



数字调频广播系统配置清单数字调频广播系统配置清单多层防雨设计,防雷保护,频率,区域可视窗口显示,工作状态一目了然.带遥控型,输出功率30W.电源线品牌:红旗,型号:YZBV2*1,国标双绞铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘2*1.0mm2米 1 2.3按现场定耗材材料及安装调试费钢钉\膨胀螺丝\钢丝绳\膨胀钩\花兰螺丝胶布等项 1总金额¥41560主要产品功能介绍一、数字FM调频发射机(一):功能特点频率范围:60-87MHz、87-108MHz;具有外接音源输入接口、SCA接口、话筒接口;频率10MHz范围内可调、输出功率、反射功率、音频输入电平、工作电压指示、频率数字显示;发射功率可调,采用全新550MHz数字信号处理(DSP)技术、1000MHz直接数字频率(DDS)合成技术、高可靠片上系统(SOC)微处理器技术,支持AES/EBU标准数字音频输入,支持SCA副载波,输入电控AGC控制,输出功率零漂移(二):主要技术指标1.频率范围:70-108MHz(以0.1MHZHz步进)、中心发射频率可根据用户要求定制,带宽10MHZ2.频率精度: ±500Hz3.中期稳定度: ±200Hz4.长期稳定度: ±500Hz5.输出功率偏差: ≤1dB6.射频谐波分量: <-65dB7.射频寄生分量: <-75dB8.寄生调幅噪声: <-55dB9.信噪比: >75dB(单声)10.调制失真度: <0.1%(1KHz);<0.2%(40-15000Hz)11.予加重时间常数: 50us±3%(0/75us内部可选择)12.音频/复合信号输入电平: -8~+11dBm(可调整)13.音频/复合信号输入阻抗: 600Ω(10KΩ内部可选),双芯屏蔽线,ys1j3p卡侬头14.辅助通道输入阻抗: 10KΩ,Q9-50KF座15.辅助通道输入电平: -14~0dBm(±7.5KHz频偏)16.射频输出阻抗: 50Ω,L16-50KF高频插座17.音频通道频响: ±0.2dB(20-15000Hz)18.过频偏限制: 0~+6dB(可调整)19.线性输入频响: ±0.1dB(20Hz-53KHz)20.辅助通道输入频响: ±0.2dB(10Hz-100KHz)21.电源要求: 176-250VAC,50HZ二、数字多址编码控制器(一):功能特点1、19寸标准机箱,豪华铝面板,轻触式操作;2、采用国外新型的可寻址遥控编码技术;3、可控制16个区,可点对点控制;4、可任意控制班级、年级、区域的音箱;可手动、5、自动控制,具有紧急广播强插入功能。

金笛MG35 4频段工业级GSM GPRS MODEM商品说明书

金笛MG35 4频段工业级GSM GPRS MODEM商品说明书




MU-106M1806-NC5M1806-ME MG301-FT MC323RS232MC323MG301M1206B-FTMG35-FT M1806-NC5M1806-ME M1806N-NC5MG35-N M1806N-ME MG301-N小一体机MN1604大一体机MN1408RJ45M1206BMG35产品概述03把方便留给客户,把麻烦留给我们。




产品选型图02金笛MG35是一款全球4频段工业级GSM/GPRS MODEM,是一款2G短信猫。

金笛MG35 GSM/GPRS Modem其工作频段是GSM850MHz,EGSM900MHz,DCS1800MHz,PCS1900MHz。






超高性价比串口款USB口款做高性能的短信猫金笛GSM MODEM MG35典雅、端庄,如同一件精致的艺术品,七分圆润三分刚硬每一个细节的品性、品质,都经过严格测试与检测,把可靠性做到极致外壳采用铝合金材质,防刮防指纹,坚固耐用磨砂工艺,高端时尚,质感十足USB款MG35产品配件您可能有这样的经历,插机箱前的USB不识别,插机箱后的USB就正常。



