

Tassel 5.0关联分析软件 中文使用手册

Tassel 5.0关联分析软件 中文使用手册
ll 大学 Buckler 实验室已经进行了广泛的测试并且一般来说结果是可靠的、 正确的或合适的, 但是对于任何一套特定的数据不能保证一定能够得到你想要的结果。 强烈 地建议用户利用其它软件来验证 TASSEL 的结果。
更多的帮助:除了这个文档以外还可以得到额外的帮助。欢迎用户报告软件的缺陷,通过 TASSEL 网址申请新的性能。也欢迎对我们现在的团队成员提出问题。要想得到更快速和更 准确的答案,请把你的问题提交给最相关的人: Tassel 用户群(推荐) 一般的信息 数据输入,Pipeline 统计分析 /group/tassel tassel@ Ed Buckler(项目领导人) esb33@ Terry Casstevens tmc46@ Peter Bradbury pjb39@
Citations: Overall Package: Bradbury PJ, Zhang Z, Kroon DE, Casstevens TM, Ramdoss Y, Buckler ES. (2007) TASSEL: Software for association mapping of complex traits in diverse samples. Bioinformatics 23:2633-2635. Genotyping by Sequencing: Glaubitz JC, Casstevens TM, Lu F, Harriman J, Elshire RJ, Sun Q, Buckler ES. (2014) TASSELGBS: A High Capacity Genotyping by Sequencing Analysis Pipeline. PLoS ONE 9(2): e90346 Mixed Model GWAS: Zhang Z, Ersoz E, Lai C-Q, Todhunter RJ, Tiwari HK, Gore MA, Bradbury PJ, Yu J, Arnett DK, Ordovas JM, Buckler ES. (2010) Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide association studies. Nature Genetics 42:355-360.


该固态函数库通过校验所有库函数的输入值来实现实时错误检测。该动态校验提高了软件的鲁棒性。实时 检测适合于用户应用程序的开发和调试。但这会增加了成本,可以在最终应用程序代码中移去,以。
因为该固件库是通用的,并且包括了所有外设的功能,所以应用程序代码的大小和执行速度可能不是最优 的。对大多数应用程序来说,用户可以直接使用之,对于那些在代码大小和执行速度方面有严格要求的应 用程序,该固件库驱动程序可以作为如何设置外设的一份参考资料,根据实际需求对其进行调整。
1.3.1 变量 ................................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.2 布尔型 ............................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.3 标志位状态类型 ........................................................................................................................... 29 1.3.4 功能状态类型 .............................................................................................................

NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Version 2012 发布说明说明书

NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Version 2012 发布说明说明书

RELEASE NOTESNI TestStand ATML Toolkit™Version 2012These release notes contain NI TestStand ATML Toolkit2012 systemrequirements, installation instructions, information about new features, andother changes since the ATML Toolkit2010.ContentsGetting Started (1)New TestStand Users (1)New ATML Toolkit Users (2)Recommended System Requirements (2)TestStand Directory Structure (4)Installation Instructions (5)Activating ATML Toolkit Licenses (6)Migrating to ATML Toolkit2012 from ATML Toolkit1.0 (6)What’s New in ATML Toolkit2012 (7)Behavior Changes (8)Getting StartedThe ATML Toolkit adds functionality to TestStand for translating anATML Test Description (TD) file to a TestStand sequence file andLabVIEW and LabWindows™/CVI™ code modules and updates theTestStand ATML Test Results (TR) report generator.New TestStand UsersIf you are a new TestStand user, National Instruments recommendscompleting the tasks listed in the New Users section of the Guide toDocumentation topic of the NI TestStand Help, which is located by defaultat <TestStand>\Doc\Help\TSHelp.chm.New ATML Toolkit UsersTo familiarize yourself with the ATML Toolkit, explore the NI TestStandATML Toolkit Help, which is located by default at <TestStand>\Doc\Help\TSATHelp.chm. The NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help containsinformation about the toolkit features and functionality. You can view theNI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help as a part of the NI TestStand Help.Note The ATML Toolkit documentation refers to XML concepts and assumes that youhave a working knowledge of ATML, the ATML TD standard, the ATML Test Resultsand Session Information standard, XML, XML Path Language (XPath), XML SchemaDocument (XSD), and XQuery. Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) website,located at , for more information about these technologies. You can findadditional resources and tutorials online to help you learn these technologies. Refer to theATML TD Standards topic in the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help for more informationabout the ATML TD standard. Refer to the ATML Test Results and Session Informationtopic in the NI TestStand Help for more information about the ATML Test Results andSession Information standard.Recommended System RequirementsNational Instruments recommends the following system requirements torun the TestStand ATML Toolkit2012. Minimum system requirementsfollow in parentheses.•TestStand2012 (TestStand4.2.1). Refer to the NI TestStandRelease Notes for information about the recommended systemrequirements for TestStand.•70MB of free hard disk space.Use the Microsoft Windows operating systems and service packs describedin Table 1 with the ATML Toolkit2012:Table 1. Recommended and Required Windows Operating System Service PacksOperating System TestStand2012TestStand2010 SP1TestStand2010TestStand4.2.1Windows 732- and 64-bit,Service Pack 1,Starter Edition 32- and 64-bit, Service Pack 1, Starter Edition32- and 64-bit,Starter Edition32- and 64-bitWindows Vista (32- and64-bit) Business,Enterprise, or UltimateService Pack 2Service Pack 2Service Pack 2Service Pack 1Windows Server 2008R2 (64-bit),Service Pack 2R2 (64-bit)R2 (64-bit)—NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release © National Instruments 3NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release NotesTestStand does not support Guest user accounts on Windows. TestStandsupports Administrator and Limited accounts on Windows 7/Vista andAdministrator, Power Users, and Users accounts on Windows XP.Note This version of the ATML Toolkit supports, and was tested with, the latest operating system service packs that were available at the time this version of the ATML Toolkit was released. National Instruments recommends using the ATML Toolkit with the latestoperating system service pack.Use the following Microsoft software with the ATML Toolkit 2012:•Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0 or later •Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0Use the following National Instruments application developmentenvironments (ADEs) with the ATML Toolkit 2012:•LabVIEW 8.2.1 or later to use the ATML TD translator to translate ATML TD files to LabVIEW code modules.•LabVIEW 8.6.1 or later to use the callbacks the translator provides forbuilding a custom code generator. You can use a custom code generatorto modify the code modules the translator generates.•LabWindows/CVI 8.1.1 or later to use the ATML TD translator totranslate the ATML TD files to LabWindows/CVI code modules.•LabWindows/CVI 8.5 or later to use the callbacks the translatorprovides for building a custom code generator. You can use a customcode generator to modify the code modules the translator generates.The ATML Toolkit supports version 1.01 of the ATML TD standard, whichis an approved standard under IEEE 1671 Standard for Automatic TestMarkup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment andTest Information via XML. The ATML Toolkit supports the non-finalizedversion 5.0 and the approved version 2.02 of the ATML Test Results andSession Information schema, which is a component standard of IEEE 1636Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection Analysis Windows Server 2003R2 (32-bit), Service Pack 2R2 (32-bit)R2 (32-bit)—Windows XPService Pack 3Service Pack 3Service Pack 3Service Pack 2Windows 2000———Service Pack 4Table 1. Recommended and Required Windows Operating System Service Packs (Continued)Operating SystemTestStand 2012TestStand 2010 SP1TestStand 2010TestStand 4.2.1(SIMICA). Refer to the IEEE website at for moreinformation about these standards.not yet approved, generated reports might not validate against the approved version of theschema. Refer to the National Instruments website at /info and enter the InfoCode tsatmltr5 for up-to-date information about TestStand support for ATML TR5.0reports.TestStand Directory StructureTo comply with Windows7/Vista restrictions on writing to theProgram Files directory and to improve usability for Windows XP userswho do not have access to the Program Files directory, TestStandinstalls files in the following directories:•<TestStand>—Located by default at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 32-bit systemsand at C:\Program Files(x86)\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 64-bit systems.•<TestStand Public>—Located by default at C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand onWindows7/Vista and at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\TestStandon Windows XP.•<TestStand Application Data>—Hidden by default and located atC:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TestStand onWindows7/Vista and at C:\Documents and Settings\AllUsers\Application Data\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows XP.•<TestStand Local Application Data>—Hidden by defaultand located at <User Directory>\AppData\Local\NationalInstruments\TestStand on Windows7/Vista and at <UserDirectory>\Local Settings\Application Data\NationalInstruments\TestStand on Windows XP.Refer to the TestStand Directory Structure topic in the NI TestStand Helpfor more information about these directories and the files TestStand installs.NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release © National Instruments 5NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release NotesInstallation InstructionsThe ATML Toolkit installation program installs the ATML TD translatorfiles to the <TestStand Public>\Components\Translatorsdirectory and updates the existing TestStand process models and reportgenerator files located in the <TestStand>\Components\Models\TestStandModels directory. The toolkit also adds a Configure ATMLTD Translator option to the Tools menu in TestStand for launching theATML Test Description Translator Configuration dialog box.Note Because the TestStand installer includes a dependency on the Process Model Installer component, you must uninstall TestStand 2010SP1, TestStand 2010, orTestStand 4.2.1 to remove the corresponding process model updates the ATML Toolkit installs.National Instruments recommends exiting all programs before running theATML Toolkit installer. Applications that run in the background, such asvirus scanning utilities, might cause the installer to take longer thannecessary to complete.Complete the following steps to install the ATML Toolkit.1.Refer to the National Instruments website at /info and enterthe Info Code ATML2012_Download to download the ATML Toolkitfiles to install.2.Log on as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.3.Double-click the NITSATMLToolKit2012.exe file you downloadedand follow the instructions that appear on the screen.Note You must exit the TestStand Sequence Editor and any TestStand User Interface before you install the toolkit.National Instruments recommends installing the complete ATML Toolkitprogram for each version of TestStand you have installed. If you perform acustom installation and do not install all the toolkit features, you can run theinstallation program again later to install additional features.After the toolkit installation completes, you can begin using the toolkitfunctionality in TestStand. Refer to the Getting Started with the ATML TDTranslator topic in the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help for moreinformation about getting started with the toolkit features.Activating ATML Toolkit LicensesWhen you install the ATML Toolkit, you can use the NI Activation Wizardto activate the software. If you do not activate the software, you can initiatethe evaluation period for the software when you begin using it. Youneed the serial number and the name of the documentation kit to activatethe ATML Toolkit. You can find both of these items on the Certificate ofOwnership card included in your documentation kit. Refer to the ActivatingYour Software topic in the NI TestStand Help for more information abouthow to activate National Instruments software.Migrating to ATML Toolkit2012 from ATML Toolkit1.0If you are migrating from the ATML Toolkit1.0, you must run theSequence File Updater application included with the ATML Toolkitinstaller to convert any sequence file you originally translated using theATML Toolkit1.0 to a sequence file you can incrementally update usingthe ATML Toolkit2012.Sequence File Updater ApplicationThe ATML Toolkit2010 or later changes the prefixes of the types containedin the ATMLTDTypes.ini and ATMLTD_IEEE1641_Types.ini typepalette files and also renames the Attributes subproperty of the typesas ATMLAttributes. As a result of these naming changes, theATML Toolkit2010 or later does not correctly incrementally updatesequence files you originally translated using the ATML Toolkit1.0. Referto the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help for more information about thesenaming changes.You can use the Sequence File Updater application to convert sequencefiles you originally translated using the ATML Toolkit1.0 to a sequencefile you can use for an incremental update using the ATML Toolkit2010 orlater.Complete the following steps to install and launch the Sequence FileUpdater application.1.Copy the ATMLSequenceFileConverter directory from theATML Toolkit installer directory to a directory on the computer.2.Double-click SequenceFileConverter.exe, located in theATMLSequenceFileConverter directory, to launch the UpdateSequence Files Translated with the ATML Toolkit1.0 dialog box.e the Path of Sequence File to be Updated control to specify thepath of the sequence file translated using the ATML Toolkit1.0.NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release 4.Optionally, use the Path of Test Description File(Optional) controlto specify the path of the source TD file used to generate the sequencefile, if the source TD file is available.5.Click OK to update the sequence file for the ATML Toolkit2010 orlater.Refer to the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help for more information abouthow the Sequence File Updater application updates the sequence file for theATML Toolkit2010 or later and for information about using command-linesyntax to specify a sequence file and a source TD file to update. What’s New in ATML Toolkit2012This section describes the new features in the ATML Toolkit2012 andother changes since the ATML Toolkit2010.•The ATML TR report generator supports the non-finalized version 5.0of the ATML Test Results and Session Information schema.•In addition to using the Locals.Atml_Rpt_Options.ExtDLLAbsPath property in the GetATMLReport sequence of thereportgen_atml.seq sequence file to provide the path of anextension DLL when you generate an ATML TR2.02 report, you canalso now use the Parameters.ReportOptions.Atml_Rpt_Options.ExtensionDLLAbsolutePath property inthe ReportOptions callback to complete the same task.•You can use the Parameters.ReportOptions.Atml_Rpt_Options.ExtensionDLLAbsolutePath property inthe ReportOptions callback to provide the path of an extension DLLwhen you generate an ATML TR5.0 report.•The ATML Toolkit 2012 includes the following new exportedTR report generator extension functions:–ResultSet_EnvironmentalData–ResultSet_Events_All–SessionAction_EnvironmentalData–Test_EnvironmentalData–TestGroup_EnvironmentalData–TestResults_Site–TestResults_TestProgram_All© National Instruments7NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release NotesCVI, LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, , NI TestStand, the National Instruments corporate logo, and the Eagle logo are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Trademark Information at /trademarks for other National Instruments trademarks. The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Noticeat /patents . You can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the NI TestStand 2012 Readme. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data.© 2011–2012 National Instruments. All rights reserved.375544B-01Aug12•The ATML Toolkit 2012 includes the following new TR reportgenerator functions:–Get_Atml_ReportBody –Get_Atml_ReportFooter –Get_Atml_ReportHeaderBehavior ChangesTable 2 describes changes in behavior between the ATML Toolkit 2010 and the ATML Toolkit 2012.Table 2. Behavior Changes between the ATML Toolkit 2010 and the ATML Toolkit 2012BehaviorATML Toolkit 2010 Behavior ATML Toolkit 2012 Behavior Directory structure ofTR schemas <TestStandModels>\ATML\Schemas <TestStandModels>\ATML\Schemas\ATML 2.02 and<TestStandModels>\ATML\Schemas\ATML 5。


