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二三副《船舶管理》考试知识点整理第一章航海日志并非航海图书资料海事证明海图船长保管航行警告二副存1年督促水手长检查绞缆机航海日志大副存2年三副担任艇长督促一水正确显示号灯号型向大副提出书面申请人员变动,应变部署表三副按大副意图填写,报船长批准第二章航行中0400—0800班(大副班)水手负责驾驶台清洁夜航命令簿(夜间航行锚泊或其他必要时)船长或二副存1年航海口志:计程仪读数精确到0.Inm左页:航行记录(每班),气象海况(4h),舱水测量(0800,1600木匠测大副记录){其他必要时}中午测量(二副)右页:抵离港口准备,操纵,作业,定位(测天,卫星定位,交接班船位,推算船位精确到分以下小数点一位经纬度)其余用观测船位右页重大事项记录:非经常性及较大事件船长大副填写用完的大副存2年后送公司车钟记录簿:精确到1∕4min驾驶台和机舱各一本,船长,轮机长存2自动舵规定:使用自动舵的时机由船长决定,值班水手经船长或值班驾驶员同意可使用自动舵至少每小时检查自动舵运转和罗经每班至少进行一次手操舵,自动舵的转换系离泊作业:系于双柱时,8字花不得少于4道船首大副木匠协助,船尾二副水手长协助第一根首倒缆为经验人员操作,离泊时最后一根缆绳清爽应报告驾驶台救生艇操作规定:应变部署时各艇长检查指挥放一艘艇时,大副水手长检查指挥船长掌握放艇时机尽可能同时脱钩,有进速避免先脱前钩下风舷放艇偏顶浪20-30°,机动艇艇机落水前启动封闭式救生艇释放时留1人在艇甲板,其解开系索后登艇开航前准备和检查制度:开航前12h操舵装置检查试验开航前Ih对车对舵试车校对船时横倾角不超过1°能见度不良航行制度:能见度不良:能见度小于5nm且进一步降低,能见度小于3nm为能见度严重不良船长到驾驶台,轮机长到机舱连续守听VHF16/70频道,并在通话间隙发布本船雾航警报,中英文交替,力求简明职务交接制度:操作级及以上必须填写交接班报告表,船长轮机长大副交接分别在航海日志轮机日志上共同签署,其他船员交接报告部门长,代为交接的人员可为船长或由其指定人员非机动艇7人机动艇5人第三章1974年SO1AS:正文,议定书,附则,附件,附属于公约的单项规则附则12章:第一章总则,第二章构造,第三章救生设备与装置,第四章无线电通信,第五章航行安全,第六章货物装运,第七章危险货物装运,第八章核能船舶,第九章船舶安全营运管理,第十章高速船的安全措施,第十一(1)章加强海上安全的特别措施,第十一(2)章加强海上保安的特别措施,第十二章散货船的附加安全措施单项规则:FSS国际消防安全系统规则1SA救生设备规则适用范围:国际航行的船舶,不适用于V500GT货船、军舰、非机动船、制造简陋的木船、非营业性游艇、渔船构造:驾驶台到机器处所至少有2套独立通信系统;控制转换只应在机器处所或主机控制室进行应急电源:横倾22.5°纵倾10°或者范围内的任何组合角度供电客船36h货船18h艇筏集合点舷外应急照明3h水密装置:甲板以下开口永久关闭;主管机关同意可打开特殊的门;水密完整性的出入门和舱盖使用由值班驾驶员批准消防:所有船舶至少2套消防员装备,客船每80m备有2套消防员装备和2套个人配备;超过36人客船每一主竖区增配2套消防员装备,每套备1只水雾枪,液货船2套消防员装备,客船上应在任何一位置上可获,2套消防员装备和1套个人配备所有船舶应有1套防火控制图或该图的小册子复制品,永久置于甲板室外密闭盒子根据SO1AS公约的要求,防火控制图内应标明A和B级分隔区域独立驱动消防泵4000GT以上客船至少3台IOOOGT以上货船、4000GT以下客船至少2台IOOOGT以下货船至少1台国际通岸接头2500GT船舶至少1只1000总吨及以上的船舶应至少配备5只手提式灭火器VHF无线电话:客船、500GT及以上货船3台300-50GT货船2台SART:客船、500GT以上货船每舷至少1台,至少2台300GT-500GT货船至少1台每艘300GT货船、IOoGT客船应有1个船舶识别号救生艇筏:非短国际航行客船每舷救生艇50%人员全船100%人员,救生筏25%人员货船每舷救生艇100%人员,1只或多只救生筏存放点距船首或船尾超过IOOm应配1只救生筏货船1艘救助艇2名船员5min完成降落登乘降放时客船30min、货船IOmin,平静水面进速5kn降落下水货船3件保温救生服12支火箭降落伞信号存于驾驶室230OGT国际航行船、250OGT非国际航行货船、客船:1台AIS海面至船舶入口或出口处距离超过9m,引航软梯爬高不小于15m、离水面高度不超过9m每3个月应急操舵演习设置2台二氧化碳灭火系统释放控制装置通风装置应具有至少每小时换气6次的能力按照SO1AS公约要求,机动救生艇当载足全部乘员和属具时,在静水中的航速至少为6kn,并备有不少于24小时的燃料按照规定,机动救生艇当拖带一只25人救生筏时,静水中航速至少为2kn 自亮灯的救生圈至少为救生圈总数的1/2,至少2只救生圈设有自发烟雾信号货船每舷至少有1只救生圈应装有可浮救生索永久船舶识别号船尾或船中载重线之上,船名之下标签,应能保证在被海水浸没至少3个月后仍然可被辨认STCW:7个职能3个级别休息记录用工作语言和英语值班标准:休息时间任何24h最少10h、任何7天77h可分为不超过2段,其中一段至少6h,连续间隔不过14h例外任何7天不少于70h例外不应连续2星期,不少于例外连续的2倍例外分为不超过3段,其中一段6h,另外两段不少于Ih例外任何7天不超过2个24h血液酒精浓度不高于0.05%或呼吸时不高于0.25mg∕1体检证书:2年(V18岁1年)色觉视力证书:6年无有效体检证书至下一停靠港期间不超过3个月海员就业协议:海员和船东或船东代表签署海员和船东各持有经签字的就业协议原件书面解除协议:M1C:7天我国劳动合同:30天2006M1C:适用于商业活动海船(200GT以下国内船可免除遵守)禁止16岁以下上船工作,禁止18以下夜间工作,禁止18以下从事损害健康或安全的工作海员的正常工时标准应以每天8小时、每周休息1天和公共节假日休息为依据;海员的最长工作时间为在任何24小时时段内不得超过14小时,在任何7天时间内不得超过72小时;海员的最短休息时间为在任何24小时时段内不得少于10小时,在任何7天时间内不得少于77小时:如果海员因被招去工作而打扰了其正常的休息时间,则应给予其充分的补休。
三菱 RD15HVF1 说明书
PublicationDate :Oct.2011<Silicon RF Power MOS FET (Discrete)>RD15HVF1RoHS Compliance,Silicon MOSFET Power Transistor,175MHz520MHz,15WDESCRIPTIONRD15HVF1is a MOS FET type transistor specifically designed for VHF/UHF High power amplifiers applica -tions.FEATURESHigh power and High Gain:Pout>15W,Gp>14dB @Vdd=12.5V,f=175MHz Pout>15W,Gp>7dB @Vdd=12.5V,f=520MHz High Efficiency:60%typ.on VHF Band High Efficiency:55%typ.on UHF BandAPPLICATIONFor output stage of high power amplifiers in VHF/UHF Band mobile radio sets.RoHS COMPLIANTRD15HVF1-101is a RoHS compliant products.RoHS compliance is indicate by the letter “G”after the lot marking.This product include the lead in high melting temperature type solders.However,it is applicable to the following exceptions of RoHS Directions.1.Lead in high melting temperature type solders(i.e.tin-lead solder alloys containing more than85%lead.)OUTLINEDRAWINGnote:Torelance of no designation means typical value.Dimension in mm.0.5+0.10/-0.15PINS 1:GATE 2:SOURCE 3:DRAIN1.3+/-0.412.3M I N2.59.5MAX5deg2.54.5+/-0.53.1+/-0.63.6+/-0.20.8+0.10/-0.151.2+/-0.429.1+/-0.712.3+/-0.69+/-0.44.8M A X13.2+/-0.432ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Tc=25°C UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS RATINGS UNIT V DSS Drain to source voltage Vgs=0V30V V GSS Gate to source voltage Vds=0V+/-20V Pch Channel dissipation Tc=25°C48W Pin Input power Zg=Zl=50Ω 1.5(Note2)W ID Drain current-4A Tch Channel temperature-150°C Tstg Storage temperature--40to+150°C Rth j-c Thermal resistance junction to case 2.6°C/W Note1:Above parameters are guaranteed independently.Note2:Over300MHz use spec is6WELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Tc=25°C,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)LIMITS UNIT SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONSMIN TYP MAX.I DSS Zero gate voltage drain current V DS=17V,V GS=0V--100uAI GSS Gate to source leak current V GS=10V,V DS=0V--1uAV TH Gate threshold Voltage V DS=12V,I DS=1mA 1.5 2.0 2.5V Pout1Output power V DD=12.5V,Pin=0.6W,1518-W ηD1Drain efficiency f=175MHz,Idq=0.5A5560-% Pout2Output power V DD=12.5V,Pin=3W,1518-W ηD2Drain efficiency f=520MHz,Idq=0.5A5055-%No destroy-Load VSWR tolerance V DD=15.2V,Po=15W(PinControl)f=175MHz,Idq=0.5A,Zg=50ΩLoad VSWR=20:1(All Phase)Load VSWR tolerance V DD=15.2V,Po=15W(PinControl)No destroy-f=520MHz,Idq=0.5A,Zg=50ΩLoad VSWR=20:1(All Phase)Note:Above parameters,ratings,limits and conditions are subject to change.TYPICALCHARACTERISTICSTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSTEST CIRCUIT(f=175MHz)L2:5Turns,I.D6mm,D1.6mm P=1silver plateted copper wire C3:2200pF,330uF in parallelC2:2200pF*2in parallel 100627Dimensions:mmVddVggL1:4Turns,I.D6mm,D1.6mm P=1silver plateted copper wire RF-OUTC1:2200pF 10uF in parallel Note:Board material PTFE substratemicro strip line width=4.2mm/50OHM,er:2.7,t=1.6mm 74100722454240127325pF25pF 959225pF L3:4Turns,I.D6mm,D1.6mm P=1silver plateted copperwireTEST CIRCUIT(f=520MHz)L2:2Turns,I.D6mm,D1.6mm P=1silver plateted copper wire C3:2200pF,330uF in parallelC2:2200pF*2in parallel 1007Dimensions:mmVddVggL1:4Turns,I.D6mm,D1.6mm P=1silver plateted copper wire RF-OUT C1:2200pF 10uF in parallel Note:Board material PTFE substratemicro strip line width=4.2mm/50OHM,er:2.7,t=1.6mm 10079090L3:4Turns,I.D6mm,D1.6mm P=1silver plateted copper wireINPUT/OUTPUT IMPEDANCE VS.FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICSf=520MHz Zoutf=520MHz Zinf=175MHz ZoutZo=50ohmf=175MHz ZinZin,Zoutf Zin Zout(MHz)(ohm)(ohm)Conditions175 2.34-j8.01 3.06+j0.74Po=15W,Vdd=12.5V,Pin=0.6W520 5.42+j9.22 6.02+j12.34Po=15W,Vdd=12.5V,Pin=3.0WATTENTION:1.High Temperature;This product might have a heat generation while operation,Please take notice that havea possibility to receive a burn to touch the operating product directly or touch the product until cold after switchoff.At the near the product,do not place the combustible material that have possibilities to arise the fire.2.Generation of High Frequency Power;This product generate a high frequency power.Please take noticethat do not leakage the unnecessary electric wave and use this products without cause damage for human and property per normal operation.3.Before use;Before use the product,Please design the equipment in consideration of the risk for human andelectric wave obstacle for equipment.PRECAUTIONS FOR THE USE OF MITSUBISHI SILICON RF POWER DEVICES:1.The specifications of mention are not guarantee values in this data sheet.Please confirm additional detailsregarding operation of these products from the formal specification sheet.For copies of the formal specification sheets,please contact one of our sales offices.2.RA series products(RF power amplifier modules)and RD series products(RF power transistors)are designedfor consumer mobile communication terminals and were not specifically designed for use in other applications.In particular,while these products are highly reliable for their designed purpose,they are not manufactured under a quality assurance testing protocol that is sufficient to guarantee the level of reliability typically deemed necessary for critical communications elements and In the application,which is base station applications and fixed station applications that operate with long term continuous transmission and a higher on-off frequency during transmitting,please consider the derating,the redundancy system,appropriate setting of the maintain period and others as needed.For the reliability report which is described about predicted operating life time of Mitsubishi Silicon RF Products,please contact Mitsubishi Electric Corporation or an authorized Mitsubishi Semiconductor product distributor.3.RD series products use MOSFET semiconductor technology.They are sensitive to ESD voltage thereforeappropriate ESD precautions are required.4.In the case of use in below than recommended frequency,there is possibility to occur that the device isdeteriorated or destroyed due to the RF-swing exceed the breakdown voltage.5.In order to maximize reliability of the equipment,it is better to keep the devices temperature low.It isrecommended to utilize a sufficient sized heat-sink in conjunction with other cooling methods as needed(fan, etc.)to keep the channel temperature for RD series products lower than120deg/C(in case of Tchmax=150deg/C),140deg/C(in case of Tchmax=175deg/C)under standard conditions.6.Do not use the device at the exceeded the maximum rating condition.In case of plastic molded devices,theexceeded maximum rating condition may cause blowout,smoldering or catch fire of the molding resin due to extreme short current flow between the drain and the source of the device.These results causes in fire or injury.7.For specific precautions regarding assembly of these products into the equipment,please refer to thesupplementary items in the specification sheet.8.Warranty for the product is void if the products protective cap(lid)is removed or if the product is modified inany way from it’s original form.9.For additional“Safety first”in your circuit design and notes regarding the materials,please refer the last pageof this data sheet.10.Please refer to the additional precautions in the formal specification sheet.©2011MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.。