中星9号接收机各厂家芯片资料大全和升级接口品牌产品型号芯片配置海尔 2晶10芯 IC:HI2023E+1108+5812海尔高清OST-666 2晶6芯 IC:M88VS2000+241674K.1+M88TS2020海尔高清OST-666 3晶12芯 IC:High032E+His121+M88TS2020海尔 3晶10芯 (9针接口) IC:HI2023E+1108+5812+ESMTM12L64164A-GNR1T80AB海尔高清OST-666 2晶6芯 IC:Hi2023E+3160+TS2020欧视达ABS-209B 3晶10芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+LW37欧视达ABS-209B 3晶11芯 IC:GX3001+5037+8211欧视达ABS-309B 3晶11芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+MGCE5037欧视达AS-900S 1晶11芯 IC:GX6121+25L80+LW37城市之宝BEX868 Y32S-93AT 2晶10芯 IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+TS2020通达Y35S-8BAT/Y35S-8CAT 2晶10芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108+5812通达Y30S-01BT 2晶12芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108+2020皇朝HSR-268 10芯 IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812小霸王TDX-668E ABS-S1 1晶 6芯 IC:Hi2023+Hi3102+FT8211+HT1117天地星小霸王TDX-328B 1晶10芯 IC:ALi M3328F+5810天地星小霸王TDX-668A (9针接口) IC:HI2023+1108+夏普头天地星小霸王TDX-668B 2晶振 IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+RDA5812+25L8005天地星小霸王(三星数码王)TDX-668B 单晶6芯 .针脚定义①-TXD ②-RXD ③ VCC ④-GND ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023E+RDA5812+AVL1108E+MXT8211a+25L8005天地星(原大盒中星九号)3晶 IC:Hi2023+1108+5037天地星TDX-668B 2晶10芯 IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812天地星小霸王TDX-668C 2晶 6芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+RDK5812+25F80小霸王TDX-328B 1晶10芯 IC:ALi M3328F+5810小霸王TDX-668B 6芯 IC:Hi2023+RDA5812+AVL1108E小霸王TDX-668B 2晶 6芯 IC:HTV903+1108+5812小霸王TDX-668E 1晶 6芯 IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812小霸王TDX-668E 2晶 6芯 IC:HTV903+1108+5812小霰王XC-B298 1晶 12芯 IC:HTV903-RDA5812-AVL1108小霸王ABS-1388 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+AV2020小霸王ABS-1688 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812小霸王GF902 IC:AVL1118a+AV2020+EN25F80索尼高清ABS-S 258 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812索尼高清ABS-S 258 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+AV2020太阳红TYH-279ABS/289ABS/299ABS 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi2023EC+H i3121+AV2020松下科技星TDX-668B1/松下科技星-668E IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+5812松下科技星TDX-668B 2晶6芯 IC:HTV903FH42+AVL1108EGA+RGK5812松下科技星668B 2晶6芯 Hi2023(E0908)+EVl1108EG2+5812松下科技星-668C 2晶 6芯针脚定义①-RX .②-TX .③-GND .④ VCC. ⑤-BL IC:AVL1108EG+HTV903F+5812松下科技星668E 2晶6芯 IC:HV903+AVL1108E+5812松下科技星/海尔数码/海信数码单双晶 6芯 IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102(Hi3121)+5812松下科技星TDX-668B 2晶 6芯针脚定义①-RXD .②-TXD .③-GND .④ VCC. ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+5812+25L8005 松下高清 SX168 3晶 6芯 IC:HTV903F+AVL1108+AV2020松下数码王P-269A 2晶 6芯 IC:Hi2023E+Hi3122+AV2020松下高清OST168 2晶10芯 IC:Hi2023E+Hi3121+AV2020松下科技PS-228 11芯 IC:Hi2023+Hi3122+5812松下科技PS-228 2晶 6芯 IC:M88VS2000+M88TS2020+ES261474K松下科技PS-228 1晶12芯 N88VS2000+ES261344K+M88TS2020高频头+T25P80+S163816STS 松下科技PS-228 2晶 IC:HTV903+1108+2020松下科技PS-228 2晶 10芯 IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812松下数码王OST-266 10芯 (4针)针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi2023E+Hi3106+2020松下数码王OST-266 2晶 6芯 IC:M88VS2000+M88TS2020+261414k+25F80松下数码王OST-266 2晶 6芯 IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102E+ M88TS2020+MXT8211松下高清OST-466 2晶10芯 IC:Hi2023e+Hi3121+MBBTS2020+MBDA80CG松下科技星 3晶 6芯 IC:Hi2023+AVL1108+WGCE5037松下科技星.海尔数码.海信数码单双晶+6芯 IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102(3121)+5812中星科技单晶14芯 IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812+25L8单晶14芯中星科技ZG-N02 12芯 IC:GX3001+AV2020中星科技 2晶 10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+M12L64164A中兴科技ABS-S323 2晶 10芯 IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+5812+M12L64164A村村通ABS-S323- 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④ VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812村村通 2晶6芯 IC:HN4+0001+5812村村通ZL5188 1晶13芯 IC:HTV903+1108+SHARP高频头村村通ZL-5188A 2晶11芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108+RDK5812村村通ZL-5188B 2晶13芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108+RDK5812村村通ZL-5188B 2晶10芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+5812村村通ZL5188B 1晶13芯 IC:HTV903+AV1108+SHARP6306村村通ZJ-11 IC:HTV903+1108+夏普头S7ZH6306村村通wx-666 3晶10芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通ZL-6188 2晶10芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108EGA+5812村村通ZL-6188C 10芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通DTH(铁壳) 3晶12芯 IC:AVL1108EG+HTV903F+AV2020村村通001 3晶10芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通ABS-S GD-1008 3晶10芯 IC:Hi2023E+AVL1108E+ZL10037+F16-100HIP村村通 ABS-S888A IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+ET8211+RDA5812+25X80视美人ABS-S PS-1288 2晶10芯 IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+AV2020视美人PS-1288 ICM88VS2000+ES256454K+M88TS2020视美人 2晶10芯 IC:Hi2023+3106+AV2020太平鸟HJ321 3晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④ VCC IC:GX3001+GX1121+TS2020太平鸟HJ321 3晶11芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812焦点yj5888 2晶10芯 IC:HTV903+AVL1108+RDA5812幸运之星YJ5988 2晶 10芯 IC:HTV903F+AVL1108EGa+AV2020克莱尔HT701 1晶10芯 IC:AVL1108EG+HTV903F+M88TS2000中电电子J-6288 ABS-S 3晶12芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812小福星 3晶 11芯针脚定义①-GND .②-(空) .③-RXD .④-TXD () IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812 东仕DIS-2000K 单晶10芯 IC:HTV903F+AVL1108E+AV2020Souy Ericsson英文机 2晶10芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+AV2020高斯贝尔/歌德威尔ABS-208F 3晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④ VCC .⑤-BL IC:AVL1108EG+Hi2023+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208 1晶 14芯 (5针).针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④ VCC .⑤-BL IC:AVL1108EG+Hi2023+5812歌德威尔ABS-208H/高斯贝尔208P 3晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④ VCC IC:M3330E+AVL1108EG+AV2020+M12L64164高斯贝尔ABS-208P/歌德威尔208H 1晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④ VCC .⑤-BL IC:AVL1108EGi+Hi2023+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208P/歌德威尔208H 1晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④ VCC IC:M3330E+AVL1108EG+AV2020+M12L64164A高斯贝尔ABS—208F IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EGA+M88TS2020高斯贝尔ABS—208 2晶 14芯 IC:HTV903+1108+5812吉祥ABS-208C IC:Hi2023+AVL1108EGa+GST GAIM-18R ABS-STUNER吉祥ABS-2009B 3晶 14芯 IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812吉祥ABS-2009大铁壳 2晶 IC:GX3001+GX1121+夏普高频头ABS-2009 2晶 12芯 IC:HTV903+1108+GAIM-18R歌德威尔ABS-208 3晶 6芯 IC:D61216GJ+1108+5812歌德威尔ABS-208 3晶 14芯 (9针接口) IC:M3330+1108+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208 3晶 (9针母串口) IC:AVL1108+Hi2023+GAIM-18RIC:D61216GJ100+AVL1108EG+S29AL016D70TF102+ISSI高斯贝尔ABS-208N 铁壳(9针母串口) IC42s16400F高斯贝尔ABS-208 IC:D61216GJ+A V1108+29AL016D+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208S 1晶IC:NEC D61216GJ+A VL1108EGa+高频头高斯贝尔ABS-208Q 1晶14芯IC:A VL1108EGA+M3330E+M12L64164A+A V2020ABS-S LX-3688A 1晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812现代V4、V5 3晶9芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+EN25D80+HY57V641620ETP-6集信科技V6铁壳(海尔机芯) 3晶9芯针脚定义①VCC .②-TXD .③-RXD .④-GND IC:1108EG(Hi3121)+Hi2023+5812.集信科技V4.V6(铁壳) 2晶9芯( B型)针脚定义① VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:0001(GX3001)+HN4F74+5812集信科技V4 .V6(铁壳) 2晶10芯针脚定义①VCC. ②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:00001(GX3001)+HN4LSW+S6416AHTA+5812 集信科技V4.V6(铁壳) IC:HN4LSW+S6416AHTA-6BZH+EN25F80-1000CP+5812集信科技V4.V6(铁壳) IC:0002P1M43700ta06+5812+EN25F80+TM8211+POL4558集信科技V4.V5 1晶10芯(A型)针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:0002(GX6121)+5812+M12L64164A艾雷特2晶10芯IC:M88VS2000+ES256454K+M88TS2020艾雷特V5 IC:HN4F910931M2EE+0001G1K729-1TA060932+5812艾雷特ALT5812 IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600A 2晶11芯IC:M3330E+A VL108的+夏普高频头艾雷特ALT600A/吉祥ABS-2009 2晶IC:GX3001+GX1121-ES29L160FB+SHARP高频头艾雷特ALT600G IC:HTV903+A VL1108+25L160+ST2020(Y32S-8BA T 081113)艾雷特ALT6812 1晶10芯IC:GX6121+RDA5812+ZB-1A艾雷特ALT6815 1晶10芯IC:GX6121-RDA5812-2B-1A艾雷特ALT7815 3晶10芯IC:GX3001+1121+TS2020艾雷特1000 黑珍珠V4.V5 1晶10芯IC:0002(GX6121)+EEPLDA+5812+M12L64164A 艾雷特alt 7812 3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT7812 3晶11芯针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 2晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 1晶11芯IC:CH216H+A VL1108+C6XS-8CA深圳亿通DVB-V5 10芯IC:HN4N46+EN25F80+G1N540-1TA06+IS42S16400-7T+5812亿通电子WS-3688ZL 1晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+A V2020中大WS-3688ZJ (铁壳) 1晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+A V2020中大WS-3688ZJ (铁壳) 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108EG+夏普高频头皇视HSR-208A 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108EG+A V2020皇视HSR-208B 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+2020皇视HSR-208B 单晶10芯IC:3330+1108+2020皇视HSR-208B 单晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-TXD ③-RXD ④-VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102+A V2020皇视HSR-2090 2晶11芯IC:Hi2023+1108EGa+夏普头++EN29LV160皇视HSR-210A 单晶6芯IC:Hi2023ec+Hi3122e+A V2020皇视HSR-260A 铁盒2晶10芯IC:Hi+1108+SHARP夏普头皇视HRS-268 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+A V2020皇视HRS-268 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812皇视HSR-268 单晶10线IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812皇视HSR-268 单晶10线IC:Hi2023+Hi3121+A V2020皇视HRS-268 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+A VL1108+5812皇视HSR-260B 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+2020皇视HSR-260B/索尼高清258 1晶10芯IC:2023E+3121+A V2020皇视HSR-260B 3晶10芯IC:HI2023+1108+5812皇朝HSR-268 10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812凯恩斯KES-2066S 6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi3122E+Hi2023ECE+N25F80 凯恩斯KES-2077Z 1晶6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+3122E+5812凯恩斯2077ABS 2晶10芯IC:M3330+A VL1108+5812凯恩斯2077ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5812+25L800凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+HI3122E+RDA5812 凯恩斯KES-2088Z (5针).针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812 凯恩斯KES-2099S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+25L80凯恩斯KES-2188T 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812凯恩斯KES-2188T 3晶12芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5037凯恩斯KES-2288S 3晶10芯IC:M3330E+A VL1108+RDA5812+M12L64164A凯恩斯KES-2688b 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+1108e+5812凯恩斯KES-2688S 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+1108e+5812凯恩斯KES-2788S 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108EGa+5812凯恩斯KES-2788S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812凯恩斯KES-5188 11芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGA+A V2020凯恩斯KES-5188A铁盒2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+RDK5812+F80+PT8211凯恩斯KES-5188B 2晶13芯IC:HTV903+RDA5812+A VL1108+8211+F80美路3晶13芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119美路2晶12芯IC:GX3003+GX1121+5812美路MR-1809 IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108E+高频头MAX2119C美路MR-5598铁壳3晶12芯IC:GX3003+GX1121+5812美路MR-5598 3晶12芯针脚定义①VCC. ②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119C美路-5798 IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119C美路-5598 IC:Hi2023+1108+GAIM-18R+29lv160ZY 5518A 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+3102E+5812万利达ZY-5518A 1晶6芯((5针)) IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102E+5812万利达ZY-5518A 2晶10芯IC:CX3001+GX1121+5812万利达ZY-5518A 3晶10芯(9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+5812长虹新一代3晶10芯IC:HI2023E+1108E+FL016ALF长虹新一代,海尔数码、海信数码单双晶体6芯IC:HI2023E+3102(3121)+5812长虹数码CH930 3晶12芯IC:HTV903F+1108+A V2020+M80长虹精品TC-6688ABS 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EG+5812长虹精工YJ5978 1晶10芯IC:HTV903F+1108EGa+2000+F80-100+8211长虹KES-2099S 2晶5芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102E+5812长虹KES 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102+5812长虹CH920 3晶6芯IC:HTV903F+1108EGa+A V2020+25L80航天天信WTD198J 2晶12芯(9针接口) IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+ES29LV160FB-70TG 航天珠江WTD-198J 2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812航天珠江ABS-209B IC:GX3001+GX1121++WGSE5037航天数码ABS-3809 2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812航天直播HT-168 3晶12芯IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普头航天高清王-HS-166 2晶12芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+RDA5812航天高清王HS-169 2晶12芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TX .③-RX .④-VCC IC:Hi2023EC+3122+5812天诚TCD-219 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812天诚TCD-219ABS 2晶10芯IC:M3330E+A VL1108EGA+5812天诚TCD-299Z 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+3206+5812天诚TD-299Z 2晶5芯IC:Hi2023+3206+5812天诚TD-2992 2晶6芯IC:Hi3122E+Hi2023E+5812+F80+MXT8211天诚539 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A V1108+5812天诚519型2晶10芯IC:HTV903+1108E+5812天诚TCD-239ABS 3晶10芯IC:M3330+1108+5812天诚TCD-239ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5812天诚TCD-239 2晶10芯IC:M3330E+1108E+5812天诚TCD-279 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812天诚TCD-299ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812天诚TCD-319ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E0914+A VL1108EGa+RDA5812天诚TCD-319ABS 3晶12芯IC:Hi2302+A VL1108+5037天诚TCD-369ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812天诚TCD-369ABS 3晶10芯IC:M3330E+1108+5812天诚TCD-369ABS 3晶5芯IC:Hi2023+1108+WCGE5037天诚TCD-509ABS 3晶10芯IC:M3330E-A VL1108EGa-5812天诚TCD-509ABS 10芯(5针) IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812+M12L6416A天诚TCD-539ABS 2晶10芯(5针)针脚定义①-RX .②-TX .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:M3330E+A VL1108+25L80+5812天诚TCD-579ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+Hi1108+5812天诚TCD-579ABS 3晶10芯IC:HiM3330+A VL1108EGa+RDA5812天诚TCD-589ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812天诚TCD-689ABS铁壳机2晶12芯(9针接口) IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+夏普头天诚TC-ABS1108A 11芯IC:Hi2023EC+A VL1108+5812TCD--239ABS 2晶10芯IC:M3330E+A VL1108E+5812TCD-339ABS 3晶10芯(9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+5812TCD-509ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E0915+A VL1108EGa+RDA5812TCD-509ABS 2晶10芯(5针) IC:Hi2023EC+HI3121+5812TCD-519ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812TCD-599 2晶10芯IC:M3330+A VL1008+5812TCD-219ABS 2晶振10芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③-VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812爱普思DVB-2568 3晶10芯IC:HTV903+1121+2020卓异5518A 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异5518A(铁壳)3晶11芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异5518A(铁壳)2晶11芯(9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普独立高频头卓异5518A G 1晶10芯爱百信针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812卓异ZY-5518A G 驰骋天下针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812+F80卓异5518AG 2晶11芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异ZY-5518A H 春1晶6芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:GX3001+5812+25L8005卓异ZY-5518A H 春2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023E+HI3121+5812+F25L008A。



