
托福写作机经1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Students do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past.2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students, which of the following do you think is the best way?1 ) providing a room for quiet study;2 ) building an exercise room;3 ) providing entertainment place (watch film).4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Experts suggest parents should limit the time children under 13 spend on electronic devices, such as computers, cell phones except for homework.5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Taking alot time to to make decisions is a bad quality for people to have, butnow, is a good quality for people to have.6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problem affecting the society will be resolve during your lifetime.7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Primary school is considering spend more time on teaching young student(5-11) technology (like computer) than teaching music and art.8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult for a teacher to be both popular (well-liked) and effective in helping students in learning.9.Some first year college students do not have good study habits. Some people believe that colleges should provide all of the first year students with a required course to develop their good study habits.Other people believe that providing this kind of course is unnecessary. What is your opinion and why?10. How to identify weaknesses and make improvement after your presentation? Reviw the recording or discuss with classmates and colleagues?11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past?12. Which option do you prefer? Travel to foreign countries when you are young than when you are older. Give specific reasons or examples to support your decision.13. The government and corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world?14.Some university teachers prefer to record their lectures before classes.In this way ,students will be familiar with the lecture in advance and teachers help students practice in classes while they are watching or listening lectures. Do you think it is an effective wayto learn ?15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.16.One can learn about another person from the books and moviethat person like17.It is much more easier for parents to raise children than 50 yearsago18.It is as important as the older people to study and learn new things as young people.19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: government is not doing enough work to educate people the importance of nutrition and healthy eating.20. Competition amoug friends can have negative effects on friendship.21. Government spends money on all adults after 25-year-old on a training course for the most up-to-date skills at workplace. Do youthink it is effective ?Why or why not ?22. 对于一个国家领导人来说哪种action is most important to make sure the prosperity and success1)Creating more jobs for unemployed workers2)促进农业和提供更多低价格的农产品3)降低房价23. Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends:joining a sports team participating in community activities, or traveling? Use specific examples to support your answer.24. People in the past are more friendly than they are today.25. Take risks 和be cautious or careful and take less risks 哪个更容易带来成功26. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than the social life does.27. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.28. What do you prefer to learn?1) A sport that you have never played before2) Cook the food that you haven 't preparedbefore3) Learn to make thing by your hands, like jewelry or clothes29. Nowadays colleage or university professors prohibit students from the use of devices that can connect to the Internet (such as laptop computers,smartphones ) while in the class. Do you agree or disagree?30.In universities, people tend to concern more about the career prospect of the subjects they learn. Some people propose that students should learn subjects with a fast job growth including math, science, technology, and engineering even if they are interested in other subjects. Do you agree or disagree?31.Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The best way for ateacher to help students interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school.32.Imagine you need to improve ur performance in order to get better grades or higher work payment which way would you choose-Doing more extra work or assignments that are required-Participate more actively or contributing your own idea more frequently in the group discussion33.Which kind of professors will you choose when selecting the courses? 1, Some professors who are voted to be the most popular one? 2, Some professors who are rewarded of outstanding research?34. 旅游是选择网上阅读信息还是选择与去过那个地方的朋友沟通35.It is better to travel abroad to different countries when you areyonger rather than when you are older?36.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.37.Which one do you prefer :1) a company offering you a job with challenging and interesting project but less vacation days or2) another company offering you a job that is not so challenging and interesting but more vacation days.38.Some people have ambitious dreams and keep pursuing them, but other people always focus on realistic goals and try to achieve them. Which do you think is better and why?39. 同不同意有人认为媒体比以前报道更多不实新闻,会对社会公众造成很多问题。

说真的,在考前猛扑在托福写作机经身上,倒不如一开始就把今日这份资料打印出来,每天想几条写作的理由,这样比考前的机经、冲刺靠谱多了!不知大家读了上文,有没有受到启发,托福写作机经的使用不是单纯地背诵而已!2021年1月1112日托福写作机经小范围预报1. What is the most important thing for a country’s leader to assure the prosperity of the country?1) Creating more jobs for unemployed worker2) Increasing agriculture and lowering the food price3) Increasing access to affordable houseThe leaders of a country have no shortage of difficult decisions to make. For example, should they lead their countryto success by creating jobs, by promoting agriculture, or by ensuring housing is affordable? Leaders should certainly invest into all of those options, but I believe that the government should use most of its resources to lower the cost of housing.Ensuring low cost housing is better than creating more jobs because creating government jobs is only a Band-Aid solution. It offers a temporary solution, not a permanent one. If there’s a lack of jobs, then that’s a sign that the economy is hurting. If that’s the case, then low-cost housing would actually help more than the government creating unnecessary jobs. As the cost of housing comes down, people will have more disposable income. Businesses will grow, and thus will provide more jobs. It’s a win-win scenario.Similarly, lowering the cost of housing is also better than promoting agriculture in order to reduce the cost of food. While it is true that everyone must eat, it’s also true that everyone must live somewhere. The difference is that a country’s citizens must live in housing within that country, but they don’t need to eat food that comes from that country. These