
2024-2025学年四川省大邑县实验中学高一新生入学分班质量检测试题题号一二三四五总分得分批阅人A 卷(100分)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、(4分)如图,BE 、CF 分别是△ABC 边AC 、AB 上的高,M 为BC 的中点,EF=5,BC=8,则△EFM 的周长是()A .21B .18C .15D .132、(4分)直线y=x-2与x 轴的交点坐标是()A .(2,0)B .(-2,0)C .(0,-2)D .(0,2)3、(4分)已知点(-4,y 1),(2,y 2)都在直线y=-12x+2上,则y 1y 2大小关系是()A .y 1>y 2B .y 1=y 2C .y 1<y 2D .不能比较4、(4分)满足下列条件的三角形中,不是直角三角形的是()A .三内角的度数之比为1∶2∶3B .三内角的度数之比为3∶4∶5C .三边长之比为3∶4∶5D .三边长的平方之比为1∶2∶35、(4分)六边形的内角和为()A .360°B .540°C .720°D .900°6、(4分)某校八(5)班为筹备班级端午节纪念爱国诗人屈原联谊会,班长对全班学生爱吃哪几种水果作了民意调查,最终决定买哪些水果.下面的调查数据中您认为最值得关注的是()A .中位数B .平均数C .众数D .方差7、(4分)下列二次根式中,最简二次根式的是()A .B C D .8、(4分)如图,△ABC 中,∠A=30°,∠ACB=90°,BC=2,D 是AB 上的动点,将线段CD 绕点C 逆时针旋转90°,得到线段CE ,连接BE ,则BE 的最小值是()A .B .2C D .2二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、(4分)某市出租车白天的收费起步价为10元,即路程不超过3km 时收费10元,超过部分每千米收费2元,如果乘客白天乘坐出租车的路程为()3xkm x >,乘车费为y 元,那么y 与x 之间的关系式为__________________.10、(4分)若x x 的方程20x m -+=的一个根,则方程的另一个根是_________.11、(4分)关于x 的方程()21410k x x -++=有解,则k 的范围是______.12、(4分)矩形ABCD 中,对角线AC 、BD 交于点O ,AE BD ⊥于E ,若13OE DE =::,AE =BD =____.13、(4分)如图,点A 是反比例函数y=2x (x >0)的图象上任意一点,AB ∥x 轴交反比例函数y=k x (k ≠0)的图象于点B ,以AB 为边作平行四边形ABCD ,点C ,点D 在x 轴上.若S ▱ABCD =5,则k =____.三、解答题(本大题共5个小题,共48分)14、(12分)如图,直线3y x =+与坐标轴交于点A 、B 两点,直线CP 与直线AB 相交于点1,3P m ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,交x 轴于点C ,且PAC ∆的面积为25 3.(1)求m 的值和点A 的坐标;(2)求直线PC 的解析式;(3)若点E 是线段AB 上一动点,过点E 作//EQ x 轴交直线PC 于点Q ,EM x ⊥轴,QN x ⊥轴,垂足分别为点M 、N ,是否存在点E ,使得四边形EMNQ 为正方形,若存在,请求出点 E 坐标,若不存在,请说明理由.15、(8分)如图,反比例函数y=m x 的图象与一次函数y=kx+b 的图象交于A,B 两点,点A 的坐标为(2,6),点B 的坐标为(n,1).(1)求反比例函数与一次函数的表达式;(2)点E 为y 轴上一个动点,若S △AEB=10,求点E 的坐标.(3)结合图像写出不等式0m kx b x -+>的解集;16、(8分)如图,直线过点,且与,轴的正半轴分別交于点、两点,为坐标原点.(1)当时,求直线的方程;(2)当点恰好为线段的中点时,求直线的方程.17、(10分)如图,在ABCD 中,经过A ,C 两点分别作AE ⊥BD ,CF ⊥BD ,E ,F 为垂足.(1)求证:△AED ≌△CFB ;(2)求证:四边形AFCE 是平行四边形.18、(10分)如图,在□ABCD 中,对角线AC 与BD 相交于点O ,点E ,F 分别为OB ,OD 的中点,延长AE 至G ,使EG =AE ,连接CG .(1)求证:△ABE ≌△CDF ;(2)当AB 与AC 满足什么数量关系时,四边形EGCF 是矩形?请说明理由.B 卷(50分)一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)19、(4分)如图,菱形ABCD 的对角线AC 、BD 相交于点O,E 、F 分别是AB 、BC 边的中点,连接EF,若,BD=4,则菱形ABCD 的边长为__________.20、(4分)如图,直线243y x =+与x 轴、y 轴分别交于点A 和点B ,点C ,D 分别为线段AB ,OB 的中点,点P 为OA 上一动点,PC PD +值最小时,点P 的坐标为______.21、(4分)如图所示,在△ABC 中,∠B=90°,AB=3,AC=5,线段AC 的垂直平分线DE 交AC 于D 交BC 于E ,则△ABE 的周长为_____.22、(4分)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠BAC=90°,AB=6,AC=8,P 为边BC 上一动点,PE ⊥AB 于E ,PF ⊥AC 于F ,M 为EF 中点,则AM 的最小值是________.23、(4分)如图,C 、D 点在BE 上,∠1=∠2,BD=EC ,请补充一个条件:____________,使△ABC ≌△FED .二、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)24、(8分)为了贯彻落实市委政府提出的“精准扶贫”精神,某校特制定了一系列帮扶A 、B 两贫困村的计划,现决定从某地运送152箱鱼苗到A 、B 两村养殖,若用大小货车共15辆,则恰好能一次性运完这批鱼苗,已知这两种大小货车的载货能力分别为12箱/辆和8箱/辆,其运往A 、B 两村的运费如表:车型目的地A 村(元/辆)B 村(元/辆)大货车800900小货车400600(1)求这15辆车中大小货车各多少辆?(2)现安排其中10辆货车前往A 村,其余货车前往B 村,设前往A 村的大货车为x 辆,前往A 、B 两村总费用为y 元,试求出y 与x 的函数解析式.(3)在(2)的条件下,若运往A 村的鱼苗不少于100箱,请你写出使总费用最少的货车调配方案,并求出最少费用.25、(10分)如图,直线1l 的解析式为2y x =-+,1l 与x 轴交于点B ,直线2l 经过点D (0,5),与直线1l 交于点C (﹣1,m ),且与x 轴交于点A .(1)求点C 的坐标及直线2l 的解析式;(2)求△ABC 的面积.26、(12分)如图,某学校有一块长为30米,宽为10米的矩形空地,计划在其中修建两块相同的矩形绿地,两块绿地之间及周边留有宽度相等的人行通道.()1若设计人行通道的宽度为2米,那么修建的两块矩形绿地的面积共为多少平方米?()2若要修建的两块矩形绿地的面积共为216平方米,求人行通道的宽度.参考答案与详细解析一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、D【解析】根据直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半,先求出EM=FM=12BC,再求△EFM的周长.【详解】解:∵BE、CF分别是△ABC的高,M为BC的中点,BC=8,∴在Rt△BCE中,EM=12BC=4,在Rt△BCF中,FM=12BC=4,又∵EF=5,∴△EFM的周长=EM+FM+EF=4+4+5=1.故选:D.本题主要利用直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半的性质.2、A【解析】令y=0,求出x的值即可【详解】解:∵令y=0,则x=2,∴直线y=x-2与x轴的交点坐标为(2,0).故选:A.本题考查的是一次函数图象上点的坐标特点,熟知x轴上点的坐标特点是解答此题的关键.3、A【解析】根据一次函数的图象和性质,即可得到答案.【详解】∵y=-12x+2,∴k=-12<0,即y随着x的增大而减小,∵点(-4,y1),(2,y2)在直线y=-12x+2上,∴y1>y2故选A.本题主要考查一次函数的性质,理解一次函数的比例系数k的意义,是解题的关键.4、B【解析】试题解析:A、因为根据三角形内角和定理可求出三个角分别为30度,60度,90度,所以是直角三角形;B、根据三角形内角和定理可求出三个角分别为45度,60度,75度,所以不是直角三角形;C、因为32+42=52,符合勾股定理的逆定理,所以是直角三角形;D、因为1+2=3,所以是直角三角形.故选B.5、C【解析】根据多边形内角和公式(n-2)×180º计算即可.【详解】根据多边形的内角和可得:(6﹣2)×180°=720°.故选C.本题考查了多边形内角和的计算,熟记多边形内角和公式是解答本题的关键.6、C【解析】根据平均数、中位数、众数、方差的意义进行分析选择.【详解】解:平均数、中位数、众数是描述一组数据集中程度的统计量;方差、标准差是描述一组数据离散程度的统计量.既然是为筹备班级端午节纪念爱国诗人屈原联谊会做准备,那么买的水果肯定是大多数人爱吃的才行,故最值得关注的是众数.故选:C .此题主要考查统计的有关知识,主要包括平均数、中位数、众数、方差的意义.反映数据集中程度的平均数、中位数、众数各有局限性,因此要对统计量进行合理的选择和恰当的运用.7、D 【解析】分析:根据最简二次根式的概念逐项分析即可.详解:A.,故不是最简二次根式;B.=13,故不是最简二次根式;C.当a ≥0时,a ,故不是最简二次根式;D.,又不含能开的尽的因式,故是最简二次根式;故选D.点睛:本题考查了二次根式的识别,如果二次根式的被开放式中都不含分母,并且也都不含有能开的尽方的因式,像这样的二次根式叫做最简二次根式.8、A 【解析】过点C 作CK ⊥AB 于点K ,将线段CK 绕点C 逆时针旋转90°得到CH ,连接HE,延长HE 交AB 的延长线于点J ;通过证明△CKD ≌△CHE (ASA),进而证明所构建的四边形CKJH 是正方形,所以当点E 与点J 重合时,BE 的值最小,再通过在Rt △CBK 中已知的边角条件,即可求出答案.【详解】如图,过点C 作CK ⊥AB 于点K ,将线段CK 绕点C 逆时针旋转90°得到CH ,连接HE,延长HE 交AB 的延长线于点J ;∵将线段CD 绕点C 逆时针旋转90°,得到线段CE ∴∠DCE=∠KCH =90°∵∠ECH=∠KCH -∠KCE ,∠DCK =∠DCE-∠KCE ∴∠ECH =∠DCK 又∵CD=CE ,CK =CH ∴在△CKD 和△CHE 中 90ECH DCK CK CH DKC EHC ∠=∠=⎧∠=∠=︒⎪⎨⎪⎩∴△CKD ≌△CHE (ASA)∴∠CKD=∠H=90°,CH=CK ∴∠CKJ =∠KCH =∠H=90°∴四边形CKJH 是正方形∴CH=HJ=KJ=C'K ∴点E 在直线HJ 上运动,当点E与点J 重合时,BE 的值最小∵∠A=30°∴∠ABC=60°在Rt △CBK 中,BC=2,∴CK =BCsin60°BK=BCcos60°=1∴KJ =CK 所以BJ =KJ-BK=1-;BE 1.本题主要考查了以线段旋转为载体的求线段最短问题,正方形的构建是快速解答本题的关键.二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、24y x =+【解析】根据乘车费用=起步价+超过3千米的付费得出.【详解】解:依题意有:y=10+2(x-3)=2x+1.故答案为:y=2x+1.根据题意,找到所求量的等量关系是解决问题的关键.本题乘车费用=起步价+超过3千米的付费10、【解析】设另一个根为y ,利用两根之和,即可解决问题.【详解】解:设方程的另一个根为y ,则y +=4解得y =即方程的另一个根为故答案为:题考查根与系数的关系、一元二次方程的应用等知识,解题的关键是熟练掌握基本知识,属于中考常考题型.11、k ≤5【解析】根据关于x 的方程()21410k x x -++=有解,当10k -=时是一次方程,方程必有解,10k -≠时是二元一次函数,则可知△≥0,列出关于k 的不等式,求得k 的取值范围即可.解:∵方程()21410k x x -++=有解①当10k -=时是一次方程,方程必有解,此时=1k ②当10k -≠时是二元一次函数,此时方程()21410k x x -++=有解∴△=16-4(k-1)≥0解得:k ≤5.综上所述k 的范围是k ≤5.故答案为:k ≤5.本题考查了一元二次方程根的判别式的应用.总结:一元二次方程根的情况与判别式△的关系:(1)△>0⇔方程有两个不相等的实数根;(2)△=0⇔方程有两个相等的实数根;(3)△<0⇔方程没有实数根.12、1或855【解析】试题解析:如图(一)所示,AB 是矩形较短边时,∵矩形ABCD ,∴OA=OD=12BD ;∵OE :ED=1:3,∴可设OE=x ,ED=3x ,则OD=2x∵AE ⊥BD ,∴在Rt △OEA 中,x 2+2=(2x )2,∴x=1∴BD=1.当AB 是矩形较长边时,如图(二)所示,∵OE :ED=1:3,∴设OE=x ,则ED=3x ,∵OA=OD ,∴OA=1x ,在Rt △AOE 中,x 2+)2=(1x )2,∴,∴BD=8x=8×5=5.综上,BD 的长为1或5.13、-1【解析】设点A (x ,2x ),表示点B 的坐标,然后求出AB 的长,再根据平行四边形的面积公式列式计算即可得解.【详解】设点A (x ,2x ),则B (2kx ,2x ),∴AB=x-2kx ,则(x-2kx )•2x =5,k=-1.故答案为:-1.本题考查了反比例函数系数的几何意义,用点A ,B 的横坐标之差表示出AB 的长度是解题的关键.三、解答题(本大题共5个小题,共48分)14、(1)103m =,A 点为()30-,;(2)24y x =-+;(3)存在,E 点为()12-,,理由见解析【解析】(1)利用一次函数图象上点的坐标特征可求出m 的值及点A 的坐标;(2)过点P 作PH ⊥x 轴,垂足为H ,则PH=103,利用三角形的面积公式结合△PAC 的面积为253,可求出AC 的长,进而可得出点C 的坐标,再根据点P ,C 的坐标,利用待定系数法即可求出直线PC 的解析式;(3)由题意,可知:四边形EMNQ 为矩形,设点E 的纵坐标为t ,利用一次函数图象上点的坐标特征可得出点E 的坐标为(t-3,t )、点Q 的坐标为(22t -,t ),利用正方形的性质可得出关于t 的一元一次方程,解之即可得出结论.【详解】解:(1)把点1,3P m ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭代入直线3y x =+,即13x =时,110333m =+=直线AB ,当0y =时,03x =+得:3x =-103m ∴=,A 点为()30-,(2)过点P 作PH x ⊥轴,垂足为H ,由(1)得,103PH =∴12PAC AC PH S ∆⨯⋅=11025233AC ∴⨯⨯=解得:5AC = 53OC ∴=- ∴点C 为()20,设直线PC 为y kx b =+,把点110,33P ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭、20C (,)代入,得:1103320k b k b ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪+=⎩解得:24k b =-⎧⎨=⎩∴直线PC 的解析式为24y x =-+(3)由已知可得,四边形EMNQ 为矩形,设点E 的纵坐标为t ,则3t x =+得: 3x t =- E ∴点为()3,t t - //EQ x 轴Q ∴点的纵坐标也为tQ 点在直线PC 上,当y t =时,24t x =-+42t x -∴=()43 3522Q E t EQ x x t t -∴=-=--=-又EM t t ==当EQ EM =时,矩形EMNQ 为正方形,所以352t t -=2t ∴=故E 点为()12-,本题考查了一次函数图象上点的坐标特征、三角形的面积、解一元一次方程、待定系数法求一次函数解析式以及正方形的性质,解题的关键是:(1)利用一次函数图象上点的坐标特征,求出m 的值及点A 的坐标;(2)根据点的坐标,利用待定系数法求出一次函数解析式;(3)利用正方形的性质,找出关于t 的一元一次方程.15、(1)y=12x ,y=-12x+1;(3)点E 的坐标为(0,5)或(0,4);(3)0<x<3或x>13【解析】(1)把点A 的坐标代入反比例函数解析式,求出反比例函数的解析式,把点B 的坐标代入已求出的反比例函数解析式,得出n 的值,得出点B 的坐标,再把A 、B 的坐标代入直线y kx b =+,求出k 、b 的值,从而得出一次函数的解析式;(3)设点E 的坐标为(0,m),连接AE ,BE ,先求出点P 的坐标(0,1),得出PE =|m ﹣1|,根据S △AEB =S △BEP ﹣S △AEP =3,求出m 的值,从而得出点E 的坐标.(3)根据函数图象比较函数值的大小.【详解】解:(1)把点A (3,6)代入y=m X ,得m=13,则y=12x .得2k b 612k b 1+=⎧⎨+=⎩,解得1k 2b 7⎧=-⎪⎨⎪=⎩把点B (n ,1)代入y=12x ,得n=13,则点B 的坐标为(13,1).由直线y=kx+b 过点A (3,6),点B (13,1),则所求一次函数的表达式为y=﹣12x+1.(3)如图,直线AB 与y 轴的交点为P ,设点E 的坐标为(0,m ),连接AE ,BE ,则点P 的坐标为(0,1).∴PE=|m ﹣1|.∵S △AEB =S △BEP ﹣S △AEP =3,∴12×|m ﹣1|×(13﹣3)=3.∴|m ﹣1|=3.∴m 1=5,m 3=4.∴点E 的坐标为(0,5)或(0,4).(3)根据函数图象可得0m kx b x -+>的解集:02x <<或12x >;考核知识点:反比例函数和一次函数的综合运用.熟记函数性质是关键.16、(1)方程为;的方程为.【解析】(1)设,可知,,用待定系数法即可求出方程,得到解析式.(2)过作轴于点,可得,可以推出PC 为的中位线,可得,可得把A(2,0)和坐标代人可得直线的方程.【详解】(1)设,则,,设方程为,把代入方程得,把代入方程得再把代入得,方程为.(2)过作轴于点,则的坐标,为中点为的中位线,为中点,,设方程为,把和坐标代人可得的方程为.本题考查了用待定系数法函数解析式,解题的关键是找到函数图像上的点,将点代入得方程组,解方程即可得函数解析式.17、(1)见解析;(2)见解析.【解析】(1)根据平行四边形的性质可得AD =BC ,∠CBF =∠ADE ,再根据垂线的性质可得∠CFB =∠AED =90°,再根据全等三角形的判定(角角边)来证明即可;(2)根据全等三角形的性质可得AE =CF ,再由AE ⊥BD ,CF ⊥BD 可得AE ∥CF ,根据一组对边平行且相等的四边形为平行四边形即可证明.【详解】(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AD =BC ,AD ∥BC ,∴∠CBF =∠ADE ,∵AE ⊥BD ,CF ⊥BD ,∴∠CFB =∠AED =90°,∴△AED ≌△CFB (AAS ).(2)证明:∵△AED ≌△CFB ,∴AE =CF ,∵AE ⊥BD ,CF ⊥BD ,∴AE ∥CF ,∴四边形AFCE 是平行四边形.全等三角形的判定和性质及平行四边形的判定和性质是本题的考点,熟练掌握基础知识是解题的关键.18、(1)见解析;(2)2AC AB =时,四边形EGCF 是矩形,理由见解析.【解析】(1)由平行四边形的性质得出AB=CD ,AB ∥CD ,OB=OD ,OA=OC ,由平行线的性质得出∠ABE=∠CDF ,证出BE=DF ,由SAS 证明△ABE ≌△CDF 即可;(2)证出AB=OA ,由等腰三角形的性质得出AG ⊥OB ,∠OEG=90°,同理:CF ⊥OD ,得出EG ∥CF ,由三角形中位线定理得出OE ∥CG ,EF ∥CG ,得出四边形EGCF 是平行四边形,即可得出结论.【详解】(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AB=CD ,AB ∥CD ,OB=OD ,OA=OC ,∴∠ABE=∠CDF ,∵点E ,F 分别为OB ,OD 的中点,∴BE=12OB ,DF=12OD ,∴BE=DF ,在△ABE 和△CDF 中,AB CD ABE CDF BE DF =⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩()ABE CDF SAS ∴≅(2)当AC=2AB 时,四边形EGCF 是矩形;理由如下:∵AC=2OA ,AC=2AB ,∴AB=OA ,∵E 是OB 的中点,∴AG ⊥OB ,∴∠OEG=90°,同理:CF ⊥OD ,∴AG ∥CF ,∴EG ∥CF ,∵EG=AE ,OA=OC ,∴OE 是△ACG 的中位线,∴OE ∥CG ,∴EF ∥CG ,∴四边形EGCF 是平行四边形,∵∠OEG=90°,∴四边形EGCF 是矩形.本题考查了矩形的判定、平行四边形的性质和判定、全等三角形的判定、三角形中位线定理等知识,解题的关键是灵活运用所学知识解决问题.一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)【解析】先根据三角形中位线定理求AC 的长,再由菱形的性质求出OA ,OB 的长,根据勾股定理求出AB 的长即可.【详解】∵E 、F 分别是AB 、BC 边的中点,∴EF 是△ABC 的中位线∵∴AC=2.∵四边形ABCD 是菱形,BD=4,∴AC ⊥BD,OA=12,OB=12BD=2,∴AB ===..此题考查菱形的性质、三角形中位线定理,解题关键在于熟练运用利用菱形的性质.20、(-32,0)【解析】根据一次函数解析式求出点A 、B 的坐标,再由中点坐标公式求出点C 、D 的坐标,根据对称的性质找出点D′的坐标,结合点C 、D′的坐标求出直线CD′的解析式,令y=0即可求出x 的值,从而得出点P 的坐标.【详解】作点D 关于x 轴的对称点D′,连接CD′交x 轴于点P ,此时PC+PD 值最小,如图所示.令y=23x+4中x=0,则y=4,∴点B 的坐标为(0,4);令y=23x+4中y=0,则23x+4=0,解得:x=-6,∴点A 的坐标为(-6,0).∵点C 、D 分别为线段AB 、OB 的中点,∴点C (-3,1),点D (0,1).∵点D′和点D 关于x 轴对称,∴点D′的坐标为(0,-1).设直线CD′的解析式为y=kx+b ,∵直线CD′过点C (-3,1),D′(0,-1),∴有232k b b -+-⎧⎨⎩==,解得:423k b --⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩==,∴直线CD′的解析式为y=-43x-1.令y=-43x-1中y=0,则0=-43x-1,解得:x=-32,∴点P的坐标为(-32,0).故答案为:(-32,0).本题考查了待定系数法求函数解析式、一次函数图象上点的坐标特征以及轴对称中最短路径问题,解题的关键是找出点P的位置.21、1【解析】根据勾股定理求出BC,根据线段垂直平分线得出AE=CE,求出△ABE的周长=AB+BC,代入求出即可.【详解】解:在△ABC中,∠B=90°,AB=3,AC=5,由勾股定理得:BC=4,∵线段AC的垂直平分线DE,∴AE=EC,∴△ABE的周长为AB+BE+AE=AB+BE+CE=AB+BC=3+4=1,故答案为1.本题主要考查了线段的垂直平分线的性质,掌握线段的垂直平分线上的点到线段的两个端点的距离相等是本题的关键.22、12 5【解析】根据矩形的性质就可以得出EF,AP互相平分,且EF=AP,根据垂线段最短的性质就可以得出AP⊥BC时,AP的值最小,即AM的值最小,由勾股定理求出BC,根据面积关系建立等式求出其解即可.【详解】解:∵PE⊥AB,PF⊥AC,∠BAC=90°,∴∠EAF=∠AEP=∠AFP=90°,∴四边形AEPF是矩形,∴EF,AP互相平分.且EF=AP,∴EF,AP的交点就是M点,∵当AP 的值最小时,AM 的值就最小,∴当AP ⊥BC 时,AP 的值最小,即AM 的值最小.∵12AP×BC=12AB×AC ,∴AP×BC=AB×AC ,在Rt △ABC 中,由勾股定理,得=10,∵AB=6,AC=8,∴10AP=6×8,∴AP=245∴AM=125,故答案为:125.考点:(1)、矩形的性质的运用;(2)、勾股定理的运用;(3)、三角形的面积公式23、AC=DF(或∠A=∠F 或∠B=∠E)【解析】∵BD=CE ,∴BD-CD=CE-CD ,∴BC=DE ,①条件是AC=DF 时,在△ABC 和△FED 中,12AC DF BC DE ⎧⎪∠∠⎨⎪⎩===∴△ABC ≌△FED (SAS );②当∠A=∠F 时,12A FBC DE∠=∠⎧⎪∠∠⎨⎪⎩==∴△ABC ≌△FED (AAS );③当∠B=∠E 时,12BC DE B E ∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩∴△ABC ≌△FED (ASA )故答案为AC=DF (或∠A=∠F 或∠B=∠E).二、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)24、(1)大货车用8辆,小货车用7辆;(2)y=100x+1.(3)见解析.【解析】(1)设大货车用x 辆,小货车用y 辆,根据大、小两种货车共15辆,运输152箱鱼苗,列方程组求解;(2)设前往A 村的大货车为x 辆,则前往B 村的大货车为(8-x )辆,前往A 村的小货车为(10-x )辆,前往B 村的小货车为[7-(10-x )]辆,根据表格所给运费,求出y 与x 的函数关系式;(3)结合已知条件,求x 的取值范围,由(2)的函数关系式求使总运费最少的货车调配方案.【详解】(1)设大货车用x 辆,小货车用y 辆,根据题意得:15{128152x y x y +=+=解得:8{7x y ==.∴大货车用8辆,小货车用7辆.(2)y=800x+900(8-x )+400(10-x )+600[7-(10-x )]=100x+1.(3≤x≤8,且x 为整数).(3)由题意得:12x+8(10-x )≥100,解得:x≥5,又∵3≤x≤8,∴5≤x≤8且为整数,∵y=100x+1,k=100>0,y 随x 的增大而增大,∴当x=5时,y 最小,最小值为y=100×5+1=9900(元).答:使总运费最少的调配方案是:5辆大货车、5辆小货车前往A 村;3辆大货车、2辆小货车前往B 村.最少运费为9900元.25、(1)25y x =+;(2)274.【解析】(1)首先利用待定系数法求出C 点坐标,然后再根据D 、C 两点坐标求出直线l 2的解析式;(2)首先根据两个函数解析式计算出A 、B 两点坐标,然后再利用三角形的面积公式计算出△ABC 的面积即可.【详解】(1)∵直线1l :2y x =-+经过点C (﹣1,m ),∴m =1+2=3,∴C (﹣1,3),设直线2l 的解析式为y kx b =+,∵经过点D (0,5),C (﹣1,3),∴53b k b =⎧⎨=-+⎩,解得:25k b =⎧⎨=⎩∴直线2l 的解析式为25y x =+;(2)当y =0时,2x +5=0,解得52x =-,则A (52-,0),当y =0时,﹣x +2=0解得x =2,则B (2,0),∴1527(2)3224ABC S ∆=⨯+⨯=.此题主要考查了待定系数法求一次函数解析式,关键是掌握凡是函数图象经过的点必能满足解析式.26、(1)修建的两块矩形绿地的面积共为144平方米,(2)人行通道的宽度为1米.【解析】()1根据题意得:两块矩形绿地的长为302324(-⨯=米),宽为10226(-⨯=米),可求得面积;() 2设人行通道的宽度为x 米,则两块矩形绿地的长为()303(x -米),宽为()102(x -米),根据题意得:()()303102216x x --=,解方程可得.【详解】解:()1根据题意得:两块矩形绿地的长为302324(-⨯=米),宽为10226(-⨯=米),面积为246144(⨯=米2),答:修建的两块矩形绿地的面积共为144平方米,()2设人行通道的宽度为x 米,则两块矩形绿地的长为()303(x -米),宽为()102(x -米),根据题意得:()()303102216x x --=,解得:114(x =舍去),21x =,答:人行通道的宽度为1米.本题考核知识点:一元二次方程应用.解题关键点:根据题意列出方程.。

四川省成都市大邑县实验中学高二物理月考试题含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. (单选)下列各图中,相同的条形磁铁垂直穿过相同的线圈时,线圈中产生的感应电动势最大的是( )参考答案:D2. 如图电路中,在滑动变阻器的滑片P向上端a滑动过程中,两表的示数情况为:A. 电压表示数增大,电流表示数减少。
B. 电压表示数减少,电流表示数增大。
C. 两电表示数都增大。
D. 两电表示数都减少。
