Module 2 Handout 打印200份.docx
An Introduction to Stress and Meter:Consider the sound of the underlined word in each passage. Speak the underlined word aloud: Darth Vader decided to crush the rebel soldier.Luke Skywalker will rebel against his father's wishes.Hear the difference between the way rebel sounds in the first and second sentences? It is spelled the same. So what made the difference in sound?That difference is a change in stress. As we speak English, we stress some syllables and leave other syllables "unstressed." Technically, from a linguistic standpoint, every syllable has at least some stress to it, or we wouldn't be able to hear it. It would be more accurate to say "long" and "short" stress, but even that is not completely accurate either, since some words may have degrees of intermediary (in-the-middle) stress. Regardless of this fact, it is common practice to refer to syllables with greater stress as "long," "strong," "heavy" or "stressed," and to refer to syllables with lesser stress as "short" or "light" or "unstressed."In the first example, the pattern in the word rebel is "stressed," then "unstressed."DARTH VAder deCIDed to CRUSH the REBel SOLDier.In the second example, the pattern in the word rebel is "unstressed, stressed."LUKE SKYWALKer WILL reBEL aGAINST his FATHer's WISHes.To indicate the changes in meter, scholars put a diagonal line ( ´ ) or a macron ( - ) over stressed syllables. A small curving loop ( ˘ ) or a small x ( x ) goes over the unstressed syllables.// u u/uu / u/u/ uDarth Vader decided to crush the rebel soldier./ / / u/ u/ u/ u/ u/ uLuke Skywalker will rebel against his father's wishes.Rhyme is only part of poetry. The main component of poetry is its meter (the regular pattern of strong and weak stress). When a poem has a recognizable but varying pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables, the poetry is written in verse. The sentences above don't have an established repetitive pattern. They are just spoken words. There are many possible patterns of verse, and the basic pattern of each unit is called a foot. Before we move onto feet, let's see if we can identify stressed and unstressed syllables.Exercise: Identifying Patterns of StressIdentify the Stress in the Following Words and Phrases:(1) Bill Clinton(2) Monica Lewinsky(3) How now brown cow?(4) Arnold Schwarzenegger(5) Oops! I did it again! I played with your heart.(6) Wild thing! You make my heart sing! You make everything . . .groovy.(7) I went to a party at the county jail. . . .(8) Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary(9) I shall wear white flannel trousers and walk along the beachI have heard the mermaids singing each to each,I do not think they shall sing to me.(10)Were there but world enough, and time, this coyness lady, wereno crime . . .(11) Supercallifragilisticexpealadocious!(12) Perpendicular(13) Magda is so very mean. She's an Australopithicene.Types of Metrical Feet1. Iambic (the noun is iamb or iambus): a lightly stressed syllable followed by a heavilystressed syllable u/u/ u/ u/ u/ u/The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,u/ u/ u/ u/ u/The lowing herds wind slowly o'er the lea.--Thomas Gray, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"2.Anapestic (the noun is anapest): two light syllables followed by a stressedsyllable u u /u u/ u u / u u / u u /The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the foldu u / u u / u u / u u /And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold.--Lord Byron, "The Destruction of Sennacherib"3. Trochaic (the noun is trochee): a stressed followed by a light syllable/ u/ u / u /u / u / u"There they are, my fifty men and women."--Robert Browning, "One Word More"4.Dactylic(the noun is dactyl): a stressed syllable followed by two light syllablessyllables: / u u/ u u / u u"Éve, with her basket, was/ u u / u uDeep in the bells and grass."--Ralph Hodgson, "Eve"Verbs and nouns are often stressed; prepositions and articles are often unstressed. Exceptions frequently occur, however. Sometimes, a word that would be stressed or unstressed in normal, everyday speech becomes the opposite in poetry in order to match the surrounding pattern of words. For instance, in the iambic example, the verb wind might be unstressed even though verbs are usually stressed. Likewise, in the dactylic example, the verb was and the noun grass are unstressed. Sometimes Shakespeare cheats by pronouncing -ed as a separate syllable: banishéd.If you have trouble remembering which type of foot is called what, memorize the following poem, "Metrical Feet." This little ditty by Samuel Coleridge is a mnemonic that illustrates each type of foot and identifies it by name.Metrical Feetby Samuel ColeridgeTrochee trips from long to shortFrom long to long in solemn sortSlow spondee stalks; strong foot yet ill ableEver to run with the dactyl trisyllable.Iambics march from short to long.With a leap and a bound the swift anapests throng.When we analyze the meter, we can see the mnemonic. Each section that talks about a specific type of metrical foot actually uses that foot./ u / u / u /Trochee trips from long to shortu / u / u / u /From long to long in solemn sort/ / / / / / / / / uSlow spondee stalks; strong foot yet ill able/ u u / u u / u u / u uEver to run with the dactyl trisyllable.u/ u/ u/ u/Iambics march from short to long.u u / u u / u u /u u /With a leap and a bound the swift anapests throng.Iambs and anapests, since the strong stress is at the end, are called "rising meter"; trochees and dactyls, with the strong stress at the beginning, are called "falling meter." Additionally, if a line ends in a standard iamb, with a final stressed syllable, it is said to have a masculine ending. If an extra lightly stressed syllable is added to a line, it is said to be feminine. To hear the difference, read the following examples out loud and listen to the final stress:Masculine Ending:u/'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,u/Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.Feminine Ending:u/ u 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the housing,u/ uNot a creature was stirring, not even a mousing.We name metric lines according to the number of "feet" in them. If a line has four feet, it is tetrameter. If a line has five feet, it is pentameter. If it has six feet, it is hexameter, and so on.Different languages tend to require different meter. English verse tends to be pentameter, French verse tetrameter, and Greek verse hexameter. When scanning a line, we might, for instance, describe the line as "iambic pentameter" (having five feet, with each foot tending to be a light syllable followed by heavy syllable). Or it might be "trochaic hexameter" (having six feet, with each foot tending to be a heavy syllable followed by a light syllable).Iambic pentameter that doesn't rhyme is called "blank verse." The Earl of Surrey, a Renaissance writer who lived just before Shakespeare, introduced blank verse into English. It has been popular ever since because it maintains strong meter, but the lack of rhyme makes it more flexible than rhymed verse, and it also doesn't seem so artificial when used in plays like those of Shakespeare.Often, poetic verse varies. For instance, iambic pentameter normally would have ten syllables in each line. There would be ten syllables contained within five feet. Each foot contains one unstressed syllables and one stressed syllables, for a total of ten (2 x 5) syllables. A boring but "perfect" example of iambic pentameter would look like this:With hot intent the flames will soon expire.foot #1: iamb foot #2: iamb foot #3: iamb foot #4: iamb foot #5: iamb short LONG short LONG short LONG short LONG short LONG syl. #1 syl. #2 syl. #3 syl. #4 syl. #5 syl. #6 syl. #7 syl. #8 syl. #9 syl. #10u/ u/ u/ u/ u/With hot intent, the flames will soon expireReading continuous, perfect meter can become sing-songy and irritating, like hearing nursery rhymes over and over. But the rules of poetry are more flexible than that. To prevent this monotony, poets allow metrical substitution of one foot for another. For instance, a spondee (LONG LONG), or a trochee (LONG short) may be used in the place of an iamb (short LONG) in one or more feet of iambic pentameter, as long as the total syllable count and feet remain the same.foot #1: spondee foot #2: spondee foot #3: trochee foot #4: iamb foot #5: iamb LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG short short LONG short LONG syl. #1 syl. #2 syl. #3 syl. #4 syl. #5 syl. #6 syl. #7 syl. #8 syl. #9 syl. #10 / / / / / u u / u/Now, cold dead weight settles on ash and bone.When you notice this sort of substitution, it hints that there's something special about that line. Perhaps the reader should speak those parts with special intonation, emphasis, speed, or slowness. Maybe that substitution marks an important symbol. For whatever reason, the poet went to the trouble of altering the pattern of iambic pattern. Why? Part of closely reading poetry is noticing changes in feet and meter, and thinking about what that change means. One of the most common places for metrical substitution is the final foot. Poets frequently tinker with that foot in order to create either masculine or feminine verse. At other times, poets may insert spondees in perfectly good iambic pentameter, just to "slow down" the verse. Dactyls can be inserted to create a light, tripping meter in other spots of a poem.Elision, Synaeresis, Syncope, and Acephalous LinesSuppose you are reading iambic pentameter poetry. To your horror, you find that some lines seem to have nine syllables. Others seem to have eleven or more! Is that a sign of bad poetry? Not at all! In order to keep the syllable count even, traditional poets are allowed to "cheat" in several ways.