Strategy Instruction With Learning Disabilities
介绍学习策略英语作文Learning Strategies。
Learning a new language can be a challenging and rewarding experience. When it comes to learning English, having effective learning strategies is essential. In this essay, I will discuss some effective learning strategies for studying English.First and foremost, it is important to set clear and achievable goals for learning English. Whether it is to improve speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, having a clear goal will help you stay focused and motivated. Setting short-term and long-term goals can also help you track your progress and stay on track.Another important learning strategy is to practice English as much as possible. This can be done through various activities such as watching English movies, listening to English songs, reading English books, andspeaking with native English speakers. The more you practice, the more confident and proficient you will become in using the language.In addition to practicing, it is also important tobuild a strong foundation in English grammar and vocabulary. This can be achieved through regular study and review of grammar rules and vocabulary words. Flashcards, word games, and language learning apps can be helpful tools for expanding your vocabulary and improving your grammar skills.Furthermore, finding a study method that works best for you is crucial. Some people learn best through visual aids, such as videos and pictures, while others may preferauditory learning through listening to lectures and conversations. Experimenting with different study methods and finding what works best for you can greatly enhanceyour learning experience.Moreover, seeking feedback from teachers, tutors, or language exchange partners can be beneficial for improving your English skills. Constructive feedback can help youidentify areas for improvement and provide you withvaluable insights on how to progress further.Lastly, staying motivated and persistent is key to successful language learning. It is important to stay positive and not be discouraged by setbacks or challenges. Surrounding yourself with a supportive and motivating environment can also help keep you on track and motivatedto continue learning.In conclusion, learning English requires dedication, practice, and effective learning strategies. By settingclear goals, practicing regularly, building a strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary, finding a study method that works for you, seeking feedback, and staying motivated, you can make significant progress in yourEnglish language skills. With the right learning strategies, you can achieve fluency and proficiency in English.。
学习策略在英语学习过程中的重要性作文Learning strategies play a crucial role in the process of learning English. 学习策略在学习英语的过程中起着至关重要的作用。
Effective learning strategies can help students improve their language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 有效的学习策略可以帮助学生提高他们的语言技能,比如听、说、读、写。
Through the useof various strategies, students can enhance their understanding ofthe language and increase their overall proficiency. 通过使用各种策略,学生可以增进对语言的理解,提高整体水平。
One of the most common learning strategies in English language learning is vocabulary acquisition. 英语学习中最常见的学习策略之一是词汇积累。
By learning new words and phrases regularly, studentscan expand their vocabulary and improve their ability to communicate effectively. 通过定期学习新单词和短语,学生可以扩大词汇量,提高有效沟通的能力。
Flashcards, word lists, and vocabulary games are all useful tools for vocabulary acquisition. 闪卡、单词列表和词汇游戏都是词汇习得的有用工具。
instructional strategies
One popular problem-solving system——IDEAL
1.Identify the problem. 2.Define terms 3.Explore strategies 4.Act on the strategy. 5.Look at the effects.
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How to use the Problem-solving
strategies for depth ?
The way teachers guide children's thinking is more important than any other role in the learning process. The questions that teachers use to guide children's thinking are vital . They are the basis of learning Effective peer interaction
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ReadingⅡ Questioning for depth--scaffolding Children's Learning
Educational scaffolding is substantial at the beginning of ―the construction,‖ as the teacher carefully diagnoses a student’s competencies and determines where new knowledge will need to be built.
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How to understand the definition of Peer-learning properly ? This definition implies that faculty are not only involved in the process of enabling peers to learn from each other, but that faculty design a reasonable degree of direction and structure in the peer-learning process itself.
关于英语学习策略的报告英语作文English Answer:Introduction:Language acquisition is an intricate process involving various learning strategies to enhance understanding and proficiency. Language learners adopt a diverse range of techniques tailored to their individual cognitive and learning styles. This report examines the effectiveness of two prominent English learning strategies: the Spaced Repetition System (SRS) and the Focused Retrieval Practice (FRP).Spaced Repetition System (SRS):The Spaced Repetition System involves reviewing material at increasing intervals to strengthen memory retention. Studies have demonstrated that spaced repetition is significantly more effective than traditional reviewmethods, as it helps consolidate information in long-term memory. The SRS leverages flashcard apps like Anki, which utilizes algorithms to schedule reviews based on the learner's progress. This systematic approach aids in efficient retention, reducing forgetting and maximizing learning outcomes.Focused Retrieval Practice (FRP):Focused Retrieval Practice is a technique that actively engages learners in retrieving information from memory without using prompts. This practice enhances long-term memory formation by strengthening neural pathways associated with the retrieved content. FRP involves regular quizzing and self-testing, encouraging learners to recall information from memory rather than relying on external cues. Studies have shown that FRP improves retention and facilitates deeper understanding.Comparative Analysis:Effectiveness: Both SRS and FRP have been empiricallyvalidated as effective learning strategies. While SRSexcels in strengthening memory retention, FRP promotes deeper comprehension and improves problem-solving abilities.Learning Style: SRS is suitable for learners who prefer a structured and systematic approach to learning. FRP, onthe other hand, aligns well with the needs of learners who thrive on active recall and self-testing.Time Commitment: SRS requires regular reviews, whichcan be time-consuming. FRP, however, involves more frequent self-testing, which may demand less time.Integration: While SRS and FRP can be employed independently, their combination can yield synergistic benefits. Integrating SRS into FRP can reinforce memory retention, while FRP enhances understanding and application.Conclusion:The Spaced Repetition System (SRS) and FocusedRetrieval Practice (FRP) are both powerful English learningstrategies with distinct advantages. SRS effectively strengthens memory retention, while FRP promotes deeper comprehension. By understanding the strengths and characteristics of each strategy, learners can tailor their learning approach to optimize their progress.中文回答:导言:语言习得是一个复杂的过程,涉及各种学习策略,以提高理解和熟练程度。
特殊需要儿童(exceptional children)阿斯伯格综合征(A Sperger Syndrome)手足徐动症(Athetosis)注意缺点障碍(Attention Deficit Disorder,ADD)参考多动性注意缺点障碍(Attention Deficit/Hyper-Activity Disorder,ADHD)自闭症(Autism)参考自闭症障碍(Autisticdisorder)自闭症候群(Autism Spectrum Disorders)自闭天才(Autistic Savant)行为障碍(Behavioral Disorder)双极障碍(Bipolar Disorder)脑瘫(Cerebral Palsy)儿童期割裂障碍(Childhood Disintegrative Disorder)猫叫综合征(Cri-du-chat Syndrome)唐氏综合征(Down Syndrome)构音困难(Dysarthia)脆性X染色体综合征普遍性焦虑障碍(Generalized Anxiety Disorder)重听((Hard of Hearing)语言障碍((Language Disorder)智力掉队(Mental Retardation)社会性解决行为(Socialized Aggression)言语障碍(Speech Impairment)刻板行为(刻板)(Stereotypic Behavior(Stereotypy) ]创伤性脑损伤(Traumatic Brain Injury)声音障碍(Voice Disorder)声音障碍(Voice Disorder)功能性行为评估(Functional Behavior Assessment,FBA)任务分析(T ask Analysis)协同教学:(Team Teaching)最少受限制环境(Least Restrictive Environment,LRE)回归主流(Mainstreaming)暂停法(Time Out)代币制/代币强化系统(T oken Economy/Tokenreinforcement System)行为表现形式[Topography (of Behavior) ]综合交际法(Total Communication)障碍儿童(Handicapped Children)缺点儿童(Defect Children)异样儿童(Abnormal Children)残疾儿童(Disabled Children)个别化教育理念(individualized education)初期干与(early intervention)缺点补偿(deficiency compensation)最少受限制环境(least restrictive environment)融合教育(integration education)全纳教育(inclusive education)定向行走(orientation and mobility skills)大字讲义(large-print book)孤独症(autism)ABA教学(Applied Behavior Analysis)结构式教学法(Treatmend and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children,TEARCHC)注意缺点多动障碍(Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)脑性瘫痪(cerebral palsy)口吃(stuttering)语流障碍(fluency disorder)特殊教育学(Special Pedagogy)障碍者教育法(The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,IDEA)感官残疾儿童(sensory disabled children)肢体残疾儿童(orthopedically impaired children)语言残疾儿童(speech impaired children)病弱与多重障碍儿童(chronic medical disorders and multi-handicapped children)智力障碍儿童(mentally retarded children)视觉障碍儿童(visually handicapped children)听觉障碍儿童(hearing handicapped children)聋-盲双残儿童(deaf-blind children)《所有残疾儿童教育法》(The Education of All Handicapped Children Act,又称94-142公法)美国智力障碍学会(American Association on Mental Retardation)学习障碍儿童(children with learning disabilities)社会行为障碍儿童(social behaviorally disordered children)情绪障碍儿童(emotionally disordered children)自闭症儿童(autism children)普遍性进展障碍(pervasive developmental disorders)孤儿和寄养儿童(orphan and fosterage children)《资优儿童教育法》(The Gifted and T alented Students Education Act)《智力障碍儿童教育法》(Education of Mentally Retarded Children Act)瀑布式特殊教育效劳体系(cascade of special education services)零拒绝(zero reject)资源教室(resource room)个别教育方案(Individualized Education Program)合作咨询(collaborative consultation)《残疾儿童爱惜法》(The Handicapped Children’s Protection Act,又称99-372公法)《障碍婴幼儿法》(The Infant and Toddlers with Disabilities Act,又称99-457公法)《障碍者教育法修正案》(The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments,又称105-17公法)个别化家庭效劳打算(individualized family service plans)个别化教育打算(individualized education programs)个别化衔接打算(individualized transition plans)斯坦福-比奈智力量表(Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale ,SB)韦克斯勒儿童智力量表(Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children,WISC-R)韦氏学前儿童智力量表(Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence,WPPSI)考夫曼儿童成套评估考试(Kauffman Assessment Battery for Children , K-ABC)联合型瑞文考试(Combined Ravwn’s Test ,CRT)儿童适应行为调查表(Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children ,ABIC)文兰社会成熟量表(Vineland Social Maturity Scale ,VSMS)焦虑自评量表(Self-rating Anxiety Scale ,SAS)汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton Anxiety Scale ,HAMA)帕金斯盲文打字机(the Perhins Braille)学语前聋(prelinguistic deafness)学语后聋(postinguistic deafness)传音性听觉障碍(conductive loss)感音性听觉障碍(sensorineural loss)混合性听觉障碍(mixed loss)耳蜗性聋(cochlear deafness)耳蜗后性聋retrocochlear deafness)神经性听觉障碍(nervous loss)纯音测听(pure-tone audiometry)言语测听(speech audiometry)耳蜗和耳蜗后行为测听(cochlear and retrocochlear behavioral tests)声导抗考试(acoustic immittance measure)鼓室功能测定(tympanometer )和声反射(acoustic reflex)耳声发射(otoacoustic emissions)耳蜗电图(electrocochlearography)听觉脑干诱发电反映(auditory brainstem response )稳态诱发电位(steady-state evoked potentials)中暗藏期听觉诱发电位(Middle-latent auditory evoked potentials)听觉刺激皮层事件相关电位(cortical event-related potentials to auditory stimuli)助听器(hearing aids)电子耳蜗植入术(cochlear implants)《国际疾病分类》(International Classification of Disease)轻度智力障碍(mild mental retardation)中度智力障碍(moderate mental retardation)重度智力障碍(severe mental retardation)极重度智力障碍(profound mental retardation)其他智力障碍(other mental retardation)非特异性的智力障碍(unspecified mental retardation)言语缺点(speech defect)言语失调(speech disorder)发音障碍(articulation disorders)流畅性障碍(fluency disorders)声音障碍(voice disorders)语言障碍(language disorders)进展性语言障碍(developmental disorders)取得性语言障碍(acquired disorders)语言进展迟缓(language delay)语言进展异样(language deviancy)伊利诺心理语言能力考试(the Illinois Test of Psychlinguistic Abilities)皮博迪图片辞汇考试(the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test)葛林顿.