
Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书

RVN4126 3.59100-386-9100-386/T DEVICERVN41772-CD2-3.5MCS/MTSRVN41821-CD2-3.5XTS3000/SABER PORTABLE YES RKN4046KHVN9085 3.51-20 R NO HLN9359 PROG. STAND RVN4057 3.532 X 8 CODEPLUG NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG KITRVN4053 3.5ASTRO DIGITAL INTERFACE NO3080385B23RVN41842-CD RKN4046A (Portable) 2-3.5ASTRO PORTABLE /MOBILE YES3080369B73 or0180300B10 (Mobile) RVN41831-CD3080369B732-3.5ASTRO SPECTRA MOBILE YES(Low / Mid Power)0180300B10 (High Power) RVN4185CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MOBILE NO MANY OPTIONS; SEESERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4186CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MANY OPTIONS;MOBILE/PORTABLE COMB SEE SERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4154 3.5ASTROTAC 3000 COMPAR.3080385B23RVN5003 3.5ASTROTAC COMPARATORS NO3080399E31 Adpt.5880385B34RVN4083 3.5BSC II NO FKN5836ARVN4171 3.5C200RVN4029 3.5CENTRACOM SERIES II NO VARIOUS-SEE MANUAL6881121E49RVN4112 3.5COMMAND PLUS NORVN4149 3.5COMTEGRA YES3082056X02HVN6053CD CT250, 450, 450LS YES AAPMKN4004RVN4079 3.5DESKTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4093 3.5DESKTRAC TRUNKED YES3080070N01RVN4091 3.5DGT 9000 DESKSET YES0180358A22RVN4114 3.5GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS.NO RKN4021AHVN8177 3.5GM/GR300/GR500/GR400M10/M120/130YES3080070N01RVN4159 3.5GP60 SERIES YES PMLN4074AHVN9128 3.5GP300 & GP350RVN4152 3.5GP350 AVSRVN4150 3.5GTX YES HKN9857 (Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) HVN9025CD HT CDM/MTX/EX SERIES YES AARKN4083/AARKN4081RiblessAARKN4075RIBLESS NON-USA RKN4074RVN4098H 3.5HT1000/JT1000-VISAR YES3080371E46(VISAR CONV)RVN4151 3.5HT1000 AVSRVN4098 3.5HT1000/ VISAR CONV’L.YES RKN4035B (HT1000) HVN9084 3.5i750YES HLN-9102ARVN4156 3.5LCS/LTS 2000YES HKN9857(Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) RVN4087 3.5LORAN C LOC. RECV’R.NO RKN4021ARVN4135 3.5M100/M200,M110,M400,R100 includesHVN9173,9177,9646,9774YES3080070N01RVN4023 3.5MARATRAC YES3080070N01RVN4019 3.5MAXTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4139 3.5MAXTRAC LS YES3080070N01RVN4043 3.5MAXTRAC TRK DUPLEX YES3080070N01RVN4178CD MC SERIES, MC2000/2500DDN6124AW/DB25 CONNECTORDDN6367AW/DB9 CONNECTOR RVN41751-CD Rib to MIC connector 1-3.5MCS2000 RKN4062BRVN41131-3.5MCS2000RVN4011 3.5MCX1000YES3000056M01RVN4063 3.5MCX1000 MARINE YES3000056M01RVN4117 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESRVN4105 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOLRVN4119 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4128 3.5MPT1327-1200 SERIES YES SEE MANUALRVN4025 3.5MSF5000/PURC/ANALOG YES0180355A30RVN4077 3.5MSF5000/10000FLD YES0180355A30RVN4017K 3.5MT 1000YES RTK4205CRVN4148 3.5MTR 2000YES3082056X02RVN4140 3.5MTRI 2000NORVN41761-CD MTS2000, MT2000*, MTX8000, MTX90001-3.5*programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4131 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIXRVN4142 3.5MTVA DOCTOR YES3080070N01RVN4131 3.5MTVA3.EXERVN4013 3.5MTX800 & MTX800S YES RTK4205CRVN4097 1-CD MTX8000/MTX9000,MTS2000,MT2000*,* programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176HVN9067CD MTX850/MTX8250MTX950,MTX925RVN4138 3.5MTX-LS YES RKN4035DRVN4035 3.5MX 1000YES RTK4203CRVN4073 3.5MX 800YES RKN4006BHVN9395 P100, P200 LB, P50+, P210, P500, PR3000RVN4134 3.5P100 (HVN9175)P200 LB (HVN9794)P50+ (HVN9395)P210 (HVN9763)P500 (HVN9941)PR3000 (HVN9586)YES RTK4205HVN9852 3.5P110YES HKN9755A/REX1143 HVN9262 3.5P200 UHF/VHF YES RTK4205RVN4129 3.5PDT220YVN4051 3.5PORTABLE REPEATER Portable rptr.P1820/P1821AXRVN4061C 3.5PP 1000/500NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 RVN5002 3.5QUANTAR/QUANTRO NO3O80369E31RVN4135 3.5R100 (HVN9177)M100/M200/M110/M400YES0180358A52RVN4146 3.5RPM500/660RVN4002 3.5SABER YES RTK4203CRVN4131 3.5SETTLET.EXEHVN9007 3.5SM50 & SM120YESRVN4039 3.5SMART STATUS YES FKN5825AHVN9054 3.5SOFTWARE R03.2 P1225YES3080070N01HVN9001 3.5SOFTWARE R05.00.00 1225LS YES HLN9359AHVN9012 3.5SP50RVN4001N 3.5SPECTRA YES3080369B73 (STANDARD)0180300B10 (HIGH POWER) RVN4099 3.5SPECTRA RAILROAD YES3080369B73RVN4110 3.5STATION ACCESS MODULE NO3080369E31RVN4089A 3.5STX TRANSIT YES0180357A54RVN4051 3.5SYSTEMS SABER YES RTK4203BRVN4075 3.5T5600/T5620 SERIES NO3080385B23HVN9060CD TC3000, TS3000, TR3000RVN4123 3.5VISAR PRIVACY PLUS YES3080371E46FVN4333 3.5VRM 100 TOOLBOX FKN4486A CABLE &ADAPTORRVN4133 3.5VRM 500/600/650/850NORVN4181CD XTS 2500/5000 PORTABLES RKN4105A/RKN4106A RVN41002- 3.5XTS3000 ASTRO PORTABLE/MOBILERVN4170 3.5XTS3500YES RKN4035DRIB SET UPRLN4008E RADIO INTERFACE BOX (RIB)0180357A57RIB AC POWER PACK 120V0180358A56RIB AC POWER PACK 220V3080369B71IBM TO RIB CABLE (25 PIN) (USE WITH XT & PS2)3080369B72IBM TO RIB CABLE (9 PIN)RLN443825 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) ADAPTOR (USE W/3080369B72 FOR AT APPLICATION) 5880385B308 PIN MODULAR TO 25 PIN ”D” ADAPTOR (FOR T5600 ONLY)0180359A29DUPLEX ADAPTOR (MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRNK’D ONLY)Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required Number Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required NumberUtilizing your personal computer, Radio Service Software (RSS)/Customer Programming Software (CPS)/CustomerConfiguration Software (CCS) enables you to add or reprogram features/parameters as your requirements change. RSS/CPS/CCS is compatible with IBM XT, AT, PS/2 models 30, 50, 60 and 80.Requires 640K RAM. DOS 3.1 or later. Consult the RSS users guide for the computer configuration and DOS requirements. (ForHT1000, MT/MTS2000, MTX838/8000/9000, Visar and some newer products —IBM model 386, 4 MEG RAM and DOS 5.0 or higher are recommended.) A Radio Interface Box (RIB) may be required as well as the appropriate cables. The RIB and cables must be ordered separately.Licensing:A license is required before a software (RVN) order is placed. The software license is site specific (customer number and ultimate destination tag). All sites/locations must purchase their own software.Be sure to place subsequent orders using the original customer number and ship-to-tag or other licensed sites; ordering software without a licensed customer number and ultimate tag may result in unnecessary delays. To obtain a no charge license agreement kit, order RPX4719. To place an order in the U.S. call 1-800-422-4210. Outside the