
On distinguishing quotients of symmetric groups

On distinguishing quotients of symmetric groups

The notation used is fairly standard. We use κ, λ, µ, and ν to stand for cardinals (usually infinite), and |X | for the cardinality of the set X . If Ω is any set we write Sym(Ω) for the group of all permutations of Ω (1–1 maps from Ω onto itself), with permutations acting on the right, and we write S (µ) for Sym(µ) for any cardinal µ. For g ∈ Sym(Ω) we let supp g be the support of g . If we are working in Sλ (µ)/Sκ (µ) (where Sλ (µ), Sκ (µ) are as introduced above) then we refer to sets of cardinality less than κ as small. We use overlines such as x to stand for finite sequences (‘tuples’) (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ). By a permutation representation or action of a group G we understand a homomorphism θ from G into Sym(X ) for some set X . The representation is faithful if θ is 1–1, it is transitive if for any x, y ∈ X there is g ∈ G such that x(gθ) = y , and it is trivial if its image is the trivial group. If X is a subset (or sequence of elements) of a group G, we let X denote the subgroup generated by X . If g, h ∈ G we write g h for the conjugate h−1 gh of g by h. If g is a sequence of members of G and h ∈ G, we write g h for the h sequence whose ith entry is gi , and if g, h are sequences of members of G of the same length, we let g ∗ h be the sequence whose ith entry is gi hi . If gh 1 = g 2 for some h, g1 and g2 are said to be conjugate. If N ≤ G and f = (f1 , . . . , fn ) ∈ Gn we let N.f = (N f1 , . . . , N fn ). We write P (X ) for the power set of the set X , and Pκ (X ) for the set of subsets of X of cardinality less than κ. Then P (X ) is a boolean algebra, and each Pκ (X ) for κ infinite is a ring of sets. Moreover, if ℵ0 ≤ κ < λ ≤ |X |+ , Pκ (X ) is an ideal of Pλ (X ), so we may study the quotient ring Pλ (X )/Pκ (X ), which is a boolean algebra just in the case where λ = |X |+ (that is, where Pλ (X ) = P (X )). In the remainder of this introductory section we give an outline of the main arguments of the paper. Our analysis of the quotient groups Sλ (µ)/Sκ (µ) is carried out using certain 2 many sorted structures Mκλµ and Nκλµ . (There is also a simpler version M∗ κλµ of Mκλµ applicable just in the case cf (κ) > 2ℵ0 .) These structures are devised with the object of describing the permutation action of tuples of elements of Sλ (µ), modulo small sets. The essential properties of such an n-tuple g = (g1 , g2 , . . . , gn ) are described by its action on the orbits of the subgroup g . In fact, if g1 and g 2 are n-tuples of elements of Sλ (µ) then g1 and g2 are conjugate if and only if the orbits of g 1 and g 2 can be put into 1–1 correspondence in such a way that the action of g1 on each orbit of g1 is isomorphic to that of g 2 on the corresponding orbit of g2 . Similar remarks apply in the quotient group, except that we have to allow fewer than κ ‘mistakes’ (by passing to equivalence classes of a suitable equivalence relation). These considerations lead us to observe that what should represent g in Mκλµ is a list of how many g -orbits there are of the various possible isomorphism types, where by ‘isomorphic’ here we mean ‘under the action of g’. Included among the sorts of Mκλµ are therefore, for each positive integer n, the family ISn of isomorphism types of pairs (A, f ), where f is an n-tuple of 3

山东财经大学chapter two 汉译英 词语的翻译1.

山东财经大学chapter two 汉译英 词语的翻译1.