Chapter 1: Getting Started Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Unpacking ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Setting Up the Digital Scanner ....................................................................................................... 1-3 Installing the Interface Cable .................................................................................................... 1-3 Removing the Interface Cable .................................................................................................. 1-4 Connecting Power (if required) ................................................................................................ 1-4 Configuring the Digital Scanner ............................................................................................... 1-4



Copyright Notice
Micromass UK Limited believes that the information in this publication is accurate. However the information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a contractual undertaking by Micromass UK Limited. Despite the care that has been given to the preparation of this publication, Micromass UK Limited accepts no responsibility for any loss or any other matter that may arise from any error or inaccuracy that may inadvertently have been included. Copyright 1993-2002 Micromass Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied without the express written permission of Micromass UK Limited.
Page ii
MassLynx NT Users Guide
MassLynx NT User’s Guide............................................................................

security_attributes用法 -回复

security_attributes用法 -回复




一、理解security_attributessecurity_attributes是一种结构体,它在Windows API中被广泛使用。


1. nLength:这是一个整型变量,用于存储security_attributes结构体的大小。


2. bInheritHandle:这是一个布尔型变量,用于决定是否允许子进程继承这个句柄。


3. lpSecurityDescriptor:这是一个指向SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR结构体的指针。


二、创建security_attributes在使用security_attributes之前,首先需要创建一个security_attributes 结构体。

以下是一个简单的示例:c++SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa;sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; 允许子进程继承句柄sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; 使用默认的安全描述符在这个示例中,我们首先创建了一个security_attributes结构体,并设置了它的nLength成员为sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction

TH1942 数字万用表用户手册说明书

TH1942 数字万用表用户手册说明书




目录第一章概述 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2使用条件 (2)1.2.1电源 (2)1.2.2环境温度与湿度 (2)1.3体积与重量 (2)1.4安全标记及注意事项 (2)1.5开箱检查 (3)1.6标志 (3)1.7保修 (3)第二章多用表简介 (4)2.1简介 (4)2.2前面板简述 (5)2.2.1屏幕指示信息 (6)2.2.2前面板菜单一览 (7)2.2.3前面板菜单参考 (7)2.2.4菜单操作说明 (8)2.3后面板介绍 (9)2.4开机准备及开机状态 (10)2.4.1连接电源 (10)2.4.2输入端介绍 (10)2.4.3开机程序 (11)2.4.4高压线路测量的安全注意事项 (11)2.4.5开机缺省状态 (12)2.4.6预热时间 (12)2.5显示屏 (12)第三章基本测量 (13)3.1开始 (13)3.2电压测量 (13)3.2.1连接方法 (13)3.3电流测量 (14)3.3.1连接方法 (14)3.3.2AMPS保险丝的更换 (16)3.4电阻测量 (16)3.4.1连接方法 (16)3.4.2屏蔽保护 (17)3.5频率和周期测量 (17)3.5.1测量误差 (17)3.5.2门限时间 (18)3.5.3连接方法 (18)3.6导通测量 (19)3.6.1连接方法 (19)3.7二极管测试 (20)3.7.1连接方法 (20)3.8交直流真有效值测量功能 (20)3.8.1连接测试方法 (20)3.8.2连接测试方法 (21)3.9选择第二显示 (21)3.9.1操作使用 (21)3.9.2操作使用 (22)3.10数学运算功能 (22)3.10.1Percent (22)3.10.2dB计算 (23)3.10.3dBm计算 (24)第四章测量选项 (26)4.1测量配置 (26)4.1.1量程 (26)4.1.2相对运算(Relative) (27)4.1.3速度(Rate) (27)4.2触发操作 (28)4.2.1触发流程 (28)4.3最大最小值(MAX/MIN) (30)4.4极限比较测量(Compare Operations) (30)4.4.1打开极限比较测量(Enabling compare) (30)4.4.2设置极限比较范围(Setting Compare Limit Values) (30)4.5系统应用(System Operations) (31)4.5.1蜂鸣器控制(Beep) (31)4.5.2按键音(Key Sound) (32)4.5.3自检(Self-test) (32)4.5.4校准(Calibration) (32)第五章远程操作 (33)5.1RS-232接口说明及操作 (33)5.1.1RS-232接口简介 (33)5.1.2RS-232操作 (34)5.2数据格式 (36)第六章SCPI命令参考 (37)6.1命令结构 (37)6.2命令语法 (37)6.2.1命令关键字和参数: (37)6.2.2命令关键字缩写规则 (39)6.2.3命令结构基本规则: (39)6.2.4多重命令规则 (40)6.2.5命令路径规则 (40)6.3命令参考 (41)6.3.1DISPlay子系统命令 (41)6.3.2FUNCtion子系统命令 (42)6.3.3VOLTage子系统命令 (43)6.3.4CURRent子系统命令 (46)6.3.5RESIister子系统命令 (49)6.3.6FREQuency和PERiod子系统命令 (51)6.3.7HOLD子系统命令 (53)6.3.8TRIGger子系统命令 (54)6.3.9FETCh子系统命令 (54)6.3.10共命令 (55)i.附录A (56)介绍 (56)技术说明 (56)ii.附录B (62)程序举例 (62)第一章概述感谢您购买和使用我公司产品。

