Morison等人认为,作用于结构上的水平波力FH 包括两个部分:一是波浪水质点运动的水平速度u引起对柱体的水平拖曳力FD,另一是波浪水质点运动的水平ü加速度引起的对柱体的水平惯性力F1。
2.1Morision方程它是一个半经验半理论的方法,当桥墩横向尺寸较小时(d/l≤0.2),假定其存在对波浪运动无显著影响,桥墩的动水压力可根据半经验半解析的Morision 方程得到。
护栏立杆采用Φ48mm 的钢管焊接在横向分配梁上,高度1.5m,间距1.5m;扶手采用Φ48mm的钢管与立杆钢管焊接连接;竖直方向每40cm焊接一道Φ6的圆钢作为横撑。
关键词:贝雷栈桥计算海湾桥1前言新建施工便桥全长约 4.0Km,桥面宽 6.0m,标高与已建施工便桥一致为+6.10m,标准跨为15m,非标准跨径采用12-15米。
Modelling of soil-structure interaction for seismic analyses of the Izmit Bay Bridge Modélisation de l’interaction sol-structure pour l’analyse sismique du pont de la baie d’IzmitLyngs J. H., Kasper T., Bertelsen K.S.COWI A/S, DenmarkABSTRACT: The Izmit Bay Bridge will carry the new Gebze-Orhangazi-Bursa-İzmir motorway across the Sea of Marmara at the Bay of Izmit, Turkey. The suspension bridge with 1550 m long main span will be subjected to strong seismic events. The tower foundations are prefabricated reinforced concrete caisson structures that are installed on prepared gravel beds on Pleistocene deposits, reinforced by driven steel pile inclusions. The design allows for limited permanent displacements in the subsoil and in the gravel-caisson interface during high magnitude seismic events, in order to limit the forces imposed on the superstructure. The displacements and forces in the bridge during seismic events are calculated in displacement-based time history analyses in a global finite element model. This paper describes how the behaviour of the gravel bed and the reinforced subsoil is modelled by distributed sets of vertical and horizontal translational springs, dashpots and gapping elements. The nonlinear horizontal springs are based on hyperbolic relations, generalised in two dimensions, coupled with the local vertical stress and capable of producing hysteresis according to the extended Masing rules. The paper demonstrates an advanced, yet feasible, modelling method that has been put into practice.RÉSUMÉ : Le pont de la baie d'Izmit portera la nouvelle autoroute Gebze-Orhangazi-Bursa-Izmir dans la baie d'Izmit en Mer Marmara, en Turquie. Le pont suspendu avec une travée principale 1550 m de long sera soumis à de fortes contraintes sismiques. Les fondations des pylônes sont des caissons en béton armé préfabriqués installés sur des assises granulaires préparées sur les dépôts du Pléistocène renforcés par des pieux en acier. Afin de réduire les forces exercées sur la superstructure lors d’événements sismiques de magnitude élevée, le concept de fondation autorise des déformations permanentes à l’interface entre le caisson et l’assise granulaire ainsi que dans les matériaux du sol naturel. Les déformations et efforts dans la superstructure lors d'événements sismiques sont calculés sur la base d’accélérogrammes de déplacements dans un modèle global aux éléments finis. Cet article décrit les méthodes de modélisation du comportement de l’assise granulaire et du sol renforcé par un ensemble de ressorts verticaux et horizontaux, amortisseurs et ouvertures. La modélisation des ressorts horizontaux non-linéaires est basée sur des relations hyperboliques, généralisées en deux dimensions, associées à la contrainte verticale locale et capable de produire une hystérésis selon les règles généralisées de Masing. L'article montre une méthode de modélisation complexe, néanmoins réalisable et qui a été mise en pratique. KEYWORDS: Foundation design, Suspension bridge, Seismic time history analysis, Soil-structure interaction, Finite element MOTS-CLÉS : Études des fondations, Pont suspendu, Analyse sismique par accélerogramme, Interaction sol-structure, Éléments finis1INTRODUCTIONThe Izmit Bay Bridge, shown in Figure 1, is a suspension bridge with a steel superstructureThe bridge is currently under construction and has a 1550 m main span and two 566 m long side spans. The bridge deck is a steel box girder, which carries six road lanes and is located between 60 and 80 m above the sea level. The top elevation of the tower is 252 m above the sea level. Each tower has two steel legs and two steel cross-beams, and their foundations consist of a pre-fabricated concrete caisson placed on a gravel bed on improved soil at 40 m water depth. The anchorages of thebridge are concrete gravity structures.Figure 1. Global geometry model of the bridge.The project site in the