Fluke Networks 担保在正常使用和保养的情况下,其产品没有材料和工艺上的缺陷。主机的担保期为购买产品之日起一年。如无另外规定,部 件、零配件、产品修理和服务的担保期为 90 天。Ni-Cad (镍镉), Ni-MH (镍氢)和 Li-Ion (锂离子)电池、电缆或其它外围设备均被视作 部件或零配件。本担保仅适用于 Fluke Networks 授权零售商的原始买方或最终用户,本担保不适用于任何 Fluke Networks 公司认为由于误 用、滥用、改造、疏忽、污染或因事故或非正常的操作和使用而导致损坏的产品。Fluke Networks 担保软件能够在完全符合性能指标的条件下 至少操作 90 天,并且软件是正确地记录在无缺陷的媒体上。Fluke Networks 并不担保软件毫无错误或在运行过程中不出现中断的情况。
7. 补偿。Fluke Networks 的全部责任及您可以得到的唯一补偿,是由 Fluke Networks 决定是否:(a) 退还您购买产品的价款,或 (b) 修复或更 换不能满足有限保证要求的软件产品。 如果产品的故障是由意外事故、滥用或误用产品引起,则本有限保证无效。 任何更换过的软件产品将享 受原九十 (90)天保证期的剩余部分时间或为期三十 (30)天的保证,以较长者为准。
特性 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 包装内容 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 安全和操作须知 ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 仪表注册 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 保养和维护 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 联系 Fluke Networks ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 使用前须知 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 使用触摸笔 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 启动和关闭仪表 ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 选择 LAN 或 WLAN 接口 ................................................................................................................................................. 10 更新软件 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
江西公众铁军技能竞赛考试(3)1. 联通全屋智能的统一用户体验入口是哪个? [单选题] *A、联通智家APP(正确答案)B、掌沃通APPC、联通全屋智能APPD、联通智能APP2. 智慧家庭应用产品分级体系,包含几级? [单选题] *A、三(正确答案)B、四C、五D、六3. 以下哪个选项不是集团公司配置的联通组网产品类型? [单选题] *A、服务型B、网络型(正确答案)C、套餐型D、网络服务型4. 测试区域内无线信号场强为-35dbm,周围无线信号较少,测试终端为某品牌最新款旗舰级手机,但测试下载速率只有实际带宽的40%,多次测速排除测试服务器问题后,此时推测最可能影响测速的问题是以下哪个选项? [单选题] *A、测试终端性能差B、网络带宽慢C、组网设备性能差(正确答案)D、干扰信号多5. 以下哪个选项是我们常说的路由器Wi-Fi 6常用协议标准? [单选题] *A、802.11gB、802.11ax(正确答案)C、802.11acD、802.11n6. 以下哪个选项是“联通组网”业务的核心内容? [单选题] *A、网络延伸服务(正确答案)B、路由器控制C、路由器销售D、路由器保修7. 一般情况下,当用户家庭网络签约速率不低于()M时,我们推荐用户更换Wi-Fi 6组网设备。
[单选题] *A、200B、300C、500(正确答案)D、10008. 全屋光宽带产品敷设透明光缆时在过角或门框的地方,透明光缆弯曲半径需 [单选题] *A、大于5mm(正确答案)B、小于5mmC、大于1mmD、小于1mm9. 社会渠道是利用自身营销网络,代理中国联通产品或服务,并取得相应收益的外部机构(法人),通常简称为(代理商)。
[单选题] *A、代理商(正确答案)B、经销商C、合作营业厅D、客户10. 确定渠道建设目标清单,结合摸底情况,从()三个维度设置权重评估考量,提升拓展准确性 [单选题] *A、网络覆盖、潜在对象B、人口数量、网络覆盖C、人口数量、网络覆盖、潜在对象(正确答案)D、人口数量、网络覆盖、友商发展情况11. 渠道裂变模式定义:优选()通过裂变方式在目标社区建设新的实体渠道,提高代理商收入、影响力,实现共赢。
手机平板题库(非维修)1. 关于华为全场景1+8+N智慧生活战略,以下描述正确的是() [单选题] *A.“1”代表手机,“8”代表PC、平板、手表、智慧屏、AI音箱、耳机、AR/VR眼镜和车机,“N”代表运动健康、智能家居、智慧出行、智慧办公、影音娱乐及教育关怀各大板块的延伸业务。
(正确答案)B.PC是连接人与信息、人与场景的最佳工具,是智慧时代的最核心入口C.以上信息都不对2. 如下键盘适配错误的是() [单选题] *A.华为悦滑键盘C-Dirac-Keyboard-S0140(HUAWEI MateBook E)B.智能磁吸键盘C-Marx-Keyboard-R(华为平板M5 10.8)(正确答案)C.华为智能蓝牙键盘C-Bach3-keyboard(HUAWEI MatePad 10.4)D.智能磁吸键盘C-Debussy-Keyboard(HUAWEI MatePad 11)3. 小盟2022年12月20日购买的mate502023年3月2日摔坏了屏幕,门店告知可参与“保外留件”活动,以下针对活动说法不正确的是() [单选题] *A.手机、PC、平板、穿戴可参与,B.用户需要同意旧件回收C.对设备屏幕的完整程度没有要求(正确答案)D.主机延续原有保修期,更换的部件延续主0140机保修期或维保90天0(以较长的时间为准)4. “特惠屏”是将更换下来的华为设备旧屏再利用。
()以下针对参与条件描述正确的是: [单选题] *A.私拆私修也可以参加B.“特惠屏”活动维修时更换的是前屏组件,包括外屏、内屏、中框、电池(笔记本/平板/穿戴/智慧屏除外),且保证电池100%换新。
(正确答案)C.该业务可参与1次D.无需旧屏回收5. 以下针对“华为无忧服务”描述不正确的是() [单选题] *A.无忧服务包含2年2次意外服务宝和1年延长服务宝B.仅适用于手机,中国大陆版本C.每台设备(以SN为准)仅可购买1次华为无忧服务(包含赠送D.只能随新机购买,不可补购(正确答案)6. 小盟的XS2手机,2022年3月12日购买,2023年3月1日不小心摔碎了屏幕,以下对权益描述错误的是() [单选题] *A.购机1年内,限参与一次,华为优惠换屏1次B类。
IQ2010TM WS无线连接测试系统© 2013 莱特波特,泰瑞达旗下全资子公司。
前言莱特波特 IQ2010 WS 无线连接测试系统是业内针对多重无线电产品和设备测试需求设计的首款产品。
通过在一体化测试设备中测试 WiFi、Bluetooth、GPS、GNSS、FM、WiMAX、NFC、ZigBee,以及 WAVE 技术,IQ2010 WS 测试系统为满足这些产品和设备的关键测试需求提供了完善的解决方案。
通过在并发测试架构下解决迫切的无线测试需求,IQ2010 WS 测试系统能够显著缩短测试时间。
IQ2010 WS 测试系统提供多个射频端口,其连接的灵活性能够适用于不同的设备配置。
GPS、GNSS、NFC 和 FM 信号通过专门的RF端口传输,而 WiFi、WiMAX、Bluetooth 和 WAVE 则通过普通 RF 端口传输。
使用并发测试,IQ2010 WS 可在测试 WiFi 或 Bluetooth 的同时,测试 GPS、GNSS 和 FM 等功能。
例如,在开始阶段仅购买配备了用户所需功能的 IQ2010 WS 测试系统,之后再使用软件许可证密钥来添加其他测试功能。
用户可定制 IQ2010 WS 使其满足生产线的特定需求,从而在获得生产灵活性的同时还能够节省资金。
功能全面支持最常见的无线标准•WiFi(802.11 a/b/g/n)•WAVE(802.11p)•Bluetooth(1.0/2.0/2.1/3.0/4.0)可选择性地采用几种特定应用的无线标准,以最大程度地提高多功能性•GPS,GNSS•FM TX/RX •近距离通讯(ISO 18092)•WiMAX(802.16 d/e) •ZigBee(802.15.4)支持主要通信频率•76 至 108 MHz(FM)• 1.57542 G Hz(GPS) • 3.3 至 3.8 GHz(WiMAX)•1598 至1606 MHz(GNSS) • 4.9 至 6 GHz(WiFi,WiMAX)2.15 至2.7 GHz(WiFi,BT,WiMAX,ZigBee) • 5.9 至 6 GHz(WAVE)•通过并发测试功能缩短测试时间•可在 WiFi/BT/WiMAX/NFC/ZigBee/WAVE 测试的同时独立进行 GPS、GNSS 和 FM 测试极高的设备利用率•按通讯标准提供软件许可证,用户先购买需要的测试功能,之后再轻松地添加其他功能•用户可随时购买适用其他标准的测试功能IQ2010 WS:无线连接测试系统手册 2基本功能说明IQ2010 WS 测试系统采用多个硬件模块实现并发测试能力,并发测试技术能够在进行 WiFi、Bluetooth、WiMAX、ZigBee、NFC 和WAVE 测试的同时进行 GPS、GNSS 和 FM 信号的并发测试。
LTE模底考试(四)-企事业内部考试入职试卷与试题一、单选题1. ()分组数据接口的终接点,与各分组数据网络进行连接。
它提供与外部分组数据网络会话的定位功能A. MMEB. S-GWC. P-GWD. HSS答案:C2. LTE的F频段是指()A. 1880MHz-1900MHZB. 2575MHz-2615MHzC. 2330MHz-2370MHz答案:A3. PDCCH表示以下那个信道()A. 物理下行数据信道B. 随机接入信道。
C. 物理上行控制信道D. 物理下行控制信道答案:D4. LTE系统无线帧长()A. 5msB. 10msC. 20msD. 40ms答案:B5. LTE要求下行速率达到()A. 200MbpsB. 150MbpsC. 100MbpsD. 50Mbps答案:C6. RACH是什么信道()A. 物理上行共享信道B. 物理上行控制信道C. 随机接入信道D. 广播信道答案:C7. 为什么用符号末端部分复制为循环前缀()A. 保证时域信号周期连续B. 保证循环数目为整数C. 减小峰均比D. 增加有用符号时长答案:A8. S1接口的控制面终止在什么上?()A. SGWB. MMEC. MMHD. SAW答案:B9. TM7的应用场景是()A. 主要应用于单天线传输的场合。
