• 费雪效应
费雪效应(Fisher Effect)指的是预期通货膨 胀变化引起利率水平发生变动的效应。如当预期 通货膨胀率上升时,可贷资金的供给减少而需求 增加,可贷资金的均衡价格(利率)上升。
• 套期保值
套期保值(Hedging)亦称抵补保值,它是指 为了对预期的外汇收入或支出、外币资产或负债 保值而进行的远期交易,包括买入套期保值(也 称多头套期保值或买入抵补保值)与卖出套期保 值(亦称空头套期保值或卖出抵补保值)
• 从纯粹的理论出发,存款保险制度本身是否能够 实现促进金融系统稳定的目标,并没有明确结论, 它至少还需要其它的条件,如有效的金融监管等。 其实,存款保险制度只不过是对市场机制和监管 当局金融监管制度的一种补充,要想保持金融体 系的稳定,一个完善的市场机制、良好的商业银 行运作机制、及时发现银行经营管理中的问题以 及加强监管才是最关键的。
• 欧洲货币市场
欧洲货币市场也称离岸金融市场(Offshore Financial Market),特指那些经营非居民之间的融 资业务,即外国投资者与外国筹资者之间的资金 借贷业务所形成的金融市场。
国际货币基金组织(IMF)是政府间国际金融机 构,是联合国的一个专门机构,主要宗旨是通过 会员国在国际货币问题上的蹉商与协作,促进国 际货币合作和促进国际贸易的扩大与平衡发展等 。
网上银行业无法解决与客户的沟通交流问题。比如信 用卡业务,银行必须与客人直接接触,才能了解客户年龄 、财政状况等真实资料,这是网上虚拟世界所无法做到的 。同时,“网上银行”绝非保险,万一发生线路故障,客户 必须打电话或以其他方式通知银行进行维修。
金融学期中考试试题及答案doc一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 货币的职能包括以下哪项?A. 价值尺度B. 流通手段C. 贮藏手段D. 以上都是答案:D2. 金融市场的基本功能是什么?A. 资源配置B. 风险管理C. 信息提供D. 以上都是答案:D3. 下列哪项不是货币政策工具?A. 利率政策B. 公开市场操作C. 外汇管制D. 存款准备金率答案:C4. 股票的面值与市场价格之间的关系是?A. 总是相等B. 有时相等C. 总是不等D. 没有关系5. 以下哪个不是金融衍生品?A. 期货B. 期权C. 债券D. 掉期答案:C6. 信用风险主要涉及以下哪方面?A. 借款人的信用状况B. 贷款的利率水平C. 贷款的期限D. 贷款的金额答案:A7. 以下哪个不是金融监管的目的?A. 保护投资者B. 维护市场稳定C. 增加市场利润D. 促进金融创新答案:C8. 以下哪个不是金融中介机构?A. 商业银行B. 保险公司C. 投资基金D. 证券公司答案:C9. 以下哪个不是金融市场的参与者?B. 企业C. 个人D. 非政府组织答案:D10. 以下哪个不是金融风险管理的方法?A. 风险分散B. 风险转移C. 风险避免D. 风险接受答案:C二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 货币供应量增加会导致通货膨胀。
(对)2. 利率上升会减少货币供应量。
(错)3. 股票市场是资本市场的一部分。
(对)4. 银行的存款准备金率越高,其贷款能力越强。
(错)5. 信用评级机构对债券的评级越高,其风险越低。
(对)6. 金融衍生品可以用于投机。
(对)7. 金融监管机构的主要职能是提供金融信息。
(错)8. 信用风险是金融机构面临的主要风险之一。
(对)9. 金融中介机构的主要作用是促进资金的流动。
(对)10. 金融市场的参与者包括政府、企业和个人。
(对)三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 简述金融体系的基本功能。
《金融学》课程试卷及答案(2)____专业____班姓名______学号_______(集中考试)考试形式:闭卷考试用时:120分钟试题纸一、单项选择题(1分×10)1、按照现代金融学的观点,信用货币是指( A )。
A、足值货币及其代表物以外的任何一种货币B、由有信用的金融机构发行的货币C、在有充分的黄金准备的基础上发行的货币D、由商业银行发行的货币2、货币借贷的规模最终取决于( C )。
A、银行信用规模B、国家信用规模C、可供借贷的资源D、货币流通规模3、货币市场交易与资本市场交易相比较,具有( A )的特点。
A、期限短B、流动性低C、收益率高D、风险大4、能较好地解释利率期限结构的理论是( C )。
A、预期理论B、市场分割理论C、优先聚集理论D、流动性偏好理论5、货币经营业的性质是( A )。
A、商业B、银行业C、金融业D、保险业6、中央银行的独立性,指( C )。
A、其制定实施货币政策的相对自主性B、其调控监管一国金融时的相对自主性C、其制定实施货币政策,调控监管一国金融的相对自主性D、其调控货币供给的相对自主性7、流动性陷阱是指( A )。
A、人们普遍预期未来利率将上升时,愿意持有货币而不愿持有债券B、人们普遍预期未来利率将上升时,愿意持有债券而不愿持有货币C、人们普遍预期未来利率将下降时,愿意持有货币而不愿持有债券D、人们普遍预期未来利率将下降时,愿意持有债券而不愿持有货币8、各国中央银行确定货币供给口径的依据是( A)。
A、流动性B、安全性C、效益性D、周期性9、以存在强大的工会力量、从而存在不完全竞争的劳动力市场为假设前提的通货膨胀理论是( B )型通货膨胀。
A、需求拉动B、工资推动C、利益推动D、混合推动10、在鲍莫尔对交易性货币需求的发展中,认为人们之所以需要持有交易性货币是因为( B)。
A、机会成本的存在B、交易成本的存在C、时间因素的影响D、非流动性成本的存在二、多项选择题(1.5分×10)1、支票存款较之现金有下列优点( ABC )。
《金融学》试题库+参考答案一、单选题(共40题,每题1分,共40分)1、直接融资的优点有( )A、进入门槛高B、有助于减少信息成本与合约成本C、通过资产多样化降低风险D、加速资本积累正确答案:D2、银行在大城市设立总行,在本市及国内外各地普遍设立分支行的制度是( )A、总分行制B、单一银行制C、持股公司制D、连锁银行制正确答案:A3、( )描述了在不确定条件下行为选择和行为环境之间存在的某种关系,它暗示着问问题的方式往往会影响行为人的风险态度。
A、羊群效应B、霍桑效应C、锚定效应D、框架效应正确答案:D4、如果某商业银行存在一个20亿元的正缺口,则5%的利率下降将导致其利润( )A、增加1亿元B、减少1亿元C、增加10亿元D、减少10亿元正确答案:B5、现有一张永久债券,其市场价格为20 元 ,永久年金为5元时,该债券的到期收益率率为( )A、20%B、25%C、12.5%D、8%正确答案:B6、以下关于信用违约互换说法正确的是( )A、针对信用利差而设定B、信用保护买方发生或有性支付C、信用保护卖方发生或有性支付D、使信用风险从卖方转移到买方正确答案:C7、“负债人越是还债,他们的债就越多”描述了通货紧缩导致的( )A、财富缩水效应B、失业效应C、收入再分配效应D、财富再分配效应正确答案:D8、双本位制是( )。
A、金银币比价由政府和市场共同决定的金银复本位制B、金银币比价由银行规定的金银复本位制C、金银币的比价由市场决定的金银复本位制D、金银币的比价由政府规定的金银复本位制正确答案:D9、根据凯恩斯的利率理论,当货币供给与货币需求的( )相交时,利率将不再变动,这时无论怎样增加货币供给,货币均会被( ),从而达到了流动性陷阱。
A、平行部分.消费B、下降部分.储存C、平行部分.储存D、下降部分.消费正确答案:C10、下列属于现金资产的有( )A、同业存款B、以上三者都是C、在中央银行存款D、在途资金正确答案:B11、下列不属于世界银行资金来源的是( )A、各成员国交纳的股金B、向国际金融市场的借款C、接受各国中央银行的黄金存款和商业银行的存款D、发行债券和收取贷款利息正确答案:C12、利率互换双方( )A、交换本金和利息B、只交换利息C、交换资产D、只交换本金正确答案:B13、在银行体系中,处于核心地位的是( )。
芜湖广播电视大学2 0 11 -2 0 1 2学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试货币银行学试题一、名词解释{每小题5分,共1 5分)1. 金融结构:是指构成金融总体的各个组成部分的分布、存在、相对规模、相互关系与配合的状态。
2. 格雷欣法则:金银复本位制条件下出现劣币驱逐良币现象。
3. 货币乘数:指货币供应量对基础货币的倍数关系,亦即基础货币每增加或减少一个单位所引起的货币供给量增加或减少的倍数。
二、判断正确与错误{正确的打.J .错误的打×。
每小题1分,共1 0分)1.银行信用与商业信用是对立的,银行信用发展起来以后,逐步取代商业信用。
(X )2. 直接标价法指以一定单位的外国货币为基准来计算应付多少单位的本国货币。
(V )3. 升水是远期汇率低于即期汇率,贴水是远期汇率高于即期汇率。
( X)4. 黄金是金属货币制度下货币发行的准备,不兑现的信用货币制度中货币发行不需要黄金准备。
(V )5. 凯恩斯的流动偏好论认为利率是由借贷资金的供求关系决定的。
(X )6. 公开市场业务是通过增减商业银行借款成本来调控基础货币的。
(X )7. 通货膨胀得以发生的前提是现代货币供给的形成机制。
( V)8. 中央银行充当最后贷款人是作为银行的银行的表现。
( V)9. 关于技资的收支都应该记入国际收支平衡表的资本和金融项目中。
(X )10. 国际货市制度创新的其中一个重要表现是区域性货币一体化趋势,它与国际金融监管创新同属于金融组织结构创新。
(X )三、单项选择题{每小题l分,共1 0分,每小题有-项答案正确,请将正确答案的序号填写在括号内}1.货币执行支付手段职能的特点是(C )。
A. 货币是商品交换的媒介B. 货币运动伴随商品运动C. 货币作为价值的独立形式进行单方面转移D 货币是一般等价物2. 目前人民币汇率实行的是(A )。
A.国际资本从中国流向美国,人民币升值B.国际资本从美国流向中国,人民币升值C.国际资本从中国流向美国,人民币贬值D.国际资本从美国流向中国,人民币升值【答案】 C2、2020年6月18日,为有效调节市场流动性,维护手度末、半年末流动性的合理适度。
A.回收400亿B.回收1200亿C.净投放400亿D.净投放1200亿【答案】 C3、某国未清偿外债余额为1 200亿美元,国民生产总值为8000亿美元,货物服务出口总额为1600亿美元,当年外债还本付息总额为400亿美元,则该国外债偿债率为()。
A.15%B.75%C.25%D.5%【答案】 C4、通货膨胀的基本标志是()。
A.物价上涨B.货币升值C.经济过热D.成本增加【答案】 A5、金融监管不力是当前国际金融危机爆发和蔓延的重要根源之一。