U.S., FAX 847-576-3023.Subscription Program:The purchase of Radio ServiceSoftware/Customer Programming/Customer ConfigurationSoftware (RVN & HVN kits) entitles the buyer/subscriber to three years of free upgrades. At the end of these three years, the sub-scriber must purchase the same Radio Service Software kit to receive an additional three years of free upgrades. If the sub-scriber does not elect to purchase the same Radio Service Software kit, no upgrades will be sent. Annually a subscription status report is mailed to inform subscribers of the RSS/CPS/CCS items on our database and their expiration dates.Notes:1)A subscription service is offered on “RVN”-Radio Service Software/Customer Programming/Customer Configuration Software kits only.2)“RVN” software must only be procured through Radio Products and Services Division (RPSD). Software not procured through the RPSD will not be recorded on the subscription database; upgrades will not be mailed.3)Upgrades are mailed to the original buyer (customer number & ultimate tag).4)SP software is available through the radio product groups.The Motorola General Radio Service Software Agreement is now available on Motorola Online. If you need assistance please feel free to submit a “Contact Us” or call 800-422-4210.SMART RIB SET UPRLN1015D SMART RIB0180302E27 AC POWER PACK 120V 2580373E86 AC POWER PACK 220V3080390B49SMARTRIB CABLE (9 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH AT)3080390B48SMARTRIB CABLE (25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH XT)RLN4488ASMART RIB BATTERY PACKWIRELESS DATA GROUP PRODUTS SOFTWARERVN4126 3.59100-386/9100T DEVICES MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG’TN RVN41173.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESPAGING PRODUCTS MANUALS6881011B54 3.5ADVISOR6881029B90 3.5ADVISOR ELITE 6881023B20 3.5ADVISOR GOLD 6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO FLX 6881032B30 3.5BR8506881032B30 3.5LS3506881032B30 3.5LS5506881032B30 3.5LS7506881033B10 3.5LS9506881035B20 3.5MINITOR III8262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 20008262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 2000X 6881028B10 3.5TALKABOUT T3406881029B35 3.5TIMEPORT P7308262947A15 3.5TIMEPORT P930NLN3548BUNIVERSAL INTERFACE KITItem Disk Radio NumberSize Product。

1002010001高精度多导联脑电采集系统(产品)2002010002具有抗耐药菌活性的新型大环内酯类抗生素(产品)3002010003高分辨率单光子发射断层成像系统(SPECT)(产品)4002010004布洛芬口腔速崩片(产品)5002010005糖尿病中药新药-杉糖平(产品)6002010006莪术脂质体口服液(产品)7002010007大蒜素系列产品--大蒜素软胶囊、大蒜素片(产品)8002010008降糖新药"海糖平"的研制(产品)90020100092-HPA新药开发(产品)10002010010精制龙血竭滴丸(产品)11002010011抗辐射药物龙抗1号的开发(产品)12002010012保肝胶囊(产品)130********健胃止痛胶囊(产品)14002010014解酒养生多高胶囊(产品)150********空间微流控芯片技术与生物实验载荷(技术)16002010016新型心室辅助装置(产品)17002010017壳聚糖新型两亲性聚电解质衍生物合成洗涤消毒剂(产品)180********壳聚糖改性与应用(一)(产品)19002010019壳聚糖改性与应用(二)(产品)20002010020壳聚糖改性与应用(三)(产品)21002010021壳聚糖改性与应用(四)(产品)22002010022基于污泥减量化的CAAC工艺处理食品加工有机废水(技术)23002010023多功能微生物肥料产品的开发与应用(产品)24002010024植物油酶法脱胶(技术)25002010025生物法定向制备GAMG和甘草次酸技术(技术)26002010026小型化质谱分析仪(产品)27002010027数学/物理/化学学院28002010028高亮度新型发光晶体管(技术)29002010029高亮度新型发光晶体管(技术)30002010030染料敏化太阳能电池(产品)31002010031超高灵敏度快速激素化验技术(技术)32002010032无毒无氨冷烫液生产技术(技术)33002010033蛋白营养护发型香波(产品)34002010034磷肥高效活化疏松剂生产技术(技术)35002010035防开裂药丸密封蜡产品生产技术(技术)36002010036高效、节能、环保的重质燃料油乳化生产技术(技术)37002010037乳化蜡系列产品生产技术(技术)38002010038新型纤维板、密度板防水剂生产技术(技术)39002010039涂料系列产品(产品)40002010040合成低级羧酸酯的绿色催化技术(技术)41002010041EFB-Ⅰ型无试剂电浮选废水处理设备(技术)42003010001超高压下固体相变及新一代原位实验方法43003010002喷水无墨打印44003010003金属管道内壁用热塑性耐高温防粘防腐涂料及其制备方法45003010004一种防腐耐磨防结垢抽油泵柱塞的制备方法46003010005工业型高压静电纺丝机制造47003010006基于渔线和缝纫线制备的"人工肌肉"48003010007纳米纤维气体传感器49003010008一种高效空气过滤材料的制备50003010009难降解有机废水电催化氧化处理技术及其设备的开发51003010010新型锂二次电池动力学机制与电池系统装配工艺的优化52003010011高比能动力锂离子电池关键材料与系统技术研发53003010012钛基电催化电极技术54003010013氯醇法环氧丙烷皂化废水资源化利用技术55003010014铅炭储能电池及其应用技术56003010015车用制动混杂纤维增强摩擦材料的开发57003010016高性能电子封装材料用联苯型环氧树脂58003010017核-壳型水溶性小尺寸六角相NaREF4纳米材料59003010018红外光催化材料60003010019纳米金修饰的增强型上转换发光复合材料61003010020强紫外上转换发光材料及其特性的研究62003010021微纳集成器件制备新材料新工艺研究63003010022电磁波屏蔽吸收结构型海绵状泡沫合金网复合材料64003010023电磁波屏蔽吸收散热合金无序网、窗及制备方法65003010024聚醚醚酮板材的中试研究66003010025聚醚醚酮棒材专用料及制品研究67003010026具有交联网络结构无皂含氟聚丙烯酸酯核壳乳液的制备方法68003010027原位悬浮聚合一步法合成的彩色聚苯乙烯粒子制备方法69003010028新型高强韧挤压和铸造镁合金70003010029新型高强韧镁合金轧制薄板中试71003010030车辆用宽温域高阻尼材料72003010031固定床催化木糖脱水制备糠醛的洁净生产工艺73003010032一种单分散高活性木质素分子液体的洁净生产工艺74003010033高铝粉煤灰提取氧化铝综合利用技术75003010034由粉煤灰提取的冶金级氧化铝及电解后铝块76003010035以稻壳为原料开发高性能高附加值新材料的研究77003010036粉末冶金技术及应用78003010037泡沫铝合金制备技术及应用79003010038新鲜米糠制备生物柴油的新方法80003010039高性能、功能性聚合物及其纳米复合光学材料81003010040高速生长金刚石单晶的装置和方法82003010041双酚A型聚芳醚酮水基分散液及其制备方法83003010042硅碳氧化合物非晶纳米线及其制备84003010043定向排列碳纳米管与碳包覆钴纳米颗粒复合物及其制备85003010044碳素与超硬功能薄膜材料86003010045去除细菌和病毒的纳米颗粒净水材料及制备87003010046去除重金属的纳米颗粒净水材料及制备88003010047去除油烟的催化剂及其制备89003010048聚砜树脂-聚醚砜(PES)、联苯聚醚砜(PPSU) 90003010049可溶性含氟芳香聚酰亚胺及其合成方法91003010050含联苯结构聚醚醚砜和聚醚酮醚砜无规共聚物及其制备92003010051稻壳联产高档活性炭和液体硅肥93003010052稻壳热解资源化综合利用94003010053玉米秸秆生产高能量密度燃料95003010054超级电池关键技术及其产业化96004010001奥氏体不锈钢管内氧化物的磁性无损检测方法及装置97004010002高性能低碳贝氏体钢的研究与开发98004010003高性能铌酸盐基无铅压电陶瓷99004010004高性能热电发电锑化钴基热电材料100004010005温差发电和电子制冷的高性能碲化铋热电材料101004010006金属纳米颗粒分散氧化物非线性光学薄膜材料102004010007含碳耐火材料的胶态成型制备方法103004010008一种煤系高岭土合成高纯赛隆材料的方法104004010009一种利用工业烟气湿式固碳法生产微细碳酸钙的方法105004010010胶态成型制备氮化硅耐磨陶瓷的优化设计方法106004010011一种用钛铁精矿制备光触媒材料的方法107004010012一种提取利用锡尾矿中的铁制备纳米磁性Fe3O4颗粒的方法108004010013现代工模具及精密部件硬质涂层装备及工艺109004010014高效复合絮凝剂110004010015一种高AL13含量纳米絮凝剂111004010016含油污水处理技术及设备112004010017双金属复合材料双结晶器连铸新技术113004010018高性能铜合金线材制备加工技术114004010019BKD系列程控变截面轧制设备与技术115004010020表面熔渗复合铸件技术116004010021特种合金特种铸件精确制备技术117004010022特种细丝材的制备技术项目简介118004010023石油化工腐蚀与防护规范化专家系统119004010024红外热像技术的应用120004010025加氢反应器的安全评定与氢腐蚀裂纹的愈合规律121004010026材料的自然环境腐蚀122004010027材料晶粒长大计算机仿真应用软件123004010028大面积高质量金刚石自支撑膜的制备技术124004010029粉末冶金烧结钢高密度高强度零件温压技术125004010030高级金属加工工艺润滑剂生产技术及产品126004010031半固态铝合金流变成形技术及设备127004010032高强度高刚度灰铸铁生产技术128004010033高韧性耐低温球墨铸铁生产技术129004010034提高金属表面耐磨耐蚀的双辉渗金属技术130004010035高速棒线材控轧控冷过程组织演化模拟及性能预报131004010036高温合金的等温成型技术132004010037高温固体电解质电化学传感器133004010038高效多能清洗剂134004010039高效脱漆剂135004010040化学镀镍铬磷稀土合金技术136004010041高性能W-Cu、Mo-Cu合金137004010042金刚石薄膜涂层硬质合金工具开发138004010043多孔碳化钛-钛金属陶瓷梯度材料139004010044表面铸渗金属陶瓷梯度材料140004010045加热炉用滑轨和不定形耐火材料141004010046铝合金半固态成形技术及设备142004010047纳米金刚石膜涂层及工业应用143004010048燃烧合成氮化硅基陶瓷的产业化技术144004010049燃烧合成氮化铝基先进陶瓷的产业化技术145004010050ST陶瓷刀片146004010051纳米钛酸钡基电子陶瓷粉体的溶胶-凝胶自燃合成产业化147004010052先进陶瓷、金属间化合物和复合材料的燃烧合成粉末148004010053自蔓延反应烧结氮化硅/氮化硼复相可加工陶瓷149004010054人工关节软骨材料--半晶聚乙烯醇水凝胶弹性体150004010055SHS-离心法制备