44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34
VCC f audio f c arrier
电源电压 音频频率范围 载波频率范围
值 7
-40到+85 -65到+150
150 14 2 1.5 0.2 1 1 0.1 A
值 2.3 5.5 20至20,000 0.4 11
多媒体应用:耳机SIDE TSH511接收从计算机通过高保真立体声音响2.3和2.8 MHz的立体声红外线运营商.访问标签的RF放大器允许使用 一个1.7兆赫拒绝滤波器取消的发送信号的麦克风.宽电源电压范围(2.3 5.5 V)允许电池操作.
TSH511 & 512 supply: 2.3 to 5.5V, 25 mA
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22
















5)2 .5英寸直径扬声器:高品质扬声器可提供清晰动听的音效。

6)AC / DC电源适配器:您可以使用这个适配器充电内置电池或直接给收音机供电。



9)天线:旋转伸缩的天线可以改善接收 调频/电视/空调/甚高频(天气)和短波电台。










符号或者测试条件 最小值
0.7* VBAT
0.8* VBAT
4.5 0.3* VBAT
V V °C
1.3 直流特性
(VBAT= 3V, VIO = 3 V, TA = 25 °C, 其他都是默认,除非特别提到)
Table 3. 直流特性
1.4 接收特性
(VBAT= 3V, TA = 25 °C, 其他都是默认,除非特别提到)
1.4.1 调频和电视伴音
Table 4. 调频接收特性