B. 主要用来提高小区的容量C. 单天线beamforing,主要也是小区边缘,能够有效对抗干扰。
D. 适合于小区边缘信道情况比较复杂,干扰较大的情况,有时候也用于高速的情况。
答案:C10. 对于每一个天线端口,一个OFDM或者SC-FDMA符号上的一个子载波对应的一个单元叫做()A. 用户单元B. 资源单元C. 载波单元D. 码字单元答案:B11. 哪些不是LTE切换技术特点()A. 硬切换B. 后向切换C. 终端辅助切换D. 软切换答案:D12. 哪些不属于上行影响覆盖的因素?()A. 总发射功率B. 基站接收灵敏度C. 终端发射功率D. 天线分集增益答案:A13. 上行的解调参考信号为()A. CRSB. DRSC. DMRSD. SRS答案:C14. 下列信道中,上行信道是()。
2022年 LTE网优技能考试题库(含各题型)
C、S3 D、S1-MME 答案:D 39.TD-LTE 典型的 10M 组网 S111 站型,CPRI 的传输要求是() A、10G B、20G C、30G D、40G 答案:C 40.在高频场景下,对于所有的信道和信号,能够使用的最大子载波间隔是多少? A、240KHZ B、120KHZ C、30KHZ D、60KHZ 答案:A 41.UEsearchspace 中配置 paging 消息 DCI 的格式类型为() A、type0 B、type0A C、type1 D、type2 答案:D 42.跑偏基站信号滞后正常站时,下述说法错误的是:() A、通常干扰正常基站 1-2 个时隙 B、表现为正常基站的上行时隙受到干扰 C、干扰电平以跑偏基站为圆心向外递减 D、跑偏基站本身上行时隙受到较大干扰 答案:D 43.以下哪一个最好的描述了数字证书? A、等同于在网络上证明个人和公司身份的身份证
D、Agilent 答案:B 10.代表以双绞线为传输介质的快速以太网的是() A、10base5 B、10base2 C、100base-T D、10base-F 答案:C 11.TD-LTE 路测系统软件中 PCI 的含义是() A、物理小区 ID B、小区参数 ID C、物理信道知识 D、小区 ID 答案:A 12.Linux 系统中,停止监听服务的命令是: A、listenerstop B、listenerend C、lsnrctlstop D、lsnrctlend 答案:C 13.在路由器的配置过程中查询以 S 开头所有命令的方法是() A、直接使用? B、S? C、S? D、DIRS* 答案:B 14.5G 的高频频段小区最小带宽是多少? A、10MHz B、20MHz
2022 年 LTE 网优技能考试题库(含各题型)
2021《LTE初级认证考试》试题及答案解析15考号姓名分数一、单选题(每题1分,共100分)1、LTE中,对于频分双工(FDD)的操作,定义了4中随机接入的前导格式,其中格式3的Tcp()μsA.101.3B.684.38C.203.13D.406.26答案:B2、CP长度不需要考虑的因素A.频谱效率B.符号间干扰C.子载波间干扰D.频谱带宽答案:D3、LTE根据不同的系统带宽可同时支持高达()个SRS带宽A.2B.4C.6D.8答案:B4、数据采集是优化的重要手段,下列哪种方式不正确A.通过OMC统计B.通过规划的资料获取C.通过DT采集D.通过CQT采集答案:B5、定时器T302的作用是:A.UE监测无线链路失败的等待时间B.UE监测到无线链路失败后转入RRC_IDLE状态的等待时间C.UE收到RRC连接拒绝后等待RRC连接请求重试的定时器D.UE等待因发起呼叫而等待RRC连接建立的定时器答案:C6、上行链路支持()种RSA.1B.2C.3D.4答案:B7、RSSI单位是什么A.dBmB.dBC.dBiD.dBd答案:A8、交通枢纽场景在WLAN/LTE合路引入的情况下,天线间距建议为( )米,覆盖4500平米。
A.10B.12C.15D.20答案:B9、当基站总功率要求为40W时,Pb=1,Pa=-3dB,且保证所有OFDM符号上的功率相等时,单Port 的功率应该配置多大()A.12.2dBmB.13.2dBmC.14.2dBmD.15.2dBm答案:D10、EPC网元中哪一个兼有GGSN的功能()A.PGWB.MMEC.HSSD.SGW答案:A11、对仅支持无需登记服务的UE说法正确的是:A.需要进行位置登记B.不需要进行位置登记C.视情况而定D.答案:B12、可信任的非3GPP接入网到PGW的IP接入接口是()A.S2aB.S101C.SWnD.Gxa答案:A13、从网络侧创建delicated-bearer,AF与PCRF之间通过下面哪个接口交互消息()A.RXB.GXC.SHD.S8答案:A14、LTE协议中规定PCI的数目是?A.512B.504C.384D.508答案:B15、关于Cat3 UE在20M带宽TD-LTE 不同模式下峰值速率说法正确的是()A.TM3=tm8>TM2=TM7B.TM2<TM3<TM7<TM8C.TM3>TM8>TM7>TM2D.TM3>TM8>TM2>TM7答案:D16、对于常规场景要求LTE网络出线入口功率保持在( )dBm。
ZigBee技术应用测试试卷(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. ZigBee技术的全称是什么?A. ZigBee无线通信协议B. ZigBee个人区域网络C. ZigBee局域网D. ZigBee网格网络2. ZigBee技术的波特率是多少?A. 250KbpsB. 450KbpsC. 780KbpsD. 1Mbps3. ZigBee技术可以实现哪种设备之间的通信?A. 手机与电脑B. 手机与智能家居设备C. 智能家居设备与智能家居设备D. 传感器与控制器4. 在ZigBee网络中,哪个设备扮演协调器角色?A. 路由器B. 集线器C. 协调器D. 路由器兼集线器5. ZigBee技术的通信距离受限于哪个因素?A. 信号强度B. 传输速率C. 网络拓扑结构D. 设备功率6. ZigBee技术的省电模式可以实现哪些功能?A. 降低功耗B. 延长电池寿命C. 简化系统设计D. 提高通信速率7. ZigBee网络中的路由器的主要作用是哪个?A. 转发数据包B. 管理网络拓扑结构C. 提供访问控制D. 处理路由协议8. 在ZigBee网络中,如何保证数据包的正确性?A. 使用校验和B. 使用确认机制C. 使用序列号D. 使用加密算法9. ZigBee技术与蓝牙技术相比,主要优势在于哪个方面?A. 通信距离B. 通信速率C. 网络拓扑结构D. 设备成本10. 下列哪种设备不是ZigBee技术的典型应用场景?A. 智能家居设备B. 工业自动化设备C. 无线传感器网络D. 移动电话11. ZigBee技术的通信方式是?A. 广播B. 点对点C. 点对多D. 星形12. ZigBee网络中, 设备之间通过什么协议进行通信?A. IPv6B. IPv5C. UDPD. TCP/IP13. ZigBee网络通常采用哪种频段进行工作?A. 2.4GHzB. 5GHzC. 11GHzD. 16GHz14. ZigBee网络中的设备可以通过哪种方式进行设备间通信?A. 直接通信B. 通过路由器转发表C. 通过网络地址转换D. 通过网关15. ZigBee网络中的集线器主要起到什么作用?A. 扩展网络覆盖范围B. 增加网络吞吐量C. 提供访问控制D. 处理路由协议16. ZigBee网络中的协调器主要起到什么作用?A. 管理网络拓扑结构B. 提供数据包的路由C. 处理设备间的通信D. 负责网络 security17. ZigBee网络的设备可以通过哪种方式进行设备间通信?A. 直接通信B. 通过路由器转发表C. 通过网络地址转换D. 通过网关18. ZigBee网络中, 设备之间如何进行认证?A. 开放式认证B. 封闭式认证C. 基于角色的认证D. 基于密码的认证19. ZigBee网络中, 如何保证数据的完整性?A. 使用校验和B. 使用哈希函数C. 使用数字签名D. 使用加密算法20. ZigBee网络的省电模式是在什么情况下使用的?A. 设备需要远程唤醒B. 设备需要长时间待机C. 网络传输 distances 较远D. 网络出现故障21. ZigBee网络中, 路由器的主要作用是什么?A. 转发数据包B. 管理网络拓扑结构C. 提供访问控制D. 处理路由协议22. ZigBee网络中, 协调器的主要作用是什么?A. 管理网络拓扑结构B. 提供数据包的路由C. 处理设备间的通信D. 负责网络 security23. ZigBee网络的通信速率和通信距离有什么关系?A. 通信速度越快, 通信距离越短B. 通信速度越慢, 通信距离越长C. 通信速度和通信距离没有直接关系D. 通信速度越快, 通信距离也越长24. ZigBee网络中, 设备之间的安全性如何保障?A. 开放式认证B. 封闭式认证C. 基于角色的认证D. 基于密码的认证25. ZigBee网络中, 设备间通信的数据包格式是什么?A. TCP格式的数据包B. UDP格式的数据包C. 以太网帧格式的数据包D. 以上都是26. ZigBee网络中, 路由器是如何工作的?A. 将数据包直接转发到目标地址B. 将数据包转发到相邻路由器C. 通过网络地址转换将数据包转发到目标地址D. 以上都是27. ZigBee网络中, how is the network topology structured?A. Star topologyB. Bus topologyC. Ring topologyD. Mesh topology28. ZigBee网络中, how is device authentication done?A. Open authenticationB. Closed authenticationC. Role-based authenticationD. Password-based authentication29. ZigBee网络中, how is data integrity ensured?A. Using checksumsB. Using hash functionsC. Using digital signaturesD. Using encryption algorithms30. ZigBee网络中, 设备之间的连接是通过对哪些数据的封装来实现的?A. IP地址B. MAC地址C. 端口号D. 