

























交互&视觉设计: 交互设计:交互设计这次的主要的难点是对网站结构调整带来的页面布局设计,而首页是难点。









朋友间的畅快交流,家庭里的温暖对话,工作中的无缝沟通无不体现了国际QQ “Boundless World, Boundless Chat”的产品定位,情感化元素也更能抓住用户眼球,提供网站转化率的同时也丰富产品层次。





OICQ协议OICQ(Open ICQ)是一种开放式的即时通讯协议,它是中国 Tencent 公司开发的一种用于 QQ 软件的通讯协议。

OICQ 协议是基于 QQ 协议发展而来的,它允许用户在 QQ 软件之间实现即时通讯。

概述OICQ 协议是一种基于服务器-客户端模型的协议,它使用 TCP/IP 协议进行通讯。

OICQ 软件通过 OICQ 协议与 QQ 服务器进行通信,实现用户之间的消息传递、文件传输等功能。

OICQ 协议具有以下特点:1.安全性:OICQ 协议使用了加密机制,确保用户的通讯内容不会被窃取或篡改。

2.实时性:OICQ 协议采用了实时通讯的方式,用户可以即时收到对方发送的消息。

3.多功能:OICQ 协议支持文字、表情、图片、文件等多种消息类型的传输。

4.兼容性:OICQ 协议兼容多种操作系统和平台,用户可以在不同设备上使用 OICQ 软件进行通讯。

OICQ协议的通讯流程OICQ 协议的通讯流程可以简单概括为以下几个步骤:1.建立连接:OICQ 软件通过 TCP/IP 协议与 QQ 服务器建立连接。

2.身份验证:用户在 OICQ 软件中输入账号和密码,OICQ 软件将用户的身份信息发送给 QQ 服务器进行验证。

3.通讯传输:身份验证通过后,OICQ 软件与QQ 服务器建立通讯连接,用户可以向其他用户发送消息、接收消息、传输文件等。

4.断开连接:用户退出 OICQ 软件或网络连接断开时,OICQ 软件与 QQ服务器断开连接。

OICQ协议的消息传输方式OICQ 协议支持多种消息传输方式,包括文字消息、表情消息、图片消息和文件消息等。

1.文字消息:用户可以在 OICQ 软件中输入文字消息,通过 OICQ 协议发送给其他用户。

接收方收到消息后,可以在 OICQ 软件中查看并回复。

2.表情消息:OICQ 协议支持发送表情消息,用户可以在 OICQ 软件中选择表情,并将其发送给其他用户。

接收方收到消息后,可以在 OICQ 软件中显示表情。









































第二条软件许可1. 甲方授予乙方软件的使用权,但是乙方不得去授权或许可给无关第三方。


2. 许可条款(1)授权的内容:甲方授权乙方使用软件并获得有限的非独占权益。




(5)许可质量:甲方只授予该软件适用于如下法律框架的权益和使用范围:a. 当前适用的法律法规;b. 适用于软件的基础设施、硬件、网络环境、操作系统、实体安全等其他技术的实际限制。

(6)许可限制:a. 该软件有可能包含未经授权的技术或者有限的授权(比如组件或者软件),那么这些授权条款与本协议的内容不共同构成一个整体。

b. 乙方切记不得使用软件在未经授权的情况下进行转卖、租赁、抵押、质押等对采用的软件及其使用权益的转移与让与。




20XX 标准合同模板范本PERSONAL RESUME甲方:XXX乙方:XXXQQ软件2024年授权使用合同及服务条款本合同目录一览1. 授权范围1.1 QQ软件的使用授权1.2 授权期限1.3 授权地域2. 服务内容2.1 在线交流服务2.2 社交网络服务2.3 游戏娱乐服务2.4 其他增值服务3. 用户注册与账户管理3.1 用户注册条件3.2 账户安全3.3 用户信息更新4. 软件更新与维护4.1 软件自动更新4.2 软件维护4.3 用户反馈与支持5. 用户行为规范5.1 禁止行为5.2 侵权行为5.3 违规处理6. 知识产权保护6.1 软件知识产权6.2 内容版权6.3 侵权责任7. 隐私保护与数据安全7.1 隐私政策7.2 数据收集与使用7.3 数据保护措施8. 服务费用与支付方式8.1 服务费用8.2 支付方式8.3 费用变更与通知9. 服务终止与解除授权9.1 服务终止条件9.2 授权解除9.3 后果处理10. 违约责任10.1 用户违约10.2 腾讯违约10.3 违约处理11. 争议解决11.1 协商解决11.2 调解解决11.3 法律途径12. 法律适用与管辖12.1 法律适用12.2 管辖法院13. 附则13.1 合同生效13.2 合同修改13.3 合同解除14. 其他条款14.1 通知与送达14.2 合同转让14.3 免除条款第一部分:合同如下:第一条授权范围1.1 QQ软件的使用授权1.2 授权期限本授权自2024年1月1日起至2024年12月31日止。