中星9号接收机各厂家芯片资料大全和升级接口针脚定义 - NEC等专区 - 卫星技术专版

中星9号接收机各厂家芯片资料大全和升级接口针脚定义 - NEC等专区 - 卫星技术专版

中星9号接收机各厂家芯片资料大全和升级接口针脚定义品牌产品型号芯片配置海尔2晶10芯IC:HI2023E+1108+5812海尔高清OST-666 2晶6芯IC:M88VS2000+241674K.1+M88TS2020海尔高清OST-666 3晶12芯IC:High032E+His121+M88TS2020海尔 3晶10芯 (9针接口) IC:HI2023E+1108+5812+ESMTM12L64164A-GNR1T80AB海尔高清OST-666 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+3160+TS2020欧视达ABS-209B 3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+LW37欧视达ABS-209B 3晶11芯IC:GX3001+5037+8211欧视达ABS-309B 3晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+MGCE5037欧视达AS-900S 1晶11芯IC:GX6121+25L80+LW37城市之宝BEX868 Y32S-93A T 2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+TS2020通达Y35S-8BA T/Y35S-8CA T 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812通达Y30S-01BT 2晶12芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+2020皇朝HSR-268 10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812小霸王TDX-668E ABS-S1 1晶6芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102+FT8211+HT1117天地星小霸王TDX-328B 1晶10芯IC:ALi M3328F+5810天地星小霸王TDX-668A(9针接口) IC:HI2023+1108+夏普头天地星小霸王TDX-668B 2晶振IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGA+RDA5812+25L8005天地星小霸王(三星数码王)TDX-668B 单晶6芯.针脚定义①-TXD ②-RXD ③VCC ④-GND ⑤-BLIC:Hi2023E+RDA5812+A VL1108E+MXT8211a+25L8005天地星(原大盒中星九号)3晶IC:Hi2023+1108+5037天地星TDX-668B 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812天地星小霸王TDX-668C 2晶6芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGA+RDK5812+25F80小霸王TDX-328B 1晶10芯IC:ALi M3328F+5810小霸王TDX-668B 6芯IC:Hi2023+RDA5812+A VL1108E小霸王TDX-668B 2晶6芯IC:HTV903+1108+5812小霸王TDX-668E 1晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812小霸王TDX-668E 2晶6芯IC:HTV903+1108+5812小霰王XC-B298 1晶12芯IC:HTV903-RDA5812-A VL1108小霸王ABS-1388 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+A V2020小霸王ABS-1688 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812小霸王GF902 IC:A VL1118a+A V2020+EN25F80索尼高清ABS-S 258 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812索尼高清ABS-S 258 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+A V2020太阳红TYH-279ABS/289ABS/299ABS 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+A V2020松下科技星TDX-668B1/松下科技星-668E IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+5812松下科技星TDX-668B 2晶6芯IC:HTV903FH42+A VL1108EGA+RGK5812松下科技星668B 2晶6芯Hi2023(E0908)+EVl1108EG2+5812松下科技星-668C 2晶6芯针脚定义①-RX .②-TX .③-GND .④VCC. ⑤-BL IC:A VL1108EG+HTV903F+5812松下科技星668E 2晶6芯IC:HV903+A VL1108E+5812松下科技星/海尔数码/海信数码单双晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102(Hi3121)+5812松下科技星TDX-668B 2晶6芯针脚定义①-RXD .②-TXD .③-GND .④VCC. ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812+25L8005松下高清SX168 3晶6芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+A V2020松下数码王P-269A 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3122+A V2020松下高清OST168 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3121+A V2020松下科技PS-228 11芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3122+5812松下科技PS-228 2晶6芯IC:M88VS2000+M88TS2020+ES261474K松下科技PS-228 1晶12芯N88VS2000+ES261344K+M88TS2020高频头+T25P80+S163816STS松下科技PS-228 2晶IC:HTV903+1108+2020松下科技PS-228 2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812松下数码王OST-266 10芯(4针)针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi2023E+Hi3106+2020松下数码王OST-266 2晶6芯IC:M88VS2000+M88TS2020+261414k+25F80松下数码王OST-266 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102E+ M88TS2020+MXT8211松下高清OST-466 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+Hi3121+MBBTS2020+MBDA80CG松下科技星3晶6芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+WGCE5037松下科技星.海尔数码.海信数码单双晶+6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102(3121)+5812中星科技单晶14芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812+25L8单晶14芯中星科技ZG-N02 12芯IC:GX3001+A V2020中星科技2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+M12L64164A中兴科技ABS-S323 2晶 10芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+5812+M12L64164A村村通ABS-S323- 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812村村通 2晶6芯IC:HN4+0001+5812村村通ZL5188 1晶13芯IC:HTV903+1108+SHARP高频头村村通ZL-5188A 2晶11芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+RDK5812村村通ZL-5188B 2晶13芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+RDK5812村村通ZL-5188B 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGA+5812村村通ZL5188B 1晶13芯IC:HTV903+A V1108+SHARP6306村村通ZJ-11 IC:HTV903+1108+夏普头S7ZH6306村村通wx-666 3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通ZL-6188 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGA+5812村村通ZL-6188C 10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通DTH(铁壳) 3晶12芯IC:A VL1108EG+HTV903F+A V2020村村通001 3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812村村通ABS-S GD-1008 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108E+ZL10037+F16-100HIP村村通ABS-S888A IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+ET8211+RDA5812+25X80视美人ABS-S PS-1288 2晶10芯IC:Hi3102E+Hi2023EC+A V2020视美人PS-1288 ICM88VS2000+ES256454K+M88TS2020视美人2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+3106+A V2020太平鸟HJ321 3晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC IC:GX3001+GX1121+TS2020太平鸟HJ321 3晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812焦点yj5888 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+RDA5812幸运之星YJ5988 2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108EGa+A V2020克莱尔HT701 1晶10芯IC:A VL1108EG+HTV903F+M88TS2000中电电子J-6288 ABS-S 3晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812小福星 3晶11芯针脚定义①-GND .②-(空) .③-RXD .④-TXD ()IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812东仕DIS-2000K 单晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108E+A V2020Souy Ericsson英文机2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+A V2020高斯贝尔/歌德威尔ABS-208F 3晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL IC:A VL1108EG+Hi2023+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208 1晶14芯(5针).针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL IC:A VL1108EG+Hi2023+5812歌德威尔ABS-208H/高斯贝尔208P 3晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:M3330E+A VL1108EG+A V2020+M12L64164高斯贝尔ABS-208P/歌德威尔208H 1晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL IC:A VL1108EGi+Hi2023+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208P/歌德威尔208H 1晶14芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:M3330E+A VL1108EG+A V2020+M12L64164A高斯贝尔ABS—208F IC:Hi2023+A VL1108EGA+M88TS2020高斯贝尔ABS—208 2晶14芯IC:HTV903+1108+5812吉祥ABS-208C IC:Hi2023+A VL1108EGa+GST GAIM-18R ABS-STUNER吉祥ABS-2009B 3晶14芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812吉祥ABS-2009大铁壳 2晶IC:GX3001+GX1121+夏普高频头ABS-2009 2晶12芯IC:HTV903+1108+GAIM-18R歌德威尔ABS-208 3晶6芯IC61216GJ+1108+5812歌德威尔ABS-208 3晶14芯 (9针接口) IC:M3330+1108+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208 3晶 (9针母串口) IC:A VL1108+Hi2023+GAIM-18RIC61216GJ100+A VL1108EG+S29AL016D70TF102+ISSI高斯贝尔ABS-208N 铁壳(9针母串口) IC42s16400F高斯贝尔ABS-208 IC61216GJ+A V1108+29AL016D+5812高斯贝尔ABS-208S 1晶IC:NEC D61216GJ+A VL1108EGa+高频头高斯贝尔ABS-208Q 1晶14芯IC:A VL1108EGA+M3330E+M12L64164A+A V2020ABS-S LX-3688A 1晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812现代V4、V5 3晶9芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+EN25D80+HY57V641620ETP-6集信科技V6铁壳(海尔机芯) 3晶9芯针脚定义①VCC .②-TXD .③-RXD .④-GND IC:1108EG(Hi3121)+Hi2023+5812.集信科技V4.V6(铁壳) 2晶9芯 ( B型)针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:0001(GX3001)+HN4F74+5812集信科技V4 .V6(铁壳) 2晶10芯针脚定义①VCC. ②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:00001(GX3001)+HN4LSW+S6416AHTA+5812集信科技V4.V6(铁壳) IC:HN4LSW+S6416AHTA-6BZH+EN25F80-1000CP+5812集信科技V4.V6(铁壳) IC:0002P1M43700ta06+5812+EN25F80+TM8211+POL4558集信科技V4.V5 1晶10芯 (A型)针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:0002(GX6121)+5812+M12L64164A艾雷特 2晶10芯IC:M88VS2000+ES256454K+M88TS2020艾雷特V5 IC:HN4F910931M2EE+0001G1K729-1TA060932+5812艾雷特ALT5812 IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600A 2晶11芯IC:M3330E+A VL108的+夏普高频头艾雷特ALT600A/吉祥ABS-2009 2晶IC:GX3001+GX1121-ES29L160FB+SHARP高频头艾雷特ALT600G IC:HTV903+A VL1108+25L160+ST2020(Y32S-8BA T 081113)艾雷特ALT6812 1晶10芯IC:GX6121+RDA5812+ZB-1A艾雷特ALT6815 1晶10芯IC:GX6121-RDA5812-2B-1A艾雷特ALT7815 3晶 10芯IC:GX3001+1121+TS2020艾雷特1000 黑珍珠V4.V5 1晶10芯IC:0002(GX6121)+EEPLDA+5812+M12L64164A 艾雷特alt 7812 3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT7812 3晶11芯针脚定义①VCC .②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 2晶11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812艾雷特ALT600c 1晶11芯IC:CH216H+A VL1108+C6XS-8CA深圳亿通DVB-V5 10芯IC:HN4N46+EN25F80+G1N540-1TA06+IS42S16400-7T+5812亿通电子WS-3688ZL 1晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+A V2020中大WS-3688ZJ (铁壳) 1晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+A V2020中大WS-3688ZJ (铁壳) 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108EG+夏普高频头皇视HSR-208A 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108EG+A V2020皇视HSR-208B 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+2020皇视HSR-208B 单晶10芯IC:3330+1108+2020皇视HSR-208B 单晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-TXD ③-RXD ④-VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102+A V2020皇视HSR-2090 2晶11芯IC:Hi2023+1108EGa+夏普头++EN29LV160皇视HSR-210A单晶6芯IC:Hi2023ec+Hi3122e+A V2020皇视HSR-260A铁盒2晶10芯IC:Hi+1108+SHARP夏普头皇视HRS-268 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+A V2020皇视HRS-268 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812皇视HSR-268 单晶10线IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812皇视HSR-268 单晶10线IC:Hi2023+Hi3121+A V2020皇视HRS-268 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+A VL1108+5812皇视HSR-260B 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+2020皇视HSR-260B/索尼高清258 1晶10芯IC:2023E+3121+A V2020皇视HSR-260B 3晶10芯IC:HI2023+1108+5812皇朝HSR-268 10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812凯恩斯KES-2066S 6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi3122E+Hi2023ECE+N25F80 凯恩斯KES-2077Z 1晶6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+3122E+5812凯恩斯2077ABS 2晶10芯IC:M3330+A VL1108+5812凯恩斯2077ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5812+25L800凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812凯恩斯KES-2088S 2晶6芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+HI3122E+RDA5812 凯恩斯KES-2088Z (5针).针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+HI3102E+RDA5812 凯恩斯KES-2099S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+25L80凯恩斯KES-2188T 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812凯恩斯KES-2188T 3晶12芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5037凯恩斯KES-2288S 3晶10芯IC:M3330E+A VL1108+RDA5812+M12L64164A凯恩斯KES-2688b 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+1108e+5812凯恩斯KES-2688S 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023e+1108e+5812凯恩斯KES-2788S 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108EGa+5812凯恩斯KES-2788S 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3122E+5812凯恩斯KES-5188 11芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGA+A V2020凯恩斯KES-5188A铁盒 2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+RDK5812+F80+PT8211凯恩斯KES-5188B 2晶13芯IC:HTV903+RDA5812+A VL1108+8211+F80美路3晶13芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119美路2晶12芯IC:GX3003+GX1121+5812美路MR-1809 IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108E+高频头MAX2119C美路MR-5598铁壳 3晶12芯IC:GX3003+GX1121+5812美路MR-5598 3晶12芯针脚定义①VCC. ②-RXD .③-TXD .