2017.5.6 SAT亚太考场获奖作文




2017年5月SAT亚太真题阅读(2)第二篇自然科学心理思维智慧:我们怎样获悉他人的所思、所感、所想、所求This passage is adapted from Nicholas Epley,Mindwise: How We Understand WhatOthers Think, Believe, Feel, and Want.©2014 by Nicholas Epley.题目:思维智慧:我们怎样获悉别人的所思、所想、所感、所求【解析】阅读社科文章时,开头一定要仔细读,弄清楚文章谈的话题到底是什么1Knowing your own reputation can be surprisinglydifficult. 2Consider,for instance, a study that analyzeda set of published experiments all sharing the same basic design. In theseexperiments, people working in a group would be asked to predict how the othergroup members would rate them on a series of different traits. Researchers thencompared these predicted ratings to the other group members’ actual ratings onthe very same traits. The traits varied from one experiment to another andincluded qualities like intelligence, sense of humor, consideration,defensiveness, friendliness, and leadership ability. The groups varied in familiarity,with the members of some groups being fairly unfamiliar with one another (suchas having met only once, in a job interview) and the members of other groupsbeing very familiar with one another (such as having lived together for anextended time as roommates).3 If people knew exactlywhat others were thinking, then there would be a perfect correspondence betweenpredicted and actual ratings. If people were clueless, then there would be nocorrespondence between the two. Statistically speaking, you measurerelationships like these with a correlation, where perfect correspondenceyields a correlation of 1 and no correspondence yields a correlation of 0. Thecloser the correlation is to 1, the stronger the relationship.【阐释】首句开门见山,直接给出文章要谈的话题以及作者的一个观点。



2017年5月SAT亚太真题阅读(5)第五篇自然科学植物进化错综复杂的故事This passageis adapted from Catherine Clabby, “A Tangled Tale of PlantEvolution.” ©2009 by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society.题目:植物进化的错综复杂的故事【解析】动物、植物、微生物、病毒都是SAT非常喜欢出题的题材。

As ancestors of land plants abandoned their aquaticnurseries for life on shore, they needed the means to seal in water and holdthemselves up to thrive. Lignin, a strengthening and stiffening polymer commonin woody plant cells, contributes to both extremely well.【阐释】提到在陆生植物的祖先所具有的一种柔韧而坚硬的物质Ligin,及其作用。


【单词】hold up:to maintain one's position orcondition; endure:【翻译】在陆地植物的祖先逐渐遗弃水中庇护之地,上岸生活过程中,他们得有办法在密闭的水中挺立,才能繁茂生长。


Lignin production for those tasks was considered a keyadaptive achievement of vascular plants, which descend from green algae. Now a University of British Columbia botanist and some highlyspecialized chemists have strong evidence for lignin in a red alga called Calliarthroncheilosporioides.【阐释】陆地植物是从“水生植物”绿藻进化而来,所以在绿藻中有物质L,是非常正常的。



2017高考英语满分作文In the vast expanse of life's journey, there is no straight path to success. It is a winding road filled with challenges, setbacks, and moments of triumph. The year 2017 was no exception, as it witnessed the determination and resilience of countless students striving to achieve their dreams through the gaokao, China's national college entrance examination.The essay that earned a perfect score in the 2017 gaokao English section was a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of a well-rounded education. It was a narrative that resonated with the struggles and aspirations of young learners across the country.The essay began with an introspective reflection on the nature of success. It argued that success is not merely the accumulation of accolades or the attainment of material wealth, but rather a state of fulfillment and self-actualization. The writer eloquently expressed that true success lies in the pursuit of one's passion and the ability to overcome obstacles with grace and determination.The middle section of the essay delved into the role of education in shaping an individual's path to success. It highlighted the significance of a balanced curriculum that not only focuses on academic excellence but also nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and social skills. The writeremphasized the importance of learning from failure and using it as a stepping stone to progress.The concluding part of the essay was a call to action, urging fellow students to embrace the journey of learning with an open mind and a resilient spirit. It was a reminder that the road to success is not always easy, but it is through the trials and tribulations that one can truly grow and develop into a well-rounded individual.The essay was a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the power of the written word to motivate and inspire. It was a reflection of the hard work, dedication, and the unwavering spirit of the students who sat for the gaokao in 2017. It was a reminder that success is not a destination, but a journey that is worth every step of the way.。