1.3 授权地域本授权仅限于中华人民共和国境内使用。


第二条服务内容2.1 在线交流服务2.2 社交网络服务用户可以使用QQ软件进行个人信息发布、分享动态、关注好友等社交网络服务。

2.3 游戏娱乐服务用户可以使用QQ软件参与游戏、观看直播、浏览游戏资讯等游戏娱乐服务。




























一、【协议的范围】1.1 本协议是您与腾讯之间关于您下载、安装、使用、复制本软件,以及使用腾讯相关服务所订立的协议。

1.2 本协议、本协议附件和与本软件使用的第三方软件或技术相关的协议或其他文件等,共同构成了本软件及服务的完整协议。

二、【用户个人信息保护】2.1 保护用户个人信息是腾讯的一项基本原则。


2.2 未经您的同意,腾讯不会向腾讯以外的任何公司、组织和个人披露您的个人信息,但法律法规另有规定的除外。

2.3 您同意授权腾讯基于下列原因使用您的相关信息资源:(1)执行软件验证服务;(2)执行软件升级服务;(3)提高您的使用安全性或提供客服支持;(4)因您在注册或开通某项服务、功能时选择或同意,或因您要求腾讯或第三方提供特定服务时,腾讯需要把您的相关信息提供给与此相关联的第三方或其他用户;(5)对您的昵称、头像以及在本软件中的相关操作信息等信息进行使用,并可通过腾讯服务或腾讯服务中的第三方提供的服务向您本人、其他用户展示。

三、【许可的范围】3.1 腾讯给予您一项个人的、不可转让及非排他性的许可,以使用本软件。



qq协议书模板甲方(以下简称“甲方”):_____________乙方(以下简称“乙方”):_____________鉴于甲方为一家依法注册成立的公司,乙方为一家依法注册成立的公司,双方本着平等互利的原则,就QQ软件使用及相关服务事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条定义1.1 “QQ软件”指由甲方开发并拥有全部知识产权的即时通讯工具及相关服务。

1.2 “服务”指甲方根据本协议向乙方提供的QQ软件使用及相关服务。

第二条服务内容2.1 甲方同意按照本协议的规定向乙方提供QQ软件的使用权及相关服务。

2.2 乙方同意按照本协议的规定使用甲方提供的QQ软件及相关服务。

第三条服务期限3.1 本协议的服务期限自____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止。

第四条费用及支付方式4.1 乙方应向甲方支付服务费用,具体金额为人民币(大写)__________元整(¥__________)。

4.2 乙方应于本协议签订之日起____个工作日内一次性支付上述服务费用至甲方指定账户。

第五条甲方的权利和义务5.1 甲方应保证QQ软件的正常运行,并提供必要的技术支持。

5.2 甲方有权根据实际情况调整服务内容,但应提前____日书面通知乙方。

第六条乙方的权利和义务6.1 乙方有权按照本协议的规定使用QQ软件及相关服务。

6.2 乙方应保证其使用QQ软件及相关服务的行为符合法律法规和甲方的规定。

第七条保密条款7.1 双方应对在本协议履行过程中获知的对方的商业秘密和技术秘密予以保密。

7.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方披露、泄露或允许第三方使用上述秘密。

第八条违约责任8.1 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,违约方应赔偿对方因此遭受的一切损失。