days, we import a large portion of our food from other countries. If a country’s agriculture isn’t providing enough food, then perhaps that country’s land just isn’t ideal for agriculture and it would be a waste of money to attempt to force more agriculture to happen. A better solution would be to focus on the problem it can fix: housing.Meanwhile, reducing the cost of housing is a realistic goal for a country to tackle, and it has long-term benefits that produces a natural boost to the economy. Housing takes up thelargest chunk of most people’s paycheck. For example, we learned in my personal finance class that people should expect to pay between 20% to 30% of their monthly salary on housing. With lower housing costs, people would be able to survive with a lower-end job. People would be able to afford imported food. The economy would improve because people would have more money to spend. This is the solution the government should focus on.In the end, government leaders should invest in the success of the country in every way they can. However, I think investment in lowering the cost of housing will bring the best results.2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.Nowadays, employers are highly selective: requiring employees to have both academic proficiency and social flexibility. Hence, to increase your chances of getting a desired job, having the ability to adapt to a changing condition is as important as having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study. Academic data being equal, the ability to reduce conflict and increase participation is a decisive factor that contributes to your career success.To begin with, the ability to reduce conflict in school and work is partly the course of socialization going beyond the school curriculum. Whereas excellence in any field of study is essential, your success in work depends not only on academicknowledge but also on how to adjust to a changing circumstance. Therefore, it is advisable to learn to be able to adjust to a rather conflicting society because this kind of social flexibility can facilitate your interaction with other people. In other words, communicating respect for potential friends and mates is instrumental to avoiding conflict, particularly in the workplace. In reality, the process of learning this skill begins in school, in both verbal and non-verbal ways. It may be said that without acquiring the ability to reduce conflict, you may run the risk of becoming what is called a social ineptitude, far away from the spirit of teamwork.In certain respects, the success in school and work is a matter of the behaviorism to get flexible in social participation. Thus, you are supposed to learn to be as agreeable and acceptable as need be, mainly through taking part in (without intruding into) a variety of social activities, verbally as well as non-verbally. Verbally, you can increase participation by using the skill to say the right thing at the right time in the right place. It is because positive participation implies your good skill in listening as much as speaking. Similarly, in a non-verbal manner, you can increase participation by doing the right thing at the right time in the right place. In short, you had better adapt yourself to a changing condition or circumstance and behave correspondingly in the right behavior.Finally, worthy of mentioning is that, although socialization may differ from culture to culture, the rules are invariably related to skills to help reduce conflict and increase participation in school and work. Not underestimatingthe importance of having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study, you ought to also learn those essential social skills to become successful in life. Academic proficiency and social flexibility should not be considered as something like black and white, you may just as well think that the job market is largely in the color of grey.托福写作的字数都有什么讲究新托福作文需要行文不啰嗦,〔句子〕应越短越好,假如一个字能说清晰的,就不要用两个字。

阅读词汇:fabricate=producepledge=promieecrete=produceephemeral=hort-livedinherently=eentiallyconjecture=concluionprominent=outtandingforage=erachforfoodthu=conequentlyunophiticated=imple听力部分:Converation1:男童鞋VS学校工作人员(欧巴桑)有关campubu的topic童鞋询问大妈campubu能不能提供学校到airport的服务大妈说noproblem需要StudentID而且免费然后立刻发觉不对改口说到airpoert有pecialfee一天两个班次早上一班,晚上一班对话后面确认了时间早上9:00晚上19:00童鞋询问回程问题大妈说也有不过错过的话要等下一班会很久童鞋担心因为自己航班特别晚大妈提议train(我觉得是有题)线路正好符合经过学校的童鞋问butop在哪儿大妈说:我就知道你会问!(有题因为很重要)说就在library前面大体是这样欢迎补充Lecture1:女profeor介绍coldblood动物也就是Ectotherm说这种动物其实就是蜥蜴什么的是靠外界环境维持体温的比如阳光等有一种动物体温可以维持在37度左右和人差不多所以说它们是冷血动物其实不太准确(此处有题)然后介绍一种动物应该是某种蜥蜴记不清了生活在一个小岛上(具体在哪儿忘了好像是南美不过没题无所谓了)此岛环境极为恶劣没有plant 可以吃它们每天起来先啥日光浴吸收热量会很惬意的tretch四肢充分吸收太阳越来越毒持续暴晒它们到后来姿势也有所收敛并且也会找阴凉地方休息它们需要跳到海中进食吃eaweed等东西但是海水温度很低会严重影响他们的生理状态(有题)等它们上岸的时候热量丧失很严重机能下降无法进行正常新陈代谢甚至无法消化食物会一直休息到太阳落山到dark的时候才能缓过来用保存起来的仅有的热量混过去后面讲Endotherm也就是warm-blood动物但是民以食为天这种不吃肯定不行所以生存能力相比Ectotherm有时还差一点吃进去的东西80%的卡路里都用于维持自身热量了虽然Ectotherm给人感觉比较原始初级但是少量进食可以urvive其实比较高效Lecture2:男profeor讲filmtudyilentfilm的历史(有题)profeor先说现在的技术很牛了blabla然后说不妨看看最初的情况吧切到ilentfilm时代问问大家对这时代电影有啥看法点名前面坐着的黑大个黑大个说:啊Idon'tknow倒是挺intereting的(有题应该选c吧不能显得批判太狠)profeor说至少你说了实话不过也承认takeeffort才能看得进去然后介绍ilentfilm虽然受到很多技术局限但和现在的人们不搭调主要还是tate问题不同时代的人欣赏角度不同么走出真人表演就是很重要的一步了介绍了一部叫battlehip某某的电影说拍了船舰的技术在当时算不错了(有题)但是演员都不是专业的所以显得糙又说film和muicdancing的不同后者都是从一开始就挺牛的最初就发展了但film的优点或者说独特的地方就是现代人还可以欣赏到最初的作品比如ilentfilm(有题)我们觉得那个时代表演太夸张太滑稽问原因(有题)是因为他们是从戏院出来的(我个人观点)介绍了一个那时很牛的女演员演了很多各种各样的角色一些技术很出色(有题)Converation2:男童鞋VS女profeor有关童鞋的文学termpaper教授先问他自己怎么看他说自己写完后看过一遍觉得没写出自己想写的东西(有题)他的题目是Dicken的一部著作好像是catleof某某教授说你这写得确实不怎么样这是问题之一学生的文章一定要和aignment的要求对应你跑题了另外重大问题就是完全没有中心思想就是堆砌了很多知识看不出purpoe(以上双选)然后教授讲了讲应该怎么写举例说明比如要写Dicken的朋友就从一个他具体的朋友开始写(有题)一个女他俩关系很复杂既是iterinlaw又是朋友总之女人在他生命中扮演多重角色可以写这种relationhip在他作品里的体现童鞋问需不需要重写paper教授说你想重写我不拦你但是也可以把精力放在下一个paper上讨论的著作不一样但用的方法应该是差不多的童鞋怕分数最后受影响还是想重写教授说可以重写不过你至于么还有4-5个paper最后分数最低的一个可以去掉的童鞋恍然大明白说也是啊多谢了Lecture3:男profeor(眼镜男)讲collagraphy也就是拼贴画技术挺有意思的之前他让同学做了一个collage的project比较imple现在要教新的东西了collagraphy是collage的进阶要复杂一点然后开始讲制作的步骤首先是material:collage只是magazine的photo的拼接collagraphy什么都能用最好能用各种不同te某ture的当然如果用flowerleave什么的比较容易腐烂最好能用omething:thintrongdurable(有题)还举了个他觉得很好的作品一个人选urbanetting为背景做collagraphy使用了分layer设计houe是一层window在不同层还用了teelwire (有题)选好材料之后就是具体的制作流程了(有排序题)裁剪之后glueintoplate(这个plate的材料选择也提到了其实很方便有题)eal起来然后涂上ink这个应该dry得很快20min但是要wipeplate的为了让ink显示明暗差异等然后装进pre(这里要小心用printer就一个profeor和学校抗议一年了也没多买有题)然后coverpaper在上面(这个不是100%确定是不是最后一步)最后说这次只能做单色的以后有机会再多色Lecture4:profeor(不好意思忘了这位性别)讲ga冰箱为啥不如电冰箱流行(有题)product的推广其实不仅仅看产品的质量和很多其他因素有关比如ga冰箱相对于电冰箱是有很多优势的很委屈的却输掉了竞争优势包括比较quiet然后不是movable就是液态ammonia灌进去蒸发以后会冷却储藏的食物这样反复循环讲了一下大致的原理但没出题但是ga冰箱没有用电如何使得蒸发及冷却进行的呢?此时有同学接茬:gaoline教授说正是又说了ga冰箱是怎么通过gaoline工作的这个原理为懒得说了因为没题还是比较清楚简单的电线比较容易leak那时电路还不稳很容易breakdown所以ga稳定一些noie还小而且不会轻易动其实相对于电冰箱是有优势的为啥输掉市场竞争呢切回开头话题了因为电气公司大啊富啊有钱生产特别多电冰箱价格就便宜而且你不买电冰箱也得从他们那儿买电不是?而生产ga冰箱的公司就没有这种实力了不多的公司要是当初能好好投资就不至于这么被淘汰了后面介绍的这部分有题。
新托福 IBT口语真经独立写作

口语 1. The season which you like ,reasons
2. most people enjoy the way that is relax and unhurried, your opinion
you want to choose an intelligent friend or a friend with a good sense of humor?