(1)The first way is elision. When one word ends a vowel, and the following word starts with a vowel, one of the two vowels can elide. Basically, the two vowels blur together to become one syllable. For instance, John Milton in Paradise Lost writes:/ u/ u /u /Ón a sudden open fly/ u/u/ u/ u /u /With impetuous recoil and jarring soundu / u / u / u / u /Th'infernal doors, and on their hinges grate/ / uHarsh thunder.To make sure each line has ten syllables, Milton squeezes the and infernal together. Milton is kind; he indicates that elision with the apostrophe and missing letter, but most poets do not indicate elision so directly. They simply write out both words and presume perceptive readers will count syllables, notice the elision, and pronounce the words accordingly.(2) The second way of cheating is a type of elision called synaeresis. When two vowels occur side-by-side, the poet often has the option of reading them as either one or two syllables. For instance, the word tedious can be pronounced two ways and is still recognizable. The most common pronunciation of tedious, if we speak carefully, takes three syllables: (TEE-dee-us). But when speaking quickly, we often pronounce the word as two syllables: (TEE-dyus). Dryden uses such synaeresis to count tedious as a two-syllable word in his poetry:/ u u / u / u / u /Titles and Names 'twere tedious to Reherse.(3) The third way of cheating is syncope. Syncope occurs when a vowel flanked by two consonants is not pronounced. The vowel drops away as in the line below from the same poem:u / u / u / / / u /Him Staggering so when Hell's dire Agent found.Here, staggering becomes a disyllable. Instead of the usual trisyllable (STAG-ger-ing) it becomes (STAG-ring); we could also theoretically read it--rather awkwardly--as a spondee (STAG-RING) if we wanted to.Note that in poetic traditions such as that of Chaucer, and some Renaissance writers, it is perfectly permissible to have any number of extra unstressed syllables. Only the stressed syllables "count" toward creating a foot. By definition, a foot must contain at least one stressed syllable. One or two extra syllables tacked on here and there were acceptable, as long as they were unstressed--especially before the first foot. (In musical lyrics, these extra-syllables are called "pick-up words.")(4) What about iambic pentameter that seems to have only nine syllables? That is an example of the acephalous line. Acephalous (from the Greek word for "headless") means a metrical line whose first syllable, according to strict meter, is lacking. Remember that bit above? About how a foot, by definition, must have at least one stressed syllable? In an acephalous line, the first foot has only one stressed syllable. That one stress counts as a foot by itself, and we treat it just like any other foot.PRACTICE: SCANSION PASSAGE:Try scanning this bit of poetry on your own.Thy beauty shall no more be found,Nor, in thy marble Vault, shall soundMy echoing song: then Worms shall tryThat long preserv'd Virginity:And your quaint Honour turn to dust;And into ashes all my Lust.The Grave's a fine and private place,But none I think do there embrace.BLANK VERSE: IAMBIC PENTAMETER WITH SUBSTITIONSNow, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hourDraws on apace. Four happy days bring inAnother moon; but, O, methinks, how slowThis old moon wanes! She lingers my desires,Like to a stepdame, or a dowager. . . .#1 #2 #3 #4 #5u / u / u/ u / u /Now, fair / Hippo / lyta, / our nup/ t(ia)l hour (11 possible syllables, 10 with synaeresis)(It's also possible to read foot #1 and foot #4 asspondaic substitutions, and not iambs.)#1 #2 #3 #4 #5/ / u/ / / u / / /Draws on / apace. / Four hap / py days / bring in (10 syllables, no possible elision orsyncopation. Foot #1 must be trochaic ORspondaic substitution.)#1 #2 #3 #4 #5u / u / u / u / u /Anoth /er moon; / but, Ó, / methinks, / how slow (10 syllables, no possible elision orsyncopation)/ / / / / / u / u/#1 #2 #3 #4 #5This old / moon wanes! / She lin / gers my /desires (10 syllables, Foot #1 could be a trochee orspondee. I have chosen spondaic meterbecause it matches the idea of how "slow"the moon is. For the same reason, #3 is aspondee as well.)/ u u / / u u / u/#1 #2 #3 #4 #5Líke to / a step/ dame, or / a dow/ ager. . . . (10 syllables. It is possible to elide "to" and "a,"or syncopate dowager, but it'sunnecessary and it would sound weird.)。
Chapter 4 Part II handout
Chapter 4 Part II Handout备注:这是一份上课用讲义,请同学们打印后于本周上课时带上。
II. ExamplesPart I Animals Feel the Heat, Flee Their HabitatsExercise 1: Listen to the news report and get the main idea.What is the main theme of this news?A. People have been sweating out high temperature this summer.B. Animals flee their habitat because of the heat.C. The snake wrangler is not rattled by the drought.D. People take protective measures to keep snakes out.Exercise 2: listen to the news report again and fill the blanks with the exact words or phrases.Katie Couric:they have been sweating out in record heat this summer. But they’re not the only ones. From rattlesnakes to bears, 1_______,great and small, are fleeing theirnatural habitats while the mercury 2____. And, as Sandra Hughes reports, they’returning up in some pretty unlikely places.Bo Slyapich:this is what I find in people’s yards.Sandra Hughes: rattlesnakes----everywhere. More than Bo Slyapich has seen inhis 20-year career as a snake wrangler. The 3 ________ and extreme heat havecombined to drive the thirsty and venomous creatures to close for comfort---backdecks, play equipment –anywhere they can find shade. What are they lookingfor?Bo Slyapich: food. Just like you go to the supermarket to go shopping, they come to our homes to go shopping.Tom Mahan(homeowner): Not too far from those steps 4______, there was a four-foot rattlesnake.Sandra Hughes:homeowner Tom Mahan has found rattlesnake sipping from his pool. Now he’s taken 5__________.Tom Mahan: half-inch grid galvanized fencing around the three-acre perimeter here, which keeps99 percent of any types of snakes out.Sandra Hughes: deer and coyotes are coming down from the hills, too. This disoriented bear climbed up a utility pole in triple-digit heat.Paul Edelman: (the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy) it is uncharted 6____________. It’s the equivalent of the stories you see with the big droughts in the AfricanSerengetti plains where the animals drop three feet, you know, three feet beforethey get the water hole.Sandra Hughes: in Utah, officials say the drought may have played a role in turning this black bear into a killer. It had to be euthanized after breaking into a family’s tent and7__________ a little boy. Wildlife sightings used to be reserved for trips to theZoo. But experts 8_____________ global warming will bring more extremedroughts, putting more animals in danger. High in the mountains the smallestmember of the rabbit family is disappearing. The pika dies when overheated. Dr. Terry Root (Standford University): 9 _________ that are on the tops of mountains, they don’thave any places else to go. So, where are they gonna go? They’re gonna goextinct.Sandra Hughes: 10______ the only one not rattled by the snake wrangler.Bo Slyapich: Ok. Give me a call back in so we can take care of ya.Sandra Hughes: Sandra Hughes. CBS News, west village, California.Part II Part B Grizzly Population Increasing at YellowstoneExercise: Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to the following questions.1. How many grizzlies were there on the land 200 years ago?A. 500B. 5,000C. 15,000D. 50,0002. Grizzlies have been protected as endangered species since _____.A.1957B.1975C.1970D.19653. How many grizzlies are there currently in and around Yellowstone?A. about 200B. about 1,500C. more than 500D. more than 1,0004. According to Pat Flowers, all the following states will offer hunting permits for grizzlies except____.A. WyomingB. MontanaC. OhioD. Idaho5. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the report?A. There're 3 states surrounding Yellowstone that will take over management of the bearsinside the park.B. An increasing number of people risk settling in the remote mountainous area, so encounterswith the bears occur more often.C. Though the law has prohibit ed people from hunting grizzlies for 30 years, some statesallow bear hunting nowadays to control their population.D. Whatever happens outside the national park, grizzles inside Yellowstone will not beaffected by any changes in policies.Part III Age Bank in ChinaExercise 1: Listen to the news report and get the main idea.What is the main theme of this news?A. The problems concerning old people in ChinaB. The hours the old people can make a deposit in Bank of ChinaC. The new way of caring for the elderly citizens in ChinaD. The public attitude toward the traditional family in ChinaExercise 2 Listen to the news report again and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases.Bob Schieffer: Reporting this week, on how American families are dealing with the needs of 1.__________ as our population ages. Well, tonight, we wanna show you whatthey're doing in China. A community there is come up with 2. __________ forhelping the elderly. Barry Petersen concludes 3. __________ "Caring for Mom &Dad".Barry Petersen: 88-year-old Song Rongxiu is very well taken care of. She lives with her daughter, her grandson and his family in Beijing. That's the way the elderly have 4.__________ been cared for in China. But modem times have created a lot of 5.__________for China's young people —often far from home, and that meansleaving the elderly behind. So here in the city of Chongqing, they had an idea:making a rather unique promise to get people to help their elderly neighbors. Theidea is 6. __________itself. Call it the "Age Bank." People rack up hours, notingthem in a log book. They give their time caring for senior citizens — hours theycan 7. __________in their golden years as the next generation takes care of them.This community leader came up with the idea. "There were a lot of retirees inthis neighborhood," he told us. "They weren't very busy and the very elderlyneeded help." It can be anything from running a quick errand to just stopping infor a daily chat. Wang Dingru is 92 years old.Barry Petersen: What do the helpers do to help you through the day? "They treat me like I'm their mother." She says, "cooking meals, buying groceries." 8. __________Mrs.Zhai, does this work with an eye on her future. "I've been 9.__________ time inthe bank," she says, "so one day people will help me." Like other countries,China has an aging population that is growing fast. To these elderly, the agebank has made volunteers feel like family, and kept Mrs. Wang so spry she canteach me the China two-step — and so happy because even10) ___________,thanks to the "age bank" she has the next best thing: people 10. __________.Barry Petersen, CBS News, Chongqing, China.。
外研版六英语Module 2《Unit 1 When are we going to eat?》教案
外研版六年级下册英语Module 2《Unit 1 When are we going to eat?》教案一、教材分析:本教材是外研版六年级下册 Module 2《Unit 1 When are we going to eat?》,主要包括两个对话:活动一和活动二。
通过这两个对话,学生将学习如何运用一般将来时态表达将来的活动,并学会用句型"When are we going to...?" 来询问时间并进行回答。
二、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:能够听、说、读并理解活动一和活动二的对话。
能够运用 "be going to + 动词原形" 来表达一般将来时态。
能够用句型 "When are we going to...?" 来询问时间并进行回答。
2. 思维能力目标:能够对语篇信息进行分析。
3. 学习能力目标:能够通过教学活动调动学生的积极性,在教师创设的情境中大胆尝试用英语进行交流。
4. 文化意识目标:能够体会大自然的美丽,培养正确对待动物的看法。
五、教学过程:Step 1: Lead-inShow pictures of different activities such as eating, playing, and reading on the board or using a multimedia tool. Ask students to name the activities they see. Encourage them to use complete sentences, such as "I see someone eating."Elicit the question "What are you going to do?" and explain that we can use this question to ask about future plans. Write the question on the board.Teacher: What activities do you see in the pictures? Let's describe them using complete sentences. For example, "I see someone eating."Student 1: I see children playing soccer.Student 2: I see a girl reading a book....Step 2: PresentationPresent the dialogue for Activity 1 on the board or using a multimedia tool. Read the dialogue aloud and ask students to listen and follow along.Play the audio recording of the dialogue and ask students to listen and repeat after the audio.Explain any new vocabulary or expressions in the dialogue, and write them on the board.Divide the class into pairs and ask them to practice the dialogue together, taking turns playing the roles of the characters.Teacher: Now, let's listen to a conversation between Amy and Mike. Pay attention and follow along in your books.[Read the dialogue aloud]Teacher: Great! Now, let's listen to the audio and repeat after it.[Play the audio recording]Teacher: In the dialogue, Amy and Mike are talking about their plans. Can you tell me what they want to do? What did Amy invite Mike to do?Student 1: Amy invited Mike to eat ice cream.Teacher: That's right! Amy invited Mike to eat ice cream. What did Mike say?Student 2: Mike said he was going to play soccer....Step 3: PracticeIntroduce the dialogue for Activity 2. Read the dialogue aloud and ask students to listen and follow along.Play the audio recording of the dialogue and ask students to listen and repeat after it.Ask comprehension questions about the dialogue to ensure students understand the content.Model and practice the question "When are we going to...?" and appropriate answers using the dialogue as examples.Divide the class into pairs or small groups and ask them to role-play the dialogue, taking turns asking and answering questions about the activities.Teacher: Now, let's move on to Activity 2. Listen to aconversation between Lucy and Ben. Pay attention to their plans and the time they mention.[Read the dialogue aloud]Teacher: Let's listen to the audio and repeat after it.[Play the audio recording]Teacher: Good job! Now, let's check your understanding. When is Lucy going to visit her grandparents?Student 1: Lucy is going to visit her grandparents on Saturday.Teacher: Excellent! Now, using the dialogue as an example, let's practice asking and answering questions using "When are we going to...?"Student 2: When are we going to play video games?Teacher: We are going to play video games on Sunday afternoon....Step 4: Grammar ExplanationIntroduce the concept of "be going to + verb" to express future actions.Write examples on the board and explain the structure and usage of the future tense.Provide additional examples and encourage students tocreate their own sentences using the future tense.Teacher: Now, let's focus on the grammar. We use "be going to + verb" to talk about future actions. The form is "am/is/are + going to + base verb." For example, "I am going to eat ice cream."[Write the example on the board]Teacher: Can you give me more examples using "be going to + verb"?Student 1: She is going to read a book.Student 2: We are going to play soccer....Step 5: Guided PracticeGive students a worksheet or handout with sentences in the present tense. Ask them to rewrite the sentences using the future tense.Circulate around the class, providing assistance and feedback as needed.Teacher: Now, let's practice using the future tense. I will give you a worksheet with sentences in the present tense. Your task is to rewrite the sentences using the future tense. For example, "I eat breakfast" should be rewritten as "I am going to eat breakfast."[Give out the worksheets]Teacher: Work individually and let me know if you have any questions.Step 6: Independent PracticeDistribute worksheets or handouts with a set of questions asking about future plans.Instruct students to write their answers using the future tense.Collect the worksheets and provide feedback on their use of the future tense.Teacher: Now, I will give you a worksheet with questions about future plans. Your task is to answer the questions using the future tense. For example, "When are you going to visit your grandparents?"[Hand out the worksheets]Teacher: Take your time to complete the worksheet. When you're done, please pass them to me, and I will provide feedback on your use of the future tense.Step 7: ClosureReview the key points of the lesson, including the use of "be going to + verb" and the question "When are we going to...?"Summarize the main learning objectives and ask students ifthey feel more confident using the future tense.Teacher: Before we finish, let's quickly review what we've learned today. Can someone tell me when we use "be going to + verb"?Student 1: We use "be going to + verb" to talk about future actions or plans.Teacher: Exactly! And how do we form the future tense using "be going to"?Student 2: We use "am/is/are + going to + base verb" to form the future tense.Teacher: Great job, everyone! Today, we practiced asking and answering questions about future plans using "When are we going to...?" I hope you feel more confident using the future tense now. Keep up the good work!六、板书设计:Module 2: Unit 1 When are we going to eat?Key Vocabulary:eatplayreadGrammar:be going to + verbQuestion:When are we going to...?七、教学反思:本节课通过引入不同的活动图片,激发了学生对于未来计划的兴趣。
中职英语拓展模块Unit 2(谷风教育)
A. make a phone call to the shop C. become a member of a website
B. open an account in a bank D. change his name
4 Mark can pay ___________ when he shops online.
4. Read and complete.
A. Have you got used to living here? C. That’s so nice of you. E. I would like to invite you
B. What is your favorite Chinese food? D. What about the food here?
W: No, but I have heard about it since I was a little girl.
