Apparel Sourcing Will Shine in Paris
国际贸易 经济 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 美国纺织品和服装产业的贸易自由化和战略调整模式
Trade liberalization and patterns of strategicadjustment in the US textiles and clothing industryBelay SeyoumU.S.A.International Business Review,Issue 16 ,2007Belay SeyoumNova Southeastern University, 3301 College Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314, USA Received 2 December 2005; received in revised form 17 April 2006, 11 October 2006, 23 November 2006; accepted13 December 2006The overall environment facing the US TC industry will be one of rapidly changing market conditions and technological innovation. With the phase out of quotas and growing number of trade agreements, the US TC industry is being exposed to intense competition in export and domestic markets. This is likely to lead domestic industries/labor to demand intervention by national governments to mitigate the adverse impact of trade liberalization (Standbury & Vertinksy, 2004).In spite of the substantial job losses, the US TC industry remains technologically advanced partly due to increased productivity resulting from advances in technology and design capabilities. Textile production is capital intensive and modern technology is essential to meet the increasing for high-quality products. Over the last few years, US textiles and apparel firms have substantially increased their investment to maintain modern manufacturing facilities as well as improve production and marketing capabilities in order to maximize their inherent advantages to market proximity. In apparel, low skill production jobs have moved to low-cost locations offshore while the more skilled ones have been retained. To successfully adapt to the new environment, US TC industries need to capitalize on their sources of competitive advantage. They need to develop a more flexible operational arrangement, meet high standards in product innovation and generally develop a more change-seeking business culture (Kilduff, 2005).An important survival tool for US TC firms is to expand their potential market by offering new product designs and product categories. Manufacturers must try to bring a steady stream of products to market that are in line with the taste, preferences of theconsumer. They can also expand their market potential by offering new product categories. Two of the fastest growing apparel segments in the US, for example, have been the women’s plus and men’s big and tall segments (Driscoll, 2004). Plus-size apparel marketing was estimated at $47 billion in 2005 accounting for 20% of total apparel market. It is important to identify the firm’s target customers and assess whether the firm is successfully addressing their needs.US TC firms should target a narrow segment of the market that provides the best opportunity for success. In textiles, the focus should be on a few specialized segments such as carpets, nonwovens and technical textiles. Similarly, apparel producers should increase their focus on core products, reduce vertical integration to shed overhead costs, and establish alliances with other firms to consolidate resources and increase market share.Finally, in view of rising incomes and high growth rates in many developing countries such as China, Brazil, and India, there are potential export market opportunities for US textile and apparel products. US export interests may be served by seeking improved access to the retail distribution systems of developing countries. US textile firms should also be able to use Mexico to export to the European Union and other countries, taking advantage of the Mexico-EU trade agreement. Since the conclusion of NAFTA, a number of Asian and European firms have produced certain products in Mexico in order to export to the US market.This paper suggests a demand pull model as a basis for developing a network structure in the clothing industry. In a demand pull model, consumer demand is the driver of sales unlike the supply push model whereby the manufacturer pushes goods to the retailer regardless of consumer demand.Retail companies have become powerful due to their sufficient capital and marketing expertise to build loyalty among consumers. They are the lead firm in view of their central role in the organizational network. The lead clothing retailer integrates industrial capabilities such as sourcing of textiles, design, product branding and its relations with consumers enables it to keep abreast of fashion consumption trends.The lead firm conveys its requirements to these changing trends (changes in style, material requirements) to its suppliers or subcontractors (Table 7). It also provides assistance with the purchasing of capital equipment and technology necessary to produce apparel in accordance with market demand. The fragmented webs of suppliers and subcontractors are bound together through information technology, online data sharing, joint product development, and collaborative forecasting, planning and replenishment activities. Retailers will hold less inventory as shipments become smaller and more frequent since point of sale data is directly transmitted to the manufacturer/supplier who will produce and ship garments as it is needed. This model shows the role of the retailer as an intermediary integrating the functions of design, textile sourcing, branding and as facilitator of apparel production through a web of suppliers/subcontractors. Such restructuring through technological improvements and information technology is one means of succeeding in an increasingly competitive environment. The horizontally structured, mass production methods no longer ensure future competitiveness.The lion’s share of the benefits from quota elimination is expec ted to accrue to China. Its low labor cost, high productivity, range and flexibility of services as well as efficient supplier networks will make China the supplier of choice. About 87% of apparelexecutives that participated in a cotton sourcing summit in Miami in February 2004, agreed that China will soon account for 50–90% of all apparel sold in the US market (National Labor Committee, 2004). This means rationalization of production and a massive consolidation of vendors. Other winners are likely to include India and Pakistan in narrow segments of the TC industry. The elimination of quotas is also likely to lead to lower prices for consumers in view of the absence of quota costs which is often a significant part of the cost of TC sold in the US market. Well-known brands may still hold market value since they are not subject to retail price deflation. It is important for TC firms to evaluate their internal capabilities such as sourcing, manufacturing, logistics, transportation etc. in order to develop an action plan for the post-quota world.Exporters from Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean are likely to lose market share to China since they largely compete on price (not quality) and lack the capability to produce high value added products. Even with the introduction of safeguards on a range of products that are of export interest to these countries, their US market share has declined since the phase out of quotas. With the complete removal of quotas in 2008, it is difficult for these countries to compete on price. Since the US government lifted quotas in 2002 on 29 categories, for example, China’s market share (in these categories) jumped from just 9% (2002) to 65% (2003) while prices paid by US retailers (for apparel from China) dropped by 48% (National Labor Committee, 2004). In cotton dressing gowns (quotas removed) China’s share in 2003 jumped from 25% to 39% while that of Caribbean countries fell from 13% to a mere 3%. In the first 12 months after the phase out of quotas, China’s market share in apparel rose by 59% in value while that of many Central and South American countries showed a sharp decline.What are the implications for TC firms in countries that are vulnerable to competition from China? First, they should capitalize on their proximity to the US market. Their ability to offer lower transport cost, lower lead times as well as duty free entry to the US market may attract the fashion-oriented segment of the US industry. This will depend on access to good local transport infrastructure to get goods to market as well as advanced telecommunications systems to link suppliers and customers. Local firms and governments need to collaborate in creating a climate which is conducive to business and to develop infrastructure to attract and retain TC industries that are so vital in generating exports and employment.Secondly, low wages do not necessarily provide a comparative advantage with respect to China. Firms should develop new capabilities in areas in which China does not have a comparative advantage (yarn, and silk non-apparel). This requires, inter alia, investment in modern production methods and development of competitive sources of local raw materials. Even in product areas in which China is expanding its exports, developing country suppliers that enhance their skills, technology, supply chains and marketing capabilities (through joint ventures, licensing arrangements) faster than China can still maintain their shares to the US market.Thirdly, an important strategic consideration that limits the competitive impact of China is the need on the part of multinationals to diversify their risk portfolios. US manufacturers and retailers are likely to adopt a diversified risk adjusted sourcing strategy that balances cost, speed to market as well as political and economic stability. They may not be prepared to rely on China for critical inputs beyond a certain threshold of risk. Furthermore, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean could be attractive options for US companies in some fashion sensitive segments of the industry where quick response or fast turnaround is important.Finally, existing US rules of origin requirements to qualify for free access to the US market have had unintended consequences. One of the requirements is that they have to use US yarn and fabric. This has had the effect of making their exports less competitive. The US may have to modify its rules of origin to allow developing countries to import from Asia or other competitive sources without losing their preferential status.