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Unit 1 The RootsofChemistry


1。C 2. B3.D 4. C 5. B

II。Make asentence out of each item by rearranging the wordsin brackets.

1.Thepurification of anorganic compoundis usually a matter

of considerabledifficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for thispurpose。

2.Science is an ever-increasing body ofaccumulated and

systematized knowledge and isalsoan activity bywhic hknowledge isgenerated。

3.Life,after all, is only chemistry,in fact, a small example of c

hemistry observed onasingle mundane planet。

4.Peopleare made of molecules; someof themolecules in p

eople are rather simple whereas othersarehighly complex。

5.Chemistry isever presentin ourlives from birth

todeathbecause without chemistrythere isneither life nor death.

6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankindand al

so permeatesall aspects of human life, although manyof us are notfully awareofthis.


1.(a)chemicalprocess (b) natural science(c)the techni

que of distillation

2.Itis theatoms that makeupiron, water,oxygen and

the like/andso on/andsoforth/and otherwise.

3.Chemistry hasa very long history, infact,human a

ctivity in chemistrygoes back to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.

4.According to/Fromthe evaporation ofwater,people know

/realized that liquidscan turn/be/changeinto gases undercertain conditions/circumstance/environment。

5.Youmustknow the propertiesofthe materialbefore y

ou use it.




V . Soluti on :

(1)The rela tiv e m ass of 1H an d 12C ato ms can b e calculat ed fro m t heir ab solute m asses in g rams .



1223H 1.6735100.083986C 1.992610

--⨯==⨯ If the mas s of a 12C a tom is exac tly 12 amu,the n t he ma ss of a 1H atom to five s igni fica nt figur es mus t be 1.0078 amu. 12 amu x 0.083986 = 1.0078 amu


First we c alculat e k and then use th e firs t-orde r r ate equa tion.






1.000 1.2110/log

0.477 2.303

2.303log 2.09 6.11061001.2110/k yr


A kt A yr

t t yr yr




T he bone was toss ed away (more pr ec isel y, the ani mal w hos e bone was died) a bout 6100 yea rs ago , or about 4100 B 。C. We can thus be su re that a vil lage was in exi ste nce at t hat place at that ti me 。

Uni t 7 T he Nomenc lat ur e of Inorg a

nic Su bsta nces

I. Co mpr ehen sion


2.B 3。C 4.C 5.B

II 。 Give the sys tematic name fo r the fol lo wi ng

am mo ni um ion ; coppe r(I I) ion ; str onti um io n; Ccopp er(I) ion ; i ro n(II ) io n; z in c io n; h ydro gen ion; le ad ((I I) i on; alumin um; s il ve r i on; ma gnesium ion ; c hromium (III ) io n;
