Atom manipulation with Scanning Probe Microscopes




外文资料Nanotechnology and Micro-machine原文(一):NanomaterialNanomaterials and nanotechnology have become a magic word in modern society.Nanomaterials represent today’s cutting edge in the development of novel advanced materials which promise tailor-made functionality and unheard applications in all key technologies. So nanomaterials are considered as a great potential in the 21th century because of their special properties in many fields such as optics, electronics, magnetics, mechanics, and chemistry. These unique properties are attractive for various high performance applications. Examples include wear resistant surfaces, low temperature sinterable high-strength ceramics, and magnetic nanocomposites. Nanostructures materials present great promises and opportunities for a new generation of materials with improved and marvelous properties.It is appropriate to begin with a brief introduction to the history of the subject. Nanomaterials are found in both biological systems and man-made structures. Nature has been using nanomaterials for millions of years,as Disckson has noted: “Life itself could be regarded as a nanophase system”.Examples in which nanostructured elements play a vital role are magnetotactic bacteria, ferritin, and molluscan teeth. Several species of aquatic bacteria use the earth’s magnetic field to orient thenselves. They are able to do this because they contain chains of nanosized, single-domain magnetite particles. Because they have established their orientation, they are able to swim down to nutriments and away from what is lethal to them ,oxygen. Another example of nanomaterials in nature is that herbivorous mollusks use teeth attached to a tonguelike organ, the radula, to scrape their food. These teeth have a complexstructure containing nanocrystalline needles. We can utilize biological templates formaking nanomaterials. Apoferritin has been used as a confined reaction environmentfor the synthesis of nanosized magnetite particles. Some scholars consider biologicalnanomaterials as model systems for developing technologically useful nanomaterials.Scientific work on this subject can be traced back over 100 years.In 1861 theBritish chemist Thomas Graham coined the term colloid to describe a solutioncontaining 1 to 100 nm diameter particles in suspension. Around the turn of thecentury, such famous scientists as Rayleigh, Maxwell, and Einstein studied colloids.In 1930 the Langmuir-Blodgett method for developing monolayer films wasdeveloped. By 1960 Uyeda had used electron microscopy and diffraction to studyindividual particles. At about the same time, arc, plasma, and chemical flame furnaceswere employed to prouduce submicron particles. Magnetic alloy particles for use inmagnetic tapes were produced in 1970.By 1980, studies were made on clusterscontaining fewer than 100 atoms .In 1985, a team led by Smalley and Kroto foundC clusters were unusually stable. In 1991, Lijima spectroscopic evidence that 60reported studies of graphitic carbon tube filaments.Research on nanomaterials has been stimulated by their technologicalapplications. The first technological uses of these materials were as catalysts andpigments. The large surface area to volume ratio increases the chemicalactivity.Because of this increased activity, there are significant cost advantages infabricating catalysts from nanomaterials. The peoperties of some single-phasematerials can be improved by preparing them as nanostructures. For example, thesintering temperature can be decreased and the plasticity increased on single-phase,structural ceramics by reducing the grain size to several nanometers. Multiphasenanostructured materials have displayed novel behavior resulting from the small sizeof he individual phases.Technologically useful properties of nanomaterials are not limited to theirstructural, chemical, or mechanical behavior. Multilayers represent examples ofmaterials in which one can modify of tune a property for a specific application bysensitively controlling the individual layer thickness. It was discovered that the resistance of Fe-Cr multilayered thin films exhibited large changes in an applied magnetic field of several tens of kOe.This effect was given the name giant magnetoresistance (GMR). More recently, suitably annealed magnetic multilayers have been developed that exhibit significant magnetoresistance effects even in fields as low as 5 to10 Oe (Oersted). This effect may prove to be of great technological importance for use in magnetic recording read heads.In microelectronics, the need for faster switching times and ever larger integration has motivated considerable effort to reduce the size of electronic components. Increasing the component density increases the difficulty of satisfying cooling requirements and reduces the allowable amount of energy released on switching between states. It would be ideal if the switching occurred with the motion of a single electron. One kind of single-electron device is based on the change in the Coulombic energy when an electron is added or removed from a particle. For a nanoparticle this enery change can be large enough that adding a single electron will effectively blocks the flow of other electrons. The use of Coulombic repulsion in this way is called Coulomb blockade.In addition to technology, nanomaterials are also interesting systems for basic scientific investigations .For example, small particles display deviations from bulk solid behavior such as reductios in the melting temperature and changes (usually reductions) in the lattice parameter. The changes n the lattice parameter observed for metal and semiconductor particles result from the effect of the surface free energy. Both the surface stress and surface free energy are caused by the reduced coordination of the surface atoms. By studying the size dependence of the properties of particles, it is possible to find the critical length scales at which particles behave essentially as bulk matter. Generally, the physical properties of a nanoparticle approach bulk values for particles containing more than a few hundred atoms.New techniques have been developed recently that have permitted researchers to produce larger quantities of other nanomaterials and to better characterize these materials.Each fabrication technique has its own set of advantages anddisadvantages.Generally it is best to produce nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution. In this regard, free jet expansion techniques permit the study of very small clusters, all containing the same number of atoms. It has the disadvantage of only producing a limited quantity of material.Another approach involves the production of pellets of nanostructured materials by first nucleating and growing nanoparticles in a supersaturated vapor and then using a cold finger to collect the nanoparticle. The nanoparticles are then consolidated under vacuum. Chemical techniques are very versatile in that they can be applied to nearly all materials (ceramics, semiconductors, and metals) and can usually produce a large amount of material. A difficulty with chemical processing is the need to find the proper chemical reactions and processing conditions for each material. Mechanical attrition, which can also produce a large amount of material, often makes less pure material. One problem common to all of these techniques is that nanoparticles often form micron-sized agglomerates. If this occurs, the properties of the material may be determined by the size of the agglomerate and not the size of the individual nanoparticles. For example, the size of the agglomerates may determine the void size in the consolidated nanostructured material.The ability to characterize nanomaterials has been increased greatly by the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and other proximal probes such as the atomic force microscope (AFM), the magnetic force microscope, and the optical near-field microscope.SMT has been used to carefully place atoms on surfaces to write bits using a small number of atmos. It has also been employed to construct a circular arrangement of metal atoms on an insulating surface. Since electrons are confined to the circular path of metal atoms, it serves ad a quantum ‘corral’of atoms. This quantum corral was employed to measure the local electronic density of states of these circular metallic arrangements. By doing this, researchers were able to verify the quantum mechanical description of electrons confined in this way.Other new instruments and improvements of existing instruments are increasingly becoming important tools for characterizing surfaces of films, biological materials, and nanomaterials.The development of nanoindentors and the improvedability to interpret results from nanoindentation measurements have increased our ability to study the mechanical properties of nanostructured materials. Improved high-resolution electron microscopes and modeling of the electron microscope images have improved our knowledges of the structure of the the particles and the interphase region between particles in consolidated nanomaterials.Nanotechnology1. IntroductionWhat id nanotechnology? it is a term that entered into the general vocabulary only in the late 1970’s,mainly to describe the metrology associated with the development of X-ray,optical and other very precise components.We defined nanotechnology as the technology where dimensions and tolerances in the range 0.1~100nm(from the size of the atom to the wavelength of light) play a critical role.This definition is too all-embracing to be of practical value because it could include,for example,topics as diverse as X-ray crystallography ,atomic physics and indeed the whole of chemistry.So the field covered by nanotechnology is later narrowed down to manipulation and machining within the defined dimensional range(from 0.1nm to 100nm) by technological means,as opposed to those used by the craftsman,and thus excludes,for example,traditional forms of glass polishing.The technology relating to fine powders also comes under the general heading of nanotechnology,but we exclude observational techniques such as microscopy and various forms of surface analysis.Nanotechnology is an ‘enabling’ technology, in that it provides the basis for other technological developments,and it is also a ‘horizontal’or ‘cross-sectional’technology in that one technological may,with slight variations,be applicable in widely differing fields. A good example of this is thin-film technology,which is fundamental to electronics and optics.A wide range of materials are employed in devices such as computer and home entertainment peripherals, including magnetic disc reading heads,video cassette recorder spindles, optical disc stampers and ink jet nozzles.Optical and semiconductor components include laser gyroscope mirrors,diffraction gratings,X-ray optics,quantum-well devices.2. Materials technologyThe wide scope of nanotechnology is demonstrated in the materials field,where materials provide a means to an end and are not an end in themseleves. For example, in electronics,inhomogeneities in materials,on a very fine scale, set a limit to the nanometre-sized features that play an important part in semiconductor technology, and in a very different field, the finer the grain size of an adhesive, the thinner will be the adhesive layer, and the higher will be the bond strength.(1) Advantages of ultra-fine powders. In general, the mechanical, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of ceramics, sintered metals and composites are often enhanced by reducing the grain or fiber size in the starting materials. Other properties such as strength, the ductile-brittle transition, transparency, dielectric coefficient and permeability can be enhanced either by the direct influence of an ultra-fine microstructure or by the advantages gained by mixing and bonding ultra-fine powders.Oter important advantages of fine powders are that when they are used in the manufacture of ceramics and sintered metals, their green (i.e, unfired) density can be greatly increased. As a consequence, both the defects in the final produce and the shrinkage on firing are reduced, thus minimizing the need for subsequent processing.(2)Applications of ultra-fine powders.Important applications include:Thin films and coatings----the smaller the particle size, the thinner the coating can beElectronic ceramics ----reduction in grain size results in reduced dielectric thicknessStrength-bearing ceramics----strength increases with decreasing grain sizeCutting tools----smaller grain size results in a finer cutting edge, which can enhance the surface finishImpact resistance----finer microstructure increases the toughness of high-temperature steelsCements----finer grain size yields better homogeneity and densityGas sensors----finer grain size gives increased sensitivityAdhesives----finer grain size gives thinner adhesive layer and higher bond strength3. Precision machining and materials processingA considerable overlap is emerging in the manufacturing methods employed in very different areas such as mechanical engineering, optics and electronics. Precision machining encompasses not only the traditional techniques such as turning, grinding, lapping and polishing refined to the nanometre level of precision, but also the application of ‘particle’ beams, ions, electrons and X-rays. Ion beams are capable of machining virtually any material and the most frequent applications of electrons and X-rays are found in the machining or modification of resist materials for lithographic purposes. The interaction of the beams with the resist material induces structural changes such as polymerization that alter the solubility of the irradiated areas.(1) Techniques1) Diamond turning. The large optics diamond-turning machine at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory represents a pinnacle of achievement in the field of ultra-precision machine tool engineering. This is a vertical-spindle machine with a face plate 1.6 m in diameter and a maximum tool height of 0.5m. Despite these large dimensions, machining accuracy for form is 27.5nm RMS and a surface roughness of 3nm is achievable, but is dependent both on the specimen material and cutting tool.(2) GrindingFixed Abrasive Grinding The term“fixed abrasive” denotes that a grinding wheel is employed in which the abrasive particles, such as diamond, cubic boron nitride or silicon carbide, are attached to the wheel by embedding them in a resin or a metal. The forces generated in grinding are higher than in diamond turning and usually machine tools are tailored for one or the other process. Some Japanese work is in the vanguard of precision grinding, and surface finishes of 2nm (peak-to-valley) have been obtained on single-crystal quartz samples using extremely stiff grinding machinesLoose Abrasive Grinding The most familiar loose abrasive grinding processes are lapping and polishing where the workpiece, which is often a hard material such asglass, is rubbed against a softer material, the lap or polisher, with abrasive slurry between the two surfaces. In many cases, the polishing process occurs as a result of the combined effects of mechanical and chemical interaction between the workpiece, slurry and polished.Loose abrasive grinding techniques can under appropriate conditions produce unrivalled accuracy both in form and surface finish when the workpiece is flat or spherical. Surface figures to a few nm and surface finishes bettering than 0.5nm may be achieved. The abrasive is in slurry and is directed locally towards the workpiece by the action of a non-contacting polyurethane ball spinning at high speed, and which replac es the cutting tool in the machine. This technique has been named “elastic emission machining” and has been used to good effect in the manufacture of an X-ray mirror having a figure accuracy of 10nm and a surface roughness of 0.5nm RMS.3)Thin-film production. The production of thin solid films, particularly for coating optical components, provides a good example of traditional nanotechnology. There is a long history of coating by chemical methods, electro-deposition, diode sputtering and vacuum evaporation, while triode and magnetron sputtering and ion-beam deposition are more recent in their wide application.Because of their importance in the production of semiconductor devices, epitaxial growth techniques are worth a special mention. Epitaxy is the growth of a thin crystalline layer on a single-crystal substrate, where the atoms in the growing layer mimic the disposition of the atoms in the substrate.The two main classes of epitaxy that have ben reviewed by Stringfellow (1982) are liquid-phase and vapour-phase epitaxy. The latter class includes molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE), which in essence, is highly controlled evaporation in ultra high vacuum. MBE may be used to grow high quality layered structures of semiconductors with mono-layer precision, and it is possible to exercise independent control over both the semiconductor band gap, by controlling the composition, and also the doping level. Pattern growth is possible through masks and on areas defined by electron-beam writing.4. ApplicationsThere is an all-pervading trend to higher precision and miniaturization, and to illustrate this a few applications will be briefly referred to in the fields of mechanical engineering,optics and electronics. It should be noted however, that the distinction between mechanical engineering and optics is becoming blurred, now that machine tools such as precision grinding machines and diamond-turning lathes are being used to produce optical components, often by personnel with a backgroud in mechanical engineering rather than optics. By a similar token mechanical engineering is also beginning to encroach on electronics particularly in the preparation of semiconductor substrates.(1) Mechanical engineeringOne of the earliest applications of diamond turning was the machining of aluminum substrates for computer memory discs, and accuracies are continuously being enhanced in order to improve storage capacity: surface finishes of 3nm are now being achieved. In the related technologies of optical data storage and retrieval, the toler ances of the critical dimensions of the disc and reading head are about 0.25 μm. The tolerances of the component parts of the machine tools used in their manufacture, i.e.the slideways and bearings, fall well within the nanotechnology range.Some precision components falling in the manufacturing tolerance band of 5~50nm include gauge blocks, diamond indenter tips, microtome blades, Winchester disc reading heads and ultra precision XY tables (Taniguchi 1986). Examples of precision cylindrical components in two very different fields, and which are made to tolerances of about 100 nm, are bearing for mechanical gyroscopes and spindles for video cassette recorders.The theoretical concept that brittle materials may be machined in a ductile mode has been known for some time. If this concept can be applied in practice it would be of significant practical importance because it would enable materials such as ceramics, glasses and silicon to be machined with minimal sub-surface damage, and could eliminate or substantially reduce the need for lapping and polishing.Typically, the conditions for ductile-mode machining require that the depth of cutis about 100 nm and that the normal force should fall in the range of 0.1~0.01N. These machining conditons can be realized only with extremely precise and stiff machine tools, such as the one described by Yoshioka et al (1985), and with which quartz has been ground to a surface roughness of 2 nm peak-to-valley. The significance of this experimental result is that it points the way to the direct grinding of optical components to an optical finish. The principle can be extended to other materials of significant commercial importance, such as ceramic turbine blades, which at present must be subjected to tedious surface finishing procedures to remove the structure-weakening cracks produced by the conventional grinding process.(2) OpticsIn some areas in optics manufacture there is a clear distinction between the technological approach and the traditional craftsman’s approach, particul arly where precision machine tools are employed. On the other hand, in lapping and polishing, there is a large grey area where the two approaches overlap. The large demand for infrared optics from the 1970s onwards could not be met by the traditional suppliers, and provided a stimulus for the development and application of diamond-turning machines to optic manufacture. The technology has now progressed and the surface figure and finishes that can be obtained span a substantial proportion of the nanotechnology range. Important applications of diamond-turned optics are in the manufacture of unconventionally shaped optics, for example axicons and more generelly, aspherics and particularly off-axis components. Such as paraboloids.The mass production(several million per annum) of the miniature aspheric lenses used in compact disc players and the associated lens moulds provides a good example of the merging of optics and precision engineering. The form accuracy must be better than 0.2μm and the surface roughness m ust be below 20 nm to meet the criterion for diffraction limited performance.(3) ElectronicsIn semiconductors, nanotechnology has long been a feature in the development of layers parallel to the substrate and in the substrate surface itself, and the need for precision is steadily increasing with the advent of layered semiconductor structures.About one quarter of the entire semiconductor physics community is now engaged in studying aspects of these structures. Normal to the layer surface, the structure is produced by lithography, and for research purposes ar least, nanometre-sized features are now being developed using X-ray and electron and ion-beam techniques.5. A look into the futureWith a little imagination, it is not difficult to conjure up visions of future developments in high technology, in whatever direction one cares to look. The following two examples illustrate how advances may take place both by novel applications and refinements of old technologies and by development of new ones.(1) Molecular electronicsLithography and thin-film technology are the key technologies that have made possible the continuing and relentless reduction in the size of integrated circuits, to increase both packing density and operational speed. Miniaturization has been achieved by engineering downwards from the macro to the micro scale. By simple extrapolation it will take approximately two decades for electronic switches to be reduced to molecular dimensions. The impact of molecular biology and genetic engineering has thus provided a stimulus to attempt to engineer upwards, starting with the concept that single molecules, each acting as an electronic device in their own right, might be assembled using biotechnology, to form molecular electronic devices or even biochip computers.Advances in molecular electronics by downward engineering from the macro to the micro scale are taking place over a wide front. One fruitful approach is by way of the Langmure-Biodgett (LB) film using a method first described by Blodgett (1935).A multi-layer LB structure consists of a sequence of organic monolayers made by repeatedly dipping a substrate into a trough containing the monolayer floating on a liquid (usually water), one layer being added at a time. The classical film forming materials were the fatty acids such as stearic acid and their salts. The late 1950s saw the first widespread and commercially important application of LB films in the field of X-ray spectroscopy (e.g, Henke 1964, 1965). The important properties of the films that were exploited in this application were the uniform thickness of each film, molecule thick, and the range of thickness, say from 5to 15nm, which were available by changing the composition of the film material. Stacks of fifty or more films were formed on plane of curved substrates to form two-dimensional diffraction gratings for measuring the characteristic X-ray wavelengths of the elements of low atomic number for analytical purposes in instruments such as the electron probe of X-ray micro-analyzer.(2) Scanning tunneling engineeringIt was stated that observational techniques such as microscopy do mot, at least for the purposes of this article, fall within the domain of nanotechnology. However,it is now becoming apparent that scanning tunneling microscopy(STM) may provide the basis of a new technology, which we shall call scanning tunneling engineering.In the STM, a sharp stylus is positioned within a nanometre of the surface of the sample under investigation. A small voltage applied between the sample and the stylus will cause a current to foow through the thin intervening insulating medium (e.g.air, vacum, oxide layer). This is the tunneling electron current which is exponentially dependent on the sample-tip gap. If the sample is scanned in a planr parallel to ies surface and if the tunneling current is kept cnstant by adjusting the height of the stylus to maintain a constant gap, then the displacement of the stylus provides an accurate representation of the surface topographyu of the sample. It is relevant to the applications that will be discussed that individual atoms are easily resolved by the STM, that the stylus tip may be as small as a single atom and that the tip can be positioned with sub-atomic dimensional accuracy with the aid of a piezoelectric transducer.The STM tip has demonstrated its ability to draw fine lines, which exhibit nanometre-sized struture, and hence may provide a new tool for nanometre lithography.The mode of action was not properly understood,but it was suspected that under the influence of the tip a conducting carbon line had been drawn as the result of polymerizing a hydrocarbon film, the process being assisted by the catalytic activity of the tungsten tip. By extrapolating their results the authors believed that it would be possible to deposit fine conducting lines on an insulating film. The tip would operatein a gaseous environment that contained the metal atoms in such a form that they could either be pre-adsorbed on the film or then be liberated from their ligands or they would form free radicals at the location of the tip and be transferred to the film by appropriate adjustment of the tip voltage.Feynman proposed that machine tools be used to make smaller machine tools which in turn would make still smaller ones, and so on all the way down to the atomic level. These machine tools would then operate via computer control in the nanometre domain, using high resolution electron microscopy for observation and control. STM technology has short-cricuired this rather cumbrous concept,but the potential applications and benefits remain.原文(二)Micro-machine1. IntroductionFrom the beginning, mankind seems instinctively to have desired large machines and small machines. That is, “large” and “small” in comp arison with human-scale. Machines larger than human are powerful allies in the battle against the fury of nature; smaller machines are loyal partners that do whatever they are told.If we compare the facility and technology of manufacturing larger machines, common sense tells us that the smaller machines are easier to make. Nevertheless, throughout the history of technology, larger machines have always stood ort. The size of the restored models of the water-mill invented by Vitruvius in the Roman Era, the windmill of the middle Ages, and the steam engine invented by Watt is overwhelming. On the other hand, smaller machined in history of technology are mostly tools. If smaller machines are easier to make, a variety of such machined should exist, but until modern times, no significant small machines existed except for guns and clocks.This fact may imply that smaller machines were actually more difficult to make. Of course, this does not mean simply that it was difficult to make a small machine; it means that it was difficult to invent a small machine that would be significant to human beings.。