M: If you are free, _______________ to a dinner this weekend.
W: Great! _______________
M: You’re welcome.
B. on the Internet D. in a supermarket
32 Amy thinks online shopping is ___________ .
A. convenient C. not safe
B. strange D. expensive
43 If Mark wants to shop online,he should ___________ .
6. Read and match.
外研版八年级英语上Module 4 Unit 2 What is the best way to t
外研版八年级英语上Module 4 Unit 2 What is the best way to travel 教学设计(表格式)教学设计课文标题:Module 4 Planes, ships and trains单元名称:Unit 2 What is the best way to travel教材版本:外语教学与研究出版社授课年级:八年级整体设计思路以“给外教Andy设计国庆长假从广州到三亚旅游的最佳出行方式”为话题主线,使学生懂得并运用形容词的最高级。
四、教学目标语言能力:1) 听:能够听懂、理解含有形容词最高级的句子和篇章;2) 说:能够说出形容词的最高级,熟练使用句型Going by… is ….(含形容词最高级);能够理解和运用however表达转折;3) 读:能够读懂文章表达的含义,理解并通过句子和短文篇章分析各种交通工具的利弊;能够通过阅读理解多种出行方式的特点、优劣、适用情况;4) 看:能够通过观看视频,理解求助人需求;能够读懂含有各种出行方式信息的数据表格;5) 写:能够理以短句或文段的形式表达自己对出行方式选择的意见。
思维品质:1) 能够从文章中提炼所需数据,结合一系列的图表进行数据分析,精确有效地利用已有信息解决问题;2) 能够通过对比各种交通方式利弊、分析个人需求与出行方式选择关系、归纳和提炼适合不同需求的人最佳出行方式,从而训练学生思维的灵活性与适应性;3) 能够解决外教关于选择出行方式的问题。
2. Linguistic theory and corpus linguistics2.1 Background-- Back in the 1960s the efforts by Francis and Kučera to create a machine-readable corpus of English were not warmly accepted by many members of the linguistic community.-- The creation of the Brown Corpus was regarded as “a useless and foolhardy enterprise” because “the only legitimate source of grammatical knowledge” about a language was the intuition of the native speaker, and this intuition could not be obtained from a corpus.-- The difference that has characterized the relationship between the corpus linguist and the generative grammarian rests on a false assumption: that all corpus linguists are descriptivists, and that all generative grammarians are theoreticians unconcerned with the data on which their theories are based.The three types of adequacy that Chomsky claims linguistic descriptions can meet:observational adequacydescriptive adequacyexplanatory adequacyWhile the generative grammarian strives for explanatory adequacy (the highest level of adequacy, according to Chomsky), the corpus linguist aims for descriptive adequacy (a lower level of adequacy), and what‟s more, generative grammarians do not think that corpora can provide enough evidence to achieve explanatory adequacy of linguistic descriptions.2.2 Linguistic theory and descriptionIf a theory or description achieves observational adequacy, it is able to describe which sentences in a language are grammatically well formed.To achieve descriptive adequacy(a higher level of adequacy), the description or theory must not only describe whether individual sentences are well formed but also specify the abstract grammatical properties which make the sentences well formed.The highest level of adequacy is explanatory adequacy. This adequacy is achieved when the description or theory not only reaches descriptive adequacy but does so using abstract principles which can be applied beyond the language being considered and become a part of “Universal Grammar.” At this level o f adequacy, one would describe that English is not a language which can omit subject pronouns because, unlike Spanish, Italian or Japanese, English is not a language which permits “pro-drop”.In the Minimalist Program, a distinction is made between those elements of a language that are part of the “core” and those that are part of the “periphery.”This idealized view of language is taken because the goal of the minimalist program is “a theory of the initial state.”Unlike generative grammarians, corpus linguists see complexity and variation as inherent in language, and in their discussions of language, they place a very high priority on descriptive adequacy, not explanatory adequacy.Corpus linguists are very skeptical of the highly abstract and decontextualized discussions of language which are promoted by generative grammarians, largely because such discussions are too far removed from actual language usage.Chafe sums up the disillusionment that corpus linguists have with purely formalist approaches to language study. He noted that they “exclude observations rather than ... embrace ever more of them” and that they rely too heavily on “notational devices designed to account for only those aspects of reality that fall within their purview, ignoring the remaining richness which also cries out for understanding.” The corpus linguist embraces complexity; the generative grammarian pushes it aside, seeking an ever more restrictive view of language.2.3 Corpus linguistics: a methodology or a theory?Corpus linguistics is generally considered to be a methodology rather than an independent branch of linguistics. But this view is not shared by all scholars within the circle of corpus linguistics.Halliday points out in one of the papers he wrote in 1993 (Quantitative Studies and Probabilities in Grammar) that corpus linguistics re-unites the activities of data gathering and theorising and argues that this is leading to a qualitative change in our understanding of language.Tognini-Bonelli (the widow of John Sinclair) argues in her book Corpus Linguistics at Work (2001) that corpus linguistics “goes well beyond this purely methodological role” and “has, therefore, a theoretical status ….”One of the reasons for giving corpus linguistics a status of an independent discipline is that what it studies cannot be classified according to traditional concepts of linguistics or grammar.Michael Hoey published a book entitled Lexical Priming: A new theory of words and language in 2005. In the Introduction to the first chapter he wrote: “In this book I want to argue for a new theory of the lexicon, which amounts to a new theory of language. The theory reverses the roles of lexis and grammar, arguing that lexis is complexly and systematically structured and that grammar is an outcome of this lexical structure. It is quite clear from what he said that he is trying to justify the theoretical status of corpus linguistics.Sinclair developed the concept of extended unit of meaning. The idea of extended unit of meaning is different from the one in traditional linguistics. According to Sinclair, a unit of meaning is one that has its unique meaning which other units of meaning do not possess. For example, Sinclair (1998) uses the collocation naked eye to show his concept of extended units of meaning.-- In this course, for the convenience of description, less rigid, indeed less limiting, position is taken. Corpus linguistics is considered as a methodology with a wide range of applications across many areas and theories of linguistics.If you are interested in the argument that corpus linguistics is a theory not just a methodology, you can read the following reference books, especially the one edited by Viana et. al. (2011).Halliday, M., W. Teubert, C. Yallop and A. Cermakova. 2005. Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics. London: Continuum.Hoey, Micheal. 2005. Lexical Priming: A New Theory of Words and Language. London: Routledge.Teubert, Wolfgang. 2005. “My version of corpus linguistics”. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. Vol. 10/1. John Benjamins Publishing Company.Tognini-Bonelli, Elena. 2001. Corpus Linguistics at Work. Amsterdam: Benjamins.Viana V., Sonia Zyngier and Geoff Barnbrook (ed.) 2011. Perspectives on Corpus Linguistics. Philadelphia: John Benjamins B.V.李文中, 2010. 语料库语言学的研究视野.《解放军外国语学院学报》第2期.濮建忠, 2010. 语料库与语言一元化研究.《解放军外国语学院学报》第2期.卫乃兴, 2009. 语料库语言学的方法论及相关理念.《外语研究》第5期.许家金, 2003. 语料库语言学的理论解析.《外语教学》第6期.张瑞华, 2009. 访英国伯明翰大学语料库语言学家WOLFGANG TEUBERT教授.《外国语》第2期.2.4 Corpus linguistics: corpus-based or corpus-driven?2.4.1 A corpus-based approachA corpus-based approach uses a corpus or corpora as a source of examples to check researcher intuition or to examine the frequency and/or plausibility of the language contained within a smaller data set. The researches adopting corpus-based approach do not question the pre-existing traditional descriptive units and categories, for example: passive voice, progressive aspect, nominalization, relative clauses, etc.One of the typical applied linguistics studies using a corpus-based approach is the study of the use of adverbial connectors in advanced Swedish learners‟ written English by Altenberg and Tapper (1998). The study takes Quirk et al.