目前为公众移动通信系统划分的频率有:CDMA:825MHz~835MHz或者870MHz~880MHz;GSM: 885MHz~915MHz或者930MHz~960MHz,1710MHz~1755MHz/1805MHz~1850MHz;上述频率共计2×89MHz。
中国移动GSM网拥有2×54MHz频率,中国联通GSM网拥有2×15MHz频率、CDMA网拥有2×4MHz 频率。
第 - 2 - 页 共 46 页
目录 1 缩写词 ......................................................................................................................................... 2 2 绝对最大等级 ............................................................................................................................. 5 3 工作条件 ..................................................................................................................................... 5 4 电气规范 ..................................................................................................................................... 5 5 常规特性 ..................................................................................................................................... 6 6 RF 传输环节 .............................................................
ICOM IC-706MKIIG短波电台说明书
IMPORTANTRead this instruction manual carefully before attempting to operate the transceiver.Save this instruction manual. This instruction manual contains important safety and operating instructions for the IC-706MKIIG.TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT (i)PRECAUTIONS (i)EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS (i)TABLE OF CONTENTS (ii)UNPACKING (ii)1PANEL DESCRIPTION.....................................1–8 I Front panel (1)I Function switches (3)I Rear and side panels (5)I Function display (7)I Microphone (HM-103) (8)2INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS..........9–14 I Unpacking.. (9)I Grounding (9)I Antenna (9)I Installation (10)I Required connections (11)I Advanced connections (12)I Power supply connections (13)I External antenna tuners and linear amplifier (14)3FREQUENCY SETTING................................15–19 I When first applying power (CPU resetting).. (15)I Initial settings (15)I VFO description (16)I Frequency setting (17)I Mode selection (19)4RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT..........................20–38 I Functions for receive (20)I Functions for transmit (25)I Split frequency operation (29)I Tone squelch operation (31)I Tone scan operation (31)I One-touch repeater (32)I Auto repeater function (32)I Functions for CW (33)I Functions for RTTY (35)I Packet operation (37)I SWR.........................................................................385MEMORY AND SCAN OPERATION............39–44I Memory channels (39)I Memory channel selection (39)I Memory clearing (39)I Memory/call programming (40)I Frequency transferring (41)I Memory names (41)I Memo pads (42)I Scan types (43)I Preparation (43)I Programmed scan operation (44)I Memory scan operation (44)I Select memory scan operation (44)I Priority watch (44)6REMOTE JACK (CI-V) INFORMATION........45–467SET MODE....................................................47–55I General (47)I Quick set mode items (48)I Initial set mode items (50)8MAINTENANCE (56)I Fuse replacement (56)I Memory backup (56)I Cleaning (56)9TROUBLESHOOTING..................................57–5810OPTIONAL INSTALLATIONS/SETTINGS..59–62I Opening the transceiver case (59)I UT-102 VOICE SYNTHESIZER UNIT (59)I CR-282 HIGH-STABILITY CRYSTAL UNIT (60)I IF filters (60)I UT-106 DSP RECEIVER UNIT (61)I MB-72 CARRYING HANDLE (61)I AT-180 internal switch description (62)11INTERNAL VIEWS (63)12OPTIONS....................................................64–6513SPECIFICATIONS (66)14MENU GUIDE..............................................67–68iiUNPACKINGAccessories included with the IC-706MKIIG:Qty.q DC power cable* (1)w Hand microphone (HM-103) (1)e Spare fuse (30 A) (2)r Spare fuse (4 A) (1)t RTTY key plug (1)y Electronic keyer plug (1)u ACC cable (1)i Ferrite bead** (1)*OPC-639 for Europe versions (differs from the diagram atleft), OPC-025D for other versions.**Not supplied with some versions.I Front panelq POWER SWITCH [POWER] (p.15)Turns power ON and OFF.•Push momentarily to turn power ON.•Push for 2 sec. to turn power OFF.w AF GAIN CONTROL [AF] (inner control; p.15) Rotate clockwise to increase the audio output from the speaker; rotate counterclockwise to decrease the audio output from the speaker.e RF GAIN CONTROL/SQUELCH CONTROL[RF/SQL] (outer control; p. 22)➥Adjusts the squelch threshold level (to mute noise when receiving no signal) in all modes.➥This control can be used for RF gain control to adjust receiver gain manually.•RF gain selection can be set in initial set mode (p.50).•RF gain is usable in SSB/CW/RTTY modes only.r FUNCTION DISPLAYShows the operating frequency, dot matrix indica-tions, selected memory channel, etc. See p.7 for details.t TUNING STEP SWITCH [TS] (pgs. 17, 18)➥Push momentarily to cycle between 1 Hz/10 Hz, programmable and 1 MHz tuning steps.•1 and 10 Hz steps are only available in SSB, CW andRTTY modes; 1 MHz steps are only available in FM,WFM and AM modes.➥Push for 2 sec. to toggle between 1 and 10 Hz steps, or; when the programmable tuning steps is indicated, push for 2 sec. to enter programmable tuning step mode.y MODE SWITCH [MODE] (p.19)➥Push momentarily to cycle through the operating modes:USB/LSB➧CW/CWå➧RTTY/åRTTY➧➧FM/WFM/AM➥Push and hold for 2 sec. to toggle between the following operating modes:USB↔LSBCW↔CWåRTTY↔åRTTYFM¡WFM¡AM¡FM, etc.u RECEIVE/TRANSMIT INDICATORS [RX]/[TX] [RX] lights green while receiving (and squelch opens); [TX] lights red while transmitting.i MAIN DIALChanges the displayed frequency, selects initial set mode items, etc.o UP/DOWN (BAND) SWITCHES [Y/Z(BAND)]➥Push to select a band.•Can also be used to advance quick set mode items,initial set mode items, etc.➥Push and hold to scroll through the bands contin-uously.!0MAIN DIAL TENSION LATCHSelects the main dial tension.•2 positions are available.!1MICROPHONE CONNECTOR (p.8)Modular-type microphone connector—connects the supplied microphone (HM-103).•The optional OPC-589 can be used to connect an 8-pin microphone such as the SM-8 or SM-20, if desired.•A microphone connector is also available on the rear11PANEL DESCRIPTION21PANEL DESCRIPTIONpanel. DO NOT connect 2 microphones simultaneously.!2LOCK SWITCH [LOCK]➥Push momentarily to turn the dial lock function ON and OFF.•The dial lock function electronically locks the main dial.➥When the optional UT-102 VOICE SYNTHESIZERUNIT is installed (p. 52), push for 2 sec. to have the frequency, etc. announced.•UT-102 operation can be adjusted in initial set mode (pgs.53, 54).➥Push momentarily to select one of the three menu sets: M1to M4,S1to S4and G1to G4.➥Push for 2 sec. to select quick set mode.!4FUNCTION SWITCHES [F1]/[F2]/[F3] (pgs.3, 4, 68)Push to select the function indicated in the dot matrix display above these switches.•Functions vary depending on the menu set selected.!5MENU SWITCH [MENU] (p.68)➥P ush this switch one or more times to select menus within a menu set (M , S or G ), or push to advance through the quick set mode and initial set mode displays.➥Push and hold to jump between two different function menu sets.!6RIT/SUB DIAL SWITCH [RIT/SUB] (p.20)➥Push to toggle the RIT or SUB DIAL function ON and OFF —initial set mode is used to select the desired action*.•Lights green when the SUB DIAL function is ON;lights red when the RIT function is ON.•Use the [M-CH] control to vary the RIT frequency or SUB DIAL frequency (see above).➥When the RIT function is ON, push for 2 sec. to add or subtract the shifted frequency to the oper-ating frequency.*Even if RIT is selected in initial set mode, RIT cannot be selected when operating AM, FM or WFM modes.!7SHIFT CONTROL [SHIFT] (outer control; p.20)Shifts the center frequency of the receiver ’s IF pass-band.•Rotate the control clockwise to shift the center frequen-cy higher, or rotate the control counterclockwise to shift the center frequency lower.•When the graphic menu display (G2) is selected, the IF passband is graphically displayed and changes in accor-dance with the [SHIFT] control (see p.20).!8M-CH CONTROL [M-CH] (inner control)➥When the RIT or SUBDIAL functions are OFF,rotate to select a memory channel number (p. 35).➥Shifts the receive frequency while the RIT func-tion is ON in SSB, CW and RTTY modes (see below and p. 20).•RIT variable range is ±9.99 kHz➥Changes the operating frequency in the selected tuning steps while the SUB DIAL function is ON (p. 18).!9HEADPHONE JACK [PHONES] (p.12)Accepts headphones with 4–16Ωimpedance.•When headphones are connected, no receive audio comes from the speaker.•When the PHONES/SPEAKER switch on the back of the front panel is set to the [SPEAKER] position, an external speaker can be connected. This is convenient for mobile or outdoor operation.@0TUNER/CALL SWITCH [TUNER/CALL](pgs.26, 27)➥During HF/50 MHz operation, push this switch momentarily to toggle the automatic antenna tuner function ON/OFF.•An optional antenna tuner must be connected.➥During HF/50 MHz operation, push this switch for 2 sec. to manually tune the antenna.•An optional antenna tuner must be connected.➥During 144/430 MHz operation, push this switch momentarily to select the call channel (or the pre-vious channel/frequency when the call channel is already selected). (p. 39)•“C1” is the 144 MHz call channel and “C2” is the 430MHz call channel.@1FRONT PANEL LATCH (p.10)Pull away from the transceiver (towards yourself when looking at the front of the transceiver) to detach the front panel from the main body of the transceiver.@2P REAMP/ATTENUATOR SWITCH [P .AMP/ATT](p.21)➥Push momentarily to turn the preamp ON or OFF.