Co/Cu(111) H.C. Monoharan, C.P. Lutz, D.M. Eigler Nature 403 (2000) 512
• Association: the bias was raised to 500 mV for 10 s
• It is not possible to break the C-H and C-C bonds with a single electron process at this voltage, especially as their bond energies are about 2 and 3 times higher than the C-I bond.
Pried them apart into iodine and phenyl (C6H5) by injecting electrons from the STM tip (a).
Used the tip to pull the iodine away (b and c) and draw the phenyl molecules closer together (d).
MIX-AND-MATCH molecule: Atomic engineers eventually hope to create molecules from scratch, adding atoms exactly as needed to perform specific functions. This molecule, with 18 cesium and 18 iodine atoms, was built--one atom at a time--with a STM

Scanning ProbeMicroscopy (SPM)

Scanning ProbeMicroscopy (SPM)

Source: Ref. 2
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
The scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is the ancestor of all SPMs. It was invented in 1981 by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer at IBM Zurich. Five years later they were awarded the Nobel prize in physics for its invention. The STM was the first instrument to generate real-space images of surfaces with atomic resolution.
Outside solid (x > 0)
The solutions to these equations are:
? ?
2mE = Ae + Be , k = h 2m(E − V ) = Ce ik ' x + De −ik ' x , k ' = h
ikx −ikx
h 2π iθ e = cos θ + i sin θ h= e −iθ = cos θ − i sinθ
♣ Electronics control
Voltage: 0 ~ 3 V Itunnel: 1 pA ~ 10 nA, typically 10 pA ~ 1 nA Tip-sample separation: typically 2 ~ 5 Å “resistance”of gap: 107 ~ 109 Ω • For a tip-sample separation of ~1 Å and bias potential of 0.1 V, E= V· m –1 • set point ⇒ gap (vice versa) • If Itunnel > 1 nA, the tip-sample interaction is likely to become strong enough to surface morphology (depend on sample) • set point °ª or bias voltage °ª (i.e. Itunnel ¤j ) ©ö³y¦¨ tip-induced surface damage¡A ¦ý³q±` Itunnel ¤j ¡A ¼v¹³¸ÑªR«×¸û¨Î ¡C ¶·©ó¤G







%In order to study the phase characteristics of Laguerre-Gaussian vortex beam during propagation , the vortex beam was obtained by means of spiral phase plates .Based on Fresnel diffraction integral formula , the phase change of the beam in the propagation process and the stability of vortex beam phase singularities at integer order and fractional order were studied by theoretical derivation and numerical simulation .When the beam was transmitted a certain distance , phase contours of the light field on the observation plane became from diverging rays into petal-shaped arcs .The results show that if topological charge of the vortex beam is integer order , the phase singularity of the beam assumes stability in the propagation process .The phase singularity of fractional order is unstable , intensity distribution on the observation plane is obvious asymmetric and the central darkness gradually disappears .The research results supplytheoretical foundation and practical guidance for the application of optical micro manipulation and information coding techniques .【期刊名称】《激光技术》【年(卷),期】2015(000)005【总页数】4页(P723-726)【关键词】物理光学;涡旋光束;相位分布;拓扑荷【作者】魏勇;朱艳英【作者单位】燕山大学理学院,秦皇岛066004; 燕山大学里仁学院,秦皇岛066004;燕山大学理学院,秦皇岛066004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O436;TN241引言涡旋光束又称作暗中空光束或空心光束,即在传播方向上其中心的光强保持为0[1]。



