《微生物学》双语教学授课教案授课教师:李淑彬华南师范大学生命科学学院2003.2Chapter1 The introduction of microbiology第1 章绪论Microbiology(微生物学):Microbiology is specialized area of biology that deals with living things ordinarily too small to be seen with the naked eyes.Microorganisms(微生物,microbe):Microorganisms are defined as the organisms that are so small that ,normally,it cannot be seen without the use of a mocriscope.The word is therefore used to describe virus,bacreria,fungi,protozoom and some algae.Bacteria(细菌) :Bacteria are some small,single celle organisms. Because they have no nucleus, the cells are described as prokaryotes.Fungi(真菌):Fungi (mushrooms(蘑菇), molds(霉菌), and yeasts) have eukaryotic(真核的)cells (with a true nucleus). Most fungi are multicellular.Fungi obtain nutrients by absorbing organic material from their environment.Protozoom(原生动物):Protozoans are unicellular eucaryotes and are classified according to their means of locomotion. Protozoans obtain nourishment by absorption or ingestion through specialized structures.Algae(藻类):Alage are unicellular or multicellular eukaryotes that obtain nourishment by photosynthesis.Algae produce oxygen and carbohydrates that are used by other organisms.Viruses(病毒):Viruses are noncellular entities that are parasites of cells. Viruses consist of a nucleic acid core (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. An envelope may surround the coat.A brief history of microbiologyThe science of microbiology did not start until the invention of the microscope in the mid 16th century and it was not until the late 17th century that Antoine van Leeuwenhoek made their first records of fungi, bacteria and protozoa.The late 19th century was the time when the first real breakthroughs on the role of microbes in the environment and medicine were made. Louis Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation(自然发生)(that living organisms spontaneously arose from inorganic material) and Robert Koch's development of pure culture techniques allowed him to show unequivocally that a bacterium was responsible for a particular disease. Since then the science has grown dramatically as microbiology impinges on all aspects of life and the environment.2.Louis Pasteur stated that microorganisms are in the air everywhere and offered proof ofbiogenesisLouis Pasteurˊdiscoveries led to the developmemt of aseptic(无菌的)techniques used in laboratory and medical procedures to prevent contamination by microorangisms that are in the air.Louis Pasteur found that yeast ferments(发酵)sugar to alchhol and that can oxidize alcohol to acetic acid.A heating process called pasteurization(巴斯德消毒)is used to kill bacteria in some alcohol beverages and milks.Joseph Lister introduced the use of a disinfectant(消毒)to clean surgical dressings in order to control infections in humans.Robert Koch proved that microorganisms transmit diseases.He used a sequence of procedures called Koch’s postulates(科赫法则),Which areused today to prove that a particular microorganism casues a particular disease.Koch’s postulates:Koch's postulates are a number of criteria that have been used in the past to prove that a bacterium is responsible for a particular disease.1.The bacteria should be found in all cases and at all sites of the disease.2.The bacteria should be isolated from the infected person and maintained in pure culture.3.The pure cultured microbe should cause symptoms of the disease on inoculation into asusceptible individual.4.The bacteria should be reisolated from the intentionally infected host.The importance of microbiology:microbes in our body1.Everyone has microorganisms in and on the body Some microorganisms live in humans andother animals and are needed to maintain the animals health. these make up the normal flora (正常菌群);2.Some Microorganisms cause disease.3.The disease-producing properties of a species of microbe and the host's resistance areimportant factors in determining whether a person will contract a disease.2.Microbes and Human Welfare1.Microorganisms degrade dead plants and animals and recycle chemical elements to beused by living plants and animals.2.Bacteria are used to decompose organic matter in sewage. Bioremediation processes usebacteria to clean up toxic wastes.3.Bacteria that cause diseases in insects are being used as biological controls of insect pests.Biological controls are specific for the pest and do not harm the environment.ing recombinant DNA, bacteria can produce important human proteins, such as insulin,beta-endorphin,and hepatitis B vaccine.Microorganisms can be used to help produce foods.They are also food sources (single-cell protein) themselves.3.As a basic biological science:microorganisms are the best model systems for understanding basic life processes.All cells have much in common, what is true for E. coli is also true for elephant, only more soSimple yet representativeEasiness and quickness to grow large quantityCommon characterizes of microorganism•Big surface/volume•High absorption and transformation•Rapid growth and reproduction•Easiness to variation•high adaptation to environment•DiversityReview question1.Match the following people to their contribution toward the advancement of microbiology.__ Ehrlich (a) First to observe bacteria__ Fleming (b) First to observe cells in__ Hooke plant material and name_ Koch them__ Lister (c) Disproved spontaneous__ Pasteur generation__ Van Leeuwenhoek (d) Proved that microorganisms can cause disease(e)Discovered penicillin(f)Used the first syntheticchemotheraputic agent First to employdisinfectants in surgical procedures2. Match the following microorganisms to their descriptions.__ Algae (a) Not composed of cells__ Bacteria (b) Cell wall made of chitin__ Fungi (c) Cell wall made of__ Protozoom peptidoglycan__ Viruses (d) Cell wall made of cellulose; photosynthetic(e) Complex cell structure lacking a cell wall3.Briefly state the role played by microorganisms in each of the following.(a)Biological control of pests(b)Recycling of elements(c)Normal flora(d)Sewage treatment(e)Human insulin production4 The microbes were first formally observed in the mid-1600's, but the cell theory wasn't enunciated until 1839. Write a brief essay explaining why microbiology did not become a formally recognized science until Pasteur's time.5. Compare and contrast the works of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, in terms of both applied and basic science.6. Microorganisms can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. Although we tend to emphasize the harmful microorganisms (infectious disease agents), many more are beneficial than harmful.●In what ways are microorganisms important in the food , agriculture,and industries?7. Louis Pasteur´s work on spontaneous generation led to the development of methods for control of the growth of microorganisms. Robert Koch developed criteria for the study of infectious microorganisms, and developed the first methods for the growth of pure cultures of microorganisms. Beijerinck and Winogradsky studied bacteria in soil and water, and developed the enrichment culture technique. In the twentieth century, basic and applied microbiology have worked hand in hand to yield a number of important practical advances and a revolution in molecular biology.●How did Pasteur´s famous experiment defeat the theory of spontaneous generation?●How can Koch´s postulates prove cause and effect in a disease?●Who was the first person to use solid culture media in microbiology?●What advantages do so lid media offer for the culture of microorganisms?●What is the enrichment culture technique and why was it a useful new method inmicrobiology?Chapter 2 prokayotic microorganism(原核微生物)第二章原核微生物prokaryotic cellsThe chief distinguishing characteristics of procaryotic cells are:1.genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed within a membrane.2.They lack other membrane bounded organelles.3.Their DNA is not associated with histone proteins (special chromosomalproteins found in eucaryotes).Their cell walls almost always contain thecomplex polysaccharide peptidoglycan(肽聚糖).Bacteria(细菌) and archaeobacteria(古细菌)Bacteria are small, single-celled, microorganisms that belong to a group called prokaryotes . Bacteria are ubiquitous. They are a highly successful and diverse group of organisms that can obtain energy and carbon from a wide range of sources and therefore can colonize every niche on our planet from deep ocean trenches to volcanic craters. In the 1970s, using DNA sequencing information, it was found that the group we know as the bacteria could be split into two, the eubacteria and the archaeobacteria and it appears that these two groups evolved away from each other very early in the history of living things at about the same time that the first group of eukaryotic cells evolved. Members of the eubacteria include some of the more familiar bacteria such as Escherichia colt(大肠埃希氏菌)and Staphylococcus aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌)and are the prokaryotes that are best studied and understood. The archaebacteria are a very diverse group of organisms, which differ from the eubacteria(真细菌0 in a number of features having, in particular, very different cell walls and membranes. This group includes bacteria that are capable of existing in extreme environments。
Temperate Bacteriophages温和噬菌体
Lysogeny溶原现象Virulent phage烈性噬菌体
NAM N-乙酰胞壁酸
70S Ribosome核糖体
Bacteria chromosome细菌染色体
Nonseptate hypha无隔菌丝
Substrate mycelium基内菌丝
Aerial mycelium气生菌丝
Reproductive mycelium孢子丝
Biosynthesis of viral components生物合成Maturation成熟Release释放assembly装配
satellite virus卫星病毒
05 microbial nutrition
Culture Medium培养基
微生物专业英语2020.2.241、微生物:microorganism [ˌmaɪkroʊˈɔːrɡənɪzəm]释:微生物小的鲜活生物,只有使用显微镜才能看到。
A microorganism is a very small living thing which can only be seen by a microscope.2、固体废弃物:(solid waste)[ˈsɑːlɪd]释:一般所说的垃圾,是人类新陈代谢排泄物和消费品消费后的废弃物品。
Generally speaking, soild waste is the waste products of human metabolism and consumer products after consumption.3、浸出:leach [liːtʃ]释:浸出是通过溶剂从固体中提取可溶性成分的过程。
Leaching is the process of extracting a soluble constituent from a solid by means of a solvent.4、油污泥:oily sludges[slʌdʒ]5、市政污泥civil sludge/ municipal sludge释:主要指来自污水厂的污泥Mainly refers to sludge from sewage plants6、土壤改良:soil improvement释:针对土壤的不良质地和结构,采取相应的物理、生物或化学措施,改善土壤性状,提高土壤肥力,增加作物产量,以及改善人类生存土壤环境的过程。
Soil improvement is the process of taking appropriate physical, biological, or chemical measures to improve soil properties, soil fertility, crop yields, and improving the soil environment of human existence in response to the poor texture and structure of the soil.句子:一、目的研究微生物-植物联合对稠油污染土壤的修复效果,为石油污染土壤生物修复技术的应用提供依据。
Microorganism 微生物: 微生物是形体微小、单细胞或个体结构简单的多细胞、甚或无细胞结构,用肉眼看不见或看不清的微小生物的总称。
Microbiology 微生物学: 研究微生物的生命活动规律、技术方法和开发应用的科学。
Procaryotic organism原核生物:即广义的细菌,指一大类细胞核无核膜包裹,只存在称作核区的裸露DNA的原始单细胞生物,包括真细菌和古生菌两大类群。
包括原生质体、球状体、 L型细菌和支原体。
Parasporal crystal伴孢晶体:少数芽孢杆菌在形成芽孢的同时,会在芽孢旁形成一颗菱形、方形或不规则形的碱溶性蛋白质晶体,称为伴孢晶体(即ð内毒素)。
Eucaryotic microbes 真核微生物:是指一大类有完整细胞核、结构精巧的染色体和多种细胞器的微生物。
Life cycle生活史:又称生命周期,指个体经一系列生长、发育阶段后而产生下一代个体的全部过程。