第九条协议的变更和解除9.1 双方可协商一致变更或解除本协议。

9.2 如遇不可抗力事件,致使本协议无法履行,双方均可书面通知对方解除本协议。

第十条争议解决10.1 本协议的解释、适用及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。




什么是国际版QQ?QQ国际版(QQ International)可以说是一款简化了的无广告QQ,主要面向的是国外使用者。



















而在使用PCQQ 软件时,用户需要遵守一定的协议,以确保网络安全和用户权益。

本文将对PCQQ 协议进行详细介绍,希望能够帮助用户更好地了解和遵守相关规定。

首先,用户在使用PCQQ软件时需要遵守国家相关法律法规,不得利用PCQQ 软件从事违法活动,包括但不限于传播淫秽、色情、暴力等违法信息,侵犯他人合法权益等行为。









希望用户能够严格遵守PCQQ协议,健康、文明地使用PCQQ 软件,共同营造良好的网络环境。



























1. 用户在注册QQPC账号时,需提供真实、准确的个人信息,不得冒用他人信息注册账号。

2. 用户需妥善保管自己的账号和密码,不得将账号转让或出借他人使用。

3. 用户在使用QQPC时,不得从事任何违法、违规的活动,包括但不限于传播淫秽、色情、暴力等不良信息,利用QQPC进行非法交易等行为。


1. 用户在QQPC上发布的任何内容,需遵守国家相关法律法规,不得含有任何违法、违规的内容。

2. 用户发布的内容不得侵犯他人的知识产权,包括但不限于文字、图片、视频等。

3. 用户不得利用QQPC发布任何形式的广告信息,不得进行商业推广行为。


1. QQPC将严格保护用户的个人隐私信息,不会未经用户同意将其个人信息泄露给第三方。

2. 用户在使用QQPC过程中,如遇到任何问题,可随时联系客服寻求帮助,我们将尽最大努力为用户解决问题。


1. QQPC有权根据实际情况对本协议进行调整和修改,调整后的协议一经发布即生效。

2. 若用户违反本协议的规定,QQPC有权立即终止对其账号的服务,并保留追究其法律责任的权利。


1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律,如发生任何争议,均应依法通过友好协商解决。


2. 本协议自发布之日起生效。







安卓QQ协议主要由以下几个部分组成:1. 登录验证:用户在安卓手机上打开QQ软件时,首先需要进行登录验证。


2. 消息传输:安卓QQ协议支持用户之间的即时消息传输。



3. 文件传输:安卓QQ协议支持用户之间的文件传输。



4. 好友管理:安卓QQ协议还支持用户对好友关系的管理。


5. 群组聊天:安卓QQ协议支持用户在群组中进行聊天。
















二、用户责任与义务1. 用户应妥善保管个人帐号及密码,不得转让或借用帐号。

2. 用户不得利用QQ软件传播、制作、传输违法、有害、淫秽、暴力、恐吓等信息。

3. 用户不得侵犯他人知识产权,包括但不限于文字、图片、音频、视频等。

4. 用户不得恶意攻击、骚扰或侵犯他人隐私,尊重其他用户的合法权益。

5. 用户不得滥用QQ软件功能,干扰QQ软件正常运行,包括但不限于刷屏、使用外挂等行为。

6. 用户应遵守国家法律法规、政策规定以及QQ软件的使用规范,不得从事任何违法犯罪活动。

三、腾讯责任与义务1. 腾讯应保障用户权益,提供稳定、安全的QQ服务。

2. 腾讯应严格保密用户个人信息,不得泄露、篡改或非法使用用户信息。

3. 腾讯应及时处理用户反馈和投诉,解答用户疑问。

四、用户隐私保护1. 用户个人信息将严格按照国家相关法律法规保护。

2. 用户个人信息不得被腾讯以外的第三方获取、篡改、非法使用。

3. 用户个人信息仅限于提供QQ服务所必需的范围内使用。

五、协议变更与解释1. 本协议的解释权归腾讯所有。

2. 腾讯有权根据法律法规和业务需要对本协议进行更新或调整,并在相关渠道公告变更内容。

3. 用户应密切关注腾讯官方渠道的变更公告,如不同意变更内容,可立即停止使用QQ。

六、违约与纠纷解决1. 用户违反本协议的,腾讯有权采取限制、禁止用户使用QQ软件的措施,并保留追究法律责任的权利。

2. 用户因使用QQ软件产生纠纷的,应在按照国家法律法规的前提下协商解决。

3. 若协商不成,用户可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。

七、其他条款1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。

2. 如本协议任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,不影响其他条款的有效性。

3. 本协议自用户使用QQ即时通讯软件时生效,除非协议内容发生变更,否则协议长期有效。












1. 数据加密,QQ手机协议软件可以对用户在手机上的通讯数据进行加密,防止用户的聊天记录和个人信息被黑客或恶意软件窃取。

2. 通讯优化,QQ手机协议软件可以优化手机端的通讯效率,减少信息传输的延迟,让用户能够更加流畅地进行文字聊天、语音通话和视频通话。

3. 安全防护,QQ手机协议软件可以对手机端的通讯环境进行安全监测,及时发现并阻止恶意软件对用户通讯数据的侵扰。

4. 跨平台支持,QQ手机协议软件可以支持多种手机操作系统,包括Android、iOS等,确保用户在不同手机平台上都能够享受到安全和流畅的通讯体验。


1. 安装步骤,用户可以通过手机应用商店搜索“QQ手机协议软件”,下载并安装到手机上。

2. 启动设置,安装完成后,用户需要根据软件提示进行启动设置,包括账号绑定、数据加密方式选择等。

3. 使用方法,安装和设置完成后,用户可以像平常一样使用QQ软件进行聊天和通话,QQ手机协议软件会在后台自动运行,保障用户通讯的安全和流畅。




  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

有安装QQ国际版的朋友,可能你习惯性地点同意根本就没有看清有哪些条款吧,但是安装完成后有时间却又看不到了,没关系,我给存下来了,感兴趣的话慢慢看吧!Privacy PolicyWe are committed to protecting your privacy while you use QQ. The use of QQ requires the collection and use of your Personal Information (defined below), and it is important for you to understand how your Personal Information is used. In using QQ, you will be supplying us with your Personal Information.By using QQ, you agree that we (and our affiliate/subsidiary companies) will handle all Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as revised from time to time. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and forms part of the Terms of Service that you have agreed to.We regularly review this Privacy Policy and may from time to time revise or add specific instructions, policies and terms - such instructions, policies and terms form part of this Privacy Policy. Where any changes to this Privacy Policy are reasonably material to you, we will (where reasonably practicable) notify you. By continuing to use our services after any amendment to this Privacy Policy, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy as revised, so please do check back periodically.Please note that if you do not agree to make your Personal Information available to us as set out in this Privacy Policy, then QQ may not be the right service for you and we may not be able to make it available to you. Where there is any inconsistency between the English and any other language versions of this Privacy Policy, the English version will prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.If you have questions about or otherwise wish to contact us about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at qqimail@.TYPES OF INFORMATION"Personal Information" is information which personally and specifically identifies you, such as your name, telephone number, email address, credit card details, profile biography and profile picture, as well as certain Location Data, Log Data and Public Information.“Location Data”is information that we collect regarding your location, whether based on the location of your device when you use QQ or based on account information indicating where you are permanently located."Log Data" is technical information that is automatically collected by us during your use of QQ, such as your IP address, your application’s and device’s version and identification number, profiles visited and search terms used, your mobile carrier and Location Data. This may alsoinclude information regarding how you interact with any hyperlinks across our services, including through any profiles you visit, any email notifications that we send to you and via any of our buttons or widgets on third party websites.