‟s (1985) description of the conjuncts (i.e. adverbial connectors) in English as the standard and compares it with the uses of these adverbial connectors by the Swedish learners of English with the data taken from both a comparable corpus composed of a native English speaker sub-corpus and a Swedish learners‟ sub-corpus.To summarize, the essential characteristics of corpus-based analyses are as follows:1. It is empirical, analyzing the actual patterns of use in natural texts; (An empirical approach is an approach to acquiring knowledge that emphasizes direct observation and experimentation as a way of answering questions.)2. It utilizes a large and principled collection of natural texts, known as a …corpus,‟ as the basis for analysis;3. It makes extensive use of computers for analysis, using both automatic and interactive techniques;4. It depends on both quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques.5. It bases the analyses on the existing grammatical theories.2.4.2 A corpus-driven approachA corpus-driven approach is different from a corpus-based one in that in a corpus-driven approach, the “descriptions aim to be comprehensive with respect to corpus evidence”, so that even the …linguistic categories‟ are derived “systematically from the recurrent patterns and the frequency distributions that emerge from language in context” (Tognini-Bonelli 2001: 87).In its most basic form, corpus-driven analysis assumes only the existence of words. Co-occurrence patterns among words, discovered from the corpus analysis, are the basis for subsequent linguistic descriptions.In fact, even inflected variants of the same lemma are treated separately, e.g. the inflected variants of the same lemma TAKE take, took, taken, takes, taking. This is because corpus linguists who believe in corpus-driven approach claim that each word form has its own grammar and its own meanings.The corpus-driven research is more inductive than a corpus-based one, so that the linguistic constructs themselves emerge from analysis of a corpus.In its most basic form, corpus-driven analysis assumes only the existence of words. Co-occurrence patterns among words, which are discovered from the corpus analysis, are the basis for subsequent linguistic descriptions. Therefore, grammatical classes and syntactic structures have no a priori status in the analysis.In fact, even inflected variants of the same lemma are treated separately, e.g. the inflected variants of the same lemma TAKE take, took, taken. This is because corpus linguists who believe in corpus-driven approach claim that each word form has its own grammar and its own meanings.A very good example of a corpus-driven study is Biber‟s “A corpus-driven approach to formulaic language in English”.First, the full set of multi-word sequences that occur most frequently in the corpus is identified. In this study, only the 4-word sequences are retrieved. Then, each of those multiword sequences is investigated to describe its variable properties: the extent to which each slot in the sequence is fixed or variable.Biber finds that the multi-word patterns typical of speech are fundamentally different from those typical of academic writing: patterns in conversation tend to be fixed sequences (including both function words and contents words). For example:In contrast, most patterns in academic writing are formulaic frames consisting of invariable function words with an intervening variable slot that is filled by contents words.====================================Besides the first four characteristics of corpus-based approach mentioned above, a radical corpus-driven approach is considered to have following three general characteristics:1. It would be based on analysis of the actual word forms that occur in the corpus (not lemmas)2. It would consider only sequences of words, regardless of the pre-definedgrammatical categories3. It would use frequency information derived from the corpus as the primary evidence to be considered in the analysis.However, in actual practice, corpus-driven studies often incorporate some corpus-based methods, and thus they might be best considered as hybrids.Finally, it is worth mentioning again that both corpus-based and corpus-driven analyses must go beyond simple counts of linguistic features. It is essential to include qualitative, functional interpretations of quantitative patterns. The patterns found in quantitative analyses should be given further explanation, exemplification, and interpretation in a qualitative way.。
FN2 Exam handout1
FN2 - ADVANCED CORPORATE FINANCEEXAM REVIEWHANDOUT IEXAM REVIEWHANDOUT I – MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS1. Modules 1 and 2 Questions1. Which of the following is consistent with semi-strong form market efficiency?(a) Gold Corp. announces strong earnings results in its first quarter, Joe buys the stock and is able to make a profit by selling it a week later, when the stock price reflects the positive earnings impact.(b) After SPX Corp. announced a 2 for 1 split on August 28, Diane bought the stock and sold it on October 2 at a 100% profit(c) Casey followed the investment advice he was given by his brokerage house in its newsletter and was consistently able to make a 25% return for the past five years.(d) Jake found that the rate of return he could make by investing $20,000 in a market portfolio was no different from the rate of return he could make by investing in a set of stocks specifically recommended by financial analysts.2. Which of the following is true about the NPV and IRR techniques?(a) The NPV and IRR techniques always provide the same ranking of different investment projects.(b) The NPV and IRR techniques explicitly consider the cost of capital and the time value of money.(c) All projects can have only one value for NPV and one value for IRR.(d) The NPV technique cannot provide information on how acquiring the project will contribute to shareholders’ wealth.3. Which of the following is false about the other capital budgeting decision making criteria, such as the payback period, the discounted payback period, and the profitability index methods?(a) The discounted profitability index method explicitly considers the time value of money and the firm’s cost of capital(b) The payback period is preferred by managers since it is simple, easy to calculate, and estimates how quickly the project cash flows will return the investment in the project (c) The disadvantages of the payback period method are that it ignores project cash flows which occur after the payback period as well as the time value of money(d) The profitability index method always ranks all projects in the same way that the IRR method does.4. Firm XYZ is a conglomerate with many different divisions, including heavy electrical machinery, chemical products, and pharmaceuticals. Which of the following is an example of XYZ’s agency costs?(a) The sales representative for the pharmaceutical division always tip waiters and hotel staff generously when travelling on behalf of the company to market the drugs manufactured by the firm; XYZ reimburses them for these tips.(b) XYZ employs an agency to help it locate and hire temporary workers on a part-time basis to fulfill odd jobs which come up from time to time in its different divisions.(c) The CEO of XYZ is a football fan, whose son plays for the University of Notre Dame. The CEO uses XYZ’s company jet to fly himself and his family to his son’s football games.(d) XYZ spends heavily on an advertising agency to promote its newly discovered drug Xanox which can be used to reduce cholesterol.5. Which of the following statements about diversification is false?(a) Diversification can by accomplished by adding a stock that is perfectly positively correlated with the investor’s existing stock portfolio(b) As the number of stocks in the portfolio increases, the diversifiable risk of the portfolio reduces.(c) When stock returns do not move perfectly with each other, the variations in the returns on one stock may be countered by variations in other stocks’ returns.(d) A perfectly diversified portfolio will still have risk equal to systematic risk.Ron Muller2010-11 Answers to Modules 1 and 2 Multiple Choice1. (d)2. (b)3. (d)4. (c)5. (a)2. Modules 3 and 4 Questions1. Which of the following statements about debt financing is true?(a) Non-payment of interest on debt may lead to the bankruptcy of the firm(b) When a firm goes bankrupt, the first claim upon the assets is from second mortgage bonds(c) Bond indentures specify what the preferred share dividends should be.(d) Convertible bonds can be converted into preferred shares at the holder’s option.2. Which of the following statements about public offerings is false?(a) The issuer is required to register the issue with the relevant securities commission.(b) The issuer must issue a prospectus that provides information on the firm and the securities issue(c) To save time, the firm can issue the securities pending approval of the registration by the securities commission.(d) Common shares and bonds are usually issued in public offerings.3. Which of the following statements about the perfect market view of debt financing is true?(a) An all equity firm should add debt to its capital structure to increase its value.