高考英语满分作文2017In the heart of the bustling city, amidst the cacophony of honking cars and the hustle of daily life, there lies a tranquil haven—a public library that has become a sanctuary for me. It is here that I have discovered the power of knowledge and the beauty of learning, which has shaped my aspirations and fueled my passion for the English language.The essay prompt for the 2017 Gaokao English exam was to describe a place that holds personal significance and has influenced my life. Without hesitation, my mind turned to the public library, a place that has been my second home for the past five years.The library is a building of glass and stone, standing tall and proud amidst the concrete jungle. It is a place where time seems to slow down, and the outside world fades away. The moment I step through its doors, I am greeted by the familiar scent of books and the soft hum of the air conditioning. The walls are lined with shelves upon shelves of books, each one a gateway to a different world, adifferent time, and a different perspective.My journey with the library began in my early high school years when I was introduced to the English section. It was like discovering a treasure trove. The shelves were filled with classics like "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, and "1984" by GeorgeOrwell. Each book was a new adventure, a new challenge, and a new lesson in the intricacies of the English language.As I delved deeper into the world of literature, I began to appreciate the subtle nuances of English. The way adjectives and adverbs could paint vivid pictures, the way verbs could drive the narrative, and the way conjunctions could weave sentences together seamlessly. I learned to love the rhythm of the language, the melody of its words, and the harmony of its sentences.The library also became a place where I could practice my spoken English. There were weekly English conversation clubs where students and adults alike gathered to practice their language skills. It was here that I overcame my initial shyness and began to express myself more confidently. I made friends with people from different backgrounds, each with their own unique story to tell. These interactions not only improved my language skills but also broadened my horizons.Moreover, the library provided me with access to a wealth of resources that helped me prepare for the Gaokao. There were study guides, past exam papers, and reference books that were invaluable in honing my skills. The librarians were always ready to assist, offering guidance and support whenever I needed it.In conclusion, the public library has been more than just a place for me; it has been a mentor, a friend, and a source of inspiration. It is here that I have learned to appreciate the beauty of the English language and have developed a love forlearning. As I prepare to take the next step in my educational journey, I carry with me the lessons and experiences that the library has given me. It is a place that will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will forever be grateful for the impact it has had on my life.。



2017高考英语满分作文With the advent of the digital age, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its influence on education is no exception. The integration of technology inthe classroom has revolutionized the way students learn and teachers teach. This essay will explore the positive and negative impacts of technology on education, and argue thatits benefits far outweigh the drawbacks when used appropriately.Firstly, technology has made education more accessible to a broader audience. Online courses and virtual classrooms have broken down geographical barriers, allowing students from all over the world to access quality education without the needto relocate. This has been particularly beneficial for those living in remote areas or those with limited mobility.Secondly, the use of technology in education has enhanced the learning experience. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and multimedia presentations have made learning more engaging and interactive. Students can now visualize complex concepts, participate in virtual experiments, and explore a wealth of information at the click of a button.However, there are concerns that the over-reliance on technology may have negative effects on students' development. Critics argue that too much screen time can lead to adecrease in social interaction and physical activity.Additionally, the constant exposure to digital distractions can affect students' concentration and ability to focus.Despite these concerns, the advantages of technology in education are undeniable. It is crucial for educators to find a balance between traditional teaching methods and the innovative use of technology. By doing so, they can create a learning environment that is both effective and engaging.In conclusion, technology has brought about significant changes in the field of education. It has the potential to improve the quality of education, make it more accessible,and cater to the diverse needs of students. As long as educators are mindful of the potential pitfalls and strive to maintain a balanced approach, technology can be a powerfultool in shaping the minds of the future.请注意,这篇作文是根据一个假设的2017年高考英语作文题目创作的,实际的高考题目可能有所不同。



SAT满分作文范例SAT是Scholastic Aptitude Test的缩写,是申请几乎所有美国大学必须参加的考试。



“Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society. Just as property and money once were the keys to success, education has now become the element that most ensures success in life.”“教育已经成为我们的社会里个人机会的主要提供者。


