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合作协议书Cooperation Agreement

甲方: T he first party(Party A):

乙方The second party(Party B):


本着互利互惠的原则,甲乙双方经友好协商就进口货物的运输事宜达成以下协议:With the principles of mutual benefit,the two parties will make an agreement on import transport as following:

a.The two parties shall actively co-operate in International Freight Forwarding and Logistics services for shipments moving between their respective territories. The Party B will provide or arrange full logistical services necessary for the movement of freight, via air or ocean or any other means, including ancillary support services and timely preparation and transmission of related documentation and/or electronic data.(双方应积极合作国际货运代理和物流服务,为货物在其各自的领土之间流动。乙方将提供或安排通过空运、海运或任何其他方式运输货物所需的全部后勤服务,包括辅助支持服务和及时准备和传送相关文件和/或电子数据。)

b.Each Agent will name the other as consignee on any Master Air Waybill, Master House Air Waybill, Master Ocean Bill of Lading or Master House Bill of Lading 。(每个代理将在任何主空运提单、主空运提单、主海运提单或主空运提单上指定对方为收货人。1.甲方委托给乙方的货物必须真实申报货物品名、数量、价值、用途等产品,资料必须以书面形式委托给乙方,如因甲方申报不符所造成的所有责任由甲方负责;The first party must provide the the second party with the real information of product’s

name,number,value,purpose.all of this information must be represented to the second party in a written form, as a result of discrepancies caused by the first party declaration, the first party will be responsible for all liability.

2.甲方承诺委托之货物不能夹带易燃、易爆物品及国家规定禁止进口之物品;The first party must promise not to carry cargo consigned flammable, explosive materials and goods prohibited for import by state regulations.

3.甲方托运内容要求更改或取消时,必须书面形式通知乙方,在与乙方操作人员确认可以退件或终止运输方可取消订单;Before checking the content, changing or canceling the transpotation terms, the first party must notify the second party in written form. Changes can be made only with the agreement of the secomd.

4.如是因战争 .台风.地震等人力不可抗拒的自然灾害所产生的货物丢失不予赔偿给甲方外;由于其它任何原因或情况产生的货物损坏和丢失,乙方应在损失产生后 5 天内以全额现金方式赔偿给甲方,具体赔偿方案双方协商。If the products are lost becauseof the war, typhoon. earthquakesand other human irresistible natural disasters,the second party will never take responsibility. Due to other reasons or circumstancesarising from any damage and loss of goods,they will pay 100% compensation for the loss in 5 days to the first party.The compensation(Claims)plan is negotiated by both parties.

5.甲方索赔需乙方通知甲方货物丢失之日起 30日内提出,过期视甲方放弃赔偿;In case goods are lost,the second party must notify the first party in 30 days before the date expires, for the first party to give up compensation.


Responsibilities and obligation of Party A

1.货物到港前,甲方及时向乙方提供进口货物清关所需完整的、准确的和合法的单据,否则由此产生的滞港等费用由甲方承担;Before the good`s arrival at the port, Party A shall provide the complete ,accurate and legal documents required regarding any customs declaring and transportation services. In case of the failure, Party A will be responsible for all the consequences.

2.甲方有责任就货物形态及货物装载要求等事宜提供给乙方;Party A shall provide the information with details on the size and loading requirements of the goods to Party B. 3.甲方在收到单据后需及时核对,如有疑问需及时反馈,在确认无误后及时通知乙方安排开具发票;

Party A shall check in time after receiving the documents.If there is any doubt,it shall pr omptly provide feedback.After confirming the correctness,Party B shall promptly notify P arty B to arrange for drawing an invoice.


Responsibilities and obligation of Party B


已运输货物,乙方应按照甲方要求有责任就货物状况做出报告;Party B is responsible to provide the transportation proposal with safe ,quick and economical plan. Party B shall make a report on good conditions according to Party As requirements.

2.乙方对甲方提供的全套单证在2个工作日内完成审核整理,使之符合报关报检要求。如内容有遗漏,乙方应立刻通知甲方并向甲方索取所需资料信息;乙方在核对资料无误后应及时安排操作货物清关和转运。Party B shall