north-western part of Turkey is located in the area of the North Anatolian Fault with high seismicity. The North Anatolian Fault stretches over approximately 1600 km in east-western direction along the Black Sea coast of Turkey. It is a major right lateral strike slip fault that forms the tectonic boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Anatolian block of the African Plate. The North Anatolian Fault zone forms a narrow band that splays into three strands in the eastern Marmara Sea region. The northern strand occupies the Izmit Bay and projects across the project alignment, presenting the greatest seismogenic hazard source in the site area. A number of earthquakes with moment magnitudes M w between 7 and 8 have been recorded in the region. A project-specific seismic hazard study has been carried out based on a detailed review of the literature.Three different seismic events with different return periods and seismic performance criteria were defined as a basis for the seismic design of the bridge: For the Functional Evaluation Earthquake (FEE) with a return period of 150 years, immediate access to normal traffic and minimal damage (essentially elastic performance) are required. For the Safety Evaluation Earthquake (SEE) with a return period of 1000 years, limited access within days, full service within months and repairable damage without closure to traffic are required. For the No Collapse Earthquake (NCE) with a return period of 2475 years, significant damage without collapse is allowed. For the FEE, SEE and NCE, the rock outcrop peak ground acceleration is 0.25g, 0.65g and 0.87g, respectively.Time history analyses with a global finite element model (cf. Figure 3) formed the basis for the seismic design of the bridge. For each of the three seismic events, seven sets of near surface displacement time histories with three orthogonal components were derived from site response analyses for each bridge foundation.This paper focuses on the soil-structure interaction modelling of the tower foundations by means of distributed sets of vertical and horizontal translational springs, dashpots and gapping elements, which form the support of the tower foundation caissons in the global model and to which theProceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013displacement time histories are applied in the seismic analyses. The springs, dashpots and gapping elements have been derived to provide a realistic, best-estimate representation of the nonlinear soil-structure interaction during seismic events based on unfactored material parameters.2TOWER FOUNDATIONSThe concept of limiting the seismic forces in the superstructure by seismic base isolation of the bridge piers (FIB 2007) has previously been used e.g. for the Rion-Antirion cable-stayed bridge in Greece (Yang et al. 2001). The pier foundations were placed on a gravel bed on soil improved with steel pile inclusions, which are not connected to the foundations. Such a solution allows for rocking, gapping and sliding of the foundations. The same concept is used for the tower foundations of the Izmit Bay Bridge.The tower foundation caissons with a 54 x 67 m footprint area are placed on a 3 m thick gravel bed, as shown in Figure 2.13 x 15 rows of 2.0 m diameter and 34.25 m long driven steel pile inclusions with wall thicknesses of 20 to 25 mm are used to improve the subsoil under each caisson in order to provide sufficient bearing capacity and limit the permanent displacements within the subsoil under ship impact and seismic events.The ground conditions of the tower foundations are characterised by sand and clay layers. The spacing of the pile inclusions is 5 m in both directions. The pile inclusions stop within the gravel bed, 0.75 m below the gravel bed surface.3MODELLING CONCEPTIn order to model the above mentioned foundation characteristics in sufficient detail, a finite element representation of the soil-foundation interface is developed and implemented in COWI's FE-software for bridges, IBDAS (Sørensen et al. 1990). Special features for this soil-foundation model include:- Use of distributed foundation supports- Horizontal response coupled to vertical force- Non-linear, hysteretic spring formulation- Two-dimensional generalisation of springs3.1Global