参考答案:A3. 三种粒子(均不计重力):质子()、氘核()和 粒子()由静止开始在同一匀强电场中加速后,从同一位置沿水平方向射入图示中虚线框内区域,虚线框内区域加有匀强电场或匀强磁场,以下对带电粒子进入框内区域后运动情况分析正确的是A.区域内加竖直向下方向的匀强电场时,三种带电粒子均可分离B.区域内加竖直向上方向的匀强电场时,三种带电粒子不能分离C.区域内加垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场时,三种带电粒子均可分离D.区域内加水平向左方向的匀强磁场时,三种带电粒子不能分离参考答案:BD4. 阻值为10Ω的电阻接到电压波形如图所示的交流电源上.以下说法中正确的是()A.电压的有效值为10VB.通过电阻的电流有效值为 AC.电阻消耗电功率为5WD.电阻每秒种产生的热量为10J参考答案:C【考点】正弦式电流的图象和三角函数表达式;正弦式电流的最大值和有效值、周期和频率.【分析】通过图象得出可知电压的最大值,以及周期等物理量,然后进一步求出其它物理量,如有效值、频率等.根据欧姆定律求出交流电电流最大值.根据P=I2R,求出电阻消耗的电功率;根据Q=Pt,求出电阻每秒钟产生的热量.【解答】解:A、由U﹣t图象,交流电压最大值为10V,有效值U==5.故A错误;B、通过电阻的电流I==A.故B错误;C、根据P=I2R,知电阻消耗的电功率P=×10=5W.故C正确;D、电阻每秒产生热量Q=Pt=5×1=5J.故D错误;故选:C.5. 如图所示,在斜面顶端的A点以速度v平抛一小球,经t1时间落到斜面上B点处,若在A点将此小球以速度0.5v水平抛出,经t2落到斜面上的C点处,以下判断正确的是A.t1:t2=4:1B.AB:AC=4:1C.AB:AC=2:1D.t1:t2=:1参考答案:B二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 如图所示,四个相同的电流表分别改装成两个安培表和两个伏特表。
大邑实验中学高一下期半期考试 (1)

大邑实验中学高一下期半期考试化学试卷考试说明:1.考试时间:2013年5月3日, 90分钟完卷2.请将答案写在指定位置处,答在其他地方倒扣分。
4.可能用到的相对原子质量:C:12 O:16 Ca:40试卷I选择题(单选:18个,每题3分 共计54分)1.能源可分为一次能源和二次能源。
据此判断,下列叙述正确的是( )。
A .天然铀矿是二级能源B .蒸汽是一级能源C .风力是二级能源D .电力是二级能源2.下列表示物质结构的化学用语不正确的是( )A.CO 2的结构式:O=C=OB.14C 的原子结构示意图:C.N 2的电子式:D.NaOH 的电子式: 3.含硒(Se)的保健品已开始进入市场。
已知硒与氧同主族,与钾同周期,则下列关于硒的叙述中,正确的是( )A.非金属性比硫强B.氢化物比HBr 稳定C.原子序数为34D.最高价氧化物的水化物显碱性4.下列物质含有非极性共价键的离子化合物是( )A.Na 2S 2B.NH 4NO 3C.H 2O 2D.NaOH5.下列说法错误的是( )A.过氧化钠中阴阳离子个数比为1:2B.任何物质都含有化学键C.中和反应一定是放热反应D.有化学键断裂的变化可能不是化学变化6.下列说法中错误的是( )A.金属钠与氯气反应生成氯化钠后,其结构的稳定性增强,体系的能量降低B. 断裂化学键需要吸热,形成化学键放热C. 氮气分子内部存在着很强的非极性共价键,故通常情况下氮气的化学性质很活泼D. 反应物的总能量高于生成物总能量,该反应一定放热 7.氢氧燃料电池已用于航天飞机,稀硫酸溶液作为电解质溶液。
下列说法错误..的是( )A .氢气通入负极,电极反应:H 2-2e -=2H +B .电解质溶液中,SO 42-移向正极C .供电时的总反应为:2H 2+O 2 ==== 2H 2OD .产物为无污染的水,属于环境友好电池8.右图形象地表示了氯化钠的形成过程。

)1. 物质的量浓度相同的下列物质的水溶液,H+浓度最大的是A.HCl B.KOH C.H2SO4 D. CH3COOH参考答案:CH2SO4为二元强酸,酸性最强。
2. 已知:N2(g)+3H2(g) ? 2 NH3(g) △H = -92.4 kJ/mol。
一定条件下,现有容积相同且恒容的密闭容器甲与乙:① 向甲中通入1 mol N2和3 mol H2,达到平衡时放出热量Q1 kJ;② 向乙中通入0.5 mol N2 和1.5 mol H2,达到平衡时放出热量Q2 kJ。
则下列关系式正确的是A.92.4>Q l>2Q2 B.92.4=Q1<2Q2C.Q1=2Q2=92.4 D.Q1=2Q2<92.4参考答案:A3. 在25℃、101kPa下,1g甲醇燃烧生成CO2和液态水时放热22.68kJ,下列热化学方程式正确的是()A.CH3OH(l)+O2(g)═CO2(g)+2H2O(l);△H=+725.8 kJ/molB.2CH3OH(l)+3O2(g)═2CO2(g)+4H2O(l);△H=﹣1452 kJ/molC.2CH3OH(l)+3O2(g)═2CO2(g)+4H2O(l);△H=﹣725.8 kJ/molD.2CH3OH(l)+3O2(g)═2CO2(g)+4H2O(l);△H=+1452 kJ/mol参考答案:B考点:热化学方程式.专题:化学反应中的能量变化.分析:A、根据反应吸时焓变值为正值,放热时焓变值为负值来分析;B、根据热化学方程式的书写原则以及方程式系数的含义来分析;C、根据甲醇燃烧时的用量和放出的热量之间的关系进行回答;D、根据反应吸时焓变值为正值,放热时焓变值为负值来分析.解答:解:A、反应吸热时焓变值为正值,放热时焓变值为负值,甲醇燃烧是放热反应,故△H<0,故A错误;B、1g甲醇燃烧生成CO2和液态水时放热22.68kJ,则64g甲醇即2mol甲醇燃烧放的热量为1452kJ,则热化学方程式为2CH3OH(l)+3O2(g)2CO2(g)+4H2O(l)△H=﹣1452kJ/mol,故B正确;C、1g甲醇燃烧生成CO2和液态水时放热22.68kJ,则64g甲醇即2mol甲醇燃烧放的热量为1452kJ,焓变的数值与化学计量数不成正比,故C错误;D、反应吸时焓变值为正值,放热时焓变值为负值,甲醇燃烧是放热反应,故△H<0,故D错误;故选B.点评:本题主要考查学生热化学方程式的书写方法及系数的含义,注意焓变的正负和单位问题,该题型是考试的热点4. 下列说法中错误的是A.C2H6和C4H10一定是同系物B.在相同条件下,燃烧等物质的量的C2H4和乙醇,消耗O2体积相同C.相对分子质量相同的两种物质一定是同分异构体D.烯烃各同系物中碳的质量分数都相等参考答案:C5. 下列关于热化学反应的描述中正确的是()A.HCl和NaOH反应的中和热△H=﹣57.3 kJ/mol,则H2SO4和Ca(OH)2反应的中和热△H=2×(﹣57.3)kJ/molB.CO(g)的燃烧热△H=﹣283.0 kJ/mol,则2CO2(g)═2CO(g)+O2(g)反应的△H=+2×283.0 kJ/molC.需要加热才能发生的反应一定是吸热反应D.1 mol甲烷燃烧生成气态水和二氧化碳所放出的热量是甲烷的燃烧热参考答案:B【考点】反应热和焓变.【分析】A.H2SO4和Ca(OH)2反应生成硫酸钙沉淀,不仅仅生成水;B.根据燃烧热的概念及盖斯定律分析;C.是否加热才能进行,与吸热、放热反应无关;D.甲烷的燃烧热中应生成液态水.【解答】解:A.H2SO4和Ca(OH)2反应生成硫酸钙沉淀,不仅仅生成水,放出更多的热量,则H2SO4和Ca(OH)2反应的中和热△H<2×(﹣57.3)kJ/mol,故A错误;B.燃烧热是1mol纯净物完全燃烧生成稳定的氧化物放出的热量,则2CO2(g)=2CO(g)+O2(g)反应的△H=+2×283.0kJ/mol,故B正确;C.是否加热才能进行,与吸热、放热反应无关,如铝热反应为放热反应,在需在高温下进行,故C 错误;D.甲烷的燃烧热应生成液态水,故D错误.故选B.6. 用括号中的试剂除去下列各组中的少量杂质,最恰当的一组是:A、苯中的苯酚(溴水)B、乙醇中的水(新制的氧化钙)C、苯酚中的乙酸(饱和碳酸钠溶液)D、乙酸乙酯中的乙酸(乙醇)参考答案:B略7. pmolC2H4在密闭容器中加强热分解,达到平衡时生成mmolC2H2和nmolH2,将平衡混合气体完全燃烧生成水和二氧化碳,要消耗氧气 ( )A.(3m/2+n/2+2p)mol B.(3p-3m/2-n/2)C.3pmol D.(3m/2+n/2)mol参考答案:C 略8. 关于如图所示装置的判断,叙述正确的是()A.左边的装置是电解池,右边的装置是原电池B.该装置中铜为正极,锌为负极C.当铜片的质量变化为12.8 g时,a极上消耗的O2在标准状况下的体积为2.24 LD.装置中电子的流向是:a→Cu→经过CuSO4溶液→Zn→b参考答案:C考点:原电池和电解池的工作原理分析:左边是原电池,投放氢气的电极是负极,负极上失电子发生氧化反应,投放氧气的电极是正极,正极上得电子发生还原反应,则锌是阴极,铜是阳极,阳极上铜失电子发生氧化反应,阴极上铜离子发生还原反应.解答:解:A.左边是原电池,右边的电解池,故A错误;B.左边是原电池,投放氢气的电极是负极,投放氧气的电极是正极,则锌是阴极,铜是阳极,故B 错误;C.根据转移电子守恒得,当铜片的质量变化为12.8g时,a极上消耗的O2在标况下体积为==2.24L,故C正确;D.左边是原电池,投放氢气的电极是负极,投放氧气的电极是正极,则锌是阴极,铜是阳极,装置中电子的流向量b→Zn,Cu→a,故D错误;故选C.点评:本题考查了原电池和电解池原理,正确判断原电池和电解池是解本题关键,易错选项是C,注意电子不进入电解质溶液中,为易错点.9. 下列反应中,调节反应物用量与浓度不会改变反应产物的是()A.SO2通入石灰水B.NaOH溶液滴入NaHCO3溶液C.硫酸中加入锌粉D.AlCl3溶液中滴入NaOH溶液参考答案:B考点:钠的重要化合物;二氧化硫的化学性质;浓硫酸的性质;镁、铝的重要化合物.专题:氧族元素;几种重要的金属及其化合物.分析:A、二氧化硫过量生成亚硫酸氢钠,氢氧化钙过量生成亚硫酸钠;B、氢氧化钠和碳酸氢钠生成碳酸钠;C、锌和稀硫酸反应生成氢气,与浓硫酸反应生成二氧化硫;D、氢氧化钠过量生成偏铝酸钠、氢氧化钠不足生成氢氧化铝沉淀.解答:解:A、二氧化硫通入石灰水,二氧化硫过量则生成亚硫酸氢钙,2SO2+Ca(OH)2═Ca(HSO3)2,氢氧化钙过量则生成亚硫酸钙,Ca(OH)2+SO2═CaSO3↓+H2O,反应物用量不同,产物不同;B、氢氧化钠和碳酸氢钠生成碳酸钠,NaHCO3+NaOH═Na2CO3+H2O,反应物用量与浓度不会改变反应产物;C、锌稀硫酸则生成氢气,H2SO4+Zn═ZnSO4+H2↑;锌与浓硫酸则生成二氧化硫,Zn+2H2SO4(浓)ZnSO4+SO2↑+2H2O,硫酸浓度不同,产物不同;D、氯化铝溶液滴入氢氧化钠溶液,若氢氧化钠过量生成偏铝酸钠,AlCl3+4NaOH═NaAlO2+3NaCl+2H2O;若氢氧化钠不足生成氢氧化铝白色沉淀,AlCl3+3NaOH═Al(OH)3↓+3NaCl,反应物用量不同,产物不同.故选B.点评:此题是对物质之间反应物量的不同导致的结果不同的考查,解题的关键是掌握具体的反应产物的不同,属于物质之间反应的探讨.10. 未来氢气将作为新能源的优点的是()①燃烧时发生氧化反应②充分燃烧的产物不污染环境③氢气是一种再生能源④燃烧时放出大量热量A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④D.②③④参考答案:D略11. 室温下向10 mL pH=3的醋酸溶液中加入水稀释后,下列说法正确的是 ( )A.溶液中导电粒子的数目增加,导电性增强B.醋酸的电离程度增大,c(H+)亦增大C.再加入10 m L pH=11 NaOH溶液,混合液pH=7D.溶液中不变参考答案:D12. 右图中的曲线表示的是其他条件一定时,反应:2NO+O22NO2 H<0中NO的平衡转化率与温度的关系。

2020-2021学年大邑县实验中学高三英语下学期期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWashington D.C. SightseeingWith the information below, you’re not missing anything in D.C.! Click Here to find the perfect hotel for your stay as well.The Old Town Trolley TourIt offers something for the whole family. Not only will it give them something fun to do, but it will give them a history lesson. This tour will last about three hours and it’s proper for people of all ages.African American History TourBe sure to take this tour because African Americans have had an important role in the making of our country. Take this historical four-hour tour, where you will visit some important sites including Museum of African American History and Culture.Comedy Walks Washington D.C.This is a great experience allowing you to enjoy the capital in a new way. The walking tour lasts for about one hour and thirty minutes, which takes place in less than a mile journey from the starting place.D.C. Twilight TourCheck out the D.C. Twilight Tour for a unique view of some of the most famous sites! What makes this two-hour guided tour truly unique is that you can view many wonderful sites at night time!1.Which tour is recommended to a tourist who is fond of hiking?A.The Old Town Trolley TourB.African American History Touredy Walks WashingtonD.C. D.D.C. Twilight Tour2.Which tour lasts longest?A.The Old Town Trolley TourB.African American History Touredy Walks WashingtonD.C. D.D.C. Twilight Tour3.Where will you read this text most likely?A.In a guidebook.B.In a magazine.C.In a newspaper.D.On the Internet.BTofight for the conservation of forest ecosystem, several ecologists including Daniel Janzen convinced Del Oro, an orange juice producer, to donate part of their forestland to a national park. In return, Del Oro was allowed to throw large amounts of waste in the form of orangepeels(皮) on a 3-hectare piece of land within the national park at no cost. Dealing with tons of leftover peels usually involved burning them or paying to have them poured into a landfill, so the proposal was very attractive.But a year later, another juice company challenged the deal in court, arguing that their competitor was "polluting a national park". They ended up winning, and the deal between Del Oro and the national park fell through.Then in 2013, while discussing possible research avenues(途径,手段)with Timothy Treuer, Daniel Janzen mentioned the orange story. Feeling interested, Treuer decided to stop by that piece of land that had been covered with fruit waste 15 years earlier. What he found shocked him."While I would walk over exposed rock and dead grass in the nearby fields, I'd have to climb through undergrowth and cut paths through walls ofvines(藤) in the orange peel site itself," said Timothy Treuer.Treuer and his team spent months picking upsamples(样品), analyzing and comparing them. They found great differences between the areas covered with orange peels and those that were not. The area withorange waste had richer soil.The effect that the orange peels had on the land is probably not that surprising to people familiar withcomposting(施肥), but what is really shocking is that a judge actually thought the waste of orange "mined" a national parkand stopped it from going forward. Now that Timothy Treuer's study has received worldwide attention, this type of "ruining" is being seriously considered as a way of bringing forests back to life.4. What did Del Oro usually do with orange peels?A. Add them to fuel.B. Feed them to animals.C. Burn or bury them.D. Make them into cakes.5. What can we know about the deal between Del Oro and the national park?A. It lasted 15 years.B. It was signed by Treuer.C. It was made in about 1998.D. It was broken by Del Oro.6. What was Treuer's finding?A. Orange peels contain much fibre.B. Orange peels can make soil richer.C. Orange peels rot away in a short time.D. Orange waste ruined the national park.7. What is the author's attitude toward the judge mentioned in the last paragraph?A. Disapproving.B. Positive.C. Worried.D. Admirable.CVolunteer DayWhat better way is there to enjoy your own hobbies while helping others at the same time? Come to Volunteer Day and choose which activity you’d like to join for the day. See below for a schedule of events on Volunteer Day.Volunteer Day schedule:7:30am.: Meet at the Community (社区) Center for juice and bagels.8:00—8:30 a.m.: Choose which activity you’d like to help with for the day.8:30 a.m.: Board the bus to your activity site.9:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m.: Work as a volunteer.3:30 p.m.: Board the bus that will take you back to the Community Center.See below for a list of volunteer opportunities for Volunteer Day so you can begin thinking about which activity you might want to join.A list of volunteer activities:Paint houses: Do you enjoy making art? If so, this volunteer opportunity might be just right for you! Happy Homes is a local organization that provides home repairs for needy people in the form of painting. For elderly or physically disabled people who cannot do repairs to their homes, Happy Homes provides volunteer painters to repaint old homes; outside or in. Happy Homes also provides painters to create beautiful wall paintings inside schools or community centers.Plant flowers: Do you enjoy being outside in nature? City Parks Association has many great opportunities for people who love to be outdoors. Help plant flowers and bushes in city parks; help lay paths at Cave Springs Park, or help pick up rubbish around the river banks. These activities are very active, so remember to be prepared with plenty of drinking water!Read to children: Do you enjoy working with young children? Do you like books? Love and Learning is an organization that provides volunteers to help children with learning disabilities. Read books out loud to groups of children four to six years old, or read one-on-one with struggling readers seven to eight years old.Play with animals: Do you love animals? Lovely Friends is an organization that visits local animal shelters and provides volunteers to spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned. Play with puppies,snuggle with cats, or hand-feed rabbits.8. At what time do volunteers leave for their activity sites?A. 7:30 a.m..B. 8:00 a.m.C. 8:30 a.m.D. 9:00 a.m.9. An outdoor lover probably takes part in ______.A. Plant flowersB. Paint housesC. Read to childrenD. Play with animals10. What do Lovely Friends volunteers do?A. Read books to children.B. Spend time with animals.C. Help plant bushes in parks.D. Pick up garbage along the river.11. The purpose of the passage is to _________.A. educate childrenB. attract volunteersC. comfort the elderlyD. encourage the disabledDPigeons inLondonhave a bad reputation. Some people call them flying rats. And many blame them for causing pollution with their droppings. But now the birds are being used to fight another kind of pollution in this city of 8.5 million.“The problem for air pollution is that it’s been largely ignored as an issue for a long time,” says Andrea Lee, who works for the London-based environmental organization Client Earth. “People don’t realize how bad it is, and how it actually affects their health.”London’s poor air quality is linked to nearly 10,000 early deaths a year. Lee says, citing(引用)a report released by the city manager last year. If people were better informed about the pollution they’ re breathing, she says, they could pressure the government to do something about it.Nearby, on a windy hill inLondon’s Regent’s Park, an experiment is underway that could help—the first week of flights by the Pigeon Air Patrol. It all began when Pierre Duquesnoy, the director for DigitasLBi, a marketing firm, won a London Design Festival contest last year to show how a world problem could be solved using Twitter. Duquesnoy, fromFrance, chose the problem of air pollution.“Basically, I realized how important the problem was,” he says. “But also I realized that most of the people around me didn’t know anything about it.” Duquesnoy says he wants to better measure pollution, while at the same time making the results accessible to the public through Twitter.