The Effect of Ni and Zn Doping in Bi2212 from Tunneling Measurements. The MCS model of the
第53卷第2期2024年2月人㊀工㊀晶㊀体㊀学㊀报JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALSVol.53㊀No.2February,2024Ni,Cu,Zn掺杂四方相PbTiO3力学性能㊁电子结构与光学性质的第一性原理研究王云杰1,2,张志远1,2,文杜林1,2,吴侦成1,2,苏㊀欣1,2(1.伊犁师范大学物理科学与技术学院,伊宁㊀835000;2.伊犁师范大学新疆凝聚态相变与微结构实验室,伊宁㊀835000)摘要:采用第一性原理研究了四方相钙钛矿PbTiO3以及Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂PbTiO3的力学性能㊁电子结构和光学性质㊂力学性能计算结果表明,Ni掺杂PbTiO3的体积模量㊁剪切模量及弹性模量在三种掺杂体系中最大㊂Ni掺杂体系德拜温度最高㊂G/B为材料的脆㊁韧性判据,Zn掺杂PbTiO3的G/B值最大,说明化学键定向性最高㊂Ni㊁Zn掺杂体系的G/B 范围为0.56<G/B<1.75,均为脆性材料,而本征PbTiO3和Cu掺杂体系G/B值小于0.56,均为韧性材料㊂通过电子结构分析,发现掺杂体系相比于本征体系带隙变窄,跃迁能量减小㊂Ni掺入使得PbTiO3费米能级处出现杂质能级,而Cu㊁Zn掺杂PbTiO3价带顶上移,费米能级进入价带,使得Cu㊁Zn掺杂PbTiO3呈现p型导电特性㊂从复介电函数㊁光学反射谱和吸收谱分析中发现,掺杂体系的静介电常数相较于本征体系有所提升㊂Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn的掺杂使得PbTiO3吸收范围扩展到红外波段,且增强了可见光波段的吸收强度,Cu掺杂PbTiO3材料的光催化特性在本征PbTiO3和三种单掺PbTiO3材料中是最好的㊂关键词:第一性原理;PbTiO3;掺杂;力学性能;电子结构;光学特性中图分类号:O561㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1000-985X(2024)02-0258-09 First Principles Study on Mechanical Properties,Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Ni,Cu,Zn Doped Tetragonal PbTiO3WANG Yunjie1,2,ZHANG Zhiyuan1,2,WEN Dulin1,2,WU Zhencheng1,2,SU Xin1,2(1.School of Physical Science and Technology,Yili Normal University,Yining835000,China;2.Xinjiang Laboratory of Phase Transitions and Microstructures of Condensed Matter Physics,Yili Normal University,Yining835000,China) Abstract:The mechanical property,electronic structure,and optical properties of tetragonal perovskite PbTiO3and Ni,Cu, Zn-doped PbTiO3were studied by first principles.The mechanical property calculations show that Ni-doped PbTiO3exhibits the highest values for volume modulus,shear modulus,and elastic modulus among the three doping systems.Notably,the Ni-doped system also has the highest Debye temperature.The G/B ratio represents the material s brittleness and toughness, which is highest for Zn-doped PbTiO3,indicating the highest degree of chemical bond orientation.The G/B range for Ni and Zn-doped systems is0.56<G/B<1.75,indicating brittle materials,while the intrinsic PbTiO3and Cu-doped systems have G/B values less than0.56,indicating ductile materials.The electronic structure reveals that the doped systems have narrower band gaps and reduced transition energies compared to the intrinsic system.The introduction of Ni introduces impurity levels at the Fermi energy level in PbTiO3,while Cu and Zn doping shifts the valence band maximum upwards,causing the Fermi level to enter the valence band and resulting in p-type conductivity for Cu and Zn-doped PbTiO3.The doping of Ni,Cu and Zn expands the absorption range of PbTiO3to the infrared region and enhances the absorption intensity in the visible light range.Among the intrinsic PbTiO3and three single-doped PbTiO3materials,Cu-doped PbTiO3exhibits the best photocatalytic properties.Key words:first principle;PbTiO3;doping;mechanical property;electronic structure;optical property㊀㊀收稿日期:2023-08-02㊀㊀基金项目:伊犁师范大学科研专项提升重点项目(22XKZZ21);伊犁师范大学科研项目(2022YSZD004);伊犁师范大学大学生创新训练项目(S202110764006,YS2022G018);新疆伊犁科技计划(YZ2022Y002);新疆维吾尔自治区天山英才计划第三期(2021-2023)㊀㊀作者简介:王云杰(1999 ),男,新疆维吾尔自治区人,硕士研究生㊂E-mail:1575469121@㊀㊀通信作者:苏㊀欣,博士,副教授㊂E-mail:suxin_phy@㊀第2期王云杰等:Ni,Cu,Zn掺杂四方相PbTiO3力学性能㊁电子结构与光学性质的第一性原理研究259㊀0㊀引㊀㊀言PbTiO3(PTO)作为一种典型的钙钛矿型铁电氧化物,在居里温度(763K)以下为四方相,当处于居里温度(763K)以上时,PTO的相由四方相转变为立方相[1-2]㊂四方相PTO铁电性能较为优异,广泛应用于存储器㊁电换能器㊁微电子㊁无线通信用电介质等设备㊂此外,四方相PTO还具有较大的电光系数和较高的光折变灵敏度[3-5],因此可以用于光学传感器㊁光转换器和光调制器等[6-9]㊂除TiO2催化剂外,Ti基钙钛矿(例如CaTiO3㊁SrTiO3)还参与了自然污染物的光催化脱色和光催化水分解制氢㊂与TiO2一样,这些钙钛矿型催化剂也受到宽禁带的限制,这使得其可见光反应非常困难,光催化能力被减弱[10]㊂钙钛矿晶体结构提供了一个极好的框架,可根据特定光催化反应的要求修改带隙值,以允许可见光吸收和带边能量㊂此外,钙钛矿晶体化合物中的晶格畸变强烈影响光生载流子的分配㊂PTO由于高光催化活性,受到了广泛关注[11]㊂PTO是典型的钙钛矿型铁电氧化物,通常用于电子器件,很少用作光催化剂[12-13]㊂近年来,研究人员发现通过合理的合成方法和材料改性对PTO光催化性能进行改善㊂Hussin等和Niu 等[14-15]基于第一性原理,分别研究了La和N掺杂体系PTO的电子结构,发现La掺杂体系的带隙比本征带隙窄,N掺杂体系的PTO的费米能级进入价带顶部,使得N掺杂体系材料呈现出p型导电特性,能带结构的禁带宽度减小,对于光催化能力有一定的改善,但是关于光学性质方面并没有进行报道㊂李宏光等[16]基于第一性原理,研究了N掺杂体系的光学性质,发现光学吸收能力在可见光区域并没有较大的改善,并且Ti的氧化物进行非金属掺杂时,需要高温处理[17-18],从能量消耗的角度来说是不利的㊂综上所述,确定掺杂位置以及掺杂量成为改善PTO光催化性能的关键㊂而二价金属Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn离子更容易取代Ti4+,使O的电负性变弱,更容易改善PTO性能[19]㊂在文献调研中发现关于PTO力学性能的系统报道大多是基于本征体系[20-22],对掺杂体系的力学性能报道是罕见的,因此有必要对掺杂体系PTO光催化性能研究的同时,也对掺杂体系力学性能的改善进行系统地讨论㊂本文的主要内容是采用密度泛函理论对本征以及单掺Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn四方相PTO(PTOʒNi㊁PTOʒCu㊁PTOʒZn)的力学性能和光电性能展开系统地讨论,以期PTO能够在力学性能以及光催化方面得到更大的改善㊂1㊀理论模型与计算方法四方相PTO晶体是典型的钙钛矿结构,属于P4mm空间群[23],建立共包含40个原子的2ˑ2ˑ2超胞结构,掺杂浓度为12.5%的掺杂体系结构如图1所示,考虑到边界条件的影响,用一个Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn分别去取代超胞中的Ti原子,在超胞中有8个Ti原子的位点,根据晶体的对称性所示这8个位点为等效位点,所以不同的掺杂位置对体系没有影响㊂基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理平面波赝势方法[24-25]应用MaterialsStudio8.0[26]计算了原子各轨域的电子态密度,选择基组为广义梯度近似(general gradient approximate,GGA)下的PBE(Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof)[27-28]交换-关联泛函,使用超软赝势(ultra-soft pseudopotential,USP)计算本征以及掺杂体系PTO 的力学性能㊁电子结构和光学性质㊂将能量㊁自洽场以及能带的收敛精度均定为5ˑ10-6eV/atom;作用于原子上的最大力为0.01eV/Å,内应力收敛精度为0.02GPa,最大位移收敛精度为5ˑ10-5Å㊂截止能为400eV,在布里渊区积分采用4ˑ4ˑ4的Monkhost-Pack型K点网格进行迭代设置[29]㊂图1㊀超晶胞掺杂模型Fig.1㊀Supercell doping model260㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀几何结构分析表1为几何结构优化后的本征以及掺杂体系PTO超胞的晶格常数和体积的变化㊂由表1可知,本征PTO的晶格常数计算值为a=b=7.688Å,c=9.567Å,理论值为a=b=7.759Å,c=8.572Å[30],两项数据对比,晶格常数c相差约1Å,但是理论值和计算值的c/a近似,说明选用参数的可靠性㊂与本征PTO相比, Ni㊁Cu掺杂PTO的晶格常数a㊁b㊁c减小,晶胞体积减小㊂Zn掺杂PTO的晶格常数a㊁b减小,c增大,晶胞体积增大㊂表1㊀Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂的PTO超胞晶格常数㊁密度和体积Table1㊀Lattice constants,density and volume of PTO supercell doped with Ni,Cu and Zn Sample a=b/Åc/ÅVolume/Å3Density/(g㊃cm-3)c/a PTO(Experimental)7.7598.572516.0537.802 1.1 PTO(Calculated)7.6889.567565.3527.122 1.2Ni doping7.6759.396553.4507.307 1.2Cu doping7.6559.515557.6037.268 1.2Zn doping7.6639.688568.9617.127 1.22.2㊀缺陷形成能分析缺陷形成能是表征掺杂体系稳定性和原子掺入体系难易程度的物理变量㊂基于几何结构优化后的体系总能量和不同原子的化学势计算相应结构的形成能㊂各掺杂体系的形成能E f满足以下公式[31-32]:E f=E doped-E perfect-lμX+nμTi(1)式中:E doped表示各掺杂体系的总能量,E perfect表示纯PbTiO3超晶胞体系总能量,系数l㊁n分别表示掺入的原子和替代的原子数,μX表示掺入原子(X=Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn)的化学势,μTi表示被替换的Ti原子化学势㊂由于材料的缺陷形成能与其生长制备的条件有密切关系,本文计算了富氧且富铅状态下各掺杂体系的形成能㊂从表2可以看出,Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn单掺PbTiO3体系在富O(O-rich)和富Pb(Pb-rich)条件下的形成能均为负㊂这意味着在O-rich和Pb-rich条件下,Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn原子可以融入PTO中,可在实验中制造Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn单掺PbTiO3材料㊂表2㊀Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂的PTO的缺陷形成能Table2㊀Defect formation energy of PTO doped with Ni,Cu and ZnSubstitute form O-rich and Pb-rich defect formation energy/eVNi doping-14.905Cu doping-13.336Zn doping-18.6542.3㊀力学性能基于密度泛函理论,结合当前应用最普遍的有限应变方法[33],通过计算应力应变的线性得到弹性系数6个独立分量,得到6ˑ6的弹性张量矩阵㊂根据晶格点阵的空间对称性,部分分量相等,部分分量为零㊂计算所得本征以及掺杂体系PTO晶格常数变化结构的特征弹性系数矩阵元,在优化晶体结构的基础上计算出本征以及掺杂体系PTO的弹性常数C ij,如表3所示㊂同时,基于Voigt-Reuss-Hill近似[34-36]得到体积模量㊁剪切模量㊁弹性模量㊁泊松比㊁Pugh比㊁维氏硬度㊁德拜温度θD,如表4所示㊂本文B和G取Hill值,通过弹性常数分别计算下限值B V㊁G V和上限值B R㊁G R,然后求平均值得出㊂这里弹性模量可由下面公式给出[37]B=(B V+B R)/2(2)G=(G V+G R)/2(3)其中,G V=(1/15)[C11+C22+C33+3(C44+C55+C66)-2(C12+C13+C23)],B R=Δ[C11(C22+C33+C23)+C22(C33-2C13)-C33C12+C12(2C23-C12)+C13(2C12-C13)+C23(2C13-C23)]-1,㊀第2期王云杰等:Ni,Cu,Zn掺杂四方相PbTiO3力学性能㊁电子结构与光学性质的第一性原理研究261㊀G R=15{4[C11(C22+C33+C23)+C22(C33+C13)+C33C12-C12(C12+C23)-C13(C12+C13)-C23(C13+ C23)]/Δ+3[(1/C44)+(1/C55)+(1/C66)]-1,Δ=C13(C12C23-C13C22)+C23(C12C13-C11C23)+C33(C11C22-C12C12)㊂弹性模量E和泊松比分别依照下列公式(4)和(5)计算得出E=9BG/(3B+G)(4)μ=(3B-E)/(6B)(5)采用Chen-Niu模型[38],得到维氏硬度H V公式为H V=2(k2G)0.585-3(6)其中Pugh比[39]k=G/B㊂对于本征以及掺杂体系PTO的弹性常数满足Born弹性稳定性判据[30]:C11(C22+C33)ȡ2C212,C22ȡC23, C44ȡ0,C55ȡ0,说明这四种结构是力学稳定的㊂体积模量是衡量材料是否容易被压缩的标志,Ni掺杂PTO 体积模量(80.034GPa)最大,所以相较于其他三种结构更不容易被压缩㊂剪切模量可以衡量材料硬度,Ni 掺杂PTO具有最大的剪切模量,对应最大的维氏硬度10.411GPa㊂弹性模量是标志材料刚度的重要物理量,Ni掺杂PTO的弹性模量最大,所以相较于其他三种结构刚性最高㊂G/B=1.75是区分脆性材料和延展性材料分界点,G/B=0.56是区分材料韧性/脆性分界点㊂由表4可以看出,G/B的值都小于1.75,Ni㊁Zn掺杂PTO大于0.56,都是脆性材料,本征以及Cu掺杂PTO小于0.56,属于是韧性材料㊂而泊松比反映了材料在形变下体积所发生的变化,说明四种结构形变时体积变化不大,泊松比的变化规律与Pugh比的正好相反㊂众所周知,德拜温度与材料的很多物理性质,如熔点㊁弹性㊁硬度㊁比热等基本物理量密切相关㊂采用以下公式[33]求得德拜温度θD=h kB34πV a[]1/3v m(7)式中:h为普朗克常量,k B为玻尔兹曼常量,V a为原子体积,v m为平均声速,由下式求出v m=132v3t +1v31()[]-1/3(8)式中:v1与v t分别为纵波㊁横波速度,可由下面的公式求得v1=3B+4G3ρ()1/2(9)v t=Gρ()1/2(10)式(9)和(10)中,ρ为密度,已由表1给出㊂本征以及掺杂体系PTO德拜温度的计算结果见表4㊂从表4给出的结果可以看出,Ni掺杂体系的德拜温度(201.506K)最高,与它有最大的C11(196.541GPa)㊁C23(63.626GPa)㊁C66(82.707GPa),最大的体积模量(80.034GPa),最大的剪切模量(45.499GPa)和最大的弹性模量(114.752GPa)密切相关㊂由表4可知,掺杂体系的剪切模量㊁弹性模量㊁Pugh比㊁维氏硬度和德拜温度均大于本征体系㊂其中Ni 掺杂体系的体积模量要大于本征体系,Cu㊁Zn掺杂体系的小于掺杂体系,说明除Cu㊁Zn掺杂体系在抗压性低于本征体系外,在硬度和刚性等力学性能均强于本征体系㊂可见二价金属Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn的掺杂,有助于改善四方相PTO的力学性能㊂表3㊀本征以及掺杂体系PTO的弹性常数C ijTable3㊀Elastic constants C ij of PTO in intrinsic and doped systemsCompound C11/GPa C12/GPa C13/GPa C22/GPa C23/GPa C33/GPa C44/GPa C55/GPa C66/GPa PTO172.44690.23880.526217.93161.95560.58151.59247.50381.781 Ni doping196.54190.00955.858210.65263.62661.79045.25745.19982.707 Cu doping183.37769.41847.886189.35455.26166.79630.10341.91071.456 Zn doping163.76165.71541.457163.76141.45766.02635.17035.17064.722262㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷表4㊀本征以及掺杂体系PTO的体积模量(B)㊁剪切模量(G)㊁弹性模量(E)㊁泊松比(μ)㊁Pugh比(G/B)㊁维氏硬度(H V)和德拜温度θDTable4㊀Bulk modulus(B),shear modulus(G),elastic modulus(E),Poisson ratio(μ),Pugh ratio(G/B), Vickers hardness(H V),Debye temperature(θD)of PTO in intrinsic and doped systems Compound B/GPa G/GPa E/GPaμG/B H V/GPaθD/K PTO78.43539.170100.7400.2860.4998.389188.293 Ni doping80.03445.499114.7520.2610.56810.411201.506 Cu doping75.25140.052101.7410.2750.5328.977189.392 Zn doping68.30740.606101.6710.2520.5949.880190.852 2.4㊀能带结构分析图2是本征PbTiO3以及掺杂体系的能带结构图㊂为便于分析,范围选取-5~5eV,包含费米能级,在四种体系中除Ni掺杂PbTiO3为间接带隙外,其他均为直接带隙㊂图2(a)是本征PbTiO3的能带结构图,禁带宽度为2.007eV,与实验值3.6eV相较偏低[40],所以采用剪刀算符[41]修正其带隙值(剪刀算符为1.6eV),修正后的带隙为3.607eV㊂图2(b)~(d)分别是Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂PTO的能带结构图,掺杂体系的跃迁形式所需的能量,相较于本征结构降低,并且区间处于0~1eV能带条数增多,Cu㊁Zn掺杂PbTiO3带隙值分别为1.930㊁1.936eV,价带顶有所上移,费米能级进入价带顶,使得Cu㊁Zn掺杂PbTiO3呈现出p型导电特性㊂Ni 掺杂PbTiO3价带顶到导带底的间距是1.678eV,在2eV附近出现受主能级,价带顶处出现多余的空穴载流子,这有利于电子吸收极少的能量由价带顶跃迁至受主能级,再由受主能级跃迁至导带底,或者实现受主能级之间的跃迁,从而能够大幅改善PbTiO3材料的光催化特性和导电性㊂李宏光等[16]关于N掺杂PbTiO3的研究中,能带结构出现受主能级,且价带顶下移,出现p型半导体特性,但是电子跃迁性能并不比Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn 掺杂PbTiO3更强㊂图2㊀本征PTO及三种掺杂体系的能带结构分布Fig.2㊀Band structures of intrinsic PTO and three doping systems2.5㊀态密度分析图3是本征PTO以及三种掺杂体系的总态密度图和分波态密度图㊂图3(a)是本征PTO的态密度图,㊀第2期王云杰等:Ni,Cu,Zn掺杂四方相PbTiO3力学性能㊁电子结构与光学性质的第一性原理研究263㊀Ti-3d轨道是构成导带部分的总态密度主要部分㊂价带能量处于-19~-14eV的总态密度主要由Pb-5d和O-2s轨道提供,在-8eV至费米能级的总态密度主要由O-2p以及Pb-6s轨道贡献,这与相关研究结果一致[16]㊂图3(b)~(d)分别是Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂PTO的态密度图㊂掺杂体系Pb㊁Ti和O对总态密度的贡献基本与本征态一致㊂区别在于在费米面附近,主要由O-2p及Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn的3d态之间进行杂化贡献,表现出强大的局域性㊂当Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂到PTO之后,由于掺入的Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn对总态密度贡献相对较小而不易被观察,但可以从O-2p轨道的变化进行说明,使得O-2p轨道在费米能级附近出现自由电子㊂2价金属Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn 的掺杂使得Pb㊁Ti和O之间的杂化发生变化,进而影响态密度的整体分布情况㊂掺杂体系的电子从价带顶跃迁到导带底的过程变得容易,与能带结构情况吻合㊂图3㊀本征PTO及三种掺杂体系的态密度曲线Fig.3㊀Density of states curves of intrinsic PTO and three doping systems2.6㊀光学性质分析本征以及三种掺杂体系的PTO复介电函数实部曲线和虚部曲线如图4所示,图4(a)中PTO㊁PTOʒNi㊁PTOʒCu和PTOʒZn的静态介电常数分别为2.307㊁3.305㊁3.411和4.513㊂PTOʒCu在低能区介电函数实部随着光子能量的增大而增大,并到达峰值5.714(光子能量为1.38eV),从态密度图看出这是由Cu-3d轨道向O-2p轨道的电子跃迁引起的㊂图4(b)显示PTOʒNi㊁PTOʒCu和PTOʒZn的介电函数虚部主要集中在0~10eV 的低能区,而本征PTO在虚部低能区(ɤ3eV)虚部值很小,接近零,而Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂PTO体系在虚部1.5eV左右形成新的次级主峰,PTOʒCu在低于2eV的低能区具有压倒性数值㊂可见,Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂PTO 体系光谱吸收范围扩展到红外区域,且PTOʒCu更具有优势,在可见光波段的能量吸收效果较强,说明PTOʒCu在低能区的吸收效果在三种掺杂体系中是最强的㊂图4(c)是本征以及三种掺杂体系的PTO体系的反射光谱㊂可知,本征PTO在5.77㊁7.41㊁9.74eV出现三个峰值㊂Ni㊁Cu掺杂PTO体系在可见光区域能量值大于本征PTO㊂在红外光区,Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂PTO的反射值大于本征PTO体系,PTOʒCu对可见光区域和红外光区的利用率较高,这与复介电函数图所得的结果一致㊂图4(d)是含Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂的PTO的吸收光谱㊂本征PTO只吸收紫外波段,对红外部分不吸收,本征264㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷PTO的禁带宽度决定了Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂的PTO体系吸收主要集中在紫外波段㊂同时,掺杂使得电子跃迁变得容易,Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn掺杂的PTO体系吸收范围扩展到红外波段㊂在可见光波段,PTOʒCu吸收效果最好,并且吸收边640nm所对应的频率为1.94eV,这表明电子是从价带内跃迁到导带的,说明PTOʒCu具有潜在的光催化能力㊂在红外以及远红外波段,PTOʒZn吸收效果和PTOʒCu相近,并且比李宏光等[16]报道的N掺杂的PTO在红外远红外区域吸收效果更好㊂吸收光谱与介电㊁反射光谱的变化趋势是一致的㊂图4㊀本征PTO及三种掺杂体系的光学图谱㊂(a)复介电函数实部;(b)复介电函数虚部;(c)反射光谱;(d)吸收光谱Fig.4㊀Optical spectra of intrinsic PTO and three doping systems.(a)Real part of complex dielectric function;(b)imaginary part of complex dielectric function;(c)reflection spectra;(d)absorption spectra3㊀结㊀㊀论1)Ni掺杂PTO的体积㊁剪切和弹性模量最大,这是Ni掺杂PTO德拜温度最高的重要原因㊂体积模量的大小是衡量材料是否容易被压缩的标志,体积模量越高,材料越不容易被压缩;高剪切模量是高硬度的基本条件,最大的剪切模量使得Ni掺杂PTO有最大的维氏硬度;弹性模量是标志材料刚度的重要物理量,表明四种材料中Ni掺杂PTO的刚性最高㊂2)Zn掺杂PTO的G/B值是四种材料中最大的,说明此结构中原子间的化学键的定向性最高㊂3)Ni㊁Zn掺杂PTO的G/B大于0.56,都是脆性材料,本征以及Cu掺杂PTO的G/B小于0.56,是韧性材料㊂泊松比反映了材料在形变下体积的变化,本征以及掺杂体系的泊松比都在0.25~0.5,表明本征及掺杂体系PTO形变时体积将不会发生较大的变化㊂4)掺杂体系较于本征体系跃迁能量减小,Ni掺入PTO材料的费米能级处出现杂质能级㊂Cu㊁Zn掺杂的PTO费米能级进入价带顶,使得Cu㊁Zn掺杂PTO材料呈现出p型导电特性㊂5)Ni㊁Cu㊁Zn的掺杂使得PTO吸收范围扩展到红外波段,且增强了可见光波段的吸收强度,四种结构中PTOʒCu材料的光催化性能最好㊂参考文献[1]㊀ZHANG S J,LI F,JIANG X N,et al.Advantages and challenges of relaxor-PbTiO3ferroelectric crystals for electroacoustic transducers:a review[J].㊀第2期王云杰等:Ni,Cu,Zn掺杂四方相PbTiO3力学性能㊁电子结构与光学性质的第一性原理研究265㊀Progress in Materials Science,2015,68:1-66.[2]㊀LIU Y,NI L H,REN Z H,et al.First-principles study of structural stability and elastic property of pre-perovskite PbTiO3[J].Chinese PhysicsB,2012,21(1):016201.[3]㊀SUNTIVICH J,GASTEIGER H A,YABUUCHI N,et al.Design principles for oxygen-reduction 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第43卷㊀第1期2022年1月发㊀光㊀学㊀报CHINESE JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCEVol.43No.1Jan.,2022文章编号:1000-7032(2022)01-0026-16㊀㊀收稿日期:2021-09-24;修订日期:2021-10-11㊀㊀基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51902291);中国博士后科学基金(2019M662524);河南省博士后科研项目(19030025)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51902291);China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2019M662524);Post-doctoral Research Sponsorship in Henan Province(19030025)荧光粉中激活剂离子掺杂格位分析姬海鹏(郑州大学材料科学与工程学院,河南郑州㊀450001)摘要:荧光粉的发光特性由激活剂离子的电子构型决定,同时也受激活剂离子在基质中的配位环境的影响㊂配位环境对激活剂离子发光性能的影响主要体现在电子云膨胀效应和晶体场劈裂效应这两个方面㊂电子云膨胀效应的强弱取决于激活剂离子与配体离子的成键特性(离子键与共价键成分的比例)以及阴离子极化率的大小;而晶体场劈裂效应的大小取决于激活剂离子与配体离子所形成最近邻配位多面体的配位数㊁平均键长㊁畸变程度和点群对称性等㊂了解激活剂离子所占据格位以分析其所形成最近邻配位多面体构型,对理解荧光粉的发光特性和开发新型荧光粉具有重要意义㊂本综述总结了文献中所用研究激活剂离子格位占据的8种方法,并通过荧光粉研究实例(主要是以Ce 3+㊁Eu 2+或Mn 4+为激活剂离子的白光LED 用荧光粉)展示了每种方法的特点,通过对比分析指出了各种方法的优势和劣势㊂这8种方法可归为三类:光谱学方法㊁结构分析法和计算光谱学方法,其中光谱学方法包括以下五类谱图的测试和分析:激发波长依赖的发光光谱与监测波长依赖的激发光谱㊁波长依赖的荧光衰减曲线㊁时间分辨发射光谱㊁变温发射光谱与变温荧光衰减曲线,以及掺杂浓度依赖的发射光谱㊂关㊀键㊀词:荧光材料;激活剂;掺杂格位中图分类号:O482.31㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀DOI :10.37188/CJL.20210309Analysis of Site-occupation of Activator in PhosphorsJI Hai-peng ∗(School of Materials Science and Engineering ,Zhengzhou University ,Zhengzhou 450001,China ))∗Corresponding Author ,E-mail :jihp @Abstract :Besides the electron configuration of the activator,the luminescent properties of a phos-phor are also influenced by the nephelauxetic effect and crystal field splitting effect that the activator experiences in a matrix.The degree of the nephelauxetic effect depends on the bonding features be-tween the activator and the ligands (the ratio between the ionic bonding content and the covalent bonding content)as well as the polarizability of the anions,while the degree of the crystal field splitting effect depends on the coordination number,the average bond length,the distortion,and thepoint group symmetry of the coordination polyhedron composed by the nearest coordinating anionsaround the activator.Identification of the doping site,which helps analyze the coordination polyhed-ron,is of great significance in understanding the luminescence properties of the phosphor and devel-oping new phosphors.This mini-review summarizes the eight methods used to identify the site-occu-pancy of an activator in a phosphor matrix,which can be classified into three categories,i.e.,the spectroscopy methods,the structural analysis method,and the theoretical calculation method.Among them,the spectroscopy methods include five different measurements:(1)excitation. All Rights Reserved.㊀第1期姬海鹏:荧光粉中激活剂离子掺杂格位分析27㊀wavelength dependent emission spectra and emission wavelength dependent excitation spectra,(2)emission wavelength dependent luminescence decay curves,(3)time-resolved emission spectra, (4)temperature-dependent emission spectra and/or luminescence decay curves,(5)activator-con-centration-dependent emission spectra.For clarifying the features of the above methods,some related researches were introduced as examples,which refer to some Ce3+,Eu2+,or Mn4+activated phos-phors for application in white light emitting diodes.The pros and cons of each method were also analyzed.㊀Key words:luminescent materials;activator;site occupancy1㊀引㊀㊀言当前主流白光半导体发光二极管(LED)器件采用蓝光LED芯片复合多色荧光粉方案㊂大多数荧光粉是某种离子取代型固溶体,固溶体的母体被称为基质,进行掺杂取代的离子常被称作激活剂离子㊂某一荧光粉是否可用于白光LED,以及所封装光谱转换型白光LED器件的流明效率㊁相关色温㊁显色指数等,很大程度上取决于荧光粉的发光特性,因此荧光粉的发光特性研究至关重要㊂商业化的白光LED荧光粉中所用激活剂离子主要为稀土离子Ce3+㊁Eu2+与过渡金属离子Mn4+㊂其中,稀土离子Ce3+和Eu2+的荧光来自于宇称允许的dңf跃迁㊂该电子构型下,最外层为裸露的5d轨道电子,易受晶体场效应和电子云膨胀效应影响㊂研究表明,dңf跃迁所受晶体场强度(以εcfs表示)取决于稀土离子在基质中形成的最近邻配位多面体的配位数㊁平均键长㊁点群对称性和畸变程度,而其所受电子云膨胀效应的强弱(以εc表示)取决于成键的离子键/共价键性和成键阴离子的极化率[1-2](有兴趣的读者可参考代尔夫特理工大学Dorenbos教授对εcfs和εc的定量计算[3]);因此,Eu2+/Ce3+在不同基质中掺杂时可表现出在发光波长㊁发光光谱半高宽㊁量子效率㊁热猝灭稳定性等方面迥异的荧光性质㊂比如,在Eu2+/Ce3+掺杂的硫化物或氮化物类基质中更容易得到长波长发光荧光粉,因为此时Eu/Ce原子(电负性分别为1.01/1.06)与S原子或N原子(电负性S<N<O<F)成键时,两种元素原子间电负性差值最小,所成键的共价性更强而使其受到更强的电子云膨胀效应[4]㊂而关于晶体场强度,夏志国等指出,将Eu2+掺杂在具有较小配位数㊁较短成键键长和较大多面体畸变的晶体学格位有利于得到相对更强的晶体场劈裂效应[5]㊂例如,在Y3Al5O12ʒCe3+黄光荧光粉中进行单一阳离子或离子对取代(Tb3+/Gd3+取代Y3+㊁Mg2+-Si4+取代Al3+-Al3+等),增强Ce3+离子所受晶体场效应后可得到橙红光发光[6-9]㊂再如,在Rb3YSi2O7ʒEu2+中设计Eu2+占据具有较小配位数的[YO6]八面体和[Rb2O6](Rb2是相对于形成九配位的Rb1而言)多面体中的Y3+和Rb+离子格位,可实现蓝光激发下的红光发光(622 nm)[10]㊂过渡金属离子Mn4+具有3d3电子构型,其荧光来自于宇称禁戒的dңd跃迁㊂Mn4+离子d轨道在八面体配位晶体场中发生能级劈裂,形成e g 轨道和t2g轨道,后者可供Mn4+离子的3个d轨道电子占据㊂由于正电荷数多,Mn4+常受强晶体场作用,最低激发态为2E g(2G)能级,其在Tanabe-Sugano图中几乎是一条直线,因此2E gң4A2g跃迁受晶体场的影响较小㊂但Mn4+离子的发射跃迁(2E gң4A2g跃迁)受电子云膨胀效应影响很大,发光能量与Mn4+和配体离子(如F-或O2-)所成键的离子键/共价键性密切相关[11]㊂2E gң4A2g跃迁为自旋禁戒跃迁,当Mn4+所处八面体格位存在畸变(如MnO x F6-x构型)而导致点群对称性低于O h 时,电偶极跃迁选律可得到放宽而使Mn4+离子的荧光寿命缩短[11]及得到强零声子线发光和发光峰的劈裂[12]㊂综上,Ce3+/Eu2+/Mn4+离子的荧光性质很大程度上取决于其在基质晶格中所形成最近邻配位多面体的特征㊂了解其所占据格位是了解其所形成最近邻配位多面体特征的第一步,对于理解其构效关系㊁开发新型荧光粉具有重要意义㊂目前文献报道采用不同方法来研究激活剂离子的格位. All Rights Reserved.28㊀发㊀㊀光㊀㊀学㊀㊀报第43卷占据情况,本文总结了这些方法,将其归为三大类(即光谱学方法㊁结构分析法和计算光谱学方法),并通过相关研究实例进行对比分析㊂2㊀激活剂离子格位占据研究方法2.1㊀光谱学方法2.1.1㊀激发波长依赖的发光光谱和监测波长依赖的激发光谱激活剂离子的荧光特性受配位环境影响,因此其在基质中占据具有不同晶体学特征的格位时将分别表现出相应的荧光特性;因此,对该荧光粉而言,改变激发波长将得到激发波长依赖的发射光谱,而改变监测波长将得到监测波长依赖的激发光谱㊂梁宏斌等[13]研究了Ca5.982Ba0.988Eu0.03P4O17荧光粉激发波长依赖的发射光谱㊂如图1(a)所示,当用400nm激发时,发射光谱中只含有一个半高宽较宽㊁非对称㊁主峰位于588nm的发射带;而改用300nm激发时,发射光谱中除上述宽发射带外,新出现了一个半高宽较窄㊁主峰位于389nm 的发射带(图1(b))㊂在晶体场理论指导下,作者将这两个发射带分别归属于Eu2+占据基质中Ca2+和Ba2+格位时的发光㊂Shi等[14]通过激发波长依赖的发射光谱和监测波长依赖的激发光谱方法证明Ce3+在SrAl2O4基质中占据两个晶体学格位㊂如图1(c)所示,改变激发波长后得到了不同的发射光谱:在328nm激发下,发射光谱中包含两个峰值波长分别为361nm和384nm的发光带,来自于Ce3+最低5d1能级到4f能级(2F5/2和2F7/2光谱项)的跃迁(标记为Ce1);而在312 nm激发下,发射光谱中包含一个涵盖320~440 nm㊁峰值波长分别为336~361nm发光带,这与Ce1的发光带明显不同,因此推断其来自于占据另一Sr2+格位的Ce3+(标记为Ce2)㊂如图1(d)所示,当监测不同波长时得到了不同的激发光谱,进一步证明Ce3+同时占据SrAl2O4基质中两个Sr2+格位,其所受晶体场效应明显不同且主要占据Ce1格位(因其发光强度更高)㊂值得注意的是,当激活剂离子只占据基质晶格中的一种晶体学格位时,也可能因为存在不同图1㊀(a)~(b)Ca5.982Ba0.988Eu0.03P4O17荧光粉在液氮温度(77K)及不同激发波长下的发射光谱[13];Sr0.998Ce0.001Na0.001-Al2O4荧光粉在液氦温度(15K)及不同激发波长下的发射光谱(c)和紫外-可见光区不同监测波长下的激发光谱(d)[14];液氦温度(8K)下Sr2.98Ce0.02AlO4F荧光粉的发射光谱(e)和多种监测波长下的激发光谱(g)以及Sr1.98-Ce0.02GdAlO5的发射光谱(f)和多种监测波长下的激发光谱(h)(为方便对比,将监测其他发光波长处的激发光谱强度设置为监测最强发光峰所得激发光谱强度的一半)[15]㊂Fig.1㊀(a)-(b)Photoluminescence emission spectra of Ca5.982Ba0.988Eu0.03P4O17phosphor with various excitation wavelengths at liquid nitrogen temperature(77K)[13].Photoluminescence emission(c)and excitation(d)spectra of Sr0.998Ce0.001-Na0.001Al2O4in the UV-Vis region measured with various excitation wavelengths or various monitoring wavelengths at liq-uid-helium temperature(15K)[14].Photoluminescence emission(e)and excitation(g)spectra of Sr2.98Ce0.02AlO4F with various monitoring wavelengths,and photoluminescence emission(f)and excitation(h)spectra of Sr1.98Ce0.02GdAlO5 with various monitoring wavelengths phosphor at liquid nitrogen temperature(8K)(For clarity,the peak intensity of the PLEs monitored at the other emission wavelengths were set to be half of the PLE monitored at the peaking emission)[15].㊀第1期姬海鹏:荧光粉中激活剂离子掺杂格位分析29㊀的电荷补偿机制而出现多种微观配位体,而表现出与上述占据多种格位时相似的荧光特征㊂笔者曾报道Sr1.98Ce0.02GdAlO5和Sr2.98Ce0.02AlO4F两种同构荧光粉的荧光光谱,如图1(e)~(h)所示[15]㊂经验推算及理论计算都表明Ce3+离子在Sr2GdAlO5和Sr3AlO4F中都只占据8h格位(即Gd3+或Sr2+所处格位)㊂在基质本身可产生激子的高能激发下(216nm或192nm),所得发射光谱主峰分别位于580nm(图1(f))和465nm(图1(e))㊂从监测主发射峰及其他发射波长的系列激发光谱可见,激发光谱随监测波长的改变而改变,且监测主发射波长所得激发光谱是监测其他发射波长所得激发光谱的叠加(图1(g)㊁(h))㊂结合宁利新等[16]的密度泛函理论超晶格总形成能计算结果,将图1(g)中Sr3AlO4FʒCe3+荧光粉激发光谱中峰值a(2.830eV)和c(4.049eV)归属于Ce㊃Sr(9h)-2OᶄF微观配位体(电荷完全平衡)的4fң5d1,2跃迁,而b(3.017eV)和d(4.290eV)归属于Ce㊃Sr(9h)-OᶄF微观配位体(电荷不完全平衡)的4fң5d1,2跃迁;将图1(h)中Sr2GdAlO5ʒCe3+荧光粉激发光谱中峰值a(2.642eV)和c(3.718eV)归属于Ce x Gd Sr(8h)-O-Sr rich,而峰值b(2.865eV)和d(3.879eV)归属于Ce x Gd Sr(8h)-O-Gd rich的4fң5d1,2跃迁㊂因此,当激活剂离子只占据一种晶体学格位但形成不同微观配位体时,也将出现上述类似于占据多个晶体学格位的荧光光谱特征㊂当基质晶格中含有多种晶体学格位时,激活剂离子是否都占据这些晶体学格位,也可通过激发波长依赖的发光光谱和监测波长依赖的激发光谱方法进行研究㊂Ba2SiO4中含有两个不同的Ba2+格位,分别与10个或9个O2-配位㊂为研究Ce3+在Ba2SiO4中的格位占据情况,Lin等[17]测试了Ba1.999Ce0.0005Na0.0005SiO4在不同激发波长下的发光光谱,监测不同发光的激发光谱,示于图2㊂当掺杂Ce3+后,荧光粉在不同波长紫外光激发下都发出两个峰值分别为375nm和405nm的宽带光谱且两个峰值之间的能量差为1940 cm-1,这与Ce3+离子5d1能级到4f(2F5/2和2F7/2光谱项)跃迁发光特征一致,故推断Ce3+在Ba2SiO4中只占据其中一个Ba2+格位;监测发射光谱中360,376,405,430nm发光所得系列真空紫外激发光谱可见,所得激发光谱的相对强度与所监测发光波长的强度具有一致性,且各个峰值波长位置一致,佐证了Ce3+离子在该基质中只占据了一种晶体学格位㊂此外,值得一提的是,还有一些激活剂离子,随基质格位点群对称性或晶体场强度效应不同而表现出相应具有独特特征的荧光光谱,因此根据该荧光光谱特征可推断其所占据格位的点群对称性(包括是否存在反演对称性)或配位体形状㊂如Eu3+离子的发射光谱来自于5D0能级到7F J (J=0,1,2,3,4,5,6)能级的fңf跃迁,在其发射光谱中强度最高的谱线分别来自于5D0ң7F2电偶极跃迁(613nm处)和5D0ң7F1磁偶极跃迁(596nm处),两者的相对强度与Eu3+离子所处格位是否具有反演对称性密切相关[18];此外, 5D0ң7F0跃迁发射峰的数量与Eu3+离子在晶体中所占据的格位数一致,且5D0ң7F0发射峰强度较高时说明Eu3+占据的格位非中心对称,而5D0ң7F0发射峰观测不到强度时说明Eu3+占据中心对称的晶体学格位㊂还有,Mn2+离子的发射光谱来自于从4T1到6A1能级的dңd跃迁,该跃迁受制于基质格位的晶体场强度[19]:在四面体配位(弱晶体场)时,Mn2+通常为绿光发光;而在八面体配位(强晶体场)时,Mn2+通常为橙光与红光之间发光㊂因此,根据Mn2+离子的发光颜色可推断其占据四面体还是八面体格位㊂综上所述,通过激发波长依赖的发光光谱和监测波长依赖的激发光谱方法,可以方便地研究激活剂离子在基质中形成的发光中心的种类;此外,对于Eu3+和Mn2+等,还可判定其所占据格位图2㊀Ba1.999Ce0.0005Na0.0005SiO4荧光粉的发射光谱(EM,T=4 K)与真空紫外激发光谱(EX,T=26.5K)[17] Fig.2㊀Photoluminescence emission spectra(EM,T=4K)and the synchrotron radiation VUV-UV excitation spectra(EX,T=26.5K)of Ba1.999Ce0.0005Na0.0005SiO4[17]. All Rights Reserved.30㊀发㊀㊀光㊀㊀学㊀㊀报第43卷的点群对称性或配位体形状㊂但当基质中存在多个晶体学格位时,不能明确确定具体占据哪些格位;且在一些情况下,激活剂离子虽只占据一种晶体学格位,但因多种电荷平衡机制而形成多种发光中心㊂2.1.2㊀波长依赖的荧光衰减曲线激活剂离子受激后从基态跃迁到激发态,停止激发后又从激发态跃迁回基态;荧光粉表现出的荧光强度(统计信息)达到激发时最大强度的1/e时所需时间被称为荧光寿命,而荧光寿命由自发辐射跃迁几率和无辐射跃迁几率共同决定㊂占据不同格位时激活剂离子荧光特性不同,不仅体现在荧光光谱上,也表现在其荧光衰减曲线和荧光寿命上㊂因此,可通过测试波长依赖的荧光衰减曲线来分析激活剂离子的格位占据㊂如图3所示,笔者曾报道Sr2.98Ce0.02AlO4F和Sr1.98Ce0.02GdAlO5两种同构荧光粉监测不同发光波长的荧光衰减曲线[15]㊂首先,这些荧光衰减曲线表现出依赖于监测波长的特点;其次,各荧光衰减曲线无法用单指数函数拟合而需要用双指数拟合㊂如图3所示,采用公式(1)所示的双指数函数进行拟合:I(t)=A1exp(-t/τ1)+A2exp(-t/τ2),㊀(1)其中,I(t)是时间t时的荧光强度,A1和A2是常数,τ1和τ2是荧光衰减时间㊂各曲线可用双指数函数很好地拟合,拟合所得τ1和τ2差别较大,分别对应于Ce3+在Sr3AlO4F和Sr2GdAlO5基质中占据8h格位时由于电荷平衡机制不同而形成的两种微观配位多面体㊂再通过公式(2)计算监测各发光波长时的平均荧光寿命τave:τave=(A1τ21+A2τ22)/(A1τ1+A2τ2),(2)得到Sr2.98Ce0.02AlO4F荧光粉发射光谱中505, 460,550nm发光的τave分别为38.1,32.5,47.0 ns,而Sr1.98Ce0.02GdAlO5荧光粉发光光谱中570, 525,640nm发光的τave分别为36.1,26.8,42.3 ns㊂可见,发射较高能量的Ce3+离子微观配位多面体的荧光寿命明显短于发射较低能量的Ce3+离子微观配位多面体的荧光寿命㊂可能原因是两者之间存在能量转移,或者发射高能量的微观配位多面体的室温热猝灭效应更显著㊂图3㊀Sr2.98Ce0.02AlO4F(a)和Sr1.98Ce0.02GdAlO5(b)荧光粉在λex=405nm激发下监测不同发光波长所得室温荧光衰减曲线[15]Fig.3㊀Decay profiles(underλex=405nm excitation)of Sr2.98Ce0.02AlO4F(a)and Sr1.98Ce0.02GdAlO5(b)at room temperature monitored at selected emission wavelengths[15]2.1.3㊀时间分辨荧光光谱荧光粉的荧光强度与其中处于激发态的激活剂离子的数目成正比,荧光强度随时间的衰减速率可反映相应离子在激发态的停留时间㊂当处于激发态的离子发生无辐射跃迁回基态或发生离子间能量转移时,所测荧光强度的衰减速率将变化,这为研究荧光粉中激活剂离子的格位占据提供了一种手段㊂梁宏斌等[13]报道采用时间分辨荧光光谱手段研究Ca6BaP4O17ʒEu2+荧光粉中Eu2+离子所占据格位㊂如图4(a)所示,406nm激发下,在延迟时间t d=100ns时,荧光发射光谱呈不对称特征且半高宽相对窄㊂随着延迟时间t d增加为500, 1500,4020ns,荧光光谱逐渐宽化(在长波长一侧更加显著)㊂时间分辨发射光谱的变化说明该发射光谱来自于占据不同阳离子格位而具有不同. All Rights Reserved.