高三英语材料科学单选题60题1. In the field of materials science, the "atom" is considered as the basic ______.A. unitB. elementC. particleD. molecule答案:A。


选项A“unit”有“单位;单元”的意思,“atom”( 原子)被视为材料科学中的基本“单位”,符合语境。



2. The study of materials science often involves the analysis of various ______.A. substancesB. compoundsC. mixturesD. materials答案:D。




3. When testing the properties of a new material, the ______ of heat transfer is an important factor.A. processB. methodC. wayD. means答案:A。



在测试新材料性能时,热传递的“过程”是重要因素,A 选项最符合题意。








日本Kanazawa University的科学家利用超高速视频级原子力显微镜(High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope,HS-AFM)实时成像,成功观察到了CRISPR基因编辑的过程,为CRISPR技术的有效性提供了直接的证据。

超高速视频级原子力显微镜(High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope,HS-AFM)由日本Kanazawa 大学Prof. Ando 教授团队研发,日本RIBM公司(生体分子计测研究所株式会社,Research Institute of Biomolecule Metrology Co., Ltd)商业化的产品,可以达到视频级成像的商业化原子力显微镜。



超高速视频级原子力显微镜HS-AFM主要有两种型号,SS-NEX样品扫描(Sample-Scanning HS-AFM)以及PS-NEX 探针扫描(Probe-Scanning HS-AFM)。


Bohr Model
Summary: The quantum mechanical model is the most accurate representation of atomic structure and behavior It uses quantum theory to describe the behavior of electrons in atoms
Balmer series is a group of spectral lines observed in the spectrum of hydrogen atoms
It is named after the Swiss mathematical Jakob Balmer who discovered the series in 1885
The Palmer series insists of spectral lines excited by transitions between different energy levels of the hydrogen atom
The Balmer series is important in atomic physics as it provides a simple example of quantum mechanical transitions in atoms
Atomic Models
The Rutherford model, also known as the planetary model, accounts that the atom constitutions of a positively charged nucleus orbited by negatively charged electrons



化学分子英文Chemical MoleculesThe world we live in is a complex and intricate tapestry, woven together by the intricate dance of atoms and molecules. These fundamental building blocks of matter are the foundation upon which our entire universe is constructed, from the smallest living organism to the grandest celestial bodies. Among these myriad molecules, chemical molecules stand out as the most fundamental and essential components, shaping the very fabric of our existence.At the heart of every chemical molecule lies a delicate balance of atoms, held together by the powerful forces of attraction and repulsion. These atoms, each with its own unique properties and characteristics, come together in a myriad of combinations to form the diverse array of chemical molecules that we encounter in our daily lives. From the simple water molecule, composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, to the complex structures of proteins and DNA, the world of chemical molecules is a veritable playground for the curious and the inquisitive.One of the most fascinating aspects of chemical molecules is theirability to undergo a wide range of transformations and reactions. When two or more molecules interact, they can form new compounds, breaking and reforming the bonds between atoms in a dance of chemical change. This process is the foundation of countless chemical processes, from the combustion of fuels to the metabolic reactions that power the cells of living organisms.At the heart of these chemical reactions are the fundamental principles of chemistry, which govern the behavior of molecules and the way they interact with one another. From the laws of thermodynamics, which describe the flow of energy in chemical systems, to the principles of kinetics, which explain the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions, the world of chemical molecules is a rich and complex tapestry of scientific understanding.Yet, despite the depth and breadth of our knowledge about chemical molecules, there is still much to be explored and discovered. With each new breakthrough in scientific research, our understanding of the fundamental nature of matter continues to evolve, revealing new insights and opening up new avenues of exploration.One of the most exciting frontiers in the world of chemical molecules is the field of nanotechnology. By manipulating and engineering molecules at the nanoscale, scientists are able to create new materials and devices with unprecedented properties and capabilities.From the development of advanced drug delivery systems to the creation of ultra-strong and lightweight materials, the potential of chemical molecules at the nanoscale is truly boundless.Another exciting area of research in the world of chemical molecules is the study of the role of these molecules in living organisms. From the complex biochemical pathways that power the cells of the human body to the intricate chemical communication systems that govern the behavior of entire ecosystems, the role of chemical molecules in the natural world is a topic of intense study and fascination.As we continue to delve deeper into the mysteries of the chemical world, it is clear that the study of chemical molecules will remain a central and essential component of our scientific understanding. Whether we are exploring the fundamental principles of chemistry or pushing the boundaries of what is possible with the manipulation of matter at the nanoscale, the world of chemical molecules holds the key to unlocking some of the greatest mysteries of our universe.In the end, the beauty and complexity of chemical molecules lies not only in their scientific importance, but also in their ability to inspire wonder and curiosity in the human mind. From the elegant simplicity of the water molecule to the breathtaking complexity of the human genome, the world of chemical molecules is a testament to theincredible ingenuity and creativity of the natural world. As we continue to explore and unravel the secrets of these fundamental building blocks of matter, we can only imagine the wonders that await us in the endless frontiers of chemical discovery.。

原子级制造 量子效应 测量

原子级制造 量子效应 测量

原子级制造量子效应测量英文回答:Atomic-Scale Manufacturing: Quantum Effects and Measurement Requirements.Atomic-scale manufacturing involves manipulating and assembling individual atoms or molecules to create complex structures. This technology holds the promise of revolutionizing various fields, including electronics, medicine, and materials science. However, it presents unique challenges due to the influence of quantum effects at the atomic scale.Quantum Effects:At the atomic level, the behavior of particles is governed by quantum mechanics. This introducesprobabilistic and wave-like properties, which can significantly impact manufacturing processes. Two keyquantum effects are:Quantum Tunneling: Particles can overcome potential energy barriers even when their energy is below the barrier height. This phenomenon can lead to atoms "leaking" out of intended fabrication areas.Quantum Entanglement: The properties of multiple particles can become correlated, even if they arephysically separated. This makes it challenging to control and manipulate individual atoms precisely.Measurement Requirements:To effectively manipulate and assemble atoms at the nanoscale, precise measurement techniques are crucial. Conventional measurement approaches may not be sufficient due to:Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: The act of measuring an atom's position or momentum affects its other properties. This limits the accuracy with which both properties can bemeasured simultaneously.Quantum Fluctuations: Quantum systems exhibit inherent fluctuations, making measurements noisy and potentially unreliable.Non-Invasive Measurement: Techniques are needed that do not disturb the delicate atomic structures being manipulated.Advanced Measurement Techniques:Various advanced measurement techniques have been developed to address these challenges:Scanning Probe Microscopy: Techniques like atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) allow precise imaging and manipulation of individual atoms.Quantum Interferometry: This technique utilizes the wave-like properties of atoms to measure their position andmomentum with improved precision.Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy: By confining atoms in a cavity, this technique enhances the interaction between atoms and light, enabling more sensitive spectroscopic measurements.Conclusion:Atomic-scale manufacturing requires a deep understanding and careful consideration of the quantum effects that govern the behavior of atoms. Precise measurement techniques are essential to overcome these challenges and enable the manipulation and assembly of atoms with atomic-scale precision. Ongoing advancements in measurement technologies will continue to push the boundaries of atomic-scale manufacturing, opening up new possibilities for innovation and discovery.中文回答:原子级制造,量子效应及其测量要求。



光谱层英文版The Spectral Layer: Unveiling the Invisible RealmThe universe we inhabit is a tapestry of intricately woven elements, each thread contributing to the grand tapestry of existence. Amidst this intricate web, lies a realm that is often overlooked, yet holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of our reality. This realm is the spectral layer – a realm that transcends the boundaries of our visible world and delves into the unseen realms of energy and vibration.At the heart of the spectral layer lies the electromagnetic spectrum –a vast and diverse range of wavelengths and frequencies that encompass the entirety of our physical world. From the low-frequency radio waves to the high-energy gamma rays, the electromagnetic spectrum is the foundation upon which our understanding of the universe is built. It is within this spectrum that we find the familiar visible light, the spectrum of colors that we perceive with our eyes, but it is only a small fraction of the vast and diverse tapestry that makes up the spectral layer.Beyond the visible spectrum, there lies a realm of unseen energies that are integral to the very fabric of our existence. Infrared radiation, for instance, is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the human eye but plays a crucial role in the transfer of heat and the functioning of various biological processes. Similarly, ultraviolet radiation, though invisible to us, is essential for the production of vitamin D and the regulation of circadian rhythms.But the spectral layer extends far beyond the confines of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is a realm that encompasses the vibrations and frequencies of all matter and energy, from the subatomic particles that make up the building blocks of our universe to the vast cosmic structures that span the vastness of space. These vibrations and frequencies, though often imperceptible to our senses, are the foundation upon which the entire universe is built.At the quantum level, the spectral layer reveals the true nature of reality. Subatomic particles, such as electrons and quarks, are not merely static entities but rather dynamic oscillations of energy, each with its own unique frequency and vibration. These vibrations, in turn, give rise to the fundamental forces that govern the behavior of matter and energy, from the strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus of an atom together to the mysterious dark energy that drives the expansion of the universe.But the spectral layer is not merely a realm of the infinitely small. It also encompasses the vast and expansive structures of the cosmos, from the intricate patterns of galaxies to the pulsing rhythms of celestial bodies. The stars that dot the night sky, for instance, are not merely points of light but rather vast nuclear furnaces, each emitting a unique spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that can be detected and analyzed by scientists.Through the study of the spectral layer, we have gained unprecedented insights into the nature of our universe. By analyzing the spectra of distant galaxies, for example, we can determine their chemical composition, their age, and even their rate of expansion –information that is crucial for our understanding of the origins and evolution of the cosmos.But the spectral layer is not just a realm of scientific inquiry – it is also a realm of profound spiritual and metaphysical exploration. Many ancient and indigenous cultures have long recognized the importance of the unseen realms of energy and vibration, and have developed sophisticated systems of understanding and interacting with these realms.In the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, for instance, the concept of the chakras – the seven energy centers that are believed to govern various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritualwell-being – is a manifestation of the spectral layer. These energy centers are believed to be connected to specific frequencies and vibrations, and the practice of chakra meditation and balancing is seen as a way to align oneself with the natural rhythms of the universe.Similarly, in the traditions of shamanism and indigenous healing practices, the concept of the "spirit world" or the "unseen realm" is closely tied to the spectral layer. Shamans and healers are often said to be able to perceive and interact with the unseen energies that permeate our world, using techniques such as drumming, chanting, and plant medicine to access these realms and bring about healing and transformation.In the modern era, the spectral layer has become the subject of intense scientific and technological exploration. From the development of advanced imaging technologies that can reveal the unseen structures of the human body to the creation of sophisticated communication systems that harness the power of the electromagnetic spectrum, the spectral layer has become an essential component of our understanding and manipulation of the physical world.Yet, despite the immense progress we have made in our understanding of the spectral layer, there is still much that remainsunknown and mysterious. The nature of dark matter and dark energy, for instance, remains one of the greatest unsolved puzzles in modern physics, and the true nature of consciousness and the relationship between the physical and the metaphysical realms continues to be a subject of intense debate and exploration.As we continue to delve deeper into the spectral layer, we may uncover even more profound insights into the nature of our reality. Perhaps we will discover new forms of energy and vibration that have yet to be detected, or perhaps we will find that the boundaries between the seen and the unseen are far more permeable than we ever imagined. Whatever the future may hold, one thing is certain: the spectral layer will continue to be a source of fascination, inspiration, and mystery for generations to come.。