微生物组学英语Microbiome: The Unseen World Within UsThe human body is a complex and intricate ecosystem, teeming with trillions of microorganisms that play a vital role in our overall health and well-being. This vast and diverse community of microbes, collectively known as the microbiome, has been the subject of extensive research in recent years, as scientists strive to unravel the mysteries of this unseen world within us.The microbiome is a term that encompasses the entirety of the microbial communities that reside in various parts of the human body, including the gut, skin, oral cavity, and even the respiratory system. These microorganisms, which include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea, have evolved alongside humans over millions of years, forming a symbiotic relationship that is essential for our survival.One of the most well-studied aspects of the microbiome is its role in the gut. The human gut is home to a vast and diverse array of microbes, with an estimated 100 trillion bacteria residing in thedigestive tract. These gut microbes play a crucial role in digesting and metabolizing the food we consume, extracting essential nutrients and energy that our bodies can then utilize.Beyond their role in digestion, gut microbes also have a profound impact on our immune system. They help to train and regulate the immune cells, ensuring that they are able to effectively fight off harmful pathogens while also maintaining a delicate balance that prevents autoimmune disorders. This intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and the immune system has been the focus of numerous studies, with researchers exploring the potential of probiotics and other microbial-based therapies to treat a wide range of health conditions.The skin microbiome is another area of intense research. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is home to a diverse array of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These skin-dwelling microbes play a crucial role in maintaining the skin's barrier function, protecting us from harmful environmental factors and pathogens. They also contribute to the skin's overall health, helping to regulate inflammation, prevent the overgrowth of harmful microbes, and even influence the appearance of the skin.The oral microbiome is another important aspect of the human microbiome. The mouth is a complex ecosystem, with a diverse arrayof microbes that play a critical role in maintaining oral health. These microbes help to break down food, regulate pH levels, and prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria that can lead to dental problems such as cavities and gum disease.In addition to these well-known aspects of the microbiome, there is growing evidence that the microbial communities in other parts of the body, such as the respiratory system and the urogenital tract, also play important roles in human health and disease.One of the most exciting areas of microbiome research is the potential for microbiome-based therapies to treat a wide range of health conditions. By understanding the composition and function of the microbiome, researchers are exploring ways to manipulate it to improve human health. This includes the use of probiotics, which are live microorganisms that can be consumed to help restore the balance of the microbiome, as well as the development of personalized therapies that target specific microbial imbalances.Another promising area of research is the role of the microbiome in mental health. Emerging evidence suggests that the gut microbiome may play a significant role in the development and maintenance of mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. This has led to the concept of the "gut-brain axis," which posits that the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain can havea profound impact on our emotional and cognitive well-being.As our understanding of the microbiome continues to grow, it is clear that this unseen world within us is a critical component of human health and well-being. By unraveling the complexities of the microbiome, researchers and clinicians are paving the way for new and innovative approaches to disease prevention and treatment. From improving gut health to enhancing mental well-being, the potential of the microbiome is limitless, and the future of personalized, microbiome-based medicine is rapidly taking shape.。
原核微生物(prokaryotic microbe):指核质和细胞质之间不存在明显核膜,其染色体由单一核酸组成的一类微生物。
原核细胞型微生物(procaryotic cell microbe):指没有真正细胞核(即核质和细胞质之间没有明显核膜)的细胞型微生物。
真核细胞型微生物(eukaryotic cell microbe):指具有真正细胞核(即核质和细胞质之间存在明显核膜)的细胞型微生物。
Microorganism/Microbe微生物微生物学MicrobiologyPasteur 巴斯德细菌Bacteria古生菌(Archaea)细菌(Bacteria)真核生物(Eukaryotes)真核微生物Eukaryotic microorganisms 病毒(Virus)球菌coccus杆菌bacillus螺旋菌spirilla革兰氏阳性细菌 Gram positive bacteria) 革兰氏阴性细菌 Gram negative bacteria) Actinomycetes(放线菌)Yeast(酵母菌)Molds(霉菌)Culture dish/Petri dish(平皿)Shake Flask (三角瓶)Fermentor(发酵罐)菌落 colony平板plateInoculation (接种)Luise Pasteur(巴斯德)Robert Koch(柯赫)Cell wall(细胞壁)Cytoplasmic membrane细胞质膜Cytoplasm(细胞质)蓝细菌CyanobacteriaNuclear region(核区)Inclusion body(内含物)Glycocalyx(糖被)Flagella (鞭毛)Spore (芽孢)Pili(性毛)Fimbria(菌毛)Gram stain (革兰氏染色)脂多糖 (LPS)球状体(sphaeroplast)原生质体(protoplast)支原体(mycoplasma)Cytoplasmic membrane Cytoplasm贮藏物(Reserve materials)核糖体(Ribosome)质粒(plasmid)芽孢(Spore)鞭毛(Flagella)Fungi(真菌)菌丝体mycelium类病毒(Viroid)朊病毒(prion)噬菌体p h a g e病毒v i r u sNutrition(营养)Nutrient(营养物)Source of carbon (碳源)Source of Nitrogen (氮源)Inorganic salt(无机盐)Growth factor(生长因子)Water(水分)Energy source(能源)Source of carbon (碳源)Source of Nitrogen (氮源)Inorganic salt(无机盐)Growth factor(生长因子)Energy source(能源)Culture medium培养基呼吸respiration无氧呼吸anaerobic respiration发酵fermentation连续培养 continuous culture分批培养batch culture生长曲线growth curve纯培养(Pure culture)灭菌(sterilization)消毒(disinfection)抗生素antibiotics转化transformation转导transduction接合conjugation,mating诱变剂mutagen基因突变 gene mutation营养缺陷型auxotroph原养型prototroph野生型wild type菌种 culture或stock culture菌种保藏 preservation 或conservation或者maintenance疫苗vaccine防腐(antisepsis)化疗(chemotherapy) 艾姆斯试验法Ames test基因工程 Gene Engineering试熟记以下最基本的微生物学名:(1)细菌Bacillus subtilis[枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis(苏云金芽孢杆菌)E.coli [大肠(埃希氏)杆菌],Rhizobium(根瘤菌)Staphalococcus aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌)(2)放线菌Actinomyces 放线菌Streptomyces griseus(灰色链霉菌)。
Microbiology微生物学分类相关中英文对照Microbiology 微生物学分类相关中英文对照微生物学microbiology病毒学virology噬菌体学bacteriophagology细菌学bacteriology鉴定细菌学determinative bacteriology系统细菌学systematic bacteriology真菌学mycology原生生物学protistology原生动物学protozoology普通微生物学general microbilogy微生物分类学microbial taxonomy微生物生理学microbial physiology微生物生物化学microbial biochemistry 微生物遗传学microbial genetics微生物生态学microbial ecology古微生物学paleomicrobiology土壤微生物学soil microbiology水生微生物学aquatic microbiology海洋微生物学marine microbiology悉生生物学gnotobiology医学微生物学medical microbiology兽医微生物学veterinary microbiology农业微生物学agricultural microbiology工业微生物学industrial microbiology石油微生物学petroleum microbiology食品微生物学food microbiology乳品微生物学diary microbiology瘤胃微生物学rumen microbiology诊断微生物学diagnostic microbiology病原学etiology国际微生物学会联合会International Union of Microbiological Societies, IUMS中国微生物学会Chinese Society for Microbiology, CSM世界培养物保藏协会World Federation for Culture Collection, WFCC中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会China Committee for Culture Collection of Microorganisms,CCCCM美国模式培养物保藏所American Type Culture Collection, ATCC 自然发生说,无生源说spontaneous generation, abiogenesis 原界urkingdom始祖生物progenote古始生物界archetista古细菌archaebacteria原生生物protista原生动物protozoan原生植物protophyte真核生物eukaryote原核生物prokaryote裂殖植物schizophyte微生物microorganism数值分类法numerical taxonomy模式目type order模式科type family模式属type genus模式种type species模式株type strain真菌fungi捕食真菌predacious fungi虫道真菌ambrosia fungi地下真菌hypogeal fungi虫生真菌entomogenous fungi 菌根真菌mycorrhizal fungi 木腐菌wood-decay fungi霉菌mold, mould半知菌imperfect fungi子囊菌ascomycetes粘菌slime mold, slime mould 壶菌chytrid卵菌oomycetes接合菌zygomycetes担子菌basidiomycetes核菌pyrenomycetes盘菌cup fungi块菌truffles锈菌rust fungi蘑菇mushrooms毒蘑菇poisonous mushroom酵母菌yeast无孢子酵母菌asporogenous yeasts 有孢子酵母菌sporogenous yeasts 黑粉菌smut fungi双态性真菌dimorphic fungi毛外癣菌ectothrix毛内癣菌endothrix完全真菌perfect fungi黑粉病smut disease锈病rust disease菌丝hypha菌髓trama假菌丝体pseudomycelium气生菌丝体aerial mycelium基内菌丝体substrate mycelium球拍状菌丝体racquet mycelium结节状菌丝nodular mycelium梳状菌丝pectinafe mycelium螺旋菌丝spiral mycelium匍匐菌丝stolon次生菌丝体secondary mycelium有隔菌丝septate hypha无隔菌丝nonseptate hypha生殖菌丝体reproductive mycelium 营养菌丝体vegetative mycelium不育菌丝体sterile mycelium菌丝体mycelium黄癣菌丝favic chandelier mycelium 产囊丝ascogenous hypha 产囊体ascogonium原植体thallus粘菌体aethalium合胞体syncytium虫菌体hyphal body盾状体clypeus子实体fruiting body产孢体gleba子实层体hymenophore 子实层hymenium子实下层subhymenium 菌丝层subiculum菌丝段hyphal fragment 菌丝束coremium菌丝索funiculus菌核sclerotium器菌核pycnosclerotium 菌环annulus菌裙indusium菌盖pileus顶体apicle藏卵器oogonium雄器antheridium[锈菌]性孢子器pycnium锈子器aecium精子器spermogonium囊状体cystidium粉孢子梗oidiophore小梗sterigma接合孢子柄zygosporophore 孢囊柄sporangiophore 配囊柄suspensor孢子梗sporophore分生孢子梗conidiophore雄器柄androphore帚状枝penicillus瓶梗phialide梗基metulae芽孔germ pore芽管germ tube芽缝germ slit孢丝capillitium周丝periphysis类周丝periphysoid侧丝paraphysis拟侧丝pseudoparaphysis类侧丝paraphysoid[孢子]外壁exosporium外生菌根ectomycorrhiza内生菌根endomycorrhiza内外生菌根ectendomycorrhiza泡囊丛枝菌根vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza刺突spike弹丝elater刚毛seta微体microbody泡囊vesicle隔膜septum假隔膜pseudoseptum分生孢子盘acervulus分生孢子座sporodochium 精子团spermatium囊基膜hypothallus囊层基hypothecium囊层被epithecium囊间丝hamathecium囊托apophysis囊领collarette囊轴columella孔口ostiole菌托volva孢子角cirrus孢子球spore ball孢子印spore print聚簇cluster[菌丝]融合anastomosis [孢子]切落abjunction [孢子]缢断abstriction多态[现象] polymorphism 缢缩[作用] constriction 粉孢子oidium孢子spore厚壁孢子chlamydospore 环痕孢子annellospore节孢子arthrospore卷旋孢子helicospore腊肠形孢子allantospore孔出孢子porospore星形孢子staurospore线形孢子scolecospore砖格孢子dictyospore侧生孢子aleuriospore芽生孢子blastospore瓶梗孢子phialospore无梗孢子thallospore分生孢子conidium大分生孢子macroconidium 小分生孢子microconidium 节分生孢子arthroconidium 芽分生孢子blastoconidium 器孢子pycnidiospore无隔孢子amerospore双胞孢子didymospore多隔孢子phragmospore休眠孢子hypnospore顶生孢子acrospore顶生厚壁孢子fuseau内分生孢子endoconidium担孢子basidiospore双孢担孢子dispore同形孢子isospore柄生孢子stylospore[锈菌]性孢子pycniospore产雄器孢子androspore夏孢子urediniospore, aeciospore 冬孢子teliospore四分孢子tetraspore粘孢子myxospore多核孢子coenospore孢囊孢子sporangiospore子囊孢子ascospore多核细胞coenocyte分生孢子果conidiocarp分生孢子器pycnidium孢[子]囊sporangium柱孢子囊merosporangium四分孢子囊tetrasporangium原孢子囊prosporangium多核孢子囊coenosporangium 休眠孢子囊hypnosporangium 子囊ascus接合孢子zygospore拟接合孢子azygospore原囊壁子囊prototunicate ascus 单囊壁子囊unitunicate ascus 双囊壁子囊bitunicate ascus子囊果ascocarp子囊壳perithecium闭囊壳cleistothecium闭囊果cleistocarp盘状子囊果discocarp孢囊果sporangiocarp [接]合子zygote单性合子azygote多核合子coenozygote异形合子heterozygote合子核zygotonucleus游动合子planozygote担子basidium半担子hemibasidium隔担子heterobasidium无隔担子holobasidium有隔担子phragmobasidium 内生担子endobasidium原担子protobasidium上担子epibasidium下担子hypobasidium同担子homobasidium担子果basidiocarp担子体basidiophore配子gamete原配子progamete雄配子androgamete雄核发育androgenesis同形配子isogamete异形配子heterogamete游动配子zoogamete多核配子coenogamete配子囊gametangium配子母细胞gametocyte同形配子囊isogametangium 原配子囊progametangium 小孢子囊sporangiole微包囊microcyst足细胞foot cell脚胞foot cell固着器holdfast附着枝hyphopodium吸盘sucker锁状细胞clamp cell锁状联合clamp connection 偶核细胞zeugite卵球oosphere卵质ooplasm孢原质sporoplasm卵配子oogamete卵孢子oospore球状胞sphaerocyst子囊腔locule子囊盘apothecium子囊座ascostroma缝裂壳hysterothecium下子座hypostroma包被peridium子座stroma壳心centrum拟包被pseudoperidium无融合生殖apomixis同宗配合homothallism准性生殖parasexuality异宗配合heterothallism同配生殖isogamy异配生殖heterogamy无配生殖apogamy配囊交配gametangial copulation 交配型mating type 全型holomorph夏孢子期uredostage冬孢子堆teleutosorus, telium 夏孢子堆uredinium子囊孢子形成ascosporulation 孢子形成sporulation 细菌bacteria薄壁[细]菌类gracilicutes硬壁[细]菌类fermicutes疵壁[细]菌类mendosicutes无壁[细]菌类tenericutes柔膜细菌mollicutes真细菌eubacteria暗细菌scotobacteria无氧光细菌anoxyphotobacteria 生氧光细菌oxyphotobacteria 放线菌actinomycetes螺[旋]菌spirilla粘细菌slime bacteria。
926331-产业与普通微生物学-Control of microbes
microbial growth
The object of microbial control can range from complete eradication of microorganisms to the mere inhibition of their growth.