㊀第1期姬海鹏:荧光粉中激活剂离子掺杂格位分析31㊀荧光寿命的Eu2+离子的荧光,即Eu2+同时占据Ca6BaP4O17结构中的两种Ca2+离子格位㊂在其晶体结构中,Ca(2) O的平均键长(0.2420nm)略短于Ca(1) O的平均键长(0.2510nm),且[Ca(2)O7]多面体的点群对称性(C1)低于[Ca(1)O8]多面体的点群对称性(C s),因此将荧光光谱中高能侧发光归因于占据Ca(1)格位的Eu2+,而低能侧发光归因于占据Ca(2)格位的Eu2+㊂为进一步明确Eu2+占据Ca(1)和Ca(2)格位的发射峰位置(发射能量),选取t d=100ns和t d=4020ns两个时间分辨发射光谱进行高斯拟合分峰㊂如图4(b)所示,两个光谱可分别经高斯拟合分为两个发光峰,峰值分别在2.37eV和2.18eV,彼此一致,分别归属于Eu Ca(1)和Eu Ca(2)㊂对于给定的跃迁,荧光衰减时间可认为与其发光波长的三次方成正比[20],因此随着延迟时间t d从100ns增加到4020ns,Eu Ca(1)发光的衰减更快而对整个发光光谱的贡献逐渐减小,解释了图4(a)所示发光光谱逐渐向长波长低能侧宽化的现象㊂时间分辨荧光光谱也被用于证明多格位占据的激活剂离子间存在能量传递㊂Sohn等[21]报道图4㊀(a)77K下Ca5.994Ba0.996Eu0.01P4O17荧光粉在406nm激发下的归一化时间分辨发射光谱;所选定延迟时间下发射光谱的高斯拟合:(b)t d=100ns,(c)t d=4020ns[13]㊂Fig.4㊀(a)Normalized time-resolved emission spectra of Ca5.994Ba0.996Eu0.01P4O17under406nm excitation at77K.Gaussian fit-ting results of selected curves:(b)t d=100ns,(c)t d=4020ns[13].图5㊀Sr2Si5N8ʒ0.0005Eu2+(a)和Sr2Si5N8ʒ0.02Eu2+(b)荧光粉的时间分辨荧光光谱及其高斯分峰结果[21] Fig.5㊀Time-resolved emission spectra of Sr2Si5N8ʒ0.0005Eu2+(a)and Sr2Si5N8ʒ0.02Eu2+(b).Gaussian fittings are also shown[21].. All Rights Reserved.32㊀发㊀㊀光㊀㊀学㊀㊀报第43卷了Sr2Si5N8ʒ0.0005Eu2+和Sr2Si5N8ʒ0.02Eu2+荧光粉的时间分辨荧光光谱及其高斯分峰结果(原文在波长坐标下分峰,笔者建议在波数坐标下进行),如图5所示㊂当掺杂浓度为0.05%时,两个高斯拟合所得发射峰之间的强度比不随延迟时间的变化而变化;而当掺杂浓度增大到2%时,这两个高斯拟合所得发射峰之间的强度比随延迟时间变化而显著不同,证明Eu2+在Sr2Si5N8中占据两个Sr2+离子格位;此外,短波长发射峰的荧光衰减更快而长波长发射峰衰减较慢,可能原因是在高Eu2+掺杂浓度时,占据两个Sr2+格位的Eu2+离子间存在明显的能量传递㊂2.1.4㊀变温发射光谱与变温荧光衰减曲线当激活剂离子占据不同格位且在不同格位表现出不同的热猝灭特征时,根据其荧光随温度升高发生热猝灭行为的不同,可判断激活剂离子所占据格位数㊂荧光热猝灭本质是无辐射跃迁几率的提高,可表现为荧光强度的减弱或荧光寿命的缩短,因此可分别测试变温发射光谱或变温荧光衰减曲线,以期表征激活剂离子在不同格位的热猝灭行为㊂图6(a)所示为Ca5.982Ba0.988Eu0.03P4O17荧光粉归一化的变温发射光谱㊂在77~500K温度范围内,随温度升高,长波长发光强度较快发生猝灭而短波长发光强度较慢发生猝灭,使得归一化发光光谱表现出主峰蓝移53nm的特征㊂这是因为Eu2+离子占据其晶体结构中的Ca(1)和Ca(2)格位且表现出不同的热猝灭行为㊂进一步采用变温荧光衰减光谱表征Eu2+在上述两格位的不同热猝灭行为㊂图6(b)㊁(c)为在406nm激发下分别检测500nm(对应于Eu Ca(1))和640nm(对应于Eu Ca(2))发光在50~430K温度范围内的变温荧光衰减曲线㊂随温度升高,热猝灭效应产生,荧光衰减曲线逐渐偏离指数衰减特征[22]㊂将不同温度下的荧光寿命按照Mott公式进行拟合(分别示于图6(b)㊁(c)插图中):τ(T)τ0=[1+A e-E akT()]-1,(3)其中,τ0为Eu2+在50K时的荧光寿命,A为常数,E a为热活化能,k为玻尔兹曼常数(8.6172ˑ10-5eV㊃K-1),T为温度㊂可得相应热活化能分别为0.16eV和0.11eV,即Eu2+在两个Ca 格位中表现出不同的热猝灭行为㊂因此,根据图6所示变温发光光谱和变温荧光衰减曲线可断定Eu2+占据两个具有不同热猝灭特性的格位中㊂图6㊀Ca5.982Ba0.988Eu0.03P4O17在77~500K温度范围内归一化的发射光谱(a)㊁该样品中Eu Ca(1)(b)和Eu Ca(2)(c)在50~ 430K温度范围内的荧光衰减曲线(插图所示为Eu Ca(1)和Eu Ca(2)在不同温度下的荧光寿命及其拟合结果)[13]㊂Fig.6㊀Normalized photoluminescence emission spectra of Ca5.982Ba0.988Eu0.03P4O17at77-500K(a),decay curves of Eu Ca(1)(b)and Eu Ca(2)(c)in this sample at50-430K.The insets of(b)and(c)show the lifetime of Eu Ca(1)and Eu Ca(2)asa function of temperature as well as their corresponding fitting results,respectively[13].2.1.5㊀掺杂浓度依赖的发射光谱当激活剂离子在基质中占据多个格位且其在多格位中的占据倾向性不同或因在某一格位的发射光谱与其在另一格位的激发光谱重叠而可发生能量转移时,随掺杂浓度的逐渐提高,将观察到其在不同格位因浓度猝灭行为不同而表现出的光谱演变;此外,根据低掺杂浓度和高掺杂浓度时荧光光谱的不同,可确定激活剂离子的优先占据格位㊂Piao等[23]报道了变Eu2+浓度系列Ba2-x Eu x-Si5N8氮化物荧光粉的荧光光谱㊂如图7所示,当x=0.04时,为发射峰值在580nm的橙光宽带光谱;继续增加Eu2+掺杂浓度,在640nm处新出现了一个红光发射峰;当x=0.15时,该红光发射峰强度与橙光发光峰强度接近;而当x=0.20时,荧光光谱中只可观察到该红光发射峰㊂这两个发光峰分别来自于占据Ba2Si5N8结构中两个Ba2+格. All Rights Reserved.㊀第1期姬海鹏:荧光粉中激活剂离子掺杂格位分析33㊀位的Eu 2+离子,且Eu 2+优先占据产生较小晶体场劈裂效应的㊁具有更长成键键长的Ba 2+格位㊂随着掺杂浓度的增加,该Ba 2+格位上的Eu 2+离子首先发生浓度猝灭,同时把能量传递给产生较大晶体场劈裂效应而发射红光的Ba 2+格位上的Eu 2+离子㊂因此,通过该变掺杂浓度发射光谱可知,Eu 2+占据基质晶格中两个不同的Ba 2+离子格位,且表现出明显的占据倾向性,即优先占据形成较大体积最近邻多面体的Ba 2+离子格位㊂图7㊀不同Eu2+浓度掺杂Ba 2-x Eu x Si 5N 8的发射光谱[23]Fig.7㊀Photoluminescence emissionspectra of Ba 2-x Eu x -Si 5N 8with different Eu 2+concentrations [23]在Ca 6BaP 4O 17ʒEu2+荧光粉中也报道了随Eu2+掺杂浓度增加而变化的荧光光谱㊂在该基质中Eu 2+离子可同时占据Ba2+㊁Ca (1)2+和Ca(2)2+格位[13],且在这三种格位中占据的倾向性不同,经晶体结构精修,确定其不同Eu 掺杂浓度样品的化学组分可写作Ca 6-3x Ba 1-2x Eu 5x P 4O 17㊂在x =0.001~0.022范围内制备一系列不同Eu 掺杂浓度样品,其荧光光谱示于图8㊂可以看出,该系列荧光粉的荧光光谱中包含一个位于短波长区的较窄的发射带和一个位于长波长区的较宽的发射带;随着Eu 2+掺杂浓度的增加,两个发射带的演变行为有显著差异㊂在x =0.001时,高能发射带强度很高而低能发射带强度很低;随着Eu 2+掺杂浓度逐渐增加,两个发射带强度都有所提高;之后,高能发射带强度降低,低能发射带强度增加并超越高能发射带强度(得益于占据低能发射带晶体学格位的Eu 2+数量的增加和来自于高能发射带的能量转移);最后,由于浓度猝灭效应,继续提高Eu 2+浓度使得两个发射带的强度都有所降低㊂因此,当激活剂离子在不同掺杂格位表现不同的掺杂倾向性时,可从其掺杂浓度依赖的发射光谱中观察到显著不同的浓度猝灭现象㊂但当激活剂离子在多个格位中的掺杂倾向性一致或非常接近时,其在多个格位中的浓度猝灭现象将几乎一样而无法分辨㊂实际上,图8所示的低能侧较宽的发射带来自于同时占据Ca(1)和Ca(2)两个格位的Eu 2+离子[13]㊂晶体结构精修结果表明,不同浓度掺杂时Eu 2+离子在这两个Ca 2+格位的占位率一致㊂因此,如图9所示,该低能发射带随着Eu 2+掺杂浓度的增加虽然表现出有规律的浓度猝灭效应,但从其归一化光谱可见,半高宽和峰值波长都没有发生变化,表现出与Eu 2+占据单一格位时相同的演变行为㊂因此,当激活剂离子占据多个格位但其占位倾向性一致时,难以通过浓度猝灭效应来判断其是单一格位占据还是多格位占据㊂图8㊀Ca 6-3x Ba 1-2x Eu 5x P 4O 17的室温发射光谱(插图所示为其中4个掺杂浓度样品在300nm 激发下的实物照片和相应的CIE 坐标图)[13]Fig.8㊀Photoluminescence emission spectra of Ca 6-3x Ba 1-2x Eu 5x P 4O 17at room temperature.The inset shows the CIE chromaticitycoordinates of four phosphors and corresponding luminescence images under 300nm excitation [13]. 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The effect of grain anisotropy on the electrical
Mendelson and Cohen
ellipsoidal grains, but treated only ellipsoids of revolution with a single depolarizing factor and completely random orientations. Veinberg’ model and the analysis of Sen et al (1981) are s generalized here to ellipsoids with arbitrary distributions of orientation and depolarizing factors. Since, in general. this leads to a rock that is macroscopically anisotropic, it is necessary to develop the theory and the effective medium approximation on which it is based for a macroscopically anisotropic medium. This is done in the next two sectionsand results in a set of coupled differential equations for the principal values of the effective conductivity. In the remainder of the paper these equations are solved for two systems-ellipsoids with completely random orientations and an arbitrary distribution of depolarizing factors, and a twodimensional (2-D) sample composed of aligned ellipses with an arbitrary distribution of eccentricities.
ZnO基材料的压电、铁电、介电与多铁性质研究进展作者:门保全, 郑海务, 张大蔚, 马兴平, 顾玉宗, MEN Bao-quan, ZHENG Hai-wu,ZHANG Da-wei, MA Xing-ping, GU Yu-zong作者单位:门保全,MEN Bao-quan(河南大学物理系,微系统物理研究所,光伏材料省重点实验室,开封,475004;河南农业职业学院,郑州,451450), 郑海务,张大蔚,马兴平,顾玉宗,ZHENG Hai-wu,ZHANG Da-wei,MA Xing-ping,GU Yu-zong(河南大学物理系,微系统物理研究所,光伏材料省重点实验室,开封,475004)刊名:硅酸盐通报英文刊名:BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY年,卷(期):2009,28(4)被引用次数:0次1.郑海务.孙利杰.张杨退火温度对6H-SiC衬底上ZnO薄膜发光性质的影响[期刊论文]-人工晶体学报 20072.Lin Y C.Chen M Z.Kuo C C Electrical and optical properties of ZnO:Al film prepared on polyethersulfone substrate by RF magnetron sputtering 20093.Kim S.Seo J.Jang H W Effects of ambient annealing in fully 002-textured ZnO:Ga thin films grown on glass substrates using RF magnetron co-sputter deposition 20094.Sanchez N.Gallego S.Muňoz Magnetic States at the Oxygen Surfaces of ZnO and Co-Doped ZnO 20085.Xin M J.Chen Y Q.Jia C Electro-codeposition synthesis and room temperature ferromagnetic anisotropy of high concentration Fe-doped ZnO nanowire arrays 20086.Kumar R.Singh A P.Thakur P Ferromagnetism and metal-semiconducting transition in Fe-doped ZnO thin films 20087.Onodera A.Tamaki N.Jin K Ferroelectric properties in piezoelectric semiconductor Zn1-xMxO(M=Li,Mg) 19978.zgürü.Alivov Y I.Liu C A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices 20059.Pearton S J.Norton D P.Ip K Recent progress in processing and properties of ZnO 200510.Onodera A.Tamaki N.Kawamura Y Dielectric activity and ferroelectricity in piezoelectric semiconductor Li-doped ZnO 199611.Onodera A.Yoshio K.Satoh H Li-substitution effect and ferroelectric properties in piezoelectric semiconductor ZnO 199812.Joseph M.Tabata H.Kawai T Ferroelectric behavior of Li-doped ZnO thin films on Si(100) by pulsed laser deposition 199913.Dhananjay.Nagaraju J.Krupanidhi S B Effect of Li substitution on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of ZnO thin films grown by pulsed-laser ablation 200614.Ni H Q.Lu Y F.Liu Z Y Investigation of Li-doped ferroelectric and piezoelectric ZnO films by electric force microscopy 200115.Yang Y C.Song C.Wang X H Giant piezoelectric d33 coefficient in ferroelectric vanadium doped ZnO films 200816.Zhang Y J.Wang J B.Zhong X L Influence of Li-dopants on the luminescent and ferroelectric properties of ZnO films 200817.Lin Y H.Ying M H.Li M Room-temperature ferromagnetic and ferroelectric behavior inpolycrystalline ZnO-based thin films 200718.Zhang K M.Zhao Y P.He F Q Piezoelectricity of ZnO films prepared by sol-gel method[期刊论文]-Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 200719.Yu L G.Zhang G M.Zhao X Y Fabrication of lithium-doped zinc oxide film by anodic oxidation andits ferroelectric behavior 200920.Zou C W.Li M.Wang H J Ferroelectricity in Li-implanted ZnO thin films21.Dhananjay Singh S.Nagaraju J Dielectric anomaly in Li-doped zinc oxide thin films grown by sol-gel route 200722.Dhananjay.Nagaraju J.Choudhury P R Growth of ferroelectric Li-doped ZnO thin films for metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor FET 200623.Dhananjay.Nagaraju J.Krupanidhi S B Off-centered polarization and ferroelectric phase transition in Li-doped thin films grown by pulsed-laser ablation 200724.Yang Y C.Song C.Wang X H V5+ ionic displacement induced ferroelectric behavior in V-doped ZnO films 200725.Yang Y C.Song C.Wang X H Cr-substitution-induced ferroelectric and improved piezoelectric properties of Zn1-xCrxO 200826.Schuler L P.Valanoor ler P The effect of substrate materials and postannealing on the photoluminescence and piezo properties of DC-sputtered ZnO 200727.Wang X B.Song C.Li D M The influence of different doping elements on microstructure,piezoelectric and resistivity of sputtered ZnO film 200628.Wang X B.Li D M.Zeng F Microstructure and properties of Cu-doped ZnO films prepared by dcreactive magnetron sputtering 200529.Juang Y.Chu S Y.Weng H C Phase transition of Co-doped ZnO 200730.Ghosh C K.Malkhandi S.Mitra M K Effect of Ni doping on the dielectric constant of ZnO and its frequency dependent exchange interaction 200831.Spaldin N A Search for ferromagnetism in transition-metal-doped piezoelectric ZnO 200432.Yang Y C.Zhong C F.Wang X H Room temperature multiferroic behavior of Cr-doped ZnO films 20081.学位论文杜朝玲Sr<,m-3>Bi<,4>Ti<,m>O<,3m+3>铁电氧化物和ZnO基稀磁半导体的拉曼光谱研究2007拉曼光谱学是研究物质元激发、结构和其它等物理性质的重要手段之一。
The Effect of pH on Biochemical Processes
The Effect of pH on BiochemicalProcessespH (potential of hydrogen) is an important factor that affects chemical and biological reactions. It is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution and is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) present. The pH scale ranges from 0-14, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most alkaline. In this article, we will explore the effect of pH on biochemical processes and how pH can affect the functioning of enzymes and other biomolecules.The Effect of pH on EnzymesEnzymes are protein molecules that catalyze biochemical reactions in the body. They are essential for most metabolic processes, including digestion, respiration, and energy production. Enzymes and their substrates have specific shapes and chemical properties that allow them to interact and form enzyme-substrate complexes. The activity of enzymes is affected by several factors, including temperature, substrate concentration, and pH.The optimal pH for most enzymes is around 7, which is neutral. However, some enzymes have different optimal pH ranges depending on the environment they are found in. For example, pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach, has an optimal pH of 2, which is highly acidic. This is because the stomach has a low pH environment due to the presence of hydrochloric acid. In contrast, alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme found in the liver and bones, has an optimal pH of 10, which is highly alkaline.When the pH deviates from the optimal range, the activity of enzymes can be affected. At low pH values, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, which can denature the protein structure of enzymes. This causes the enzyme to lose its catalytic activity and become inactive. Similarly, at high pH values, the concentration of hydroxide ions increases, which can also denature the protein structure of enzymes. Thiscan result in the enzyme becoming inactive or taking on a different conformation that affects its activity.The Effect of pH on BiomoleculesBiomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, also have specific chemical properties that are affected by pH. Changes in pH can affect the ionization state of functional groups in biomolecules, which can alter their structure and function. For example, amino acids have both acidic (carboxylic acid) and basic (amine) functional groups. At low pH values, the carboxylic acid groups become protonated (gain a hydrogen ion), which makes them more acidic and positively charged. This can disrupt the formation of hydrogen bonds and other interactions between amino acids, which can affect the structure and stability of proteins.Similarly, changes in pH can affect the ionization state of the nitrogenous bases in nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA. This can affect the ability of these biomolecules to participate in hydrogen bonding, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the genetic code. Changes in pH can also affect the solubility and membrane permeability of lipids, which can affect their function as structural components of cell membranes.The Effect of pH on Biological SystemsThe pH of biological fluids is tightly regulated in the body to maintain optimal conditions for biochemical reactions. Most bodily fluids, such as blood and cytoplasm, have a pH of around 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. The body has several mechanisms for regulating pH, including the lungs, kidneys, and buffers.When the pH of bodily fluids deviates from the optimal range, it can have detrimental effects on biological systems. For example, acidosis is a condition where the pH of the blood drops below 7.35, which can lead to a range of symptoms, including fatigue, confusion, and respiratory distress. Similarly, alkalosis is a condition where the pH of the blood rises above 7.45, which can cause symptoms such as muscle twitching, nausea, and convulsions.In conclusion, the effect of pH on biochemical processes is complex and multifaceted. pH can affect the activity of enzymes, the structure and function of biomolecules, and the function of biological systems in the body. Understanding the effect of pH on these processes is essential for understanding the mechanisms underlying biological functions and diseases.。
S C I论文写作中一些常用的句型总结(一)很多文献已经讨论过了一、在Introduction里面经常会使用到的一个句子:很多文献已经讨论过了。
它的可能的说法有很多很多,这里列举几种我很久以前搜集的:A.??Solar energy conversion by photoelectrochemical cells?has been intensively investigated.?(Nature 1991, 353, 737 - 740?)B.?This was demonstrated in a number of studies that?showed that composite plasmonic-metal/semiconductor photocatalysts achieved significantly higher rates in various photocatalytic reactions compared with their pure semiconductor counterparts.C.?Several excellent reviews describing?these applications are available, and we do not discuss these topicsD.?Much work so far has focused on?wide band gap semiconductors for water splitting for the sake of chemical stability.(DOI:10.1038/NMAT3151)E.?Recent developments of?Lewis acids and water-soluble organometalliccatalysts?have attracted much attention.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)F.?An interesting approach?in the use of zeolite as a water-tolerant solid acid?was described by?Ogawa et al(Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)G.?Considerable research efforts have been devoted to?the direct transition metal-catalyzed conversion of aryl halides toaryl nitriles. (J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 7984-7989) H.?There are many excellent reviews in the literature dealing with the basic concepts of?the photocatalytic processand the reader is referred in particular to those by Hoffmann and coworkers,Mills and coworkers, and Kamat.(Metal oxide catalysis,19,P755)I. Nishimiya and Tsutsumi?have reported on(proposed)the influence of the Si/Al ratio of various zeolites on the acid strength, which were estimated by calorimetry using ammonia. (Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)二、在results and discussion中经常会用到的:如图所示A. GIXRD patterns in?Figure 1A show?the bulk structural information on as-deposited films.?B.?As shown in Figure 7B,?the steady-state current density decreases after cycling between 0.35 and 0.7 V, which is probably due to the dissolution of FeOx.?C.?As can be seen from?parts a and b of Figure 7, the reaction cycles start with the thermodynamically most favorable VOx structures(J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 24950?24958)这与XX能够相互印证:A.?This is supported by?the appearance in the Ni-doped compounds of an ultraviolet–visible absorption band at 420–520nm (see Fig. 3 inset), corresponding to an energy range of about 2.9 to 2.3 eV.B. ?This?is consistent with the observation from?SEM–EDS. (Z.Zou et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 332 (2000) 271–277)C.?This indicates a good agreement between?the observed and calculated intensities in monoclinic with space groupP2/c when the O atoms are included in the model.D. The results?are in good consistent with?the observed photocatalytic activity...E. Identical conclusions were obtained in studies?where the SPR intensity and wavelength were modulated by manipulating the composition, shape,or size of plasmonic nanostructures.?F.??It was also found that areas of persistent divergent surfaceflow?coincide?with?regions where convection appears to be consistently suppressed even when SSTs are above 27.5°C.(二)1. 值得注意的是...A.?It must also be mentioned that?the recycling of aqueous organic solvent is less desirable than that of pure organic liquid.B.?Another interesting finding is that?zeolites with 10-membered ring pores showed high selectivities (>99%) to cyclohexanol, whereas those with 12-membered ring pores, such as mordenite, produced large amounts of dicyclohexyl ether. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102,3641?3666)C.?It should be pointed out that?the nanometer-scale distribution of electrocatalyst centers on the electrode surface is also a predominant factor for high ORR electrocatalytic activity.D.?Notably,?the Ru II and Rh I complexes possessing the same BINAP chirality form antipodal amino acids as the predominant products.?(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41: 2008–2022)E. Given the multitude of various transformations published,?it is noteworthy that?only very few distinct?activation?methods have been identified.?(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009,?38, 2178-2189)F.?It is important to highlight that?these two directing effects will lead to different enantiomers of the products even if both the “H-bond-catalyst” and the?catalyst?acting by steric shielding have the same absolute stereochemistry. (Chem. Soc. Rev.,?2009,?38, 2178-2189)G.?It is worthwhile mentioning that?these PPNDs can be very stable for several months without the observations of any floating or precipitated dots, which is attributed to the electrostatic repulsions between the positively charge PPNDs resulting in electrosteric stabilization.(Adv. Mater., 2012, 24: 2037–2041)2.?...仍然是个挑战A.?There is thereby an urgent need but it is still a significant challenge to?rationally design and delicately tail or the electroactive MTMOs for advanced LIBs, ECs, MOBs, and FCs.?(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2 014, 53, 1488 – 1504)B.?However, systems that are?sufficiently stable and efficient for practical use?have not yet been realized.C.??It?remains?challenging?to?develop highly active HER catalysts based on materials that are more abundant at lower costs. (J. Am. Chem.Soc.,?2011,?133, ?7296–7299)D.?One of the?great?challenges?in the twenty-first century?is?unquestionably energy storage. (Nature Materials?2005, 4, 366 - 377?)众所周知A.?It is well established (accepted) / It is known to all / It is commonlyknown?that?many characteristics of functional materials, such as composition, crystalline phase, structural and morphological features, and the sur-/interface properties between the electrode and electrolyte, would greatly influence the performance of these unique MTMOs in electrochemical energy storage/conversion applications.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53, 1488 – 1504)B.?It is generally accepted (believed) that?for a-Fe2O3-based sensors the change in resistance is mainly caused by the adsorption and desorption of gases on the surface of the sensor structure. (Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 582)C.?As we all know,?soybean abounds with carbon,?nitrogen?and oxygen elements owing to the existence of sugar,?proteins?and?lipids. (Chem. Commun., 2012,?48, 9367-9369)D.?There is no denying that?their presence may mediate spin moments to align parallel without acting alone to show d0-FM. (Nanoscale, 2013,?5, 3918-3930)(三)1. 正如下文将提到的...A.?As will be described below(也可以是As we shall see below),?as the Si/Al ratio increases, the surface of the zeolite becomes more hydrophobic and possesses stronger affinity for ethyl acetate and the number of acid sites decreases.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)B. This behavior is to be expected and?will?be?further?discussed?below. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.,?1955,?77, 3701–3707)C.?There are also some small deviations with respect to the flow direction,?whichwe?will?discuss?below.