(b) Firms should use debt financing because this would give rise to an increased rate of return on equity, which cannot be duplicated by shareholders.(c) The firm’s value increases by the amount of the debt tax shield.(d) The weighted average cost of capital of the firm is independent of its use of debt financing.4. Which of the following statements about the financial leverage and bankruptcy costs is false?(a) The optimal capital structure involves a trade-off between the corporate tax shield due to debt financing and bankruptcy costs associated with the use of debt.(b) As the firm’s debt ratio increases, increasing bankruptcy costs tend to reduce the cost of debt financing.(c) As debt use increases, the probability of bankruptcy increases and the present value of expected bankruptcy costs increase.(d) Bankruptcy costs tend to reduce the value of the firm.5. Which of the following statements on setting capital structure in practice is false?(a) Firms with a large proportion of fixed assets tend to use more debt financing(b) Firms in higher tax brackets tend to use more debt than firms in lower tax brackets.(c) Firms with a large amount of unused operating losses carryforward tend to use more debt than other firms.(d) Firms that have relatively large amounts of unclaimed capital cost allowances to use as tax shields will tend to use less debt.Ron Muller2010-11 Answers to Modules 3 and 4 Multiple Choice1. (a)2. (c)3. (d)4. (b)5. (c)Ron Muller2010-11 3. Modules 5 and 6 Questions1. Which one of the following statements about the purpose of a business valuation is true?(a) the valuation of a corporation is only valid for purposes of a possible acquisition(b) the valuation of a corporation could be useful for a number of different reasons, including a possible acquisition(c) once a valuation is completed, it can be assumed to remain unchanged for a given period of time(d) the valuation of a corporation is not relevant to shareholder wealth2. Which of the following statements about mergers and acquisitions is true?(a) merger is where one company clearly takes over another(b) a merger only makes sense if the acquired company has low business risk(c) a vertical merger is when two competing companies combine into one(d) a horizontal merger is typically between two companies in the same line of business3. Which of the following statements about operating leases is true?(a) They are usually not cancellable.(b) They generally encompass the entire life of the project.(c) They generally require the lessor handle all maintenance and servicing.(d) The lease payments are sufficient to amortize the full purchase price of the asset.4. Which of the following statements about capital leases is false?(a) A capital lease can be a substitute for debt.(b) Capital leases are financial leases.(c) Lease payments amortize the full purchase price of the asset.(d) Capital leases only need to be reported in the notes to the financial statements.Ron Muller2010-115..Which of the following would not be considered a motivation of a merger?(a) the ability to enjoy synergies after the merger(b) the company cultures are completely different(c) possible diversification(d) cyclical earnings can be stabilizedRon Muller2010-11 Answers to Modules 5 and 6 Multiple Choice1. (b)2. (d)3. (c)4. (d)5. (b)4. Modules 7 and 8 Questions1. Big Bank (BB) has $30 billion in rate sensitive assets and $50 billion in rate sensitive liabilities. Which of the following statements about BB’s interest rate risk is false?(a) BB’s interest rate gap is - $20 billion(b) If rates go up, the bank’s net income will drop(c) BB can reduce its interest rate risk by increasing the proportion of rate sensitive assets(d) BB can reduce its interest rate risk by increasing the duration of rate-sensitive assets.2. Which of the following about duration is true?(a) It measures changes in net interest income by evaluating changes in short-term interest rates.(b) It measures the gap between maturities of different bonds in the portfolio.(c) When interest rates rise, bonds with longer durations will rise in value more than bonds with shorter duration.(d) If the duration of the firm’s assets and liabilities are equal, the firm faces no interest rate risk.3. Which of the following statements about international trade is true?(a) The risks faced in international trade are lower in number than those faced within the domestic country.(b) Pledging accounts receivable allows the exporter to avoid default risk.(c) A firm that uses forfeiting sells its accounts receivable to a lender at a discount.(d) The Export Development Corporation provides property insurance for international firms.4. Which of the following statements about futures contracts is true?(a) A futures contract is an agreement to buy an asset at a future date at a price equal to the spot price on delivery date.(b) Futures contracts are traded directly between buyer and seller in the over-the-counter market.(c) The buyer of the futures contract is said to have taken a long position in the futures market.(d) Futures are only available in large contract sizes.5. Under which of the following circumstances will commodity futures prices exceed the commodity spot price?(a) If the commodity market is perfectly efficient(b) If commodity carrying or holding costs are greater than zero(c) If commodity spot prices are rising(d) If commodity spot prices are fallingRon Muller2010-11 Answers to Modules 7 and 8 Multiple Choice1. (d)2. (d)3. (c)4. (c)5. (b)5. Modules 9 and 10 Questions1. The stock of Greensleeves Clothing (GC) trades at a market price of $20. A call on the stock with an exercise price of $15 has a premium of $6. A put on the stock with an exercise price of $25 has a premium of $7. Interest rates are currently 10%. Which of the following statements is true?(a) If interest go up to 12%, the value of the call will go up.(b) If interest rates go up to 12%, the value of the put will go up.(c) If interest rates go up to 12%, the intrinsic value of the call will be $(5).(d) If interest rates go down to 8%, the intrinsic value of the call will be $(5).2. Which of the following statements on put option values is true?(a) Of two options on the same stock with the same expiration date, the one with the lower exercise price will have a higher intrinsic value(b) The higher the exercise price, the lower the option premium(c) If the market price is $20 and the option exercise price is $35, the intrinsic value of the option is $15(d) If the market price is $20 and the option exercise price is $20, the intrinsic value will be equal to time value.3. Which of the following statements about cash budgeting is false?(a) It enables the firm to predict when cash will be required.(b) It enables the firm to predict how much cash will be required(c) It enables the firm to choose among alternative short-term investments to park the cash in.(d) It minimizes the opportunity cost of holding cash.4. Which of the following statements about the choice of short-term versus long-term financing is true?(a) It involves a tradeoff between the cost of the financing and its maturity.(b) The minimum level of current assets required to maintain the firm’s operations regardless of the level of sales is call core current assets.(c) Spontaneous liabilities rise from operations over which the firm has no influence.(d) The greater the proportion of long-term financing, the greater the likelihood of illiquidity.5. Which of the following statements correctly describes the extremely conservative strategy of financing net working capital?(a) The firm’s total assets are greater than long-term borrowing plus equity.(b) The firm will raise enough long-term funds to finance long-term assets plus net working capital during periods of peak net working capital needs.(c) A firm relies on short-term debt to finance all long-term assets as well as permanent and seasonal portions of net working capital.(d) An extremely conservative strategy results in a lower level of working capital and a lower current ratio compared to the maturity matching strategy.Ron Muller2010-11 Answers to Modules 9 and 10 Multiple Choice1. (a)2. (c)3. (c)4. (c)5. (b)。
新时代高职英语(基础模块)2 Unit2
not, we will be fined. B: Really? But I don’t know how to sort the garbage. J: Don’t worry. I’ll give you a manual on _g_a_r_b_a_g_e__s_o_r_t_in__g_. If you don’t understand, feel free to ask me. B: Thank you. You are so kind. But don’t you feel it’s complicated? J: No. I’ve __g_o_t_t_e_n__u_s_e_d__to_ sorting the rubbish and recycling. And I think it’s meaningful. After all, it’s much more ____e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m__e_n_t_a_l_ly__f_ri_e_n_d__ly_. B: I’m sure you’re right.