extract_features 参数

extract_features 参数

extract_features 参数
extract_features 参数的定义可能有多个,具体取决于上下文和使用该参数的函数或方法。

1. data: 待处理的数据集或样本。


2. feature_func: 用于提取特征的函数或方法。

extract_features(data, feature_func),其中feature_func是一个用

3. normalize: 是否对提取的特征进行归一化处理。

例如:extract_features(data, feature_func, normalize=True),其中normalize是一个布尔值,表示是否对提取的特征进行归一化

4. n_components: 降维后的特征维数。

extract_features(data, feature_func, n_components=10),其中

5. Other additional parameters: 其他可能与特征提取相关的参数,具体取决于具体应用和需求。


IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书
Dimensional Modeling Workflow................................................................................................................. 1 Analyzing Your Requirements and Source Data.................................................................................... 1 Preprocessing Your ...................................................................................................................... 2 Building a Prototype............................................................................................................................... 4 Refining Your Model............................................................................................................................... 5 Diagnose and Resolve Any Design Problems........................................................................................ 6



6.2. 强大的config .............................................................................................94
6.3. 聚合config变量 .........................................................................................98
写这本书,只是想把自己会的一点东西完全的落于纸上。在努力学习 UVM 的 过程中,自己花费了很多时间和精力。我只想把学习的心得记录下来,希望能够给 后来的人以启发。如果这本书能够给一个人带来一点点的帮助,那么我的努力就不 算是白费。
这本书的前半部分(第 1 到第 9 章)介绍了 UVM 的使用,其用户群较为广泛;
8.2. 搭建一个简单的register model...............................................................129
8.3. 复杂的register model...............................................................................137



hrsid数据集说明English Answer.The hrsid dataset, also known as the Human Resources Information Systems Dataset, is a publicly available dataset of information collected from a sample of human resources departments in the United States. The dataset includes data on a variety of topics related to human resources management, including employee demographics, compensation, and benefits.The hrsid dataset was created by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as part of its National Compensation Survey (NCS). The NCS is a comprehensive survey of wages and benefits conducted every two years by the BLS. The hrsid dataset is a subset of the NCS data that focuses specifically on information collected from human resources departments.The hrsid dataset is available for download from theBLS website. The dataset is provided in a variety of formats, including CSV, SAS, and STATA. The dataset is also available through the R package "hrs."The hrsid dataset is a valuable resource for researchers and policymakers interested in studying human resources management. The dataset can be used to analyze a variety of topics, including:Employee demographics.Compensation and benefits.Human resources policies and practices.The hrsid dataset is a valuable resource for researchers and policymakers interested in studying human resources management. The dataset can be used to analyze a variety of topics, including:Employee demographics.Compensation and benefits.Human resources policies and practices.中文回答:hrsid数据集,也称为人力资源信息系统数据集,是一个公开可用的信息数据集,这些信息是美国部分人力资源部门收集而来。



obtainmessage用法(一)obtainmessage的用法及讲解1. 简介obtainmessage 是一个用于获取信息的函数/方法。


2. 语法message = obtainmessage()var message = obtainmessage();3. 详细讲解功能obtainmessage 函数用于获取消息,可以从消息队列或通道中取走一个消息并将其赋给一个变量。

参数obtainmessage 函数通常不需要传入任何参数,因为它会自动从可用的消息队列或通道中获取消息。

返回值obtainmessage 函数的返回值是获取到的消息,通常是一个对象、字符串或其他数据类型。

Pythonmessage = obtainmessage()print(message)上述代码会从消息队列或通道中获取一个消息,并将其打印出来。

JavaScriptvar message = obtainmessage();(message);以上代码会从消息队列或通道中获取一个消息,并将其输出到控制台。

4. 注意事项•obtainmessage 函数在使用前需要确保消息队列或通道中有可用的消息,否则函数可能会阻塞等待直到有消息到来。

•在某些编程语言或框架中,obtainmessage 函数可能会带有超时参数,用于指定在等待消息时的最长等待时间。

5. 总结obtainmessage 是一个用于获取消息的函数/方法,它可以从消息队列或通道中获取消息并返回。



以下是一些使用obtainmessage的示例,以展示它在不同情境下的用法和效果:示例一:基本用法message = obtainmessage()print(message)在这个示例中,obtainmessage函数会从消息队列或通道中获取一个消息,并将其赋值给变量message。

issubstring函数 -回复

issubstring函数 -回复


在本篇文章中,我们将深入介绍issubstring 函数的用法和原理,并提供具体的步骤和示例来帮助读者更好地理解和应用该函数。

1. 什么是issubstring函数?issubstring函数是一种用于判断一个字符串是否是另一个字符串的子串的函数。



2. 如何使用issubstring函数?使用issubstring函数一般需要提供两个参数:目标字符串和子串。

在大多数编程语言中,使用issubstring函数的一般形式是:issubstring(目标字符串, 子串)。

3. issubstring函数的原理是什么?issubstring函数的原理可以简单描述为:检查子串是否在目标字符串中连续地出现。



4. issubstring函数的实现步骤是什么?issubstring函数的实现步骤可以分为以下几个主要步骤:4.1 初始化计数器和指针:首先,我们需要使用一个计数器和一个指针来跟踪匹配的子串。