• 老师送我一本书作为生日礼物。 • My teacher gave me a book as my birthday gift. • 亲戚们送给她一笔钱作为她的学费。 • The relatives of hers offered her a sum of money
as her tuition fee. • 这些钱你是白送。 • You just throw away your money. • 下雨了,我给你送雨伞来了。 • It is raining now. I have brought you an umbrella. • 谁去送广告? • Who are going to deliver the advertisement?
• 每天老大爷亲自送孙子上幼儿园。 • Everyday the grandpa himself takes his
grandson to the kindergarten. • 把犯罪分子送交法院审判。 • Hand the criminal over to the court for
trial. • 送君千里,终须一别。 • Although you escort your guest a thousand
• 四季豆
• oily skin
• 防水油布
• 高中
• university/
• 黄皮书、黄页 college
• 酸奶 • sour milk
• 休息室
• 食言 • rest room
• 变质的奶 • pornography • 公共厕所 • yogurt
• 承认说的错话
• 向外看 • eat one's words• 当心,留神 • lounge


00Greek that of the eastern half.
00230Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.
00240The Roman writer Horace(:e0lQCQMR65-8t^ WlN0) said captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive 0
00The world s first vast interior space.NLu
N,{ Colosseum('Yt珐) is an enormous.2)Yvsb_q_gRb
00410Sculpture(QX) She-wolf(
00; Father of History ! Herodotus ! war(between Greeks and Persians)
00This war is called Peleponicion wars. ZSWTY嬒d 3
00fH[ v^l g_洺0
00; The greatest historian that ever lived. ( geggO'YvS[) ! Thucydides ! war (Sparta Athens and Syracuse)
00200The burning of Corinth in 146 B.C. Marked Roman conquest of Greece.
00210The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (Wl_ g ^Jvh)
00220From 146 B.C. Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire.

A Needed Narrowing Strategy

A Needed Narrowing Strategy

Declarative programs are more abstract than equivalent imperative programs. Declarative languages replace pointers with algebraic data types, split complex computations into small, easily parameterizable units and avoid the manipulation of an explicit state through assignments. These features promise to ease some difficult essential tasks of software development. For example, they simplify reasoning about programs (verification of non-executable specifications), promote freedom of implementation (use of parallel architectures), and reduce both development time and maintenance efforts (code is compact and easier to read and understand). All these advantages stem from various factors—the most important being the solid mathematical foundations of declarative computing paradigms. Currently, the field of declarative programming is split into two main paradigms based on different mathematical formalisms: functional programming (lambda calculus) and logic programming (predicate logic). This situation has a negative impact on teaching, research and applications. Usually there are different courses on functional programming and logic programming, and students do not perceive the similarities between them. In terms of research, each field has its own community, conferences, and journals, and sometimes similar solutions are developed twice. Each field also has its own application areas and some effort has been devoted to show that one paradigm can cover applications of the other paradigm [71] instead of showing the advantages of declarative programming in various application fields. Each paradigm, of course, has its own advantages. Functional programming offers nested expressions, efficient evaluation by deterministic (often lazy) evaluation, and higher-order functions. Logic programming offers existentially quantified variables, partial data structures, and built-in search. On the other hand, functional and logic languages have a common core and can be seen as different facets of a single idea. Consequently, the interest in integrating functional and logic programming has grown over the last decade and resulted in various proposals of integrated functional logic languages that combine the advantages of both paradigms (see [31] for a survey). Functional logic languages extend both functional languages and logic languages. Functional languages are extended with facilities such as function inversion, partial data structures, and logic variables [65]. Logic languages are extended with nested expressions, a more efficient operational behavior [30], and less need for impure control features such as the Prolog “cut. ” This paper concerns narrowing. Narrowing is a computation model of considerable importance both for declarative programming in general and for functional logic languages in particular. We explain why using an example. Example 1 Consider the following rules defining the concatenation of lists (as an infix operator ++) where we use the Prolog syntax for lists, i.e., [] denotes the empty list and [E |R] denotes a non-empty list consisting of a first element E and a remaining list R: [] ++ L → L [E |R] ++ L → [E |R ++ L] In a functional language, this definition is used to concatenate two lists, e.g., [a, b] ++[c, d] evaluates to the list [a, b, c, d]. It is understood that (the value of) the arguments of ++ must be known in order to apply a rule. Narrowing extends the use of ++ without altering its definition in a remarkable way. Even if all or part of either argument of ++ is unknown, (i.e., is an uninstantiated variable), narrowing keeps computing. In principle, this is not difficult—a value is assigned to the unknown parts of an argument—but the technical details that make this approach practical (sound, complete, and as efficient as the best functional computation when the arguments are fully known) 2

