Thomas Gray.ppt
Study for the Dragon @ Thainland Canada
展览全面回顾托马斯·赫尔佐 格先生三十余年的建筑创作和科学研究 的历程,对各作品和研究项目都进行了 详细的介绍,内容翔实、图片精美。展 览的最后部分是对赫尔佐格先生在大学 指导的博士研究的介绍。这些横跨建筑 学与物理学、医学、材料学、生物学等 领域的研究复杂而精密,吸收了不同学 科的研究成果,使建筑产生了远远超出 凭感觉设计所能达到的生态效益。这些 研究成果也向我们展示了建筑学中新的 问题和新的研究方法。
1971-72德国科学院奖 1981密斯凡德罗奖 1981/83/91联邦德国建筑师奖 1993德国联邦建筑师学会金奖 1994Balthasar-Neumann奖 1994上奥地利建筑文化奖 1994德国钢结构建筑奖 1994欧洲工业建筑奖 1995Benedictus 奖 1996UIA国际建协应用技术奖,Auguste Perret奖 1996慕尼黑建筑奖 1997密斯凡德罗欧洲建筑奖 1998丹麦建筑师学会奖 1998EUROSOLAR建筑和城市规划奖 1998Leo-von-Klenze 奖章 1998法国建筑学会大奖 1998WestHyp基金会发展工业建筑奖 1998德意志钢结构建筑奖 1998德国Nordrhein-Westfalen州建筑奖 1999 Fritz-Schumacher建筑奖 2000 欧洲太阳能建筑奖 2001 建筑技术更新国际奖
1971-72 意大利罗马"LaSapienza" 大学进行博士研究
1972获建筑学博士学位,论文题目 为“充气结构”
自1971创建自己的建筑事务所,开 始了与设计师Verena Herzog-Loibl的 合作
Thomas Gray托马斯
Life and Education
• Born in Cornhill, London, the son of an exchange broker and a milliner女
帽制造商 .
• He lived with his mother after she left his abusive father. • He was educated at Eton College . where he met his three good friends(Horace Walpole, Thomas Ashton, and Richard West. )
• Mood
• Melanchf the poem
• Churchyard at Stoke Poges in Buckinghamshire,England.Gray was burried in that churchyard
• The curfew(晚钟) tolls the knell of parting day; The lowing herd wind slowly o‘er the lea;(草地) The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me.
• The style
• Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is written in heroic quatrain.(四行诗)A quatrain is a four-line stanza(诗的一节), heroic quatrains rhyme in an A-B-AB pattern and are written in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬 格)
Thomas Gray
Thomas Gray & Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardThomas Gray(1716 –1771)Early life•Thomas Gray was born on December 26, 1716 in Cornhill, London.•The son of an exchange broker and a milliner.•He was the fifth of 12 children and the only child in his family to survive infancy.•His father Philip Gray treated his mather with extreme cruelty.•He lived with his mother after she left his abusive father.Education•At the age of eight, he was sent to Eton College.•Eton College is a British independent school for boys aged13 to 18.•“The chief nurse of England's statesmenFriends•At Eton, Thomas Gray made three close friends : Horace Walpole, Thomas Ashton, and Richard West.•Horace Walpole, son of Prime Minister Robert Walpole.•Richard West, son of a Lord Chancellor of Ireland.Education•In 1734 Gray entered Peterhouse College, Cambridge University, where he studied for four years.•He was intended for the law, but in fact he spent his time reading classical and modern literature.Grand Tour•In 1738 he accompanied his old friend Horace Walpole on his Grand Tour, Walpole paid all the expenses.•They fell out and parted in Italy because Walpole wanted to attend fashionable parties while Gray wanted to visit all the antiquities.•After Gray's return from the Continental tour, his father died. He moved to the village of Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire with his mother, aunt.•Gray is one of the most learned men of his time.•In 1742, Gray returned to Peterhouse, Cambridge as a fellow, and finally he took the degree of Bachelor of Civil Law.•Then he remained at Cambridge and began a self-imposed programm of literary and Greek study.•When the British Museum (now the British Library) was opened to the public in 1759, he spent two years working in the great library.•Gray spent most of his life as a scholar in Cambridge•In 1762 he applied for the Regius Professorship of Modern History at Cambridge but only got the position in 1768 because the successful candidate was died.•Although he was made professor of history at Cambridge, he never delivered any public lecturesDeath•At 55, Gray suffered a violent attack of gout and died in his rooms at Peterhouse in 1771.He was buried at Stoke Poges churchyard, the scene of the "Elegy".Writing and academia•In 1742, Gray seemed to apply himself seriously to poetry and in this year he published his early poems of importance his odes: "Ode on Spring“, “On a Distant Prospect of Eton College“, "Hymn to Adversity“.•In that year his best friend Richard West died and he started on his greatest masterpiece, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" which established his reputation.Writing and academia•Gray was so self critical and fearful of failure that he only published 13 poems (fewer than 1,000 lines), during his lifetime.