2. Moist heat utilizes steam under pressure The latter is more effective. Water has a very
high heat capacity (ability to carry heat) and moist air is capable of holding more heat than dry air. Moist heat is therefore more effective because it increases the rate of heat penetration into a substance.
3. Autoclaving
The most common method of sterilization currently used in laboratories and hospitals. Basically is a sophisticated pressure cooker. This employs steam under pressure to raise the temperature to 121°C at 1 atm for at least 15 minutes. At this elevated temperature all living cells, including endospores and viruses, are killed.
微生物生态学英文Microbial Ecology: Exploring the Unseen WorldThe world we inhabit is teeming with life, both visible and invisible. Among the most fascinating and influential forms of life on our planet are the microscopic organisms known as microbes. These tiny, yet incredibly diverse, creatures play a crucial role in the intricate web of life, shaping the very foundations of our ecosystems. Microbial ecology, the study of the relationships between microbes and their environment, offers a fascinating glimpse into this hidden realm.At the heart of microbial ecology lies an understanding of the myriad ways in which microbes interact with their surroundings. From the depths of the ocean to the soil beneath our feet, microbes are ubiquitous, adapting to a wide range of habitats and conditions. These microscopic organisms are the unsung heroes of our planet, responsible for driving essential biogeochemical cycles, maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems, and even shaping the evolution of other living beings.One of the most remarkable aspects of microbial ecology is thesheer diversity of the microbial world. Bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses – each group represents a vast and intricate tapestry of life, with countless species and subspecies, each possessing unique characteristics and adaptations. This diversity is not only a testament to the resilience and adaptability of microbes, but also a reflection of the complex and dynamic nature of the environments they inhabit.As we delve deeper into the study of microbial ecology, we uncover a world of fascinating interactions and interdependencies. Microbes engage in a constant dance of cooperation and competition, forming intricate communities and networks that are essential to the functioning of ecosystems. From symbiotic relationships, where microbes and other organisms work in harmony, to the fierce battles for resources and survival, the microbial world is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape.One of the most captivating aspects of microbial ecology is the role microbes play in shaping the global environment. Through their involvement in biogeochemical cycles, microbes are responsible for the cycling of essential elements like carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, which are crucial for the sustenance of all life on Earth. These microscopic organisms are the unsung heroes of our planet, quietly maintaining the delicate balance that allows complex ecosystems to thrive.Beyond their ecological significance, microbes also have a profound impact on human health and well-being. The human microbiome, the diverse community of microbes that reside within our bodies, plays a crucial role in our overall health, influencing everything from digestion and immune function to mental health and susceptibility to disease. Understanding the intricate relationships between microbes and their human hosts has become a rapidly growing field of research, with the potential to revolutionize our approach to healthcare and disease prevention.As we continue to explore the vast and complex world of microbial ecology, new discoveries and insights are constantly emerging. Advances in technology, such as high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics, have opened up new avenues for studying the microbial world, allowing us to uncover the hidden diversity and interconnectedness of these microscopic organisms.The future of microbial ecology holds immense promise, with the potential to unlock the secrets of the unseen world and harness the power of microbes for the benefit of humanity and the planet. From developing sustainable agricultural practices to finding innovative solutions to environmental challenges, the field of microbial ecology is poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of our world.In conclusion, the study of microbial ecology is a captivating andever-evolving field that offers a window into the hidden workings of our planet. By understanding the intricate relationships between microbes and their environment, we can gain valuable insights into the complex systems that sustain life on Earth. As we continue to explore this fascinating realm, we can unlock the secrets of the microbial world and leverage its power to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all.。
Microorganisms are responsible for many of the changes observed in organic and inorganic matter (e.g., fermentation and the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles that occurred in nature.
Microbiology is a large discipline, which has a
1.1 What is a microbe?
The word microbe (microorganism) is used to describe an organism that is so small that can not be seen without the use of a microscope. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae are all included in this category.
Microbial world
Infectious agents (non-living) viruses viroids prions
Prokaryotes (unicellular)
Algae (unicellular or multicellular)
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Microbiology
pter outline
1.1 What is a microbe? 1.2 The importance of Microbiology 1.3 Microbes in our lives 1.4 The history of microbiology 1.5 Important events in the development of microbiology
原核微生物(prokaryotic microbe):指核质和细胞质之间不存在明显核膜,其染色体由单一核酸组成的一类微生物。
原核细胞型微生物(procaryotic cell microbe):指没有真正细胞核(即核质和细胞质之间没有明显核膜)的细胞型微生物。
真核细胞型微生物(eukaryotic cell microbe):指具有真正细胞核(即核质和细胞质之间存在明显核膜)的细胞型微生物。
微生物生态学的英语Microbial Ecology: Unveiling the Invisible RealmThe study of microbial ecology has become increasingly crucial in our understanding of the natural world. Microorganisms, though often invisible to the naked eye, play a vital role in shaping the delicate balance of our ecosystems. From the depths of the ocean to the soils that nourish our crops, these microscopic organisms are the unseen architects of the intricate web of life.At the heart of microbial ecology lies the intricate relationships between microbes and their environment. Each ecosystem harbors a unique community of microbes, each with its own specialized functions and adaptations. These microbes engage in a complex dance of cooperation and competition, constantly responding to the ever-changing conditions around them.One of the most fascinating aspects of microbial ecology is the role of microbes in nutrient cycling. Bacteria and archaea, the two dominant domains of microorganisms, possess the remarkable ability to transform and recycle essential elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. Through their metabolic processes, thesemicrobes break down organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the environment, where they can be absorbed by plants and other organisms.This intricate recycling system is crucial for the maintenance of healthy ecosystems. Without the tireless work of microbes, the accumulation of organic waste would disrupt the delicate balance of nutrient availability, leading to the collapse of entire food webs. Microbial ecologists have dedicated countless hours to unraveling the intricacies of these nutrient cycles, providing invaluable insights into the mechanisms that sustain life on our planet.Another key aspect of microbial ecology is the study of microbial interactions. Microbes do not exist in isolation; they form complex communities, engaging in a myriad of cooperative and antagonistic relationships. Some microbes may form symbiotic associations with plants or animals, providing essential services such as nutrient acquisition, pathogen protection, or even the regulation of host physiology.Conversely, microbes may also compete for resources, producing antimicrobial compounds to outcompete their rivals. These intricate interactions shape the composition and function of microbial communities, influencing the overall health and resilience of the ecosystem.The application of microbial ecology extends far beyond the realm of pure science. In the field of biotechnology, researchers harness the power of microbes to develop innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. From the production of biofuels to the remediation of contaminated environments, microbes have become invaluable tools in the quest for sustainable development.Furthermore, the study of microbial ecology has shed light on the crucial role of microbes in human health. The human microbiome, the complex community of microbes that reside within our bodies, has been linked to a wide range of physiological and psychological processes. Imbalances in the microbiome have been associated with various diseases, from gastrointestinal disorders to neurological conditions.As our understanding of the human microbiome continues to evolve, microbial ecologists are working to uncover the intricate relationships between microbes and their human hosts. This knowledge holds the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine, leading to the development of personalized treatments and preventative strategies that harness the power of the microbial world.In conclusion, the field of microbial ecology is a vast and ever-expanding frontier, offering insights into the hidden workings of ourplanet and the delicate balance that sustains life. From the depths of the ocean to the intricate networks within our own bodies, microbes continue to captivate and inspire researchers, driving us to explore the invisible realms that shape our world. As we delve deeper into this fascinating field, the possibilities for discovery and innovation are truly boundless.。