4.2 遍历目标字符串:使用一个循环来遍历目标字符串中的每个字符。

4.3 匹配子串:在遍历的过程中,我们需要将当前字符与子串中的字符进行比较。


4.4 检查匹配是否成功:在每次比较后,我们需要检查计数器是否等于子串的长度。


4.5 返回结果:若遍历完整个目标字符串后都没有找到匹配的子串,则返回false。



Data Auditor原理是一种数据审计方法,用于验证和保护数据














rerddapXtracto包 从ERDDAP网络服务中提取环境数据的三个函数说明书

rerddapXtracto包  从ERDDAP网络服务中提取环境数据的三个函数说明书

Package‘rerddapXtracto’October18,2023Type PackageTitle Extracts Environmental Data from'ERDDAP'Web ServicesVersion1.1.7Date2023-10-18Description Contains three functions that accessenvironmental data from any'ERDDAP'data web service.The rxtracto()function extracts data along a trajectory for a given``radius''around the point.Therxtracto_3D()function extracts data in a box.The rxtractogon()functionextracts data in a polygon.All of those three function use the'rerddap'packageto extract the data,and should work with any'ERDDAP'server.There are also two functions,plotBBox()and plotTrack()that use the'plotdap'package to simplify the creation of maps of the data.URL https:///rmendels/rerddapXtractoBugReports https:///rmendels/rerddapXtracto/issuesDepends R(>=4.0.0)License CC0Imports abind,dplyr,ggplot2,httr,maps,methods,ncdf4,parsedate,plotdap(>=0.0.5),readr,rerddap(>=0.8.0),sf,sp,stats,utilsSuggests cmocean,gganimate,knitr,mapdata,rmarkdownRoxygenNote7.2.3Encoding UTF-8LazyData TRUEVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noAuthor Roy Mendelssohn[aut,cre],Marie Auger-Methe[ctb]Maintainer Roy Mendelssohn<************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-10-1817:40:02UTC12Marlintag38606 R topics documented:dataInfo (2)Marlintag38606 (2)mbnms (3)MBsst (4)plotBBox (4)plotTrack (5)rxtracto (7)rxtractogon (9)rxtracto_3D (11)swchl (12)tidy_grid (13)Index14 dataInfo dataInfo DataDescriptionpre-Download of’rerddap’info needed for examples so can run within CRAN Time limitsUsagedataInfoFormatAn object of class info of length3.Detailsobtained using dataInfo<-rerddap::info(’erdHadISST’)Marlintag38606Marlin Tag DataDescriptionTelemetry data of a blue marlin tagged in the Pacific Ocean in2003UsageMarlintag38606mbnms3 FormatA data frame with152obs.of7variables:date time of observation given as YYYY-MM-DDlon longitude of observationlat latitude of observationlowLon low error on longitudehigLon high error on longitudelowLat low error on latitudehigLat high error on latitudeSourceDr.Mike Musyl,Pelagic Research Group LLCmbnms MBNMS BoundariesDescriptionA dataset containing the latitudes and longitudes of a polygon that define boundaries of the Mon-terey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.UsagembnmsFormatA data frame with6666obs.of2variables:Longitude Longitudes of a boundary polygonLatitude Latitudes of a boundary polygonSourcehttps:///library/imast_gis.html4plotBBox MBsst MBsst DataDescriptionpre-Download of Pacific West Coast SST fro use in‘plotBBox()‘example can run within CRAN Time limitsUsageMBsstFormatAn object of class list(inherits from rxtracto3D)of length6.Detailsobtained using the‘rxtracto_3D()‘command dataInfo<-rerddap::info(’erdMBsstd1day’)parame-ter<-’sst’xcoord<-c(230,230.1)ycoord<-c(33,33.1)tcoord<-c(’2006-01-15’,’2006-01-15’) zcoord<-c(0.,0.)MBsst<-rxtracto_3D(dataInfo,parameter,xcoord=xcoord,ycoord=ycoord, tcoord=tcoord,zcoord=zcoord)plotBBox plot result of’rxtracto_3D’DescriptionplotBBox is a function to plot the results from’rxtracto_3D’()’and’rxtractogon()’UsageplotBBox(resp,plotColor="viridis",time=NA,myFunc=NA,mapData=NULL,crs=NULL,animate=FALSE,cumulative=FALSE,name=NA,maxpixels=10000)Argumentsresp data frame returned from’rxtracto_3D’()’or’rxtractogon()’plotColor the color to use in plot from’cmocean’time a function to map multi-time to one,or else identity for animationmyFunc function of one argument to transform the datamapData map data from’maps’or’mapdata’,must be of class’map’crs valid crs stringanimate if multiple times,if TRUE will animate the mapscumulative makes cumulative animation of dataname name for colorbar labelmaxpixels maximum number of pixels to use in making the map-controls resolution Valuea’plotdap’plotExamples##example code to download data for plotBBox##dataInfo<-rerddap::info( erdMBsstd1day )##parameter<- sst##xcoord<-c(230,230.1)##ycoord<-c(33,33.1)##tcoord<-c( 2006-01-15 , 2006-01-15 )##zcoord<-c(0.,0.)##MBsst<-rxtracto_3D(dataInfo,parameter,xcoord=xcoord,ycoord=ycoord,##tcoord=tcoord,zcoord=zcoord)####low resolution selected to keep time to render down#suppressWarnings(p<-plotBBox(MBsst,maxpixels=50))plotTrack plot result of’rxtracto’DescriptionplotTrack is a function to plot the results from’rxtracto()’UsageplotTrack(resp,xcoord,ycoord,tcoord,plotColor="viridis",myFunc=NA,mapData=NULL,crs=NULL,animate=FALSE,cumulative=FALSE,name=NA,shape=20,size=0.5)Argumentsresp data frame returned from’rxtracto()’xcoord passed to’rxtracto()’ycoord passed to’rxtracto()’tcoord passed to’rxtracto()’plotColor the color to use in plot from’cmocean’myFunc function of one argument to transform the datamapData map data from’maps’or’mapdata’,must be of class’map’crs valid crs stringanimate if multiple times,if TRUE will animate the mapscumulative makes cumulative animation of dataname name for colorbar labelshape shape to use to mark tracksize size of shape to use to mark trackValuea’plotdap’plotExamples##example data download for plotTrack##tagData<-Marlintag38606##xpos<-tagData$lon[1:20]##ypos<-tagData$lat[1:20]##tpos<-tagData$date[1:20]##zpos<-rep(0.,length(xpos))##example data download for plotTrack##swchlInfo<-rerddap::info( erdSWchla8day )##scwchl<-rxtracto(swchlInfo,parameter= chlorophyll ,xcoord=xpos,##ycoord=ypos,tcoord=tpos,zcoord=zpos,xlen=.2,ylen=.2) ###suppressWarnings(p<-plotTrack(swchl,xpos,ypos,tpos,plotColor= algae ))rxtracto Extract environmental data along a trajectory from an’ERDDAP’server using’rerddap’.Descriptionrxtracto_new uses the R program’rerddap’to extract environmental data from an’ERDDAP’server along a(x,y,z,time)trajectory.Usagerxtracto(dataInfo,parameter=NULL,xcoord=NULL,ycoord=NULL,zcoord=NULL,tcoord=NULL,xlen=0,ylen=0,zlen=0,xName="longitude",yName="latitude",zName="altitude",tName="time",interp=NULL,verbose=FALSE,progress_bar=FALSE)ArgumentsdataInfo-the return from an’rerddap::info’call to an’ERDDAP’serverparameter-character string containing the name of the parameter to extractxcoord-a real array with the x-coordinates of the trajectory(if longitude in#’decimal degrees East,either0-360or-180to180)ycoord-a real array with the y-coordinate of the trajectory(if latitude in decimal de-grees N;-90to90)zcoord-a real array with the z-coordinate of the trajectory(usually altitude or depth) tcoord-a character array with the times of the trajectory in"YYYY-MM-DD"-for now restricted to be time.xlen-real array defining the longitude box around the given point(xlen/2around the point)ylen-real array defining the latitude box around the given point(ylen/2around the point)zlen-real array defining the depth or altitude box around the given point(zlen/2 around the point)xName-character string with name of the xcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "longitude")yName-character string with name of the ycoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "latitude")zName-character string with name of the zcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "altitude")tName-character string with name of the tcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "time")interp-array(size2)of character strings-c(interpolation type,neighborhood)Uses