”Which factor offers more opportunities for success in our society: education or money and property? In my view, education has replaced money and property as the main provider of such opportunities today. I base my view on two reasons. First, education—particularly higher education—used to be available only to the wealthy but now is accessible to almost anyone. Second, because of the civil-rights movement and resulting laws, businesses are now required to hire on the basis of merit rather than the kinds of personal connections traditionally common among the wealthy.Education probabl y always played a key role in determining one’s opportunities for success. But in the past, good post-secondary education was available mainly to the privileged classes. Because money and property largely determined one’s access to higher education, money and property really were the critical factors in opening doors to success. However, higher education is more egalitarian today. Given our vast numbers of state universities and financial-aid programs, virtually anyone who meets entrance requirements for college can obtain an excellent college education and open up windows of opportunity in life.Another reason those opportunities will be open to educated young people from middle-class and poorer backgrounds is that hiring is more meritocratic today than ever before. In principle, at least, we have always been a society where all people are equal; yet in the past, children of the wealthy and the well connected could expect to obtain higher-status jobs and to receive better pay. But the laws and programs resulting from our civil-rights struggles have produced a modern business climate in which jobs are available on an equal-opportunity basis, and in which candidates have a legal right to be judged on the merit of their educational background and experience.In conclusion, education is probably the main factor in opening doors to success for young people in our society. The fact that education has supplanted money and property in this role is owing to a more egalitarian system of highereducation, as well as to more merit-based hiring practices that generally value individual education over family fortune or connections.太傻留学SAT考试频道:/sat/。



2017年5月SAT亚太真题阅读(1)第一篇小说一个奇怪而庄严的地址This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in Calcutta, India.题目:一个奇怪而庄严的地址(题目对预判小说内容不重要)【解析】引言提到四个人物。

主人公Sandeep:ten-year old boy;Mother;Aunt(Mamima);Uncle(Chhotomama)四个人事件:Visit family in India○1Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a small, painted shed which had the following words on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed through the window. ○2The boys interrupted their game to give Chhotomama directions to the house in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their first child.【阐释】首段分两层。



SAT考试写作部分满分范文赏析SAT 考试作为美国大学入学考试中的重要组成部分,其写作部分对于考生的语言表达能力、逻辑思维能力以及分析论证能力都有着较高的要求。






















2017年5月SAT亚太真题阅读(3)第三篇自然科学 Pluto是否通过Ceres给我们传递了信息This passage is adapted from David Shiga, “HasPluto Sent Us a Message in Ceres?” ©2008 by Reed Business Information,Ltd.题目:Pluto是否通过Ceres给我们传递了信息【解析】Pluto 冥王星。


Ceres(谷神星) 估计没几个考生认识这个单词,具体意思不重要,根据文章内容推断出一个和Pluto类似的,位于小行星带的星体就可以了。

1DoesPluto have a wayward cousin lurkingin the inner solar system? 2Thedwarf planet Ceres—and other icy chunks—may have been born in thesame realm as Pluto, but travelled all the way to the asteroid belt between theorbits of Mars and Jupiter.3 Ifso, it would be further evidence that a massive upheaval rearranged the earlysolar system.【阐释】第一段,重点细读。





a wayward cousin lurking in inner solarsystem。


没关系,一般SAT都会跟着further explanation。



2017年英语满分作文As I sit here, pen in hand, I find myself pondering the complexities of life. The world we live in is a fascinating place, filled with both beauty and chaos. It is a place where dreams are born and shattered, where love and hate coexist, and where hope and despair dance hand in hand.In this vast and ever-changing world, it is easy tofeel lost and insignificant. We are but tiny specks in the grand scheme of things, mere blips on the radar of time. Yet, despite our insignificance, we have the power to make a difference, to leave our mark on the world.Life is a journey, a series of ups and downs, twists and turns. It is a rollercoaster ride, full of unexpected surprises and thrilling moments. We must embrace the highs and lows, for they shape us into who we are. It is through adversity that we grow, that we learn what we are truly capable of.But life is not just about the challenges we face. It is also about the moments of joy and laughter, the simple pleasures that make it all worthwhile. It is about the friendships we forge, the love we give and receive, and the memories we create. These are the things that truly matter in the end.In this fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We are constantly bombarded with information, with demands and expectations. It is important to take a step back, to pause and reflect on what truly matters. To find solace in the quiet moments, to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.Life is a gift, a precious and fragile thing. We must cherish it, make the most of every moment. We must live with purpose and passion, with kindness and compassion. For in the end, it is not the material possessions or the achievements that define us, but the way we have touched the lives of others.So, as I sit here, pen in hand, I am reminded of thebeauty and complexity of life. It is a journey filled with highs and lows, with laughter and tears. It is a journeythat is uniquely ours, a journey that we must embrace with open hearts and open minds. And as we navigate this journey, let us remember to live, to love, and to leave our mark on the world.。



