City of Las Vegas
Las Vegas is the largest city of State of Nevada, it is also the world's most famous casino and entertainment center. "Gambling" is the symbol of Las vegas,拉斯维加斯总面积293.6平方公里。
Las Vegas with a total area of 293.6 square kilometers. The total population of 478568 people. It is very beautiful. The food was delicious. Las Vegas is a famous resort. You can go shopping, tourism and have a vacation there.世界上十家最大的度假旅馆就有九家在拉斯维加斯,其中最大的就是拥有5034个客房的米高梅大酒店了。
大道两边有自由女神像、埃菲尔铁塔、沙漠绿洲、摩天大楼等雄伟模型The world's ten largest resort hotel is a nine home in Las Vegas, one of the biggest is to have 5034 rooms of the MGM Le Grand Large Hotel. On both sides of the road filled with Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, the desert oasis, skyscrapers and so on grand model拉斯维加斯是世界上著名的会议展览城市,他有两大展览会议中心,分别是拉斯维加斯会议展览中心和沙漠会议展览中心Las Vegas is one of the famous exhibition city of the world, it has two big exhibition and conference centre, one is Las Vegas Conventions Center and the another is Sand Expo Center。
City within a city, New Orleans, the city's triangle building
•The city of New Orleans called NOAH (New Orleans Arcology Habitat), or Arco (short for arcology) is a large triangular building. The inside cover of a city's infrastructure system, NOAH 1,200 feet high, can the resident population of 40,000, with homes, schools, commercial establishments, retail, hotels, casinos, car parks and public facilities. And also adopted a series of green systems, including solar, water turbines, wind generators, solar energy is used in the construction of glass wall.
Fisherman's wharf mark is a picture which has large crab circular billboards,when you find "large crab", that means you have found the fisherman's wharf.There are many delicious seafood.
1. Forsyth Park(弗赛思公园):这是萨凡纳最大的公园,拥有美丽的花园、喷泉和广场。
2. Historic District(历史区):萨凡纳的历史区被列入国家历史古迹名录,保留了大量的历史建筑,包括石板街、豪华府邸和华丽的教堂。
3. River Street(河滨街):这是萨凡纳最受欢迎的地方之一,位于萨凡纳河畔,拥有许多精美的餐厅、商店和娱乐场所,同时还可以欣赏到迷人的河景。
4. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist(圣约翰大教堂):这座壮观的教堂是萨凡纳的标志之一,以其华丽的建筑风格和精美的装饰而闻名。
5. Savannah City Market(市集):这是一个历史悠久的市场,有许多各种各样的商店、餐馆和艺术画廊,同时还有街头表演和音乐演出。
6. Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace(茱莉叶·戈登·劳出生地):这是女童子军创始人的出生地,现在是一个博物馆,展示了她的生平以及女童子军的历史。
7. Bonaventure Cemetery(邦纳文图雷公墓):这个美丽的墓地被认为是美国最美丽的公墓之一,拥有壮丽的景色和精致的墓碑。
8. Owens-Thomas House(欧文斯-托马斯豪宅):这是一座历史悠久的豪宅,展示了19世纪的建筑和装饰艺术。
Las Vegas拉斯韦加斯(美国内华达州Nevada 的城
预订机票 职员:瑞士航空公司。能为您帮忙吗? 职员:瑞士航空公司。能为您帮忙吗? 乘客:是的。我想订一张去纽约的机票。 乘客:是的。我想订一张去纽约的机票。 职员:请告诉我您的名字。 职员:请告诉我您的名字。 乘客:李南。 乘客:李南。 职员:请稍等。我来为您查一下。 职员:请稍等。我来为您查一下。 乘客:好的,没关系。 乘客:好的,没关系。 职员:我们有两次航班,下午2:00和5:00的。 职员:我们有两次航班, 下午 和 的 两次航班都有座位。 两次航班都有座位。 乘客:我想乘第一班飞机。 乘客:我想乘第一班飞机。 职员:您想要头等舱还是经济舱? 职员:您想要头等舱还是经济舱? 乘客:请买一张经济舱。机票多少钱? 乘客:请买一张经济舱。机票多少钱? 职员: 美元。 职员:300美元。 美元 乘客:好的,给您。飞机什么时间到纽约? 乘客:好的,给您。飞机什么时间到纽约? 职员: 职员:20:00。还有什么问题吗? 。还有什么问题吗? 乘客:什么时候办理登机手续? 乘客:什么时候办理登机手续? 职员:您必须在起飞前一小时到机场。 职员:您必须在起飞前一小时到机场。谢 谢您乘坐我们的飞机。 谢您乘坐我们的飞机。
make a reservation: 预定 reserve a flight: 预定机票 Airline: n. 航空公司 航线 航空公司: check: v.1) 检查,核对 检查, Please check on the names at the information. 请到服务台查对一下姓名。 请到服务台查对一下姓名。 2) 暂时寄存 Check your coat at the door. 把你的外套寄存在入口处。 把你的外套寄存在入口处。 check in: (飞机)办理搭乘手续 飞机) (旅馆) 办理住宿手续 旅馆) (打卡)上班 打卡) 打卡 check out: (旅馆) 退房 旅馆) 打卡) (打卡)下班 available: adj. 可用的,可得到的 常用作表语或后置定 可用的,可得到的( 语) There is only a little money available for the trip. 这趟旅行只有少量金钱可供花费。 这趟旅行只有少量金钱可供花费。 These dresses are not available in your size, I’m afraid. 这些衣服恐怕没有你的尺寸。 这些衣服恐怕没有你的尺寸。 first or economy: first class 头等舱 economy class 经济舱 fare: air fare 机票费。(交通工具)的票价 机票费。(交通工具) 。(交通工具 taxi fare 出租车费 bus fare 公共汽车费 3
Big Apple是美国纽约的外号。
用“Big Apple”来代替New York的说法,专门多人认为源于美国20世纪初流行于爵士乐手中的一句唱词。
因此,Big Apple作为纽约市的别称就如此确立下来了。
除了那个外号外,纽约还有另一个外号,那确实是帝国城(Empire City)。
它的别称专门多,最常见的为“风城”(The City of Wind)。
芝加哥又称“美国的超级市场”(The Super Market of America)。
美国马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts State)波士顿市(Boston)是一个四季分明的漂亮地点,从6月至8月这3个月到处充满了阳光,还有数也数不清、看也看不完的免费音乐秀、演奏会和表演等。
因此,人们把波士顿称作“音乐之城”(the Music City)。
另外,波士顿还有货郎之城(City of Notions)和清教徒之城(Puritan City)的别称。
美国路易斯安那州(Louisiana State)新奥尔良市(New Orleans)建立于1718年,是爵士乐的产生地。
都市外号“大欢乐”(Big Easy),指都市生活节奏慢、舒服。
它还有一个别称:新月城(Crescent City)。
该市位于密西西比河(Mississippi River)拐弯处,形如新月,故得名。
美国佐治亚州(Georgia State)亚特兰大市(Atlanta)是美国东南方的商业、工业及金融中心。
市内茂盛的树木及绿地让市容充满了绿意, 因此亚特兰大又称为“树城” (City of Trees)。
After living in the 24-hour city of Las Vegas, Nevada for nearly ten years, my family and I decided to slow things down. My daughter wanted a horse. My husband wanted property. My son wanted a dirt bike. I wanted our family to be more self-sufficient.None of us felt that this could be accomplished where we were living and we all agreed that a move to the country would be great for everyone.Before long we set about looking for a home in Yucca, Arizona, a very small town of less than 1,000 people. It was while I was scanning listings from our real estate agent that I first learned of it. There was a home for sale there on 40 acres. When I called to inquire about the property, I was informed that there was no electricity available in the area. What? No electricity? I almost dismissed the idea immediately.The property was off the grid. It was not connected whatsoever to any utilities — power, water orsewer. Power was supplied by a wind turbine and solar panels. Water had to be hauled in and stored in two tanks located on the property. Forty acres would give us plenty of room for all of our animals and give my husband and son space to ride their ATVs. Besides, what better way is there to become more self-sustainable? After giving it some thought, we decided to put in an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.When we first moved to the property, we did some remodeling and stayed in our motor home. We were confronted with real challenges at the time. The power kept going out, the main water line to the house broke, the plumbing backed up into the front yard and the generator died.But the setbacks just made us work harder. We slowly got things fixed and moved into the house after 38 days in the RV. The next challenge was to become familiar with your power system, and to learn the ins and outs of hauling your own water and generating your own power.Our off-the-grid system consists of eight solar panels (1,000 watts) that are mounted on a sun tracker rack. We also have a wind turbine that generates 3,000 watts in 24 mph winds. The energy generated by the wind and sun is stored in 16 6v golf cart batteries. We also have two 2,500-gallon above-ground water tanks and a 250-gallon propane tank. Every weekend, we haul two 275-gallon water tanks to the nearby town of Yucca and fill them with water, which we then pump into our big water tanks.While living here for the past four months has been a big adjustment, there are many benefits to living off the grid. I think one of the greatest