the new ERDDAP interpoation option to get values See Vignette for details De-fault is Null,do not use the interpolation optionverbose-logical variable(default FALSE)if the the URL request should be verbose progress_bar-logical variable(default FALSE)should a progress bar be displayedValueIf success a dataframe containing:•column1=mean of data within search radius•column2=standard deviation of data within search radius•column3=number of points found within search radius•column4=time of returned value•column5=min longitude of call(decimal degrees)•column6=max longitude of call(decimal degrees)•column7=min latitude of call(decimal degrees)•column8=max latitude of call(decimal degrees)•column9=requested time in tag•column10=median of data within search radius•column11=median absolute deviation of data within search radiuselse an error stringExamples##toy example to show use##but keep execution time down###dataInfo<-rerddap::info( erdHadISST )##parameter<- sstxcoord<-c(-130.5)ycoord<-c(40.5)tcoord<-c( 2006-01-16 )#extract<-rxtracto(dataInfo,parameter=parameter,xcoord=xcoord,#ycoord=ycoord,tcoord=tcoord#)####bathymetry example##2-D example getting bathymetrydataInfo<-rerddap::info( etopo360 )parameter<- altitude#extract<-rxtracto(dataInfo,parameter,xcoord=xcoord,ycoord=ycoord)rxtractogon Extract environmental data in a polygon using’ERDDAP’and’rerd-dap’.Descriptionrxtractogon uses the R program’rerddap’to extract environmental data from an’ERDDAP’server in a polygon through time.Usagerxtractogon(dataInfo,parameter,xcoord=NULL,ycoord=NULL,zcoord=NULL,tcoord=NULL,xName="longitude",yName="latitude",zName="altitude",tName="time",verbose=FALSE,cache_remove=TRUE)ArgumentsdataInfo-the return from an’rerddap:info’call to an’ERDDAP’serverparameter-character string containing the name of the parameter to extractxcoord-array giving longitudes(in decimal degrees East,either0-360or-180to180) of polygonycoord-array giving latitudes(in decimal degrees N;-90to90)of polygonzcoord-a real number with the z-coordinate(usually altitude or depth)tcoord-2-array of minimum and maximum times as’YYYY-MM-DD’xName-character string with name of the xcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "longitude")yName-character string with name of the ycoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "latitude")zName-character string with name of the zcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "altitude")tName-character string with name of the tcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "time")verbose-logical variable(default FALSE)if the the URL request should be verbose cache_remove-logical variable(default TRUE)whether to delete’rerddap’cacheValueIf successful a structure with data and dimensions•extract$data-the masked data array dimensioned(lon,lat,time)•extract$varname-the name of the parameter extracted•extract$datasetname-ERDDAP dataset name•extract$longitude-the longitudes on some scale as request•extract$latitude-the latitudes always going south to north•extract$time-the times of the extractselse an error stringDetailsrxtractogon extracts the data from the smallest bounding box that contains the polygon,and then uses the function"point.in.polygon"from the"sp"package to mask out the areas outside of the polygon.rxtractogon only works with datasets defined on a latitude and longitude grid.Examples##toy example to show use##and keep execution time low#dataInfo<-rerddap::info( erdHadISST )parameter<- ssttcoord<-c("2016-06-15")xcoord<-mbnms$Longitude[1:3]ycoord<-mbnms$Latitude[1:3]#sanctSST<-rxtractogon(dataInfo,parameter=parameter,xcoord=xcoord,#ycoord=ycoord,tcoord=tcoord)###MBMS bathymetry examplexcoord<-mbnms$Longitudeycoord<-mbnms$LatitudedataInfo<-rerddap::info( etopo180 )parameter= altitudexName<- longitudeyName<- latitude#bathy<-rxtractogon(dataInfo,parameter=parameter,xcoord=xcoord,ycoord=ycoord)rxtracto_3D11rxtracto_3D Extract environmental data in a3-dimensional box from an’ERDDAP’server using’rerddap’.Descriptionrxtracto_3D uses the R program’rerddap’to extract environmental data from an’ERDDAP’server in an(x,y,z,time)bounding box.The same call could be made directly in rerddap,but function is maintained as it is used in the polygon routine.Usagerxtracto_3D(dataInfo,parameter=NULL,xcoord=NULL,ycoord=NULL,zcoord=NULL,tcoord=NULL,xName="longitude",yName="latitude",zName="altitude",tName="time",verbose=FALSE,cache_remove=TRUE)ArgumentsdataInfo-the return from an’rerddap:info’call to an’ERDDAP’serverparameter-character string containing the name of the parameter to extractxcoord-a real array with the x-coordinates of the trajectory(if longitude in#’decimal degrees East,either0-360or-180to180)ycoord-a real array with the y-coordinate of the trajectory(if latitude in decimal de-grees N;-90to90)zcoord-a real array with the z-coordinate(usually altitude or depth)tcoord-a character array with the times of the trajectory in"YYYY-MM-DD"-for now restricted to be time.xName-character string with name of the xcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "longitude")yName-character string with name of the ycoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "latitude")zName-character string with name of the zcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "altitude")12swchltName-character string with name of the tcoord in the’ERDDAP’dataset(default "time")verbose-logical variable(default FALSE)if the the URL request should be verbose cache_remove-logical variable(default TRUE)whether to delete’rerddap’cacheValueIf successful a structure with data and dimensions:•extract$data-the data array dimensioned(lon,lat,time)•extract$varname-the name of the parameter extracted•extract$datasetname-ERDDAP dataset name•extract$longitude-the longitudes on some scale as request•extract$latitude-the latitudes always going south to north•extract$time-the times of the extractselse an error stringExamples##toy example to show use##and keep execution time low###dataInfo<-rerddap::info( erdHadISST )parameter<- sstxcoord<-c(-130.5,-130.5)ycoord<-c(40.5,40.5)tcoord<-c( 2006-01-16 , 2006-01-16 )#extract<-rxtracto_3D(dataInfo,parameter,xcoord=xcoord,ycoord=ycoord,#tcoord=tcoord)##bathymetry example##2-D example getting bathymetrydataInfo<-rerddap::info( etopo360 )parameter<- altitude#extract<-rxtracto_3D(dataInfo,parameter,xcoord=xcoord,ycoord=ycoord)swchl swchl DataDescriptionpre-Download of Pacific West Coast SST fro use in‘plotTrack()‘example can run within CRAN Time limitsUsageswchltidy_grid13FormatAn object of class list(inherits from rxtractoTrack)of length13.Detailsobtained using the‘rxtracto()‘command tagData<-Marlintag38606xpos<-tagData$lon[1:20] ypos<-tagData$lat[1:20]tpos<-tagData$date[1:20]tpos<-tagData$date[1:20]zpos<-rep(0., length(xpos))swchlInfo<-rerddap::info(’erdSWchla8day’)swchl<-rxtracto(swchlInfo,parameter =’chlorophyll’,xcoord=xpos,ycoord=ypos,tcoord=tpos,zcoord=zpos,xlen=.2,ylen=.2) tidy_grid convert result of’rxtracto_3D’or’rxtractogon’to tidy long-formatDescriptiontidy_grid is a function to convert result of’rxtracto_3D’or’rxtractogon’to"tidy"long-formatUsagetidy_grid(response)Argumentsresponse data frame returned from’rxtracto_3D’()’or’rxtractogon()’Valuea dataframe in long-formatExamplesMBsst_tidy<-tidy_grid(MBsst)Index∗datasetsdataInfo,2Marlintag38606,2mbnms,3MBsst,4swchl,12dataInfo,2Marlintag38606,2mbnms,3MBsst,4plotBBox,4plotTrack,5rxtracto,7rxtracto_3D,11rxtractogon,9swchl,12tidy_grid,1314。