“So”, he wondered, “how could we go across the city quickly collecting as much data as possible?” Droneswere his first thought. But it’s illegal to fly them overLondon. “But pigeons can fly aboveLondon, right?” he says. “They live—actually, they are Londoners as well. So, yeah, I thought about using pigeons equipped with mobile apps. And we can use not just street pigeons, but racing pigeons, because they fly pretty quickly and pretty low.”So it might be time for Londoners to have more respect for their pigeons. The birds may just be helping to improve the quality of the city’s air.12. What can we infer aboutLondon’s air quality from Paragraph 2?A. Londoners are very satisfied with it.B. The government is trying to improve it.C Londoners should pay more attention to it.D. The government has done a lot to improve it.13. Duquesnoy attended the London Design Festival to _________.A. entertain Londoners.B. solve a world problem.C. design a product for sale.D. protect animals like pigeons.14. Why did Duquesnoy give up using drones to fly acrossLondon?A. Because they are too expensive.B. Because they fly too quickly.C. Because they are forbidden.D. Because they fly too high.15. Which can be the best title for the text?A. Clean air inLondon.B. London’s dirty secret.C. London’s new pollution fighter.D. Causes of air pollution inLondon.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020-2021学年大邑县实验中学高三英语下学期期中考试试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe Fall 2020 Cookbooks Worth Your Time (and Money)Be My GuestFrom Priya Basil, this book is a self-reflection on how food and the act of serving it are used to express love and support. Basil reflects on some of her earliest memories of food and how it affected her upbringing and relationship with her parents. Now a parent herself, she centers food in her book's exploration of that change of identity.EastFrom Guardian columnist Meera Sodha comes a cookbook centered on vegetables. The book features recipes that cover a variety of Asian cuisines. Sodha showcases the diversity of vegetarian cooking with dishes like eggplant larb mushroom bao, Singapore noodles and so much more.I Cook in ColorA follow-up from her first cookbook My Two Souths, Asha Gomez focuses on the rainbow of vegetables to create desserts and cross-cultural dishes that associate cooking traditions of her mother's Keralite kitchen and Gomez's travel experiences.Time to EatIf you're a fan of The Great British Baking Show and Nadiya Hussain's Netflix series, you'll be just as excited for the American release of this book of time-saving tips for home cooks on a budget. It's a book to go to for inspiration that doesn't involve countless hours of sweating over a hot stove.1.What can we learn about the author ofBe My Guest?A.She had a bad relationship with her parents.B.She began to cook food in her early childhood.C.She considers food a means of expressing affection.D.She explores in the book how to be a grandparent.2.What do theEastandI Cook in Colorhave in common?A.They offer recipes about Asian cuisines.B.They center on cooking vegetables.C.They are the author's first cookbooks.D.They are based on the author's travel experiences.3.Which book can you refer toif you just have limited time for cooking?A.Be My Guest.B.East.C.I Cook in Color.D.Time to Eat.BThe first patient who died on my watch was an older man with a faulty heart. We tried to slow it down with treatment, but it suddenly stopped beating completely. Later, whenever I would have a case like that one, I found myself second-guessing my clinical management. However, it turns out that thinking twice may actually cause more harm than good.In a working paper, Emory University researchers found that when doctors delivering a baby have a bad result, they are more likely to switch to a different delivery method with the next patient, often unnecessarily and sometimes with worse results.Because doctors make so many decisions that have serious consequences, thefalloutfrom second-guessing appears especially large for us. A 2006 study found that if a patient had a bleed after being prescribed (开药) warfarin, the physician was about 20% less likely to prescribe later patients the blood thinner that prevents strokes (中风). However, if a patient was not on warfarin and had a stroke physicians were still no more likely to prescribe warfarin to their other patients.These findings highlight interesting behavioral patterns in doctors. In the blood-thinner study, doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm (prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting doctors were more affected by the act of doing harm(prescribing a blood thinner that ended up hurting a patient) and less affected by letting harm happen (not prescribing a blood thinner and the patient having a stroke). Yet a stroke is often more permanent and damaging than a bleed.But this phenomenon is not unique to medicine. ''Overreaction to Fearsome Risks'' holds true for broader society.For instance, sensational headlines about shark attacks on humans in Florida in 2001 caused a panic and led the state to prohibit shark-feeding expeditions. Yet shark attacks had actually fallen that year and, according to thestudy, such a change was probably unnecessary given the extremely small risk of such an attack happening.Humans are likely to be influenced by emotional and often irrational (不理性的) thinking when processing information, bad events and mistakes. As much as we don't want to cause an unfortunate event to happen again, we need to be aware that a worst situation that can be imagined doesn't necessarily mean we did anything wrong. When we overthink, we fail to rely on thinking based on what we know or have experienced. Instead, we may involuntarily overanalyze and come to the wrong conclusion.I have treated dozens of patients who presented with the same illnesses as my first patient, who died more than a year ago. Instead of second-guessing myself, I trusted my clinical instinct (本能) and stayed the course. Every one of those patients survived. You should trust your instinct in your life, too.4. The first two paragraphs suggest that________.A. bad medical outcomes affect doctorsB delivering babies can be difficult workC. some doctors are not very experiencedD. doctors sometimes make silly mistakes5. In the blood-thinner study, doctors________.A. tend to prescribe less effective medicineB. are more concerned about the patients' safetyC. become less confident in writing a prescriptionD. believe a stroke is more treatable than a bleeding6. What does the underlined word ''fallout'' in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. ResultB. BenefitC. DifferenceD. Absence7. The author will probably agree that________.A. we should not doubt our own decisionsB. our experience will pave way for our futureC. humans are emotional and irrational on the wholeD. instincts don't necessarily lead to wrong directionsCJack was 11 months old in the spring of 2015 when his parents, Erika and Christopher, recognized his development was not progressing as it should. The feeling was familiar to the couple. Just a few months earlier, Jack’s brother Chase, who is 16 months older, had been diagnosed with autism(自闭症) after he did not reachmotion and language standards as expected.Jack’s behaviors were similarly delayed, and his parents moved quickly to seek help. Today, Jack is 5 — he celebrated his birthday on May 13 — and he can speak in full sentences and read. After two years at a preschool that specializes in services for children with developmental disabilities, he will start kindergarten in theSmithtownschool district in September. “Our family’s experience is a good example of the power and effectiveness of early intervention. The services our boys have received made all the difference,” the parents said.According to scientists, autism can be detected at 18 months or younger, and by age 2 a diagnosis can be considered “very reliable.” The parents said they were happy with Chase’s success at the learning center, but still had concerns for Jack because he was not speaking. Developing social and communication skills can be among the greatest challenge for individuals with autism, even if they are able to say a few words early on. “We didn’t know if he was ever going to talk,” Erika said. “That was my biggest fear. We just didn’t know.”Looking ahead, the parents are cautiously optimistic about Jack’s next educational move. He doesn’t handle change well, they said, and he likes to know his routine. Still, they expressed confidence that his time at the learning center has given him the skills he needs to be successful.8. How did Jack’s parents know he suffered from autism?A. They found the baby clever.B. They judged by their experience.C. They found he didn’t develop.D. They checked on him in the hospital.9. What did the parents think of the early intervention?A. It made no difference to the babies.B. It benefitted the babies greatly.C. It got their babies more disabled.D. It helped their babies speak fluently.10. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. Autism can be confirmed at 18 months old.B. Jack’s parents were confident about his motor skills.C. Chase’s parents were doubtful about his developmentD. Jack’s parents worried about his language skills most.11. What is the text mainly talking about?A. Autism can be curedif parents take actions early.B. Parents should be confident about their children’s future.C. Early intervention in autism could improve children’s life.D. Communication skills should be developed as early as possible.DFollowing the Famous Silk RoadsThe Silk Roads were a networkof ancient trade routes that extended from East Asia all the way to theMediterranean. A key section of the Silk Roads is the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor(走廊), whichstretchesover a distance of around 5,000 kilometres through China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, covering a total of 8,700 kilometres of trade routes. The three countries jointly pursued an application for UNESCO World Heritage (遗产) status which contained detailed research on the 33 sites along the corridor. This made history as the first successful multinational World Heritage application.The starting point of the corridor and the entire Silk Roads network isXi’an, inShanxiProvince. Further west on the Silk Roads, the geography gradually changes from wild deserts to high, snow-capped mountains to vast grasslands as the routes pass through theTianshanMountainsand emerge in the valleys ofCentral Asia. Although the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor of the Silk Roads ends here, the network continues westwards until it reaches theMediterranean.The corridor began to develop in the 2nd century. Assigned by the emperor, the ambassador Zhang Qian journeyed from Chang’an toCentral Asia, seeking to build bridges between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions. Following Zhang’s efforts, trade routes took shape and relationships were strengthened between the major powers of the time, with the routes network reaching as far as theRoman Empire.Economic activities along the routes network were not limited to trade in silk. They contributed many other items to the marketplace of goods. The routes were busy with camels carrying loads of goods and businessmen selling everything imaginable.China’s exports included silk, porcelain, ironware and tea, while horses, jewellery, spices and grapes were all imported over vast distances from the West.In addition to trade exchange, the network served as a bridge for cultural exchange which shaped the evolution of science, art, technology and many other areas in societies along the network. Astronomy and mathematics were introduced toChinafromIndiaandArabia; important Chinese inventions such as papermaking and printing were brought to the West.All of these activities contributed to a great age of expansion as trade and cultural exchanges gave people access to new goods,knowledge and ideas. These routes connected Eastern and Western civilizations, which achieved a shared development. The addition of the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor to the UNESCO World Heritage List is a milestone in recognition of the Silk Roads as a crucial part of humanity’s common heritage.12. The key section of the Silk Roads is________.A. the MediterraneanB. Xi’an, inShanxiProvinceC.KazakhstanandKyrgyzstanD. the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor13. The underlined word “stretches” in Paragraph 1 is close in meaning to________.A. standsB. spreadsC. movesD. flies14. Zhang Qian travelled from Chang’an toCentral Asiato________.A. export silk, porcelain, ironware and teaB. purchase horses, jewellery, spices and grapesC. seek help from the most powerful western countriesD. build bridges between his country and other countries15. What was the role of the Silk Roads according to the passage?A. It helped to change the wild deserts to grasslands.B. It was recognized by the UNESCO asChina’s heritage.C. It speeded up the development of the countries involved.D. It started a trade competition between countries along the way.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. 下列关于生命系统的结构层次,叙述正确的是()A.草履虫可以看作是最基本的生命系统B.生物的生活环境不属于生命系统的一部分C.一个蓝细菌和一个苹果所属的生命系统层次相同D.池塘中所有的动植物构成了生命系统的群落层次2. 下列有关细胞中化合物的叙述,正确的是()A.淀粉和蔗糖彻底水解得到的单糖都是葡萄糖B.人体皮肤细胞中的酪氨酸可转变为黑色素C.丙氨酸的组成元素有C、H、O、N、SD.细胞中的有机物都能为细胞的生命活动提供能量3. 如图表示某神经元一个动作电位传导示意图,据图分析正确的是()A. 动作电位传导是局部电流触发邻近质膜依次产生新的负电波的过程B. 图中a→b→c的过程就是动作电位快速形成和恢复的过程C. 产生a段是由于K+经载体蛋白易化扩散外流造成的,不消耗ATPD. 若将该神经纤维置于更高浓度的Na+溶液中进行实验,d点将下移4. 下列与酶有关的叙述,错误的是()A.组成酶的基本单位是氨基酸或核糖核苷酸B.酶的活性受温度、pH等因素的影响C.人体细胞内的酶不能从食物中获得D.由活细胞产生的酶在生物体外没有催化活性5. 某夫妇表现型正常,却生育了一个(染色体)三体男孩,已知血友病是伴X染色体隐性遗传病。