is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. They used to take water, power and gas for granted. The first week we were here, we used almost 1,000 gallons of water. With only a5,000-gallon water tank, it didn’t take them long to understand that we had to use l ess water. We started taking quicker showers, doing only full loads of laundry, turning off the water while brushing our teeth or shaving.Over-consumption is even more clearly demonstrated by our electricity usage. We have a digital readout of how many volts of DC power we have stored in our batteries at any given time. If you turn on a light or the TV, the number goes down. In order to protect the batteries, the system is set up to shut the inverter off if the volts get too low. Then the power goes out. When we first moved in, we lost power almost daily. After this happens a few times, it becomes clear very quickly just how often you waste electricity. Everything from lights and ceiling fans to computers and radios were left on when they were not in use. The cell phone chargers were plugged in even when they weren’t charging anything. All of this uses unnecessary power. We are steadily learning to be more diligent with our power usage.In addition, we are also trying to make other changes. They include reducing the amount of trash we generate by recycling and composting, growing our own organic vegetables, and reusing and repurposing things that we would normally toss. We also want to produce our own eggs and goat’s milk in the near future.Overall, going off the grid has been great for our family. We have learned how to conserve power and water and to really appreciate what the earth gives to us every day. I hope that once my kids move out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have learned by living off the grid.I received an email from a reader who asked, “Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last?” She referred to having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery of Friendship. As I wrote in it, I don’t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime ones, and why some end. Although I’ve tried answering the first two questions in other articles (To Have A Friend and Be A Friend), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned by ones that slip away. Even so, I’ll try to offer some insights here as to why friendships end.My simple answer is that friendships end because the situations friends are in or even the friends themselves change. Others have similar answers. First, the situations friends face may change. The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship. Likewise, if a friend is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations cannot help but affect a friendship. Does a friendship need to end because of these changes? No, but it’ll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be willing to make. Second, the friends themselves may change. A significant reason that friendships often end when friendsare apart for an extended period of time (for summer camp, college, etc.) is that one or both of the friends change. I think it hurts less when both friends change, because then the breakup is more often mutual and so both friends get closure by both deciding to let go and move forward in their lives without eachother. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on someother venture that consumes more time and passion. Again, a friendship can endure these changes, unless one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. (For example, one friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet or might feel that the change is impossible to overcome when one gets married but the other is still single.) In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about what was a precious friendship to them.There are other reasons why friendships end. For example, as much as two people might want a friendshipto survive, one or both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Friendship is often compared to a flower garden. Well, if flowers don’t get exposed regularly enough to sunlight and don’t get watered enough, flowers will wither and even die. The same applies to friendship. If week after week passes where plans are made to spend time together but are never honored, perhaps due to taking a friendship for granted, eventually even the closest of friendships may cease to have a reason to exist.Conflicts can also cause the end of friendships. If the flower is a fledgling plant, one blow might destroy it just as sometimes relatively young friendships aren’t strong enough to endure much conflict. Even those amazing close friendships, where friends love us no matter what our faults are, need care when it comes to conflicts. Sure, if a flourishing flower gets stepped on, it might revive on its own. Moreover, if it gets a little extra special care, it’ll probably bounce back as if it hadn’t ever been injured. At the same time, if a flower gets repeatedly trampled on, it’ll probably eventually break. Especially the friendships that have been around for a long time can endure storms, and even become stronger for them, but most friendships have breaking points.Nevertheless, while we can rarely predict at the outset which ones will last, most friendships do enrich us for however short or long they’re a part of our lives.In the sleepiness at the end of a library nap, I wasn’t sure where I was. I stretched out my arm to reach for a human being, but what I grabbed was a used copy of The Odyssey, the book about going home. My heart ached.It was 2 a.m. The library, flooded with white fluorescent light and smelling of musty books and sweaty sneakers, was eerily quiet. My readings seemed endless. I had been admitted into a three-course, yearlong freshman program called Directed Studies, dubbed Directed Suicide by Yalies. It was supposed to introduce us to “the splendors of Western civilization,” in the words of the catalog, by force-feeding the canons of philosophy, literature and history.I wanted very much to study the Western canon, because I knew nothing about it. Yes, McDonald’s ads and Madonna posters were plastered on Shanghai streets, but few Western ideas filtered through. We had been informed of Karl Marx’s habit of sitting at the same spot in the British Library, for instance, but had read none of his original words. Western civilization was different, mysterious and thus alluring. Besides, because I longed to be accepted here, I yearned to understand American society. What better way to comprehend it than to study the very ideas on which it is based?But at 2 a.m., I was tired of them all: Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Plato. Their words were dull and the presentations difficult to follow. The professors here do not teach in the same way that teachers in Chinado. Studying humanities in China means memorizing all the “correct,” standard interpretations given during lectures. Here, professors ask provocative questions and let the students argue, research and write papers on their own. At Yale, I often waited for the end-of-class “correct” answers, which never came.Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here. And it could be even shakier for me. The name Agamemnon was impossibly long to pronounce, and as a result I didn’t recognize it when we were discussing him in the seminars. I had written my first English essay ever just a year earlier, when applying to colleges, and now came the papers analyzing the canons. And I simply didn’t write in English fast enough to take notes in classes.I hoped my diligence would make up for lack of preparation. On weekend nights, when my American roommates were out on dates, I would tell them I had planned a date with Dante or Aristotle. (They didn’t think it was funny.)On one of those weekend nights, I wrote a paper on Aeneas, the protagonist of The Aeneid, who was destined to found Rome but reluctant to leave behind his native Troy. “Aeneas agonizes,” Iwrote. “He hesitates. Natural instincts call him to stick to the past, while at the same time, he feels obligatedto obey his father’s instructions for the future. His present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to come. ” I saw myself in what I wrote.During calls home every two weeks, my mother pleaded with me to take chemistry or biology. Science was the same everywhere, she said. And I, like everybody else from China, was well prepared in math, physics and chemistry. (To graduate from a standard six-year Chinese high school, one needs to take five years of physics, four years of chemistry and three years of biology.)Instead, I visited the writing tutor — there is one in every undergraduate residential hall — for every paper I turned in. My papers were always written days before they were due. I lingered after classes to question professors. My classmates lent me their notes so I could learn the skill of note-taking in English.By the time I missed home so much that soup dumplings and sautéed eels popped up in my head as I read, Nietzsche had replaced Plato on the chronological reading list and Flaubert Homer. And every paper of mine came back with an A.脱离电网的生活:一家城市居民如何发现了简单生活艾莉森·佐谢尔1.在内华达州的不眠之城拉斯维加斯生活了将近十年之后,我和我的家人决定放慢生活节奏。
Las Vegas, Nevada
The first reported visit to the valley by someone of European descent was Raphael Rivera in 1829.[4] Las Vegas was named by Spaniards in the Antonio Armijo party,[5] who used the water in the area while heading north and west along the Old Spanish Trail from Texas. In the 1800s, areas of the Las Vegas Valley contained artesian wells that supported extensive green areas or meadows (vegas in Spanish), hence the name Las Vegas. John C. Frémont traveled into the Las Vegas Valley on May 3, 1844, while it was still part of Mexico.[6] He was a leader of a group of scientists, scouts and observers for the United States Army Corps of Engineers. On May 10, 1855, following annexation by the United States, Brigham Young assigned 30 missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints led by William Bringhurst to the area to convert the Paiute Indian population to Mormonism. A Southern Paiutes of the Moapa - Las fort was built near the current downtown area, serving as a stopover for travelers Vegas Paiutes wearing traditional along the "Mormon Corridor" between Salt Lake and the briefly thriving colony Paiute basket hats with Paiute of saints at San Bernardino, California. However, during the Utah War, cradleboard and rabbit robe. Mormons abandoned Las Vegas in 1857. Las Vegas was established as a railroad town on May 15, 1905, when 110 acres (44.5 ha) owned by the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad, was auctioned off in what is now downtown Las Vegas. Among the railroad's most notable owners and directors were Montana Senator William A. Clark, Utah U.S. Senator Thomas Kearns and R.C. Kerens of St. Louis.[7] Las Vegas was part of Lincoln County until 1908 when it became part of the newly established Clark County. The St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church near 4th and Bridger in downtown was founded in 1910.[8] Las Vegas became an incorporated city on March 16, 1911 and Peter Buol was the first mayor. Las Vegas started as a stopover on the pioneer trails to the west, and became a popular railroad town in the early 1900s. It was a staging point for all the mines in the surrounding area, especially those around the town of Bullfrog, that shipped their goods out to the rest of the country. With the proliferation of the railroads, Las Vegas became less important but the completion of the nearby Hoover Dam in 1935 resulted in the growth of residents and tourism. The dam, located 30 mi (48 km) southeast of the city, also formed Lake Mead, the US's largest man-made lake and reservoir. Today, tours are offered into lesser known parts of the dam. The legalization of gambling in 1931 led to the advent of the casino-hotels, for which Las Vegas is famous. Major development occurred in the 1940s. The success of the city's early casino businesses was owed to American organized crime. Most of the original large casinos were managed or at least funded under mob figures Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, Meyer Lansky or other mob figures at this time.[9] The rapid growth of this gambling empire is credited with dooming Galveston, Texas; Hot Springs, Arkansas; and other major gaming centers in the 1950s.[10]
Unit 1After living in the 24-hour city of Las Vegas, Nevada for nearly ten years, my family and I decided to slow things down. My daughter wanted a horse. My husband wanted property. My son wanted a dirt bike. I wanted our family to be more self-sufficient.None of us felt that this could be accomplished where we were living and we all agreed that a move to the country would be great for everyone.Before long we set about looking for a home in Yucca, Arizona, a very small town of less than 1,000 people. It was while I was scanning listings from our real estate agent that I first learned of it. There was a home for sale there on 40 acres. When I called to inquire about the property, I was informed that there was no electricity available in the area. What? No electricity? I almost dismissed the idea immediately.The property was off the grid. It was not connected whatsoever to any utilities —power, water orsewer. Power was supplied by a wind turbine and solar panels. Water had to be hauled in and stored in two tanks located on the property. Forty acres would give us plenty of room for all of our animals and give my husband and son space to ride their ATVs. Besides, what better way is there to become more self- sustainable? After giving it some