•Although he was one of the least productive poets, he is regarded as the predominant poetic figure of the mid-18th century.•In 1757, he was offered the post of Poet Laureate, but he refused.Graveyard poets•Gray was also known as one of the "Graveyard poets" of the late 18th century.•The "Graveyard Poets" were a number of pre-Romantic English poets of the 18th century characterised by their gloomy meditations on mortality, 'skulls and coffins, epitaphs and worms' in the context of the graveyard. To this was added, by later practitioners, a feeling for the 'sublime' and uncanny, and an interest in ancient English poetic forms and folk poetry. They are often reckoned as precursors of the Gothic genre.Pre-Romantic•Gray is regarded by many as a "pre-Romantic" because his poetry signals a shift from the characteristics of the Augustan age with its public focus, heroic couplets, and satire to the Romantic age with its focus on private thoughts, lyrical poems with alternating rhyme schemes, and exploration of the self.•In the 18th century, art was regarded as artifice, thus the popularity of ornate, flowery language. The Romantics wanted art not to be so artificial. Gray's poems reveal the characteristics of both literary periods.Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard•The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,•The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea,•The plowman homeward plods his weary way,•And leaves the world to darkness and to me;•Now fades the glimm'ring landscape on the sight,•And all the air a solemn stillness holds,•Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight,•And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds;Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard•Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is a memorial to his died friend Richard West.•Gray worked on this poem from 1742 to 1750. It is first published in 1751. Originally titled Stanza's Wrote in a Country Church-Yard, the poem was completed when Gray was living near the Stoke Poges churchyard.•It was sent to his friend Horace Walpole, who popularised the poem among London literary circles. Gray was eventually forced to publish the work on 15 February 1751, to pre-empt a magazine publisher from printing an unlicensed copy of the poem.Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard•The poem is an elegy in name but not in form; it employs a similar style to contemporary odes, but it embodies a meditation on death, and remembrance after death.•The poem argues that the remembrance can be good and bad, and the narrator finds comfort in pondering the lives of the obscure rustics buried in the churchyard.•The two versions of the poem, Stanzas and Elegy, approach death differently; the first contains a stoic response to death, but the final version contains an epitaph which serves to repress the narrator's fear of dying.Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard•The poem quickly became popular. It was printed many times, translated into many languages, and praised by critics even after Gray's other poetry had fallen out of favour.•Later critics tended to praise its language and universal aspects, but some felt the ending was unconvincing, failing to resolve the questions the poem raised; or that the poem did not do enough to present a political statement that would serve to help the obscure rustic poor who forms its central image.Thank You!。
8 thomas gray
Elegy [„elidʒi]挽歌
• It is an elaborately精巧的,苦心经营的 formal lyric吟唱的 poem lamenting 哀悼the death of a friend or public figure, or reflecting seriously on a solemn庄重的 subject. Elegy is usually formal in language and structure, and solemn or even melancholy忧郁 in tone.
• 至于你,我关心这些默默的陈死人, 用这些诗句讲他们质朴的故事, 假如在幽思的引导下,偶然有缘分, 一位同道来问起你的身世——
也许会有白头的乡下人对他说, “我们常常看见他,天还刚亮, 就用匆忙的脚步把露水碰落, 上那边高处的草地去会晤朝阳; “那边有一棵婆娑的山毛榉老树, 树底下隆起的老根盘错在一起, 他常常在那里懒躺过一个中午, 悉心看旁边一道涓涓的小溪。
• One (1-12) sets the scene for the poet‟s visit to the churchyard. It is enveloped包围 in gloom阴暗 and grief悲痛, which is archetypal典型的 of graveyard poet‟s fascination魔力 with night, graves and death.