下列判断合理的是()A. 若三体男孩性染色体组成为XXY,则他患血友病最可能与图4有关B. 若三体男孩性染色体组成为XYY,则他患血友病最可能与图1有关C. 若三体男孩染色体上基因组成为Aaa,则他产生的4种配子中a配子占1/4D. 性染色体组成为XXY的男性与正常女性结婚,所生儿子中XXY三体占1/36. 如图1表示某生态系统一条食物链中三个种群一年内的数量变化,图2为该食物链中三个种群一年内能量流动统计的部分数据,下列有关叙述正确的是()A.6月时,种群Ⅰ、Ⅰ、Ⅰ的年龄结构分别是衰退型、增长型、增长型B.铅等重金属在甲种群(种群Ⅰ)含量最高C.图2中种群Ⅰ全部生物的呼吸消耗能量约为6.95×107kJD.甲到丙的能量传递效率约为20%7. 离体的胡萝b韧皮部细胞经过组织培养成完整植株,这说明植物细胞具有()A.多样性B.专一性C.全能性D.稳定性8. 科研人员在一个远离大陆的荒岛上发现了一种昆虫(其种群的性别比例大致为1:1),调查发现其触角长短由位于性染色体上的一对等位基因D、d控制,短触角雄虫的数量远多于短触角雌虫数量。

2021届大邑县实验中学高三英语期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AReturns & Refund Guarantee(保证;保证书)The “Returns & Refund Guarantee” is a promise provided by sellers for every item they sell on DHgate. com. When you receive an item that was bought and paid for on our site, and you find it is not as described or isof low quality, you can contact the seller to resolve these problems. DHgate will offer additional assistance if the seller is not cooperative.Scope(范围)The following points should not be included in the “Returns & Refund Guarantee”:▲The seller didn't make any promise.▲The seller can provide evidence to prove the items are as described.▲You didn't contact the seller within the promised time.▲You have released the payment to the seller before asking DHgate for help.Sellers are able to set up the following promises:Returning items for any reasonBuyers can return items for a refund within a specific date which has been set up by sellers, such as 3 days, and 7 days from the day when the items are received. The items' receiving date is the date that is indicated on the shipping carrier's official website. Buyers should prepay any return shipping cost, which will be given back to the buyers after the seller receives the items as long as the items are returned in the same exact condition as when they were delivered.Returns or Refunds accepted if the product has quality issuesBuyers can return the items for a refund when they are not as described or possess quality issues by communicating directly with the seller. The seller is responsible for the return shipping cost.Buyers can get a refund and keep the items when the items are not as described or possess quality issues by negotiating directly with sellers.1.Who can get additional assistance from DHgate in the guarantee?A.The buyers in physical stores.B.The buyers on DHgate. com.C.The sellers on DHgate. com.D.Both the buyers and the sellers.2.Which situation is within the scope of the guarantee?A.The seller didn't make any promise.B.The buyer has paid the seller in advance.C.The buyer asked for help within the promised time.D.The seller proves that there is nothing wrong with the item.3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Not all the sellers make promises.B.DHgate sometimes will pay the buyers.C.Sellers should prepay return shipping cost.D.The buyer can't keep the items after getting a refund.BJIANLI, Hubei Province, June 2 (Xinhua) — A cruise ship carrying more than 450 people sank in the Yangtze River overnight, which could be China’s worst sinking disaster in decades. As of 6 p.m. Tuesday, 14 peoplehad been rescued from the capsized vessel, with five others confirmed dead. The rest are still missing, although rescuers said there could be more survivors. Strong winds and heavy rain are hampering rescue efforts.The Eastern Star sank in only 15 meters of water “within one or two minutes” of being caught in freak weather in Jianli, according to the ship’s captain and chief engineer who survived the incident. The ship left the eastern Chinese city ofNanjingon May 28 bound forChongqingMunicipality.The ship was carrying 403 passengers, five tour guides, and 46 crew, rather than the previously reported 47. Most passengers were tourists fromShanghaiand its neighboringprovinceofJiangsu, aged between 3 and 83, with most in their 60s and 70s.The 76.5-meter-long and 11-meter-wide vessel has been in service for nearly 20 years and can carry up to 534 people. It is owned by Chongqing Dongfang Shipping. Waterway officials said they have no record of the company being involved in any previous sinking incidents.According to weather forecast, most of the Yangtze basin will be subject to downpours over the next 10 days, with heavy rain expected in the area where the search is underway.Police, waterway authorities and fire departments have sent more than 150 boats and over 4,000 personnel to the scene. The Chinese Navy has sent diving forces to search for the missing. The team is composed of soldiers from the navy’s fleets in the North Sea, East China Sea, andSouth China Sea, as well as students of the NavalUniversity of Engineering. In addition, five helicopters were dispatched fromBeijingandHubei’s provincial capital ofWuhanon Tuesday morning, along with an IL-76 transport plane.4. We can infer from the text that ________.A. the incident was very suddenB. the weather benefited the rescueC. the ship had bad safety recordsD. the ship’s captain was drowned5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Eastern Star?A. It was overloaded.B. It’s been launched recently.C. It had 454 people on board.D. Its owner met similar incidents.6. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?A. How people came to the rescue.B. Why the rescue was quite difficult.C. What the rescue force consisted of.D. How the rescue operation went on.7. The author’s purpose of writing the text is most likely to ________.A. informB. explainC. describeD. entertainCDogs are often referred to as “man's best friend”. But MacKenzie, a four-pound Chihuahua (奇瓦瓦狗), who was named winner of the 2020 American Hero Dog competition, is making the world a better place for humans and animals alike. Often called the “Oscars for dogs”, the award recognizes dogs who make great contributions to society.This year's competition attracted over 400 competitors from across the country. While all were impressive, it was tiny MacKenzie who won the judges' hearts. Born at a rescue shelter in Hilton, New York, in 2013, she had a cleft palate (腭裂) that required her to be tube fed for the first year of her life. A life-saving operation, performed in 2014, gave her the ability to eat and drink independently, enabling the tiny dog to focus on doing what she loved most: taking care of others.The seven-year-old Chihuahua is now gainfully “employed” by the Mid Foundation, a Rochester, New York-based non-profit organization that shelters and cares for animals born with disabilities. MacKenzie's official job is “to provide love and care for baby rescue animals born with birth defects”. The Chihuahua is good at her job and hasnurturedmany different species-from puppies to kittens to turkeys, squirrels, birds and even a goat. She acts as their mother and teaches them how to socialize, play, and have good manners.In addition to her role as an animal caretaker, MacKenzie also has the important job of greeting the foundation's volunteers and friends. The incredible dog, who has lost her ability to bark, also visits area schools to help children understand physical disabilities in both animals and people. Her heart-warming and inspiring story makes MacKenzie worthy of America's top dog honor!8. What made MacKenzie American Hero Dog?A. Being man's best friend.B. Her struggle with disabilities.C. Rescuing animals with disabilities.D. Her contributions to a better world.9. What can we infer about MacKenzie from Paragraph 2?A. Her growth path was not easy.B. She was deserted by her owner.C. She was operated on at two years old.D. She still needs taking care of by others.10. What does the underlined word “nurtured” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Trained.B. Comforted.C. Tended.D. Abused.11. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. MacKenzie—The Most Hard-working DogB. MacKenzie—America's “Most Heroic Dog”C. Chihuahua—Inspiration of Positive EnergyD. Chihuahua—Appeal for Animals' ProtectionDThe herd of elephants moving north after leaving the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve in Yunnan province has drawn widespread public attention, with tens of millions of people following its movement on TV programs and social media platforms.But this is not because it’s the first time wild Asian Elephants have wandered away from their habitat and headed northward, but for only this time the herd has traveled more than 400 kilometers as far as Kunming. Photographs, videos and stories of the herd’s movement have sparked widespread discussions even overseas.However, there is a need to go behind the “cute photos” and the seemingly “fantastic” event and identify the reasons why wild elephants are leaving their habitat, and find ways to establish harmonious human-animal relationship within habitats and the surrounding forests and human settlements. It is important to scientificallymark the limits of the habitats for elephants and other animals in Xishuangbanna and elsewhere in the country for ecological reasons as well.Planting trees is a key and fundamental step toward restoration of nature. Yet long-term investment and a more scientific approach are needed to maintain the remaining forests as well as to extend the forest cover and strengthen conservation.Nevertheless, tree cover alone doesn’t mean a suitable habitat for all animals, for different species need different types of vegetation to survive and breed. The elephant herd in Yunnan is a reminder that we have to scientifically conserve the existing forests and turn them into suitable habitats for different species of animals and birds, which will ultimately benefit humans.More ambitious targets should be set to rebuild or improve the food chain, and measures taken to ensure forest resources help wildlife flourish, in order to establish a harmonious human-animal relationship.Forests around the globe are still shrinking, particularly those in tropical and developing countries. The next decade therefore will be extremely important for the world’s forests and wildlife, and China can play a leading role in saving them by better protecting its forests and expanding its forest cover.12. Why has the herd of elephants caused so much public interest?A. There exist heated discussions in the whole country even overseas.B. TV programs and social media platforms want to benefit from them.C. They are the first wild Asian Elephants to leave their natural habitat.D. The elephants has traveled a long distance and lived in harmony with humans.13. What can we infer from the third paragraph about the “fantastic” event?A. More research on the reasons behind the event is required.B. Scientists need to limit the habitats for elephants and other animals.C. People should find ways to have a good relationship with elephants.D. There’s an urgent demand for detailed information about the elephants.14. Which method is provided in the passage to restore nature?A. Expanding the coverage of forest.B. Getting the government’s policy support.C. Bringing up various ways to protect the forests.D. Offering more kinds of vegetation to all animals.15. What does this event of elephants leaving their habitats remind us to do?A. To set more goals to change the food chain.B. To be aware of the situation of the existing forests.C. To realize harmonious coexistence of human and nature.D. To reduce the destruction of the forests around the globe.