陶瓷复合钢管151004010056SHS-离心法制备陶瓷内衬钢管152004010057先进电子铝箔生产技术153004010058新型高效析氧不溶性阳极154004010059锌-镍合金电镀技术155004010060智能荧光粉制造技术156004010061新型环保夜光材料157004010062新型连铸用耐火材料--浸入式水口、长水口和整体塞棒158004010063新型高炉陶瓷杯材料--塑性相结合刚玉复合砖159004010064新型稀土磁性蓄冷材料160004010065新型稀土磁性蓄冷材料161004010066Y型三辊轧机冷连轧丝线材技术162004010067主动式Y型三辊冷连轧带肋钢筋生产线163004010068真空密封造型铸造技术及设备164004010069III-V族半导体合金体系热、动力学计算机辅助分析系统165004010070高性能大直径稀土超磁致伸缩材料产业化技术166004010071烧结钕铁硼铸片产业化技术167004010072稀土贮氢合金铸片产业化技术168004010073高速线材控冷段在线性能预报系统169004010074电工钢绝缘涂料170004010075高电阻率金属氧化物材料表面电镀技术171004010076计算机辅助孔型设计、模拟和优化(CAE)技术172004010077电子信息用超细丝材的连续定向凝固制备技术项目简介173004010078热电(温差电)性能测试仪174004010079换热器整体渗锌技术175004010080热压滤制备复合陶瓷涂层技术176004010081复合氧化锆电子承烧板177004010082电容器铝箔的腐蚀化成技术178004010083电脉冲沉积铝化物合金涂层技术179004010084电沉积低温烧结制备氧化物薄膜和微叠层技术180004010085低温快速制备纳米金属间化合物涂层技术181004010086超重力场下制备复合陶瓷涂层技术182004010087超低氧压控制和测定氧化动力学的固体电化学装置183004010088高效电脱盐/脱水技术184004010089原油及馏分油脱镍钒技术研究185004010090高效广普破乳剂186004010091原油脱酸技术脱酸研究187004010092高酸值原油中的腐蚀模拟试验研究188004010093高温温缓蚀剂189004010094高效温缓蚀剂190004010095多功能广普复合广普纳米脱盐脱金属剂191004010096高效油相抗垢剂192004010097原油脱钙技术193004010098重质燃料油添加剂194004010099神经网络技术在复杂腐蚀体系中的应用195004010100轻合金半固态流变压铸成形工艺与设备196004010101TiC/金属复合涂层反应热喷涂粉末及其制备技术197004010102粉末注射成形技术198004010103TFT、STN液晶材料生产项目199004010104高初磁导率软磁合金200004010105CSP工艺生产冷轧冲压用钢的研究201004010106CSP流程低成本系列高强钢及半无头轧制关键技术与应用202004010107炉卷轧机生产X100管线钢工艺研究及产品开发203004010108炉卷轧机生产大口径X80管线钢(板、卷)工艺研究及产品开发204004010109炉卷轧机生产输气用大口径X70管线钢工艺研究及产品开发205004010110紫外光固化法制备电控调光膜的技术及材料的开发206004010111品种钢组织相变索氏体化207004010112准一维纳米发射材料的研制208004010113水泥回转窑烧成带用镁铁铝尖晶石材料209004010114输电铁塔用高强厚壁角钢温冲孔技术开发210004010115磁敏电阻芯片及系列传感器.211004010116一维功能纳米材料的控制合成、性能调控及应用研究212004010117一种弹性模量可调型医用β钛合金矫牙丝213004010118金属玻璃包覆金属丝复合材料的连续制备设备与工艺214004010119一种电化学腐蚀金属丝制备多孔块体金属玻璃的方法215004010120一种喷射沉积成形制备大块非晶合金的方法216004010121系列新型民用高温耐热合金217004010122Fe3Al基金属间化合物合金218004010123新一代钢铁材料的重大基础研究219004010124高温高性能高Nb -TiAl合金220004010125大块金属玻璃功能结构材料221004010126低场高性能稀土超磁致伸缩材料222004010127喷射成形高性能材料制备技术与应用223004010128La2O3-Al2O3热障涂层中稀土氧化物的作用及高温相稳定机理研究224004010129自蔓延高温合成新技术及应用225004010130高密度低合金粉末冶金结构件制备新技术与应用226004010131铜材复杂器件耐腐蚀耐磨材料的研究227004010132大型特种型材挤压工模具的研究开发与生产应用228004010133铜包铝复合材料连铸直接成形技术与生产应用229004010134高性能钕铁硼整体辐向磁环产业化关键技术230004010135铝用新型阳极焙烧炉火道墙研制231004010136聚合物基复合材料表面金属化新技术232004010137高性能W-Cu复合材料制备新技术233004010138金属玻璃涂覆金属丝连续制备技术234004010139面向钢铁制造流程的MES系统235004010140中厚板热处理线常化控冷工艺的开发与应用研究236004010141表面质量在线检测系统237004010142钢材品种开发与性能优化技术238004010143数字化传动控制系统239004010144热连轧层流冷却系统简介240004010145立辊AWC-SSC控制系统简介241004010146热卷箱控制系统简介242004010147热连轧活套控制系统简介243004010148带钢热连轧计算机控制系统244004010149热轧、冷轧、中厚板板形控制技术245004010150热轧L2级过程自动化控制系统246004010151轧机液压AGC控制系统247004010152电动钻机控制系统248005010001纳米SiO2粉末材料249005010002 高阻隔可透湿医用隔离防护材料250005010003催化法制备多壁碳纳米管及其应用研究251005010004催化甲烷裂解制备纳米级SiC晶须/纤维及其应用研究252005010005陶瓷结合剂CBN磨具制造技术253005010006高韧性、低成本、可加工先进陶瓷部件开发应用254005010007多功能氧化物纳米粉体的制备与产业化开发255005010008高温大功率半导体PTC热敏陶瓷加热元件及高效节能型电暖器256005010009高效节能荧光灯用自动限流保护电阻257005010010低电压工作的PTC加热元件及新型防结雾喉镜258005010011高温大功率半导体PTC热敏陶瓷加热元件及节能型恒温电烙铁259005010012汽车用系列节能型自控温PTC加热器、过电流保护器的应用研究和产业化260005010013高温大功率自控温、节能型PTC热敏陶瓷加热器261005010014均匀合金颗粒的新型制备技术262005010015 低频高介电常数瓷料263005010016可见光活性纳米氧化钛光催化剂264005010017快速响应的氧敏材料265005010018氧化铝陶瓷拉晶杆研制266005010019.油田钻井泵用增韧氧化锆陶瓷缸套267005010020汽车用系列节能型自控温PTC加热器、过电流保护器应用研究和产业化268005010021高温大功率半导体PTC热敏陶瓷加热元件及高效节能型热敏陶瓷电暖器269005010022安全低电压工作的PTC加热元件及新型防结雾喉镜270005010023汽车发动机及工业锅炉用新型氧传感器271005010024碳纤维/树脂复合吸波材料的制备与应用272005010025陶瓷结合剂CBN磨具制造技术273005010026特种功能陶瓷材料的无机盐原料-软化学合成新工艺274005010027线性可控触觉传感器材料275005010028 新型功能材料泡沫铝的制备及性能研究276005010029新型环保银氧化锡电触头材料的研究与开发277005010030 医用钛及钛合金表面精饰技术278005010031 钴蓝、钴绿颜料的合成技术279005010032类球形黑色四氧化三铁磁粉的合成技术280005010033 新型镀镍/镀铝/镀铬/镀铜金属蚀刻剂和去雾剂281005010034 新型低介电常数微波介质陶瓷材料系列化282005010035新型微波介质陶瓷的制备及器件设计和评价技术研究283005010036 低飞溅高速CO2焊技术284005010037电磁屏蔽用高性能导电混杂复合塑料颗粒料产业化285005010038复合机械镀锌防腐技术286005010039 改善焊接结构疲劳性能新技术287005010040 高温性能稳定的氧敏薄膜的制备方法288005010041含铁除尘灰的分离技术与产品研制289005010042 还原铁厂除尘灰分离技术与产品开发290005010043纳米复合粉末渗锌防腐技术291005010044小型无人机建筑航空摄影系统292005010045嵌合节点网架结构293005010046预应力组合网架结构的设计施工关键技术294005010047水泥工业与民用空间网格结构关键技术研究295005010048纯碱渣工程土特性及应用研究296005010049多沙河流水库多目标优化调度系统研究297005010050黄河李家峡拱坝安全监控模型与监控指标研究298005010051水电站泄洪雾化及其对工程影响研究299005010052水工闸门水动力及其流激振动特性与工程应用研究300005010053水利枢纽厂坝隔(导)墙流激振动与结构优化研究301005010054水利水电工程地质建模与分析关键技术及工程应用302005010055科技成果综合评价系统研究与开发303005010056 城市生活垃圾的热解处理设备304005010057生物质及城市有机废物的高效、清洁发电技术305005010058组合式空调机组技术研究306005010059 嵌入式数字模糊控制环保型溴化锂直燃机307005010060具有电位测控功能的三维电极-膜反应器308005010061TJU系列中水回用成套处理设备309005010062膜技术处理饮用水成套技术及装置的研究310005010063 曝气生物滤池污水再生处理技术与设备311005010064气井采出废水达标排放的集成化处理工艺与设备312005010066移动床生物膜污水处理装置313005010067中水回用膜处理技术、设备与配套的产品314005010068含氨废水综合治理技术315005010069废水深度处理集成膜技术316006010001基于排气能量的复合式柴油机排气微粒净化器 317006010002新型光能御寒服318006010003具有自动除垢功能的电热管319006010004多功能自清洁玻璃320006010005复合垃圾衍生燃料制造技术321006010006废碱渣循环流化床高效烟气脱硫应用技术的研制322006010007全膜法海水淡化装置(小型)323006010008光伏逆变器关键技324006010009大容量煤粉锅炉受热面优化技术改造325006010010燃煤电厂能级提升系统的构建与优化设计 326006010011智能节约型二次加压供水系统与设备 327006010012大型电站锅炉节能增效减排改造328006010013能量互馈型交流传动试验系统329006010014太阳能光伏并网发电系统330006010015 小功率风力机及风光互补发电系统331006010016一种自适应太阳能充电控制器332006010017流光放电烟气脱硫的半湿法流程333006010018全电子式智能型(节能型)电弧焊机防触电保护器 334006010019稀土上转换发光纳米材料335006010020无机量子点发光材料336006010021磁性液体密封装置337006010022 超大直径法兰盘磁性液体静密封装置338006010023具有导向结构的磁性液体密封装置 339006010024低温大直径磁性液体密封装置340006010025高温磁性液体密封防滴液装置341006010026减小径向空间尺寸的磁性液体密封装置342006010027介孔ZRO2 和AL2O3 球形粉体颗粒的制备343006010028用热缩材料对预应力锚具保护的方法344006010029沥青基灌浆材料在预应力施工中的应用方法345006010030通用多功能陶瓷保护膜346006010031活性粉末混凝土的开发与应用347006010032有机薄膜电致发光器件348006010033颜色稳定的有机-无机异质结白色电致发光器件349006010034颗粒增强铝基复合材料制备技术350006010035活性炭载氧化铜催化剂及其制备方法 351006010036活性炭载氧化铁催化剂352006010037水泥工业用助燃复合矿化剂353006010038 多功能煤炭助燃固硫除灰剂354006010039颗粒增强铝基复合材料355006010040新型有机复合结构的电致发光平板显示器356006010041微弧氧化技术357006010042 微弧氧化设备358006010043 纤维织物抗菌纳米处理技术359006010044覆铜石墨铜基自润滑复合材料360006010045覆铜陶瓷铜基刹车制动材料361006010046 贝氏体钢362006010047高频辉光放电等离子体化学气相沉积(PECVD)装置 363006010048 