辅酶 m coenzyme m 微量营养 micronutrient特需营养要求型 idiotroph微[量]动[力]作用 oligodynamic action 抗代谢物 antimetabolites索状因子 cord factor异株克生物质 allelopathic substances 光能无机营养 photolithotrophy光能有机营养 photoorganotrophy化能无机营养 chemolithotrophy化能有机营养 chemoorganotrophy 光营养 phototrophy兼性营养 amphitrophy腐生营养 saprophytic nutrition甲基营养 methylotrophy化能营养 chemotrophy自养 autotrophy光能自养 photoautotrophy化能自养 chemoautotrophy半自养 mesotrophy异养 heterotrophy氮平衡 nitrogen balance碳平衡 carbon balance磷平衡 phosphorus balance同化作用 assimilation异化作用 dissimilation氨化作用 ammonification硝化作用 nitrification反硝化作用 denitrification固氮作用 nitrogen fixation非共生固氮作用 asymbiotic nitrogen fixation 光同化作用 photo-assimilation巴氏效应 pasteur effect葡萄糖效应 glucose effect种间分子氢转移 interspecies h transfer发酵 fermentation发酵[能]力 fermentation capacity可发酵性 fermentability同型发酵 homofermentation异型发酵 heterofermentation厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion厌氧呼吸 anaerobic respiration厌氧生活 anaerobiosis需氧呼吸 aerobic respiration需氧生活 aerobiosis反馈抑制 feed back inhibition内源变量 endogenenous variable异养潜能 heterotrophic potential溶菌丝作用 hypholytic action溶菌作用 bacteriolysis费氏[溶菌]现象 pfeiffer's phenomenon自溶[现象] autolysis裂殖 schizogenesis芽殖 budding二分分裂 binary fission不等分裂 unequal fission断裂 fragmentation复分裂 multiple fission隐蔽期 eclipse period比生长速率 specific growth rate同步生长 synchronous growth双峰生长曲线 diauxie growth curve延滞期 lag phase一步生长[曲线] one step growth时间-存活曲线 time-survival curve倍增时间 doubling time指数生长 exponential growth衰亡期 decline phase稳定期 stationary phase对数期 log phase时间节律 temporal rhythm隐生现象 cryptobiosis休眠 dormancy衰老型 involution form静息细胞 resting cell光复活作用 photoreactivation交叉复活 cross reactivation热[致]死时 thermal death time热[致]死点 thermal death point原生质体再生 protoplast regeneration [噬菌体]接合分裂 conjugate division [噬菌体]裂解阻抑 lysis inhibition[噬菌体]裂解量 burst size[噬菌体]生产性感染 productive infection [噬菌体]自愈 curing病毒复制 replication of virus复制周期 replicative cycle裂解周期 lytic cycle[病毒]侵入 penetration病毒入胞现象 viropexis[病毒]脱壳 uncoating[病毒]装配 assembly蚀斑 plaque蚀斑形成单位 plaque forming unit,pfu成斑效率 efficiency of plating强毒株 virulent strain[狂犬病]固定毒 fixed virus[狂犬病]街毒 street virus病毒抑制作用 viral inhibition病毒诱导 virus induction[流感病毒]α抑制物α-inhibitor[流感病毒]朱氏抑制物 chu-inhibitor ,β-inhibitor 干扰素 interferon干扰[现象] interference溶原化 lysogenization溶原性 lysogeny溶原现象 lysogenesis抗生素 antibiotic阿克拉霉素 aclacinomycin放线酮 actidione, cycloheximide放线菌素 actinomycin阿霉素 adriamycin氨丁苷菌素 ambutyrosin7-氨基头孢菌酸 7-aminocephalosporinic acid 6-氨基青霉烷酸 6-aminopenicillanic acid两性霉素 amphotericin安丝菌素 ansamitocin抗蠕霉素 anthelmycin抗霉素 antimycin阿泊拉霉素 apramycin除疟霉素 aplasmomycin曲霉菌素 aspergillin除虫菌素 avermectin杆菌肽 bacitracin双环霉素 bicyclomycin杀稻瘟素 blasticidin博来霉素 bleomycin丁苷菌素 butirosin, butyrosin杀假丝菌素 candicidin卷曲霉素 capreomycin, capromycin腐霉素 carriomycin洋红霉素 carminomycin天青菌素 celesticetin头孢菌素 cephalosporin氯霉素 chloromycetin, chloramphenicol 金霉素 chloroteracycline, aureomycin 色霉素 chromomycin创新霉素 chuangxinmycin棒酸 clavulanic acid氯林肯霉素 clindamycin粘菌素 colistin鬼伞菌素 coprinin蛹虫草菌素 cordycepin香菇菌素 cortinellin环孢菌素 cyclosporin环丝氨酸 cycloserine松胞菌素 cytochalasin胞霉素 cytomycin道诺霉素 daunomycin越霉素 destomycin偏端霉素 distamycin红霉素 erythromycin抑酯酶素 esterastin扁枝衣霉素 everninomicin间型霉素 formycin健霉素 fortimicin磷霉素 fosfomycin, phosphonomycin 镰孢菌酸 fusarinic acid艮他霉素 gentamicin胶霉毒素 gliotoxin谷氏菌素 gougerotin短杆菌肽 gramicidin灰霉素 grisein灰黄霉素 griseofulvin除莠菌素 herbicidin除莠霉素 herbimycin全霉素 holomycin潮霉素 hygromycin岛霉素 ilamycin天神霉素 istamycin双氢除虫菌素 ivermectin交沙霉素 josamycin卡那霉素 kanamycin春日霉素 kasugamycin柱晶白霉素 leucomycin林可霉素 lincomycin美登素 maytenin酒霉素 methymycin光神霉素 mithramycin丝裂霉素 mitomycin莫能菌素 monensin菌霉素 mycomycin霉酚酸 mycophenolic acid麦迪霉素 mydecamycin, midecamycin 暗霉素 nebramycin新霉素 neomycin纺锤菌素 netropsin诺卡菌素 nocardin新生霉素 novobiocin制霉菌素 nystatin竹桃霉素 oleandomycin蛇孢菌素 ophiobollin展青霉素 patulin青霉酸 penicillic acid青霉素 penicillin多氧菌素 polyoxin多粘菌素 polymyxin灵菌红素 prodigiosin制反转录酶素 revistin核糖霉素 ribostamycin, vistamycin利福霉素 rifamycin龟裂杀菌素 rimocidin瑞斯托菌素 ristocetin蔷薇霉素 rosamicin红比霉素 rubidomycin相模霉素 sagamicin盐霉素 salinomycin肉瘤霉素 sarkomycin制唾酸酶素 siastatin紫苏霉素 sisomicin壮观霉素 spectinomycin, actinospectacin 螺旋霉素 spiramycin链霉素 streptomycin链黑菌素 streptonigrin链丝菌素 streptothricin枯草菌素 subtilin杀鱼菌素 teleocidin土霉素 terramycin, oxytetracycline四环素 tetracycline噻烯霉素 thienamycin硫藤黄素 thiolutin妥布拉霉素 tobramycin木霉菌素 trichodermin抗滴虫霉素 trichomycin衣霉素 tunicamycin泰乐菌素 tylosin焦曲菌素 ustin有效霉素 validamycin缬氨霉素 valinomycin, aminomycin万古霉素 vancomycin疣孢菌素 verrucarine优胜霉素 victomycin紫霉素 viomycin巴龙霉素 paromomycin遗传转化 genetic transformation供体 donor受体 recipient转化体 transformant感受态 competence光滑型 smooth type粗糙型 rough type无性型 anamorph克隆 clone有性型 teleomorph异源性 heterology同源性 homology转导 transduction局限转导 restricted transduction转染 transfection溶原性转换 lysogenic conversion抗原性漂移 antigenic drift抗原性转变 antigenic shift高频重组 high frequency of recombination, hfr 重组 recombination接合[作用] conjugation重组体 recombinant互补 complementation杂合[现象] heterozygosis重组子 recon接合阶段 zygophase接合 zygosis质粒 plasmid粘粒 cosmid噬粒 phasmid质粒不相容性 plasmid incompatibility相容性 compatibility致育因子 fertility factor性因子 sex factor大肠杆菌素生成因子 colicinogenic factor突变 mutation表型 phenotype环状染色体 ring chromosome基因型 genotype原养型 prototroph原养菌 prototrophic bacteria营养缺陷型 auxotroph多重营养缺陷型 polyauxotroph诱变 mutagenesis诱变剂 mutagen诱发变异 induced variation突变体 mutant渗漏突变体 leaky mutant条件突变株 conditional mutant条件致死 conditional lethal温敏突变株 temperature sensitive mutants半透明型突变噬斑 cococarde噬斑突变株 plaque mutants宿主范围突变株 host range mutant扇形突变 secter mutationh-o 变异 h-o variation弱毒株 low virulent strain减毒株 attenuated strain凝固酶因子 coagulase factor耐药[性决定]因子 resistance determining factor 耐药性转移因子 resistance transfer factor, rtf 抗药性 drug-resistance抗药因子 resistance factor抗药基因 drug resistant gene抗药性菌株 drug resistant strain基因簇 gene cluster复制 replication启动子 promotor操纵子 operon单形现象 monomorphism双态现象 dimorphism多形现象 polymorphism干扰缺损颗粒 defective interfering particle 重分配 redistribution表型混杂 phenotypic mixing基因转移 gene transfer原生质体融合 protoplast fusion趋合子性 zygotaxis向合子性 zygotropism兔化毒 lapinized virus缺损病毒 defective virus[病毒]缺损突变株 defective mutant[流感病毒]o-d相变异 o-d variation病毒基因 virogene[病毒]早期基因 early genes[病毒]晚期基因 late genes微生物生态系统 microbial ecosystem趋化性 chemotaxis趋氧性 aerotaxis趋光性 phototaxis向化性 chemotropism向氧性 oxytropism向光性 phototropism内共生 endosymbiosis捕食作用 predation拮抗作用 antagonism初级合作 protocooperation共生 symbiosis互利共栖 mutualism偏害共栖 amensalism偏利共栖 commensalism互养共栖 syntrophism兢争[共栖] competition寄生 parasitism无关共栖 neutralism卫星现象 satellitism协同共栖 synergism异种克生[现象] allelopathy代谢共栖 metabiosis共生生物 symbiont聚生体 consortium伴生种 companions致坏死寄生物 necroparsite根际微生物 rhizospheric microorganism 叶际微生物 phyllospheric microorganism 悉生生物 gnotobiote腐生现象 saprophytism分解者 decomposer含菌细胞 mycetosome嗜狭高温生物 stenothermophiles广温微生物 eurythermal microorganism 狭温微生物 stenothermal microorganisms 暂居微生物 transient microbe原生演替 primary succession次生演替 secondary succession异养演替 heterotrophic succession自养演替 autotrophic succession顶极群落 climax community菌群 flora区系 flora微生物区系 microflora土著菌群 indigenous flora土著区系 indigenous flora菌群失调 dysbacteriosis水华 blooms生物量 biomass生物质 biomass生物圈 biosphere前发酵 primary fermentation后发酵 secondary fermentation浅盘发酵 shallow tray fermentation深层发酵 submerged fermentation固态发酵 solid state fermentation液态发酵 liquid state fermentation主发酵 main fermentation连续发酵 continuous fermentation半连续[型]发酵 semicontinuous fermentation [罐]批发酵 batch fermentation敞口发酵 open fermentation上面发酵 top fermentation下面发酵 bottom fermentation上面酵母 top yeast下面酵母 bottom yeast阿明露法 amylo process酿造 brewing酿造技术 brewing technique陈酿化 aging发酵罐 fermenter种子罐 seeding tank手动气锁 manual airlock自动气锁 automatic airlock超滤膜 ultrafiltration membrane超滤法 ultrafiltration消泡剂 antifoam agent醋化作用 acetification酸化作用 acidification糖化作用 saccharification糖化剂 sacchariferous agents曲 qu(raw starter)大曲 daqu (massive raw stater for alcholic liquor) 小曲 xiaoqu(raw starter complex)日本酒曲 koji麸曲 bran koji液体曲 liquid koji起子 starter, culture starter酒母 seeding yeast活性干酵母 active dry yeast单细胞蛋白 single cell protein, scp菌丝球 mycelium pellet活性污泥 activated sludge醪液 mash固定化细胞 immobilized cell共固定化作用 co-immobilization酸败 spoilage平[罐]酸败 flat-sour spoilage平罐酸败菌 flat sour bacteria需氧量 oxygen requirement生物致劣 deterioration微生物传感器 microbial sensor微生物浸矿 microbial leaching微生物杀虫剂 microbial pesticide 病毒杀虫剂 viral pesticide根瘤 root nodule菌根 mycorrhiza根瘤菌剂 nitragin植物杀菌素 phytocidin昆虫病原微生物 entomopathogen [蜜蜂]幼虫腐臭病 foulbrood固氮菌剂 azotogen亚麻浸渍 