“Public Information”is information that is shared publicly on QQ (which could include your Personal Information). This includes postings that you make on QQ (including any metadata associated with such postings), any messages that you send to other users publicly, any lists that you create, your profile, the list of people that you follow, any postings from others that you re-post and any tags that others create referring to you.HOW WE USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe may use your Personal Information for any of the following purposes:to provide QQ to you;for customer service, security, archival or backup purposes in connection with the provision of QQ;to better understand how you access and use QQ, on an aggregated and individualized basis, for the purposes of improving QQ and to respond to customer desires and preferences, including language and location customization, personalized help and instructions, or other responses to your and other customers’usage of QQ;to assess the effectiveness of and improve advertising and other marketing and promotional activities on or in connection with the QQ platform;for the purposes of software verification or administering software upgrades; andto allow you to participate in surveys about our products and services.In addition, we may use your Personal Information for the purpose of sending you messages (whether by email, SMS or other means) offering or advertising:our goods and services and the goods and services of our affiliate and subsidiary companies and joint venture partners, including instant messaging services, online media services, interactive entertainment services, social networking services, payment services, internet search services, location and mapping services, on-line advertising services and other social media, entertainment, e-commerce, information and communications software and services (“Internet Services”); andthird party providers of Internet Services and goods and services relating to dining, food and beverages, sports, music, film, television and other entertainment, clothing and accessories, jewellery, cosmetics, personal health and hygiene, electronics, home furnishings, and housewares, automobiles, transport and travel, banking, insurance and financial services, loyalty and rewardprograms and other goods and services that we think may be relevant to you.We will honor your request to not use your Personal Information for all or any of the marketing purposes noted above. If you do not wish to receive offers or advertising from us or only wish to receive certain offers or advertising, please notify our Privacy Officer at qqimail@.SHARING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe may share your Personal Information with our affiliate and subsidiary companies, joint venture partners and third party service providers, contractors and agents, in each case, solely for the purpose of providing QQ to you and for assisting us in carrying out the other purposes noted above. Such third parties may be located, and use your Personal Information, outside of Hong Kong. We will not transfer your personal data to any other third parties except with your express prior consent.As we continue to develop our business, we may be acquired by a third party or re-organize our group structure. In these circumstances it may be the case that your Personal Information is transferred to a third party who will continue to operate QQ or a similar social media service under either this Privacy Policy or a different privacy policy which will be notified to you. Such a third party may be located, and use your Personal Information, outside of Hong Kong.ACCESSING AND CORRECTING YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information which we hold is accurate, complete and up to date.You have the right to request to receive a copy of and make any corrections to your Personal Information which we hold. Please direct any such access request to our Privacy Officer at qqimail@. Please note that we may charge you a small fee for processing your request.LEGAL REQUIREMENTSYou agree that we (or our affiliate/subsidiary companies) may be required to disclose your Personal Information in order to comply with applicable law or regulation, or in order to comply with a court order, subpoena or other legal process, or to comply with a request by a government authority, law enforcement agency or similar body (whether situated in Hong Kong or elsewhere). You also agree that we (or our affiliate/subsidiary companies) may need to disclose your Personal Information in order to enforce the Terms of Service, protect our rights, property or safety, or the rights, property or safety of our affiliate companies, employees or other users of QQ.SECURITY OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe are committed to protecting the security of your Personal Information and we use a variety ofsecurity technologies and procedures for the purpose of preventing loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure.Please be aware that despite our efforts, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security