• 远离了纷纭人世的勾心斗角, 他们有清醒愿望,从不学糊涂, 顺着生活的清凉僻静的山坳, 他们坚持了不声不响的正路。
可是叫这些尸骨免受到糟踏, 还是有脆弱的碑牌树立在近边, 点缀了拙劣的韵语、凌乱的刻划, 请求过往人就便献一声婉叹。 无闻的野诗神注上了姓名、年份, 另外再加上地址和一篇悼词; 她在周围撒播了一些经文, 教训乡土道德家怎样去死。
呈现了性别、阶级、家庭 关系等社会问题
揭示了工业化、城市化对 传统社会的影响
01 揭示了人性的复杂性和多元性 02 展现了人在困境中的选择和挣扎 03 探讨了爱、欲望、信仰等人性主题
哈代的作品中的人物形象往往过于偏执和极端, 01 这使得读者难以理解和接受这些人物的行为和思
哈代的作品中的人物形象往往缺乏一些人性化的 02 元素,这使得他们显得不够真实和可信。
哈代的作品中的人物形象往往缺乏一些变化和发 03 展,这使得他们显得过于单调和乏味。
• 托马斯哈代的生平 • 哈代的作品风格 • 哈代作品中的主题 • 哈代的影响和贡献 • 哈代的局限性和缺陷 • 哈代与现代社会的联系和启示
托马斯哈代,1840年出生于英国多塞特郡的一个小村 庄。他的家庭背景并不显赫,他的父亲是一个贫穷的农 民,而他的母亲则是一名普通的家庭主妇。
尽管家境贫寒,但哈代的父母都深知教育的重要性,他 们鼓励哈代从小就热爱读书。哈代的童年时期主要在阅 读和自学中度过,这为他日后的创作生涯打下了坚实的 基础。
在19世纪60年代,哈代开始尝试写作。他的第一部小说《绿荫下》于1867年出版,并获得了成 功。这部小说以他的家乡为背景,描绘了当地普通人的生活和情感。
墓地挽歌 the elegy written in a country churchyard PPT
Thomas Gray
Thomas Gray (26 December 1716 – 30 July 1771) was an English poet, letterwriter, classical scholar and professor at Cambridge University.
Graveyard School Poet 墓园诗派
The Graveyard poets were a group of pre-Romantic English poets in the 18th century.Their works mainly focus on the themes of mortality,death and bereavement.Their poems describe the physical manifestations of death,evoke subjective responses like fear and horror,and contemplate the phenomena connected with death like darkness,tomb and ghosts.
The poem invokes the classical idea of memento mori, a Latin phrase which states plainly to all mankind, "Remember that you must die." In this poem, the graveyard acts as a memento mori, reminding the narrator to not place too much value on this life because someday he too will be dead and buried.
Thomas Gray ppt
英语094班 陈丽娟 094731402
Guidance to this presentation
Life and work of Thomas Gray Sentimentalism Textual analysis of Elegy Summary and Comments on Gray and his masterpiece
Classicalism Appeals to reason Confined itself to the clubs and drawing-rooms, to the social life and political life of London Entertained and educated the middle class Sentimentalism Appeals to sentiment Turned to the countryside for its material A sincere sympathy for the poverty-stricken, expropriated peasants
The poem is a mediation on death, set in the gloom of night and among unadorned tombs and old knotty yew threes of a country churchyard, but it is ultimately about life, about the meaning of life, leaving in the reader’s mind a haunting question and a difficult choice between the pure and obscure country life on the one hand and the life of power and glory on the other, which may give a chance for the evil side of human nature to develop.