以上都是31. ZigBee网络中, how is the network address learned?A. manual configurationB. automatic discoveryC. static allocationD. dynamic allocation32. ZigBee网络中, how are devices discoversd in a network?A. by sending a discovery messageB. by listening to the broadcast messageC. by using a Discovery ManagerD. by using a ZigBee Toolkit33. ZigBee网络中, how is a device addressed in a network?A. by its nameB. by its MAC addressC. by its IP addressD. by its port number34. ZigBee网络中, how is a ZigBee router configured?A. with a ZigBee ToolkitB. manuallyC. through a web interfaceD. by using a script35. ZigBee网络中, how is a ZigBee endpoint connected to the internet?A. by using an access pointB. by using a ZigBee gatewayC. directly by using a ZigBee routerD. indirectly by using a ZigBee toolkit36. ZigBee网络中, how is data forwarded between devices?A. through a ZigBee routerB. through a ZigBee gatewayC. directly between devicesD.间接ly through multiple routers37. ZigBee网络中, what is the maximum number of endpoints that can be connected to a ZigBee network?A. 32B. 64C. 128D. 25638. ZigBee网络中, how often does a ZigBee endpoint send a Beacon?A. once per secondB. once per minuteC. once per hourD. once per day39. ZigBee网络中, what type of error can occur when using a ZigBee endpoint?A. network connectivity errorB. device discovery errorC. data transmission errorD. all of the above40. ZigBee网络中,哪种设备可以在不需要协调器的情况下进行通信?A. 路由器B. 集线器C. ZigBee终端D. ZigBee协调器41. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee终端设备可以通过哪种方式进行配置?A. 手动配置B. 自动发现C. 通过ZigBee工具包D. 通过Web界面42. ZigBee网络中, how is a ZigBee endpoint protected from unauthorized access?A. by using a passwordB. by using encryptionC. by using a firewallD. by using a ZigBee Toolkit43. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee终端设备的网络地址是由哪个组件分配的?A. ZigBee协调器B. ZigBee路由器C. ZigBee网关D. ZigBee终端设备44. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee协调器的主要作用是什么?A. 管理网络B. 维护网络拓扑结构C. 处理设备之间的消息D. 提供网络安全45. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee终端设备向其他ZigBee终端设备发送消息时, 可以使用哪种协议?A. HTTPB. FTPC. SMTPD. ZigBee协议46. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee终端设备与ZigBee路由器通信时, 可以使用哪种协议?A. HTTPB. FTPC. SMTPD. ZigBee协议47. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee终端设备之间可以相互做什么?A. 发布信息B. 接收信息C. 浏览网页D. 以上都可以48. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee终端设备的位置信息可以通过哪种方式获取?A. ZigBee协调器B. ZigBee路由器C. ZigBee网关D. GPS49. ZigBee网络中, ZigBee终端设备可以通过哪种方式进行自我监控?A. ZigBee协调器B. ZigBee路由器C. ZigBee网关D. ZigBee终端设备二、问答题1. 什么是ZigBee技术?2. ZigBee技术的特点有哪些?3. ZigBee协议栈的主要组成部分是什么?4. ZigBee网络中的协调器的作用是什么?5. ZigBee技术可以应用于哪些领域?6. 如何保证ZigBee网络的安全性?7. 如何选择合适的ZigBee模块?参考答案选择题:1. D2. A3. D4. C5. D6. ABC7. A8. A9. A 10. D11. B 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B21. A 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. D 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. D31. B 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. D 40. C41. ABC 42. B 43. A 44. AB 45. D 46. D 47. D 48. D 49. A问答题:1. 什么是ZigBee技术?ZigBee技术是一种低功耗、低成本、短距离的无线通信技术。
中科创达测试工程师笔试题A卷1. 以下哪些技术为802.11n所使用的关键技术 *A.ShortGi(正确答案)B.帧聚合(正确答案)C.OFDM-MIMO(正确答案)D.信道捆绑(正确答案)2. 以下哪些设备属于全光组网P2MP方案的部件() *A.ATB面板(正确答案)B.分光器(正确答案)C.从光猫(正确答案)D.主光猫(正确答案)3. 影响WiFi信号质量的典型原因有() *信号穿墙(正确答案)金属材料(正确答案)空间损耗(正确答案)信道干扰(正确答案)4. 影响WiFi信号质量的典型原因有() *A.空间损耗(正确答案)B.SSID名称C.信道干扰(正确答案)D.信号穿墙(正确答案)5. 用户家庭布放一台支持802.11n2×2+802.11ac2×2的双频网关设备,下列说法正确的是() *A.该设备具备WiFi承载视频的最低要求(正确答案)B.该设备具备2组天线,双收双发C.该设备连接的家庭上网终端设备最大WiFi协商速率可以达到866Mbps(正确答案)D.该设备下挂WiFi中继设备时建议采用802.11ac中继(正确答案)6. 用户无法观看云储存回放,可能是()原因造成的? *A.未绑定摄像头(正确答案)B.未开通套餐(正确答案)C.设备未分享D.未将摄像头关联到套餐(正确答案)7. 在安装燃气探测器时,以下哪些注意事项是正确的() *A.探测器应安装在低于天花板1.2-1.5米的位置B.建议安装于距离燃气炉具直径1米范围外,以免探测器受到炉具火焰的烘烤(正确答案)C.不能安装于排气扇、门窗边与浴室水汽较大处(正确答案)D.不能安装太油烟大的地方,以免引起误报警或导致探测器的进气孔进气不畅,从而影响探测器的探测灵敏度(正确答案)8. 针对HDICT业务安装调测,家庭中心拟定全屋智能统一的(),全流程纳入全屋综合服务平台管理,进行日常的培训机制,办法安装调试工程师证书,为用户提供标准的产品 *A.设计规范(正确答案)B.装维标准(正确答案)C.价格套餐(正确答案)D.验收标准(正确答案)9. 交维时,需要进行哪几项检查()。
华为AirEngine 5762-12 无线网络接入点数据手册说明书
Huawei AirEngine 5762-12 Access Point DatasheetProduct OverviewHuawei AirEngine 5762-12 is a Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) indoor access point (AP). It can simultaneously provide services on 2.4 GHz (2x2 MIMO) and 5 GHz (2x2 MIMO) frequency bands, achieving a device rate of up to 2.975 Gbps. This AP features high bandwidth and high concurrency with compact size, facilitating flexible deployment and saving customers' investment. These strengths make the AirEngine 5762-12 ideal for scenarios requiring high bandwidth and high-quality network experience, such as small and midsize enterprise offices, hospitals, cafes.AirEngine 5762-12●Dual-radio mode: 2.4 GHz (2x2 MIMO) + 5 GHz (2x2 MIMO), achieving rates of up to 575 Mbps and 2.4 Gbps, respectively, and 2.975 Gbps for the device.● 1 x GE port.●Built-in smart antennas to provide precise coverage for STAs, reduce interference, and improve signal quality.●Supports Bluetooth serial interface-based O&M through built-in Bluetooth and CloudCampus APP.