➥Push and hold to turn the 20 dB attenuator ON;push momentarily to turn the attenuator OFF.•Lights green when the preamp is ON; lights red when the 20 dB attenuator is ON.RIT green while the SUB DIAL function is activated.tuning function is activated.lights red while the attenuator is activated.I Function switchesD M1 FUNCTIONSSPLIT OPERATION (p.29)Toggles the split function ON and OFF.•“ä”appears when the split function is ON.•The function of [F-3] changes to XFC when the split function is ON.VFO A/B SELECTION (p.16)➥Toggles between VFO A and VFO B in VFO mode.➥Toggles between transmission VFO andreception VFO during split operation.➥Toggles between the transmit and receive frequencies (and modes) of memory channels when the split func-tion is turned ON.VFO EQUALIZATION (p.16)Equalizes the frequency and operating mode of the two VFO ’s.•The rear (undisplayed) frequency and operat-ing mode are equalized to the front (displayed)VFO frequency and operating mode.TRANSMIT FREQUENCY CHECK (p.29)Appears when the split function is turned ON —monitors the transmit frequencywhen pushed and held.•While pushed, the transmit frequency can be changed with the main dial.D M2 FUNCTIONSMEMORY WRITE (p.40)Stores the displayed frequency and oper-ating mode into the displayed memorychannel.MEMORY TRANSFER (p.41)Transfers the frequency and operating mode in the selected memory channel to aVFO.VFO/MEMORY (p.39)Toggles between VFO and memory modes.MEMORY CLEAR (p.39)Clears the selected memory channel ’s contents.•“}” appears.D M3 FUNCTIONSNARROW FILTER (p.23)Toggles the narrow filter (or wide filter —push for 2 sec.) ON and OFF.•“ã”appears when the narrow filter is ON; “ç”appears when the wide filter is ON.•An optional narrow filter and presetting in initial set mode (p. 51) is necessary to use the fol-lowing:CW/RTTY narrow: FL-100, FL-101 or FL-232SSB narrow: FL-223SSB wide: FL-103NOISE BLANKER (p.21)Turns the noise blanker ON and OFF.•The noise blanker does not function in FM and WFM modes; the “AM Noise blanker ” item in initial set mode must be set to ON for the noise blanker to work in AM mode (p. 53).METER SELECTION (p.25)Selects the type of meter displayed (during transmit) in the function display.•Power, ALC or SWR metering can be select-ed.•Only an S-meter is available for receive.D M4 FUNCTIONSDURING SSB/AM OPERATION :DURING CW OPERATION :DURING RTTY OPERATION :DURING FM OPERATION :F-3METF-2NBF-1FILF-2MCLF-3V/MF-2MÜVF-1MWF-3XFCF-3A=BF-2A/BF-1SPL31PANEL DESCRIPTIONMENUM3F-1FILF-2NBF-3METMENUM4F-1VOXF-2COMF-3AGCMENUM4F-1F-2BRKi/4F-3AGCMENUM2F-1MWF-2MÜVMCL F-3V/M(in memory mode)MENUM4F-11/4F-2F-3AGCMENUM4F-1VOXF-2TSQF-3TON41PANEL DESCRIPTIONVOX FUNCTION (p.26)Toggles the VOX function ON and OFF.•The [VOX GAIN] and [ANTI VOX] are avail-able on the side panel.•VOX delay can be set in quick set mode (p.48).SPEECH COMPRESSOR (p.26)Toggles the speech compressor ON and OFF.•The [COMP GAIN] control is available on the side panel.AGC (p.21)Changes the time constant of the AGC cir-cuit.BREAK-IN (p.33)Selects semi break-in, full break-in (QSK)and break-in OFF•“BK ” or “F-BK ” appears when selecting semi break-in or full break-in, respectively.•An external switch, such as a foot switch, is necessary to connect to the ACC socket (pin 3,pin 7 or RTTY SEND —see p. 35)to use no break-in operation.1/4 FUNCTION (p.36)Toggles the 1/4 function ON and OFF.•When the 1⁄4function is ON, a bar appears under the 1⁄4indication and fine tuning can be used.TONE SQUELCH (p.31)Toggles the tone squelch function ON and OFF (a tone squelch frequency must beselected in Quick Set mode).•“FM-TSQL ” appears when the function is ON.REPEATER TONE OPERATION (p. 30)➥Toggles the subaudible tone encoder for repeater use ON and OFF.•“FM-T ” appears when the function is ON.➥Transmits a 1750 Hz tone burst when pushed and held during transmission.•Tone frequencies or tone burst can be set in initial set mode (p.49).D S1 FUNCTIONSMEMORY WRITE (p.40)Stores the displayed frequency and oper-ating mode into the displayed memory channel.MEMO PAD WRITE (p.42)Stores the displayed frequency and oper-ating mode into a memo pad.MEMO PAD READ (p.42)Calls up a memo pad.D S2 FUNCTIONSSCAN (p.44)Starts and stops the scan function.PRIORITY WATCH (p.44)Starts and stops priority watch.SELECT SCAN (p.44)Toggles the select setting ON and OFF for the selected memory channel.VFO/MEMORY (p.44)Toggles between VFO and memory modes.D S3 FUNCTIONSQUICK BAND CHANGE FUNCTION (p.19)This item provides access to the band stacking regis-ter. By default the 7, 50 and 144 MHz bands are dis-played. Push [F-1] to [F-3] for 2 sec. to select a new band if desired.•A mode is memorized along with the frequency for each band.D S4 FUNCTIONS (may be optional for some ver.)AUTOMATIC NOTCH FILTER (p.24)This function automatically attenuates beat tones, tuning signals, etc., even if they are moving.NOISE REDUCTION (p.24)This function reduces noise components and picks out desired signals which are buried in the noise.NOISE REDUCTION DISPLAY (p.24)This displays the noise reduction level when using the noise reduction function.F-3NRLF-2NRF-1ANFF-3V/MF-2SELF-2PRIF-1SCNF-3MPRF-2MPWF-1MWF-3TONF-2TSQF-11/4F-2BRKF-3AGCF-2COMF-1VOXMENUS1F-1MWF-2MPWF-3MPRMENUS2F-1SCNF-2PRISEL F-3V/M(in memory mode)MENUS3F-17F-250F-3144MENUS4F-1ANFF-2NRF-3NRL51PANEL DESCRIPTIONI Rear and side panelsq GROUND TERMINAL [GND] (p.9)Connect this terminal to a ground to prevent electri-cal shocks, TVI, BCI and other problems.w ANTENNA CONNECTORS [ANT 1], [ANT 2] (p.11)Accept a 50 Ωantenna with an PL-259 type plug.•[ANT 1] is for connection to an HF/50 MHz antenna.•[ANT 2] is for connection to 144 MHz antenna.•These connectors are switched above or below 60 MHz.e DATA JACK [DATA] (p.12)6-pin min DIN jack to connect a TNC, etc. for pack-et operation.r ACCESSORY SOCKET [ACC] (p.6)Enables connection to external equipment such asa TNC for data communications, a linear amplifier oran automatic antenna selector/tuner, etc.•See page at right for socket information.t RTTY JACK [RTTY] (p.35)Connects an external terminal unit for RTTY (FSK)operation.•The keying polarity and mark/shift frequencies can beselected in quick set mode (p. 48).y CI-V REMOTE CONTROL JACK [REMOTE](p.45)Designed for use with a personal computer forremote operation of transceiver functions.u MICROPHONE CONNECTOR [MIC] (p.11)Accepts the supplied microphone (connected in par-allel with the front panel’s [MIC] connector).•See pgs. 1 and 2 for microphone notes.•See p.8 for microphone connector information.i ELECTRONIC KEYER JACK [KEY] (p.33)Accepts a paddle to activate the internal electronickeyer.•Selection between the internal electronic keyer andstraight key operation can be made in quick set mode.(p. 49)o DC POWER SOCKET [DC13.8V] (p.13)Accepts 13.8 V DC through the supplied DC powercable.!0EXTERNAL SPEAKER JACK [EXT SP] (p.12)Accepts a 4–16 Ωspeaker.!1TUNER CONTROL SOCKET [TUNER] (p.12)Accepts the control cable from an optional AH-3 HFAUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER.!2SPEECH COMPRESSION L EVEL CONTROL[COMP GAIN] (p.26)Adjusts the compression level.•This control is available only when the speech compres-sor is ON.When connectinga straight keyWhen connectinga paddleRear panel viewRecommendedleveldecreasesCOMPGAIN/SIDE TBEEP1PANEL DESCRIPTION!3BEEP/SIDETONE CONTROL [BEEP/SIDETONE]Adjusts the beep tone and CW side tone audio lev-els.61PANEL DESCRIPTIONI Function displayq NARROW/WIDE FILTER INDICATORS➥“ã” appears when selecting AM narrow or FM narrow modes.➥When installing an optional narrow filter, narrow mode can be selected in CW, RTTY and SSB modes.•When the SSB wide filter is installed, “ç” appearsduring wide mode selection.w MODE INDICATORSShow the operating mode.e PROGRAMMABLE/1 MHz TUNING STEPINDICATORS➥ a appears when the programmable tuning step is selected.➥ b appears when the 1 MHz tuning step is selected.r SPLIT INDICATORShows that the split frequency function is activated. t FREQUENCY READOUTShows the operating frequency.•“C” appears in place of the 1 Hz digit when the call chan-nel is selected.y DUPLEX INDICATORS➥“DUP+” appears during plus duplex operation.➥“DUP–” appears during minus duplex operation. u BLANK INDICATORShows that the displayed memory channel is not programmed.•This indicator appears both in VFO and memory modes.i VFO/MEMORY INDICATORSVFO A or B appears when VFO mode is selected; MEMO appears when memory mode is selected. o SELECT INDICATORShows that the displayed memory channel is desig-nated as a select memory channel.!0MEMORY CHANNEL NUMBER READOUT Shows the selected memory channel number.!1DOT MATRIX INDICATORSThese alphanumeric readouts show a variety of information such as current functions of the “F” keys [F1] to [F3], memory channel names, set mode items, etc. See p. 68 for an overview of these indi-cators.!2METER READOUTS➥Functions as an S-meter while receiving.➥Functions as a power, ALC or SWR meter while transmitting.Note:The SWR meter does not function in the 144 MHz band.!3FUNCTION INDICATORS➥“NB” appears when the noise blanker is activat-ed.➥“VOX” appears when the VOX function is select-ed.➥“F-BK” appears when full break-in operation is selected and only “BK” appears when semi break-in operation is selected.➥“COM” appears when the speech compressor is activated.➥“F AGC” appears when the fast AGC function is selected.!4DSP INDICATORSAppear when the optional DSP unit is installed and activated.781PANEL DESCRIPTIONChange the operating frequency.•Push and hold to change the frequency continuously.