莱利口吃严峻度评估表(the Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and Adults)语言技术考试(Language Skill Test)明尼苏达失语症考试(Minnesota Aphasia Examination)标准失语症检查(Standard Language Test of Aphasia)发声肌能检查仪(Phonatory Fuction Analyzer)频谱分析仪(Visi-Pitch)鉴定自闭症或自闭症儿童的评估量表(behavior rating instrument for autistic children ,BRIAC)克南思行为评估量表(Clancy behavior scale)多重障碍(multiple handicap)特指性学习障碍(specific learning disabilitiy)全美学习障碍联合会(National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities ,NJCLD)神经心理/进展性学习障碍(neuro-psychological developmental learning disabilities)学业/成绩性学习障碍(academic/achievement learning disabilities)社会学习障碍(social learning disabilities)分割任务(segmentation task)综合任务(synthesis task)加利福尼亚学业成绩测试(California Achievement Test)爱尔华大体技术测试(Lowa Test of Basic skills)斯坦福成绩测试(Stanfard Achievement Test)对症性教育(inagnostic prescriptive teaching)学习策略课程(Learning strategies curriculum,LSC)直接教学模式(direct instruction)启发性的双向教学模式(reciprocal teaching)系统脱敏法(systematic desensitization)冲击疗法(implosive therapy)暴露疗法(flooding therapy)厌恶疗法(aversive therapy)认知医治(cognition therapy)强化法(reinforcement procedures)正强化法(positive reinforcement procedures)负强化法(negative reinforcement procedures)处惩法(punishment procedures)消退法(extinction procedures)代币法(token program)示范法(modeling)低级心理卫生训练项目(the primary mental health project ,PMHP)托兰斯制造能力测量量表(Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking ,TTCC)加利福尼亚因素量表(California Test of Personality)卡特尔人格16因素量表(Cattell’s 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire ,16PF)。
英语学习者的有效策略英语范文Effective Strategies for English Language Learners.Embarking on the journey of learning English as a non-native speaker can be both an enriching and challenging endeavor. To navigate this linguistic landscape successfully, it is imperative to adopt a repertoire of effective strategies that cater to the specific needs and learning styles of individual learners. This comprehensive guide will delve into a multifaceted array of research-informed strategies that have proven to be instrumental in facilitating English proficiency among learners from diverse backgrounds.Immersion and Input Enhancement.Immersion plays a pivotal role in language acquisition. Surrounding oneself with the target language through authentic materials and interactions provides learners with ample opportunities to absorb linguistic patterns,familiarize themselves with colloquialisms, and develop a nuanced understanding of cultural contexts. Active engagement in conversations, listening to podcasts, watching movies, and reading books in English can significantly enhance input exposure and foster gradual language development.Output Practice and Feedback.Output practice offers learners a platform to apply their developing language skills in real-world scenarios. Engaging in regular writing and speaking exercises, such as journaling, participating in discussions, or seeking feedback from native speakers, provides invaluable opportunities for learners to refine their grammar, expand their vocabulary, and gain confidence in their communication abilities. Constructive feedback from peers, teachers, or language partners can help identify areas for improvement and promote sustained progress.Focus on Meaningful Communication.Language learning should extend beyond memorizing vocabulary lists and grammatical rules. Emphasizing meaningful communication allows learners to contextualize language within real-life situations and engage in purposeful language use. Engaging in conversations about topics of interest, participating in role-plays, or discussing current events encourages learners to connect linguistic knowledge with practical applications and develop their communicative competence.Personalized Learning and Learner Autonomy.Every learner possesses unique learning styles and preferences. Adopting a learner-centered approach involves tailoring teaching methods and materials to accommodate individual needs, interests, and learning rhythms. Providing learners with choices in activities, allowing them to set their own learning goals, and encouraging them to take ownership of their learning journey can foster motivation and empower learners to become autonomous and self-directed.Technology Integration and Language Learning Apps.Harnessing the power of technology can greatly enhance English learning experiences. Language learning apps, such as Duolingo, Babbel, or Rosetta Stone, offer structured lessons, interactive exercises, and personalized feedback, providing learners with flexible and accessible language practice opportunities. Additionally, online dictionaries, grammar checkers, and translation tools can serve as valuable resources for immediate language support and clarification.Cultural Awareness and Contextualization.Language is inextricably linked to culture. Incorporating cultural insights into language instruction can enrich learners' understanding of the target language and facilitate meaningful communication. Exploring cultural norms, traditions, and values through literature, film, or cultural immersion experiences not only broadens learners' cultural horizons but also enhances their ability to interpret and produce language appropriately in differentsocial contexts.Collaboration and Peer Support.Learning English in a collaborative environment fosters a sense of community and provides learners with opportunities to engage with fellow language learners. Joining study groups, participating in language exchange programs, or connecting with native speakers through online platforms allows learners to share knowledge, support each other, and create a network of language learning resources.Motivation and Goal Setting.Sustained motivation is the driving force behind successful language learning. Setting realistic and attainable goals, celebrating progress, and recognizing achievements can help learners maintain their enthusiasm and commitment over time. Identifying personal reasons for learning English, such as career advancement, travel, or personal fulfillment, can also serve as powerful motivators for learners.Error Analysis and Reflection.Mistakes are an inherent part of the language learning process. Adopting a positive attitude towards errors and viewing them as opportunities for learning can foster a growth mindset and promote resilience. Engaging in regular error analysis, reflecting on common mistakes, and seeking clarification from teachers or peers can help learners identify patterns, improve accuracy, and develop a deeper understanding of grammatical structures.Assessment and Feedback.Regular assessment provides learners with valuable feedback on their progress and areas for improvement. Formal assessments, such as proficiency tests or standardized exams, can measure overall language proficiency, while informal assessments, such as self-reflections or portfolio reviews, can provide insights into learners' strengths and weaknesses and guide future learning. Feedback from teachers, peers, or externalassessors offers learners constructive criticism and helps them set realistic goals for continued development.In conclusion, effective English language learning involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses immersion, output practice, meaningful communication, personalized learning, technology integration, cultural awareness, collaboration, motivation, error analysis, assessment, and feedback. By adopting these strategies and tailoring themto individual needs and learning styles, learners can embark on a transformative language learning journey that empowers them to communicate confidently, connect with others, and embrace the richness of the English language.。
学习策略在英语学习过程中的重要性作文Title: The Indispensable Role of Learning Strategies in the English Language Acquisition ProcessMastering a foreign language, particularly English, which has become the global lingua franca, is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. Success in this pursuit is not solely dependent on innate talent or sheer determination; rather, it is significantly influenced by the effective application of well-designed learning strategies. This essay underscores the crucial importance of learning strategies in the English language learning process, highlighting how they enhance comprehension, foster autonomous learning, facilitate progress monitoring, and promote long-term retention.Enhancing ComprehensionEffective learning strategies enable learners to break down complex language concepts into manageable components, thereby enhancing understanding and retention. For instance, the useof chunking, dividing lengthy sentences or texts into smaller, meaningful segments, simplifies the learning process and aids in grasping the overall structure and meaning. Mnemonicdevices like acronyms or rhymes aid in remembering vocabulary and grammatical rules. Additionally, metacognitivestrategies such as self-questioning and summarizing encourage learners to actively engage with the material, critically reflect on their understanding, and identify gaps in knowledge.Fostering Autonomous LearningLearning strategies empower learners to take control of their own learning process, promoting self-directedness and independence. Goal-setting helps learners define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives, providing a clear roadmap for their language learning journey. Self-monitoring encourages regular reflection on progress, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and adjusting study plans accordingly. Furthermore, self-evaluation through quizzes, tests, or peer feedback enables learners to assess their proficiency levels objectively. By cultivating autonomy, learners develop resilience, adaptability, and a lifelong learning mindset essential for continuous language improvement.Facilitating Progress MonitoringWell-devised learning strategies provide learners with tangible means to track and measure their progress, fueling motivation andperseverance. Record-keeping of new vocabulary, grammar rules, or language tasks completed serves as a visual representation of growth and accomplishment. Time-management techniques like the Pomodoro technique or the Eisenhower matrix ensure efficient use of study time and prevent burnout. Moreover, peer collaboration through study groups, language exchange partnerships, or online forums allows learners to share resources, compare progress, and offer mutual support, creating a sense of accountability and camaraderie.Promoting Long-Term RetentionLearning strategies that emphasize active recall, repetition, and contextualization are instrumental in consolidating knowledge and ensuring long-term retention. Spaced repetition schedules, such as using flashcards or language learning apps, present previously learned material at gradually increasing intervals, reinforcing memory and preventing forgetting. Contextualizedlearning through immersion in authentic English content – reading novels, watching films, or engaging in conversation with native speakers – helps learners anchor new language knowledge inreal-life situations, enhancing both comprehension and usage. Lastly, reflective journaling encourages learners to regularlyreview and consolidate what they have learned, deepening understanding and solidifying connections between different language elements.In conclusion, learning strategies play an indispensable role in the English language acquisition process. They equip learners with the tools to navigate complexities, foster self-directedness, monitor progress effectively, and ensure long-lasting retention. By integrating a diverse range of strategies tailored to their individual learning styles and goals, learners can embark on a more efficient, enjoyable, and ultimately successful journey towards mastering the English language.。
