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TABLE OF CONTENTSSymbol Reference ...............................................................................................2Intended Use and Precautions .............................................................................3Part Identification – HoverSling® Split-Leg ...........................................................4HoverSling® Split-Leg Product Specifications/Required Accessories ....................4HoverSling® Split-Leg Instructions for Use as a Transfer Mattress .........................5HoverSling® Split-Leg Instructions for Use as a Sling .........................................5-6Part Identification – HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet .........................................7HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Product Specifications/Required Accessories ...7Attaching HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Link Sling Straps .............................7HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Instructions for Use as a Transfer Mattress .......8HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Instructions for Use as a Sling .......................8-9HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Instuctions for Use for Seated Transfers..........10Part Identification – HT-Air® 1200 Air Supply .....................................................11HT-Air® 1200 Air Supply Keypad Functions........................................................11Cleaning, Preventive Maintenance/Infection Control . (12)User ManualSymbol ReferenceCE MARKING OF CONFORMITYUK MARKING OF CONFORMITYAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEUK RESPONSIBLE PERSON SWITZERLAND AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVECAUTION / WARNINGIMPORTERDISPOSALOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS USE TWO CAREGIVERSLOCK ALL WHEELSENSURE PATIENT IS FLATCENTER PATIENTFASTEN PATIENT SAFETY STRAPLATEX FREELOT NUMBERMANUFACTURERDATE OF MANUFACTUREMEDICAL DEVICESINGLE PATIENT - MULTIPLE USEDO NOT LAUNDERUNIQUE DEVICE IDENTIFIERPATIENT WEIGHT LIMITSTAY CLOSE APPROACHDEFLATE, RAISE RAILSLOOP STYLE HANGER BARATTACH CONNECTING STRAPFOOT ENDIntended Use and PrecautionsINTENDED USEThe HoverSling® Split-Leg and HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet are combination air-assisted transfer mattresses and lift slings. When usedas an air-assisted mattress, the HoverTech Air Supply inflates the HoverSling to cushion and cradle the patient, while air simultaneously escapes from the holes on the underside, reducing the force needed to move the patient by 80-90%. In this capacity, the HoverSling can be used to assist caregivers with lateral patient transfers, positioning (including boosting and turning), and proning. The HoverSling can also be used uninflated for vertical patient lifts, turning, and proning with a loop style hanger bar.INDICATIONS• Patients unable to assist in their own lateral or vertical transfer.• Patients whose weight or girth poses a potential health risk for the caregivers responsible for repositioning, vertically transferring or laterally transferring said patients.CONTRAINDICATIONS• Patients who are experiencing thoracic, cervical or lumbar fractures that are deemed unstable should not use the HoverSling unless a clinical decision has been made by your facility.INTENDED CARE SETTINGS• Hospitals, long term or extended care facilitiesPRECAUTIONS – FOR USE AS AN AIR-ASSISTED TRANSFER MATTRESS• Caregivers must verify that all brakes have been engaged prior to transfer. • Use a minimum of two caregivers during air-assisted lateral patient transfers.• For in-bed air-assisted positioning tasks, more than one caregiver may need to be used. Side rails must be raised with one caregiver. • For air-assisted proning, see HoverTech’s video on .• Never leave patient unattended on an inflated HoverSling.• Only use the HoverSling for its intended purpose as described in this manual. • Only use attachments and/or accessories that are authorized by HoverTech International.• When transferring to a low air loss bed, set the bed mattress air flow to the highest level for a firm transfer surface.• Never attempt to move a patient laterally on an uninflated HoverSling.• Ensure patient is centered on HoverSling before inflating.PRECAUTIONS - AIR SUPPLY• Route the power cord in a manner to ensure freedom from hazard. Avoid blocking the air intakes of the air supply.• When using the HoverSling in the MRI environment, a 25 ft. specialty MRI hose is required (available for purchase).• CAUTION: Avoid electric shock. Do not open air supply.• Reference product specific user manuals for operating instructions.PRECAUTIONS – FOR USE AS A SLING• For lateral patient transfers, more than one caregiver may need to be used. • For in-bed positioning tasks, more than one caregiver may need to be used. Side rails must be raised with one caregiver.• For proning, see HoverTech’s training video on .• The HoverSling should only be used by trained personnel.• Only use attachments and/or accessories that are authorized by HoverTech International.• Before use, a risk assessment must be carried out to ensure that the correct size HoverSling is being used for the patient.• A clinical assessment should be carried out by a qualified nurse and therapist before lifting patients with the HoverSling.• Do not use the HoverSling Split-Leg lateral transfer handles to lift.Excessive force on the lateral transfer handles can cause the HoverSling to tear.• Make sure the HoverSling is not attached to any object other than the loop style hanger bar.• When connecting to loop style hanger bar, ensure shoulder strap loop colors match on the patient’s left and right side and leg strap loop colors match on the patient’s left and right side.• Once the sling support straps are fully extended, make sure they are properly connected to the hanger bar before the patient is lifted.• For seated lifts, make sure the patient is sitting securely in the HoverSling® before transferring or lifting.• Never lift a patient higher than is necessary to complete the lift/transfer.• Never leave the patient unattended while using the HoverSling.• Use the HoverSling according to both the lift and HoverSling instructions.• If the weight limit differs among the patient lift, hanger bar, and HoverSling, then the lowest weight limit applies.If there is any indication of damage, remove the HoverSling from service and discard.Side rails must be raised with one caregiverIn the OR: To prevent the patient from slipping, always deflate theHoverSling and secure the patient and HoverSling to the OR table prior tomoving the table into an angled position.DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYThis product conforms to the requirements of Medical Devices Regulation (2017/745).Further, this product conforms to the requirements of: ISO 10535Part Identification – HoverSling® Split-Leg Air Supply Hose Inlets (2)Strap Pockets (6)Product Specifications/Required AccessoriesHOVERSLING® SPLIT-LEGMaterial:Top: Polyester knitBottom: Nylon TwillConstruction:SewnWidth:34" (86 cm)Length:70" (178 cm)Model #: HMSLING-34-B* – 34" W x 70" L (10 per box)LIMIT 700 LBS/ 318 KG*Breathable modelREQUIRED ACCESSORY FOR USEAS A TRANSFER MATTRESS:Model #: HTAIR1200 (North American Version) – 120V~, 60Hz, 10AModel #: HTAIR2300 (European Version) – 230V~, 50 Hz, 6AModel #: HTAIR1000 (Japanese Version) – 100V~, 50/60 Hz, 12.5AModel #: HTAIR2356 (Korean Version) – 230V~, 50/60 Hz, 6AModel #: AIR200G (800 W) – 120V~, 60Hz, 10AModel #: AIR400G (1100 W) – 120V~, 60Hz, 10AREQUIRED ACCESSORY FOR USE AS A SLING:Any patient lift with 2, 3, or 4-point loop style hanger bars intended foruse with:• Mobile hoists with sling seats• Hoist trolleys• Stationary hoists fixed to the wall/walls, floor and/or ceiling• Stationary free-standing hoistsHoverSling® Split-Leg Instructions for Use as a SlingINSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – PATIENT IN BEDNote: HoverSling Split-Leg has six (6) sling support straps that need to be connected.1.O ption 1underneath patient using log-rolling technique with the apex of the sling’s horseshoe at the coccyx of the patient. Elevate the head of the bed.Option 2 – Elevate the head of the bed. Lean patient forward and slide sling behind patient’s back until the apex of the horseshoe reaches the coccyx of the patient. Have patient lean back to hold sling in place.2. A on the left and right side of the patient. Shorter strap loops at shoulder (blue/ loops (white) increase recline angle and reduce hip flexion].R elease inside leg snaps. Cross inside leg support straps by taking one leg support strap and passing it through the other on the opposite side. Attach inside leg sup-ports to hanger bar.Attach outside leg support straps to hangerbarHoverSling® Split-Leg Instructions for Use as a Transfer Mattress1. E nsure sling support straps are stowed in strap pockets and the four (4) snaps located at the center leg and foot sections are connected.2. Patient should preferably be in a supine position.3. P lace HoverSling Split-Leg underneath patient using a log-rolling technique and secure patient safety strap loosely.4. Plug the HoverTech Air Supply power cord into an electrical outlet.5. I nsert the hose nozzle into one of two hose entries at foot end of HoverSling Split-Leg and snap into place.6. E nsure that transfer surfaces are as close as possible and lock all wheels.7. If possible, transfer from a higher surface to a lower surface.8. Turn on HoverTech Air Supply.9. P ush inflated HoverSling Split-Leg at an angle, either headfirst or feet-first. Once half-way across, opposite caregiver should grasp closest handles and pull to desired location.10. Ensure patient is centered on receiving equipment prior to deflation.11. T urn off Air Supply and employ the bed/stretcher rails. Unbucklepatient safety strap.1. R elease leg snaps. Lean patient forward. Place the apex of the sling’s horseshoe behind the patient until you touch the seat ensuring the sling is centered on the patient’s torso. Have patient lean back against the sling to hold it in place.2. P lace the leg sections along the side of the hips and legs, then place each leg section underneath each respective leg.3. A ttach shoulder straps to the hanger bar for the proper safety and comfort of the patient. [Color coded strap loops provide easy identification to match strap place-ment on the left and right side of the patient. Shorter strap loops at shoulder (blue/ beige) create a more upright sitting position, while longer shoulder and leg strap loops (white) increase recline angle and reduce hip flexion.]C ross inside leg support straps by taking oneleg support strap and passing it through theother on the opposite side. Attach inside andoutside leg support straps to hanger bar.1. P2. Detach strap loops from hanger bar.P lace the sling support straps back into thestrap pockets on the inside and outsideedges of the HoverSling Split-Leg.Part Identification – HoverSling® Repositioning SheetProduct Specifications/Required AccessoriesHOVERSLING® REPOSITIONING SHEETMaterial:Top: Polyester knit Bottom: Nylon Twill Construction:Sewn Width:39" (99 cm) 50" (127 cm) Length:78" (198 cm)Model #: HMSLING-39RS-B – 39" W x 78" L (5 per box)*Model #: HMSLING-50RS-B – 50" W x 78" L (5 per box) *Model #: HMSLING-39RS-TVA-B – 39” W x 78” L (5 per box)*Model #: HMSLING-50RS-TVA-B – 50” W x 78” L (5 per box) *LIMIT 1000 LBS/ 454 KG *Breathable modelREQUIRED ACCESSORY FOR USE AS A TRANSFER MATTRESS:Model #: HTAIR1200 (North American Version) – 120V~, 60Hz, 10A Model #: HTAIR2300 (European Version) – 230V~, 50 Hz, 6AModel #: HTAIR1000 (Japanese Version) – 100V~, 50/60 Hz, 12.5A Model #: HTAIR2356 (Korean Version) – 230V~, 50/60 Hz, 6A Model #: AIR200G (800 W) – 120V~, 60Hz, 10A Model #: AIR400G (1100 W) – 120V~, 60Hz, 10AREQUIRED ACCESSORY FOR USE AS A SLING:Any patient lift with 2, 3, or 4-point loop style hanger bars intended for use with:• Mobile hoists • Hoist trolleys• Stationary hoists fixed to the wall/walls, floor and/or ceiling • Stationary free-standing hoistsAttaching HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Link Sling Straps1. Thread one end of the HoverSling link sling strap through any part of bedframe (Headboard or siderails may be used*) at top of the bed.2. Fasten the hook of the Velcro sling strap to the Velcro loop and secure.3. R epeat the process on the opposite side of the bed.4. Using the same method, attach the Velcro sling straps at the footend of the bed. Note: Be sure to remove the link sling straps prior to moving patient.S tore sling straps in the side pockets when not in use.*per your bed type and facillity protocol.Hose Entries (2)Link Velcro hook (4)Link Velcro hook (4)Link Velcro loop (4)Link Velcro loop (4)Lateral Transfer Handles (8)Sling Support Straps (8)(white, beige and blue color coded straps for easy identification)Strap Pockets (8)Patient Safety Strap (1)(DO NOT USE TO TRANSFER)HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Instructions for Use as a SlingINSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – PATIENT IN BEDNote: HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet has eight (8) sling support straps that need to be attached.HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet Instructions for Use as a Transfer Mattress1. Ensure sling support straps are stowed in strap pockets.2. Patient should preferably be in a supine position.3. P lace HoverSling Repositioning Sheet underneath patient using a log-rolling technique and secure patient safety strap loosely.4. Plug the HoverTech Air Supply power cord into an electrical outlet.5. I nsert the hose nozzle into one of two hose entries at foot end of HoverSling Repositioning Sheet and snap into place.6. E nsure that transfer surfaces are as close as possible and lock all wheels.7. If possible, transfer from a higher surface to a lower surface.8. Turn on HoverTech Air Supply.9. P ush inflated HoverSling Repositioning Sheet at an angle, either head-first or feetfirst. Once half-way across, opposite caregiver should grasp closest handles and pull to desired location.10. Ensure patient is centered on receiving equipment prior to deflation.11. T urn off Air Supply and employ the bed/stretcher rails. Unbucklepatient safety strap.NOTE: When using the 50" HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet, two air supplies may be used for inflation.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – BACK TO BED1. P osition patient above center of bed. Lower patient on the bed.3. P lace the sling support straps back into the strap pockets on the inside and outside edges of the HoverSling Repositioning Sheet.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – LATERAL TURN/PRONE1. W ith patient centered on the HoverSling® Repositioning Sheet, lower hanger bar to comfortable working height.3. A s lift is raised, patient will turn towards the opposite side of the bed the straps are attached to. Use wedges to keep patient in position if desired. After the task iscompleted, lower hanger bar and remove sling straps.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – HYGIENE TURN1. W ith patient centered on the the HoverSling Repositioning Sheet, lower hanger bar to comfortable working height.s shoulder 3. A s lift is raised, patient will begin to turn to the side opposite the connected strap. Leave sling in place to perform task. Once task is completed, lower hanger bar and remove sling strap.* To prone, continue the turn andadjust patient/device as necessary after the task is complete.sAir Filter CoverHose NozzleHoseHose Release ButtonControl Panel LabelCarrying Handle/Attachment HookPower Cord StrapPower Cord (US/UK/Euro)WARNING: T he HT-Air is not compatible with DC power supplies.The HT-Air is not for use with the HoverJack Battery Cart.HT-Air® Keypad FunctionsTransfer Speed HighAdjustable/ Pressure SettingTransfer Speed LowStandby (Amber LED)Power IndicationAdjustable SpeedIndication(Green Flashing LED)Green LEDsADJUSTABLE: For use with HoverTech air-assisted positioningdevices. There are four different settings. Each press of thebutton increases the air pressure and rate of inflation. The Green Flashing LED will indicate the inflation speed by the number of flashes (i.e. two flashes equals the second inflation speed). All of the settings in the ADJUSTABLE range are substantially lower than the HoverMatt and HoverJack settings. The ADJUSTABLE function is not to be used for transferring.The ADJUSTABLE setting is a safety feature that can be used to ensure the patient is centered on HoverTech air-assisted devices and to gradually accustom a patient who is timid or in pain to both the noise and functionality of the inflated devices. STANDBY: Used to stop inflation/air flow (Amber LED indicates STANDBY mode).HOVERMATT 28/34: For use with 28" & 34" HoverMatts and HoverSlings.HOVERMATT 39/50 & HOVERJACK: For use with 39" & 50" HoverMatts and HoverSlings and 32" & 39" HoverJacks.Part Identification – HT-Air® Air Supply Air200G/Air400G Air SuppliesIf using HoverTech’s Air200G or Air400G Air Supplies, press the grey button on the top of the canister to initiate air flow. Press the button again to stop air flow.CleaningTo help keep the HoverSling clean, HoverTech recommends the use of the HoverCover™ or their Disposable Sheets. Whatever the patient is lying on to keep the hospital bed clean may also be placed on top of the HoverS-ling. The HoverSling is a single-patient use product and is not intended to be laundered. Discard if the device becomes grossly soiled. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCEThe HoverSling should be checked before each use to ensure there is no damage that would cause it not to function as intended. It should have all safety straps, sling support straps and handles intact. The Do Not Launder label should be intact. There should be no tears, holes or loose threads. If such damage is found, the HoverSling should be discarded. The HoverSling is intended to be used for the duration of the patient’s stay at the healthcare/ nursing facility. If the stay exceeds three months, the HoverSling shouldbe replaced.INFECTION CONTROLIf the HoverSling is used on an isolation patient, the hospital should employ the same protocols/procedures it utilizes to discard other contaminated single patient use devices.AIR SUPPLY CLEANING AND MAINTENANCESee air supply manual for reference.When a product reaches the end of it’s lifetime, it should beseparated by material type so that the parts can be recycled ordisposed of properly in accordance with local requirements.Transportation and StorageThis product does not require any special storage conditions.Etac Ltd.Unit 60, Hartlebury Trading Estate, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 4JB +44 121 561 2222Promefa AGKasernenstrasse 3AHartlebury, Kidderminster, 8184 Bachenbülach, CH +41 44 872 97 79CEpartner4U, ESDOORNLAAN 13, 3951DB MAARN, THE In case an adverse event in relation to the device, incidents should be reported to our authorized representative. Our authorized representative willforward information to the manufacturer.HoverTech International 4482 Innovation Way Allentown, PA 18109 ******************These products comply with the standards applicable for Class 1 products in the Medical Device Regulation(EU) 2017/745 on medical devices.Returns and RepairsAll products being returned to HoverTech International (HTI) must have a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number issued by the company. Please call (800) 471-2776 and ask for a member of the RGA Team who will issue you an RGA number. Any product returned without an RGA number will cause a delay in the repair time.Returned products should be sent to:HoverTech International Attn: RGA # ___________ 4482 Innovation Way Allentown, PA 18109For product warranties, visit our website: https:///standard-product-warranty/For European companies, send returned products to:Attn: RGA #____________ Kista Science TowerSE-164 51 Kista, Sweden4482 Innovation Way Allentown, PA 18109 800.471.2776Fax 610.694.9601 ******************。



BH130 SMART BACKHOE2BH130 SMART BACKHOEThe Cat BH130 Smart Backhoe is used for digging footings, drainage ditches, utility trenching, backfilling and maintaining slopes and embankments in a variety of construction, industrial and landscape settings. When paired with Cat hammers, the backhoe is ideal for demolishing concrete. Equipped with an optional thumb, it can be used for handling brush and bulky objects, such as rocksand stumps. With an auger, it does extremely well at drilling holes for fence posts, trees and shrubs.PRODUCTIVITY AND MANEUVERABILITYIn-cab operation increases productivity by reducing the amount of time required to reposition compared to traditional skid steer loader backhoes, allowing for faster cycle times than competitive units. The compact package of the machine and backhoe allows the operator to maneuver more easily in confined areas and leaves more trailer space for Cat work tools.“BEST-IN-CLASS” COMFORT+Operators can dig, excavate, side-shift, and even reposition the machine and backhoe without ever leaving the seat.+Remain in the cab for extended periods of time, with little fatigue since the cab offers comfort and cover from extreme temperatures or inclement weather conditions.EXCAVATION REACHReach 3 meters or 10 feet for utilities, footers, and deeper trenches inexcavation projects.SMART ATTACHMENTEnable smart attachment screen atmachine startup to switch to dig mode.DEDICATED DISPLAYIntegrated operation with dedicateddisplay for settings and activation.PATTERN SELECTIONBoth backhoe loader and excavator control patterns are available and easily changedon the machine’s display screen.EXISTING MACHINE JOYSTICKS+Existing seat mounted joystick controls eliminate the need to remove the door for operation.+Easily change from drive mode toattachment mode with the right trigger.HYDRAULIC SIDE-SHIFT AND STABILIZERS+Side-shift provides the ability to position boom close to walls to dig, expose brick ledges, backfill and widen trenches.+Stabilizers provide additional stability.STANDARD TWO YEAR WARRANTYStandard two year warranty gives you peace of mind when purchasing a quality Cat backhoe attachment.FEATURES3BH130 SMART BACKHOE SPECIFICATIONSBH130 SMART BACKHOE ATTACHMENTAEHQ8398 (10-2021)(Global)For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2021 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved.Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, LET’S DO THE WORK, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Corporate Yellow,” the“Power Edge” and Cat “Modern Hex” trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without COMPATIBLE TOOLSBH130 SMART BACKHOE ATTACHMENTAUXILIARY LINES STANDARDHYDRAULIC SIDE-SHIFTHYDRAULIC STABILIZERSTHUMB MOUNTINGSTANDARDCOMPATIBLE WITH3-TON EXCAVATOR ATTACHMENTSCat 3-ton excavator attachments can easily be used and exchanged with coupler for increased versatility.。