●Supports the Fat, Fit, and cloud three working modes.Feature DescriptionsWi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard●As the latest generation Wi-Fi standards of IEEE 802.11, 802.11ax improves user experience in high-density access scenarios and supports 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands.●MU-MIMO on both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands, allowing an AP to transmit data to and receive data from multiple STAs simultaneously and multiplying the utilization of radio spectrum resources.●1024-QAM modulation, improving data transmission efficiency by 25% compared with 802.11ac (256-QAM).●OFDMA scheduling enables multiple users to receive and send information at the same time, reducing latency and improving network efficiency.●Spatial reuse (SR) technology uses basic service set (BSS) coloring to enable APs and STAs to distinguish BSSs, minimizing co-channel interference.●The target wake time (TWT)* allows APs and STAs to negotiate the sleep and wake time with each other, thereby improving the battery life of the STAs.The function and features marked with * can be implemented through software upgrade. The following describes are the same. MU-MIMOThe AP supports MU-MIMO and supports a maximum of four spatial streams, two spatial streams at 2.4 GHz (2x2 MIMO) and two spatial streams at 5 GHz (2x2 MIMO). The MU-MIMO technology enables an AP to send data to multiple STAs simultaneously, which doubles the radio spectrum resource usage, increases the number of access users and bandwidth, and improves user experience in high-density access scenarios.High-speed accessThe AP supports 160 MHz frequency bandwidth, which increases the number of available data subcarriers and expands transmission channels. In addition, the AP uses 1024-QAM modulation and MU-MIMO to achieve a rate of up to 0.575 Gbps at 2.4 GHz radio, 2.4 Gbps at 5 GHz radio, and 2.975 Gbps for the device.High Density Boost technologyHuawei uses the following technologies to address challenges in high-density scenarios, including access problems, data congestion, and poor roaming experience:SmartRadio for air interface optimization●Load balancing during smart roaming: The load balancing algorithm can work during smart roaming for load balancing detection among APs on the network after STA roaming to adjust the STA load on each AP, improving network stability.●Intelligent DFA technology: The dynamic frequency assignment (DFA) algorithm is used to automatically detect adjacent-channel and co-channel interference, and identify any 2.4 GHz redundant radio. Through automatic inter-AP negotiation, the redundant radio is automatically switched to another mode (dual-5G AP models support 2.4G-to-5G switchover) or is disabled to reduce 2.4 GHz co-channel interference and increase the system capacity.●Intelligent conflict optimization technology: The dynamic enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) and airtime scheduling algorithms are used to schedule the channel occupation time and service priority of each user. This ensures that each user is assigned relatively equal time for using channel resources and user services are scheduled in an orderly manner, improving service processing efficiency and user experience.Air interface performance optimization●In high-density scenarios where many users access the network, increased number of low-rate STAs consumes more resources on the air interface, reduces the AP capacity, and lowers user experience. Therefore, Huawei APs will check the signal strength of STAs during access and rejects access from weak-signal STAs. At the same time, the APs monitor the rate of online STAs in real time and forcibly disconnect low-rate STAs so that the STAs can reassociate with APs that have stronger signals. The terminal access control technology can increase air interface use efficiency and allow access from more users.5G-prior access (band steering)●The APs support both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands. The 5G-prior access function enables an AP to steer STAs to the 5 GHz frequency band first, which reduces load and interference on the 2.4 GHz frequency band, improving the user experience.Wired and wireless dual security guaranteeTo ensure data security, Huawei APs integrate wired and wireless security measures and provide comprehensive security protection.Authentication and encryption for wireless access●The APs support WEP, WPA/WPA2-PSK, WPA3-SAE, WPA/WPA2-PPSK, WPA/WPA2/WPA3-802.1X, and WAPI authentication/encryption modes to ensure security of the wireless network. The authentication mechanism is used to authenticate user identities so that only authorized users can access network resources. The encryption mechanism is used to encrypt data transmitted over wireless links to ensure that the data can only be received and parsed by expected users. Rogue device monitoring●Huawei APs support WIDS/WIPS, and can