Chinese numbers are read in the same order as they are written, with the highest value digit first
Chinese numbers are written in vertical columns, with the highest value digit at the top
Context application
Through the application of practical context, students can master the expression of English numbers in practical communication.
Advanced practice question
Combining basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to enhance students' ability to use English numbers.
One: "a" or "an"
The Application of English Numbers
研一英语教学课件:Lesson 13, Part 1
Christmas carols are songs that are only sung at this time of year. Sometimes they are sung together in groups.
“A Charlie Brown Christmas” (1965)
“How The Grinch Stole Christmas” (1966)
Christmas Parties
Many offices will have Christmas parties for their employees, which are filled with alcohol and Christmas music.
Now that I live in Beijing…
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Which Christmas traditions sound most interesting to you?
Do any of them remind you of any Chinese festival traditions?
My parents’ house in Iowa
Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow
Some people take this tradition very seriously…
Christmas Films and TV Programmes
“It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946)
Mathematical English 13: Computers and Mathematics
functions to be performed easily. And somewhat later, both Pascal and Leibniz constructed machines to aid in computation. As Leibniz wrote, “it is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labor of calculation, which could be safely relegated to anyone else if the machine were used.” Unfortunately, neither Leibniz’s machine nor the various improved models built by others during the following century and a half were actually used to any extent in the way Leibniz envisaged. The mathematical practitioners themselves continued to do calculations by hand, probably because the machines, operated manually, provided little advantage in speed. For complicated calculations, naturally, tables were used, particularly tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions, even though these tables, originally calculated by hand, frequently contained errors. It was not until around 1821, when the Industrial Revolution was in full
Gather More Cooking Terms from the Tips
Unit 13 Healthy eating
---Integrating Skills
1. Learn some useful cooking terms. 2. Read and write recipes in English.
chop, mix, cut into pieces, fill, fold, steam, boil; fry, add, spoon, roll up ,stir, slice, peel, dice
Group work : Acting out the orders with…
Chemf liexader: Jack, peel a potastpoofoonr me.
cut into pieces
roll up
Jane, chop the onions, please. slice
数学分析中的英文单词和短语第一章实数集与函数第二章数列极限Chapter 2 Limits of Sequences第三章函数极限Chapter 3 Limits of Functions 第四章函数的连续性Chapter 4 Continuity of Functions第六章 微分中值定理及其应用Chapter 6 Mean Value Theorems of Differentials and their Applications第七章 实数的完备性Chapter 7 Completeness of Real Numbers 第八章 不定积分Chapter 8 Indefinite Integrals第九章 定积分Chapter 9 Definite Integrals第十章定积分的应用Chapter 10 Applications of Definite Integrals第十一章反常积分Chapter 11 Improper Integrals 第十二章数项级数Chapter 12 Series of Number Terms第十三章函数列与函数项级数Chapter 13 Sequences of Functions andSeries of Functions第十四章 幂级数Chapter 14 Power Series第十五章 傅里叶级数Chapter 15 Fourier Series第十六章 多元函数的极限与连续Chapter 16 Limits and Continuity of Functions of Several Variavles第十七章多元函数微分学Chapter 17 Differential Calculus of Functions of Several Variables第十八章隐函数定理及其应用Chapter 18 Implicit Funciton Theorems and their Applications第十九章含参量积分Chapter 19 Integrals with Parameters第二十章 重积分Chapter 20 Multiple Integrals第二十一章 曲线积分Chapter 21 Curvilinear Integrals 第二十二章 曲面积分Chapter 22 Surface Integrals。
福建省永第二中学北师大版高中英语《Unit 13 Lesson 1 EQ:IQ》课件 新人教版必修1
The IQ Test ?
The EQ Test
Understanding of the text
1. IQ tells you how smart you are while EQ tells you how well you use your smartness.
you in some ways even more
Cases of high IQs High IQ and quick-witted People with low EQs
and low EQs
students end up failing exams
have a harder time surviving in life
4. “People skills” means ways /abilities of doing things. It is very important to get them improved. Better skills help you do things more easily and make you successful.
Tips of the argumentation
1. Subject (论题) 2. Argument sentences (论点) 3. Supporting sentences (论据) 4. Concluding sentences (论证)
Success comes with a high EQ.
EQ is more important than IQ
IQ gets you hired; EQ gets you promoted.
Unit Summary
Key points learned in this unit
Vocabulary and Grammar
We have learned a new set of words and expressions related to the topic of “Technology”.