④-GND IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119C美路-5798 IC:Hi2023E+1108+2119C美路-5598 IC:Hi2023+1108+GAIM-18R+29lv160ZY 5518A 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+3102E+5812万利达ZY-5518A 1晶6芯((5针)) IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102E+5812万利达ZY-5518A 2晶10芯IC:CX3001+GX1121+5812万利达ZY-5518A 3晶10芯 (9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+5812长虹新一代 3晶10芯IC:HI2023E+1108E+FL016ALF长虹新一代,海尔数码、海信数码单双晶体 6芯IC:HI2023E+3102(3121)+5812长虹数码CH930 3晶12芯IC:HTV903F+1108+A V2020+M80长虹精品TC-6688ABS 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EG+5812长虹精工YJ5978 1晶10芯IC:HTV903F+1108EGa+2000+F80-100+8211长虹KES-2099S 2晶5芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102E+5812长虹KES 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3102+5812长虹CH920 3晶6芯IC:HTV903F+1108EGa+A V2020+25L80航天天信WTD198J 2晶12芯(9针接口) IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+ES29LV160FB-70TG 航天珠江WTD-198J 2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812航天珠江ABS-209B IC:GX3001+GX1121++WGSE5037航天数码ABS-3809 2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812航天直播HT-168 3晶12芯IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普头航天高清王-HS-166 2晶12芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+RDA5812航天高清王HS-169 2晶12芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TX .③-RX .④-VCC IC:Hi2023EC+3122+5812天诚TCD-219 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812天诚TCD-219ABS 2晶10芯IC:M3330E+A VL1108EGA+5812天诚TCD-299Z 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+3206+5812天诚TD-299Z 2晶5芯IC:Hi2023+3206+5812天诚TD-2992 2晶6芯IC:Hi3122E+Hi2023E+5812+F80+MXT8211天诚539 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A V1108+5812天诚519型2晶10芯IC:HTV903+1108E+5812天诚TCD-239ABS 3晶10芯IC:M3330+1108+5812天诚TCD-239ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108E+5812天诚TCD-239 2晶10芯IC:M3330E+1108E+5812天诚TCD-279 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812天诚TCD-299ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812天诚TCD-319ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E0914+A VL1108EGa+RDA5812天诚TCD-319ABS 3晶12芯IC:Hi2302+A VL1108+5037天诚TCD-369ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812天诚TCD-369ABS 3晶10芯IC:M3330E+1108+5812天诚TCD-369ABS 3晶5芯IC:Hi2023+1108+WCGE5037天诚TCD-509ABS 3晶10芯IC:M3330E-A VL1108EGa-5812天诚TCD-509ABS 10芯 (5针) IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812+M12L6416A天诚TCD-539ABS 2晶10芯 (5针)针脚定义①-RX .②-TX .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:M3330E+A VL1108+25L80+5812天诚TCD-579ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+Hi1108+5812天诚TCD-579ABS 3晶10芯IC:HiM3330+A VL1108EGa+RDA5812天诚TCD-589ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812天诚TCD-689ABS铁壳机2晶12芯(9针接口) IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+夏普头天诚TC-ABS1108A11芯IC:Hi2023EC+A VL1108+5812TCD--239ABS 2晶10芯IC:M3330E+A VL1108E+5812TCD-339ABS 3晶10芯 (9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+5812TCD-509ABS 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E0915+A VL1108EGa+RDA5812TCD-509ABS 2晶10芯 (5针) IC:Hi2023EC+HI3121+5812TCD-519ABS 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812TCD-599 2晶10芯IC:M3330+A VL1008+5812TCD-219ABS 2晶振10芯针脚定义①-TXD .②-RXD .③-VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+5812爱普思DVB-2568 3晶10芯IC:HTV903+1121+2020卓异5518A 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异5518A(铁壳)3晶11芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异5518A(铁壳)2晶11芯(9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普独立高频头卓异5518A G 1晶10芯爱百信针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812卓异ZY-5518A G 驰骋天下针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812+F80卓异5518AG 2晶11芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023E+1108+5812卓异ZY-5518A H 春 1晶6芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:GX3001+5812+25L8005卓异ZY-5518A H 春 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023E+HI3121+5812+F25L008A卓异ZY-5518A H 秋针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC 升级接口在内部PCB上IC:GX6121+5812+F80卓异ZY-5518A H 秋 1晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+5812+F80-100卓异ZY-5518A H至尊王牌2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+25L8005卓异ZY-5518A H 财富 2晶6 芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC .⑤-BL IC:芯片掩磨+5812+80L100绿达PS-1288 3晶12芯IC:Hi2023E+ABS090520+M88TS2020绿达PS-1288 2晶12芯IC:Hi2023+Hi3021+A V2020绿达视美人\卓异 1晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121+2020绿达金统帅 3晶10芯IC:M3330+1108+5812三星DQ88/DQ66 IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+A V2020三星高清王2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812三星高清DQ88 3晶12芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+A V2020三星数码王TDX668B 2晶6芯针脚定义①-RXD .②-TXD .③-GND .④VCC. ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023+1108+5812三星数码王TDX668B 2晶6芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108E+5812三星数码王668C 2晶6芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108E+5812三星数码王TDX668E 1晶6芯IC:Hi2023EC+3102C+5812三星HSR-208C 1晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3102+MXT8211+A V2020+F25L08pA三星小霸王ABS-S 2009 2晶10芯IC:CX3001+CX1121+5812三星小霸王2900 (9针接口) IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108+MAX2119三星王国-KL6350 1晶11芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGa+EDA5812开门红KSP638 2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108E+A V2020开门红KSP638 1晶10芯IC:CT216H+A VL1108EGa+A V2020日立创新TDX-668B 2晶6芯针脚定义①-RXD .②-TXD .③-GND .④VCC. ⑤-BL IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812志高之星HS166 2晶12芯IC:Hi3102+Hi2023+5812志高之星HS169 2晶12芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3012E+RDA5812A+EM638165TS-6G金牛ABS-1108 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+1108+5812小灵通 2晶6线IC:Hi2023+1108+5812福临门ABS-S 3晶9线IC:GX1121+GX3001+5812C60S-93A T 单晶10芯IC:CT216H+A VL1108EGa+A V2020ABS-2301 单晶10芯针脚定义①-GND.②-TXD.③-RX .④VCC IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3211E+5812+25L8005其乐达CT216 2晶10芯IC:CT216+1108+A V2020科海6228 1晶11芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGa+RDa5812+25X16A VSIG科海6228-CT216H 1晶11芯IC:CT216H+1108EGa+M88TS2020科海C623S-91A T 单晶10芯IC:CT210H+A VL1108+2020科海炫彩6888 IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGa+RDa5812科海2888(小天使)2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108EGa+RDa5812大旗920 3晶12芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+A V2020大旗DQ920 3晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+25X16大旗930 3晶12芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+A V2020众昌电子ABS--2088 2晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812众昌电子ABS-2087 2晶10芯IC:M3330+A VL1108+5812创维S600 3晶IC:M3330E+A VL1108E+5812创维新一代3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+1108+5037+FL016A中广通XC-B188 3晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812深圳知音ABSTAR KT-2309 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108E+5812知音科技ABSTAR KT1028H 2晶振10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+GST GAIM-18R铁壳ABS-2009 2晶11芯IC:Hi2023+1108+夏普头王牌数码OST-366 2晶6芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC IC:Hi3102+Hi2023EC+A V2020王牌数码王GM-ABS1108A 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-TXD .③-RXD .④VCC IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+25L8005王牌数码王GM-ABS1108A 10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812JIXIANG ABS-208 2晶14芯 (9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+GST GAIM-18R ABS TUNER 夏普头JIXIANG-ABS208 2晶IC:D6121+1108+GST高频头East Star 2晶10芯IC:M3330-1108-GST GAIM-18R高频头小福星abs 2008 3晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812通达C60S-93A T/C62S-91A T 1晶10芯IC:CT216H+A VL1108E+2020威特斯ZL-5188A 2晶 13芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+RDK5812威特斯ZL-5188B 2晶 11芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812迷你星 3晶13芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812+F16-100HIP高星HS-312 3晶 12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812北大高科 3晶 9芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S 801型2晶 10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5810思达科ABS-S 802G 2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S 803A 1晶10芯IC:A VL1118+A V2020+25D80V思达科ABS-S 803G IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S 806H IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812思达科ABS-S 806H IC:A VL1118+A V2020+DSD4M16G思达科ABS-S 806H IC:HN4J7G+G2A954+5812+25X80思达科ABS-S807 1晶5芯IC:A VL1118a+A V2020+806H金霸王JBW-6688 2晶11芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108EGa+A V2020+8211金霸王JBW-6688 IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812阿德尔ADE-168 IC:HY903+A VL1108EG+A V2020阿德尔ADE131金刚IC:HTV903F+A VL1108E+M88TS2020海西小霸王TD299Z 2晶6芯IC:Hi2023E+Hi3122+5812同洲CY-668S 1晶12芯IC:HM1512+1108+5812喜旺ABS5398 IC:Hi2023+1108E+MAX2119C喜旺ABS-5798 12芯IC:GX3001+GX1211+5812喜旺ABS-3809 2晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDA5812希旺598 2晶12芯 (9针接口) IC:Hi2023+1108+SHRP高频头彩虹视霸CY84 1晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+M88TS2020彩虹视霸A10S-9AA T 1晶10芯IC:A VL1118+SM42S16400B1-7+F80九洲村村通DVS-398F IC:CT216H+ALV1108+SHRP高频头金星ABS-208 1晶14芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+铁壳高频头威克 2晶6芯 (5针) IC:HTV903+1108+5812华尔HR731A1 3晶12芯IC:CX3001+CX1121+SHARP高频头爱普斯 3晶9芯IC:HTV903+A V2020+A VL1108EG爱普斯2568 3晶10芯IC:HTV903+A V2020+A VL1108EG爱普斯IC:GX3001+GX1211+A V2020+2J10X未来视佳ADEI88 3晶9芯IC:HTV903F+A V2020+A VL1108EG黑金刚TRT006 1晶10芯IC:A VL1118+A V2020+4558+F80-100DX-668 2晶10芯针脚定义①-RXD .②-TXD .③VCC .④-GND .⑤-BL IC:Hi2023EC_Hi3102E+5812+F80-100傲天海-吉祥2晶12芯针脚定义①-GND ②-RXD ③-TXD ④VCC IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDA5812高频头+P8075火星漫步LJ6008 1晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+M88TS2020+F80-100王牌新一代TD-299Z针脚定义①- . ②-TXD .③-RXD .④-GND ⑤- IC:Hi2023E+Hi3122+5812王牌HJ360 3晶10芯IC:GX1120+GX3001+TS2020TVWALKER ABS-2008 1晶6芯IC:D61216GJ+1108E+SHARP头吉祥988 (ZJ-111) 1晶11芯IC:HTV903 +1108+高频头北京北电科林 3晶12芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108EGa+SHARP高频头家家福BEX811 1晶10芯IC:24645K2+M88VS2000+M88TS2020家家福ADE158 IC:HTV903+A VL1108+M88TS2020华星科技2晶IC:Hi2023+A VL1108+5812亚视达ABR-S(H11) 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+1108E+A V2020HSTAR 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A VL1108EGa+M88IS2020长江电讯ABS-2008型铁壳 (9针接口) IC:D61216GJ+A VL1108EG+夏普头全家福 3晶IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108EG+M88TS2020畅想BEX818 1晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+A V2020必佳GF-901 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND .②-RXD .③-TXD .④VCC IC:HTV903+1108+A V2020KSP600G 飓风(华亚) 2晶10芯针脚定义①-GND ②-TXD ③-RXD ④VCC IC:HTV903+1108+M88TS2020+25D80万家乐TB002 (5针) IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3102E+M88TS2020+25X80A V万家乐2晶6芯IC:M3330+ALi1108+5812+F80-75奥伟科技ABS-800 3晶 (9针接口) IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812奥伟科技ABS-900E 2晶12芯IC:CT216+A VL1108+独立高频头GAIR-08R天眼HSTER3晶10芯IC:Hi2023E+A VL1108+5812飞翔ADE351 2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108EG+M88TS2000星视通XC-B268 1晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+5812星视通XC-C268 1晶11芯IC:HTV903 A VL1108 5812奥维科技ABS-600 3晶12芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+A V2020GM-210825A 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023+A V1108+5812GM-210825A 2晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+5812中国结TRT005 1晶10芯IC:M88VS2000+256454K+M88TS2020万视达118S 3晶10芯IC:Hi2023EC+Hi3121E+5812足球王国ADE266 1晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108Ga+M88T52000摩托罗拉IC:HM1521+A VL1108+5812现代数码TDX-668B 2晶6芯IC:A VL1108EG+HI2023EC+5812国科广电GKA800 ( 9孔串口) IC:GX3001+A VL1108+EN29LV160AB+夏普头心语BEX838 10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+5812心语BEX838 2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+A VL1108+m88ts2020+GH8211美万嘉MJ-518S 3晶10芯IC:GX3001+GX1121+RDK5812SV A CH-6788 2晶IC:M88VS2000+ES255624K+M88TS2020+EN25F80+AMS1117数码新一代HT702 2晶10芯IC:HTV903F+1108+M88TS2020飓风KSP600G 2晶10芯IC:HTV903+A VL1108+2020板号CH-ABS-S-VS2000-V1.1 2晶6芯IC:2000+2020+255624K斯威特ZL-5188A 1晶13芯IC:2HTV903+A VL1108EGA+夏普高频头中国星2晶6芯IC:ALI3330+ALi1108+5812+F80-75Ji Xiang 208版号ABS-A005B.M 3晶6芯IC:D61216GJ100+A VL1108+S29AL016070TF102+MAXIM2119C欧士达209B 10芯IC:GX1121+GX3001+5037。