physical review letters模板 -回复

physical review letters模板 -回复

physical review letters模板-回复"[physical review letters模板],以中括号内的内容为主题,写一篇1500-2000字文章,一步一步回答"Title: Understanding the Quantum Tunneling Phenomenon: A Physical Review LettersAbstract:In this paper, we delve into the intriguing concept of Quantum Tunneling, a fundamental phenomenon in quantum mechanics. We explore the theoretical background, experimental evidence, and potential applications of quantum tunneling. By utilizing the format of Physical Review Letters, we present a comprehensive analysis of this captivating topic.1. IntroductionQuantum tunneling refers to the remarkable ability of particles to pass through energy barriers that classical physics would deem impassable. This phenomenon is a direct consequence of the wave-particle duality intrinsic to quantum mechanics. The aim of this article is to unravel the underlying principles behind quantum tunneling and shed light on its profound implications for variousfields of science.2. Theoretical BackgroundTo understand quantum tunneling, we need to first comprehend the Schrödinger equation, which describes the behavior of quantum systems. This equation reveals that particles possess wave-like properties, allowing them to exist in a superposition of states. Furthermore, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that the more precisely we know a particle's position, the less certain we are about its momentum.3. Barrier PenetrationThe concept of tunneling emerges when particles encounter an energy barrier. According to classical physics, particles with insufficient energy to overcome the barrier should be completely reflected. However, in quantum mechanics, particles possess wave functions that extend beyond the classical boundaries. Consequently, there is a finite probability for them to penetrate the barrier and appear on the other side.4. Experimental EvidenceExperimental verification of quantum tunneling has been achievedin a variety of areas. For instance, the scanning tunneling microscope has allowed scientists to observe the tunneling of electrons between a conducting tip and a surface, enabling atom manipulation with atomic precision. Additionally, experiments involving tunneling of cold atoms through Bose-Einstein condensates have provided direct evidence of quantum tunneling phenomena.5. ApplicationsQuantum tunneling has numerous applications across diverse scientific disciplines. In the field of electronics, the phenomenon is utilized in the creation of tunneling diodes and transistors, enabling faster and more efficient electronic devices. Tunneling is also pivotal in nuclear fusion, where particles need to overcome the Coulomb barrier to initiate fusion reactions. Moreover, quantum tunneling plays a crucial role in the functioning of enzymes in biological systems.6. Quantum Tunneling in AstrophysicsQuantum tunneling also influences astrophysical phenomena. For instance, nuclear reactions within stars rely on tunneling to overcome the barriers inherent in fusion processes. Additionally,tunneling is vital in explaining the phenomenon of stellar nucleosynthesis, where the synthesis of heavier elements occurs through fusion reactions.7. ConclusionQuantum tunneling is a captivating aspect of quantum mechanics, challenging classical notions of energy barriers. Through a thorough examination of its theoretical foundations, experimental observations, and diverse applications, we have explored the fundamental concepts of quantum tunneling. This phenomenon has revolutionized various scientific realms, from electronics to astrophysics, and continues to be an area of active research and exploration.。



科学与技术英文词汇整理Science and Technology Vocabulary CompilationIntroductionScience and technology play a crucial role in shaping our modern world. From breakthrough discoveries to technological advancements, the field encompasses a wide range of knowledge and terminology. This article aims to provide a compilation of key English vocabulary related to science and technology. The vocabulary will be organized into specific categories, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.1. Basic Scientific Concepts1.1 Matter and Energy- Atom: The fundamental unit of matter, consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons.- Element: A pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.- Molecule: A group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest unit of a compound.- Energy: The ability to do work or cause change.1.2 Forces and Motion- Gravity: The force that attracts objects towards one another.- Friction: A force that opposes the motion of objects rubbing against each other.- Acceleration: The rate at which an object changes its velocity over time.1.3 The Scientific Method- Hypothesis: A proposed explanation for an observed phenomenon.- Experiment: A controlled procedure used to test a hypothesis.- Conclusion: A judgment or decision reached based on the results of an experiment.2. Branches of Science2.1 Biology- Cell: The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.- DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid, a molecule that carries genetic information.- Evolution: The process by which species change and develop over time.2.2 Chemistry- Chemical reaction: The process by which one or more substances are transformed into different substances.- Periodic Table: A tabular arrangement of chemical elements.2.3 Physics- Newton's Laws of Motion: Three laws describing the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it.- Electromagnetism: The interaction between electric currents and magnetic fields.3. Technological Advancements3.1 Information Technology- Algorithm: A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing a task.- Artificial Intelligence: The ability of a machine to simulate human intelligence and perform tasks autonomously.- Data Mining: The process of discovering patterns and extracting useful information from large datasets.3.2 Biotechnology- Genetic Engineering: The manipulation of an organism's genes to achieve desired traits.- Cloning: The process of creating an identical copy of an organism.3.3 Renewable Energy- Solar Power: Energy derived from the sun's radiation.- Wind Power: Electricity generated by harnessing the power of wind.ConclusionThis compilation of science and technology vocabulary provides a foundation for understanding key concepts in these fields. Whether exploring basic scientific principles or the latest technological advancements, a strong grasp of relevant terminology is essential. By familiarizing oneself with these terms, individuals can better engage in discussions and stay informed in the ever-evolving world of science and technology.。



英语作文有机化学Title: The Fascinating World of Organic Chemistry。

Organic chemistry, often dubbed as the "chemistry of life," is a captivating field that delves into the structures, properties, reactions, and synthesis of carbon-containing compounds. Its significance permeates various aspects of our daily lives, from the medicines we take to the materials we use. In this essay, we will embark on a journey through the intricate realm of organic chemistry, exploring its fundamental concepts, diverse applications, and profound implications.At the heart of organic chemistry lies the carbon atom, a versatile element that forms the backbone of countless molecules found in nature. The unique ability of carbon to form stable covalent bonds with other atoms, including itself, allows for the creation of a vast array of compounds with diverse structures and functionalities. From simple hydrocarbons like methane to complex biomoleculessuch as proteins and DNA, carbon compounds exhibit remarkable diversity and complexity.One of the defining characteristics of organicchemistry is the concept of functional groups, specific arrangements of atoms within a molecule that conferdistinct chemical properties. These functional groups playa pivotal role in determining the reactivity and behaviorof organic compounds. For instance, the presence of a hydroxyl group (-OH) endows a molecule with properties characteristic of alcohols, while a carbonyl group (C=O) imparts characteristics of ketones or aldehydes.Organic chemistry encompasses a wide range of reactions, each governed by its own set of principles and mechanisms. From the venerable reactions of substitution andelimination to the more intricate processes of addition and rearrangement, these transformations lie at the heart of synthetic organic chemistry. Chemists leverage these reactions to construct complex molecules with precision, enabling the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and advanced materials.The synthesis of organic molecules is a cornerstone of drug discovery and development. Medicinal chemists meticulously design and optimize molecules to targetspecific biological pathways, thereby treating orpreventing diseases. Through the application of organic chemistry principles, scientists have developed an impressive array of therapeutics, ranging from antibioticsto anticancer agents. Moreover, the emergence of computational methods and high-throughput screening techniques has accelerated the pace of drug discovery, ushering in a new era of precision medicine.In addition to pharmaceuticals, organic chemistry finds widespread applications in materials science and technology. Polymers, large molecules composed of repeating subunits, form the basis of numerous materials, including plastics, elastomers, and fibers. Through careful manipulation of monomeric units and polymerization processes, chemists can tailor the properties of polymers to meet diverseindustrial and consumer needs. From lightweight composites used in aerospace applications to biodegradable plasticsaimed at mitigating environmental impact, organic chemistry plays a pivotal role in shaping the materials of the future.The principles of organic chemistry also underpin the burgeoning field of sustainable chemistry, which seeks to develop environmentally friendly processes and products. Green chemistry initiatives focus on minimizing waste, conserving energy, and reducing the use of hazardous substances throughout the chemical lifecycle. By leveraging the principles of atom economy, catalysis, and renewable feedstocks, chemists strive to create a more sustainableand circular economy. From the design of eco-friendly solvents to the development of bio-based polymers, organic chemistry offers innovative solutions to global challenges.In conclusion, organic chemistry stands as acornerstone of modern science, driving innovation across diverse fields ranging from medicine to materials science. Its principles govern the synthesis of complex molecules essential for life and industry, while its applications continue to expand into new frontiers. As we unravel the mysteries of organic chemistry, we gain deeper insightsinto the workings of the natural world and unlock new possibilities for the future.。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:纳米技术在我们身边有什么帮助英语作文范例全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Nanotechnology: The Tiny Revolution Shaping Our WorldNanotechnology may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it's a very real and rapidly evolving field that is transforming our daily lives in countless ways. At its core,nanotechnology is the study, manipulation, and application of materials at the nanoscale – that's dealing with structures and devices between 1 and 100 nanometers in size. To put that into perspective, a single strand of human DNA is about 2.5 nanometers wide! Working at such a minuscule scale allows scientists and engineers to develop groundbreaking innovations that are revolutionizing fields like medicine, electronics, energy production, and environmental protection.As a student fascinated by cutting-edge technology, I've been amazed to learn about the myriad ways nanotechnology is making our lives easier, more efficient, and more sustainable. From the moment we wake up in the morning, we're benefiting from nano-enhanced products without even realizing it. Those wrinkle-free dress shirts and stain-resistant pants? They've been treated with nanoparticles that create a protective coating, repelling liquids and preventing creases. The sleek smartphone or tablet you might check for notifications? Nanotechnology has enabled the production of faster, more powerful computer chips and ultra-high definition displays.But nanotechnology's impact extends far beyond our wardrobes and gadgets. In the realm of medicine, nanoparticles are being used to deliver drugs directly to diseased cells,minimizing damage to healthy tissue and making treatments more effective. Researchers are even developing nanorobots that could one day perform precise surgeries at the molecular level. Imagine having a team of tiny robots patrolling your bloodstream, identifying and repairing damaged cells before they can cause serious illness!Another area where nanotechnology is making waves is energy production and storage. By creating ultra-thin solar panels and high-capacity batteries using nanomaterials, we're paving the way for more efficient renewable energy solutions. Innovations like carbon nanotubes and graphene – sheets of carbon just one atom thick – could enable the creation of lightweight, flexible electronics and better energy storage systems for electric vehicles.However, some of nanotechnology's most exciting and profound applications may be in the realm of environmental protection. Researchers are developing nanomembranes that can filter out contaminants from water supplies with incredible precision, providing clean drinking water to communities that lack access. Nanoparticles are also being used to clean up oil spills more effectively and even combat climate change by capturing and storing greenhouse gases.Of course, like any powerful technology, nanotechnology carries potential risks that must be carefully studied and mitigated. There are concerns about the toxicity of certain nanomaterials and their potential impacts on human health and the environment if improperly handled or disposed of. Strict regulations and safety protocols are essential as these innovations continue to progress.Despite these challenges, I remain endlessly fascinated by the vast potential of nanotechnology to reshape our world for the better. As a student, I've had the opportunity to learn about and even work with some of these cutting-edge materials and devices in my university's laboratories. Witnessing firsthand how scientists and engineers are harnessing the unique properties of matter at the nanoscale has been an incredibly enriching experience, deepening my appreciation for the brilliant minds driving this technological revolution.Looking to the future, it's clear that nanotechnology will continue to profoundly impact virtually every aspect of our lives. From the clothes we wear and the devices we use, to the medical treatments we receive and the energy sources that power our communities, nanoscale engineering is ushering in a new era of innovation. As a student today, I feel incredibly fortunate to beliving in a time when the boundaries of science and technology are being pushed further than ever before. The nanotechnology revolution is only just beginning, and I can't wait to see what incredible breakthroughs lie ahead.篇2The Invisible World of Nanotechnology All Around UsNanotechnology may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it's very much a reality in our everyday lives. The nanoscale world is unbelievably tiny - a single nanometer is just one billionth of a meter! At this minuscule size, materials can have vastly different properties compared to their normal scale. By manipulating matter at the nanoscale, scientists and engineers have unlocked incredible new possibilities across numerous fields. As a student, it's mind-blowing to realize how many ways nanotechnology is impacting the world around me.Let's start with something I use every day - my smartphone. The sleek digital displays, compact energy storage, and lightning-fast processing speeds simply wouldn't be possible without nanotech. The displays use nanostructured materials to enhance brightness and reduce energy consumption.Lithium-ion batteries, allowing hours of untethered use, employnanomaterials to increase energy density and charge cycles. And the microchips powering it all utilize nanotransistors and nanoelectronics far beyond what conventional electronics could achieve.My active lifestyle also benefits tremendously from nanotechnology. High-performance workout clothes are designed using nanofibers that wick away moisture and resist staining. Many athletic shoes incorporate nanoparticle fillers in the soles to improve flexibility, cushioning, and durability. If I get injured, some of the latest anti-bacterial bandages utilize nanocoatings of silver to prevent infection. On the gym equipment itself, modern nano-engineered coatings increase corrosion resistance while minimizing friction and wear.Even basic things like food and water are enhanced through nanotechnology. Nanocomposite packaging helps extend shelf life by blocking air and moisture. Some beverage bottles use nanomembranes to filter out harmful contaminants. The nutrient absorption in some health supplements is vastly improved by encapsulating vitamins and minerals in nanoparticles. And in agriculture, nanoparticles are being used in fertilizers and pesticides for controlled release and targeted delivery, reducing waste.My computer, the internet, and all my digital files also rely on nanotech. Data storage has been revolutionized by devices like quantum dot displays and heat-assisted magnetic nanorecording hard drives with incredible data densities. Nanophotonic chips using light beams rather than electric signals transmit data at ultrafast speeds with high bandwidth for seamless streaming. And advanced nanoelectronics allow for the compact yet powerful processors required for computing, artificial intelligence, and cloud services.Nanomedicine may be one of the most impactful applications of this incredible technology. Nanoparticles can be used to deliver drugs in a targeted manner, increasingtherapeutic effectiveness while reducingside effects. Nanorobots could one day roam our bodies, detecting and even repairing damaged cells. Imagine nanobiosensors providing constant detailed monitoring of your health. Or nanotubes serving as bionic nerve transmitters to interface directly with computers through thought. The melding of biological and artificial materials at the nanoscale has enormous potential.Even the energy powering all our devices is being transformed by nanotechnology. Nanostructured thin-film solar cells offer increased efficiency and flexibility. Hydrogen storagenanomaterials could enable better fuel cell technology for electric vehicles. And thermoelectric nanocoatings that convert wasted heat into electricity could recover energy from things like automotive exhaust or industrial processes.On a larger scale, nanotechnology promises to revolutionize manufacturing through advanced nanomaterials. Nanocomposites combining nanoparticles and bulk materials create super-strong, lightweight compounds for construction and transportation. Self-assembling nanostructured materials could manufacture complex products from the bottom up with incredible precision. In the electronics industry, nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) will surpass the capabilities of today's microelectromechanical systems.The environmental benefits of nanotechnology are also profound. Nanocatalysts increase chemical reaction rates while reducing energy needs. Nanomembranes make water purification and desalination more efficient. Nanosensors can detect pollutants at extremely low concentrations. And sobering cleanups, nanomaterials facilitate separating and trapping toxic substances while degrading contaminants through reactive nanoparticles.As amazing as today's applications sound, we've truly just scratched the surface of what nanotechnology can achieve. Tomorrow's developments in fields like molecular nanotechnology and nanorobotics will be even more astounding. Scientists envision fleets of coordinated nanorobots repairing damage within our bodies, nanocomputers of incredible complexity performing advanced simulations, and molecular machines manufacturing virtually any material throughbottom-up assembly of atoms.While the benefits seem limitless, some analysts raise concerns about nanotechnology's potential risks. The novel properties of nanomaterials that make them so useful could potentially have negative impacts on living cells and ecosystems that we don't fully understand yet. There are also ethical questions surrounding issues such as human enhancement through nanobiosystems and resource allocation inequalities. I believe through continued responsible research and public dialogue, we can navigate these challenges while harnessing nanotechnology's amazing potential for the betterment of all.This invisible world of nanotechnology is incredibly exciting and full of possibilities. As a student today, I'm witnessing the dawn of a technological revolution that will touch every aspect ofour lives in the coming decades. While the science underlying it is highly complex, the integration of nanoscale advances into real-world systems and products is making the "nanorenaissiance" an everyday reality all around us. From healthcare to computers, energy to manufacturing, I can't wait to see how nanotechnology continues to shape our future in incredible new ways.篇3Nanotechnology: The Tiny Science Making a Giant ImpactWhen most people think of cutting-edge technology, they probably imagine things like supercomputers, robots, or interplanetary spacecraft. However, one of the most revolutionary and impactful fields of modern science is actually occurring at a scale too tiny for the naked eye to see - the nanoscale. Nanotechnology, which involves studying and manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular level, is shaping up to be one of the defining technologies of the 21st century. And believe it or not, nanotechnology is already all around us in our everyday lives, even if we don't realize it.At its core, nanotechnology deals with structures between 1 and 100 nanometers in size. To put that into perspective, a singlestrand of human DNA is around 2.5 nanometers wide. At the nanoscale, materials can exhibit entirely new properties compared to their larger forms. This allows engineers and scientists to precisely design and fabricate materials, surfaces, devices and systems with incredible qualities. And the potential applications of this amazing technology seem to be limited only by our imagination.One area where we are already relying on nanotechnology is in the electronics and computer industries. Transistors, the building blocks that power our modern electronics, are now being produced at the nanoscale. This has allowed companies to keep making chips smaller, faster and more energy efficient year after year, following Moore's Law. Nanotechnology also allows for things like bendable displays, longer-lasting battery technologies, and super-efficient LED lights. Just about every electronic device we use, from our phones to our laptops to our TVs, has nanotechnology inside.Nanomaterials are also revolutionizing various products we use every day. Nanoparticles can make sunscreens more effective at blocking UV rays while remaining transparent on the skin. Stain-resistant nanocoating on clothes can repel liquids and help fabrics stay clean longer. And in the sports world, baseballbats, golf clubs, tennis rackets and bikes are being constructed using carbon nanotubes - cylindrical molecules of carbon just one atom thick - making them incredibly light yet stronger than steel. Nanotechnology is the reason many of our goods are becoming cheaper, smarter and better performing.Perhaps the most powerful impact of nanotechnology though will be felt in the fields of health and medicine. Nanobiosensors could one day detect diseases like cancer at an incredibly early stage by scanning for biomarkers in the body. Researchers are investigating ways to use nanorobots to actually repair cells and treat diseases from the inside out. Nanomaterials may be able to help regrow bones or rebuild damaged neurons. And nanotechnology is also enabling the creation of more potent, targeted drug delivery methods to help get medicines directly to diseased cells while avoiding healthy ones.The environment and energy sectors are also set to be transformed by nanotechnology. Nano-engineered filters and membranes can help purify water at a much higher efficiency than current methods. Nanostructured coatings can make solar cells more efficient at capturing the sun's rays and converting them to electricity. And researchers are working on ways to produce lightweight nanomaterials that can store hydrogen ormethane, paving the way for safer, more efficient fuel cell technology for vehicles.While the potential benefits of nanotechnology are incredibly exciting, the development of this tiny science has not been without concerns. There are still many unanswered questions about the potential toxicity of certain nanomaterials and how they may interact with the human body or the environment. Strict guidelines and testing procedures need to be followed to ensure public safety. There are also profound ethical questions that come along with the ability to manipulate matter at such a tiny scale, especially when it comes to medical applications. Will these emerging capabilities be accessible and affordable to all?In the end though, I believe the positive possibilities of nanotechnology far outweigh the risks, as long as the technology is developed and used responsibly. Think about how hard it would have been for someone 30 years ago to imagine the ways the internet and mobile technology would transform the modern world. I believe nanotechnology has at least that level of potential to revolutionize our lives in the decades to come. Virtually every industry and sector stands to be improved and impacted by this incredible tiny technology.While we may not always be able to see it at work, nanotechnology is all around us already. It's in our electronics, our clothes, our sports gear and likely will be used in our future medicine, energy solutions and environmental remediation efforts. It's a true example of how the smallest of things can make a massive difference. Nanotechnology is proving that the nanoworld is going to be a huge part of our world.。