抗阿尔茨海默症抗体药物与诊断试剂364007010001室温下离子液体催化合成乙酸乙酯/丁酯的清洁生产新技术365007010002复合离子液体高效催化清洁生产生物柴油新技术366007010003微波分子蒸馏设备367007010004天然高分子材料海绵制造生产368007010005低成本垃圾填埋工艺及渗滤液处理方法369007010006低聚糖水解生产工艺370007010007海藻酸钠硫酸酯及其制备方法和用途371007010008“双面电弧焊技术”及其在工业生产中的应用372007010009RFID电子油墨技术373007010010电击窗式电子纸374007010011环境友好型替代镀铬新技术375007010012节能采暖电热膜系列产品376007010013具有抗肿瘤活性的香菇三螺旋链多糖及其绿色技术377007010014利用废聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料制备合成纸涂料技术378007010015微弧氧化技术的开发与应用379007010016新型再生纤维素丝的绿色技术及其应用380007010017聚合物/硅酸盐纳米复合阻燃材料的开发381007010018新型高效混凝土界面无机粘结胶382007010019可降解脂肪族聚酯的合成新工艺383007010020漆酚缩醛环氧纳米TiO2复合涂料384007010021纳米复合类金刚石涂层纺织钢领385007010022物理快速镀铬技术386007010023垃圾掩埋场渗滤液的生物与电化学联合处理387007010024富勒烯系列产品388007010025纳米碳纤维389007010026利废节能的HAS高强耐水土壤固化剂390007010027超硬涂层、环境友好PVD替代电镀技术391007010028印刷法超薄柔性导光板制造392007010029太阳能/二氧化碳/生物质制氢393007010030新型高活性、高效率TiO2光催化材料的制备技术394007010031新型TiO2光催化薄膜在环境污染治理中的应用395007010032一维碳纳米材料在锂离子电池和超级电容器中的应用396007010033水溶性纳米粒子的制备方法397007010034一种水溶性Zn掺杂CdTe量子点CdxZn1-xTe的制备方法398007010035技术及其在环境污染整理中的应用399007010036复合离子液体常温下催化合成乙酸乙酯/丁酯的清洁生产新技术400007010037太阳光裂解水产氢技术401007010038玻璃钢螺旋锚联合混凝土框架梁加固土坡技术402007010039发动机活塞环表面涂层PVD技术403007010040新型碳纳米材料制备技术及其应用404007010041可食用抗菌油墨405007010042复合纳米环氧丙烯酸水性树脂及其油墨的制备406007010043硒鼓磁辊专用树脂407007010044长效防腐系列涂料408007010045塑料纸张通用型水性树脂及油墨409007010046柴油机活塞环纳米金属陶瓷复合涂层新材料410007010047基于工业废渣的生态环境材料研制及应用技术411007010048污泥干化燃料化技术412007010049复合离子液体高效催化清洁生产生物柴油新技术413007010050低成本、高稳定固体电解质染料敏化太阳能电池414007010051新型储能电池-钒电池415007010052CO2捕获和燃料转化利用技术416007010053从二氧化碳和生物质制氢417007010054新型汽油抗爆剂418007010055基于工业废渣的高强耐水土壤固化剂研究与应用419007010056利用新型碳纳米材料制备超级电容器420007010057含复杂渗控结构渗流问题分析SVA方法421007010058混凝微生物生态水质净化集成系统(CMEER集成系统) 422007010059泥沙聚沉及泥水分离技术423007010060泥水分离和淤泥固化处理成套技术424007010061水利环境在线监控与安全预警智能系统425007010062污泥干化燃料资源化及利用技术426007010063中压大功率链式变流器控制技术427007010064PCPD-I型便携式电缆局部放电测试仪428007010065SPD-I型便携式电涌保护器测试仪429007010066智能磁控电抗技术及其在电力系统中的应用430007010067燃煤电站湿法烟气脱硫关键技术以及成套设备产业化431007010068新型TiO2光催化薄膜在环境污染治理中的应用432007010069餐饮垃圾资源化成套技术433007010070聚太阳光热提升水位发电434007010071工业用电解式污水处理设备435007010072玻璃钢螺旋锚联合混凝土框架梁稳定土坡技术436007010073生物质大分子新材料437007010074一种新型硅铝基灰渣胶凝材料:HAS高强耐水土壤固化剂438007010075新型中红外波段非线性光学晶体材料439007010076塑料基柔性太阳能电池440007010077基于两个亲核试剂的新型成键模式研究441007010078功能化生物医用高分子材料442007010079染料敏化太阳能电池的性能研究443007010080碳纳米材料在锂离子电池和超级电容器中的应用444007010081水性工业涂料树脂合成技术445007010082多通道固-液相变材料循环稳定性测试系统446007010083中低温相变储能材料447007010084一种检测氰离子的方法448007010085有机硅树脂中间体的合成及应用449007010086高功率LED有机硅封装材料450007010087抗氧型有机硅光引发剂451007010088一氧化氮检测的高灵敏荧光探针及相关分析方法452007010089硫代间苯二甲酰胺骨架的钳形硫代酰胺配体及其络合物和用途453007010090金属硫化物冶金新技术454007010091纳米金属钽、铌粉制备455007010092石墨烯及其复合材料456007010093智能玻璃变色贴膜材料457007010094重金属捕捉剂458007010095表面活性剂的开发及应用459008010001镁合金带材的电致塑性加工460008010002几种高分子微胶囊的新制备方法461008010003高性能天然橡胶防老剂TSR-5462008010004钒电池储能系统463008010005RTV单组分绝缘子防污闪憎水长效涂料464008010006定子线棒松动研究及槽楔松动检测仪研制465008010007利用光放大器技术检测复合绝缘子沿面微弱放电466008010008大气压空气中放电等离子体在材料表面改性中的应用467008010009高压脉冲电场食品非热加工技术468008010010骨质疏松症治疗系统469008010011外绝缘微弱电晕放电的紫外检测技术470008010012双极性脉冲放电水处理技术471008010013用于锂电池的新型聚合物固体电解质472008010014利用相变储能技术生产调温石膏板473008010015钢铁企业酸洗废液资源化利用新技术474008010016利用Lyocell技术生产夜光纤维475008010017电致塑性软化处理特殊钢丝新技术476008010018超声微系统制备纳米Mg(OH)2阻燃剂新技术477008010019基于电絮凝技术的水质净化装置的研制与开发478008010020基于固液分离的高抗污染性的有机/无机杂化膜的研制与工艺开发。
ASUS 主板规格说明书

HP Desktop PCs - Motherboard SpecificationsMotherboard Supplier ASUSSystem BIOS Core Brand Asus/AMIBoard Form Factor uATXProcessor Brand AMDProcessor Socket Type Socket-A (PGA462)Processor Families AthlonXP (Thoroughbred,Barton),Maximum Processor Core Frequency <=2.16Ghz (2700+) Thoroughbred <=2.2GHz Barton (3200+)Processor Front Side Bus Frequency 266/333/400MHzHyper Threading Support naProcessor VRM SpecificationChipset Name Crush18D (nForce2 400) Chipset "North Bridge" & RevisionChipset "South Bridge" & Revision MCP2Super I/O ITE IT8712F-AFlash BIOS Device Type & Density 4Mb Flash EEPROM Memory Type DDR SDRAMMemory Speed PC2700/PC2100 Memory Sockets 2 DIMMSingle or Dual Channel System Memory Single channel Maximum Memory Up to 2.0GBAGP Graphics Support YesAGP Graphics Maximum Mode naIntegrated Graphics (UMA) Supplier Up onlyIntegrated Graphics Shared Memory naTV-Out Device noneTV-Out Configuration noneIntegrated AC'97 Audio Support none5.1 channel Audio Support AC'97 DownAC'97 Codec Device Realtek ALC650 Passive Speaker Output (amplified) M,LI,LO,SOAudio SP-DIF Output noneAudio SP-DIF Input noneRear Audio Jacks (Mic,Line-In,Line-Out) Mic, Line-In, Line-Out Internal CD-Audio In Connector 2Front Audio Line-In/Headphone/Mic LI/HP/MICEthernet MAC/PHY Device Realtek 8201BL Integrated IEEE-1394 Support YesIntegrated IEEE-1394 MAC/PHY Device Agere FW802C-PHYOnboard 1394 Maximum Transfer Rate (Mbps)400MbpsIEEE-1394 Ports (Total) 2IEEE-1394 Front Ports (on pin header) 1IDE/ATAPI UDMA Modes ATA-100/66/33Expansion Slots (AGP/PCI) 1 AGP, 3 PCIUSB Interface Specification (2.0/1.1) USB 2.0USB Ports (Total) 6USB Front Ports (on pin headers) 2USB Rear Ports (at rear I/O area) 4Serial, Parallel, Floppy, PS2 Kbd &Mouse Ports1S, 1P, 1F, PS2 K+MFan Headers (CPU, System, Chipset) CPU, System1CPU Fan Speed Control (for active fansink) YesSystem Fan Speed Control YesSuffix (Legend Below) -UL6EUGraphics card (up, not on motherboard) LLAN on motherboard (ethernet)E1394 on motherboardCopyright Hewlett-Packard Co. 1994-2003This information is subject to change without notice andis provided "as is" with no warranty.Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for any direct,indirect, special, incidental or consequential damagesin connection with the use of this material.。

2.中远航运:中远海运的“特种部队” [J],
3.中远新港码头:打造中远码头国际化的排头兵 [J], 李华斋
4.打造国际航运业龙头股——中远集团总裁、中远航运公司董事长魏家福访谈录[J], 黄玫
5.快速反应部队与普通部队士兵神经行为学对比研究 [J], 银涛;陈钦江;李秉龙;刘国绕;刁绍兰;周干成
研华工业USB IO模块

USB-4622 5端口USB 2.0集线器概述USB-4622是一个USB 2.0集线器,它能够连接最多5个USB从模块。
支持USB 2.0高速模式,可以达到480Mbps的数据转换速率,以实现USB-4700系列在大负载环境中的高性能应用。
特点5个USB 2.0端口(A型)兼容USB 2.0/1.1/1.0480M/s高速数据转换LED指示灯适合DIN导轨安装缩紧式USB电缆用于紧固连接规格接口 1个上游(B型)/5个下游(A型)兼容性 USB总线规格Rev.2.0/1.1/1.0先进的配置与电源接口 (ACPI), OnNow与USB电源管理需求转换速率 480Mbps(高速模式)12Mbps(全速模式)1.5Mbps(低速模式)供电电流每通道最大500mA一般规格外壳塑料(ABS+PC)尺寸132×80×32mm(L×W×H)功耗最大+5V @ 2.5A工作温度0 ~ 60° C (32 ~ 140° F) (参考 IEC 68-2-1, 2)存储温度 -20 ~ 70° C (-4 ~ 158° F)存储湿度 5~95%,RH, 无凝结(参考 IEC 68-2-3)订货信息USB-4622 5端口USB 2.0集线器(包括电源适配器)USB-4711 100kS/s,12位多功能USB模块概述USB-4700系列包括即插即用数据采集模块,因此无需再打开您的计算机机箱来安装板卡。
特点支持USB 2.0便携设计总线供电16路模拟输入通道12位分辨率采样速率高达150kS/s8路DI, 8路DO, 2路AO和1路32位计数器带有接线端子适合DIN导轨安装锁紧式USB电缆用于紧固式连接规格模拟输入通道 USB-4711: 16 路单端分辨率 12 位最大采样速率 USB-4711: 最大100kS/sFIFO大小 1024 samples过压保护 30 Vp-p输入电阻 USB-4711: 2 MΩ采样模式软件,可编程pacer或外部脉冲输入范围 (V,软件可编程)极性电压± 10 ± 5 ± 2.5 ± 1.25 ± 0.625精度(% of FSR ±1LSB) 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4*注:采样速率和吞吐量依赖于计算机硬件结构和软件环境,速率会根据编程语言、代码效率、CPU利用率等因素发生变动。
戴尔 Precision 7820 Tower 机架导轨安装指南说明书