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Files\NAND FLASH WRITER\Driver\USBWrite.inf]。

事前準備⏹若您使用的Windows XP作業系統,請確認您的版本已經更新至Service Pack 1,否則Windows XP作業系統將無法正常支援本燒錄器。



GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MSM9560/MSM9561 is an IC which demodulates FM character multiplex signals in the DARC (Data Radio Channel)*1 format to obtain digtal data. The MSM9560 operates at 4.5 to 5.5 V and the MSM9561 at 1.8 to 3.3 V. In the DARC system, 16 kbps of digital data L-MSK modulated at 76 kHz is multiplexed on an ordinary FM broadcast base band signal.The MSM9560/MSM9561 contains on one chip a band pass filter using a switched capacitor filter (SCF) and a group of circuits including a frame synchronization circuit and an error correction circuit.By connecting an external FM receiver and memory for temporary data storage and by controlling them by the CPU, a system for obtaining digtal data can easily be constructed.The FM multiplex demodulation ICs, the MSM9500-series devices, are configured with minimum functions; so they will, merely by making changes to the software of the external microcomputer, be able to respond flexibly to the many FM multiplex broadcast services that are going to come about in the future.The MSM9560/MSM9561 is best suited to radios and information processing devices that support DARC FM multiplex broadcasting. It is also best suited to car radios and car navigation systems, and the MSM9561 is especially suited to portable equipment.FEATURES•Pin compatible with MSM9552/MSM9553•Built-in bandpass filter (SCF)•Built-in block synchronization circuit and frame synchronization circuit•Setting of the number of synchronization protection steps can be changed•Data clocks are regenerated by digital PLL•1T delay detection•Built-in vertical and horizontal error correction circuits•Built-in layer 4 and layer 2 CRC processing circuit•Parallel interface with microcontroller•Clock output for external devices (64 kHz to 8.192 MHz variable)•Compatible with the international standard frame format (ITU-R Rec. BS1194)•Power supply: 4.5 to 5.5 V (MSM9560), 1.8 to 3.3 V (MSM9561)•Package:44-pin plastic QFP (QFP44-P-910-0.80-2K) (Product name: MSM9560GS-2K/MSM9561GS-2K)1MSM9560/MSM9561 2BLOCK DIAGRAMData bus DB0-DB7AddressAD0-AD5CSWRRD CLRXTAL1XTAL2XOUT INT¡ Semiconductor3MSM9560/MSM9561¡ Semiconductor PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)NC : No-connection pin 44-Pin Plastic QFPMOUT1MOUT2MOUT3MON ADETIN AV DD AGND XOUTC MOUT0M O U T 5M O U T 6I N T W R N C R D D B 0D B 1D B 3N CI O W RI O R DA 4A 3A 2DB6DB5CS XTAL2DB7AIN A0XOUT DB4SG M O U T 4D B 2DGND DV DD XTAL1A 1A 5C L RN CN C¡ SemiconductorMSM9560/MSM95614PIN DESCRIPTIONSFunction Pin Type DescriptionMicro-computer interface16I Write signal to internal register.18I Read signal to internal register.15O Interrupt signal to microcontroller. "L": An interrupt is generated.31I Chip select signal."L": Read, write, and data bus signals become active.40I "L" : the internal registers are initialized and the device enters power down mode.33-38I Address signal to internal register.19-26I/O Data bus signal to internal register.6I FM multiplex signal input.5O Analog reference voltage output pin. Connect a capacitor between this pin and analog ground to prevent noise. 1O Analog section waveform monitoring pin. The analog block mode setting is specified by the analog control register.2I Analog signal input pin for testing.4142I Digital section test signal input pins. Internally pulled up.8-14O Digital section test signal output and monitor output pins.29I 8.192 MHz crystal oscillator connection pin.30O 8.192 MHz crystal oscillator connection pin.32O Pin for supply of 64 kHz to 8.192 MHz clock to the outside.7I XOUT output control pin."L"=Clock output, "H"=Output disabled. Pulled up internally.3—Analog section power supply pin.4—Analog ground pin.28—Digital section power supply pin.27—Digital ground pin.Tuner interface Analog section test Digitalsection testClockPower supplySymbol WR RD INT CS CLR A0-A5DB0-DB7AIN SG MON ADETIN IORD IOWR MOUT0-MOUT6XTAL1XTAL2XOUT XOUTC AV DD AGND DV DD DGND5MSM9560/MSM9561¡ Semiconductor ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (MSM9560)RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (MSM9560)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MSM9560)ParameterSymbol Condition Rating UnitPower supply voltage AV DD =DV DD Ta=25°C AV DD DV DD –0.3 to +7.0V Input voltage Output voltageV I V O –0.3 to AV DD +0.3–0.3 to DV DD +0.3Maximum power dissipation Ta=25°C, per package P D 400mW Ta=25°C, per output50Storage temperature—T STG–55 to +150°C ParameterSymbol Condition Range Unit Power supply voltage AV DD =DV DDAV DD DV DD 4.5 to 5.5V Applied PinAV DD DV DD Crystal oscillation frequency —f XTAL 8.192 MHz ±100 ppm—XTAL1XTAL2FM multiplex signal input voltageComposite signals including multiplex signalsV AIN 0.5 to 2V P-P AIN Operating temperature—T op–40 to +85°C—ParameterSymbol Condition Min.Unit Supply currentWhen operating, no load f=8.192 MHzI DD—Applied Pin AV DD DV DDTyp.Max.1428mA ——20m ABPF pass band attenuation72 - 80 kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0 dBGAIN1—MON—3.0dBBPF stop band attenuation 0 - 53 kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0 dBGAIN250MON——dB BPF stop band attenuation 100 - 500 kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0 dBGAIN350MON——dB When in power down mode, no load¡ SemiconductorMSM9560/MSM95616ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (MSM9561)RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (MSM9561)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MSM9561)ParameterSymbol Condition Rating UnitPower supply voltage AV DD =DV DD Ta=25°C AV DD DV DD –0.3 to +7.0V Input voltage Output voltageV I V O –0.3 to AV DD +0.3–0.3 to DV DD +0.3Maximum power dissipation Ta=25°C, per package P D 400mW Ta=25°C, per output50Storage temperature—T STG–55 to +150°C ParameterSymbol Condition Range Unit Power supply voltage AV DD =DV DDAV DD DV DD 1.8 to 3.3V Applied PinAV DD DV DD Crystal oscillation frequency —f XTAL 8.192 MHz ±100 ppm—XTAL1XTAL2FM multiplex signal input voltageComposite signals including multiplex signalsV AIN 0.2 to 0.9V P-P AIN Operating temperature—T op–20 to +75°C—ParameterSymbolCondition Min.Unit Current consumption When operating, no load f=8.192 MHzI DD—Applied Pin AV DD DV DDTyp.Max.—18mA When in power down mode,no load——10m ABPF pass band attenuation72 - 80kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN1—MON— 3.0dBBPF stop band attenuation0 - 53kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN250MON——dBBPF stop band attenuation100 - 500kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN350MON——dB(1)(2)—8—mA—10—mA AV DD =DV DD =1.8 VWhen operating, no load f=8.192 MHzAV DD =DV DD =3.0 VWhen operating, no load f=8.192 MHz¡ Semiconductor APPLICATION CIRCUITMSM9560/MSM9561 7。