•Tuning step is 50 Hz when no TS indicator appears.Locks the [UP]/[DN] switches.PTT SWITCH [PTT]Push an d hold to transmit; release to receive.92INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSI UnpackingAfter unpacking, immediately report any damage to the delivering carrier or dealer. Keep the shipping car-tons.For a description and a diagram of accessory equip-ment included with the IC-706MKIIG, see UNPACK-ING on p.ii of this manual.I GroundingTo prevent electrical shock, television interference (TVI), broadcast interference (BCI) and other prob-lems, ground the transceiver through the GROUND terminal on the rear panel.For best results, connect a heavy gauge wire or strap to a long earth-sunk copper rod. Make the distance between the GROUND terminal and ground as short as possible.I AntennaSelect antenna(s), such as a well-matched 50Ωantenna, and feedline. The transmission line should be a coaxial cable. 1.5:1 or better of Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is recommended for your required band. Of course, the transmission line should be a coaxial cable.CAUTION:Protect your transceiver from lightningusing a lightning arrestor.ANTENNA SWREach antenna is tuned for a speci fied frequency range and SWR may be increased out-of-range.When the SWR is higher than approx. 2.0:1, the transceiver ’s power drops to protect the final transis-tors. In this case, an optional antenna tuner is useful to match the transceiver and antenna. L ow SWR allows full power for transmitting even when using the antenna tuner. The IC-706MKIIG has an SWR meter to monitor the antenna SWR continuously.102INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSI InstallationD Single body mountingDStandD Front panel separationD Front panel mounting2INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSI Required connections112INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSI Advanced connections12132INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSI Power supply connectionsUse the optional PS-125 / PS-85 DC POWER SUPPLY when operating the IC-706MKIIG with AC power.Refer to the diagram below for connection.CAUTION:Before connecting the DC powercable, check the following important items. Make sure:•The [POWER] switch is OFF.•Output voltage of the power source is 12–15 V when you use a non-Icom power supply.•DC power cable polarity is correct.Red :positive (+) terminal Black :negative (–) terminal142INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSI External antenna tuners and linear amplifier153FREQUENCY SETTINGI When first applying power (CPU resetting)Before first applying power, make sure all connections required for your system are complete by referring to section 2. Then, reset the transceiver using the fol-lowing procedure.➀Make sure the transceiver power is OFF.➁While pushing [Y ] and [Z ], push [POWER] to turnpower ON.•The internal CPU is reset.•The transceiver displays as shown at right when reset-ting is complete.D M1display selectionIf you can ’t figure out how to return to the M1display:While pushing [MENU], turn power ON.I Initial settingsAfter resetting the transceiver, set controls and switch-es as shown in the diagram below.Note:Resetting clears all programmed contents in memory channels and returns all initial set mode and quick set mode contents to their default values.The transceiver displays its initial frequency and mode.[Y ][Z ]CCW:counterclockwiseTurn power ON, then check the display. If any of the following indicators appear, turn them OFF as follows:•Tuning step indicators, Z , (SSB, CW or RTTY):Push [TS].•MHz tuning step indicator, Z , (FM, WFM or AM):Push [TS].•1 Hz frequency readout (SSB, CW or RTTY):Push and hold [TS].•Memory mode indicator, MEMO:Use [(F-3)V/M ] in the M2display (p. 68).•Split indicator, ä:Use [(F-1)SPL ] in the M1display (p. 68).3 FREQUENCY SETTINGI VFO descriptionVFO is an abbreviation of Variable Frequency Oscillator, and traditionally refers to an oscillator. The IC-706MKIIG’s VFO can store a frequency and an operating mode.You can call up a desired frequency to a VFO with the memo pad-read switch (p. 42) or with the memory transfer switch (p. 42). You can also change the fre-quency with the main dial and select an operating mode with the [MODE] switch or call up previously accessed frequency and modes with the band stack-ing register (p. 19).The IC-706MKIIG has two VFOs, specially suited for split frequency operation. The VFOs are called VFO A and VFO B. You can use the desired VFO to call up a frequency and operating mode for operation.7.001 MHz•The differences between VFO and memory mode163FREQUENCY SETTINGI Frequency setting173 FREQUENCY SETTING3FREQUENCY SETTINGI Mode selection4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITD RIT functionD IF shift functionI Functions for receive4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITD Noise blankerD AGC time constantD Preamp and attenuatorD Peak meter hold INITIAL SET MODE4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITD RF gain and squelchD Simple band scopeFilter variations*Optional filter.Optional filter installation and selection tablesSSB4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITD Optional filter selectionFIL 1FIL 2No optionalfilterFL-100FL-101FL-103FL-223FL-232Nooptionalfilter W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:–––FL-100W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:–––FL-101W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:–––FL-103W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-223W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223FL-232W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:–––FIL 1FIL 2No optionalfilterFL-100FL-101FL-103FL-223FL-232Nooptionalfilter W:–––M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-100W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-101W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-232FL-100W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-100W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-100W:FL-272M:FL-100N:FL-101W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-100W:FL-272M:FL-223N:FL-100W:FL-272M:FL-100N:FL-232FL-101W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-101W:FL-272M:FL-100N:FL-101W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-101W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-101W:FL-272M:FL-223N:FL-101W:FL-272M:FL-232N:FL-101FL-103W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-100W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-101W:FL-103M:FL-272N:–––W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-223W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-223FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:FL-272M:FL-223N:FL-100W:FL-272M:FL-223N:FL-101W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-223W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-223W:FL-272M:FL-223N:FL-232FL-232W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-232W:FL-272M:FL-100N:FL-232W:FL-272M:FL-232N:FL-101W:FL-103M:FL-272N:FL-232W:FL-272M:FL-223N:FL-232W:–––M:FL-272N:FL-232CW, RTTYTable key:W —wide positionM —medium (normal) position N —Narrow position4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITD NR (Noise Reduction) functionD ANF (Automatic Notch Filter) functionI DSP Functions (may require an optional unit depending on version —see p. 61)4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITI Functions for transmit D Output power and mic gainD Meter function4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITD Speech compressorD VOX operation4RECEIVE AND TRANSMITD Optional AT-180 AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER operationD Optional AH-4 AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER operation28I Split frequency operationD Quick split function29。
13E 13V 13Y
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SOT346 SOT346 SOT346
161 162 163
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SOT346 SOT346 SOT346
166 179 181 182 183 1A 1A 1Ap 1At 1At 1A1A 1A 1A -1A 1AM 1B 1B 1Bp 1Bt 1Bt 1B1B 1B 1B -1B 1Bs 1Cp
(4) (7) (20)1926.0291.5KV30.05.2MΩ1.5K/10W0.15UF10000.750.15uFMC-049A¡¡TuningFor EU/ For Non EU1.MC-049A3. Focus:)3.2.Focus2) Double Focus CPTa)AFBTvolume2)Focus1)RASTER3)4)MAGNET4MAGNETRASTER()(6)FOCUS 1)BACK RASTERDOT9-12 MagnetTAP"3"MagnetTAP<DYCPTDY, CPTTAPE.TAPEOVER-LAPPING9-11 kg f.cm .CPT neckSTCW/B6)CPT5. ScreenPAL LINE SVC(IN-START button),FBT(IN-START,SVC “CUT OFF”.)(1)(2)(3)(4)(3)<CAUTION> W/B Program “Twbeng_v2.0”- Cutoff: Instart -> mute(cpuoff) ->7.7.1Digital pattern(EU05CH).