modelThe global finite element model is established in IBDAS (cf. Figure 3). The entire bridge is described in a single model, capable of non-linear construction phase modelling, response spectrum analysis as well as fully non-linear time domain calculations.3.2Distributed supportsIn typical applications for global modelling, the soil-structure interface of a caisson may be represented by a single-point support stiffness matrix, see e.g. (Lam et al. 2007).The principle is shown to the left in Figure 4. By modelling the interface as single-point support, the foundation bottom must be modelled as a rigid structure, which implies that no stresses inside the concrete caisson are calculated directly.In order to generate such stresses directly during time domain analyses, and to provide a detailed modelling of the nonlinear behaviour under combined loading, it has been decided to use distributed springs, as sketched to the right in Figure 4.In Figure 4, the springs are shown as single sets of springs, for simplicity. Actually, for each spring-supported part of the foundation area, a full set of horizontal and vertical springs and dashpots is assigned, as sketched in Figure 5.As a sufficiently accurate approximation, all sets of distributed springs are defined identical, with no variation with respect to the location below the foundation base plate. The discretization of the distributed supports was investigated, and it has been found that a 13-by-15 grid provided sufficient resolution and accuracy.Figure 3. IBDAS global finite element model of the bridge.supports" (right).3.2.1Vertical elementsThe vertical elements consist of two linear springs coupled in series, a dashpot and a gapping element, cf. Figure 5. The purpose of having two springs is to make it possible to distinguish between the response in the gravel bed and in the reinforced soil below the gravel bed. Since both springs are linear, both material and radiation damping are included in the dashpot. It has been evaluated that the linear approach provides a very reasonable approximation to the push-over response, cf. Section elementsThe horizontal elements consist of two non-linear springs, cf. Figure 5. The backbone curve for the gravel spring is defined as a function of the vertical force measured at the gapping element, by the expression:Technical Committee 103 /Comité technique 103where is the horizontal translational coordinate, is the horizontal force, is the force in the associated vertical spring, is the interface friction coefficient, is the initial stiffness and is the representative foundation area covered by the spring set.The soil spring is defined from the same principle, but independent of the vertical force:where is a maximum shear stress.Unloading and reloading is defined with hysteretic behaviour. Since material damping is embedded in the hysteretic behaviour, the dashpot only includes radiation damping. 3.3Hysteretic behaviourAll nonlinear springs are defined with hysteretic behaviour according to the extended Masing rule, as described by Kramer (1996).An example of a hysteretic force-displacement curve is shown in Figure 6.Figure 5. Detailed view of each set of distributed springs. The dotted loops show which elements are referred to as "gravel" and "soil" behaviour.3.4Two-dimensional generalisationThe terms "vertical" and "horizontal" are used in the above for springs and dashpots. While the vertical component involves no further complications, the horizontal springs and dashpots shall, however, be defined in the two horizontal dimensions. Since the springs are nonlinear and hysteretic, this definition is non-trivial.The intended behaviour is obtained by actually applying in total eight non-linear springs, distributed in the horizontal plane. The concept is illustrated in Figure 7. The full angular space is covered by symmetry in the spring definitions. 4DETERMINATION OF PARAMETERS 4.1Vertical gravel springsThe linear vertical gravel springs are determined aswhereand are the thickness and the oedometer modulus of the gravel bed. The oedometer modulus of 105 MPa corresponds to the unloading stiffness measured in plate loading tests of a comparable gravel bed. 4.2Vertical soil springsThe linear vertical soil springs are calibrated such that the behaviour of the tower foundations under a vertical load plus an overturning moment in IBDAS matches that in a 2D plane strain finite element model in Plaxis. The Plaxis model considers both the gravel bed and the pile-reinforced subsoil and is shown in Figure 8.each representing a 1D non-linear F-u relation for their space angle.Figure 8. 