美国纺织品和服装产业的贸易自由化和战略调整模式贝蕾·塞尤姆美国国际商务评论,第16期,2007年贝蕾·塞尤姆诺娃东南大学,学院大道3301,劳德代尔堡,佛罗里达33314,美国2005年12月2日收到稿件;分别于2006年4月17日、2006年10月11日和2006年11月23日收到修改稿件;2006年12月13日正式录用美国纺织品和服装行业面临的是一个市场条件快速变化、科技不断创新的环境。
Footwear Operations
Accessorles Operations
aSIS Management & Administration
Supply Chain
配件業務 協助經營管理 全球供應鏈
2002 Objectives
Reorganize to enhance brand and division focus
Our Company
A group of brands and divisions
Differentiated consumers – require Different products and services
2002 Objectives
Reorganize to enhance brand and division focus
Traditional Model
Global Operations
Apparel Operations
accordance to
market needs
依市場需求來 促進內部作業的挑
Creating innovative
soltions across the entire supply
促使整個供應鏈 獲得新而有效的
2002 Objectives 2002目標
SOLIDWORKS Composer 3D 技术文档说明书
OBIETTIVISOLIDWORKS® Composer è uno strumento 3D che consente di riutilizzare i dati tecnici 3D per creare contenuti grafici in grado di spiegare processi e procedure all'interno delle comunicazioni tecniche. Questi contenuti includono istruzioni di assemblaggio per la produzione, manuali dei prodotti, istruzioni di installazione, manuali di assistenza, manuali per la formazione, brochure di marketing e offerte per le vendite.PANORAMICASOLIDWORKS Composer è uno strumento per la crea-zione di supporti per la comunicazione, quali istruzioni di assemblaggio, elenchi di parti e supporti di presen-tazione, che possono essere costituiti da pagine HTML interattive, animazioni, immagini rasterizzate o grafica vettoriale. I dati di SOLIDWORKS o di altre applicazioni CAD possono essere importati in SOLIDWORKS Composer e organizzati in viste costituite da istantanee dei dati dell'assieme con orientamenti e stati diversi, in cui le parti vengono mostrate e nascoste in base alle esigenze. Poiché SOLIDWORKS Composer è un software associa-tivo, è possibile aggiornare automaticamente i materiali di comunicazione tecnica con le modifiche apportate ai modelli CAD. Per la prima volta, potrete ridurre i tempi di realizzazione dei prodotti con la garanzia di avere sempre una documentazione accurata e di alta qualità. Gli ele-menti grafici e le animazioni di SOLIDWORKS Composer sono particolarmente utili nella semplificazione delle istruzioni di assemblaggio e degli ordini di lavoro. Potete visualizzare direttamente in 3D le modalità di assemblag-gio o riparazione del prodotto, riducendo la probabilità di errori in officina, eliminando le barriere linguistiche e riducendo notevolmente i costi di localizzazione. VANTAGGIRiduzione dei ritardi nel time-to-market. SOLIDWORKS Composer consente di ridurre gli errori nella documenta-zione e garantire la commercializzazione di tutti i materiali più rapidamente grazie ai seguenti vantaggi:• Creazione anticipata della documentazione durante il processo di progettazione e aggiornamenti più rapidi in caso di modifiche al progetto.• Creazione di contenuti 3D interattivi che chiunque potrà visualizzare con il software gratuito SOLIDWORKS Composer Player.• Aggiunta di elementi grafici interattivi ai materialidi formazione.• Creazione di rendering ombreggiati ad alta risoluzione e con effetti 3D per presentazioni e brochure.• Pubblicazione rapida online di dettagli dei prodotti complessi tramite modelli Web.Maggiore soddisfazione dei clienti. Una grafica di prodotto azzeccata può fare la differenza fra raggiungere l'obiettivo di vendita prefissato o mancarlo. Con SOLIDWORKS Composer è possibile:• Creare immagini più realistiche, eliminando la necessità di prototipi fisici durante la realizzazione dei materiali di marketing per il prodotto.• Illustrare in modo efficace i prodotti constoryboard interattive.• Evidenziare i principali elementi distintivi chiave con viste dettagliate, effetti di luce e componenti trasparenti.• Stupire i prospect visualizzando velocemente gli aggiornamenti dei progetti.• Creare animazioni interattive per rappresentare in modo efficace i dettagli più complessi del prodotto. Maggiore chiarezza nelle comunicazioni. Non è più necessario scendere a compromessi nella comunicazione, acconten-tandosi di disegni poco dettagliati per illustrare il concept o aspettando la fine del progetto per iniziare a creare i materiali di comunicazione del prodotto. Con SOLIDWORKS Composer, sarà possibile creare in maniera semplice:• Viste dettagliate• Viste esplose• Immagini ad alta risoluzione• Illustrazioni tecniche• Animazioni interattive• Distinte di materiali ed elenchi di parti interattivi3D EXPERIENCE platform migliora le applicazioni del marchio al servizio di 12 settori industriali ed offre un'ampia gamma di esperienze di soluzioni industriali.Dassault Systèmes, the 3D EXPERIENCE ® Company, mette a disposizione di aziende e persone universi virtuali in cui immaginare innovazioni per un mondo sostenibile. Le sue soluzioni leader a livello mondiale trasformano il modo in cui i prodotti vengono progettati, realizzati e gestiti. Le soluzioni collaborative di Dassault Systèmes promuovono l'innovazione sociale, aumentando le possibilità che il mondo virtuale migliori il mondo reale. Il gruppo offre valore a oltre 220.000 aziende di tutte le dimensioni e di tutti i settori industriali in oltre 140 Paesi. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito web /it .AmericheDassault Systèmes 175 Wyman Street Waltham, MA 02451 USAEuropa/Medio Oriente/Africa Dassault Systèmes10, rue Marcel Dassault CS 4050178946 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex FranciaDassault Systèmes Italia s.r.l.+39-049-8176400 ************************©2018 D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s . T u t t i i d i r i t t i r i s e r v a t i . 3D E X P E R I E N C E , l 'i c o n a C o m p a s s , i l l o g o 3D S , C A T I A , S O L I D W O R K S , E N O V I A , D E L M I A , S I M U L I A , G E O V I A , E X A L E A D , 3D V I A , 3D S W Y M , B I O V I A , N E T V I B E S , I F W E e 3D E X C I T E s o n o m a r c h i c o m m e r c i a l i o m a r c h i r e g i s t r a t i d i D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s , u n a "s o c i ét é e u r o p ée n n e " f r a n c e s e (r e g i s t r o d e l c o m m e r c i o d i V e r s a i l l e s n r . B 322 306 440), o d e l l e s u e c o n s o c i a t e n e g l i S t a t i U n i t i e /o i n a l t r i P a e s i . T u t t i g l i a l t r i m a r c h i s o n o d i p r o p r i e t à d e i r i s p e t t i v i p r o p r i e t a r i . L 'u s o d e i m a r c h i d i D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s o d e l l e s u e c o n s o c i a t e è s o g g e t t o a l l a l o r o a p p r o v a z i o n e e s p l i c i t a p e r i s c r i t t o .FUNZIONALITÀSOLIDWORKS Composer• Le istruzioni di assemblaggio contengono informazioni aggiornate derivanti dagli ordini di modifica emantengono le informazioni di progettazione, riducendo i dubbi nell'officina e le incomprensioni dovute alle barriere linguistiche.• I manuali dei prodotti, le guide all'assistenza eall'installazione hanno sempre un aspetto professionale e vengono aggiornati a ogni modifica dei prodotti. Il risultato: riduzione delle chiamate all'assistenza ed elenchi parti sempre aggiornati.• I materiali di formazione vengono sviluppati in modo intelligente, su misura per gli utenti finali a cui sono destinati, consentendo di ridurre una curva di apprendimento altrimenti elevata.• I materiali di vendita e di marketing spiccano su quelli della concorrenza e rimangono sempre aggiornati a ogni modifica dei prodotti.• Le presentazioni di revisione dei progetti vengonorealizzate in modo semplice, per ridurre le incomprensioni e ottenere maggiore consenso.SOLIDWORKS Composer PlayerPiù che un semplice visualizzatore, SOLIDWORKS Composer Player consente:• Agli utenti finali di accedere ai contenuti grazie a questa utility gratuita.• Agli utenti dell'officina, ai clienti e ai partner di osservare il funzionamento del prodotto, le possibilità che offre e il modo in cui utilizzarlo con contenuti 3D interattivi.