(2)LINE SVC)SERVICE MENUADJUSTCH /VOL /PAL(2)(4) Wide Models::pattern(3) SC (Vertical S correction)Menu<2>1. IC(4) VS (Vertical Shift)::pattern(8) EP(Pin Cushion)CPT(12) CRNL(Lower Corner Correction)PIP1~2mmoption,BOMOPTION dataOPTIONfunction8-4. OPTION2NO RASTERCHECK B+At D829 cathodeIs the voltage ateach pin voltage of IC11CheckFuse of AC lineCheck / Replace Check the VoltageOf C803Check the VoltagePin 4 of IC801Check / ReplaceIC801, IC802, IC826Check / ReplaceDB801Out) Check Q402 Collector waveformCheck T401& each pin voltage Check Q401 Collector waveform Check theIn/out ofregulatorCheck Fuse and Rectifition Diode ofsecondary Load of SMPS trans(T803)Check / ReplaceIC11Replace IC11 Check & Replace Q402Replace T401Normal Abnormal(IC821, IC822Check / ReplaceFuse IC801 Check & ReplaceT402Check & Replace Q401No Picture / No SoundIs any OSD displayed?Check receiving system in MENU& execute Auto Program.Does the auto-Operate properly.Store on manual-program MENUCheck / ReplaceCPT Board component Go toNo Sound / Picture OKCheck IC11 pin71,72,73 (R,G,B out)Check pin40(V out 1) 1V p-p Check 1.8V, 3.3V,5V DC VoltageCheck SMPS TransSecondary Voltage(R, G, B out of IC11)Check pin18Reset Voltage(Reset IC) Check pin57, 58SCL, SDAOKRelace IC11OK3.3V DC71,72,7357,58Select correct systemIn menuCheck the connectionOf AV equipmentCheck the the waveformAt pin16, 17 of IC11Check TU101 TunerCheck the waveformAt pin4, 5, of IC11Check waveformAt pin 2, 4 of IC601Check the voltageAt pin6 of IC601 Check the waveformAt pin 8, 9, 11, 12 of IC601Check the voltageOf pin2, 19, 20, 21,24 of IC11Check the signal line ofSPK-L,RCheck pin 55 (mute)of IC11Check the vpltageAt pin7, 5 of IC601Check /ReplaceD828, D805, F806Check the connection ofside or Front AV BoardConnect the Board Replace IC601CPT+VM HARMONICCONTROL[ P o w e r ]PART NOLOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C10C101C104C105C106C107C108C109C11C110C1103C111C12C1201C1202C121C123C1242C126C127C13C17C18C180C181C183C184C185C19C216C217C23C24C25C303C304C306C308C309C310C402C403C404C405C406C407C408C409C410C4110CX2200K4090CQ2721N4090CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CX2200K4090CN1030F6790CE107DD6180CE227DD6180CE107DD6180CN4710K5190CN4710K5190CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CE106DF6180CE475DK6180CN1030F6790CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1020K5190CN2210K5190CN1040K9490CE105DK6180CN1040K9490CN3310K5190CE226DF6180CE226DF6180CN1040K9490CE226DD6180CE105DK6180CQ1041N4090CE107DJ6180CQ3331N5090CE476DK6180CN4710K5190CQ1031N5090CE475DK6180CQ1521N509181-015Q 181-091Y 0CF2231YF500CE475DK6180CE685BK6520CK2220W5150CE105CR636181-038K22P 50V J SL TA520.0027UF D 100V 5% PE TP510000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5222P 50V J SL TA5210000P 16V M Y TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP5220UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5470P 50V K B TA52470P 50V K B TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210UF STD 16V M FL TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 510000P 16V M Y TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA521000P 50V K B TA52220P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA521UF STD 50V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52330P 50V K B TA5222UF STD 16V M FL TP522UF STD 16V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA5222UF STD 10V 20% FL TP 51UF STD 50V M FL TP50.1000UF 100V J PE TP 100UF STD 35V M FL TP50.033UF D 100V 10% PE TP547UF STD 50V M FL TP5470P 50V K B TA520.01UF D 100V 10% PE TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 50.0015UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.02UF 1.6KV H M/PP NI FM20R 680PF 2KV 10%,-10% R/TP TP7.50.022UF D 630V 5%,-5% PP NI BULK 4.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 56.8UF KME TYPE 50V 20% FM7.5 BP(S)2200P 500V K B TS1UF SHL,SD 250V 20% BP(D) TP FM50.56UF D 250V J M/PP FM20LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C413C414C415C416C417C419C420C421C422C501C502C503C504C505C506C507C508C509C510C511C512C513C514C517C519C520C521C522C524C525C526C527C528C529C530C531C532C533C534C535C536C537C538C540C541C542C543C545C547C548C549C5610CE107DJ6180CK2710W5150CE108DH618181-009R 0CK2710W5150CE108DH618181-010B 0CK2710W5150CE475DR6180CQ6831N5090CQ6831N5090CQ3331N5090CN1040K9490CN2710K5190CN2710K5190CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CE475DK6180CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1010K5190CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1010K5190CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CE107DD6180CE107DD6180CE107DD6180CK1010K5150CN2710K5190CN1040K9490CE107DH6180CQ2242K439100UF STD 35V M FL TP5270P 500V K B TS 1000UF STD 25V M FL TP5PP 200V 0.022UF K 270P 500V K B TS 1000UF STD 25V M FL TP5PP 400V 0.056UF J 270P 500V K B TS 4.7UF STD 250V 20% FL TP 50.068UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.068UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.033UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52270P 50V K B TA52270P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA524.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 50.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52100P 50V K B TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100P 50V K B TS 270P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 25V M FL TP50.22UF S 50V 5% M/PE NI TP5CAPACITORCQ:RS:RF:LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C562C602C603C604C605C606C607C608C609C610C611C612C613C614C615C616C617C618C619C620C624C625C626C627C631C632C636C801C802C803C804C806C807C809C810C811C813C815C817C819C820C821C822C823C824C825C826C827C828C829C830C8310CN2210K5190CE108DH6180CE475DK6180CQ2731N5090CE476DF618181-007C 0CE106DF6180CE106DF6180CQ2731N5090CE475DK6180CE476DH618181-007C 181-007C 181-007C 0CN1040K9490CE476DD6180CN1040K9490CN1010K5190CE106DK6180CN1010K5190CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CK1030K9450CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CQZVBK002C 0CQZVBK002A 0CE337KV6A00CK102015150CK10201515181-091U 0CE105DK6180CE336DK618181-014Y 0CK4710W5150CK8210K5150CK1040K9450CK1520K5150CN1040K949181-091C 0CE477DH6180CE477DD6180CE108DD6180CK472015100CE108DD6180CE108DD6180CE477DD6180CE335CK6360CE108DH6180CE227DP61A220P 50V K B TA521000UF STD 25V M FL TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 50.027UF D 100V 10% PE TP547UF STD 16V M FL TP5MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF 10UF STD 16V M FL TP510UF STD 16V M FL TP50.027UF D 100V 10% PE TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 547UF STD 25V 20% FL TP 5MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF 0.1M 50V Z F TA5247UF STD 10V 20% FL TP 50.1M 50V Z F TA52100P 50V K B TA5210UF STD 50V M FL TP5100P 50V K B TA520.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.01UF 50V Z F TR0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI A.C 275V 0.22UF K (S=22.5)A.C 275V 0.1UF M (S=15)330UF SLT 450V 20% VNSN BULK 1000P 1KV K B TS 1000P 1KV K B TSR 220PF 2KV 10%,-10% R/TP TP7.51UF STD 50V M FL TP533UF STD 50V M FL TP5MPP 1.6KV 0.0015UF J 470PF 500V K B TR 820P 50V K B TS 0.1UF 50V Z F TR 1500P 50V K B TS 0.1M 50V Z F TA52DEHR33A471KN2A 470PF 1KV 470UF STD 25V M FL TP5470UF STD 10V M FL TP51000UF STD 10V M FL TP54700P 1KV K B S1000UF STD 10V M FL TP51000UF STD 10V M FL TP5470UF STD 10V M FL TP53.3UF SHL,SD 50V 20% FM5 BP(D) TP 1000UF STD 25V M FL TP5220UF STD 160V 20% FL TP 7.5LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C833C834C835C837C838C839C840C843C845C868C901C902C903C904C907C920C921C922C923C924C925C926C927C928C929C930L101L103L12L1201L1202L401L402L501L502L503L504L505L506L507L508L509L801T401T801T803JW8A JW8B0CE107CP618181-091Y 0CK4710W5150CQ4731N5090CE227DK6180CE106DH6180CE228CD518181-120K 0CE107DD6180CE227DD6180CE475DR6180CQ1044R539181-033S 0CE475DR6180CN1510K5190CN1030F6790CE107DF6180CN1510K5190CE107DJ6180CE107DF6180CK1030W5100CE106DP6180CK1010W5150CE107DF6180CK1030W5100CE106DP6180LA0102K1390LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0102K1190LA0102K119150-717J 6140VE0001J 0LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0152K119150-C02F 151-C02F 6170VZ0007A 6170VMCC01K387-907B 387-907B100U SHL 160V M FL TP5R 680PF 2KV 10%,-10% R/TP TP7.5470PF 500V K B TR0.047UF D 100V 10% PE TP5220UF STD 50V M FL TP510UF STD 25V M FL TP52200UF SHL,SD 10V K FL TP 52200PF 4KV M E FMTW LEAD 4.5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5220UF STD 10V M FL TP54.7UF STD 250V 20% FL TP 50.1UF TE 250V 10% M/PE NI TP52KV B 122K TP7.54.7UF STD 250V 20% FL TP 5150P 50V K B TA5210000P 16V M Y TA52100UF STD 16V M FL TP5150P 50V K B TA52100UF STD 35V M FL TP5100UF STD 16V M FL TP50.01U 500V K B S 10UF STD 160V M FL TP5100P 500V K B TS 100UF STD 16V M FL TP50.01U 500V K B S 10UF STD 160V M FL TP5INDUCTOR,10UH K 4*10.5 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP COIL,CHOKE 560UH (E/W)COIL,20UH USTC0.INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,15UH K 2.3*3.4 TP COIL,82UH PHY TURNTRANSFORMER,H-DRIVE,EI-19,BULK TRANSFORMER,TS4134 38500UH REACTOR TRANSFORMER,EER5345 300UH 30TURNS1P 150MM R-H UL1617AWG22 MXH86101P 150MM R-H UL1617AWG22 MXH8610COIL & TRANSFORMERCONNECTORCQ:RS:RF:LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION P06BP13B P201BP202BP403BP603BF802F804F805F806FR402FR403FR404FR405FR901J204J208J211J220J222J261J509J510J512J566L1102L1204L1205R101R102R105R106R107R108R109R110R1101R111R112R113R1136R1143R1146R1147R1148R1149R1150R1203R1204R1205387-A07E 387-A09J 387-A06J 387-A03J 387-A08H 387-A05J0RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RP0020J8090RP0020J8090RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RF0101K6070RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD0472F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1002F6090RD7501F6090RD7502F6090RD1002F6090RD2201F6090RD0102F6090RD0562F6090RD8200F6090RD1301F6090RD0682F6090RD1501F6090RD3000F6090RD4701F6090RD3300F6090RD3900F6090RD2200F6090RD3000F6090RD3300F6090RD4300F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6097P 2.5MM 300MM H-B UL1007AWG269P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG266P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG263P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG268P 2.5MM 450MM H-B UL1007AWG265P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG260.