flax retting生物防治 biological control沤麻 retting青贮饲料 silage沼气 biogas无菌植物 germ-free plant侵染 infection侵染性 infectivity侵染中心 infectious center侵染剂量 infective dose, id病毒尿症 viruria病毒血症 viremia菌血症 bacteremia食物中毒 food poisoning真菌中毒 mycetism标准血清 standard serum混合分型血清 pooled typing serum抗血清 antiserum抗白喉血清 antidiphtheric serum结核菌素反应 tuberculin reaction卡介苗 bcg vaccine抗毒素 antitoxin旧结核菌素 old tuberculin, ot结核菌素单位 tuberculin unit, tu致热原 pyrogen病原体 pathogen带[病]毒者 carrier带菌者 carrier感染 infection传染 infection原发性感染原 primary invader继发性感染原 secondary invader机会致病菌 opportunistic pathogen条件致病菌 conditioned pathogen正常菌群 normal flora感染性 infectivity感染中心 infectious center攻击力 aggressivity侵袭力 invasiveness皮肤坏死毒素 dermatonecrotoxin毒素 toxin毒力 virulence感染剂量 infective dose, id半感染剂量 infectious dose 50%, id 50半数组织培养感染量 50% tissue culture infective dose, tcid 50 致病性 pathogenicity致细胞病变[效应] cytopathic effect, cpe半数致死量 50% lethal dose, ld 50细菌毒力 bacterial virulence神经毒力 neurovirulence类毒素 toxoid神经毒性 neurotoxicity最小感染量 minimal infecting dose, mid最小抑菌浓度 minimal inhibitory concentration, mic 最小致死量 minimal lethal dose, mld生物制品 biological products鞭毛抗原 flagellar antigen菌体抗原 o antigen[细菌]包被抗原 envelope antigen菌苗 bacterial vaccine疫苗 vaccine活疫苗 live vaccine活菌苗 live bacterial vaccine单价疫苗 univalent vaccine单价菌苗 univalent bacterial vaccine多价菌苗 polyvalent bacterial vaccine多价疫苗 polyvalent vaccine三联疫苗 triple vaccine联合疫苗 combined vaccine亚单位菌苗 subunit bacterial vaccine亚单位疫苗 subunit vaccine兔化法 lapinization减毒作用 attenuation自身疫苗 autovaccine自身菌苗 autovaccine菌苗疗法 vaccinetherapy, vaccinotherapy化学疗法 chemotherapy疫苗疗法 vaccinetherapy, vaccinotherapy 疫苗再接种 revaccination再接种 reinoculation自身接种 autoinoculationvi 抗原 vi antigen乙型肝炎核心抗原 hbcag乙型肝炎表面抗原 hbsag扩散因子 spreading factor乙型肝炎e抗原 hbeag溶血[作用] haemolysis[抗菌素的]协同作用 synergism抑菌作用 bacteriostasis杀芽孢剂 sporicide杀病毒剂 virucide抗溶[菌]素 antilysin杀菌剂 germicides消毒剂 disinfectant抑菌剂 bacteriostat抗微生物剂 antimicrobial agent抗菌剂 antibacterial agent抗真菌剂 antifungal agent杀细菌剂 bactericide杀真菌剂 mycocide抑真菌剂 fungistat消毒 disinfection腐败 putrefaction防腐 antisepsis石炭酸系数 phenol coefficient药物敏感性 drug susceptibility防腐剂 antiseptic大肠菌类 coliform group大肠[杆]菌值 colititre大肠[杆]菌指数 coli-index指示菌 indicator显微肥达氏凝集试验 microscopic widal agglutination test敏化细菌 sensitized bacteria无特定病原动物 specific pathogen free animals, spfa无菌动物 germ-free animal硫磺[样]颗粒 sulfur granule显微镜 microscope双目显微镜 binocular microscope倒置显微镜 invert microscope明视野显微镜 bright field microscope暗视野 dark-field暗视野显微镜 dark-field microscope暗视野显微术 dark-field microscopy相差显微镜 phase contrast microscope[分辨]干涉差显微镜differential interference contrast microscope, dicm荧光显微镜 fluorescence microscope电[子显微]镜 electron microscope透射电[子显微]镜 transmission electron microscope, tem扫描电[子显微]镜 scanning electron microscope, sem超薄切片术 ultramicrotomy超薄切片 ultrathin section目镜 ocular物镜 objective透镜 lens补偿目镜 compensative eyepiece消色差透镜 achromatic lens全消色差透镜 apochromatic lens低倍物镜 low power objective高倍物镜 high power objective油浸物镜 oil immersion objective显微镜集光器 microscope condenser镜台测微计 stage micrometer目镜测微计 ocular micrometer显微操作 micromanipulation显微操作器 micromanipulator盖玻片 cover glass载玻片 slide凹玻片 concave slide香柏油 cedar oil涂片 smear悬滴法 hanging drop method热固定 heat fixation镜检 microscopic examination分辨率 resolving power放大率 magnification染色法 staining染色反应 staining reaction负染[色法] negative staining鉴别染色法 differential staining对染[法] counterstaining两极染色 bipolar staining萋-尼染色法 ziehl-neelsen staining method 抗酸细菌染色法 acid-fast staining革兰氏染色 gram staining赖夫松鞭毛染色 leifson's flagella staining 墨汁荚膜染色 india-ink capsule staining阿氏染色 albert's staining麦氏[立克次氏体]染色 macchiavello's staining瑞氏染色 wright's staining富尔根染色 feulgen staining染色剂 stain鲁戈氏碘液 lugol's iodine solution吕氏甲烯蓝 loeffler's methylene blue石炭酸品红 carbol fuchsin孔雀石绿溶液 malachite green solution柯斯特染料 koester's stain培养基 medium营养琼脂 nutrient agar营养肉汤 nutrient broth远藤培养基 endo's medium沙氏葡萄糖琼脂 sabouraud's dextrose agar吕氏血清培养基 loeffler's serum medium伊红甲烯蓝琼脂 emb agar沙门-志贺氏琼脂 salmonella-shigella agar, s.s.agar麦氏培养基 macconkey medium庖肉培养基 cooked meat medium马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂 potato dextrose agar, pda豆芽汁培养基 bean sprouts medium[蛋白]胨酵母膏葡萄糖培养基peptone-yeast extract-glucose medium分离培养基 isolation medium鉴别培养基 differential medium富集培养基 enrichment medium基础培养基 basic medium确定成分培养基 defined medium合成培养基 synthetic medium半合成培养基 semisynthetic medium液体培养基 liquid medium半固体培养基 semisolid medium固体培养基 solid medium滋养培养基 enriched medium生化培养基 biochemical medium完全培养基 complete medium干燥培养基 dehydrated medium天然培养基 natural medium选择性培养基 selective medium平板 plate聚硅酸盐平板 polysilicate plate梯度平板 gradient plate补加培养基 supplemented medium琼脂平板 agar plate琼脂 agar肉膏 meat extract牛肉膏 beef extract牛肉汁 beef broth麦芽汁 malt wort酵母汁 yeast water酵母膏 yeast extract paste酵母提取粉 yeast extract powder[水解]酪蛋白氨基酸 casamino acids [蛋白]胨 peptone琼脂斜面 agar slant杜氏发酵管 durham's fermentation tube 传代 transfer of culture分离 isolation划线[分离] streaking稀释平板分离法 dilution-plate method 无菌检查 sterility test无菌 sterile污染 contamination污染物 contaminant菌株 strain接种物 inoculum接种 inoculation, inoculating, inoculate 无菌操作 aseptic technique移种 culture transfering平板接种 plating穿刺 stab平板划线 plate streaking细胞系 cell line细胞株 cell strain培养 cultivation纯化 purification纯性培养 axenic cultivation纯培养 pure cultivation玻片培养 slide cultivation穿刺培养 stab cultivation传代培养 subculturing分部培养[法] fractional cultivation分批培养 batch cultivation滚管培养法 rolling tube cultivation滚管技术 rolling tube technique混合培养 mixed cultivation划线培养 streak cultivation静止培养 static cultivation连续培养 continuous cultivation倾注培养[法] pour plate method平板培养 plate cultivation肉汤培养 broth cultivation深层培养 submerged cultivation双相培养 biphasic cultivation同步培养 synchronous cultivation 透析培养 dialysis cultivation涂布培养法 spread plate method 协同培养 co-cultivation斜面培养 slant cultivation需氧培养 aerobic cultivation厌氧培养 anaerobic cultivation摇合培养 shake cultivation原位培养 in situ cultivation振荡培养 shake cultivation组织培养 tissue culture盲传 blind passage影印培养法 replica plating开放生长系统 open growth system 封闭生长系统 closed growth system 培养物 culture玻片培养物 slide culture穿刺培养物 stab culture传代培养物 subculture纯性培养物 axenic culture纯培养物 pure culture划线培养物 streak culture混合培养物 mixed culture平板培养物 plate culture划线平板 streak plate肉汤培养物 broth culture斜面培养物 slant culture原始培养物 primary culture老培养物 old culture模式培养物 type culture储用培养物 stock culture冻干[保藏]法 lyophilization深低温保藏[法] cryopreservation液氮保藏[法] liquid nitrogen cryopreservation 鉴定 identification灭菌 sterilization灭菌器 sterilizer高压灭菌器 autoclave干热灭菌 dry heat sterilization高压灭菌 autoclaving间歇灭菌法 tyndallization过滤除菌 filtration sterilization连续灭菌 continuous sterilization烧灼灭菌 incineration巴氏消毒法 pasteurization曼德勒尔滤器 mandler filter赛氏[细菌]滤器 seitz filter素陶滤菌器 unglazed porcelain filter薄膜滤器 membrane filter微孔滤器 millipore filter流通蒸汽灭菌器 arnold steam sterilizor弗氏[细胞]压碎器 french cell pressx[细胞]压碎器 x press接种针 inoculating needle接种环 inoculating loop涂布器 spreader超净台 super clean bench接种箱 inoculation hood培养箱 incubator恒浊器 turbidostat恒化器 chemostat烛罐 candle jar厌氧培养室 anaerobic chamber培养皿 petri dish培养瓶 culture flask克氏瓶 kolle flask冯巴赫瓶 fernbach flask稀释法 dilution method生长谱测定[法] auxanography生长谱 auxanogram抗生谱 antibiotic spectrum杯碟法 cylinder plate method牛津杯 oxford cup菌落计数器 bacterial colony counter最大机率法 most probable number method, mpnm 最大机率数 most probable number, mpn效价 titer硝酸盐还原试验 nitrate reduction test明胶液化 gelatine liquefication硫化氢试验 hydrogen sulfide production test石蕊牛奶 litmus milk柯氏氧化酶试剂 kovac's oxidase reagent柯氏试剂 kovac's reagent氧化酶试验 oxidase test吲哚试验 indole test科氏试验 kolmer test甲基红试验 methyl red test伏-波试验 voges-proskauer test吲哚、甲基红、v-p、柠檬酸试验 imvic test蓝氏链球菌分群试验 lancefield's streptococcal grouping test gc值 gc values甲烯蓝还原试验 methylene blue reduction test荚膜膨胀试验 quellung test[马]鼻疽菌素试验 mallein test痘疱试验 pock assay埃姆斯试验 ames test临界杀菌浓度 critical killing dilution中和试验 neutralization test毒素中和试验 toxin neutralization test菌落形成单位 colony forming units, cfu生物测定 bioassay氯化三苯基四氮唑法triphenyl tetrazolium chloride method, ttcm血清学特异性 serological specificity血清学鉴定 serological identification免疫粘连血凝测定immune adherence hemagglutination assay, iaha溶血试验 hemolytic test血细胞凝集 hemagglutination, ha血细胞吸附 hemadsorption, hd血凝抑制 hemagglutination inhibition溶[细]菌反应 bacteriolytic reaction体外 in vitro体内 in vivo。