2017英语高考范文The Importance of Environmental Protection。

Environmental protection has become a major concern in recent years, and it is a topic that cannot be ignored. The environment is essential for the survival of all living organisms, including humans, and it is our responsibility to protect and preserve it for future generations.First and foremost, environmental protection is crucial for human health. Air and water pollution, deforestation, and the destruction of natural habitats can have serious consequences for human health. Polluted air and water can lead to respiratory diseases and other health problems, while deforestation can lead to soil erosion and loss of biodiversity. By protecting the environment, we can ensure a healthier and safer futurefor ourselves and our children.In addition to human health, environmental protection is also important for the preservation of wildlife and natural ecosystems. Many species of plants and animals areat risk of extinction due to habitat destruction and climate change. By protecting the environment, we can help to preserve the diversity of life on Earth and ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty and wonder of the natural world.Furthermore, environmental protection is essential for the sustainability of our planet. The Earth has finite resources, and if we continue to exploit and deplete these resourcesat the current rate, we will not be able to sustain our way of life in the long term. By practicing sustainable living and reducing our carbon footprint, we can help to ensure that future generations will have access to the resources they need to thrive.In conclusion, environmental protection is of the utmost importance for human health, wildlife preservation, and the sustainability of our planet. It is our responsibility to take action to protect and preserve the environment for future generations. By making small changes in our daily lives and advocating for environmental policies, we can makea significant impact on the health and well-being of our planet. Let us all work together to protect and cherish the environment for a better future.。



2017年5月SAT亚太真题阅读(4)第四篇历史双篇弗吉尼亚制宪会议上的发言Passage 1, by Patrick Henry,and Passage 2, by Edmund Pendleton, are adaptedfrom speeches delivered to the Virginia ratifyingconvention in 1788. Both are in response to the proposal by the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution establishing a national government.题目:两篇文章都是关于是否要用“1787年宪法”取代“联邦条例”的演说。

演说是在弗吉尼亚宪法批准会上,演说人1是Patrick Henry; 演说人2是Edmund Pendleton【解析】文章发生在美国“宪法大讨论”时期。


Passage 1Ifa wrong step be now made, the republic may be lost forever. If this newgovernment will not come up to the expectation of the people, and they shall bedisappointed, their liberty will be lost, and tyranny must and will arise.【阐释】Henry不支持用“1787年宪法”取代“联邦条例”。


【单词】republic:n a state inwhich the supreme power rests in the body of citizens【翻译】如果现在迈出错误的一步,共和可能会永远失去。