(Science, 2001, 291, 630-633)D.?Below,?we?will?see?what this implies.E.?Complete details of this case?will?be provided at a?later?time.E.?很多论文中,也经常直接用see below来表示,比如:The observation of nanocluster spheres at the ends of the nanowires is suggestive of a VLS growth process (see?below). (Science, 1998, ?279, 208-211)2. 这与XX能够相互印证...A.?This is supported by?the appearance in the Ni-doped compounds of an ultraviolet–visible absorption band at 420–520 nm (see Fig. 3 inset), corresponding to an energy range of about 2.9 to 2.3 eVB.This is consistent with the observation from?SEM–EDS. (Chem. Phys. Lett. 2000, 332, 271–277)C.?Identical conclusions were obtained?in studies where the SPR intensity and wavelength were modulated by manipulating the composition, shape, or size of plasmonic nanostructures.?(Nat. Mater. 2011, DOI: 10.1038/NMAT3151)D. In addition, the shape of the titration curve versus the PPi/1 ratio,?coinciding withthat?obtained by fluorescent titration studies, suggested that both 2:1 and 1:1 host-to-guest complexes are formed. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 9463-9464)E.?This unusual luminescence behavior is?in accord with?a recent theoretical prediction; MoS2, an indirect bandgap material in its bulk form, becomes a direct bandgapsemiconductor when thinned to a monolayer.?(Nano Lett.,?2010,?10, 1271–1275)3.?我们的研究可能在哪些方面得到应用A.?Our ?ndings suggest that?the use of solar energy for photocatalytic watersplitting?might provide a viable source for?‘clean’ hydrogen fuel, once the catalyticef?ciency of the semiconductor system has been improved by increasing its surface area and suitable modi?cations of the surface sites.B. Along with this green and cost-effective protocol of synthesis,?we expect that?these novel carbon nanodots?have potential applications in?bioimaging andelectrocatalysis.(Chem. Commun., 2012,?48, 9367-9369)C.?This system could potentially be applied as?the gain medium of solid-state organic-based lasers or as a component of high value photovoltaic (PV) materials, where destructive high energy UV radiation would be converted to useful low energy NIR radiation. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013,?42, 29-43)D.?Since the use of?graphene?may enhance the photocatalytic properties of TiO2?under UV and visible-light irradiation,?graphene–TiO2?composites?may potentially be usedto?enhance the bactericidal activity.?(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012,?41, 782-796)E.??It is the first report that CQDs are both amino-functionalized and highly fluorescent,?which suggests their promising applications in?chemical sensing.(Carbon, 2012,?50,?2810–2815)(四)1. 什么东西还尚未发现/系统研究A. However,systems that are sufficiently stable and efficient for practical use?have not yet been realized.B. Nevertheless,for conventional nanostructured MTMOs as mentioned above,?some problematic disadvantages cannot be overlooked.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53, 1488 – 1504)C.?There are relatively few studies devoted to?determination of cmc values for block copolymer micelles. (Macromolecules 1991, 24, 1033-1040)D. This might be the reason why, despite of the great influence of the preparation on the catalytic activity of gold catalysts,?no systematic study concerning?the synthesis conditions?has been published yet.?(Applied Catalysis A: General2002, 226, ?1–13)E.?These possibilities remain to be?explored.F.??Further effort is required to?understand and better control the parameters dominating the particle surface passivation and resulting properties for carbon dots of brighter photoluminescence. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.,?2006,?128?, 7756–7757)2.?由于/因为...A.?Liquid ammonia?is particularly attractive as?an alternative to water?due to?its stability in the presence of strong reducing agents such as alkali metals that are used to access lower oxidation states.B.?The unique nature of?the cyanide ligand?results from?its ability to act both as a σdonor and a π acceptor combined with its negativecharge and ambidentate nature.C.?Qdots are also excellent probes for two-photon confocalmicroscopy?because?they are characterized by a very large absorption cross section?(Science ?2005,?307, 538-544).D.?As a result of?the reductive strategy we used and of the strong bonding between the surface and the aryl groups, low residual currents (similar to those observed at a bare electrode) were obtained over a large window of potentials, the same as for the unmodified parent GC electrode. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 5883-5884)E.?The small Tafel slope of the defect-rich MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets is advantageous for practical?applications,?since?it will lead to a faster increment of HER rate with increasing overpotential.(Adv. Mater., 2013, 25: 5807–5813)F. Fluorescent carbon-based materials have drawn increasing attention in recent years?owing to?exceptional advantages such as high optical absorptivity, chemical stability, biocompatibility, and low toxicity.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52: 3953–3957)G.??On the basis of?measurements of the heat of immersion of water on zeolites, Tsutsumi etal. claimed that the surface consists of siloxane bondings and is hydrophobicin the region of low Al content. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)H.?Nanoparticle spatial distributions might have a large significance for catalyst stability,?given that?metal particle growth is a relevant deactivation mechanism for commercial catalysts.?3. ...很重要A.?The inhibition of additional nucleation during growth, in other words, the complete separation?of nucleation and growth,?is?critical(essential, important)?for?the successful synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystals. (Nature Materials?3, 891 - 895 (2004))B.??In the current study,?Cys,?homocysteine?(Hcy) and?glutathione?(GSH) were chosen as model?thiol?compounds since they?play important (significant, vital, critical) roles?in many biological processes and monitoring of these?thiol?compounds?is of great importance for?diagnosis of diseases.(Chem. Commun., 2012,?48, 1147-1149)C.?This is because according to nucleation theory,?what really matters?in addition to the change in temperature ΔT?(or supersaturation) is the cooling rate.(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014,?43, 2013-2026)(五)1. 相反/不同于A.?On the contrary,?mononuclear complexes, called single-ion magnets (SIM), have shown hysteresis loops of butterfly/phonon bottleneck type, with negligiblecoercivity, and therefore with much shorter relaxation times of magnetization. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)B.?In contrast,?the Dy compound has significantly larger value of the transversal magnetic moment already in the ground state (ca. 10?1?μB), therefore allowing a fast QTM. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)C.?In contrast to?the structural similarity of these complexes, their magnetic behavior exhibits strong divergence.?(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)D.?Contrary to?other conducting polymer semiconductors, carbon nitride ischemically and thermally stable and does not rely on complicated device manufacturing. (Nature materials, 2009, 8(1): 76-80.)E.?Unlike?the spherical particles they are derived from that Rayleigh light-scatter in the blue, these nanoprisms exhibit scattering in the red, which could be useful in developing multicolor diagnostic labels on the basis not only of nanoparticle composition and size but also of shape. (Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)2. 发现,阐明,报道,证实可供选择的词包括:verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of?举例:A. These stacks appear as nanorods in the two-dimensional TEM images, but tilting experiments?confirm that they are nanoprisms.?(Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)B. Note that TEM?shows?that about 20% of the nanoprisms are truncated.?(Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)C. Therefore, these calculations not only allow us to?identify?the important features in the spectrum of the nanoprisms but also the subtle relation between particle shape and the frequency of the bands that make up their spectra.?(Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)D. We?observed?a decrease in intensity of the characteristic surface plasmon band in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy for the spherical particles at λmax?= 400 nm with a concomitant growth of three new bands of λmax?= 335 (weak), 470 (medium), and 670 nm (strong), respectively. (Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)E. In this article, we present data?demonstrating?that opiate and nonopiate analgesia systems can be selectively activated by different environmental manipulationsand?describe?the neural circuitry involved. (Science 1982, 216, 1185-1192)F. This?suggests?that the cobalt in CoP has a partial positive charge (δ+), while the phosphorus has a partial negative charge (δ?),?implying?a transfer of electron density from Co to P.?(Angew. Chem., 2014, 126: 6828–6832)3. 如何指出当前研究的不足A. Although these inorganic substructures can exhibit a high density of functional groups, such as bridging OH groups, and the substructures contribute significantly to the adsorption properties of the material,surprisingly little attention has been devoted to?the post-synthetic functionalization of the inorganic units within MOFs. (Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19: 5533–5536.)B.?Little is known,?however, about the microstructure of this material. (Nature Materials 2013,12, 554–561)C.?So far, very little information is available, and only in?the absorber film, not in the whole operational devices. (Nano Lett.,?2014,?14?(2), pp 888–893)D.?In fact it should be noted that very little optimisation work has been carried out on?these devices. (Chem. Commun., 2013,?49, 7893-7895)E. By far the most architectures have been prepared using a solution processed perovskite material,?yet a few examples have been reported that?have used an evaporated perovskite layer. (Adv. Mater., 2014, 27: 1837–1841.)F. Water balance issues have been effectively addressed in PEMFC technology through a large body of work encompassing imaging, detailed water content and water balance measurements, materials optimization and modeling,?but very few of these activities have been undertaken for?anion exchange membrane fuel cells,? primarily due to limited materials availability and device lifetime. (J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 2013, 51: 1727–1735)G. However,?none of these studies?tested for Th17 memory, a recently identified T cell that specializes in controlling extracellular bacterial infections at mucosal surfaces. (PNAS, 2013,?111, 787–792)H. However,?uncertainty still remains as to?the mechanism by which Li salt addition results in an extension of the cathodic reduction limit. (Energy Environ. Sci., 2014,?7, 232-250)I.?There have been a number of high profile cases where failure to?identify the most stable crystal form of a drug has led to severe formulation problems in manufacture. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014,?43, 2080-2088)J. However,?these measurements systematically underestimate?the amount of ordered material. ( Nature Materials 2013, 12, 1038–1044)(六)1.?取决于a.?This is an important distinction, as the overall activity of a catalyst will?depend on?the material properties, synthesis method, and other possible species that can be formed during activation.?(Nat. Mater.?2017,16,225–229)b.?This quantitative partitioning?was determined by?growing crystals of the 1:1 host–guest complex between?ExBox4+?and corannulene. (Nat. Chem.?2014,?6177–178)c.?They suggested that the Au particle size may?be the decisive factor for?achieving highly active Au catalysts.(Acc. Chem. Res.,?2014,?47, 740–749)d.?Low-valent late transition-metal catalysis has?become indispensable to?chemical synthesis, but homogeneous high-valent transition-metal catalysis is underdeveloped, mainly owing to the reactivity of high-valent transition-metal complexes and the challenges associated with synthesizing them.?(Nature2015,?517,449–454)e.?The polar effect?is a remarkable property that enables?considerably endergonic C–H abstractions?that would not be possible otherwise.?(Nature?2015, 525, 87–90)f.?Advances in heterogeneous catalysis?must rely on?the rational design of new catalysts. (Nat. Nanotechnol.?2017, 12, 100–101)g.?Likely, the origin of the chemoselectivity may?be also closely related to?the H?bonding with the N or O?atom of the nitroso moiety, a similar H-bonding effect is known in enamine-based nitroso chemistry. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2014, 53: 4149–4153)2.?有很大潜力a.?The quest for new methodologies to assemble complex organic molecules?continues to be a great impetus to?research efforts to discover or to optimize new catalytic transformations. (Nat. Chem.?2015,?7, 477–482)b.?Nanosized faujasite (FAU) crystals?have great potential as?catalysts or adsorbents to more efficiently process present and forthcoming synthetic and renewablefeedstocks in oil refining, petrochemistry and fine chemistry. (Nat. Mater.?2015, 14, 447–451)c.?For this purpose, vibrational spectroscopy?has proved promising?and very useful.?(Acc Chem Res. 2015, 48, 407–413.)d.?While a detailed mechanism remains to be elucidated and?there is room for improvement?in the yields and selectivities, it should be remarked that chirality transfer upon trifluoromethylation of enantioenriched allylsilanes was shown. (Top Catal.?2014,?57: 967.?)e.?The future looks bright for?the use of PGMs as catalysts, both on laboratory and industrial scales, because the preparation of most kinds of single-atom metal catalyst is likely to be straightforward, and because characterization of such catalysts has become easier with the advent of techniques that readily discriminate single atoms from small clusters and nanoparticles. (Nature?2015, 525, 325–326)f.?The unique mesostructure of the 3D-dendritic MSNSs with mesopore channels of short length and large diameter?is supposed to be the key role in?immobilization of active and robust heterogeneous catalysts, and?it would have more hopeful prospects in?catalytic applications. (ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,?2015,?7, 17450–17459)g.?Visible-light photoredox catalysis?offers exciting opportunities to?achieve challenging carbon–carbon bond formations under mild and ecologically benign conditions. (Acc. Chem. Res.,?2016, 49, 1990–1996)3. 因此同义词:Therefore, thus, consequently, hence, accordingly, so, as a result这一条比较简单,这里主要讲一下这些词的副词词性和灵活运用。
协同效应的英语English:The synergy effect, also known as synergism, refers to the phenomenon where the combined action of two or more entities achieves a result that is greater than the sum of their individual effects. This concept is widely observed in various fields such as business, economics, science, and teamwork dynamics. In business, synergies can arise from mergers and acquisitions, where the integration of two companies leads to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and expanded market presence. Economically, synergy can be seen in collaborative efforts between industries or countries, leading to enhanced productivity and mutual benefits. In science, the interaction of different elements or compounds can produce effects that are not achievable by each component alone, exemplified in pharmaceuticals where drug combinations often exhibit greater efficacy than single drugs. Moreover, teamwork often demonstrates synergy, where the collective efforts of team members generate outcomes that surpass individual contributions. Overall, the synergy effect underscores the power of collaboration and integration inachieving outcomes that exceed what can be accomplished independently.中文翻译:协同效应,又称协同作用,指的是两个或多个实体的联合行动实现的结果大于它们各自效应的总和的现象。
表面技术第52卷第11期金属双极板表面改性碳基涂层研究进展赵蒙,周晖*,贵宾华,汪科良(兰州空间技术物理研究所 真空技术与物理重点实验室,兰州 730000)摘要:首先对比了贵金属涂层、氮化物涂层、碳基涂层的性能优劣,重点阐述了碳基涂层改性技术的最新研究进展。
关键词:质子交换膜电池;双极板;碳基涂层;PVD;耐腐蚀性能;导电性能中图分类号:TG174 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)11-0182-18DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.11.014Research Progress of Surface Modified Carbon-basedCoatings for Metal Bipolar PlateZHAO Meng, ZHOU Hui*, GUI Bin-hua, WANG Ke-liang(Key Laboratory of Vacuum Technology and Physics, Lanzhou Institute of Physics, CAST, Lanzhou 730000, China)ABSTRACT: With the increasingly serious problems of energy and environmental pollution, the development of clean energy has become a hot issue. Proton exchange membrane fuel cell has become one of the most promising development directions in this field because of its zero emission, low operating temperature and high energy conversion efficiency. As the core component of proton exchange membrane fuel cell, bipolar plate accounts for 20% -30% of the total manufacturing cost. Its service performance and manufacturing cost have become the key factors restricting the development of fuel cell. The bipolar plate is ina high temperature and acidic corrosion environment for a long time, and has the functions of conductivity, thermal conductivity,distribution of reaction gas and drainage. Therefore, the bipolar plate requires good corrosion resistance, conductivity, hydrophobicity and durability. Although the metal bipolar plate has the advantages of easy processing and low production cost, it is difficult to avoid corrosion in an acidic environment, resulting in a decrease in fuel cell performance and service life.High-performance corrosion-resistant conductive coatings are deposited on the surface of metal bipolar plates with high machinability and low manufacturing cost by surface modification technology, which can significantly improve the service performance of metal bipolar plates. It has become one of the hotspots in the research field of fuel cell bipolar plates in recent years. On the basis of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of three typical metal bipolar plate modified coatings, such收稿日期:2022-10-19;修订日期:2023-02-20Received:2022-10-19;Revised:2023-02-20基金项目:甘肃省青年科技基金资助项目(22JR5RA786)Fund:Youth Science and Technology Fund of Gansu Province (22JR5RA786)引文格式:赵蒙, 周晖, 贵宾华, 等. 金属双极板表面改性碳基涂层研究进展[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(11): 182-199.ZHAO Meng, ZHOU Hui, GUI Bin-hua, et al. Research Progress of Surface Modified Carbon-based Coatings for Metal Bipolar Plate[J]. Surface Technology, 2023, 52(11): 182-199.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第52卷第11期赵蒙,等:金属双极板表面改性碳基涂层研究进展·183·as precious metal coating, nitride coating and carbon-based coating, the work points out the development bottleneck of high production cost of precious metal coating and insufficient durability and conductivity of nitride coating. Carbon-based coating was selected as the focus of this work, and the latest research progress of carbon-based coating modified metal bipolar plate material system was expounded. In this work, the key points in the design and preparation of carbon-based coatings were taken as the starting point. The effects of film design, element doping and key process parameters in the preparation technology of carbon-based coatings by PVD technology on the chemical composition, microstructure growth and macroscopic service performance of carbon-based coatings were analyzed, including the inhibition effect of multilayer structure on the growth of coated columnar crystals. The method of doping other elements was used to refine the grain, improve the adhesion between the coating and the substrate, and reduce the internal stress. The effect mechanism of element doping on the properties of carbon-based coatings was studied by theoretical calculation and experiment. The effect of important parameters such as bias voltage, deposition time and gas flow rate on the preparation of carbon-based coatings was investigated. The failure mechanisms of several carbon-based coatings were discussed. The key technical problems to be solved, such as the insufficient service life of most coatings, the inability to meet the service standard of 5 000 hours, the inconsistency of test conditions, and the large gap between the simulated environment and the actual working conditions of the stack, were summarized. At the same time, the further development direction of metal bipolar plate modified carbon-based coatings was also prospected.KEY WORDS: proton exchange membrane fuel cells; bipolar plates; carbon-based coating; PVD; corrosion resistance;conductivity能源是支撑人类社会运行与发展的基本要素,传统化石能源大规模利用产生的各类环境问题已受到全球关注。
叠加效应 英语