金融学期中测试题含答案1. 与黄金完全脱钩,仅作为一种价值符号的货币形态是()A 商品货币B 信用货币(正确答案)C 代用货币D 实物货币2. 信用货币与代用货币的主要区别是在于()A 货币制造成本不同B 货币材质不同C 和贵金属的关系不同(正确答案)D 和商品的关系不同3. 从商品货币、纸币支票到正在发展的电子货币,其背后的根本原因在于人们有降低()的激励A 交易成本(正确答案)B 物价成本C 经济波动性D 生产成本4. 货币作为价值尺度所要解决的是()A 实现商品的交换B 表现特定商品的价值C 在商品之间进行价值比较的问题(正确答案)D 使人们不必对商品进行比较5. 货币的价值尺度通过商品的价格来表现。
对(正确答案)错6. 2. 下列活动中,货币执行流通手段职能的是()A 学校财务人员向教师发工资B 张三偿还李四5000元借款C 李教授向学校捐款1万元D 王五用打工所得购买手机1部(正确答案)7. 1. 张三到商场用支付宝把标价100元的牛仔裤买走了,这体现了货币的价值尺度和流通手段。
对(正确答案)错8. 2. 下列哪项不属于货币的支付手段()A 支付职工工资B 向税务局纳税C 支付写字楼租金D 购买电脑设备(正确答案)9. 在金属货币制度下,货币的()可以自发调节流通中的货币量。
A 价值尺度职能B 流通手段职能C 贮藏手段职能(正确答案)D 支付手段职能10. 货币发挥支付手段功能时的特点是()。
A 交易中钱货两清B 货币退出流通领域,处于静止状态C 钱货运动在时间上分离(正确答案)D 货币作为延期偿付的工具(正确答案)E 价值单方面转移(正确答案)11. 根据我国对货币定义口径,个人到银行将现金转为活期存款,直接影响到()。
A M0下降, M1不变B M1下降, M2不变(正确答案)C M1不变, M2不变D M1下降, M2下降12. 我国的货币层次中, M2等于M1与准货币的加总,准货币包括()。
Midterm for Principles of Finance, Spring 2014 March 29, 2:15-4:15; Xi Jie Instructor: Meixin Guo Part I Multiple Choice Questions (total 40 points) 1. Which one of the following best describes the purpose of derivatives markets? A. Transferring risk from one party to another; C. Investing for retirement; B. Investing for a short time period to earn a small rate of return D. Earning interest income 2. An example of a real asset is _________. I. a college education; II. customer goodwill; III. a patent A. I only; B. II only; C. I and III only; D. I, II and III 3. The _________ price is the price at which a dealer is willing to purchase a security.A. bid;B. ask;C. clearing;D. settlement 4. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is _________. A. a price weighted average; B. a value weight and average C. an equally weighted average; D. an unweighted average 5. Which one of the following is not an example of a brokered market? A. Residential real estate market; B. Market for large block security transactions C. Primary market for securities; D. NASDAQ 6. On a given day a stock dealer maintains a bid price of $1000.50 for a bond and an ask price of $1003.25. The dealer made 10trades which totaled 500 bonds traded that day. What was the dealer's gross trading profit for this security? A. $1,375; B. $500; C. $275; D. $1,450 7. You short-sell 200 shares of Rock Creek Fly Fishing Co. with IMM 50%, now selling for $50 per share. If you wish to limit your loss to $2,500, you should place a stop-buy order at ____. A. $37.50; B. $62.50; C. $56.25; D. $59.75 8. You put up $50 at the beginning of the year for an investment. The value of the investment grows 4% and you earn a dividend of $3.50. Your HPR was ____. A.4.00%; B. 3.50%; C. 7.00%; D. 11.00% 9. Rank the following from highest average historical return to lowest average historical return from 1926-2008. I. Small stocks; II. Long term bonds; III. Large stocks; IV. T-bills A. I, II, III, IV; B. III, IV, II, I; C. I, III, II, IV; D. III, I, II, IV 10. You have calculated the historical dollar weighted return, annual geometric average return and annual arithmetic average return. If you desire to forecast performance for next year, the best forecast will be given by the ________.A. dollar weighted return;B. geometric average return;C. arithmetic average return;D. index return 11. Aninvestment earns 10% the first year, 15% the second year and loses 12% the third year. Your total compound return over the three years was ______. A. 41.68%; B.11.32%; C. 3.64%; D. 13.00% 12. During the 1985 to 2008 period the Sharpe ratio was greatest for which of the following asset classes? A. Small U.S. stocks; B. Large Canadian stocks; C. Long-Term U.S. Treasury Bonds; D. Equity world portfolio in U.S. dollars 13. Among the factors explaining the return on a stock, _______ factors are generally most important while _______ factors are generally least important. A. domestic; industrial; B. domestic; currency; C. world; industrial; D. currency; domestic 14. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio M has a beta of 0.2 and an expected return of 13%. Portfolio N has a beta of 0.4 and an expected return of 15%. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, A. you should take a short position in portfolio M and a long position in portfolio M.B. you should take a short position in portfolio M and a long position in portfolio N.C. you should take a short position in portfolio N and a long position in portfolio M.D. you should do nothing. 