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.02 OHM 1 W 20% TA520.02 OHM 1 W 20% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA521 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA62100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5247 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA527.5K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA522.2K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5256 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52820 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5268 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52300 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52330 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52390 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52300 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52330 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52430 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION R1230R1231R125R126R127R180R181R182R183R184R185R186R187R188R189R190R191R192R193R201R202R209R210R211R212R24R25R28R29R30R301R302R303R304R305R306R307R308R309R31R310R312R313R314R315R316R317R318R319R32R320R3210RD1200H6090RD1200H6090RD2700A6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1001F6090RD3002F6090RD1002F6090RD1003F6090RD1801F6090RD1801F6090RD4701F6090RD1801F6090RD2202F6090RD5602F6090RD5103F6090RD1000F6090RD4701F6090RD4701F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD3301F6090RD1501A6090RN4702F4090RD2400A6090RD0561A6090RD1002F6090RD1002F6090RD3601F6090RD4702F6090RD2001F6090RD3301F6090RD4702F6090RD4701F6090RN0471H5090RN0471H5090RS2700K6070RD1000F6090RD2702F6090RN2001F4090RN8202F4090RD3301F6090RD1001F6090RD0561A609120 OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA52120 OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA52270 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5230K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5222K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5256K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52510K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA52240 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA525.6 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.6K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA522K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7 OHM 1/2 W 2.00% TA524.7 OHM 1/2 W 2.00% TA52270 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA62100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5227K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA5282K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA525.6 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52RESISTORCQ:RS:RF:LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION R322R323R324R325R326R328R33R34R35R37R38R401R403R404R405R408R409R410R411R412R413R414R415R416R417R42R421R422R449R501R502R503R504R506R507R508R509R510R511R512R513R514R515R516R517R518R519R520R521R522R527R5320RD1501F6090RD2702F6090RD4700F6090RD2701A6090RD1501A6090RN4702F4090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1002F6090RD2701A6090RD5600A6090RD0332A6090RS1500K6900RS0221K6190RD1801A6090RMZVBK002D 0RS5102H6090RD7501A6090RS2202H6090RS1001H6090RD1002F6090RD6801F6090RD8203F6090RD4701F6090RD3600F6090RD1002F6090RD0682F6090RD3301F6090RN6801F4090RN6801F4090RD6801F6090RD1501F6090RD2700F6090RD1201F6090RD3600F6090RD3600F6090RD3600F6090RD0332F6090RD0332F6090RD0332F6090RD1600F6090RD1600F6090RD1600F6090RD0222F6090RD2701F6090RD1001F6090RD3002F6090RD0152F6090RD2702F6090RD1000F6091.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5227K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52470 OHM 1/6 W 0.05 TA522.7K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA522.7K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52560 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 0.05 TA5233 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52150 OHM 2 W 5% MF5.02.2 OHM 2 W 5% TR1.8K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5215K OHM 5W +/-5% RSR V-TYPE 51K OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA527.5K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5222K OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52820K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5268 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52270 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.2K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52160 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52160 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52160 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5222 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5230K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5215 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5227K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION R539R540R541R542R543R544R551R555R556R557R558R601R602R603R604R605R606R607R608R609R610R611R612R613R614R615R616R617R618R619R620R621R622R623R624R664R802R803R804R805R806R807R808R809R810R814R816R817R823R825R827R8280RD1002F6090RD4702F6090RD2700F6090RD8200F6090RD9100F6090RD0332F6090RD2202F6090RD4700F6090RD2200F6090RD3301F6090RD3001F6090RD0221A6090RD0221A6090RD0221A6090RD0221A6090RD1001F6090RD3301F6090RD1002F6090RD1001F6090RD1000F6090RD1802F6090RD1001F6090RD3301F6090RD0221F6090RD1000F6090RD1001F6090RD2700F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RKZVTA001K 180-822M 0RS4702K6190RS4702K619180-A01P 0RD2200A6090RD1501F6090RD1001F6090RD0222F6090RK8204H6090RD1001F6090RD0152F6090RD4701F6090RD4701F6090RD1001F6090RD1501F60910K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52270 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52820 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52910 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5222K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52470 OHM 1/6 W 0.05 TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA523K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5218K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52270 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA520.47M OHM 1/2 W 5% TA52+C497RWR 15W 1.0 OHM J PD 47K OHM 2 W 5% TR 47K OHM 2 W 5% TR 0.13 OHM 2 W 5% TA62 RWR 220 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5222 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA528.2M OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5215 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52CQ:RS:RF:R831R838R840R841R842R843R844R845R846R847R858R901R902R903R904R906R907R908R909R910R911R912R913R914R915R921R922R923R924R925R926SW1101SW1102SW1103SW1104SW1105SW1106SW801SG901SG902SG903SG904FB1241FB401FB801FB802FB803FB825L920T802X11Z101A1A2F801JK1203JK201JK202PA1101SK901T402TH801TU101VD801LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION 0RD2201F6090RD4701F6090RF0161K6070RF0161K6070RD1002F6090RD3300A6090RD8200F6090RD1002F6090RD7502F6090RD2203F6090RD4701F6090RD2200F6090RD2200F6090RD2200F6090RD1801F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RCZVTA002D 0RCZVTA002D 0RCZVTA002D 0RD2204A6090RD1201F6090RD2200F6090RD0102F6090RD1000F6090RD0622F6090RS0102J6070RS3300J6070RS4300J6070RS6800K607140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 6600VM2002A165-004A 165-004A 165-004A 6918VAX002H125-123A 125-022K 125-022K 125-022K2.2K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.6 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA621.6 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA6210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52330 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52820 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5275K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52220K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521/2 W 1.5K,10%,1/2 W 1.5K,10%,1/2 W 1.5K,10%,2.2M OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521.2K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5262 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210 OHM 1 W 5.00% TA62330 OHM 1 W 5.00% TA62430 OHM 1 W 5.00% TA62680 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA62TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V SDKEA3 ALPS IEC 250V 8AAG20PT 152F-L3N/S-23AG20PT 152F-L3N/S-23AG20PT 152F-L3N/S-23WSP-122N 1200V -100V,+300V AXIAL TPFERRITE BFD3565R2F(TAPING)FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MMLOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION 125-022K 125-022K 125-022K 150-F06T 6202VDB007B 6200QL3001Z3828VA0441U 6710V00124G0FS4001B53C 6613V00008A 6612VJH011K 6612VJH011L 6726VV0006D 6620VBC003A 6174V-5003L 163-058D 6700VS0002B 164-003GFERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM SQE3535 20MH PHY TURN HC49U 20.250MHZ 30PPM 13PF BK RESONATOR,B39361-X6966-D100MANUAL,OWNERS,MC049A RT-29FB75VE LGESY REMOTE CONTROLLER,MC-049A W/O TXT CHINESEFUSE,,4000MA 250 V 5.2X20 CY/CE JACK,PMJ014A E/P(ST)JACK,PPJ109K A/V I/O 6P STEREO FOR21PIN JACK,PPJ109L A/V I/O 6P DVD IN Y-PB-PR ENG REMOTE CONTROLLER RECEIVER,TSOP4838ON1SOCKET (CIRC), PCS030A 8PIN 14/360FBT,BSC28-N2334 29 YINGYANGTHERMISTOR,03-07MX JA HWA 7 OHM 20% 80/60TUNER,TAEW-G301D MULTI VS SPLITTER VARISTOR,TVR621D14A THINKING 620V 10%ACCESSORIESMISCELLANEOUSFILTER & CRYSTALSWITCHSPARK GAPCQ:RS:RF:。
跟踪观测GPS卫星的 伪距相位
测得的伪距、相位和 电离层延时的结果传 输到中心站
计算三项误差的改正 数包括卫星星历误差、 卫星钟差、电离层延时
将这些误差改正用数 据通信链传输到用户 站
用户用接收到的误差 改正观测量,得到GPS 精确定位
•由若干个连续运行的 GNSS基准站、控制中心 和用户站(移动站)构成。
基准站 实际坐标 = x+0, y+0 校正 = x-5, y+3
优点: 计算方法简单,适用范围较广; 缺点: 实现位置差分原理的先决条件是必须保证基准站和用 户站观测同一组卫星的情况; 适用范围:用户与基准站间距离在100km以内。
真实位置 (已知)
X X X 0 Y Y Y0 Z Z Z0
➢ 根据差分改正数类型 ▪ 位置差分 ▪ 距离差分
➢ 根据观测值的类型 ▪ 伪距差分 ▪ 载波相位差分
➢ 根据覆盖范围 ▪ 局域差分 ▪ 广域差分
x+30, y+60
-5, +3
差分改正 = x+(30-5) and y+(60+3) 实际坐标 = x+25, y+63
x+5, y-3
vbj )
Rbk ) c(da
k a
dMbk ) (vak
vbk )
求 消除钟差 差
ajbk ajb akb
KRT2 VHF通信收发机遥控器说明书与安装指南