微生物学英汉词汇6-aminopenicillanic acid 6-氨基青霉烷酸adeno associated virus 腺伴随病毒agaricinic acid 蘑菇酸ambrosia fungi 虫道真菌Ames test 埃姆斯试验anaerobic chamber 厌氧培养室archaebacteria 古细菌archetista 古始生物界ascosporulation 子囊孢子形成asymbiotic nitrogen fixation 非共生固氮作用attenuatio 减毒作用autotrophic succession 自养演替axenic cultivation 纯性培养axenic culture 纯性培养物base-plate hub [噬菌体]基片插孔basidiospore 担孢子beef extract 牛肉膏biochemical medium 生化培养基biovar 生物变型cell line 细胞系clamp cell 锁状细胞cleistocarp 闭囊果coccus 球菌co-cultivation 协同培养commensalism 偏利共栖compensative eyepiece 补偿目镜complex symmetry 复合对称conditional lethal 条件致死conditional mutant 条件突变株continuous fermentation 连续发酵cord factor 索状因子corynebacteria 棒状菌cover glass 盖玻片culture transfering 移种dark-field 暗视野deep colony 深层菌落Differential interference contrast microscope, DICM [分辨]干涉差显微镜diphtheria toxin 白喉毒素diplococcus 双球菌discocarp 盘状子囊果drug susceptibility 药物敏感性dry heat sterilization 干热灭菌early genes [病毒]早期基因efficiency of plating 成斑效率enriched medium 滋养培养基enterovirus 肠道病毒epibasidium 上担子erythrogenic toxin 红斑毒素extreme bacteria 极端细菌fermentation capacity 发酵[能]力Fernbach flask 冯巴赫瓶fiber antigen [噬菌体]尾丝抗原food poisoning 食物中毒fractional cultivation 分部培养[法] germ-free animal 无菌动物germ-free plant 无菌植物Gram-positive bacteria 革兰氏阳性菌hanging drop method 悬滴法heat fixation 热固定hemagglutination inhibition 血凝抑制heterocyst 异形[囊]胞hexonmer,hexons [病毒]六邻体H-O variation H-O 变异homobasidium 同担子hydrogen sulfide production test 硫化氢试验hydrogenogens 产氢菌hymenium 子实层hyphal body 虫菌体immune adherence hemagglutination assay, IAHA免疫粘连血凝测定in vitro 体外inclusion body 包含体India-ink capsule staining 墨汁荚膜染色indole test 吲哚试验infectious dose 50%, ID 50 半感染剂量initial body [衣原体]始体inoculating needle 接种针inoculation hood 接种箱invert microscope 倒置显微镜isolation medium 分离培养基Koester's stain 柯斯特染料Lancefield's streptococcalgrouping test蓝氏链球菌分群试验leghaemoglobin 豆血红蛋白Leifson's flagella staining 赖夫松鞭毛染色lipopolysaccharides 脂多糖类Loeffler's methylene blue 吕氏甲烯蓝log phase 对数期Lugol's iodine solution 鲁戈氏碘液lysis inhibition [噬菌体]裂解阻抑lysogenic bacteria 溶原性细菌main fermentation 主发酵mesophilic bacteria 中温菌methanochondria 甲烷粒体microbial sensor 微生物传感器microbiology 微生物学microcyst 微包囊monotricha 单鞭毛菌mucoid colony 粘液型菌落muramic acid 胞壁酸mycoderm, pellicle [菌]醭negative strand 负链neurovirulence 神经毒力nitrogen fixation 固氮作用normal flora 正常菌群nutrient broth 营养肉汤O antigen 菌体抗原oil immersion objective 油浸物镜oligodynamic action 微[量]动[力]作用oomycetes 卵菌organotrophic bacteria 有机营养菌paleomicrobiology 古微生物学pantropic virus 泛嗜性病毒pathotype 致病型pentomer,pentons [病毒]五邻体peplomerbody 包膜突起perfringocin 产气荚膜梭菌素periplasmic space 壁膜间隙petroleum microbiology 石油微生物学phase contrast microscope 相差显微镜phenol coefficient 石炭酸系数phenotypic mixing 表型混杂photoheterotrophic bacteria 光能异养菌phycocyanobilin 藻蓝胆素phyllospheric microorganism 叶际微生物pilot protein [噬菌体]先导蛋白plate 平板plate streaking 平板划线pock assay 痘疱试验primary succession 原生演替prodigiosus toxin 灵菌毒素protophyte 原生植物prototunicate ascus 原囊壁子囊purple membrane 紫膜replica plating 影印培养法resistance factor 抗药因子resolving power 分辨率resting cell 静息细胞rhizospheric microorganism 根际微生物rod 杆菌rust fungi 锈菌satellite virus 卫星病毒secondary succession 次生演替seta 刚毛shallow tray fermentation 浅盘发酵sheathed bacteria 鞘细菌single cell protein, SCP 单细胞蛋白singly embedded virus 单粒包埋型病毒slime layer 粘液层smooth type 光滑型smut fungi 黑粉菌spreading factor 扩散因子stab culture 穿刺培养物stationary phase 稳定期stroma 子座tail fiber [噬菌体]尾丝thermal death point 热[致]死点thermophilric bacteria 耐热细菌tissue culture 组织培养top fermentation 上面发酵trichome [细菌]毛状体Triphenyl tetrazolium chloridemethod, TTCM氯化三苯基四氮唑法tuberculin unit, TU 结核菌素单位uredostage 夏孢子期vaccinetherapy, vaccinotherapy 菌苗疗法valinomycin, aminomycin 缬氨霉素veterinary microbiology 兽医微生物学X factor X 因子X-body X体yeast like colony 类酵母型菌落α-inhibitor[流感病毒]α抑制物] auxanography 生长谱测定[法]50% lethal dose, LD 50 半数致死量50% tissue culture infective dose, TCID 50 半数组织培养感染量7-aminocephalosporinic acid 7-氨基头孢菌酸abjunction [孢子]切落ablastin 抑殖素abortin 流产菌素abstriction [孢子]缢断acervulus 分生孢子盘acetification 醋化作用acetogen 产乙酸菌achromatic lens 消色差透镜acid-fast staining 抗酸细菌染色法acidification 酸化作用acidophilic bacteria 嗜酸菌aclacinomycin 阿克拉霉素acrospore 顶生孢子actidione, cycloheximide 放线酮actinomycetes 放线菌actinomycin 放线菌素activated sludge 活性污泥active dry yeast 活性干酵母adenovirus 腺病毒adhesin 粘附素adriamycin 阿霉素aeciospore 锈孢子aecium 锈子器aerial mycelium 气生菌丝体aerobe 需氧菌aerobic cultivation 需氧培养aerobic respiration 需氧呼吸aerobiosis 需氧生活aerogen 产气菌aerotaxis 趋氧性aerotorelant bacteria 耐氧菌aethalium 粘菌体aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素agar 琼脂agar plate 琼脂平板agar slant 琼脂斜面agarfitine 伞菌氨酸agaricin 蘑菇素aggressin 攻击素aggressivity 攻击力aging 陈酿化agricultural microbiology 农业微生物学agrobacteriocin 土壤杆菌素akinete 静息孢子Albert's staining 阿氏染色aleuriospore 侧生孢子algocyan, leucocyan 藻蓝素allantospore 腊肠形孢子allelopathic substances 异株克生物质allelopathy 异种克生[现象] allophycocyanin 别藻蓝素ambutyrosin 氨丁苷菌素amensalism 偏害共栖American Type CultureCollection, ATCC美国模式培养物保藏所amerospore 无隔孢子ammonification 氨化作用amphitrichate 两端单[鞭]毛菌amphitrophy 兼性营养amphotericin 两性霉素amylo process 阿明露法anaerobe 厌氧菌anaerobic cultivation 厌氧培养anaerobic digestion 厌氧消化anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸anaerobiosis 厌氧生活anaerogen 不产气菌anamorph 无性型anastomosis [菌丝]融合androgamete 雄配子androgenesis 雄核发育androphore 雄器柄androspore 产雄器孢子annellospore 环痕孢子annulus 菌环anoxyphotobacteria 无氧光细菌ansamitocin 安丝菌素antagonism 拮抗作用anthelmycin 抗蠕霉素antheridium 雄器antibacterial agent 抗菌剂antibiotic 抗生素antibiotic spectrum 抗生谱antidiphtheric serum 抗白喉血清antifoam agent 消泡剂antifungal agent 抗真菌剂antigenic drift 抗原性漂移antigenic shift 抗原性转变antilysin 抗溶[菌]素antimetabolites 抗代谢物antimicrobial agent 抗微生物剂antimycin 抗霉素antisepsis 防腐antiseptic 防腐剂antiserum 抗血清antitoxin 抗毒素apex [噬菌体]顶体apical capsomere [噬菌体]顶部壳粒apicle 顶体aplasmomycin 除疟霉素apochromatic lens 全消色差透镜apogamy 无配生殖apomixis 无融合生殖apophysis 囊托apothecium 子囊盘appendage [菌体]附器apramycin 阿泊拉霉素aquatic microbiology 水生微生物学arbovirus 虫媒病毒Arnold steam sterilizor 流通蒸汽灭菌器arthroconidium 节分生孢子arthrospore 节孢子ascocarp 子囊果ascogenous hypha 产囊丝ascogonium 产囊体ascomycetes 子囊菌ascospore 子囊孢子ascostroma 子囊座ascus 子囊aseptic technique 无菌操作aspergillin 曲霉菌素aspertoxin 曲霉毒素asporogenous yeasts 无孢子酵母菌assembly [病毒]装配assimilation 同化作用associated virus 伴随病毒attenuated strain 减毒株autoclave 高压灭菌器autoclaving 高压灭菌autoinoculation 自身接种autolysin 自溶素autolysis 自溶[现象] automatic airlock 自动气锁autotrophic bacteria 自养菌autotrophy 自养autovaccine 自身疫苗autovaccine 自身菌苗auxanogram 生长谱auxotroph 营养缺陷型avermectin 除虫菌素axial filament 轴丝azotogen 固氮菌剂azygospore 拟接合孢子azygote 单性合子bacitracin 杆菌肽bacteremia 菌血症bacteria 细菌bacterial colony counter 菌落计数器bacterial vaccine 菌苗bacterial virulence 细菌毒力bactericide 杀细菌剂bactericidin 杀[细]菌素bacteriochlorophyll [细]菌[叶]绿素bacteriocin 细菌素bacterioerythrin 菌红素bacteriofluorescein 细菌荧光素bacteriology 细菌学bacteriolysis 溶菌作用bacteriolytic reaction 溶[细]菌反应bacteriophage 噬菌体bacteriophage typing 噬菌体分型bacteriophagology 噬菌体学bacteriopurpurin 菌紫素bacteriorhodopsin [细菌]紫膜质bacteriosome 细菌小体bacteriostasis 抑菌作用bacteriostat 抑菌剂bacteriotoxin 细菌毒素bacteriotropin 亲菌素bacteroid 类菌体ballistospore 掷孢子barophilic bacteria 嗜压菌base-plate fibril [噬菌体]基片丝base-plate wedge [噬菌体]基片楔突basic medium 基础培养基basidiocarp 担子果basidiomycetes 担子菌basidiophore 担子体basidium 担子batch cultivation 分批培养batch fermentation [罐]批发酵BCG vaccine 卡介苗bean sprouts medium 豆芽汁培养基beef broth 牛肉汁bicyclomycin 双环霉素binary fission 二分分裂binocular microscope 双目显微镜bioassay 生物测定bioconversion 生物转化biogas 沼气biological control 生物防治biological products 生物制品biomass 生物量biomass 生物质biosphere 生物圈biotype 生物型biphasic cultivation 双相培养bipolar staining 两极染色bitunicate ascus 双囊壁子囊blasticidin 杀稻瘟素blastoconidium 芽分生孢子blastospore 芽生孢子bleomycin 博来霉素blind passage 盲传blooms 水华bottom fermentation 下面发酵bottom yeast 下面酵母bran koji 麸曲brewing 酿造brewing technique 酿造技术bright field microscope 明视野显微镜broth cultivation 肉汤培养broth culture 肉汤培养物brucellin 布氏菌素budding 芽殖burst size [噬菌体]裂解量butirosin, butyrosin 丁苷菌素candicidin 杀假丝菌素candle jar 烛罐capillitium 孢丝capreomycin, capromycin 卷曲霉素capsid [病毒]壳体capsomer, capsomere [病毒]壳粒capsule 荚膜carbol fuchsin 石炭酸品红carbon balance 碳平衡carboxydotrophic bacteria 一氧化碳营养菌carminomycin 洋红霉素carotenoids 类葫萝卜素carrier 带[病]毒者carrier 带菌者carrier phage 载体噬菌体carriomycin 腐霉素casamino acids[水解]酪蛋白氨基酸caulobacteria 柄细菌cedar oil 香柏油celesticetin 天青菌素cell strain 细胞株cellulase 纤维素酶central spore 中生芽孢centrum 壳心cephalosporin 头孢菌素cephalotricha 单端丛[鞭]毛菌chemoautotrophic bacteria 化能自养菌chemoautotrophy 化能自养chemoheterotrophic bacteria 化能异养菌chemolithotrophic bacteria 化能无机营养菌chemolithotrophy 化能无机营养chemoorganotrophic bacteria 化能有机营养菌chemoorganotrophy 化能有机营养chemostat 恒化器chemotaxis 趋化性chemotherapy 化学疗法chemotrophy 化能营养chemotropism 向化性chemotype 化学型chemovar 化学变型China Committee for CultureCollection of Microorganisms,中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会CCCCMChinese Society forMicrobiology, CSM 中国微生物学会chlamydia 衣原体chlamydospore 厚壁孢子chloromycetin, chloramphenicol 氯霉素chloroteracycline, aureomycin 金霉素chromatophore 载色体chromogenic bacteria 产色细菌chromomycin 色霉素chuangxinmycin 创新霉素Chu-inhibitor ,β-inhibitor [流感病毒]朱氏抑制物chytrid 壶菌cirrus 孢子角clamp connection 锁状联合clavulanic acid 棒酸cleistothecium 闭囊壳climax community 顶极群落clindamycin 氯林肯霉素clitocybine 杯伞素clone 克隆closed growth system 封闭生长系统cluster 聚簇clypeus 盾状体coagulase 凝固酶coagulase factor 凝固酶因子coccobacillus 球杆菌cococarde 半透明型突变噬斑coenocyte 多核细胞coenogamete 多核配子coenosporangium 多核孢子囊coenospore 多核孢子coenozygote 多核合子coenzyme M 辅酶Mco-immobilization 共固定化作用colicin, colicine 大肠菌素colicinogenic factor 大肠杆菌素生成因子coliform group 大肠菌类coli-index 大肠[杆]菌指数colistin 粘菌素colititre 大肠[杆]菌值collar [噬菌体]颈部collarette 囊领colony 菌落colony forming units, CFU 菌落形成单位columella 囊轴combined vaccine 联合疫苗companions 伴生种compatibility 相容性competence 感受态competition 兢争[共栖] complementation 互补complete medium 完全培养基concatemer [噬菌体]串联体concave slide 凹玻片conditioned pathogen 条件致病菌conidiocarp 分生孢子果conidiophore 分生孢子梗conidium 分生孢子conjugate division [噬菌体]接合分裂conjugation 接合[作用] connector [噬菌体]颈圈consortium 聚生体constriction 缢缩[作用] contaminant 污染物contamination 污染continuous cultivation 连续培养continuous sterilization 连续灭菌cooked meat medium 庖肉培养基coprinin 鬼伞菌素cordycepin 蛹虫草菌素core [噬菌体]髓部core 核心coremium 菌丝束cortex [芽孢]皮层cortinellin 香菇菌素cosmid 粘粒counterstaining 对染[法]critical killing dilution 临界杀菌浓度cross reactivation 交叉复活cryopreservation 深低温保藏[法]cryptic prophage 隐性前噬菌体cryptobiosis 隐生现象cubical symmetry 立体对称cultivation 培养culture 培养物culture flask 培养瓶cup fungi 盘菌curing [噬菌体]自愈cyanobacteria 蓝细菌cyanophycin 藻青素cyanophycin granule 藻青素颗粒cycloserine 环丝氨酸cyclosporin 环孢菌素cylinder plate method 杯碟法cystidium 