4Kb Serial 3V F-RAM Memory Features
4K bit Ferroelectric Nonvolatile RAM Organized as 512 x 8 bits High Endurance 1014 Read/Writes 38 Year Data Retention NoDelay™ Writes Advanced High-Reliability Ferroelectric Process Fast Two-wire Serial Interface Up to 1 MHz maximum bus frequency Direct hardware replacement for EEPROM Supports legacy timing for 100 kHz & 400 kHz Low Power Operation 2.7V to 3.65V operation 100 A Active Current (100 kHz) 3 A (typ.) Standby Current Industry Standard Configuration Industrial Temperature -40 C to +85 C 8-pin “Green”/RoHS SOIC (-G)
Pin Configuration
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
Function Device Select Address 1 and 2 Serial Data/Address Serial Clock Write Protect Ground Supply Voltage

格林迪克G2000A AM-FM-短波收音机使用手册说明书

格林迪克G2000A AM-FM-短波收音机使用手册说明书

G2000A OWNER’S MANUALHOW TO USEYOUR GRUNDIGG2000A AM/FM/SW RadioNEED HELP? HERE’S HOW TO CONTACT US:•From the United States: 1-800-872-2228•From Canada: 1-800-637-1648•From everywhere else: 650-903-3866•e-mail: *****************.com•World Wide Web: •Eton Corporation/Grundig1015 Corporation WayPalo Alto, California 94303United States1 CONTROLS (3)1.1 Leather cover (3)1.2 Controls (4)2 Display (5)2.1 Display (5)2.2 Switch the display mode (6)3 POWER SUPPLY (7)3.1 Batteries (7)3.2 AC Main Adapter (not included) (8)3.3 Power failure (8)4 GENERAL (9)4.1 Time zones (9)4.2 Short Wave (SW) (9)4.3 SW Tuning mode (meterband/continuous) (9)5 RADIO RECEPTION (11)5.1 AM STEP selector (MW) (11)5.2 Aerials (11)5.3 Radio reception (12)6 RADIO RECEPTION (13)6.1 Tuning to a station (13)6.2 Preset radio stations (14)7 CLOCK (15)7.1 HOME/DUAL time display Priority (15)7.2 Setting the current time (HOME or DUAL) (15)8 ALARM (16)9 SLEEP (18)9.1 Sleep function (18)10 LOCK (19)10.1 LOCK switch (19)1 CONTROLS1.1 Leather coverYour G2000A comes with a leather cover, which is use both to protect the set and to use the radio in an inclines position.•Rotate the leather cover as shown in the illustration. You can now use the set in on inclined position.NotesThe unit meets the CEE regulations concerning interference radiation.This product fulfills European directives 89/336/EEC,73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC.This set complies with the safety regulations according to VDE 0860/BS 415 and thus with the international safety regulations according to IEC 65.The model number is located on the back of the set.1.2 ControlsDC 4.5connection socket for a mains adapter socket for connecting stereo headphones MONO/STEREO for mono/stereo selectionVOLUME for adjusting the volumeFM MW SW1SW2band selector switchLIGHT for illuminating the displayH / M for tuning to a radio stationfor setting hours/minutesPOWER for switching the radio on and off LOCK for blocking all button functions METER for selecting the short-wave band RADIO/BUZZ for setting the alarm to radio or buzzer SLEEP forswitchingonthe sleep functionBATTERIES Inside the batteries compartment: SW FREQ. selectorAM STEP. selectorRESET for erasing the memory FREQ for entering frequencies1...0for direct numeric entries (1 .. .0)for selecting and storing preset stations (1 .. .5)MODE to change the display modeALARM for switching the alarm on and offMEMO/for programming stations into the memory TIME SET for setting the time (HOME / DUAL /ALARM)2 Display2.1 DisplayThe display provides information about the functioning of your world receiver:•While the radio is switched off, the current time will be indicated. The first time it is used, or if the memory is erased, ‘0:00’ will appear on the display.•When the radio is switched on, the frequency in kHz or MHz and the wave band FM, MW, SW1 or SW2 will be indicated.•When the alarm is switched on, the alarm mode(Alarm and radio or buzzer) will be indicated.•this indicator lights up when a certain station iscorrectly turn to.•indicates stereo reception for FM.•Sleep indicates that the sleep time function is active.•LOCK indicates that all buttons are locked.•indicates that batteries should be replace.•MEMO lights up when you are storing stations.2.2 Switch the display modeYou can change the information that appears on the display of the G-2000A with the MODE button. When the radio is off:•The display shows the current time mode (HOME or DUAL).o If you wish to check the other settings, press MODE briefly.•The display changes each time you press the button.•The display will return to the current time automatically after five seconds (or press MODE briefly).When the radio is on:•The display shows the frequency.o If you wish to check the other settings, press MODE briefly.•The display changes each time you press the button.•The display will return to the frequency indicationautomatically after five seconds(or press MODE briefly).3 POWER SUPPLY3.1 Batteries•Open the battery compartment and insert 3 alkaline batteries of the type R6, UM 3 or AA.•Remove the batteries when they are exhausted or if they are not going to be used for a long period of time.Note: If the DC 4.5 V socket is in use, the battery supply will switch off automatically.Note on Environmental ProtectionDo not throw exhausted batteries in the household refuse.Hand over the old batteries to you deader or public collecting when buying new ones.Warning for weak batteries:When the batteries run low, the sound volume declines gradually. The indication appears on the display.Continued operations with low batteries cause the radio to turn off automatically, other malfunctioning and losing programmed time settings and preset radio stations. In this case, remove the batteries and press a paper clip through the RESET hole. Readjust the time settings and the present radio stations. To prevent that the radio is switched on accidentally, use the LOCK-switch when packing the radio or putting it away.3.2 AC Main Adapter (not included)You can connect the set to the mains using a mains adapter.Only use a mains adapter, which supplies 4.5V DC with the negative pole at the center pin of the plug.Before connecting the mains adapter•Check that the mains voltage indicated on the type plate of the adapter matches your local mains voltage.•If the mains adapter equipped with a voltage selector, set this to the local voltage.•Connect the mains adapter to the DC 4.5V socket of the set and to the wall socket.3.3 Power failure•If the power supply is interrupted, the programmed time settings and preset radio stations will be kept in the memoryfor 10 min. or more.•If the AC power is disconnected from the 4.5 DC socket, the batteries (if present) will take over the supply.4 GENERAL4.1 Time zonesThe earth rotates around its axis in 24 hours and around the sun In one year.These movements are responsible for the time differences and the seasons on earth. Due to the direction of rotation of the earth it is always earlier in the day to the west of where you are and later in the day to the east of where you are.The earth is divided into 24 time zones with a difference of one hour between adjacent zones. The system is based on one standard time zone, namely UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), previously GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Generally speaking, short-wave stations announce their broadcasts in UTC.To check which time zone you are now at, use the world map on the back of the set.4.2 Short Wave (SW)Your world receiver can receive a number of wavebands. Most of these are known and tuning for the required station will soon become a matter of routine, as the stations are always to be found at the same place on the dial and are thus tied to a fixed wavelength and frequency. With short wave this is unfortunatelynot always the case. Short wave transmitters have to change their avelengths fairly often. In the short-wave range between 10 and 1 Oo-metre wavelength (frequencies of 30-3 MHz resp.) nine bands between 10 and 50 metres are allocated to short-wave broadcasting, with another four bands between 60 and 120 metres for broadcasting in the earth's tropical areas. Thelatter are roughly located between the latitudes of 30¢X north and 30¢X south, i.e. around the equator. Most short-wave broadcasting bands, indicated in the shortwave table, are allocated for the whole world and can be used for international broadcasting. They are sofar the only wavelengths which allow direct radio reception overlong distances. So in addition to the broadcasting services, there is a large number of other users of short wave, for example radio amateurs, shipping and aviation, radio navigation etc.4.3 SW Tuning mode (meterband/continuous).Your G-2000A has a built-in SW frequency (SW FREQ.) tuning mode selection switch inside the battery compartment.•Select A, if you only want to get reception for the stations with the frequency within the meter-bands.•Select B, in case you wish to obtain the frequencies in between the gaps of the meterbands.5 RADIO RECEPTION5.1 AM STEP selector (MW)The minimum 'frequency distance' (span division) between adjacent radio stations (measured in kHz) is standardized all over the world. However, North and South America use another standard than the rest of the world.This means that the radio should use a tuning step according to the standard concerned in order to obtain accurate radio tuning.The AM STEP switch (in the battery compartment) allows accurate tuning for both standards.Position 10kHz for the Americas - MW tuning step 10kHz; Position 9 kHz for the rest of the world - MW tuning step 9 kHz;5.2 Aerials•For FM reception extends the telescopic aerial fully. To improve the reception you can incline and rotate the aerial. If the FM signal received is too strong (in the direct vicinity ofthe transmitter) you can retract the aerial.•For the medium wave (MW), the set has a built-in aerial, so the telescopic aerial is not needed. You can direct the aerialby turning the set itself.•For short wave reception (SW) extend the telescopic aerial and position it vertically.5.3 Radio reception•Ensure that the LOCK-switch is off.•Press POWER to switch the radio on.•The frequency and the wave band will appear on the display.•Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control.•You can connect headphones to the socket•The loudspeaker will then be switched off.•Set the wave range with the FM MW SW1 SW2 switch•If you select SW with the FM MW SW1 SW2 switch, press METER to select the enquired meter band of short wave.•The chosen short-wave band and the frequency will appear on the display.•Tune to a radio station either manually, automatically, directly or with the PRESET buttons.MONO/STEREO•When appears on the display, you are receiving an FM stereo transmitter. If you are listening with headphones, you willhear the FM station in stereo.• A disturbing noise, due to a weak FM stereo signal, can be suppressed by setting MONO/STEREO to MONO.•The indication goes out and you will hear the FM station in mono.•Press POWER once again to switch the radio off.•The display will now indicate the current time.6 RADIO RECEPTION6.1 Tuning to a stationThere are three possibilities for tuning in to a station:•Automatically - the stations are sought automatically.•Manually - This is easy if the frequency of the station is already known (e.g. from your radio and television guide).•Directly - The easiest way to obtain a station if its frequency is already known.Automatic tuning•Keep or(TUNING UP or DOWNI pressed down until the frequency on the display changes continuously. Tuning willstop automatically as soon as a station is found. ¡P •Repeat this until you have found the desired station.Manual tuning•Keep or .pressed down until you come close to the desired frequency.•Then briefly press the other button (/); tuning will stop.•Then press or repeatedly until you reach the desired frequency.Direct selection•When POWER is switched ON, press FREQ..•The frequency disappears from the display.•You can now enter the station's frequency with the 1...0 keys.•Confirm the entry by pressing FREQ. once more.•If you insert an invalid frequency, the display shows 'Err '•Repeat the steps above, making sure the frequency is correct.6.2 Preset radio stationsYou can program 20 stations into the memory, 5 on each waveband. Programming•Press POWER button to switch on the radio.•Tune to a radio station automatically, manually or directly.•Press the MEMO/TIME SET button. The 'MEMO' sign starts flashing on the display.•Press the preset button (1...5) to store the selected station.•Press MEMO/TIME SET button again to complete the storing procedure.•The program indicator "MEMO" disappears from the display, and the preset number that was stored is shown in the rightcorner of the display.•Repeat these steps for the other stations you wish to program. Calling up preset stations•Select the wave range with FM MW SW1 SW2 switch.•Press one of the 1...5 buttons.•The frequency and the PRESET number will appear on the display:7 CLOCK7.1 HOME/DUAL time display PriorityYour G-2000A allows you to set two different times: HOME and DUAL. Normally, the HOME time has priority. You can also set the DUAL time to be displayed constantly.•The MODE button toggles the display between HOME, DUAL and ALARM time indication. After 5 seconds, the display willreturn to the previous indication.•Press MODE once. The DUAL time appears and the DUAL indication starts flashing.•Press MEMO/TIME SET to display the dual time constantly.•DUAL stops flashing.•To display the home time constantly again, press MODE twice and then MEMO/TIME SET while HOME is flashing.7.2 Setting the current time (HOME or DUAL)•Press MODE to set the display in HOME or DUAL time mode.•Press MEMO/TIME SET.•The time digits start flashing.•Use the H button to set the hours and the M button to set the minutes.• A single press of the H or M button advances the setting by 1 hour or 1 minute respectively. If the button is heldpressed, the setting advances rapidly.•The minutes will not be carried over to the hours if, for example, the minutes indication changes from '59' to 100'.•Press MEMO/TIME SET to store the setting•If you do not press MEMO/TIME SET, the display will return to the previous time setting after 5 seconds.8 ALARMAlarm functionYou can use your world receiver as an alarm clock. To use this function you first have to set the alarm time. You will be woken with a bleep, or by the radio.Setting the alarm time•Press MODE repeatedly until ALARM starts flashing on the display.•Press MEMO/TIME SET.•The time digits start flashing.•Use the H button to set the hours and the M button to set the minutes (in the same way as the clock time).•Press MEMO/TIME SET to store the setting•If you do not press MEMO/TIME SET, the display will return to the previous time setting after 5 seconds.Selecting the alarm mode•Use the RADIO/BUZZ switch to select the alarm mode. Switching the alarm on•Press ALARM.•'ALARM' and the symbol for the selected alarm mode( / ) will appear on the display:Switching the alarm off•Press ALARM.•The alarm signs will disappear.•When the alarm sounds, you can also switch the alarm off by pressing the POWER button.9 SLEEP9.1 Sleep functionYour world receiver is equipped with a sleep function. It enables you to continue listening to the radio while you fall asleep. After 90, 80, 70 10 minutes the radio will be switched off automatically. Switching the sleep function on•Press POWER to turn on the radio.•Press the SLEEP button. The display shows the 'SLEEP indication and the preset sleep time ('60').•Keep H or M pressed until the desired sleep time (10...90) is reached.•The 'SLEEP' indication and the sleep time you have selected will appear on the display.•After 5 seconds, the display will switch to indication of the frequency.Switching the sleep function offThe sleep function can be switched off before the set time has elapsed:•Press POWER once briefly. - The 'SLEEP' indication will disappear from the display.•Press POWER once more to switch the radio off.10 LOCK10.1 LOCK switchBy setting the LOCK switch to the LOCK position, a function is no longer interrupted when a button is accidentally touched.The LOCK-position is very useful:•when carrying the radio with you, radio reception cannot be interrupted;•when packing the radio or putting it away, it cannot be switched on accidentally.•Set the LOCK switch in the 'lock' position.•The'LOCK'-symbol will appear on the display:•Now you can on y a just VOLUME, FM MW SW1 SW2, MONO/STEREO and ADIO/BUZZ.•Reset the LOCK switch in order to switch the lock function off again.。

乐迪AT9 2.4G 9通道遥控器中文说明书pdf

乐迪AT9 2.4G 9通道遥控器中文说明书pdf
使用说明书 乐迪电子九通道遥控设备 (固定翼/直升机/滑翔机/多旋翼)
深圳市乐迪电子有限公司 网址:
感谢您购买深圳市乐迪电子有限公司生产的专业航模设备九通遥控器 AT9。AT9是迄今为止功能最完整的遥控设备,它 可遥控直升机、固定翼、滑翔机、多旋翼四大类所有机型的飞行器。通信系统采用抗干扰最强的 DSSS(直接序列扩频系统)。 尽管功能强大但人性化的菜单设计对初学者与熟练者均适用。为了您更好的使用遥控设备并保证安全飞行,请您仔细阅读使 用说明书,我们在编写说明书时尽力使用大家熟悉的名称和提法让初学者读起来轻松易懂。
2、终身维护 从购买之日起一年之外返修产品,由客户承担来回运费。 3、维修费用 保修期内产品如是人为因素造成的产品损坏或非保修期内产品,维修费用和来回运费由客户承担(维修 费本着不盈利原则,仅收取零配件材料费)。 4、维修时间 返修产品将于收到后15个工作日内,将维修好的产品寄回给客户,并附上维修报告。以上服务条款仅限 于中国大陆。
十分感谢您选择乐迪产品,售后服务的宗旨从我们产品用户角度出发是保护我们用户的应有权益,为此我们确保每台遥 控器都经过电脑检测和老化测试。但难免到用户手上偶有不良品条款如下:
1、保修期 本产品自购买之日起,属于产品质量问题,一年内免费保修,返修时需要同时寄回您的保修卡和购买凭 证。
第二章 固定翼机的功能菜单............................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1 发射机基本功能导