02 03
Complex sentences
Complex sentences contain an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Analyze their structure, function, and meaning.
Text Analysis
Article structure
The title should be clear and catchy, reflecting the main idea of the article.
The introduction should provide a brief overview of the article, including the main points and arguments.
• Specific objectives: Students will learn to identify and analyze the processes and forces that shape globalization. They will also gain an understanding of the role of media in globalization and how it shapes our view of the world. Additionally, students will develop their ability to compare and contrast different perspectives on globalization and its impact on society and culture.
The course provides learners with feedback on their performance and guidance on areas where improvement is needed to help them achieve their learning goals effectively
Basic mathematical terms
This includes words like "equation," "function," "integral," etc., which are essential for understanding mathematical concepts and e combinations of symbols that represent relationships between mathematical entities They are used to express mathematical ideas conceptually and precisely
Application of Mathematics Professional English
Use English to write research articles for international journals or conferences, enabling more people to learn about and cite your article.
Summary and Outlook
Deepen the understanding of mathematical English vocabulary and grammar
数学 英语知识点总结ppt
数学英语知识点总结pptArithmeticArithmetic is the most basic and fundamental branch of mathematics. It deals with the operations of numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In this section, we will review the basic operations of arithmetic, as well as the properties of numbers, such as commutativity, associativity, and distributivity. We will also cover topics such as fractions, decimals, percentages, and ratios, and demonstrate how these concepts are used in everyday life, such as in budgeting, cooking, and shopping.AlgebraAlgebra is a branch of mathematics that uses symbols and letters to represent numbers and quantities. In this section, we will explore the basic principles of algebra, including equations, inequalities, and functions. We will also discuss the various techniques for solving algebraic problems, such as factoring, completing the square, and using the quadratic formula. Additionally, we will demonstrate how algebra is used in various fields, such as science, engineering, and economics, through practical examples and applications.GeometryGeometry is the study of shapes, sizes, and spatial relationships. In this section, we will cover the fundamental concepts of geometry, including points, lines, angles, and polygons. We will also discuss the properties of geometric figures, such as congruence, similarity, and symmetry, as well as the principles of measurement, such as area, perimeter, volume, and surface area. Furthermore, we will explore the applications of geometry in architecture, design, and art, and highlight its importance in everyday life.TrigonometryTrigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between angles and sides in right-angled triangles. In this section, we will review the basic trigonometric functions, such as sine, cosine, and tangent, as well as their inverses. We will also discuss the applications of trigonometry in various fields, such as navigation, astronomy, and engineering. Additionally, we will demonstrate how trigonometric principles are used to solve problems involving angles and distances.CalculusCalculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of change and motion. In this section, we will explore the basic concepts of calculus, including derivatives, integrals, and limits. We will also discuss the applications of calculus in physics, engineering, and economics, and demonstrate how it is used to solve real-world problems, such as finding the maximum and minimum values of functions, determining rates of change, and calculating areas and volumes.StatisticsStatistics is the branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. In this section, we will cover the basic principles of statistics, including data types, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, and probability. We will also discuss various statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and correlation, and demonstrate their applications in fields such as business, healthcare, and social sciences.In conclusion, mathematics is a diverse and essential field of study that plays a crucial role in many aspects of our lives. This PowerPoint presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of various mathematical knowledge points in the English language, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus and statistics. By understanding these concepts and their applications, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and utility of mathematics in the world around us. Thank you for your attention, and we hope you find this presentation informative and inspiring.。
but f ( x, y ) is not differentiable at Solution Let f ( x, y ) f x (0,0) lim
x 0
0, 0 .
xy . Then
0 f ( x,0) f (0,0) lim 0 and f y (0,0) 0 . x 0 x x0
x y 2 2 x 2 y 2 sin xy , x y 0 Example 1.12 Suppose f x, y . Show that f x, y 2 2 0, x y 0
is continuous at Proof
0, 0 , but not differentiable at this point.
0, 0 ;
0, 0 .
f ( x, 0) f (0, 0) x2 1 f x 0, 0 lim lim cos 0 x 0 x 0 x x | x|
f y 0, 0 lim
x 0
f (0, y ) f (0, 0) y2 1 lim cos 0. x 0 y y | y|
( x y ) sin( xy ) (x2 y 2 )
3 2
x 0 y 0
x 0 y kx
(1 k ) x sin kx 2 (1 k 2 ) 2 x 3
(1 k )k (1 k 2 )
3 2
These yield
x 0 y 0
f xy 0, 0 f yx 0, 0 .