在traffic 高峰期出车的人要交钱,这样有利降低traffic jam,Agree or Disagree?
口语 1.on 2. musical instrument necessary or not
internet bring people valuable information 还是 create problem
口语 1、 小说、杂志、诗歌你喜欢哪种? 2、 与室友同住好还是一人住好?
独立写作 是否同意: young people enjoy life better than the older people. 说“会享受生活的青年人是不是比年长者多”
The teacher should assign homework that student finish it everyday. Agree or Disagree?
口语 1. features of cafe or restaurant you like 2. keep or not old building i the city

学校教育Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges or universitiesshould offer students a better job preparation before they can start working. With the competition in the job market increasingly intense these days (随着就业市场的竞争越来越紧张), college students are under great pressure even before they set out to hunt for jobs.Since it is in universities that students come to learn about and choose their future professions, it is of great significance for colleges or universities to prepare students in areas like making career plans, professional skills and cooperation with others(因为学生是在学校了解和选择未来的职业,所以学院或学校为学生做职业规划,工作技能或与人合作这样的领域的准备至关重要)..Colleges should offer students career planning courses which provide them with direction on how to set their goals and formulate a specific plan to achieve the goals. Many college students do not have a definite idea what they want to do in the future.A survey conducted in many universities over a period of ten years, however, suggests that those with clear goals are more likely to enjoy a successful career. Therefore it will be of considerable use for students to explore their interest and capabilities, as well as to set sensible targets for themselves.In addition, professional skills are a must at work in the future. Man universities focus on the impartation of specialized knowledge, overlooking the fact that professional skills are just as important and should be mastered by undergraduates. There should therefore be more courses that train students in skills which will be applied to their specialized fields. A biology major, for instance, should be capable of carrying out microbial experiments.Furthermore, courses on how to cooperate with colleagues are also needed for the reason that good cooperation is the prerequisite for satisfactory performance at work. Students should be instructed in methods for building good relationship with co-workers, for reaching a consensus on plans, and for distributing tasks appropriately. Not only will this kind of training benefit students’ efficiency at work, but it will exert a profound influence on their everyday life.Therefore, colleges should provide students with a better job preparation with the aim of helping them to achieve what they desire at work. Students, on the other hand, should seize the precious time in universities and try their utmost to get themselves prepared for the career after graduation.The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from?Friendship is regarded an indispensable part of life by most people. We cherish friends for a variety of reasons, ranging from the happiness they bring to the favor they do us. Some people maintain that the friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends you can get help from. But in my view, both kinds of friends are of great importance and we cannot live with either of them absent from our lives.Elevate the learning efficiencyFriends we can have fun with, in some senses, are those who brighten our lives. People all need someone who can share their happiness. We can get a lot of pleasure out of time spent with friends, doing something we all take an interest in. I have some good friends at college, with whom I often go to movies, play sports and enjoy some delicious food that I’ve never tasted. Sometimes we even take a train and travel somewhere far away from our city. We can always enjoy ourselves together. When I am in low spirits, being with them never fails to cheer me up. Their friendship is what I will always treasure.Friends we can get help from, on the other hand, are just as precious to us. They may not necessarily be with us all the time, but they are those to whom we can always turn in our hour of need. Since we cannot manage to handle everything we are faced with, friends who are willing to help us are people we cannot live without. The encouragement they give us in gloomy days, the support they offer when we are in trouble, and the warmth they bring when we are dismayed, are what help us conquer our fear, face difficulties and keep endeavoring regardless of the hardships. As an old saying goes, ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed’. Rather than expect to obtain something, these friends are ready to give us a hand at any time.In conclusion, friends we can have fun with and friends that will help us are of the same significance and neither can be ignored by us. Actually, there are friends that can help us and have fun with us at the same time. And they are friends that deserve to be cherished by us all our life.Compared with people who live in cities, people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.I agree with the statement that people living in the countryside are able to take better care of their families than those urban residents. People who reside in cities have access to better education resources and health services, admittedly, but there are also many drawbacks that keep them from enjoying leisure time with families and paying close attention to family members’ physical or mental condition. People living in rural areas, on the contrary, are not confronted with these problems.People living in cities are eternally afflicted with stress imposed on them by competition, long working hours, congestion and so on. It is never a piece of cake to keep up with the fast pace of city life. As a result, it is really hard for them to spare some time to be with their families and enjoy the leisure hours. My father is a really diligent engineer who often works overtime. So it is not surprising that my mother keeps complaining about his coming home late. My father, in turn, is getting tired of these complaints. So stress of urban residents can have a negative influence on relationship between family members.In addition, in rural areas it is common to see people live with their parents, while in cities, sons and daughters usually have their own homes after they get married. Living with parents allows people to care for their parents, whose delicate health may be threatened in the aging process. Furthermore, it is always parents’ wish that their sons or daughters can spend more time with them, so living together is a real comfort for parents. There are thousands of empty-nest seniors in cities of China, while the elders in rural areas usually have at least one son or daughter living with them.Besides, the environment in the countryside is much better than that in cities. Children are exposed to the nature, having opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the wild. Kids growing up in cities, however, have to jump from one extra class to another arranged by their parents. When they are not doing their homework, what they do is just watching TV or surfing the Internet. Better education as they may receive, they are deprived of the happiness gained from the nature. Consequently, parents in rural areas can provide their children with more chances to embrace the nature and grow up in more agreeable surroundings.Admittedly, living in urban areas does have its positive facets, but there is no denying that people living in the countryside can take better care of their families. Many people move to cities in pursuit of their fortune, but what they have sacrificed may never be regained.The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.Should we follow our grandparents’advice or not in today’s rapidly developing society? Positive. Although many people believe that experience of grandparents is obsolete with the society progressing at