NBSI 抓包分析( MSSQL篇 )

NBSI 抓包分析( MSSQL篇 )

NBSI 注入分析(MSSQL篇)/dtcard/jb_detail.asp?id=31 and user%2Bchar(124)=0//user是SQLServer的一个内置变量,它的值是当前连接的用户名,类型为nvarchar。

拿一个nvarchar的值跟int的数0比较,系统会先试图将nvarchar的值转成int型,当然,转的过程中肯定会出错,SQLServer的出错提示是:将nvarchar 值'tzcbnew|' 转换为数据类型为int 的列时发生语法错误,tzcbnew正是变量user的值,这样,不废吹灰之力就拿到了数据库的用户名。

char(124) ASCII解码后为”|”符号。




/dtcard/jb_detail.asp?id=31 And system_user%2Bchar(124)=0//此步同上/dtcard/jb_detail.asp?id=31%20And%20Cast(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(0x730079007300610064006D 0069006E00)%20as%20nvarchar(1))%2Bchar(124)=1/dtcard/jb_detail.asp?id=31%20And%20Cast(IS_MEMBER(0x640062005F006F0077006E0065007 200)%20as%20nvarchar(1))%2Bchar(124)=1//0x730079007300610064006D0069006E00 (sysadmin) 判断当前用户权限是否为sa0x640062005F006F0077006E0065007200(db_owner)判断当前用户权限是否为db_owner /dtcard/jb_detail.asp?id=31%20And%20db_name()%2Bchar(124)=0//db_name() 判断当前数据库名/dtcard/jb_detail.asp?id=31;declare @a int—//定义int变量a/dtcard/jb_detail.asp?id=31%20And%20(Select%20Top%201%20cast(name%20as%20nvarchar(4 000))%2Bchar(124)%20from%20(Select%20Top%201%20id,name%20from%20[tzcb00]..[sysobjec ts]%20Where%20xtype=0x55%20order%20by%20id)%20T%20order%20by%20id%20desc)>0//这句话就完成了一个表名的猜解,效率很高,上面语句中的“1”就是猜测数据表的表名数值,如果是猜第一个表,就为1,猜第二个表就改为“2”,以此类推。