Alienware m15Setup and Specifications Computer Model: Alienware m15Regulatory Model: P79FRegulatory Type: P79F001Notes, cautions, and warningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2018-2019 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2019 - 03Rev. A02ContentsSet up your Alienware m15 (5)Create a USB recovery drive for Windows (6)Views of Alienware m15 (7)Right (7)Left (7)Base (8)Display (8)Back (9)Bottom (10)Specifications of Alienware m15 (11)Computer model (11)Dimensions and weight (11)Processors (11)Chipset (11)Operating system (12)Memory (12)Ports and connectors (12)Communications (13)Ethernet (13)Wireless module (13)Audio (13)Storage (14)Keyboard (14)Camera (15)Touchpad (15)Touchpad gestures (15)Power adapter (16)Battery (16)Display (17)Video (17)Computer environment (18)Hybrid power (19)Keyboard shortcuts (20)Alienware Command Center (21)3Getting help and contacting Alienware (22)Self-help resources (22)Contacting Alienware (22)4Set up your Alienware m15NOTE: The images in this document may differ from your computer depending on the configuration you ordered.1 Connect the power adapter and press the power button.2 Create recovery drive for Windows.NOTE: It is recommended to create a recovery drive to troubleshoot and fix problems that may occur withWindows.For more information, see Create a USB recovery drive for Windows.5Create a USB recovery drive for WindowsCreate a recovery drive to troubleshoot and fix problems that may occur with Windows. An empty USB flash drive with a minimum capacity of 16 GB is required to create the recovery drive.NOTE: This process may take up to an hour to complete.NOTE: The following steps may vary depending on the version of Windows installed. Refer to the Microsoft support site for latest instructions.1 Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.2 In Windows search, type Recovery.3 In the search results, click Create a recovery drive.The User Account Control window is displayed.4 Click Y es to continue.The Recovery Drive window is displayed.5 Select Back up system files to the recovery drive and click Next.6 Select the USB flash drive and click Next.A message appears, indicating that all data in the USB flash drive will be deleted.7 Click Create.8 Click Finish.For more information about reinstalling Windows using the USB recovery drive, see the Troubleshooting section of your product's Service Manual at /support/manuals.6Views of Alienware m15Right1USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports (2)Connect peripherals such as external storage devices and printers. Provides data transfer speeds up to 5 Gbps.Left1Security-cable slot (for Noble locks)Connect a security cable to prevent unauthorized movement of your computer.2Network portConnect an Ethernet (RJ45) cable from a router or a broadband modem for network or Internet access.3USB 3.1 Gen 1 port with PowerShareConnect peripherals such as external storage devices and printers.Provides data transfer speeds up to 5 Gbps. PowerShare enables you to charge your USB devices even when yourcomputer is turned off.NOTE: If your computer is turned off or in hibernate state, you must connect the power adapter to charge your devices using the PowerShare port. Y ou must enable this feature in the BIOS setup program.NOTE: Certain USB devices may not charge when the computer is turned off or in sleep state. In such cases,turn on the computer to charge the device.4Headset portConnect headphones or a headset (headphone and microphone combo).7Base1Power button (Alienhead)Press to turn on the computer if it is turned off, in sleep state, or in hibernate state.Press to put the computer in sleep state if it is turned on.Press and hold for 4 seconds to force shut-down the computer.NOTE: Y ou can customize the power-button behavior in Power Options.2Right-click areaPress to right-click.3Left-click areaPress to left-click.4TouchpadMove your finger on the touchpad to move the mouse pointer. Tap to left-click and two finger tap to right-click. Display81Left microphoneProvides digital sound input for audio recording and voice calls.2CameraEnables you to video chat, capture photos, and record videos.3Camera-status lightTurns on when the camera is in use.4Right microphoneProvides digital sound input for audio recording and voice calls.Back1HDMI portConnect to a TV or another HDMI-in enabled device. Provides video and audio output.2Mini DisplayPortConnect to a TV or another DisplayPort-in enabled device. Provides video and audio output.3Thunderbolt 3 (USB Type-C) portSupports USB 3.1 Gen 2, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3 and also enables you to connect to an external display using a display adapter.Provides data transfer rates up to 10 Gbps for USB 3.1 Gen 2 and up to 40 Gbps for Thunderbolt 3.NOTE: A USB Type-C to DisplayPort adapter (sold separately) is required to connect a DisplayPort device.4External graphics portConnect an Alienware Graphics Amplifier to enhance the graphics performance.5Power-adapter portConnect a power adapter to provide power to your computer and charge the battery.9Bottom1Right speakerProvides audio output.2Service Tag labelThe Service Tag is a unique alphanumeric identifier that enables Dell service technicians to identify the hardware components in your computer and access warranty information.3Left speakerProvides audio output.10Specifications of Alienware m15 Computer modelAlienware m15Dimensions and weightTable 1. Dimensions and weightProcessorsTable 2. Processor specificationsChipsetTable 3. Chipset specificationsOperating system•Windows 10 Home (64-bit)•Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) MemoryTable 4. Memory specificationsPorts and connectorsTable 5. External ports and connectors specificationsTable 7. Internal ports and connectors specificationsCommunicationsEthernetTable 8. Ethernet specificationsWireless moduleTable 9. Wireless module specificationsAudioTable 10. Audio specificationsStorageY our computer supports one of the following configurations:•One 2.5-inch hard drives•One M.2 PCIe solid-state drive•One M.2 PCIe solid-state drive and one 2.5-inch hard drive•One M.2 Intel Optane and one 2.5-inch hard drive•Two M.2 PCIe solid-state drivesNOTE: The primary drive of your computer varies depending on the storage configuration. For computers:•with a M.2 drive, the M.2 drive is the primary drive.•without M.2 drive, the 2.5-inch drive is the primary drive.Table 11. Storage specificationsKeyboardTable 12. Keyboard specificationsCameraTable 13. Camera specificationsTouchpadTable 14. Touchpad specificationsTouchpad gesturesFor more information about touchpad gestures for Windows 10, see the Microsoft knowledge base article 4027871 at .Power adapterTable 15. Power adapter specificationsNOTE: Alienware m15 supports Hybrid power feature during heavy loading. For more information, see Hybrid power.BatteryTable 16. Battery specificationsNOTE: Alienware m15 supports Hybrid power feature during heavy loading. For more information, see Hybrid power.DisplayTable 17. Display specificationsVideoTable 18. Discrete graphics specificationsTable 19. Integrated graphics specificationsComputer environmentAirborne contaminant level: G1 as defined by ISA-S71.04-1985 Table 20. Computer environment* Measured using a random vibration spectrum that simulates user environment.† Measured using a 2 ms half-sine pulse when the hard drive is in use.‡ Measured using a 2 ms half-sine pulse when the hard-drive head is in parked position.Hybrid powerThe Hybrid power feature enables your computer to function optimally during the following instances of heavy loading. Examples of heavy loading include:•Graphics and processor-intensive applications and/or gaming•External power loading from devices relying on your computer as a power source such as gaming mice, keyboards, external speakers, and headsetsWhen during instances of heavy loading, system performance is maintained through hybrid power. Hybrid power coordinates the power drawn from the power adapter and battery, allowing power to be drawn from the battery for up to five percent per hour with the power adapter plugged in. This feature is disabled when the battery falls below 20 percent charge.The following table shows the different scenarios and benefits of hybrid power:Table 21. Hybrid power feature descriptionKeyboard shortcutsNOTE: Keyboard characters may differ depending on the keyboard language configuration. Keys used for shortcuts remain the same across all language configurations.NOTE: Y ou can define the primary behavior of the function keys (F1–F12) by changing Function Key Behavior in BIOS setup program.Table 22. List of keyboard shortcutsTable 23. List of Macro keysAlienware Command CenterAlienware Command Center (AWCC) provides a single interface to customize and enhance the gaming experience. The AWCC dashboard displays most recently played or added games, and provides game-specific information, themes, profiles, and access to computer settings. Y ou can quickly access settings such as game-specific profiles and themes, lighting, macros, and audio that are critical to the gaming experience.AWCC also supports AlienFX 2.0. AlienFX enables you to create, assign, and share game-specific lighting maps to enhance the gaming experience. It also enables you to create your own individual lighting effects and apply them to the computer or attached peripherals. AWCC embeds Peripheral Controls to ensure a unified experience and the ability to link these settings to your computer or game.AWCC supports the following features:•FX: Create and manage the AlienFX zones.•Fusion: Includes the ability to adjust game-specific Power Management, Sound Management, and Thermal Management features.•Peripheral Management: Enables peripherals to appear in and be managed in Alienware Command Center. Supports key peripheral settings and associates with other functions such as profiles, macros, AlienFX, and game library.AWCC also supports Sound Management, Thermal Controls, CPU, GPU, Memory (RAM) monitoring. For more information about AWCC, see the Alienware Command Center Online Help.21Getting help and contacting AlienwareSelf-help resourcesY ou can get information and help on Alienware products and services using these online self-help resources: Table 24. Alienware products and online self-help resourcesIn Windows search, typeContacting AlienwareTo contact Alienware for sales, technical support, or customer service issues, see .NOTE: Availability varies by country/region and product, and some services may not be available in your country/ region.NOTE: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information about your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.22。

Keychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard 用户手

Keychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard 用户手

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.Keychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard User Guide Home » Keychron » Keychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard User GuideContents1 Keychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard UserGuide2 IN THE BOX:3 QUICK START GUIDE4 K17 PRO BLUETOOTH MECHANICAL KEYBOARD OVERVIEW5 KEY DESCRIPTION6 LED STATUS OVERVIEW7 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION:8 TROUBLESHOOTING9 Documents / ResourcesKeychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard User GuideIN THE BOX:Keychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard x 1 Type-C Cable x 1Manual x 1Quick Start Guide x 1Extra Keycaps Set x 1QUICK START GUIDEIf you are a Windows user, please find the appropriate keycaps in the box, then follow the instructions below to find and replace the following keycaps.* Step by step guide can be found on our website.K17 PRO BLUETOOTH MECHANICAL KEYBOARD SPECIFICATIONSNumber of keys: 103Switch type: MechanicalBattery: 2000mAhCharging time: Around 3 hoursCharging port: USB Type-CMode: Bluetooth / WiredBluetooth operating distance: Within 10 meters (open space)Name of Bluetooth device: Keychron K17 ProOperating environment: -10 to 50°CTechnical specifications can be subjected to change without notice, we apologize for any inconvenience caused. K17 PRO BLUETOOTH MECHANICAL KEYBOARD OVERVIEWDEFAULT KEY LAYOUT:LAYER 0: This layer will be activated when your keyboard’s system toggle is switched to Mac.LAYER 1: This layer will be activated when your keyboard’s system toggle is switched to Mac and press the fn/M0(1) key.LAYER 2: This layer will be activated when your keyboard’s system toggle is switched to Windows.LAYER 3: This layer will be activated when your keyboard’s system toggle is switched to Windows and press the fn/M0(3) key.KEY DESCRIPTIONLED STATUS OVERVIEWFUNCTION DESCRIPTION:CHARGINGPlug the cable into a USB port and plug the other end into the keyboard port. Charging Indicator: When battery is below 15%, a red battery blinking indicator will be triggered. A red light will stay on while charging; Fully charged in around 3 hours, a green battery indicator will appear.*The Keychron keyboard is compatible with all USB ports. Please use a SV 1A adapter or USB 3.0 for the best performance. The Keychron K17 Pro can be charged in Bluetooth/ OFF/Cable mode. **This product supports upto SV charging voltage and 1A charging current. We are not responsible for any problems caused by improper charging.BLUETOOTH / WIRED MODE (MODE TOGGLE SWITCH)WIRED MODE1. Switch the toggle switch to the Cable option (it only works when a USB cable is plugged in).2. Connect our cable with your PC and keyboard.3. Backlighting will be turned on.*Under Wired Mode, keyboard will not enter into Battery Saver Mode.BLETOOTH MODE1. Switch the toggle switch to the Bluetooth option.2. Backlighting will be turned on.3. Hold “fn+1” key for 4 seconds to activate Bluetooth pairing (the Bluetooth indicator fast flashes for 3 minutes todetect pairing).4. Search for the Bluetooth device “Keychron K17 Pro” on your device and connect it (the Bluetooth indicatorgoes off after successful pairing).Note: This keyboard supports pairing up to 3 devices simultaneously via key combination “fn” + “1” I “fn” + “2” I “fn”+ “3”.*The Bluetooth indicator will continue to flash for 3 minutes.**Slow or failed connections may exist due to different Bluetooth versions, please make sure all the settings are correct.SWITCH BLUETOOTH DEVICESShort press key combination “fn” + “1” / “fn” + “2” / “fn” + “3” to switch to other device.RECONNECT:1. Switch the keyboard to the Bluetooth option to activate the keyboard.2. The Bluetooth indicator flashes for 4 seconds and automatically pairs with the last paired device.3. If the Bluetooth indicator is off, press any button to enter the connection again.* The keyboard must have been paired with the device to perform this function.TURN OFF THE KEYBOARDSwitch the keyboard to the OFF option.3 – INPUT METHOD SWITCHFor iOS:Input method switch: Ctrl + SpaceCaps Lock: Caps (Enable General>Keyboards>Hardware Keyboard>Caps Lock Language Switch)For Android:Input method switch: Shift+ SpaceNOTE: Functions of certain multimedia key may be disabled due to compatibility, versions, brands and drivers of Windows/ Android OS. We also recommend not to switch OS frequently as it may impact keyboard operations. TROUBLESHOOTINGIf unable to pair keyboard to device, confirm that the device you’re trying to pair with isBluetooth-capable. If so, restart the device and try pairing it with the keyboard again.Note: On a Windows computer, a new Bluetooth connection will sometimes require additional software updates-a process that may still be ongoing after a message appears indicating a successful completion. Wait at least 20 minutes after pairing to make sure all updates are completed before restarting the computer.Confirm that the device is configured to accept Bluetooth connections (Windows) and supports an external keyboard (HID profile).Go to Bluetooth Devices > Open Settings and select the following:Allow Bluetooth devices to find this computerAllow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computerAlert me when a Bluetooth device wants to connectMy keyboard isn’t working.For the computer/smartphone:Go to your device Bluetooth settings>Select the keyboard and remove/delete/unpair it.Then restart your device.For the keyboard:Turn the keyboard off and back on. Then reconnect it to your device.Bluetooth connection is interrupted even within 10 meters.Check if the keyboard is resting on a metal surface that can interfere with the Bluetooth signal.Third-party input tools are not compatible with the keyboard.Due to compatibility, versions, brands and drivers of Windows/Android OS, functions of third-party input tools may be affected while using the keyboard. Please make sure your operating system and drivers are up to date. Certain multimedia keys or function keys do not work.Functions of certain multimedia keys may be disabled due to compatibility, versions, brands, and drivers of devices.Safety Precaution:Keep the product, accessories and packaging parts out of the reach of children to prevent any accidents and choking hazards. Always keep the product dry to avoid corrosion. Do not expose the product to extreme temperatures below -10°C(S°F) or above 50°C(131 °F) to preserve the lifespan of the keyboard.Keychron, Inc.Dover, DE 19901, United StatesFind us at:https://********************IJ@keychron@@keychronW’@keychronMKDesigned by KeychronMade in ChinaRead More About This Manual & Download PDF:Documents / ResourcesKeychron K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard [pdf] User GuideK17 Pro, K17 Pro Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard, Bluetooth Mechanical Keyboard,Mechanical Keyboard, KeyboardManuals+,。

operating system操作系统-ch13-io systems-38

operating system操作系统-ch13-io systems-38
Direct Memory Access
Used to avoid programmed I/O for large data movement Requires DMA controller Bypasses CPU to transfer data directly between I/O device and memory
Character-stream or block Sequential or random-access Sharable or dedicated Speed of operation read-write, read only, or write only
A Kernel I/O Structure
Chapter 13: I/O Systems
Chapter 13: I/O Systems
I/O Hardware Application I/O Interface Kernel I/O Subsystem Transforming I/O Requests to Hardware Operations Streams Performance
I/O Protection
User process may accidentally or purposefully attempt to disrupt normal operation via illegal I/O instructions
All I/O instructions defined to be privileged I/O must be performed via system calls Memory-mapped and I/O port memory locations must be

Avago HEDC-5xxx Series Kit Encoders 安装和装配指南说明书

Avago HEDC-5xxx Series Kit Encoders 安装和装配指南说明书

HEDC–5xxx SeriesKit Encoders with a Connector Latch Application Note 5554IntroductionThe HEDC-5xxx-xxx encoder with a connector latch on the cover housing requires a different assembly method than the HEDS-55xxx series. However, the internal encoder module is exactly the same.This application note provides step-b y-step mounting instructions on how to install the new Avago HEDC-5xxx series encoders onto a motor.Encoder Mounting and A ssembly InstructionStep 1. Base plate centeringPlace the b ase plate over the motor shaft as shown in Figure 1. Place the centering tool over the motor’s shaft, and ensure that it is aligned to the hole in the base plate.Align and install the screws through the encoder base plate and screw into the motor. Depending on the motor, this process will involve either two or three screws. The process is the same for the b ase plate with extended mounting ears. It is recommended that adhesives be applied to the screw-base plate interface.Remove the centering tool.Screw Size Torque Range (in-lbs)#0-80 or M1.60.4 to 0.8#2-56 or M2.50.9 to 2.0#4-40 or M3 3.5 to 4.5Centering toolBase plateFigure 1. Base plate assembly Figure 2. Codewheel height settingStep 2. Codewheel placement height settingPlace the height setting tool over on top of the base plate as shown in Figure 2.Height setting toolFigure 3. Codewheel mountingStep 3. Codewheel mountingMount the hub of the codewheel to the motor shaft. DO NOT handle the codewheel. Touch only the hub during installation. Ensure that the codewheel hub is well ”seated” on top of the height setting tool, as shown in Figure 3. Press down on the top of the hub while tightening the set screw with the hex wrench (supplied). The hub set screw attaches the codewheel to the motor shaft. The recom-mended torque to tighten the set screw is 15-18 oz-in (0.9-1.2 in-lbs).Remove the hex wrench and spacer tool.For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2012 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved.AV02-3426EN - April 30, 2012Figure 4 b. Secure the module to the base plate with two screwsStep 4. Encoder module assemblyWith the encoder module part number side up, slip it into position with the codewheel in the slot in the housing. Moving from the side, as shown in Figure 4a, and being careful not to contact the codewheel, seat the module on the base plate guide posts. Its final position should be as shown in Figure 4b.Avoid any collision with the fragile codewheel, which could result in damage to the codewheel and adversely affect the performance of the encoder.As shown in Figure 4b , install two screws (supplied) through the module and into the base plate. The recom-mended screw torque is 3.5-4.0 in-lbs.Figure 4 a. Position the encoder module with the codewheel passing through the slotModule with the part number sideModule guide posts, Figure 5. Housing cover assemblyStep 5. Housing cover installationPlace the housing cover over the base plate and install two screws (supplied) to secure. The recommended screw torque is 2-4 in-lbs.The completed encoder assembly is shown in Figure 6. It is now ready for cable attachment and operation.Figure 6. Completed HEDC-5xxxx assembly。