at all times. Our systems and the communications networks through which you access QQ may be subject to security breaches and failures which are due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.If you have any questions about the security of your Personal Information, please contact us at qqimail@.RETENTION OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe will only retain your Personal Information for so long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes as set out under “How We Use Your Personal Information”section above.Please note that we may need to retain your Personal Information as required or permitted by applicable law or regulation, for the purpose of complying with applicable law or regulation or otherwise protecting our rights, property or safety, or the rights, property or safety of our affiliate companies, employees or other users of QQ.QQ Software License and Service AgreementPreamble and IntroductionThank you for using Tencent’s QQ software and services!In order to use Tencent’s QQ software and services (hereinafter “the Software”), you should be aware of and comply with the “QQ Software License and Service Agreement”(hereinafter “this Agreement”), “Tencent’s Service Agreement”and “QQ Account Rules”. Please carefully read in order to fully understand all of the terms and conditions, particularly those regarding waivers or restrictions of liabilities as well as standalone agreements for the availability or use of specific services and decide whether to accept such terms. Restrictions or waivers of liabilities may be indicated in bold type to call your attention.Unless you have read and indicated your acceptance to all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, you have no right to download, install or use the Software and related services. Upon your downloading, installation, use, obtaining a QQ account or logging in, you will be considered to have read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement.If you have not attained the age of 18 full years, please read this Agreement under the guidance of your legal guardian and pay special attention to the terms regarding use by minors.1. Scope of this Agreement1.1 ApplicabilityThis is an agreement entered between you and Tencent regarding the downloading, installation, use and reproduction of the Software and use of the Services.1.2 Relationship among Agreements and Order of PrecedenceThis Agreement is a supplement to Tencent’s Service Agreement (whose link address is /contract.shtml as may be amended) and QQ Account Rules (whose link address is /chs/agreement1_chs.html as may be amended) and is an integral part of the above-mentioned agreement and rules. They altogether constitute the entire series of agreements regarding the use of the Software and Services. In case there is any conflict regarding terms and conditions of this Agreement, Tencent’s Service Agreement and/or QQ Account Rules, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail.This Agreement also includes agreements and business rules relating to the Software and Services as may be published by Tencent from time to time. Upon publishing, such agreements and business rules will become the integral parts of this Agreement and shall therefore be complied with.2. Services2.1 Contents of ServicesThe Services means services provided by Tencent to users through the Software.2.2 Form of ServicesYou may use the Services on user terminals and webpages through computers, mobile phones or any other device, as may be made available by Tencent. Meanwhile, Tencent will continue to diversify the ways through which the Services are provided. Please choose a suitable and compatible version of the Software to your device or you may not be able to use the Services properly.2.3 Grant of License2.3.1 Tencent hereby grants you a personal, non-transferrable and non-exclusive license to use the Software. You may install, use, display and run the Software on a single terminal device for non-commercial purposes.2.3.2 You may make a backup copy of the Software.. Such a backup copy shall bear all copyright information included in the original Software.2.3.3 Tencent reserves any other rights which have not been expressly licensed under this Agreement. Prior Written approval of Tencent shall be obtained separately before you exercise any other rights reserved by Tencent. Non-exercise of the reserved rights by Tencent shall not be deemed as a waiver of such rights by Tencent.3. QQ AccountYou have to register a QQ account in order to be able to use the Software and shall comply with the QQ Account Rules in using the Software.4. Access to the Software4.1 You may obtain the Software directly on Tencent’s website. Alternatively, you may obtain the Software from a third party authorized by Tencent.4.2 If you obtain the Software or an installation program under the same name of the Software from an unauthorized third party , Tencent shall not guarantee the normal operability of the software and shall not be held liable for any losses thus incurred to you.5. Installation and Uninstallation of Software5.1 Tencent may develop different versions of the Software for different kinds of terminal devices. You should choose