• Ai team di produzione di visualizzare come è assemblato il prodotto.• Ai rappresentanti del servizio clienti di seguire il processo di riparazione.• Ai clienti di osservare il prodotto in azione, ancora prima che venga realizzato.SOLIDWORKS Composer Player Pro• Creazione di demo personalizzate dei prodotti, contenuti interattivi e istruzioni di assemblaggio per consentire di comprendere rapidamente qualsiasi processo.• Varie funzioni, tra cui rotazione, zoom, animazioni e misurazioni, nonché la capacità di visualizzare le distinte materiali, in un ambiente in cui i diritti sono controllati dall'autore.• Visualizzazione di istruzioni interattive dettagliate senza alcuna interfaccia utente aggiuntiva.• Creazione di applicazioni personalizzate da distribuire internamente o sul sito Web mediante API (Application Programming Interface).SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync• Aggiornamento dei metadati, della geometria, delle distinte materiali e delle informazioni di produzione.• Automazione batch per gli output, conversione batch e aggiornamento.• Presenta un grande insieme di modelli.SOLIDWORKS Enterprise Composer Sync• Personalizzazione e integrazione con sistemi PLM (Product Lifecycle Management).• Importazione automatica in modalità batch di file 3D e pubblicazione del contenuto.• Automazione della creazione dei documenti in sistemi di flusso di lavoro esistenti.• Automazione della conversione dei documenti mediante un programma XML personalizzato.SOLIDWORKS Composer Check• Utilizzo del rilevamento delle interferenze statiche e dinamiche.• Funzioni di Controllo ingombro: test delle interferenze, test della distanza minima e controllo dell'ingombro.• Rilevamento delle collisioni interattivo per individuare le collisioni durante le animazioni.• Convalida delle procedure di assistenza e assemblaggio prima della commercializzazione dei prodotti.。
【最新】爱马仕,邀请函-word范文模板 (6页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==爱马仕,邀请函篇一:如何从细节分辨真假爱马仕如何从细节分辨真假爱马仕在《找到真的爱马仕》一文中,针对爱马仕包袋的鉴定,笔者先从价格和流通数量上对典当的爱马仕包袋做了初步的判断,然后又从皮质、走线这两个细节谈到了分辨真假的蛛丝马迹,而本文则再续前言,从厂标、皮带及其印记刻字和金属配件来谈谈鉴定爱马仕皮包的经验。
通常铂金包的材质分为以下几种 The Niloticus Crocodile尼罗鳄——来自于非洲。
这种材质是爱马仕拥护者的经典选择; Veau Togo——最常见,是表面有颗粒触感的母牛皮;Chevre Mysore——是很少见的山羊皮,因为其高品质高尚在爱马仕产品中尤显珍贵。
代表性的颜色则有Blue Jean——非常常见的一种奇异的天蓝色; Vert Amande杏仁绿——近似于草绿; Rouge Vif 亮红——非常明亮的红色,在某种程度上有种唇膏的调调。
Business Model (cont`d)
consists of merchandising and store operations Stores places in premium streets and city centers Set fabulous window-display store Main retailing tactic: create scarcity Very low advertisements Aims: reduce inventory and marked-down prices
Euro-Centric Model
Diseconomies of Scale
Potential Oversaturation in Europe Rivals may copy Zara's strategy Competition from Chinese and other external manufacturers Manufacturing base in Spain may become Expensive
Coordinate with R&D and also with stores itself to catch new trends
Ability to produce fast fashion
Market Penetration:
Own subsidiaries Joint Ventures Franchising
Competitive Advantage
Lorex N842安装指南说明书
N842_QSG_FR_R1Série N8421 / 2Copyright © 2020 Lorex CorporationNos produits étant sans cesse améliorés, Lorex se réserve le droit de modifier la conception du produit, ses spécificationset son prix sans préavis et sans aucune obligation. E&OE. Tous droits réservés.Reportez-vous aux étapes ci-dessous (instructions détaillées à droite) pour terminer la configuration initiale de l’enregistreur :Lorex Fusion supporte la connectivité avec certains appareils sans fil au l’enregistreur. Pour en savoir plus sur la connectivité de fusion et les appareils Lorex compatibles avec cette fonctionnalité, visitez *Non inclus/vendus séparément.Pour en savoir plus sur la compatibilité des caméras, consultez le site /compatibility .Vue d’ensemble des ports supplémentaires :REMARQUE : Pour obtenir des instructions complètes sur l’utilisation des ports supplémentaires, veuillez consulter le manuel d’instructions de votre enregistreur de sécurité sur .Configuration de votre enregistreurLes panneaux arrière ci-dessous sont uniquement présentés à des fins d’illustration. Le panneau arrière de votre enregistreur peut paraître légèrement différent, avec tous lesmêmes ports à des endroits différents.ÉTAP 6 :Lorex Setup WizardNotez le mot de passe ci-dessous et gardez-le dans un endroit sûr :N842_QSG_FR_R1Ajouter des caméras à partir du LANSuivez les instructions ci-dessous pour ajouter des caméras qui ne sont pas directement connectées aux ports PoE à l’arrière de l’enregistreur.REMARQUE : Veuillez visiter Pour ajouter des caméras à partir du LAN :1. Connectez la caméra à un routeur ou à un commutateur branché sur le même réseau que l’enregistreur.2. Cliquez sur le bouton droit de la souris et sélectionnez l’aide du nom d’utilisateur du système (par défaut :3. Configurez les éléments suivants :a. Cliquez sur Camera Registration b. Cochez la/les caméra(s) à ajouter.c. Cliquez sur Add . L devient vert si la caméra est bien connectée.d. Les périphériques ajoutés apparaîtrontdans la liste Added Device le bouton droit de la souris pour quitter le Rechercher et lire des enregistrements vidéo depuis le disque dur.Pour rechercher et lire des enregistrements :Depuis le visionnement en direct, cliquez sur le bouton droit, puis sur Playback (lecture). Si vous y êtesinvité, connectez-vous à l’aide du nom d’utilisateur du système (par défaut : admin ) et votre nouveau Sauvegarder des enregistrements sur une clé USB (non fournie).Pour sauvegarder des enregistrements :Insérez une clé USB (non fournie) dans un port USB libre de l’enregistreur.Depuis le mode de visionnement en direct, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris, puis cliquez sur Main. Si vous y êtes invité, connectez-vous à l’aide du nom d’utilisateur du système (par défaut : admin ) et votre nouveau mot de passe sécurisé.Sélectionnezle canal d’unecaméra connectée avec détection de personnes et de Enable sous et/ou Vehicle . c. Cliquez sur Set à côté de Area pour définir des zones actives pour la détection despersonnes et/ou des véhicules. Consultez la Figure 1 ci-dessous pour plus de détails.d. Cliquez sur Set à côté de Schedule pour définir un calendrier hebdomadaire pour ladétection des personnes et/ou des véhicules. Consultez la Figure 2 ci-dessous pour plus de détails.e. Réglez les préférences pour la lumière d’avertissement et la sirène.f. Cliquez sur Apply .Pour déclencher les lumières d’avertissement et les sirènes de toutes les caméras de dissuasion connectées, appuyez sur le bouton du panneau avant et maintenez-le enfoncé pendant 3 secondes.Figure 2: CalendrierFigure 1: Zone de détection• Cliquez sur Add pour définir une zone de détection depersonnes ou de véhicules sur le canal sélectionné. Cliquez et faites glisser les coins pour redimensionner la zone.• Pour des résultats plus précis, définissez une zone où les objets d’intérêt se déplaceront à l’intérieur de la zone de délimitation ainsi qu’à l’entrée et à la sortie.• Cochez la Light à côté d’une règle pour faire clignoter la lumière d’avertissement de l’appareil lorsqu’un objet est détecté.• Consultez la documentation de votre caméra pour unpositionnement optimal de la caméra pour la détection des personnes et des véhicules.Option 1 : Caméras de détection avancée du mouvementOption 2 : Caméras de dissuasion active• L ’horaire par défaut, illustré à la Figure 2, est actif pendant la nuit, entre 17 h et 7 h. • Cliquez sur Set pour modifier l’horaire du jour de la semaine correspondant.• Cliquez sur OK lorsque vous avez terminé.Sélectionnez le canal d’une camérade dissuasion connectée.Enable .Set à côté de Area pourdéfinir des zones actives pour la détection des personnes et/ou des véhicules. Consultez la Figure 3 ci-dessous pour plus de détails.d. Cliquez sur Set à côté de Schedule pour définir un calendrierhebdomadaire pour la détection des personnes et/ou desvéhicules. Consultez la Figure 2 ci-dessous pour plus de détails.e. Réglez les préférences pour la lumière d’avertissement et la sirène.f.Réglez les niveaux de Sensitivity et de Threshold selon vos préférences.g. Cliquez sur Apply .• L ’image de la caméra apparaît avec une grillesuperposée. La zone verte est la zone active pour la dissuasion.• Cliquez ou cliquez et faites glisser pour ajouter/supprimer la zone de la grille rouge.• Dans la Figure 3, seul le mouvement autour de la porte déclenchera un voyant d’avertissement.• Cliquez à droite lorsque vous avez terminé.Figure 3: Zone de dissuasionModification de la résolution de sortie de l’enregistreurPour garantir la meilleure qualité d’image possible, réglez la résolution de sortie de l’enreg-istreur à la résolution la plus élevée prise en charge par votre moniteur.moniteur. Par exemple, sélectionnez Pour modifier la résolution de sortie de l’enregistreur :IMPORTANT : Si vous devez changer de moniteur, assurez-vous de régler l’enregistreur sur une résolution de sortie prise en charge par le nouveau moniteur avant de commuter.Pendant le visionnement en direct, passez le curseur de la souris au-dessus de l’écran pour ouvrir la barre de navigation. Déplacez le curseur de la souris en l’éloignant du dessus de l’écran pour fermer la barre de navigation.Lors du visionnement en direct :afin de faire un zoom avant et arrière.Utilisation du menu rapideCliquez avec le bouton droit n’importe où sur l’écran de visionnement en direct pour ouvrir le menu rapide.Ouvrir le menu principal.Rechercher et lire des enregistrements.Contrôle des caméras PTZ (nonabcabca b c defa c eb d fc d eb a gfab。