thought, we decided to put in an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.When we first moved to the property, we did some remodeling and stayed in our motor home. We were confronted with real challenges at the time. The power kept going out, the main water line to the house broke, the plumbing backed up into the front yard and the generator died.But the setbacks just made us work harder. We slowly got things fixed and moved into the house after 38 days in the RV. The next challenge was to become familiar with your power system, and to learn the ins and outs of hauling your own water and generating your own power.Our off-the-grid system consists of eight solar panels (1,000 watts) that are mounted on a sun tracker rack. We also have a wind turbine that generates 3,000 watts in 24 mph winds. The energy generated by the wind and sun is stored in 16 6v golf cart batteries. We also have two 2,500-gallon above-ground water tanks and a 250-gallon propane tank. Every weekend, we haul two 275-gallon water tanks to the nearby town of Yucca and fill them with water, which we then pump into our big water tanks.While living here for the past four months has been a big adjustment, there are many benefits to living off the grid. I think one of the greatest is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. They used to take water, power and gas for granted. The first week we were here, we used almost 1,000 gallons of water. With only a 5,000- gallon water tank, it didn ' t take them long to understand that we had to useessl water. We started takingquicker showers, doing only full loads of laundry, turning off the water while brushing our teeth or shaving.Over-consumption is even more clearly demonstrated by our electricity usage. We have a digital readout of how many volts of DC power we have stored in our batteries at any given time. If you turn on a light or the TV, the number goes down. In order to protect the batteries, the system is set up to shut the inverter off if the volts get too low. Then the power goes out. When we first moved in, we lost power almost daily. After this happens a few times, it becomes clear very quickly just how often you waste electricity. Everything from lights and ceiling fans to computers and radios were left on when they were not in use. The cell phone chargers were plugged in even when they weren 't charging anythingA. ll of this uses unnecessary power. We are steadily learning to be more diligent with our power usage.In addition, we are also trying to make other changes. They include reducing the amount of trash we generate by recycling and composting, growing our own organic vegetables, and reusing and repurposing things that we would normally toss. We also want to produce our own eggs and goat ' s milk in the near future.Overall, going off the grid has been great for our family. We have learned how to conserve power and water and to really appreciate what the earth gives to us every day. I hope that once my kids move out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have learned by living off the grid.Unit 3I received an email from a reader who asked, “ Why do some friendshniposmeantdte, r how much you wantthem to last? Sh”e referred to having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery of Friendship . As I wrote in it, I don ' t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime ones, and why some end. Although I ' ve tried answering the first two questions in other articles ( To Have A Friend and Be A Friend ), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned by ones that slip away. Even so, I ' ll try to offersome insights here as to why friendships end.My simple answer is that friendships end because the situations friends are in or even the friends themselves change. Others have similar answers. First, the situations friends face may change. The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship. Likewise, if a friend is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations cannot help but affect a friendship. Does a friendship need to end because of these changes? No, but it ' ll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be willing to make.Second, the friends themselves may change. A significant reason that friendships often end when friends are apart for an extended period of time (for summer camp, college, etc.) is that one or both of the friends change. I think it hurts less when both friends change, because then the breakup is more often mutual and so both friends get closure by both deciding to let go and move forward in their lives without each other. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on some other venture that consumes more time and passion. Again, a friendship can endure these changes, unless one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. (For example, one friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet or might feel that the change is impossible to overcome when one gets married but the other is still single.) In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about what was a precious friendship to them.There are other reasons why friendships end. For example, as much as two people might want a friendship to survive, one or both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Friendship is often compared to a flower garden. Well, if flowers don 'extpgoested regularly enough to sunlight and don ' t get watered enough, flowers willwither and even die. The same applies to friendship. If week after week passes where plans are made to spend time together but are never honored, perhaps due to taking a friendship for granted, eventually even the closest of friendships may cease to have a reason to exist.Conflicts can also cause the end of friendships. If the flower is a fledgling plant, one blow might destroy it just as sometimes relatively young friendships aren ' t strong enough to endure much cEonvfelinctt.hose amazingclose friendships, where friends love us no matter what our faults are, need care when it comes to conflicts. Sure, if a flourishing flower gets stepped on, it might revive on its own. Moreover, if it gets a little extra special care, it 'll probablybounce back as if it hadn't ever ibnejuerned. At the same time, if a flower gets repeatedly trampledon, it ' ll probably eventually break.Especially the friendships that have been around for a long time can endure storms, and even become stronger for them, but most friendships have breaking points.Nevertheless, while we can rarely predict at the outset which ones will last, most friendships do enrich us for however short or long they ' re a part of our lives.In the sleepiness at the end of a library nap, I wasn 'wat s.uIrestwrehtcehr e dI out my arm to reach for a human being, but what I grabbed was a used copy of The Odyssey , the book about going