the suitable version to install in view of the actual situation.5.2 After downloading the installation program, you have to carry out the installation properly by following the steps prompted by the program.5.3 In order to provide services of even better quality and higher safety, Tencent may recommend you to install some other software when you install the Software. You can choose whether to install such other software.5.4 If you do not need the Software any more or if you need to install a newer version of the Software, you may uninstall the Software by yourself. If you are willing to help Tencent to improve our products and services, please tell us the reason for uninstalling the Software.6. Updating of Software6.1 For the purpose of enhancing user's experience and improving our services, Tencent will continue to develop new services and make updates of the Software available to you from time to time. (Such updates may take the form of Software replacements, modifications, function enhancements and/or upgraded versions.)6.2 The Software may set the automatic upgrading function open for you by default. You may choose whether to open this function by making the relevant settings on the Software.6.3 In order to enhance user's experience and for the sake of service safety and the consistency of functions, Tencent has the right to make updates on the Software or modify or restrict certain functions of the Software without notice to you.6.4 Older versions of the Software may become unusable after release of a newer version. As Tencent does not guarantee the continued usability of older versions of the Software or continued availability of customer services associated therewith, you are advised to check from time to time and download newer versions of the Software when available.7. Protection for Personal Information of Users7.1 Protection for personal information of users is one of the basic principles upheld by Tencent. The provisions in respect of personal information and data protection that are set out in the Privacy Policy as set out in Schedule 1 shall form part of this License and Service Agreement.8. Code of Conduct of Users8.1 Notice to Users8.1.1 In order that better social networking services can be provided to you, certain functions of the Services may enable access to some of your information by third parties. For example, your QQ friends can enquire about your personal information which has been submitted by you and is made open. You should be aware of the potential risks faced by you for making the information referred herein open or for disclosing the information and you have to bear such risks solely by yourself.8.1.2 In order to improve or optimize the relevant services, Tencent may use your nickname, portrait or your other operational information employed in using the Software and may also display such information to yourself and other users through Tencent’s services or third party’s services provided together with Tencent’s services.8.1.3 When using a particular service included in the Services, you may have to enter into other agreements or consent to other rules separately. Therefore, you are advised to read such other agreements and rules carefully before using the such services.8.1.4 Tencent has the right to display various kinds of information in or through the Services, including but not limited to advertising, news and promotional information, and such information may appear as system messages or pop-up windows.8.1.5 You may choose not to provide Tencent with any information of yours. You may also cancel your authorization of Tencent to collect any information by making the relevant product settings. However, Tencent shall not be held liable for the inoperability of the related functions of the Services due to your failure to provide Tencent with the necessary information.8.1.6 You acknowledge and agree that Tencent will make its best commercially reasonable endeavors to protect the storage safety of your data in the Software and the Services. However, Tencent cannot provide full guarantee in this respect especially under following circumstances (including but without limitation):(1) Tencent will not be responsible for any deletion of or failure to save your data in the Software and the Services;(2) Tencent has the discretion to decide the maximum length of time of storing your data in the Software and the Services and the maximum storage space available for your use in the server in view of the actual situation. You can make a backup copy of the Software and the Services by yourself in light of your own needs. In the event that Tencent and you have entered a separate agreement in this regard, such agreement shall prevail;(3) If you cease to use the Software or the Services or if your use of the Services is terminated or canceled, Tencent may delete your data from the server permanently. Tencent shall not have any obligation to return any of the data to you once your use of the Services is ceased, terminated or canceled.8.2 Prohibited ActsYou shall not use the Services to engage in acts including but not limited to the following:(1) to publish, transmit, disseminate or store any contents which are against the laws and regulations or are