专利名称:MICROSCOPE WITH SCANNING PROBE 发明人:KINOSHITA KATSUYUKI申请号:JP5335990申请日:19900305公开号:JPH03254056A公开日:19911113专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To monitor even information other than the amperage possessed by electron emitted from a specimen, by furnishing a probe provided with a through hole, and equipping an electron beam sensing device which is to obtain information carried by the electron beam after it has passed through the through hole. CONSTITUTION:An emitted electron led into a through hole 24 in a probe 12 is accelerated by an accelerating electrode 32 e.g. to several hundreds of V, passes through an aperture in the center of the electrode 32 to be incident to an electron booster tube 34. This booster tube 34 boosts electrons, which are incident to an anode 34A, and the number of incident electrons is counted by a pulse counter 36 which counts the pulses generated signaling electron by electron. This enables sensing of even very weak current emitted from the surface of a specimen 22. If the tip of the probe 12 scans over the specimen surface in the X and Y directions with the aid of a piezo fine motion scanning element 16, the space distribution of the emitted current can be obtained with a space resolution substantially equal to the inner dia. 0.1mum of the through hole at its foremost part.申请人:HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。

初等化学 英语

初等化学 英语

初等化学英语Fundamental ChemistryChemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes it undergoes. It is a fundamental scientific discipline that underpins our understanding of the world around us. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, from the medicines we take to the materials we use, chemistry is at the heart of it all.One of the most fundamental concepts in chemistry is the atom. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter, and they come in a variety of different types, known as elements. There are currently 118 known elements, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Elements can combine in various ways to form molecules and compounds, which have their own distinct properties and behaviors.The study of chemistry can be divided into several sub-disciplines, each with its own focus and areas of exploration. Organic chemistry, for example, deals with the study of carbon-based compounds, including the vast array of molecules found in living organisms. Inorganic chemistry, on the other hand, focuses on the study ofcompounds that do not contain carbon, such as minerals and metals.Another important aspect of chemistry is the study of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions occur when the atoms in a substance rearrange to form new substances with different properties. These reactions can be used to create new materials, generate energy, or even to understand the complex processes that occur in living organisms.One of the most exciting areas of chemistry is the field of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology involves the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular scale, allowing scientists to create new materials and devices with unprecedented properties and capabilities. From self-cleaning surfaces to drug-delivering nanoparticles, the potential applications of nanotechnology are vast and far-reaching.In addition to its scientific applications, chemistry also plays a crucial role in our everyday lives. The development of new materials and technologies has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From the plastics that make up our everyday products to the medicines that keep us healthy, chemistry is at the heart of it all.Despite the many advances in the field of chemistry, there is stillmuch to be discovered. Researchers around the world are constantly pushing the boundaries of our understanding, exploring new frontiers and uncovering new insights into the nature of matter and the universe. As we continue to deepen our knowledge of chemistry, we can expect to see even more remarkable developments and innovations that will shape the future of our world.In conclusion, chemistry is a fundamental and indispensable scientific discipline that underpins our understanding of the world around us. From the smallest atoms to the most complex molecules, the study of chemistry offers a wealth of insights and opportunities for exploration and discovery. Whether you are a scientist, a student, or simply someone with a curious mind, the fascinating world of chemistry is sure to captivate and inspire you.。



一个神奇的发明英语作文Humanity has always been driven by the innate desire to create, to innovate, and to push the boundaries of what is possible. Throughout the course of our history, we have witnessed countless groundbreaking inventions that have transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From the wheel to the internet, each new discovery has paved the way for further advancements, unlocking new realms of possibility and ushering in a brighter future.In the annals of human ingenuity, one invention stands out as truly remarkable – a creation so revolutionary and awe-inspiring that it has the power to alter the very fabric of our existence. This is the story of a magical invention that has the potential to change the world as we know it.Imagine a device that can transport you to any location on Earth, or even beyond, in the blink of an eye. A device that can defy the laws of physics, allowing you to soar through the skies, dive to the depths of the ocean, or explore the vast expanse of outer space with ease.This is the essence of the invention I'm about to describe – a teleportation device that can rewrite the rules of space and time.The concept of teleportation has long captured the imagination of scientists, science fiction writers, and the general public alike. The idea of being able to instantly transport oneself from one place to another has been the subject of countless thought experiments, scientific studies, and fantastical narratives. And now, after years of painstaking research and groundbreaking discoveries, this dream has become a reality.The key to this revolutionary invention lies in the manipulation of subatomic particles and the harnessing of quantum phenomena. By understanding the complex dance of electrons, protons, and neutrons, the team of brilliant scientists behind this project has developed a way to disassemble matter at the atomic level, transmit the information across space, and then reassemble it at the desired location.The process is both elegant and mind-bending. The user simply steps into a specialized chamber, where a series of high-energy beams and sophisticated scanners analyze their physical structure down to the smallest detail. This information is then converted into a stream of data, which is transmitted through a network of quantum-entangled particles, allowing for instantaneous transportation.At the destination, a complementary chamber receives the data and uses it to reconstruct the user's physical form, right down to the last atom. The result is a seamless transition, with the user appearing at the new location without a single hair out of place.The implications of this technology are staggering. Imagine the ability to travel across the globe in the blink of an eye, without the need for planes, trains, or automobiles. No more traffic jams, no more long-haul flights, no more geographical barriers – the world would suddenly become a much smaller and more accessible place.But the applications of this invention go far beyond mere convenience. Think of the impact it could have on fields like medicine, where patients could be transported to specialized treatment centers in a matter of seconds, saving precious time and lives. Or the potential it holds for scientific exploration, allowing researchers to venture to the most remote and inhospitable corners of the planet, or even beyond, with unprecedented ease.And the benefits extend to the environment as well. By eliminating the need for fuel-guzzling modes of transportation, this teleportation device could significantly reduce our carbon footprint, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change and paving the way for a more sustainable future.Of course, with any groundbreaking invention, there are always concerns and challenges to be addressed. Issues of security, privacy, and potential misuse will need to be carefully navigated. But the team behind this project has taken great care to implement robust safeguards and protocols, ensuring that the technology is used responsibly and for the betterment of humanity.As I stand in awe of this remarkable invention, I can't help but wonder about the endless possibilities it holds. Will it revolutionize the way we live, work, and explore the world? Will it unlock new frontiers of scientific discovery and human achievement? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – this magical invention has the power to change the course of history, and we are privileged to witness its emergence.In the end, the true magic of this invention lies not in its technological prowess, but in its ability to inspire us, to challenge our preconceptions, and to push the boundaries of what we thought possible. It is a testament to the boundless ingenuity of the human mind, and a reminder that the greatest innovations often arise from the most daring dreams.。