INTERNATIONAL FINANCEAssignment Problems (5) Name: Student#:I. Choose the correct answer for the following questions (only correct answer) (3 credits for each question, total credits 3 x 20 = 60)1. When the supply of and demand for a foreign exchange in the foreign exchange market are exactly the same, the exchange rate is the __________.A. real exchange rateB. effective exchange rateC. equilibrium exchange rateD. cross exchange rate2. An increase in the demand for French goods and services will __________.A. induce a rightward shift in the demand for euroB. induce a leftward shift in the demand for euroC. result in a rightward movement along the demand curve for euroD. result in a leftward movement along the demand curve for euro3. If U.S. dem and for Japanese goods increases and Japan’s demand for U.S. products also rises at the same time, which of the following can you conclude in this situation?A. The U.S. dollar will appreciate against the yen.B. The U.S. dollar will depreciate against the yen.C. The U.S. dollar will not change relative to the yen.D. The U.S. dollar may appreciate, depreciate, or remain unchanged against theyen.4. If the price of a pair of Nike sneakers costs $85 in U.S, and the price of the same sneakers is €80 in Pari s, the spot rate is $1.35 per euro, the euro __________.A. is correctly valued according to PPPB. is correctly valued according to relative PPPC. is undervalued according to PPPD. is overvalued according to PPP5. If the expected exchange rate E (SB/A) according to the relative purchasing power parity is lower than the spot exchange rate (SB/A), we may conclude that __________.A. country B is expected to run huge BOP surplus with country AB. country A’s interest rate is going to be lower than that of country B’sC. the expected inflation rate in country A is higher than the expected inflation rate in country BD. the expected inflation rate in country A is lower than the expected inflation rate in country B6. Assume that PPP holds in the long run. If the price of a tradable good is $20 in the U.S. and 100 pesos in Mexico; and the exchange rate is 7 pesos/$ right now, which of the following changes might we expect in the future?A. an increase in the price of the good in the U.SB. a decrease in the price of the good in MexicoC. an appreciation of the peso in nominal termsD. a depreciation of the peso in nominal terms7. Which basket of goods would be most likely to exhibit absolute purchasing power parity?A. Highly tradable commodities, such as wheatB. The goods in the Consumer Price indexC. Specialized luxury goods, which are subject to different tax rates across countriesD. Locally produced goods, such as transportation services, which are not easily traded8. The absolute purchasing power parity says that the exchange rate between the two currencies should be determined by the __________ .A. relative inflation rate of the two currenciesB. relative price level of the two countriesC. relative interest rate of the two currenciesD. relative money supply of the two countries9. According to the relative PPP, if country A’s inflation rate is higher than country B’s inflation rate by 3%, __________.A. country A’s currency should depreciate against country B’s currency by 3%B. country A’s currency should appreciate against country B’s currency by 3%C. it is hard to say whether country A’s currency should appreciate or depreciate against country B’s currency. The exchange rate is influenced by many factorsD. none of the above is true10. If the law of one price holds for a particular good, we may conclude that __________.A. there is no trade barriers for the good among the different nationsB. the price of the good is the same ignoring the other expensesC. arbitrage for the good does not existD. all of the above are true11. An investor borrows money in one market, sells the borrowed money on the spot market, invests the proceeds of the sale inanother place and simultaneously buys back the borrowed currency on the forward market. This is called __________.A. uncovered interest arbitrageB. covered interest arbitrageC. triangular arbitrageD. spatial arbitrage12. Real return equalization across countries on similar financial instruments is called __________.A. interest rate parityB. uncovered interest parityC. forward parityD. real interest parity13. In which of the following situations would a speculator wish to sell foreign currency on the forward market?14. According to IRP, if the interest rate in country A is higher than that in country B, the forward exchange rate, defined as F1A/B is expected to be __________.A. lower than the spot rate S0A/BB. the same as the spot rate S0A/BC. higher than the spot rate S0A/BD. necessary the same as the future spot rate S1A/B15. For arbitrage opportunities to be practicable, __________.A. arbitragers must have instant access to quotesB. arbitragers must have instant access to executionsC. arbitragers must be able to execute the transactions without an initial sum of money relying on their bank’s credit standingD. All of the above must be true.16. The __________ states that the forward exchange rate quoted at time 0 for delivery at time t is equal to what the spot rate is expected to be at time t.A. interest rate parityB. uncovered interest parityC. forward parityD. real interest parity17. Assume expected value of the U.S. dollar in the future is lower than that now compared to the value of the Japanese yen. The U.S. inflation rate must be higher than Japan’s inflation rate according to __________.A. relative PPPB. Fisher equationC. International Fisher relationD. IRP18. According to covered interest arbitrage if an investor purchases a five-year U.S. bond that has an annual interest rateof 5% rather than a comparable British bond that has an annual interest rate of 6%, then the investor must be expecting the __________ to __________ at a rate at least of 1% per year over the next 5 years.A. British pound; appreciateB. British pound; revalueC. U.S. dollar; appreciateD. U.S. dollar; depreciate19. Covered interest arbitrage moves the market __________ equilibrium because __________.A. toward; investors are now more willing to invest in risky securitiesB. toward; purchasing a currency on the spot market and selling in the forward market narrows the differential between the twoC. away from; purchasing a currency on the spot market and selling in the forward market increases the differential between the twoD. away from; demand for the stronger currency forces up the interest rates on the weaker security20. If the forward exchange rate is an unbiased predictor of the expected future spot rate, which of the following is NOT true?A. The future spot rate will actually be equal to what the forward rate predictsB. The forward premium or discount reflects the expected change in the spot exchange rate.C. Speculative activity ensures that the forward rate does not diverge too far from the market’s consensus expectation.D. All of the above are true.II. Problems (40 credits)1. The Argentine peso was fixed through a currency board at Ps1.00/$ throughout the 1990s. In January 2019 the Argentine peso was floated. On January 29, 2019, it was trading at Ps3.20/$. During that one year period Argentina’s inflation rate was 20% on an annualized basis. Inflation in the United States during that same period was2.2% annualized. (10 credits)a. What should have been the exchange rate in January 2019 if purchasing power parity held?b. By what percentage was the Argentine peso undervalued on an annualized basis?2. Assume that the interest rate paid by an American borrower on a ten-year foreign bond is 10% if the bond is sold in Denmark and 7% if the bond is sold in the Netherland. Will the expectedinflation rate in the Netherlands likely be higher than the expected inflation rate in Denmark? Will the Danish kroner be expected to increase in value against the Dutch guilder? Explain your answer. (5 credits)3. Suppose S = $1.25/₤and the 1-year forward rate is F = $1.20/₤. The real interest rate on a riskless government security is 2 percent in both England and the United States. The U.S. inflation rate is 5 percent. (5 credits)a. What is England’s nominal required rate of return on riskless government securities?b. What is England’s inflation rate if the equilibrium relationships hold?4. Akira Numata, a foreign exchange trader at Credit Suisse (Tokyo), is exploring covered interest arbitrage possibilities. He wants to invest $5,000,000 or its yen equivalent, in a covered interest arbitrage between U.S. dollars and Japanese yen. He faced the following exchange rate and interest rate quotes: (12 credits)5. On a particular day, the spot rate between Czech koruna (CKR) and the U.S. dollar is CKR30.35/$, while the interest rate ona one-year financial instrument in Czech is7.5% and 3.5% in U.S. (8 credits)a. What is your expected spot exchange rate a year later?b. You’re concerned your investment in the Czech Republic because of the economic uncertainty in that country. When you expect the future value of the koruna, you require a risk premium of 2%. What is the expected future spot rate supposed to be?Answers to Assignment Problems (5)Part II1. a. inflation differential (20% -2.2%) = 17.8%U.S. should have appreciated by 17.8%Implied exchange rate 1(1 + 17.8%) = Ps1.178/$b. (1.178 – 3.2 ) / 3.2 = -63.19%2. a. According to international Fisher equation: (1 + id) / (1 + if) = (1 + E[πd]) / (1 + E[πf])id: interest rate in Denmarkif: interest rate in Netherlandπd: Danish inflation rateπf Dutch inflation rateSince (1 + id) / (1 + if) = (1 +10%)/(1 + 7%) > 0So, (1 + E[πd]) / (1 + E[πf]) >0, which means the expected inflation rate in Denmark would be greater than that in Netherland.b. If Danish inflation is higher than Dutch inflation, Danish kroner will be expected to decrease in value against the Dutch guilder. (relative PPP theory)第 11 页。