数据库原理英文选择题1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a relational database?A. Data is stored in tablesB. Data is accessed through SQLC. Data redundancy is encouragedD. Data integrity is maintained2. What is the primary function of a primary key in a database table?A. To ensure data uniquenessB. To establish relationships between tablesC. To provide a means of data encryptionD. To improve query performance3. In a relational database, which of the following represents a relationship between two tables?A. Primary keyB. Foreign keyC. IndexD. Trigger4. Which of the following SQL statements is used to retrieve data from a database?A. SELECTB. INSERTC. UPDATED. DELETE5. What is the purpose of normalization in database design?A. To improve data redundancyB. To eliminate data anomaliesC. To increase data storage spaceD. To decrease query performanceA. A primary key consisting of a single columnB. A foreign key referencing a primary keyC. A primary key consisting of multiple columnsD. A unique key that allows null values7. In SQL, what is the difference between a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause?A. WHERE clause filters rows before grouping, while HAVING clause filters groups after groupingB. WHERE clause is used with SELECT statements, while HAVING clause is used with UPDATE statementsC. WHERE clause is used to sort data, while HAVING clause is used to filter dataD. WHERE clause is used with JOIN operations, while HAVING clause is used with subqueriesA. CREATE TABLEB. ALTER TABLEC. DROP TABLED. SELECT TABLE9. What is the purpose of an index in a database?A. To improve data redundancyB. To enhance data securityC. To speed up query executionD. To reduce data integrity10. Which of the following is NOT a type of database constraint?A. PRIMARY KEYB. FOREIGN KEYC. UNIQUED. VIEW数据库原理英文选择题(续)11. When designing a database, which of the following isa key principle to ensure data consistency?A. Data duplicationB. Data isolationC. Data abstractionD. Data normalization12. In a database, what is the term used to describe the process of converting a query into an execution plan?A. ParsingB. OptimizationC. CompilationD. Execution13. Which of the following SQL statements is used to modify existing data in a database table?A. SELECTB. INSERTC. UPDATED. DELETE14. What is the purpose of a transaction in a database system?A. To store data permanentlyB. To ensure data consistencyC. To improve query performanceD. To create new tables15. Which of the following is a type of join that returns rows when there is at least one match in both tables?A. INNER JOINB. LEFT JOINC. RIGHT JOIND. FULL OUTER JOIN16. In a database, what is the term used to describe the process of retrieving only distinct (unique) values from a column?A. GROUP BYB. ORDER BYC. DISTINCTD. COUNTA. DROP TABLEB. DELETE TABLEC. TRUNCATE TABLED. ALTER TABLE18. What is the purpose of a stored procedure in a database?A. To store temporary dataB. To perform a series of SQL operationsC. To create a new databaseD. To delete a database19. Which of the following is a characteristic of a NoSQL database?A. It uses a fixed schemaB. It is optimized for structured dataC. It is horizontally scalableD. It only supports SQL as a query language20. In a database, what is the term used to describe a collection of related data organized in rows and columns?A. TableB. ViewC. SchemaD. Database数据库原理英文选择题(续二)21. What is the difference between a database and a data warehouse?A. A database stores current data, while a data warehouse stores historical dataB. A database is used for transactional purposes, while a data warehouse is used for analytical purposesC. A database is small in size, while a data warehouse is large in sizeD. A database is structured, while a data warehouse is unstructuredB. To enforce referential integrityC. To format data before it is displayedA. UnionB. JoinC. IntersectionD. Concatenation24. Which of the following SQL keywords is used to limit the number of rows returned a query?A. LIMITB. FETCHC. OFFSETD. ROWS25. What is the purpose of a database schema?A. To define the physical storage of dataB. To define the logical structure of a databaseC. To define the security permissions for usersD. To define the backup and recovery procedures26. Which of the following is NOT a type of database management system (DBMS)?A. Relational DBMSB. Document DBMSC. Hierarchical DBMSD. Sequential DBMS27. In a database, what is the term used to describe a collection of data that is treated as a single unit?A. TupleB. AttributeC. RelationD. Entity28. Which of the following SQL statements is used to create a view in a database?A. CREATE VIEWB. ALTER VIEWC. DROP VIEWD. SELECT VIEW29. What is the purpose of a database index?A. To sort data in ascending or descending orderB. To improve the speed of data retrievalC. To enforce uniqueness of dataD. To hide sensitive data from users30. Which of the following is a characteristic of a distributed database?A. Data is stored in a single locationB. Data is replicated across multiple locationsC. Data access is limited to a single user at a timeD. Data consistency is not maintained across locations。

extractstring用法 -回复

extractstring用法 -回复




在Python中,extractstring是通过正则表达式来实现字符串提取的,它的基本语法如下所示:extractstring(pattern, string, flags=0)其中,pattern是一个定义要提取的字符串模式的正则表达式,string是要处理的字符串,flags是一个可选的标志参数,用于控制正则表达式的匹配模式。



这时,我们可以使用如下的代码:import restring = "My email address is abcexample. Please contact me at xyz123example."pattern = r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}\b"emails = re.findall(pattern, string)print(emails)在这个例子中,我们定义了一个提取邮箱地址的正则表达式模式,其中包含了常见的邮箱地址pattern。




这时,我们可以使用如下的代码:import rehtml = '''<a href=" 1</a><a href=" 2</a><a href=" 3</a>'''pattern = r'href="([^"]*)"'links = re.findall(pattern, html)print(links)在这个例子中,我们定义了一个提取链接的正则表达式模式,其中使用了括号来定义一个子组,以提取出href属性的值。

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MISR Terminology
• MISR orbits the earth 15 times/day. • Orbit numbers indicate the number of revolutions since launch. • 233 distinct orbit paths repeat every 16 days. • Each of these 16 days is referred to as a Data Day. • Each path is divided into 180 blocks. • Paths overlap, allowing near global coverage in 9 days.
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Obtaining MISR Data and Information
Jeff Walter Atmospheric Science Data Center April 17, 2009
• Obtaining MISR information
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• MISR Imagery • Ordering and Customizing MISR data • Tools available from the ASDC
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Data Pool
Data Pool allows quick access to recently processed data. Use the MISR order tool to obtain ALL data products. The ASDC is currently in the process of converting to an online archive. At completion, all publicly available MISR data should be online in the Data Pool.