2D Plaxis model, north tower.Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013 Table 1. Material parameters, north tower.ID ToplevelGravel -40.0 18.0 78 45 - 51.5 - N1 -43.0 17.5 411 40 - 28.0 - N1A -47.0 18.0 411 35 - 24.0 -N2 -51.5 18.6 348 - 77 to 96 - 24.2 to45.3 N3/5 -60.5 19.0 265 38 - 26.4 -9 -64.5 18.9 239 - 104 to341 - 53.6 to214.310 -177.1(to -184.7)18.9 239 - 400Table 2. Material parameters, south tower. ID ToplevelGravel -40.0 18.0 77 45 - 51.5 - S2 -43.0 17.6 203 - 41 to 70 - 10.7 to41.4 S3 -59.5 18.9 78 33 - 22.3 -S4 -63.5 18.9 161 - 107 to137 - 54.3 to80.85 -78.5 20.9 575 35 -6 -96.0 20.1 133 - 241 to268 7 -112.5 21.1 104 40 -8-137.5(to -200.0)20.9 387 - 300All soils and the gravel bed are modelled with the Mohr-Coulomb material model with a Poisson's ratio . All soils are modelled as undrained materials using the effective strength parameter for sand layers and the undrained shear strength for clay layers.The gravel bed is modelled as a drained material. Stiffness values corresponding to the equivalent shear moduli from the site response analyses in ProShake are applied. Table 1 and 2 show the stiffness values for the NCE seismic event. For the FEE and SEE, the values are higher due to the lower strain levels in these seismic events.The piles are modelled as linear elastic-perfectly plastic with equivalent stiffness parameters due to the 2D plane strain modelling. Plastic bending moments of 14.5 MNm and 22.2 MNm are defined in the models for the north and south tower, respectively, corresponding to the moments for which the characteristic structural capacities of the piles are fully utilized. The base resistance of the 2 m diameter piles is assumed to be negligible. Shaft resistance is modelled using the interface strength parameters listed in Table 1 and 2. Undrained shear strength and consequently interface strength are defined as increasing from a value at the top of the layer to a value at the bottom of the layer. The interface strength parameters account for the differences between the actual geometry and the 2D plane strain approximation.A reasonable agreement between the overturning behaviour in the IBDAS model and the 2D Plaxis model can be achievedwith vertical soil spring stiffnesses of andat the north and south tower, respectively. This is illustrated for the north tower in Figure 9.4.3Horizontal gravel springsA 3D finite element model in Abaqus is used to determine the load-displacement behaviour of the gravel bed. Exploiting symmetry, a 5 m wide, 2.5 m deep and 3 m high gravel body with one half of a pile is used to represent one pile in an infinitely large pile group, as shown in Figure 10.The front, back and bottom face of the gravel body are constrained in normal direction, while repetitive boundary conditions (Law and Lam 2001) are applied to the left and right sides. The pile is only allowed to rotate around its base. Coulomb friction contact is modelled between the stiff caisson bottom slab and the gravel with a friction coefficient . Coulomb friction contact is also modelled between the inside and outside of the pile and the gravel with a friction coefficient .Figure 9. Calibration of vertical soil springs at the north tower by matching the overturning behaviour in the IBDAS model with the overturning behaviour in the 2D Plaxis model.Figure 10. 3D Abaqus model for determination of gravel bed springs. The Mohr-Coulomb material model with 8 kN/m3, MPa, , and is used for the gravel. The pile is modelled as a rigid body. The load-displacement behaviour is determined by applying different vertical loads to the caisson bottom slab and pushing it in horizontal direction.The hyperbolic backbone curves withMPa/m match the results from the 3D finite element model reasonably well, as shown in Figure 11.Technical Committee 103 / Comité technique 1034.4Horizontal soil springs The hyperbolic backbone curves of the horizontal soil springs are calibrated based on a vertical tower foundation load plus a horizontal force with a lever arm. The lever arm is chosen such that it represents the average observed lever arm in the seismic time history analyses with the global model.A reasonable agreement between the push-over behaviour in the IBDAS model and the 2D Plaxis model can be achieved with an initial stiffness and a maximumshear stressat the north tower, cf. Figure12, andand a maximum shear stressat the south tower. 