Proof Since
2 三角恒等式和方程 4 三角学在几何和物理中的应用
IV. Calculus
1 极限和连续性 4 定积分及其性质
2 导数及其性质
3 导数在优化和相关速
5 定积分在面积和体积计算中的应用
V. Linear Algebra
1 向量和向量运算 3 线性方程组
《数学专业英语》PPT课 件
I. Introduction
- 数学的定义 - 数学在现代社会中的重要性 - 课程目标
II. Algebra
1 基础代数表达式和方程 3 多项式和因式分解
2 根式和指数 4 二次方程和函数
III. Trigonom etry
2 矩阵及其运算 4 特征值和特征向量
VI. Probability and Statistics
1 概率的基本概念 3 数据的统计度量
2 离散和连续概率分布 4 假设检验和置信区间
VII. Conclusion
1 课程内容回顾
2 数学在不同领域的未 3 继
03 Taylor公式在科学计算中 的应用
利用Taylor公式,可以将复杂的函数展开 为多项式形式,从而实现对复杂函数的 近似计算。这种多项式逼近方法在数值 分析和科学计算中具有广泛的应用。
通过选择合适的阶数和节点,可以控制多 项式逼近的精度。高阶多项式逼近能够更 好地逼近函数,但同时也需要更多的计算 资源和时间。
通过Taylor展开,可以将微分方程转化为差分方程,从 而简化求解过程。
在求解微分方程时,有时可以利用Taylor展开将微分方 程转化为差分方程,从而简化求解过程。这种方法在数 值分析中有着广泛的应用,尤其在处理偏微分方程时非 常有效。
05 结论
1 2
数学分析-Taylor公式与科学计算 PPT课件
• 引言 • Taylor公式简介 • Taylor公式在科学计算中的应用 • 实例演示 • 结论
01 引言
数学分析是研究函数的极限、连 续性、可微性、可积性和实数完 备性的学科,是数学专业的重要
在求解微分方程时,可以利用Taylor公式对微分方程进行 离散化,从而转化为数值求解问题。通过选择合适的步长 和阶数,可以控制数值解的精度和稳定性。
对于微分方程的边值问题,可以利用Taylor公式将问题转 化为有限元方法或边界元方法等数值方法进行求解。这种 方法在科学计算和工程领域中具有广泛的应用。
02 Taylor公式简介
• 允许水通过渗透通过土壤来达到清洁去除杂质,这种技术 对地下水供应的充电具有广泛的应用。
Thanks for your listening!
• 需水量是由于每年、每个季节、甚至是每天每时而各不相 同的。
• Water contains a variety of chemical , physical, and biological substances which are either dissolved or suspended in it.
小组成员:梁 爽 唐北怀 柏丰立 曹宏利
Water Demand
• Total water demand on a municipal water supply system is the sum of all the individual demands during a stated period.
• 溶解在水中的许多化合物可能是天然的或工业来源的,也 可能是有益的或有害的,这取决于它们的组成和浓度。
• Syntheic organic compounds,like DDT,which are products or bypproducts of chemicals used in agriculture and industry,can build up to toxic levels in water and living organisms.
• 来自河流和湖泊的地表水是公共供水的重要来源,因为它 们通常可以维持高的使用率,几乎无限数量的海水可以通 过一些过程转化为淡。
数值分析英文版课件 (12)
1 t( t − 1 )∆ 2 f ( x0 ) 2!
1 t( t − 1 )L ( t − n + 1 ) ∆ n f ( x0 ) n!
差分及其性质 (5)
Newton向后插值 : 向后插值
N n ( x ) = f ( xn ) + t ∇f ( xn ) + +L +
t( t + 1 ) 2 ∇ f ( xn ) 2!
x y=f(x)
1 1
2 8
3 27
4 64
5 125
6 216
7 343
8 512
1 t( t + 1 )L ( t + n − 1 ) ∇ n f ( xn ) n!
1. Evaluate f (15), given the following table of values:
x y=f(x)
10 46
20 66
30 81
40 93
50 101
2. For the following table of values, estimate f (7.5):
差分及其性质 (1)
引入差分(difference)的概念,简化 Newton插值多项式 引入差分 的概念, 插值多项式 的概念
已知 f(x) 有等距节点
△f(xk) = f(xk+1)- f(xk) ▽f(xk) = f(xk)- f(xk-1)
处以步长为h的向前差分和 分别称为 f(x) 在 xk处以步长为 的向前差分和向后差分
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Then for sufficiently large n ,
a n bn ,
cn d n .