Statistics and Facts on the Apparel market in the U.S.美国服装市场数据与现状The U.S. apparel market is the largest in the world, prising about 28 percent of the global total and has美国服装市场是世界最大的服装市场,约占全球市场份额的28%,市值约3310亿美元。
The apparel manufacturing industry in the United States employed about 104,457 people in 2010; which in retrospect seems quite miniscule for being the largest global apparel market. However, one must remember that even though the majority of these apparel conglomerates are American based, many of them have theiralone in 2011, a product value of approximately 29.4 billion U.S. dollars.2010年美国的服装制造产业拥有大约104457名从业者,与美国世界最大的市场规模相比,这个数量显得十分微小。
Nike, which name is derived from the greek goddess of victory, is the largest apparel pany in the world and is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon. It品牌名字来自于希腊胜利女神的Nike,是全世界最大的服装企业,总部位于美国俄勒冈州西北部城市比弗顿。
下面是小编带来的关于dior广告文案英文版的内容,欢迎阅读!dior广告英文文案1、if its out there只要存在, dior will find it.迪奥就将找到它。
2、dior --jadore diorgold is cold(此时,黄金显得冰冷), damends are dead(钻石缺乏了生机), a limousine is a car(豪华轿车也不够吸引) dont pretend(不要造作),feel whats real(感受真实的奢华), cest ca que jadore(唯有,迪奥真我香水)。
j’adore真我香水,绝对的女性气质:现代优雅,明亮感性小姐:miss dior迪奥小姐淡香水,作为dior 迪奥的第一款香水,显露出christiandior先生对花的无限热情。
它主要是以充满男性气息的鸢尾花,来传达经典的男性形象超越:(higher energy)刺激感官,增添感性,让男人勇往直前,释放自由情绪! 华氏:极具现代感,清爽、高雅和大胆的完美融合。
温暖、微妙且独特的香调让diordior广告文案Theme: perfume "poison"Series: divided into three series, with an advertising theme, three storiesproduct manual:(1) times background poison (Poison) perfume is French Christian Dior company produced female perfume, is the Oriental flavor. Elegant bottle shape, red, green, white, purple, blue, five different fragrance crystal packaging. Poison perfume came in the 20th century, 80 years, with emphasis on material from time to time, sometimes emphasizing the individual's fashion consistent fashion. Poison is shaped by this hot and enterprising female mysterious sexy expression, full of temptation and charming atmosphere, a kind of Jiaoren can not help heart, whom attracted the deep fragrance.(2) Specific products 1.1985 POISON (purple poison)Dior Dior always eager: their perfume just open the bottle, will allow women to present the glamorous costumes. As a result, indulgence without losing the elegant exquisite imagination has become the luxury brand lasting temperament.2.1994 TENDRE POISON (green poison)Gentle and poison, TENDRE POISON gentle perfume name that is out of the temptation to subtle duality: fresh flowers endorsement of the light, sandalwood and vanilla interpretation of the mellow. But also contains the dignified and bold contradiction elements, it is easy to control and display their strength, joy, boldness, love; it continues POISON poisons temperament, step by step to temptation, comfortable and reckless; TENDRE POISON is an elusive Scenery, and alwaysbreeds a rich sense of the mysterious seduction and romantic.3.1998 HYPNOTIC POISON Wonderful Beauty (Red Poison)In 1998, Dior Dior charm legend continues, HYPNOTIC POISON Kiss Meili perfume POISON series will be advocated by the passion and self-developed to the extreme, from HYPNOTIC POISON endorsement of Mira - Wo Woqi "Fifth Element", "Joan of Arc "," Resident Evil "who, we can find this fragrance is very fit with the temperament: self-tension and unparalleled aggressiveness.Of course, the Dior family of drugs there are "wonderful work" and "wonderful", but here we only select the earlier three for writing.Target audience: young, avant-garde, bold and independent of the traditional independent female series 1: Poison (black poison)When you comeFar awayI smell the fragrance of your bodyThis scent is PoisonIt is said that spray Poison womanColdnobleDelicate short hair outlines the beautiful faceHigh tip of the noseYou are so confidentin caseYou really frostyThat I amStill love youEven this loveWill make me ashes(Ps this can be made into commercials or posters made into a publicity)Series 2: Tender Poison (Green Poison)Remember the first day you went to workFeatheryI hit youI huggedThe moment you're about to fallMy heart suddenly a sudden palpitationsThat playful fragranceLet me innocently stunnedAnd my arms you laugh as lively(Ps this can be made into commercials or posters made into a publicity)Series 3: Hypnotic Poison (red poison)CopyAfter the rain on the outskirts of ParisA fresh and greenThe breeze blewI smelled sweet and charming in the windBut it is so mature and stableI pursued the traces of the windIn the quiet elegant courtyardSee you are reading poetrydior广告文案1 advertising slogan: fragrance to accompany you, bring a beautiful encounter2. image spokesperson: Natalie Portman, with the Oscar trophy to lay the lead role of Natalie Portman,Just have these charm halo. Her natural elegance, her dazzling but not pretentious, by her interpretation of Miss Dior Miss Dior.3. Storyline:Lens 1: under the lens, black satin dress just right to her charming back around, sexy and whimsical beauty chapter slowly opened at this moment, Miss Dior perfume charming tune in this intersection out of Sicilian citrus fresh, blood orange Sentimental, bergamot Smart, head start to attract you all the attention, as if the night in a charismatic invitation, in the event of encounter and make you intoxicated.Lens 2: At this time, surrounded by full of fragrant roses overflowing, the woman will feel confident to tell, as Miss Dior perfume soft floral tone, Indian jasmine and Egyptian jasmine essence, Damascus roses and Tunisia orange flower essence, four The level of fragrance lingering with each other, together with Indonesia's patchouli high-tonality, Natalie bones of courage and romance special bloom.Lens three: Indian sandalwood and vetiver together from the intersection of woody tone, warm sensibility, mood far away, as if Nalali look back at the moment emotional sentimental eyes.4. Video performance: Miss U encounter perfume as a clue, through the famous star Natalie Portman's popularity and health Kang's image, with love as the theme, the advertising story, the plot.Highlight the "encounter" theme, the idea of advertising, and strive to make the ad picture is concise and clear, full expression but full of suspense, with exciting background music, advertising more deeply rooted, so Miss U encounter perfume is more consumers.。
霍尼韦尔 N2024 N20230 产品说明书
® U.S. Registered TrademarkEN0B-0320GE51 R0204Copyright © 2004 Honeywell Inc. • All rights reserved N2024 / N20230 N3424 / N34230ACTUADORES DE COMPUERTA 20/34 Nm (177/300 lb-in)CONTROL FLOTANTE / 2-POSICIONESDATOS PRODUCTOGENERALEstos actuadores de compuerta de acople directo proporcionan control flotante o a dos posiciones para:• Compuertas de aire,• Unidades VAV,• Unidades de aire acondicionado,• Aletas ventilación,• persianas, y• cualquier aplicación de control de compuertas de hasta4.6 m2 / 50 sq.ft. (20 Nm / 177 lb-in) o 7.8 m2 / 85 sq. ft.(34 Nm / 300 lb-in) CARACTERISTICAS• Nuevo adaptador de eje autocentrado• Cubierta con accesos para facilitar cableado• Embrague para ajuste manual• Límites mecánicos de giro• Interruptores auxiliares instalables en campo• Precableado• Dirección de rotación seleccionable mediante interruptor• Se puede montar en cualquier orientación (no IP54 si está bocabajo)• Indicador de posición mecánica ESPECIFICACIONESAlimentaciónN2024 / N3424 24 Vac ±15%, 50/60 HzN20230/N34230 230 Vac ±15%, 50/60 Hz Tensión nominalN2024 / N3424 24 Vac, 50/60 HzN20230/N34230 230 Vac, 50/60 HzTodos los valores sucesivos, válidos para operar en condiciones de tensión nominal.ConsumoN2024 6 VA / 6 WN20230 8 VA / 8 WN3424 9 VA / 9 WN34230 13 VA / 10 WLímites ambientalesLímites ambientales operación -20...+60 °C (-5...+140 °F)Límites ambientales almacenaje -40...+80 °C (-40...