他将新的视觉形式运用到园林 中,同时满足所有的功能要求。他 受“立体主义”(Cubism)的影 响,利用多重视觉焦点产生无尽的 视觉感受。“立体主义”“超现实 主义”(Surrealism)的形式语言 如锯齿线、钢琴线、肾形、阿米巴 曲线被他结合形成简洁流动的平面。 结合花园中质感的对比,运用木板 铺装的平台和新物质,如波状石棉 瓦等,形成了一种新的风格,比起 所有这以前的设计,是一个非常显 著的进步。
玛 丽 亚 别 墅 花 园 的 设 计
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
1939年,在“金门展览”(Golden Gate Exposition) 设计了两个 小花园,这一设计标志着一个新时期 的开始。 1939年-1943年,设计了 旧金山的“瓦伦西亚公共住 宅”工程(Valencia Public Housing)。 1948年,设计了唐纳花园(Donnel Garden)和阿普 托斯(Aptos )花园 1949年-1959年,设计了 “通用汽车公司技术中心”( General
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
1 生平简介
托马 ·丘奇 (1902~1978)是美国现代园林的开拓 者,他从二十世纪30年代后期开始,开创了被称为“加 州花园”的美国西海岸现代园林风格,其设计思想和手 法对今天美国和世界的风景园林设计有深远的影响。
Thomas Gray.ppt
Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tower The moping owl does to the moon complain Of such as, wandering near her secret bower, Molest her ancient,熊熊的炉火不再会燃烧, 在他们,熊熊的炉火不再会燃烧, 忙碌的管家妇不再会赶她的夜活; 忙碌的管家妇不再会赶她的夜活; 孩子们不再会“牙牙”的报父亲来到, 孩子们不再会“牙牙”的报父亲来到, 为一个亲吻爬倒他膝上去争夺。 为一个亲吻爬倒他膝上去争夺。 往常是:他们一开镰就所向披靡, 往常是:他们一开镰就所向披靡, 顽梗的泥板让他们犁出了垄沟; 顽梗的泥板让他们犁出了垄沟; 他们多么欢欣地赶牲口下地! 他们多么欢欣地赶牲口下地! 他们一猛砍,树木就一棵棵低头! 他们一猛砍,树木就一棵棵低头! “雄心”别嘲讽他们实用的操劳, 雄心”别嘲讽他们实用的操劳, 家常的欢乐,默默无闻的命运; 家常的欢乐,默默无闻的命运; 豪华” “豪华”也不用带着轻蔑的冷笑 来听讲穷人的又短有简的生平。 来听讲穷人的又短有简的生平。 门第的炫耀,有权有势的煊赫, 门第的炫耀,有权有势的煊赫, 凡是美和财富所能赋予的好处, 凡是美和财富所能赋予的好处, 前头都等待着不可避免的时刻: 前头都等待着不可避免的时刻: 光荣的道路无非是引导到坟墓。 光荣的道路无非是引导到坟墓。
晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧, 晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧, 牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落, 牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落, 耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄, 耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄, 把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。 把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。 苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退, 苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退, 一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰, 一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰, 只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞, 只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞, 昏沉的铃声催眠着远处的羊栏。 昏沉的铃声催眠着远处的羊栏。 峥嵘的榆树底下,扁柏的荫里, 峥嵘的榆树底下,扁柏的荫里, 草皮鼓起了许多零落的荒堆, 草皮鼓起了许多零落的荒堆, 各自在洞窟里永远放下了身体, 各自在洞窟里永远放下了身体, 小村里粗鄙的父老在那里安睡。 小村里粗鄙的父老在那里安睡。 香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召, 香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召, 燕子从茅草棚子里吐出的呢喃, 燕子从茅草棚子里吐出的呢喃, 公鸡的尖喇叭, 公鸡的尖喇叭,使山鸣谷应的猎号 再不能唤醒他们在地下的长眠。 再不能唤醒他们在地下的长眠。
鼬獾又名猸子、山獾、白猸,属食肉目,鼬科头大,猪鼻,头顶同面部有明显大白点。背脊深棕色至灰棕色。 脚短,有利爪,可以用于翻松泥土。肛门有腺体,受到威胁时就会释放臭气。平均身长40厘米,尾平均20厘米。 尾巴的毛较短,长度大约是头到身体之间的一半长。
猪獾遍布于中国华东、华南、西南、华北及陕西、甘肃和青海等地区。国外印度、泰国、马来西亚和苏门答 腊等地也有分布。体形大小似狗獾,二者区别主要在于猪獾的鼻垫与上唇间裸露,吻鼻部狭长而圆,酷似猪鼻。 体重10千克以上,体长650~700毫米。全身浅棕色或黑棕色,另杂以白色;喉及尾白色;鼻尖至颈背有一白色纵 纹,从嘴角到头后各有一道短白纹。从平原到海拔3000多米的山地都有栖居,生活习性与狗獾相似穴居,住岩洞 或掘洞而居,性凶猛,叫声似猪。视觉差,嗅觉发达。夜行性。食性杂,尤喜食动物性食物,包括蚯蚓、青蛙、 蜥蜴、泥鳅、黄鳝、蝼蛄、天牛和鼠类等,也食植物性食物,有时盗食农作物玉米、小麦、白薯和花生等。有冬 眠习性。立春前后发情,怀孕期3个月左右,于4~5月产仔,每胎2~4仔。
What is the rhythm like in the elegy? The rhythm of the elegy is very slow. How is the “slowness” is realized? The poet used many diphthongs 双元音 and long vowels.