User manual & installation for remote control for KRT2VHF-Communication Tranceiver Doc.-Nr:GT-3000-810100KRT2-RT Revision 1.0KRT2-RC Remote control forVHF CommunicationTransceiverP/N 110-(0001)-(060) Instruction and installationVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0Change historyRevision Date Description of change1 June, 6th 2010 First issueList of Service-Bulletins (SB)Service Bulletins are to be inserted into this manual and to be enlisted in the following table.SB NumberRev.Nr.Issue-dateInsertiondate Name Survey of VariantesArticle number descriptionBasis variantNew issue:•VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0Contents1. General (4)1.1. Symbols (4)1.2. Abbreviations (5)1.3. Customer service (6)1.4. Features (6)2. Operation in General (7)2.1. Controls - overview (7)2.2. display (9)3. Operation (11)3.1.. General (11)3.2.. Switching ON/OFF (11)4. Monitoring of errors (12)5. Installation (12)5.1. Notice (13)5.2. Content of delivery (13)5.3. Unpacking and controlling of device (14)5.4. Installation (14)5.5. Connection of device (15)5.6. Cabling (15)5.6.1. Wire Gauges (15)5.6.2. Occupancy of plug pin (15)5.6.3. Wiring diagram (16)5.7. check after installation (17)5.8. Accessories (17)5.9. Drawings (18)5.9.1. Dimensions of the device (18)5.9.2. Hints for the installation (19)6. Appendix6.1. Technical Data (20)VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0 1. GENERALThis manual contains information about the physical, mechanical and electrical characteristics and about installation and operation of the remote control for VHF communication transceiver KRT2.This manual is based on the current manual for the KRT2 P/N: 100-(0001)-(060).1.1. SymbolsAdvices whose non-observance can cause radiationdamage to the human body or ignition of combustiblematerialsAdvices whose non-observance can cause damage to thedevice or other parts of the equipment.VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.01.2. AbbreviationsAbk. name DefinitionKRT-2RC Remote Control Remote control for KRT2KRT-2 transceiverPTT Push to Talk Transmission button (activatestransmitter)VOX Voice recognition Intercom is activated by talking into themicrophoneINT Intercom-level Level of the on boardSQ Squelch Noise reductionDIM Dimmung Background lightingCON Contrast Display contrastEXT Audio-entrance Volume setting of external audiosourceVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.01.3. Customer serviceIn order to facilitate a rapid handling of return shipments, please follow the instructions of the input guide for reclamations and return shipments provided at the Service-Area within the A I R p l u s W e b-P o r t a l .1.4. Features•Remote control for VHF-Communication Tranceiver KRT2 All characteristics of the KRT2 are based on the manual of theKRT2 P/N: 100-(0001)-(060)•Installation: avionic standard cut out (57 mm).•Regardless of the memory of the KRT2 additionally in KRT2-RC 100 free defined frequencies, (where a name of up to 8characters can be assigned) are availableUser manual & instruction forinstallation remote control forVHF-Communication TranceiverDoc.-Nr:GT-3000-810100KRT2-RTRevision 1.02. Operation in general 2.1. Controls - overviewVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RTRevision 1.0EIN/AUSswitchDUAL WATCH1. Activates Mode for mutual monitoring of two frequencies.2. Left cursor for name programmingAUDIO selection1. Navigation through the various basic setttings for VOL, SQ, VOX, DIM etc. press shortly2. right cursor for name programmingFavoritesSelection of favorite frequencies, Programming of favorite frequenciesCHANGEChange active and Standby- FrequencyFrequency Selection for setting of frequencyand change of areasMHz, 100kHz, 10kHzTurn knobTurn knob for setting of all variable values :1. v o l u m e c o n t r o l (Headphone, speaker)2. change MHz / kHz in 3 areas of the Standby-Frequency3. enter letters into the mode Memory4. c h a n g e o f b a s i c s e t t i n g so f t h e m i c r o p h o n eVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0Display Meaning remarkDUAL DUAL Watch is active Can be deactivated withDUAL or change offrequency[03] (MEMORY) Favorite list index(0-99) [ ] selected memory inFavorite- frequency list (0-99)125.100 oben Active - Frequency 134.825 unten Standby - Frequency< The pointer indicates whatthe turning knob will changeVOL SQ VOX…..etcStandby frequency Arrow is positioned in correspondence to the button pressed( AUD or FREQ)BAT Battery low<10,5V Battery low or battery/Generator defectEr_PLL Internal error, notransmissionReturn the transceiver for maintenanceEr_ADC Internal error Return the transceiver formaintenanceEr_FPA Internal error, unit notusable Return the transceiver for maintenancea v e Status of certain audiomenu functions a = aux. Input active v = VOX activee = external Intercom switch activeVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.03. Operation3.1. GeneralThe KRT2-RC and the KRT2-transceiver will be synchronized by a serial RS232-interface after any change at either side of the two devices. Approx. every 30 seconds the connection is checked an will be confirmed by showing …r“ in the upper right corner of the display.With exception of the microfone steeing menu and the transmisson monitor all functions of the transceiver are accessible.3.2. Switching ON/OFFON / OFF switching is by the self-locking push switch.After power up the following display will be displayed:(example)The order of switching on(RC oder KRT-2) does not matter.Provided there is a cable connection next to the active frequency the "r" must appear after at least 1 minute on both devices on the top rightDevice nameKRT2-RemoteSoftware-Version z.B. V2.0VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0 After the first connection confirmation on the part of KRT2 all settings are transferred from the KRT2 to KRT2-RC.4. Monitoring of errorsIn case of possible transmission errors corresponding messages are displayed in the error window (third row right)R_Time = Time-out-transmission errorR_ChkS = faulty transmissin (checksum error)R_Cmd = unknown commandR_Char = data errorR_Freq = wrong frequencyThe error message will disappear once a correct command or a new frequency is entered or after 5 seconds.The operation of the KRT2 is not disturbed by the malfunction of the remote controlThe connection between the remote control and the KRT2 is checked once per minute and of the contact is confirmed with a "r" in the upper right corner of the display.VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0 5. Installation5.1. NoticeThe following hints should be considered for installation.A certified maintenance shop should perform the wiringFor the wiring diagram refer to chapter Content of deliveryArticle number descriptionKRT2-RC KRT2 – Remote for communication tranceiver ZUB2 (3 Stück) Mounting screw KRT2 - for Panels up to 3mmSSKRT2 connector(only when no cable set was ordered)P/N 120-(0001)-(060) manual …use and installation“EASA Form 1VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0 5.3. Unpacking and controlling of deviceCarefully unpack the equipment. Damages due to transportation must immediately be reported to the shipping company. Save the shipping container and all packing material to substantiate your5.4. Installation• In cooperation with the maintenance shop, mounting details are specified. The maintenance shop can manufacture and install all cables that may be required.• Avoid installing the unit in the vicinity of heat sources. Sufficient air-circulation is required.• There must be sufficient space for cables and connectors.• Avoid sharp bends and wiring close to control cables.• Cable length must be such that connectors are accessible forrepair.• The wiring to the transceiver must be installed such that water droplets formed by condensation will not run into the connector. • Remove the turning knob in order to install the transceiver:o Remove the turning knob cap with an appropriate tool.o Loosen the screw and remove the turning knob.o Install cap correctly oriented!• Installation is from the front side of the instrument panel withthree 4mm screws in a 57mm panel cut-out.• For installation details and drawings refer to chapter 5.1VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RTRevision 1.05.5. Connection of deviceThe 9-pin D-Sub connector contains all electrical connections (9…33V) as well as the 3-wire RS232-connection to the KRT2-transceiver.The battery plus connection must be protected with at least1-amp slow blow fuse !5.6. Cabling5.6.1. Wire GaugesSupply lines (Power, GND): AWG18 (0,96 mm²) Control lines: AWG22 (0,38 mm²)All wires must be aviation certified.5.6.2. Occupancy of plug pinVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0 5.6.3. wiring diagramVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.05.7. check after installationA certified maintenance shop must verify the properoperation of the VHF transceiver.A complete check of all airplane systems is required to certify that the new wiring is not causing any malfunction.A test flight is recommended to verify proper transceiver operation.5.8. AccessoriesSuitable accessories such as wire harnesses, cable sets, and switches can be purchased at our online shop on www.AIRplus- or from other avionics suppliers.VHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.05.9. Drawings5.9.1. Dimensions of the deviceVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0 5.9.2. Hints for the installationPanel cuttingVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0 6. Appendix6.1. Technical DataGENERALAdmission ETSO-2C169a, ED-23B Class 4ED-23B Class CTSO-C169a,Class 6TSO-C169a, Class H1 & H2Used standards EUROCAE ED-23BRTCA DO-160ERTCA DO-178B Software Level Ddimensions Height: 66mmWidth: 62mmDepth: 46mm plus rear panel plugs 60mmweight 0.14 kginstallation panel mounting, cut-out Ø 57 mmTemperature rangeOperation -20 °C to +55 °CStorage -55 °C to +85 °CMAX. working height 35000 ftVibration DO-160E, Cat. S, Vibration Curve MHumiditiy RTCA DO-160E, Cat. AShock 6 G operation20 G crash safetyRTCA DO-160F ENV. CAT. [C1Z]CAA[SM]XXXXXXZBAAA[YY]M[B3F3]XXAPower supply input 9 VDC to 33VDC test @ 12VDC•No backlight: 0.012 A•Backlight on: 0.025A Emergency operation: 9 VDCfuse external fuse required: 0.1A, slow-blow Safety distance to compass 30 cmVHF-Communication TranceiverKRT2-RT Revision 1.0。
LW15-16 万能转换开关 说明书
2.1 主令控制用时型号 LW 15-16 □ □/□
接触系统节数:定位型有1~12节共12种; 自复型有1~6节共6种
操作图编号 特征代号(见表2) 约定发热电流值 设计代号 万W 15-16/□ □/□
接触系统节数 用途代号:Q1:直接起动
N:可逆转换 S:双速电动机变速 Sn:双速电动机变速、可逆 被控三相交流电动机额定功率(kW) 约定发热电流值 设计代号 万能转换开关