such a high speed, their advice is still of great value to us.To begin with, change as the society may, the basic criteria have been the same over the past 50 to 100 years. Grandparents’ opinion about what is right and what is wrong can still apply to today’s circumstances. Take my grandmother for example. When I lived with her as a kid, she would tell me stories about the virtues of ancient people, like the modesty of Confucius, the diligent of Kong Rong, and the intelligence of Zhuge Liang. I was fascinated with the characters and determined to be a person like them. Thus my grandmother’s advice helped to shape my personality.In addition, some traditional knowledge grandparents retain is still of great use today. Having been utilized by people throughout the history for thousands of years, the knowledge has been proved right and efficient, which is not going to change just because science and technology has developed. For instance, traditional Chinese medicine is known to many old people. In treating some diseases, the effect of Chinese medicine is amazing. Therefore the knowledge grandparents have may be still useful.Last but not least, our grandparents are aged, admittedly, but that does not mean that they do not change with the society. They may also have new ideas as we do. My grandfather is a good example. He pay close attention to political and economical events happening around the world. So it is unfair to assume that all the elderly people are old fossils. Grandparents’ advice can also keep pace with the society.OutdatedObsoleteIn conclusion, it is unfair to say that the advice from grandparents are of no use for their grandchildren. Instead of just ignoring what they say, we should listen to their advice and decide for ourselves whether we should follow it.Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.It is never easy to educate a child. Some people believe it is parents’ responsibility to tell their children what is wrong and prevent them from making mistakes. But it seems a wiser choice to allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from what they do themselves.The impression a mistake leaves on a child is considerably deep. It is right to say that making mistakes and correcting them is one of the best ways for children to become mature. When they make mistakes, they are supposed to take on the responsibility and make up for the loss they cause, which will not only make them remember the consequence of mistakes and try not to do the same thing again, but will help build up their sense of responsibility as well. If parents just tell their children what is right, they may never actually understand it.Another reason why making mistakes is important is that those who do not fear mistakes tend to be more creative. Only by attempting over and over again can people learn what is the best way to solve a problem. Children should be encouraged to try different methods and not to fear mistakes. Edison made thousands of mistakes before he eventually invented the light bulb. If he had been afraid of failure and had not tried so many times, we could still be using candles today.Admittedly, however, there are some mistakes that children had better not make. If the consequence of a mistake is severe and may not be compensated, it is not a good idea to allow children to make it. For instance, when the behavior of a child may offend the moral or law, the child’s parents should prevent the behavior without hesitation, otherwise they may regret not protecting their child later.In conclusion, parents should allow their children to make some mistakes because mistakes help children to grow up and come up with creative ideas. But some mistakes, on the other hand, should never be allowed to occur.。

托福机经一、Fire Disturbance and Landscape Patterns 火灾干扰与景观格局我们在景观中看到的植物生长方式受到过去和现在的干扰的严重影响。
In temperate and tropical forests, small-scale natural disturbances (such as the death of individual trees) occur frequently.2、在森林生态系统中,火灾发生的频率因森林类型的不同而有很大的差异。
This amount of time was needed for sufficient surface material, dead stems, and leaves to accumulate.In forest ecosystems, the frequency of fires varies greatly, depending on the type of forest.二、The Second Technological Wave 第二次技术浪潮从1700年代开始,欧洲在技术和劳动组织方面都发生了巨大变化,这些变化现在被称为工业革命,特别是由于蒸汽机的发展和用于防治(布)制造的改进机器的推动。
托福写作 大作文机经题目汇总

1A/D: People who have different kinds of skills are more successful than those who have only one skill.2A/D: In order to succeed, it’s better for a person to act the same as others rather than behave differently from others.3A/D: It is important to make sure that others know about your strengths and accomplishments; if you are not so, you will be never successful in life.4A/D: People who keep their room clean and tidy are more likely to be successful in the future. 5Is it easier to achieve success in the past or at present?6A/D: People who move out of native village or town are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native village or town.7A/D: It is more important for parents to set strict rules to their children if they want them to succeed in the future.8A/D: For any business to be successful, it must spend more money on advertising.9A/D: It is much easier for people to achieve success without their family members’ help now than in the past.10A/D: People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams.11A/D: The most important investment of a company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.12A/D: A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.13A/D: In the past, people were easier to identify a career or job which can give them a secure and successful future.14A/D: People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work.15A/D: Working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office.16A/D: Employees who are good at following the instructions of their managers are more valuable to their companies than employees who always try to find new ways or better ways.17A/D: Companies should use public recognition to reward hard working, rather than use money.18A/D: The place you choose to live has a greater effect on your overall happiness than the job. [Your job will have more effect on your happiness than your social life does.]19Some people think to live away from family and friends with high salaries; other people think to stay with your family and friends with less pay. Which one do you prefer?20A/D: It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.21A/D: In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.22A/D: Young people should try several different jobs before they decide their long-term job or career.23A/D: Workers would be much happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.24A/D: Even though some nations care a lot about the environment, such as pollution or global warming, the environment will hardly improve in the future.25A/D: Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.[A/D: To increase economic growth, the government should ignore the environmental concerns.]26A/D: It is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for future generation.27A/D: Though modern agricultural practices damage the environment, feeding the world's growing population is more important than protecting against environmental damage.28A/D: The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.29A/D: The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise the cost of fuel.30A/D: Some people say that we should use clean energy to protect the environment, but others say that we should use traditional energy sources such as coal and oil because they are less expensive. What is your opinion?31A/D: Teachers should spend more time teaching rather than doing researches.32A/D: Children should only spend time in playing and studying rather than doing any housework.33Which school is a better one: a school whose graduates can find good jobs or a school that has renowned professors.34A/D: Compared to hiring famous teachers, schools should focus more on improving facilities such as libraries and computer labs.35Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer?36A/D: Online games, cell phones and networking websites made education of children a more difficult task.37A/D: The best way to improve quality of education is to increase the teachers' salaries.38A/D: Improving schools is the most important factor in successful development of country. 