Comments on Gray
• Gray’s literary output was small. He wrote slowly and carefully. His poems are characterized by an exquisite sense of form. • His masterpiece Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard once and for all established his fame as the leader of sentimentalist poetry and the spokesman of the Graveyard School.
• Thomas Gray was one of the most important poets of the eighteenth century. This scholar and poet was the most famous for his poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard." Thomas Gray was born on December 26, 1716 in Cornhill section of London, England. He was the only child in his family. • In 1764 he had an operation from which he never recovered. At the age of fifty-five, Gray suffered a violent attack of gout 痛风in the stomach and finally died in his room on July 30, 1771 in Cambridge, London. He was buried beside his beloved mother at Stoke Poges churchyard, the scene of the "Elegy".
第七章 8 Thomas Gray
• Frontispiece to 1753 edition of Elegy by Bentley
• Holograph manuscript of Gray's "Stanzas Wrote in a Country Church-yard"
Analysis of the Poem
Sentimentalism in Poetry
the first half of the 18th century the classicism— enlighteners— Pope—heroic couplet
the middle of sentimentalism the 18th century the latter half of pre-romanticism the 18th century
Representatives of Sentimentalism
• Thomas Gray 托马斯· 格雷 • William Cowper 威廉· 柯伯 • George Crabbe 乔治· 格拉伯
Thomas Gray
(26 December 1716 – 30 July 1771)
An English poet, classical scholar and professor at Cambridge University
• It was completed in 1750 and first published in 1751. • The poem's origins are debated, but it was inspired by Gray's thoughts following the death of the poet Richard West in 1742. Originally titled "Stanza's Wrote in a Country Church-Yard", Gray was prompted to finish the poem after the death of his aunt and other tragic events occurring at the end of 1749. • The poem was completed in June 1750 as Gray was near the Stoke Poges churchyard and it was sent to his friend Horace Walpole, who popularised the poem among London literary circles. • Eventually, Gray was forced to publish the work on 15 February 1751 to pre-empt a magazine publisher from printing an unlicensed copy of the poem.
thomas gray教学大纲
•Sentimentalism•In the first half of the 18th century, Pope was the leader of English poetry and the heroic couplet the fashion of poetry. By the middle of the century, however, sentimentalism gradually made its appearance.Sentimentalism came into being as the result of a bitter discontentamong the enlightened people with social reality.•The representatives of sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism, but they sensed at the same time the contradictions in the process of capitalist development. Dissatisfied with reason, whichclassicists appealed to, sentimentalists appealed to sentiment, "to the human heart.' Sentimentalism turned to the countryside for its material, and so is in striking contrast to classicism, which had confined itself to the clubs and drawing-rooms, and to the social and political life ofLondon.•Sentimentalist Fiction•Sentimentalist fiction was engraved on psychoanalysis of human mind. •Sentimentalism also finds its voice in English fiction (Richardson;Goldsmith; Sterne).•The representative writers are: Samuel Richardson, the author of Pamela; Laurence Stern, the author of and OliverGoldsmith, the author of The Vicar of Wakefield. •Sentimentalism in English Poetry•The appearance and development of sentimentalist poetry marks themidway in the transition from classicism to its opposite, Romanticism, in English poetry.•Thomas Gray was the most widely read sentimentalist poet, whose Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard established his reputation as thespokesman of Graveyard School.•Thomas Gray (1716-1771) •Biographical Introduction•Thomas Gray :son of a London exchange broker, born in Cornhill, London on 26 December, 1716.•He was first educated at Eton, where he befriended Horace Walpole, author of the famous Gothic novel The Old Castle of Otranto (1764) and Richard West whose early death in 1742 caused him years of deep grief. •In 1734 he went to Cambridge University and left it in 1738 without taking a degree.•From 1739 to 1741 he toured the European continent with Horace Walpole. After 1742 Gray returned to Cambridge, where he remained for the rest of his life except for short intervals.•He was appointed professor of history and modern languages in 1768. He was by nature a quiet man who avoided social activities and publicity as much as possible—he declined the Poet Laureateship in 1757,and led the uneventful life of a scholar all his life.