学习动机与方法的重要性英语作文### 英文回答:The Importance of Motivation and Strategies in Learning.In the tapestry of education, motivation and learning strategies serve as the vibrant threads that intertwine to create a vibrant and impactful experience. Motivation, the driving force behind our actions, ignites the spark of inquiry and propels us forward in our pursuit of knowledge. Learning strategies, meanwhile, provide the practical tools and techniques that enable us to effectively acquire, retain, and apply information.Motivation plays a pivotal role in shaping our approach to learning. It sustains our efforts when faced with challenges, drives us to seek out new knowledge and skills, and fuels our passion for continuous improvement. Students who are intrinsically motivated, driven by their own curiosity and love of learning, tend to exhibit higherlevels of engagement, persistence, and academic achievement.Effective learning strategies, on the other hand, empower students to maximize their learning potential. By employing a variety of techniques, such as spacedrepetition, active recall, and elaborative encoding,learners can enhance their ability to retain informationand develop a deeper understanding of complex concepts. Furthermore, metacognitive strategies, such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own learning, enable students to become self-directed learners who can independently navigate the complexities of the learning process.The synergy between motivation and learning strategies creates a powerful learning environment that fosters both intrinsic motivation and academic success. When studentsare motivated to learn and equipped with effective learning strategies, they are more likely to engage deeply with the material, retain information for longer periods of time,and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skillsthat serve them well beyond the classroom.### 中文回答:学习动机与方法的重要性。
英语学习策略:通往语言精通之路In the journey of mastering English, effective learning strategies play a pivotal role. They not only enhance the efficiency of learning but also foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the language. In this essay, we delve into some of the most effective strategies for English learning, aiming to equip learners with the tools they need to achieve linguistic proficiency.**1. Consistent Practice**The foundation of any language learning is consistent practice. Regular reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities are crucial for building vocabulary, grammar skills, and fluency. Setting aside a dedicated daily or weekly time for each skill is essential for maintaining momentum and progress.**2. Active Engagement**Passive learning is inefficient and often leads to forgetfulness. Instead, active engagement with the material is key. This could involve participating in discussions, asking questions, or even creating content related to whatyou are learning. Active learning not only improves comprehension but also makes the learning process more engaging and enjoyable.**3. Immersion**Exposure to the language in real-world contexts is invaluable. Immersing oneself in English-speaking environments, whether through travel, language exchange programs, or even watching English-language media, can加速语言习得的过程。
怎么培训中考英语作文辅导Title: How to Conduct Effective Training and Guidance for Middle School English Composition in the High School Entrance Examination。
In the competitive landscape of academic assessments, the middle school English composition segment in the high school entrance examination holds significant importance. Its evaluation not only gauges linguistic proficiency but also assesses critical thinking and creativity. Thus, effective training and guidance for this component are paramount. Drawing from popular resources available online, this essay delineates strategies for conducting comprehensive English composition tutoring, ensuring students are equipped with the necessary skills and confidence to excel in their examinations.To commence, a structured approach to training is indispensable. Firstly, educators should meticulously analyze the examination syllabus and past papers to discernprevalent themes and question patterns. This analysis enables the formulation of a curriculum tailored to address specific competencies required for success. Moreover, incorporating diverse writing prompts ranging fromnarrative to argumentative essays cultivates versatility among students, enhancing their adaptability to varying examination contexts.Subsequently, fostering a conducive learning environment is pivotal. Utilizing multimedia resources such as instructional videos and interactive presentations captivates students' interest and facilitates comprehension of complex concepts. Additionally, organizing peer-review sessions cultivates a collaborative ethos wherein students provide constructive feedback to their peers, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Furthermore, integrating technology-enabled platforms for practice assessments enables personalized feedback, thereby augmenting students' self-awareness of their strengths and areas for improvement.Furthermore, honing linguistic proficiency is centralto effective composition writing. To this end, systematicvocabulary enrichment exercises and grammar drills should be incorporated into the curriculum. Supplementing traditional teaching methodologies with gamified learning applications incentivizes student engagement while reinforcing language acquisition. Additionally, encouraging extensive reading across various genres not only enhances vocabulary but also exposes students to diverse writing styles, fostering their creativity and critical thinking abilities.Equally significant is the cultivation of critical thinking and analytical skills. Encouraging students to deconstruct essay prompts and outline coherent arguments instills clarity of thought and logical reasoning. Furthermore, engaging students in structured debates and discussions on contemporary issues hones their ability to articulate opinions cogently, a skill invaluable in essay composition. Moreover, exposing students to exemplary essays penned by proficient writers serves as a source of inspiration while elucidating effective writing techniques and stylistic conventions.Moreover, instilling confidence and resilience is imperative in navigating the pressures of examination environments. Employing positive reinforcement techniques and celebrating incremental achievements fosters a growth mindset, instilling in students the belief in their ability to surmount challenges. Furthermore, administering mock examinations under timed conditions simulates the examination experience, equipping students with the requisite composure and time management skills essentialfor success.In conclusion, effective training and guidance for middle school English composition in the high school entrance examination necessitate a multifaceted approach encompassing structured curriculum design, interactive learning methodologies, language proficiency enhancement, critical thinking cultivation, and confidence-building strategies. By amalgamating these components, educators can empower students with the requisite skills and confidence to excel in their examinations, thereby facilitating their academic and personal growth.。
让学生尽快手心英语计划In the fast-paced globalized world, the importance of English proficiency has become increasingly apparent. As a language that bridges cultural divides and facilitates international communication, English holds the key to unlocking numerous opportunities for students. However, mastering English can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to the language. To help students achieve rapid English mastery, a comprehensive strategy is essential.**1. Establish a Solid Foundation**Building a strong foundation in the basics of Englishis crucial. This includes mastering the alphabet, learning basic vocabulary, and understanding grammar rules. Engaging in activities like reading, writing, speaking, andlistening in English will help solidify these fundamentals. **2. Immersive Learning Environment**Exposure to English on a daily basis is vital for language acquisition. Creating an immersive learning environment where students are constantly surrounded byEnglish can加速语言学习的进程。
提高自主学习能力的策略高中生英语作文Improving Strategies for Self-LearningIn today's rapidly advancing society, the ability to learn independently is becoming increasingly important.With the right strategies, high school students can enhance their self-learning skills and become more efficient and effective learners.Here are some strategies that can help improve self-learning abilities.Firstly, setting clear goals is crucial.Before starting any self-learning task, it is important to determine what you want to achieve.By setting specific and achievable goals, you can stay focused and motivated throughout the process.Additionally, breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps can make the learning process less overwhelming and more enjoyable.Secondly, creating a suitable learning environment is essential.A quiet and well-organized space can help reduce distractions and enhance concentration.It is also important to establish a regular study schedule, ensuring that you allocate sufficient time for each task.By maintaining a consistent routine, you can develop good habits and stay on track.Another effective strategy is to use active learning techniques.Instead of passively reading or listening to information, try to engage with the material actively.This can be done by taking notes, asking questions, and summarizing the main points in your own words.Active learningpromotes deeper understanding and better retention of information.Furthermore, self-assessment and reflection are important components of self-learning.Regularly evaluating your progress and identifying areas for improvement can help you stay accountable and make necessary adjustments to your learning strategies.Reflecting on what works best for you and what doesn't can also provide valuable insights for future self-learning endeavors.Lastly, seeking resources and support can greatly enhance self-learning abilities.Utilize online tutorials, textbooks, and reference materials to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.If necessary, don't hesitate to reach out to teachers, classmates, or even friends for help.Collaborative learning can complement self-learning by providing different perspectives and promoting discussion.In conclusion, improving self-learning abilities is a valuable skill that high school students can develop.By setting clear goals, creating a suitable learning environment, using active learning techniques, engaging in self-assessment, and seeking resources, students can become more independent and successful learners.With practice and perseverance, these strategies can lead to improved academic performance and a greater sense of self-fulfillment.。