4.5DashpotsThe vertical distributed material and radiation dashpots have been derived based on linear elastic formulas given in Gazetas 1991 and the spring stiffness according to Section 4.2. The dashpot coefficients areat the north tower and at the southtower.Similarly, based on Gazetas 1991 and the spring stiffnessaccording to Section 4.4, the horizontal distributed radiationdashpot coefficients are determined asat the north tower andat the south tower.Figure 11. Load-displacement curves from the FE model and fitted hyperbolic backbone curves.Figure 12. Calibration of horizontal soil springs at the north tower by matching the push-over behaviour in the IBDAS model with the push-over behaviour in the 2D Plaxis model.5RESULTS5.1Relative displacementsThe relative displacement between the centre of the caisson and the free-field displacements of the soil is exemplified in Figure 13. Irreversible displacements of the caissons are clearly visible. 5.2Hysteretic behaviourThe intended hysteretic behaviour is indeed produced in the finite element model, as it can be observed in Figure 14. 5.3Response in individual springsWhile the above curves illustrate the overall behaviour of the foundations, the response in individual soil and gravel springs can provide information on the local magnitude of displacementin- the interface between soil and structure (gravel springs) - the soil volume below the gravel bed (soil springs)This distribution can be of importance for evaluating how onerous a plastic deformation is. The gravel spring can beconsidered ductile, where plastic deformation typically can be attributed to sliding in the gravel-foundation interface. In contrast, plastic deformation in the soil springs must typically be attributed to incipient yielding in the improved ground, andits magnitude should therefore be given great consideration.An example of these displacements is shown in Figures 15and 16. The spring is located at a foundation corner point, andthe gapping behaviour in the gravel spring can be seen as stress-free displacements (horizontal parts of the dashed line atin Figure 16). Further, it can be observed that at thislocation, the majority of the displacements occur in the gravel spring.Figure 13. Relative displacement for seven NCE time histories, north tower.Figure 14. Force vs. relative displacement between foundation and soil in the bridge longitudinal direction. NCE seismic time histories, north tower.The difference in the maximum value of the shear stress in the soil and gravel springs is due to the radiation dashpot in parallel with the horizontal soil spring, cf. Figure 5.Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 20135.4Impact of non-linear effectsTo assess the consequences of allowing the soil-structure interface to undergo some plastic deformation, a comparative calculation with the global model is made, with the following changes:- gapping elements deactivated- all non-linear springs linearised with the initial stiffness- horizontal material damping incorporated by dashpot Thus, the soil-structure interface will behave fully linearly. The impact of this for the bridge structure can be assessed by observing the extreme moment envelope, which is plotted for the north tower in Figure 17.Figure 15. Bridge longitudinal displacements, NCE series 1, s-y- corner point, north tower.Figure 16. S-axial stress-displacement curves, NCE series 1, s-y- corner point, north tower.Figure 17. Envelopes of extreme moment in the north tower, NCE event, average of the seven series.It should be noted that all design effects were evaluated as the average for the seven time histories, cf. EN 1998-1, clause It can be observed that the linear soil interface in general provides more onerous moments