+175 °F) HR 5...95%, sin condensación CablesLongitud 1 m (39")Materiales libre de siliconaSeguridadProtección standard IP54Clase Protección II según EN 60730-1Categoría sobretensión IIIVidaCarreras completas 60000Reposiciones 1.5 millonesMontajeEjes redondos 10...27 mm (3/8...1-1/16")Ejes cuadrados 10...18 mm (3/8...11/16");45° pasosLongitud eje min. 22 mm (7/8")Interruptor auxiliar (si lo incluye)Ratio 5 A (resistivo) / 3 A (inductivo) Angulo giro 5° / 85°ParN2024 / N20230 20 Nm (177 lb-in)N3424 / N34230 34 Nm (300 lb-in)Tiempo recorrido110 seg (50 Hz) / 95 seg (60 Hz) Rotación95°± 3°Dimensiones ver “Dimensiones” en 8Peso (sin cables) 1.45 kg (3 lbs. 3 oz.)Ruido40 dB(A) max. a 1 mSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 2MODELOSModeloAlimentación Int. auxiliaresfeedback ConsumoPar N2024 / N2024-2POS 24 Vac -- --N2024-SW2 24 Vac 2 --N2024-P10K24 Vac -- 10 k Ω 6 VA / 6 W N20230 / N20230-2POS 230 Vac -- --N20230-SW2 230 Vac 2 --N20230-P10K 230 Vac -- 10 k Ω 8 VA / 8 W 20 Nm(177 lb-in) N3424 24 Vac -- -- 9 VA / 9 W N34230 230 Vac ---- 13 VA / 10 W34 Nm (300 lb-in)Sistema Identificación ProductoFig. 1. Sistema Identificación ProductoOPERACION/FUNCIONESFig. 2. Unidades de ajuste y elementos de controlLeyenda para Fig. 2:1 Adaptador de eje auto centrable2 Clip retenedor3 Escalas ángulo rotación (0...90° / 90...0°)4 Limitadores mecánicos de giro (sólo modelos 20 Nm[177 lb-in])5 Botón de embrague6 Varilla antirrotación7 Interruptor de dirección de rotación 8 Cubierta de acceso1. Cable interruptor auxiliar interno 9 Cable de control y alimentaciónContenidos de la empaquetaduraLa empaquetadura incluye el actuador propiamente dicho (ver componentes de 1 a 10 (ver Fig. 2), los tornillos de la varilla antirrotación, y la placa y tornillos de montaje SM.Movimiento rotativoLa señal de control y su correspondiente dirección de rotación (a favor o contra agujas del reloj) se puedeseleccionar mediante interruptor (ver componente 7 de Fig. 2). Para asegurar el completo cierre de compuertas, el actuador tiene una carrera de rotación de 95°.En cuanto se alimenta, el actuador puede empezar afuncionar. Al quitar alimentación, el actuador mantiene su posición. Para cableado, ver apartado “Diagramas de Cableado” en la página ¡Error! Marcador no definido..SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N342303 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204Interruptor dirección rotaciónFig. 3. Interruptor sentido rotación• Dir("") es la posición por defecto. En esta posición,internamente el actuador sitúa las direcciones de rotación según se ve en el apartado “Diagramas de Cableado” de las páginas 5 y 6.• "Service/Off ": En esta posición, se cancela cualquierseñal de control, habilitando al actuador para ser operado manualmente (ver apartado “Ajuste Manual”). Así, eloperador puede hacer operaciones de mantenimiento sin tener que quitar la tensión al actuador. Para volver amodo de control, ajustar este interruptor en la posición de rotación deseada. • Rev(""):En esta posición, internamente el actuador sitúa las direcciones de rotación según se ve en el apartado “Diagramas de Cableado” de las páginas 5 y 6.Control Flotante o Dos PosicionesEl actuador puede trabajar con control a dos posiciones (abrir/cerrar) o (al menos que específicamente sea un modelo identificado como 2-POS ) como flotante (a tres hilos). Ver diagramas de cableado.Señal de FeedbackLos actuadores equipados con un potenciómetro defeedback dan un feedback de posición mediante un valor resistivo del potenciómetro (ver fig 4).Fig. 4. Ajustes Señal de RealimentaciónSi mientras el actuador no está rotando, el usuario embraga y reposiciona manualmente el adaptador, la señal derealimentación seguirá ahora la nueva posición a la que el eje ha sido liberado.SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 4Indicador de PosiciónEl adaptador de eje indica el ángulo de rotación en escalas (0...90° / 90...0°) (ver Fig. 5).Fig. 5. Indicador PosiciónAjuste ManualIMPORTANTEPara evitar dañar el equipo, hay que quitaralimentación o ajustar el interruptor de dirección de rotación a "Service/Off" antes del ajuste manual.Tras quitar alimentación (o poner el interruptor de sentido de rotación en "Service/Off") el tren de engranajes se puede desenganchar mediante el botón de embrague, permitiendo girar el eje manualmente hasta cualquier posición. La señal de realimentación marcará ahora la nueva posición..Limitación de la carrera de rotaciónHay dos limitadores mecánicos (solo en los modelos de20 Nm [177 lb-in]) para limitar al ángulo de giro deseado (ver Fig. 6).Fig. 6. Limitadores mecánicosLos limitadores mecánicos se pueden asegurar con fuerza en su lugar según la Fig. 7. Es importante que engrane los topes perfectamente una vez apretados los tornillos.Fig. 7. Ajuste Correcto / incorrecto de los limitadoresSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N342305 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204Interruptores Auxiliares InternosNOTA: Sólo los actuadores con referencia final "-SW2"especificada (p.e..: "N2024-SW2") están equipados con interruptores auxiliares.Los interruptores auxiliares internos están ajustados para cambiar de común a normalmente abierto a ángulos de 5° y 85°, respectivamente, desde posición totalmente antihorariaFig. 8. . Interruptores Auxiliares InternosINSTALACIONEstos actuadores están diseñados para montaje a puntoúnico. .IMPORTANTEPara evitar dañar al equipo, quitar alimentación o ajustar el interruptor de sentido de giro a posición "Service/Off" antes de la operación manual. .Instrucciones de montajeToda la información de los pasos a seguir se suministran con el actuador.Posición de montajeLos actuadores se pueden montar en cualquier orientación (no es IP54 si se monta bocabajo; ver Fig. 9). Escoger una orientación que permita fácil acceso a los cables e interruptores).Fig. 9. Montaje para IP54Varilla de montaje y tornillosSi el actuador se monta directamente sobre el eje de lacompuerta, usar la varilla y tornillos de montaje incluidos en la empaquetadura.Adaptador de Eje Auto AjustableSe puede ajustar a ejes de varios diámetros (10...27 mm [3/8...1-1/16"]) y formas (cuadrados y redondos). En caso de ejes cortos, el adaptador de eje se puede volver y montar del lado del conducto.Limitación de carrera con limitadores mecánicosLos limitadores mecánicos (sólo en modelos de 20 Nm [177 lb-in) permiten limitar el giro entre 0...90° en incrementos de 3°.CableadoConectar a AlimentaciónPara cumplir con clase II, la fuente de alimentación de 24 V de los actuadores ha de estar separados de circuitos de alimentación de red según DIN VDE 0106, apartado 101.Cubierta de accesoPara facilitar el cableado entre actuador y controlador, existe una cubierta desmontable en el actuador.IMPORTANTEQuitar alimentación antes de desmontar lacubierta. Una vez desmontada, tener cuidado de no dañar las partes internas entonces accesibles .Fig. 10. Cubierta Acceso (N2024-SW2)SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 6Según el modelo, la cubierta de acceso puede tener una o dos regletas de terminales, con sus leyendas descriptivas de terminales.SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230 Diagramas CableadoN2024 / N2024-2POS / N3424N2024-SW2N2024-P10K7 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 8NOTA: Los interruptores auxiliares S1 y S4 se deben conectar a la misma fuente de alimentación .NombreCable conexión terminal Cable color Impresión Flotante Dos posiciones1 azul 1 24 Vac ⊥ 24 Vac ⊥2 marrón 2 24 Vac (a derechas) 24 Vac ∼Alimentación y señal 3 blanco 3 24 Vac (a izquierdas) 24 Vac señal controlS1 negro S1_común S2 negro S2= Normalmente cerrado CCW (izqda) 5° S3 negro S3≡ Normalmente abiertoS4 gris S4_común S5 gris S5= Normalmente cerradoInterruptoresauxiliares (cuando se incluyan) CW (drcha) 85° S6 gris S6≡ Normalmente abiertoP1 blanco P1 Totalmente a derechasP2 blanco P2 Señal RealimentaciónpotenciómetroP3 blanco P3 Totalmente a izquierdasSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230 N20230 / N20230-2POS / N34230N20230-SW2N20230-P10K9 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204SmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230EN0B-0320GE51 R0204 10NOTE: Los interruptores auxiliares S1 y S4 se deben conectar a la misma fuente de alimentaciónNombreCable conexión terminal Cable color Impresión Flotante Dos posiciones1 azul 1 230 Vac ⊥ 230 Vac ⊥2 marrón 2 230 Vac (a derechas) 230 Vac ∼Alimentación y señal 3 blanco 3 230 Vac (a izquierdas) 230 Vac señal controlS1 negro S1_común S2 negro S2= Normalmente cerrado CCW (izqda) 5° S3 negro S3≡ Normalmente abiertoS4 gris S4_común S5 gris S5= Normalmente cerradoInterruptoresauxiliares (cuando se incluyan) CW (drcha) 85° S6 gris S6≡ Normalmente abiertoP1 blanco P1 Totalmente a derechasP2 blanco P2 Señal RealimentaciónpotenciómetroP3 blanco P3 Totalmente a izquierdasSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N3423011 EN0B-0320GE51 R0204ACCESORIOS OPCIONALESLos siguientes accesorios opcionales están disponibles por separado al actuador:.Kit Interruptores auxiliaresModelo: SW2Los interruptores auxiliaries internos son instalables en campo, conteniendo dos contactos libremente ajustables.Kit Cubierta AccesoModelo: WB20 Para salida cables.Contiene:• 1 cubierta de acceso con tornillo • 2 conectores de cable• 2 tapas de protección antipolvoREPUESTOSKit RepuestosModelo: A7209.2071El kit de repuestos contiene:• Varilla antirrotación y tornillos • Placa de montaje SM y tornillos • Tornillo Acceso Cubierta• Tapa de plástico protectora para protección standardP54• Tornillo y retenedor para limitación mecánica del giroKit de varilla antirrotaciónModelo: A7209.2073El Kit de varilla antirrotación se puede pedir por separado.Contiene:• 10 varillas antirrotación • 20 tornillosKit de placa de montajeModelo: A7209.2072El kit de placa de montaje se puede pedir por separado.Contiene:• 10 placas de montaje • 20 tornillosSmartAct N2024 / N20230, N3424 / N34230DIMENSIONESAutomation and Control SolutionsHoneywell GmbHBöblinger Straße 17D-71101 SchönaichPhone: (49) 7031 63701Fax: (49) 7031 637493Subject to change without notice. Printed in Germany Manufacturing location certified toEN0B-0320GE51 R0204。