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020-2021学年大邑县实验中学高三英语上学期期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANew events and changes of junior golf competition calendarNew eventsNotah BegayⅢJunior Golf National ChampionshipWhat does a junior golfer aim to pursue? One thing is to be noticed, ideally by a college coach. A remarkable opportunity will be offered by the Notah BegayⅢJunior Golf National Championship to its participants: an event broadcast by Golf Channel. Players aged between eight and 18 can compete in the new event; information about where and when it will be held will be released later.Barbasol Junior ChampionshipBeginning the career in the PGA Tour is something that a junior golfer tends to dream of. The Barbasol Junior Championship, which is scheduled to take place between June 29 and July 2 at Keene Trace Golf Club inNicholasville,Kentucky, will provide such an opportunity. Boys under 19 years old will qualify for this new 54-hole event, and the winner will be awarded a spot at the PGA Tour's Barbasol Championship in July.Changed eventsThunderbird International JuniorThe dates of the AJGA's Thunderbird International Junior have to be changed since the NCAA Championships move to Grayhawk Golf Club inScottsdale,Arizona, for the next three years. Generally, the Thunderbird is played at the end of May. However, this year it is scheduled on different dates for the first time, from April 9 to 12, which means, of course, that the finish date is on Masters Sunday.Gator InvitationalJunior golf intends to prepare for the following college golf. If this is the case, then it is crucial to simulate the higher-level experience as much as possible. Because of that, the Gator Invitational, as a junior boys' event, has made a significant decision on becoming a 54-hole event by adding a round this year. The new version will be played from March 13 to 15 at The Country Club of Jackson inJackson,Mississippi.1. Which event can be watched on TV?A. Notah BegayⅢJunior Golf National Championship.B. Barbasol Junior Championship.C. Thunderbird International Junior.D. Gator Invitational.2. When will the Thunderbird International Junior be played?A. At the end of May.B. From April 9 to 12.C. Between June 29and July 2.D. From March 13 to 15.3. What has been changed about the Gator Invitational?A. The award given to the winnerB. The place where it is played.C. The required age of the players.D. The number of rounds it has.BJack was 11 months old in the spring of 2015 when his parents, Erika and Christopher, recognized his development was not progressing as it should. The feeling was familiar to the couple. Just a few months earlier, Jack’s brother Chase, who is 16 months older, had been diagnosed with autism(自闭症) after he did not reach motion and language standards as expected.Jack’s behaviors were similarly delayed, and his parents moved quickly to seek help. Today, Jack is 5 — he celebrated his birthday on May 13 — and he can speak in full sentences and read. After two years at a preschool that specializes in services for children with developmental disabilities, he will start kindergarten in theSmithtownschool district in September. “Our family’s experience is a good example of the power and effectiveness of early intervention. The services our boys have received made all the difference,” the parents said.According to scientists, autism can be detected at 18 months or younger, and by age 2 a diagnosis can be considered “very reliable.” The parents said they were happy with Chase’s success at the learning center, but still had concerns for Jack because he was not speaking. Developing social and communication skills can be among the greatest challenge for individuals with autism, even if they are able to say a few words early on. “We didn’t know if he was ever going to talk,” Erika said. “That was my biggest fear. We just didn’t know.”Looking ahead, the parents are cautiously optimistic about Jack’s next educational move. He doesn’t handle change well, they said, and he likes to know his routine. Still, they expressed confidence that his time at the learning center has given him the skills he needs to be successful.4. How did Jack’s parents know he suffered from autism?A. They found the baby clever.B. They judged by their experience.C. They found he didn’t develop.D. They checked on him in the hospital.5. What did the parents think of the early intervention?A. It made no difference to the babies.B. It benefitted the babies greatly.C. It got their babies more disabled.D. It helped their babies speak fluently.6. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. Autism can be confirmed at 18 months old.B. Jack’s parents were confident about his motor skills.C. Chase’s parents were doubtful about his developmentD. Jack’s parents worried about his language skills most.7. What is the text mainly talking about?A. Autism can be curedif parents take actions early.B. Parents should be confident about their children’s future.C. Early intervention in autism could improve children’s life.D. Communication skills should be developed as early as possible.CIn May this year, as part of our 150th anniversary, we asked readers aged between18 and 25 to enter an essay competition. The task was to tell us, in no more than 1,000 words, what scientific advance they would most like to see in their lifetimes, and why it mattered to them.The response was phenomenal: we received 661 entries. Some entrants hoped that science would make their lifetimes much longer than they can currently expect. Many looked forward to work that will end climate change. Others wanted to see advances in our understanding of human history, crop growth, space exploration, and medical technologies. The ideas were inspiring.The winner is a compelling essay by Yasmin Ali, a PhD student at the University of Nottingham, UK. Ali submitted a piece on Beethoven, her brother’s hearing loss and the science which she hoped would one day cure it. It stood out to the judges as a reminder of why many scientists do research: to make the world better tomorrow than it is today.All essays were judged by a group of Nature editors. The top ten submissions were then ranked by three members of a separate judging group: Magdalena Skipper, editor-in-chief of Nature; Faith Osier, a researcher; and Jess Wade, a physicist. All submissions were kept anonymous throughout the process.We also selected two runners-up(非冠军的获奖者).Physicist Robert Schittkoat Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, proposes that nuclear fusion(核聚变) could offer a solution to the climate crisis, in a piece that effortlessly mixes grand ambition with gentle humour. And chemist Matthew Zajac at the University of Chicagoin Illinois wrote a powerful personal account of why he wants to see advances in the field of same-sexreproduction.The results show that today’s young scientists have a wealth of ideas, talent and conviction that research can transform their world. We look forward to seeing what they do next.8. What’s the essay competition about?A. The scientific expectation.B. The fantastic scientific ideas.C. The dreams of future life.D. The celebration of anniversary.9. Why Yasmin Ali was chosen the winner?A. She showed great talent in music.B. She found the cure for the loss of hearing.C. She appealed for people to care about hearing loss problem.D. She reminded people to remember the meaning of science development.10. What can we learn about the result of the essay competition?A. Robert Schittko won the second place.B. There were two winners in the essay competition.C. Matthew Zajac presented his view of same-sex reproduction.D. The two runners-up were selected for the same field they chose.11. What isthe author’s attitude to the competitors’ ideas about science expectations?A. Doubtful.B. Favorable.C. Impossible.D. Ignorant.DWhen rescuers were called to rescue a “little owl”, they did not expect to find one that was too fat to fly. A concerned citizen first spotted the poor bird lying helplessly. Even Rufus Samkin, whose team then took the team in on Jan.3, believed the bird to be injured. There were no wounds to be found, however, causing experts to believe the female owl was simply too wet to fly.But it was only after a thorough drying-off and complete checkup that they noted the real issue. The rescuers weighed the owl and concluded that she was “simply extremely obese” and couldn’t take off. This additionalweight left her unable to fly, though experts began to wonder how she got so fat in the first place. Because it’s rather unusual for wild birds to reach such a state, they decided to keep her a few weeks and monitor her.In the end, the rescuers assessed that it was simply a case of “natural obesity”. December 2019 was quite warm, which meant that there were many insects for the bird to feast upon. Indeed, the owl was discovered in a field that was “filled with field mice” due to the usual climate. “It’s been very mild here, and the owl is able to find foods easily,” Samkin explained. With the sudden food, “she ly ate much and got very fat. She had a lovely time, but went too far.”The researchers consequently put the owl on a “strict diet” so she could shrink to a more “natural weight”. She was even put on a bit of exercise and encouraged to fly around. In the end, the bird was sent flying gracefully off into the British countryside at a much healthier and happier weight. Hopefully, this owl won’t come upon another feast of field mice—unless she wants another few weeks at the fat camp.12. What did people think happened to the owl at first?A. She was hurt.B. She was trapped.C. She was hungry.D. She was wet.13. Why was the bird unable to fly?A. She needed a thorough checkup.B. She should be given a drying-off.C. She was completed overweight.D. She was simply extremely strong.14. What made the owl have enough foods?A. The especially warm weather.B. The reducing number of insects.C. The rich fields growing crops.D. The lovely time the bird enjoyed.15. How did the owl loseits weight?A. Going on a diet and exercising.B. Flying in the British countryside.C. Visiting that fat camp again.D. Enjoying her wonderful feast freely.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. 如图为某同学感染细菌后的免疫机制模式,图中大写字母表示细胞。
产生细胞c杀死被感染的细胞2. 关于“S”型曲线的叙述,错误的是()A.t0~t1之间,种群数量小于K/2,由于资源和空间相对充裕,种群数量增长较快,增长率不断增加B.t1~t2之间,由于资源和空间有限,当种群密度增大时,种内斗争加剧,天敌数量增加,种群增长速率下降C.t2时,种群数量达到K值,此时出生率等于死亡率,种群增长速率为0D. 为有效防治蝗灾,应在t1前及时控制其种群密度3. 人类的皮肤含有黑色素,皮肤中黑色素的多少由两对独立遗传的基因(A和a、B和b)所控制,显性基因A和B可以使黑色素量增加,两者增加的量相等,并且可以累加。
一个基因型为AaBb的男性与一个基因型为AaBB的女性结婚,下列关于其子女皮肤颜色深浅的描述中错误的是A. 可产生四种表现型B. 肤色最浅的孩子基因型是aaBbC. 与亲代AaBb皮肤颜色深浅一样的有3/8D. 与亲代AaBB表现型相同的有1/44. 关于糖分解代谢的叙述,错误的是A. 甜菜里的蔗糖经水解可产生葡萄糖和果糖B. 乳汁中的乳糖经水解可产生葡萄糖和半乳糖C. 发芽小麦种子中的麦芽糖经水解可产生果糖D. 枯枝落叶中的纤维素经微生物分解可产生葡萄糖5. 如图所示的遗传病的致病基因为隐性基因,且在常染色体上。
假定图中①1和①2婚配生出患病孩子的概率是1/6,那么,得出此概率值需要的限定条件之一是一些个体必须是杂合体,这些个体包括A. I-1B. I-2C. ①-2D. ①-46. 下列说法正确的是()A. 属于ZW型性别决定类型的生物,ZW个体为雄性,ZZ个体为雌性B. 一个男子把X染色体上的某一突变基因传给他外孙女的概率为0C. 女孩是红绿色盲基因携带者,则该红绿色盲基因可能来自她的父亲或母亲D. 男性秃顶比女性常见,秃顶的性状与性别有关,属于伴性遗传7. 下列动植物糖类、脂肪的分类与比较,正确的是()A. B.C. D.8. 下列有机物的鉴定实验中,导致实验失败的操作是( )①蛋白质鉴定时,把A、B液混合后再加入蛋白质样液中①脂肪鉴定时,花生子叶染色后,直接进行观察①还原糖鉴定时,60①水浴加热①淀粉鉴定时,直接把碘液加入到淀粉样液中A. ①①①B. ①①①①C. ①①D. ①①9. 下列各项所描述的物质肯定不含磷的是()A.构成生物膜基本支架的物质B.为暗反应提供能量的物质C.合成遗传物质所需的原料D.细胞内的主要能源物质10. 下列有关人类对遗传物质探索历程的叙述正确的是()A. 格里菲思的体内转化实验证明了DNA是遗传物质B. 艾弗里的体外转化实验采用了物质提纯、鉴定与细菌体外培养等技术C. 赫尔希和蔡斯的实验证明了DNA是生物界中主要的遗传物质D. 烟草花叶病毒侵染烟草的实验证明了蛋白质和RNA是遗传物质11. 将某小鼠的皮肤移植给多只同种小鼠后,将受皮鼠分成甲、乙两组。

1. 如图所示,某一化学反应进行到t1时,加入一定量的酶,该反应在最适条件下进行直到终止。
以下叙述不正确的是A.酶可降低该反应的活化能B.t1~t2反应速率逐渐减慢C.t2时酶失去活性D.适当降低反应温度t2右移2. 对孟德尔所做的豌豆的一对相对性状的杂交实验来说,不必具备的条件是()A. 选用的一对相对性状要易于区分B. 实验选用的两个亲本一定是纯合子C. 要让具有显性性状的个体作父本D. 要让两个亲本之间进行有性杂交3. 将植物横放,测量根和茎生长素浓度与其生长状况的关系如甲图所示,则曲线上P点最可能对应于乙图中的位置是()A.aB.bC.cD.d4. 如图曲线a和b不能用于表示()A. 细胞分化程度和全能性高低的变化B. 动物细胞体积与细胞物质运输效率的变化C. 质壁分离过程中植物细胞液浓度和吸水能力的变化D. 萌发的植物种子在出土之前有机物种类和干重的变化5. 克里斯琴认为:种群数量上升时,种内个体间的社群压力会影响种群数量,其调节机制如下图所示,以下说法不正确的是()A. 社群压力会导致浆细胞分泌的抗体数量减少B. 社群压力会导致机体胰岛B细胞分泌的胰岛素增多C. 社群压力通过神经、体液、免疫三种调节方式调控种群数量D. 社群压力会导致出生率升高,死亡率下降,从而改变种群数量6. 黑藻是一种叶片薄且叶绿体较大的水生植物,分布广泛、易于取材,可用作生物学实验材料。
下列说法错误的是()A. 在高倍光学显微镜下,观察不到黑藻叶绿体的双层膜结构B. 观察植物细胞的有丝分裂不宜选用黑藻成熟叶片C. 质壁分离过程中,黑藻细胞绿色加深、吸水能力减小D. 探究黑藻叶片中光合色素的种类时,可用无水乙醇作提取液7. 有研究表明在草莓果实发育成熟过程中,果实细胞中pH值呈先降低后升高的特点。