TB-FMCH-12GSDI Hardware User ManualRev.2.01Table of Contents1.Related Documents and Accessories (7)2.Overview (7)3.Features (8)4.Block Diagram (9)5.External View of the Board (11)6.Board Specification (12)7.Supplying Power to the Board (13)8.Connectors (13)8.1.HPC FMC Connector to Main Board (13)8.2.HPC FMC Connector for the Extender TB-FMCH-12GSDI Card (18)8.3.HDBNC Connectors (20)9.SDI Channels (21)10.Multiplexed SPI Busses (22)11.FMC I2C EEPROM (23)12.Sync Input (23)13.Video Clock Generation (24)14.Test Points and LEDs (25)15.Demonstration (26)16.Appendix A: FMC I2C EEPROM Contents (27)List of FiguresFigure 3-1 FMC HPC Connector Pin Layout from VITA 57.1 (8)Figure 4-1 TB-FMCH-12GSDI Block Diagram (10)Figure 5-1 External View of TB-FMCH-12GSDI (Component Side) (11)Figure 5-2 External View of TB-FMCH-12GSDI (Solder Side) (11)Figure 6-1 TB-FMCH-12GSDI Board Dimensions (mm) (12)Figure 8-1 TB-FMCH-12GSDI Front Edge HDBNC Coaxial Connectors (20)Figure 10-1 SPI Multiplexer Connections (22)Figure 13-1 Video Clock Generation Circuit (24)Figure 14-1 Test Point and LED Locations on HDBNC Connector Side (25)List of TablesTable 1-1 Accessories (7)Table 8-1 HPC FMC Main Board Connector Pin Assignment (14)Table 8-2 HPC FMC Extender Board Connector Pin Assignment (18)Table 9-1 SDI Channel Major Components (21)Table 10-1 SPI Decoding (22)Table 14-1 Test Points (25)Table 16-1 FMC I2C EEPROM Contents (27)IntroductionThank you for purchasing the TB-FMCH-12GSDI board. Before using the product, be sure to carefully read this user manual and fully understand how to correctly use the product. First read through this manual, and then always keep it handy.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Observe the precautions listed below to prevent injuries to you or other personnel or damage to property.∙ Before using the product, read these safety precautions carefully to assure correct use. ∙ These precautions contain serious safety instructions that must be observed. ∙ After reading through this manual, be sure to always keep it handy.The following conventions are used to indicate the possibility of injury/damage and classify precautions ifThe following graphical symbols are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. (Examples)■DisclaimerThis product is an SDI interface for Xilinx FPGA evaluation boards. Tokyo Electron Device Limited assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of this product for purposes other than those stated.Even if the product is used properly, Tokyo Electron Device Limited assumes no responsibility for any damages caused by:(1) Earthquake, thunder, natural disaster or fire resulting from the use beyond our responsibility, acts bya third party or other accidents, the customer’s willful or accidental misuse, or use under otherabnormal conditions.(2) Secondary impact arising from use of this product or its unusable state (business interruption orothers)(3) Use of this product against the instructions given in this manual.(4) Malfunctions due to connection to other devices.Tokyo Electron Device Limited assumes no responsibility or liability for:(1) Erasure or corruption of data arising from use of this product.(2) Any consequences or other abnormalities arising from use of this product, or(3) Damage of this product not due to our responsibility or failure due to modification.This product has been developed by assuming its use for research, testing or evaluation. It is not authorized for use in any system or application that requires high reliability.Repair of this product is carried out by replacing it on a chargeable basis, not repairing the faulty devices. However, non-chargeable replacement is offered for initial failure if such notification is received within two weeks after delivery of the product.The specification of this product is subject to change without prior notice.The product is subject to discontinuation without prior notice.1. Related Documents and AccessoriesAll documents relating to this board can be downloaded from the TED Support Web at address.In addition to the 12G-SDI FMC, the following table outlines the included accessories.Table 1-1 Accessories2. OverviewThe TB-FMCH-12GSDI FMC has a dedicated SDI input, a dedicated SDI output, and three SDI channels that are either input or output. Each SDI channel supports a data rate up to 11.88 Gbps. It also has a video sync input for a video sync separator chip. All video signal connections are via 75 ohm HDBNC jacks. A video clock generator can also produce common video timing signals from oscillators or from HVF sync signals from the host FPGA.The TB-FMCH-12GSDI uses Samtec’s FMC HPC connector for connection with a platform board having High-Pin Count (HPC) connectors. It is a single width air-cooled FMC that is compatible with the ANSI/VITA 57.1 FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) Standard. A second FMC HPC connector allows a second TB-FMCH-12GSDI to be stacked to double the number of SDI inputs and outputs.The TB-FMCH-12GSDI supports SD/HD/3G/6G/12G SDI rates to enable next generation UHDTV 4k/60fps video over a single coaxial cable.Note: Even if your target carrier card supports a single TB-FMCH-12GSDI, there is no guarantee that stacking will be supported (typically due to limited gigabit transceiver connectivity). If stacking is a critical feature for you, please contact your sales representative to confirm operation prior to ordering/stacking.Note: Only stack FMCs that are identical (i.e. same part number and same revision). Do not attempt to stack different FMCs. Stacking FMCs of different types or revisions could cause damage.3. FeaturesSDI Video Reclocker MACOM M23145GSDI Cable Driver MACOM M23428GSDI Cable Equalizer/Reclocker MACOM M23554GFMC Main Connector Samtec ASP-134488-01FMC Extender Connector Samtec ASP-134486-01SDI Connectors Samtec HDBNC-J-P-GN-RA-BH2FPGA GPIO Signal Level 1.2V through 3.3V using voltage level translators or AC coupling Video Sync Separator Texas Instruments LMH1981Video Clock Generator Texas Instruments LMH1983Figure 3-1 FMC HPC Connector Pin Layout from VITA 57.14. Block DiagramFigure 4-1 shows the TB-FMCH-12GSDI block diagram.The FMC-HPC main connector is mounted on the component side of the board.The FMC-HPC extender connector is mounted coincident with the main connector on the opposite side of the board. Voltage level translators are not shown in the block diagram.Figure 4-1 TB-FMCH-12GSDI Block Diagram5. External View of the BoardFigure 5-1 External View of TB-FMCH-12GSDI (Component Side)C L K O S C C L K OS C VCXOJ4J5J7J12J13J9Figure 5-2 External View of TB-FMCH-12GSDI (Solder Side)6. Board SpecificationThe following shows the TB-FMCH-12GSDI board physical specifications.External Dimensions 84.00 mm long x 69.00 mm wide Number of Layers 16 layers Board Thickness 1.6 mm MaterialMegtron 6SDI Connectors Samtec HDBNC-J-P-GN-RA-BH2 FMC Main ConnectorSamtec ASP-134488-01 FMC Extender ConnectorSamtec ASP-134486-0184.0061.0011.95.302.2056.5518.4054.6069.0063.003.00Ø2.7, 4plcsFigure 6-1 TB-FMCH-12GSDI Board Dimensions (mm)Note: The above is for reference only and should not be used for detailed mechanical analysis.7. Supplying Power to the BoardThe power structure of the TB-FMCH-12GSDI is relatively simple. The total power dissipation is under 5 watts. There is one switching power regulator (TPS62130) to produce 2.5 volts from the 12 volt FMC rail (12P0V). The MACOM ICs and the SPI multiplexers use only the 2.5 volt rail. All the other ICs, except for the voltage translators and the I2C repeaters, use the FMC 3.3 volt rail (3P3V). The voltage translators and I2C repeaters use the FMC VADJ voltage, which can be range between 1.2 volts to 3.3 volts. The FMC 3P3VAUX voltage is used only by the FMC EEPROM and a single I2C repeater.The current draw from the 12P0V voltage is less than 300 mA. The current draw from the 3P3V rail is about 500 mA, worst case. There is no over-current or over-voltage protection on the 3P3V or 12P0V rails, although both are LC filtered.8. ConnectorsThere are a total of eight connectors on the FMC. One HPC FMC connector is for the main board (J10) and another HPC FMC connector (J11) is for a second TB-FMCH-12GSDI, to provide double the SDI channels, if required. The five HDBNC SDI channel connectors are located in a row on the front edge of the card.Note: Only stack FMCs that are identical (i.e. same part number and same revision). Do not attempt to stack different FMCs. Stacking FMCs of different types or revisions could cause damage.8.1. HPC FMC Connector to Main BoardThe FMC connector (High-Pin Count) connecting to the main board uses Samtec ASP-134488-01.Table 8-1 shows the FMC connector pin assignment. In this table, the C2M direction means carrier-to-mezzanine, which is an input to the FMC. The M2C direction means mezzanine-to-carrier, which is an output from the FMC. ‘BI-DIR’ means bi-directional, so the signal direction could be either an input or an output. Pins not included in the table are unconnected, including all HA[0:23] and HB[0:21] signals.Table 8-1 HPC FMC Main Board Connector Pin AssignmentNOTE: Direction“IN(M2C)”: 12GSDI card →FPGA board“OUT(C2M)” : FPGA board →12GSDI card8.2. HPC FMC Connector for the Extender TB-FMCH-12GSDI CardThe FMC connector (High-Pin Count) connecting to the extender FMC uses Samtec ASP-134486-01. Table 8-2 shows the FMC extender connector pin assignment.Table 8-2 HPC FMC Extender Board Connector Pin AssignmentNOTE: Direction“IN(M2C)”: 12GSDI card →FPGA board“OUT(C2M)” : FPGA board →12GSDI card8.3. HDBNC ConnectorsThe SDI connectors use Samtec coaxial High Density BNC (HDBNC) HDBNC-J-P-GN-RA-BH2 connectors. Figure 8-1 shows the positions and assignments for each front edge connector.Figure 8-1 TB-FMCH-12GSDI Front Edge HDBNC Coaxial ConnectorsJ9J13J12J7J5J4S D I Ch an ne lO u tS DI Ch an n e l 0 I n S DI Ch an ne l1S DI Ch an ne l2S DI Ch an ne l3S Y NCI n pu t9. SDI ChannelsThe main function of the TB-FMCH-12GSDI card is to enable SDI connectivity. To accomplish this, there are 5 HDBNC connectors. SDI channel 0 consists of two HDBNC connectors: 1 dedicated input, and 1 dedicated output. SDI channels 1, 2, and 3, are each provisioned with a single HDBNC connector. An SPDT RF switch located at each connector on channels 1, 2, and 3, determines the desired functionality (i.e. input or output). The system block diagram at the beginning of this document depicts the key components that are present on each channel.Table 9-1 SDI Channel Major ComponentsEach device in the table above is programmable via SPI.Each RF switch direction is controlled by the signal: CHx_DIR; 0=Rx (input to FMC), 1=Tx (output from FMC). Although the switch is absorptive and offers good isolation, it is recommended that any transmit circuitry be disabled when operating in receive mode.Note:Exceeding the maximum input level or connecting multiple outputs together can cause irreparable damage to the TB-FMCH-12GSDI FMC. Always confirm your Tx/Rx switch configurations prior to enabling outputs or driving inputs.Note: All SDI inputs/outputs are AC coupled.Note: Maximum input levels- Peregrine Semiconductor, PE42520 RF Switch: Frequency dependent, refer to PE42520 datasheet, and remember to consider that this is a 50 ohm specified part operating in a 75ohm system.- MACOM M23554G Adaptive Cable Equalizer: 880mVppNote: The PE42520 is a 50 ohm RF switch. Signal integrity assessments have confirmed that this part will work sufficiently in this 75 ohm system.10. Multiplexed SPI BussesAll MACOM devices (M23145G, M23428G, M23554G) are configured/controlled via four-wire SPI busses. As there are 12 MACOM devices per TB-FMCH-12GSDI, there would be many FPGA pins required, for just the SPI busses. To reduce the number of FMC signal connections to something more desirable, at the expense of complexity, the busses are multiplexed. Structurally, each of the four SDI channels has a separate SPI bus. Figure 10-1 shows the connections and signals for the SPI busses. Three dual SP4T SN74LV4052 multiplexer chips are controlled with two signals (SPI_S0, SPI_S1) to select which of the four SPI busses is connected to the FPGA. The maximum SPI bus clock frequency is 20MHz.The following tables show which SPI bus is active based on the state of the multiplexer selection signals, and which chip select signal corresponds with which MACOM device.Table 10-1 SPI DecodingFigure 10-1 SPI Multiplexer ConnectionsDual 4-Channel Multiplexerstranslators11. FMC I2C EEPROMA 2kbit I2C EEPROM (M24C02) is provided for FMC identification, as described in section 5.5 of ANSI/VITA 57.1. It is at I2C address 0b1010000x and is connected to the FMC dedicated I2C pins at J10-C30 (SCL) and J10-C31 (SDA). The pull-up resistors to 3V3_AUX are populated (R163 and R164). The EEPROM is permanently enabled for writing.The FMC identification EEPROM for the extender card is connected to J10-C22 (LA18_CC_P) for SCL and J10-C23 (LA18_CC_N) for SDA. These signals are connected to J11-C30 (SCL) and J11-C31 (SDA) via a PCA9517 I2C bus repeater.The FMC identification EEPROM is programmed at the factory to enable automated identification, verification, and configuration of Main Board parameters. The contents of the EEPROM are displayed in Appendix A.Note: The user must be cognizant that the FMC I2C EEPROM is always write-enabled. As it contains critical information required for correct operation, one must never overwrite the factory settings.12. Sync InputThe Sync input on the FB-FMCH-12GSDI FMC allows the user to synchronize the FPGA-FMC system to an external video system.The Sync input on HDBNC J9 is first terminated with 75 ohms (to ground) and then AC coupled before entering the LMH1981 video sync separator. The LMH1981 will accept a wide variety of video signals up to 1080p. The odd/even field, horizontal, and vertical sync outputs are connected to the FMC carrier board connector. The LMH1981 automatically detects the video format and accepts video signals up to 1.2Vpp. Please see the LMH1981 data sheet for complete details on its operation.Note: Exceeding the maximum input level on the Sync input can cause irreparable damage to the TB-FMCH-12GSDI FMC. Do not exceed 1.2Vpp and 0V DC.13. Video Clock GenerationFigure 13-1 shows the video clock generation circuit. It basically consists of the LMH1983 video clock generator and the DS10CP154 crosspoint switch. The LMH1983 is very versatile and can generate almost any required SDI video clocks. The LMH1983 and the crosspoint switch are controlled via an I2C bus. Two oscillators feed the crosspoint switch to supply common video clock frequencies. The LMH1983 FIN, HIN, and VIN clocks can also be supplied from the LMH1981 sync separator through the FPGA so the SDI channels can be synchronized with an external video source.531BC000110DG OSCFigure 13-1 Video Clock Generation CircuitTP3TP9TP10TP4TP12D3D414. Test Points and LEDsThere are 11 test points accessible on the side of the card on which the HDBNC connectors are mounted. This includes four through-hole ground test points and seven test point pads for voltage rails. Table 14-1 lists all the test points and Figure 14-1 shows the locations of the test points. Note that TP7 does not exist.There are three LEDs on the side of the card on which the HDBNC connectors are mounted. The LEDs are on the LMH1983 video clock generator status outputs. D2 is on the NO_REF output, D3 is on the NO_ALIGN output and D4 is on the NO_LOCK output. There are no LEDs for any voltage rail.Table 14-1 Test PointsFigure 14-1 Test Point and LED Locations on HDBNC Connector Side15. DemonstrationAn FPGA demonstration load is available on the inrevium website.16. Appendix A: FMC I2C EEPROM ContentsThe following table describes the contents of the FMC I2C EEPROM as programmed at the factory.Table 16-1 FMC I2C EEPROM ContentsMulti-Record InformationInrevium Company。

Hall 5e TB Ch08

Hall 5e TB Ch08

Chapter 8桮eneral Ledger, Financial Reporting, and Management Reporting SystemsTRUE/FALSE1. The most common means of making entries in the general ledger is via the journal voucher.ANS: T2. Individuals with access authority to general ledger accounts should not prepare journal vouchers.ANS: T3. The journal voucher is the document that authorizes entries to be made to the general ledger.ANS: T4. Each account in the chart of accounts has a separate record in the general ledger master file.ANS: T5. The responsibility center file is primarily used by the Financial Reporting System.ANS: F6. Management reporting is often called discretionary reporting because it is not mandated as is financialreporting.ANS: T7. Primary recipients of financial statement information are internal management.ANS: F8. The Management Reporting System is a nondiscretionary system.ANS: F9. When evaluating decision alternatives, one option is to take no action.ANS: T10. In most cases intangible decision criteria can be quantified.ANS: F11. One benefit of the Management Reporting System is that it can alert management to delays in projectimplementation.ANS: T12. Responsibility refers to an individual抯obligation to achieve desired results.ANS: T13. A firm with a wide span of control tends to have relatively more layers of management.ANS: F14. The control function entails evaluating a process against a standard and, if necessary, taking correctiveaction.ANS: T15. Standards are the basis for evaluating actual performance.ANS: T16. A report is said to have information content if it eliminates uncertainty associated with a problemfacing the decision maker.ANS: F17. An inventory out-of-stock report is an example of a programmed, on-demand report.ANS: T18. A principle of responsibility accounting is that managers are responsible for controllable anduncontrollable costs.ANS: F19. The manager of a cost center is responsible for cost control and revenue generation.ANS: F20. Designing an effective management reporting system does not require an understanding of theinformation managers need to deal with the problems they face.ANS: F21. The formalization of tasks principle suggests that management should structure the firm around theunique skills sets of key individuals.ANS: F22. If a manager delegates responsibility to a subordinate, he or she must also grant the subordinateauthority to make decisions.ANS: T23. Operational control involves motivating managers at all levels to use resources, including materials,personnel, and financial assets, as productively as possible.ANS: F24. The block code is the coding scheme most appropriate for a chart of accounts.ANS: TMULTIPLE CHOICE1. The coding scheme most appropriate for a chart of accounts isa. sequential codeb. block codec. group coded. mnemonic codeANS: B2. A common use for sequential coding isa. creating the chart of accountsb. identifying inventory itemsc. identifying documentsd. identifying fixed assetsANS: C3. The most important advantage of sequential coding is thata. missing or unrecorded documents can be identifiedb. the code itself lacks informational contentc. items cannot be insertedd. deletions affect the sequenceANS: A4. When a firm wants its coding system to convey meaning without reference to any other document, itwould choosea. an alphabetic codeb. a mnemonic codec. a group coded. a block codeANS: B5. The most important advantage of an alphabetic code is thata. meaning is readily conveyed to usersb. sorting is simplifiedc. the capacity to represent items is increasedd. missing documents can be identifiedANS: C6. Entries into the General Ledger System (GLS) can be made using information froma. the general journalb. a journal voucher which represents a summary of similar transactionsc. a journal voucher which represents a single, unusual transactiond. all of the aboveANS: D7. Which statement is not correct? The general ledger master filea. is based on the firm抯chart of accountb. contains a record for control accountsc. is an output of the Financial Reporting System (FRS)d. supplies information for management decision makingANS: C8. What type of data is found in the general ledger master file?a. a chronological record of all transactionsb. the balance of each account in the chart of accountsc. budget records for each account in the chart of accountsd. subsidiary details supporting a control accountANS: B9. Which report is not an output of the Financial Reporting System (FRS)?a. variance analysis reportb. statement of cash flowsc. tax returnd. comparative balance sheetANS: A10. Which steps in the Financial Accounting Process are in the correct sequence?a. record the transaction, post to the ledger, prepare the adjusted trial balance, enter adjustingentries, prepare financial statementsb. record the transaction, prepare the unadjusted trial balance, record adjusting journalentries, record closing entries, prepare financial statementsc. record the transaction, post to the ledger, record adjusting entries, prepare the unadjustedtrial balance, prepare financial statementsd. record the transaction, post to the ledger, prepare the adjusted trial balance, preparefinancial statements, record closing entriesANS: D11. Which statement is not correct?a. the post-closing trial balance reports the ending balance of each account in the generalledgerb. one purpose of preparing the unadjusted trial balance is to ensure that debits equal creditsc. financial statements are prepared based on the unadjusted trial balanced. the unadjusted trial balance reports control account balances but omits subsidiary ledgerdetailANS: C12. What account appears on the postclosing trial balance?a. income summaryb. machineryc. rent expensed. interest incomeANS: B13. Financial statements are prepared from thea. trial balanceb. adjusted trial balancec. general ledgerd. general journalANS: B14. Risk exposures in the General Ledger and Financial Reporting Systems include all of the followingexcepta. loss of the audit trailb. unauthorized access to the general ledgerc. loss of physical assetsd. general ledger account out of balance with the subsidiary accountANS: C15. Which situation indicates an internal control risk in the General Ledger/Financial Reporting Systems(GL/FRS)?a. the employee who maintains the cash journal computes depreciation expenseb. the cash receipts journal voucher is approved by the Treasurerc. the cash receipts journal vouchers are prenumbered and stored in a locked safed. the employee who maintains the cash receipts journal records transactions in the accountsreceivable subsidiary ledgerANS: D16. With a limited work force and a desire to maintain strong internal control, which combination of dutiesperformed by a single individual presents the least risk exposure?a. maintaining the inventory ledger and recording the inventory journal voucher in thegeneral ledgerb. recording the inventory journal voucher in the general ledger and maintaining custody ofinventoryc. maintaining the cash disbursements journal and recording direct labor costs applied tospecific jobsd. preparing the accounts payable journal voucher and recording it in the general ledgerANS: C17. The audit trail fulfills all of the following purposes excepta. provides the ability to answer inquiriesb. ensures the accuracy of the application softwarec. fulfills governmental regulationsd. offers a means for preventing, detecting, and correcting errorsANS: B18. Which best describes a batch process General Ledger System (GLS)a. paper documents are eliminatedb. the general ledger master file is updated each nightc. there is a time lag between transaction processing and posting to the general ledgerd. no direct access or querying of the General Ledger is possibleANS: C19. An advantage of a batch General Ledger System (GLS) is thata. separation between authorization and transaction processing is strictly enforcedb. the general ledger master file is recreated with each updatec. updates and reconciliation of transactions occur as a step within the transaction cycled. errors and out-of-balance conditions are identified at the end of the monthANS: C20. A characteristic of the Management Reporting System (MRS) isa. the MRS operates in conformity with generally accepted accounting principlesb. it is a legal requirement that the MRS be installed and functioning properlyc. the MRS is developed by implementing SEC requirementsd. the MRS focuses on internal decision-making informationANS: D21. Which statement is not true?a. authority refers to an individual抯obligation to achieve desired resultsb. if an employee is given the responsibility for a task, that employee should be givenauthority to make decisions within the limits of that taskc. the level of detail provided to an employee is a function of the employee抯position withthe firmd. all of the above are trueANS: A22. Which statement is not true? The manager抯span of controla. is narrow for routine and repetitive tasksb. is related to the number of layers of managementc. affects the amount of detail provided to a managerd. can affect employee morale and motivationANS: A23. Short-range planning involvesa. setting goals and objectives of the firmb. planning the production schedule for the next quarterc. planning the growth of the firmd. deciding on the degree of diversification among the firm抯productsANS: B24. Long-range planning involvesa. planning the marketing and promotion for a productb. presenting department heads with budgetary goals for the next yearc. preparing a work force utilization budget for the next quarterd. deciding the optimum size of the firmANS: D25. The level of management that makes tactical planning decisions isa. top managementb. middle managementc. operations managementd. front-line managementANS: B26. The decision to enter a new market is an example ofa. strategic planningb. tactical planningc. management controld. operational controlANS: A27. All of the following are elements of operational control decisions excepta. determining the scope of the activityb. setting operating standardsc. evaluating performanced. taking corrective action when necessaryANS: A28. In contrast to tactical planning decisions, management control decisions, and operational controldecisions, strategic planning decisions usuallya. are more focusedb. have a shorter time framec. are unstructuredd. have a high degree of certaintyANS: C29. Which of the following management principles affects the management reporting system?a. formalization of tasksb. authorizationc. span of controld. all of the aboveANS: D30. All of the following are elements of problem structure excepta. certaintyb. datac. proceduresd. objectivesANS: A31. All of the following are examples of programmed reports excepta. cash flow reports for Division Bb. year-to-date local income tax payments made by all employees living in City X andworking in City Yc. inventory exception reports for Division Gd. equipment utilization reports for Plant MANS: B32. A fundamental principle of responsibility accounting is thata. managers are accountable only for items they controlb. a manager抯span of control should not exceed eight peoplec. structured reports should be prepared weeklyd. the information flow is in one direction, top-downANS: A33. Which statement is not true? Responsibility accountinga. involves both a top-down and bottom-up flow of informationb. acknowledges that some economic events cannot be traced to any managerc. creates a budgetd. compares actual performance with budgetANS: B34. What mechanism is used to convey to managers the standards by which their performance will bemeasured?a. the responsibility reportb. the scheduled reportc. the budgetd. all of the aboveANS: C35. All of the following concepts encourage goal congruence excepta. detailed information reporting at all management levelsb. authority and responsibilityc. formalization of tasksd. responsibility accountingANS: A36. Which of the following statements is NOT true?a. Sorting records that are coded alphabetically tends to be more difficult for users thansorting numeric sequences.b. Mnemonic coding requires the user to memorize codes.c. Sequential codes carry no information content beyond their order in the sequence.d. Mnemonic codes are limited in their ability to represent items within a class.ANS: B37. Which file has as its primary purpose to present comparative financial reports on a historic basis?a. journal voucher history fileb. budget master filec. responsibility filed. general ledger history fileANS: D38. All of the following are characteristics of the strategic planning process except thea. emphasis on both the short and long run.b. review of the attributes and behavior of the organization抯competition.c. analysis of external economic factors.d. analysis of consumer demand.ANS: A39. Which of the following performance measures can not result in dysfunctional behavior?a. price varianceb. quotasc. ROId. net incomee. all of the above can result in dysfunctional behaviorANS: E40. Which of the following best describes a profit center:a. authority to make decisions affecting the major determinants of profit, including the powerto choose its markets and sources of supply.b. authority to make decisions affecting the major determinants of profit, including the powerto choose its markets and sources of supply, and significant control over the amount ofinvested capital.c. authority to make decisions over the most significant costs of operations, including thepower to choose the sources of supply.d. authority to provide specialized support to other units within the organization.e. responsibility for combining the raw materials, direct labor, and other factors ofproduction into a final product.ANS: ASHORT ANSWER1. List, in order, the steps in the Financial Accounting Process. Capture the transaction on source documents.2. Record in special journals.3. Post to subsidiary ledger.4. Post to general ledger (using journal vouchers).5. Prepare the unadjusted trial balance.6. Make adjusting entries.7. Journalize and post adjusting entries.8. Prepare adjusted trial balance.9. Prepare financial statements.10. Journalize and post closing entries.11. Prepare the post-closing trial balance.2. List two duties that the general ledger clerk should not perform.ANS:make entries in special journals or subsidiary ledgers;prepare journal vouchers; maintain custody of physical assets3. Explain the purpose and contents of the general ledger master file.ANS:The general ledger master file is the main file on the general ledger database. It is based on the firm抯chart of accounts. Each record is either a general ledger account (e.g., sales) or a control account (e.g., the accounts payable control) for one of the subsidiary ledgers. The general ledger master file contains the following for each account: the account number, description, account class (e.g., asset), the normal balance (debit or credit), beginning balance, total debits for period, total credits for period, and current balance.4. Explain two types of coding schemes and give examples of their use.ANS:Sequential codes represent items in some sequential order. Prenumbered checks are one example.Block codes use sequential numbering in specific parts of the total code朼ll current assets begin with 1, fixed asset 2, etc. Traditional charts of accounts use block codes and start assets with 1, liabilities with 2, etc.Alphabetic codes are similar to numeric codes with increased options. A two character code AA has potential for 676 items (26 ⨯ 26) whereas a two digit code can accommodate only 100 (10 ⨯ 10).Mnemonic codes use letters with meaning. The postal state abbreviations are mnemonic.5. Why do many firms no longer use a general journal? What has taken its place?ANS:Many firms have replaced a traditional general journal with a journal voucher system. Each entry is documented on a prenumbered journal voucher which contains additional information, such asauthorization, which enhances control. A voucher may contain information on a number of related transactions.6. What are the major exposures in the general ledger/financial reporting system?ANS:The primary exposures are: a defective or lost audit trail, unauthorized access, GL accounts out of balance with subsidiary ledger accounts, and incorrect account balances due to unauthorized orincorrect entries.7. Why is the audit trail necessary?ANS:The audit trail is needed for several reasons: to provide the ability to answer inquiries from customers and suppliers, to reconstruct files if lost, to provide historical data to auditors, to satisfy government regulations, and for error control.8. The _______________________________ principle suggests that management should structure thefirm around the work it performs rather than around individuals with unique skills.ANS:formalization of tasks9. Employees who are responsible for a task must have the __________________________ to makedecisions within the limits of the responsibility delegated.ANS:authority10. __________________________ refers to the number of subordinates directly under a manager抯control.ANS:Span of control11. The difference between the actual performance and the standard is called the__________________________.ANS:variance12. How does the Management by Exception principle affect the Management Reporting System?ANS:Reports should focus on differences between actual and expected numbers in key factors that are symptomatic of potential problems. Reports that provide unnecessary details about routine, in control items should be avoided.13. For reports to be useful they must have information content. Describe a reporting objective whichgives reports information content.ANS:Reports must reduce the level of uncertainty associated with a problem facing the decision maker, and must influence the behavior of the decision maker in a positive way.14. What is information overload? How does it affect decision-making?ANS:Information overload refers to a situation in which a manager receives more information than can be assimilated. A natural response to this is to ignore information or select only some. In addition,intuition can displace logic.15. Explain the phrase 搒pan of control. What are the implications for the management reportingsystem of this principle?ANS:A manager抯span of control is the number of subordinates he/she supervises directly. The broader amanager抯span of control, the more autonomy his/her subordinates enjoy杢he less involved the manager is in their specific tasks. This impacts the MRS in terms of the level of detail a manager requires. If the span is wide, less detail; if narrow, more.16. Explain the three types of responsibility centers.ANS:Cost centers are organizational units with responsibility for cost management.Profit centers have responsibility for both cost management and revenue generation.Investment centers have responsibility for cost management, revenue generation, and also theinvestment and use of assets.17. Describe at least three characteristics of strategic planning decisions and their informationrequirements.ANS:have long time frames朿reate a need for information that supports forecasting,require summarized information杗ot encumbered by detail,tend to be nonrecurring杢hus having little historical data in supportinvolve a lot of uncertainty杋.e., are unstructured decisionsare broad in scope杢hus requiring broad based informationoften require significant external information杇enerated beyond the information system itself.18. What three elements must be present for a problem to be 搒tructured?ANS:data, procedures, objectives19. How does management by exception help to alleviate information overload by a manager?ANS:The principle of management by exception is that managers should limit their attention to potential problem areas rather than being involved with every activity or decision. Thus, only situations which are not proceeding as scheduled are highlighted by the reports and analyzed by the manager. Thus, the manager does not have to weed through multiple reports to find the situations which need attention.20. What is a data warehouse?ANS:A data warehouse is a relational database management system that has been designed specifically tomeet the needs of data mining. The warehouse is a central location that contains operational data about current events (within the past 24 hours) as well as events that have transpired over many years. ESSAY1. List and explain the six basic files in the general ledger database.ANS:The general ledger master file is the main file on the general ledger database. It is based on the firm抯chart of accounts. Each record is either a separate general ledger account (e.g., sales) or a controlaccount (e.g., the accounts payable control) for one of the subsidiary ledgers.The general ledger history file contains the same information for prior periods.The journal voucher file contains all of the journal vouchers processed in the current period.The journal voucher history file contains journal vouchers for past periods.The responsibility center file contains the revenues, expenses, and other data for individualresponsibility centers.The budget master file contains budgeted amounts for responsibility centers.2. Describe the three elements of problem structure. Contrast a structured problem to an unstructuredproblem. Describe which levels of management typically deal with structured problems and with unstructured problems.ANS:Problem structure has three elements: (1) Data杢he values used to represent factors that are relevant to the problem; (2) Procedures杢he sequence of steps or decision rules used in solving the problem; and(3) Objectives杢he results the decision maker desires to attain by solving the problem.When all three elements of problem structure are known with certainty, the problem is structured. In unstructured problems the data requirements are uncertain, and/or the procedures are not specified, and/or the solution objectives have not been fully developed.In general, structured problems are handled at the operations level and partially structured problems are handled by operations, tactical, and strategic management. Usually, strategic management handles unstructured problems.3. Many financial reports produced by organizations are nondiscretionary杙ublicly traded firms have nochoice but to prepare income statements, tax returns, etc. Applications that are part of the management reporting system are discretionary杢hey are optional. How does this characteristic affect the system?ANS:Unlike nondiscretionary reports whose content, timing, even format are prescribed by regulatory or authoritative bodies, discretionary reports are whatever management feels is needed杋n content, timing, format, and use. The MRS can be an important part of the firm抯internal control system. By summarizing activities, highlighting trends, and identifying exceptions from normal performance, reports can greatly enhance management抯understanding of operations. These can be whatever management feels is necessary to make good decisions. The expansion of the MRS must be guided by common sense. If too many reports are generated, information overload results. If the cost of the system exceeds the perceived benefits, the organization loses.4. There are two basic types of management reports杙rogrammed and ad hoc. Describe each and giveexamples.ANS:Programmed reports provide information to solve anticipated problems and make normal decisions.They include scheduled reports such as daily sales reports and on-demand reports generated by need such as inventory below reorder point (the report is generated when the inventory level fall to reorder 杢he report is demanded by the system based on the previously set inventory level). Ad hoc reports are the result of immediate need for information and may take the form of database queries on sales of a particular item mentioned in a news report.5. Describe at least three attributes of an effective report.ANS:Effective reports tend to share several attributes:relevance杛elevant data supports the manager抯decision needs,summarization杁ata should be at the appropriate level of summarization for the manager receiving it, exception orientation杢his highlights what is not going as planned,accuracy杋s the freedom from material errors,completeness杦ith no key pieces of information missing,timeliness杋nformation that is reasonable complete and accurate in a reasonable time frame is more valuable than perfect information too late,conciseness朿onciseness is a counter measure to information overload.6. What is the implication for the Management Reporting System of an organization that implements theformalization of tasks principle?ANS:Information requirements are defined by a position, not by the person filling that position. When there is a personnel change, there should be no major changes in the information needed by the newemployee; it will be essentially the same as that needed by the former employee. Internal control is strengthened because information is provided based on the requirements of the position (a need to know basis).7. What are the reasons the companies use coding schemes in their accounting information systems?ANS:Companies use coding schemes in their AISs because codes concisely represent large amounts of complex information that would otherwise be unmanageable. They also provide a means ofaccountability over the completeness of the transactions processed and identify unique transactions and accounts within a file. In addition, coding supports the audit function by providing an effective audit trail.8. Compare and contrast the relative advantages and disadvantages of sequential, block, group, alphabeticand mnemonic codes.ANS:Sequential codes are appropriate for items in either an ascending or descending sequence, such as the numbering of checks or source documents. An advantage is that during batch processing, any gaps detected in the sequence is a signal that a transaction may be missing. A disadvantage is that the codes carry little, if any, information other than the sequence order. Another disadvantage is that sequential codes are difficult to manage when items need to be added; the sequence needs either to be reordered or the items must be added to the end of the list.Block codes provide some remedies to sequential codes by restricting each class to a prespecified range. The first digit typically represents a class, whereas the following digits are sequential items which may be spaced in intervals in case of future additions. An example of block coding is a chart of accounts. A disadvantage of block coding is that the information content does not provide muchmeaning, i.e. an account number only means something if the chart of accounts is known.Group codes may be used to represent complex items or events involving two or more pieces of related data. The code is comprised of fields which possess specific meaning. The advantages of group codes over sequential and block codes are 1) they facilitate the representation of large amounts of diverse data, 2) they allow complex data structures to be represented in a hierarchical form that is logical and thus more easily remembered by humans, and 3) they permit detailed analysis andreporting both within an item class and across different classes of items. A disadvantage is that the codes may be overused to link classes which do not need to be linked, and thus creating a morecomplex coding system that is necessary.。