94 AM FM 车载收音机用户手册说明书

94 AM FM 车载收音机用户手册说明书

Playing the Radio94The ignition switch must be in ACCESSORY (I)or ON (II).Turn the system on by pushing the PWR/VOL knob or the AM or FM button.Adjust the volume by turning the same knob.The band and frequency that the radio was last tuned to is displayed.To change bands,press the AM or FM button.On the FM band,ST will be displayed if the station is broad-casting in stereo.Stereoreproduction on AM is not available.You can use these five methods to find radio stations on a selected band:the preset buttons,and .plays a station you want to listen to,press the SCAN button again.Each preset button can store one frequency on AM,and two frequencies on FM.Select the desired band,AM or FM.FM1and FM2let you store two frequencies with each preset button.Use the TUNE,SEEK,or SCAN function to tune the radio to a desired station.Pick a preset button,and hold it until you hear a beep.Repeat steps 1to 3to store a total of six stations on AM and twelve stations on FM.The preset frequencies will be lost if your vehicle’s battery goes dead,is disconnected,or the radio fuse is removed. Play the RadioTo Select a StationTUNE,SEEK,SCAN,AUTO SELECT Preset Playing the Radio95If you aretraveling far from home and can no longer receive your preset stations,you can use the Auto Select feature to find stations in the local area.Press the A.SEL Button.‘‘A.SEL’’flashes in the display,and the system goes into scan mode for several seconds.It stores the frequencies of six AM,and twelve FM stations in the preset buttons.You will see a ‘‘0’’displayed after pressing a preset button if Auto Select cannot find a strong station for every preset button.If you do not like the stations Auto Select has stored,you can store other frequencies on the preset e the TUNE,SEEK,or SCAN functions to find stations,then store them in the preset buttons as theA.SEL button.This restores the presets you originally set.Press the MODE knob repeatedly to display the Bass (BAS),Treble(TRE),Balance (BAL),Fader (FAD),and Sub-Woofer (SUB-W)settings.Each mode is shown in the display as it changes.Turn the MODE knob to adjust the setting to your liking.When the level reaches the center,you will see ‘‘C’’in the display.The system will automatically return the display to the selected audio mode about five seconds after you stop adjusting a mode.These two modes adjust the strength of the sound coming from each speaker.BAL adjusts the side-to-side strength,while FAD adjusts the front-to-back strength.Use the TRE/BAS/SUB-W modes to adjust the tone to your liking.To turn off Auto Select,If equippedAUTO SELECT Adjusting the SoundBalance/Fader Treble/Bass/Sub-Woofer Playing the Radio96Your Honda’s radio can receive the complete AM and FM bands.Those bands cover these frequen-cies:AM band:530to 1,710kilohertz FM band:87.7to 107.9megahertzRadio stations on the AM band are assigned frequencies at least ten kilohertz apart (530,540,550).Stations on the FM band are assigned frequencies at least 0.2megahertz apart (87.9,88.1,88.3).Stations must use these exactfrequencies.It is fairly common for stations to round-off the frequency in their advertising,so your radio could display a frequency of 100.9even though the announcer may identify the station as ‘‘FM101.’’How well your Honda’s radio receives stations is dependent on many factors,such as the distance from the station’s transmitter,nearby large objects,and atmos-pheric conditions.A radio station’s signal gets weaker as you get farther away from itstransmitter.If you are listening to an AM station,you will notice the sound volume becoming weaker,and the station drifting in and out.If you are listening to an FM station,you will see the stereo indicator flickering off and on as the signal weakens.Eventually,the stereo indicator will go off and the sound will fadecompletely as you get out of range of the station’s signal.Driving very near the transmitter of a station that is broadcasting on a frequency close to the frequency of the station you are listening to can also affect your radio’s reception.You may temporarily hear bothstations,or hear only the station you are close to.CONTINUEDRadio FrequenciesRadio ReceptionRadio Reception97Radio signals,especially on the FM band,are deflected by large objects such as buildings and hills.Your radio then receives both the direct signal from the station’s transmitter, and the deflected signal.This causes the sound to distort or flutter.This is a main cause of poor radio reception in city driving.As required by the FCC:Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Radio Reception98Playing a CD99With the ignition in the ACCESSORY(I)or ON(II)position, insert a CD into the CD slot.The drive will pull the CD in the rest of the way and begin to play it.You operate the CD player with the same controls used for the radio.The number of the track playing is shown in the display.The system will continuously play a CD until you change modes.Each time you press and release,the player skips forward to the beginning of the next track. Press and release to skip backward to the beginning of the previous track.To move rapidly press and hold the or.You will see CUE or REW in the display.To continuously replay is playing,either with the PWR/VOL knob or by turning off the ignition, the CD will stay in the drive.When you turn the system back on,the CD will begin playing where it left off.A CD changer is available for your vehicle.It holds up to six CDs.You operate the CD changer with the same controls used for the in-dash CD player.Load the desired CDs in the magazine,and load the magazine in the changer according to the instructions that came with the unit. To select the CD changer,press the CD button.The CD and track numbers will be displayed.To select a different CD,use the preset5 (DISC)or preset6(DISC) button.If you select an empty slot in the magazine,the changer will,after finding that slot empty,try to load the CD in the next slot.To Play a CDTo Change Tracks(SKIP) REPEAT Operating the Optional CD ChangerPlaying a CD100。


Figure 1: Transmitter and Calibration
RF signal LPF
Power Ramp Registers
Calculate Ramp data swSW
Measure Instrument
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1.功率计 调制解调 发射器 发射器
以上海某公司的一款 为例,介绍一下 由设计到上市的过程,其中以生产为重点 介绍。
现在生产的相同型号 虽然使用都是相同器件,但这相同 器件还是有的一定的偏差,由此组合的 就必然存在着差 异,但这差异是在一定的范围,超出了就视为 不良。因此 校准的目的就是将 的这种差异调整在符合国标的范围, 而终测是对于校准的检查,因为校准无法对 的每个信道 ,每个功率级都进行调整,只能选择有代表性的〔试验经 验点〕进行,所以校准通过的 并不能肯定它是良品,只 有通过终测检验合格的才算是。
▪每个BTS都会有一套收发器。 ▪一个BTS覆盖一个小区,BTS发送BCH信号在RF信道的0时隙。 BCH帮助Mobile识别/寻找网络。 ▪小区的 用户容量依靠信道数 ▪GSM空中接口的数据传输速率是13Kbps, 即BTS收发语音数 据速率是13KB/S. ▪有BTS命令 设置其发射功率、迁时、切换。
CI----Cell Identity












Fortémedia, SAM, ForteVoice, Fortémedia and SAM logos are trademarks of Fortémedia,, Inc.All other trademarks belong to their respective companies.Copyright © 2012 Fortémedia all rights reserved目录1. 简介81.1概述81.2个主要特点81.3引脚配置(LQFP)91.4设备终端功能91.5内部硬件框图121.6系统应用程序框图132. 功能描述152.1概述162.2串行EEPROM接口(引脚15,16)162.3 UART接口(引脚12,13)202.4 IIC兼容串行接口-SHI(引脚23,24)222.5数字语音数据接口(引脚8,9,10,11)242.5.1 PCM接口主从252.5.2 IIS接口262.6 ADC(引脚39,40,41,42,43,44)312.7 DAC(引脚 1,3,47,48)322.8操作模式332.9电STAP选项(引脚17)352.10静音控制和指示(引脚20,21)362.11扬声器音量控制(引脚25,26)362.12系统时钟输入和产生(引脚27,28)372.13旁路模式(引脚14)373.通过EEPROM,UART,SHI访问fm1288383.1访问通过EEPROM393.2 通过实例访问EEPROM403.3通过UART访问413.5通过SHI访问423.6个例子通过施434.电气和时序规范434.1绝对最大额定值444.2推荐操作条件444.3直流特性444.4交流特性454.5时序特性475. 语音处理器性能细节506. 引脚定义细节517. 封装尺寸(LQFP)538. 订货信息54附录 I:操作所需的外部元件55参考57状态信息本产品数据表的状态是产品信息。



电力企业设备资产综合管理系统A9济南艾思特软件技术有限公司JINAN ASSET SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY CO.,Ltd目录设备资产台帐管理 (3)项目管理 (7)工作管理 (10)缺陷管理 (14)库存管理 (17)合同管理 (22)资金预算管理 (25)固定资产管理 (30)两票管理 (34)运行日志管理 (63)安全监督管理 (73)设备资产台帐管理A9设备资产台帐管理系统主要提供资产的台帐管理,针对实物设备资产进行全面描述,定义设备资产类型(设备、位置),建立设备资产实体关系(资产之间关联关系),利用树状结构关联设备资产,对设备资产全生命周期各类事件进行全面跟踪、记录,描述设备资产状态,提升实物设备资产的管理水平。







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Parameter Supply voltage Input voltage Symbol VCC VIN IO Output current Power dissipation UMA9N FMA9A Tj Tstg IC (MAX.) Pd Limits −50 −40 10 −50 −100 150 (TOTAL) 300 (TOTAL) 150 −50~+150 °C °C Unit V V
*1 *2
Junction temperature Storage temperature
* *
1 120mW per element must not be exceeded. 2 200mW per element must not be exceeded.
!Electrical characteristics (Ta = 25°C)
Parameter Input voltage Output voltage Input current Output current DC current gain Transition frequency Input resistance Resistance ratio Symbol VI (off) VI (on) VO (on) II IO (off) GI fT R1 R2/R1 Min. − −3.0 − − − 30 − 7 0.8 Typ. − − −0.1 − − − 250 10 1 Max. −0.5 − −0.3 −0.88 −0.5 − − 13 1.2 Unit V V mA µA − MHz kΩ − Conditions VCC = −5V, IO = −100µA VO = −0.3V, IO = −10mA IO/II = −10mA / −0.5mA VI = −5V VCC = −50V, VI = 0V IO = −5mA, VO = −5V VCE = −10mA, IE = 5mA, f = 100MHZ − −
Digital transistor (Common Emitter Dual Transistors)
!Features 1) Two DTA114E chips in UMT and SMT packages. 2) Mounting cost and area can be cut in half. !External dimensions (Units : mm)
* Transition frequency of the device
0.3 +0.1 −0.05
0.15 +0.1 −0.06
!Packaging specifications
Packaging type Code Part No. UMA9N FMA9A Basic ordering unit (pieces) TR 3000 Taping T148 3000 -
!Structure Epitaxial planar type PNP silicon transistor (Built-in resistor type)
(4) 0.2
+0.1 −0.05
All terminals have same dimensions.
Fig.2 Output current vs. input voltage (OFF characteristics)
Fig.3 DC current gain vs. output current
-1 -500m
lO/lI = 20 Ta = 100°C 25°C −40°C
(5) R1 DTr1 (1)
The following characteristics apply to both DTr1 and DTr2.
R2 = 10kΩ Abbreviated symbol: A10
R1 = 10kΩ R2 = 10kΩ
!Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25°C)
All terminals have same dimensions.
(3) R1 DTr2 R2
(2) R2
(1) R1 DTr1 (5) R1 = 10kΩ
(3) R1 DTr2 (2) R2
(4) R2
!Electrical characteristic curves
-100 -50
VO = −0.3V
-10m -5m -2m -1m -500µ -200µ -100µ -50µ -20µ -10µ -5µ -2µ -1µ
VCC = −5V Ta = 100°C 25°C −40°C
-100µ -200µ -500µ -1m -2m
-5m -10m -20m -50m -100m
Fig.1 Input voltage vs. output current (ON characteristics)
1k 500
VO = −5V Ta = 100°C 25°C −40°C
-20 -10 -5 -2 -1
200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1
Ta = −40°C 25°C 100°C
-500m -200m -100m -100µ -200µ -500µ -1m -2m -5m -10m -20m -50m-100m
2.0±0.2 1.3±0.1
0.65 0.65
2.9±0.2 0.9±0.1 0.7 (3)
0.95 0.95
1.1 +0.2 −0.1 0.8±0.1 (5)
1.6 +0.2 −0.1
(2) (3) (1)
2.1±0. (2) (1)
-200m -100m -50m -20m -10m -5m -2m -1m -100µ -200µ -500µ -1m
-5m -10m -20m -50m -100m
Fig.4 Output voltage vs. output current