关于学习策略的报告英语作文Title: Exploring Effective Learning Strategies.In the ever-evolving academic landscape, the importance of effective learning strategies cannot be overstated. These strategies not only enhance academic performance but also foster a life-long passion for learning. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of learning strategies, discussing their significance, types, and practical applications.Firstly, let's delve into the significance of learning strategies. In today's fast-paced world, the traditional rote learning method is becoming increasingly outdated. Instead, students need to adopt innovative strategies that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability. Effective learning strategies help students retain information better, improve their comprehension skills, and enhance their motivation to learn. Furthermore, they empower students to become independent learners, ableto navigate new concepts and challenges with confidence.Next, let's explore the various types of learning strategies.1. Active Learning: This strategy involves actively engaging with the material, rather than passively absorbing it. Techniques such as taking notes, summarizing, and discussing concepts with peers foster active learning. By actively participating in the learning process, students are more likely to retain and understand the information.2. Distributed Learning: This strategy advocates spacing out learning over time, rather than cramming all the information in one sitting. By spacing out learning sessions, students give their brains time to process and consolidate information, leading to better retention and comprehension.3. Elaboration: This strategy encourages students to connect new information with what they already know. By making connections and building upon existing knowledge,students are able to understand and remember new concepts more easily.4. Interleaved Practice: This strategy involves mixing up different types of problems or skills during practice sessions. By alternating between different tasks, students are able to generalize their learning and apply it to a wider range of situations.5. Retrieval Practice: This strategy involves retrieving information from memory through quizzes, tests, or self-quizzing. By retrieving information, students are able to巩固 their understanding and identify areas where they need to focus their learning efforts.Now, let's discuss the practical applications of these learning strategies.In the classroom, teachers can incorporate active learning techniques such as group discussions, role-plays, and project-based learning. These techniques encourage students to actively engage with the material, improvingtheir comprehension and motivation to learn. Additionally, teachers can utilize distributed learning by spacing out assignments and assessments over the course of the semester, giving students time to process and consolidate information.Outside the classroom, students can utilize elaboration by connecting new information to their existing knowledge. For example, when learning about a new scientific concept, students can try to connect it to real-world examples or their previous experiences. This will help them understand and remember the concept better.Interleaved practice can be applied when studying for exams or learning new skills. Instead of focusing on one topic or skill at a time, students can alternate between different topics or skills during their practice sessions. This will help them generalize their learning and apply itto a wider range of situations.Finally, retrieval practice can be used on a daily basis. Students can quiz themselves on the material they have learned, identifying areas where they need to focustheir attention. This will help them consolidate their understanding and improve their retention of information.In conclusion, effective learning strategies are crucial for academic success and personal growth. By adopting strategies such as active learning, distributed learning, elaboration, interleaved practice, and retrieval practice, students can enhance their comprehension, retention, and motivation to learn. Teachers and students alike should experiment with different strategies to find the ones that work best for them, fostering a life-long passion for learning.。
关于学英语策略的作文英文回答:Learning a new language can be a daunting task, butwith the right strategies, you can make the process more efficient and enjoyable. Here are some effective strategies for learning English:1. Immerse Yourself in the Language: Surround yourself with English as much as possible. Watch movies and TV shows, listen to music, read books and articles, and make aneffort to speak English with native speakers or language partners.2. Focus on Communication: Don't get bogged down by memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary lists. Instead, prioritize developing your communication skills. Practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English on a regular basis.3. Use a Variety of Resources: Leverage a range of resources to support your learning, such as online courses, textbooks, language apps, and dictionaries. Explore different methods to find what works best for you.4. Consistency is Key: Dedicate time to studying English regularly, even if it's just for a short period each day. Consistency will help you make gradual progress and maintain motivation.5. Make It Fun: Choose materials that interest you and incorporate learning into activities you enjoy, such as reading your favorite books or watching your favorite movies in English. This will make the process more enjoyable and sustainable.6. Use Spaced Repetition: Review new vocabulary and grammar concepts regularly to strengthen your memory. This helps you retain information more effectively.7. Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from native speakers or experienced learners to identify areasfor improvement and adjust your learning strategies accordingly.8. Don't Be Afraid to Make Mistakes: Mistakes are an inevitable part of the learning process. Don't let fear of making errors hold you back. Embrace mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve.9. Set Realistic Goals: Avoid overwhelming yourself with unrealistic goals. Set achievable targets and celebrate your progress as you advance.10. Stay Motivated: Find ways to keep yourself motivated throughout the journey. Remind yourself of your reasons for learning English and seek support from others who are also learning.中文回答:学习英语策略。
2024新版英语教育策略解读英文版Analysis of 2024 New English Education StrategyIn 2024, the new English education strategy aims to revolutionize language learning in schools. The focus is on interactive and immersive learning experiences to enhance students' language skills. The strategy emphasizes the importance of practical application and real-world communication.One of the key components of the strategy is the integration of technology in language learning. This includes the use of educational apps, online resources, and interactive tools to engage students in the learning process. The goal is to make language learning more accessible and enjoyable for students.Another highlight of the strategy is the emphasis on cultural exchange and understanding. Students are encouraged to learn about different cultures and traditions through language learning. This not onlyimproves their language skills but also fosters a sense of global citizenship.Additionally, the strategy focuses on personalized learning approaches to cater to individual student needs. Teachers are encouraged to adapt their teaching methods to suit the learning styles and preferences of each student. This ensures that every student has the opportunity to excel in English language learning.Overall, the 2024 English education strategy is a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to language learning. By incorporating technology, cultural exchange, and personalized learning, the strategy aims to equip students with the language skills they need to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.。
高中英语作文《提高自主学习能力的策略》【中英文版】Strategies to Improve Self-Learning AbilitiesIn today's rapidly changing world, the ability to learn independently is becoming increasingly important.With the advancement of technology and the availability of a vast amount of information at our fingertips, it is crucial to develop self-learning skills to navigate through this knowledge-driven era.Here are some strategies that can help improve self-learning abilities.Firstly, setting clear goals is essential for effective self-learning.Before diving into any subject, it is important to determine what you want to achieve by learning it.This could be acquiring knowledge on a specific topic, mastering a skill, or even achieving a certain level of proficiency.Defining your goals will provide a sense of direction and purpose, making it easier to stay motivated throughout the learning process.Secondly, creating a structured learning plan can significantly enhance your self-learning experience.Break down your learning goals into smaller, achievable tasks and allocate specific time slots for each task.This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover all the necessary material.Additionally, establish a routine by scheduling regular study breaks and self-assessment sessions to track your progress.Another crucial strategy is to develop effective note-taking skills.While reading or researching, jot down key points, concepts, and ideas.This will not only help you retain information better but also serve as a valuable reference for future study sessions.Additionally, actively engage with the material by asking questions, summarizing key points, and connecting them to what you already know.This active learning approach will deepen your understanding and make the process more effective.Furthermore, embracing technology can greatly facilitate self-learning.Utilize online resources such as educational websites, podcasts, and videos to broaden your knowledge base.These resources often provide diverse perspectives and interactive content that can make learning more engaging.Additionally, consider using productivity tools like productivity apps or time management software to stay focused and disciplined in your learning endeavors.Lastly, it is important to foster a growth mindset and embrace challenges.Self-learning often involves encountering difficult concepts or encountering setbacks.Instead of viewing these challenges as obstacles, see them as opportunities for growth.Stay persistent, seek help when needed, and celebrate small victories along the way.Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.In conclusion, improving self-learning abilities is a valuable skill intoday's knowledge-based society.By setting clear goals, creating a structured plan, developing effective note-taking skills, embracing technology, and fostering a growth mindset, you can enhance your self-learning skills and unlock a world of opportunities.Remember, the power to learn lies within yourself, and with the right strategies, you can unlock your true potential.。