15. Fama and French claim that after controlling for firm size and the ratio of firm's book value to market value, beta on the market portfolio is ______________. I. highly significant in predicting future stock returns; III. a good predictor of firm's specific risk. II. relatively useless in predicting future stock returns A. I only; B. II only; C. I and III only;D. I, II and III 16. A U.S. insurance firm must pay €75,000 in 6 months. The spot exchange rate is $1.32 per euro and in 6 months the exchange rate is expected to be $1.35. The 6 month forward rate is currently $1.36 per euro. If the insurer's goal is to limit its risk should the insurer hedge this transaction? If so how? A. The insurer need not hedge because the expected exchange rate move will be favorable. B. The insurer should hedge by buying euro forward even though this will cost more than the expected cost of not hedging. C. The insurer should hedge by selling euro forward because this will cost less than the expected cost of not hedging. D. The insurer should hedge by short selling euros now even though this will cost less than the expected cost of not hedging. 17. Two assets have the following expectedreturns and s.d. when the risk-free rate is 5%: An investor with a risk aversion of A = 3 would find that _________________ on a risk return 20.5 basis. (note ) pfpA. only Asset A is acceptable; C. neither Asset A nor Asset B is acceptable;B. only Asset B is acceptable; D. both Asset A and Asset B are acceptable 18. Real U.S. interest rates move above Japanese interest rates. If you believe that Japanese interest rates won't move and you believe that interest rate parity will hold then ____________. A. the yen per dollar exchange rate should rise B. the dollar per yen exchange rate should riseC. the exchange rate should stay the same if parity holdsD. one can't predict the exchange rate change from the information given 19. Among the four indices, which one has the lowest return rate from the date From 2014/3/5 to 2014/3/26, A . S&P500; B. Nasdaq Composite; C. Light Crude oil future; D. Hang Seng index;20. From 2014/3/5 to 2014/3/19, I. return of Yu’ebao is always lower than Weechat licaitong; II. Renminbi depreciated against dollar exchange rate in a row. III. Shanghai Composite Index reached the lowest closevalue on March 12th. Which one is right? A. None; B. I and II only; C.II and III only; D. I and III only Part II Short Answer Questions (total 60 points) 1. Margins and short (16 points) Suppose you buy stocks 100 shares at $60 per share and IMR 50% (borrow at a 7% APR interest cost if use margin, use full amount of margin). Assume APRs is calculated based on 365 day year. a). If the price of the shares fell down to $58 per share (remains afterwards and sell it in 95 days) or go up to $62 per share (remains afterwards and sell it in 95 days), what are your current margin and return rate? Please fill the blanks below and show your calculations with 2 dismals (8 points). Buy at $60 Sell at $62 in 95 days Sell at $58 in 95 days Return rate % (No Margin) ? ? Return rate % (IMM 50%) ? ? Leverage Factor ? ? Current margin ? ? b). If the MMR is 35%, How far can the stock price fall before a margin call? If the price now is $55 per share and you want to restore the IMR, how much cash you must put up in your account? (4 points) c). The price of the stock decrease to 50$ and you expect the price will decrease later. So you sell out your own 100 share and sell short another300 shares. You must pledge 50% IMM. How much do youhave in your margin account now with an IMM 50%? With MMR 35%, what’s the price for a margin call? (4 points) 2. Portfolio Theory (22 points) = 15%, σ= 10%, σ= 16%; ρGiven a risk-free and two risky assets, r= 6%; r= 25%; r = 0.5. f 1 1 2 212 a). Use r and r to obtain the mean and standard deviation of a combined portfolio A assuming the share f1in r is y. (4 points) 11b). Use r and r to obtain the mean and standard deviation of a combined portfolio B assuming the share f2in r is y. (4 points) 22 c). Draw the two capital allocation lines for portfolio A and B (LA, LB) in the same graph and find their slopes. (4 points) d). Now use r and rto construct a new risky portfolio C. Given 1221f22f121,2, ,1121221f22f11f2f121,2cal culate the optimal weight for each risky assets, and find the mean r and standard deviation of the c portfolio C based on the optimal weight. (4 points) e). Use r and r to get CAL (LC). Draw the line in the same diagram as in (c). Compare the slopes of the fc threelines (LA-LC) (6 points) 3. CAPM (22 points) The stock returns for firms X and Y, and the return for passive market portfolio are listed below during year 2008-2011. The risk free rate is 3%. Year Return for firm X, Rx, % Return for firm Y, Ry, % Rm, % 2008 -25 -10 -20 2009 1 3 -3 2010 26 19 20 2011 35 15 23 a). Find the means and standard deviations of the returns for stock X and the passive market portfolio,Cov R,R iM and their covariance to get the beta for stock X using CAPM (6 points, note:. Thecovariance is defined as ).Covx,1b). if using the stata software to estimate the CAPM on stock Y, we get the following