2019-2020学年大邑县实验中学高三英语下学期期中考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe 2021 Weibo Movie Night—an award ceremony jointly organized by Sina Weibo and China Movie Channel—was held on June 12, gathering around 100 filmmakers and A-list stars. Following are some upcoming films.BipolarCast: Dou Jingtong, Tian Zhuangzhuang and Wang ZhiwenDirector: Li MengqiaoAudience will follow a young woman’s unusual trip across China,who wishes to send a stolen lobster (龙虾) back to the sea. Li said that it’s a sort of experiment, examining the line between dreams and reality. Andthis is singer-actress Dou Jingtong’s first leading role.On Your MarkCast: Wang Yanhui and Zhang YouhaoDirector: Chiu Keng Gua (Malaysia)Inspired from a true story,On Your Markis about a taxi driver and his son, a marathon enthusiast who’s struggling with a visually-impaired disease. In order to help his son to realize his dream, the father joins a marathon training group to serve as his son’s personal “competition assistant”. This film is expected to tug the heartstrings of moviegoers near Father’s Day.TheBattleatLakeChangjinCast: Wu Jing, Hu Jun, Li Chen and Zhang HanyuDirector: Chen Kaige, Tsui Hark and Dante LamThe film centers on how the Chinese People’s Volunteers fearlessly fought against foreign invaders during an extremely cold winter. The battle destroyed around 13,000 enemies of US troops, becoming a turning point to lay the foundation for the final victory.Chinese DoctorsCast: Zhang Hanyu, Yuan Quan, Zhu Yawen and Li ChenDirector: Liu WeiqiangAdapted from true stories, it is about Chinese medical staff’s battle to rescue lives during the COVID-19 outbreak last year inWuhanJinyintanHospital.1. Who plays the leading role inBipolar?A. Dou Jingtong.B. Yuan Quan.C. Li Mengqiao.D. Zhang Hanyu.2. Which film focuses on the war betweenChinaand theU.S.?A.Bipolar.B.On Your Mark.C.Chinese Doctors.D.TheBattleatLakeChangjin.3. What doOn Your MarkandChinese Doctorshave in common?A. They both star Zhang Hanyu.B. They are based on true stories.C. They reflect the efforts to rescue lives.D. They are directed by Chinese directors.BMost animals living in crowded conditions have particularly strong immune systems, so it long puzzled researchers that honeybees do not.Part of the answer, discovered in 2015, is that queen bees vaccinate their eggs by moving parts of proteins from disease-causing pathogens to them before they are laid. These act as antigens totriggerthe development of a protective immune response in the developing young. But that observation raises the question of how the queen receives her antigen supply in the first place? Dr. Harwood wondered if the nurse bees were taking in parts of pathogens and passing them to royal jelly they were producing while eating the food brought to the hive.To test this idea, he teamed up with a group at theUniversityofHelsinki, inFinland, led by Dr Heli Salmela. Together, they collected about 150 nurse bees and divided them among six queenless mini hives equipped with baby bees to look after. Instead of honey, they fed the nurses on sugar water, and for three of the hives they added P. larvae, a bacterium causing a hive-killing disease, to the sugar water.In this case, to stop such an infection happening, Dr Harwood and Dr Salmela heat-treated the pathogens and so killed them in advance. They also labelled the dead bacteria with a fluorescent dye, to track them easily. And, sure enough, it was confirmed that parts of P. larvae were getting into royal jelly released by those bees which had been fed with the sugar water containing that.All told, these findings suggest that nurse bees are indeed, through their royal jelly, passing antigens onto the queen for vaccinating her eggs. They also mean the nurses are vaccinating baby bees as well, because baby bees, too, receive royal jelly for the first few days after they come out.4. What does the underlined word “trigger" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Cut out.B. Set off.C. Slow down.D. Put off.5. Which is the main experimental subject in Paragraph 3?A. Queen bees.B. Nurse bees.C. Bee eggs.D. Baby bees.6. Why was P. larvae added to the sugar water?A. To test if it would cause a hive-killing disease.B. To check how the bacterium would affect the hive.C. To see whether the target bees would favor the taste.D. To confirm the bees would pass pathogens to royal jelly.7. What is the text mainly about?A. How bees multiply.B. How antigens function.C. How bees get vaccinated.D. How immune system works.CMost animals living in crowded conditions have particularly strong immune systems, so it long puzzled researchers that honeybees do not.Part of the answer, discovered in 2015, is that queen bees vaccinate their eggs by moving parts of proteins from disease-causing pathogens to them before they are laid. These act as antigens totriggerthe development of a protective immune response in the developing young. But that observation raises the question of how the queen receives her antigen supply in the first place? Dr. Harwood wondered if the nurse bees were taking in parts of pathogens and passing them to royal jelly they were producing while eating the food brought to the hive.To test this idea, he teamed up with a group at theUniversityofHelsinki, inFinland, led by Dr Heli Salmela. Together, they collected about 150 nurse bees and divided them among six queenless mini hives equipped with baby bees to look after. Instead of honey, they fed the nurses on sugar water, and for three of the hives they added P. larvae, a bacterium causing a hive-killing disease, to the sugar water.In this case, to stop such an infection happening, Dr Harwood and Dr Salmela heat-treated the pathogens and so killed them in advance. They also labelled the dead bacteria with a fluorescent dye, to track them easily. And,sure enough, it was confirmed that parts of P. larvae were getting into royal jelly released by those bees which had been fed with the sugar water containing that.All told, these findings suggest that nurse bees are indeed, through their royal jelly, passing antigens onto the queen for vaccinating her eggs. They also mean the nurses are vaccinating baby bees as well, because baby bees, too, receive royal jelly for the first few days after they come out.8. What does the underlined word “trigger" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Cut out.B. Set off.C. Slow down.D. Put off.9. Which is the main experimental subject in Paragraph 3?A. Queen bees.B. Nurse bees.C. Bee eggs.D. Baby bees.10. Why was P. larvae added to the sugar water?A. To test if it would cause a hive-killing disease.B. To check how the bacterium would affect the hive.C. To see whether the target bees would favor the taste.D. To confirm the bees would pass pathogens to royal jelly.11. What is the text mainly about?A. How bees multiply.B. How antigens function.C. How bees get vaccinated.D. How immune system works.DDepression(抑郁症)in young adult males, ages 18 or 19, is linked to a 20% greater risk of having a heart attack in middle age, according to a new Swedish study.The link can be partly explained by poorer stress resilience(抗压能力)and lower physical fitness among teens with mental disorders.Theresearch included 238,013 men born between 1958 and 1962 who were given examinations in adolescence(青春期)and were then followed into middle age(up to the age of 58 years). A total of 34,503 men were diagnosed(诊断)with a mental disorder.The study found thata mental disorder in young adulthond was linked to a higher risk of having heart attack by middle age. Compared to men without a mental illness in young adulthood,the risk of heart attack was 20%higher among men with a diagnosis.“We already knew that menwho were physically fit in adolescence seem less likely to keep fitness in lateryears if they have low stress resilience” said study author Dr. Bergh, “Our research has also shown that low stress resilience is also connected with a greater tendency towards bad behavior, such as higher risks of smoking, drinking and other drug use.”“Better fitness in adolescence is likely to help protect against later heart disease, particularly if people stay fit as they age. Physical activities may also reduce some of the bad effects of stress. Those in poor health could benefit from additional support to encourage exercise and develop plans to deal with stress,” said Bergh.12. How does the author develop paragraph 3?A. By giving examples.B. By listing figures.C. By making a comparison.D. By drawing a conclusion.13. What are men with low stress resilience likely to do?A. Smoke more.B. Eat more.C. Sleep less.D. Do less exercise.14. What will Bergh agree with according to the last paragraph?A. Physical activitiesadd to stress.B. Stress may cause heart disease.C. Taking exercise is unnecessary.D. Staying fit is of great importance.15. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?A. Entertainment.B. Health.C. Education.D. Fashion.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020-2021学年大邑县实验中学高三英语下学期期中考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATwitter humorist and TV writer Jonny Sun is the author of the 2017 best-sellereveryone'sa aliebn when ur a aliebn too. This time, he recommends some emotionally powerful books.The Book of Delightsby Ross Gay(2019)Gay's collection of 102 short but emotional stories, begun in mid-2016 and written in the order of time over a year in America, focuses on the careful observation of ordinary delights in daily life. The writing is personal and grounded in thoughtful joy.100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Writeby Sarah Ruhl(2014)Seemingly a collection of essays on theater, Ruhl's book feels instead like the playwright's thoughts all of life. Her writing here is deeply personal, sharply argued but also playful. The book is actually a detailed description of the artist herself.They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Usby Hanif Abdurraqib(2017)I am always so moved by Abdurraqib's writing. He combines cultural criticism and personal memory in such a beautiful way, making the two styles naturally bound.Space Struckby Paige Lewis(2019 )This poetry collection awakened emotions in me that I did not know existed, or that I could feel, or that one could ever put words to. Every line is playful, honest, complex, and gentle.If you want to get more books, you can click here:Try more books1. Which book is a collection of short stories of daily happiness?A. The Book of Delights.B. 100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Write.C. They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us.D. Space Struck.2. Who is probably a poet?A. Ross Gay.B. Sarah Ruhl.C. Hanif Abduraqib.D. Paige Lewis.3. Where is the text most likely from?A. A diary.B. A brochure.C. A website.D. A magazine.BI had very good parents. My mother came toAmericafromScotlandby herself when she was 11, and she didn’t have much education. My dad was kind of a street kid, and he eventually went into the insurance business, selling nickel policies door to door.One day, my dad asked his boss, “What's the toughest market to sell?” and the insurance guy replied “Well, black people. They don’t buy insurance.” My dad thought, but they have kids; they have families. Why wouldn’t they buy insurance? So he said, “Give meHarlem.”When my dad died in 1994, I talked about him onThe Tonight Show. I told the story of how he worked in Harlem and how he always taught us to be open-minded and not to say or think things of racism (种族主义). Then one day, I got a letter from a woman who was about 75 years old.She wrote that when she was a little girl, a man used to come to her house to collect policies. She said this man was the only white person who had ever come to dinner at their house. The man was very kind to her, she said, and his name was Angelo—was this my father?The letter made me cry. I called her up and said yes, that was in fact my dad, and she told me how kind he had been to her family. Her whole attitude toward white people was based on that one nice man she met in her childhood, who always treated her with kindness and respect and always gave her a piece of candy. From this experience, I learned a valuable life lesson: never judge people and be open-minded and kind to others.4. What did my father do after knowing what was the toughest market to sell?A. He asked his boss to give him some insurance.B. He went toScotlandto improve his education.C. He specially went to white families with kids.D. He choseHarlemto face the toughest challenge.5. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. It was rare that a businessman had dinner in his customer's house.B. Angelo was the only white person to sell insurance inHarlem.C. The little girl admired Angelo very much.D. Racism was a serious problem inAmericaat that time.6. Which of the following can best describe the author’s father?A. Stubborn and generous.B. Patient and intelligent.C. Determined and open-minded.D. Confident and romantic.7. What can be the best title of the passage?A. Memories from a TV Show.B. A Letter from an Old Lady.C. Life Lessons from My Father.D. My Father's Experience inHarlem.CAt the age of 50, Nina Schoen expects to have a long lifeahead of her, but has thought a lot about death—and why people are so reluctant to talk about it: “It’s going to happen to all of us,” she says, “but it should be a more positive experience than the fear we put into it.”When she first heard about a new end-of-life process that turns the body into compost (堆肥), “I was really moved by the idea,” says Schoen, who became one of the first to reserve a spot with a Seattle-based company called Recompose, the county’s first funeral home to offer human composting.Last year Recompose began transforming bodies to soil, more formally known as natural organic reduction. Before that, end-of-life options in the U.S. were limited to burial or cremation (火化), both of which come with environmental costs—U.S. cremations alone dump 1.7 billion pounds of carbon dioxide into theatmosphere every year.Katrina Spade pioneering the composting movement has spent a decade developing the process in hopes of offering people a greener option for death care. “I wondered, ‘What if we had a choice that helps the planet rather than harms it?’” Spade tells PEOPLE. “To know that the last gesture you’ll make will be gentle and beneficial and it just feels like the right thing to do.”After she had her own two sons, she began to wonder what she might do with her body after death. A friend who knew her interest in the topic reminded her that farmers sometimes compost the body of cows, and thatsparkedan idea for her theory: “If you can compost a cow, you can probably compost a human,” she thought, and she set about designing a facility to do just that.