Sennheiser SR IEM G4 半机械式立体音频传输器说明书

Sennheiser SR IEM G4 半机械式立体音频传输器说明书

FEATURES• Half-rack stereo transmitter in a full-metal housing with OLED display for full control• Easy and flexible wireless synchronization between transmitter and receiver via infrared• Compatible with Sennheiser WSM control software for flexible frequency allocation• Up to 16 compatible channels• Up to 42 MHz bandwidth with 1680 selectable frequen-cies, fully tunable in a stable UHF range• Transmission Range: up to 100 meters / 300 feet• High RF output power (up to 50 mW) depending on country regulations DELIVERY INCLUDES• SR IEM G4 stereo transmitter • rod antenna• power supply• GA 3 rackmount set• quick guide• safety guide• manufacturer declaration sheetHalf-rack stereo transmitter in a full-metal housing with OLED display for full control delivering clarity along the whole frequency spectrum for daily use on stage with evolution wireless G4 In Ear Monitoring systems.PRODUCT VARIANTSMade in GermanySR IEM G4-A1470 - 516 MHz Art. no. 507842 SR IEM G4-A516 - 558 MHz Art. no. 507843 SR IEM G4-GB606 - 648 MHz Art. no. 507844 SR IEM G4-G566 - 608 MHz Art. no. 507845 SR IEM G4-B626 - 668 MHz Art. no. 507846 SR IEM G4-C734 - 776 MHz Art. no. 507847 SR IEM G4-E823 - 865 MHz Art. no. 507848Assembled in USASR IEM G4-A1470 - 516 MHz Art. no. 508181 SR IEM G4-A516 - 558 MHz Art. no. 508182 SR IEM G4-AS520 - 558 MHz Art. no. 508183 SR IEM G4-G566 - 608 MHz Art. no. 508184 SR IEM G4-B626 - 668 MHz Art. no. 508185 SR IEM G4-C734 - 776 MHz Art. no. 508186 SR IEM G4-D780 - 822 MHz Art. no. 508187SPECIFICATIONSRF characteristicsModulation Wideband FM stereo(MPX pilot tone) Frequency ranges A1: 470 - 516 MHzA: 516 - 558 MHzAS: 520 - 558 MHzG: 566 - 608 MHzGB: 606 - 648 MHzB: 626 - 668 MHzC: 734 - 776 MHzD: 780 - 822 MHzE: 823 - 865 MHz Transmitting frequencies Max. 1680 frequencies,adjustable in 25 kHz steps20 frequency banks, eachwith up to 16 factory-presetchannels, no intermodula-tion6 frequency banks withup to 16 programmablechannelsSwitching bandwidth up to 42 MHzNominal/peak deviation±24 kHz / ±48 kHzMPX pilot tone(frequency/deviation)19 kHz/±5 kHz Frequency stability±10 ppmAntenna output BNC socket, 50 ΩRF output power at 50 Ωswitchable:Low: typ. 10 mWStandard: typ. 30 mWHigh: typ. 50 mWAF characteristicsCompander system Sennheiser HDXAF frequency response25 Hz to 15 kHzAF inputBAL AF IN L (I) + MONO/BAL AF IN R (II)2x XLR-3/¼" (6.3 mm) jackcombo socket, electroni-cally balancedMax. input level+22 dBuTotal harmonic distortion(THD)<0.9 %Signal-to-noise ratio (atnominal load and peakdeviation)>90 dBAF outputLOOP OUT BAL L (I)/LOOP OUT BAL R (II)¼" (6.3 mm) stereo jacksocket,balancedOverall deviceTemperature range-10 °C to +55 °CPower supply12 V DCCurrent consumption max. 350 mA Dimensions Approx. 202 x 212 x 43 mm Weight Approx. 980 gCONNECTIONSDIMENSIONSARCHITECT‘S SPECIFICATIONThe wireless stereo rack-mount transmitter shall be for use with a companion receiver as part of a wireless RF monitoring system.The transmitter shall operate within nine UHF frequency ranges, with a switching bandwidth of up to 42 MHz: 470 –516 M Hz, 516 – 558 M Hz, 520 – 558 M Hz, 626 – 668 M Hz, 734 – 776 M Hz, 780 – 822 M Hz, 823 – 865 M Hz, 566 – 608 MHz, 606 – 648 M Hz; transmitting frequencies shall be 1,680 per range and hall be tunable in 25 kHz steps. The transmitter shall feature 20 fixed frequency banks with up to 16 compatible frequency presets and 6 user banks with up to 16 user programmable frequencies.The transmitter shall be menu-driven with a backlit OLED display showing the current frequency, frequency bank and channel number, metering of AF level, transmission status, transmission power, equalizer setting, input sensitivity, and lock status. An auto-lock feature shall be provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered.The parameters of associated receivers shall be configurable in the transmitter menu and synchronized with the receivers via an integrated infrared interface.Frequency stability shall be ±10 ppm. RF output power at 50 Ω shall be switchable between 10 mW (low), 30 mW (stan-dard) and 50 mW (high).The stereo audio input shall utilize two discrete (left/right) electronically balanced ¼" (6.3 mm) jack/XLR-3F combo sockets; the audio output shall utilize a balanced ¼" (6.3 mm) jack socket; an audio loop output shall be provided utilizing two balanced ¼" (6.3 mm) jack sockets. A headphone output with headphone volume control shall be provided and shall utilize a ¼" (6.3 mm) stereo jack socket. The transmitter shall have an Ethernet port (RJ-45) for remote network-based monitoring and control using the Sennheiser Wireless System Manager software. One 50 Ω BNC-type input socket shall be provided for connecting the antenna.Nominal/peak deviation shall be ±24 kHz/±48 kHz. The transmitter shall incorporate the Sennheiser HDX compander system and shall include a 19-kHz MPX pilot tone with a ±5 kHz deviation. The audio frequency response shall range from 25 –15,000 Hz. Maximum input level shall be +22 dBu. Total harmonic distortion (THD) at 1 mV and nominal deviation shall be < 0.9 %. Signal-to-noise ratio at nominal load and peak deviation shall be > 90 dB.The transmitter shall operate on 12 V power supplied from the NT 2-3 mains unit (for 100 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz). Power consumption shall be 350 mA. The transmitter shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensions shall be approximately 202 x 212 x 43 mm (7.95" x 8.35" x 1.69"). Weight shall be approximately 980 grams (2.16 lbs). Operating temperature shall range from −10 °C to +55 °C (+14 °F to +131 °F).The transmitter shall be the Sennheiser SR IEM G4.Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG · Am Labor 1 · 30900 Wedemark · Germany · 。

MIC2033 高精度高侧固定电流限制电源分布开关说明书

MIC2033 高精度高侧固定电流限制电源分布开关说明书

MIC2033 Evaluation BoardHigh-Accuracy, High-Side, Fixed Current Limit Power SwitchMicrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 •General DescriptionThe MIC2033 is a high-side MOSFET power distribution switch providing increased system reliability using 5% current limit accuracy.The MIC2033 has an operating input voltage range from 2.5V to 5.5V, is internally current limited, and has thermal shutdown to protect the device and system. The MIC2033 is offered with either active-high or active-low logic level enable input controls. It has an open drain fault status output flag with a built-in 32ms delay that asserts low during overcurrent or thermal shutdown conditions.The MIC2033 is available with several different fixed current limit options: 0.5A, 0.8A, 1A, and 1.2A. A capacitor-adjustable soft-start circuit minimizes inrush current in applications using high capacitive loads.The MIC2033 is offered in both 6-pin SOT-23 and 6-pin 2mm x 2mm thin DFN packages. It has an operating junction temperature range of −40°C to +125°C. RequirementsThe MIC2033 evaluation board requires a single power supply to provide V IN . The V IN power supply must be able to deliver a minimum of 2.5V and more than 1.5A capability. The output load can either be active or passive. PrecautionsThe evaluation board does not have reverse polarity protection. Applying a negative voltage to the V IN terminal can damage the device. In addition, the maximum V IN operating voltage of the MIC2033 evaluation board is 5.5V. Exceeding 5.5V on V IN can permanently damage the device.Getting Started1. Connect an external supply to the V IN terminal .Apply the desired input voltage to the V IN and ground terminals of the evaluation board, paying careful attention to polarity and supply voltage. The user can place an ammeter between the input supply and the V IN terminal to the evaluation board. Make sure that the supply voltage is monitored at the V IN terminal. The ammeter and/or power lead resistance can reduce the voltage supplied to the input.2. Connect the load to the V OUT and ground terminals.The load can be either passive (resistive) or active (as in an electronic load). The user can place an ammeter between the load and the V OUT terminal. Make sure that the output voltage is monitored at the V OUT terminal.3. Enable the switchThe MIC2033-12AYxx evaluation boards are configured for default enable using a 10k Ω pull-up resistor from the ENABLE pin to VIN. To disable the switch, place a jumper short across the jumper pins at TP2. The MIC2033-05BYxx evaluation boards are configured for default disable. To enable the switch, place a jumper short across the jumper pins at TP2. 4. Fault detectionThe MIC2033 is equipped with an error flag, FAULT/. TP3 is provided to monitor the FAULT/ pin.Ordering InformationPart Number DescriptionMIC2033-05BYM6 EV Evaluation board featuring the MIC2033-05BYM6 500mA Switch MIC2033-12AYM6 EV Evaluation board featuring the MIC2033-12AYM6 1.2A Switch MIC2033-05BYMT EV Evaluation board featuring the MIC2033-05BYMT 500mA Switch MIC2033-12AYMT EVEvaluation board featuring the MIC2033-12AYMT 1.2A SwitchApplication InformationSoft-StartSoft-start reduces the power supply input surge current at startup by controlling the output voltage rise time. The input surge appears while the output capacitor is charged up. A slower output rise time draws a lower input surge current.During soft-start, an internal current sink discharges the external capacitor at CSLEW to ground to control the ramp of the output voltage. The output voltage rise time depends on the value of C CSLEW, the input voltage, output voltage, and the current limit. Micrel recommends that the value of the CSLEW external capacitor be in the range of 0.1µF to 1µF. For the MIC2033 evaluation board, CSLEW = C3 = 0.1µF. Output VoltageThe MIC2033 evaluation board is available with either a 0.5A or 1.2A fixed current limit. If the output current exceeds the current limit, the MIC2033 switch enters constant current limit mode. The maximum allowable current limit can be less than the full specified and/or expected current if the MIC2033 is not mounted on a circuit board with sufficiently low thermal resistance. The MIC2033 responds to short circuits within 10µs to limit the output current. It also provides an output fault flag that asserts (low) for an overcurrent condition that lasts longer than the overcurrent fault response delay time (t FAULT/), which is typically 32ms.MIC2033-xxxYMx Evaluation Board SchematicsMIC2033-xxxYMT Evaluation BoardMIC2033-xxxYM6 Evaluation BoardBill of MaterialsNumber Manufacturer Description Qty. Item PartC1608X5R0J105K TDK(1)C1, C21.0µF/6.3V ceramic capacitor, X5R, 0603 206036D105KAT2A AVX(2)06033C104KAT2A TDK0.1µF/25V ceramic capacitor, X7R, 0603 1C3C1608X7R1E104K AVXR1, R2 CRCW060310K0FKEA Vishay/Dale(3) 10.0kΩ, film resistor, 0603, 1% 2U1 MIC2033-xxxYMx Micrel(4)High-accuracy, high-side, fixed current limit power switch 1Notes:1. TDK: .2. AVX: .3. Vishay: .4. Micrel, Inc.: .Evaluation Board PCB LayoutMIC2033-xxxYMT Evaluation Board – Top LayerMIC2033-xxxYMT Evaluation Board – Bottom LayerEvaluation Board PCB Layout (Continued)MIC2033-xxxYM6 Evaluation Board – Top LayerMIC2033-xxxYM6 Evaluation Board – Bottom Layer。

Dahua DGR116 16-Channel Digital Video Recorder 说明书

Dahua DGR116 16-Channel Digital Video Recorder 说明书

DGR116 16-Channel Digital Video RecorderThe DGR116 combines a 16channel multiplexer with a DVR,delivering a superior, cost effective digital alternative for multichannel recording.Display modes are selectable during surveillance & play backFull screen Quad 7 CH9 CHf e a t u r e sCost effective stand-alone digital video recorder with Wavelet Compression 4 Audio inputs / 1 Audio output Built-in 16 channel multiplexer 2 large capacity removable hard disk drives2x digital zoom function On Screen Display and RTC (Real time clock) Function Multiplexing– Support from 4 channels up to 16 channels– 16 channels camera canrecord/live or display/playback – 16 channels loop back terminal Customizable title for each channelAdjustable Video Quality by channel16 alarm inputs, alarm display and one alarm outputVideo loss detection for each channel Event History: 80 Events Power-loss memory function: (will not lose set up configuration)Timer / Schedule function for recording Quick search by date/time,alarm, recording list Multiple speed playback Security password protectionRS-232/RS-485 communication protocol Multi Screen Display ModeIndependent main and call monitoroutputs allow simultaneous multi-camera and full screen viewing Rack mount optionw w w .D I G I M E R G E .c o mDigimerge Technologies Inc., 300 Alden Road, Markham, ON Canada L3R 4C1 Tel: (905) 946-8477 Fax: (905) 947-013810 CH13 CH16 CHA better way to a secure futurew w w .D I G I M E R G E .c o mDGR116 16-Channel DVRS p e c i f i c a t i o n sDistributed by:Digimerge Technologies Inc., 300 Alden Road, Markham, ON Canada L3R 4C1 Tel: (905) 946-8477 Fax: (905) 947-0138Dimensions: (W x L x H)430 x 327 x 112mm / 16.9 x 12.9 x 4.4inModel DGR116Video format NTSC or PAL Video compression WaveletHard disk storage IDE type, 2 removable HDD supported 2 X 120 GBRecord mode Manual / Alarm / External Trigger / Schedule File size Best: 40-45KB, High: 30-35KB, Normal: 20-25KB, Basic: 12-15KBVideo input 16 video inputs, composite 1 Vp-p 75 ohm (BNC)Main Monitor Output Composite video signal 1 Vp-p 75 ohm (BNC)Camera Loop Back 16 video inputs, composite 1 Vp-p 75 ohm (BNC)Call Monitor Output Composite video signal 1 Vp-p 75 ohm (BNC)Audio input 4 audio inputs, (RCA)Audio output1 audio output, (RCA)Motion Detect Sensitivity 256 LevelsDisplay Refresh Rate Full screen: Real time display 16 channels: 0.133 sec/channel Record Refresh Rate 15 IPS for NTSC / 12 IPS for PAL Dynamic Recording Priority Yes (Programmable)Dwell Time Programmable (1~10 Sec)Picture in Picture Yes (Movable)HDD Key Lock Yes Picture Zoom 2X (Movable)Camera Title 6 charactersVideo Adjustments on Channels Color / Contrast / BrightnessAlarm Input TTL input, Hi (5V), Low (GND)Alarm Output COM, N.O.Video Loss Detection Yes Alarm History Log 80 Events VCR Trigger Output Yes (TTL output)Time Display Format YY/MM/DD, DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, OFF Power Source AC90-240V switching adaptor Power Consumption<45WOperation Temperature 5˚ C to 40˚ C / 41˚ F to 104˚ FRS-232C / RS-485 (bps)115200, 57600, 19200, 9600, 4800, 3600, 2400, 1200DGR116 (Front)DGR116 (Back)ResolutionScreen Modes ResolutionFull screen 704(H) x 468(V) NTSC / 704(H) x 564(V) PAL 4 channels 352(H) x 234(V) NTSC / 352(H) x 282(V) PAL 9 channels 224(H) x 156(V) NTSC / 224(H) x 188(V) PAL 16 channels176(H) x 117(V) NTSC / 176(H) x 141(V) PALTOPSIDEFRONT327mm 12.9 in112mm / 4.4 in430mm / 16.9 inBecause our products are subject to continuous improvement, Digimerge reserves the right to modify product design and specifications without notice and without incurring any obligation. E&O.E.16 channel inputsDGR116R2。