叠加效应 英语《The Power of the Superposition Effect》In the world of science and mathematics, the concept of the superposition effect holds great significance. It refers to the phenomenon where the combined effect of multiple factors is greater than the sum of their individual effects. This principle can be observed in various fields, from physics to economics, and has profound implications for our understanding of complex systems. In this article, we will explore the superposition effect in detail, its applications, and the importance of considering it in our daily lives.To understand the superposition effect, let’s consider a simple example. Imagine a group of people pushing a heavy object. Each person exerts a certain amount of force, and when these forces are combined, the object moves with a greater force than any individual could achieve alone. This is the essence of the superposition effect – the collective action of multiple elements results in a more significant outcome.In the field of physics, the superposition principle is widely used to describe the behavior of waves. When two or more waves interact, their amplitudes add up, creating a resultant wave with a unique pattern. This principle is crucial in understanding phenomena such as interference and diffraction, which have important applications in areas like optics and telecommunications.The superposition effect also plays a crucial role in economics. For instance, in a market, the combined actions of consumers and producers determine the overall supply and demand. When there is an increase in both consumer demand and producer supply, the market experiences a greater impact than if only one of these factors were to change. This understanding is essential for policymakers and businesses to make informed decisions and predict market trends.In the realm of human behavior, the superposition effect can be observed in various situations. For example, in a team environment, the combined skills and efforts of team members can lead to more significant achievements than if each member were to work independently. Similarly, in a social setting, the cumulative effect of individual actions can have a profound impact on the community as a whole.One of the key implications of the superposition effect is that it highlights the importance of considering multiple factors when analyzing a situation. By looking beyond individual elements and considering their interactions, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of complex systems. This approach is particularly relevant in fields such as climate science, where the combined effects of various factors, such as greenhouse gas emissions and natural phenomena, determine the state of the climate.Furthermore, the superposition effect reminds us of the power of collective action. When individuals come together and work towards a common goal, their combined efforts can have a far-reaching impact. This is evident in social movements, where the collective voice of many can bring about significant change.The superposition effect is a powerful concept that has wide-ranging applications in various fields. It emphasizes the importance of considering the combined effects of multiple factors and the potential for collective action to create more significant outcomes. By understanding and applying this principle, we can better analyze complex systems, make informed decisions, and work towards achieving greater goals. So, the next time you encounter a situation where multiple factors are at play, remember the power of the superposition effect and its potential to shape our world.。
离子注入掺杂对ZnO薄膜性能的影响The influence of ion implantation on the ZnO thin film姓名:郝秀秀西安电子科技大学摘要氧化锌(ZnO)是一种重要的宽禁带(室温下Eg--3.37eV)直接带隙半导体材料。
利用溶胶凝胶方法在石英玻璃衬底上制备了ZnO薄膜,将能量56 keV、剂量1×10"cm-2的Zn离子注入到薄膜中。
ABSTRACTZinc oxide (ZnO) is a kind of important wide forbidden band (Eg at room temperature-3.37 eV) direct bandgap semiconductor materials. Ion implantation iswill have high function into thedopingisemiconductor process. The aim is to change the charge carriers concentration and semiconductor conductive type.The present paper is using ion implantation technology and thermal annealing processing doped ZnO thin film modification. Using sol-gel method in quartz glass substrates gel preparation ZnO films, the energy 56 keV, dose 1 X 10 "cm-2 of Zn ion implantation to film. Ion implantation, film in 500 ~ 900 ℃ in the argon annealing, X-ray diffraction spectrum, the light spectrum and light absorption spectrum to send the ion implantation and annealing ZnO thin film on the influence of the structure and optical properties.The results showed that: about 700 ℃ in the diffraction peak after annealingrestoration; When the annealing temperature is less than 600 ℃, the temperature of the annealing edge with absorb blue to move, raise happen more than 600 ℃, the temperature of the edge with absorption annealing improve red shift occurred.Keywords: ZnO films; Ion implantation; Annealing temperature; Absorption; The light to shine.引言作为宽禁带半导体材料,ZnO近年来引起了广泛的研究兴趣。
butterfly effect的英文介绍
butterfly effect的英文介绍The "Butterfly Effect" is a concept derived from chaos theory, which suggests that small initial changes in a complex system can lead to significant and far-reaching effects over time. The idea behind the Butterfly Effect is that even the smallest actions or events, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings, can ultimately have profound consequences on the outcome of a system.The term "Butterfly Effect" was coined by meteorologist Edward Lorenz, who used it to describe the sensitivity of weather systems to initial conditions. He proposed that a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world could set off a chain of events that eventually leads to a hurricane forming in another part of the world.The Butterfly Effect highlights the interconnectedness and non-linear nature of complex systems. It suggests that seemingly insignificant actions or events can have exponential impacts, making it difficult to predict long-term outcomes with certainty. The concept has been applied to various fields beyond meteorology, such as economics, sociology, and even personal life choices.In popular culture, the Butterfly Effect has been explored in movies, literature, and philosophical discussions. It serves as a reminder that ourchoices and actions, no matter how small, can have unforeseen consequences and shape the future in unexpected ways.。
The Effect of pH on Solubility of Ionic Compounds
The Effect of pH on Solubility ofIonic CompoundsSolubility, or the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent, is an important physical property of a chemical compound. It can vary depending on several factors, such as temperature, pressure, and pH. In this article, we will focus on the effect of pH on the solubility of ionic compounds.Ionic compounds are composed of positively and negatively charged ions. These ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces, which make them relatively insoluble in water. However, the solubility of an ionic compound can be affected by the pH of the solution it is dissolved in.The pH of a solution is a measure of its acidity or basicity. A neutral solution has a pH of 7, while acidic solutions have a pH below 7 and basic solutions have a pH above 7. The presence of acidic or basic species in a solution can interact with the ions of an ionic compound, affecting their solubility.Let us take the example of calcium carbonate, a common ionic compound found in rocks, shells, and marine organisms. Its chemical formula is CaCO3, and it dissociates in water to form calcium ions (Ca2+) and carbonate ions (CO32-).CaCO3(s) ⇌ Ca2+(aq) + CO32-(aq)Under neutral conditions (pH 7), the solubility of calcium carbonate is low because the carbonate ion can combine with hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which decomposes to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).CO32-(aq) + H+(aq) ⇌ HCO3-(aq)HCO3-(aq) + H+(aq) ⇌ H2CO3(aq)H2CO3(aq) ⇌ CO2(g) + H2O(l)The removal of carbonate ions from the solution decreases the solubility of calcium carbonate. However, if we increase the pH of the solution by adding a basic substance such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), the solubility of calcium carbonate increases because the carbonate ions are stabilized by the presence of hydroxide ions (OH-).CO32-(aq) + OH-(aq) ⇌ HCO3-(aq)The addition of OH- ions to the solution shifts the equilibrium towards the formation of carbonate ions, thus increasing the solubility of calcium carbonate.Similarly, the solubility of other ionic compounds can be affected by pH. For example, the solubility of iron(III) hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) decreases as the pH of the solution increases, because the hydroxide ions tend to combine with the iron ions to form a solid precipitate.Fe3+(aq) + 3OH-(aq) ⇌ Fe(OH)3(s)On the other hand, the solubility of copper(II) hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) increases as the pH of the solution increases, because the hydroxide ions stabilize the copper ions in solution.Cu2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) ⇌ Cu(OH)2(s)Thus, it is important to consider the pH of a solution when predicting the solubility of an ionic compound. This knowledge is particularly relevant in fields such as environmental chemistry, where the pH of natural waters can affect the transport and fate of pollutants.In conclusion, the solubility of ionic compounds can be affected by the pH of the solution they are dissolved in. The presence of acidic or basic species in the solution can interact with the ions of the ionic compound, altering their stability and solubility. Understanding this relationship is essential for predicting the behavior of chemicals in different environments and designing efficient chemical treatments.。
混合效应英语Mixed Effects EnglishThe world of language is a complex and multifaceted one, where the interplay of various factors can give rise to fascinating phenomena. One such phenomenon is the concept of "mixed effects," which refers to the blending of linguistic elements from different sources or backgrounds. In the realm of English, this concept has become increasingly relevant, as the language continues to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing global landscape.At the heart of mixed effects English lies the notion of linguistic diversity. As the world becomes more interconnected, the exchange of ideas, cultures, and traditions has led to a rich tapestry of linguistic influences. English, in particular, has been at the forefront of this linguistic melting pot, absorbing and incorporating elements from a wide range of languages and dialects.One of the most prominent examples of mixed effects English can be found in the realm of vocabulary. The English language has a long and storied history, with roots tracing back to the Germanic tribes that settled in Britain centuries ago. Over time, however, English hasbeen enriched by the influx of words and expressions from other languages, such as French, Latin, Greek, and even indigenous languages from around the world.This linguistic cross-pollination has resulted in a remarkably diverse lexicon, where words from different origins coexist and often blend seamlessly. For instance, the word "restaurant" is derived from the French language, while "algebra" has its roots in Arabic. Yet, both of these words have become integral parts of the English vocabulary, seamlessly integrated into the language.Moreover, the influence of mixed effects can be observed in the evolution of English grammar and syntax. As the language has spread across the globe, it has adapted to the linguistic structures and conventions of the regions it has encountered. This has led to the emergence of regional variations and dialects, each with its own unique grammatical patterns and idiomatic expressions.For example, the use of "y'all" in certain parts of the United States, or the inclusion of specific grammatical structures in Indian English, are reflections of the mixed effects that have shaped the language. These variations, rather than being seen as deviations from a "pure" form of English, should be celebrated as the natural consequences of the language's adaptability and resilience.Beyond the realms of vocabulary and grammar, mixed effects English can also be observed in the realm of pronunciation and accent. As English has spread across the globe, it has been influenced by the phonological systems of the local languages. This has resulted in a rich tapestry of accents, each with its own unique characteristics and nuances.From the melodic tones of Indian English to the distinctive rhythms of Caribbean English, these accents are not merely variations but rather expressions of the cultural and linguistic diversity that has shaped the language. They serve as a testament to the adaptability and resilience of English, as it continues to evolve and thrive in diverse contexts.The phenomenon of mixed effects English is not limited to the linguistic realm alone. It also has profound social and cultural implications. As the language has become a global lingua franca, it has facilitated cross-cultural communication and exchange, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds to connect and share ideas.In this context, mixed effects English has become a powerful tool for cultural expression and identity. Individuals and communities have embraced the language, infusing it with their own cultural elements and creating unique forms of expression. This has led to the emergence of vibrant literary traditions, music, and art that blend thelinguistic and cultural influences of different regions.Moreover, the recognition and acceptance of mixed effects English have important implications for language education and policy. Rather than insisting on a singular, "correct" form of English, educators and policymakers should embrace the diversity of the language and encourage students to develop their linguistic skills in a way that reflects their cultural and regional identities.By doing so, they can foster a more inclusive and equitable language learning environment, where students are empowered to express themselves authentically and confidently, regardless of their linguistic background.In conclusion, the phenomenon of mixed effects English is a testament to the inherent dynamism and adaptability of language. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the blending of linguistic elements from diverse sources has become an integral part of the evolution of English. This process has enriched the language, fostered cross-cultural communication, and challenged traditional notions of linguistic purity.By embracing the diversity and complexity of mixed effects English, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the power of language to reflect and shape the human experience. It is a testament to theresilience and creativity of the human spirit, as we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of global communication and cultural exchange.。
第38卷 第4期 2023年12月 西 南 科 技 大 学 学 报 JournalofSouthwestUniversityofScienceandTechnology Vol.38No.4 Dec.2023DOI:10.20036/j.cnki.1671 8755.2023.04.007收稿日期:2023-02-27;修回日期:2023-05-16作者简介:第一作者,张凯(1997—),男,硕士研究生;通信作者,毕鹏(1985—),博士,讲师,研究方向为计算材料学,E介电陶瓷/NiZn铁氧体互扩散行为的第一性原理研究张 凯1 郭子康1 刘振涛1 毕 鹏2(1.西南科技大学材料与化学学院 四川绵阳 621010;2.西南科技大学数理学院 四川绵阳 621010)摘要:针对介电陶瓷/NiZn铁氧体异质复合材料的低温共烧陶瓷体系,建立掺杂结构模型,采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算并结合CI-NEB方法研究阳离子互扩散机制。
关键词:介电陶瓷/铁氧体共烧体系 掺杂 互扩散 第一性原理中图分类号:TQ174.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-8755(2023)04-0045-09First principlesStudyofDiffusionBehaviorbetweenDielectricCeramicsandNiZn ferriteZHANGKai1,GUOZikang1,LIUZhentao1,BIPeng2(1.SchoolofMaterialsandChemistry,SouthwestUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Mianyang621010,Sichuan,China;2.SchoolofScience,SouthwestUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Mianyang621010,Sichuan,China)Abstract:Forthelowtemperatureco firedceramicsystemofthedielectricceramicandNiZn-ferrite,thedopingmodelisestablished,andthecationmutualdiffusionmechanismisstudiedbyusingthefirst principlescalculationbasedontheDFTandCI-NEBmethod.TheresultsshowthatNi,ZnandFeinferritemainlyreplacetheTiinthedielectricceramicMgTiO3andCaTiO3,andthemigrationbarrieris1.0-5.5eV;Fordielectricceramics,MgandCatendtooccupytheZnsiteinNiZnFe4O8,whileTitendstoreplacetheFesite,andthemigrationbarrieris0.6-1.0eV.Forthismaterialsystem,undertypicalco firingprocessconditions,CaandMgdiffuseintoNiZnferriteatadistance400-1000μm.Keywords:Dielectricceramic/ferriteco firingsystem;Doping;Mutualdiffusion;First principles 伴随5G时代的到来,电子器件在片式小型化的同时朝着高性能、多功能、高可靠的方向发展。
Microstructures and properties of high-entropyalloysYong Zhang a ,⇑,Ting Ting Zuo a ,Zhi Tang b ,Michael C.Gao c ,d ,Karin A.Dahmen e ,Peter K.Liaw b ,Zhao Ping Lu aa State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,Chinab Department of Materials Science and Engineering,The University of Tennessee,Knoxville,TN 37996,USAc National Energy Technology Laboratory,1450Queen Ave SW,Albany,OR 97321,USAd URS Corporation,PO Box 1959,Albany,OR 97321-2198,USAe Department of Physics,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,1110West Green Street,Urbana,IL 61801-3080,USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 26September 2013Accepted 8October 2013Available online 1November 2013a b s t r a c tThis paper reviews the recent research and development of high-entropy alloys (HEAs).HEAs are loosely defined as solid solutionalloys that contain more than five principal elements in equal ornear equal atomic percent (at.%).The concept of high entropyintroduces a new path of developing advanced materials withunique properties,which cannot be achieved by the conventionalmicro-alloying approach based on only one dominant element.Up to date,many HEAs with promising properties have beenreported, e.g.,high wear-resistant HEAs,Co 1.5CrFeNi 1.5Ti andAl 0.2Co 1.5CrFeNi 1.5Ti alloys;high-strength body-centered-cubic(BCC)AlCoCrFeNi HEAs at room temperature,and NbMoTaV HEAat elevated temperatures.Furthermore,the general corrosion resis-tance of the Cu 0.5NiAlCoCrFeSi HEA is much better than that of theconventional 304-stainless steel.This paper first reviews HEA for-mation in relation to thermodynamics,kinetics,and processing.Physical,magnetic,chemical,and mechanical properties are thendiscussed.Great details are provided on the plastic deformation,fracture,and magnetization from the perspectives of cracklingnoise and Barkhausen noise measurements,and the analysis of ser-rations on stress–strain curves at specific strain rates or testingtemperatures,as well as the serrations of the magnetizationhysteresis loops.The comparison between conventional andhigh-entropy bulk metallic glasses is analyzed from the viewpointsof eutectic composition,dense atomic packing,and entropy of 0079-6425/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.pmatsci.2013.10.001⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+8601062333073;fax:+8601062333447.E-mail address:drzhangy@ (Y.Zhang).2Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–93mixing.Glass forming ability and plastic properties of high-entropy bulk metallic glasses are also discussed.Modeling tech-niques applicable to HEAs are introduced and discussed,such asab initio molecular dynamics simulations and CALPHAD modeling.Finally,future developments and potential new research directionsfor HEAs are proposed.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. Contents1.Introduction (3)1.1.Four core effects (4)1.1.1.High-entropy effect (4)1.1.2.Sluggish diffusion effect (5)1.1.3.Severe lattice-distortion effect (6)1.1.4.Cocktail effect (7)1.2.Key research topics (9)1.2.1.Mechanical properties compared with other alloys (10)1.2.2.Underlying mechanisms for mechanical properties (11)1.2.3.Alloy design and preparation for HEAs (11)1.2.4.Theoretical simulations for HEAs (12)2.Thermodynamics (12)2.1.Entropy (13)2.2.Thermodynamic considerations of phase formation (15)2.3.Microstructures of HEAs (18)3.Kinetics and alloy preparation (23)3.1.Preparation from the liquid state (24)3.2.Preparation from the solid state (29)3.3.Preparation from the gas state (30)3.4.Electrochemical preparation (34)4.Properties (34)4.1.Mechanical behavior (34)4.1.1.Mechanical behavior at room temperature (35)4.1.2.Mechanical behavior at elevated temperatures (38)4.1.3.Mechanical behavior at cryogenic temperatures (45)4.1.4.Fatigue behavior (46)4.1.5.Wear behavior (48)4.1.6.Summary (49)4.2.Physical behavior (50)4.3.Biomedical,chemical and other behaviors (53)5.Serrations and deformation mechanisms (55)5.1.Serrations for HEAs (56)5.2.Barkhausen noise for HEAs (58)5.3.Modeling the Serrations of HEAs (61)5.4.Deformation mechanisms for HEAs (66)6.Glass formation in high-entropy alloys (67)6.1.High-entropy effects on glass formation (67)6.1.1.The best glass former is located at the eutectic compositions (67)6.1.2.The best glass former is the composition with dense atomic packing (67)6.1.3.The best glass former has high entropy of mixing (67)6.2.GFA for HEAs (68)6.3.Properties of high-entropy BMGs (70)7.Modeling and simulations (72)7.1.DFT calculations (73)7.2.AIMD simulations (75)7.3.CALPHAD modeling (80)8.Future development and research (81)Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–9338.1.Fundamental understanding of HEAs (82)8.2.Processing and characterization of HEAs (83)8.3.Applications of HEAs (83)9.Summary (84)Disclaimer (85)Acknowledgements (85)References (85)1.IntroductionRecently,high-entropy alloys(HEAs)have attracted increasing attentions because of their unique compositions,microstructures,and adjustable properties[1–31].They are loosely defined as solid solution alloys that contain more thanfive principal elements in equal or near equal atomic percent (at.%)[32].Normally,the atomic fraction of each component is greater than5at.%.The multi-compo-nent equi-molar alloys should be located at the center of a multi-component phase diagram,and their configuration entropy of mixing reaches its maximum(R Ln N;R is the gas constant and N the number of component in the system)for a solution phase.These alloys are defined as HEAs by Yeh et al.[2], and named by Cantor et al.[1,33]as multi-component alloys.Both refer to the same concept.There are also some other names,such as multi-principal-elements alloys,equi-molar alloys,equi-atomic ratio alloys,substitutional alloys,and multi-component alloys.Cantor et al.[1,33]pointed out that a conventional alloy development strategy leads to an enor-mous amount of knowledge about alloys based on one or two components,but little or no knowledge about alloys containing several main components in near-equal proportions.Theoretical and experi-mental works on the occurrence,structure,and properties of crystalline phases have been restricted to alloys based on one or two main components.Thus,the information and understanding are highly developed on alloys close to the corners and edges of a multi-component phase diagram,with much less knowledge about alloys located at the center of the phase diagram,as shown schematically for ternary and quaternary alloy systems in Fig.1.1.This imbalance is significant for ternary alloys but becomes rapidly much more pronounced as the number of components increases.For most quater-nary and other higher-order systems,information about alloys at the center of the phase diagram is virtually nonexistent except those HEA systems that have been reported very recently.In the1990s,researchers began to explore for metallic alloys with super-high glass-forming ability (GFA).Greer[29]proposed a confusion principle,which states that the more elements involved,the lower the chance that the alloy can select viable crystal structures,and thus the greater the chanceand quaternary alloy systems,showing regions of the phase diagram thatand relatively less well known(white)near the center[33].solid-solutions even though the cooling rate is very high,e.g.,alloys of CuCoNiCrAlFeTiV,FeCrMnNiCo,CoCrFeNiCu,AlCoCrFeNi,NbMoTaWV,etc.