囊状体cytochalasin 松胞菌素cytomycin 胞霉素cytopathic effect, CPE 致细胞病变[效应] cytoplasmic polyhedrosisvirus,CPV 质型多角体病毒Daqu (massive raw stater foralcholic liquor) 大曲dark-field microscope 暗视野显微镜dark-field microscopy 暗视野显微术daughter colony 子菌落daunomycin 道诺霉素decline phase 衰亡期decomposer 分解者defective interfering particle 干扰缺损颗粒defective mutant [病毒]缺损突变株defective virus 缺损病毒defined medium 确定成分培养基dehydrated medium 干燥培养基denitrification 反硝化作用denitrifying bacteria 反硝化细菌densovirus,DNV 浓核病毒dermatonecrotoxin 皮肤坏死毒素destomycin 越霉素deterioration 生物致劣determinative bacteriology 鉴定细菌学diagnostic microbiology 诊断微生物学dialysis cultivation 透析培养diary microbiology 乳品微生物学diauxie growth curve 双峰生长曲线dictyospore 砖格孢子didymospore 双胞孢子differential medium 鉴别培养基differential staining 鉴别染色法dilution method 稀释法dilution-plate method 稀释平板分离法dimorphic fungi 双态性真菌dimorphism 双态现象dipicolinic acid, DPA 2,6-吡啶二羧酸diplobacillus 双杆菌disinfectant 消毒剂disinfection 消毒dispore 双孢担孢子dissimilation 异化作用distamycin 偏端霉素donor 供体dormancy 休眠doubling time 倍增时间drug resistant gene 抗药基因drug resistant strain 抗药性菌株drug-resistance 抗药性Durham's fermentation tub 杜氏发酵管dwarf colony 侏儒型菌落dysbacteriosis 菌群失调early protein [病毒]早期蛋白eburicoic acid 齿孔酸ECHO virus 艾柯病毒eclipse period 隐蔽期ectendomycorrhiza 内外生菌根ectomycorrhiza 外生菌根ectothrix 毛外癣菌elater 弹丝electron microscope 电[子显微]镜elementary body 原[生小]体EMB agar 伊红甲烯蓝琼脂endobasidium 内生担子endoconidium 内分生孢子endogenenous variable 内源变量endogenous virus 内源病毒endomycorrhiza 内生菌根Endo's medium 远藤培养基endospore 内生孢子endosymbiosis 内共生endothrix 毛内癣菌endotoxin 内毒素enrichment medium 富集培养基enterococcin 肠球菌素enterotoxin 肠毒素entomogenous fungi 虫生真菌entomopathogen 昆虫病原微生物entomopox virus, EPV 昆虫痘病毒envelope antigen [病毒]包膜抗原envelope antigen [细菌]包被抗原envelope, peplos 包膜epidermolytic toxin 表皮溶解毒素epithecium 囊层被erythromycin 红霉素esterastin 抑酯酶素etiology 病原学eubacteria 真细菌eukaryote 真核生物eurythermal microorganism 广温微生物euvirus 真病毒everninomicin 扁枝衣霉素exfoliative toxin 剥脱性毒素exine 外壁exitine 芽孢外膜exospore 外生孢子exosporium [孢子]外壁exotoxin 外毒素exponential growth 指数生长extracellular enzyme 胞外酶factor 420 420 因子facultative anaerobe 兼性厌氧菌fastidious microorganism 苛求菌favic chandelier mycelium 黄癣菌丝feed back inhibition 反馈抑制fermentability 可发酵性fermentation 发酵fermenter 发酵罐fermicutes 硬壁[细]菌类fertility factor 致育因子Feulgen staining 富尔根染色fibrinolysin 溶纤维蛋白溶酶filamentous type colony 丝状型菌落filtration sterilization 过滤除菌fimbrium [噬菌体]伞毛fixed virus [狂犬病]固定毒flagellar antigen 鞭毛抗原flagellar basal body 鞭毛基体flagellin 鞭毛蛋白flagellum 鞭毛flat sour bacteria 平罐酸败菌flat-sour spoilage 平[罐]酸败flax retting 亚麻浸渍flora 菌群flora 区系fluorescence microscop 荧光显微镜food microbiology 食品微生物学foot cell 足细胞foot cell 脚胞forespore 前芽孢formycin 间型霉素fortimicin 健霉素fosfomycin, phosphonomycin 磷霉素foulbrood [蜜蜂]幼虫腐臭病fragmentation 断裂French cell press 弗氏[细胞]压碎器fruiting body 子实体fungi 真菌fungistat 抑真菌剂funiculus 菌丝索fusarinic acid 镰孢菌酸fuseau 顶生厚壁孢子gametangial copulation 配囊交配gametangium 配子囊gamete 配子gametocyte 配子母细胞gas vacuole 气泡GC values GC值gelatine liquefication 明胶液化gene cluster 基因簇gene transfer 基因转移general microbilogy 普通微生物学genetic transformation 遗传转化genotype 基因型gentamicin 艮他霉素geosmins [放线菌]土臭味素germ pore 芽孔germ slit 芽缝germ tube 芽管germicides 杀菌剂ghost 菌蜕giant colony 巨大菌落gleba 产孢体gliding 滑行gliding bacteria 滑行细菌gliotoxin 胶霉毒素glucose effect 葡萄糖效应glycocalyx 多糖包被gnotobiology 悉生生物学gnotobiote 悉生生物gonidium 微生子gougerotin 谷氏菌素gracilicutes 薄壁[细]菌类gradient plate 梯度平板Gram staining 革兰氏染色gramicidin 短杆菌肽Gram-negative bacteria 革兰氏阴性菌granule 颗粒体granulin 颗粒体蛋白granulose 细菌淀粉粒granulosis virus, GV 颗粒体症病毒grisein 灰霉素griseofulvin 灰黄霉素growth factor 生长因子Guarnieri's bodies 顾氏小体haemolysis 溶血[作用]halophilic bacteria 嗜盐菌hamathecium 囊间丝HBcAg乙型肝炎核心抗原HBeAg 乙型肝炎e抗原HBsAg 乙型肝炎表面抗原head [噬菌体]头部helical symmetry 螺旋对称helicospore 卷旋孢子helper virus 辅助病毒hemadsorption, HD 血细胞吸附hemagglutination, HA 血细胞凝集hemagglutinin 血凝素hemibasidium 半担子hemolysin 溶血素hemolytic test 溶血试验herbicidin 除莠菌素herbimycin 除莠霉素heterobasidium 隔担子heterofermentation 异型发酵heterofermentative lactic bacteria 异型发酵乳酸菌heterogamete 异形配子heterogamy 异配生殖heterology 异源性heterothallism 异宗配合heterotrophic bacteria 异养菌heterotrophic potential 异养潜能heterotrophic succession 异养演替heterotrophy 异养heterozygosis 杂合[现象] heterozygote 异形合子high frequency of recombination,Hfr 高频重组high power objective 高倍物镜holdfast 固着器holobasidium无隔担子holomorph 全型holomycin 全霉素homoacetogenic bacteria 同型[产]乙酸细菌homofermentation 同型发酵homofermentative lactic bacteria 同型发酵乳酸菌homoimmune phage 同源免疫噬菌体homology 同源性homothallism 同宗配合hormogonium [蓝细菌]连锁体host range mutant 宿主范围突变株hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶hydrogenotrophic bacteria 氢营养菌hydrogen-producing acetogenicbacteria 产氢产乙酸细菌hygromycin 潮霉素hymenophore 子实层体hypha 菌丝hyphal fragment 菌丝段hypholytic action 溶菌丝作用hyphopodium 附着枝hypnosporangium 休眠孢子囊hypnospore 休眠孢子hypobasidium 下担子hypogeal fungi 地下真菌hypostroma 下子座hypothallus 囊基膜hypothecium 囊层基hysterothecium 缝裂壳icosahedral symmetry 二十面体对称icosahedron capsid 二十面[体]壳体identification 鉴定idiotroph 特需营养要求型ilamycin 岛霉素immobilized cell 固定化细胞imperfect fungi 半知菌IMViC tes 吲哚、甲基红、V-P、柠檬酸试验in situ cultivation 原位培养in vivo 体内incineration 烧灼灭菌inclusion granule 内含颗粒incubator 培养箱indicator 指示菌indigenous flora 土著菌群indigenous flora 土著区系induced variation 诱发变异inducible phage [可]诱导噬菌体indusium 菌裙industrial microbiology 工业微生物学infection 侵染infection 感染infection 传染infectious center 侵染中心infectious center 感染中心infective dose, ID 侵染剂量infective dose, ID 感染剂量infectivity 侵染性infectivity 感染性inoculating loop 接种环inoculation, inoculating, inoculate 接种inoculum 接种物inoperculatae 无囊盖类interference 干扰[现象] interferon 干扰素International Union of Microbiological Societies, IUMS 国际微生物学会联合会interspecies H transfer 种间分子氢转移intestinal bacteria 肠道细菌intine 芽孢内膜intracellular enzym 胞内酶invasiveness 侵袭力involution form 衰老型irido virus 虹彩病毒iron bacteria 铁细菌isogametangium 同形配子囊isogamete 同形配子isogamy 同配生殖isolation 分离isospore 同形孢子istamycin 天神霉素ive bacterial vaccine 活菌苗ivermectin 双氢除虫菌素josamycin 交沙霉素kanamycin 卡那霉素kasugamycin 春日霉素killer particle 致死颗粒koji 日本酒曲kojic acid 曲酸Kolle flask 克氏瓶Kolmer test 科氏试验Kovac's oxidase reagent 柯氏Kovac's reagent 柯氏试剂lag phase 延滞期lambda particles phage λ噬菌体lapinization 兔化法lapinized virus 兔化毒late culture 平板培养物late genes [病毒]晚期基因late protein [病毒]晚期蛋白latent virus 潜伏病毒lawn 菌苔leaky mutant 渗漏突变体lens 透镜lepromin 麻风菌素leucocidin 杀白细胞素leucolysin 白细胞溶素leucomycin 柱晶白霉素L-form of bacterium 细菌L-型lincomycin 林可霉素liquid koji 液体曲liquid medium 液体培养基liquid nitrogen cryopreservation 液氮保藏[法] liquid state fermentation 液态发酵lithotrophic bacteria 无机营养菌litmus milk 石蕊牛奶live vaccine 活疫苗locule 子囊腔Loeffler's serum medium 吕氏血清培养基lophotricha 丛[鞭]毛菌low power objective 低倍物镜low virulent strain 弱毒株luminous bacteria 发光细菌lyophilization 冻干[保藏]法lysogenesis 溶原现象lysogenic conversion 溶原性转换lysogenization 溶原化lysogeny 溶原性lysostaphin 溶葡萄球菌素lysozyme 溶菌酶lytic cycle 裂解周期Macchiavello's staining 麦氏[立克次氏体]染色MacConkey medium 麦氏培养基macroconidium 大分生孢子magnification 放大率malachite green solution 孔雀石绿溶液mallein test [马]鼻疽菌素试验malt wort 麦芽汁Mandler filter 曼德勒尔滤器manual airlock 手动气锁marine microbiology 海洋微生物学mash 醪液matachromatic granules 异染粒mating type 交配型maytenin 美登素meat extract 肉膏medical microbiology 医学微生物学medium 培养基membrane filter 薄膜滤器mendosicutes 疵壁[细]菌类merosporangium 柱孢子囊mesosome 间体mesotrophy 半自养metabiosis 代谢共栖methanogen 产甲烷菌methanogenesis 产甲烷[作用] methyl red test 甲基红试验methylene blue reduction test 甲烯蓝还原试验methylotrophic bacteria 甲基营养菌methylotrophy 甲基营养methymycin 酒霉素metulae 梗基microaerobe 微需氧菌microbial biochemistry 微生物生物化学microbial ecology 微生物生态学microbial ecosystem 微生物生态系统microbial genetics 微生物遗传学microbial leaching 微生物浸矿microbial pesticide 微生物杀虫剂microbial physiology 微生物生理学microbial taxonomy 微生物分类学microbody 微体microcapsule 微荚膜microconidium 小分生孢子microflora 微生物区系micromanipulation 显微操作micromanipulator 显微操作器micronutrient 微量营养microorganism 微生物microscope 显微镜microscope condenser 显微镜集光器microscopic examination 镜检microscopic Widal agglutination test 显微肥达氏凝集试验millipore filter 微孔滤器minimal infecting dose, MID 最小感染量minimal inhibitory concentration,MIC 最小抑菌浓度minimal lethal dose, MLD 最小致死量mithramycin 光神霉素mitomycin 丝裂霉素mixed cultivation 混合培养mixed culture 混合培养物mold, mould 霉菌mollicutes 柔膜细菌monensin 莫能菌素monomorphism 单形现象monster [噬菌体]畸形体morphotype 形态型morphovar 形态变型most probable number method,MPNM 最大机率法most probable number, MPN 最大机率数multicomponent virus 多分体病毒multiple embedded virus 多粒包埋型病毒multiple fission 复分裂muscarine 毒蝇碱mushrooms 蘑菇mutagen 诱变剂mutagenesis 诱变mutant 突变体mutation 突变mutualism 互利共栖mycelianamide 菌丝酰胺mycelium 菌丝体mycelium pellet 菌丝球mycetism 真菌中毒mycetosome 含菌细胞mycocide 杀真菌剂mycolic acid 分枝菌酸mycology 真菌学mycomycin 菌霉素mycophage 真菌噬菌体mycophenolic acid 霉酚酸mycorrhiza 菌根mycorrhizal fungi 菌根真菌mycotoxin 真菌毒素mycovirus 真菌病毒mydecamycin, midecamycin 麦迪霉素mykol 真菌醇myxospore 粘孢子naked virion 裸露病毒[粒]体natural medium 天然培养基nebramycin 暗霉素necroparsite 致坏死寄生物necrosis virus 坏死病毒negative staining 负染[色法] Negri's body 内氏小体neomycin 新霉素netropsin 纺锤菌素neuraminidase 神经氨酸酶neurotoxicity 神经毒性neurotoxin 神经毒素neutralism 无关共栖neutralization tes 中和试验nitragin 根瘤菌剂nitrate reduction test 硝酸盐还原试验nitrification 硝化作用nitrobacteria 硝化细菌nitrogen balance 氮平衡nitrogen fixing bacteria 固氮细菌nocardin 诺卡菌素nodular mycelium 结节状菌丝nonseptate hypha 无隔菌丝novobiocin 新生霉素nuclear polyhedrosis virus, NPV 核型多角体病毒nucleocapsid 核壳nucleoid 类核numerical taxonomy 数值分类法nutrient agar 营养琼脂nystatin 制霉菌素objective 物镜obligate anaerobe 专性厌氧菌ochratoxin 赭曲毒素ocular 