39A/D: Parents should let children make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes. 40A/D: Students are more interested in politics today than before.41A/D: For university students, taking part in university organization and activity club is as important as their academic class.42A/D: Teachers had greater influence on young children in the past than they do today.43A/D: Schools should spend money in supporting social activities rather than improving students' dietary.44School always collects information about teachers' teaching performance and gives rewards to those teachers who perform well. Which way do you think is more useful? 1. To evaluate teachers' performance by students 2. To evaluate teachers' performance by teachers.[A/D: Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.]45A/D: Parents should spend more time playing games or doing sports with their children or they should spend more time helping their children with their schoolwork.46A/D: Nowadays, parents learn more from children than children learn from parents.47A/D: In order to attract good students, many universities should spend a lot of money in social activities.48Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?49A/D: Parents now spend too much time on determining the future of their children; children should be allowed to make their own choices.[A/D: Although children’s decisions were often made by parents in the past, it is better for children to make decisions nowadays.]50Would you rather your school spend money on social events and facilities or on improving the cafeteria menus?51A/D: Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in the university.52A/D: Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.53A/D: Rather than help their children with schoolwork, parents should encourage children to do work independently.54A/D: As modern life becomes more complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize.55A/D: It is better for your friend to ask you for help (suppose you are good at the subject) than to turn to a tutor when he finds it hard to pass an examination.[If a student is having difficulty studying a course, it is better for the student to turn to a friend who is good at this course than to turn to his/her teacher for help.]56A/D: Parents should give school-age children money as a reward for getting a high grade in school.57A/D: Student should take at least one year to work or travel before they go to university.58A/D: It is easier for people today to become educated than it was in the past.59A/D: The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.60A/D: It is as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.61If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt your teacher right away 2. Keep silent 3. Correct your teacher after class62A/D: Teachers should assign homework to students every day.63A/D: In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books any more. 64A/D: All high school students should take a course in basic economics.65A/D: The best way to increase students’ interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of this subject outside of school.66A/D: Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.67A/D: Teaching is harder than it was in the past.68Some people say that students should study many lessons during a semester, but others say that it is better for students to just take three or four lessons. Which do you think is better?69A/D: Younger school children (aged from five to ten) should be required to study art and music, in addition to math, language, science and history.70A/D: Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.71A/D: Some people believe that taking field trips (e.g. going to the museum) is an important part of children's education. Others believe that it is better for children to study at school. Which view do you agree with?72A/D: All scientific discoveries should be shared among all scientists all around the world the government and businesses should not keep any discoveries in secret.73A/D: Government should support scientific research even if the research does not have any practical use.74Scientists have been working to make technology easier and more human friendly. How do you think technology had affected our lives?75A/D: Technology makes people's lives simpler rather than makes people's lives more complicated.76Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public, while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?77A/D: Famous entertainers and athletes deserve more privacy than they have now.78A/D: Professional athletes, such football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.79A/D: Celebrities are more important to younger people than they are to older people. 80Should the government support artists or should artists support themselves?81A/D: The most important characteristic for a political or business leader is the ability to accept the responsibility for their mistakes.82A/D: In the busy and crowded world, we should not expect people to be polite to others. 83A/D: You can know a lot about a person through the types of friends this person has.84A/D: In some circumstances, patience is not a good strategy and instead we should take action at once.85A/D: The most important character for a politician or leader is good communication skills. 86A/D: In the modern world, we should never be impolite to another person.87A/D: One can learn about another person from books and movies he/she likes.88A/D: An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part of the decision making process.89A/D: Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.90A/D: We should state our honest opinions even though other people may disagree with them.91A/D: A leader should admit if they made a bad decision.[One of the characteristics of successful leaders is the sense of responsibility for accepting their mistakes.]92A/D: The way a person dresses in is a good indication of his/ her personality and character. 93A/D: People are friendlier in the past than today.94A/D: It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.95A/D: The best way to make oneself happy is to bring happiness to others.96A/D: People will feel happier if they have fewer possessions.97A/D: People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them.98A/D: Playing sports teaches people more lessons about life.99A/D: Many people spend lot of time watching sports programs on TV or following their favourite sports teams. Doing these two things will have negative impacts on their life.100A/D: It is necessary for high school students to do household work after school because this can give them a sense of responsibility.101A/D: Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.102A/D: To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.103If you are to elect a student leader for a student organization or a club. Do you agree or disagree that honesty is the most important thing to consider in deciding whom to vote for?104A/D: Young people can influence the decision that will determine the future of our society.105A/D: Do you think the growth of cities can be seen as the development of society? [The rapid growth of cities has a positive impact on the development of the society.]106During economic crisis, government reduces money in certain public service area. Which one do you think the government should spend less money into? 1. Education 2. Health care 3. Support for the unemployed.107A/D: To achieve successful development of a country, a government should spend more money on