in the north tower, on average 13% more than the reference interface which allows for some plastic deformation.6CONCLUSIONSAn advanced, non-linear model of the soil-structure interaction for the tower foundations has been established. The model includes distributed springs for three-dimensional dynamic analyses. Compared to single-point linear supports, this has the following benefits:- Possibility to calculate distributed stresses under the foundation directly during time-history analyses- Direct modelling of the horizontal shear capacity in the soil-structure interface, dependent on the interfacefriction coefficient and on the time-varying verticalforce, .- Thus, proper modelling of foundation gapping is also achieved, and the overall moment-rotation curve isdirectly made dependent on the vertical force.- The shear stresses in the interface does also incorporate shear from torsional moment ().- Separate indication of displacements in the gravel bed/foundation interface and in the subsoil.- Possibility to calibrate with pseudo-static continuum finite element models with good accuracy; also forvarying vertical force, which normally is difficult. Thus, by the detailed modelling of dynamic behaviour, it is possible to implement in a practical manner a displacement-based verification for large earthquakes, where seismic energy is dissipated by foundation rocking with gapping, some controlled and limited sliding and permanent horizontal displacements within the subsoil.7ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors gratefully acknowledge the permission by Owner NÖMAYG / Nurol-Özaltin-Makyol-Astaldi-Yüksel-Göçay and Contractor IHI Infrastructure Systems CO., Ltd. to publish this paper.8REFERENCESFédération internationale du béton (FIB) 2001. Seismic bridge design and retrofit - structural solutions. State-of-art report. Bulletin 39.Sprint-Digital-Druck, Stuttgart.Gazetas G. 1991. Foundation vibrations, Chapter 15 in H. Y. Fang (Ed.): Foundation Engineering Handbook. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.Kramer S. L. 1996. Geotechnical earthquake engineering. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.Law H.K. & Lam I.P. 2001. Application of periodic boundary for large pile group. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 127 (10), 889-892.Lam I.P., Law H.K. and Martin G.R. 2007. Bridge Foundations: Modeling Large Pile Groups and Caissons for Seismic Design.Technical Report MCEER-07-0018, 12/1/2007. U. S. Department of transportation, Federal Highway Administration.Sørensen K.A., Jakobsen P.F. and Andersen G.B. 1990. IBDAS, an integrated bridge design and analysis system. 3rd Int. Conf. on Short and Medium Span Bridges, 105-116, Toronto.Yang D., Dobry R. and Peck, R.B. 2001. Foundation-soil-inclusion interaction modeling for Rion-Antirion Bridge seismic analysis. 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego.。
多点激励下大跨刚构桥的地震响应分析作者:杨晓林来源:《科技创新导报》 2013年第15期杨晓林(青海大学土木工程学院青海西宁 810016)摘?要:该文基于多点地震动输入下的结构的动力反应方程,采用有限单元法分析了某大跨度刚构桥在多点激励下地震反应。
关键词:地震响应杜哈梅积分多点激励刚构桥中图分类号:U448 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2013)05(c)-0109-02在实际工程的地震反应分析中,地震动输入方法常用的是一致激励法,即假定各支承点的地面运动是相同的,只考虑其随时间的变化。
1 多点地震动输入下的动力反应方程对于多自由度体系,多点输入下的地震反应动力平衡方程为:2 自振特性分析采用时程分析法,对连续刚构桥进行一致地震动激励与多点输入激励的对比分析。
3 一致激励响应为对比纵桥向一致激励与考虑纵桥向行波效应对桥梁内力的影响,首先分析一致地震动激励下刚构桥的响应。
Vol. 45 Nov.
No. 11 2012
连 续 梁 桥 纵 向 减 震性能 振动 台 试验与 理 论 分 析
1, 2
( 1. 盐城工学院,江苏盐城 224051 ; 2. 南京工业大学,江苏南京 210009 )
Abstract: In recent decades,continuousbeam bridges suffered serious damages in earthquake disasters. The bridge energydissipation and earthquakeresistance technology is an advanced vibration reduction technology. It is proved in theory that this technology can effectively mitigate the damage during earthquakes. But tests or evidences in large earthquakes are still needed. Therefore in order to study the earthquake response and seismicreduced effect of continuousbeam bridges with longitudinal viscous dampers,with the Qingdao Gulf Bridge as the background,a 1 / 20 scale model of threespan continuousbeam bridge ( one fixed pier and three free piers) was designed and studied under shaking table test,in which three viscous dampers were installed between the tops of free piers and the girder in the longitudinal direction. Using the Qingdao artificial seismic waves as the input,seven aspects of seismicreduction effect were elaborated regarding the continuousbeam bridge with longitudinal viscous dampers under the different seismic intensities,and the test results were analyzed theoretically. Keywords: viscous damper; shaking table; continuousbeam bridge; seismicreduced Email: zdq811004@ ycit. cn 桥梁的模拟, 来 验 证 它 的 效果 虽 然 是 最 直接 的 方 法, 然而又是 不 切 实 际 的。 