Precision 7820 Tower Rack rails Installation GuideNotes, cautions, and warningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2019 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2019 - 02Rev. A001 Before you begin (4)Safety instructions (4)Before working inside your computer (4)Safety precautions (5)Electrostatic discharge—ESD protection (5)ESD field service kit (6)Transporting sensitive components (7)After working inside your computer (7)2 Rack rails (8)Installing the rack rails (8)3 Getting help (15)Contacting Dell (15)Contents3Before you begin Safety instructionsUse the following safety guidelines to protect your computer from potential damage and to ensure your personal safety. Unless otherwise noted, each procedure included in this document assumes that the following conditions exist:•You have read the safety information that shipped with your computer.•A component can be replaced or, if purchased separately, installed by performing the removal procedure in reverse order. WARNING: Disconnect all power sources before opening the computer cover or panels. After you finish working inside thecomputer, replace all covers, panels, and screws before connecting to the power source.WARNING: Before working inside your computer, read the safety information that shipped with your computer. For additional safety best practices information, see the Regulatory Compliance HomepageCAUTION: Many repairs may only be done by a certified service technician. You should only perform troubleshooting and simple repairs as authorized in your product documentation, or as directed by the online or telephone service and support team.Damage due to servicing that is not authorized by Dell is not covered by your warranty. Read and follow the safety instructions that came with the product.CAUTION: T o avoid electrostatic discharge, ground yourself by using a wrist grounding strap or by periodically touching an unpainted metal surface at the same time as touching a connector on the back of the computer.CAUTION: Handle components and cards with care. Do not touch the components or contacts on a card. Hold a card by its edges or by its metal mounting bracket. Hold a component such as a processor by its edges, not by its pins.CAUTION: When you disconnect a cable, pull on its connector or on its pull-tab, not on the cable itself. Some cables have connectors with locking tabs; if you are disconnecting this type of cable, press in on the locking tabs before you disconnect the cable. As you pull connectors apart, keep them evenly aligned to avoid bending any connector pins. Also, before you connect acable, ensure that both connectors are correctly oriented and aligned.NOTE: The color of your computer and certain components may appear differently than shown in this document.CAUTION: System will shut down if side covers are removed while the system is running. The system will not power on if the side cover is removed.Before working inside your computer1 Ensure that your work surface is flat and clean to prevent the computer cover from being scratched.2 Turn off your computer.3 Disconnect all network cables from the computer (if available).CAUTION: If your computer has an RJ45 port, disconnect the network cable by first unplugging the cable from yourcomputer.4 Disconnect your computer and all attached devices from their electrical outlets.5 Open the display.6 Press and hold the power button for few seconds, to ground the system board.CAUTION: To guard against electrical shock unplug your computer from the electrical outlet before performing Step #8.CAUTION: To avoid electrostatic discharge, ground yourself by using a wrist grounding strap or by periodically touchingan unpainted metal surface at the same time as touching a connector on the back of the computer.1 4Before you begin7 Remove any installed ExpressCards or Smart Cards from the appropriate slots.Safety precautionsThe safety precautions chapter details the primary steps to be taken before performing any disassembly instructions.Observe the following safety precautions before you perform any installation or break/fix procedures involving disassembly or reassembly:•Turn off the system and all attached peripherals.•Disconnect the system and all attached peripherals from AC power.•Disconnect all network cables, telephone, and telecommunications lines from the system.•Use an ESD field service kit when working inside any desktop to avoid electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage.•After removing any system component, carefully place the removed component on an anti-static mat.•Wear shoes with non-conductive rubber soles to reduce the chance of getting electrocuted.Standby powerDell products with standby power must be unplugged before you open the case. Systems that incorporate standby power are essentially powered while turned off. The internal power enables the system to be remotely turned on (wake on LAN) and suspended into a sleep mode and has other advanced power management features.Unplugging, pressing and holding the power button for 15 seconds should discharge residual power in the system board. . BondingBonding is a method for connecting two or more grounding conductors to the same electrical potential. This is done through the use of a field service electrostatic discharge (ESD) kit. When connecting a bonding wire, ensure that it is connected to bare metal and never to a painted or non-metal surface. The wrist strap should be secure and in full contact with your skin, and ensure that you remove all jewelry such as watches, bracelets, or rings prior to bonding yourself and the equipment.Electrostatic discharge—ESD protectionESD is a major concern when you handle electronic components, especially sensitive components such as expansion cards, processors, memory DIMMs, and system boards. Very slight charges can damage circuits in ways that may not be obvious, such as intermittent problems or a shortened product life span. As the industry pushes for lower power requirements and increased density, ESD protection is an increasing concern.Due to the increased density of semiconductors used in recent Dell products, the sensitivity to static damage is now higher than in previous Dell products. For this reason, some previously approved methods of handling parts are no longer applicable.Two recognized types of ESD damage are catastrophic and intermittent failures.•Catastrophic – Catastrophic failures represent approximately 20 percent of ESD-related failures. The damage causes an immediate and complete loss of device functionality. An example of catastrophic failure is a memory DIMM that has received a static shock and immediately generates a "No POST/No Video" symptom with a beep code emitted for missing or nonfunctional memory.