young children’s education rather than on universities.108A/D: The rules that the whole societies today expect young people to follow and obey are too strict.109A/D: Young people now spend more time on improving the world than in the past.110A/D: Young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improve the world than young people were in the past.111A/D: It is important to have rules about the type of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work and at school.112A/D: People should buy things made by their own country, even if things of other countries may cost less.113A/D: We should know about the events happening around the world that do not affect our life.114A/D: In order to celebrate major events, it's better to organize big party with lots of people than have a small party that only close friends and relatives are invited.115A/D: The world is changing so quickly that people now are less happy or less satisfied than in the past.116A/D: The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the past.117A/D: It is easier for parents to raise children nowadays than 50 years ago.118A/D: People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there’s no need for the government to help them.119A/D: The car (automobile) has had greater effect to society than the airplane has to.120A/D: It is more important for the government to spend money on improving Internet access than on public transportation.121A/D: Most business people are only motivated by the desire of money.122A/D: It is important for the government to provide money to things that are beautiful and not just for things that are practical.123A/D: Drivers have to pay a fee for driving in busy city streets when there is a great amount of traffic.124A/D: Parents do not understand their children as well as parents did 50 years ago.125A/D: The ability to read and write is more important now than in the past.126A/D: In order to solve the problems in the present and future, it is necessary to understand the past.127A/D: Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.128A/D: The most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.129A/D: Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people’s lives have already taken place.130In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on? 1. Libraries 2. Public transportation 3. Police131A/D: Grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.132A/D: The government is not educating people enough about the importance of living a balanced and healthy life style.133A/D: Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders. 134A/D: The most important thing people learn is from their families.135A/D: The food we eat today is much healthier than in the past.136A/D: Physical exercises are more important for old people than for the young. 137A/D: People today should spend more money on their pets.138Which of the following would you change to improve your health: 1. The kind of food you eat 2. The amount of exercise 3. The amount of stress.139Contributes on an enjoyable vacation, please select one of three selections: good food, good location and good friends to travel with.140Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends: 1. Joining a sports team 2. Participate in community activities 3. Traveling.141A/D: Nowadays it's easier to maintain good health than the past.142A/D: Two people can still be good friends if one has more money than the other? 143A/D: Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than people in the past. 144A/D: It is less important to eat with families regularly nowadays.145A/D: It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends.146A/D: Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends of your own age.147A/D: The telephone has greater influence on people’s lives than television has.148A/D: It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.149When choosing a place for living, which factor is the most important one for you? 1. Living in an area not expensive, 2. Living close to relatives 3. Living in an area with many shops and restaurants.150Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social-networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online. Which do you prefer?151A/D: In twenty years’ time, people will lead a more leisurely life.152A/D: The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.153A/D: It is better to spend money on something that lasts a long time, such as an expensive piece of jewelry, than on something that provides short-term pleasure, such as a vacation.154A/D: Compared with people who live in urban areas, those who live in rural areas can take better care of their families.155A/D: Competition between friends always has a negative effect on their friendship.156A/D: The ability to maintain a small number of friends for a long time is more important to happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.157A/D: Government should spend more money on building new houses than preserving the historical and traditional house.158A/D: It’s more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance centers than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool and playgrounds).159A/D: Movies and television bring more positive influence than negative influence to young people’s behavior.160A/D: TV programs and movies should always show audience that good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished?161A/D: Movies are worth to see only when they can teach us something.162A/D: Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countries.163A/D: Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching. 164A/D: The purpose of television is to educate, not to entertain.165A/D: Visiting museums is the best way to know a country.166A/D: All university students should take at least one course which teaches them about the culture of a country or by themselves.167Some people think that athletes and entertainers should become politicians, while other people think that athletes and entertainers should not be involved in politics. Which do you prefer and why?168A/D: Parents should make suggestion to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right?169A/D: To make children do well in school, parents should limit the hours that children spend on watching TV or movies.170A/D: Children should play sports only for fun, so they should not attend competitions. 171A/D: If you cannot say anything nice about someone, you’d better not say anything. 172A/D: People should not have to pay for public transportation that they use.173Some people have ambitious dreams and keep pursuing them, but other people always focus on realistic goals and try to achieve them. Which do you think is better and why?174A/D: People will spend less time on cooking food in the future.175A/D: The most important problems affecting our society today can be solved within our lifetime.。