scanning tunneling microscope

scanning tunneling microscope

Scanning Tunneling MicroscopeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is a powerful instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zürich), the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986.[1][2] For an STM, good resolution is considered to be 0.1 nm lateral resolution and 0.01 nm depth resolution.[3] With this resolution, individual atoms within materials are routinely imaged and manipulated. The STM can be used not only in ultra high vacuum but also in air, water, and various other liquid or gas ambients, and at temperatures ranging from near zero kelvin to a few hundred degrees Celsius.[4]The STM is based on the concept of quantum tunneling. When a conducting tip is brought very near to the surface to be examined, a bias (voltage difference) applied between the two can allow electrons to tunnel through the vacuum between them. The resulting tunneling current is a function of tip position, applied voltage, and the local density of states (LDOS) of the sample.[4] Information is acquired by monitoring the current as the tip's position scans across the surface, and is usually displayed in image form. STM can be a challenging technique, as it requires extremely clean and stable surfaces, sharp tips, excellent vibration control, and sophisticated electronics.ProcedureFirst, a voltage bias is applied and the tip is brought close to the sample by some coarse sample-to-tip control, which is turned off when the tip and sample are sufficiently close. At close range, fine control of the tip in all three dimensions when near the sample is typically piezoelectric, maintaining tip-sample separation W typically in the 4-7 Å range, which is the equilibrium position between attractive(3<W<10Å) and repulsive (W<3Å) interactions[4]. In this situation, the voltage bias will cause electrons to tunnel between the tip and sample, creating a current that can be measured. Once tunneling is established, the tip's bias and position with respect to the sample can be varied (with the details of this variation depending on the experiment) and data is obtained from the resulting changes in current.If the tip is moved across the sample in the x-y plane, the changes in surface height and density of states cause changes in current. These changes are mapped in images. This change in current with respect to position can be measured itself, or the height, z, of the tip corresponding to a constant current can be measured[4]. These two modes are called constant height mode and constant current mode, respectively. In constant current mode, feedback electronics adjust the height by a voltage to the piezoelectric height control mechanism[5]. This leads to a height variation and thus the image comesfrom the tip topography across the sample and gives a constant charge density surface; this means contrast on the image is due to variations in charge density[6]. In constant height mode, the voltage and height are both held constant while the current changes to keep the voltage from changing; this leads to an image made of current changes over the surface, which can be related to charge density[6]. The benefit to using a constant height mode is that it is faster, as the piezoelectric movements require more time to register the change in constant current mode than the voltage response in constant height mode[6]. All images produced by STM are grayscale, with color optionally added in post-processing in order to visually emphasize important features.In addition to scanning across the sample, information on the electronic structure at a given location in the sample can be obtained by sweeping voltage and measuring current at a specific location[3]. This type of measurement is called scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and typically results in a plot of the local density of states as a function of energy within the sample. The advantage of STM over other measurements of the density of states lies in its ability to make extremely local measurements: for example, the density of states at an impurity site can be compared to the density of states far from impurities.[7]Framerates of at least 1 Hz enable so called Video-STM (up to 50 Hz is possible).[8][9] This can be used to scan surface diffusion.[10]InstrumentationThe components of an STM include scanning tip, piezoelectric controlled height and x,y scanner, coarse sample-to-tip control, vibration isolation system, and computer[5].The resolution of an image is limited by the radius of curvature of the scanning tip ofthe STM. Additionally, image artifacts can occur if the tip has two tips at the end rather than a single atom; this leads to “double-tip imaging,” a situation in which both tips contribute to the tunneling[3]. Therefore it has been essential to develop processes for consistently obtaining sharp, usable tips. Recently, carbon nanotubes have beenused in this instance.[11]The tip is often made of tungsten or platinum-iridium, though gold is also used[3]. Tungsten tips are usually made by electrochemical etching, and platinum-iridium tips by mechanical shearing[3].Due to the extreme sensitivity of tunnel current to height, proper vibration isolation or an extremely rigid STM body is imperative for obtaining usable results. In the first STM by Binnig and Rohrer, magnetic levitation was used to keep the STM free from vibrations; now mechanical spring or gas spring systems are often used[4]. Additionally, mechanisms for reducing eddy currents are sometimes implemented. Maintaining the tip position with respect to the sample, scanning the sample and acquiring the data is computer controlled[5]. The computer may also be used for enhancing the image with the help of image processing[12][13] as well as performing quantitative measurements.[14]Schematic view of an STM Other STM related studiesMany other microscopy techniques have been developed based upon STM. These include photon scanning microscopy (PSTM), which uses an optical tip to tunnel photons[3]; scanning tunneling potentiometry (STP), which measures electric potential across a surface[3]; spin polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SPSTM), whichuses a ferromagnetic tip to tunnel spin-polarized electrons into a magnetic sample,[15] and atomic force microscopy (AFM), in which the force caused by interaction between the tip and sample is measured.Other STM methods involve manipulating the tip in order to change the topography of the sample. This is attractive for several reasons. Firstly the STM has an atomically precise positioning system which allows very accurate atomic scale manipulation. Furthermore, after the surface is modified by the tip, it is a simple matter to then image with the same tip, without changing the instrument. IBM researchers developed a way to manipulate Xenon atoms absorbed on a nickel surface[3] This technique has been used to create electron "corrals" with a small number of adsorbed atoms, which allows the STM to be used to observe electron Friedel Oscillations on the surface of the material. Aside from modifying the actual sample surface, one can also use the STM to tunnel electrons into a layer of E-Beam photoresist on a sample, in order to do lithography. This has the advantage of offering more control of the exposure than traditional Electron beam lithography. Another practical application of STM is atomic deposition of metals (Au, Ag, W, etc.) with any desired (pre-programmed) pattern, which can be used as contacts to nanodevices or as nanodevices themselves. Recently groups have found they can use the STM tip to rotate individual bonds within single molecules. The electrical resistance of the molecule depends on the orientation of the bond, so the molecule effectively becomes a molecular switch.Principle of operationTunneling is a functioning concept that arises from quantum mechanics. Classically, an object hitting an impenetrable barrier will not pass through. In contrast, objects with a very small mass, such as the electron, have wavelike characteristics which permit such an event, referred to as tunneling.Electrons behave as beams of energy, and in the presence of a potential U(z), assuming 1-dimensional case, the energy levels ψn(z) of the electrons are given by solutions to Schrödinger’s equation,,where ħis the reduced Planck’s constant, z is the position, and m is the mass of an electron[4]. If an electron of energy E is incident upon an energy barrier of height U(z), the electron wave function is a traveling wave solution,,whereif E > U(z), which is true for a wave function inside the tip or inside the sample[4]. Inside a barrier, E < U(z) so the wave functions which satisfy this are decaying waves,,wherequantifies the decay of the wave inside the barrier, with the barrier in the +z direction for −κ[4].Knowing the wave function allows one to calculate the probability density for that electron to be found at some location. In the case of tunneling, the tip and sample wave functions overlap such that when under a bias, there is some finite probability to find the electron in the barrier region and even on the other side of the barrier[4]. Let us assume the bias is V and the barrier width is W. This probability, P, that an electron at z=0 (left edge of barrier) can be found at z=W (right edge of barrier) is proportional to the wave function squared,[4].If the bias is small, we can let U−E≈ φM in the expression for κ, where φM, the work function, gives the minimum energy needed to bring an electron from an occupied level, the highest of which is at the Fermi level (for metals at T=0 kelvins), to vacuum level. When a small bias V is applied to the system, only electronic states very near the Fermi level, within eV (a product of electron charge and voltage, not to be confused here with electronvolt unit), are excited[4]. These excited electrons can tunnel across the barrier. In other words, tunneling occurs mainly with electrons of energies near the Fermi level.However, tunneling does require that there is an empty level of the same energy as the electron for the electron to tunnel into on the other side of the barrier. It is because of this restriction that the tunneling current can be related to the density of available orfilled states in the sample. The current due to an applied voltage V (assume tunneling occurs sample to tip) depends on two factors: 1) the number of electrons between E f and eV in the sample, and 2) the number among them which have corresponding free states to tunnel into on the other side of the barrier at the tip[4]. The higher density of available states the greater the tunneling current. When V is positive, electrons in the tip tunnel into empty states in the sample; for a negative bias, electrons tunnel out of occupied states in the sample into the tip[4].Mathematically, this tunneling current is given by.One can sum the probability over energies between E f−eV and eV to get the number of states available in this energy range per unit volume, thereby finding the local density of states (LDOS) near the Fermi level[4]. The LDOS near some energy E in an interval ε is given by,and the tunnel current at a small bias V is proportional to the LDOS near the Fermi level, which gives important information about the sample[4]. It is desirable to use LDOS to express the current because this value does not change as the volume changes, while probability density does[4]. Thus the tunneling current is given bywhere ρs(0,E f) is the LDOS near the Fermi level of the sample at the sample surface[4]. By using equation (6), this current can also be expressed in terms of the LDOS near the Fermi level of the sample at the tip surface,The exponential term in (9) is very significant in that small variations in W greatly influence the tunnel current. If the separation is decreased by 1 Ǻ, the current increases by an order of magnitude, and vice versa[6].This approach fails to account for the rate at which electrons can pass the barrier. This rate should affect the tunnel current, so it can be treated using the Fermi's golden rule with the appropriate tunneling matrix element. John Bardeen solved this problem inhis study of the metal-insulator-metal junction, MIM[16]. He found that if he solved Schrödinger’s equation for each side of the junction separately to obtain the wave functions ψ and χ for each electrode, he could obtain the tunnel matrix, M, from the overlap of these two wave functions[4]. This can be applied to STM by making the electrodes the tip and sample, assigning ψ and χ as sample and tip wave functions, respectively, and evaluating M at some surface S between the metal electrodes, where z=0 at the sample surface and z=W at the tip surface[4].Now, Fermi’s Golden Rule gives the rate f or electron transfer across the barrier, and is written,where δ(Eψ-Eχ) restricts tunneling to occur only between electron levels with the same energy[4]. The tunnel matrix element, given by,is a description of the lower energy associated with the interaction of wave functions at the overlap, also called the resonance energy[4].Summing over all the states gives the tunneling current aswhere f is the Fermi function, ρs and ρT are the density of states in the sample and tip, respectively[4]. The Fermi distribution function describes the filling of electron levels at a given temperature T.References1.G. Binnig, H. Rohrer (1986). "Scanning tunneling microscopy". IBM Journal ofResearch and Development30: 4.2.Press release for the 1986 Nobel Prize in physics3. C. Bai (2000). Scanning tunneling microscopy and its applications. New York:Springer Verlag. ISBN 3540657150./?id=3Q08jRmmtrkC&pg=PA345.4. C. Julian Chen (1993). Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. OxfordUniversity Press. ISBN 0195071506./~jcc2161/documents/stm_R.pdf.5.K. Oura, V. G. Lifshits, A. A. Saranin, A. V. Zotov, and M. 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Supramol. chem-3