高考满分英语作文2017In the vast tapestry of life, there are countless virtuesthat contribute to the success and happiness of an individual. Among these, persistence stands out as a beacon of hope, guiding us through the darkest of times. The year 2017 marked a significant milestone in my life, as I faced the gauntletof the National College Entrance Examination, commonly knownas the Gaokao. It was through the unwavering spirit of persistence that I was able to achieve a full score in the English section, a feat that seemed insurmountable at the outset.The journey to this achievement was not an easy one. It was a path strewn with obstacles and setbacks. The first challenge was the sheer volume of content that needed to be mastered. English, being a foreign language, demanded a level of dedication that went beyond the ordinary. The vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures were not only complex butalso required a deep understanding of the cultural nuancesthat underpin the language.To overcome these challenges, I adopted a systematic approach to learning. I began by setting clear and achievable goals. Each day, I would dedicate a specific amount of time to studying English, ensuring that I covered all aspects of the language. This included reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises. I also made it a point to engage with the language outside the classroom, watching English movies,listening to podcasts, and conversing with native speakers whenever the opportunity arose.One of the most crucial aspects of my preparation was the practice of past papers. By analyzing and solving previous years' Gaokao English papers, I was able to identify patterns and recurring themes. This not only helped me to understand the examination format better but also allowed me to hone my problem-solving skills.Another key element of my strategy was the constant review and revision of the material. I firmly believe thatrepetition is the mother of learning. By revisiting the concepts and vocabulary regularly, I was able to internalize them, making it easier to recall during the examination.The road to success was also paved with moments of doubt and frustration. There were times when the pressure seemed overwhelming, and the prospect of achieving a full score seemed like a distant dream. However, it was during these moments that the power of persistence truly shone through. I reminded myself of the importance of my goal and the hard work I had already invested. I drew strength from the stories of those who had overcome similar challenges and emerged victorious.On the day of the examination, I was filled with a sense of calm determination. The months of preparation had equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle the English section with confidence. As I answered each question, I could feel the fruits of my labor manifesting in the form ofcorrect responses.Looking back, the achievement of a full score in the 2017 Gaokao English examination was not just a personal triumph but also a testament to the power of persistence. It taught me that with unwavering dedication, a clear vision, and the courage to face challenges head-on, one can overcome even the most daunting of tasks.In conclusion, persistence is a virtue that transcends the boundaries of language and culture. It is a universal force that can propel us towards our goals, regardless of the field or endeavor. As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the lessons learned from my Gaokao journey. I am confident that the power of persistence will continue to guide me towards greater achievements and success.。



2017英语满分作文In the vast tapestry of life, there are countless threads of influence that shape our existence. One such thread, as old as humanity itself, is the power of perseverance. It is the silent force that propels us through the darkest of times and the most formidable of challenges. This essay aims to explore the essence of perseverance and how it can lead to success, drawing on personal experiences and historical examples.The journey towards any goal is seldom a straight path. It is often filled with obstacles and setbacks that test our resolve. It is in these moments that the power of perseverance comes into play. Perseverance is not merely about enduring hardship; it is about embracing the challenge, learning from it, and using it as a stepping stone towards our aspirations.Take, for instance, the story of Thomas Edison, a name synonymous with innovation and genius. His journey to invent the light bulb was fraught with failure, with over a thousand unsuccessful attempts. Yet, it was his unwavering perseverance that led to the creation of one of the most significant inventions of the modern era. Edison himself famously remarked, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." This quote encapsulates the spirit of perseverance – the ability to see failure not as an end but as a means to an end.On a more personal level, I have experienced the transformative power of perseverance through my journey in learning English. As a non-native speaker, the initial struggle with the language was immense. The complexities of grammar, the nuances of pronunciation, and the vast vocabulary seemed like insurmountable barriers. However, with each mistake, I learned, and with each setback, I grew stronger. The hours spent practicing, the countless conversations attempted, and the relentless pursuit of fluency have culminated in a level of proficiency that I once thought unattainable.Perseverance is not just a personal virtue; it is acollective force that can drive societies forward. It is the perseverance of individuals that has led to monumental achievements in science, technology, and social reform. It is the perseverance of communities that has overcome natural disasters, economic crises, and political upheavals.In conclusion, perseverance is the bedrock upon which success is built. It is the fuel that keeps the engine of progress running, even when faced with the most daunting of odds. Itis a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity and a reminder that no challenge is too great when faced with unwavering determination. As we navigate our own paths, let us carry the torch of perseverance, illuminating the way to our dreams and aspirations.。