[1,2,12–14].The yield strength of the body-centered cubic (BCC)HEAs can be rather high [12],usually compa-rable to BMGs [12].Moreover,the high strength can be kept up to 800K or higher for some HEAs based on 3d transition metals [14].In contrast,BMGs can only keep their high strength below their glass-transition temperature.1.1.Four core effectsBeing different from the conventional alloys,compositions in HEAs are complex due to the equi-molar concentration of each component.Yeh [37]summarized mainly four core effects for HEAs,that is:(1)Thermodynamics:high-entropy effects;(2)Kinetics:sluggish diffusion;(3)Structures:severe lattice distortion;and (4)Properties:cocktail effects.We will discuss these four core effects separately.1.1.1.High-entropy effectThe high-entropy effects,which tend to stabilize the high-entropyphases,e.g.,solid-solution phases,were firstly proposed by Yeh [9].The effects were very counterintuitive because it was ex-pected that intermetallic compound phases may form for those equi-or near equi-atomic alloy com-positions which are located at the center of the phase diagrams (for example,a monoclinic compound AlCeCo forms in the center of Al–Ce–Co system [38]).According to the Gibbs phase rule,the number of phases (P )in a given alloy at constant pressure in equilibrium condition is:P ¼C þ1ÀF ð1-1Þwhere C is the number of components and F is the maximum number of thermodynamic degrees of freedom in the system.In the case of a 6-component system at given pressure,one might expect a maximum of 7equilibrium phases at an invariant reaction.However,to our surprise,HEAs form so-lid-solution phases rather than intermetallic phases [1,2,4,17].This is not to say that all multi-compo-nents in equal molar ratio will form solid solution phases at the center of the phase diagram.In fact,only carefully chosen compositions that satisfy the HEA-formation criteria will form solid solutions instead of intermetallic compounds.The solid-solution phase,according to the classical physical-metallurgy theory,is also called a ter-minal solid solution.The solid-solution phase is based on one element,which is called the solvent,and contains other minor elements,which are called the solutes.In HEAs,it is very difficult to differentiate the solvent from the solute because of their equi-molar portions.Many researchers reported that the multi-principal-element alloys can only form simple phases of body-centered-cubic (BCC)or face-cen-tered-cubic (FCC)solid solutions,and the number of phases formed is much fewer than the maximum number of phases that the Gibbs phase rule allows [9,23].This feature also indicates that the high en-tropy of the alloys tends to expand the solution limits between the elements,which may further con-firm the high-entropy effects.The high-entropy effect is mainly used to explain the multi-principal-element solid solution.According to the maximum entropy production principle (MEPP)[39],high entropy tends to stabilize the high-entropy phases,i.e.,solid-solution phases,rather than intermetallic phases.Intermetallics are usually ordered phases with lower configurational entropy.For stoichiometric intermetallic com-pounds,their configurational entropy is zero.Whether a HEA of single solid solution phase is in its equilibrium has been questioned in the sci-entific community.There have been accumulated evidences to show that the high entropy of mixing truly extends the solubility limits of solid solution.For example,Lucas et al.[40]recently reported ab-sence of long-range chemical ordering in equi-molar FeCoCrNi alloy that forms a disordered FCC struc-ture.On the other hand,it was reported that some equi-atomic compositions such as AlCoCrCuFeNi contain several phases of different compositions when cooling slowly from the melt [15],and thus it is controversial whether they can be still classified as HEA.The empirical rules in guiding HEA for-mation are addressed in Section 2,which includes atomic size difference and heat of mixing.4Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science 61(2014)1–93Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–935 1.1.2.Sluggish diffusion effectThe sluggish diffusion effect here is compared with that of the conventional alloys rather than the bulk-glass-forming alloys.Recently,Yeh[9]studied the vacancy formation and the composition par-tition in HEAs,and compared the diffusion coefficients for the elements in pure metals,stainless steels, and HEAs,and found that the order of diffusion rates in the three types of alloy systems is shown be-low:Microstructures of an as-cast CuCoNiCrAlFe alloy.(A)SEM micrograph of an etched alloy withBCC and ordered BCC phases)and interdendrite(an FCC phase)structures.(B)TEMplate,70-nm wide,a disordered BCC phase(A2),lattice constant,2.89A;(B-b)aphase(B2),lattice constant,2.89A;(B-c)nanoprecipitation in a spinodal plate,7nm(B-d)nanoprecipitation in an interspinodal plate,3nm in diameter,a disorderedarea diffraction(SAD)patterns of B,Ba,and Bb with zone axes of BCC[01[011],respectively[2].illustration of intrinsic lattice distortion effects on Bragg diffraction:(a)perfect latticewith solid solutions of different-sized atoms,which are expected to randomly distribute statistical average probability of occupancy;(c)temperature and distortion effectsY.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–937 the intensities further drop beyond the thermal effect with increasing the number of constituent prin-cipal elements.An intrinsic lattice distortion effect caused by the addition of multi-principal elements with different atomic sizes is expected for the anomalous decrease in the XRD intensities.The math-ematical treatment of this distortion effect for the modification of the XRD structure factor is formu-lated to be similar to that of the thermal effect,as shown in Fig.1.3[41].The larger roughness of the atomic planes makes the intensity of the XRD for HEAs much lower than that for the single-element solid.The severe lattice distortion is also used to explain the high strength of HEAs,especially the BCC-structured HEAs[4,12,23].The severe lattice-distortion effect is also related to the tensile brittle-ness and the slower kinetics of HEAs[2,9,11].However,the authors also noticed that single-phase FCC-structured HEAs have very low strength[7],which certainly cannot be explained by the severe lattice distortion argument.Fundamental studies in quantification of lattice distortion of HEAs are needed.1.1.4.Cocktail effectThe cocktail-party effect was usually used as a term in the acousticsfield,which have been used to describe the ability to focus one’s listening attention on a single talker among a mixture of conversa-tions and background noises,ignoring other conversations.For metallic alloys,the effect indicates that the unexpected properties can be obtained after mixing many elements,which could not be obtained from any one independent element.The cocktail effect for metallic alloys wasfirst mentioned by Ranganathan[42],which has been subsequently confirmed in the mechanical and physical properties [12,13,15,18,35,43].The cocktail effect implies that the alloy properties can be greatly adjusted by the composition change and alloying,as shown in Fig.1.4,which indicates that the hardness of HEAs can be dramat-ically changed by adjusting the Al content in the CoCrCuNiAl x HEAs.With the increase of the Al con-lattice constants of a CuCoNiCrAl x Fe alloy system with different x values:(A)hardnessconstants of an FCC phase,(C)lattice constants of a BCC phase[2].CoNiCrAl x Fe alloy system with different x values,the Cu-free alloy has lower hardness.CoCrCuFeNiAl x[15,45].Cu forms isomorphous solid solution with Ni but it is insoluble in Co,Cr and Fe;it dissolves about20at.%Al but also forms various stable intermetallic compounds with Al.Fig.1.6exhibits the hardness of some reported HEAs in the descending order with stainless steels as benchmark.The MoTiVFeNiZrCoCr alloy has a very high value of hardness of over800HV while CoCrFeNiCu is very soft with a value of less than200HV.Fig.1.7compares the specific strength,which yield strength over the density of the materials,and the density amongalloys,polymers and foam materials[5].We can see that HEAs have densitieshigh values of specific strength(yield strength/density).This is partiallyHEAs usually contain mainly the late transitional elements whoselightweight HEAs have much more potential because lightweightdensity of the resultant alloys will be lowered significantly.Fig.1.8strength of HEAs vs.Young’s modulus compared with conventional alloys.highest specific strength and their Young’s modulus can be variedrange of hardness for HEAs,compared with17–4PH stainless steel,Hastelloy,andYield strength,r y,vs.density,q.HEAs(dark dashed circle)compared with other materials,particularly structural Grey dashed contours(arrow indication)label the specific strength,r y/q,from low(right bottom)to high(left top).among the materials with highest strength and specific strength[5].Specific-yield strength vs.Young’s modulus:HEAs compared with other materials,particularly structural alloys.among the materials with highest specific strength and with a wide range of Young’s modulus[5].range.This observation may indicate that the modulus of HEAs can be more easily adjusted than con-ventional alloys.In addition to the high specific strength,other properties such as high hydrogen stor-age property are also reported[46].1.2.Key research topicsTo understand the fundamentals of HEAs is a challenge to the scientists in materials science and relatedfields because of lack of thermodynamic and kinetic data for multi-component systems in the center of phase diagrams.The phase diagrams are usually available only for the binary and ternary alloys.For HEAs,no complete phase diagrams are currently available to directly assist designing the10Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–93alloy with desirable micro-and nanostructures.Recently,Yang and Zhang[28]proposed the X param-eter to design the solid-solution phase HEAs,which should be used combing with the parameter of atomic-size difference.This strategy may provide a starting point prior to actual experiments.The plastic deformation and fracture mechanisms of HEAs are also new because the high-entropy solid solutions contain high contents of multi-principal elements.In single principal-element alloys,dislo-cations dominate the plastic behavior.However,how dislocations interact with highly-disordered crystal lattices and/or chemical disordering/ordering will be an important factor responsible for plastic properties of HEAs.Interactions between the other crystal defects,such as twinning and stacking faults,with chemical/crystal disordering/ordering in HEAs will be important as well.1.2.1.Mechanical properties compared with other alloysFor conventional alloys that contain a single principal element,the main mechanical behavior is dictated by the dominant element.The other minor alloying elements are used to enhance some spe-cial properties.For example,in the low-carbon ferritic steels[47–59],the main mechanical properties are from the BCC Fe.Carbon,which is an interstitial solute element,is used for solid-solution strength-ened steels,and also to enhance the martensite-quenching ability which is the phase-transformation strengthening.The main properties of steels are still from Fe.For aluminum alloys[60]and titanium alloys[61],their properties are mainly related to the dominance of the elemental aluminum and tita-nium,respectively.Intermetallic compounds are usually based on two elements,e.g.,Ti–Al,Fe3Al,and Fe3Si.Interme-tallic compounds are typically ordered phases and some may have strict compositional range.The Burgers vectors of the ordered phases are too large for the dislocations to move,which is the main reason why intermetallic phases are usually brittle.However,there are many successful case studies to improve the ductility of intermetallic compound by micro-alloying,e.g.,micro-alloying of B in Ni3Al [62],and micro-alloying of Cr in Fe3Al[63,64].Amorphous metals usually contain at least three elements although binary metallic glasses are also reported,and higher GFA can be obtained with addition of more elements,e.g.,ZrTiCuNiBe(Vit-1), PdNiCuP,LaAlNiCu,and CuZrAlY alloys[65–69].Amorphous metals usually exhibit ultrahigh yield strength,because they do not contain conventional any weakening factors,such as dislocations and grain boundaries,and their yield strengths are usually three tofive times of their corresponding crys-talline counterpart alloys.There are several models that are proposed to explain the plastic deforma-tion of the amorphous metal,including the free volume[70],a shear-transformation-zone(STZ)[71], more recently a tension-transition zone(TTZ)[72],and the atomic-level stress[73,74].The micro-mechanisms of the plastic deformation of amorphous metals are usually by forming shear bands, which is still an active research area till today.However,the high strength of amorphous alloys can be sustained only below the glass-transition temperature(T g).At temperatures immediately above T g,the amorphous metals will transit to be viscous liquids[68]and will crystallize at temperatures above thefirst crystallization onset temperature.This trend may limit the high-temperature applica-tions of amorphous metals.The glass forming alloys often are chemically located close to the eutectic composition,which further facilitates the formation of the amorphous metal–matrix composite.The development of the amorphous metal–matrix composite can enhance the room-temperature plastic-ity of amorphous metals,and extend application temperatures[75–78].For HEAs,their properties can be different from any of the constituent elements.The structure types are the dominant factor for controlling the strength or hardness of HEAs[5,12,13].The BCC-structured HEAs usually have very high yield strengths and limited plasticity,while the FCC-structured HEAs have low yield strength and high plasticity.The mixture of BCC+FCC is expected to possess balanced mechanical properties,e.g.,both high strength and good ductility.Recent studies show that the microstructures of certain‘‘HEAs’’can be very complicated since they often undergo the spinodal decomposition,and ordered,and disordered phase precipitates at lower temperatures. Solution-strengthening mechanisms for HEAs would be much different from conventional alloys. HEAs usually have high melting points,and the high yield strength can usually be sustained to ultrahigh temperatures,which is shown in Fig.1.9for refractory metal HEAs.The strength of HEAs are sometimes better than those of conventional superalloys[14].Temperature dependence of NbMoTaW,VNbMoTaW,Inconel718,and Haynes2301.2.2.Underlying mechanisms for mechanical propertiesMechanical properties include the Young’s modulus,yield strength,plastic elongation,fracture toughness,and fatigue properties.For the conventional one-element principal alloys,the Young’s modulus is mainly controlled by the dominant element,e.g.,the Young’s modulus of Fe-based alloys is about200GPa,that of Ti-based alloys is approximately110GPa,and that of Al-based alloys is about 75GPa,as shown in Fig.1.8.In contrast,for HEAs,the modulus can be very different from any of the constituent elements in the alloys[79],and the moduli of HEAs are scattered in a wide range,as shown in Fig.1.8.Wang et al.[79] reported that the Young’s modulus of the CoCrFeNiCuAl0.5HEA is about24.5GPa,which is much lower than the modulus of any of the constituent elements in the alloy.It is even lower than the Young’s modulus of pure Al,about69GPa[80].On the other hand,this value needs to be verified using other methods including impulse excitation of vibration.It has been reported that the FCC-structured HEAs exhibit low strength and high plasticity[13], while the BCC-structured HEAs show high strength and low plasticity at room temperature[12].Thus, the structure types are the dominant factor for controlling the strength or hardness of HEAs.For the fracture toughness of the HEAs,there is no report up to date.1.2.3.Alloy design and preparation for HEAsIt has been verified that not all the alloys withfive-principal elements and with equi-atomic ratio compositions can form HEA solid solutions.Only carefully chosen compositions can form FCC and BCC solid solutions.Till today there is no report on hexagonal close-packed(HCP)-structured HEAs.One reason is probably due to the fact that a HCP structure is often the stable structure at low tempera-tures for pure elements(applicable)in the periodic table,and that it may transform to either BCC or FCC at high temperatures.Most of the HEA solid solutions are identified by trial-and-error exper-iments because there is no phase diagram on quaternary and higher systems.Hence,the trial-and er-ror approach is the main way to develop high-performance HEAs.However,some parameters have been proposed to predict the phase formation of HEAs[17,22,28]in analogy to the Hume-Rothery rule for conventional solid solution.The fundamental thermodynamic equation states:G¼HÀTSð1-2Þwhere H is the enthalpy,S is the entropy,G is the Gibbs free energy,and T is the absolute temperature. From Eq.(1-2),the TS term will become significant at high temperatures.Hence,preparing HEAs from the liquid and gas would provide different kinds of information.These techniques may include sput-tering,laser cladding,plasma coating,and arc melting,which will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.For the atomic-level structures of HEAs,the neutron and synchrotron diffraction methods are useful to detect ordering parameters,long-range order,and short-range ordering[81].1.2.4.Theoretical simulations for HEAsFor HEAs,entropy effects are the core to their formation and properties.Some immediate questions are:(1)How can we accurately predict the total entropy of HEA phase?(2)How can we predict the phasefield of a HEA phase as a function of compositions and temperatures?(3)What are the proper modeling and experimental methods to study HEAs?To address the phase-stability issue,thermody-namic modeling is necessary as thefirst step to understand the fundamental of HEAs.The typical mod-eling techniques to address thermodynamics include the calculation of phase diagram(CALPHAD) modeling,first-principle calculations,molecular-dynamics(MD)simulations,and Monte Carlo simulations.Kao et al.[82]using MD to study the structure of HEAs,and their modeling efforts can well explain the liquid-like structure of HEAs,as shown in Fig.1.10.Grosso et al.[83]studied refractory HEAs using atomistic modeling,clarified the role of each element and their interactions,and concluded that4-and 5-elements alloys are possible to quantify the transition to a high-entropy regime characterized by the formation of a continuous solid solution.2.Thermodynamicsof a liquid-like atomic-packing structure using multiple elementsthird,fourth,andfifth shells,respectively,but the second and third shellsdifference and thus the largefluctuation in occupation of different atoms.2.1.EntropyEntropy is a thermodynamic property that can be used to determine the energy available for the useful work in a thermodynamic process,such as in energy-conversion devices,engines,or machines. The following equation is the definition of entropy:dS¼D QTð2-1Þwhere S is the entropy,Q is the heatflow,and T is the absolute temperature.Thermodynamic entropy has the dimension of energy divided by temperature,and a unit of Joules per Kelvin(J/K)in the Inter-national System of Units.The statistical-mechanics definition of entropy was developed by Ludwig Boltzmann in the1870s [85]and by analyzing the statistical behavior of the microscopic components of the system[86].Boltz-mann’s hypothesis states that the entropy of a system is linearly related to the logarithm of the fre-quency of occurrence of a macro-state or,more precisely,the number,W,of possible micro-states corresponding to the macroscopic state of a system:Fig.2.1.Illustration of the D S mix for ternary alloy system with the composition change[17].。
University of Southampton
A B S T R A C T . T w o sewage sludges, one anaerobically digested, one undigested, were composted under controlled conditions to assess the influence of composting on heavy metal extractability. Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations in the sludges and composts were analysed to assess changes in (1) total metal content, (2) plant-available and exchangeable metals, and (3) metal fractions, during composting and maturation. The total metal content of the initial compost mixture was decreased relative to the parent sludges by dilution with a clean straw bulking agent. As composting progressed the total metal content increased as organic matter was decomposed. Both plant-available and exchangeable metals tended to increase during the active phase of composting, and decrease during maturation. It is suggested that active aeration leads to increase in metal mobility and that this is followed by binding into more stable forms as humification increases during maturation. Overall, the findings suggest that while the total heavy metal concentration can increase during composting, the process can also lead to a decrease in the extractability of some heavy metals if the compost is fully matured. Keywords: Composting, Heavy metals, Sewage sludge. D r A Stringfellow, is a Research Fellow in the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southampton. She is the research co-ordinator of the University's Environmental Body SUnRISE, which carries out research in sustainable waste management funded through the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme. D r C J Banks, is a Reader in Environmental Engineering and Director of Research in the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southampton. His research interests are in the area of innovative technology for environmental protection, including: biological treatment of liquid industrial effluents; controlled anaerobic biodegradation of high cellulosic solid wastes; the removal of trace organic materials and heavy metals from water; and computer based management tools for effluent treatment plant operation and design. M r P F Hillman, is a senior consultant at Gifford and Partners Consulting Engineers and a former senior lecturer in the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southampton.