目镜ocular micrometer 目镜测微计O-D variation [流感病毒]O-D相变异oidiophore 粉孢子梗oidium 粉孢子old culture 老培养物old tuberculin, OT 旧结核菌素oleandomycin 竹桃霉素oligonitrophilic bacteria 微嗜氮菌oligotrophic bacteria 贫[营]养细菌oncovirus 肿瘤病毒one step growth 一步生长[曲线] oogamete 卵配子oogonium 藏卵器ooplasm 卵质oosphere 卵球oospore 卵孢子open fermentation 敞口发酵open growth system 开放生长系统operon 操纵子ophiobollin 蛇孢菌素opportunistic pathogen 机会致病菌osmophilic bacteria 嗜高渗细菌ostiole 孔口Oxford cup 牛津杯oxidase test 氧化酶试验oxygen requirement 需氧量oxyphotobacteria 生氧光细菌oxytropism 向氧性paraphysis 侧丝paraphysoid 类侧丝parasexuality 准性生殖parasitism 寄生parasporal crystal 伴胞晶体paromomycin 巴龙霉素passenger virus 过客病毒Pasteur effect 巴氏效应pasteurization 巴氏消毒法pathogen 病原体pathogenicity 致病性pathovar 致病变型patulin 展青霉素pectinafe mycelium 梳状菌丝pectinase 果胶酶pellicle 菌膜penetration [病毒]侵入penicillic acid 青霉酸penicillin 青霉素penicillinase 青霉素酶penicillus 帚状枝peptidoglycan 肽聚糖peptone [蛋白]胨peptone-yeast extract-glucose medium [蛋白]胨酵母膏葡萄糖培养基perfect fungi 完全真菌peridium 包被periphysis 周丝periphysoid 类周丝periplasmic flagella 周质鞭毛perithecium 子囊壳peritricha 周[鞭]毛菌permease 通透酶pesticin 鼠疫菌素Petri dish 培养皿Pfeiffer's phenomenon 费氏[溶菌]现象phagetype 噬菌体型phagevar 噬菌体变型phalloidin 鬼笔[毒]环肽phasmid 噬粒phenotype 表型phialide 瓶梗phialospore 瓶梗孢子phosphorus balance 磷平衡photo-assimilation 光同化作用photoautotrophic bacteria 光能自养菌photoautotrophy 光能自养photolithotrophic bacteria 光能无机营养菌photolithotrophy 光能无机营养photoorganotrophic bacteria 光能有机营养菌photoorganotrophy 光能有机营养photoreactivation 光复活作用photosynthetic bacteria 光合作用细菌phototaxis 趋光性phototrophic bacteria 光养菌phototrophy 光营养phototropism 向光性phragmobasidium 有隔担子phragmospore 多隔孢子phycobilin 藻胆素phycobiliprotein 藻胆蛋白phycobilisome 藻胆蛋白体phycocyanin 藻青蛋白phycoerythrin 藻红蛋白phycoerythrobilin 藻红[胆]素phycophage 噬藻体phytocidin 植物杀菌素phytotoxin 毒植物素pileus 菌盖pilin 菌毛蛋白pilus 菌毛planozygote 游动合子plaque 噬斑plaque 蚀斑plaque forming unit,PFU 蚀斑形成单位plaque mutants 噬斑突变株plasmid 质粒plasmid incompatibility 质粒不相容性plate cultivation 平板培养plating 平板接种pneumolysin肺炎[链]球菌溶血素pneumotoxin 肺炎球菌毒素poisonous mushroom 毒蘑菇polyauxotroph 多重营养缺陷型polyhead [噬菌体]聚合头部polyhedrin 多角体蛋白polyhedron 多角体polyhedrosis virus 多角体病毒polymorphism 多态[现象]polymorphism 多形现象polymyxin 多粘菌素polyoxin 多氧菌素polysheath [噬菌体]聚合尾鞘polysilicate plate 聚硅酸盐平板polyvalent bacterial vaccine 多价菌苗polyvalent vaccine 多价疫苗poly-β-hydroxy butyrate 聚β羟基丁酸盐pontaneous generation, abiogenesis 自然发生说,无生源说pooled typing serum 混合分型血清porospore 孔出孢子positive strand 正链potato dextrose agar, PDA 马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂pour plate method 倾注培养predacious fungi 捕食真菌predation 捕食作用preprophage 前原噬菌体primary culture 原始培养物primary fermentation 前发酵primary invader 原发性感染原prodigiosin 灵菌红素productive infection[噬菌体]生产性感染progametangium 原配子囊progamete 原配子progenote 始祖生物prokaryote 原核生物promotor 启动子prophage 原噬菌体prosporangium 原孢子囊protein envelope 蛋白质包膜protista 原生生物protistology 原生生物学protobasidium 原担子protocooperation 初级合作protoplast 原生质体protoplast fusion 原生质体融合protoplast regeneration 原生质体再生prototroph 原养型prototrophic bacteria 原养菌protozoan 原生动物protozoology 原生动物学provirus 原病毒pseudomycelium 假菌丝体pseudoparaphysis 拟侧丝pseudopeptidoglycan 假肽聚糖pseudoperidium 拟包被pseudoseptum 假隔膜pseudotype virus 假型病毒pseudovirion 假病毒体psychrophilic bacteria 嗜冷[细]菌pure cultivation 纯培养pure culture 纯培养物purification 纯化purified protein derivative, PPD 纯化蛋白衍生物purple nonsulfur bacteria 紫色无硫细菌putrefaction 腐败pycnidiospore 器孢子pycnidium 分生孢子器pycniospore [锈菌]性孢子pycnium [锈菌]性孢子器pycnosclerotium 器菌核pyocyanin 绿脓[菌]素pyocyanolysin 绿脓杆菌溶血素pyofluorescein 绿脓菌荧光素pyrenomycetes 核菌pyrogen 致热原Qu(raw starter) 曲quellung test 荚膜膨胀试验racquet mycelium 球拍状菌丝体receptor destroying enzyme, RDE 受体破坏酶recipient 受体recombinant 重组体recombination 重组recon 重组子redistribution 重分配reinoculation 再接种replication 复制replication of virus 病毒复制replicative cycle 复制周期replicon 复制子reproductive mycelium 生殖菌丝体resistance determining factor 耐药[性决定]因子resistance transfer factor, RTF 耐药性转移因子restricted transduction 局限转导retro virus 逆[转]录病毒retting 沤麻revaccination 疫苗再接种reverse transcriptase 逆[转]录酶revistin 制反转录酶素rhizopin 根霉促进素rhizopterin 根霉蝶呤rhodopseudomonacin 红假单胞菌素ribostamycin, vistamycin 核糖霉素rickettsia 立克次氏体rifamycin 利福霉素rimocidin 龟裂杀菌素ring chromosome 环状染色体ristocetin 瑞斯托菌素rolling tube cultivation 滚管培养法rolling tube technique 滚管技术root nodule 根瘤root nodule bacteria 根瘤细菌rosamicin 蔷薇霉素rough colony 粗糙型菌落rough type 粗糙型rubidomycin 红比霉素rust disease 锈病Sabouraud's dextrose agar 沙氏葡萄糖琼脂sacchariferous agents 糖化剂saccharification 糖化作用sagamicin 相模霉素salinomycin 盐霉素Salmonella-Shigella agar,S.S.agar 沙门-志贺氏琼脂saprophytic bacteria 腐生菌saprophytic nutrition 腐生营养saprophytism 腐生现象sarcina 八叠球菌sarkomycin 肉瘤霉素satellitism 卫星现象scanning electron microscope,SEM 扫描电[子显微]镜schizogenesis 裂殖schizophyte 裂殖植物sclerotium 菌核scolecospore 线形孢子scotobacteria 暗细菌secondary colony 次生菌落secondary fermentation 后发酵secondary invader 继发性感染原secondary mycelium 次生菌丝体secter mutation 扇形突变seeding tank 种子罐seeding yeast 酒母Seitz filter 赛氏[细菌]滤器selective medium 选择性培养基semicontinuous fermentation半连续[型]发酵semisolid medium 半固体培养基semisynthetic medium 半合成培养基sensitized bacteria 敏化细菌septate hypha 有隔菌丝septum 隔膜serological identification 血清学鉴定serological specificity 血清学特异性serotype 血清型serovar 血清变型sex factor 性因子sex pilus 性丝shake cultivation 摇合培养shake cultivation 振荡培养sheath 鞘siastatin 制唾酸酶素siderophilic bacteria 嗜铁菌silage 青贮饲料sisomicin 紫苏霉素slant cultivation 斜面培养slant culture 斜面培养物slide 载玻片slide cultivation 玻片培养slide culture 玻片培养物slime bacteria 粘细菌slime mold, slime mould 粘菌slow virus 慢病毒smear 涂片smooth colony 光滑型菌落smut disease 黑粉病soil microbiology 土壤微生物学solid medium 固体培养基solid state fermentation 固态发酵specific growth rate 比生长速率specific pathogen free animals,SPFA 无特定病原动物spectinomycin, actinospectacin 壮观霉素spermatium 精子团spermogonium 精子器sphaerocyst 球状胞spheroplast 原生质球spike 刺突spiral mycelium 螺旋菌丝spiramycin 螺旋霉素spirilla 螺[旋]菌spoilage 酸败sporangiocarp 孢囊果sporangiole 小孢子囊sporangiophore 孢囊柄sporangiospore 孢囊孢子sporangium 孢[子]囊spore 孢子spore 芽孢spore ball 孢子球spore print 孢子印sporicide 杀芽孢剂sporodochium 分生孢子座sporogenous yeasts 有孢子酵母菌sporophore 孢子梗sporoplasm 孢原质sporulation 孢子形成sporulation 芽孢形成spread plate method 涂布培养法spreader 涂布器stab 穿刺stab cultivation 穿刺培养stage micrometer 镜台测微计stain 染色剂staining 染色法staining reaction 染色反应standard serum 标准血清staphylocoagulase [葡萄球菌]凝固酶staphylococcal protein A, SPA 葡萄球菌A蛋白staphylococcin 葡萄球菌素staphylolysin 葡萄球菌溶血毒素starter, culture starter 起子static cultivation 静止培养staurospore 星形孢子stenothermal microorganisms 狭温微生物stenothermophiles 嗜狭高温生物sterigma 小梗sterigmatocystin 柄曲霉素sterile 无菌sterile mycelium 不育菌丝体sterility test 无菌检查sterilization 灭菌sterilizer 灭菌器。
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– kills endospores
• Pasteurization
– kills certain microorganisms
– Bacteria
5-10 min. 60-70oC
5-10 min.
5-10 min.
50-60oC 70-80oC
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
– minimal time – kill all microorganisms (sterilize)
• liquid suspension
– at given temperature
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Conditions that Affect Antimicrobial Activity
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Decimal Reduction Time
• Example: 1,000,000 (106) • 1 minute = 90% killed • 2 minutes = 100,000 (90%) • 3 minutes = 10,000 • 4 minutes = 1,000 • 5 minutes = 100 • 6 minutes = 1 cell
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Microbial Death Rate
• Decimal reduction time
– D-value – time required to kill
90% of cells
• Heat treatments
– temperature – type of microorganism – physiological state – other substances
• Involves heating to temperatures below boiling for certain time periods (63-66oC for 30 minutes)
– Does not kill all microbes, but only those causing disease
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Physical Controls
• Heat
– Moist
• boiling
– kills most vegetative cells, not sterile
• autoclave
– steam under pressure: 15 lbs./in2 at 121oC for 15 min.
Chapter 9 Controlling Microorganisms
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
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Controlling Microbial Growth
• Antimicrobial
– Kills or prevent growth of microbes
• Disinfection
– reduces number of pathogens
– pose no danger of disease
• Decontamination
– renders contaminated surface safe to handle
• Antisepsis
– kills microorganisms on living tissue
• Temperature
– Higher Temp. greater number killed
• Substrate
– Affect the efficiency of agent
• Microbial characteristics
– Susceptibility to different agents
• Population density
– Larger number the more time
• Concentration
– Increase in concentration decreases in time
• Time exposure
– Increase exposure increases the number of killed
• Microbiocidal
– Kills all microbes
• Sterilant
– Kills vegetative & endospores
• Microbiostatic
– Only inhibits the growth of microbes
• Sterilization
– destroy all microbial life
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
• Thermal death point
– lowest temperature – kill all microorganisms in broth – 10 minutes
• Thermal death time
– Reduces the numbers of microbes that cause food spoilage
• New method of Pasteurization
– Short term flash 71.6oC for15 seconds
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Mechanisms of Microbial Agents
• MODE OF ACTION • Interferes with cellular components
– Cell membrane – Cell wall – Ribosomes – Genetic material (DNA) – Enzymes – Cytosol