新视野大学英语(第三版)Unit 7_单词解释+例句

新视野大学英语(第三版)Unit 7_单词解释+例句

Unit 7TEXT ANew wordsfraudn.[C, U] the crime of deceiving people in order to gain sth. such as money or goods 欺诈;诈骗They said that it was the temptation of money that led them to commit the fraud. 他们说正是受到金钱的诱惑他们才去行骗的。

He has been charged with tax fraud/credit card fraud. 他被控逃税/信用卡诈骗。

corruptionn.[U] dishonest, illegal, or immoral behavior, esp. from sb. with power (尤指有权势者的)贪污,贿赂,受贿,腐败We think all governments should serve their people and seek to end corruption. 我们认为所有的政府都应该服务于人民,并且力求消除腐败。

expelvt.officially force sb. to leave a place or organization because of their bad behavior 强迫(某人)离开;驱逐;开除Two senior students have been expelled for cheating on the final exam. 两名大四学生因为在期末考试时作弊而被学校开除。

Eight Olympic athletes were expelled for drug-taking. 八名奥运会运动员因服用禁药被取消了比赛资格。

purchasen.[C, U] (fml.) sth. you buy, or the act of buying it 购买(的东西)Advertisers need to learn what will motivate people to make a purchase. 广告商需要了解什么会刺激人们买东西。

研究生英语 多维教程 翻译Uint6-12双语版

研究生英语 多维教程 翻译Uint6-12双语版

Unit 6A. 正如诗人埃德蒙.斯宾塞在将近四百年前所说的那样,大自然是“最伟大的女神”。









B. 如果我们人类和大自然的固有关系不是相互对抗的,那么,它又是什么样的一种关系呢?对我们来讲,这个变得相当复杂难解,因为正如我先前所讲过的那样,我们中没有人想在未经开发的原始森林里或在未经改造的原始大草原上生活,我们不想被大灰熊吃掉。







1. Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of this health is the survival of a diversity of wild animals.2.史密史先生出示了大量证据来表明:在某种程度上,如果我们破坏大自然,那就是毁灭我们。



【精读】2Unit1翻译1第二册第一单元Translate1. Many people agree that the increased enrollment is a big accomplishment.许多人都认同,扩招是一项大业绩.2. The availability of certified accountants who can meet such high qualifications is still a big problem。

提供能够达到如此高水准的注册会计师仍是个重大问题.3. Early specialization is not wise. Student should have a wild exposure to world culture before they specialize.过早分专业是不明智的做法,学生在分专业前应广泛接触世界文化.4. Strong as we might be some day we must never become arrogant. We should continue to pursue the policy of peaceful co-existence among nations.尽管有一天我们会变得强大,但我们绝不能趾高气扬.我们应该继续坚持各国人民和平共处的原则.5. It is a penetrating thoughts that a nation’s power rest essentially with its advanced civilization.国家的实力取决于先进文明思想,这是一个敏锐的观点.6. Our memory of past disastrous experiences is an extremely important spiritual resource.我们对于过去灾难经历的记忆是极其重要的精神财富.2Paraphrase1.It’s wrong to raise our children in the way that we grow flowers in the greenhouse. Wemust expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens.我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。



TEXT AAn impressive English lesson一堂难忘的英语课1 If I am the only parent who still corrects his child's English, then perhaps my son is right. To him,I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to.如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。


2 I think I got serious about this only recently when I ran into one of my former students, fresh from an excursion to Europe. "How was it?" I asked, full of earnest anticipation.我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。


我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?”3 She nodded three or four times, searched the heavens for the right words, and then exclaimed, "It was, like, whoa!"她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!”4 And that was it. The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were captured ina condensed non-statement. My student's "whoa!" was exceeded only by my head-shaking distress.没了。

