的项目提案。
8.The synopsis outlined the plot of the movie.剧情简介概述了电影的情节。
9.He filled me in on the broad outline of what had happened.他向我大致介绍了发生的事情。
10.She did a cursory outline of the novel's plot for
1. 演讲致辞:对听众表示感谢,介绍自己的身份和背景,引起听众的兴趣。
2. 引入话题:引用一个相关的事实、引语或者故事,引发听众的思考和关注。
1. 问题陈述:明确演讲的主题和目的,并简要提出将要讨论的问题。
2. 分类论述:列举几个关键的观点或者论证,按照逻辑顺序扩展和解释它们。
3. 对话论证:讨论不同观点之间的辩证关系,并以有力的论据和逻辑来辩护自己的立场。
4. 合作共赢:提出解决问题的方法或者建议,并强调共同努力、合作的重要性。
5. 反驳与回应:预测一些可能存在的异议或者批评,并提供有力的回应和反驳。
1. 结论重述:简要总结主体内容,再次强调演讲的主题和目的。
2. 感情激发:采用感人或者激励人心的手法,激发听众的情感共鸣和积极性。
3. 呼吁行动:提出具体的行动呼吁,鼓励听众在日常生活中采取积极的举措。
4. 结束语:对听众再次表示感谢,鼓励他们对演讲内容进行深入思考并与他人
outline用法 -回复
一个完整的outline 通常包含了文章的主题、主要论点、支持论点的细节和论证等。
在这个例子中,我们可以列出以下的主要论点:1. 蔬菜富含维生素和矿物质,对健康非常重要。
2. 蔬菜中的纤维有助于消化和预防疾病。
3. 蔬菜可以帮助控制体重和减少慢性病的风险。
以下是这个例子中的一些支持论点和细节:1. 蔬菜富含维生素A、维生素C和矿物质如钾和镁,这些营养物质对健康至关重要。
- 维生素A有助于维持健康的眼睛和皮肤。
- 维生素C有助于增强免疫系统和保护身体免受外部侵害。
- 钾和镁有助于维持正常的血压和心脏功能。
2. 蔬菜中的纤维有助于消化和预防疾病。
- 蔬菜中的纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。
- 高纤维饮食与心血管疾病和某些癌症的发病风险降低相关。
3. 蔬菜可以帮助控制体重和减少慢性病的风险。
- 蔬菜通常低热量和高纤维,有助于控制体重。
- 高纤维和营养密度高的蔬菜可以减少慢性病如糖尿病和心脏病的发病风险。
Preparation OutlineWho? What? When? Where? Why?Specific purpose: to inform my audience how to play ‘Who? What? When? Where? Why’Central idea: ‘Who? What? When? Where? Why?’ requires few materials, is easy to play, and produces funny stories.I.IntroductionA. When I was a teenager, I was stuck in the Zurich train station with my friends. Wewere bored but had nothing to do. Then someone remembered the perfect game thatonly requires pen, paper, and imagination. We spent hours playing that game.B. Today, I still enjoy playing it with friends or family.C. I think you will also love this game.D. So what is it? ‘Who? What? When? Where? Why?’E. This is a game that requires few materials, is easy to play, and produces funnystories.(Internal preview: First let me tell you about how few materials are needed)II.BodyA. Very few materials are needed.1. You need a pen.2. You need some scrap paper.3. You need to have an imagination.(Transition: so then what do you do with these materials?)B. The game is easy to play1. Write down categories on the left side: ‘Who? What? When? Where? Why?’2. Each person begins by writing 'who' - like a famous person or animal or character.3. Then the paper is folded; make sure that the answer is covered completely.4. The paper is passed to the next person who write the 'what' - a verb.5. 'When', 'Where', and 'Why" are completed in the same way.(Internal review: so playing is only a matter of imagining various ideas and writing them down.Transition: And while writing down these ideas, you are also producing funny stories)C. The game produces funny stories.1. After the papers are finished, unfold them.2. Take turns reading the stories aloud.3. You will find that some are very funny.III.ConclusionA. As you can see, 'Who? What? When? Where? Why?' is a convenient and fun game toplay.B. Perhaps some day when you are stuck waiting for hours with nothing to do, you'llremember this game and enjoy it for yourself.。
英语写作Ⅱ-outlineSection one EssaysUnit 1 OutlineUnit 1 Outline WritingFocus:learn to write an outline for an essay Pointsto Emphasize:write an outline according to the generally accepted formatUnit 1 OutlineⅠ Why do we need to learn writing outline?An outline is essential for writing any paper, esp. for course papers, term papers and thesis. It is the skeleton of an essay. So it can help the writer to organize his ideas. It can make others have an orderly overview of the essay.Ⅱ How to write an outline 1. Two main types of outlinesSentence outline: Complete sentences Correct punctuation More detailed overview Easier and faster to write the final essay Topic outline: Words and phrases No punctuation Brief and clear overview Easier and faster to write the outlineUnit 1 Outline Anoutline must start with thesis statement.Unit 1 Outline2. Analysis of two samplesCompare the following two outlines for a paper on foreign trade.Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations.Ⅰ. Introduction: the utilization of different economic resources and the development of different skills form the foundation of foreign tradeⅡ. Trade in commodities (visible trade) is necessary between nations.A. No nation has all the commodities it needs.B. A nation may not have enough of certain commodities.C. A nation may sell certain commodities at a profit.D. Latest innovations and different styles of commodities may make foreign trade necessary.