A类大作文重点预习范围:1.Some people say that arts subjects such as painting or drawing should not be made compulsory for high school students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.Some people think technology makes life complex, so we should make life simpler without using technology. Do you agree or disagree?3.In the past, teachers were the main source of information, but today students have a wide source of information, so teachers are no longer important in modern education. Do you agree or disagree?4.In the past, people lived in one place for a long time, but now they can live in many different places, what are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development?5.Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to their studies in school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem?6.In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food that has been transported from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks?7.Today, newspapers and televisions are giving detailed descriptions of crimes. Some people believe such a practice will cause bad consequences and thus media should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?8.Theoretical subjects such as mathematics and philosophy are taught in universities but students prefer more practical subjects such as accounting and computer programming. Some people believe theoretical subjects should be abandoned in universities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?9.Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others think parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch TV, movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.10.In some cities, governments have tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative?11.People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent you agree or disagree?12.New parents should attend parenting courses to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?13.Surveys show that people are living longer in many countries. But increased life expectancy has many implications for aging individuals and for society as a whole. What are the possible effects of longer living for individuals and society?14.The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to work can cause serious problems in both places. What are the serious problems? What measures can be taken to solve these problems?15.Many countries now have people from different cultures and ethnic groups. What is the reason for this? Is it a positive or negative development?16.Some people think that social skills are as important as academic qualifications. To what extent do you agree or disagree?17.In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts subjects, while boys choose science subjects. What is the reason? Should the trend be changed?18.Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. Others believe that teenagers should focus on thesubject that they are best at or that they find the most interesting. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.19.The increase in food production owes much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people think that it has a negative impact on human health and community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?20.Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supported by the government. Others think they should find financial support from other resources. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.21.News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative? 22.Many countries believe that international tourism has harmful effects. Why do they think so? What can be done to change their views?23.Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists and not local people. Why is the case? What can be done to attract local people?24.Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?25.Today, advanced science and technology have made great changes to people’s lives, but artists such as musicians, painters, and writers are still highly valued. What can the arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?次重点预习范围:1.Many animal species in the world are becoming extinct nowadays. Some people say that countries and individuals should protect these animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate more on the problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2.With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched natural places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?3.The government money should be invested in teaching science rather than other subjects so as to help the country make progress and develop. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4.Some people think teaching children with different abilities together benefits everyone, others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.5.Some people think that the government should decide the subjects for students to study in university, while others think students should be allowed to apply for the subjects they prefer. Discuss both views and give your opinion.6.Some people believe that the main benefit of international cooperation is in the environment, others maintain that the major profit is the development of world business. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion.7.Students in university should be specialized in one subject rather than to develop a wider range of many different subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?8.Full-time university students should spend a lot of time in studying, but it is essential to be involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?9.Many customs and traditional ways of behavior are no longer relevant to modern life and not worth keeping. Do you agree or disagree?10.Some people think that lawbreakers should be sent to prison. However, others think that better talents a mong those should be made to work. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 11.Some people think we should send messages to contact alien creatures while others think it is dangerous. Discuss both views and give your opinion.12.Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens eat a healthy diet. Others, however, believe that individuals must take responsibility for their own diet and health. D iscuss both these views and give your own opinion. 13.Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be useful members for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.14.Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.15.People think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to modern buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?16.Despite the increased access to education, a significant number of people cannot read or write. What are the disadvantages and what action should the government take?17.I n many cities, planners tend to a rrange shops, schools, offices, and homes in specific areas and separate them from each other. Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages?18.Some people think advertisements may have positive economic effects whereas others think there are negative social effects because individuals are not satisfied with who they are and what they have. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.19.An increasing number of people today change their career and place of residence several times during their life. Is this a positive or negative development?20.Some groups of people have benefited from modern communication technology but some people have not benefited at all. Do you agree or disagree?21.some people think a country benefits from a large proportion of young university students, others think sending young people to universities only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.22.In the past, people stored knowledge in books. Nowadays people store knowledge on the internet. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?23.Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why? What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learn in young people?24.The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?25.As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. What are the causes of this trend and what are the effects on society?。


托福机经常见问答* 什么是托福机经?历次托福考试的内容。
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E.g. 2011年1月29日北美有托福考试,1月30日大陆的考题完全重复29日北美考题2、托福机经转播(大陆转播到北美):如果大陆和北美同一天有托福考试,且大陆考的是新题,那么新题有可能在12小时后的北美托福考试中重复。
E.g.2011年2月26日北美和大陆都有托福考试,26日北美的考题完全重复26日大陆考题* 什么时候应该看转播?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览根据上面两条规律,参考2012年北美大陆托福考试日期对照表,如果12小时前有托福考试,就应该关注最新的北美机经。
* 什么是拼盘?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览从两套题中各选取阅读、听力、口语或写作部分,拼凑成一套完整的题目就是拼盘(E.g.2010年11月27日为北美09.02.21(R/W)+北美09.06.20(S/L)),有时候也会出现旧题和新题的拼盘(E.g.2011年2月20日托福机经为北美09.09.20(R/S)+新题)。
* 什么是托福机经预测?本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览每次托福考试都有可能考到以前考过的内容,也可能出以前没有考过的新题。