result: Ry-Rf Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [95% conf. Interval] Rm-Rf 0.625 0.127 4.58 0.045 0.373 1.212 _cons 2.75 2.437 1.13 0.376 -7.734 13.235Find the alpha and beta. Is the stock Y underpriced or overpriced? Why? (4 points) c) There is another stock Z, the CAPM result is given below: Ry-Rf Coef. Std.Err. t Rm-Rf 0.700 0.350 2.00 _cons 1.800 0.600 3.00 σ(e) What an active investors want to do with the stock Zgiven =4.84% and the passive market portfolio M? Why? (3 points; note: with ) OiiW i R/σMiiM d) Given the risk free rate, two returns of stocks X, Y, and the passive market portfolio, please draw the SML and show the points for rf, passive market portfolio M, and stocks X and Y based on (a) and (b). (For the stock Y, use the regression result from (b) directly.) (5 points). e) Based on (b), firm Y has debt 30 mil. and market value for his stock 60 mil. (3 mil. Shares, price 20 each). Now the firm wants to issue new debt with a 10% rate of interest. The corporate tax is 35%. What’s the firm’s weighted average of cost of equity and cost of debt (R )? (4 points) WACC。
Midterm for Principles of Finance, Spring 2014March 29, 2:15-4:15; Xi Jie.Instructor: Meixin Guo.Part I Multiple Choice Questions (total 40 points)1. Suppose an investor is considering one of two investments which are identical in all respects except for risk. If the investor anticipates a fair return for the risk of the security, they can expect toA. earn no more than the Treasury bill rate on either security; D. earn more if interest rates are lowerB. pay less for the security that has higher risk;C. pay less for the security that has lower risk2. An example of a financial asset is _________.I. Debt securities; II. customer goodwill; III. a patentA. I only;B. II only;C. I and III only;D. I, II and III3. You short-sell 200 shares of Tuckerton Trading Co., now selling for $50 per share. What is your maximum possible loss?A. $50;B. $20,000;C. $10,000;D. unlimited4. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is _________.A. a price weighted average;B. a value weight and averageC. an equally weighted average;D. an unweighted average5. Which one of the following is not an example of a brokered market?A. Residential real estate market;B. Market for large block security transactionsC. Primary market for securities;D. NASDAQ6. On a given day a stock dealer maintains a bid price of $1000.50 for a bond and an ask price of $1003.40. The dealer made 10 trades which totaled 500 bonds traded that day. What was the dealer's gross trading profit for this security?A. $1,375;B. $500;C. $275;D. $1,4507. You short-sell 200 shares of Rock Creek Fly Fishing Co. with IMM 50%, now selling for $47.25 per share. If you wish to limit your loss to $2,500, you should place a stop-buy order at ____.A. $37.50;B. $62.50;C. $56.25;D. $59.758. You put up $50 at the beginning of the year for an investment. The value of the investment grows 4% and you earn a dividend of $2.50. Your HPR was ____.A. 4.00%;B. 9.00%;C. 5.00%;D. 3.50%9. Rank the following from highest average historical return to lowest average historical return from 1926-2008. I. Small stocks; II. Long term bonds; III. Large stocks; I V. T-billsA. I, II, III, IV;B. III, IV, II, I;C. I, III, II, IV;D. III, I, II, IV10. You have calculated the historical holding period return, dollar weighted return, annual geometric average return and annual arithmetic average return. If you desire to forecast performance for next year, the best forecast will be given by the ________.A. internal rate of return;B. geometric average return;C. dollar weighted return;D. arithmetic average return11. An investment earns 10% the first year, 15% the second year and loses 12% the third year. Your total compound return over the three years was ______.A. 41.68%;B. 11.32%;C. 3.64%;D. 13.00%12. During the 1985 to 2008 period the Sharpe ratio was greatest for which of the following asset classes?A. Small U.S. stocks;B. Large US stocks;C. Long-Term U.S. Treasury Bonds;D. Large Canadian stocks in U.S. dollars13. Among the factors explaining the return on a stock, _______ factors are generally most important while _______ factors are generally least important.A. Political; industrial;B. domestic; currency;C. world; industrial;D. Politial; domestic14. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio M has a beta of 0.2 and an expected return of 13%. Portfolio N has a beta of 0.4 and an expected return of 15%. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio__________ and a long position in portfolio _________.A. M, M;B. M, N;C. N, M;D. N,N15. Fama and French claim that after controlling for firm size and the ratio of firm's book value to market value, beta on the market portfolio is ______________.I. a relative useless predictor of firm’s systematic risk; III. a bad predictor of firm's specific risk.II. really useful in predicting future stock returnsA. I only;B. II only;C. I and III only;D. I, II and III16. A U.S. insurance firm must pay €75,000 in 6 months. The spot exchange rate is $1.32 per euro and in 6 months the exchange rate is expected to be $1.35. The 6 month forward rate is currently $1.36 per euro. If the insurer's goal is to limit its risk should the insurer hedge this transaction? If so how?A. The insurer need not hedge because the expected exchange rate move will be favorable.B. The insurer should hedge by buying euro forward even though this will cost more than the expected cost of not hedging.C. The insurer should hedge by selling euro forward because this will cost less than the expected cost of not hedging.D. The insurer should hedge by short selling euros now even though this will cost less than the expected cost of not hedging.17. Two assets have the following expected returns and s.d. when the risk-free rate is 5%:An investor with a risk aversion of A = 2.5 would find that _________________ on a risk returnbasis. (note ()25.0p f p A r r E σ⨯⨯=-)A. only Asset A is acceptable; C. neither Asset A nor Asset B is acceptable;B. only Asset B is acceptable; D. both Asset A and Asset B are acceptable18. Suppose that U.S. equity markets represent about 35% of total global equity markets and that the typical U.S. investor has about 95% of their portfolio invested only in U.S. equities. This is an example of _________.A. home country bias;B. excessive diversification;C. active management;D. passive management19. Among the four indices, which one has the highest return rate from the date From 2014/3/5 to 2014/3/26,A . DAX30 index ; B. Nasdaq Composite; C. Light Crude oil future; D. Hang Seng index;20. From 2014/3/5 to 2014/3/26,I. return of Yu’ebao is always lower than Weechat licaitong;II. Renminbi depreciated against dollar exchange rate in a row.III. Shanghai Composite Index reached the lowest close value on March 20th.Which one is wrong?A. II and III only;B. I and II only;C. I, II, III;D. I and III onlyPart II Short Answer Questions (total 60 points)1. Margins and short (16 points)Suppose you buy stocks 100 shares at $64 per share and IMR 50% (borrow at a 7% APR interest cost if use margin, use full amount of margin). Assume APRs is calculated based on 365 day year.a). If the price of the shares fell down to $62 per share (remains afterwards and sell it in 95 days) or go up to $66 per share (remains afterwards and sell it in 95 days), what are your current margin and return rate? Please fill the blanks below and show your calculations with 2 dismals (8 points).b). If the MMR is 30%, How far can the stock price fall before a margin call? If the price now is $58 per share and you want to restore the IMR, how much cash you must put up in your account? (4 points)c). The price of the stock decrease to 55$ and you expect the price will decrease later. So you sell out your own 100 share and sell short another 300 shares. You must pledge 50% IMM. How much do youhave in your margin account now with an IMM 50%? With MMR 30%, what ’s the price for a margin call? (4 points)2. Portfolio Theory (22 points)Given a risk-free and two risky assets, r f = 4%; r 1 = 15%, σ1 = 22%; r 2 = 9%, σ2= 15%; ρ12 = 0.7.a). Use r f and r 1 to obtain the mean and standard deviation of a combined portfolio A assuming the share in r 1 is y 1. (4 points)b). Use r f and r 2 to obtain the mean and standard deviation of a combined portfolio B assuming the share in r 2 is y 2. (4 points)c). Draw the two capital allocation lines for portfolio A and B (LA, LB) in the same graph and find their slopes. (4 points)d). Now use r 1 and r 2 to construct a new risky portfolio C. Given()[]()[]()[]()[]()()[]122,121212122212,121222111,W W r r E r r E r r E r r E r r E r r E W f f f f f f -=-+---+----=ρσσσσρσσσ, calculate the optimal weight for each risky assets, and find the mean r c and standard deviation of the portfolio C based on the optimal weight. (4 points)e). Use r f and r c to get CAL (LC). Draw the line in the same diagram as in (c). Compare the slopes of the three lines (LA-LC) (6 points)3. CAPM (22 points)The stock returns for firms X and Y, and the return for passive market portfolio are listed below duringa). Find the means and standard deviations of the returns for stock X and the passive market portfolio,and their covariance to get the beta for stock X using CAPM (6 points, note:()()M M i i R Var R R Cov ,=β. The covariance is defined as ()()()()1,1---=∑=N y y x x y x Cov Ni i i ).Find