home. My heart ached.It was 2 a.m. The library, flooded with white fluorescent light and smelling of musty books and sweaty sneakers, was eerily quiet. My readings seemed endless. I had been admitted into a three-course, yearlong freshman program called Directed Studies, dubbed Directed Suicide by Yalies. It was supposed to introduce us to “the splendors of Western civilization, in the word”s of the catalog, by force-feeding the canons of philosophy,literature and history.I wanted very much to study the Western canon, because I knew nothing about it. Yes, McDonald 's ads and Madonna posters were plastered on Shanghai streets, but few Western ideas filtered through. We had been informed of Karl Marx 's habit of sitting at the samsepot in the British Library, for instance, but had read none of his original words. Western civilization was different, mysterious and thus alluring. Besides, because I longed to be accepted here, I yearned to understand American society. What better way to comprehend it than to study the very ideas on which it is based?But at 2 a.m., I was tired of them all: Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Plato. Their words were dull and the presentations difficult to follow. The professors here do not teach in the same way that teachers in China do. Studying humanities in China means memorizing all the “ correct, ” stainntedraprrdetations given duringlectures. Here, professors ask provocative questions and let the students argue, research and write papers on their own. At Yale, I often waited for the end-of- class “ correct ” answers, which never came.Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here. And it could be even shakier for me. The name Agamemnon was impossibly long to pronounce, and as a result I didn 't recognize i when we were discussing him in the seminars. I had written my first English essay ever just a year earlier, when applying to colleges, and now came the papers analyzing the canons. And I simply didn 't write in English fast enough to take notes in classes.I hoped my diligence would make up for lack of preparation. On weekend nights, when my American roommates were out on dates, I would tell them I had planned a date with Dante or Aristotle. (They didn 't think it was funny.)On one of those weekend nights, I wrote a paper on Aeneas, the protagonist of The Aeneid , who was destined to found Rome but reluctant to leave behind his native Troy. “ Aeneas agonizes, ” I wrote. “ Hehesitates. Natural instincts call him to stick to the past, while at the same time, he feels obligated to obey his father 's instructions for the futureH. is present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to come. ”I saw myself in what I wrote.During calls home every two weeks, my mother pleaded with me to take chemistry or biology. Science was the same everywhere, she said. And I, like everybody else from China, was well prepared in math, physics and chemistry. (To graduate from a standard six-year Chinese high school, one needs to take five years of physics, four years of chemistry and three years of biology.) Instead, I visited the writing tutor —there is one in every undergraduate residential hall —for every paperI turned in. My papers were always written days before they were due. I lingered after classes to question professors. My classmates lent me their notes so I could learn the skill of note-taking in English.By the time I missed home so much that soup dumpli ngs and saut ed eels po p ped up in my head as I read,Nietzsche had replaced Plato on the chronological reading list and Flaubert Homer. And every paper of mine came back with an A.脱离电网的生活:一家城市居民如何发现了简单生活艾莉森佐谢尔1.在内华达州的不眠之城拉斯维加斯生活了将近十年之后,我和我的家人决定放慢生活节奏。
拉斯维加斯的游玩攻略汇总一篇拉斯维加斯的游玩攻略 1关于拉斯维加斯的游玩攻略拉斯维加斯游玩攻略景区介绍:拉斯维加斯(City of Las Vegas)是美国内华达州最大的城市,以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之一。
拉斯维加斯的旧市中心区Downtown Casino Center有一些小一点的旅馆和赌场。
住:世界上十家最大型的渡假旅馆在拉斯维加斯就有九间,最大间的就是有5005间房的米高梅大旅馆及主题公园MGM Grand Adventure Hotel and Casino。
游览路线:二日游:第一天:长街;第二天:拉斯维加斯大峡谷→ 胡佛水坝门票价格:免费,但不同的景点有不同的门票。
开放时间:全天最佳游览时间:全年到达方式:飞机:麦卡伦国际机场(McCarran International Airport)是拉斯维加斯的主要机场,距离拉斯维加斯市中心8公里,有十几家航空公司的航班在这里起降。
公交车:公交车主要来往市区和The Strip,约十分钟一班,单程票价2美元。
After living in the 24-hour city of Las Vegas, Nevada for nearly ten years, my family and I decided to slow things down. My daughter wanted a horse. My husband wanted property. My son wanted a dirt bike. I wanted our family to be more self-sufficient.None of us felt that this could be accomplished where we were living and we all agreed that a move to the country would be great for everyone.Before long we set about looking for a home in Yucca, Arizona, a very small town of less than 1,000 people. It was while I was scanning listings from our real estate agent that I first learned of it. There was a home for sale there on 40 acres. When I called to inquire about the property, I was informed that there was no electricity available in the area. What? No electricity? I almost dismissed the idea immediately.The property was off the grid. It was not connected whatsoever to any utilities — power, water orsewer. Power was supplied by a wind turbine and solar panels. Water had to be hauled in and stored in two tanks located on the property. Forty acres would give us plenty of room for all of our animals and give my husband and son space to ride their ATVs. Besides, what better way is there to become more self-sustainable? After giving it some thought, we decided to put in an offer and moved in on Thanksgiving Day.When we first moved to the property, we did some remodeling and stayed in our motor home. We were confronted with real challenges at the time. The power kept going out, the main water line to the house broke, the plumbing backed up into the front yard and the generator died.But the setbacks just made us work harder. We slowly got things fixed and moved into the house after 38 days in the RV. The next challenge was to become familiar with your power system, and to learn the ins and outs of hauling your own water and generating your own power.Our off-the-grid system consists of eight solar panels (1,000 watts) that are mounted on a sun tracker rack. We also have a wind turbine that generates 3,000 watts in 24 mph winds. The energy generated by the wind and sun is stored in 16 6v golf cart batteries. We also have two 2,500-gallon above-ground water tanks and a 250-gallon propane tank. Every weekend, we haul two 275-gallon water tanks to the nearby town of Yucca and fill them with water, which we then pump into our big water tanks.While living here for the past four months has been a big adjustment, there are many benefits to living off the grid. I think one of the greatest is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. They used to take water, power and gas for granted. The first week we were here, we used almost 