“This is about giving people another choice,” Spade says. “At first, people react with shock—‘You really can do that?’ But so many people today are looking at their impact on the Earth. This is a popular thing because when you die, you can give back to the planet.”8. How do people react when it comes to death according to paragraph 1?A. They are unwilling to comment.B. They can face it without fear.C. They feel it a positive experience.D. They would like to compost their bodies.9. What can we know about the company Recompose?A. Its CEO is Katrina Spade.B. It is located in Seattle.C. It was founded to resist cremation.D. It has spent 10 years composting bodies.10. What does the underlined word “sparked” probably mean?A. Changed.B. Compromised.C. Quitted.D. Inspired.11. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?A. A little things in our life can bring in big outcomes.B. We human beings should do all we can to help the earth.C. Composting is so popular that we should reserve a spot soon.D. We should reject burial because of its harm to environment.DWhen rescuers were called to rescue a “little owl”, they did not expect to find one that was too fat to fly. A concerned citizen first spotted the poor bird lying helplessly. Even Rufus Samkin, whose team then took the team in on Jan.3, believed the bird to be injured. There were no wounds to be found, however, causing experts to believe the female owl was simply too wet to fly.But it was only after a thorough drying-off and complete checkup that they noted the real issue. The rescuers weighed the owl and concluded that she was “simply extremely obese” and couldn’t take off. This additional weight left her unable to fly, though experts began to wonder how she got so fat in the first place. Because it’s rather unusual for wild birds to reach such a state, they decided to keep her a few weeks and monitor her.In the end, the rescuers assessed that it was simply a case of “natural obesity”. December 2019 was quite warm, which meant that there were many insects for the bird to feast upon. Indeed, the owl was discovered in a field that was “filled with field mice” due to the usual climate. “It’s been very mild here, and the owl is able to find foods easily,” Samkin explained. With the sudden food, “she ly ate much and got very fat. She had a lovely time, but went too far.”The researchers consequently put the owl on a “strict diet” so she could shrink to a more “natural weight”. She was even put on a bit of exercise and encouraged to fly around. In the end, the bird was sent flying gracefully off into the British countryside at a much healthier and happier weight. Hopefully, this owl won’t come upon another feast of field mice—unless she wants another few weeks at the fat camp.12. What did people think happened to the owl at first?A. She was hurt.B. She was trapped.C. She was hungry.D. She was wet.13. Why was the bird unable to fly?A. She needed a thorough checkup.B. She should be given a drying-off.C. She was completed overweight.D. She was simply extremely strong.14. What made the owl have enough foods?A. The especially warm weather.B. The reducing number of insects.C. The rich fields growing crops.D. The lovely time the bird enjoyed.15. How did the owl loseits weight?A. Going on a diet and exercising.B. Flying in the British countryside.C. Visiting that fat camp again.D. Enjoying her wonderful feast freely.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020-2021学年大邑县实验中学高三英语上学期期中考试试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThree Things to Do Before You Are 18Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18.★Learn to swimSeriously, this is so important that it can save your life. If you can’t swim well, you won’t be able to dowater sports like waterskiing, surfing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make sure you do it.★Try at least one kind of team sportsBeing a good team player is an important skill in life. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too—you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.★Collect somethingOne of the best hobbies for under-18s is collecting things. You could collect kinds of stamps, or you could collect things that make you remember what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have seen or letters from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won’t forget.1. The most important reason for learning to swim is that ________.A. you might feel wellB. it can make you healthyC. you might easily do lots of thingsD. it can save your life2. The writer tells us that one of the best hobbies is to ________ .A. collect somethingB. do some water sportsC. send letters to your friendsD. play basketball with your friends23. The passage is mainly about ________before you are 18.A. good habits to keepB. skills to haveC. things to doD. sports to playBIt was five years ago that something unforgettable happened. My wife and I celebrated our 40thwedding anniversary that year. It was a lovely event hosted by our sons for us. My wonderful friends from the past surprised us with gifts and congratulations. Our gift to each other was a driving trip out west. We drove fromOntariointoAlberta, then southward intoGlacierNational ParkinMontana, and continued toYellowstoneNational Park.It was a cold spring day, and theBeartooth Highwayhad opened for the season just days before. Alongside the road, there was still a great amount of snow there. The scenery was so impressive that we made lots of stops to record memories with my camera. At the highest point of the highway, I stopped at a lookout to catch the amazing views, with my wife in the centre of my camera lens.There were not many cars on the road. Sometimes, cars with energetic young tourists passed by. And then we heard a motorcycle in the distance. The driver of the motorcycle, who wore dirty clothes, parked behind our cars. As he approached us, his only words were, “Give me your camera and get over there with your wife.” I must admit I felt nervous that we might be robbed where we just created some beautiful memories. Surprisingly, he just took a picture of us, handed back my camera and rode off before we could express our gratitude. The photo he took is one of the most valuable and prized of our trip.I learned my lesson somewhere I least expected it. We should never judge a man by his appearance. If the motorcycle driver reads this story and remembers the situation, we would like to say “Thank you” to him.4. According to the passage, what do we know about the trip?A. It was taken by train to the west.B. It was a suggestion from their friends.C. It was in the late autumn five years ago.D. It was a gift for their wedding anniversary.5. Why was the author nervous when the motorcycle driver offered to take a picture?A. He could have lost the camera.B. His wife might not be satisfied with the view there.C. The motorcycle driver would borrow the camera.D. The motorcycle driver might not be good at the taking pictures.6. Which of the following best describes the driver of the motorcycle?A. Kind and straightforward.B. Rich and generous.C. Creative and capable.D. Careful and admirable.7. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?A. No pains, no gains.B. Seeing is believing.C. Don’t judge a book by its cover.D. The longest journey begins with the first step.CIn many countries of the world, people can confidently tell youthe meaning of their town or city, but most people who live inManchester,OxfordorBirminghamwould not be able to explain what the name of their city means. The name of every British town and city, however, has a long history.Two thousand years ago, most people living inBritainwere Celts. Even the word “Britain" is Celtic (凯尔特语).Then the Romans arrived and built camps which became cities called “castra". This is why there are so many place names inEnglandwhich end in "-chester" or “-caster"Manchester, for example.The Romans never reachedWalesorScotland, and many placenames there are Celtic. For example,Welsh place names that begin with “Llan" come from the Celtic word for "church".After the Romans leftBritain, it was attacked by the Anglo-Saxons who were from the area of Europe that is nowGermanyandHolland. The names of their villages often ended in “-ham" or “-ton". Some got their names from the leader of the village.SoBirminghamfor example, means "Beormund's village”The Anglo-Saxons were farmers and the landscape was very important to them, so we have villages called Upton (village on a hill)——a good place to build a village and Moreton (“village by a lake”)where floods could make life hard. Place names that end in “-ford" (a place where you could cross a river) also describe the location of Anglo-Saxon villages.Finally, in 1066EnglandbecameNorman—theNormansgave us the place name "grange", which means farm.And how aboutLondon? Experts cannot agree. The Romans called the city Londinium, but they were not the first inhabitants (居民). People once believed that theUnited Kingdom’s capital city got its name from the castle of a King called Lud but this is very unlikely. Our best guess today is that the name comes from a Celtic word meaning a fast-flowing river. Like a number of British place names, its history is lost in time.8. The origin of British place names is unfamiliar to many local people because ofA. the death of local languagesB. the long lost history of the namesC. their lack of interest in itD. the frequent changes to the names9. According to the article,Stratfordis most likely a town .A. on a hillB. near a castleC. beside a riverD. with a church10. Which of the following shows the correct order of the arrival of inhabitants inBritain?A. The Celts—The Romans—TheNormans—The Anglo SaxonsB. The Celts—The Romans—The Anglo Saxons—TheNormansC. The Romans—The Celts—The Anglo Saxons—TheNormansD. The Romans―The Anglo Saxons—The Celts—TheNormans11. What doesLondonmean in Celtic?A. RiverB. LondiniumC. LudD. CastleDWhena person in the United States gets the COVID-19 vaccine (疫苗), the person receives a small piece of paper called a “COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card”.It is a piece of paper with the logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, and the name and date of the vaccine. Because it is so simple, it could be easy to fake.Many people in theU.S.are still unsure about getting the vaccine. As universities, workplaces and other places are requiring proof of vaccination, some people are now buying fake vaccination cards without getting a shot.The Associated Press reports that students and teachers at universities around theU.S.are worried about fake cards. Sellers are using social media apps like Instagram to advertise fake vaccination cards. The prices range from $25 to $200. The AP notes that many college students seem interested in buying the cards. On the site Reddit, one person wrote, “I need one, too, for college. I refuse to be a guinea pig.”It is reported that more than 700 universities and colleges require proof of vaccination. Most schools simply ask their students to take a photo of their card and send it to a school website. Benjamin Mason Meier is a professor at theUniversityofNorth CarolinaatChapel Hill, UNC. He studies international health policy. He said, unlike some countries, theU.S.is not using a digital system to record vaccine status. He said theU.S.is depending on “aflimsypaper card”, and students have told him they knew of others who had used fake vaccination cards. Rebecca Williams also works at UNC. She is a researcher at the school’s Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. She said she was not surprised that people were worried about fake vaccination cards. “This is why Ithink the development of a reliable national digital vaccine passport app is very important,” she said.There is a law that should prevent people from making false vaccination cards. If someone uses the CDC logo without permission, they can be lined and punished by up to five years in prison. The U.S. Department of Justice recently charged a person inCaliforniawith making fake vaccination cards.College students who already have the vaccine are criticizing those who would rather spend money to buy a fake than get a free shot. Maliha Reza is an electrical engineering student atPennsylvaniaStateUniversity, She called those students “dumb”. “I’m angry about that,” she said. “Like, there is more anger than I could describe now.”12. Why do some college students buy fake vaccination cards?A. They are easy to get.B. Many Americans are still uncertain about getting the vaccine.C. Students have an interest in the fake vaccination cards.D. To get a vaccine shot is expensive.13. Which of the following measures can NOT be used to stop the fake cards?A. Having a law that should prevent people from making false vaccination cards.B. Developing a reliable national digital vaccine passport app.C. Using a digital system to record vaccine status.D. Having all the students take a photo of their vaccination card and send it to the school website.14. What does the underlined word “flimsy” probably mean?A. Weak.B. Effective.C. Detailed.D. Professional,15. What might be the writing purpose for the news report?A. To promote a digital system to record the vaccination shots.B. To explain why theU.S.should prevent making the fake vaccination cards.C. The stress the influence of the COVID-19 vaccination.D. To reduce theU.S.university leaders’ worry about fake vaccination cards.