X(1) X(0) One can show X(a1) ∨ · · · ∨ X(ak) is provable iff a1 ∨ · · · ∨ ak = 1

X(1) X(0) One can show X(a1) ∨ · · · ∨ X(ak) is provable iff a1 ∨ · · · ∨ ak = 1

Infinite objects in constructive mathematicsThierry CoquandMar.20,2005Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[1]Krull dimensionLet L be a distributive lattice.The theory of primefilters of L is the theory T(X)X(a∨b)→[X(a)∨X(b)]X(a∧b)↔[X(a)∧X(b)]X(1)¬X(0)One can show:X(a1)∨···∨X(a k)is provable iffa1∨···∨a k=1Quite simple Nullstellensatz1Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[2]Krull dimensionIt is convenient to have the topological intuition from Stone duality:the models form a space Spec(L)where the basic open are precisely the elements of a of LX∈D(a)↔X(a)In this case,the basic open D(a)are precisely the compact open subsets of this space Spec(L)2Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[3]Krull dimensionOne considers now the theory T C of chain of primefilters T(X0,...,X n) saying that each X i is a primefilter and that we have X i+1⊆X i X i+1(a)→X i(a)To say that L is of Krull dimension<n is to say that we cannot have a proper chain;this means that for any a1,...,a n we haveT C X0(a1)∧···∧X n−1(a n)→X1(a1)∨···∨X n(a n)Some results on constructive theory of Krull dimension for rings and lattices were obtained by Joyal and Espanol(1981)3Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[4]Krull dimensionBy looking systematically for a notion of Nullstellensatz identities for the theory T C one obtains the following new characterisationTheorem L is of Krull dimension<n ifffor any a1,...,a n there exists x1,...,x n such thata1∧x1=0,a2∧x2≤a1∨x1,...,a n∧x n≤a n−1∨x n−1,1=a n∨x n For instance L is of Krull dimension0iffany element has a complement iffL is a Boolean algebra4Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[5]Krull dimensionOne gets a nicer characterisation by working in the cHa of idealsDimension0:a∨¬a=1(classical logic)Dimension1:a∨(a→(b∨¬b))=1Dimension2:a∨(a→(b∨(b→(c∨¬c))))=1Intermediate logic??Arefinitely generated algebrasfinite?5Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[6]Krull dimensionAfinite distributive lattice L is the lattice of downward closed set of afinite poset,which can be identified with Spec(L)The Krull dimension is exactly the height of the Hasse diagram associated to the poset Spec(L)For Kripke model,we have a way to express as formulae the height of the associated poset6Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[7]BoundaryAnalysing this definition suggests to introduce the following notion:if a∈L let the boundary of a be the ideal B a=a∨¬a={x∨y|x≤a,y∧a=0}“Geometrically”this definition corresponds to the topological boundary of D(a)We get then the following inductive definition:Definition:Kdim(L)<0iff1=L0and Kdim(L)<n+1ifffor any a∈L we have Kdim(L/B a)<n7Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[8]BoundaryWe can transpose this definition to rings:if a∈R let the boundary of a be the ideal B a generated by a and all elements x such that ax is nilpotent Definition:Kdim(R)<0iff1=L0and Kdim(R)<n+1ifffor any a∈R we have Kdim(R/B a)<n8Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[9]BoundaryUnfolding this definition,we get the following NullstellensatzTheorem:Kdim(R)<n ifffor any a1,...,a n there exists k1,...,k n and u1,...,u n such thata k11(a k22(...a k n n(1−a n u n)···−a2u2)−a1u1)=0We have yet another example of a reduction of aΠ11statement to aΣ01 statementUsing this characterisation,one can give a simple constructive proof of Kdim(Q[X1,...,X n])=n9Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[10]A simple exampleA basic result in algebra is the following.Theorem:Afinitely generated projective module over a local ring R is free Projective module:a direct factor of a free moduleLocal ring:has only one maximal idealThese conditions can be expressed more concretely to get somethingfirst-order10Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[11]A simple exampleOnly one maximal ideal:this should be the set of elements that are not invertibleWe replace this by the following simpler(logically)definition:R is local iffInv(x+y)→[Inv(x)∨Inv(y)]for all x,y iffInv(x)∨Inv(1−x)for all xwhere Inv(x)means that x is invertible11Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[12]A simple exampleAfinitely generated projective module can be represented by an idempotent matrixIt is represented by an idempotent matrix F,since M is a direct factor of some R nThe elements of M are the vector F X for X∈R n12Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[13]A simple exampleIn this way we can simplify the abstract