This shows that Fn is covered by . This is the desired contradiction.
Homework Page 142: 2; 4; 5; 7
Chapter 13
Lecture 1
Title: §1 Point sets in the plane R 2 (I) Date: Teaching type: Theory Aim: Notions of point sets in R 2 and their basic properties Emphasis: Four basic properties Difficulty: The proofs of the four basic properties Procedure: 1 1.1 Neighbourhood Let M 0 ( x0 , y 0 ) be a fixed point and 0 , and let O( M 0 , ) M ( x, y ) : r ( M 0 , M ) , where r ( M 0 , M ) ( x x0 ) 2 ( y y 0 ) 2 . Then O( M 0 , ) is called an -neigh bourhood of M 0 . 1.2 Limit of a point sequence Let M n ( x n , y n ) be a sequence of points in R 2 and M 0 ( x0 , y 0 ) be a fixed point. If for any 0 , there is some N 0 such that for all n N , M n O( M 0 , ) , i.e., r (M 0 , M n ) , then we call M n is convergent and denote it by Neighbourhood and limit of point sequences
is a subsequence {x nk } of {x n } which is convergent. Since { y nk } is also bounded, we see that there is a subsequence { y nr } which is convergent. The sequence {M nr ( x nr , y nr )} is desired.
If the sequence {M n ( x n , y n )} is bounded, then there exists a
subsequence {M nk } of {M n } which is convergent.
Proof The hypothesis implies that both {x n } and { y n } are bounded. Hence there
Proposition 2.5.1 If M 3 is a cluster point of E , then there exists a sequence
{M n } of E such that lim M n M 0 .
2.6 Closed sets
If each point of E is a cluster point, then E is closed.
n n
Then there is a unique M 0 ( x0 , y 0 ) such that for each n , M 0 ( x0 , y 0 ) E n . The proof is obvious.
3.2 Weierstrass’s theorem Theorem 3.2.1
(2) bn a n
Theorem 3.1.1 implies that there exists some M 0 ( x0 , y 0 ) such that for each n , a n x0 bn , cn y0 d n .
Since M 0 D , there is at least one E such that M 0 . Suppose that {( x, y ) : x , y } .
F {( x, y ) : a x b, c y d }
such that D F . By using the two lines x
ab cd and y , we know that 2 2
F is equally divided into four rectangles F1 , F2 , F3 , F4 . It is obvious that there is at
lim M n M 0 .
Proposition 1.2.1
( x n , y n ) ( x0 , y 0 ) if and only if x n x0 and y n y 0 .
Proof Necessity It follows from ( x n , y n ) ( x0 , y 0 ) that for any 0 , there is some N 0 such that for all n N ,
For M 2 R 2 , if for any 0 ,
O( M 2 , ) E and O( M 2 , ) ( R 2 E ) ,
then M 2 is called a boundary point.
2.4 Open sets
If each point of E is interior, then E is open.
there is some N 0 such that for all n N ,
xn x0
yn y0
xn x0 yn y0
This shows that lim M n M 0 .
Proposition 1.2.2 If lim M n exists, then it is unique.
The proof easily follows from Proposition 1.2.1.
2 Open sets, closed sets and domains
Suppose E is a point set in R 2 .
2.1 Interior points
For M 0 E , if there is some 0 such that O( M 0 , ) E , then M 0 is called an interior point of E .
least one rectangle, say for example F1 , such that F1 D can not be covered by finitely many elements in E . By repeating this procedure, we will obtain a sequence of rectangles {Fn } such that (1) Fn {( x, y ) : a n x bn , c n y d n } ; ba d c , d n cn n . n 2 2
3.3 Finite covering theorem Theorem 3.3.1 Suppose E {} , where each is an open rectangle and D is a
bounded and closed domain in R 2 .
If D ,
then there are finitely many
s : 1 , , k such that
D i .
i 1
We prove this result by contradiction.
Suppose not. Since D is a bounded and closed domain in R 2 , we see that there is a rectangle
2.2 Exterior points
For M 1 R 2 , if there is some 0 such that O( M 1 , ) E , then M 1 is called an exterior point of E .
2.3 Boundary points
2.5 Cluster (or accumulation) points Definition 2.5.1 For M 3 R 2 , if for any 0 the following
O( M 3 , ) ( E {M 3 })
holds, then M 3 is called a cluster (or accumulation) point of E .
2.7 Domains
If E is connected and open, then E is called a domain. We always call E E the closure of E which is a closed domain, where E denotes the boundary of E .
3 Four basic properties (I)