the alpha and beta. Is the stock Y underpriced or overpriced? Why? (4 points)What an active investors want to do with the stock Z given )σ(e Z =4.80% and the passive marketportfolio M? Why? (3 points; note:)β(1W 1W W i O i O i *i -+= with MM i R 2i 2i O /σ)(e σ/αW =)d) Given the risk free rate, two returns of stocks X, Y, and the passive market portfolio, please draw the SML and show the points for rf, passive market portfolio M, and stocks X and Y based on (a) and (b). (For the stock Y, use the regression result from (b) directly.) (5 points).e) Based on (b), firm Y has debt 30 mil. and market value for his stock 50 mil. (3 mil. Shares, price 20 each). Now the firm wants to issue new debt with a 12% rate of interest. The corporate tax is 34%. What’s the firm’s weighted average of cost of equity and cost of debt (R WACC )? (4 points)。
上海师范大学夜大学标准试卷科目:金融学(闭卷) (B卷)参考答案及评分标准一、名词解释(共10题,每小题3分,共30分)1、存款货币,存款货币主要是指经济主体在商业银行存款账户中的存款,其中最典型的存款货币是活期存款。
芜湖广播电视大学2 0 11 -2 0 1 2学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试货币银行学试题一、名词解释{每小题5分,共1 5分)1. 金融结构:是指构成金融总体的各个组成部分的分布、存在、相对规模、相互关系与配合的状态。
2. 格雷欣法则:金银复本位制条件下出现劣币驱逐良币现象。
3. 货币乘数:指货币供应量对基础货币的倍数关系,亦即基础货币每增加或减少一个单位所引起的货币供给量增加或减少的倍数。
二、判断正确与错误{正确的打.J .错误的打×。
每小题1分,共1 0分)1.银行信用与商业信用是对立的,银行信用发展起来以后,逐步取代商业信用。
(X )2. 直接标价法指以一定单位的外国货币为基准来计算应付多少单位的本国货币。
(V )3. 升水是远期汇率低于即期汇率,贴水是远期汇率高于即期汇率。
( X)4. 黄金是金属货币制度下货币发行的准备,不兑现的信用货币制度中货币发行不需要黄金准备。
(V )5. 凯恩斯的流动偏好论认为利率是由借贷资金的供求关系决定的。
(X )6. 公开市场业务是通过增减商业银行借款成本来调控基础货币的。
(X )7. 通货膨胀得以发生的前提是现代货币供给的形成机制。
( V)8. 中央银行充当最后贷款人是作为银行的银行的表现。
( V)9. 关于技资的收支都应该记入国际收支平衡表的资本和金融项目中。
(X )10. 国际货市制度创新的其中一个重要表现是区域性货币一体化趋势,它与国际金融监管创新同属于金融组织结构创新。
(X )三、单项选择题{每小题l分,共1 0分,每小题有-项答案正确,请将正确答案的序号填写在括号内}1.货币执行支付手段职能的特点是(C )。
A. 货币是商品交换的媒介B. 货币运动伴随商品运动C. 货币作为价值的独立形式进行单方面转移D 货币是一般等价物2. 目前人民币汇率实行的是(A )。
A.商业银行B.投资银行C.金融监管机构D.中央银行【答案】 D2、中央银行对市场进行政策调节时,效果最为强烈的金融工具是()。
A.法定存款准备金率B.再贴现率C.银行再贷款率D.存款利息率【答案】 A3、实行货币对外可兑换的目的和实质在于()。
A.杜绝外汇黑市B.使外汇资源流人银行系统C.消除外汇管制D.推动货币国际化【答案】 C4、关于治理通货紧缩的货币主义政策主张的说法,错误的是()。
A.以稳定通货、反对通货膨胀为前提条件B.货币政策对治理通货紧缩无能为力C.货币数量是经济中唯一起支柱作用的经济变量D.反对政府干预【答案】 B5、某商业银行为降低信用风险,运用多种方式进行信用风险缓释,成效显著。
下列结果中,能够体现信用风险缓释功能的是().A.违约意愿的下降B.违约风险敞口的下降C.违约成本的下降D.违约人员的下降【答案】 B6、材料题A.2500B.2600C.2800D.3000【答案】 B7、2016年底,A银行资产规模为600亿元,负债规模为700亿元,房地产贷款是该银行业务重要组成部分。
A.缺口分析B.久期分析C.敏感性分析D.流动性压力测试【答案】 D8、商业理财业务的核心活动是()。
A.投资顾问B.财富规划C.财务分析D.资产管理【答案】 D9、我国小额贷款公司的主要资金来源是股东缴纳的资本金、捐赠资金以及()A.公众存款B.政府出资C.发行债券D.不超过两个银行业金融机构的融入资金【答案】 D10、中央银行实施货币政策的时滞效应中,作为货币政策调控对象的金融部门对中央银行实施货币政策的反应过程,称为()。
A.认识时滞B.决策时滞C.内部时滞D.外部时滞【答案】 D11、商业银行在经济全球化背景下更加重视关系营销策略,这一策略的最大特点是()A.以成本为导向B.以竞争为导向C.以价格为导向D.以产品为导向【答案】 B12、在实践中,大部分国家采取的货币政策类型是()。
监控投资组合;d、 Alloftheanswers提供原因说明原因2.anexampleofafinancialassetis_________.i.acollegeeducation;ii.customergoodwil l;iii.apatenta.ionly;b.iionly;c.i,iiandiiionly;d.none3.______________________。
a、投标;b、问;c、清理;d、和解4.thedowjonesindustrialaverageis_________.a.apriceweightedaverage;b.avalueweig htandaveragec.anequallyweightedaverage;d.anunweightedaverage5.以下哪项不属于经纪市场?a.residentialrealestatemarket;b.marketforlargeblocksecuritytransactionsc.prima rymarketforsecurities;d.nasdaq6.OnAgivendayastockdealermantain的债券价格为1000.50美元,Naskp的债券价格为1001.50美元。
经销商在安全方面的交叉交易利润是多少?a、 1375美元;b、 500美元;c、 275美元;d、 1450美元7.youshort-sell200sharesofrockcreekflyfishingco.withimm50%,nowsellingfor$43.75pershare.if youwishtolimityourlossto$2,500,youshouldplaceastop-buyorderat____.a.$37.50;b.$62.50;c.$56.25;d.$59.758.你在今年年初拿出100美元进行投资。
金融学模考试题及答案一、单选题(共41题,每题1分,共41分)1.两家以上商业银行受控于同一个人或同一集团但又不以股权公司的形式出现的制度,称为( )A、银行控股公司制B、代理银行制C、总分行制D、连锁银行制正确答案:D2.以下不属于期货合约与远期合约之间区别的是( )。
导致投资需求不足的原因是( )A、边际消费倾向递增B、生产结构失调C、资本边际效率递增D、流动性偏好正确答案:D4.紧缩性收入政策在治理通货膨胀时的局限不包括( )A、以“自愿性”为原则,非强制B、某些紧缩性收入政策过于温和C、需要财政政策和货币政策的配合D、价格机制在资源配置中的作用将被削弱正确答案:A5.存款准备金率越高,则货币乘数( )。
A、不一定B、不相关C、越大D、越小正确答案:D6.货币和收入的区别在于( )A、货币是指存量而收入是指流量B、两者无区别,都是流量概念C、货币是指流量而收入是指存量D、两者无区别,都是存量正确答案:A7.某公司获得银行贷款100万元,年利率6%,期限三年,若以半年为计息期按复利计息,到期后应偿付银行本息共( )A、19.1万元B、119.1万元C、118万元D、119.4万元正确答案:D8.下列属于半区域性国际金融机构的是( )A、国际开发协会B、亚洲开发银行C、欧洲投资银行D、阿拉伯非洲经济开发银行正确答案:B9.从事交易所花费的时间和金钱称为( )A、沉淀成本B、交易成本C、固定成本D、变动成本正确答案:B10.在影响基础货币增减变动的因素中( )的影响最主要。
A、中央银行对政府债权B、固定资产的增减变化C、国外净资产D、中央银行对商业银行的债权正确答案:D11.国际金本位的特点是黄金可以( )。
A.110.00B.110.25C.121.00D.121.25【参考答案】C【系统解析】C l00×(1+10%)×(1+10%)=121。
A.认识B.外部C.决策D.行动【答案】 B2、期权与其他衍生金融工具的主要区别在于交易风险在买卖双方之间的分布()。
A.确定性B.不确定性C.对称性D.非对称性【答案】 D3、下列选项中不属于外债的是()。
A.延期付款B.买方信贷C.国际金融组织贷款D.外商直接投资【答案】 D4、根据购买力平价理论,决定汇率长期变动的根本因素是()。
A.反映货币购买力的物价水平变动B.外汇市场供求关系C.一国的国际地位D.进出口贸易程度【答案】 A5、强制性的国民收入再分配是通货膨胀对社会再生产的负面影响之一,其表现在债权债务关系中,就是由于通货膨胀()。
A.降低了实际利率,债务人受益B.提高了实际利率,债务人受益C.降低了实际利率,债权人受益D.提高了实际利率,债权人受益【答案】 A6、“绿鞋期权”是发行人授予主承销商的一项选择权,即主承销商在新股上市后一个月内可以自主执行超过计划融资规模15%的配售新股的权利。
A.市场价低于发行价B.市场价高于发行价C.收盘价低于开盘价D.收盘价高于开盘价【答案】 B7、在货币市场流动性最高,几乎所有的金融机构都参与交易的金融工具是( )。