振动 台 可 以模拟 若 干 次地 震 现象, 通过 输 入不 同 类 型 的 地 震波, 我们可以了解桥 梁结构在不同强度 地 震作 用下 的 力 学性能, 检 验理 论 分析的正确性等, 为工程实 际 提 供 更 为 直接 的 参 数与 经验。 本文针对此现状, 以青岛 海湾 大 桥 50m 跨 引 桥 为 , 工程 背 景 选 取 其 中 具有 代表 性的 一 联 作为研究 原 型, 按 1 /20 的缩尺比例制作 3 跨连续梁桥振动台 试 验 模型, 并沿纵向设 置 非 线 性 黏滞阻尼 器 消 能 装 置。 试 验目的旨在通过试 验, 得 到 桥 梁在 地 震作 用下 的 减 震 效果, 与理论研究相互验证。
长周期地震动作用下大跨径斜拉桥响应问题探讨发表时间:2016-07-14T14:15:16.350Z 来源:《基层建设》2016年8期作者:王标1 程振国2 [导读] 对大跨径斜拉桥长周期地震动作用下的响应问题进行探讨.1.中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司陕西西安 710075;2.中国市政工程西南设计研究总院有限公司四川成都 610000 摘要:对大跨径斜拉桥长周期地震动作用下的响应问题进行探讨,选取普通地震波与长周期地震波进行频谱对比,以某大跨径斜拉桥为例,通过有限元模型建立,对两种类型地震动作用下该桥的地震响应采用非线性时程分析方法进行分析对比。
具体研究方法如下:1. 对地震、波浪和水流的基本特性进行分析和研究;2. 设计深水桥梁试验模型并进行实验,记录其基础动力响应;3. 采用ANSYS有限元软件对深水桥梁在不同力量作用下的基础动力响应进行数值模拟分析,并与实验结果进行比较;4. 分析探讨深水桥梁基础动力响应与力量类型、强度、方向等因素之间的关系,拟定改善策略和措施。
预期成果:通过本研究,可得到以下成果:1. 地震、波浪和水流的基础特性分析;2. 深水桥梁试验模型设计及基础动力响应数据;3. 深水桥梁在地震、波浪和水流等不同作用下的ANSYS数值模拟结果;4. 深水桥梁基础动力响应与力量类型、强度、方向等因素之间的关系分析。
第二年:1. 进行试验并记录基础动力响应;2. 利用ANSYS对桥梁在不同力量作用下的基础动力响应进行数值模拟分析,并与实验结果进行比较。
第三年:1. 分析深水桥梁基础动力响应与力量类型、强度、方向等因素之间的关系;2. 提出改善策略和措施;3. 编写成果报告。
图 1 青 岛 海 湾 大 桥 一期 工程 示 意 图
பைடு நூலகம்
带 , 地震剖 面上 发现一 组共 5个断 点 , 别命名 为 在 分
摘 要 : 过 海 湾 大 桥 一期 工 程 Ⅲ标 段 的 勘 察 施 工 , 证 了非 活 动 断 层对 重要 工 程 稳 定 性 存 在 一 定 的 影 响 , 通 论 特别 是 对 桩 基 影 响更 大 , 出 科学 、 确 地 划分 断层 的分 布 以及 断 层 内 岩 体 的 破 碎情 况 , 科 学 合理 设 计 桩 基 的关 键 。 提 正 是 关键词 : 程地质 ; 层 ; 震 ; 构造运动 ; 工 断 地 新 破碎 ; 基 ; 湾 大 桥 ; 岛 桩 海 青
1 5次 ,. ~5 9级地 震 2 50 . 3次 , . ~ 6 9级 地 震 4 60 .
次 ,. ~7 9级 地震 2次 , 7O . 8级 以上 的地 震 1次 ( 即
16 6 8年郯 城 8 5级大 地震 ) . 。最 早 的地 震 记载 是公 元前 7 O年 6月 1日安丘 7级地 震 。
生 M≥4 7 . 5级 地 震 4 5次 , 中 4 7 ~4 9级 地震 其 .5 .
图 2 青 岛胶 州湾 地 质 构 造 简 图
1 第 四 系 ;一 白垩 系 ;一 古 元 古 界一 太 古 宇 ;一 燕 山 晚期 花 一 2 3 4 岗岩 ;一 燕 山 晚期 石 英 二 长 岩 ;一 混 合 花 岗岩 ;一 实测 地 质 5 6 7 界 线 ;一 实测 不 整 合 地 质 界线 ;一 实 测 与 推 测 地质 断 层 8 9
地震波浪同时作用下青岛海湾大桥的动力分析张媛;李梦霞;刘斌;朱梦龙;阮冬华【期刊名称】《青岛大学学报(工程技术版)》【年(卷),期】2018(033)003【摘要】为研究地震与波浪同时作用下桥梁的动力响应,本文以青岛海湾大桥为研究对象,采用大质量法,使用Midas civil 2012将考虑行波效应的地震波施加于大桥有限元仿真模型上;基于现有的波浪荷载理论,在Matlab中通过编程计算,得到随机波浪荷载和规则波浪荷载,并最终得到同时考虑地震和不同波浪荷载时,桥梁特定位置的位移和内力.研究结果表明,当不考虑波浪作用时,行波效应会在视波速中段区间上增加桥梁单元的内力值;当考虑波浪作用时,波浪荷载对行波效应下桥梁各个位置单元内力值和节点位移值的影响程度不同.因此,桥梁动力响应值应综合考虑行波效应、视波速大小及波浪荷载类型.该研究对桥梁和行车安全具有重要意义.【总页数】8页(P130-137)【作者】张媛;李梦霞;刘斌;朱梦龙;阮冬华【作者单位】中国石油大学胜利学院,山东东营257091;中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院,山东青岛266580;中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院,山东青岛266580;中国石油天然气管道局工程有限公司,河北廊坊065000;中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院,山东青岛266580;中国石油大学(华东)储运与建筑工程学院,山东青岛266580【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB301.2;U441+.3【相关文献】1.青岛海湾大桥地震作用下的车桥动力响应研究 [J], 张媛;阮东华;范蓓蓓2.波浪上托力作用下高桩码头结构的动力分析 [J], 卢生军;陈国平3.波浪作用下筏式养殖结构的动力分析 [J], 崔勇;关长涛;黄滨;李娇;蒋增杰4.波浪作用下高桩墩式结构时程动力分析 [J], 林岳; 曹代利5.地震和波浪联合作用下斜拉桥随机动力分析方法 [J], 孟思博;丁阳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
沿海铁路桥梁动力性能分析 李凯
沿海铁路桥梁动力性能分析李凯发表时间:2019-08-13T15:00:51.477Z 来源:《城镇建设》2019年10期作者:李凯宋瑞城何亚乾[导读] 由于不同类型桥梁结构具有不同的振动特性,当列车高速通过时,桥梁的动力性能也会有所不同。
中国铁路济南局集团有限公司青岛工务段山东青岛 266071摘要:该线路位于东南沿海地区,受台风、洪水、潮流等自然条件的影响较大。
一、沿海铁路桥梁动力性能分析1. 动态性能测试的要求和注意事项。
地震作用下中小跨径桥梁的车桥振动响应分析张振宇【期刊名称】《《山西交通科技》》【年(卷),期】2019(000)005【总页数】5页(P53-57)【关键词】车辆荷载; 汽车速度; 桥梁; 地震响应【作者】张振宇【作者单位】山西省交通规划勘察设计院有限公司山西太原 030032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U448.210 引言地震频发对人们生命财产安全都造成极大危害。
国外学者Chul-Woo Ki[4]分析了地震期间在桥上行驶的车辆的可靠性。
黄健[5-6]等考虑了地震作用下车辆荷载对车-桥- 桩整体耦合系统的振动反应影响。
1 车桥计算模型的建立及地震荷载的输入1.1 车辆模型的建立研究汽车的运行特征多采用7 自由度汽车计算模型,或以7 自由度汽车模型为基本模型增加或减少自由度。
1.2 桥梁模型的建立在对结构进行建模时,考虑直接影响桥梁结构动态特性的因素,如结构系统、截面特征、约束和质量分布。
1.地震波浪同时作用下青岛海湾大桥的动力分析 [J], 张媛;李梦霞;刘斌;朱梦龙;阮冬华
2.青岛海湾大桥红岛互通立交设计研究 [J], 罗小宝;王海山;李炙彬
3.青岛海湾大桥防撞护栏外观质量控制技术要点 [J], 肖龙
4.山东省人民政府关于同意青岛海湾大桥胶州连接线设置收费站的批复 [J],
5.预应力混凝土弹性模量与混凝土抗压强度的关系——以青岛海湾大桥为例 [J], 鲁炳平
【摘要】青岛海湾大桥是连接主城区与经济开发区的跨海交通工程,主跨采用三跨连续钢箱梁悬索桥(586 m+1 652 m+586 m),双向六车道2×3×3.75 m设计,通航净空为双向航道净宽1 046 m,净高65 m,防撞标准按32万t级油轮实载28万DWT进行计算比选,抗风标准为v=34.5m*s-1,抗震烈度为Ⅵ度.文章介绍该桥的方案设计、工程造价、效益分析及财务评价.