•Intermittent – Intermittent failures represent approximately 80 percent of ESD-related failures. The high rate of intermittent failures means that most of the time when damage occurs, it is not immediately recognizable. The DIMM receives a static shock, but the tracing is merely weakened and does not immediately produce outward symptoms related to the damage. The weakened trace may take weeks or months to melt, and in the meantime may cause degradation of memory integrity, intermittent memory errors, etc.The more difficult type of damage to recognize and troubleshoot is the intermittent (also called latent or "walking wounded") failure. Perform the following steps to prevent ESD damage:Before you begin5•Use a wired ESD wrist strap that is properly grounded. The use of wireless anti-static straps is no longer allowed; they do not provide adequate protection. T ouching the chassis before handling parts does not ensure adequate ESD protection on parts with increased sensitivity to ESD damage.•Handle all static-sensitive components in a static-safe area. If possible, use anti-static floor pads and workbench pads.•When unpacking a static-sensitive component from its shipping carton, do not remove the component from the anti-static packing material until you are ready to install the component. Before unwrapping the anti-static packaging, ensure that you discharge static electricity from your body.•Before transporting a static-sensitive component, place it in an anti-static container or packaging.ESD field service kitThe unmonitored Field Service kit is the most commonly used service kit. Each Field Service kit includes three main components: anti-static mat, wrist strap, and bonding wire.Components of an ESD field service kitThe components of an ESD field service kit are:•Anti-Static Mat – The anti-static mat is dissipative and parts can be placed on it during service procedures. When using an anti-static mat, your wrist strap should be snug and the bonding wire should be connected to the mat and to any bare metal on the system being worked on. Once deployed properly, service parts can be removed from the ESD bag and placed directly on the mat. ESD-sensitive items are safe in your hand, on the ESD mat, in the system, or inside a bag.•Wrist Strap and Bonding Wire – The wrist strap and bonding wire can be either directly connected between your wrist and bare metal on the hardware if the ESD mat is not required, or connected to the anti-static mat to protect hardware that is temporarily placed on the mat. The physical connection of the wrist strap and bonding wire between your skin, the ESD mat, and the hardware is known as bonding. Use only Field Service kits with a wrist strap, mat, and bonding wire. Never use wireless wrist straps. Always be aware that the internal wires of a wrist strap are prone to damage from normal wear and tear, and must be checked regularly with a wrist strap tester in order to avoid accidental ESD hardware damage. It is recommended to test the wrist strap and bonding wire at least once per week.•ESD Wrist Strap Tester – The wires inside of an ESD strap are prone to damage over time. When using an unmonitored kit, it is a best practice to regularly test the strap prior to each service call, and at a minimum, test once per week. A wrist strap tester is the best method for doing this test. If you do not have your own wrist strap tester, check with your regional office to find out if they have one.T o perform the test, plug the wrist-strap's bonding-wire into the tester while it is strapped to your wrist and push the button to test. A green LED is lit if the test is successful; a red LED is lit and an alarm sounds if the test fails.•Insulator Elements – It is critical to keep ESD sensitive devices, such as plastic heat sink casings, away from internal parts that are insulators and often highly charged.•Working Environment – Before deploying the ESD Field Service kit, assess the situation at the customer location. For example, deploying the kit for a server environment is different than for a desktop or portable environment. Servers are typically installed in a rack within a data center; desktops or portables are typically placed on office desks or cubicles. Always look for a large open flat work area that is free of clutter and large enough to deploy the ESD kit with additional space to accommodate the type of system that is being repaired. The workspace should also be free of insulators that can cause an ESD event. On the work area, insulators such as Styrofoam and other plastics should always be moved at least 12 inches or 30 centimeters away from sensitive parts before physically handling any hardware components•ESD Packaging – All ESD-sensitive devices must be shipped and received in static-safe packaging. Metal, static-shielded bags are preferred. However, you should always return the damaged part using the same ESD bag and packaging that the new part arrived in.The ESD bag should be folded over and taped shut and all the same foam packing material should be used in the original box that the new part arrived in. ESD-sensitive devices should be removed from packaging only at an ESD-protected work surface, and parts should never be placed on top of the ESD bag because only the inside of the bag is shielded. Always place parts in your hand, on the ESD mat, in the system, or inside an anti-static bag.