A. Hazardous waste should go in the black bin. B. Bio-waste is recyclable. C. Bonnie is used to sorting the rubbish and recycling. D. The company will fine those who fail to sort the rubbish correctly.
Handout for Module 9 NSE 9B
Handout for Module 9 NSE 9BI. 词组1. make progress 取得进步2. in fact 事实上3. be proud of 以…为自豪4. above all 最重要的5. continue to do 继续做某事6. be used for 被用作7. a quarter of 四分之一的8. either…or…或者…或者9. as…as 和…一样10. in place of 代替,取代11. at least 至少12. belong to 属于13. no matter 无论…14. make an effort 努力做某事15. practice doing sth. 练习做某事16. in order to 为了,目的是17. the number of …的数量18. be likely to do 有…的可能19. be based on 以…为基础20. what’s more 并且,更有甚者21. even if/though 即使22. borrow sth. from sth. 借用II. 句型1. it is +adj. for sb. to do2. as…as3. it is+强调部分+that…4. spend money/time on sth/ in doing sth.III. 重点词组1. be used for 被用作be used to do 被用来做be used to doing 习惯于做某事used to do 过去常常做某事2. come across (偶然)遇见(或发现)come back 回来,想起来come down 落,下来come from 出生于,来自come in 进入,进来come on 来吧,赶快come out 出来,出版,发行come to 共计,达到come true 变为现实,成为事实come up with 追上,赶上,想出(主意),找出(答案)come up 上来,上升,抬头IV. 词汇辨析1. continue to do/doing, go on to do, go on doing, go on with sth.continue to do/doing含有go on to do 和go on doing 的意思go on to do sth.是指做完一件事后转而去做其它事情。
英语基础模块2 学生用书B2 U7 电子试题附答案
Unit 7 Inventions Make Life Better第一课时一、用英语写出下列单词。
1. 手机2. 电子书3. 博物馆4. 太阳节能灯5. 发明6. 科技7. 过滤8. 防震的9. 发展10. 展览二、补全对话。
A: Hey, Wang Yang! 1. ______________________B: Wonderful! 2. ___________________It was so interesting that I was there for hours!A: 3. ___________________B: I saw many useful daily inventions, 4. __________________They are so handy and creative. A: 5. _______________三、请根据自己的实际情况回答下列问题。
1. Do you like reading printed books or e-books?2. What do you think of the modern inventions?3. Can you list some modern inventions around us?4. What’s your favorite invention and why?5. What do you usually do in the School Science and Technology Festival?四、连词成句。
1. prefer, use, phone, instead, to, I, mobile, of, telephone, the___________________________________________________________________________ 2. China, paper-making, of, is, the, inventions, one, greatest, ancient, in___________________________________________________________________________ 3. from, inventions, people’s, so, come, daily, many, life___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ideas, are, inventions, about, new, to, share, students, invited___________________________________________________________________________ 5. who, blind, useful, people, is, really, for, it, the, are___________________________________________________________________________五、成长必修课。
《Internship Group Work》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标本课作业设计的目标是提高学生团队协作能力,强化英语沟通技巧,同时巩固课堂所学的英语基础知识和实操技能。
二、作业内容作业内容主要包括以下几个部分:1. 小组组建与任务分配:学生需自行分组,每组至少3人,不超过5人。
2. 实习项目准备:各小组需围绕“Internship Group Work”主题,选择一个具体的实习场景或项目,如餐厅服务、办公室助理等。
3. 英语沟通技巧训练:各组在确定任务后,需用英语讨论并形成项目汇报方案。
4. 编写实习报告:小组需根据实习计划进行实际操作,并撰写一份详细的实习报告。
三、作业要求作业要求如下:1. 小组合作:所有作业均需以小组形式完成,强调团队精神和协作能力。
2. 内容完整:实习计划和报告需内容完整,涵盖所有要点。
3. 语言规范:汇报方案和报告需使用规范、准确的英语书写。
4. 原创性:严禁抄袭,所有内容需为小组成员原创或经许可引用他人观点和资料。
5. 时间管理:小组需合理安排时间,确保作业按时完成。
四、作业评价作业评价将根据以下标准进行:1. 团队合作能力:小组成员之间的协作程度和团队精神。
2. 英语表达能力:汇报方案和报告中英语使用的准确性和流畅性。
3. 创新性和实用性:实习项目的新颖性和实用性,以及解决问题的方法和策略的创造性。
4. 内容完整性:实习计划和报告内容的完整性和详细程度。
《Volunteer Work Group Work》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标本作业设计旨在通过《Volunteer Work Group Work》课程的学习,使学生能够:1. 掌握志愿者工作的基本概念和意义;2. 学会用英语表达志愿者工作的相关词汇和句型;3. 培养团队合作意识和沟通能力,通过小组活动形式,进行志愿者工作的模拟与实践。
二、作业内容本次作业的内容包括以下几个部分:1. 词汇学习:学生需掌握志愿者工作的基本词汇,如volunteer, work, group, help, community等,并熟悉这些词汇的常见用法和语境。
2. 课文阅读:阅读课文中关于志愿者工作的介绍,了解志愿者工作的目的、意义及如何参与等。
3. 分组讨论:学生将分组进行讨论,探讨身边所见过的志愿者工作实例,讨论其意义及影响。
4. 模拟活动:各小组模拟一次志愿者活动,包括活动策划、任务分配、活动执行等环节,并使用英语进行活动过程中的沟通与交流。
5. 作业报告:每组需撰写一份关于模拟活动的报告,包括活动目的、计划、执行过程及反思等内容,并用英语书写。
三、作业要求针对本次作业,学生需遵循以下要求:1. 词汇学习:要求准确记忆并能够正确运用所学词汇。
2. 课文阅读:需认真阅读课文内容,理解文章主旨。
3. 分组讨论与模拟活动:各组成员需积极参与讨论与活动策划,确保每个成员都能参与其中,用英语进行交流。
4. 作业报告:报告需条理清晰,内容完整,使用正确的英语书写。
四、作业评价本次作业的评价将从以下几个方面进行:1. 词汇掌握程度;2. 课文理解情况;3. 分组讨论与模拟活动的参与度及英语交流能力;4. 作业报告的条理性、完整性和英语书写能力。
五、作业反馈1. 教师将对每位学生的作业进行批改,指出不足之处及改进意见。
2. 课堂将进行作业讲解,让学生了解自己在哪些方面做得好,哪些方面需要加强。
新概念2第二册作文 精校打印版
Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?英国人讲的是英语吗?I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me; I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English?Words and expressions:porter n. 搬运工not only··· but ··· as well 相当于not only ··· but also···参考译文:我终于到了伦敦。
Book 4 Module 2.docx
基础知识默写1.wire n.电线2.display v t.展示;陈列n.展览;显示3.permit n.执照;许可证v t.允许→permission n.允许,许可4.fare n.车费5.limit v t.限制6.destination n.目的地;终点7.impressive adj.给人印象深刻的→impress v t.给……留下印象→impression n.印象8.route n.路线9.provide v t.提供→provider n.提供者10.convenient adj.方便的→convenience n.方便,便利;便利的事物或设施11.single adj.单一的;单身的n.单程票12.explore v t.探索→exploration n.探索→explorer n.探索者13.horn n.喇叭;号角14.react v i.反应→reaction n.反应15.solution n.解答;答案→solve v t.解决16.mood n.心情;心境17.suburban adj.郊区的;市郊的→suburb n.郊区→urban adj.城市的;都市的 n.出租车;计程车19.receipt n.收据20.air-conditioned adj.带空调的→air-conditioner n.空调21.pedal n.脚踏板v.骑车,踩……的踏板22.blow v t.吹响(乐器、号角等)23.congestion n.拥塞;堆积24.registration n.执照;登记→register v.注册 connected to与……相连 stuck in被困在…… no time马上;一会儿28.get around到处旅行;四处走动;(新闻或消息等)传开29.have a good view of清楚地看到30.under construction正在建设之中31.switch off关上(电灯、电视等);断掉(电源)32.keep cool保持冷静 in a good mood情绪、心情很好 sb.mad 使某人发疯35.what’s more 而且;此外 way (俚语)肯定不;没门儿37.Simply raise your hand,and a taxi appears in no time.只要你招招手,马上就有出租车开过来。
handout2A.Replace the underlined parts in the following sentences with less formal words.1.At the counter, we inquired about the arrival time of the aircraft.2.He eradicated all the imperfections in his notes.3.She contemplated his utterance.4.Paul was terminated from his employment.5.Personnel are requested to extinguish illumination before departure from these premises.6.Unfortunately, we are not in a position to offer assistance to you.7.Our university is in close proximity to an amusement park.8.Terry is of the opinion that everything will be going on smoothly.B. Rephrase the underlined words in the following sentences by using more specific, concrete words or expressions in order to make the sentences more interesting1.General: He has a big house.Specific: He has a two-storeyed house with four bedrooms, two-living rooms, a dining-room and a kitchen.2.General: The man ate a big meal.Specific:3.General: Somebody asked me to deliver these red roses to you.Specific:4.General: My relative gave me two gifts.Specific:5.General: The film I saw last week was good.Specific:6.General: In spring, the weather in Beijing can be very bad.Specific:7.General: A car was parked in the