学习策略的有关英语作文Title: Effective Strategies for English Learning。
Learning English is not just a task, but a journey that requires dedication, patience, and effective strategies. In this digital age, where resources abound and technology facilitates learning, individuals can explore various approaches to enhance their English proficiency. By incorporating a blend of traditional methods and modern techniques, learners can navigate their path to mastery. Here, we delve into some proven strategies that can propel one towards proficiency in English.Firstly, establishing a solid foundation in grammar is essential. Grammar serves as the framework upon which language proficiency is built. To achieve this, learners can utilize grammar books, online resources, or enroll in language courses. Understanding the rules of grammar facilitates effective communication, enabling learners to construct coherent sentences and express their thoughtsaccurately.Additionally, immersion plays a pivotal role in language acquisition. Immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment by watching English movies, listening to English music, or engaging in conversations with native speakers. Immersion accelerates learning by exposing individuals to authentic language usage, idiomatic expressions, and diverse accents. Moreover, it cultivates cultural awareness and fosters a deeper appreciation for the language.Furthermore, active participation in speakingactivities is crucial for honing language skills. Joining discussion groups, participating in debates, or engaging in language exchange programs provide opportunities topractice speaking in real-life scenarios. Overcoming the fear of making mistakes and embracing opportunities to converse in English is paramount for improvement. Feedback from peers or instructors aids in identifying areas for improvement and refining pronunciation and intonation.Moreover, reading extensively is fundamental for expanding vocabulary and enhancing comprehension skills. Reading a variety of materials such as novels, newspapers, articles, and blogs exposes learners to diverse vocabulary and writing styles. Additionally, incorporating the use of context clues and employing reading strategies such as skimming and scanning facilitates efficient comprehension. Furthermore, keeping a vocabulary journal to record new words and their usage aids in retention and reinforcement.Equally important is the practice of writing regularly. Writing essays, journal entries, or even maintaining a blog allows learners to apply grammar rules, expand vocabulary, and refine writing skills. Setting aside time for writing practice and seeking feedback from peers or instructors fosters continuous improvement. Moreover, exploring different genres and styles of writing enhances creativity and versatility in expression.Incorporating multimedia resources into learning enhances engagement and facilitates comprehension. Educational podcasts, language learning apps, and onlinetutorials offer interactive and dynamic learning experiences. These resources cater to diverse learningstyles and preferences, allowing learners to tailor their learning experience to suit their needs.Furthermore, setting specific, achievable goals is essential for maintaining motivation and tracking progress. Whether it's mastering a certain number of vocabulary words per week or achieving a certain score on a proficiency exam, setting goals provides a sense of direction and purpose. Breaking down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks ensures steady progress and prevents overwhelm.Lastly, consistency and perseverance are key to success in language learning. Consistently practicing and exposing oneself to the language, even for short periods each day, yields cumulative results over time. Embracing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth fosters resilience and determination.In conclusion, mastering English requires amultifaceted approach encompassing grammar proficiency,immersion, speaking practice, extensive reading, regular writing, utilization of multimedia resources, goal-setting, and perseverance. By integrating these strategies intotheir learning routine, individuals can embark on afulfilling journey towards English proficiency and open doors to endless opportunities for personal and professional growth.。
MOTIVATING LEARNERSFrom The Essentials of Language Teaching/essentialsA project of the National Capital Language Resource Center©2003-2007Learning to communicate in another language takes a long time. It is one of the most challenging tasks your students are likely to undertake, and they can easily become discouraged and bored with it. This section presents techniques that language teachers can use to keep their students interested and motivated by helping them understand the language acquisition process, connect language learning with their larger educational and life goals, and succeed as language learners.A self-evaluation worksheet, attached at the end of this document, allows instructors to assess their current and potential motivation techniques. A supervisor observation worksheet enables supervisors to support instructors' development of such techniques. Section ContentsUnderstanding language acquisitionPromoting engagement in language learningAchieving success with learning strategiesResourcesWorksheetsInstructor self-evaluation worksheetSupervisor observation worksheetThe material in this section is based on “Research and language learning: A tour of the horizon” by Ken Sheppard and “Teaching learning strategies to language students” by Anna Uhl Chamot from Modules for the Professional Preparation of Teaching Assistants in Foreign Languages (Grace Stovall Burkart, Ed.; Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1998).Understanding Language AcquisitionTo become engaged learners, students need to understand that learning a language is not the same as learning about a language. When students think of the language as a school subject like any other, they may learn a great deal about its vocabulary, grammar, and sentence and discourse structure, but the language will not become a true medium of communication for them and won't engage them very deeply. Students need to understand that learning a language means becoming able to use it to comprehend, communicate, and think—as they do in their first language.Students also need to recognize that language learning takes place in stages. Interpretive skills (listening, reading) develop much more quickly than expressive skills (speaking, writing), and the ability that students covet most—the ability to speak the second language fluently—requires the longest period of growth.All language learners have to work through a sequence of "approximate" versions called interlanguages (ILs), each of which represents a level of understanding of the target language. Understanding the features of ILs can help teachers and learners understand and monitor the language learning process.Uniqueness: ILs vary significantly from learner to learner in the early stages of language learning. Learners impose rules of their own on the oral and written input they receive. Each learner does this differently, combining emerging understanding of the rules of the new language with ideas derived from the first language and other information that comes from their individual situations and backgrounds.Systematicity: As learners begin to develop proficiency in a language, they make errors in systematic ways. For example, once students learn the inflections for a single class of verbs, they may apply them to all classes indiscriminately. These errors are based on systematic assumptions, or false rules, about the language. When students become aware of this aspect of their language skill development, they often appreciate and even ask for overt error correction from the instructor.Fossilization: Some false rules become more firmly imprinted on the IL than others and are harder for learners to overcome. Fossilization results when these false rules become permanent features of a learner's use of the language.Convergence: As learners' rules come to approximate more closely those of the language they are learning, convergence sets in. This means that learners who come from different native language backgrounds make similar assumptions and formulate similar hypotheses about the rules of the new language, and therefore make similar errors. Instructors can help students understand the process of language skill development in several ways.(a) Focus on interlanguage as a natural part of language learning; remind themthat they learned their first language this way.(b) Point out that the systematic nature of interlanguage can help studentsunderstand why they make errors. They can often predict when they will makeerrors and what types of errors they will make.(c) Keep the overall focus of the classroom on communication, not errorcorrection. Use overt correction only in structured output activities. (SeePlanning a Lesson for more on structured output.)