•Transporting Sensitive Components – When transporting ESD sensitive components such as replacement parts or parts to be returned to Dell, it is critical to place these parts in anti-static bags for safe transport.ESD protection summaryIt is recommended that all field service technicians use the traditional wired ESD grounding wrist strap and protective anti-static mat at all times when servicing Dell products. In addition, it is critical that technicians keep sensitive parts separate from all insulator parts while performing service and that they use anti-static bags for transporting sensitive components.6Before you beginTransporting sensitive componentsWhen transporting ESD sensitive components such as replacement parts or parts to be returned to Dell, it is critical to place these parts in anti-static bags for safe transport.Lifting equipmentAdhere to the following guidelines when lifting heavy weight equipment:CAUTION: Do not lift greater than 50 pounds. Always obtain additional resources or use a mechanical lifting device.1Get a firm balanced footing. Keep your feet apart for a stable base, and point your toes out.2Tighten stomach muscles. Abdominal muscles support your spine when you lift, offsetting the force of the load.3Lift with your legs, not your back.4Keep the load close. The closer it is to your spine, the less force it exerts on your back.5Keep your back upright, whether lifting or setting down the load. Do not add the weight of your body to the load. Avoid twisting your body and back.6Follow the same techniques in reverse to set the load down.After working inside your computerAfter you complete any replacement procedure, ensure that you connect external devices, cards, and cables before turning on your computer.CAUTION: T o avoid damage to the computer, use only the battery designed for this particular Dell computer. Do not use batteries designed for other Dell computers.1 Connect any external devices, such as a port replicator or media base, and replace any cards, such as an ExpressCard.2 Connect any telephone or network cables to your computer.CAUTION: To connect a network cable, first plug the cable into the network device and then plug it into thecomputer.3 Connect your computer and all attached devices to their electrical outlets.4 Turn on your computer.Before you begin7Rack railsInstalling the rack rails1Follow the procedure in Before working inside your computer .2 To remove the side cover:aPress the latch.b Pull the latch [1] upward and slide the side cover outwards to remove it from the system [2].28Rack rails3 Remove the 3 screws that secure the top cover to the system chassis [1].4 Slide the top cover outwards and lift it away from the system [2].Rack rails910Rack rails6 Before installing the rails, ensure to remove the six (M5x6) screws secured to the screw slots in one of the rail.Rack rails117 Align the hooks in the rail to the hook slots on top of the system chassis.12Rack rails8 Fasten the two (#6-32x1/4) screws to secure the rail on the top of the system chassis.9 Fasten the three (M5x6) screws removed from the rail in step 6, to secure the rail to the system.10 Align the screw holes on the other rail to the screw holes on the bottom of the system and fasten the remaining three (M5x6) screwsto secure the rail.Rack rails1312 Fasten the 4 (M3.5x8.4) screws on the top and bottom of the system to secure the rack ears to the system.14Rack railsGetting helpContacting DellNOTE: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some services may not be available in your area. T o contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues:1Go to /support.2Select your support category.3Verify your country or region in the Choose a Country/Region drop-down list at the bottom of the page.4 Select the appropriate service or support link based on your need.3Getting help 15。

压降水低绝 旳 小堆反对,密值故度中应减越反采堆小来应用旳越性,功硼小增单率溶。 长位因 。体峰液积为 当值化水: 水因学当 中中子控水 硼含,制旳 浓硼温 度旳加可核度 超深降升 出数卸低高 某也料控时 一相燃制,值应水时减耗棒,。旳数量,
水冷却剂从上孔板流出,并在箱型空腔内混合后流向 堆芯上栅板。与上管座相连接旳压紧弹簧其所具有旳 压紧力能克服组件旳水力提升力,预防组件旳水力振 动,并补偿燃料组件和堆内构件之间旳轴向膨胀差。 上框架与上孔板用螺钉紧固。上管座旳角上开有定位 销孔,以便和上栅板旳销钉相应定位。
(4) 下管座
(1) 弹性定位格架 燃料组件全长有八个定位格架。其中位 于活性区旳6个定为格架旳条带有突出旳混流 翼,以利于在高热负荷区加强冷却剂旳混合; 燃料组件上、下两端两个弹性定为格架旳条 带上没有混流翼,而其他方面完全与前一种
弹簧定位格架是压水相堆同燃。 料
组件旳关键部件之一。定位 格架设计得好,能够提升反 应堆出力或增长反应堆热工 安全裕量。
子。依托这些中子在堆芯内引起核裂变反应,从而提升堆芯内中 子注量率,克服核测仪器旳盲区,使反应堆能安全、迅速地开启。
3) 因为棒径小,所以控制棒提升时所留下旳水隙对功率 分布畸变影响小。不需另设挤水棒,从而简化堆内构 造,降低了反应堆压力容器旳高度。

摘 要:铝合金是微波组件封装的优选材料,微距形连接器是高密度电子封装中的关键元器件。
关键词:微矩形连接器;铝合金封装;气密;有限元分析中图分类号:TN605 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3474(2021)02-0066-04Abstract: Aluminum Alloy is the preferred material for microwave module packaging, while micro-rectangular connector is the key component for high density packaging. However, due to the thermal expansion mismatch between the aluminum alloy and the connectors with Kovar shell, the package does not have long-term air tightness. In order to solve this problem, four kinds of aluminum alloy packaging schemes with micro-rectangular connectors are designed. By using fi nite element analysis, simulation analysis and experimental verifi cation, the optimal packaging scheme is developed.Keywords: micro-rectangular connector; aluminum alloy packaging; hermetic; fi nite element analysis Document Code: A Article ID: 1001-3474 (2021) 02-0066-04铝合金封装用微矩形连接器气密焊接工艺Soldering Process of Micro-rectangular Connector for Aluminum Alloy HermeticPackaging卢茜,李阳阳,张剑,董东,景飞,高阳,曾元祁LU Qian, LI Yangyang, ZHANG Jian, DONG Dong, JING Fei, GAO Yang, ZENG Yuanqi(中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,四川 成都 610036)( The 29th Research Institute of CETC, Chengdu 610036, China )doi: 10.14176/j.issn.1001-3474.2021.02.002随着新一代电子信息系统向着多功能、高性能和小型化的方向发展,微波组件的集成密度进一步提升。

一种舰载业务触发架构的改进籍礼文;于中华;杨大生【期刊名称】《舰船电子工程》【年(卷),期】2016(036)003【摘要】舰载 IMS (IPMultimedia Subsystem )系统静态的业务触发模式,使得 S-CSCF (Serving Call Session Control Function)盲目地机械地匹配业务触发规则,信令在 S-CSCF 和 AS(Application Server)之间多次转发。
作为 IMS 的核心所在,S-CSCF 除了负责处理注册过程,维持会话状态以及存储业务配置以外,还要进行路由判断。
过多不必要的信令在往返转发中,大大增加了 S-CSCF 的负载压力,延长了会话建立时延。
论文结合舰船环境的实际情况,提出了一种适合舰载业务的 NSTA(New Service Triggering Architecture)优化方案,而且通过排队论理论对两种触发机制进行了仿真分析对比,结果证明 NSTA 能够有效地分担 S-CSCF 的压力,减少信令冗余,很好地优化了业务触发性能。
【总页数】5页(P68-71,122)【作者】籍礼文;于中华;杨大生【作者单位】武汉船舶通信研究所武汉 430079;武汉船舶通信研究所武汉430079;武汉船舶通信研究所武汉 430079【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393【相关文献】1.一种基于 AS触发链的 IMS多业务触发机制 [J], 郭智恩;戴一奇2.一种改进的舰载信息系统架构的设计与分析 [J], 周雷;黄诚学;钱薇3.IMS业务体系架构中业务触发机制分析 [J], 凌颖;陈荆花4.一种应用于串联破甲弹引信的触发信号识别架构 [J], 吴奇;牛兰杰5.一种内触发式大功率氙灯的触发改进方案 [J], 杨颐鸥;陈建平因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

1.对美“作战响应空间”的再思考 [J], 刘震鑫;吉雯龙
2.美军"作战响应空间"分析及启示 [J], 李新洪;张育林
3.美国作战及时响应空间计划及其技术发展预测 [J], 蔡亚梅;汪立萍
4.美军作战快速响应空间计划推动下的卫星发展概况 [J], 邹江南;张灿
5.快速作战响应空间——美军空间作战能力新的增长点 [J], 袁文先;杨志强

兰州军区 江苏环保局 桂林税务局 深圳市气象局 深圳市水务局 珠江水利委员会 深圳市成人中专
洛阳隧道十五局 703** 部队 上海浦东开发区管理办公室 深圳市政府 深圳市民防办 深圳皇岗海关 顺德检察院
南京军区 河南郑州水资源局 苏州图书馆 深圳宝安人大 深圳体育局 云南省民政厅

1.埃奇伍德化生中心 [J], 黄锋;李大禹
2.美国陆军埃奇伍德化学生物中心(ECBC) [J], 朱晓行
3.美军埃奇伍德化生中心和SAIC公司联合开发战术性废弃物提炼站 [J], 唐荣军;
4.埃奇伍德化生中心与大学合作模式 [J], 康立芳;赵乐田;于柏林
5.埃奇伍德化生中心签订大规模杀伤性武器销毁技术转让协议 [J], 唐万林;曾鹏

Falk Alicke
【摘要】@@ 犹记在1980年的时候,一位朋友在Commodore 64屏幕上绘制出第一幅万宝路烟盒的计算机图像.他利用DOS操作系统编写出一套软件程序,将各个像素和像素域的色彩值及地址输出到CRT屏幕上,花费几小时的时间完成红、黑和白三色影像.如今,技术的发展完全不可同日而语!不论是专业的美工人员,还是对于如何正确调整像素位置一窍不通的门外汉,都能设计出影像.显示设备不只配备高级的电子组件,更有引人注目的美学设计和可移植性.