detrimental to national security and unity, social stability, public order, social customs or social ethics or any humiliating, libelous, obscene or violent contents;(2) to publish, transmit, disseminate or store any contents which are defamatory or infringe others’portrait rights, intellectual property rights, commercial secrets or any other lawful rights;(3) to commit any misleading or deceitful acts by fabricating facts or concealing the truth;(4) to publish, transmit or disseminate advertising messages or junk messages; or(5) to engage in any other acts against laws, regulations and government policies, public order, social customs or social ethics.8.3 Acts Prohibited of UsersUnless permitted by law or consented in writing by Tencent, you shall not engage any of the following acts:(1) to delete any copyright statement from the Software or its copies;(2) to reverse-engineer, disassemble or decompile the Software or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software;(3) to use, lease, lend, reproduce, modify, attach a link to, reprint, compile or publish the contents which Tencent owns intellectual property rights or to set up a mirror site of suchcontents;(4) to reproduce, modify or make additions or deletions to the Software, any data released to any terminal or exchanged between the customer terminal and the server in the course of running the Software or any system data necessary for the running of the Software, or to run or create any derivatives on the same, whether or not by accessing the Software and related systems by the use of a plug-in, add-on or third party tools or services not authorized by Tencent;(5) to make additions, deletions or modifications to the functions or operating effects of the Software by modifying or forging commands or data used in the running of the Software, or to run or disseminate softwares or methods with the above intentions, whether for commercial reasons for not;(6) to log in or use Tencent’s softwares or services through the use of third party softwares, plug-ins, add-ons or systems not developed or authorized by Tencent, or to prepare, distribute or disseminate the above tools;(7) to tamper with the Software or its components, modules or data whether by yourself or through others or by using a third party software; or(8) to commit any other acts not expressly authorized by Tencent.8.4 Be Responsible for Your Own ActsYou fully understand and agree that you will be solely responsible for all acts done with the QQ account registered by you including everything publicized by you and any and all consequences arising therefrom. You shall judge all contents which you come across in using the Services by yourself and bear all risks associated with using such contents, including risks arising from your reliance on the correctness, integrity or practicability of the contents. Tencent cannot and will not bear any liability for any losses or damages which you may suffer from the above risks.8.5 Liability for BreachIf Tencent discovers or receives any report of your breach of this Agreement, Tencent shall have the right to delete or block the relevant contents at any time without prior notice and take actions including but not limited to suspension or termination of your use of the relevant QQ account or your use of part or all of the Services and taking of legal actions to pursue your legal liability.8.6 Third Party LossesIf your breach of this Agreement leads to any third party losses, you shall bear the liability on your own; and you shall also indemnify Tencent against any losses arising from your breach of this Agreement.9. Products or Services Provided by Third PartiesWhen you use a product or service provided by a third party on Tencent’s platform, you shall abide by the user agreement of the third party in addition to complying with this Agreement. Tencent and the third party shall bear their own responsibilities to the extent provided by law and the relevant agreement in case any dispute arises.When you use the Software or seek Tencent’s provision of specific services, the Software may direct you to the systems of third parties or require support from a third party for your use or access (including but without limitation, you may be directed by the Services to services or contents provided by a third party or a third party may provide access to services and contents through Tencent’s platform.). In such event, the result of use or access will be provided by thethird party and Tencent is not in a position to make any warranty on the safety, accuracy, validity or other potential risks of the services and contents provided by the third party. You shall bear the responsibility solely on your own in case any dispute or damage arises.10. Intellectual Property Statement10.1 Tencent is entitled to the intellectual property rights in respect of the Software. The copyright, trademark right, patent right, commercial secrets and other intellectual property rights in respect of the Software and all information and contents relating to the Software (including but not limited to texts, images, audios, videos, charts, interface designs, layouts, data and electronic document files) are subject to protection by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and