香水询盘英文范文**英文原文:**Dear Sirs,We are interested in exploring the possibility of importing high-quality perfumes into our market. With the increasing demand for luxury goods in our region, we believe that there is a significant opportunity for expansion in this segment.Could you please provide us with detailed information about your range of perfumes, including but not limited to product descriptions, prices, and available quantities? We are particularly interested in fragrances that are unique and offer a distinctive experience to our customers.We also wish to inquire about your terms of payment and delivery, as well as any potential discounts or special offers available for bulk purchases. Additionally, we would like to know if you offer customization options for packaging, as we believe that presentation is crucial in attracting customers.We look forward to your prompt response and are hopeful that we can establish a mutually beneficial business relationship. Thank you for considering our inquiry.Best regards,[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company Name]**中文翻译:**尊敬的先生们:我们有兴趣探索将高质量香水导入我们市场的可能性。
英语作文-法国香水店推出限量版艺术香水In the heart of Paris, nestled within the winding streets of the Marais district, stands a boutique that is a treasure trove for olfactory connoisseurs. This is not just any perfume shop; it is an establishment where the art of fragrance is revered, and exclusivity is the norm. The store is renowned for its limited edition artistic perfumes, each a masterpiece capturing the essence of France's rich perfumery heritage.The latest creation to grace the shelves of this esteemed boutique is a scent that pays homage to the timeless elegance of French artistry. The perfume, a blend of rare and exquisite ingredients, is presented in a bottle that is a work of art in itself. The flacon, designed by a renowned local artist, features intricate patterns reminiscent of the ornate ironwork that adorns the historic balconies of Parisian apartments.The scent opens with a burst of citrus notes, a nod to the sun-kissed orchards of the south. It then unfolds into a floral heart, where the delicate aroma of French roses intermingles with the exotic allure of jasmine, sourced from the far reaches of Grasse, the world's perfume capital. The base notes are a sophisticated mélange of oakmoss and amber, providing a warm and enduring finish that lingers like a memory.This perfume is not merely a fragrance; it is an olfactory journey through France. Each note is carefully selected to evoke a different facet of the country's landscape and culture. From the bustling markets brimming with fresh produce to the serene gardens of provincial chateaux, the perfume encapsulates the very soul of France.The boutique's decision to release this perfume as a limited edition is a testament to its commitment to quality and uniqueness. Only a select number of bottles have been produced, making it a coveted item for collectors and aficionados alike. The exclusivity of the perfume adds to its allure, making it not just a personal indulgence but also a statement of one's appreciation for the finer things in life.Acquiring a bottle of this artistic perfume is an experience in itself. The boutique offers private consultations, allowing patrons to immerse themselves in the world of highperfumery. The knowledgeable staff, well-versed in the language of scents, guide customers through the selection process, ensuring that each individual finds a fragrance that resonates with their personal story and style.The launch of this perfume has been met with anticipation and excitement within the fragrance community. It represents the pinnacle of French craftsmanship, a blend of tradition and innovation that continues to push the boundaries of perfumery. For those fortunate enough to possess it, the perfume is a treasure that transcends the boundaries of time, a fragrance that, like art, becomes more valuable with each passing moment.In conclusion, the French perfume boutique's limited edition artistic perfume is more than just a luxury item; it is an emblem of cultural expression and a tribute to the art of living well. It stands as a reminder that in a world of mass production and fleeting trends, there are still things that are made with passion, care, and an unwavering dedication to excellence. This perfume is not just worn; it is experienced, cherished, and ultimately, it becomes a part of one's legacy. 。
Texworld Paris celebrates 25 years!Texworld Paris celebrates 25 years! The anniversary edition of Texworld Evolution Paris will take place this summer from 3 to 5 July 2023 at the Porte de Versailles Exhibi-tion Centre. For the first time, this event will be held downtown Paris. 1,300 exhibitors from some twenty countries have already confirmed their presence.More services, easier access to the heart of Paris, the fashion capital, and finally a return toits pre-crisis level...The July edition of TexworldEvolution Paris will be in many ways a specialget-together for buyers and exhibitors.1,300 exhibitors expected inParis for 3 daysThis summer the trade fair for the fash-ion industry will once again bring togetherall the Texworld Evolution Paris components(Texworld, Texworld Denim, Apparel Sourcing,Avantex and Leatherworld Paris). The exhibi-tion is also set to be the largest event since theend of the Covid- 19 health crisis, with morethan 1,300 manufacturers expected in Hall1 of the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre,representing a 40% increase in participationcompared to last February. Chinese manu-facturers are almost back to their pre-crisislevel, with the number of exhibitors doublingCopyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.46China Textileat Apparel Sourcing Paris and increasing very strongly at Texworld Paris. Manufacturers from India, Turkey and Korea have confirmed their attendance. This anticipation is explained by the very good results of the winter session and the desire of exhibitors to maintain close con-tact with the market.25 years: An extraordinary sessionThe celebration of the 25th anniversa-ry of Texworld Paris will be an opportunity to offer visitors special events, entertain-ment, but also innovative services and net-working. The T-Club area will strengthenits business-oriented services to exhibitorsand visitors. This will also be an opportu-nity for Avantex Paris to reinvent itself andbroaden its offer around a Hub dedicatedto innovative solutions and companies:performance textiles, solutions for a moresustainable fashion and Web3 players willbe present at Porte de Versailles.Strategic meeting point for thefashion industryThis new configuration, both spatial andtemporal, will make it possible to offer visitorstwo days in common with Curve and InterfilièreParis (organised by WSN Développement) themeeting place for committed professionalsfrom the lingerie, loungewear, swimwear andactivewear community, which will be held from2 to 4 July in Hall 5. The combination will offeran expanded fashion platform and will also leadto shared news and promotion.Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.China Textile 47。