GERMAN POOL WFH-1510 WiFi Smart IR Control Hub Use

GERMAN POOL WFH-1510 WiFi Smart IR Control Hub Use

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.GERMAN POOL WFH-1510 WiFi Smart IR Control Hub User ManualHome » GERMAN POOL » GERMAN POOL WFH-1510 WiFi Smart IR Control Hub User ManualWiFi Smart IR Control HubWFH-1510USER MANUALPlease read these Instructions and warranty Information carefully before use and keep them hand for futurereference.WARNING!Read all instructions caretuly before using this prodthttps:///us/app/german-pool-smart-control/id1639333093B. Change The LanguageApple 108 System1.Search “Smart Control” in Settings.2. Click “Preferred Language3. Select Traditional Chinese or English In the “Suggested Languages™ column (Note: if user selects “TraditionalChinese (Hong. Kongy”. app wildispiay in English).Android System‘App il appear in your preset phone language. If ou need to change APP language. you need to change the‘system language in your phone settings.C. Register Your Account1. Openthe PP – cick Agiee” on-User Agroament and Privac Polcy2. Click Sign Up toregiter Youracoount.3. Enter your emal acess ok agree rvacy Poley ana User Agroement:.then lick “Get Verification Code”.4. Enter one-time verification code from your email.5. Set up your password then click “Done’.D. Pairing SequenceMethod 1: Auto Pairing1. Connect product to power source through USB cable. fongpress Power Button for approximately 7 secondsunti Indicator Light biinks In blue.2. Click*+” onthe upper right corner of the APP homepa. then click “Add Device”.3. Before pairing. user must allow the App 1o access your Bluetooth. Tap on “Tum on Biuetooth” (1 Bluetooth saiready on. ignore this step).4. Tap “Go To Set” (i Bluetooth s already on. ignore this step)5. Turn on Bluetooth (i Bluetooth is already on, gnore this step).6. APP will show “Searching for nearby devices._”7. APP il show “Discovering devices…”. click *Add”.8. Click *+” on the right of product name.9. It is recommended to allow the APP to access your location. Tap “Set Now” (f Location is already on, ignorethis step)10. Tap “Allow While Using App” (If Location is already on. ignore this step).11. Select WiFi name and enter your WIFI password, then Click “Next™.12. When pairing is completed. APP will show “Added successfully”. Click “Done” to return to homepage.WARNING!If Bluetooth s tumed off or App Is not permitted to access Biuetooth, the product cannot be paired.(Note: Even if Biuetooth is turned on, it does not mean the APP is allowed to access your Bluetootn )Note:In the “Add Manually * column, find the product model that needs to be paired, and click the product to pair.3. Follow the Instructions on the APP to pair.WARNING!If Bluetooth s tumed off or App is not permitted to access Biuetooth, the product cannot be paired.(Note: Even if Biuetooth is turned on, it does not mean the APP Is allowed to access your Biuetooth ) 4. Click “+ on the right of product name.5. Select WIFi name and enter your WIF| password. then click Next6. When pairing is completed. APP will show “Added successtuly” Cick ‘Done” to return to homepage.E. Sharing Control1. On the products homepage. clck“” on the upper right Gomer, then click * on the upper right comer.2. Click “Share Device under “Others”.3. Clck “Add Sharing”.Note: On the “Share Device” page. you can add or elete other accounts’ control rights.4. Setthe number of users with ‘whom you wish to share control, then click “Share with the Account SmartControl”.5. Enter that account’s registered emall address, then click “Done” on the upper right comer.6. Repeat step 3-5 to share with more accounts.Controlling The Product With The APPControl KeySettings Key Tap key to enter Settings to tum Eco Mode/ Temperature Alert/Humidity Alert on or off ‘and set Notiication typeBattery Charge Indicator ‘When connected to USB power source and product battery is charging. this in dicator ights up to sighl product i cherging.Statistics Key Tap key to enter Temperature and Humidity Statstcs; user can retreve daily/ ‘monthly / yearly temperature and humidty statisticsCurrent Temperature Display Shows current temperature, automaticall refreshes every 2 seconds. InEcoMode, automatically refreshes every 3 minutes*When Temperature Alrt s turned on, product will pop up a notfication when te mperature change exceeds 0.3°CCurrent Humity Dispay Shows current humidty. automaticaly refreshes every 2 seconds InEco Mode, automaticaly refreshes every 3 minutesWhen Humidty Alert s turmed on, product will pop Up a nfifcation when humidiy change exceeds 3%‘Sensor Indicator ‘Add Device KeyScan QR Code to watch video tutorial of “Palring By Category”https:///playlist?list=PLk3Hm1U4qtomAsxo0qogqxwXYhRpHtme7Scan QR Code to watch video tutorial of “Manual Pairing”https:///playlist?list=PLk3Hm1U4qtonrQQMh7UPT8Uenw5J1Vc0_https:///playlist?list=PLk3Hm1U4qtokqU1UrtbRcgPESM5zOQ3Vhhttps://shop.mobile.cards/germanpoolhk?appstoreHongKong8th, Xinxiang RoadWusne I !II:lustre’ Park, Defiant Sti uncleFoshan, GuangdongTet+88 757=19 6888Fax:+88 757 =9 8809MacauA.1 Ander, Mei Kui Kuong neong Fase 2No.515 Avenkle Do Conse They Elcuja, MacauTet+853 2875 2699Fac+L63 3751`681Documents / ResourcesGERMAN POOL WFH-1510 WiFi Smart IR Control Hub [pdf] User ManualWFH-1510, WFH-1510 WiFi Smart IR Control Hub, WiFi Smart IR Control Hub, Smart IRControl Hub, IR Control Hub, Control HubReferencesGerman Pool | |Manuals+,。



4.3inch e-PaperUser ManualOverview (3)1. Important notices (4)2. How to use (6)2.1. How to generate bitmap images (6)2.2. How to work with PC (6)2.3. Arduino (14)2.4. XNUCLEO-F103RB (15)2.5. Open103Z (16)3. Serial communication protocol (18)3.1. Basic rules (18)3.1.1. Serial port (18)3.1.2. Command frame format (18)3.1.3. Transmission sequence (18)3.1.4. Command parameters (18)3.1.5. Color definition (19)3.2. Command set (19)13.2.1. Command look-up table (19)3.2.2. Command explanations (23)4. Appendix (31)24.3 inch e-Paper is an e-book display module with serial interface developed by Waveshare. In an easy-to-use design, it enable you to apply different display functions via serial communication, including shapes drawing, text and image displaying, but do not need to know any complex underlying details, making it possible to unleash your creativity.The 4.3 inch e-Paper has the following features:●Built-in font libraries, supporting 32, 48 and 64 dots GBK Chinese font and 32, 48 and 64dots English font;●Built-in 128MB NandFlash, allowing the font and the image data to be stored to either anexternal TF card or the internal NandFlash by a serial command;●4-level gray display with 800x600 display resolution;●Adjustable Baud rate, default: 15200;●Power supply voltage range from 3.3V to 5.5V, logic level compatible;●Ultra low power consumption, system sleeping current lower than 5mA on 5V powersupply;●Provide with PC software to operate the display, easy to use with PC.31.●System power upAfter powered up, the screen is refreshed to white. At this moment, if no external TF card is in used, the state indicator will flicker 3 times and then keep on. When there is anexternal TF card in used, the state indicator will light up and keep on without flickering.●StorageAfter powered up, the system reads the font and the image data from the internalNandFlash by default.When using an external TF card, you should format the TF card into a FAT32 system, and place the font libraries provided by Waveshare and the images you want to display to the external TF card before using it.When using the internal NandFlash, you should import the font libraries and image files you want to display to the internal NandFlash in advance. For more detailed information, please refer to the Section 2.2.●State indicatorThe state indicator is on when the system is working properly, and off when the system enters sleep mode. A rising edge on the WAKE_UP pin from the external MCU can wake up the system. And the state indicator will light up and remain on after resuming from sleep mode.●Font librariesThe system built-in 32, 48 and 64 dots English font is always available without using the TF card or the NandFlash; however, for the 32, 48 and 64 dots Chinese font, you should store the relative library file to the TF card or the NandFlash before using it.4Image displayThe system supports 1-bit and 2-bit bitmap image display. For other image formats, you should convert these images into the specified format with the tool on the Demos so as to display them.The name of the image should be in uppercase English character(s) with the length less than 10 characters, in which the symbol “.” is included.For example:PIC7.BMP and PIC789.BMP are correct image names;PIC7890.BMP is a wrong image name.52.2.1.HOW TO GENERATE BITMAP IMAGES1) Make sure the resolution of the image is less than 800x600 pixels. Start the toolmspaint.exe on Windows to open the image to be converted;2) Select the option 24-bit bitmap in the Save as Type list, to save the image as a bmpformat file;3) Start the software tool provided by Waveshare: uC-GUI-BitmapConvert.exe;4) Click File -> Open, and select the bitmap image you want to convert;5) Click Image -> Convert Into -> Gray4 (2 BPP);6) Click File ->Save As, and select the option Windows Bitmap file(*.bmp) in the Save asType list, and then enter a correct file name and save the image. Please take a note to the format of the file name.2.2.HOW TO WORK WITH PCWe have designed the software for E-Paper to work with PC. With this software, users can easily operate different basic displays on the E-Paper via a PC. In additional, a USB-to-serial module should be applied to build up the communication between the e-Paper and the PC. In here, we will take the serial module CP2102 USB UART Board(mini) as an example to illustrate the application. For more detailed information about this serial module, please refer to Appendix.Hardware connection1) Set the pin VCCIO on the CP2102 to 5V;2) Connect the CP2102 to the E-Paper with jump wire, in which the red wire of the cable isconnected to the pin VCCIO on the CP2102, and the black wire to the pin GND, the white wire to the pin RXD, and the green wire to the pin TXD.63) Connect the CP2102 to the PC via a USB cable. Now, the E-Paper is powered up, and itsstate indicator lights up.Software installationUnzip the software to the installation directory, and then double click the file “install.bat”.Then, you will see a dialog box will pop up as the figure shows below, if the software is installed successfully.Double click the EPSCOMM.exe to start the software:78Check the Device Manager, and configure the corresponding serial port. Click the button“OK ”, if the communication is built up.9Font libraries and image importation1) Prepare a TF card (here we take an 8G TF card as an example), and format the TF cardinto a FAT32 system with 4096 bytes allocation unit size. Copy the font libraries and image files provided by Waveshare into the TF card. When finished, insert the TF card into the E-Paper.2)indicating the importation starts. When finished, the state indicator will flicker 3 times again and the e-Paper module will return the message “OK ”, indicating that the importation of font library is completed successfully.3)indicating the importation starts. When finished, the state indicator will flicker 3 times againand the e-Paper module will return the message “OK”, indicating that the importation ofimage(s) is completed successfully.1011Remarks:[1] Once you do the operation, please check the state indicator. It flickers when the importation starts. Now, wait the importation finish.[2] Normally, you only need to import the image(s) you want, but not need to import the font library, since it has been imported by default. Display testing 1.Display textEnter the text “Hello, World!” into the Input box, and set the coordinate options X1 and Y1the text inputted shows in the screen.122.Display imageEnter the name of the image you want to display into the Input box, and set the coordinate options X1 and Y1you can see the corresponding image shows in the screen.3. Display shapeTo draw shapes, you may need to input the parameters listed in the table below:134. Other settings· Set the storage area, select the storage locations of font library and images, defaultlocation: NandFlash;· Set the display direction;· Set the drawing color, the option Foreground color for the text is set to Black and the option Background color for the background is set to White by default;· Set Baud rate, default: 15200; it is not recommended to modify this option frequently;· Set the font size of the English character;· Set the font size of the Chinese character.Remarks:[1] When finished each command, there will be corresponding response. Normally, it will return“OK”;[2] For drawing point(s) or line(s), or displaying text(s) or image(s), you should click the buttonsince the image data is large.2.3.ARDUINO1) Hardware connection14Here, we take Arduino UNO PLUS development board as an example to illustrate the application. Connect the development board to the e-Paper with a serial cable as shown in the follow table. For more information about this development board, please refer to the Appendix.Connection between Arduino UNO PLUS and 4.3inch e-Paper:2) Program compiling and uploadingOpen the Arduino program on the Demo. Then, compile and upload it. Please take a note that the white cable should be removed on program uploading.2.4.XNUCLEO-F103RB1) Hardware connectionHere, we take XNUCLEO-F103RBdevelopment board as an example to illustrate the application. Connect the development board to the e-Paper with a serial cable as shown in the follow table. For more information about this development board, please refer to the Appendix.Connection between XNUCLEO-F103RB and 4.3inch e-Paper:152) Program compiling and programmingOpen the XNUCLEO-F103RB program on the Demo. Then, compile and program it.Note: You should set the JP4 jumper between A and B.2.5.OPEN103Z1) Hardware connectionHere, we take Open103Z development board as an example to illustrate the application. Connect the development board to the e-Paper with a serial cable as shown in the follow table. For more information about this development board, please refer to the Appendix.Connection between XNUCLEO-F103RB and 4.3inch e-Paper:162) Program compiling and programmingOpen the Open103Z program on the Demo. Then, compile and program it.173.3.1.BASIC RULESThis e-Paper module adopts full-duplex asynchronous UART communication with adjustable Baud rate.[1] The frame length is calculated by the length begin with the frame header and end withthe parity byte.[2] Parity byte is the final result of the XOR operation on the bytes from the frame header tothe frame end.The data of the module is transmitted in the Network byte sequence, which means higher byte is sent at first, then lower byte following. For example, a parameter, 0x1234, is transmitted in two parts: 0x12 is sent at first, and then 0x34 following.●Byte: 8 bits, single byte;●Short: 16 bits, double bytes;●Dword: 32 bits, four bytes;●String: the character string end with “0”.18This e-Paper module supports 4-level gray display, and 2 bits for each pixel.0x00: Black0x01: Dark gray0x02: Light gray0x03: WhiteMAND SET19202122Remarks:[1] The string length is the length of the character string end with “0”, in which the ending “0”is included.[2] The name of the image should be in uppercase English character(s) with the length lessthan 10 characters (the symbol “.” is included). And the string length of the image name should be less than 11 characters, in which the ending “0” is included.System control1. Handshake command (0x00)After powered up, you can send this command to the terminal to make sure whether the terminal is ready and able to receive commands or data.23Example:A5 00 09 00 CC 33 C3 3C ACDescriptions: Handshake command2. Set the Baud rate (0x01)After powered up, the default Baud rate is 115200. This command is used to set the Baud rate. You may need to wait 100ms for the module to return the result after sending this command, since the host may take a period of time to change its Baud rate.Example:A5 00 0D 01 00 00 25 80 CC 33 C3 3C 0CDescriptions: 0x2580: set the Baud rate to 9600. The parameter of Baud rate isconsisted of 4 bytes, so you need to complete the rest by yourself.3. Read the current Baud rate (0x02)Example: A5 00 09 02 CC 33 C3 3C AEDescriptions: Read the current Baud rate of the system.4. Return the information about the currently used storage area (0x06)Example: A5 00 09 06 CC 33 C3 3C AADescriptions: When returns 0x00, the currently used storage area is internal NandFlash;when returns 0x01, the currently used storage area is external TF card.5. Set the storage area (0x07)Set the storage area to select the storage locations of font library and images, either the external TF card or the internal NandFlash is available.Example: A5 00 0A 07 00 CC 33 C3 3C A8Descriptions: 0x00: set the currently used storage area as NandFlash.6. Sleep mode (0x08)The system will enter the sleep mode and reduce system power consumption by thiscommand. Under sleep mode, the state indicator is off, and the system does not respond any commands. Only the rising edge on the pin WAKE_UP can wake up the system.24Example: A5 00 09 08 CC 33 C3 3C A4Descriptions: Switch the system to sleep mode.7. Refresh (0x0A)Refresh and update the display on the screen. After the host send out the drawingcommand, the system will only write the relative data into the internal video memory, but not update the display on the screen. So you should operate this command whenever you finish each drawing.Example: A5 00 09 0A CC 33 C3 3C A6Descriptions: Refresh and update the display on the screen8. Get the display direction (0x0C)Example: A5 00 09 0C CC 33 C3 3C A0Descriptions: When returns 0, the screen is in normal display; when returns 1, thedisplay on the screen will be rotated by 180°.9. Set the display direction (0x0D)Set the display direction, only 180° rotation display supported.Example: A5 00 0A 0D 01 CC 33 C3 3C A3Descriptions: 0x01: The display on the screen will be switch from normal display to 180°rotation display.10. Import font library (0x0E)Import the font library files from the TF card to the internal NandFlash. The font library files include GBK32.FON/GBK48.FON/GBK64.FON. The state indicator will flicker 3 times when the importation is start and ending.Example:A5 00 09 0E CC 33 C3 3C A2Descriptions: Import the font library11. Import image (0x0F)25Import the image files from the TF card to the internal NandFlash. The state indicator will flicker 3 times when the importation is start and ending.Example: A5 00 09 0F CC 33 C3 3C A3Descriptions: Import the imagesDisplay parameter configuration1. Set the pallet (0x10)Set the foreground color and the background color on drawing, in which the foreground color can be used to display the basic drawings and text, while the background color is used to clear the screen.Example: A5 00 0B 10 00 03 CC 33 C3 3C BDDescriptions: 0x00: The foreground color is set to Black0x03: The background color is set to White2. Get the pallet data (0x11)Example: A5 00 09 11 CC 33 C3 3C BDDescriptions: For example, when returns “03”, “0” means the foreground color is Black and “3” means the background color is White.3. Read the English font size (0x1C)Example: A5 00 09 1C CC 33 C3 3C B0Descriptions: Return the index of currently used English font size.4. Read the Chinese font size (0x1D)Example: A5 00 09 1D CC 33 C3 3C B1Descriptions: Return the index of currently used Chinese font size.5. Set the English font size (0x1E)Set the English font size, currently support 32/48/64 dots matrix.26Example: A5 00 0A 1E 01 CC 33 C3 3C B0Descriptions: 0x01: Set the English font size to 32 dots matrix6. Set the Chinese font size (0x1F)Set the Chinese font size, currently support 32/48/64 dots matrix.Example: A5 00 0A 1F 01 CC 33 C3 3C B1Descriptions: 0x01: Set the Chinese font size to 32 dots matrixBasic drawings1. Draw a point (0x20)Display a point on a specified coordination position with foreground color.Example: A5 00 0D 20 00 0A 00 0A CC 33 C3 3C 88Descriptions: Display a point on the position (0x0A, 0x0A) with foreground color.2. Draw a line (0x22)Draw a line between two specified point coordinates with foreground color.Example: A5 00 11 22 00 0A 00 0A 00 FF 00 FF CC 33 C3 3C 96Descriptions: Draw a line between the point coordinates (0x0A, 0x0A) and (0xFF, 0xFF) with foreground color.3. Fill a rectangle (0x24)Fill a rectangle according to two point coordinates with foreground color, in which these two points serve as the diagonal points of the rectangle.Example: A5 00 11 24 00 0A 00 0A 00 FF 00 FF CC 33 C3 3C 90Descriptions: Fill a rectangle according to the point coordinates (0x0A, 0x0A) and (0xFF, 0xFF), in which these two points serve as the diagonal points of the rectangle.4. Draw a rectangle (0x25)27Draw a rectangle according to two point coordinates with foreground color, in which these two points serve as the diagonal points of the rectangle.Example: A5 00 11 25 00 0A 00 0A 00 FF 00 FF CC 33 C3 3C 91Descriptions: Draw a rectangle according to the point coordinates (0x0A, 0x0A) and (0xFF, 0xFF), in which these two points serve as the diagonal points of the rectangle.5. Draw a circle (0x26)Draw a circle based on the given center coordination and radius.Example: A5 00 0F 26 00 FF 00 FF 00 80 CC 33 C3 3C 0CDescriptions: Draw a circle with the center coordination (0xFF, 0xFF), and radius 0x80.6. Fill a circle (0x27)Fill a circle based on the given center coordination and radius.Example: A5 00 0F 27 00 FF 00 FF 00 80 CC 33 C3 3C 0DDescriptions: Fill a circle whose center coordination is (0xFF, 0xFF) and radius is 0x80.7. Draw a tri-angle (0x28)Draw a tri-angle according to three given point coordinates.Example: A5 00 15 28 00 0A 00 0A 00 20 00 80 00 80 00 FF CC 33 C3 3C 47Descriptions:The three point coordinates of the tri-angle are (0x0A, 0x0A), (0x20, 0x80) and (0x80, 0xFF).8. Fill a tri-angle (0x29)Fill a tri-angle according to three given point coordinates.Example: A5 00 15 29 00 0A 00 0A 00 20 00 80 00 80 00 FF CC 33 C3 3C 46Descriptions: The three point coordinates of the tri-angle are (0x0A, 0x0A), (0x20, 0x80), (0x80, 0xFF)9. Clear the screen (0x2E)28Clear the screen with the background color.Example: A5 00 09 2E CC 33 C3 3C 82Descriptions: Clear the screen●Display text1. Display character string (0x30)Display a character string on a specified coordination position. Chinese and English mixed display is supported.Example:A5 00 17 30 00 0A 00 0A C4 E3 BA C3 57 6F 72 6C 64 00 CC 33 C3 3C 9EDescriptions: 0x0A, 0x0A: This is the given coordination position0xC4E3:你0xBAC3:好0x57 6F 72 6C 64:WorldAfter executed this command, the screen will show the text:你好WorldEach character string should be end with a “0”. So, you should add a “00”at the end of the string C4 E3 BA C3 57 6F 72 6C 64.●Display image1. Display bitmap (0x70)Before executing this command, please make sure the bitmap file you want to display is stored in the storage area (either TF card or internal NandFlash).Example: A5 00 16 70 00 00 00 00 50 49 43 37 2E 42 4D 50 00 CC 33 C3 3C DFDescriptions: Image start coordination position: (0x00, 0x00)0x50 49 43 37 2E 42 4D 50: Bitmap name: PIC7.BMP29Each character string should be end with a “0”. So, you should add a “00” at the end of the string 50 49 43 37 2E 42 4D 50.The name of the bitmap file should be in uppercase English character(s). And the string length of the bitmap name should be less than 11 characters, in which the ending “0” is included. For example, PIC7.BMP and PIC789.BMP are correct bitmap names, while PIC7890.BMP is a wrong bitmap namem.304.1. CP2102 USB UART Board(mini)The CP2102 USB UART Board (mini) is an accessory board that features the single-chip USB to UART bridge CP2102 onboard.For more information about this module, please refer to the following links:/cp2102-usb-uart-board-mini.htm2. Arduino UNO PLUSUNO PLUS is a development board compatible with the Arduino UNO R3, an improved & enhanced alternative solution for Arduino UNO R3.31For more information about this module, please refer to the following links:/product/arduino/main-board/avr/uno-plus.htm3. XNUCLEO-F103RBCompatible with NUCLEO-F103RB, onboard Cortex-M3 microcontrollerSTM32F103RBT6Arduino connectivity support, easy to connect with various Arduino shields and access the massive Arduino resourcesSupports mbed, build prototype quickly by mbed SDK and online tools32For more information about this module, please refer to the following links:/xnucleo-f103rb.htm4. Open103ZOpen103Z is a STM32 development board that features a STM32F103ZET6 device as the microcontroller. It supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application.33For more information about this module, please refer to the following links:/open103z-standard.htm34。