Supramol. chem-3

have sizes in the range of tenths of nanometres.
Microfabrication is a collective term used for various kinds of lithography. The most common microfabrication technique used today is
5.1.2 Nanotechnology: the „top-down‟ approach
Approaches based on nanotechnology are needed to produce components on the 30nm scale and below. For example, lithography and
One of the most conceptually obvious ways to carry out chemistry on the nanoscale or to make nanoscale objects is to simply move molecules or atoms around directly. Such a process is termed nanomanipulation and in practice it is extremely difficult to achieve. This is because it is difficult to apply the necessary force on such a small scale. There are a number of modern techniques that can achieve manipu-



生物与环境平衡的危机The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings. To a large extent, the physical form and the habits of the earth’s vegetation and its animal life have been molded by the environment. Considering the whole span of earthly time, the opposite effect, in which life actually modifies its surroundings, has been relatively slight. Only in the present century has one species man acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.During the past quarter century this power has not only become increasingly great but it has changed in character. The most alarming of all man’s assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials. This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable. In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world the very nature of its life. Chemicals sprayed on croplands or forests or gardens lie long in soil, entering into living organisms, passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death. Or they pass mysteriously by underground streams until they emerge and combine into new forms that kill vegetation, sicken cattle, and work unknown harm on those who drink from once pure wells. "Man can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation," as a scientist has said.It took hundreds of millions of years to produce the life that now inhabits the earth. Given time not in years but in millennia life adjusts, and a balance has been reached. But in the modern world there is no time.The rapidity of change follows the impetuous pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature. Radiation is now the unnatural creation of man’s tampering with the atom. The chemicals are the synthetic5 creations of man’s inventive mind, having no counterparts in nature.To adjust to these chemicals would require not merely the years of a man’s life but the life of generations. And even this, were it by some miracle possible, would be futile, for the new chemicals come from our laboratories in an endless stream; almost five hundred annually findtheir way into actual use in the United States alone. Among them are many that are used in man’s war against nature. Since the mid 1940’s over 200 basic chemicals have been created for use in killing insects, weeds, and other organisms described as "pests."It is not my contention that chemical insecticides must never be used.I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm. We have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons, without their consent and often without their knowledge. I contend, furthermore, that we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect on soil, water, wildlife, and man himself. Future generations are unlikely to forgive our lack of concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life.地球上生命的历史一直就是一部生物与其环境相互作用的历史。