Effect of dopant (Al, Nb, Bi, La) on varistor properties of
Effect of dopant(Al,Nb,Bi,La)on varistor properties ofZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3ceramicsChoon-W.Nahm*Semiconductor Ceramics Lab.,Department of Electrical Engineering,Dongeui University,Busan614-714,Republic of KoreaReceived20September2009;received in revised form15October2009;accepted25November2009Available online4January2010AbstractThe electrical,dielectric properties,and aging behavior of ZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3(ZVMCD)ceramics were investigated with different dopants(Al,Nb,Bi,La).The phase formed for all the samples consisted of ZnO grain as a main phase,and Zn3(VO4)2,ZnV2O4,and DyVO4as the secondary phases.On one hand,Nb and Bi dopants enhanced the nonlinear coefficient whereas Al and La dopants decreased it.On the other hand,Nb and Al improved the stability against aging stress.The Nb-doped ZVMCD ceramics exhibited the best nonlinear properties (a=36)and the highest stability:%D E B=À0.4%,%D a=À20%,%D e0APP¼À1:3%,and%D tan d=+13%for DC accelerated aging stress of 0.85E B/858C/24h.#2009Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.All rights reserved.Keywords:C.Nonlinear electrical properties;Stability;D.ZnO;V2O5;E.Varistor1.IntroductionImpurity doped-ZnO ceramics exhibit the nonlinearelectrical behavior,which is very similar to a back-to-backzener diode.The sintering process gives rise to a micro-structure,which consists of semiconducting n-type ZnO grainssurrounded by very thin insulating intergranular layers.EachZnO grain acts as if it has a semiconductor junction at the grainboundary.Since nonlinear electrical behavior occurs at eachboundary,the impurity doped ZnO ceramics can be consideredas a multi-junction device composed of many series and parallelconnection of grain boundaries.The grain size distributionplays a major role in electrical behavior.Electrically,ZnOvaristors exhibit highly nonlinear voltage–current(U–I)properties expressed by the relation I=KU a,where I is thecurrent,U is the voltage,K is a constant,a is the nonlinearcoefficient,which characterizes the nonlinear properties of thevaristors[1,2].ZnO ceramics cannot exhibit a varistor behavior withoutadding heavy elements with large ionic radii such as Bi,Pr,Ba,mercial ZnO–Bi2O3-based ceramics and ZnO–Pr6O11-based ceramics cannot be co-fired with a silver inner-electrode(m.p.9618C)in mutilayered chip components because of therelatively high sintering temperature above10008C[3,4].Therefore,new varistor ceramics are required in order to use asilver inner-electrode.Among the various ceramics,onecandidate is the ZnO–V2O5ceramics[5–14].This systemcan be sintered at a relatively low temperature in the vicinity ofabout9008C.This is very important for multilayer chipcomponent applications,because it can be co-sintered with asilver inner-electrode without using expensive palladium orplatinum metals.A study on ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics is initial step yet interms of materials composition and sintering process.To developuseful ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics,it is very important toinvestigate the effects of dopants on varistor properties.Untilnow,ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics have been reported for a ternarysystem containing MnO2[10–14].ZnO–V2O5–MnO2ceramicsis reported to exhibit good nonlinear properties(nonlinearcoefficient measured between1.0mA cmÀ2and10mA cmÀ2,a%27)in previous research[13,14].The Co and Dy are added toZnO–Bi2O3-based ceramics or ZnO–Pr6O11-based ceramics toimprove the varistor properties.In this report,the effect of dopant(Al,Nb,Bi,La)on varistor properties and aging behavior ofZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3(ZVMCD)ceramics wasexamined./locate/ceramintAvailable online at Ceramics International36(2010)1109–1115*Tel.:+82518901669;fax:+82518901664.E-mail$36.00#2009Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2009.12.0022.Experimental procedure2.1.Sample preparationReagent-grade raw materials were prepared in the propor-tions of(96.9Àx)mol%ZnO,0.5mol%V2O5, 2.0mol% MnO2,0.5mol%Co3O4,0.1mol%Dy2O3(ZVMCD)and independent samples of0.005mol%Al2O3,0.1mol%Nb2O5, 0.1mol%Bi2O3,and0.1mol%La2O3.Raw materials were mixed by ball milling with zirconia balls and acetone in a polypropylene bottle for24h.The mixture was dried at1208C for12h.The dried mixture was mixed into a container with acetone and0.8wt%polyvinyl butyral(PVB)binder of powder weight.After drying at1208C for24h,the mixture was granulated by sieving through a100-mesh(150m m)screen to produce starting powder.The powder was uniaxially pressed into discs of10mm in diameter and1.3mm in thickness at a pressure of100MPa.The discs were sintered at9008C in air for3h and furnace cooled to room temperature.Thefinal samples were about8mm in diameter and1.0mm in thickness. Silver paste was coated on both faces of the samples and the ohmic contacts were formed by heating it at6008C for10min. The electrodes were5mm in diameter.2.2.Microstructure analysisBoth surfaces of the samples were lapped and ground with SiC paper and polished with0.3m m-Al2O3powder to a mirror-like surface.The polished samples were chemically etched into1HClO4:1000H2O for25s at258C.The surface of the samples was metallized with a thin coating of Au to reduce charging effects and to improve the resolution of the image. The microstructure was examined by a scanning electron microscope(SEM,Hitachi S2400).The average grain size(d) was determined by the lineal intercept method such as the expression,d=1.56L/MN[15],where L is the random line length on the micrograph,M is the magnification of the micrograph,and N is the number of the grain boundaries intercepted by the lines.The crystalline phases were identified by an X-ray diffractometry(XRD,X’pert-PRO MPD, Netherlands)with Nifiltered CuK a radiation.The sintered density(r)of the ceramics was measured by the Archimedes method.2.3.Electrical measurementThe electricfield–current density(E–J)characteristics were measured using a high voltage source unit(Keithley 237).The breakdownfield(E B)was measured at1.0mA cmÀ2 and the leakage current density(J L)was measured at0.8E B. In addition,the nonlinear coefficient(a)is defined by the empirical law,J=KÁE a,where J is the current density,E is the applied electricfield,and K is a constant.The a was determined in the current density range1.0–10mA cmÀ2, where a=1/(log E2Àlog E1),and E1and E2are the electricfields corresponding to1.0mA cm2and10mA cm2, respectively.2.4.Dielectric measurementThe dielectric characteristics,such as the apparent dielectric constant(e0APP)and dissipation factor(tan d)were measured in the range of100Hz to2MHz using a RLC meter(QuadTech 7600).2.5.DC accelerated aging characteristic measurementThe DC accelerated aging test was performed for stress state of0.85E B/858C/24h.Simultaneously,the leakage current was monitored at intervals of1min during stressing using a high voltage source unit(Keithley237).The degradation rate coefficient(K T)was calculated by the expression I L=I-Lo+K T t1/2[16],where I L is the leakage current at stress time(t) and I Lo is I L at t=0.After applying the respective stresses,the E–J characteristics were measured at room temperature.3.Results and discussionFig.1shows SEM micrographs of surface of the samples for different dopants.The grain structure is relatively homogeneously distributed throughout the entire samples, compared with ternary ZnO–V2O5–MnO2ceramics[10].The average grain size(d)decreased in order of ZVMCD-Nb (7.5m m)>ZVMCD-Bi(5.0m m)>ZVMCD(4.6m m)> ZVMCD-La(4.6m m)>ZVMCD-Al(4.2m m).It was found that the Nb and Bi dopants improved the grain growth,whereas the Al dopant inhibited it.The sintered density(r)was 5.56g cmÀ3,in the ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Al,and ZVMCD-Nb, whereas it was5.44g cmÀ3in ZVMCD-Bi.It is presumed that the low sintered density of the ZVMCD-Bi is attributed to the larger ionic radius of Bi than Zn ion.The detailed density and average grain size of the samples are indicated in Table1.The XRD patterns of the samples are shown in Fig.2.All the samples revealed the presence of the secondary phase such as Zn3(VO4)2,ZnV2O4,and DyVO4.The Zn3(VO4)2is formed when the ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics are sintered at high temperatures and that acts as a liquid-phase sintering aid[5]. Furthermore,it seems that the DyVO4phase acts as an enhancer for the grain growth of ZnO[17].Table1reports the main electrical characteristics of the samples for different dopants.The breakdownfield(E B) decreased in order of ZVMCD(7013V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-La (4772V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-Bi(4367V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-Nb (3355V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-Al(2514V cmÀ1).The decrease of E B can be explained by both the increase in the number of grain boundaries owing to the increase in the average ZnO grain size and the decrease of breakdown voltage per grain boundaries(gb),as expressed by the following equation[1];E B=gb=d,where d is the grain size and gb stands for the breakdown voltage per grain boundaries.It should be noted that the ZVMCD-Al exhibited the lowest E B although the grain size is the smallest.The addition of Nb and Bi dopants enhanced the nonlinear coefficient,whereas the Al and La dopants decreased it.It should be noted that the ZVMCD-Nb exhibited the highest value(36)among ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics reported up toC.-W.Nahm/Ceramics International36(2010)1109–1115 1110now.These are a higher value than that of ZnO–V 2O 5-based multi-component ceramics prepared by microwave sintering process [7].The high barrier caused by the electronic states at active grain boundary will give rise to a large a .In general,the leakage current (I L )shows an opposite relation to the nonlinear coefficient (a ).On the whole,the I L value is much higher than the expected value in the light of a value.Presumably,a high leakage current of these samples seems to be due to the recombination of electron and hole rather than thermionic emission over barrier at the grain boundary.Fig.3shows the apparent dielectric constant (e 0APP )and dissipation factor (tan d )of the samples for differentdopants.With increasing frequency for all varistors,the e 0APP decreased with a relatively sharp dispersive drop in the vicinity of 100Hz which is closely associated with the interfacial polarization of dielectrics.The e 0APP in the frequency above 1kHz increased in order of ZVMCD-Al >ZVMCD-Nb >ZVMCD-Bi >ZVMCD-La >ZVMCD.This is directly related to d /t ratio,as can be seen in the following equation,e 0APP ¼e g ðd =t Þ,where e g is the dielectric constant of ZnO (8.5),d is the average grain size,and t is the depletion layer width of the both sides at the grain boundaries.On the other hand,the tan d decreased until the vicinity of 20kHz with increasing frequency,which exhibits a second dispersion peak in theTable 1Microstructure,E –J ,and dielectric characteristic parameters of the samples for different dopants.Sample d (m m)r (g cm À3)E B (V cm À1)V gb (V gb À1)a J L (m A cm À2)e 0APP (1kHz)tan d (1kHz)ZVMCD 4.6 5.567013 3.332903850.23ZVMCD-Al 4.2 5.562514 1.11733415550.26ZVMCD-Nb 7.5 5.553355 2.536857750.31ZVMCD-Bi 5.0 5.444367 2.235426210.15ZVMCD-La4.65.5047722.2124036310.5Fig.1.SEM micrographs of the samples for different dopants.C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151111vicinity of 300kHz,and thereafter again decreased.The detailed dielectric characteristic parameters at 1kHz are summarized in Table 1.Fig.4shows the variation of leakage current during DC accelerated aging stress of the samples for different dopants.It can be seen that the dopants have a significant effect on aging behavior.All the samples except for the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb exhibited thermal run-away under specified DC accelerated aging stress of 0.85E B /858C/24h.The La andBiFig.2.XRD patterns of the samples for differentdopants.Fig.3.Dielectric characteristics of samples for differentdopants.Fig.4.Leakage current during accelerated aging stress of samples for different dopants:(a)ZVMCD,(b)ZVMCD-Al,(c)ZVMCD-Nb,(d)ZVMCD-Bi,and (e)ZVMCD-La.C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151112dopants impaired the stability against accelerated aging stress.In particular,the Bi dopant improved the nonlinear electrical properties,whereas it resulted in a severe problem in stability.On the contrary,the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb were found to exhibit a good stability without thermal run-away during specified stress time period.The stability for nonlinear properties of the samples can be estimated by the degradation rate coefficient (K T ),indicating the degree of aging from the slope of the I L –t 1/2curve.The lower the K T ,the higher the stability.The ZVMCD-Al exhibited low value:À13nA h À1/2,whereas ZVMCD-Nb exhibited extremely low value:+4nA h À1/2.Fig.5compares the variation of E –J characteristics after applying the stress with initial E –J characteristics for the respective samples.It can be seen that the variation of E –J curves after applying the stress is strongly affected by the dopants.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La exhib-ited very large variation of E –J curves in the entire range of electric field after applying the stress.However,the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb exhibited small variation in E –J curves after applying the stress,in particular,in the ZVMCD-Nb case.Fig.6compares the variation of E B after applying the stress with initial E B for the respective samples.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La,which revealed a thermal run-away,exhibited a high variation,reaching approximately À35%in breakdown field (%D E B ).The ZVMCD-Al exhibited,high stable E B characteristics reaching À6%in %D E B .In particular,the ZVMCD-Nb exhibited the highest stable EBFig.5.E –J characteristics after applying stress of samples for differentdopants.Fig.6.Breakdown field before and after applying stress of samples for different dopants.C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151113characteristics showing %D E B =À0.4%so there is almost no variation before and after applying the stress.Fig.7compares the variation of a after applying the stress with initial a for the respective samples.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La,which revealed a thermal run-away,exhibited extremely bad nonlinear properties by decreasing to inside and outside a =5after applying the stress.The ZVMCD-Nb exhibited thehighest stable a characteristics showing %D a =À20%.On the other hand,the e 0APP and tan d before and after applying the stress is shown in Figs.8and 9,respectively.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La,which revealed a thermal run-away,exhibited a high variation for e 0APP and tan d .However,the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb exhibited very small variation.In particular,the %D e 0APP and %D tan d in the ZVMCD-Nb were only À1.3%and +13%,respectively.The detailed variation of E B ,a ,e 0APP ,and tan d before and after applying the stress is summarized in Table 2.In discussing stability,in general,macroscopically,the sintered density and the leakage current have a significant effect on the stability against stress.That is,the higher the sintered density and the lower the leakage current,the higher the stability.The low sintered density decreases the number of parallel conduction path and eventually leads to the concentra-tion of current.The high leakage current gradually increases the carrier generation due to Joule heat and it leads to repetition cycle between joule heating and leakage current.In this viewpoint,although the high leakage current,the ZVMCD-Al did not exhibit any thermal run-away.On the contrary,although the lowest leakage current,the ZVMCD-Bi exhibited the thermal run-away.Therefore,it is difficult to assert that macroscopic factors such as sintered density and leakage current affect the stability.Microscopically,this is related totheFig.7.Nonlinear coefficient before and after applying stress of samples for differentdopants.Fig.8.Dielectric constant before and after applying stress of samples for differentdopants.Fig.9.Dissipation factor before and after applying stress of samples for different dopants.Table 2E –J and dielectric characteristic parameters before and after applying the stress the samples for different dopants.Sample Stress state E B (V cm À1)a J L (m A cm À2)e 0APP (1kHz)tan d (1kHz)ZVMCD Initial 701332903850.23Stressed 455151316270.82ZVMCD-Al Initial 25141734015550.26Stressed 23561140215310.28ZVMCD-Nb Initial 335536857750.31Stressed 3343291867650.35ZVMCD-Bi Initial 436735426210.15Stressed 281565348940.47ZVMCD-LaInitial 4772124036310.5Stressed304246989010.86C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151114rather migration of zinc interstitial(Zn i)within depletion layer [18].In this viewpoint,it is guessed that the reason why the ZVMCD-Nb exhibits good stability is because the Nb spatially restricts the migration of ions within the depletion layer.4.ConclusionsThe electrical,dielectric properties,and its accelerated aging behavior of ZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3(ZVMCD)cera-mics were investigated with different dopants(Al,Nb,Bi,La). On one hand,Nb and Bi dopants enhanced the nonlinear coefficient whereas Al and La dopants decreased it.On the other hand,Nb and Al dopants improved the stability against aging stress.The Nb-doped ZVMCD ceramics exhibited the best nonlinear properties(a=36)and the highest stability: %D E B=À0.4%,%D a=À20%,%D e0APP=À1.3%,and %D tan d=+13%for DC accelerated aging stress of0.85E B/ 858C/24h.References[1]L.M.Levinson,H.R.Philipp,Zinc oxide varistor—a review,Am.Ceram.Soc.Bull.65(1986)639–646.[2]T.K.Gupta,Application of zinc oxide varistor,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.73(1990)1817–1840.[3]C.-W.Nahm,C.-H.Park,H.-S.Yoon,Highly stable nonohmic character-istics of ZnO–Pr6O11–CoO–Dy2O3based varistors,J.Mater.Sci.Lett.19 (2000)725–727.[4]C.-W.Nahm,Influence of La2O3additives on microstructure and electricalproperties of ZnO–Pr6O11–CoO–Cr2O3–La2O3-based varistors,Mater.Lett.59(2005)2097–2100.[5]J.-K.Tsai,T.-B.Wu,Non-ohmic characteristics of ZnO–V2O5ceramics,J.Appl.Phys.76(1994)4817–4822.[6]J.-K.Tsai,T.-B.Wu,Microstructure and nonohmic properties of binaryZnO–V2O5ceramics sintered at9008C,Mater.Lett.26(1996)199–203.[7]C.T.Kuo,C.S.Chen,I.-N.Lin,Microstructure and nonlinear properties ofmicrowave-sintered ZnO–V2O5varistors.I.Effect of V2O5doping,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.81(1998)2942–2948.[8]H.-H.Hng,K.M.Knowles,Characterisation of Zn3(VO4)2phases inV2O5-doped ZnO varistors,J.Eur.Ceram.Soc.19(1999)721–726. 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Effects of Ni content on the cast and solid-soluti
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume 25, Number 6, June 2018, Page 641https:///10.1007/s12613-018-1611-xCorresponding author: Jian-xin Xie E-mail: jxxie@© University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018Effects of Ni content on the cast and solid-solution microstructures ofCu-0.4wt%Be alloysShuang-jiang He1), Yan-bin Jiang1,2), Jian-xin Xie1,2), Yong-hua Li3), and Li-juan Yue3)1) Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing of Ministry of Education, Institute of Advanced Materials and Technology, University of Science and TechnologyBeijing, Beijing 100083, China2) Beijing Laboratory of Metallic Materials and Processing for Modern Transportation, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China3) CNMC Ningxia Orient Group Co. Ltd., Shizuishan 753000, China(Received: 25 August 2017; revised: 13 October 2017; accepted: 22 November 2017)Abstract: The effects of Ni content (0–2.1wt%) on the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu-0.4wt%Be alloys were investigated, and the corresponding mechanisms of influence were analyzed. The results show that the amount of precipitated phase increases in the cast alloys with increasing Ni content. When the Ni content is 0.45wt% or 0.98wt%, needle-like Be21Ni5 phases form in the grains and are mainly distributed in the interdendritic regions. When the Ni content is 1.5wt% or greater, a large number of needle-like precipitates form in the grains and chain-like Be21Ni5 and BeNi precipitates form along the grain boundaries. The addition of Ni can substantially refine the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu-0.4wt%Be alloys. The hindering effects of both the dissolution of Ni into the matrix and the formation of Be–Ni precipitates on grain-boundary migration are mainly responsible for refining the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu-0.4wt%Be alloys. Higher Ni contents result in finer microstructures;however, given the precipitation characteristics of Be–Ni phases and their dissolution into the matrix during the solid-solution treatment, the upper limit of the Ni content is 1.5wt%–2.1wt%.Keywords: beryllium–copper alloys; alloying; Ni content; microstructure; solid-solution treatment1. IntroductionBeryllium–copper (Cu–Be) alloys are used as key mate-rials in high-end electronic components and in other fields because of their high strength, high electric conductivity, high elasticity, nonmagnetism, etc. [1-6]. However, the rapid development of electronic components necessitates the development of Cu–Be alloys with improved properties.Cu–Be alloy is a typical precipitation strengthening alloy, and the formation of the CuBe or Cu2Be phase in the Cu matrix can substantially improve the alloy’s mechanical properties [7-9]. However, grain growth of the Cu matrix and rapid precipitation of the precipitated phases, especially lamellar discontinuous precipitates that form at the grain boundary, adversely affect the mechanical and electrical properties of the alloy [10]. Adding Ni, Co, and Zr delays the overaging and dispersive distribution of the precipitated phase, which can substantially improve the microstructure and comprehensive performance of the alloy [11-15]. Ni is less expensive than Co and Zr and can form strengthening compounds with Be to effectively improve the precipitation strengthening effect of Cu–Be alloys. Moreover, adding Ni can reduce the solubility of Be in the α-Cu solid solution and is favorable for forming dispersive precipitated phases in the Cu matrix. By contrast, excessive Ni tends to form inhomogeneously distributed precipitates [16], which ad-versely affect the mechanical properties of the alloy. There-fore, reasonably controlling the Ni content is an effective method to improve the age-hardening effect of Cu–Be al-loys.The cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu–Be al-loys strongly influence the precipitation during aging, which in turn affects the performance of the alloys. In this paper, the effects of the Ni content on the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu-0.4Be alloy were studied along with mechanisms of the influence, which can provide guidance642 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 25, No. 6, Jun. 2018for refining grains, controlling precipitation, and improving the performance of the alloy through control of its Ni content.2. ExperimentalThe raw materials used in the present work were electro-lytic Cu (99.95wt%), Cu-3.5wt%Be master alloy, and elec-trolytic Ni (99.9wt%). A medium-frequency induction melt-ing furnace was used to produce φ100-mm Cu-0.4wt%Be alloy ingots with different Ni contents (0–2.10wt%). The raw materials were melted at 1250°C, and the pouring tem-perature was 1200°C. The chemical compositions of the al-loys were measured; the results are listed in Table 1. Sam-ples with a size of 20 mm (thickness) × 60 mm (width) were cut from the alloy ingots and subsequently hot rolled at 850°C into sheets with a thickness of 4 mm (referred to as the hot-rolled samples). The hot-rolled samples were cold rolled into sheets with of 2 mm thick (referred to as the cold-rolled samples).Table 1. Chemical composition of Cu–Be alloys wt% Sample No. Be Ni Fe Al Si Pb Cu1 0.42 0.009 0.015 0.004 0.007 0.003Bal.2 0.40 0.450 0.015 0.004 0.008 0.003Bal.3 0.39 0.980 0.015 0.005 0.007 0.002Bal.4 0.40 1.500 0.017 0.008 0.006 0.002Bal.5 0.40 2.100 0.019 0.006 0.009 0.003Bal.The cold-rolled samples with different chemical compo-sitions were subjected to a solid-solution treatment followed by quenching in cold water (referred to as the solid-solution treatment). In the literatures [11,15], the solid-solution treatment temperatures of low-beryllium–copper alloy (Be content of 0.2wt%–0.7wt%) range from 920 to 950°C. In this paper, the cold-rolled samples were subjected to a sol-id-solution treatment at 950°C for different times (10, 30, 60, and 120 min) followed by water-quenching.The cast samples and the solid-solution samples with different compositions were polished and etched with a so-lution of 5 g FeCl3 + 10 mL HCl + 90 mL H2O for optical observation using a Zeiss Axiovert 200 MA T optical micro-scope. The linear intercept method was used to obtain the average grain size of the solid-solution-treated samples. The phases in the cast samples were identified by X-ray diffrac-tion (XRD) using a D5000 diffractometer. A ZEISS EVO18 scanning electron microscope was used to observe the number, morphology, and distribution of the precipitated phases in the samples. To determine the precipitate content, we used the Image-Pro Plus software to calculate the area percentage which the precipitated phase occupied in the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of each sample. The chemical compositions of the samples were examined by energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS). An F20 transmis-sion electron microscope was used to observe the micro-structure of the samples. The transmission electron micros-copy (TEM) foils were cut from the longitudinal section of the cast samples and the solid-solution-treated samples, ground to approximately 50 μm, and then thinned to perfo-ration using a twin-jet electropolisher operated at an electric current of 45 mA with the sample at −30°C in a solution containing 100 mL HNO3 and 200 mL CH3OH.3. Results and discussion3.1. Effects of Ni content on the cast microstructure of Cu-0.4Be alloysFigs. 