(d) Teach students that mistakes are learning opportunities. When their errorsinterfere with their ability to communicate, they must develop strategies forhandling the misunderstanding that results.If you maintain the attitude that mistakes are a natural part of learning, you will create a supportive environment where students are willing to try to use the language even though their mastery of forms is imperfect.Promoting Engagement in Language LearningLanguage teachers promote or discourage students' engagement by the ways they define successful language learners. When the successful language learner is one who can pass tests and make good grades, learning about the language is all that is required and success is defined by mastery of rules and forms. When the successful language learner is one who has the ability to use the language to accomplish communication goals, success is defined as making the language one's own.To promote engagement in language learning:•Encourage students to use the language spontaneously to communicate ideas, feelings, and opinions•Identify informal out-of-class language learning experiences•Ask students to evaluate their progress in terms of increases in their functional proficiencyStudents' motivation for learning a language increases when they see connections between what they do in the classroom and what they hope to do with the language in the future. Their attention increases when classroom activities are relevant to their other interests.To make these connections, begin by having students list the ways they may use the language in future. Have them include both the ways they plan to use it and other ways that might arise. Ask them to be as specific as possible. For each way of using language, ask them to list specific communication tasks that they will need to be able to do. Use these purposes and tasks as the basis for task-oriented classroom communication activities.Some lower level students will respond that they don't plan to use the language—that they are taking the course to fulfill a university language requirement. Encourage these students to develop an imaginary scenario for themselves in which they have some reason for using the language. In doing this, some students may think of ways in which they really might use it, and others will come to understand that purpose is an integral part of language learning.Sample Ways of Using a Language•When traveling in a country where it is spokenTasks: ask for directions (and understand responses), purchase tickets and bookhotel rooms, read signs and informational materials•To study at a university in a country where it is spokenTasks: understand lectures, take notes, read academic materials, talk with otherstudents (social and academic talk)•To become knowledgeable about the history and culture of a country where it is spokenTasks: read about history and culture, understand plays, movies, and otherperformances, interview people from the country•To provide legal assistance to native speakers who are immigrants to this countryTasks: gather personal statistical information, explain legal requirements, explain social and cultural expectations, describe procedures, understand and answerquestions.Another way of making language instruction relevant and interesting to students is to find out what topics they are studying and draw materials for reading and discussion from those fields. However, remember that reading and discussion do not always have to be about serious issues or academic topics. Students enjoy talking about movies and television programs, vacation plans, famous people, and other popular culture topics.Finally, don't be afraid to drop a topic if students' interest begins to fade. Ask them to suggest alternatives. When students know that they have some control over what they do in the language classroom, they take ownership as engaged learners.Achieving Success with Learning StrategiesStudents learning a language have two kinds of knowledge working for them:•Their knowledge of their first language•Their awareness of learning strategies, the mechanisms they use, consciously or unconsciously, to manage the absorption of new materialStudents differ as language learners in part because of differences in ability, motivation, or effort, but a major difference lies in their knowledge about and skill in using "how to learn" techniques, that is, learning strategies. Classroom research demonstrates the role of learning strategies in effective language learning:•Good learners are able to identify the best strategy for a specific task; poor learners have difficulty choosing the best strategy for a specific task •Good learners are flexible in their approach and adopt a different strategy if the first one doesn't work; poor learners have a limited variety of strategies in theirrepertoires and stay with the first strategy they have chosen even when it doesn't work•Good learners have confidence in their learning ability; poor learners lack confidence in their learning ability•Good learners expect to succeed, fulfill their expectation, and become more motivated; poor learners: expect to do poorly, fulfill their expectation, and losemotivationLearning strategies instruction shows students that their success or lack of it in the language classroom is due to the way they go about learning rather than to forces beyond their control. Most students can learn how to use strategies more effectively; when they do so, they become more self reliant and better able to learn independently. They begin to take more responsibility for their own learning, and their motivation increases because they have increased confidence in their learning ability and specific techniques for successful language learning.Instructors can tap into students' knowledge about how languages work and how learning happens—their metacognition—to help them direct and monitor the language learning process in two ways:•By encouraging them to recognize their own thinking processes, developing self-knowledge that leads to self-regulation: planning how to proceed with a learning task, monitoring one's own performance on an ongoing basis, and evaluatinglearning and self as learner upon task completion. Students with greatermetacognitive awareness understand the similarity between the current learning task and previous ones, know the strategies required for successful learning, and anticipate success as a result of knowing how to learn.•By describing specific learning strategies, demonstrating their application to designated learning tasks, and having students practice using them. In order tocontinue to be successful with learning tasks, students need to be aware of thestrategies that led to their success and recognize the value of using them again.By devoting class time to learning strategies, teachers reiterate their importanceand value.To teach language learning strategies effectively, instructors should do several things:•Build on strategies students already use by finding out their current strategiesand making students aware of the range of strategies used by their classmates •Integrate strategy instruction with regular lessons, rather than teaching thestrategies separately from language learning activities•Be explicit: name the strategy, tell students why and how it will help them, anddemonstrate its use•Provide choice by letting students decide which strategies work best for them •Guide students in transferring a familiar strategy to new problems•Plan continuous instruction in language learning strategies throughout the course•Use the target language as much as possible for strategies instruction(See Planning a Lesson for information on integrating strategy instruction into a language lesson.)Learning Strategies for Language LearnersLearning strategies researchers have generated many lists of strategies reported by students. Those listed here are ones that teachers can teach and that students have found useful in learning a language.METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIESSTRATEGY DESCRIPTIONOrganize / Plan •Set goals•Plan how to accomplish the task •Plan the task or content sequenceManage Your Own Learning •Determine how you learn best •Arrange conditions that help you learn •Seek opportunities for practice •Focus your attention on the taskMonitor While working on a task:•Check your progress on the task.•Check your comprehension as you use the language. Are you understanding?•Check your production as you use the language.Are you making sense?Evaluate After completing a task:•Assess how well you have accomplished the learning task.•Assess how well you have applied the strategies.•Decide how effective the strategies were in helping you accomplish the task.TASK-BASED STRATEGIES STRATEGY DESCRIPTIONUSE WHAT YOU KNOWUse Background Knowledge •Think about and use what you already know to help you do the task.•Make associations.Make Inferences •Use context and what you know to figure out meaning.•Read and listen between the lines.Make Predictions•Anticipate information to come.•Make logical guesses about what will happen.Personalize•Relate new concepts to your own life, that is, toyour experiences, knowledge, beliefs, and feelings.Transfer / Use Cognates •Apply your linguistic knowledge of other languages (including your native language) to the target language.•Recognize cognates.Substitute / Paraphrase•Think of a similar word or descriptive phrase forwords you do not know in the target language.USE YOUR IMAGINATIONUse Imagery•Use or create an image to understand and/orrepresent information.Use Real Objects / Role Play •Act out and/or imagine yourself in different roles in the target language.•Manipulate real objects as you use the target language.USE YOUR ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLSFind/Apply Patterns •Apply a rule.•Make a rule.•Sound out and apply letter/sound rules.Group/Classify•Relate or categorize words or ideas according toattributes.Use Graphic Organizers / Take Notes •Use or create visual representations (such as Venn diagrams, time lines, and charts) of importantrelationships between concepts.•Write down important words and ideas.Summarize•Create a mental, oral, or written summary ofinformation.Use Selective Attention•Focus on specific information, structures, keywords, phrases, or ideas.TASK-BASED STRATEGIES STRATEGY DESCRIPTIONUSE A VARIETY OF RESOURCESAccess Information Sources •Use the dictionary, the internet, and other reference materials.•Seek out and use sources of information.•Follow a model•Ask questionsCooperate•Work with others to complete tasks, buildconfidence, and give and receive feedback.Talk Yourself Through It (Self-Talk)•Use your inner resources. Reduce your anxiety by reminding yourself of your progress, the resources you have available, and your goals.ResourcesBialystok, E. (1990). Communication strategies: A psychological analysis of second language use. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.Chamot, A. U. (1993). Student responses to learning strategy instruction in the foreign language classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 26(3), 308-321.Chamot, A. U., Barnhardt, S., El-Dinary, P. B., Carbonaro, G., & Robbins, J. (1993).Methods for teaching learning strategies in foreign language instruction and informalassessment of language skills. Final report submitted to Center for InternationalEducation, U.S. Department of Education. Available from ERIC Clearinghouseon Languages and Linguistics, ED 365 157.Chamot, A. U., & Küpper, L. (1989). Learning strategies in foreign language instruction.Foreign Language Annals, 22(1), 13-24.Chamot, A. U., & O'Malley, J. M. (1994). The CALLA handbook: Implementing the cognitive academic language learning approach. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.Derry, S. J. (1990). Learning strategies for acquiring useful knowledge. In B. F. Jones & L.Idol (Eds.), Dimensions of thinking and cognitive instruction (pp. 347-379). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Gagné, E. D., Yekovich, C. W., & Yekovich, F. R. (1993). The cognitive psychology of school learning (2nd ed.). New York: Harper Collins.Gass, S. M., & Selinker, L. (1994). Second language acquisition: An introductory course.Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Harley, B., Allen, P., Cummins, J., & Swain, M. (Eds.). (1990). The development of second language proficiency. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Hosenfeld, C., Arnold, V., Kirchofer, J., Laciura, J., & Wilson, L. (1981). Second language reading: A curricular sequence for teaching reading strategies. Foreign LanguageAnnals, 14(5), 415-422.Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. H. (1991). An introduction to second language acquisition research. London: Longman.O'Malley, J. M., & Chamot, A. U. (1990). Learning strategies in second language acquisition.New York: Cambridge University Press.O'Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., & Küpper, L. (1989). Listening comprehension strategies in second language acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 10(4), 418-437.Oxford, R. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.Oxford, R., & Cohen, A. (1992). Language learning strategies: Critical issues of concept and classification. Applied Language Learning, 3, 1-35.Palincsar, A. S., & Brown, A. L. (1985). Reciprocal teaching: Activities to promote "reading with your mind." In T. L. Harris & E. J. Cooper (Eds.), Reading, thinking, and concept development: Strategies for the classroom (pp. 147-160). New York: TheCollege Board.Palincsar, A. S., & Brown, A. L. (1986). Interactive teaching to promote independent learning from text. The Reading Teacher, 39(2), 771-777.Paris, S. G., & Winograd, P. (1990). How metacognition can promote academic learning and instruction. In B. F. Jones & L. Idol (Eds.), Dimensions of thinking and cognitive instruction (pp. 15-51). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Pressley, M., & Harris, K. (1990). What we really know about strategy instruction.Educational Leadership, 48(1), 31-34.Rost, M., & Ross, S. (1991). Learner use of strategies in interaction: Typology and teachability. Language Learning, 41(2), 235-273.Thompson, I., & Rubin, J. (1995). How to be a more successful language learner (2nd ed.).Boston: Heinle & Heinle.Vann, R. J., & Abraham, R. G. (1990). Strategies of unsuccessful language learners.TESOL Quarterly, 24, 177-198.Wenden, A. (1987). How to be a successful learner: Insights and prescriptions from L2 learners. In A. Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.), Learner strategies in language learning.Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Wenden, A., & Rubin, J. (Eds.). (1987). Learner strategies in language learning. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Zimmerman, B. J., & Pons, M. M. (1986). Development of a structured interview for assessing student use of self-regulated learning strategies. American Educational Research Journal, 23(3), 614-628.Use this worksheet to think about how you help learners become motivated and ways you can encourage them to become more engaged in language learning.1. I define a successful language learner as one who can:2. Ways I treat students’ interlanguages as problems to be corrected:3. Ways I treat students’ interlanguages as steps in a developmental process:4. My students’ goals for learning the language usually are:5. Ways I ask (or could ask) my students to connect language learning with their goals and interests:6. Learning strategies I have seen my students use:7. Learning strategies that could help my students, and ways to introduce them:8. I have the following concerns or reservations about learning strategy instruction:Use this worksheet when observing a teacher’s classroom performance to provide feedback on teaching behaviors. Whenever possible, give specific examples.1. What is the teacher’s definition of a successful language learner? How was that apparent in the class?2. How did the teacher respond when students’ interlanguages became evident?3. How did the teacher and/or the students connect classroom activities with larger goals and interests?4. What learning strategies did the instructor teach or model?5. What learning strategies did students use on their own?6. How would you characterize students’ overall approach to and attitude about language learning?。
Instructional Strategies
InstructionalStrategiesHow to Teach for Rigor and Relevance International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc. ◆1587 Route 146 ◆Rexford, NY 12148Instructional StrategiesHow to Teach for Rigor and RelevanceI.OverviewWhy This KitTeaching is Only as Good as the Learning that Takes PlaceResearch Confirms the Need for Effective StrategiesSuccessful Approaches to TeachingRigor/Relevance FrameworkII. Focus on LearningPlanning InstructionKeys to Effective Learninging Instructional StrategiesDefinitionsStrategiesAdditionalChangingRolesStrategiesSelectingBrainstormingCooperative LearningDemonstrationGuided PracticeInquiryInstructional TechnologyLectureMemorizationNote-taking/Graphic OrganizersPresentations/ExhibitionsProblem-based LearningProject DesignResearchSimulation/Role-playingSocratic SeminarTeacher QuestionsWork-based LearningIV.Professional Development ResourcesA.WorkshopsB.Teacher Learning ActivitiesC.HandoutsD.VisualsE.Teacher HandbookV.Making a Difference with Professional Development Effective Professional DevelopmentFocus of Professional DevelopmentTeacher PrioritiesCharacteristics of Effective Professional DevelopmentAlignment with School DevelopmentModels of Professional DevelopmentProblem-based LearningKeys to SuccessEvaluationVI.Techniques for Improving InstructionCollaborative Peer Review ProcessAction ResearchVII.Additional ResourcesBibliographyInternational Center Materials and Serviceshis resource kit is for teachers who care about givingeach student an education for the future. Teachers be-come teachers, for the most part, because they know the personal joy that comes from learning and facilitating learning for others. Teachers want to give students those same feelings and opportunities. However, teaching is not easy; and teaching students with diverse back-grounds, learning styles, and ability levels is particularly difficult and challenging.Most teachers teach from their own experience, replicat-ing the models of good teachers they have had. Increas-ingly, teachers are finding that this approach doesn’t work for all students. To respond to the public outcry for in-creased accountability and higher achievement for all stu-dents, teachers must seek different solutions. This kit is for the teacher who desires to do a better job of facilitat-ing all students’ learning.This kit provides a comprehensive resource on seven-teen instructional strategies. For most teachers, the kit will serve to refresh them on strategies that they were once introduced to and they can now include more vari-ety in their repertoire or strengthen their current use of those teaching strategies. For some teachers, this will in-troduce new teaching strategies which many teachers have found to be exciting ways to lead students to higher levels of achievement.This kit provides an overview of each strategy. Addi-tional resources are referenced for those who wish to pursue more extensive study.This kit will not create better teachers, but it will expose teachers to ideas that can help them become better teach-ers and their students become better learners. One of the most valuable parts of this kit are the self-evaluation checklists. These tools will be helpful to teachers as they try out and improve the use of these strategies. The com-This kit is for the teacher who desires to do a better job of facilitating all students’learning.Instructional Strategiespanion Teacher Handbook is a reference that teachers can refer to continually for strategy ideas and the evalu-ation checklists.In addition to being a useful resource for each teacher, this kit can also be used to set up professional develop-ment programs. Professional developers will find excel-lent resources for designing professional development activities. These might be intensive workshops or ongo-ing mentoring/coaching programs over a longer period of time. School district staff can use this kit to plan dis-trict-wide professional development initiatives.New teachers are an eager audience as they begin to learn instructional strategies. Thus, teacher preparation pro-grams will benefit greatly from using this resource. New teachers will become familiar with instructional variety in facilitating learning opportunities that are sensitive to the needs of all learners and sustain student interest and motivation.Most teachers have this experience: They planned a les-son and thought they taught it very well. Each activity was executed flawlessly. In the end, however, the stu-dents didn’t get it. They didn’t understand the concepts, they failed the tests, or they remained confused. What went wrong? Was it the students’ fault? Do they need to take more responsibility for their own learning?These challenging questions face teachers as they reflect on the success of their teaching. Teachers tend to judge the quality of their work on the perfect delivery of a les-son, but the real measure of success is student learning.A lesson may be successful for some students in a par-ticular setting and not for others in a different setting. You might give a powerful presentation that inspires an audience of teachers. If you were to give that same speech to a group of parents who did not understand your lan-guage, it would fall flat.Successful teaching is measured by learning gains. A les-son is only as effective as its reflection in student achieve-ment. In some cases, teaching occurs in a manner which students do not understand. Teachers must search forstrategies that work. This kit includes ideas, that when This kit will be a useful resource for district-wide professional development initiatives and teacher preparation programs.How to Teach for Rigor and Relevancecoupled with the expertise of teachers, will lead to greater student learning and achievement..Instructional StrategiesChanging Rolesy g e t a r t S r e h c a e Te h tf oe l oR t n e d u t Se h tf oe l oRg n i mr o t s n i a rBr e d a e l r e e hC•n o i t a p i c i t r a ps e g a r u o c nE•n u f s a h,e v i t a e r cs Ir o t a r e n eGa e d I•y l e v i t a e r cs k n i hT•s n o i t c e n n o cwe ns e k aMe v i t a r e p o oCg n i n r a e Lt n e r a P•e c n a v d an i s t n e d u t ss e r a p e r P•y t i l i b i s n o p s e r s t n e d u t se v i G•n o i t a p i c i t r a pl a u q er o f s e d i v o r Pt n a p i c i t r a Pr e e P•s s e c o r pg n i n r a e l n i s e t a r o b a l l oC•k c a b d e e fe v i t r o p p u ss e v i Gn o i t a r t s n om e Dn o s r e p s e l a S•s n o i t a t n e s e r pd e z i n a g r os e v i G•e t a c i l p e r s t n e d u t ss aHr e v r e s bOd e t s e r e t n I•y l l u f e r a cs e h c t aW•s n o i t s e u qs k sA•d n i mr e h/s i hn i s e s r a e h eRe c i t c a r Pd e d i uGh c a oC•s e l u re c i t c a r ps t e S•e c i t c a r po t s l a o gg n i n r a e l s e i Te c i t c a r Pt ae t e l h t A•s e u q i n h c e t c i s a bs r e bmemeR•s t a e p e r,s t a e p e r,s t a e p eR•t n eme v e i h c an os e s u c o Fy r i u q n Ir e t i rWy r e t s yM•"y r e v o c s i d"o t s d a e L•s e u l cs e d i v o r P•s t n e v eswo d a h