不过我可以给你提供一个托福写作的示例(按照口语化、幽默化风格),你可以参考一下这种写作方式:题目:Some people think that it is better to take a trip during the holidays, while others prefer to stay at home. Which do you prefer?范文:Well, when it comes to this question, I'm all for hitting the road during holidays.First off, staying at home during holidays can be as dull as dishwater. You know, you just sit around, maybe watch some TV shows that you'vealready seen a million times. It's like being stuck in a rut. But when you go on a trip, it's like opening a big, exciting box of surprises. You getto see new places, meet all kinds of interesting people. For example, last year I went to a small town on the coast during my holiday. I met this old fisherman who told me the most amazing stories about the sea and his life.It was like stepping into a different world, and I would have never hadthat experience if I had just stayed at home moping around.Another thing is that traveling gives you a chance to break free from your daily routine. At home, it's always the same old, same old get up, eat, work (or study), sleep. When you're on a trip, every day is different. One day you could be hiking up a mountain, feeling like you're on top of the world, and the next day you might be strolling through a bustling local market, smelling all kinds of strange and delicious foods. It's like a shot of adrenaline for your boring, regular life.Sure, some people might say that traveling during holidays can be a hassle. There are things like booking tickets, finding accommodation, and dealing with all the crowds. But hey, that's all part of the adventure!It's like a little challenge that makes the whole trip more exciting. And compared to the boredom of staying at home, those little inconveniences are nothing.In conclusion, I'd rather be out there exploring the world during holidays than being a couch potato at home. It's just way more fun and gives me a chance to make some unforgettable memories.。

一、综合写作:首先说下综合写作是什么样的东西吧,其实无非就是“一篇阅读+一段听力+ 总结”。
开头给你 3 分钟看下给出的阅读材料,之后听一篇听力,最后总结下听力和阅读都说了什么,以及它们之间的逻辑关系是什么。
这里给出一个我做综合写作会有的一个笔记图,整张草稿纸分成两半,左半部分是 reading 部分,右半部分是 listening 部分。
注意现在 3 分钟阅读开始了。
只要是做过一两次独立写作的同学都知道你在读完第一段的时候会得到一个main idea,即reading 的主观点是什么,这个时候你就在草稿纸 main idea 那一栏把它给记下来。
一般会给出一个 supporting idea,这个 supporting idea 一定是用来支持main idea 的,就好像你平时写作文的时候第一段会给出一个观点,就好比:我觉得A 是个大好人(main idea),可是你光说 A 是大好人,不给出证明的点别人不信你啊,所以你接着说因为A 是个诚实守信的好孩子(supporting idea),这里的诚实守信算是好人的一个标准吧。
那考试给出的文章自然也是按这个逻辑走的,可是我们光说道理不行啊,为了论证文中给出的这个 supporting idea,或是丰满文章内容,一定要给出一些 evidence 去支持这个 supporting idea,就好比A 是个诚实守信的好孩子,是因为他从来不欺骗同学、他从不食言等等,例子可多可少,具体数目不会有限制。

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should invest more money in children’s education than in college students. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 2009-11-7NA你赞成还是反对下⾯的命题?相⽐⼤学教育,政府应给予基础教育更⼤的投⼊。
第⼀部分:题⽬分析第⼀:分类:教育类第⼆:适⽤于本题⽬的万能理由1、时间具体⽅⾯:浪费时间;花费时间(投⼊);时间长的影响;例如:Students would receive a better education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year.Disagree:时间太长会降低学⽣对学习的兴趣;其他⾓度:学习太长学习效率会降低,效果差;学习太长会影响学⽣健康;2、压⼒具体⽅⾯:压⼒⼤、负担重;压⼒⼤带来的不良后果;例如:University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study.Disagree:学习太多学科对于学⽣来说有压⼒ (基础科学包括很多学科:数学,化学,物理,等);压⼒太⼤的情况下,很可能学不好;其他⾓度:不是⾃⼰的专业,就业⽅⾯不⽤基础科学的知识;⾼中就学过,⼤学重复学,浪费时间。

写作题库分类1.建造问题:2) It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may bebuilt in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer你家附近将要建一个大饭店。
4) It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.你家附近将要建一个电影院。
5) The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion政府打算建一所新大学,有人认为你家附近是个合适的地方。
6) It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer. 可能在你们社区内建一所高中。
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新托福写作机经总结 [第一版]
目前尚不完全,但鉴于有些同学可能需要,所以先放到网上,等我新的总结完再出修订版。如果有同学愿 意帮忙共同整理修订,请发信给我。 另外请大家一定注意不要将此文件外传,本文件只提供给我的学生复习使用,请不要链接或者上传到其他 复习网站。低调,切记低调。 Steven Jiang
Steven Jiang·Steven’s Writing Clinic
同 2005.12.16 阅读:现在养孩子的成本越来越高了,表现在 3 个方:① 卫生;② 安全;③ 教育。 听力:① 卫生:不是什么东西都要那么干净的,太干净了反而引起一些问题,如小孩过敏; ② 安全:其实不需要花那么多钱买东西,家长应该多教小孩如何自我保护; ③ 教育:tutor 其实不用花那么多钱。最好的方法就是小孩子在父母的陪伴下看看书。 7月
Steven Jiang·Steven’s Writing Clinic
② 成本未必低,一个好的web based survey需要一个团队大量的工作; ③ 大多数人对网络问卷都不严肃,不会得到正确的信息。 阅读:现在高中老师不只是用school mark和exam mark给分了: ① attendance;② discussing attitude;③ challenging courses也要算分。 1.21 听力:① 就算到学校听课了也不是一定真听; ② 现在discuss算分了学习反而不好因为大家都争着说无用的话拿分,课堂很boring; ③ 就算学难度高的课不代表学的好。 2月 阅读:教授上电视节目的好处: ① 教授公众知名度提高了; ② 大学的公众评价更为积极; 2.3 ③ 大众接触到更多的视角。 听力:① 教授上电视影响同行的对其看法,认为上电视的教授娱乐性大于教育性; ② 教授为了准备电视表 演浪费了与学生相处的时间和科研时间; ③ 电视只要学术的头衔,不需要实质。教授对话题的背景介绍和历史沿革介绍都会被 电视忽略,因而公众得到的信息是不充分的。 2.11 阅读:National parks in US are overcrowding,令游人很烦,失去了去park的乐趣。 听力: The definition of overcrowding is vague, 有些人喜欢热闹, 热闹已成为 park 的一部分。 3月 阅读:现在看电视上瘾跟赌博也差不多了,算是一种精神疾病。 3.3 听力:① 那些症状不一定是由电视上瘾引起的,有可能是刚好反过来; ② 假如你的朋友离开了,你也会觉得 painful,所以也不能说就是一种精神疾病; ③ 和吃巧克力差不多。 阅读:老师给大部分学生高分: ① 鼓励学生学习; 怕学生给教师的评价低了; 学生拿着好成绩出去找工作容易。 ② ③ 3.17 听力:① 应该给学生真实的成绩让他们了解自己的学习情况; ② 老师的评估改在学期结束之前; ③ 企业应该综合了解成绩所代表的情况,比如平均分,这样才不会被误导。 阅读:人们被电视、网络等媒体吸引,对 reading 的关注也越来越少,这样会导致: ① culture 降低一个等级;② 书籍市场越来越小;③ 作者们将会不再喜欢写作。 3.25 听力:① 阅读不用该仅仅局限在文学方面,科学、历史等领域也是阅读的重要组成部分。 ② 多种传播媒体的出现不会使 culture 倒退,因为那些媒体都是社会进步的产物。 ③ 人们不爱看书了,是因为书写得越来越差了,不应该责备读者。 4月 阅读:Buzzing 不好: ① 因为 people 不知道 buzzer 是 paid to do it,他们会提供 less critics; ② 产品不一定好,影响顾客的利益; 4.8 ③ 影响人与人之间的 relationship,less trustful。 听力:① 他们是真正觉得产品好才推荐的,唯一不同的是他们是paid的而已; ② 如果一个产品不好,满意的顾客少的话,他们 less likely 找到别人当 buzzer; ③ 正因为 buzzer 推荐的都是好产品,所以人与人之间会建立更紧密地信任关系。 4.28 阅读:fluoride 加入自来水:
③ 画后面的板材也并不是用一整块木板而是几个木板粘在一起的。 听力:① 妇人穿着不相符是因为后人在原画的基础上加上了不符合妇人身份的 fur-collar; ② 原画上妇人穿的是淡色衣服,所以脸上的光影效果其实是正确的; ③ 原画用的板材也是一整块的rezo Mussel(一种鱼) : ① 藏在从东欧到北美的船底压舱水池里存活; ② 因为是北美的新生物,所以没有 predator,渐渐他们就 dominate 了;
Steven Jiang·Steven’s Writing Clinic
① 防止蛀牙,② 杀菌,③ 减少骨酥松。 听力:① 在口腔时间很短不起作用; ② 与水管中的铅起反应可能导致问题; ③ 可能吸入过量导致骨变脆,需要确认合适的加入量。 5月 阅读:speed cameras 的优点: ① effective, 监督人们,人们不敢犯; ② automatically, no human assistance; ③ 减少上 court。 听力:① Some drivers know the locations, they drive faster between two speed cameras. Also, they may drive close to another car, trying to hide theirs from speed cameras. 你用电子眼以为别人就那么傻就范啊,driver 就喜欢 risky 精神,熟路的 司机都知道电子眼长在哪些路段,所以他们就会在没有电子眼的路段开得更快;另 外,他们还会躲在其他车后面防止被拍的车牌,这样就会产生追尾的 accident; 5.12 ② Speed cameras cannot replace police officers, since officers do many other jobs that can also reduce traffic accidents. 以前都是警车巡逻,现在换成电子眼就只能 针对 speed 的问题进行控制,对那些路上打劫啊,开车用 cell phone 的人就无法进 行有力打击了; ③ Speed cameras do not necessarily work properly. For example, they may record speed slower than the actual speed is, and some drivers will use this wrong record as evidence in traffic courts, which will cause courts troubles. According to reading, speed cameras can help traffic courts. 电子眼有时也会出问题, 也有可能 会有 mistake,如果真的出现 mistake 把人给冤枉了,那样那个人一打官司,媒体把 这事情曝光,其他司机都会有样学样的了,到时官司就会更多。 阅读:现在有一种 web-story reading service。3 个好处: ① 可以读给孩子听,还可以单独读词。 ② 便宜,因为这些书籍都是 not covered by copyright。 ③ 节省父母的时间, 原来父母要读故事给孩子听的, 现在可以去做饭了—which is also good for kid。这个服务 especially 适合忙的家长。 听力:① 孩子学的过程不仅仅包括听,还包括 ask questions and get feedback。这点计算机 搞不定。而且计算机也无法确认孩子到底理解了没有。 ② 这些便宜的书籍不一定都是孩子们喜欢看的。所以有可能结局是家长们不仅要 pay for web services,还要掏钱买孩子们喜欢的书回家。 ③ 爹娘给孩子读书的时间其更大意义在于 spending time together,是维系家庭 relationship 的重要内容。 6月 阅读:私人收藏者开始买卖 fossils: ① 剥夺公众看到 fossils 的机会; ② 剥夺科学家 access to fossils 的机会; 6.9 ③ 私人收藏者破坏科学家收集到的有关 fossils 的 evidence。 听力:① 可以刺激挖掘更多; ② 都要经手 scientist,不会有任何损失; ③ 发掘更多就有更多信息。
③ 会和北美水域的其它淡水鱼抢食物,造成其它鱼类的减少。 听力:① 压舱水是 salt water 而不是 fresh water,而这种动物在 salt water 里无法存活; ② 刚开始他们是没有天敌,但一段时间过后,一定会有鸟来吃他们; ③ 生活在水底的鱼类反而会增多,因为 mussel 释放的 nutrition 好。 9月 阅读:说 VCD 教育应该替 textbook: ① VCD 生动活泼,够 attractive,还可以随意划分内容; ② 可以让学生更容易理解,而不是去理解那些深奥的教材;
Integrated Writing
2005 年
11 月 阅读:4天工作:① 公司提高利润;② 国家提高就业;③ 个人提高生活质量有好处。 11.8 听力:① 公司不会提高利润,因为招聘本身就费用高; ② 国家不会提高就业率,因为公司会让员工把5天的工作在4天干完; ③ 个人也不受益,因为个人要承担失去晋升,甚至失业的风险。 12 月 阅读:风力发电有三个坏处:① 让鸟丧命;② 破坏鸟的地盘;③ 要有大风。 听力:随着技术进步,这三个缺点都克服了。 阅读:超市开设了self-checkout:① 节省时间;② 提供信息;③ 节省老板的费用。 12.16 听力:① 要顾客把货物拿到柜台上扫描一点都不节省时间; ② 提供的信息可能是错误的; ③ 可能有人会不刷信用卡就把物品拿出去。 阅读:在美国选举中计算机选举系统比传统选举系统有更高的准确性的效率: ① 人们用纸笔选举时,往往看不清ballot,会选错人; ② 人工计票时往往会出错; 12.17 ③ 银行中的转账系统每天都在用,效率很高。 听力:① 有人不会用计算机或者害怕使用新技术,也会在选举时出错; ② 计算机程序是人编的,总会出错,而且一出就是大错,无法recount。 ③ 银行的系统每天用,不停地提高、纠正;可选举系统几年才用一回,就不可靠了。