1 and 2 show the cast microstructures of the Cu-0.4wt%Be alloys with different Ni contents. For the al-loy without Ni addition, the average grain size was large: about 2100 μm. For the alloy with a Ni content of 0.45wt%, the average grain size decreased and some needle-like phases inhomogeneously precipitated in the grains, as shown in Figs. 1(b) and 2(a). When the Ni content was in-creased to 0.98wt%, some dendrites were observed in the alloy (Figs. 1(c) and 1(d)) and more needle-like precipitates were distributed in the interdendritic regions, as shown in Fig. 2(b). When the Ni content was increased to 1.5wt%, apparent grain refinement occurred, resulting in an average grain size of approximately 1000 μm, and a large number of the needle-like precipitates formed in the grains; meanwhile, some precipitate particles with different sizes were also ob-served in local regions. Moreover, some chain-like precipi-tate particles formed along the grain boundaries, as shown in Figs. 1(e), 1(f) and Fig. 2(c). For the alloy with a Ni content of 2.1wt%, the grains were further refined, with an average grain size of approximately 580 μm, and the precipitated phases had the same morphology and distribution features as the alloy with a Ni content of 1.5wt%; however, the number of the needle-like precipitates increased, as shown in Fig. 1(g), Fig. 1(h) and Fig. 2(d).EDS was used to analyze the chemical composition of the Cu matrix and the precipitates in the samples with a Ni content of 1.5wt% and 2.1wt%; the results are listed in Ta-ble 2. The Ni content in the precipitate was much higher than that in the Cu matrix, indicating that the precipitate was rich in Ni. Notably, the Be atom is too light (atomic number of 4) to be accurately detected using EDS; therefore, the Be content was not quantified in the present work.S.J. He et al., Effects of Ni content on the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu -0.4wt%Be alloys 643Fig. 3 shows the XRD patterns of the Cu –0.4wt%Be cast alloys with different Ni contents. In Fig. 3, only the peaks of Cu are observed in the pattern of the alloy without Ni addi-tion. When the Ni content was 0.45wt%, the diffraction peaks of the Be 21Ni 5 phase appeared, indicating that the Be 21Ni 5 phase formed in the alloy. With a further increase of the Ni content, the intensity of the Be 21Ni 5 phase diffraction peak increased, which means that the amount of the Be 21Ni 5 phase increased. When the Ni content was 1.5wt%, the dif-fraction peaks of the BeNi phase appeared in addition to those of the Be 21Ni 5 phase, indicating that both the Be 21Ni 5 phase and the BeNi phase formed in the alloy. When the Ni content was increased to 2.1wt%, the diffraction intensity of the Be 21Ni 5 phase and BeNi phase increased further, indi-cating that the amounts of both the Be 21Ni 5 phase and theBeNi phase increased, in accordance with the results in Fig. 1.Fig. 1. Metallographic microstructures of the Be–Cu cast alloys with different Ni contents: (a) Cu -0.42wt%Be; (b) Cu -0.4wt%Be - 0.45wt%Ni; (c) and (d) Cu -0.39wt%Be -0.98wt%Ni; (e) and (f) Cu -0.4wt%Be -1.5wt%Ni; (g) and (h) Cu -0.4wt%Be -2.1wt%Ni.644 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater ., Vol. 25, No. 6, Jun. 2018Fig. 2. SEM images of the Be–Cu cast alloys with different Ni contents: (a) Cu–0.4wt%Be–0.45wt%Ni; (b) Cu–0.39wt%Be– 0.98wt%Ni; (c) Cu–0.4wt%Be–1.5wt%Ni; (d) Cu–0.4wt%Be–2.1wt%Ni. Table 2. Contents of Ni and Cu in the Cu matrix and the pre-cipitated phase of the Be–Cu cast alloys wt%AlloyPrecipitated phase Cu matrix Ni CuNiCuCu–0.4wt%Be–1.5wt%Ni 81.19 18.81 1.0099.00Cu–0.4wt%Be–2.1wt%Ni82.1117.89 1.3098.70Fig. 3. XRD patterns of the Cu–Be cast alloys with different Ni contents.To further analyze the precipitated phases in Cu–Be cast alloys, we used TEM to observe the microstructure of the Cu -0.4wt%Be -2.1wt%Ni cast alloy; the TEM bright-field image and selected-area diffraction pattern (SADP) ofthe sample are shown in Fig. 4. Numerous needle-like precipi-tates were observed in the sample, and the chemical compo-sition of the Cu matrix and the precipitates were determined using an EDS apparatus installed on the transmission elec-tron microscope; the results are shown in Table 3. The nee-dle-like precipitated phases were rich in Ni, consistent with the SEM analysis results. According to the Cu–Ni binary alloy phase diagram [16], Cu and Ni are both infinitely mis-cible, which means that Ni elementary substance cannot ex-ist in the Cu alloy. Therefore, we speculated that the precip-itate may be a Be–Ni compound.Fig. 4. TEM image and selected-area diffraction pattern of the Cu -0.4wt%Be -2.1wt%Ni cast alloy.Table 3. Contents of Ni and Cu in the matrix and precipitated phase of the Cu -0.4wt%Be -2.1wt%Ni alloy wt%No.Ni Cu Precipitated phase 1 (Fig. 4) 100.0 0 Precipitated phase 2 (Fig. 4) 93.9 6.1 Precipitated phase 3 (Fig. 4)89.9 10.1 Matrix 4 (Fig. 4)1.998.1According to the SADP in Fig. 4, the interplanar spacings of the precipitates were 0.267 nm for (100), 0.262 nm forS.J. He et al., Effects of Ni content on the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu-0.4wt%Be alloys 645(010), and 0.188 nm for (110). By comparison with the data listed in the PDF cards used for phase analysis, the afore-mentioned interplanar spacings are similar to those (0.261 nm for {100} and 0.185 nm for {110}) of the BeNi phase; therefore, the precipitate was BeNi with a simple cubic structure.The aforementioned experimental results indicate that Ni addition can substantially refine the grains of the Cu–Be cast alloy. With an increase in Ni content, the extent of grain refinement increases. In addition, the amount of the precipi-tated phases in the alloy increases with increasing Ni con-tent. When the Ni content is 0.45wt% or 0.98wt%, the intragranular needle-like Be21Ni5phases form and are mainly distributed in the interdendritic regions. When the Ni content is increased to 1.5wt%, a large number of the nee-dle-like precipitates form in the grains; meanwhile, some chain-like precipitated particles form along the grain boundaries and the precipitated phases are Be21Ni5 and BeNi. The number of precipitates further increases when the Ni content is increased to 2.1wt%.The effect of the Ni content on the cast microstructure of the Cu–Be alloy is closely related to its solidification be-havior. According to the Cu–Be binary phase diagram [17], for a Be content of 0–2.2wt%, both the liquidus temperature and the solidus temperature decrease with increasing Be content, indicating that the solute-atom segregation coeffi-cient k is greater than 1 (k is the ratio of component C S in the solid phase to component C L in the liquid phase) and that segregation is positive. During solidification of the alloy, Be atoms in the solidified solid phase are discharged into the liquid phase at the front of the solid–liquid interface, which induces a lower Be content in the dendritic regions and a higher Be content in the interdendritic regions. When Ni is added to the Cu–Be alloy, the solid solubility of Be in the alloy decreases [16] and more Be atoms are discharged into the liquid phase during the solidification process, resulting in a higher Be content in the interdendritic regions. In addi-tion, Be21Ni5 and BeNi phases are easy to form because of the strong affinity between Ni and Be atoms. Therefore, during solidification of the Cu–Be alloys with Ni addition, Be–Ni precipitated phases tend to form in the interdendritic regions, as shown in Figs. 1(b), 1(c), 1(e), and 1(g). Ac-cording to the Cu–NiBe pseudo-binary phase diagram [16], a eutectic reaction occurs at 1030°C during the solidification of the alloy and the needle-like Be–Ni precipitates form, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2.With an increase of the Ni content, the type and amount of the precipitates in Cu–Be alloy are related to the concen-tration of Be and Ni atoms in the alloy. When the Ni content is low, the concentration of Be in the interdendritic regions is much higher than that of Ni in the solidification process. Taking the alloy with the Ni content of 0.45wt% as an ex-ample, the ratio between the concentrations of Be and Ni atoms is estimated to be 5.8:1 and the Be21Ni5(Be:Ni = 4.2:1) phase tends to form. With an increase in Ni content, the number of Be21Ni5phase precipitates in the alloy in-creases correspondingly and the Be/Ni atomic ratio de-creases, which is conducive to the formation of the BeNi phase. When the Ni content is 1.5wt% or 2.1wt%, the Be/Ni atomic ratio is 1.7:1 and 1.2:1, respectively, indi-cating the formation of both the Be21Ni5 and BeNi phases in the alloy.Ni addition induces the discharge of more Be atoms into the liquid phase, resulting in concentration supercooling at the front of the solid–liquid interface, which increases the number of nucleated grains in the Cu matrix. Furthermore, the Be–Ni phases that precipitate during solidification can effectively hinder grain growth of the Cu matrix. The com-bined actions of the two aforementioned effects are respon-sible for grain refinement. With an increase of the Ni content, the extent of concentration undercooling and the amount of precipitated phases increase and the extent of grain refine-ment increases accordingly. When the Ni content is in-creased to 2.1wt%, the average grain size of the alloy is re-duced to 580 μm from 2100 μm for the alloy without Ni ad-dition, as shown in Fig. 1.3.2. Effects of Ni content on the microstructure of Cu–Be alloys after solid-solution treatmentThe Cu–Be alloy cast ingots with different Ni contents were successively hot rolled and cold rolled, and the cold-rolled samples were then subjected to solid-solution treatment at 950°C for different times. Figs. 5-8 show the metallographic microstructures of the alloys with Ni con-tents of 0, 0.98wt%, 1.5wt%, and 2.1wt%, respectively, be-fore and after the solid-solution treatment. After the alloys were hot rolled and cold rolled, their grains were elongated along the rolling direction and typical deformed microstruc-tures were observed, as shown in Figs. 5(a), 5(b), 6(a), 7(a), and 8(a). After the solid-solution treatment, as the holding time was increased, recrystallization and grain growth oc-curred in the Cu matrix and the precipitates dissolved into the matrix to different extents. For the alloy without Ni ad-dition, when the holding time was 5 min, the precipitated phase was not observed in the alloy and the average grain size was about 325 μm. When the holding time was extend-ed, the grains grew substantially, as shown in Figs. 5(c) and 5(d).646 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater ., Vol. 25, No. 6, Jun. 2018For the alloy with a Ni content of 0.98wt%, when the holding time was 5 min, most of the precipitates dissolved into the matrix and only few large undissolved precipitates were observed; the average grain size of the alloy was about 125 μm, as shown in Fig. 6(b). When the holding time was increased to 30 min, the precipitates completely dissolved into the matrix and the average grain size was further in-creased to about 460 μm, as shown in Fig. 6(d).Fig. 5. Metallographic microstructures of the Cu -0.42wt%Be alloy before and after solid-solution treatment: (a) cold rolled; (b) magnification of (a); (c) 950°C for 5 min; (d) 950°C for 10 min.Fig. 6. Metallographic microstructures of the Cu -0.39wt%Be -0.98wt%Ni alloy before and after solid solution treatment: (a) cold rolled; (b) 950°C for 5 min; (c) 950°C for 10 min; (d) 950°C for 30 min.S.J. He et al., Effects of Ni content on the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu -0.4wt%Be alloys647When the Ni content of the alloy was increased to 1.5wt% and the holding time was 5 min, many small precip-itate particles still existed in the grains, some large precipi-tate particles were distributed near the grain boundaries, and the average grain size was approximately 15 μm, as shown in Fig. 7(b). When the holding time was extended to 10 min, the small precipitates in the grains dissolved; however, a few large precipitates were still distributed in the grains and near the grain boundaries and the average grain size was increased to about 115 μm, as shown in Fig. 7(c). With a further in-crease of the holding time to 120 min, these precipitate parti-cles still existed in the Cu matrix, as shown in Fig. 7(d).Fig. 7. Metallographic microstructures of the Cu -0.4wt%Be -1.5wt%Ni alloy before and after the solid-solution treatment: (a) cold rolled; (b) 950°C for 5 min; (c) 950°C for 10 min; (d) 950°C for 120 min.When the Ni content of the alloy was further increased to 2.1wt%, the recrystallization, grain growth, and the dissolu-tion behavior of the precipitates were the same as those of the alloy with a Ni content of 1.5wt%. Under the same sol-id-solution treatment conditions, however, the grain growth of the alloy with 2.1wt% Ni was much smaller than that of the alloy with 1.5wt% Ni and the residual precipitates in the former were much more numerous than those in the latter. As shown in Fig. 8, for a holding time of 10 min, the aver-age grain size of the matrix was approximately 22 μm. With a further increase of the holding time to 120 min, the aver-age grain size increased to about 32 μm and some precipi-tates remained in the matrix. TEM observations revealed some undissolved precipitate particles in the alloy treated for a holding time of 120 min. EDS was used to determine the chemical composition of the precipitate particle; it was rich in Ni and was determined to be a BeNi phase according to the SADP results in Fig. 9.To analyze the effects of Ni content on the changes of grain size, the precipitate content (area percentage of the precipitate), and the Ni content in the matrix of the Cu–Be alloys with different Ni contents with the holding time were analyzed statistically. Fig. 10 displays the changes in the grain size of the alloy with holding time for the sol-id-solution treatment. For the solid-solution treatment at 950°C for 5–60 min, the average grain size increased rapid-ly with increasing holding time. With a further increase in holding time, the average grain size increased slightly. Tak-ing the alloy without Ni addition as an example, the average grain size was about 325 μm when the holding time was 5 min, sharply increased to about 820 μm when the holding time was increased to 60 min, and then increased slightly to about 850 μm at 120 min. In addition, under the same sol-id-solution treatment conditions, the average grain size of the alloy decreased with increasing Ni content. This behavior im-plies that increasing the Ni content can suppress the grain growth of the Cu–Be alloy during the solid-solution treatment and achieve grain refinement, especially when the Ni content is greater than 0.98wt%. When the Ni content was 1.5wt% and 2.1wt%, the average grain size of the alloy treated at 950°C for 60 min was about 423 and 30 μm, respectively, which are much smaller than that of the alloy without Ni addition.648Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater ., Vol. 25, No. 6, Jun. 2018Fig. 8. Metallographic microstructures of the Cu -0.4wt%Be -2.1wt%Ni alloy before and after the solid-solution treatment: (a) cold rolled; (b) 950°C for 5 min; (c) 950°C for 10 min; (d) 950°C for 120 min.Fig. 9. TEM image of the Cu -0.4wt%Be -2.1wt%Ni alloy after solid-solution treatment at 950°C for 120 min (a) and the corre-sponding EDS spectrum of the precipitate (b).Fig. 10. Changes in the grain size of Cu–Be alloys plotted as a function of the holding time during the solid-solution treatment.The changes in the precipitate content of Cu–Be alloys with the holding time of the solid-solution treatment is shown in Fig. 11. For the holding times from 0 to 10 min, the precipitate content decreased rapidly with increasing holding time. With a further increase in holding time, the precipitate content decreased slightly. When the Ni content was 0.45wt% or 0.98wt%, the precipitates basically dis-solved into the matrix at a holding time of 10 min. When the Ni content was 1.5wt% or 2.1wt%, the precipitate content decreased sharply from 6.6wt% or 13.2wt% at a holding time of 5 min to 1.0wt% and 4.3wt% for a holding time of 10 min, respectively. When the holding time was further in-creased, the precipitate content decreased slightly; some un-dissolved precipitates remained in the alloys solution-treatedS.J. He et al., Effects of Ni content on the cast and solid-solution microstructures of Cu -0.4wt%Be alloys 649for a holding time of 120 min, with precipitate contents of 0.5wt% and 3.5wt% for the alloys with Ni contents of1.5wt% and2.1wt%, respectively.Fig. 11. Changes in the precipitate content of Cu–Be alloys as a function of holding time during the solid-solution treatment.Fig. 12 shows the changes of the Ni content in the Cu matrix with increasing holding time during the sol-id-solution treatment. For holding times from 0 to 10 min, the Ni content in the Cu matrix increased rapidly with in-creasing holding time. With a further increase in holding time, the Ni content increased slightly. In the case of Cu -0.4wt%Be -1.5wt%Ni alloy, the Ni content in the matrix increased from 1.00wt% before the solid-solution treatment to 1.40wt% after a holding time of 10 min. When the hold-ing time was increased to 30 min, the Ni content increased to 1.45wt%. With a further increase in holding time, the Ni content basically remained unchanged. In addition, the Ni content in the matrix increased with increasing amount of Niaddition.Fig. 12. Changes of the Ni content in the Cu matrix as a func-tion of holding time during the solid-solution treatment.Before the solid-solution treatment, Be 21Ni 5 and BeNi phases existed in the Cu–Be alloys containing Ni; although the Be and Ni contents in the Cu matrix were low, the Be and Ni contents in the precipitates were much higher than those in the matrix, which induced the diffusion of Be and Ni atoms from the precipitates into the matrix at a high sol-id-solution temperature. As a result, the precipitates dis-solved into the matrix. At the beginning of the solid-solution treatment at 950°C, the precipitates rapidly dissolved into the Cu matrix (Fig. 11) and the Ni content (Fig. 12) in the matrix increased sharply during holding times ranging from 0 to 10 min because of the high driving force of the precipi-tate dissolution stemming from the large composition gra-dients of the Be and Ni atoms between the precipitates and the matrix. When the holding time was extended, the Be and Ni contents in the matrix increased and the composition gradient of the Be and Ni atoms between the precipitates and the matrix decreased; thus, the driving force of precipi-tate dissolution also decreased, slowing the dissolution rate of the precipitates. When the holding time was 30 min, the Ni content in the Cu matrix basically reached the nominal composition of the alloy. With a further increase in holding time, the precipitate content and the Ni content in the matrix changed slightly.The results in Fig. 11 indicate that Ni addition can sub-stantially refine the grains of the Cu–Be alloys after sol-id-solution treatment. With an increase in Ni content, the extent of grain refinement increased. In this paper, the Cu–Be alloys were successively hot rolled and cold rolled and recrystallization and grain growth occurred in the alloys during the subsequent solid-solution treatment. The effect of grain growth on the microstructure of the alloys was greater than that of recrystallization because of a large grain-boundary mi-gration rate at the high temperature (950°C) used for the solid-solution treatment. The effects of Ni on the sol-id-solution microstructure of the Cu–Be alloys were closely related to the effects of both the precipitate and the alloying element in the matrix on grain growth. Alloying elements and precipitates strongly affect the grain-boundary migra-tion rate, which can be expressed as [18]bV b C Z C 3d ()d 2F R M P P P M P t R r αγγ⋅⋅⎛⎫=--=- ⎪⎝⎭- (1) whered d Rtis the grain-boundary migration rate, M is the grain-boundary mobility; P is the driving force of thegrain-boundary migration, bP Rαγ⋅=; P C is the resistance ofsolute atoms to grain-boundary migration; P Z is the resistanceof precipitates to grain-boundary migration, V b Z 32F P rγ⋅=;α is a material constant; γb is the interface free energy; R is。