Ⅲ. Exchange of services between nations (invisible trade) is part of foreign trade. A. Nations compete in providing transportation for foreign trade. B. Prudent exporters purchase insurance for their cargoes. C. Tourism brings a nation huge profits. D. Technology is also exported and imported. Ⅳ. Conclusion: the purpose of foreign trade is to earn money for necessary imports.Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations. Ⅰ. Introduction: the foundation of foreign tradeⅡ. The necessity of visible trade A. Lack of certain commodities B. Insufficiency of particular items C. Comparative advantage in certain items D. Latest innovatio ns and different styles of commoditiesⅢ. The necessity of invisible trade---exchange of services between nations A. Transportation B. Insurance C. Tourism D. Technology Ⅳ. Conclusion: the purpose of foreign tradeUnit 1 Outline3. The following are a few rules for writing outlines: 1): Avoid single subdivisions. If there is a major point marked “Ⅰ”, there must be at least another marked “Ⅱ”; if there is an “A”, there must be a “B”, and so on.Unit 1 Outline 2):Avoid mixing types. A topic outline is written in phrases, and a sentence outline in sentences. Do not mix these two types.Unit 1 Outline3): Use parallel structures for the headings of the same rank. Make sure subheads of like rank are of equal importanceand are related to the heading and arranged in logical order.Unit 1 Outline4): Make sure the thesis statement is a complete sentence in the affirmative; do not use a question, a phrase or a dependent clause.Ⅲ Exercises: outline Thesis: Some twins are identic al and others are not. Ⅰ. Identical twins A. born together B. are of the same sex C. look exactly the same Ⅱ. Fraternal twins A. born together B. are not always of the same sex C. do not look exactly the same Ⅲ. Further features about identical twins and fraternal twins A. Monzygotic twins 1. born from the same egg 2. have the same genetic characteristics B. Dizygotic twins 1. come from different eggs 2. have different genetic characteristics Ⅳ People’s attitude to twins A. people in the past: afraid of twi ns B. scientistsnow: particularly interested in studying twinsUnit 1 OutlineWrite an outline (sentence or topic) according to the title “Should Private Cars Be Encouraged?”Suggested outline Thesis: Private cars shouldn’t be encouraged. Ⅰ Introduction: a sign of modernizationⅡ Three reasons 1. the most populous country 2. air pollution and sound pollution 3. various kinds of trouble a: high maintenance fees b: petrol fees c: traffic accidentsⅢ Conclusion: government policy。
Outline在CSS中的用法1.什么是O utlineO u t l i n e在CS S中,是一种样式属性,用于定义元素周围的轮廓线。
它与边框(B or de r)类似,但有一些不同之处。
Ou tl in e通常用于突出显示元素,而不改变其布局。
2. Ou tline的基本用法要使用O ut li ne属性,可以在元素的CS S样式中添加如下代码:```o u tl in e:[w id th][s t yl e][c ol or];```w i d t h(宽度)-:可选参数,用于定义轮廓线的宽度。
可以是像素(p x)、百分比(%)或特定的值(t hin、me di um、t hi ck)。
s t y l e(样式)-:可选参数,用于定义轮廓线的样式。
可以是实线(s ol id)、虚线(d o tt ed)、点划线(d as he d)等。
c o l o r(颜色)-:可选参数,用于定义轮廓线的颜色。
可以是具体的颜色值(如红色的#F F0000)或命名的颜色(如红色的r ed)。
3. Ou tline的特性不占据空间-:与边框不同,Ou tl in e不会改变元素的尺寸或布局,因此它不会影响其他元素的位置。
可应用于任何元素-:O ut li n e可以应用于任何H TM L元素,包括链接、按钮、表格等。
4.使用Out line的场景4.1突出显示焦点元素当用户使用T ab键在页面上导航时,焦点元素通常带有O utl i ne,以使用户清楚地知道他们当前所在的位置。
可以使用Ou tl in e属性自定义焦点样式,以适应页面设计。
```c ss:f oc us{o u tl in e:2p xs ol idb l ue;}```4.2创建简单的按钮样式O u tl in e可以用于创建简单的按钮样式,以取代复杂的背景图片或边框样式。
1OligopolyI. Duopoly with Homogeneous Products - Non-Cooperative Solutions Assume 2 (identical) players producing an identical product.A. Cournot EquilibriumTwo players making simultaneous moves based on expectations of the other’s quantity decision.Player 1's problem:.FOC :.21Y Given y , can solve out the profit-maximizing y (reaction function):e1 12y =f (y ).eSimilarly, player 2's reaction function given his expectations of the 0decision of player 1:221y =f (y ).*eConditions for equilibrium:(a) each player’s expectation of the other player’s output decision is actually confirmed by the1122behavior of the other player (y =y ; y =y );e e(b) there is no incentive for either player to change his output level, given the behaviour of the other player. (Y Cournot equilibrium is an example of a Nash equilibrium)12The market price = p (y + y ).**2Example: Suppose market demand for the homogeneous product is given by12p = a - b (y + y ) .Firm 1's problem:1211FOC :(a - b (y +y )) - by = c ’(y ).ei i Assume that c ’(y ) = 0 for all y , i = 1,2; then1221y = (a - b y )/2b , or y = (a - 2by )/be eFirm 2's reaction function can be derived as:21y = (a - b y )/2b .e1122Impose the equilibrium condition that y = y and y = y and substituting firm 2's reactione efunction into firm 1's reaction function. The full solution is:12y = y = a/3b ;**p = a - b ( a/3b + a/3b ) = a/3 ;*11 2 .