1.住房和城乡建设部科技项日验收通过公示——青岛海湾大桥建设工程项目管理信息系统示范工程 [J],
2.勘察为建桥,建桥促勘察—西河大桥工程地质勘察体会 [J], 蒋继昭
3.徐州铁路枢纽夹北线改线建桥工程方案研究 [J], 王可群
4.青岛海湾大桥红岛互通立交设计研究 [J], 罗小宝;王海山;李炙彬
5.高速公路改扩建桥涵工程施工交通组织方案 [J],
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主跨 和边跨 , 顺 桥 向间距 为 1 2 m。主 缆 和 吊杆采 用 只受拉 的杆 单 元 。本 桥 的塔 高 为 1 4 9 1 2 " 1 , 桥 标 准 梁
段 的 主梁采 用 了分 离 式 双 箱 断 面 , 塔 和 主梁 采 用 梁
0 0 0 0 0
单元 。桥梁 的总 体 尺 寸如 图 1所 示 , 其 计 算 模 型 如
7 0
青岛大学 学报 ( 工 程技术版 )
第 2 9卷
2 模 态 分 析
运用 振型叠 加法 计算 桥 梁 的动 力 响应 时 , 首 先 应 计 算
桥梁 的结 构动 力特性 ; 其 次对桥 梁模 型进 行模 态分 析 , 取 前
3 O阶 振 型 , 并按照 S RS S法 进 行 组 合 。 提 取 桥 梁 前 3Байду номын сангаас0 阶
振 型的频 率及 周期 , 结果 如表 1 所示。
表 1 桥 梁 自振 特 性
阶 数 频 率 / Hz
1 桥 梁 模 型
本 文 以 青 岛 海 湾 大 桥 大 沽 河 桥 段 为 例 进 行 计
算 。大沽 河 航 道 的桥 梁 采 用 独 塔 自锚 式 悬 索 桥 型 式, 主跨 为 2 6 0 r n , 边跨 为 1 9 0 m。主缆 的主 跨 和矢
跨 比为 1 / 1 2 . 5 3 , 边跨 和矢 跨 比为 1 / 1 8 , 吊杆设 置于
第 2 9卷 第 1期
2 0 1 4 年 3 月
青 岛大学学报 ( 工程技 术版 ) J OU R N A L OF QI N G D A O UN I V E R S I T Y( E&T )
V o1 .2 9 No.1
Ma r .2 0 1 4
究 者 的高度 重视 。因此 , 地震作用下 的车桥 系统振动成 为重 要 的研 究课 题 。到 目前为 止 , 人们 对不 同桥梁类 型
的地 震作用 均有研究 , 但 车辆荷载对 地震作用下公 路悬索桥 桥梁 响应 的影 响 尚未见研 究报导 。因此 , 针对公 路 悬索 桥桥梁 因车辆振 动引起 的疲劳 开裂导 致 刚度下 降 而挠度 增加 等 问题 , 本 文 以青 岛海 湾 大桥大 沽河 桥段 为 例 , 运用 振型叠加法 对桥梁有 限元模型进行 时程分析 , 研 究在 地震 作用下 车桥 系统 的动 力 响应 , 同时分 析 了不 同车 辆荷载 因素对地震作用 下车桥 系统的影 响 , 该 研究对保 障其地震下 的安全性有一定 的意义 。
文 童 编 号 :l O O 6—9 7 9 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) O l一0 0 6 9 —0 4 ;D OI :1 0 . 1 3 3 0 6 1 . 1 0 0 6—9 7 9 8 . 2 0 1 4 . 0 1 . 0 1 5
青岛海湾 大桥 地震作用下的车桥动力响应 研究
张 媛 ,阮东 华 ,范 蓓 蓓
关键 词 :时程分 析 ; 地 震作 用 ;车桥 系统 ;动力 响应 中图分 类号 : U4 4 1 ’ _ . 3 ; T B 3 0 1 . 2 文 献标 识码 : A
跚 ∞ 加 ∞
我 国车桥 耦合 问题 的研究开始 于铁路桥 梁 , 目前对铁路 悬索桥桥 梁的车桥耦合 研究 已经 比较 成熟[ 】 ] 。相 对 而言 , 公路 桥梁起步较 晚 , 其车致振 动问题 的研 究要滞后 很多l 3 ] 。由于公路 桥梁 比较轻盈 , 加之公 路结 构多 样化、 汽车运 输高速化 和重载化 , 使 一些 大跨径 公路 桥梁 出现 不 同程度 的病 害 , 究 其原 因是 车致 振动 引起 的疲 劳开 裂 , 导致 刚度下 降而下 挠增加l _ 5 ] 。近年 来 , 由于 地震频发 , 使公 路桥梁在 地震作用 下 的安 全 问题 引起 了研
图 2所 示 E 7 - 8 ] 。
单 位 :c m
图 1 桥 梁 总体 尺 寸 图
收稿 日期 :2 0 1 3—1 0 —2 2
基 金 项 目 :青 岛 市 科 技 项 目资 助 ( K J Z D 一1 2 —6 4一 j c h ) 作 者 简 介 :张 嫒 ( 1 9 8 O一 ) , 女, 博 士, 副教 授 , 主 要 从 事 桥 梁 结 构 振 动 方 向 的 研 究 。E ma i l : v n h 1 9 8 o @1 6 3 . c o m
显, 且 位移 相对 较大 。考 虑地震 波 后 的加速 度 时程 曲线 比未考 虑地震 波 时 的波 动性 大 , 且
加 速度 明显 增加 , 可 见地 震波 对车 桥 系统 的动力 响应 影 响很大 , 考 虑地震 波 时的时 程 曲线 波 动性 较不 考虑 地震 波时 明显 ; 考 虑地震 波 的 作用 后 , 随着 速 度 的增 加 , 桥梁 的动 挠 度 明 显 减小 , 这是 因为车 辆速 度较小 时 , 车辆 在桥 梁 上 的作 用 时间 变 长 , 同 时车 辆 与地 震 共 同 作 用 的时 间变长 , 在地 震 波 的持 续影 响下 , 桥 梁 的动挠 度增 加 ; 随着 车辆数 目的增 加 , 桥梁 的动力 响应 随之 增大 。该 研究对 青 岛海 湾大 桥 的抗震 设计 有重 要 的理论 意义 。