statement to a statement about idempotent matrix F over a local ring.The statement of this theorem,for afixed size of F isfirst-order and geometric.The statement in this new form suggest the algorithm form of the proof:given F of size n we should construct X1,...,X k with k≤n such that F X1,...,F X k is a basis of the image of FThe only“subprogram”we can use is given by∀x.Inv(x)∨Inv(1−x)13Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[14]A simple exampleThe concrete version is:Theorem:If F is an idempotent square matrix over a local ring R then F is similar to a matrix of the formI000We can effectively build an invertible P such that P F P−1is of this form14Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[15]A simple exampleWe have afirst-order classical derivation,that we can transform by proof-theoretic methods(Friedman’s translation)to a constructivefirst-order derivationWe know a priori that the proof should have a simple form and can only use the disjunction Inv(x)∨Inv(1−x)It may be that the proof,as afirst-order proof function of the size of the matrix,is not uniform in the size(but this is not likely)15Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[16]Serre’s splitting-offtheorem1958(J.P.Serre)theorem of existence of free summands in projective modules (which representsfiber bundles over the maximal spectrum of a ring)1964(O.Forster)bounds on the number of generators of a module,in term of the prime spectrum of a ring1967R.Swan refines Forster’s result for maximal spectrumAll these results were about Noetherian ringsWhat about nonNoetherian rings??16Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[17]Serre’s splitting-offtheoremBreakthrough in1984Heitmann obtained a nonNoetherian version of Forster’s theorem,and some nonNoetherian version of Serre’s and Swan’s theorem(which does not generalise these theorems however)In2004:simple constructive proofs of these results(that can be thought of as algorithms)As a side product,we got an improvement of Heitman’s results,and a nonNoetherian generalisation of Serre and Swan’s theorems17Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[18]Serre’s splitting-offtheoremSerre(1958)represents algebraically the notion of a vector bundleExample:tangent bundle of a manifold,on S1and S2When is a vector bundle trivial??A necessary condition is that it admits a non vanishing sectionExample:tangent bundle over S2is not trivial18Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[19]Serre’s splitting-offtheoremHeuristically,if the dimension of eachfibers is big w.r.t.the dimension of the base space,one canfind a non vanishing sectionSerre obtained a purely algebraic version of this resultIf X is a simplical complex,and we have afiber bundle E(x),x∈X,wefind a nowhere vanishing continuous section s(x)∈E(x)by defining it stepwise on simplices of higher and higher dimensionThe key fact is that if we have a continuous function on the boundary of [0,1]n to S n we can extend it to[0,1]n(i.e.πk(S n)=0if k<n)19Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[20]Algebraic formulationThe base space is represented by the maximal spectrum Max(R)of a (commutative)ring R,with the Zariski topologyThe vector bundle is represented by a module M over R20Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[21]Serre’s splitting-offtheoremIntuitively:R ring of functions over Max(R)and M represents the module of sections of thefiber bundleWe consider onlyfinitely generated modules over RSerre shows that the vector bundles correspond exactly to the projective modules over MThe points x of Max(R)are maximal ideals,and the vector spacefiber at x is the module M/xM over thefield R/x.Its dimension is written r x(M) If s∈M we can write s(x)the equivalence class of s in M/xM and M(x) for M/xM21Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[22]Serre’s splitting-offtheoremSerre considers the dimension jdim(R)which is the Krull dimension of Max(R) (as a subspace of Spec(R))Assume that R is Noetherian and jdim(R)<kTheorem:(Serre,1958)If k≤r x(M)for all x∈Max(R)then there exists a non vanishing section s∈M,i.e.an element s∈M such that s(x)=0for all x∈Max(R)We give afirst-order formulation of a non Noetherian version of this statement, which becomes a schema of theorems in thefirst-order theory of commutative rings22Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[23]Swan’s theoremAssume that R is Noetherian and jdim(R)=dTheorem:(Swan,1967)Assume that r x(M)=r for all x∈Max(R)then M can be generated by r+d elements(Interestingly the concrete version of the this and Serre’s theorem are almost the same)Can this be generalised to the nonNoetherian