ð = p y = a /9b = ð**2B. Bertrand EquilibriumTwo duopolists compete by simultaneously adjusting prices, given expectations of the other firm’s price decision. In equilibrium:(a) the price set by the two firms must be the same;(b) neither firm will have the incentive to change its price, given the decision of the other.12Equilibrium occurs when p = p = MC , which coincides with the competitive equilibrium. In the previous example, the full Bertrand equilibrium can be solved out as:121212p =p =0; y = y = a/2b ; ð = ð = 0.**3C. Stackelberg EquilibriumSuppose firm 1 is the leader, and firm 2 the follower.Retaining the same assumptions as before, the profit of firm 2 is.1Given y , the optimum output decision of firm 2 is given by the FOC :12221a - b (y +y ) - by = 0 or y =(a - by ) /2b .Firm 1's problem: choose the point on firm 2's reaction function which maximizes firm 1'sprofit:21subject to y =(a - by ) /2b .1FOC:a /2 - by = 0 ,1ory = a/2b .*Given that firm 1 will produce a/2b , firm 2's output is given by its reaction function:2y = (a - b (a/2b )) /2b = a/4b .*At these outputs, p = a - b (a/2b + a/4b ) = a/4 .1Therefore, ð = (a/4)( a/2b ) = a /8b,22ð = (a/4)( a/4b ) = a /16b.212ð > ð | first mover advantage .D. Price LeadershipSuppose firm 2, the follower, behaves as a price taker, while firm 1, the price leader, sets the market price of a homogeneous output in order to maximize his own profit.222At any p , Firm 2 produces a quantity at which p = MC (y ) or y = S (p ). Given this**supply at each p , firm 1 faces residual demand :R (p ) = D (p ) - S (p ).41The price leader chooses y to maximize11111ð = y R (y ) - c (y ).-11111FOC :MR (y ) = MC (y ).**1The equilibrium price, set by firm 1 and taken as given by firm 2, is R (y ).-1*Profifts under different regimes 12ððTotal Cournot a /9b a /9b 2a /9b 222Bertrand 000Stackel erg a /8b a /16b 3a /16b 222Monopoly/Cartela /8ba /8ba /4b222Y total profit lower in a non-cooperative game than in a cooperative game.II. Duopoly with Homogeneous Products - Cooperative Solution A. Profit-Maximization in a CartelSuppose the two firms agree to form a cartel and coordinate their production levels tomaximize joint profit:FOC s:1y:2y:12or MC = MC = MR at the total output.Problem: each firm will have the incentive to cheat.5B. Instability of Cartels 112111Consider firm 1's profit:ð = p (y + y )y - c (y ) .****2If firm 1 assumes that firm 2 will not alter y , then.12However, the first FOC implies that, at (y ,y ),**Therefore,1ecause M p /M y < 0 along a demand curve. Similar incentive for firm 2 to cheat. Therefore, a cartel is inherently unstable Y Prisoner’s Dilemma .i Example: Let p = 100 - y , and c ’(y ) = 0 for i = 1,2. Then 1212(i) With a cartel, y = y = 25, p = 50, ð = ð = 1250.(ii) When firm 1 cheats but firm 2 remains committed to the agreed production quota, then1212y = 37.5, y = 25, p = 37.5, ð = 1406.25, ð = 937.5.(iii) When both firms cheat and the cartel collapses, back to a Cournot solution:1212y = y = 33.33, p = 33.33, ð = ð = 33.33.Payoff matrix for the game:Firm 2CheatDon’t Cheat Firm 1Cheat Don’t Cheat6“Cheat” is the dominant strategy for each player Y both firms will cheat regardless of what they think the other firm will do.C. Possible Solutions1. Infinite repetition of the game.2. Enforcement mechanisms.III. Entry DeterenceConsider a game between a monopolist and a potential entrant:Potential EntrantEnterStay out MonopolistAccommodateResist(1) Given these payoffs, the monopolist’s threat to resist is not credible. The potential entrant will enter, and the monopolist will accomodate.(2) If the game is repeated indefinitely, the monopolist may find it worthwhile to resist ex post after the entry of the other firm.(3) Monopolist can commit to make the threat to resist credible:Potential EntrantEnterStay out MonopolistAccommodate RetaliateAfter committing to higher production capacity, the monopolist’s threat to resist is credible and the potential entrant will stay out.IV. Product Differentiation(Hoteling Model)Assumptions:1. Consumers uniformly distributed along a kilometer-long beach.2. Two vendors supply identical soft drinks at the same price, p.3. Walking to the soft drink stands is costly to the consumers (c per unit distance). Question: Where will the two stands be located?Social optimum: each located at .25km from each end of the beach.Market equilibrium: side-by-side at the .50 km Y not enough product differentiation.7。