A.股票B.长期商业票据C.短期政府债券D.长期政府债券【答案】 C8、在金融衍生品市场上,以风险对冲为主要交易目的的市场参与者是()。
A.套期保值者B.投机者C.套利者D.经纪人【答案】 A9、我国境内非金融企业发行的一年期以内的融资工具属于()。
A.中期票据B.企业债券C.短期融资券D.可转换债券【答案】 C10、下列不属于央行货币政策的是()。
A.公开市场业务B.改变贴现率C.改变银行准备金D.改变税率【答案】 D11、我国行业协会脱钩改革后成立的第一个承担特殊职能的全国性行业协会是()A.中国融资租赁协会B.中国互联网金融协会C.中国信托业协会D.中国银行间市场交易商协会【答案】 B12、在我国,负责对期货市场进行监管的机构是()。
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Midterm for Principles of Finance, Spring 2014March 29, 2:15-4:15; Xi Jie.Instructor: Meixin GuoPart I Multiple Choice Questions (total 40 points)1. Financial intermediaries exist because small investors cannot efficiently _________.A. diversify their portfolios;B. gather informationC. monitor their portfolios;D. all of the answers provide reasons why2. An example of a financial asset is _________.I. a college education; II. customer goodwill; III. a patentA. I only;B. II only;C. I, II and III only;D. None3. The _________ price is the price at which a dealer is willing to sell a security.A. bid;B. ask;C. clearing;D. settlement4. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is _________.A. a price weighted average;B. a value weight and averageC. an equally weighted average;D. an unweighted average5. Which one of the following is not an example of a brokered market?A. Residential real estate market;B. Market for large block security transactionsC. Primary market for securities;D. NASDAQ6. On a given day a stock dealer maintains a bid price of $1000.50 for a bond and an ask price of $1001.50. The dealer made 10 trades which totaled 500 bonds traded that day. What was the dealer's gross trading profit for this security?A. $1,375;B. $500;C. $275;D. $1,4507. You short-sell 200 shares of Rock Creek Fly Fishing Co. with IMM 50%, now selling for $43.75 per share. If you wish to limit your loss to $2,500, you should place a stop-buy order at ____.A. $37.50;B. $62.50;C. $56.25;D. $59.758. You put up $100 at the beginning of the year for an investment. The value of the investment grows 4% and you earn a dividend of $3.50. Your HPR was ____.A. 4.00%;B. 3.50%;C. 7.50%;D. 11.00%9. Rank the following from highest average historical return to lowest average historical return from 1926-2008. I. Small stocks; II. Long term bonds; III. Large stocks; I V. T-billsA. I, II, III, IV;B. III, IV, II, I;C. I, III, II, IV;D. III, I, II, IV10. You have calculated the historical dollar weighted return, annual geometric average return and annual arithmetic average return. If you desire to forecast performance for next year, the best forecast will be given by the ________.A. holding period index return;B. geometric average return;C. dollar weighted return;D. arithmetic average return11. An investment earns 10% the first year, 15% the second year and loses 10% the third year. Your total compound return over the three years was ______.A. 41.68%;B. 11.32%;C. 3.64%;D. 13.85%12. During the 1985 to 2008 period the return rate was least for which of the following asset classes?A. Small U.S. stocks;B. Large Canadian stocks;C. Long-Term U.S. Treasury Bonds;D. Equity world portfolio in U.S. dollars13. Among the factors explaining the return on a stock, _______ factors are generally most important while _______ factors are generally least important.A. domestic; industrial;B. domestic; currency;C. world; industrial;D. currency; domestic14. Consider the single factor APT. Portfolio M has a beta of 0.2 and an expected return of 13%.Portfolio N has a beta of 0.3 and an expected return of 15%. The risk-free rate of return is 10%. If you wanted to take advantage of an arbitrage opportunity, you should take a short position in portfolio __________ and a long position in portfolio _________.A. M, M;B. M, N;C. N, M;D. M,M15. Fama and French claim that after controlling for firm size and the ratio of firm's book value to market value, beta on the market portfolio is ______________.I. highly significant in predicting future stock returns; II. a bad predictor of firm's specific risk. III. relatively useless in predicting future stock returnsA. I only;B. II only;C. III only;D. II and III only;E. I and II only16. A U.S. insurance firm must pay €75,000 in 6 months. The spot exchange rate is $1.32 per euro and in 6 months the exchange rate is expected to be $1.35. The 6 month forward rate is currently $1.36 per euro. If the insurer's goal is to limit its risk should the insurer hedge this transaction? If so how?A. The insurer need not hedge because the expected exchange rate move will be favorable.B. The insurer should hedge by buying euro forward even though this will cost more than the expected cost of not hedging.C. The insurer should hedge by selling euro forward because this will cost less than the expected cost of not hedging.D. The insurer