monitor, identify, defend, counter, and perform refined management on the rogue devices, to provide security guarantees for air interface environment and wireless data transmission.Wired access authentication and encryption for the AP●The AP access control ensures validity of APs. The CAPWAP link protection and DTLS encryption provide security assurance, improving data transmission security between the AP and the WLAN AC.Automatic radio calibrationAutomatic radio calibration allows an AP to collect signal strength and channel parameters of surrounding APs and generate an AP topology according to the collected data. Based on the interference caused by authorized APs, rogue APs, and No Wi-Fi APsand their loads, each AP automatically adjusts its transmit power and working channel to make the network operate at the optimal performance. In this way, network reliability and user experience are improved.Leader APThe leader AP integrates some WLAN AC functions and can be used to manage Fit APs in small- and medium-sized enterprises and stores, implementing WLAN AC-free access not requiring licenses and saving customer investment.Cloud-based ManagementThe AP can be managed via cloud, then no need to deploy a WLAN AC and an authentication server. In cloud-based management mode, abundant authentication functions, such as pre-shared key (PSK) authentication, Portal authentication, SMS authentication, and social media authentication, can be implemented. This mode significantly simplifies the networking and reduces the capital expenditure (CAPEX). In addition, multiple advanced functions, such as online cloud-based network planning, cloud-based deployment, cloud-based inspection, and cloud-based O&M, can be implemented through Huawei cloud management platform. In multi-branch deployment scenarios, cloud APs are pre-configured on the cloud management platform firstly. Then on site, you only need to power on the cloud APs and connect them to switch ports, then scan the QR code to implement AP plug-and-play. Pre-configurations are automatically delivered to devices, greatly shortening the network deployment time. The cloud management platform can monitor the network status, device status, and terminal connection status of all sites of a tenant in a comprehensive and intuitive manner to learn the network and service running status in real time. Basic SpecificationsFat/Fit AP modeWLAN features Compliance with IEEE 802.11ax and compatibility with IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac Wave 2Maximum ratio combining (MRC)Space time block code (STBC)Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD)/Cyclic Shift Diversity (CSD)BeamformingMulti-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO)Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)Compliance with 1024-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and compatibility with 256-QAM,64-QAM, 16-QAM, 8-QAM, quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), and binary phase shift keying(BPSK)Target wake time (TWT)Low-density parity-check (LDPC)Frame aggregation, including A-MPDU (Tx/Rx) and A-MSDU (Tx/Rx)802.11 dynamic frequency selection (DFS)Short guard interval (GI) in 20 MHz, 40 MHz, 80 MHz and 160 MHz modesPriority mapping and scheduling that are compliant with Wi-Fi multimedia (WMM) to implementpriority-based data processing and forwardingAutomatic and manual rate adjustment (the rate is adjusted automatically by default)WLAN channel management and channel rate adjustmentNOTEFor detailed management channels, see the Country Codes & Channel Compliances.Automatic channel scanning and interference avoidanceService set identifier (SSID) hidingSignal sustain technology (SST)Unscheduled automatic power save delivery (U-APSD)Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) in Fit AP modeExtended Service Set (ESS) in Fit AP modeAdvanced cellular coexistence (ACC), minimizing the impact of interference from cellular networksMulti-user call admission control (CAC)802.11k and 802.11v smart roaming802.11r fast roaming (≤ 50 ms)Network features Compliance with IEEE 802.3abAuto-negotiation of the rate and duplex mode and automatic switchover between the MediaDependent Interface (MDI) and Media Dependent Interface Crossover (MDI-X)Compliance with IEEE 802.1qSSID-based VLAN assignmentVLAN trunk on uplink Ethernet portsManagement channel of the AP uplink port in tagged and untagged modeDHCP client, obtaining IP addresses through DHCPTunnel data forwarding and direct data forwardingSTA isolation in the same VLANIPv4/IPv6 access control lists (ACLs)Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)Uninterrupted service forwarding upon CAPWAP channel disconnection in Fit AP modeUnified authentication on the AC in Fit AP modeAC dual-link backup in Fit AP modeNetwork Address Translation (NAT) in Fat AP modeIPv6 in Fit AP modeTelemetry in Fit AP mode, quickly collecting AP status and application experience parametersIPv6 Source Address Validation Improvements (SAVI)Multicast Domain Name Service (mDNS) gateway protocolQoS features Priority mapping and scheduling that are compliant with WMM to implement priority-based data processing and forwardingWMM parameter management for each radioWMM power savingPriority mapping for upstream packets and flow-based mapping for downstream packetsQueue mapping and schedulingUser-based bandwidth limitingAdaptive bandwidth management (automatic bandwidth adjustment based on the user quantity andradio environment) to improve user experienceAirtime schedulingAir interface HQoS schedulingIntelligent multimedia schedulingSecurity features Open system authenticationWEP authentication/encryption using a 64-bit, 128-bit, 152-bit or 192-bit encryption keyWPA2-PSK authentication and encryption (WPA2-Personal)WPA2-802.1X authentication and encryption (WPA2-Enterprise)WPA3-SAE authentication and encryption (WPA3-Personal)WPA3-802.1X authentication and encryption (WPA3-Enterprise)WPA-WPA2 hybrid authenticationWPA2-WPA3 hybrid authenticationWPA2-PPSK authentication and encryption in Fit AP modeWAPI authentication and encryptionWireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) and wireless intrusion prevention system (WIPS),including rogue device detection and containment, attack detection and dynamic blacklist, andSTA/AP blacklist and whitelist802.1X authentication, MAC address authentication, and Portal authenticationDHCP snoopingDynamic ARP Inspection (DAI)IP Source Guard (IPSG)802.11w Protected Management Frames (PMF)DTLS encryptionMaintenance features Unified management and maintenance on the AC in Fit AP modeAutomatic login and configuration loading, and plug-and-play (PnP) in Fit AP modeBatch upgrade in Fit AP modeTelnetSTelnet using SSHv2SFTP using SSHv2Remote wireless O&M through the Bluetooth serial interfaceWeb-based local AP management through HTTP or HTTPS in Fat AP modeReal-time configuration monitoring and fast fault locating using the NMSSNMP v1/v2/v3 in Fat AP modeSystem status alarmNetwork Time Protocol (NTP) in Fat AP modeLocating service NOTEThe AP supports the locating service only in Fit AP mode.Wi-Fi terminal locationWorking with a location server to locate rogue devicesCloud-based management modeWLAN features Compliance with IEEE 802.11ax and compatibility with IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac Wave 2Maximum ratio combining (MRC)Space time block code (STBC)Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD)/Cyclic Shift Diversity (CSD)BeamformingMulti-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO)Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)Compliance with 1024-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and compatibility with 256-QAM,64-QAM, 16-QAM, 8-QAM, quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), and binary phase shift keying(BPSK)Target wake time (TWT)Low-density parity-check (LDPC)Frame aggregation, including A-MPDU (Tx/Rx) and A-MSDU (Tx/Rx)802.11 dynamic frequency selection (DFS)Priority mapping and scheduling that are compliant with Wi-Fi multimedia (WMM) to implementpriority-based data processing and forwardingAutomatic and manual rate adjustment (the rate is adjusted automatically by default)WLAN channel management and channel rate adjustmentNOTEFor detailed management channels, see the Country Codes & Channel Compliances.Automatic channel scanning and interference avoidanceService set identifier (SSID) hidingSignal sustain technology (SST)Unscheduled automatic power save delivery (U-APSD)Network features Compliance with IEEE 802.3abAuto-negotiation of the rate and duplex mode and automatic switchover between the MediaDependent Interface (MDI) and Media Dependent Interface Crossover (MDI-X)Compliance with IEEE 802.1qSSID-based VLAN assignmentDHCP client, obtaining IP addresses through DHCPSTA isolation in the same VLANAccess control lists (ACLs)Unified authentication on the Cloud management platformNetwork Address Translation (NAT)QoS features Priority mapping and scheduling that are compliant with WMM to implement priority-based data processing and forwardingWMM parameter management for each radioWMM power savingPriority mapping for upstream packets and flow-based mapping for downstream packetsQueue mapping and schedulingUser-based bandwidth limitingAirtime schedulingAir interface HQoS schedulingSecurity features Open system authenticationWEP authentication/encryption using a 64-bit, 128-bit, 152-bit or 192-bit encryption keyWPA2-PSK authentication and encryption (WPA2-Personal)WPA2-802.1X authentication and encryption (WPA2-Enterprise)WPA3-SAE authentication and encryption (WPA3-Personal)WPA3-802.1X