•In 1771, he was buried at Stoke Poges in Bucks, a village with which his well-known ―Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard‖ is traditionallyidentified.•Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, the poem once and for all established his fame as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day, especially ―the Graveyard School.‖ His poems, as a whole, are mostlydevoted to a sentimental lamentation or meditation on life, past andpresent.•Graveyard School•It is a poet school, derived from English sentimentalism, which began inthe middle of 18th century. It obtains its name from the poet Thomas Gray’s work ―Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard‖. The poets of thisschool always uses death, tomb as their material. Their works are full of melancholy and sadness. It more reflects the negative side ofsentimentalism.•Major works•His other poems include:•Ode on the Spring (1742)•Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1747)•Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat (1748)•Hymn to Adversity (1742)•Two translations from old Norse挪威人:•The Descent of Odin (1761)•The Fatal Sister’s (1761)•Thomas Gray’s features and themes•Thomas Gray is the representative figure of sentimentalists. With a classical precision and polish, the poet shows a keen interest in theEnglish countryside and a sincere feeling of the life of common people.Nature is his greatest concern. Each natural object, either directly of by contrast, reflects the mood of man.•Elegy•Elegy— A poem of mourning, usually over the death of an individual. It may also be a lament over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation on the nature of death. An elegy is a type of lyric poem, usually formed in language and structure, and solemn or even melancholy in tone.•挽歌(elegy又称挽诗\哀诗),源于希腊词―elegeia’和拉丁词―elegia‖,是一种由一个扬抑抑格六音步诗行和一个扬抑抑格五音步诗行,即―挽歌体对句‖组成的诗歌格律.在古典文学作品中,以这种格律写成的诗歌涉及爱情、死亡和战争等各种主题,它也可用作墓志铭和纪念性诗文。
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The Style
"Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" is written in heroic quatrain四行诗. A quatrain is a four-line stanza. Heroic quatrains rhyme in an abab pattern and are written in iambic pentameter. For instance, the first line of Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard": TheCur / few tolls / the knell / of part / ing day. Try reading the line aloud: its regular, steady rhythm helps to create a calm and quiet mood— one appropriate to the meditative nature of this poem.
Sentimentalism is one of the important trends in English literature of the middle and later decades of the 18th century. 1. Along with a new vision of love, sentimentalism presented a new view of human nature which prized feeling over thinking, passion over reason, and personal iess, and benevolence" over social duties. 2. Literary work of the sentimentalism, marked by a sincere sympathy for the poverty-stricken, expropriated peasants, wrote the "simple annals of the poor”.
Thomas Gray
Thomas Gray (26 December 1716 – 30 July 1771), was an English poet, classical scholar and professor at Cambridge University.
Sentimentalism 感伤主义
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
The poem was first published in 1751. Gray may, however, have begun writing the poem in 1742, shortly after the death of his close friend Richard West. An elegy is a poem which laments the dead. Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" is noteworthy in that it mourns the death not of great or famous people, but of common men. The poem invokes the classical idea of memento mori, a Latin phrase which states plainly to all mankind, "Remember that you must die." In this poem, the graveyard acts as a memento mori, reminding the narrator to not place too much value on this life because someday he too will be dead and buried. The speaker of this poem sees a country churchyard at sunset, which impels him to meditate on the nature of human mortality死亡.
• Gray did not produce a great deal of poetry; the "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," however, has earned him a respected and deserved place in literary history. The poem was written at the end of the Augustan Age and at the beginning of the Romantic period, and the poem has characteristics associated with both literary periods. On one hand, it has the ordered, balanced phrasing and rational sentiments of Neoclassical poetry. On the other hand, it tends toward the emotionalism and individualism of the Romantic poets; most importantly, it idealizes and elevates the common man.