菲利普 AZ1302 MP3-CD 声音机用户手册说明书

菲利普 AZ1302 MP3-CD 声音机用户手册说明书

AZ1302 User ManualPуководство пользователяSupplied accessories–AC mains lead–remote controlT op and front panels(See 1) 1Source selector CD,TUNER,TAPE/OFF–selects CD/MP3-CD,radio or tape sourceof sound–switches off the set2MONO•STEREO– selects mono or stereo FM reception3VOLUME – adjusts volume level4LIFT TO OPEN– lift here to open thedisc door5REMOTE SENSOR– infrared sensor forremote control6Cassette recorder keys:PAUSE ;–pauses playback or recordingSTOP•EJECT9/–stops playback or recording.–opens the cassette holder.F.FWD/REW 5 or6–fast winds/rewindsthe tapePLAY 1–starts playbackREC 0–starts recording7Display– shows the status of the set8PROGCD/MP3:programmes tracks and reviewsthe programme;TUNER:programmes preset radio stations 9DBB–switches the bass enhancementon / off0ALBUM/PRESET -MP3 only:selects albums (down);RADIO:selects preset stations (down)!SEARCH ∞, §CD/MP3:– searches back and forward within a track;– skips to the beginning of a current track/previous/ later trackTUNER:tunes to radio stations.@STOP/BAND 9CD/MP3:– stops playback;– erases a programme.TUNER:selects wavebands #PLAY/PAUSE 2/;– starts/ pauses CDplayback$MODE – selects different play modes:e.g.REPEA T or RANDOM(random order)%ALBUM/PRESET +MP3 only:selects albums (up);TUNER:selects preset stations (up)Back panel (See 2)^T elescopic antenna-improves FMreception.&AC ~ - inlet for mains lead*RESET– use ball-point pen to press thehole if the set or display does notreact to any of the controls(p PHONES- 3.5mm stereo headphonejackHelpful hints:The speakers will be mutedwhen headphones are connected to the set.)Battery door - open to insert 8 x 1.5VR-14/ UM2/ C-cells.¡Voltage selector – adjust to match thelocal voltage 110/220V.Controls Power SupplyRemote control1PLAY/PAUSE– starts / pauses CDplayback2STOP/BANDCD/MP3:– stops playback;– erases a programme.TUNER:selects wavebands3∞§CD/MP3:– searches back and forwardwithin a track;– skips to the beginning of acurrent track/ previous/ latertrackTUNER:tunes to radºo stations.4MODE– selects different play modes:e.g.REPEA T or RANDOM(ran-dom order)5PROGCD/MP3:programmes tracks and reviewsthe programme;TUNER:programmes preset radio stations6ALBUM/PRESET +MP3 only:selects albums (up);TUNER:selects preset stations (up)7ALBUM/PRESET -MP3 only:selects albums (down);TUNER:selects preset stations (down)Power supplyWhenever convenient,use the mains lead ifyou want to conserve battery life.Make sureyou remove the plug from the set and walloutlet before inserting batteries.Batteries (not included)Main set (See2)•Insert 8 batteries,type R-14,UM2orC-cells(preferably alkaline) with the correctpolarity.Remote control (See2)•Insert 2 batteries,type AA,R06or UM3(preferably alkaline).Batteries contain chemical substances,so they should be disposed of properly.• Incorrect use of batteries can causeelectrolyte leakage and will corrode thecompartment or cause the batteries toburst:• Do not mix battery types:e.g.alkaline withcarbon zinc.Only use batteries of the sametype for the set.• When inserting new batteries,do not try tomix old batteries with the new ones.• Remove the batteries if the set is not to beused for a long time.General OperationUsing AC Mains1 Check if the mains voltage,as shown onthe type plate located on theback of the set,corresponds to your local mains supply.If it does not,consult yourdealer or service center.2 If your set is equipped with a voltage selec-tor,adjust the selector so that it matcheswith the local power supply.3 Connect the mains lead to the AC ~inletand the wall socket.The mains lead is nowconnected and ready for use.4 T o switch the set off completely,withdrawthe mains lead from the wall socket.•Disconnect the mains lead from the wall socket to protect your set during heavythunderstorms.Helpful hints :T o avoid unnecessary energy consumption,always adjust the Sourceselector to TAPE/OFF after using the set.Also check that the tape deck keys arereleasedThe type plate is located on the back of the set.General operationSwitching on and off and selectingfunctions1 T o switch on,push the Source selectorslider to CD,TUNER,or TAPE/OFF asdesired.➜In CD or TUNER,the displaylights up blue.➜ In TAPE,the display lights up during tapeoperation2 T o switch off,push the Source selectorslider to TAPE/OFF and check the cassettekeys are released.Helpful hints:–To change from T APE to TUNER or CDfunction,or when you are switching off the set:first,make sure you press the tapeSTOP•EJECT9/key to end playback andall the cassette keys are released.–The radio presets will be retained in the set’smemory.Adjusting volume and sound1 Adjust the volume with the VOLUMEcontrol.2 Press DBB once or more to select dynamicbass boost on or off.Digital T unerDigital tunerT uning to radio stations1Push the Source selector slider toTUNER.➜The display lights up blue and if pro-grammed,a preset number appears (see3).➜Then,the display shows radio station fre-quency and waveband. If programmed,MEMORY appears.(see 4)2Press STOP/BAND 9 to select yourdesired waveband,FM or MW.• For FM,adjust MONO•STEREO toSTEREO.3Press and hold ∞or§until the frequencyin the display starts running.➜The radio automatically tunes to a stationof sufficient reception.The frequencykeeps running during automatic tuning.– STEREO lights up for stereo FM reception.4Repeat step 3if necessary until you find thedesired station.• T o tune to a weak station,press∞or§briefly and repeatedly until you have foundoptimal reception.To improve radio reception:•For FM, extend,incline and turn the tele-scopic aerial.Reduce its length if the signal istoo strong.– T o tune to a weak FM station,adjustMONO•STEREO to MONO.•For MW, the set uses a built-in aerial.Directthis aerial by turning the whole set.Programming radio stationsY ou can store up to a total of 20 radio stationsin the memory (10 FM and 10 MW),manuallyor automatically (Autostore).Manual programming1T une to your desired station (see T uning toradio stations).2Press PROG to activateprogramming.➜Display:P01.MEMORY flash.3Press ALBUM/PRESET -/+once or moreto allocate a number from 1 to 10.4Press PROG to confirm.5Repeat steps 1-4 to store other stations.Helpful hints:You can erase a preset station bystoring another frequency in its place.AutostoreAutostore automatically starts programmingradio stations from preset 1.Any previous pre-sets e.g.manually programmed will be erased.1In TUNER mode,press STOP/BAND 9to select FM or MW.2Press and hold PROG until the frequencyand MEMORY flash.➜ Available stations are programmed (FMor MW.P and a preset number (1 - 10)appears when a station is stored.➜After all stations are stored,the first auto-store preset station automatically plays.T o listen to a preset stationPress the ALBUM/PRESET -/+button onceor more until the desired preset station is dis-played.CD/MP3 PlayerCD/MP3 playerAbout MP3The music compression technology MP3(MPEG1 Audio Layer 3) significantly reducethe digital data of an audio CD while main-taining CD quality sound.•Getting MP3 files:you can either down-load legal music files from the internet toyour computer hard disc,or create such files by converting audio CD files in your com-puter through appropriate encoder software.(128kbps bit rate or higher is recommended for MP3 files.)•Creating a MP3 CD:burn the music files from your computer hard disc on a CDR or CDRW using your CD burner.–Make sure that the file names of the MP3 files end with.mp3.– Total number of music files and albums:around 350 (with a typical file name length of 20 char-acters)– The length of file names affects the number of tracks for playback.With shorter file names,more files can be burned on a disc.Playing a discThis player plays Audio Discs including CD-R/ CD-RW,and MP3 CD.Do not try to playa CD-ROM,CD-I,CDV,VCD,DVD orcomputer CD.IMPORT ANT!•CDs encoded with copyright protection technologies by some record companiesmay be unplayable by this product.•For a disc with CD Audio tracks and MP3 files,only the CD Audio trackswill be played.•This player does not support UDF for-mat CD.1Lift the CD door at LIFT TO OPEN.Insert a CD with the printed facing up andpress the CD door gently.2Push the Source selector slider to CD.➜ The display lights up blue,and ---isdisplayed as the player scans the contentsof a disc.Then,Audio CD:total number of tracks appearsMP3:total number of file folders appears.(Note:only MP3 files can be played)3Press 2/;to start playback.➜ Audio CD:current track number appearsMP3:The display shows current albumnumber briefly,then a track num-ber in the album (see 5,6)4T o pause playback,press PLAY/PAUSE2/;. Press PLAY/PAUSE2/;again toresume play..5T o stop playback,press STOP/BAND 9.Helpful hints:CD play will also stop when:– the CD door is opened– the CD has reached the end– you select tuner or tape source.Selecting a different track•Press SEARCH∞or§once or repeated-ly until the desired track number appears inthe display.For MP3:first press ALBUM/PRESET -/+to find your album.•In the pause/stop position,press2/;to startplayback.Finding a passage within a track1During playback,press and hold∞or§.➜The CD is played at high speed and lowvolume.2When you recognize the passage you want,release∞or§to resume normal playback.Different play modes:RANDOM andREPEAT(see 7–9)RANDOM – tracks of the entire disc areplayed in random orderplays the current track continu-ouslyREPEAT ALL – repeats the entire disc/ pro-grammeFor MP3 only:REPEAT ALBUM– all tracks of current albumplay repeatedly.1T o select play mode,press MODE once ormore.For RANDOM:select the mode beforeplayback2Press PLAY/PAUSE 2/;to start playback.if in the stop position.3T o select normal playback,press MODErepeatedly until the various modes are nolonger displayed.Helpful hints:In shuffle mode,press∞to go tothe beginning of current track.Programming track numbersY ou may store up to 20 tracks in the desiredsequence.If you like,store any track morethan once.For Audio CD:1In the stop position,press PROG to acti-vate programming.➜ Display:MEMORY and 00flash.2Press ∞or §to select your desired tracknumber.➜Display:MEMORY and your desired tracknumber flash.3Press PROG to store the desired tracknumber.➜Display:MEMORY and 00flash for youto programme the next track.4Repeat steps 2 to 3to select and store alldesired tracks in this way.➜Display shows --after 20 tracks arestoredFor MP3:1In the stop position,press PROG to acti-vate programming.➜ Display:ALBUM and current album num-ber➜ Then,MEMORY and 000flash.2If necessary,press ALBUM/PRESET -/+ toselect another album➜ Display:ALBUM and selected album num-ber (see 0)➜ Then,MEMORY and 001flash (see !)3Press ∞or §to select your desired tracknumber.➜Display:MEMORY and the selected tracknumber in current album4Press PROG to store the desired tracknumber.➜Display:MEMORY and 000flash foryou to programme the next track (see@)5Repeat steps 2 to 4to select and store alldesired tracks in this way.➜Display shows --after 20 tracks arestored.6T o play your programme,press 2/;.Helpful hints:– When playback of your programmecomes to the stop position,your set willreturn to normal playback.To re-enterprogram mode,press PROG/MEMORYin the stop position.– When the programme or RANDOM mode is active,use of the ALBUM/PRESET -/+keys are void.CD/MP3 PlayerCD/MP3 Player Cassette RecorderReviewing the programmeIn the stop position,press PROG repeatedly to see your stored tracknumbers.➜Audio CD:a stored track numberappearsMP3:ALBUM and an album numberappear,then a stored track number in thealbum is displayed– only track number appears if in thesame albumErasing the programmeY ou can erase the contents of the memoryby:– selecting TUNER or TAPE soundsource;– opening the disc door;– in the stop position,press PROG toenter program mode and then,press9.Cassette playback1Push the Source selector slider to TAPE 2Press STOP•EJECT9/to open the cassette holder and insert a cassette andclose the deck.3Press PLAY 1to start playback.➜ Display lights up blue and shows TAPE throughout tape operation.4T o pause playback press PAUSE ;.T o resume,press the key again.5By pressing F.FWD/REW 5 or6,fast forwading/ rewinding of the tape is pos-sible in both directions.T o stop fast winding, press 9//.6T o stop the tape,press 9//.Helpful hints:–During playback,the keys are automatically released at the end of a tape and the set isswitched off (unless PAUSE ;mode has been activated.)–During fast forwarding/rewinding,the keys willnot be released at the end of a tape.To switchoff the set,make sure the cassette keys arealso released.General information on recording•Recording is permissible insofar as copyrightor.other rights of third parties are notinfringed.•For recording,use only NORMAL type cas-settes (IEC type I) on which the tabs havenot yet been broken.This deck is not suitedfor recording on CHROME (IEC II)orMETAL (IEC IV) type cassettes.•The best recording level is set automatically.Altering the VOLUME or DBB will notaffect the recording.•T o protect a tape from accidental erasure,break out the tabs.If you wish to recordagain,cover the tabs with a piece of adhesivetape.Recording from the CD Player1Select CD source.2Insert a CD and if desired,program tracknumbers.3Press 9//to open the cassette holder.Insert a blank tape and close the deck.4Press REC 0to start recording.5Press PLAY/PAUSE2;on the set to startCD playback.6For brief interruptions press ;.T o resumerecording,press ;again.7T o stop recording,press 9//.Recording from the Radio1Select TUNER source.2T une to the desired radio station (seeT uning to radio stations).3Follows steps 3,4,6,7 under Recordingfrom the CD Player.Maintenance & safety (see#)CD player and CD handling•If the CD player cannot read CDs correctly,use a cleaning CD to clean the lens beforetaking the set to repair.•The lens of the CD player should never betouched!•Sudden changes in the surroundingtemperature can cause condensation on thelens of your CD player.Playing a CD is thennot possible.Do not attempt to clean thelens but leave the set in a warm environ-ment until the moisture evaporates.•Always close the CD-tape door to avoiddust on the lens.•T o clean the CD,wipe in a straight line fromthe center towards the edge using a soft,lint-free cloth.Do not use cleaning agents asthey may damage the disc.•Never write on a CD or attach any stickersto it.T ape deck maintenanceT o ensure quality recording and playback ofthe tape deck,clean parts A,B and C asshown,once a e a cotton budslightly moistened with alcohol or a specialhead cleaning fluid to clean the deck.1Open the cassette holder by pressing 9/.2Press1and clean the roller C.3Press ;and clean the heads A,and thecapstan B.4After cleaning,press 9/.➜Cleaning of the heads can also be doneby playing a cleaning cassette throughonce.Safety information•Place the set on a flat,hard and stable sur-face so that the system does not tilt.•Do not expose the set,batteries,CDs tohumidity,rain,sand or excessive heat causedby heating equipment or direct sunlight.•The apparatus shall not be exposed to drip-ping or splashing.•Adequate ventilation with a minimum gap of15cm (6 inches) between the ventilationholes and surrounding surfaces is necessaryto prevent heat build-up.•Do not cover the ventilation openings withitems such as newspapers,table-cloths,cur-tains,etc.•No objects filled with liquids,such as vases,shall be placed on the apparatus.•No naked flame sources,such as lighted can-dles,should be placed on the apparatus.•The mechanical parts of the set containself-lubricating bearings and must not beoiled or lubricated.•T o clean the set,use a dry cloth.Do not useany cleaning agents containing alcohol,ammonia,benzene or abrasives as these mayharm the housing.CAUTIONUse of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than hereinmay result in hazardous radiation exposure or other unsafe operation.T roubleshootingIf a fault occurs,first check the points listed below before taking the set for repair.If you are unable to remedy a problem by following these hints,consult your dealer or service centre.WARNING:Do not open the set as there is a risk of electric shock.Under nocircumstances should you try to repair the set yourself,as this willinvalidate the guarantee.Environmental informationAll unnecessary packaging material has been omitted.The packaging can be easily separat-ed into three materials:cardboard,polystyrene and plastic.Y our set consists of materials which can be recycled if disassembled by aspecialized company.Please observe the local regulations regarding thedisposal of packaging,dead batteries and old equipment.。