1,000 gallons of water. With only a5,000-gallon water tank, it didn’t take them long to understand that we had to use l ess water. We started taking quicker showers, doing only full loads of laundry, turning off the water while brushing our teeth or shaving.Over-consumption is even more clearly demonstrated by our electricity usage. We have a digital readout of how many volts of DC power we have stored in our batteries at any given time. If you turn on a light or the TV, the number goes down. In order to protect the batteries, the system is set up to shut the inverter off if the volts get too low. Then the power goes out. When we first moved in, we lost power almost daily. After this happens a few times, it becomes clear very quickly just how often you waste electricity. Everything from lights and ceiling fans to computers and radios were left on when they were not in use. The cell phone chargers were plugged in even when they weren’t charging anything. All of this uses unnecessary power. We are steadily learning to be more diligent with our power usage.In addition, we are also trying to make other changes. They include reducing the amount of trash we generate by recycling and composting, growing our own organic vegetables, and reusing and repurposing things that we would normally toss. We also want to produce our own eggs and goat’s milk in the near future.Overall, going off the grid has been great for our family. We have learned how to conserve power and water and to really appreciate what the earth gives to us every day. I hope that once my kids move out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have learned by living off the grid.I received an email from a reader who asked, “Why do some friendships end, no matter how much you want them to last?” She referred to having seen the question in one of my articles, Mystery of Friendship. As I wrote in it, I don’t think easy answers exist as to how friendships start, why some turn into lifetime ones, and why some end. Although I’ve tried answering the first two questions in other articles (To Have A Friend and Be A Friend), I still get surprised by friendships that endure and disillusioned by ones that slip away. Even so, I’ll try to offer some insights here as to why friendships end.My simple answer is that friendships end because the situations friends are in or even the friends themselves change. Others have similar answers. First, the situations friends face may change. The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship. Likewise, if a friend is in an accident, develops an illness, or loses someone close, these situations cannot help but affect a friendship. Does a friendship need to end because of these changes? No, but it’ll require adjustments that one or both friends might not be willing to make. Second, the friends themselves may change. A significant reason that friendships often end when friendsare apart for an extended period of time (for summer camp, college, etc.) is that one or both of the friends change. I think it hurts less when both friends change, because then the breakup is more often mutual and so both friends get closure by both deciding to let go and move forward in their lives without eachother. What tends to hurt most is when just one friend changes. One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on someother venture that consumes more time and passion. Again, a friendship can endure these changes, unless one or both of the friends for some reason decide not to invest the time and energy involved in the adjustment period. (For example, one friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet or might feel that the change is impossible to overcome when one gets married but the other is still single.) In this situation, breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories about what was a precious friendship to them.There are other reasons why friendships end. For example, as much as two people might want a friendshipto survive, one or both of them might unintentionally neglect it. Friendship is often compared to a flower garden. Well, if flowers don’t get exposed regularly enough to sunlight and don’t get watered enough, flowers will wither and even die. The same applies to friendship. If week after week passes where plans are made to spend time together but are never honored, perhaps due to taking a friendship for granted, eventually even the closest of friendships may cease to have a reason to exist.Conflicts can also cause the end of friendships. If the flower is a fledgling plant, one blow might destroy it just as sometimes relatively young friendships aren’t strong enough to endure much conflict. Even those amazing close friendships, where friends love us no matter what our faults are, need care when it comes to conflicts. Sure, if a flourishing flower gets stepped on, it might revive on its own. Moreover, if it gets a little extra special care, it’ll probably bounce back as if it hadn’t ever been injured. At the same time, if a flower gets repeatedly trampled on, it’ll probably eventually break. Especially the friendships that have been around for a long time can endure storms, and even become stronger for them, but most friendships have breaking points.Nevertheless, while we can rarely predict at the outset which ones will last, most friendships do enrich us for however short or long they’re a part of our lives.In the sleepiness at the end of a library nap, I wasn’t sure where I was. I stretched out my arm to reach for a human being, but what I grabbed was a used copy of The Odyssey, the book about going home. My heart ached.It was 2 a.m. The library, flooded with white fluorescent light and smelling of musty books and sweaty sneakers, was eerily quiet. My readings seemed endless. I had been admitted into a three-course, yearlong freshman program called Directed Studies, dubbed Directed Suicide by Yalies. It was supposed to introduce us to “the splendors of Western civilization,” in the words of the catalog, by force-feeding the canons of philosophy, literature and history.I wanted very much to study the Western canon, because I knew nothing about it. Yes, McDonald’s ads and Madonna posters were plastered on Shanghai streets, but few Western ideas filtered through. We had been informed of Karl Marx’s habit of sitting at the same spot in the British Library, for instance, but had read none of his original words. Western civilization was different, mysterious and thus alluring. Besides, because I longed to be accepted here, I yearned to understand American society. What better way to comprehend it than to study the very ideas on which it is based?But at 2 a.m., I was tired of them all: Homer, Virgil, Herodotus and Plato. Their words were dull and the presentations difficult to follow. The professors here do not teach in the same way