。。 。 30 0 30
。。 。 30 0 30
。。 。 30 0 30
。。 45 45
。。 。 90 0 90
。。 0 90
。 90
。 90
。。 90 135
。。 90 135
。 。。 90 135 180
。。。 60 90 120
。。。 60 90 120
。。。 60 90 120
。。。 60 90 120
。 135
。 90
。 90
。 90
。 90
。 90
。 90
。 90
。 90
。 60
。 60
。 60
。 60
。 45
。 45
。 45
。。 0 45
。。 。 45 0 45
。。 。 45 0 45
。。 。 45 0 45
。。 。 45 0 45
。。 。 45 0 45
。。 。 45 0 45
。。 。 30 0 30
订货代号为LW15-16 D0723/3 100台。
接线图编号 转换角度 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12
D0723 45° 0° 45° ×
北京海洋兴业科技股份有限公司 OItek OIHVP15HF 高压探头(示波器专用型)商品说明书
OIHVP15HFHigh Voltage For Oscilloscope Probe高压探头(示波器专用型)INSTRUCTION MANUAL使用说明书TABLE OF CONTENTS / 目录High Voltage For Oscilloscope Prob OIHVP15HF eDC ≥60dB(1kHz), ≥50dB(1MHz)1.SPECIFICATIONSDC~40MHz(-3dBDC: 0~10kV DCAC: pulse ≤20kV peak to peak AC: sine wave ≤7kV rms)100M Ω±5%3.0pF ±0.5pF 2.0 meter(0.2M)5pF~50pF ±≤200PPM/℃-20 ~ +70℃1 : 100250g / φ75 x 340 mmL.0≤8.8ns Max. Working Voltag 0 ~ +50℃e Single / NoiseDivision RatioInput ResistanceInput CapacitanceCompensation RangeCable LengthTemperature CoefficientOperating TemperatureStorage TemperatureWeight / Volume BandwidthSafety App.DCACAccuracyRise TimeC ±3%(DC to 10kV)E ±3%(1kHz/1kV/1kHz RMS)-3dB: 0~ 40MHz2.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThis high voltage probe must only be by personnel who are trained, experienced, or otherwise qualified to recognize hazardous situations and who trained in the safety precautions that necessary to avoid possible injury when using such a device.Do not work alone when working with high voltage circuits. For your own safety, inspect the probes for cracks and frayed or broken leads before each use. If defects are noted, DO NOT USE the probe.Hands, shoes, floor and work bench must be dry. Avoid making measurements under humid, damp or other environmental conditions that might affect the safety of the measurement situation.If possible, always turn the high voltage source off before connection or disconnection the probe.The probe body should be kept clean and free of any conductive contamination.3.OPERATIONConnect the divider probe common lead(alligator clip) to a good earth ground or reliable ground.Connect the BNC connector to the BNC input of your oscilloscope.Select the desired range of your oscilloscope. Whenever possible, turn the high voltage source off before making any connections.When the measuring voltage are DC 8 kV up, or AC 5kVrms up or AC peak 20kV up, do not exceed 60 second and break off 5 minute at least.4.WARNINGDo not attempt at take measurements from sources when the chassis or return lead is not ground.This ground connection is critical to the safety operation of the probe. Failure to make this connection may result in personal injury or damage to the probe or voltmeter. This connection must be made before the probe tip comes into contact with the high voltage and must not be removed until after the probe tip has been removed.Do not connect the ground clip to the high voltage source or the probe tip to the ground fo any reason.BEFORE turning the high voltage on, make sure that no part of your body is in contact with the device.Remembering that the voltage being measured is 1000 times greater than the voltmeter reading.When the measuring voltage are DC 8 to 10kV, or AC rms 5 to 7kV or AC peak 15 to 20kV, do not exceed 60 sec. on each measurement. Otherwise will caused to the probe over heat or damage. Disconnect the probe tip from the high voltage source BEFORE removing the ground clip lead.If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacture, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.When the measuring Voltage are under the following voltage.Do not exceed 60sec on each measurement.Note DC: 8~10kVAC RMS: 5~7kVAC PEAK: 15~20kV:5.CLEANIN GClean only the exterior probe body and cables. Use a soft cotton cloth lightly moistened with a mild solution of detergent and water. Do not allow any portion of the probe to submerged at any time.Dry the probe thoroughly before attempting to make voltage measurement.Do not subject the probe to solvents or solvent fumes as these can case deterioration of the probe body and cables.Symbols on the product:These symbols may appears on prod Attention refer to operation instructions.OIHVP15HF 高压探头(1)规格(2)安全使用说明本高压探头仅供经过训练并有经验的人员或合格的工程师使用。
数据表PCF8575远程16位I 2 C总线I/O扩展器内容简介1.特征2.一般描述3.订货信息4.框图5.引脚6.I 2 C总线的特点6.1.位传输6.2.启停条件6.3.系统配置6.4.应答7.功能描述7.1.双向I/O7.2.寻址7.3.读取端口(输入模式)7.4.写入端口(输出模式)7.5.中断8.极限值9.处理10.特点11.I 2 C总线的时序特性12.设备的保护13.封装外形14.焊接14.1焊接表面贴装封装介绍14.2回流焊接14.3波动焊接14.4手工焊接14.5表面安装IC封装的波动和回流焊接方法的适用性15.定义16.支持应用程序17.购买飞利浦I 2 C组件1.特征工作电源电压2.5至5.5 V最大低待机电流消耗10µI 2 C总线并行端口扩展器快至400 kbits/s的I 2 C总线开漏中断输出16位远程I/O端口的I 2 C总线兼容大多数微控制器具有高电流锁存输出驱动能力可直接驱动LED地址由3个硬件地址引脚使用多达8个设备ssop24包装2.一般描述PCF8575是硅CMOS电路。
它提供了通用的远程I/O扩展对于大多数的微控制器的家庭通过两线双向总线(I 2 C总线)。
该设备有一个双向16位的接口和一个I 2 C总线接口。
通过在这条线上发送中断信号,远程I / O可以通知单片机如果有接口输入的数据而不必通过I 2 C总线通信。
这意味着,PCF8575是I 2 C总线从发送器/接收器。
FM15160芯片产品说明 (6)
Starvert-iG5 (详细信息请参看变频器iG5说明书)| 一般特性| 型号| 规格| 接线图| 端子功能| 控制盘| 选件| 制动|一般特性- 功率/电压等级:0.37~1.5kW,200-230VAC,1相0.37~4.0kW,200-230VAC,3相0.37~4.0kW,380-460VAC,3相- 防护等级:IP00~IP20- 变频器类型:采用IGBT的PWM控制- 控制方式:V/F空间矢量PWM技术- 内置:RS-485- 内置:ModBus-RTU- 内置:PID控制- 远程控制盘(可读写参数)- 0.5Hz输出150%转矩- 防失速功能- 8步速控制- 3段跳跃频率- 3个多功能输入- 1个多功能输出- 模拟输出(0~10V)- PNP and NPN 双方向信号- 速度跟踪- 1到10kHz载波频率- 内置制动单元- 手动/自动转矩补偿型号变频器功率选择指南使用电机kW HP 200~230V1相200~230V1相200~230V1相0.370.50.75 11.5 22.2 33.7 54.05.4 SV004iG5-1SV008iG5-1SV015iG5-1SV004iG5-2SV008iG5-2SV015iG5-2SV022iG5-2SV037iG5-2SV040iG5-2SV004iG5-4SV008iG5-4SV015iG5-4SV022iG5-4SV037iG5-4SV040iG5-4变频器功率选择指南规格200~230V级(0.5~5.5HP)说明变频器型号(SVXXXIG5-X) 004-1 008-1 015-1 004-2 008-2 015-2 022-2 037-2 040-2 电机功率* 1HP 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 2 3 5 5.4kW 0.37 0.75 1.5 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 4输出功率容量[kWA]* 2 1.1 1.9 3 1.1 1.9 3 4.5 6.1 6.5 额定电流[A] 3 5 8 3 5 8 12 16 17 频率0~400Hz电压200~230V* 3输入功率电压1phase 200~230V(± 10%)3phase 200~230V(± 10%) 频率50~60Hz(± 5%) 50~60Hz(± 5%)重量[kg] 1.2 1.8 2.1 1.2 1.2 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.2动态制动制动电路在电源板上平均制动转矩20%(使用选择的外部制动电阻:100%,150%)最大连续制动时间15seconds最大负载0~30%ED冷却方式强制风冷自然风冷强制风冷防护等级IP00380~460V级(0.5~5.5HP)说明变频器型号(SVXXXIG5-X)004-4 008-4 015-4 022-4 037-4 040-4 电机功率* 1HP 0.5 1 2 3 5 5.4kW 0.37 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 4输出功率容量[kWA]* 2 1.1 1.9 3 4.5 6.1 6.5 额定电流[A] 1.1 2.5 4 6 8 9 频率0~400Hz电压380~460V* 3输入功率电压3phase 380~460V(± 10%)频率50~60Hz(± 5%)重量[kg] 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.2动态制动制动电路在电源板上平均制动转矩20%(使用选择的外部制动电阻:100%,150%)最大连续制动时间15seconds最大负载0~30%ED冷却方式强制风冷防护等级IP00* 1)使用4极LG标准电机时,显示最大容量。
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800 1200 1400 1600
VHF 15-08io5 VHF 15-12io5 VHF 15-14io5 VHF 15-16io5
2 13
6 4
1 23 6
Constants for Z calculation: thJK
R (K/W) t (s)
0.0344 0.12 0.5
cycling Dimensions in mm (1 mm = 0.0394")
VHF 15
Symbol I ,I
IH t
tq Qr RthJC RthJK
dS dA a
Test Conditions
TVJ = TVJM; VDR = 2/3 VDRM RGK = ¥; method 1 (linear voltage rise)
190 210 170 190 160 180 140 145 150
tp = 30 ms tp = 500 ms tp = 10 ms
µs tgd
TVJ = 25°C
mA 1000
Fig. 2 Gate controlled delay time tgd
© 2000 IXYS All rights reserved
VHF 15
£ 10 £5 £1
-40...+125 125
50/60 Hz, RMS IISOL £ 1 mA
Mounting torque
t = 1 min t=1s
(M5) (10-32 UNF)
3000 3600
2-2.5 18-22
A A A A A A A A2s A2s A2s A2s A/ms
(dv/dt)cr VRGM PGM
Tstg VISOL Md Weight
Test Conditions
Maximum Ratings
TK = 85°C, module
per leg
VR = 0 V
t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine
VD = 6 V; V = 6 V;
TVJ = 25°C
TVJ = -40°C
TVJ = -40°C
VD = 2/3 VDRM VD = 2/3 VDRM
IG = 0.3 A; tG = 30 ms; TVJ = 25°C
per thyristor (diode); DC current per module per thyristor (diode); DC current per module
£ 1.0 V £ 1.2 V £ 65 mA £ 80 mA £ 50 mA
£ 0.2 V
5 mA
£ 150 mA £ 200 mA £ 100 mA
Fig. 6 Power dissipation versus direct output current and ambient temperature
Fig. 7 Transient thermal impedance junction to heatsink per chip © 2000 IXYS All rights reserved
t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine
TVJ = 45°C VR = 0 V
t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine
t = 10 ms (50 Hz), sine t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine
TVJ = 125°C f =50 Hz, tP =200 ms VD = 2/3 VDRM IG = 0.3 A, diG/dt = 0.3 A/ms
repetitive, IT = 50 A non repetitive, IT = 1/2 • IdAV
Half Controlled with Freewheeling Diode
VHF 15
IdAVM = 21 A VRRM = 800-1600 V
900 1300 1500 1700
Fig. 3 Surge overload current per chip IFSM: Crest value, t: duration
Fig. 4 I2t versus time (1-10 ms) per chip
Fig. 5 Max. forward current at heatsink temperature
10 V VG
1: IGT, TVJ = 125°C 2: IGT, TVJ = 25°C 3: IGT, TVJ = -40°C
5 4
4: PGAV = 0.5 W
IGD, TVJ = 125°C
5: PGM = 1 W 6: PGM = 10 W
100 1000 mA
Fig. 1 Gate trigger range
© 2000 IXYS All rights reserved
Features q Package with DCB ceramic base
plate q Isolation voltage 3600 V~ q Planar passivated chips q 1/4" fast-on terminals q UL registered E 72873 Applications q Supply for DC power equipment q DC motor control Advantages q Easy to mount with two screws q Space and weight savings q Improved temperature and power
£ 100 mA
2 ms
typ. 150 ms 75 mC
2.4 K/W 0.6 K/W 3.0 K/W 0.75 K/W
Creepage distance on surface Creepage distance in air Max. allowable acceleration
12.6 mm 6.3 mm 50 m/s2
V W W W W °C °C °C V~ V~ Nm lb.in. g
Data according to IEC 60747 and refer to a single thyristor/diode unless otherwise stated. x for resistive load IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions.
diG/dt = 0.3 A/ms;
TVJ = -40°C
TVJ = 125°C
TVJ = 25°C; VD = 6 V; RGK = ¥
IG = 0.3 A; diG/dt = 0.3 A/ms
TVJ = 125°C, IT = 15 A, tP = 300 ms, VR = 100 V di/dt = -10 A/ms, dv/dt = 20 V/ms, VD = 2/3 VDRM
Characteristic Values
V =V ;V =V
T =T
TVJ = 25°C
For power-loss calculations only (TVJ = 125°C)
5 mA
£ 0.3 mA
£ 2.8 V
1.0 V 40 mW