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OutlineAccounting 3HelenFang Yin116601313 March 18, 2012Top management team diversity, group process and strategic consensus is an article within the strategic management journal of John Wiley &Sons, Ltd. This article integrated concepts from upper echelons, group process and social cognition theories to investigate how demographic diversity and group processes influence strategic consensus within the top management team (TMT), where strategic consensus is defined as the degree to which individual mental models of strategy overlap.To investigate the force of the diversity in groups and teams, they did a research and investigated the effects of demographic diversity within top management teams (TMTs) on group process and strategic consensus.Group process theory illustrates how group interpersonal processes work to influence various group.Strategic consensus as a mental model, some people argued that the psychological and cognitive characteristics underlying observable demographic measures are critical to the group’s processes and subsequent decisions. Here they used the term strategic consensus to represent the shared cognitions among team members. And they focused in the research on the specific effects of demographic diversity and group processes.Upper echelons theory builds on the idea of the dominant coalition to propose that executives influence organizational performance through the decisions they make. Research using this theoretical framework has linked the demographic characteristics of top managers or the demographic diversity ofthe TMT to a variety of organizational outcomes including performance, strategy, strategic changes and organizational innovation.They used measures of diversity in functional background, age, education, and employment tenure as indicators of TMT diversity. And they contend that group processes are likely to influence the level of strategic consensus within a TMT, and examine two important group processes from previous research: interpersonal conflict and agreement seeking. TMT diversity, group processes and strategic consensus are alternative models. Then, they treat these alternative explanations as the alternative or more finely elaborated models, which are direct effects model, partially mediated model and fully mediated model. Above all, Pfeffer contend that demography is an important causal variable that affects a number of intervening variables and processes. They paid attention to 8 variables: interpersonal conflict, agreement seeking, group processes, location, functional diversity, age diversity, education diversity and employment tenure diversity. To get more information, they made a sample consisted of the TMTs of 83 high-technology firms and a group of subsidiaries of US multinational firms. Data used in this research were developed from CEO interviews and comprehensive questionnaires that were completed by the members of the top management team at each company. Finally, they got the research data and they used the structural equation modeling for the research. For the first research question, four measures of demographic diversity, functional diversity, education diversity and employment diversity weresignificant, and with the exception of employment tenure diversity the direction of the relationships was negative, as expected. And for the next question, there were three mediated models to show the result: the reverse relationship between interpersonal conflict and agreement-seeking although they believed that the indicated direction made the most sense. The models including the reversed path did not fit the data as well as the models presented.This research makes several important contributions. And it has implications for the study of diversity within organizations and how it can be managed more effectively. One important finding is that some aspects of diversity may increase interpersonal conflict that, in turn, has a strongly negative impact on strategic consensus by reducing the use of agreement-seeking behaviors.But for the first research, the direct effects model, which included only measures of demographic diversity, was unsatisfactory as a whole, since the fit statistics indicated that the hypothesized model did not fit the data well. For the second research, the model that included both direct and indirect effects of demography on strategic consensus was superior. The indirect effects showed the influence of demography on strategic consensus was partially mediated by group processes. Generally, with one exception, diversity had a negative effect on strategic consensus.。