that teachers in Chinado. Studying humanities in China means memorizing all the “correct,” standard interpretations given during lectures. Here, professors ask provocative questions and let the students argue, research and write papers on their own. At Yale, I often waited for the end-of-class “correct” answers, which never came.Learning humanities was secure repetition in China, but it was shaky originality here. And it could be even shakier for me. The name Agamemnon was impossibly long to pronounce, and as a result I didn’t recognize it when we were discussing him in the seminars. I had written my first English essay ever just a year earlier, when applying to colleges, and now came the papers analyzing the canons. And I simply didn’t write in English fast enough to take notes in classes.I hoped my diligence would make up for lack of preparation. On weekend nights, when my American roommates were out on dates, I would tell them I had planned a date with Dante or Aristotle. (They didn’t think it was funny.)On one of those weekend nights, I wrote a paper on Aeneas, the protagonist of The Aeneid, who was destined to found Rome but reluctant to leave behind his native Troy. “Aeneas agonizes,” Iwrote. “He hesitates. Natural instincts call him to stick to the past, while at the same time, he feels obligatedto obey his father’s instructions for the future. His present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to come. ” I saw myself in what I wrote.During calls home every two weeks, my mother pleaded with me to take chemistry or biology. Science was the same everywhere, she said. And I, like everybody else from China, was well prepared in math, physics and chemistry. (To graduate from a standard six-year Chinese high school, one needs to take five years of physics, four years of chemistry and three years of biology.)Instead, I visited the writing tutor — there is one in every undergraduate residential hall — for every paper I turned in. My papers were always written days before they were due. I lingered after classes to question professors. My classmates lent me their notes so I could learn the skill of note-taking in English.By the time I missed home so much that soup dumplings and sautéed eels popped up in my head as I read, Nietzsche had replaced Plato on the chronological reading list and Flaubert Homer. And every paper of mine came back with an A.脱离电网的生活:一家城市居民如何发现了简单生活艾莉森·佐谢尔1.在内华达州的不眠之城拉斯维加斯生活了将近十年之后,我和我的家人决定放慢生活节奏。
My favorite city我最爱的城市
• 费蒙街霓虹闪耀、喧闹的赌场林立,比起拉斯维 加斯大道(the Strip),费蒙街在奢华方面要略
输一筹。该区可提供不错的旅馆,还有费蒙街灯 光天幕表演(Fremont Street Experience),其 中包括当地的博物馆(Neon Museum)和采购及 娱乐中心(Neonpolis)。市议会大楼(city hall) 和艺术工厂(Art Factoty)画廊区也位于该区。 费蒙街地区靠近凯许曼中心球场(Cashman Field Center)。
• 宫殿酒店(The Palazzo) • 川普国际酒店(Trump International Hotel &
Tower) • 纽约纽约大酒店(New York-New York Hotel &
Casino) • 棕榈度假村赌场酒店(Palms Place) • 百丽宫饭店(Bellagio Resort & Casino) • 拉斯维加斯天空酒店(Sky Las Vegas) • 曼德勒海湾酒店(THEhotel at Mandalay Bay)
美国各大城市的英文介绍Introduction to Major Cities in the United StatesThe United States is a vast and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage and a wide array of cities. From the bustling metropolises on the East Coast to the laid-back West Coast attractions, each city has its own unique personality, attractions, and history. In this essay, we will explore key characteristics and highlights of major cities across the country.1. New York City:2. Los Angeles:Situated on the West Coast, Los Angeles is known for its glamorous entertainment industry and beautiful beaches.Hollywood is synonymous with the city, as it is the center ofthe global film and television industry. Visitors can alsoexplore attractions like Universal Studios, Griffith Observatory, and the Getty Center. The city's diverse neighborhoods, such as Chinatown and Little Tokyo, offer unique cultural experiencesand culinary delights.3. Chicago:A major city located in the Midwest, Chicago is famous forits stunning architecture, vibrant music scene, and deep-dish pizza. The city's skyline is defined by architectural marvelslike the Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower) and the John Hancock Center. Navy Pier and Millennium Park are popular tourist destinations. Chicago is also renowned for its blues and jazz heritage, with numerous clubs and festivals attracting music enthusiasts from around the world.4. San Francisco:Located in Northern California, San Francisco is known for its iconic landmarks, cultural diversity, and technological innovation. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and cable cars are emblematic of this vibrant city. Visitors can explore neighborhoods like Chinatown, Haight-Ashbury, and the Mission District, each offering a distinct cultural experience. San Francisco is also home to Silicon Valley, the epicenter of the global tech industry.5. Miami:Situated in the tropical paradise of Florida, Miami is renowned for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and Art Deco architecture. South Beach, with its colorful lifeguard stands and lively atmosphere, is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The city's multicultural atmosphere is evident in neighborhoods like Little Havana and Wynwood, known for their delicious cuisine and vibrant street art scene.6. Washington, D.C.:As the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. is steeped in history and political power. The city is home to iconic landmarks such as the White House, the Capitol Building, and the Lincoln Memorial. Visitors can explore numerous Smithsonian museums that offer a wealth of cultural and historical exhibits. In addition to its historical significance, Washington, D.C. also offers a vibrant dining scene and vibrant neighborhoodslike Adams Morgan and Georgetown.7. Las Vegas:Known as the entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas is a city of high energy and non-stop excitement. The iconic Las Vegas Strip is lined with famous hotels, casinos, and world-class shows. Visitors can experience a variety of themed attractions, from the canals of Venice at The Venetian to the famous Bellagio Fountains. Las Vegas offers an unparalleled nightlife scene, with renowned DJs, celebrity chefs, and luxurious nightclubs.These are just a few examples of the major cities in the United States, each with its own unique charm, attractions, and cultural offerings. Whether you are interested in history, entertainment, or culinary experiences, there is a city in the United States to suit every taste and interest.。
关于拉斯维加斯市名:拉斯维加斯(The City of Las Vegas)别称:世界娱乐之都(The Entertainment Capital of the World)、罪恶之城(Sin City)国家:美利坚合众国(The United States of America)州:内华达州(Nevada State)县:克拉克县(Clark County)。
历史沿革“Las Vegas”源自西班牙语,意思为“肥沃的青草地”,因为拉斯维加斯是周围荒凉的沙漠和半沙漠地带唯一有泉水的绿洲,由于有泉水,逐渐成为来往公路的驿站和铁路的中转站。