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020年大邑县实验中学高三英语期中考试试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASahara Marathon 2021-Around the WorldThe Sahara Marathon is organized by the Saharawi Ministry of Youth and Sports and a group of volunteers from different countries. During the last twenty years, thousands of runners from all continents have traveled to the Algerian desert to live the experience provided by this race and to bond with refugee families. In this unique edition of 2021, the experience will be different. The race will be held in a virtual way and the donations collected through the event will go to the most needy families in the Saharawi Camps of Tindouf.Rules of the 2021 Sahara MarathonParticipationAll those people over 16 years of age (16 included) may take part in this virtual competition, as long as they are correctly registered, both in time and in form. The registered runner must download the Official Sahara Marathon APP to take the race.Distance and TravelThe distance options selectable in the APP are: 5k, 10k, 21k and 42k. As it is a virtual test, it is very important to make sure that the chosen route allows good mobile coverage for the correct functioning of the GPS. RegistrationRegistration has a cost of 15 euros, which includes participation in the race and a donation of 5 euros to refugee families. Participants can, if they choose, purchase the official pack of the test (T-shirt, scar, and bib) for the price of 25 euros.AcceptanceRegistration is personal and non-transferable and implies acceptance of these regulations. Runners who are not registered or run without the APP will not be admitted.1. What can we learn about the 2021 Sahara Marathon?A. It is a big family event.B. It provides a virtual tour.C. It raises money for charity.D. It will be held in the desert.2. How much should a runner pay if he wants to register for the race?A. 15 euros.B. 20 euros.C. 25 euros.D. 40 euros.3. What are runners required to do in the race?A. Choose safe routes.B. Wear casual clothes.C. Run with the official app.D. Transfer registration in time.BTo stay healthy and fit, Chinesestudents do group exercises every day at school. Most of you probably do the same set of exercises. But some school exercises have grown popular online due to their local and innovative designs.Singing in Sichuan dialects with energetic movements and unique mask-changing is not just a Sichuan Opera performance. It’s the routine exercise for students of Mianyang Foreign Languages Experimental School in Sichuan province.“Sichuan Opera is a local opera, and it is now facing a gap in inheritance (传承). Therefore, we cooperated with Mianyang Intangible Cultural Heritage Center to create a simple and easy-to-learn Sichuan Opera exercise,” said Shen Junhua, who is in charge of organizing the school’s exercise between classes.According to Shen, this new type of exercise has been practiced since 2017 and has been popular among students. When students enroll (入学), they will spend several weeks practicing it. At present, almost all of the students and teachers have mastered it.“In fact, we had hardly heard of Sichuan Opera before teachers taught us how to do the Sichuan Opera exercise,” said Li Yangwenwen, 14, an eighth grade student who also joined the school’s Sichuan Opera club out of interest. “It’s very different from normal exercises. After practicing it, we found it very beautiful and became interested in it. Now, almost all of the students look forward to our daily exercise time and feel excited to do it.”“By combining opera with daily exercise, the daily class activity allows students to perceive and understand Sichuan Opera’s culture”, Shen said. “After years of continuous effort to spread the seeds of traditional culture, the younger generation is finally catching on.”4. What do students in Shen’s school do during the group exercise?A. They do normal exercise .B. They sing pop songs in Sichuan dialects.C. They do mask-changing in a Sichuan Opera performance.D. They combine group exercise with Sichuan Opera.5. Why do they adopt the new type of exercise?A. To attract new students to the school.B. To inherit local culture.C. To create an easy-to-learn exercise.D. To make the school’s group exercise popular.6. How do teachers and students react to the group exercise?A. Calm.B. Indifferent.C. Enthusiastic.D. Uninterested.7. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Shen’s continuous effort is highly praised.B. The younger generation will have a stronger body.C. The students can better understand their local culture.D. Students help to spread the seeds of traditional culture toyounger generation.CFor decades, an organization, called Ulum Dalska, based in a small Swedish town called Alvdalen, hasbeen working hard to help save a language called EIfdalian. Elfdalian sounds nothing like the country's national language, Swedish, which press secretary Bjorm Rehnstrom said affected the language about 100 years ago. At that point, Elfdalian declined. Ulla Schitt, also a Ulum Dalska member, experienced the change while growing up in Alvdalen.“My parents spoke Efdalian with each other, and with my grandma and my aunts and uncles and everyone around,”Schit said. “But when they turned to me, they spoke Swedish.” Schitt said her parents spoke Swedish with her because that's what was spoken in schools.But people are getting creative in the fight to change that trend. Musicians are creating new songs with Elfdalian. Several children's books were also translated into EIfdalian, including Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Additionally, Bjorm Rehnstrom helps run a popular Facebook group that offers courses in the Elfdalian language, where he offers lessons to the group's 1,800 global members from America, Australia, South America, Indonesia, Haiti and Cape Verde.The local government supports the teaching and preservation of Elfdalian. Bjom Rehnstrom said they eagerly paid for a sign that reads: “Welcome to Alvdalen” in Elfdalian. But the national government of Sweden is a different story. They currently consider Eidalian a dialect of Swedish, not its own language.Schitt said every time a language dies it is a sad moment. To her, losing Elfdalian would be an especially tragic (悲剧的) loss. “It's a part of our identity. It's part of our culture,” she said. “And if part of your identity and culturedies, a part of yourself dies.” Getting Elfdalian recognized as a language by the Swedish government, she added, is key to making sure that death doesn't come.8. Why was Ulum Dalska founded?A. To teach Swedish.B. To save Elfdalian.C. To improve Alvdalen.D. To help schools.9. Why Schitt's parents spoke Swedish with her?A. They could only speak Swedish fluently.B. Schitt longed to speak Swedish at home.C. Swedish was the language of schools.D. It was required by her school teachers,10. What can we infer from paragraph 4?A. Many people are trying to help to save Elfdalian.B. Songs in Elfdalian are becoming more popular.C. Le Petit Prince was translated into various languages.D. Courses in Eldalian are provided to the world freely.11. What does Schitt think of preserving Elfdalian?A. Satisfactory.B. Vital.C. Dangerous.D. Meaningless.DWhen visitors enter Planet Word, a new museum in Washington, D. C , they will see Speaking Willow, a tall art piece representing a tree. As they pass under the artwork, they can hear recordings of speech in hundreds of languages coming from the tree. Most words sound foreign to the listeners. The different voices also speak at the same time. The resultingclamoris similar to that made in a crowded theater before a show begins.Rafael Lozano-Hemmer completed the piece last year. On his website, the artist says that Speaking Willow “reminds us that language is what defines our specific communities and connects our many cultures.” Lozano-Hemmer made the piece specially for the museum.It is the first of many immersive (身临其境的) experiences for visitors at Planet Word, a museum all about words and language. The exhibits playfully explore the lager and complex subject of language.In one room, a video plays, showing babies saying their first words. Another room, called “Where Do Words Come From”, teaches the history of some common English words. The space includes a 22-foot-tali “Wall of Words”, where visitors speak into devices and learn about the roots of the English language.Another room invites listeners to speak and learn about different languages. Native speakers of 28 languagesand two sign languages teach people sayings in those languages. They also explain how language shapes their understanding of the world and how words cannot be separated from culture.Other rooms explore the different ways language is used — from humor and song writing to public speaking and advertising. Visitors can sing karaoke while learning about song writing, record a famous speech, play a joke-telling game, and teach a computer how to make cartoons. Almost every exhibit is interactive and most ask visitors to speak aloud.One exhibit room is all about books. It is designed to look like an old, rich library. Books line the shelves. When a book is placed on the table, a recorded reading begins and pictures appear.12. What does the underlined word “clamor” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A. Scene.B. Noise.C. Language.D. Appearance.13. The SpeakingWillowwas created ______.A specially B. accidentallyC. on requestD. out of curiosity14. What can we learn from the video in the room?A. Words and cultures.B. Different languages.C. The history of words.D. The first words newborns say.15. In which paragraph can you find the methods of using languages?A. 3.B. 4.C. 6.D. 7.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

四川省成都市大邑县实验中学2021-2022学年高三物理模拟试题含解析一、 选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意 1. .如图所示,在光滑绝缘水平面上有一半径为R 的圆,AB 是一条直径,空间有匀强电场场强大小为E ,方向与水平面平行。
在圆上A 点有一发射器,以相同的动能平行于水平面沿不同方向发射带电量为+q 的小球,小球会经过圆周上不同的点,在这些点中,经过C 点的小球的动能最大。
且∠=30°,下列说法正确的是( ) A. 电场的方向与AC 间的夹角为30° B. 电场的方向与AC 间的夹角为60°C. 小球在A 点垂直电场方向发射,恰能落到C 点,则初动能为qERD. 小球在A 点垂直电场方向发射,恰能落到C 点,则初动能为qER参考答案:【知识点】小球在匀强电场中的运动,平抛运动D2 I2【答案解析】AC 解析小球在匀强电场中,从A 点运动到C 点,根据动能定理qU AC =E k ,因为到达C 点时的小球的动能最大,所以U AC 最大,即在圆周上找不到与C 电势相等的点.且由A 到C 电场力对小球做正功.过C 点作切线,则CF 为等势线.过A 点作CF 的垂线,则该线为电场线,场强方向如图示.因为∠CAB=30°,所以连接CO ,∠ACO=30°,故CO∥AM,所以电场方向与AC 间的夹角θ为30°,沿OC 方向,选项A 正确。
小球只受电场力,做类平抛运动.水平方向上:x=Rcos30°=v 0t ,竖直方向上:y=R+Rsin30°=由以上两式得:E k =mv 2=qER ;选项C 正确。
【思路点拨】小球在匀强电场中,从A 点运动到C 点,根据动能定理qU AC =E k ,因为到达C 点时的小球的动能最大,所以U AC 最大,即在圆周上找不到与C 电势相等的点.且由A 到C 电场力对小球做正功.过C 点作切线,则CF 为等势线.过A 点作CF 的垂线,则该线为电场线;小球只受电场力,做类平抛运动.2. (单选)甲、乙二人同时从A 地赶往B 地.甲先骑自行车到中点后改为跑步,而乙则是先跑步,到中点后改为骑自行车,最后两人同时到达B 地.又知甲骑自行车比乙骑自行车的速度快.并且二人骑车速度均比跑步速度快.若离开A 地的距离x 与所用时间t 的函数关系用函数图象表示,则下列四个函数图象中,甲、乙二人的图象只可能是( )A .甲是①,乙是② B . 甲是①,乙是④C . 甲是③,乙是②D . 甲是③,乙是④物体滑上传送带A 端的瞬时速度vA =4 m/s ,到达B 端的瞬时速度设为vB.下列说法中正确的是 A .若传送带不动,vB =3 m/sB .若传送带逆时针匀速转动,vB 一定等于3 m/sC .若传送带顺时针匀速转动,vB 一定等于3 m/sD .若传送带顺时针匀速转动,vB 有可能等于3 m/s参考答案:ABD4. 在真空中,氢原子从能级A跃迁到能级B时,辐射出波长为λl的光子;从能级A跃迁到能级C时,辐射出波长为λ2的光子。

2021-2022学年四川省成都市大邑县实验中学高二地理月考试卷含解析一、选择题(每小题2分,共52分)1. 热带雨林是地球上功能最强大的生态系统,也是生产力最高的生物群落,雨林的前途—把保护放在第一位。
14. 热带雨林被毁的直接原因是A. 雨林中土壤贫瘠B. 自然灾害的影响C. 人类的开发D. 雨林生态的脆弱性15. 热带雨林地区商业性伐木的原因是A. 借以获得更多的粮食B. 为不断增长的人口和移民提供就业机会C. 木材出口换取外汇,以偿还债务D. 扩大牧场,出口牛肉获取经济效益16. 下列行动有利于亚马孙雨林保护的是A. 修建贯穿亚马孙雨林的公路B. 移民亚马孙平原C. 吸引国外投资者在此开辟肉牛牧场D. 建立自然保护区参考答案:C C D2. 关于台风的叙述,正确的是A.台风对我国沿海地区造成的灾害损失有逐年下降的趋势B.西北太平洋是台风的唯一源地C.台风的破坏力主要由强风、暴雨和风暴潮三个因素构成D.台风能减缓我国华北地区伏旱的旱情参考答案:C3. 读某地等温线图(单位℃),回答19~20题19.影响图中A、B两地气温不同的主要因素是①纬度②洋流③海陆位置④地形A.①② B.②③C.③④ D.①④20.如果图中等温线向北凸出,最北点距离大陆最南端最远的时间大致是A.2月 B.5月 C.7月 D.10月参考答案:19-20 BC4. 读右图,回答2-4题。
2. 图示地区可重点发展的经济作物是A.天然橡胶B.棉花C.茶叶D.甜菜3. 与东北平原相比,该区农业生产的优势条件是A.土壤肥沃B.地形平坦C.水源充足D.热量丰富4. 该区国土整治所面临的主要课题是①水土流失②土地沙漠化③酸性土壤改良④盐碱地整治A.①②B.②③C.①③D.②④参考答案:2.C3.D4.C5. 某地位于东经170°,南纬20°,有关该地的叙述,正确的是()A.该地位于东半球B.该地处于中纬度地带C.该地在南半球D.该地属于中国参考答案:C6. 黄岩岛是我国的固有领土。
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A.日本B.加拿大 C.美国D.西班牙
A收入高低 B种族、宗教 C交通通达度 D早期的土地利用方式
A.初级阶段 B.加速阶段 C.后期阶段 D.所有的阶段
22.10.西北的宁夏平原、河套平原广泛种植水稻,被称为“塞外江南”,这关键取决于()A.热量条件 B.光照条件 C.水源条件 D.土壤条件
据此回答23~24题 。
A.环境人口容量 B.环境承载力 C.人口合理容量 D.适度人口某企业于20世纪末在内蒙古呼和浩特建立乳品加工厂,产品销往全国各地,21世纪初,该企业又在北京、上海等地建立分厂。
据此回答26—27题:26.与北京、上海等地相比,呼和浩特建乳品加工厂的优越条件是A.靠近原料产地 B.交通运输便捷 C.市场庞大 D.技术领先
A.原料产地 B.廉价劳动力 C.消费市场 D.先进技术
28. 美国西部城市圣佛朗西斯科(旧金山)的唐人街形成的主要原因是( )
A.历史因素 B.经济因素 C.行政因素 D.社会因素
A.发达国家城市人口比重大、增长快 B.发达国家城市人口比重大、增长慢
C.发展中国家城市人口比重小、增长慢 D.发展中国家城市人口比重大、增长快
A.城市等级越低,数目越多,服务范围越小 B.城市等级越高,数目越多,服务范围越大C.城市等级越高,数目越少,服务范围越小 D.城市等级越低,数目越少,服务范围越大
(1)图甲和图乙中表示的农业地域类型分别是____________ 和____________ 。
(2)两种农业地域类型的共同特点是____________ 。
(3)两种农业地域类型的农场一般多为____________ 经营的,种植的植物中均有____________ 。