Strategy, Balanced Scorecard, and13Strategic Profitability AnalysisI. LEARNING OBJECTIVES1.Recognize which of two generic strategies a company is using2.Understand what comprises reengineering3.Describe the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard4.Analyze changes in operating income to evaluate strategy5.Distinguish engineered costs from discretionary costs6.Identify unused capacity and how to manage itII. CHAPTER SYNOPSISChapter 13 explores the role of strategy in long-range planning, focusing on the two generic strategies of product differentiation and cost leadership.The balanced scorecard is discussed as a method for implementing and evaluating strategies. The fourperspectives of the balanced scorecard—financial, customer service, internal processes, and learning and growth are discussed.Engineered and discretionary costs are defined and distinguished. Capacity utilization is discussed, with a focus on managing unused capacity.III. CHAPTER OUTLINE1Recognize which of two generic strategies acompany is using. . . product differentiation or cost leadership1.1Strategy specifies how an organization matches its own capabilities with the opportunities in themarketplace to accomplish its objectives.1.2An organization must create value for its customers, but must differentiate itself from its competitors.How does an organization differentiate itself from its competition?How does this differentiation create value for the customer?Example: A company may be a low-price leader. By charging the lowest price, it isdifferentiating itself from others. By giving the customer a lower price, it is creating valuefor the customer. However, can it do this and meet its profit goals?1.3In formulating its strategy, the organization must understand the industry in which it operates. Industryanalysis focuses on five factors:•Competitors. Who are your competitors? What are their characteristics?•Potential entrants into the market. Is your industry one in which there is easy entry or are there barriers to entry?•Equivalent products. Are there substitute products for yours? For example, if you manufacture paper cups, you are also competing with manufacturers of plastic and styrofoam cups.•Bargaining power of customers. Can your product be obtained elsewhere? Do you have a few customers who purchase large quantities?•Bargaining power of suppliers. Are there limited sources for your raw materials? Are there onlya few potential companies from which you may purchase supplies?1.4In setting its strategic direction, one choice available to organizations is product differentiation. This isthe organization’s ability to offer products or services perceived by customers as superior and unique tothose offered by competitors.1.5 A second strategic choice for organizations is cost leadership.Under this approach an organization’sability to achieve lower costs relative to competitors through productivity and efficiency improvements,elimination of waste, and tight cost control give it a competitive advantage.Refer to Quiz Question 12Understand what comprises reengineering. . . redesigning business processes to improveperformance by reducing cost and improvingquality2.1 Reengineering is the basic rethinking and redesign of business processes to achieve improvements incritical measures of performance—cost, quality, service, speed, and customer satisfaction.2.2 A company would utilize the reengineering process as a key element of cost leadership strategy, as itsfocus is in that direction.2.3 Companies that have successfully undertaken reengineering have found the most benefits when theprocess cuts across function lines and focuses on the entire business process. Stated another way,reengineering involves every aspect of the company. A piece-meal process will not work.Refer to Quiz Questions 2 and 33Describe the four perspectives of the balancedscorecard. . . financial, customer, internal business process,learning and growth3.1 The balanced scorecard translates an organization’s mission and strategy into a set of performancemeasures that provides the framework for implementing its strategy.3.2 It is called the balanced scorecard as it attempts to balance financial and nonfinancial performancemeasures to evaluate short-run and long-run performance in a single report.3.3 In any organization, managers will respond to the measure used to evaluate their performance. This oftenresults in an over-emphasis on this performance measure. The balanced scorecard can overcome this by utilizing a set of related performance measures.3.4The balanced scorecard measures the performance of an organization from four perspectives:•Financial perspective. This perspective evaluates the profitability of the company’s strategy.•Customer perspective. This perspective identifies targeted customer and market segments and measures success in these segments.•Internal-business-process perspective. This perspective focuses on internal operations that create value for customers. This perspective includes three subprocesses:o Innovation process: Creating products, services, and processes that will meet the needs of customerso Operations process: Producing and delivering existing products and services that will meet the needs of the customero Postsales-service process: Providing service and support to the customer after the sale ofa product or service•Learning-and-growth perspective. This perspective identifies the capabilities at which the organization must excel in order to improve the internal processes that create value.(Exhibit 13-2 presents a balanced scorecard for Chipset.)3.5Implementing a balanced scorecard is a company-wide effort with commitment and leadership from topmanagement an absolute requirement. Without such support, it will not succeed.3.6Another important aspect of the balanced scorecard is that it must be aligned with strategy. Thecomposition of any particular balanced scorecard will depend on the strategy adopted by the organization.3.7There are several features that are characteristic of a good balanced scorecard.•It tells the story of a company’s strategy through a sequence of cause-and-effect relationships.•It communicates the strategy to all members of the organization by translatingstrategy into a coherent and linked set of measurable operational targets.•It motivates managers to take actions that eventually result in improvements in financial performance.The balanced scorecard helps achieve goal congruence. It rewards managers for takingactions that will increase the value of the company, thus maximizing the managers’ personalwealth.•It limits the number of measures, identifying only the most critical ones. By limiting the number of measures, management’s attention can be more focused.•It highlights less-than-optimal tradeoffs by forcing managers to consider operational and financial measures together.3.8Just as there are some features that are characteristic of a good balanced scorecard, there are some pitfallsthat should be avoided.•Do not assume the cause-and-effect linkages are precise. They are hypotheses about how they interact. With experience, the company should be able to refine these linkages.•Do not seek improvements over all measures all of the time. Keep an eye on the long-run profit maximization.•Do not use only objective measures. Subjective measures such as customer and employee satisfaction ratings should be included.Be careful in using such measures as customer satisfaction ratings. One company set arather high goal for the percentage of positive comment cards returned. They fell far shortof the goal, as they failed to realize that dissatisfied customers tended to turn in the cards.Unless a customer was extremely pleased, they would not normally complete a commentcard.•Do not ignore nonfinancial measures when evaluating managers and other employees. Managers will focus on what measures their performance, so exclusion of these measures will mean thatmanagers give them less importance.3.9 Finally, the company must evaluate the success of its strategy and implementation of the balancedscorecard. This is done by comparing the target and actual performance columns in the scorecard.4LEARNINGOBJECTIVEAnalyze changes in operating income to evaluatestrategy. . . growth, price recovery, and productivity4.1 The income statement will tell a company the dollar amount of its change in operating income. However,in order to evaluate the success of its strategy, that change in operating income must be analyzed, asking “What caused the change?”4.2 There are three factors that create changes in operating income:•The growth component measures the change in operating income attributable solely to the change in the number of units sold.o The growth component can be broken down into two categories:➢The revenue effect of growth measures the change in revenues due to a changein the number of units sold.➢The cost effect of growth measures how much costs would have changed basedon current year output at prior year input costs. This is also broken down intofixed and variable components.•The price-recovery component measures the change in operating income attributable to change in the prices of inputs and outputs.o The price-recovery component can also be broken down into the revenue and the cost effect categories.➢The revenue effect of price recovery measures the change in operating incomeresulting from a change in the selling price from the prior year.➢The cost effect of price recovery measures the change in operating income dueto changes in variable or fixed costs of inputs..•The productivity component measures the change in costs attributable to changes in the quantity of inputs. This measures the efficiency in the use of inputs.o The productivity component uses current input prices to measure how costs have changed as a result of using more/fewer inputs, a change in the mix of inputs, or change incapacity utilized to produce current output compared with prior year inputs and capacity.4.3 In addition to the growth, price-recovery, and productivity component, further analysis is needed. Thecompany’s change in operating income may be the result of a change in market size or other favorable economic conditions.4.4 If the growth came as a result of a price leadership strategy, the change in operating income from costleadership should include the productivity gain, change in operating income from productivity-relatedgrowth, and any decrease in operating income from lowering prices.(Exhibit 13-5 illustrates a Strategic Analysis of Profitability.)Bugos Company makes a household appliance with model number XX300. The goal for 20X4 is to reduce direct materials usage per unit. No defective units are currently produced. Manufacturing conversion costs depend on production capacity defined in terms of XX300 units that can be produced. The industry market size for appliances increased 5% from 20X3 to 20X4. The following additional data are available for 20X3 and 20X4:20X3 20X4Units of XX300 produced and sold 10,000 10,500Selling price $100 $95Direct materials (square feet) 30,000 29,000Direct material costs per square foot $10 $11Manufacturing capacity for XX300 (units) 12,500 12,000Total conversion costs $250,000 $240,000Conversion costs per unit of capacity $20 $201) W hat is the revenue effect of the growth component?A) $2,500 UB) $52,500 UC) $47,500 FD) $50,000 FAnswer: DExplanation: D) (10,500 - 10,000) × $100 = $50,000 FDiff: 2Terms: g rowth componentObjective: 4AACSB: Analytical skills2) W hat is the cost effect of the growth component for direct materials?A) $15,000 UB) $10,000 UC) $10,000 FD) $16,500 FAnswer: AExplanation: A) 30,000 × 10,500/10,000 = 31,500; (31,500 - 30,000) × $10 = $15,000 UDiff: 3Terms: g rowth componentObjective: 4AACSB: Analytical skills3) W hat is the cost effect of the growth component for conversion costs?A) $12,500 UB) Z eroC) $10,000 UD) $10,000 FAnswer: BExplanation: B) (12,500 - 12,500) × $20 = ZeroDiff: 3Terms: g rowth componentObjective: 4AACSB: Analytical skills4)4) What is the net effect on operating income as a result of the growth component?A) O perating income increased due to increased market share.B) O perating income decreased due to increased market share.C) O perating income increased due to industry growth.D) O perating income decreased due to industry growth.Answer: CExplanation: C) (10,500 - 10,000) × $100 = $50,000 F30,000 × 10,500/10,000 = 31,500; (31,500 - 30,000) × $10 = $15,000 U$50,000 F + $15,000 U + Zero = $35,000 F increase due to 5% industry growth Diff: 3Terms: g rowth componentObjective: 45Distinguish engineering costs. . . a cause-and effect relationship exists betweenoutput produced and costs incurredfrom discretionary costs. . . no cause-and-effect relationship exists betweenoutput produced and costs incurred5.1 Fixed costs, as we have seen, are tied to capacity. In order to manage fixed costs,unused capacity must be measured and managed.5.2 Unused capacity is defined as the amount of productive capacity available overand above the capacity used to produce current output.5.3 An understanding of unused capacity requires distinguishing between engineeredand discretionary costs.5.4 Engineered costs results from a cause-and-effect relationship between output(the cost driver) and (direct or indirect) resources used to produce the output.An engineered cost is one in which the “right” amount can bedetermined. For example, a company manufacturing tablesknows that each table requires four legs. If the cost of a tableleg is $5, then the engineered cost of legs for one table is $20.The table does not need five legs; if it has three legs, it will fallover.5.5 Discretionary costs arise from periodic decisions regarding the amount to beincurred and have no cause-and-effect relationship between output and resources used. There is often a delay in the incurring of a discretionary cost and its use.Examples of discretionary costs include advertising, training, research anddevelopment, and public relations.TEACHING POINT. A company does not know, for example,the correct amount to spend on advertising. The decision onthe advertising budget is made at the beginning of the year andis not tied to units of output. Only in retrospect canmanagement determine if the decision on the amount ofadvertising was a good one.(Exhibit 13-6 lists differences between engineered anddiscretionary costs.)172Refer to Quiz Question 9 Problem 13-376Identify unused capacity. . . capacity available minus capacity usedand how to manage it. . . downsize to reduce capacity6.1 Having defined unused capacity, it is imperative that the company identify anyunused capacity. For engineered conversion costs, capacity can be added orreduced in increments to provide the desired amount of capacity. This is not adifficult task due to the existing cause-and-effect relationship.6.2 Identifying unused capacity for discretionary costs is more problematic due to theabsence of a cause-and-effect relationship.6.3 When excess capacity is identified, it can be eliminated through downsizing(also called rightsizing). This is an integrated approach of configuring processes,products, and people to match costs to the activities that need to be performed foreffective and efficient operations.(Exhibit 13-7 graphically displays engineered costs and unusedcapacity at Chipset.)(Exhibit 13-8 compares Chipset’s product ivity in 2008 and2009.)Refer to Quiz Question 10 Exercises 13-25 and 13-29APPENDIX: PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTA.1 Productivity measures the relationship between actual inputs used and actualoutputs produced. The lower the inputs for a given quantity of outputs, the higherthe productivity.A.2 The most frequently used productivity measure is referred to as partialproductivity. It expresses productivity as a ratio:Partial productivity = Quantity of output produced/Quantity of input usedA.3 Total factor productivity is the ratio of the quantity of output produced dividedby the costs of all inputs based upon current period prices:Total factor productivity = Quantity of output produced/costs of all inputs used Refer to Quiz Question 11 Problems13-38 and 13-39CHAPTER 13 QUIZ1.Which of the following are two generic strategies described in the text that a companycan use?a.Growth and product differentiationb.Price recovery and growthc.Product differentiation and cost leadershipd.Cost leadership and price recovery2.Reengineering is a key element ina.cost leadership strategy.b.price-recovery strategy.c.product-differentiation strategy.d.productivity measures.3.Which of the following is the most critical key aspect of a successful reengineeringprocess?a.Eliminating unnecessary activities and tasksb.Developing employee skillsc.Changing roles and responsibilitiesd.Working across functional lines to focus on the entire business process.4.The balanced scorecard gets its name froma.an attempt to provide short-run financial results with long-run financial strategies.b.an attempt to balance product quality and cost reduction.c.an attempt to match a company’s own capabilities with the opportunities in themarketplace to accomplish an overall objective.d.an attempt to balance financial and nonfinancial performance measures toevaluate both short-run and long-run performance in a single report.5.Creating value for customers describes which one of the four perspectives of the balancedscorecard?a.Financial perspectiveb.Customer perspectivec.Internal business process perspectived.Learning and growth perspective6.The analysis used for evaluating the success of a strategy through changes in operatingincome components uses actual results of the current year compared toa.budgeted results for the current year.b.actual results for the previous year.c.target amounts for the current year.d.budgeted results for the previous year.7.The growth in market share is used in calculating the net income effecta.of industry growth.b.of product differentiation.c.of cost leadership.d. of either cost leadership or product differentiation, depending upon the strategychosen.8. The following strategic analysis of profitability was prepared for the Corum Company:Revenue and Revenue andIncome Cost Effects Cost Effects of Cost Effect of IncomeStatement of Growth Price-Recovery Productivity StatementAmounts Component Component Component Amountsin 2008 in 2009 in 2009 in 2009 in 2009(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)Revenues $300,000 $40,000 F $85,000 F $425,000 Costs 240,000 24,000 U 34,000 U $8,000 U 306,000 Operating income $ 60,000 $ 16,000 F $51,000 F $ 8,000 U$ 119,000The market growth rate in the industry was 9% in 2009. Sales in 2009 were 17,000 units at $25 each. Corum sold 15,000 units at a unit-selling price of $20 in 2008.The effect of the industry market size factor for Corum Company in 2009 wasa. $5,200.b. $10,800.c. $12,240.d. $13,500.9. A discretionary cost can best be described by which of the following statements?a.The level of uncertainty of deviations of actual amounts from expected results isgreater for discretionary costs than for engineered costs.b.Discretionary costs result from cause-and-effect relationships between outputsand inputs.c.Discretionary costs are added to or subtracted from in a step fashion.d.Discretionary costs are variable costs incurred in relation to capacity issues.10.Many companies have tried to downsize in an attempt to eliminatea.inefficiencies and waste associated with nonvalue-added costs.b.their unused capacity.c.costs associated with both direct and indirect labor.d.costs through using information technology.CHAPTER 13 QUIZ SOLUTIONS1. c2. a3. d4. d5. c6. b7. d8. b9. a10. b11. bQuiz QuestionCalculations8.15,000 units sold in 2008 ⨯ 9% growth = 1,350 unit increase due to market size growth17,000 – 15,000 = 2,000 increase in unit sales$16,000 ⨯ 1,350 / 2000 = $10,800。

Wheelock E系列墙面和天花板扬声器及扬声器闪光灯说明说明书

Wheelock E系列墙面和天花板扬声器及扬声器闪光灯说明说明书

DescriptionThe Wheelock E70 wall and E90 ceiling speakers and speaker strobes are designed for high efficiency sound output for indoor applications. The E product line features intelligible communications with crisp, clear voice messages and tone signaling, ideal for mass notification, and voice evacuation.Providing a sleek aesthetic appearance, the Wheelock Series E speaker strobes feature dual voltage (25/70 VRMS) capability and field selectable taps from 1/8 to 2 watts. The low profile design incorporates a speaker mounting plate for faster and easierinstallation. Each model has a built-in level adjustment feature and an aesthetic two (2) screw grille cover.For visible signaling to meet the hearing impaired, the E Speaker Strobe models incorporate the Low Current draw RSS Strobes. Strobe options for wall mount models include 1575 or Wheelock patented MCW multi-candela strobe with field selectable candela settings of 15/30/75/110cd or the high intensity MCWH strobe with field selectable 135/185cd.Ceiling mount models are available in Wheelock patented MCC multi-candela ceiling strobe with field selectable intensities of 15/30/75/95cd or the high intensity MCCH strobe with field selectable 115/177cd.The strobe portion of all E speaker strobes may be synchronized when used in conjunction with the Wheelock DSM Sync Modules, Wheelock Power Supplies or other manufacturers panelsincorporating the Wheelock Patented Sync Protocol. Wheelock synchronized strobes offer an easy way to comply with ADA recommendations concerning photosensitive epilepsyThe E speakers are UL listed under 1480 (Speaker Appliances) and ULC listed under CAN/ULC-S541 (Speakers, Fire Alarm). The E speaker strobes are UL listed for indoor use under Standard 1971 (Signaling Devices for the Hearing-Impaired), Standard 1638 (Visible Signal Appliances), and Standard 1480 (Speaker Appliances); and ULC listed under CAN/ULC-S526 (Visible Signal Appliances, Fire Alarm) and under CAN/ULC-S541 (Speakers, Fire Alarm). In addition, the strobes shall be certified to meet the requirements of FCC Part 15, Class A. All inputs employ IN/OUT wiring terminals for fast installation using #12 to #18 AWG wiring.Wheelock E70 & E90 Speakers &Speaker Strobes2Technical Data TD450024ENEffective August 2022Wheelock E70 & E90Speakers & Speaker StrobesEATON Features•• E •• W ••• ••Easy-to-Install• •Built •• • ••• •Compliance• • • • •ote: N Figure 1. E70 (top) and E90 (bottom) Speakers - Front & Side ViewsFigure 2. E70 (top) and E90 (bottom) Speaker Strobes - Front & Side ViewsGeneral Notes•Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second minimum over their “Regulated Voltage Range.” Note that NFPA-72 specifies a flash rate of 1 to 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a flash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second.•All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL 1971.3Technical Data TD450024ENEffective August 2022Wheelock E70 & E90Speakers & Speaker StrobesEATON UL Max Current a24MCW/24MCC 24MCWH/24MCCHModelRegulated Voltage Range VDC15307595110115135177185E7016.0-33.00.0600.0920.1650.2200.3000.420E9016.0-33.00.0650.1050.1890.2490.3000.420Table 2. Speaker sound pressure levelUL Reverberant dBA at 10 Feet/ Anechoic dBA at 10 Ft per ULC-S541 bSetting1/8 watts c1/4 watts 1/2 watts 1 watts 2 watts25 or 70.7 Vms 7578818487Table 3. Specification & ordering InformationModelOrder #Strobe CandelaRedWhiteLetteringWallCeilingMounting OptionsSync w/ DSM orWheelock Power SuppliesSpeakers E70-R E70-W E90-R E90-W98659866 98759876X XX XNo Lettering No Lettering No Lettering No LetteringX XX XP , Q P , Q P , Q P , QSpeaker Strobes E70-24MCW-FR E70-24MCW-FW E70-24MCW-NW E70-24MCW-ALR E70-24MCW-ALW E70-24MCWH-FR E70-24MCWH-FW E70-24MCWH-ALW E70-24MCC-ALR E70-24MCC-ALW E70-24MCC-NW E90-24MCC-FR E90-24MCC-FW E90-24MCC-NW E90-24MCC-ALW E90-24MCC-ALR E90-24MCCH-FR E90-24MCCH-FW E90-24MCCH-ALR E90-24MCCH-ALW E90-24MCCH-NW01830184 974841234124018501864456430858381000019101923181418943090194019309802975297415/30/75/110 15/30/75/110 15/30/75/11015/30/75/11015/30/75/110135/185135/185135/18515/30/75/9515/30/75/9515/30/75/9515/30/75/9515/30/75/9515/30/75/9515/30/75/9515/30/75/95115/177115/177115/177115/177115/177X X X X XX X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XFIRE FIRENo Lettering ALERT ALERT FIRE FIRE ALERT ALERT ALERTNo Lettering FIRE FIRENo Lettering ALERT ALERT FIRE FIRE ALERT ALERTNo LetteringX X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X XP , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q P , Q X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Xa RMS current ratings are per UL maximum RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for 24v units). For strobes theUL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions.b dBA ratings are based on testing under UL Standard 1480 and ULC-S541.c 1/8 watt tap is for private mode only.Table 1. Maximum RMS currentote: N Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Cooper Wheelock Inc., dba Eaton standard terms and conditions.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Wheelock E70 & E90 Speakers & Speaker StrobesEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States EatonLife safety & mass notification solutions 273 Branchport Ave.Long Branch, NJ 07740/Lifesafetynotification © 2022 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. TD450024EN August 2022Technical Data TD450024ENEffective August 2022The speaker appliances shall be Wheelock E70 or E90 speakers and speaker strobe appliances or approved equals. The speakers shall be listed under UL 1480 for Fire Protective Service and CAN/ULC-S541 for Speakers, Fire Alarm, and speakers equipped with strobes shall be listed under UL Standard 1638 (Visible Signal Appliances), UL 1971 for Emergency Devices for the Hearing-Impaired, and CAN/ULC-S526 for Visible Signal Appliances, Fire Alarm. In addition, the strobes shall be certified to meet the requirements of FCC Part 15, Class A.All speakers shall be designed for a field selectable input of either 25 or 70 VRMS, with selectable power taps from 1/8 watt to 2 watts. All models shall have listed sound output of up to 87 dB at 10 feet and a listed frequency response of 400 to 4000 Hz. The speaker shall also incorporate a sealed back construction. All inputs shall employ terminals that accept #12 to #18 AWG wire sizes. The strobe portion of the appliance shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Voltage Range. The strobe shall be of low current design. Where Multi-Candela Speaker Strobes are specified, the strobe intensity shall have field selectable settings and shall be rated per UL 1971 at 15/30/75/110cd or 135/185cd for wall mount and 15/30/75/95cd or 115/177cd for ceiling mount. The selector switch for selecting the candela shall be tamper resistant.When synchronization is required, the strobe portion of the appliance shall be compatible with Wheelock DSM sync modules, Wheelock Power Supplies or other manufacturers panels incorporating the Wheelock Patented Sync Protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. If the sync module or Power Supply fails to operate, (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobe shall revert to a non-synchronized flash rate.The speaker and speaker strobe appliances shall be designed for indoor surface or flush mounting. The speaker and speaker strobe shall incorporate a speaker mounting plate with a grille cover which is secured with two screws for a level, aesthetic finish and shall mount to standard electrical hardware requiring no additional trimplate or adapter.The finish of the Series E speakers and strobe speakers shall be red or white.All speaker and speaker strobe appliances shall be backward compatible.UL, ULC, CSFM, FCC.WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION3 YEAR WARRANTYArchitects and Engineers SpecificationsTable 4. Specifications Physical Material Red or white textured UV stabilized, colored impregnated engineered plastic. Exceeds 94V-0 UL flammability rating. Weight E70 Speaker: 1.7 lbs (0.77 kg); E70 Speaker Strobe 1.8 lbs (0.82kg); E90 Speaker: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg); E90 Speaker Strobe 1.6 lbs (0.73 kg)LensGE Lexan 943ADimensionsE70 Speaker: 5.13” W x 5.13” H x 0.43”D; E70 Speaker Strobe: 5.13” W x 5.13” H x 2.56”D; E90 Speaker: 7.27” Diameter x 0.43” D; E90 Speaker Strobe: 7.327 Diameter x 2.68” DOperating TemperatureIndoor: 33.8°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) and maximum humidity of 93%Mounting & Wire Connections Mounting (indoor only)4”square backbox with extension ring prevents wire damage; SBB for surface mount of E70Wire Connections #12 through #18 AWGPower & General Operating voltage 25/70 VRMSStrobe Output Rating UL 1638, UL 1971, CAN/ULC-S526Strobe Flash RateStrobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per secondSynchronization Models Strobes can be synchronized with Wheelock’s DSM Sync Modules, Power Supplies or SAFEPATH products, using Wheelock patented sync protocol Frequency Range400 Hz to 4000 Hz。

3000i Series空气净化器说明书

3000i Series空气净化器说明书

3000i SeriesPurifies rooms up to 135 m²520 m³/h clean air rate (CADR) HEPA & Active Carbon filter Connected with CleanHome+ appAC3033/30Purifies the air in less than 6 min (1) 99.9% virus, allergen and pollutant removal (3,4,7)With just one push of a button, the air purifier filters the invisible viruses, allergens or pollutants in your home, to keep it clean and safe. It purifies quickly andeffectively, thanks to its clean air delivery rate (CADR) of 520 m³/h.Superior performanceHigh performance suitable for rooms of up to 135 m²HEPA filter captures 99.97% of particles of 0.003 micronsRemoves up to 99.9% of viruses and aerosols from the airSmart sensors for intelligent purificationThoroughly tested for quality you can trustSeamless operationSleep mode with ultra-quiet operationAuto-ambient lightingLow energy consumptionEffortless controlAir quality displayTrack and control with the appAuto mode and 4 x manual speed levelsSmart filter indicatorHighlightsHigh performance360° airflow intake effectively covers rooms up to 135 m ² and distributes clean air in every corner of the room. This boosts performance to 520 m ³/hr (2) CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate).It cleans 20 m ² in only 6 min. (1)99.97% particle removal3-layer filtration with NanoProtect HEPA,active carbon filter and pre-filter captures 99.97% of ultra-fine particles as small as0.003 microns (4), so you are safe from PM2.5,bacteria, pollen, dust, pet dander, gas and other pollutants (7). Certified by the European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation.Up to 99.9% virus removalCaptures aerosols including those which may contain respiratory viruses. Testedindependently by airmid health-group to remove up to 99.9% of viruses and aerosols from the air (3). Also tested for coronavirus (5).Intelligent sensorsScans the air 1000x a second to detect ultra fine-particles. Reports the air quality in real time, and intelligently chooses the right speed for your home (in auto mode).Quality you can trustPhilips purifiers go through 170 mandatory and strict inspection tests before being released from the factory. They are subjected to rigorous life and durability tests, for continuous operation 24/7.Ultra-quiet operationIn Sleep mode, display lights are dimmed, and the purifier operates in near silence for clean air while you sleep. Certified by Quiet Mark.Auto-ambient lightingThe display light automatically adjusts according to the environment in your room,giving you all the benefits without any of the disturbance.Low energy consumptionThanks to its energy efficient design, the air purifier runs at max. 55 W power. This is equivalent to one standard light bulb.Air quality displaySee the real-time air quality in your home at a glance. The display shows the level ofallergens, gases and PM2.5 in numerical form,as well as with an intuitive colour ring.SpecificationsPerformanceCADR (Particle, GB/T): 520 m³/hrRoom size (NRCC): Up to 135 m²Air quality sensor(s): PM2.5 particle, Gas Filtration: HEPA, Active Carbon, Prefilter Particle filtration: 99.97% at 0.003 microns Allergens filtration: 99.99%Virus & aerosol filtration: 99.9%UsabilityMin. sound level (Sleep mode): 34 dB Max. sound level (Turbo mode): 66 dB Automatic modeSleep modeManual speed settings: 4 (Sleep, Speed 1, 2, Turbo)Air quality feedback: Colour ring, numericalAuto-ambient lightCord length: 1.8 mEnergy efficiencyMax. power consumption: 55 WStand-by power consumption: < 2 WVoltage: 230 VConnectivityApp, connects via Wi-Fi: Clean Home+Smartphone compatibility: iPhone andAndroid devicesVoice control: Alexa, Google Home (7)Weight and dimensionsWeight: 8.2 kgDimensions (L*W*H): 290*290*645Colour(s): White, Light greyMaintenanceRecommended filter change: 3 years (6)Replacement filter: FY3430/30Service: 2-year worldwide guarantee* (1)From the air that passes through the filter, it is atheoretical time for one-time cleaning calculated bydividing its CADR 520 m³/h by the room size of 48 m³(assuming the room is 20 m² in floor area and 2.4 m inheight).* (2)CADR is tested by a certified third party lab,according GB/T18801-2015. Following improvements inour testing method and production quality control, weupgraded the CADR values of our products.* *If you buy a product where this info is not updated onthe box yet, rest assured that the product performs atthe higher specification mentioned online.* (3) Microbial Reduction Rate Test conducted at AirmidHealth group Ltd. tested in a 28.5-m³ test chambercontaminated with airborne influenza A(H1N1).* An air purifier by itself does not protect against Covid-19, but can be part of a plan to protect yourself andyour family (US Environmental Protection Agency)* (4)From the air that passes through the filter, testedwith NaCl aerosol by iUTA according to DIN71460-1.* (5)Microbial Reduction Rate Test at external lab, in atest chamber contaminated with avian coronavirus (IBV)aerosols, with Philips HEPA NanoProtect filter.* (6)The recommended service life for the device is basedon a theoretical calculation of the average annualregional values of harmful air particles outdoors anddaily use of the air purifier for 16 hours in automaticmode.* (7)Tested on the filter media for 1 pass efficiency at5.33cm/s air flow, by a third party lab./From the air thatpasses through the filter, tested to JISB 9908-2015* (8)Alexa and Google Home availability depends onyour location© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑05‑12 Version: 13.0.1EAN: 08 71010 39231 90 。