以我家人的旅行计划写一篇小短文英语My Family's Travel PlanMy family has always loved traveling and exploring new places. This summer, we have decided to embark on an exciting road trip across the country. We have been planning this trip for months, and we are all eagerly looking forward to the adventures that await us.Our journey will begin in our hometown, where we will hop into our trusty car and hit the open road. Our first destination is the Grand Canyon, a natural wonder that we have always wanted to see. We plan to spend a few days hiking the trails, taking in the breathtaking views, and maybe even trying our hand at river rafting.From there, we will head to the vibrant city of Las Vegas. We are excited to explore the bright lights and bustling streets of this famous city, and of course, try our luck at the casinos. After a few days of excitement in Las Vegas, we will make our way to the beautiful beaches of California. We can't wait to soak up the sun, build sandcastles, and splash in the ocean.Our next stop will be the picturesque vineyards of Napa Valley. We are all food and wine lovers, so we are lookingforward to sampling some delicious wines and gourmet meals. After indulging in the culinary delights of Napa Valley, we will make our way to the bustling city of San Francisco. We plan to visit iconic landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and Fisherman's Wharf.As our road trip comes to an end, we will head back home, with our hearts full of wonderful memories and our minds already planning our next adventure. Traveling with my family is always a joy, and I am grateful for the opportunity to explore new places and create lasting memories with the people I love.。
探索美国的魅力城市:一次不可错过的旅行体验America, a land of diverse cultures and vibrant cities, offers a unique travel experience for every visitor. From the bustling streets of New York to the serene beaches of California, the United States is home to a range of cities that cater to every interest and taste. In this essay, we delve into the captivating cities of America, highlighting their unique attributes and what they offer to make yourvisit memorable.**1. New York City: The epitome of modern culture and heritage**New York, often referred to as the "city that never sleeps," is a melting pot of diverse cultures, art, fashion, and entertainment. From the iconic landmarks like theStatue of Liberty and the Empire State Building to the bustling Broadway and the trendsetting Times Square, New York offers a non-stop thrill for travelers. Moreover, its rich history and museums like the Metropolitan Museum ofArt and the Museum of Modern Art provide a glimpse into the city's cultural heritage.**2. Los Angeles: The city of dreams and stardom**Los Angeles, known for its glitz and glamour, is a dream destination for many. The city is synonymous with Hollywood, the global capital of cinema, and visitors can take a peek into the lives of their favorite stars through tours of film studios and mansions. Besides, Los Angeles boasts of its natural beauty, with scenic beaches, national parks, and mountains providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities.**3. Chicago: The city that rises**Chicago, known as the "city that rises" due to its skyscrapers, is a testament to American determination and innovation. The city's architecture, especially the Art Deco and Skyscraper style, is a must-see for architecture enthusiasts. Moreover, Chicago is famous for its food culture, with a range of cuisines from around the world available in its restaurants.**4. San Francisco: The city by the bay**San Francisco, situated on a picturesque bay, is renowned for its unique blend of natural beauty and urbansophistication. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and Fisherman's Wharf are among the city's most popular attractions. Additionally, San Francisco is a haven for the tech-savvy, being the home of several innovative companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook.**5. Las Vegas: The city of sins and glitz**Las Vegas, often referred to as "Sin City," is famous for its gambling casinos, lavish nightlife, and iconic landmarks like the Las Vegas Strip. The city offers a unique experience, where one can indulge in gambling, enjoy live concerts and shows, and relax at its spas and resorts. In conclusion, the United States is home to a diverse range of cities, each offering a unique experience and something to suit every taste and interest. From the hustle and bustle of New York to the serene beaches of California, the cities of America offer a travel experience that is unforgettable. So, pack your bags, and embark on a journey to explore the captivating cities of America!**探索美国魅力城市:一次不可错过的旅行体验**美国,一个汇聚了多元文化和充满活力的城市的国家,为每一位游客提供了独特的旅行体验。
此外,在书刊论文中,“县”的英文对等词也多为“county”,如王先文论文“美国县制演化及其对中国县制改革的启示”被译为“The Evolution of Ameri can County System and its Implications forChina’s County Reform”[5]。
很多县志的英译也是如此,如《邯郸县志(1986—2002)——Annals of Handan County》《上海县志——The Gazetteof Shanghai County》等[6]。
根据《韦氏新编国际大词典第三版》(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (unabridged)),county作为地方政府单位,其含义为“3b:the largest administrative unit for local government in Great Britain and Northern Ireland—called also in England and Wales administrative county and in Scotland civil county.5a:the largest division for local government within a state of the US with administrative functions differing from state to state. 6:the largest local administrativeunit in various countries, the British Commonwealth.”[7](第3项b条:大不列颠北爱尔兰王国最大的地方政府行政单位——在英格兰与威尔士称“行政郡”,在苏格兰称“公民郡”。
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Presenter: Jenna
Las Vegas
• General Information • Hotels • Shopping
General Information
• Location: Nevada State, U.S • Area: 712 Square Kilometers • Population: 1,951,269 (estimated 2010), the most populous city in ada, United States • History: Las Vegas---fertile grassland 1905,5,15---established formally 1931---gambling is legitimate 1950s---the gambling city 1960s---tourism development now---the Entertainment Capital of the World
• • • • • • MGM Grand (米高美) Las Vegas Hilton (希尔顿) Mandalay Bay Hotel (曼德勒湾) Luxor (卢克索) Pairs Las Vegas ……
MGM Grand(米高美大酒店)
• Opened in 1993 • The biggest hotel with most rooms all over the world • Five-star hotel • 5034 rooms • 140-15,000 USD per day • The biggest casino, 171,000 Square feet • 8 restaurants • The Hollywood Theatre
• Suicide City each year 282-292 kill themselves since 1998, ranks the first in U.S in terms of the suicide rate, the majority are the local people, visitors account for 10 percent • Wedding City never close wedding registry 55 USD within 15 minutes 120,000couples easy access to divorce
Las Vegas Hilton
• Located next to the Las Vegas Convention Centre • Opening date: 1969 • A hotel, casino and convention centre(200,000 square feet) • 2,956 rooms and 305 suites • Total gaming space: 74,000 square feet(6,900 square meters)