50 China TextileWith the participation of more than 200 companies, Gartex Texprocess Indiais gearing up for a power-packed edition in New Delhi from August 4-6, 2022. The recently announced association with FA-BEXA will bring fabric manufacturers and suppliers from Gujarat on the show floor to deliver a strong push to the region’s textile and apparel sector. Following the success of its first-ever Mumbai edition earlier this May, Gartex Texprocess India, the leading B2B platform on garment and textile machinery, fabrics, acces-sories, and allied industries is ready to open the curtains in New Delhi at Pragati Maidan from August 4–6, 2022. It is be-ing organised by Messe Frankfurt India and MEX Exhibitions Pvt Ltd.Affirming strong support and rec-ognising the potential impact of Gartex Texprocess India, Upendra Prasad Singh, secretary, ministry of textiles, govern-ment of India, said, “lndia is one of the prominent textiles and clothing producing countries in the world. Domestically, it is the second largest employment providing sector and accounts for 11.4 per cent of lndia’s global merchandise exports during 2020 – 21 and holds a 4 per cent share on the global trade in textiles and appar-el. Gartex Texprocess India New Delhi will not only provide opportunities to over-seas buyers to source their requirements but also provide a platform to domesticexporters, especially SMEs for expanding their export potential.”Co-located alongside Denim Show, Fabrics & Trims Show and Screen Print India, the three-day show will converge more than 200 companies to create an extensive display of manufacturing tech-nologies and finished products, the or-ganisers said in a press release. Top tex-tile and apparel machine manufacturing brands such as: Aura, Fabcare, Jaysynth Dyestuff, Wenli, Baba Textile Machinery, Orange-O-Tec and Jack will participate at Gartex Texprocess India, while the Denim Show unite leading denim producers of India such as: Jindal Worldwide Ltd, Ar-vind Ltd, Raymond UCO Denim Ltd, LNJ Denim, Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd,Kanchan Group and many more under its wing. Meanwhile, Screen Print India will show-case manufacturing technologies for textile, digital and screen printing from brands such as DCC Print Vision LLP, JN Arora, Konica Minolta, Epson and Green Printing Solutions, among others.With an aim to promote localisa-tion in the fabrics’sector, the organis-ers have joined hands with FABEXA, an arm of Ahmedabad’s nodal textile trade body Maskati Cloth Market Mahajan for the Fabrics & Trims Show. The FABEXA pavilion will host around 70 fabric manu-facturers from Gujarat to demonstrate their expertise in fabric, cotton andnatural based fabrics, including: Nakoda Fashion Pvt Ltd, Shashwat Textiles Pvt Ltd, Bhavna Processors Pvt Ltd, Viru Tex-tile Mills Pvt Ltd, Panam Texfab Pvt Ltd and Shree Chamunda Fabrics. The trade fair will also welcome about 300 fabrics sourcing representatives as hosted buy-ers over the span of three-days.As a highly recognised industry exhi-bition, Gartex Texprocess India New Delhi 2022 is backed by the support of ministry of textiles as well as chief industry asso-ciations and trade bodies, comprising: The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), Denim Manufacturers Association (DMA), Maskati Cloth Mahajan, Retailers Association of India (RAI) and the Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC).Entering its seventh edition, Gartex Texprocess India will provide industry buyers an excellent platform to source the latest manufacturing machineries and behold the progress taking place in textile, garment production, screen print-ing and other allied sectors.Over 200 companies to showcase creations at Gartex Texprocess IndiaCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.China Textile51Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.52China TextileEducation, innovation, and inspiration lead the way on the show floor drawing thousands of new and returning buyers.Texworld New York City, Apparel Sourcing New York City and Home Textiles Sourcing celebrated a successful sum-mer 2022 edition back in-person at the Javits Center in New York City. Held July 19-21, the east coast’s leading sourcing event featured thousands of fabrics and garments from hundreds of global textile manufacturers and suppliers in both the traditional and hybrid format. Over the three day event, thousands of attendeesexcitedly returned to the floor for net-working and sourcing. This edition hosted a record number of country pavilions including Korea, Uzbekistan, India and Bangladesh. Exhibitors still facing travel restrictions, including many from China, were represented inside the hybrid section of the floor, the Sourcing Showroom.Other key features returned live on the show floor including the attendee fa-vorite Textile Talks, Lenzing Seminar Se-ries, and Explore the Floor tours. The ses-sions featured a range of expert speakers and panelists leading open discussionsthat provided the audience with greater insight and knowledge on topics includ-ing the latest in economic and supply chain challenges, sustainable strategies and legislations, accelerating circularity, and more. The Texworld Trend Showcase returned with an exciting and artistic art direction from the New York-based agency, Doneger | TOBE. Creative Director, Kai Chow, offered insights during his one-day-only seminar on what’s to come for Fall/Winter 2023-24 as well as leading an Explore the Floor tour of the showcasewhere he discussed each of the uniqueTexworld New York City Returned for aSuccessful Summer 2022 EditionCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.China Textile53themes encompassing his vision of BE-YOND: Color Therapy, Future Craft, Hyper Nature, and Spirit Quest.Global Footwear Sourcing, a new feature area in partnership with Mate-rial Exchange and Footwear Distributors & Retailers Association, made its debut this July. The showcase featured a wide range of footwear material components including leather, synthetic, laces, insole, outsole, webbing and ribbon, thread and yarn, and hardware. Within Global Footwear Sourcing, visitors took advan-tage of additional educational seminarshosted by FDRA covering niche topics from sustainable footwear sourcing to material selection as well as a demon-stration by Material Exchange on how to build and digitize your materials library. “This new partnership was a natural fit as it furthers Texworld NYC’s strategy to expand the offerings available to buyers, meeting market demands in an innova-tive way” comments, Jennifer Bacon, Vice President, Fashion and Apparel Shows, Messe Frankfurt, “We look for-ward to continuing and growing this new feature area and partnership.”Looking AheadThe winter 2023 edition of Texworld New York City and Apparel Sourcing New York City will be held at the Javits Center with new dates: January 31 - February 2, 2023. In addition, Texworld New York City and Apparel Sourcing New York City will once again join LA Textile, the West Coast’s premier destination for textile, design, and production resources, this September 28 – 30, 2022 to bring world-class textile, apparel and accessories manufacturers from around the globe to-gether - all on the West Coast.Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
36.2 511
36.2510 36.6002
69.2 3
59.15 1.46
MOVITELAR telephoto lens, 2x, with view-finder, lens shade, anti case
FILTERS, screw-on mount, 22.5mm., f or Movitar U 1.9 lens: Ultra Violet Ix............................................................................................. . Yellow 2x ........................ ............ ..................................................... .......... .. . Yellow Green 2x........................................................................................... . Orange 5x ...................................................................................................... Red 8x ............................................................................................................ Neutral Gray 4x ..........................................................................................
Apparel Sourcing Fair巡回推介会即将展开
Apparel Sourcing Fair巡回推介会即将展开无【期刊名称】《中国服装(北京)》【年(卷),期】2005(000)023【摘要】为满足以定牌加工贸易接单为主要参展目的的服装服饰企业的要求,打造中国供应与国际采购对接的商贸平台,由德国上市公司BMC(美沙展览集团控股发展)组织的2006年全球服装业采购交易会(Apparel Sourcing Fair)将于2006年3月1日至3日在广州国际会议展览中心举行。
【总页数】1页(Pa0035)【作者】无【作者单位】无【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS941【相关文献】1.APPAREL SOURCING Paris:The trade show in Europe for global sourcing of clothing [J], Zhao Zihan2.intimate Apparel Culture Shines -- Press Conference of China International Intimate Apparel Culture Week & the 7th Shenzhen International Brand Underwear Fair Took Place in Beijing [J], Liu Yi3.“提升效率和服务数字化巡回活动”即将展开 [J],4.Showcasing domestic Chinese brands to boost cultural confidence in theindustry The 20th China Textile and Apparel Trade Fair (Paris)/Apparel Sourcing Paris opens doors to visitors [J], CCPIT TEX5.2008亿维自动化全国巡回推介会即将隆重上演 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
高级职业英语(第二版)拓展教程3多媒体课件1 unit 5
5 Unit
Global Sourcing
Unit 5 Global Sourcing
Section 1 More Things to Do
Activity 1 Read More About Global Sourcing
Success Story:
Devon Rifkin
Unit 5 Global Sourcing
Task 2 Match A with B.
1. 咨询 2. 网上商业平台 3. 投放产品 4. 安全交易特征 5. 专门经营 6. 跨国采购 7. 长期供应商 8. 高素质供应商 9. 全球采购 10. 中小型公司
a. place a product b. specialize in c. small and medium-sized
companies d. global sourcing e. quality supplier f. make inquiries g. safe-trading feature h. online business platform i. regular supplier j. multinational purchasing
1. What does specialize in?
2. How do buyers source products from ?
3. Why do businesses adopt the global sourcing strategy?
Unit 5 Global Sourcing
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办公设备IT 产品摄影产品⼩家电[例如:电视、收⾳机、⽿机/⽿⻨、蓝⽛⾳箱等]⼤电器含空调通讯产品-2.4%-2.0%+2.3%[例如:真空吸尘器、空⽓净化器、咖啡机、厨房机器、搅拌机、护发产品、剃须⼑、⽛科护理产品等]消费电⼦[例如:洗⾐机、冰箱、空调、烤箱等][例如:智能⼿机、智能⼿表、智能⼿机配件等][例如:笔记本电脑、台式电脑、平板电脑、存储器、⿏标、键盘、路由器等][例如:打印机、墨盒][例如:数码相机、运动相机、传统摄像机等]11%21%43%8%2%14%2%全球科技及耐⽤消费品趋势2024 年上半年销售额3,940 亿美元增⻓率-0.6%© 2024 年Nielsen Consumer LLC 版权所有。