authentication and encryption (WPA3-Enterprise)WPA-WPA2 hybrid authenticationWPA2-WPA3 hybrid authentication802.1X authentication, MAC address authentication, and Portal authenticationDHCP snoopingDynamic ARP Inspection (DAI)IP Source Guard (IPSG)Maintenance features Unified management and maintenance on the Cloud management platformAutomatic login and configuration loading, and plug-and-play (PnP)Batch upgradeTelnetSTelnet using SSHv2SFTP using SSHv2Remote wireless O&M through the Bluetooth console portWeb-based local AP management through HTTP or HTTPSReal-time configuration monitoring and fast fault locating using the NMSSystem status alarmNetwork Time Protocol (NTP)Technical SpecificationsTechnical specifications Dimensions (Diameter xHeight)Φ180 mm x 35 mmWeight 0.515 kgInterface type 1 x 10M/100M/1GE (RJ45)NOTE●GE supports PoE input.Bluetooth BLE 5.0LED indicator Indicates the power-on, startup, running, alarm, and fault states ofthe system.Power specifications Power input ●DC: 12 V ± 10%●PoE power supply: in compliance with 802.3afMaximum power consumption 11 WNOTEThe actual maximum power consumption depends on local laws and regulations.Environmental specifications Operating temperature -10°C to +50°CStorage temperature -40°C to +70°COperating humidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing) Altitude -60 m to +5000 m Atmospheric pressure 53 kPa to 106 kPaRadio specifications Antenna type Built-in smart antennasAntenna gain 2.4 GHz: 4 dBi5 GHz: 5 dBiNOTE●The gains above are the single-antenna peak gains.●The equivalent antenna gain after all 2.4 GHz or 5 GHzantennas are combined is 2 dBi in 2.4 GHz or 3 dBi in 5GHz.Maximum number of SSIDsfor each radio≤ 16Maximum number of users ≤ 256NOTEThe actual number of users varies according to the environment. Maximum transmit power 2.4 GHz: 23 dBm (combined power)5 GHz: 23 dBm (combined power)NOTEThe actual transmit power depends on local laws andregulations.Power increment 1 dBmMaximum number of non-overlapping channels 2.4 GHz (2.412 GHz to 2.472 GHz)●802.11b/g−20 MHz: 3●802.11n−20 MHz: 3−40 MHz: 1●802.11ax−20 MHz: 3−40 MHz: 15 GHz (5.18 GHz to 5.825 GHz)●802.11a−20 MHz: 13●802.11n−20 MHz: 13−40 MHz: 6●802.11ac−20 MHz: 13−40 MHz: 6−80 MHz: 3−160 MHz: 1●802.11ax−20 MHz: 13−40 MHz: 6−80 MHz: 3−160 MHz: 1NOTEThe table uses the number of non-overlapping channels supported by China as an example. The number of non-overlapping channels varies in different countries. For details, see the Country Codes & Channels Compliance.Standards ComplianceSafety standards ●UL 60950-1●EN 60950-1●IEC 60950-1●UL 62368-1●EN 62368-1●IEC 62368-1●GB 4943.1●CAN/CSA 22.2 No.60950-1Radiostandards●ETSI EN 300 328 ●ETSI EN 301 893 ●AS/NZS 4268EMC standards ●EN 301 489-1●EN 301 489-17●EN 60601-1-2●EN 55024●EN 55032●EN 55035●GB 9254●GB 17625.1●GB 17625.2●AS/NZS CISPR32●CISPR 24●CISPR 32●CISPR 35●IEC/EN61000-4-2●IEC/EN 61000-4-3●IEC/EN 61000-4-4●IEC/EN 61000-4-5●IEC/EN61000-4-6●ICES-003IEEE standards ●IEEE 802.11a/b/g●IEEE 802.11n●IEEE 802.11ac●IEEE 802.11ax●IEEE 802.11h●IEEE 802.11d●IEEE 802.11e●IEEE 802.11k●IEEE 802.11v●IEEE 802.11w●IEEE 802.11rSecurity standards ●802.11i, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), WPA2, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA2-PSK, WPA3, WAPI ●802.1X●Advanced Encryption Standards (AES), Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), WEP, Open ●EAP Type(s)EMF ●EN 62311 ●EN 50385 RoHS ●Directive 2002/95/EC &2011/65/EU●(EU)2015/863 Reach ●Regulation 1907/2006/ECWEEE ●Directive 2002/96/EC & 2012/19/EUAntennas Pattern2.4G (Horizontal) 2.4G (Vertical)5G (Horizontal) 5G (Vertical)More InformationFor more information about Huawei WLAN products, visit or contact us in the following ways: ●Global service hotline: /en/service-hotline●Logging in to the Huawei Enterprise technical support web: /enterprise/●Sendinganemailtothecustomerservicemailbox:********************Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2022. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address:Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of ChinaWebsite:。
恰逢AWE2019,华为在上海举⾏了HiLink⽣态⼤会,期间不仅华为消费者业务CEO余承东宣布了华为全场景智慧化战略升级这件⼤事,同时华为消费者BG IoT产品线智能家庭总经理闪罡还在本次⼤会上重点介绍了刚刚发布的华为⼦母路由Q2 Pro。
相⽐前⼀代产品,Q2 Pro采⽤华为⾃研的千兆电⼒猫芯⽚凌霄5630,并且经过⼀年的技术研发,开发了PLC Turbo⿊科技,硬件上将Q2的“⽕零”两线传输,升级到“⽕零地”三线传输,地线本⾝相⽐⽕零⼲扰⼏乎为零。
千兆电⼒线传输⽆惧⼲扰⼤户型家庭有没有轻松解决WiFi覆盖的解决⽅案?答案是肯定的!⽽且有⼀款“神器”级别的产品不得不说!那就是——华为路由Q2 Pro。
华为路由Q2 Pro采⽤G.hn千兆电⼒线通信技术,最⾼⽹络传输速率可达1Gbps。
中文手册 ProfiTrace2
_______________________________________________ Version 1.0 – 4 January 2008 Page 1 / 59 © PROCENTEC 2003-2008 - Copyright - all rights reserved
ProfiTrace 2 – User Manual