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c o nd -m a t /9902355 26 Fe b 1999The Effect of Ni and Zn Doping in Bi-2212 from Tunneling Measurements. The MCS Model of the High-T c Superconductivity in Hole-Doped Cuprates.A. MourachkineUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Physique des Solides, CP233, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium We use Ni and Zn impurities doped into Bi 2Sr 2CaCu 2O 8+x (Bi2212) to test the MS (Magnetic polaron - Spinon) model proposed earlier. We present electron-tunneling spectroscopy of pure,Ni- and Zn-doped Bi2212 single crystals below T c using a break-junction technique. We show that magnetic (Ni) and nonmagnetic (Zn) impurities doped into CuO 2 planes affect both the T c and the density of states in Bi2212 but do it differently. In order to explain the data, we had to modify the MS model. Thus, we present a Magnetic Coupling of Stripes (MCS) model. In the MCS model, there is only one superconductivity – a spinon superconductivity along charged stripes.The coherent state of the spinon superconductivity is established by magnons which are excited by motions of charged stripes. So, in the MCS model, the superconductivity has the two mechanisms: along charged stripes and perpendicular to stripes.1. INTRODUCTION Since the discovery of the superconductivity (SC) in cuprates by Bednorz and Müller [1] in 1986 many theoretical models have been proposed. Recently, Emery with co-workers [2] have presented a model of high-T c superconductivity (HTSC), which is based on experimental results.The essence of the model is a spinon SC. Spinons are neutral fermions which occur in one-dimensional (1D) physics. The spinon SC occurs on charged stripes in CuO 2 planes [3,4]. Stripes are separated by antifferomagnetic (AF) isolating domains. Spinons create pairs on stripes because of the existence of a large spin-gap due to AF correlations [2]. The coherent state of the spinon SC is established at T c by the Josephson coupling between charged stripes carrying the spinon SC.In our previous work, we have presented some indications of the coexistence of the spinon SC and predominant d x 2 - y 2 (hereafter, d-wave) SC in Bi2212 [5]. On the basis of experimental data, we have proposed a MS (Magnetic polaron - Spinon) model of the SC in hole-doped cuprates[5]. In framework of the MS model, the coherent state of the spinon SC is established at T c via the d-wave polaron SC with the magnetic pairing due to spin-waves (magnons), which occurs in AF domains. A magnetic polaron can be pictured as the electron and a spin polarization around it [6].The T c is the characteristic temperature of the d-wave SC. In Bi2212, the 2∆/k B T c value for the d-wave SC with the magnetic pairing lies in a strong coupling range between 5.3 and 5.7 [5]. The magnitude of the spinon-SC gap and the T c value do not relate to each other. The order parameter (OP) of the spinon SC has either a s-wave or (s+d) mixed symmetry [2,5]. It is important to note that the Josephson current is a sign of the polaron SC since polarons carry charge.Figure 1 shows an idealized phase diagram for Bi2212 [5]. The maximum magnitude of the spinon-SC gap depends linearly on hole concentration in CuO2 planes, p. The dependence of the magnitude of the d-wave SC gap on hole concentration is parabolic since T c = T c, max[1 - 82.6(p -0.16)2], where T c, max = 95 K. The maximum magnitude of the spinon-SC gap is larger than the maximum magnitude of the d-wave gap which, however, is more intense than the spinon-SC gap. It is not clear yet what happens with the spinon SC on charged stripes below p = 0.05 and above p = 0.27. Does it still exist or there is a collapse of the spinon SC at these points. The inset in Fig. 1 shows schematically shapes of the spinon and d-wave SC gaps on the Fermi surface. In addition to main peaks in tunneling spectra, there is a sub-gap. At this moment, it is not clear yet about the origin of this sub-gap. The d-wave SC mediated by magnons can coexist with a g-wave SC which has the same pairing mechanism [7]. We have associated this sub-gap with the g-wave gap. However, more research is needed to find out the exact origin of this sub-gap.The effect of magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities on the properties of a superconductor provides useful information about the mechanism of the SC. In our case, it is a test of the MS model. In framework of the MS model, we have formulated the Anderson's theorem for cuprates [5]: any impurity doped into CuO2planes affects both the T c and the density of states (DOS). Since the tunneling spectroscopy performs direct measurements of the DOS, we have to observe effects caused by impurities. Ni and Zn dopants substitute Cu in CuO2planes. A Ni is the magnetic impurity. In general, it can be in two oxidation states: Ni2+(S=1) and Ni3+(S=1/2). A Zn is always the nonmagnetic impurity in CuO2 planes, Zn2+(S=0). Ideally, we have to observe this difference between Ni and Zn. Both Ni and Zn will pin stripes in CuO2planes [3]. A Ni3+ oxidation state is formed more easily than Cu3+, it should create a weak attractive potential for holes. A large negative potential is expected for Zn impurities, since an inert d shell strongly repels holes, i.e. attracts electrons [8]. It is noteworthy that our Ni- and Zn-doped Bi2212 single crystals have similar values of T c, so, this circumstance simplifies the interpretation of our experimental data. In fact, the magnetic origin of the d-wave SC was determined due to measurements in Ni-doped samples [5], hence, direct measurements of the DOS in Ni- and Zn-doped Bi2212 single crystals are important from many points of view and it is a good test for the MS model.The structure of the paper is as follows. Experimental details are described in Section 2. In Section 3, we consider statistics of gap measurements at low temperature on a pure, a Ni- and Zn-doped Bi2212 single crystals. In Sections 4 and 5, we focus attention on measurements on Ni-doped Bi2212 single crystals. Measurements on Zn-doped Bi2212 samples are presented in Section 6. We discuss all data and the MCS model in Section 7. The final conclusions are presented in Section 8.2. EXPERIMENTALThe single crystals of Bi2212 were grown using a self-flux method and then mechanically separated from the flux in Al2O3 or ZrO2 crucibles [9]. The dimensions of the samples are typically 3×1×0.1 mm3. The chemical composition of the Bi-2212 phase corresponds to the formula Bi2Sr1.9CaCu1.8O8+x in overdoped crystals as measured by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDAX). The crystallographic a, b, c values of the overdoped single crystals are of 5.41 Å, 5.50Å and 30.81 Å, respectively. The T c value was determined by either dc-magnetization or by four-contacts method yielding T c = 87 - 90 K with the transition width ∆T c~ 1 K. Some overdoped single crystals were carefully checked out to ensure that they are in an overdoped phase: the T c value was increasing up to 95 K when some oxygen was chemically taken off the samples.The single crystals of Ni- and Zn-doped Bi2212 were grown using also the self-flux method. The chemical composition of the Bi2212 phase with T c = 75 - 76 K corresponds to the formula Bi2Sr1.95Ca0.95(CuNi)2.05O8+x and Bi2Sr1.98Ca0.83(CuZn)2O8+x as measured by EDAX. The content of Ni is about 1.5 % with respect to Cu and the Zn content is about 1%.Experimental details of our break-junction (B-J) technique can be found elsewhere [10]. Here we present a short description of some technical details. Many break junctions were prepared by gluing a sample with epoxy on a flexible insulating substrate and then were broken by bending the substrate with a differential screw at 14 - 18 K in a helium atmosphere. By changing the distance between two pieces of a single crystal by a differential screw, it is possible to obtain a few tunneling spectra in one B-J. The normal resistance (R N) of break junctions outside of the gap ranged from 50 Ωto 50 MΩ. The tunneling current-voltage characteristics I(V) and the conductance curves dI/dV(V) were determined by the four-terminal method using a standard lock-in modulation technique. The electrical contacts (typically with a resistance of a few Ω) were made by attaching gold wires with silver paint. The sample resistance (with the contacts) at room temperature varied from 10 Ω to about 2 kΩ, depending on the sample.3. STATISTICS OF THE MAGNITUDE OF TUNNELING GAPThe hole concentration in CuO2 planes of the Bi2212 single crystals with T c= 87 - 90 K (overdoped) and T c = 75 - 76 K (Ni- and Zn-doped) calculated from T c/T c, max= 1 - 82.6(p-0.16)2, where T c, max = 95 K, is equal to p= 0.19 and p= 0.11, respectively. The maximum magnitude of the gaps for these two cases are shown in Fig. 1. The magnitude of the SC gap can, in fact, be derived directly from the tunneling spectrum. However, in the absence of a generally accepted model for the gap function and the DOS in HTSC, such a quantitative analysis is not straightforward. Thus, in order to compare different spectra, we calculate the gap amplitude 2∆ (in m e V) as a half spacing between the conductance peaks at ± 2∆.Figure 2 shows for comparison three typical spectra with similar magnitudes obtained on a pure, a Ni- and Zn-doped Bi2212 single crystals. They exhibit the characteristic features of typical SC-insulator-SC junctions [11,12]. There is no much difference among these spectra, they look very similar to each other.By changing the distance between two pieces of a broken crystal by a differential screw, it is possible to obtain a few tunneling spectra in one B-J. Simple statistics of gap measurements in one sample cab be informative about the distribution of the gap magnitude, the predominant character of one of the gaps, and some indication of the origin of the gap(s).Figure 3 shows the distribution of the magnitude of tunneling gap measured on a pure Bi2212 single crystal (A), a Ni-doped Bi2212 sample (B) and Zn-doped Bi2212 single crystal (C). Note that the vertical scales for each frame in Fig. 3 are different. The choice of the presentation of the data shown in Fig. 3 is due to the maximum number of gap measurements in one sample for each set of Bi2212 single crystals. It is important to note that the data in Fig. 3 include only the distribution of the gap magnitude of main tunneling peaks and do not include data for the sub-gap which is often observed in tunneling spectra [5].One can see in Fig. 3 that the distribution of the magnitude of tunneling gap for each case is in a good agreement with Fig. 1. Secondly, in the pure Bi2212 sample, it is obvious that the d-wave SC gap is predominant. In the Bi2212 single crystal doped with the magnetic impurity, Ni, the d-wave gap is still predominant. In fact, there is almost no difference between Figs. 3a and 3b with the exception for the absolute values of tunneling gap. In contrast to the data for the pure and Ni-doped Bi2212 single crystals, shown in Fig. 3, in the Zn-doped sample, the d-wave SC gap is not 'very popular'. Thus, even simple statistics point out on the magnetic origin of the d-wave SC. The nonmagnetic impurity, Zn 'dilutes' the SC with the magnetic pairing ('swiss cheese' model) and doesn't affect much the spinon SC. However, the most striking fact that Zn 'creates' a gap in the middle of the two gaps with the magnitude of about 2∆ = 60 - 65 meV. We will discuss this fact in Section 6. So, from the point of view of statistics, we have a good agreement with the MS model.4. MEASUREMENTS ON Ni-Bi2212: Ni2+ OXIDATION STATEIn this Section, we present the data which have been introduced already in our previous work [5], but we need them in order to identify other data. Figure 4 shows I(V)and dI/dV(V) characteristics measured at 15 K on a Ni-doped Bi2212 single crystal. The temperature dependence of the dI/dV(V) is presented in Fig. 5. A normal tunneling I(V) characteristic is linear outside the gap-structure, I ~ V. The I(V) characteristic in Fig. 4 is striking, it is almost flat outside the gap. The conductance curve almost doesn't have the background.The spectra look very striking but senseless without some additional information. When we have compared these data with inelastic neutron scattering (INS) data on YBa2Cu3O7-x(YBCO) [13,14], we have found a good agreement between the two sets of data [5]. So, it became clear that the so-called resonance peak observed in inelastic neutron scattering measurements and the spectrum in Fig. 4, which appear at the same bais positions as a function of hole concentration, have something in common. In framework of SO(5) theory, Demler and Zhang showed that the resonance-peak position observed in YBCO is in quantitative agreement with the condensation energy of YBCO [15].The explanation is as follows. The distribution of Ni in this sample probably was not uniform. We tested the DOS in the vicinity of a small cluster of Ni2+(S = 1). The spins S = 1 of Ni will allow to propagate in it's vicinity only excitations with S = 1. Thus, the spectrum in Fig. 4 can only be explained in two ways: it is a triplet (p-wave) SC state, or it is a SC state mediated by spin-waves. Since we know that in Bi2212, the predominant SC is the d-wave SC mediated by spin-waves, we find that the spectrum in Fig. 4 is a spectrum with the pure magnetic origin, i.e. there is no contribution of the spinon SC in the spectrum shown in Fig. 4. The spinon SC is absent because the DOS was tested in a place where charged stripes are absent. Tunneling spectra obtained far from impurities look normal (see, for example, the spectrum B in Fig. 2).Now we discuss temperature dependencies of the SC gaps. Figure 6 shows temperature dependencies of tunneling spectra of Bi2212. The curve A displays a temperature dependence of the spectra shown in Fig. 5, which have the purely magnetic origin. The curve B in Fig. 6 corresponds to the temperature dependence of tunneling gap observed in (0, π) direction on the Fermi surface [5], corresponds to the temperature dependence of the combination of the predominant d-wave SC gap and spinon-SC gap (see the inset in Fig. 1). The curve C in Fig. 6 is a typical temperature dependence for a maximum tunneling gap or for a gap which is close to the maximum value [12,5], i. e. this is a temperature dependence of the spinon-SC gap since the d-wave gap is absent in (π, π) direction on the Fermi surface (see the inset in Fig. 1). We need these data in the next Section in order to find out the origin of some abnormal spectra.5. MEASUREMENTS ON Ni-Bi2212: Ni3+ OXIDATION STATEIn this Section, we present spectra which, at the first sight, look very abnormal. However, the comparison with the data presented in Section 4 shows that these abnormal spectra most likely corresponds to the Ni3+ oxidation state in Bi2212.Figures 7 and 8 show spectra as a function of temperature obtained on the same Ni-Bi2212 sample as the spectra shown in Figs. 4 and 5. One can suggest that this Ni-Bi2212 single crystal is 'special'. However, similar spectrum was detected in another Ni-Bi2212 single crystal, which isshown in Fig. 9. In order to identify the origin of the spectra in Figs. 7, 8 and 9, we present the temperature dependence of these tunneling spectra in Fig. 10 [16].Let's analyze the presented spectra and their temperature dependencies. First of all, it is easy to identify the origin of the smallest SC gap shown in Fig. 8. It's temperature dependence A in Fig. 10 is very similar to the temperature dependence A shown in Fig. 6, which has the pure magnetic origin. The magnitude of the Josephson current in the spectrum in Fig. 8 is much higher than in the other spectra shown in Figs. 7 and 9, and looks similar to the magnitude of the Josephson current in the spectrum of the d-wave SC gap in Fig. 4. The magnitudes of the two gaps shown in Figs. 4 and 8 are approximately equal. Consequently, the smallest SC gap shown in Fig. 8 is the d-wave gap.The magnitudes of the gaps corresponding to the narrow tunneling peaks shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9 are around the magnitude of the spinon-SC gap at p = 0.11 (see Fig. 1). However, their temperature dependencies in Fig. 10 are similar to the temperature dependence B shown in Fig. 6, which corresponds to the temperature dependence of the combination of the spinon and d-wave SC gaps and different from the temperature dependence of the spinon-SC gap (curve C in Fig. 6). The values of the Josephson current in the spectra shown in Figs. 7 and 9 are small, however non-zero. As we remember, the Josephson current is a characteristic of the d-wave SC in Bi2212. So, we have a puzzling situation: the magnitudes of the SC gaps corresponding to the narrow peaks in the tunneling spectra shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9 correspond to the magnitude of the spinon-SC gap at p = 0.11 and, on the other hand, there is an involvement of the SC with the magnetic origin. In framework of the MS model, there is only one explanation of this experimental fact. These narrow tunneling peaks are due to the Ni3+(S = 1/2) oxidation state in Bi2212, which occurs on charged stripes. This means that Ni3+ ions (probably, clusters) participate in the two SCs at the same time! We discuss the data in Section 7.One may wonder (i) why the spectra shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9 are asymmetrical relatively zero bias inside the main tunneling peaks, and (ii) why there are so many small peaks inside of the main tunneling peaks (see, for example, Fig. 7). (i) We know that the d-wave SC pairing occurs due to magnons. Spin-waves excited by applied dc current in Cu/Co multilayers are asymmetrical with the direction of the dc current [17]. It may explain the asymmetry of our tunneling spectra. (ii) The shape of the small tunneling peaks inside the main peaks in the spectrum shown in Fig. 7 looks very similar to the shape of the tunneling spectrum of a magnon in an AF medium [6]. In both cases, there is a small step before the peak. This means that the small peaks inside the main tunneling peaks shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9 correspond to the excitation of magnons in AF regions. However, there is also a difference between these two cases, namely, in bias scale. The small peaks in Fig. 7 are smaller in a scale than the peak in the tunneling spectrum of a magnon [6]. This difference in a scale can be explained by the fact that the process of the magnon excitations in the two cases happens in two different environments. The magnon excitation in an AF mediumobserved in Ref. 6 occurs in the normal-state environment. In our case, magnons are excited in the SC state. This fact explains the difference in bias scale between the tunneling spectra corresponding to the excitation of magnons.Let's now discuss measurements on Zn-doped Bi2212 single crystals and, then, analyze all data in Section 7.6. MEASUREMENTS ON Zn-Bi2212In Section 3, simple statistics show that the nonmagnetic impurity, Zn 'dilutes' the SC with the magnetic pairing ('swiss cheese' model), and, it seems that it doesn't affect much the spinon SC. However, Zn 'creates' a gap with the magnitude of about 60 - 65 meV. Figure 11 shows a spectrum obtained on a Zn-Bi2212 single crystal. One can clearly see in Fig. 11 three different gaps. The peaks at ±105 mV and ±40 mV correspond to the spinon and d-wave SC gaps, respectively. One can see that there is a gap with the value of 2∆ = 65 meV.Let's discuss the origin of the gap with 2∆ = 65 meV, which most likely occurs due to the presence of Zn2+(S = 0). There are two possible origins of this gap, namely, it can be either a polaron or spinon gap. We know that the T c value is defined by the d-wave SC. The increase of the magnitude of the d-wave gap would imply the increase of T c. However, it is not the case. Moreover, Zn is well known as a particularly harmful impurity for T c in cuprates. So, it is most likely that the gap with 2∆ = 65 meV is a partially damaged spinon-SC gap.There are two independent ways to explain the appearance of the spinon gap with 2∆= 65 meV. (i) According to the Anderson's theorem, a nonmagnetic impurity will not affect the DOS with an isotropic OP. If the spinon-SC OP has a (s+d) mixed symmetry, then, Zn affects locally only a d-component keeping a s-wave component unchanged. Thus, the gap with 2∆ = 65 meV is only a part of the complete spinon-SC gap. Then, in framework of the MS model, this implies that a Zn2+ creates 'voids' with the diameter larger than the average distance between charged stripes because the spinon SC occurs on charged stripes and it is the only way for a Zn to affect the spinon-SC gap. (ii) The second explanation is as follows. The spinon OP may have either a s-wave or (s+d) mixed symmetry. A Zn2+affects locally the spin-gap which occurs due to AF correlations [2]. The spinon-SC gap depends completely on the spin-gap and will be damaged if the spin-gap is partially destroyed. Consequently, the gap with 2∆ = 65 meV is the spinon-SC gap which occurs in regions with the weakened spin-gap. In this case, it is not necessary for Zn to create voids with the diameter larger than the average distance between charged stripes. The diameter of voids can be smaller than the distance between charged stripes. In fact, both presented explanations may be true.7. DISCUSSION: THE MCS MODELMost of the effects of impurities substituted for Cu in Bi2212 have been discussed in our previous work [5]. However, the Ni3+(S= 1/2) oxidation state and it's effect on the DOS in Bi2212 has been not considered before. In Section 5, we have found that a Ni3+(S= 1/2) may participate simultaneously in the two SCs. In fact, it is very important result. The Ni3+ participation in the two SCs simultaneously implies that the two SCs exist in different degrees of freedom, i.e. in different direction. In the MS model, they coexist 'in parallel' and it is impossible for a Ni3+ion to participate in the two SCs at the same time. The CuO2planes are two-dimensional. The only possible solution of this problem, if we consider that the spinon SC occurs along charged stripes and the SC with the magnetic pairing occurs in perpendicular direction to stripes. So, we have to modify the MS model.Here, we present a Magnetic Coupling of Stripes (MCS) model of the HTSC in Bi2212, which is, in fact, the modified MS model. The scenario in framework of the MCS model is very similar to a scenario described by Emery with co-workers [2]. The main difference between the two models is that the coherent SC state of the spinon SC is established differently in the two models. In framework of the MCS model, the coherent state is established by magnons and not by the Josephson coupling as described in Ref. 2. Magnons are excited in AF domains of CuO2 planes by motions of charged stripes. We know that stripes fluctuate [3]. An electron moving into AF medium excites spin-waves [6]. So, fluctuating charged stripes excite magnons. That means that, in the MCS model, a magnetic polaron (in the MS model) is replaced by a charged stripe which has a virtual spin polarization around it. There is only one SC, the spinon SC, but there are two mechanisms, one for pairing and one for the coherent state. In BCS theory, electrons couple to each other by phonons. The coherent state among the Cooper pairs is established also by phonons. In hole-doped cuprates, there exists one SC, but the pairing and coherent-state mechanisms are different: spinons couple to each other due to the existence of the large spin-gap in order to low their total free energy, and the coherent state of the spinon SC is established by magnons. Charged stripes with the spinon SC couple to each other by spin-waves which are excited due to its' motions. Impurities pin charged stripes [3], consequently, reduce the magnetic interstripe coupling. As a consequence, the T c value is reduced too. Thus, there is one type of carriers but they exhibit different properties in different directions: fermionic along charged stripes and polaronic perpendicular to stripes.Further, we discuss shortly the SC mechanism in other cuprates. The MCS scenario is described for hole-doped cuprates with the high value of T c, i. e. for cuprates with more than one CuO2 plane. Phonons do not play important role in the magnetic coupling of stripes since electron-magnon interactions are much stronger than electron-phonon interactions in AF compounds [6].However, in La2-x Sr x CuO4 (LSCO) with the single CuO2 plane, magnetic interactions are weaker than, for example, in Bi2212. So, charged stripes carrying the spinon SC couple to each other not only by magnons but also by phonons [18,19]. In the electron doped Nd2-x Ce x CuO4(NCCO) cuprate, it seems that, for some reasons, magnons can not propagate, so, stripes use only phonons for coupling or/and the Josephson coupling. Consequently, the MCS model has to be named as a Magnetic-Phonon Coupling of Stripes (MPCS) model for LSCO and as a Phonon Coupling of Stripes (PCS) model for NCCO (or as a Josephson Coupling of Stripes (JCS)). The difference in the mechanism of the interstripe coupling in different cuprates explains the difference in the symmetry of the predominant OP in different cuprates.Let's analyze shortly the other data. We have to admit that impurities help to understand the mechanism of the HTSC. What did we found?(i) We have seen that the Ni doping causes the appearance of two abnormalities in the quasiparticle DOS in Bi2212. The Zn doping creates only one effect in the quasiparticle DOS. It is in a good agreement with the number of possible oxidation states for each element. From our study along, we are not able to conclude what Ni oxidation state is preferable in Bi2212: Ni2+ or Ni3+. It seems that both states are present in Bi2212.(ii) Our study shows that Fig. 1 corresponds to the reality. Deutscher [20] has presented strong indications in support of the validity of Fig. 1. Although, the spinon-SC gap is an excitation gap in his interpretation. Recently, it has been shown that a tunneling gap with the maximum magnitude if a SC gap [12].In the new interpretation, Fig. 1 shows the maximum magnitudes of the two gaps in Bi2212: the spinon gap along stripes and the d-wave gap of the interstripe coupling by magnons. The 2∆/k B T c value for the d-wave gap in Bi2212 is around 5.3. The E r/k B T c value for YBCO is of the order of 5.1 - 5.7, where E r is the energy of the resonance peak in INS measurements [13,14]. For the magnetic pairing, the E r is simply equal to 2∆. For the spinon SC along charged stripes, the question still remains: what happens at points p = 0.05 and p = 0.27? Does the spinon SC exist on charged stripes below p = 0.05 and above p = 0.27?(iii) In Introduction, we have mentioned about a sub-gap in tunneling spectra, which was associated with the g-wave SC with the magnetic pairing. The sub-gap can bee also seen in Fig. 8. In Zn-Bi2212 single crystals, we did not observed the sub-gap. Theoretically, the g-wave SC is more robust with the change of hole concentration than the d-wave SC [7]. This is in contradiction what we observe. Indeed, more research is needed to find out the answer about the origin of the sub-gap in tunneling spectra. But it is absolutely clear that the sub-gap has the magnetic origin.Finally, frequently asked question is why ARPES data [21] are so different from tunneling measurements [22]. It is difficult to find a direct answer to this question. We know that the ARPES energy resolution (~15 meV) is, at least, one order of magnitude worse than in tunneling measurements. The escape depth is only 3 Å from the sample surface. Typically, a time of one。