s e r o Ft s i t n e i c S•s n o i t s e u qs k sA•s n o i t a v r e s b os e k aM•s e s e h t o p y hs t s e Tl a n o i t c u r t s n Iy g o l o n h c e Tt o l i P•y g o l o n h c e t s e t a r g e t n I•sme t s y s t u o b ae l b a e g d e l wo n ks I•sme t s y sg n i n r a e l s r o t i n oMr e r o l p xE•g n i n r a e lo t s h t a pwe nswo l l o F•y g o l o n h c e t s e s U•s r e h t oh t i ws e r a h Se r u t c eLt 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i l b a t s E•s t n e d u t s s e t a u l a v Er e k a e p S•n o i t a r a p e r pd e h c r a e s e r l l ewswo h S•s l l i k smr o f t a l pd o o gs aH•e c n e i d u ae h t s mr o f n Id e s a b-me l b o r Pg n i n r a e Lh c a oC•n o i t a u t i sme l b o r ps t n e s e r P•t n emp o l e v e d l l i k s s e g a r u o c n E•s s e c o r pe h t n i s t n e d u t s s t r o p p u Se v i t c e t eD•n o i t a u t i se h t s e z y l a nA•s n o i t a v r e s b od e l i a t e ds e k aM•s n o i t u l o s s k e e Sn g i s eDt c e j o r Pt n a t l u s n oC•t c e j o r pn od n u o r g k c a bs e d i v o r P•s n o i t a c i f i c e p sn g i s e ds t e S•s s e c o r pn os e s i v dAr e e n i g n E•s n o i t a c i f i c e p sn g i s e de h t s e n i ma x E•s n o i t u l o s s n g i s eD•s n o i t u l o s s t s e Th c r a e s eRn o s r e Pe c r u o s e R•g n i v l o s-me l b o r ps e h c a e T•s me l b o r ps e s o P•d l r ow's t n e d u t so t n i s e t a l s n a r Tt s i t n e i c S•s me l b o r ps 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oCe c i t n e r p pA•r e k r owr e t s ame h t s l e d oM•s b o j e h t f os t i b a hs p o l e v eD•y l t n a t s n o ce v o r pm i o t s k e e SInstructional Strategies and the Rigor/Relevance FrameworkKey ★★★ Ideal Strategy ★★ Appropriate Strategy ★ Least Appropriate Strategyy g e t a r t S n o i t i s i u q c A At n a r d a u Q n o i t a l i m i s s A Ct n a r d a u Q n o i t a c i l p p A Bt n a r d a u Q n o i t a t p a d A Dt n a r d a u Q g n i m r o t s n i a r B ★★★★★★★★★g n i n r a e L e v i t a r e p o o C ★★★★★★★★★★n o i t a r t s n o m e D ★★★★★★★ec i t c a r Pde d i u G ★★★★★★★★yr i u q n I ★★★★★★★★★yg o l o n h c e T l a n o i t c u r t s n I ★★★★★★★★★★★e r u t c e L ★★★★★★★n o i t a z i r o m e M ★★★★★★★★ci h p a r G /g n i k a t -e t o N s r e z i n a g r O ★★★★★★★★s n o i t i b i h x E /s n o i t a t n e s e r P ★★★★★★★★gn i n r a e L d e s a b -m e l b o r P ★★★★★★★★★★n g i s e D t c e j o r P ★★★★★★★★h c r a e s e R ★★★★★★★★★g n i y a l p -e l o R /n o i t a l u m i S ★★★★★★★★★★r a n i m e S c i t a r c o S ★★★★★★★★s n o i t s e u Q r e h c a e T ★★★★★★★★★gn i n r a e L d e s a b -k r o W ★★★★★★★★★★Professional development is the key to achieving rigorous and relevant learning in the classroom. This Resource Kit contains everything needed to conduct 20 90-minute staff development sessions. The modular approach allows for flex-ible creation of professional development the Rigor/Relevance Framework2.Instructional Planning3.Selecting Instructional Strategies4.Brainstorming5.Cooperative Learning6.Demonstration7.Guided Practice8.Inquiry9.Instructional Technology10.Lecture11.Memorization12.Note-taking/Graphic Organizers13.Presentations/Exhibitions14.Problem-based Learning15.Project Design16.Research17.Simulation/Role-playing18.Socratic Seminar19.Teacher QuestionsPurpose Materials Procedure The best way for teachers to understand the usefulness of design is to engage in a simple project and reflect on the learning activities. This design activity incorporates a construction project using marshmallows and spaghetti. Participants will understand the relationship between shapes and strengths of structures in construction.Work space for participants to construct their tower, working in groups of three or four.•20 pieces of dry spaghetti for each group•20 large marshmallows•Meter stick1.The design brief: “Construct the tallest tower possible using only20 marshmallows and 20 pieces of spaghetti.” Groups can cut orbreak the materials as they wish. They will have a fixed time limit to construct their tower. A prize will be awarded to the group that constructs the tallest tower which remains standing for at least five minutes.2.The first step is to submit a tower design for approval. Groupsshould brainstorm alternative designs, agree on a design, and sketch it on paper. Give groups 20 minutes to come up with their design.3.Check to see that all groups have a design sketch. Allow them tobegin construction. Give groups 20 minutes to complete construc-tion. They should follow their sketch but are allowed to make de-sign alternations during construction.© International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.©International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.Procedure 4.Following construction, have each person complete a written sum-mary. This summary should include a description of the planned tower they intended to build, design modifications they made dur-ing construction, and suggestions to other builders on techniques to improve designs of towers.5.Measure the towers and award prizes or recognize the winning groups. For added interest you might give other humorous awards (smallest, fattest, flimsiest, etc.).6.After designs are completed, discuss what design elements led to the construction of a tall, stable structure.7.Finally, ask the group to resume the role of teachers and discuss this project design as a learning activity. The following discussion questions will be helpful.•What skills and knowledge were developed in this project?•How would this project be different if each group were given a sketch and asked to follow the directions for construction?•How would this have been different if you were allowed to go back and design and construct a second tower based upon what they had learned?•What roles did various people play in the group? Is it neces-sary to provide additional guidance to the group to ensure that all contribute to the design?•Why was it important to require the sketch and how did that contribute to a discussion of design principles?•What is the importance of having each student write up an individual summary?Procedure•How could this be modified to challenge students design skills more?Design projects do not need to be complex, expensive, or sophisticated. Have the groups share ideas on planning design projects.This was a limited design activity. It could be expanded by having more flexibility for students to select and substitute other materials. The goal could also be more demanding, such as a bridge spanning a chasm or a platform to support a weight.Suggestions© International Center for Leadership in Education, Inc.。
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Because not all students will find it easy to imbed strategy use in their learning schema, differentiation of strategies instruction is required, with some students needing more scaffolding and individualized, intensive instruction than others.
Reading comprehension: Visualization, questioning, rereading, predicting. Writing: Planning, revising, questioning, use of cues, verbalization, visualization, checking and monitoring. How are students taught to use strategies? Effective strategy instruction is an integral part of classroom instruction, regardless of the content being taught; it is not an additional subject.
Strategy Instruction With Learning Difinitions: What is a strategy? In general, a strategy is a tool, plan, or method used for accomplishing a task. Below are other terms associated with strategy instruction.
Encourage continued use and generalization of the strategy. Students are encouraged to try
the strategy in other learning situations
What are the most essential strategies to teach?
Promote student self-monitoring and evaluation of personal strategy use.Students
will likely use the strategy if they see how it works for them; it will become part of their learning schema.
some of which are discussed in this digest:
· Cognitive Strategy · Cues · Independent, Strategic Learner · Learning Strategy · Metacognition and Self-regulation · Mnemonic · Strategy Instruction · Learning Schema
What has been learned about the effectiveness of strategy instruction?
Many students' ability to learn has been increased through the deliberate teaching of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. This is especially true for students with significant learning problemsstrategy instruction is crucial for them. It has been demonstrated that when struggling students are taught strategies and are given ample encouragement, feedback, and opportunities to use them, students improve in their ability to process information, which, in turn, leads to improved learning.
In a word ,a highly recommended
method for instructing students with learning disabilities address these types of problems; it is called strategy instruction . Strategies are techniques , principles ,or rules that guide students to complete tasks independently . Strategies outline steps students can take to accomplish learning tasks and provide some type of memory assistance so that students can easily recall them.
What are the basic steps in teaching strategy use? The following order of steps should be followed: ﹒Describe the strategy.Students obtain an understanding of the strategy and its purpose-why it is important, when it can be used, and how to use it. · Model its use.The teacher the strategy, explaining to the students how to perform it. ·Provide ample assisted practice time.The teacher monitors, provides cues, and gives feedback. Practice results in automaticity so the student doesn't have to "think" about using the strategy. ·
What happens to students when they become strategic? The following outcomes can be expected: ·Students trust their minds. ·Students know there's more than one right way to do things. ·They acknowledge their mistakes and try to rectify them. ·They evaluate their products and behavior. ·Memories are enhanced. ·Learning increases. ·Self-esteem increases.
However, student use of the following strategies often leads to improved student performance (lists are not inclusive): Computation and problem-solving: Verbalization, visualization, chunking, making associations, use of cues.
This is determined, in large part, by assessing what successful, efficient learners do. It has been found that they use numerous strategies across subjects and tasks, such as those listed above under "cognitive strategies". They know when to use strategies and for what purposes. An attempt to identify the most essential strategies students should learn is an impossible task; it depends on the needs of the learner and the requirements of the curriculum.
·Students feel a sense of power.
·Students become more responsible ·Work completion and accuracy improve. ·Students develop and use a personal study process. ·They know how to "try." ·On-task time increases; students are more "engaged
In the transactional strategies instruction (TSI) model, strategies instruction takes place all year long with the teacher giving explanations and modeling. Teachers continually praise students for using strategies and use teachable moments to discuss them. Students are encouraged to help their peers become more strategic.