street.Specific:8.General: She bore a great burden.Specific:9.General: She uses simplicity in her style of writing.Specific:10.General: Some children stood anxiously at the counter.Specific:Exercise: In each sentence, choose the more precise of the two in italics, and explain your reasons.1. A few listeners were disinterested/uninterested and dozed off.2.Though she has grown up, her behavior is often childlike/childish.3.I am quite jealous/envious of your opportunity to study at such a famous university.4.Her clothes, though made of cheap/inexpensive material, are quite elegant.5.I am sorry to refuse/decline your invitation.6.He was surprised/stunned to find that his little sister had become a pretty, slim/skinny youngwoman.7.This servile man was especially modest/humble when he was talking with his superiors.8.I asked every/each boy in the group the same question, and interestingly, everyone/each gave me adifferent answer.9.They all felt sympathy/pity for the victims of the disaster and made donations.10.Express Dowager Cixi was famous/notorious for her cruelty.Exercise 1: Read the following sentences, underlie the general words in them and see how you can add power to them by replacing the general words with specific ones.a.Kate said she had an awful time at the homecoming party.b.I think Mr Brown is a bad speaker.c.The husband gave the wife a nice necklace for her birthday.d.There are certain things I look for in judging a person’s character.Exercise 2: Some words are misused in the following sentences. Find them out and then make corrections.1.The little boy was mouse-hearted.2.That politician is a respectable figure in the political arena.3.We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying the wind coming from the lake.4.We need to utilize the milk before it sours.5.The child had difficulty ascertaining his way to school.6.The young woman was bombarded with flowers and gifts.7.My father opened the curtain a little lest I see him.8.Our university can contain 4, 000 students.9.Social habits vary greatly from country to country.Exercise 3: Make the following narration more concrete.It was fine last weekend, so we went to the countryside and had a good time. We saw many things and people there. And we had a wonderful time.。
企业简介及产品介绍的翻译Task 1阅读下面几则企业简介(英/汉),思考下列问题:1. 什么是企业简介?企业简介的有哪些功能?2. 企业简介需要包括哪几部分内容?3. 企业简介的体裁是什么?4. 中英文企业简介有哪些异同?1. 广州酒家广州酒家始建于1935年,总店坐落于广州市文昌南路与下九路交汇处,以经营传统粤菜驰名,素有“食在广州第一家”之美誉。
2. OSRAMOSRAM is one of the two largest lighting manufacturers in the world and has 46 factories in 17 countries. This global player has its headquarters in Munich and employs more than 39 000 people throughout the world. In the 2009 fiscal year, sales amounted to EUR 4 billion. OSRAM generates over 66 percent of sales from energy-efficient products. OSRAM is the world’s number one supplier of automotive lamps and LED for vehicles and one of the market leaders in the field of electronic control gear (ECG) for lamps. The OSRAM brand name was registered way back in 1906 and is one of the oldest trade names still recognized throughout the world.3. 北方重工北方重工集团有限公司(简称北方重工)是在沈阳重型机械集团有限责任公司和沈阳矿山机械(集团)有限责任公司合并重组基础上组建的国有独资公司。
Warming up Skimming reading Intensive readingWarming upThe origin of printing Block printing(雕版印刷)More than four hundred years later .........____ 1*7■1■■I■-b■■SkimmingRead the passagequickly and thendiscuss in groupsto find out themain idea of eachparagraphReading tip 1Don t read the passageword by word. g Justfocus on the I topic sentences, especially the■first and the last■sentence of each、paragraph.Para 1:、Printing made it possible to produce more opiesin less time ・Para 2: / \ Printing answered a need of people who werethirsty for寒涧新g」Para 3: The spread of printing greatly influenced the \ / European culture.Para 4: —V—Printing could satisfy the desire for all kinds /\ of book.Para 5: \ Johann Gutenberg made the first printingpress in Europe・Reading tip2Look through the passage to gain detailedinformationIntensive readingTrue or false乂In china, printingdates "back to SongDynasty.Before printing was vinvented, books werevery expensive・The first paper mill inX Europe was built atthe beginning of the12th century.Intensive readingTrue or falseThe first book thatGutenberg producedwas a Latin novel.In the late 15thcentury”一Englandbecame one of the mostimportantcentres ofprintingindustry.Further ReadingPart 1: Read the first paragraph and then finish the sentences with proper wordsPrinting is the prosess of makingmany copies of a single documentusina movablecharacters or letters.Printing answered a need becausepeople were thirsty for knowlede.Part 2: Read the 2nd paragraph and then translate the sentences into Chinese:This was a difficult task that could take many丿years, and which made books very expensive.这(手工印刷)是一项困难的工作,可能要花很多年,并且使书很昂贵。
LoadingandUnloadingforSchoolBusDri vers20 年月日A4打印/ 可编辑Loading and Unloading for School Bus DriversNHTSA School Bus Driver In-Service Safety SeriesLearning ObjectivesAt the completion of this module, participants will be able to:1.State what the danger zones are.2.Explain the importance of the danger zones.3.Teach students about the danger zones.4.Describe ways to keep track of students in the danger zones.5.Describe the proper loading and unloading procedures.6.Conduct a post-trip inspection.Time Required1 hour, 20 minutesTraining Methods1.Participative lecture2.Guided discussionTraining Materials1.PowerPoint slides and projection system2.Handouts: The Danger Zones, Handout #1; Getting On and Off the School Bus Safely, Handout #2;Proper Loading and Unloading Procedures, Handout #3; local policies and procedures.Instructor Notesthat you want to welcome everyone to the course. 10 minutes Show Slide 1.bus.relatedShow Slide 3. that the purpose of this module is to review the proper proceduresWe will begin by examining the danger zonesunloadingdanger 5 minutes Show Slide 4.studentsthey 25 minutes Show Slide 5.Show Slide 6.Discuss. Get participants to share with each other the signals that they use. Some transportation providers use the closing of a door rather than a hand or head signal, which they feel might be interpreted by another motorist as a signal to proceed.30 minutesShow Slide 7.Throughout this section, you will be prompted to include information about local policies and procedures. Some of the content provided here may not be compatible with your district’s policies and procedures. You might want to review the proper steps to follow in making a stop, when to turn on the lights, etc., before teaching this section.10 minutesShow Slide 8. to整理丨尼克本文档信息来自于网络,如您发现内容不准确或不完善,欢迎您联系我修正;如您发现内容涉嫌侵权,请与我们联系,我们将按照相关法律规定及时处理。