【作者】Falk Alicke
1.美国国家半导体公司三款专为便携式通信及视频系统设计的全新高速LMH放大器 [J],
2.基于PCI总线的雷达视频高速数据采集接口设计 [J], 符联军
3.基于USB总线的高速视频采集系统设计 [J], 徐庆元;张天序;钟胜
4.基于USB总线的高速视频采集系统设计 [J], 徐庆元;张天序;钟胜
5.机载高速总线视频分配器设计 [J], 宫海波;蒋红娜;徐茜
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Open Project: Basic Augmented RealityChad LoefflerMarcus MojicaCPSC 462 – Spring 2004March 31, 2004 - May 13, 2004Table of ContentsTable of Contents 2Introduction 3System Design 3Implementation Detail 6How Our Project Can Be Improved 8Major Files 9Materials 10Figures 11References 12Connection 13Code AttachedIntroductionAt the heart of our open project are the concepts that may one day change our way of viewing and interacting with the world. In this project, we explore the building blocks for augmented reality using infrared, a USB camera, eb63, and FPGA. One of our extra objectives was to add audio to the project.Augmented reality is the concept of taking virtual objects and overlaying them in real world space. A virtual object is the representation of a real object. Even though emphasis is placed on visual presentation, virtual objects may include sound, movement, interaction, and so forth.System DesignOverviewThe system design consists of a 4-phase augmented reality system based on the proximity lookup model. This model makes use of two types of devices, a server and a client. When the two devices come into the range and the line of sight of each other, a virtual object id is transferred. The virtual object is retrieved and displayed.Phase 1 established a working detection system using infrared. Simply, when the correct infrared signal is detected and it is in the line of sight, the state of the system changes. A client device (FPGA) listens, detects a state change, and responds by sending a print to screen.Phase 2 continuously broadcasts an id using infrared from a server device (eb63, FPGA, and breadboard circuits) and transfers it correctly to the client. The client looks up the associated id and displays the associated text or image. As long as the server deviceand client device are in the line of sight, the text or image is displayed. Phase 3 extends Phase 2 by finding a technique to overlay an image on real-time video (see Figure 1).Phrase 4 was not originally included in the project proposal, but was added since phrase 3 was already reached earlier than expected. The breadboard circuits were transferred from the breadboard to PC boards and the static virtual objects were placed in a project box. Speech recognition was added to allow the eb63 to be a dynamic virtual object.Project BoxThe project box is simple in design. Inside, the project box contains two circuits that act independent of each other, but share a common power supply. One operates a infrared emitter at a certain hertz while another infrared emitter operate another specified hertz. The hertz act as the virtual object id.EB63We expanded the project by adding speech recognition. Microsoft Mary is the voice that comes with the Microsoft Speech SDK. When we receive the blink data, Mary tells us what the blink rate is, what the average blink rate is, and what animal corresponds to that blink rate. For the other end of our project, Mary also takes commands from us through the Coffee Shop interface. When we give a command that she recognizes, she takes the corresponding action. These actions involve making the eb63 blink at a certain rate per time interval.For the eb63 side of the project, here was the high-level design. A program called “Coffee Shop 6” runs. It is a modified version of one of the example programs supplied with the Speech SDK. The program listens for a command from us. If we give it acommand that it recognizes, it will take action. The action is to find which number corresponds to the animal name that was supplied with the command and write that number to a file. Another program is continuously reading the number from that file and outputting it to the parallel port. The eb63, which is polling the parallel port, reads in the number and finds what animal that number corresponds to. It will then blink at a rate specified by us to emulate the transmitter that corresponds to that animal.FPGAFor the FPGA side, which is on a second computer, here is the high level design. The FPGA is using the signal from the receiver as a clock source to a counter. This counter is reset at the beginning of each time interval. Before reset, the counter output is latched into a register. This register output will be the final counter value for the previous time interval. This data is sent to the parallel port, where a program reads it as the blink rate. The program then speaks the blink rate to us. After getting 3 good blink rates, it will calculate the average blink rate and tell it to us. It will also tell us what animal corresponds to that blink rate. The program will also create a file with a picture of that animal. This picture file is read by a JavaScript program in a web browser and overlaid on a web cam image.One major note is that the Microsoft Speech Engine requires Windows libraries that come as part of Microsoft compilers. We could only compile our code using Visual C++, Visual Studio, or Visual .NET C++. While the documentation says the speech engine will work with any 32 bit C++ compiler, it does state that any example code given requires a Visual product.Implementation DetailProject BoxThe circuits for the project box were basic circuits. Figure 1 contains each circuit specification. The circuit contained a 555 timer configured for astable multivibrator mode with an infrared emitter connected to the output. Even though the circuits were basic, this part of the project took about 4 weeks to configure correctly. This was due to bad and incorrect 555 timers. Once this was fixed, however, the project moved along quickly. The circuits were configured for 1 and 20 hertz. The 20 hertz was obtained by modifying the capacitor value in the figure specifications.EB63Here are the details for the computer with the eb63. The Coffee Shop 6 programis listening for a command. Because of limited time, we were unable to create our own Grammar. A Grammar is a set of speech rules and commands. We had to use the existing Grammar and append our commands to the preexisting commands.The section of the program that renames the coffee shop was ideal for our purpose. It uses a preexisting command of “Rename the Coffee Shop to <new name>”, where<new name> is anything that you say. In order to modify this to work the way we wanted, we added an intermediate step in its processing function so that we could find what the new name was. We then used our animal names as the new shop name. We have 4 commands: “Rename the Coffee Shop to dog”, “Rename the Coffee Shop to cat”, “Rename the Coffee Shop to mockingbird”, and “Rename the Coffee Shop to stop”. The first 3 commands are animal names. The last command is to make the eb63 stop blinking.We found that the recognition algorithm could correctly identify our commands most of the time, but not every time. This caused us to repeat commands, which annoyed others in the lab. As a quick workaround, we modified our command processing function to check for the first letter only. Thus, our commands of “dog”, “cat”, “mockingbird”, and “stop” could be replaced with “dollar”, “chicken”, “marshmallow”, and “sushi” for example.Since we could not get the parallel port code to run with the GUI based program, we had to have the program output to a file. We then used a command line program to read from the file and output that to the parallel port. The eb63 was using a modified version of the LCD program to poll for data. After receiving the data, it would adjust the number of milliseconds in its wait function. The eb63 was running an infinite while loop and used a wait function to pause at a certain time interval. At each new interval, its transmitter output would toggle. By having it wait the right amount, we could adjust the output blinking frequency of the transmitter.FPGAA second computer was used for the FPGA side. The FPGA had the receiver attached to one of its I/O pins. The FPGA used the signal from the receiver as a clock source to a counter. This counter was reset at the beginning of each time interval. Before being reset, the counter output would be latched into a register. This register output would contain the final counter value for the previous time interval.This data was then transferred to the parallel port, where a program read it as the blink rate. The blink rate would then be spoken by the speech engine. If 3 consecutiveblink rates were all within 20 of each other, then their average would be calculated. This average would be spoken along with the name of the animal that it represented.Before the average was spoken, a picture file was modified to contain the pictureof the specified animal. This picture was then overlaid upon a semi-live web cam image. The Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 supplied the text-to-speech engine along with the voiceof Microsoft Mary and the speech recognition engine.How Our Project Can Be ImprovedThe project could be improved in a number of ways. True real-time video and overlay could be handled by a single C++ program instead of going through web browser software and simply updating still images. A real virtual object ID could be transferred and compared to a table instead of simply deducing it from the hertz. Instead of infrared, RFid technology would be a much more practical for previous suggestions.As for speech recognition, creating the Grammar Context for the speech recognition engine and creating a GUI-based program around this. Instead of using preexisting commands and appending their commands, they could create their own commands and parameters.ConclusionThe project was an excellent learning opportunity. We were able to achieve our goals (and extend them) in the given time period. This is augmented reality on small scale.Major FilesProject_top.vMain FPGA fileCounter.v8-bit counter with asynchronous reset generated by CoregenIPLCDObj.ceb63 fileCoffee.cppCoffee Shop Program using the speech recognition engineInpoutTest.cppreads a number from a file and outputs it to the parallel portProject.cppreads blink rate, speaks using speech engine, and changes picture filecam.jpgThis image is replaced continuously by web cam software such as ConquerCam. The highest possible interval is suggested to simulate a real-time video feed.overlay.jpgThis image is replaced by the project's parallel port program. When the identification of an object is discovered by the FPGA, the parallel port program determines the associated overlay image. The overlay image is updated.changer.batThis program simulates the process of updating cam.jpg and overlay.jpg. It simply swaps the current images. Note: this will only work by copying the files listed here to hard disk. start.htmlThis HTML document contains the introductory.view.htmlThis HTML document brings the project together. The viewer makes use of JavaScript and Cascading Styles Sheets. The script refreshes the images, and the style sheets position the images. The page is opened in a javascript popup window from the "start.html" page for a better visual appearance. This helps to remove toolbars, remove scrollbars, set height, etc.MaterialsFiguresFigure 1 (Source: Tokheim)Figure 2ReferencesLing, Junyi. C++ Parallel Port Code.Tokheim, Roger L. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Digital Principles. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.ConnectionTo connect the eb63 to the parallel port, a cable is needed that converts the parallel interface to a small-pin interface. The parallel port D0 and D1 pins are connected to the first 2 pins of the PioA controller. These are TCLK3 and TIOA3. These are the 10th and 11th pins on column B of the P3 section of the eb63. A ground pin of the eb63 must be connected to a ground pin of the parallel port for them to work correctly. The transmitter is connected to the PB8 pin and a ground pin. The PB8 pin is the 17th pin on the A column of the P3 area.The FPGA had the receiver connected to pin 123. The receiver was connected only to this pin. The receiver circuit consisted of 2 resistors in series with the receiver. One part of the receiver was connected to the positive power lead. The wire connecting to the FPGA was connected to the part of the receiver facing the resistors. The receiver circuit operated with 4.5 volts. The resistors were a voltage divider. The transmitter of the FPGA was connected to Pin 120 and a ground pin. The project box with the transmitters was operating at 3 V.。