高考作文英语2017With the rapid advancement of technology, the landscape of education has been undergoing a significant transformation. The year 2017 marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Chinese education system, particularly with the integration of technology in the National College Entrance Examination, also known as the Gaokao. This essay will explore the impact of technology on traditional education, focusing on the changes brought about by the digital revolution and the challenges faced by students and educators alike.Firstly, technology has revolutionized the way information is accessed and shared. In the past, students relied heavily on textbooks and libraries for their research and learning. However, with the advent of the internet and digital resources, a wealth of knowledge is now available at their fingertips. This has not only made the learning process more efficient but also more engaging, as students can now explore a variety of sources and perspectives on a given topic.Secondly, the use of technology in the classroom has introduced new teaching methods that cater to different learning styles. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and online quizzes are just a few examples of how technology is being used to create a more dynamic and personalized learning experience. This shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more tailored educational experience has the potential to improve student outcomes and foster a love forlifelong learning.However, the integration of technology into education also presents its own set of challenges. One of the primary concerns is the digital divide, where students from less affluent backgrounds may not have equal access to the latest technology and online resources. This disparity can exacerbate existing inequalities in education and hinder the progress of those who are already at a disadvantage.Another challenge is the potential for distraction. With the plethora of online content available, students may find it difficult to stay focused on their studies. The constant barrage of notifications, social media updates, and other digital distractions can detract from the learning process and lead to a decline in academic performance.In conclusion, the impact of technology on traditional education is multifaceted. While it offers numerous benefits such as enhanced access to information and innovative teaching methods, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed. As we move forward into an increasingly digital world, it is crucial for educators, policymakers, and students to work together to harness the power of technology for educational advancement while mitigating its potential drawbacks. The year 2017's Gaokao serves as a reminder that the future of education is intertwined with the progress of technology, and it is up to all stakeholders to ensure that this relationship is a mutually beneficial one.。



17年英语高考作文With the rapid advancement of technology, its influence on various aspects of our lives has become increasingly profound. One of the most significant areas where technology has leftan indelible mark is in the field of education. Theintegration of technology in educational practices has transformed the way students learn and teachers instruct.This essay aims to explore the impact of technology on education, focusing on both its advantages and challenges.Firstly, technology has made education more accessible to a broader audience. Online courses and educational platforms have bridged the gap between geographical limitations and the thirst for knowledge. Students from remote areas can now access the same quality of education as those in urbancenters through digital learning tools. This democratizationof education is a significant step towards achieving educational equity.Secondly, the use of technology in classrooms has made the learning process more interactive and engaging. Interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and virtual realitysimulations can cater to different learning styles, makingthe learning experience more personalized and effective. For instance, a student who is a visual learner can benefit from video tutorials and graphic illustrations, while those who learn by doing can engage with interactive quizzes and games.However, the integration of technology in education is not without its challenges. One of the primary concerns is the digital divide, where students from less privileged backgrounds may not have access to the necessary technology or the internet. This disparity can exacerbate existing inequalities in the education system.Additionally, there is the issue of information overload. The internet is a vast repository of information, and not all of it is accurate or reliable. Students must develop critical thinking skills to discern credible sources from misinformation, which can be a daunting task for both students and educators.In conclusion, technology has revolutionized the education sector, offering numerous benefits such as increased accessibility and enhanced learning experiences. However, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed to ensure that the benefits of technology are enjoyed by all. It is crucial for educational institutions and policymakers to work together to overcome these challenges and harness the full potential of technology in education.Word Count: 350 words。



17年高考优秀英语作文As an AI, I can't write an essay from 17 years ago as I don't have access to past data. However, I can help you write ahigh-quality English essay that could be considered excellent for a high school level. Here's a sample essay on a common topic:In the modern era, the environment has become a topic of paramount importance. The degradation of our natural surroundings has reached a critical point where it is imperative that we, as a global community, take action to protect and preserve it. This essay aims to discuss the significance of environmental protection and the steps that can be taken to ensure a sustainable future.IntroductionThe environment is the foundation upon which all life depends. It provides us with clean air, water, and fertile soil, which are essential for our survival. However, over the past few decades, industrialization and urbanization have led to significant environmental challenges such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change. It is crucial that we recognize the importance of environmental protection and take proactive measures to mitigate these issues.The Consequences of Neglecting Environmental ProtectionFailure to protect the environment can lead to severe consequences. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems and other health issues, while water pollution can lead to the extinction of aquatic life and affect the availability of clean water for human consumption. Deforestation not only destroys habitats for countless species but also contributes to climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that can be absorbed by trees.Strategies for Environmental ProtectionThere are numerous strategies that can be employed to protect the environment. Firstly, governments can implement stricter regulations on industries to reduce pollution. Secondly, promoting the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Thirdly, education and awareness campaigns can encourage individuals to adopt eco-friendly practices such as recycling and reducing waste.Individual ResponsibilityIt is not just the responsibility of governments and corporations to protect the environment; individuals also play a vital role. By making conscious choices such as using public transportation, conserving water, and supporting sustainable products, we can each contribute to the preservation of our planet.ConclusionIn conclusion, environmental protection is a critical issue that requires immediate attention. The consequences of neglecting our environment are far-reaching and can have a devastating impact on both human life and the natural world. By implementing effective strategies and taking individual responsibility, we can work towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.This essay provides a clear structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs that discuss the importance and strategies for environmental protection, and a conclusionthat summarizes the main points. It is written in a formal tone suitable for an academic setting and uses a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to demonstrate language proficiency.。