relevant international treaties. Tencent is entitled to the above intellectual property rights, subject to any legal rights which may be granted to other obligees under relevant laws and regulations.10.2 You may not exercise, use or transfer or permit any third party to exercise, use or transfer the above intellectual properties rights regardless whether for commercial purpose without Tencent or relevant obligees’s written consent.11. Responsibility for Terminal Device Safety11.1 You acknowledge and agree that as most of internet softwares and services, the Software or the Services may be under the influence of various factors including but not limited to reasons from the user, quality of the internet service and social environment, and may also be subject to various security problems including but not limited to actual disturbance in case of illegal use of user information as well as threatened insecurity of your terminal device information and data due to possible presence of viruses, Trojans or other malwares in other softwares downloaded by the user or other websites visited by the user, which in turn affect the normal use of the Software or the Services. Therefore, you should have higher awareness of information safety and protection for personal information and pay attention to protecting your passwords to avoid losses.11.2 You may not make, release, use or disseminate malwares to be used for stealing QQ account and personal information and properties from other people.11.3 Maintaining the safety and normal use of the Software should be a joint task of Tencent and you. While Tencent will take necessary technical measures in a reasonably prudent manner to protect the safety of your terminal device information and data according to industry standards, you acknowledge and agree that Tencent will not be able to provide any guarantee in this respect.11.4 Under no circumstances should you carelessly believe in any requests appearing on the internet for loans or disclosure of passwords or those involving properties. If you receive any request involving handling of properties, you must verify the identity of the person first and please always pay attention to Tencent’s alerts against fraud attempts.12. Third Party Softwares or Technologies12.1 The Software may use third party softwares or technologies (including without limitation, some open source codes and/or public domain codes). The necessary licenses of use such third party softwares or technologies will be obtained legally by Tencent.12.2 Where the Software uses third party softwares or technologies, Tencent will include the relevant agreements or documents as appendices of this Agreement or contain the same in the document files included in the installation kit of the Software, etc, as may be required by the relevant laws and regulations. Those agreements or documents may be named as “Software License Agreement”, “Authorization Agreement”or “Open Source Code License”, etc. Those agreements or documents, howsoever presented, are integral parts of this Agreement and bear the same legal effect as this Agreement. You shall comply with the provisions of those agreements or documents. If you fail to comply with them, the relevant third party or the relevant authority may bring a lawsuit or impose a fine or other sanction against you and, in doing so, may require the assistance of Tencent. In such event, you shall bear the legal liability on your own.13. Others13.1 By using the Software or the Services, you will be considered as having read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. Tencent has the right to revise the terms and conditions of this Agreement whenever necessary. You can check the terms and conditions on the most updated version of the Software and the Services. If you continue to use the Software or the Services after revision of the terms and conditions, you will be considered as having accepted the agreement as revised. If you do not accept the agreement as revised, you should cease to use the Software.13.2 This Agreement is signed in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, the People’s Republic of China.13.3 The formation, validity, performance and interpretation of this Agreement and resolution of any disputes arising in connection with this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China excluding the conflict of laws principles.13.4 Any dispute or controversy arising between you and Tencent shall first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, you agree that the dispute or controversy shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the competent people’s court of the place where this Agreement is signed.13.5 The headings of all terms contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and have no substantial meanings. They may not be taken as a basis for the interpretation of this Agreement.13.6 If any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining terms shall continue to be valid and binding on both parties.13.7 Where there are Chinese, English and other language versions of this Agreement, the Chinese version shall prevail if there are inconsistencies between the different versions.-- End of Body Text --。