cases?For instance Vascancelos and Wiegand,1978,obtained the bound r(d+1) for the number of generators in the nonNoetherian cases23Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[24]Concrete versionHow to represent concretely afinitely generated projective module M?It is represented by an idempotent matrix F,since M is a direct factor of some R nThe elements of M are the vector F X for X∈R n24Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[25]Concrete versionHow to represent k≤r x(M)for all x∈Max(R)?1=∆k(F)where∆k(F)is the ideal generated by all the minors of F of order kIndeed for each x∈Max(R)the matrix F should be of rank≥k over the field R/xRThus the ideal generated by∆k(F)is not included in xThis means1=∆k(F)25Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[26]Concrete versionSerre’s theorem becomes for a Noetherian ring R such that jdim(R)<kTheorem:If F is an idempotent matrix and1=∆k(F)then there exists X∈R n such that F X is unimodularA vector(a i)∈R n is unimodular iffthere exists u i∈R such thatΣu i a i=1Unimodular vector:for each x∈Max(R)at least one component does not belong to x(the ideal generated by the a i is contained in no ideal maximal)26Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[27]Concrete versionIndeed we want s∈M such that s(x)=0for all x∈Max(R)This means:we want X∈R n such that F X=(a i)is not0modulo x,for any x∈Max(R)This means that the ideal generated by(a i)is not included in x for any x∈Max(R)This is equivalent to:1belongs to the ideal generated by(a i)27Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[28]Heitmann dimensionFor the hypotheses Noetherian Heitmann discovered in1984that it is probably not necessaryInterestingly the heart of the matter for eliminating the Noetherian hypotheses is directly connected to our inductive definition of dimensionThis is presented by Heitmann as a trivial,but crucial,remark similar to the fact that to quotient a ring by a boundary ideal reduces the dimension28Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[29]Heitmann dimensionHeitmann in his argument uses a refinement of Krull dimension(to talk about maximal spectrum)which can be formulated in afirst-order wayThe intersection of all maximal ideals(Jacobson radical)is the set J(R)of elements a∈R such that1−ax invertible for all xWe redefine the boundary H a of a as the ideal generated by a and the set of elements x such that ax∈J(R)Definition:Hdim(L)<0iff1=L0and Hdim(L)<n+1ifffor any a∈L we have Hdim(L/H a)<n29Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[30]Heitmann dimensionThe statement Hdim(R)<n is expressed by afirst-order formula which is prenexIts logical complexity increases with nHdim(R)<1means that for any a there exists x such that a(1−ax)∈J(R)Hdim(R)<2means that for any a we have Hdim(R/H a)<1which means that for any b there exists y such that b(1−by)∈J(R/H a),which means that for any z there exists t,u we have a(t(1−zb(1−by))−ua)∈J(R)∀a,b.∃y.∀z.∃t,u∀v∃w....30Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[31]Heitmann dimensionThe schema offirst-order theorems we prove isTheorem:If Hdim(R)<k then given a m×n rectangular matrix F such that∆k(F)=1there exists X∈R n such that F X is unimodularThe proof was obtained by looking at the case of a3×2matrix with k=2, which is formulated by a purelyfirst-order statementThe proof in this special case generalises directly31Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[32]Heitmann dimensionThe statement has the formA→(t=0→∃x.u=0)where A is prenexWe know a priori that if it is provable,it is provable intuitionistically32Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[33]Heitmann dimensionThis theorem generalises also Swan’s theorem:we get as a corollary that if a f.g.module M is locally generated by r elements over a ring R such that Hdim(R)=d then R is generated by d+r elements,as in Swan’s theorem33Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[34]Heitmann dimensionUsing this,L.Ducos could obtain a nonNoetherian version of Bass cancellation theoremTheorem:If Hdim(R)<n and P,Q,N arefinitely generated projective modules such that P is of rank≥n and P⊕N Q⊕N then P Q34Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[35] Where the method may not workStatement in algebra of the form R Noetherian ...Regular Element Theorem:if R Noetherian and ifa1x=···=a n x=0→x=0then there exists u∈<a1,...,a n>such that ux=0→x=035Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[36]ConclusionOne can make sense in constructive mathematics of relatively recent results of commutative algebraThe statements and proofs get simpler for this