1 产品介绍.....................................................................................................................................7 1.1 产品特性 ............................................................................................................................8 1.2 应用领域 ............................................................................................................................8 1.3 故障检测 ............................................................................................................................9 1.4 ProfiCore Ultra ....................................
2023年智家大赛多选题-分段-31. 下列哪些设备可以对AP造成干扰:微波炉(正确答案)蓝牙设备(正确答案)2.4GHz无绳电话(正确答案)双向寻呼系统(正确答案)2. 以下哪个因素属于非WLAN干扰:蓝牙(正确答案)Zigbee(正确答案)WiMAX(正确答案)USB3.0(正确答案)3. 使用采取路由器级联模式进行组网时,下面说法正确的有:需要对路由器的网关进行设置首台路由器采用路由方式进行使用(正确答案)二级路由上行线插在LAN口也可使用(正确答案)可通过无线进行桥接(正确答案)4. 无线放大器的主要优点有:扩大无线覆盖范围(正确答案)网速加快增加信号强度(正确答案)操作简单(正确答案)5. WDS模式下,主路由器与子路由器必须具备相同的:加密方式(正确答案)无线信道(正确答案)无线密码(正确答案)SSID6. 下列属于家庭网关业务功能的有:多设备接入(正确答案)多帐号上网(正确答案)Wi-Fi接入(正确答案)USB端口接入(正确答案)7. ONU的序列号由()组成。
ONU Vendor ID(正确答案)ONU版本(正确答案)ONU MAC地址(正确答案)ONU出厂时间8. 千兆无线路由器应具备以下哪些属性:具备千兆WAN口(正确答案)具备千兆LAN口(正确答案)支持802.11ac协议(正确答案)具备WPS功能9. 分光器的主要作用包括:光纤分路功率衰减分发下行数据(正确答案)集中上行数据(正确答案)10. 带POTS口和2个以太网口的HGU形态的ONU,适合开通哪种业务?上网(正确答案)IPTV(正确答案)语音(正确答案)Wi-Fi11. 在光缆敷设过程中,应严格注意光纤的(),避免光纤被缠绕、扭转、损伤和踩踏。
拉伸强度(正确答案)弯曲半径(正确答案)接口干净放线12. 管理AP的方式有哪些?WEB界面(正确答案)Telnet远程登录(正确答案)串口本地登录(正确答案)图形化界面网管(正确答案)13. 在对TP-LINK品牌的胖AP进行数据配置时,不能正常打开其管理配置界面,下列哪些操作是正确的:检查胖 AP是否被恢复到出厂设置(正确答案)将用于连接胖AP的网卡设置为自动获得IP 地址检查AP面板的工作档位切换按钮是否处于FAT档位(正确答案)检查用户连接胖AP网卡的 IP 地址是否为 192.168.1.X 网段的正确 IP地址,并通过ping 测试网卡至胖 AP的连通性(正确答案)14. 下面哪些产品属于智慧家庭组网范围:POE供电交换机(正确答案)分配器AC控制器(正确答案)Wi-Fi放大器(正确答案)15. 下列哪些智能组网设备会导致网速产生较大衰减:路由器电力猫(正确答案)AP面板WIFI信号放大器(正确答案)16. 用户家中无线信号强度弱,存在多个盲点的情况下,建议采用()等多个无线组网技术多台路由器组网(正确答案)无线网桥(正确答案)WIFI放大器补盲(正确答案)POE交换机+AP面板模式(正确答案)WOC组网系统(正确答案)17. 两个路由器通过无线实现同一网段,同一无线名称,可使用:ELINK组网同时PPPOE拨号无线桥接(正确答案)无线中继(正确答案)18. 在采用无线桥接副路由器的设置界面,哪些项目是要求手动去配置的?选择一级路由的Wi-Fi网络(正确答案)认证方式(正确答案)共享密钥(正确答案)信道(正确答案)19. 常见家庭组网有线承载方式包括:网线(正确答案)电力线(正确答案)同轴电缆电话线20. 下列属于“POE交换机+AP面板”组网模式的优势有:精致美观(正确答案)无外置设备(正确答案)价格便宜,经济性好信号覆盖均匀(正确答案)21. 在一个网线综合布线完善的大户型场景下,需要做到Wi-Fi全方位无死角覆盖,且对美观度要求很高,你会选择下列哪些设备为用户构建家庭局域网?无线路由器(正确答案)POE供电交换机(正确答案)无线AP面板(正确答案)WOC无线面板22. 以Wi-Fi覆盖为主的区域,可以按单AP覆盖单层100平方米的范围来估计AP 数量。
华为全屋智能试题1•华为全屋智能主机箱与强电箱之间布线:()组BV-22.5(PLC-I O T回路)+()组BV-32.5(非PLC-IoT回路)?()A.1,3B.2,2C.3,1[正确]D.4,02•人体移动感应器在安装高度离地300cm时,最大感应直径()cm?A.120.0B.140.0C.160.0D.320.0[正确]3.单色温与双色温灯带选用()调光驱动器。
提供智能、快速、简便的无线通信测试——访莱特波特公司产品营销高级总监John Lukez
提供智能、快速、简便的无线通信测试——访莱特波特公司产品营销高级总监John Lukez刘璇【期刊名称】《国外电子测量技术》【年(卷),期】2013()4【摘要】莱特波特(Litepoint)公司是一家总部位于美国加州森尼维尔的无线信号测试设备厂商,2011年成为Teradyne子公司之一可能对中国的用户来说,莱特波特可能还是一个陌生的名字,其实莱特波特在无线通信测试市场中还是占有自己的一席之地的。
【总页数】2页(P11-12)【关键词】无线通信测试;产品营销;莱特;总监;智能;简便;测试设备;无线信号【作者】刘璇【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.2【相关文献】1.环保应从产品设计开始——访PTC公司InSight产品营销总监John Fox [J], 于巧稚2.提供高品质、可靠的完整通信测试解决方案——访WWG公司大中国区业务发展总监兼中国区总经理陈洪博士 [J],3.创建畅通商务的桥梁——访EPICOR环球市场行销副行政总裁兼首席市场行销总监John Hiraoka先生——访EPICOR亚洲区副总裁陈彩伦先生——访EPICOR香港、南中国及台湾高级区域总监邓永泉先生 [J], 楚念良4.环保应从产品设计开始——访PTC公司InSight产品营销总监John Fox [J], 于巧稚5.时尚易用的无线多房间系统——访Lenbrook集团总监&市场开发总监John Banks先生、产品经理Anthony Williamson先生 [J], 本刊记者因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
HUAWEI华为 nova 10 Pro 快速指南 说明书
请您参考下图完成插卡操作,在取出卡托时请使用配套的取 卡针。 插卡时请注意卡的缺口方向,确保缺口处先装入卡托。
SIM 卡管理
您的设备支持双卡双待,您可以根据需要设置默认移动数据 卡和拨号卡。
• 4G 业务需要根据运营商网络和相关业务部署情况确 定是否支持,请您到运营商营业厅或致电运营商咨询 开通。
• 4G 功能在部分网络环境和地理位置下可能因为运营 商网络频段干扰而不能使用。
您在使用过程中,遇到任何问题可以通过以下途径和方法获 取更多帮助信息。
• 访问 https:///cn 查阅产品信 息、产品预置应用软件公示信息、更多帮助以及其他信息。
ᦊ͈Րሦ ᨥ О͉ᩆ ܳໄᐏᔭ ܳໄ̄ᔭᧉ
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Ὁ᛫ᇨសదࠏྭ᠏ښសᦊ͈ਫ਼దک᠏ెந˗ᄊե᧚(ښک#5 ࠀᄊᬍ᧚᜶ර̿ʾǍ
• 请在温度 0℃~35℃ 范围内使用本设备,并在温度 -20℃ ~+45℃ 范围内存放设备及其配件。当环境温度过高或 过低时,可能会引起设备故障。
• 请勿将设备及其电烤箱或热水器等。电池过热可能 引起爆炸。
如何快速迁移 旧设备数据
新的Speedport W921V宽带路由器基于Lantiq芯片开发,其Lantiq芯片提供的主要功能包括DSL、网络处理器、千兆以太网、2.4GHz和
德国电信的旗舰产品Speedport W 921V满足了居家消费者的所有通信需求
ntiq芯片系列支撑世界首款CAT—iq2.0认证家庭网关以将宽带话音和下一代DECT电话技术带向大众市场 [J],
ntiq芯片助力德国电信提供“一体化”的宽带网关,给家庭联网带来终极有线/无线连接 [J],
ntiq芯片助力德国电信提供“一体化”的宽带网关 [J], 无
4.阿尔卡特朗讯助力台湾亚太电信为用户提供全新高速宽带服务 [J],
5.广东电信部署SmartEdge 综合业务网关支持宽带业务发展以及提供新业务 [J], 韩昊
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IQcell 专为移动设备原始设备制造商 (OEM) 设计,用于测试设备主 流功能的性能,如移动热点功能、VoLTE 通话、网页浏览和流媒体等。对这 些应用的测试均在无线连接下完成,以模拟真实的用户体验情境。用户体验 对于测试当今无比复杂的设备至关重要,它保证了设备在客户手上被日常使 用时是按照设计的方式工作的。 IQcell 提供了快速、高效的方法来准确定位用户报告的故障根源,以 便设备维修服务中心能够使用 IQcell 和 IQservice 软件对客户返修的手机进 行射频 (RF) 参数测试。这样,设备制造商和电信运营商就能够维修故障手 机,而不是用新机替换原本轻易就可修好的手机,从而节省了成本。 LitePoint 产品营销总监 Adam Smith 表示: “用户体验是一个设备取 得成功的关键,IQcell 可帮助 OEM 厂商和服务中心见用户之所见,而不是 将某些参数测定转化为用户对产品的实际体验。我们在不断改进测试体验, 使之更快速、费用更低廉,从而能让更多的设备得到具有成本效益的测试。 IQcell 节省了测试时间,降低了测试成本,这使设备制造商无需拿产品质量 冒险,因为他们可以快速有效地在多台设备上同时完成各类信令测试。” Fra bibliotek技术亮点
IQcell 分 2 端口和 8 端口配置,支持 LTE-
FDD、LTE-TDD、WCDMA/HSPA 和 GSM 制式。 IQcell 2 端口配置能快
自动测试系统能够探测蜂窝无线电强度。 IQcell 8 端口配置可增强测试能力,
同时测试 4 台运行于 4 个独立蜂窝移动网络的设备,每个蜂窝移动网络有专 门的测定系统,以进行高速、高准确度和特定技术的参数测定。
快速高效确定无线连接设备故障,莱特波特用 LTE 蜂窝 IQcell 方案解决
领先的无线测试解决方案提供商 LitePoint®今日宣布推出 LitePoint
IQcell™ 多设备蜂窝信令测试解决方案,该解决方案可对 LTE 蜂窝设备进行