13ch12.2 航空天气预报-缩写明语解析

13ch12.2 航空天气预报-缩写明语解析

空中交通服务单位的地名代码 第一组 服务于重要气象情报 涉及的飞行情报区或管制区域 服务的空中交通服务单位的地 名代码。 YUCC 飞行情报区(或管制区 域)空中交通服务单位
重要气象情报往往采 用航行通告的方式
(一)重要气象情报(SIGMET) (二)低空区域预报(GAMET) (三)低空重要气象情报(AIRMET)
(一)重要气象情报 (SIGMET)
及说明 3.重要气象情报举例
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Chapter 13桵anaging the Systems Development Life CycleTRUE/FALSE1. The majority of the cost of a system is incurred in the new systems development phase of the lifecycle.ANS: F2. According to the text, a stakeholder is an end user of a system.ANS: F3. The objective of systems planning is to link systems projects to the strategic objectives of the firm.ANS: T4. The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) concept applies to specific applications and not tostrategic systems planning.ANS: F5. An accountant抯responsibility in the SDLC is to ensure that the system applies proper accountingconventions and rules and possesses adequate control.ANS: T6. In the conceptual design phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), task force membersare focused on selecting the new system design.ANS: F7. When determining the operational feasibility of a new system, the expected ease of transition from theold system to the new system should be considered.ANS: T8. One-time costs include operating and maintenance costs.ANS: F9. When preparing a cost-benefit analysis, design costs incurred in the systems planning, systemsanalysis and conceptual design phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle are relevant costs.ANS: F10. A tangible benefit can be measured and expressed in financial terms.ANS: T11. Instead of implementing an application in a single 揵ig-bang release, modern systems are deliveredin parts continuously and quicklyANS: T12. When the nature of the project and the needs of the user permit, most organizations will seek apre-coded commercial software package rather than develop a systems in-house.ANS: T13. All of the steps in the Systems Development Life Cycle apply to software that is developed in-houseand to commercial software.ANS: F14. Mixing technologies from many vendors improves technical feasibility.ANS: F15. The first step in the SDLC is to develop a systems strategyANS: T16. System maintenance is often viewed as the first phase of a new development cycle.ANS: T17. Project initiation is the process by which systems proposals are assessed for consistency with thestrategic systems plan and evaluated in terms of their feasibility and cost-benefit characteristics.ANS: T18. When the nature of the project and the needs of the user permit, most organizations will create thesystem in-house rather than rely on a commercial package.ANS: F19. Existing (maintained) applications are the prototypes for their new versions.ANS: T20. Because of the robustness of modern technology, businesses today see infrequent changes in their ITsystems and much longer system life spans.ANS: FMULTIPLE CHOICE1. When studying the detailed feasibility of a new projecta. prototyping does not affect the schedule feasibility analysisb. the need for user training will influence the schedule feasibility analysisc. protection from fraud and errors will influence the schedule feasibility analysisd. a cost-benefit review will affect the schedule feasibility analysisANS: B2. Protection from inadvertent disclosures of confidential information is part of the detaileda. operational feasibility studyb. schedule feasibility studyc. legal feasibility studyd. economic feasibility studyANS: C3. A cost-benefit analysis is a part of the detaileda. operational feasibility studyb. schedule feasibility studyc. legal feasibility studyd. economic feasibility studyANS: D4. Examples of one-time costs include all of the following excepta. hardware acquisitionb. insurancec. site preparationd. programmingANS: B5. Examples of recurring costs includea. software acquisitionb. data conversionc. personnel costsd. systems designANS: C6. Site preparation costs include all of the following excepta. crane used to install equipmentb. freight chargesc. suppliesd. reinforcement of the building floorANS: C7. The testing of individual program modules is a part ofa. software acquisition costsb. systems design costsc. data conversion costsd. programming costsANS: D8. When implementing a new system, the costs associated with transferring data from one storagemedium to another is an example ofa. a recurring costb. a data conversion costc. a systems design costd. a programming costANS: B9. An example of a tangible benefit isa. increased customer satisfactionb. more current informationc. reduced inventoriesd. faster response to competitor actionsANS: C10. An example of an intangible benefit isa. expansion into other marketsb. reduction in supplies and overheadc. more efficient operationsd. reduced equipment maintenanceANS: C11. A tangible benefita. can be measured and expressed in financial termsb. might increase revenuesc. might decrease costsd. all of the aboveANS: D12. Intangible benefitsa. are easily measuredb. are of relatively little importance in making information system decisionsc. are sometimes estimated using customer satisfaction surveysd. when measured, do not lend themselves to manipulationANS: C13. Which technique is least likely to be used to quantify intangible benefits?a. opinion surveysb. simulation modelsc. professional judgmentd. review of accounting transaction dataANS: D14. The formal product of the systems evaluation and selection phase of the Systems Development LifeCycle isa. the report of systems analysisb. the systems selection reportc. the detailed system designd. the systems planANS: B15. One time costs include all of the following excepta. site preparationb. insurancec. programming and testingd. data conversionANS: B16. Recurring costs include all of the following excepta. data conversionb. software maintenancec. insuranced. suppliesANS: A17. All of the following are reasons why new systems fail excepta. the user is not involved in the development of the systemb. system requirements are not clearly specifiedc. systems analysts rely on prototyping modelsd. system development techniques are ineffectiveANS: C18. The systems steering committee is responsible for all of the following excepta. assigning prioritiesb. determining whether and when to terminate systems projectsc. analyzing the technical feasibility of the projectd. budgeting funds for systems developmentANS: C19. Strategic systems planning is important because the plana. provides authorization control for the Systems Development Life Cycleb. will eliminate any crisis component in systems developmentc. provides a static goal to be attained within a five-year periodd. all of the aboveANS: A20. Project feasibility includes all of the following excepta. technical feasibilityb. conceptual feasibilityc. operational feasibilityd. schedule feasibilityANS: B21. The degree of compatibility between the firm抯existing procedures and personnel skills and therequirements of the new system is calleda. technical feasibilityb. operational feasibilityc. schedule feasibilityd. legal feasibilityANS: B22. The ability of a system to protect individual privacy and confidentiality is an example ofa. schedule feasibilityb. operational feasibilityc. legal feasibilityd. economic feasibilityANS: C23. The systems project proposala. provides management with a basis for deciding whether or not to proceed with the projectb. supplies an input to the project planning activityc. links the objectives of the proposed system to the system抯scheduling requirementsd. prioritizes the proposal in relation to other system proposalsANS: A24. Which step is not used to evaluate a systems proposal? An analysis of the project抯a. feasibility factorsb. ability to eliminate nonessential activities and costsc. ability to provide a competitive advantage to the firmd. use of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools in developing the systemproposalANS: D25. Reasons that a new systems implementation may be unsuccessful include all of the following excepta. organizational restructuring required by the new system results in displaced workersb. end users do not understand the strategic merits of the new systemc. employees are not trained to use the systemd. system development team members include representatives from end-user departmentsANS: D26. Typically a systems analysisa. results in a formal project scheduleb. does not include a review of the current systemc. identifies user needs and specifies system requirementsd. is performed by the internal auditorANS: C27. A disadvantage of surveying the current system isa. it constrains the generation of ideas about the new systemb. it highlights elements of the current system that are worth preservingc. it pinpoints the causes of the current problemsd. all of the above are advantages of surveying the current systemANS: A28. Systems analysis involves all of the following excepta. gathering factsb. surveying the current systemc. redesigning bottleneck activitiesd. reviewing key documentsANS: C29. The systems analysis report does nota. identify user needsb. specify requirements for the new systemc. formally state the goals and objectives of the systemd. specify the system processing methodsANS: D30. After the systems analysis phase of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is complete, thecompany will have a formal systems analysis report ona. the conceptual design of the new systemb. an evaluation of the new systemc. users needs and requirements for the new systemd. a comparison of alternative implementation procedures for the new systemANS: C31. The accountant抯role in systems analysis includes all of the following excepta. specify audit trail requirementsb. prepare data gathering questionnairesc. suggest inclusion of advanced audit featuresd. ensure mandated procedures are part of the designANS: B32. The role of the steering committee includesa. designing the system outputsb. resolving conflicts that arise from a new systemc. selecting the programming techniques to be usedd. approving the accounting procedures to be implementedANS: B33. Project planning includes all of the following excepta. specifying system objectivesb. preparing a formal project proposalc. selecting hardware vendorsd. producing a project scheduleANS: C34. Aspects of project feasibility include all of the following excepta. technical feasibilityb. economic feasibilityc. logistic feasibilityd. schedule feasibilityANS: C35. Which of the following is not a tool of systems analysts?a. observationb. task participationc. audit reportsd. personal interviewsANS: C36. When developing the conceptual design of a system,a. all similarities and differences between competing systems are highlightedb. structure diagrams are commonly usedc. the format for input screens and source documents is decidedd. inputs, processes, and outputs that distinguish one alternative from another are identifiedANS: D37. The role of the accountant/internal auditor in the conceptual design phase of the Systems DevelopmentLife Cycle includes all of the following excepta. the accountant is responsible for designing the physical systemb. the accountant is responsible to ensure that audit trails are preservedc. the internal auditor is responsible to confirm that embedded audit modules are included inthe conceptual designd. the accountant is responsible to make sure that the accounting conventions that apply tothe module are considered by the system designersANS: ASHORT ANSWER1. Why is it important that the systems professionals who design a project not perform the detailedfeasibility study of the project?ANS:Objectivity is essential to the fair assessment of each project design. To ensure objectivity, anindependent systems professional should perform the study.2. List at least three one-time costs and three recurring costs in system development.ANS:One time costs include: hardware acquisition, site preparation, software acquisition, system design, programming and testing, data conversion, training.Recurring costs include: hardware maintenance, software maintenance, insurance, supplies, personnel costs.3. ____________________ benefits can be measured and expressed in financial terms, while____________________ benefits cannot be easily measured and/or quantified.ANS:Tangible, intangible4. What is a systems selection report?ANS:A systems selection report is a formal document that consists of a revised feasibility study, acost-benefit analysis, and a list and explanation of intangible benefits for each alternative design. The steering committee uses this report to select a system.5. Why is the payback method often more useful than the net present value method for evaluatingsystems projects?ANS:Because of brief product life cycles and rapid advances in technology, the effective lives ofinformation system tends to be short. Shorter payback projects are often desirable.6. Contrast reactive and proactive management styles.ANS:Reactive management responds to problems only when they reach a crisis state and can no longer be ignored. In this situation, problem resolution is generally suboptimal. Proactive management is alert for early signs of problems and actively looks for ways to improve the organization抯systems. This allows adequate time for planning and implementing solutions.7. Explain why accountants are interested in the legal feasibility of a new systems project.ANS:Legal feasibility identifies conflicts between the proposed system and the company抯ability todischarge its legal responsibilities. Accountants are often tasked with the legal requirements associated with developing the internal control system and securing information from inappropriate disclosure. 8. Explain an advantage of surveying the current system when preparing a systems analysis for a newsystems project.ANS:An analysis of the current system:will identify what aspects of the current system should be retainedwill facilitate the conversion from the old to the new systemmay uncover causes of reported problems9. What are two purposes of the systems project proposal?ANS:First, it summarizes the findings of the study conducted to this point into a general recommendation for a new or modified system. This enables management to evaluate the perceived problem along with the proposed system as a feasible solution. Second, the proposal outlines the linkage between theobjectives of the proposed system and the business objectives of the firm. It shows that the proposed new system complements the strategic direction of the firm.10. List two ways that a systems project can contribute to the strategic objectives of the firm.ANS:A new system can improve the operational performance by eliminating nonessential activities andcosts, provide a method of differentiating the product or service from the competitors, and provide information that will help improve management decision-making.11. List four types of facts that should be gathered during an analysis of a system.ANS:data sources; information users; data stores; processes; data flows; controls; transaction volumes; error rates; resource costs; bottlenecks; and redundant operations12. What is the Internal Business Process Perspective?ANS:Metrics based on this perspective allow the manager to know how well their business is running, and whether its products and services conform to customer requirements.13. What is the Learning and Growth Perspective?ANS:Learning and growth constitute the essential foundation for success of any organization. Thisperspective includes employee training and corporate cultural attitudes related to both individual and corporate self-improvement14. When a company is doing financially well, why is the Customer Perspective measure important?ANS:These are leading indicators: if customers are not satisfied, they will eventually find other suppliers that will meet their needs. Poor performance from this perspective predicts of future decline, eventhough the current financial picture may look good. The Customer Perspective includes objectivemeasurements such as customer retention rate, as well as more subjective criteria such as marketresearch and customer satisfaction surveys.15. Distinguish between escapable and inescapable costs. Give an example.ANS:Escapable costs are directly related to the system, and they cease to exist when the system ceases to exist. An example would be an annual software support fee for purchased software. If the systemceases to exist, the support for the software will no longer be necessary. Inescapable costs, on the other hand, represent costs which will not be eliminated if the system is scrapped. An example would be an overhead charge for office space in a building which is owned by the company. If the system ceases to exist, these costs will be allocated to the remaining departments.16. Why is cost-benefit analysis more difficult for information systems than for many other types ofinvestments organizations make?ANS:The benefits of information systems are oftentimes very difficult to assess. Many times the benefits are intangible, such as improved decision making capabilities. Also, maintenance costs may be difficult to predict. Most other investments that organizations make, i.e. purchase of a new piece of equipment, tend to have more tangible and estimable costs and benefits.17. What does assessing user feedback involve?ANS:1. recognizing the problem2. defining the problem3. specifying system objectives4. determining project feasibility5. preparing a formal project proposalESSAY1. Explain the five stages of the systems development life cycle?ANS:Systems Strategy.The first step in the SDLC is to develop a systems strategy, which requires an understanding the strategic business needs of the organization. This may be derived from theorganization抯mission statement, an analysis of competitive pressures on the firm, and the nature of current and anticipated market conditions. These needs reflect the organizations current positionrelative to where it needs to be long term to maintain strategic advantage.Project Initiation. Project initiation is the process by which systems proposals are assessed for consistency with the strategic systems plan and evaluated in terms of their feasibility and cost-benefit characteristics. Alternative conceptual designs are considered and those selected enter the construct phase of the SDLC.In-House Development.As mentioned earlier, some organizations have such unique information needs that they can only be adequately met through internal development. The in-house development step includes analyzing user needs, designing processes and databases, creating user views,programming the applications, and testing and implementing the completed system.Commercial Packages. When the nature of the project and the needs of the user permit, mostorganizations will seek a pre-coded commercial software package rather than develop a new system from scratch.Maintenance and Support.Maintenance involves both acquiring and implementing the latest software versions of commercial packages and making in-house modifications to existing systems to accommodate changing user needs. Maintenance may be relatively trivial, such as modifying anapplication to produce a new report or more extensive, such as programming new functionality into a system. Another aspect of maintenance includes a establishing a user support infrastructure. This could include help desk services, providing user training and education classes, and documenting userfeedback pertaining to problems and system errors.2. What is the balanced scorecard?ANS:The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a management system that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. It provides feedback both from internal business processes and external outcomes to continuously improve strategic performance. When fully deployed, the balanced scorecard transforms strategic planning from an academic exercise into operational tasks.3. Define the feasibility measures that should be considered during project analysis and give an exampleof each.ANS:Technical feasibility is an assessment as to whether the system can be developed under existingtechnology or if new technology is needed. An example might be a situation where a firm wants to completely automate the sales process. A question would be-Is technology available that allows sales to be made without humans?Economic feasibility is an assessment as to the availability of funds to complete the project. A question would be-Is it cost feasible to purchase equipment to automate sales?Legal feasibility identifies any conflicts with the proposed system and the company抯ability todischarge its legal responsibilities. An example would be a firm that is proposing a new mail order sales processing system for selling wine.Operational feasibility shows the degree of compatibility between the firm抯existing procedures and personnel skills and the operational requirements of the new system. Do the firm have the right work force to operate the system? If not, can employees be trained? If not, can they be hired?Schedule feasibility pertains to whether the firm can implement the project within an acceptable time frame. An example would be a new ticket sales system for a sports team. The system would need to be implemented prior to the start of the new season.4. Explain the role of accountants in the conceptual design stage.ANS:Accountants are responsible for the logical information flows in a new system. Alternate systems considered must be properly controlled, audit trails must be preserved, accounting conventions and legal requirements must be met. The auditability of a new system depends in part on its designcharacteristics.5. Contrast the feasibility study performed in the systems analysis phase of the Systems DevelopmentLife Cycle (SDLC) with the study performed in the systems selection phase of the SDLC.ANS:A preliminary feasibility study for the project as a whole is performed in the systems analysis phase ofthe SDLC. Five aspects to project feasibility are considered: technical feasibility, economic feasibility, legal feasibility, operational feasibility, and schedule feasibility. The preliminary analysis is based largely on the judgment and intuition of the systems professionals.In the systems selection phase of the SDLC, the same five feasibility factors are considered for the specific system features that have been conceptualized and for each conceptual design alternative. The economic feasibility study in the detailed analysis includes a cost-benefit analysis for each alternative.6. Explain why the Systems Development Life Cycle is of interest to accountants. What is the accountant抯role in the Systems Development Life Cycle?ANS:The information system requires a significant financial investment. Accountants are concerned that the capital investment involved in acquiring an information system is properly handled. Also, theinformation system gathers the data used to prepare financial statements. Accountants must be certain that the information system is applying accounting principles properly and that the system itself has adequate internal controls. Any deficiencies in the information system could result in misstatedfinancial statements.Accountants have three roles in the Systems Development Life Cycle. Accountants are users of the information system and as such must be able to communicate their needs to the systems designers.These needs include audit trail requirements, depreciation models, and other accounting techniques.Accountants are members of the SDLC development team and are expected to provide information about the requirements of the system including security needs. Finally, accountants are auditors of the information system and determine what audit features should be designed into the system.7. What are three problems that account for most system failures?ANS:Most system failures can be traced to three problems:a. poorly specified system requirements, due to communication problems between users and systemsprofessionals, the iterative nature of the process, and the need to rework parts of the system;b. ineffective development techniques for presenting, documenting, and modifying systemsspecifications; andc. lack of user involvement during critical development stages.8. What is Industry analysis and why do managers do it.ANS:Industry Analysis provides management with an analysis of the driving forces that affect theirindustry and their organization抯performance. Such analysis offers a fact-based perspective on the industry抯important trends, significant risks, and potential opportunities that may impact the business 抯performance.9. Why is the announcement of a new systems project so critical to project success?ANS:Change is threatening to many individuals. A new system can be perceived as putting jobs at risk in the name of 揺fficiency, as a threat to organizational structure, and as requiring job skills that some users fear they lack. The announcement of a new system must include upper management support and an explanation of the business rationale for the system and the expected benefits for ultimate users. 10. Contrast the preliminary project feasibility study with the feasibility study performed in the systemsevaluation and selection phase of the SDLC.ANS:A preliminary feasibility study for the project as a whole is performed in the systems needs analysisphase of the SDLC. Five aspects to project feasibility are considered: technical feasibility, economic feasibility, legal feasibility, operational feasibility, and schedule feasibility. The preliminary analysis is based largely on the judgment and intuition of the systems professionals.In the systems evaluation and selection phase of the SDLC, the same five feasibility factors areconsidered for the specific system features that have been conceptualized and for each conceptual design alternative. The economic feasibility study includes a cost-benefit analysis for each alternative.11. Part of systems planning is a project feasibility study. Several feasibility issues can be raised. What arethey? Explain the key concerns.ANS:The key feasibility issues include: technical, economic, legal, operational, and schedule. Technical feasibility relates to whether the proposed system can be developed with existing technology orrequires new. Economic feasibility relates to cost questions. Legal feasibility relates to the firm抯ability to discharge is legal responsibilities under the proposed system. Operational feasibility concerns the compatibility of the new and old systems, including personnel issues. Schedule feasibility relates to meet target deadlines.12. Explain the role of accountants in the conceptual design stage.ANS:Accountants are responsible for the logical information flows in a new system. Alternate systemsconsidered must be properly controlled, audit trails must be preserved, accounting conventions and legal requirements must be met. The auditability of a new system depends in part on its designcharacteristics.13. Classify each of the following as either a one-time or recurring costs:。