should hedge by short selling euros now even though this will cost less than the expected cost of not hedging.17. Two assets have the following expected returns and s.d. when the risk-free rate is 5.5%:An investor with a risk aversion of A = 2.5 would find that _________________ on a risk returnbasis. (note ()25.0p f p A r r E σ⨯⨯=-)A. only Asset A is acceptable;C. neither Asset A nor Asset B is acceptable; B. only Asset B is acceptable;D. both Asset A and Asset B are acceptable18. Real U.S. interest rates move blow Japanese interest rates. If you believe that Japanese interest rates won't move and you believe that interest rate parity will hold then ____________.A. the yen per dollar exchange rate should riseB. the dollar per yen exchange rate should riseC. the exchange rate should stay the same if parity holdsD. one can't predict the exchange rate change from the information given19. Among the four indices, which one has the highest return rate from the date From 2014/3/5 to2014/3/26,A. S&P500;B. Nasdaq Composite;C. Light Crude oil future;D. Hang Seng index;20. From 2014/3/5 to 2014/3/26,I. return of Yu’ebao is always lower than Weechat licaitong;II. Renminbi depreciated against dollar exchange rate in a row.III. Shanghai Composite Index reached the lowest close value on March 20th.Which one is right?A. None;B. I and II only;C. III only;D. I and III onlyPart II Short Answer Questions (total 60 points)1. Margins and short (16 points)Suppose you buy stocks 100 shares at $65 per share and IMR 50% (borrow at a 7% APR interest cost if use margin, use full amount of margin). Assume APRs is calculated based on 365 day year.a). If the price of the shares fell down to $63 per share (remains afterwards and sell it in 95 days) or go up to $67 per share (remains afterwards and sell it in 95 days), what are your current margin and return rate? Please fill the blanks below and show your calculations with 2 dismals (8 points).b). If the MMR is 35%, How far can the stock price fall before a margin call? If the price now is $60 per share and you want to restore the IMR, how much cash you must put up in your account? (4 points) c). The price of the stock decrease to 55$ and you expect the price will decrease later. So you sell out your own 100 share and sell short another 300 shares. You must pledge 50% IMM. How much do you have in your margin account now with an IMM 50%? With MMR 35%, what’s the price for a margin call? (4 points)2. Portfolio Theory (22 points)Given a risk-free and two risky assets, r f = 5%; r 1 = 14%, σ1 = 25%; r 2 = 9%, σ2= 16%; ρ12 = 0.4.a). Use r f and r 1 to obtain the mean and standard deviation of a combined portfolio A assuming the share in r 1 is y 1. (4 points)b). Use r f and r 2 to obtain the mean and standard deviation of a combined portfolio B assuming the share in r 2 is y 2. (4 points)c). Draw the two capital allocation lines for portfolio A and B (LA, LB) in the same graph and find their slopes. (4 points)d). Now use r 1 and r 2 to construct a new risky portfolio C. Given()[]()[]()[]()[]()()[]122,121212122212,121222111,W W r r E r r E r r E r r E r r E r r E W f f f f f f -=-+---+----=ρσσσσρσσσ, calculate the optimal weight for each risky assets, and find the mean r c and standard deviation of the portfolio C based on the optimal weight. (4 points)e). Use r f and r c to get CAL (LC). Draw the line in the same diagram as in (c). Compare the slopes of the three lines (LA-LC) (6 points)3. CAPM (22 points)The stock returns for firms X and Y, and the return for passive market portfolio are listed below duringa). Find the means and standard deviations of the returns for stock X and the passive market portfolio,and their covariance to get the beta for stock X using CAPM (6 points, note:()()M M i i R Var R R Cov ,=β. The covariance is defined as ()()()()1,1---=∑=N y y x x y x Cov N i i i ).Find the alpha and beta. Is the stock Y underpriced or overpriced? Why? (4 points)What an active investors want to do with the stock Z given )σ(e Z =4.85% and the passive marketportfolio M? Why? (3 points; note:)β(1W 1W W i O i O i *i -+= with MM i R 2i 2i O /σ)(e σ/αW =)d) Given the risk free rate, two returns of stocks X, Y, and the passive market portfolio, please draw the SML and show the points for rf, passive market portfolio M, and stocks X and Y based on (a) and (b). (For the stock Y, use the regression result from (b) directly.) (5 points).e) Based on (b), firm Y has debt 40 mil. and market value for his stock 60 mil. (3 mil. Shares, price 20 each). Now the firm wants to issue new debt with a 9% rate of interest. The corporate tax is 35%. What’s the firm’s weighted average of cost of equity and cost of debt (R WACC )? (4 points)。