英语作文2017高考In the modern era, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its influence on education is undeniable. The 2017 college entrance examination, known as the Gaokao in China, is a pivotal moment in the lives of many students, and it is also a time when the role of technology in learning is put to the test.The essay will explore the multifaceted ways in which technology has transformed the educational landscape, particularly in the context of preparing for the Gaokao.Firstly, the advent of online learning platforms has revolutionized the way students study. With resources such as video lectures, interactive quizzes, and digital textbooks, students can now access a wealth of information at their fingertips. This has not only made learning more convenientbut also more personalized, as students can tailor theirstudy materials to their individual needs and learning styles.Secondly, the use of technology in the classroom has changed the dynamics of teaching and learning. Smartboards,educational apps, and digital collaboration tools are now common in many schools. These tools have made lessons more engaging and have facilitated a more interactive learning environment. For example, teachers can use real-time polls to gauge student understanding and adjust their teaching methods accordingly.Moreover, technology has also played a significant role in the administration of the Gaokao. The examination process has become more efficient with the use of computerized systemsfor registration, scheduling, and grading. This has reduced the potential for human error and has streamlined the process for both students and administrators.However, the integration of technology in education also presents challenges. There are concerns about the digital divide, where students from less affluent backgrounds may not have equal access to technological resources. Additionally, there is a need to ensure that the use of technology in education does not compromise the quality of learning andthat it supplements rather than replaces traditional teaching methods.In conclusion, the impact of technology on education, especially in the context of the Gaokao, is profound. It has the potential to enhance learning experiences and improve educational outcomes. However, it is crucial to address the challenges that come with it to ensure that technology serves as a tool for equal opportunity and academic success for all students. As we move forward, it is essential for educators, policymakers, and technologists to work together to harness the power of technology for the betterment of the education system.。




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英语高考2017作文Dear Editor,I am writing to express my thoughts on the importance of environmental conservation and the role each one of us can play in this critical endeavor. The topic is particularly relevant to the recent discussions surrounding the 2017 English composition section of the National College Entrance Examination, known as the Gaokao.As high school students across the country sat down to pen their essays, they were not only tested on their linguistic abilities but also on their awareness and understanding of pressing global issues. The essay prompt for the year 2017 focused on the environment, asking students to discuss the significance of ecological balance and the measures that can be taken to protect it.In my view, this was a commendable approach by the examination board. It not only encouraged students to think critically but also to consider their responsibilities as future leaders and citizens of the world. The essay format allowed students to explore various aspects of environmental protection, from the impact of industrialization to the personal choices they can make in their daily lives.One of the key points that many students highlighted was the concept of sustainable development. They argued that whileeconomic growth is essential, it must not come at the expense of our natural resources. Essays often included suggestions such as reducing waste, recycling, and supporting renewable energy sources as practical steps towards sustainability.Another common theme was the importance of education in fostering a culture of environmental responsibility. Students emphasized the need for educational programs that teach the next generation about the value of biodiversity and the consequences of climate change. They proposed that schools should integrate environmental studies into their curriculato raise awareness and inspire action.Furthermore, the essays also touched upon the role of technology in addressing environmental challenges. Some students proposed innovative solutions such as developing energy-efficient appliances, investing in publictransportation systems, and using technology to monitor and manage pollution levels.In conclusion, the 2017 English composition on the Gaokao served as a platform for students to articulate theirconcerns and propose solutions regarding environmental issues. It was an opportunity for them to demonstrate not only their command of the English language but also their commitment to creating a more sustainable future. As we look forward to future examinations, it is my hope that such thought-provoking and socially relevant topics continue to be included, inspiring students to think beyond the classroomand engage with the world around them.Yours sincerely, [Your Name]。

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