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Towards Automatic Nanomanipulation: Drift Compensation in Scanning Probe MicroscopesB. Mokaberi and A. A. G. RequichaLaboratory for Molecular RoboticsUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA{mokaberi, requicha}@Abstract—Manipulation of nanoparticles with Atomic Force Microscopes (AFMs) has been under development for a decade, and is now well established as a technique for prototyping nanodevices and for other applications. The manipulation process tends to be labor-intensive because a user is needed in the loop to compensate for the numerous uncertainties associated with AFM operation. This paper addresses thermal drift, which is the major cause of errors for AFMs operated in ambient conditions. It is shown that drift can be estimated efficiently by using Kalman filtering techniques. Preliminary results indicate that drift compensation enables manipulation of groups of particles under program control, without human intervention, in ambient air and at room temperature. This is a first step towards fully automatic nanomanipulation, which would permit assembling, from the bottom up, nanostructures much more complex than those being built today with AFMs.Keywords-nanomanipulation; nanoassembly; Atomic Force Microscopes; Scanning Probe Microscopes; spatial uncertainty; Kalman filtering; nanoroboticsI.I NTRODUCTIONAtom manipulation with Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPMs) was first demonstrated in the early 1990s, and manipulation of particles with sizes on the order of a few nm to the tens of nm soon followed—see [1, 2] and references therein. Today, particles with diameters of ~ 10 nm are manipulated routinely with Atomic Force Microscopes (AFMs) at USC’s Laboratory for Molecular Robotics (LMR) and elsewhere. (The AFM is a specific type of SPM that exploits interatomic forces between a sharp tip and a sample.) Nanomanipulation operations are used to prototype nanoscale devices, and to repair or modify nanostructures built by other means.Manipulation of small nanoparticles (with diameters below ~ 30 nm, say) in ambient conditions, i.e., at room temperature, in air or in a liquid, and without stringent environmental controls, requires extensive user intervention to compensate for the many spatial uncertainties associated with AFMs and their piezoelectric drive mechanisms. Uncertainties are introduced by phenomena that range from non-linearities in the voltage-displacement curves that characterize the piezos, to creep, hysteresis, and thermal drift. The latter is the major cause of spatial uncertainty in our lab, and is due primarily to thermal expansion and contraction of the AFM components. For example, a one degree change in temperature will cause a 50 nm change in the length of a mechanical part that is 5 mm long (assuming a typical expansion coefficient of 10-5 /°C).AFM vendor software usually compensates for piezo non-linearities. Hysteresis effects can be greatly reduced by scanning always in the same direction, and creep effects can be nearly eliminated by waiting a few minutes after each large motion of the scanner (although this is very inefficient). In addition, modern, top-of-the-line instruments are equipped with feedback loops that claim positioning errors below 1 nm in the x, y plane of the sample [3]. Feedback can compensate for non-linearities, hysteresis and creep, but not tip drift—see Section II.B below. Drift tends to increase with time, which implies that complicated assemblies cannot be completed without frequent user interaction. Moreover, most of the AFMs in use today either have no x, y feedback, or their feedback loops have noise levels of several nm, which are too large for manipulation of particles with sizes ~ 10 nm. These machines are normally operated open loop for the small scan sizes (< 1 µm) used in the manipulation of small nanoparticles, to avoid introducing additional noise through the feedback circuitry. With or without x, y feedback, drift compensation remains a crucial issue for successful nanomanipulation.Typical assemblies of small nanoparticles built by nanomanipulation today consist of ten to twenty particles, and may take an experienced user a whole day to construct. To move towards more complex assemblies requires that the manipulation process become more automated, and this in turn requires compensation of the spatial uncertainties associated with AFMs—especially drift, which is the most pernicious one, as we have argued above.The remainder of this paper discusses the characteristics of drift, how to estimate it and compensate for it, our implementation of drift compensation, and experimental results.II.D RIFT C HARACTERIZATIONA.The ProblemSuccessive AFM scans of a sample without changing any of the scanning parameters will appear as translated versions ofThe research reported here was supported in part by the NSF under grants EIA-98-71775 and DMI-02-09678.Figure 1. (a) Four images from a 180 nm region of a sample, taken at 8 min intervals. The objects shown are Au nanoparticles with 15 nm diameters. (b)A schematic diagram of an AFM machine. (c) A spatial asperity below the tip. the sample surface, as shown in Fig. 1.a. This is the physical manifestation of drift in the x, y plane of the sample. There is also drift in the z direction, but it has little impact on nanomanipulation and will be ignored in this paper. (Note that, unlike atoms, particles of the sizes we are discussing in this paper do not diffuse over the surface at room temperature; they are fixed with respect to the surface.) Many experimental observations indicate that the drift is essentially a translation (no rotation is involved) and the drift velocity is approximately constant over periods of several minutes, but changes on a longer time scale. A drift-compensated instrument would produce the same image in each of the panels of Fig. 1.a. The problem addressed in this paper is how to achieve drift compensation in such a way that not only images of the same region are constant in time, but other processes—especially programmed sequences of manipulation operations—also can be carried out as if drift did not exist.Several authors have reported simple approaches to drift compensation [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. These approaches assume that the drift velocity is constant and compute it by comparing successive images. The major drawback of these procedures is their failure to adapt when the drift velocity changes. They can be used for correcting images taken over a period of time of approximately constant drift, but cannot support a sequence of nanomanipulation operations, which requires real-time compensation over relatively long durations.B.Spatial AnalysisConsider a typical AFM, schematically shown in Fig. 1.b.For concreteness we assume that the sample is placed on top ofthe scanner and that the unloaded cantilever and tip (or their average positions when the AFM is operated in dynamic mode)are fixed in space, except for drift. (This is the most common AFM configuration; other configurations in which the sampleis fixed and the cantilever moves can be analyzed by trivial changes to the arguments below.) Consider also a sample which consists of a flat surface with a very sharp asperity on it(a spatial impulse), as shown in Fig. 1.c. (For simplicity we ignore the y coordinate in the following discussion and the figure.) In an ideal situation, in a contact mode scan the tip remains at a fixed height touching the flat surface until it encounters the asperity. Then the scanner moves very quickly downward (it contracts) for the tip to remain in contact with the feature, maintaining the same applied force. If we record the height of the tip S T z in a coordinate system attached rigidly tothe sample (or, equivalently, to the top of the scanner) as a function of the S T x coordinate of the tip in the same system, this gives us the true topography of the sample, which is the desired output. (A similar argument holds also for vibratory, or dynamic mode operation.)However, in a real AFM, when the tip contacts the top of a feature such as the spatial impulse of Fig. 1.c, what we measureis the voltage V z applied to the vertical piezo motor versus the voltage V x applied to the horizontal motor. If we ignore (or compensate for) hysteresis and creep, and assume that the AFM is properly calibrated and compensates for non-linearitiesin the voltage-displacement curve, the voltages can be converted into piezo extensions E z and E x. But the x position ofthe scanner (or sample) with respect to the base of the instrument does not equal the piezo extension because there is drift between the sample and the base. Rather, the scannerposition is B SxBSdxEx+=, where B Sdx is the scanner drift. (We assume the drift is a translation, based on experimental observations, as noted earlier.) In other words, even with no applied voltages, the scanner is moving (drifting) with respectto the base. In addition, the tip is itself drifting with respect tothe base. Thus the position of the tip with respect to the base is BTBTdxx=. The position of the tip with respect to the sample, which is the desired topography signal, is the difference between the position of the tip and the position of the sample, both measured with respect to the base:xxBSBTBSBTSTEdxEdxdxxxx−=−−=−=)( (1) The combined effect of these two drifts, dx, is what wecall simply AFM drift. To image the impulse of Fig. 1.c the tip must be on top of the feature, and therefore the tip position with respect to the sample must be constant. Since the drift varies with time, it follows from (1) that the piezo extension and corresponding applied voltage vary with time and so do the images. To stabilize the image and compensate for the drift, it suffices to change the origin of the x axis by dx. This can beT= 8 min T=0 minT=16 min T=24 min(a)done by changing the offset values associated with a scan, which is precisely what our system does, as we will show later. It is also clear from (1) that the drift between two instants of time t1 and t2 can be measured by subtracting the corresponding piezo extensions for an impulse feature. These can be read directly from the images of the feature taken at times t1 and t2. (In practice, the situation is more complicated because the features imaged are not pure impulses, as we will see below.) Feedback in the horizontal directions x, y is normally used in AFMs to ensure that the scanner is in the correct position with respect to the base. Therefore, x, y feedback can compensate (within the noise level constraints of the system) for non-linearities and scanner-base drift. However, it cannot compensate for tip-base drift.C.Statistical PropertiesThe behavior of the drift depends on such factors as temperature, humidity, the construction of the instrument, and thermal expansion coefficients. In our lab, drift velocities tend to vary from 0.01 to 0.1 nm/s. Therefore, for 256x256 pixel images taken at a 1 Hz rate (these are typical values) the drift between two successive images can be as much as 25.6 nm, which is larger than the diameter of the particles we normally manipulate.Fig 2.a shows a time series of drift displacement values in the x and y directions, which was measured by comparing images of the same feature taken at sampling times 35 seconds apart. The corresponding velocities inferred from the figures are approximately constant for several minutes, and then change in a seemingly random manner. The power spectra of the drift time series are shown in Fig 2.b and exhibit a bandwidth on the order of 0.001 Hz, which corresponds to a time constant of 1,000 seconds or about 16 minutes. The slow-varying character of the drift compared to the typical time required for a manipulation operation, which is at most a few seconds, makes it possible to estimate drift while performing a series of manipulations.III.E STIMATION AND C OMPENSATION OF D RIFTA.Drift MeasurementThe basic method for measuring drift consists of comparing successive images of features on the sample’s surface. We often manipulate spherical nanoparticles, and use a procedure that exploits knowledge of the object’s shape. We search for the center of a spherical particle as follows. First we look for the highest point of a single line scan in the x direction. Then we scan along a single line in the y direction and passing through the previously-found high point. We find the highest point of this y-scan, pass an x-line through it and find a new maximum, continuing the process until we reach a desired accuracy. (This process fails if the first line scan misses the particle altogether.)A general approach, applicable to objects of arbitrary shapes, involves correlating images, by using the three following steps. Figure 2. (a) Measurement of drift in x and y directions over 200 minutes,with a sampling time of 35 seconds, (b) corresponding power spectra.1)Selection of tracking window. We typically use a 64x64 window, which can be scanned in a few seconds and normally contains enough features for successful tracking. The area is selected by maximizing an interest operator, defined in terms of the following characteristics.•Distinctness of features from immediate neighbors.•Global uniqueness of the features (in the whole image).•Invariance of features under expected distortions.All of these criteria can be expressed in terms of metrics defined on the 2-D average squared gradient of the image [9]. 2)Coarse computation of translation. The normalized cross-correlation between two images is a good measure of their similarity. It is defined mathematically as:∑∑∑⋅⋅++=),(),(),(),(),(222121yxIyxIyxIdyydxxIdydxc (2)where I1 and I2 are the two images, assumed to have zero mean, and the summations are over the discretized values of x and y.If I2 is a perfect translation of I1 by (a,b), then the cross-correlation exhibits a peak at (dx,dy)=(a,b), and the peak value is 1. In this case, the rest of the points in c(dx,dy) take values between 0 and 1, depending on how well the two images match at each (dx, dy) translation. In general the match is not perfect, and we use the dx, dy values that correspond to the maximum value of the correlation function as the measured translation, and the peak value as an indication of how well the two images match.The cross-correlation is computed efficiently in the frequency domain, by using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) [10].3)Fine computation of translation. The cross-correlation computation is done with pixel accuracy, which may not be sufficient for succesful nanomanipulation. Sub-pixel accuracies can be obtained by the following procedure [9]. First the cross-correlation method is used to find a coarse value for the translation, (dx0, dy0), say. Then I2(x, y) is expressed as a first-order expansion of I1:n dy yIdx x I dy y dx x I y x I +∆⋅∂∂+∆⋅∂∂+++=110012),(),( (3) where n is a noise term that includes higher-order effects, and dx ∆ and dy ∆are subpixel translations. Next, a best estimatefor the deltas is computed by least square estimation over theentire picture. Finally, the refined estimate for the translation is given by dx dx dx ∆+=0 and dy dy dy ∆+=0. Observe that both techniques for measuring drift require a coarse estimate of the drift value. Without an approximate position for the spherical particle whose position we want to measure, the search procedure may fail, or produce grossly wrong values, because the first single-line scan may well missthe particle altogether, or, even worse, hit a different particle.The correlation-based technique also may fail if the images inthe selected windows are too different. This may produce low correlation values or even spurious peaks that do not correspond to the translation we want to find.B. Dynamical Model of Drift We need a dynamical model of the drift to be able to estimate and predict it by using Kalman filtering techniques.Experimental results in our lab indicate that the AFM drifts in both in the x and y directions, but there is a negligiblecorrelation between the two. Therefore we decouple the systemand treat the two directions independently. The drift behavior is very similar to that of a maneuveringtarget, in which the velocity is approximately constant for a relatively large amount of time, and then changes randomly. A suitable model for such targets was introduced by Singer for radar tracking of manned air vehicles [12]. Singer’s model uses an acceleration that is correlated in time. Intuitively, this implies that if a target is accelerating at a time t , it is likely to be still accelerating at a time t + τ, for τ sufficiently small. We model the drift acceleration a (t ) by a first-order Markov process governed by the first order differential equation)()()(t w t a t a+−=α& (4) with a corresponding exponential auto-correlation []0 )()()(2>=+=−ασττταe t a t a E R m . (5) Here 2m σ and α/1 are the variance and time constant of acceleration, respectively, and w (t ) is white noise with a variance 22m ασ. The state space formulation for the drift in the x direction is)()()()()()()(t w t a t at a t vt v t x+−===α&&& (6)where x and v are the drift displacement and velocity,respectively. (Similar equations apply to the y direction in this uncoupled system.) The corresponding discrete-time equations for a sampling period T are)()()1(k k F k u x x +=+ (7) where T k a k v k x k )]( )( )([)(=x , u (k ) is a 3x1 process noise,and ⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡−+−=−−−TT T e e e T T F αααααα00/)1(10/)1(12. (8)In this model, the dynamics of drift can be expressed in terms of three parameters: the variance, or magnitude, of drift acceleration, the time constant, and the sampling interval. C. Kalman Filter Estimation of DriftThe state of the drift defined in (7) can be estimated recursively, by Kalman filtering. (We consider only the x direction, because the system is decoupled; a similar treatmentapplies to the y direction.) Given the current state estimate )1|1(ˆ−−k k xand the covariance of the error in this estimate )1|1(−−k k P , the filter predicts the state and covariance at the next time step by the standard equations)1|1(ˆ )1|(ˆ−−=−k k F k k x x (9) )1( )1|1( )1|(−+−−=−k Q F k k P F k k P T (10) Here Q is the covariance of the process noise, which can becomputed in terms of α and T —see [11, 12] for the actual expressions.The measurement is modeled in the usual form, as)()( )(k k H k z ν+=x (11)in which H = [1 0 0] and v (k ) is the measurement white noise, independent of the process noise u (k ), and with covariance R (k ) = R 0δ(k ).The drift displacement is measured by the techniquesdiscussed earlier, in section III.A. We use the pre-measurement estimate of the drift )1|(ˆ−k k xto change the origin of the coordinates when we position the first scan line (for the spherecenter search) or the window used for the cross-correlation computation. This change of origin ensures that we don’t missthe particle in the first line scan, or that the windows used in the correlation method are not too different. Our measured value is given byδ++−=dz k z k z )1()(, (12)where δ is the distance between the origins of coordinates used to make the two measurements, and is given by)]2|1(ˆ)1|(ˆ[−−−−=k k k k H x xδ. (13)The Kalman filter computes the Kalman gain and uses themeasurement z (k ) to update the state estimate )|(ˆk k xand theFigure 3. Block diagram of the AFM and the drift compensator. covariance error estimate )|(kkP by the standard formulas [11].IV.I MPLEMENTATION AND R ESULTSA.System ArchitectureThe overall system architecture is shown in Fig. 3. The filter maintains current estimates of drift displacement and error covariance. The drift displacement is written onto the offset registers of the controller. This is equivalent to a change of origin. For example, if the x offset is 20 nm and a tip motion to x = 10 nm is requested, the controller applies to the x piezo the voltage required to move the tip by 30 nm. If the drift estimate was perfect, this procedure would ensure that successive requests for scans from x = 0 to x = 500 nm, say, would produce always the same image. The filter also maintains the last acquired image or particle location (depending on which drift measurement technique is used), together with the corresponding offsets and sampling times.The filter scheduler requests estimate updates either without or with a corresponding measurement. In the first instance, updates for the drift state and the error covariance are computed by using the prediction equations (9) and (10). This computation is done at specified sampling times, typically a few seconds a part, and is very fast. (The sampling interval is a user-modifiable system parameter). A measurement request is more complicated and time consuming, because it implies physical motion of the tip. It generates a job request to the software that controls the AFM. This job may involve an imaging scan or a series of line scans, depending on the measurement technique being used. The current drift estimate is passed to the controller to ensure that the window or line scans are well positioned (see Section III.A). Measurements are scheduled when the error covariance exceeds a user-specified threshold (or at user-specified times).The image or scan line data that result from a measurement job are passed to the translation analyzer, which compares them with the previous image or particle position and computes the displacement, taking into consideration the changes of origin associated with the offsets. The Kalman filter uses the measured drift and the current estimates to update the state and the covariance, and the process continues.B.Hardware and SoftwareThe system is implemented on an AutoProbe CP-R AFM (Park Scientific Instruments, now Veeco Instruments). The drift compensation software runs on top of our own Probe Control Software (PCS) for nanomanipulation, which in turn is implemented through the vendor supplied API (Application Programming Interface). (A version of PCS is now commercially available.) The API maintains its own job queue,with no preemptive scheduling. Before any job that involves tipmotion is executed, we check for updated offset values, toensure that we compensate for drift in all imaging and manipulation operations.C.Selection of Drift Model ParametersThe Kalman filter implementation requires numeric valuesfor the parameters α, 2mσ, and R0 . In the current implementation we select these values heuristically, based on experimental results. A systematic investigation of the sensitivity of the filter to these parameter values has not beendone yet, and we have not yet tried to optimize them.We measure drift values and compute numerically the corresponding auto-correlation function for the drift acceleration. Experimental results show that, after the instrument has run for a couple of hours and is relatively stable,the drift auto-correlations can be approximated by an exponential α ~ 2×10-4 s-1.The variance of drift acceleration, 2mσ, is computed byusing a heuristic expression due to Singer [12]]41[30max2max2PPAm−+=σ (14) where maxA , maxP and 0P are the maximum possible acceleration for the drift, the probability of being in maximum acceleration, and the probability of being in no acceleration, respectively.Finally, the variance of the measurement process, R0, hasbeen set conservatively at 10 nm2, based on the pixel sizenormally used in our measurements.D.Experimental ResultsThe following results were obtained on the AutoProbeAFM with a sharp Ultralever TM tip in dynamic mode, imagingand manipulating gold nanoparticles with nominal diameters of15 nm, deposited on a mica surface, covered with poly-L-lysine, in air, at room temperature and humidity.Fig. 4.a depicts the estimated, measured and predicted(before measurement) values of the drift in the x and y directions. The sampling interval is 60 seconds, and the state isupdated using a measurement taken at each sampling time untilt = 39 minutes. From then on, we predict the state but do notupdate it with the measured values. It is apparent from thefigure that the filtered estimate smooths the measured values.The predicted values are close to the measurements, even forsome 10 minutes after the 39 minute mark, when we use justthe predictions, without measurement-based updates. In theory,the measurement residual, defined as )(ˆ)(k|kHkz x−, is awhite noise process. If the observed residual is approximatelywhite, this is a strong indication that the filter and associatedFigure 4. (a) Estimation of drift in x and y direction for T=1 min,2mσ=0.03 nm2/min4, α=0.012 min-1 and R0=10 nm2. After time t=39 min the filter does not use measurements for updating the states, and the prediction is used as the instrument offset, (b) normalized autocorrelation for the measurement residual.models are adequate. The autocorrelation for the residual in a typical experiment is shown in Fig 4.b, and is close to the spike that corresponds to white noise. Thus, even with non-optimized parameters, the filter is performing well.Initial experiments on automatic sequential manipulation of nanoparticles demonstrate for the first time manipulation over a relatively long duration without human intervention. Figure 5 shows the result of manipulating four 15 nm gold particles at 3.5 minutes intervals. The filter was sampling with a 30 seconds interval, but measurements were done only before pushing the particles. Similar experiments without drift compensation fail.V.C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE R ESEARCH Drift is a major cause of spatial uncertainty in AFMs. It causes distortion in AFM images, and it has even more deleterious effects on nanomanipulation, where it is often responsible for outright failure of the desired operations. Drift compensation in today’s instruments is done primarily through user interaction.This paper presents a Kalman filtering approach to drift estimation. The filter updates the origin of the AFM coordinates at a sampling rate on the order of one sample per minute, scheduling measurements when the covariance of the error exceeds a given threshold. AFM tip motions are always executed in the updated coordinate system and become largely immune to drift. Sequential manipulation of nanoparticles over Figure 5. Sequential manipulation of 15nm gold particles using the Kalman filter compensator. Between each manipulation there is a 3.5 min time delay.a relatively long period of time without user intervention is demonstrated. Without drift compensation such operations almost surely fail. These results are a first step towards the automatic construction by AFM manipulation of nanostructures much more complex and useful than those which can be built today.Future work in this area includes a systematic approach to the identification of parameter models, and a study of the impact of these parameters on system performance. More accurate drift measurement methods also are needed (e.g., by removing the effect of tip convolution from the sampling images). Compensation for other sources of spatial uncertainty such as creep and hysteresis must be developed. This work will culminate with the demonstration of fully automatic construction of complex nanoassemblies.R EFERENCES[1] A. A. G. Requicha, "Nanorobots, NEMS and Nanoassembly", Proc.IEEE, Vol. 91, No. 11 , pp. 1922-1933, November 2003.[2] A. A. G. Requicha, "Nanorobotics", in S. No., Ed., Handbook ofIndustrial Robotics. New York, NY: Wiley, 2nd. ed., pp. 199-210, 1999.[3]/[4]V. Y. Yurov and A. N. 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