example36Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[37]ConclusionQuite simple considerations on the logical complexity of the statements in algebra seem already to be useful;for instance,the fact that the elements of a ring are“simpler”than the prime idealsUsing relatively simple Nullstellensatz theorems one can reduce the logical complexity of statements and guess a priori an expected complexity for the proofCan one apply proof theoretic techniques for proofs that use a Noetherian hypotheses?Is there a general metatheorem allowing to guess when a Noetherian assumption can be eliminated?37Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[38] Example:Kronecker’s theoremKronecker in section10ofGrundz¨u ge einer arithmetischen Theorie der algebraischen Gr¨o ssen.J.reine angew.Math.92,1-123(1882)proves a theorem which is now stated in the following wayAn algebraic variety in C n is the intersection of n+1hypersurfacesIf we look at the own statement of(direct followers of)Kronecker wefind something close to the formal statement that for any g1,...,g n+2∈Q[x1,...,x n] there exists f1,...,f n+1such that[X(g1)∧···∧X(g n+2)]↔[X(f1)∧···∧X(f n+1)]38Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[39] Example:Kronecker’s theoremThus the formal approach should be closer here to the original statement of KroneckerOne works with the system of equations and provability rather than with the solutions in C n39Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[40] The meaning of Kronecker’s theoremFor Kronecker,the solutions were purely formal,like in the present explanation of infinite objects as theoriesWhen is f=0a consequence of g0=···=g m=0?How to deduce consequences?We have two principlesIf we have A=0,B=0we have also rA+sB=0If we have A2=0we have A=0This is exactly to say that f belongs to the radical of the ideal generated by g0,...,g m40Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[41]BoundaryThe argument of Kronecker,which uses elimination theory,was simplified(?) later by van der WaerdenTheorem:If a ring R is Noetherian and such that Kdim(R)≤n then any f.g.ideal is radically generated by at most n+1elementsGeneral abstract argument,but uses Noetherianity41Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[42]BoundaryIt turns out that one can prove directly by using the inductive definition of Krull dimensionTheorem:If Kdim(R)≤n then any f.g.ideal is radically generated by at most n+1elementsThis result is due to Heitmann(1984)Using our definitions,we get a direct elementary proofThis can be expected a priori by completeness(and cannot be guessed if one uses a formulation with prime ideals)42Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[43]BoundaryThis argument can be instantiated in the case of R=Q[x1,...,x n]gives an algorithm for the following problem:Given n+2polynomials g1,g2,...,g n+2in n indeterminates with rational coefficients,construct n+1polynomials f1,f2,...,f n+1in the same indeterminates with rational coefficients that are zero mod g1,g2,..., g n+2and have the property that,for each i,some power of g i is zero mod f1,f2, ...,f n+1Furthermore the solution,though inspired by“ideal”methods,uses only methods that Kronecker would have accepted43Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[44]ReferencesTh.C.,H.Lombardi,M.-F.RoyAn elementary characterisation of Krull dimensionto appear(2005)Th.C.Sur un th´e or`e me de Kronecker concernant les vari´e t´e s alg´e briquesC.R.Acad.Sci.,Paris,Ser I338(2004),Pages291-294Th.C.,H.Lombardi,C.Quitt´eGenerating non-Noetherian modules constructivelyManuscripta Mathematica,1115,513-520(2004)L.DucosTh´e or`e mes de Forster-Swan et Bass.Preprint(2004)44Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[45]ReferencesR.Heitmann“Generating non-Noetherian modules efficiently”Michigan Math.J.31(1984),167-180O.Forster“¨Uber die Anzahl der Erzeugenden eines Ideals in einem Noetherschen Ring”Math.Z.841964,80-87J.-P.Serre“Modules projectifs et espacesfibr´e s`afibre vectorielle”S´e minaire P.Dubreil,Ann´e e1957/1958R.G.Swan“The Number of Generators of a Module”Math.Z.102(1967),318-32245Infinite objects in constructive mathematics(2)[46]ReferencesCoste M.,Lombardi H.,Roy M.F.“Dynamical method in algebra:Effective Nullstellens¨a tze”J.P.A.A.155(2001)L.Ducos,H.Lombardi,C.Quitt´e and M.Salou.Th´e orie algorithmique des anneaux arithm´e tiques,de Pr¨u fer et de Dedekind. Journal of Algebra281,(2004),604-650.46。



Unit TwoText: A Deadly Drug, A New GenerationI Words and Phrases:1.rave: v ~ (at/against/about/over)胡言乱语,说疯话; ~ about/over热情或赞赏地说或写到:---The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurses.病人对护士说起胡话来.---She simply raved about French cooking. 她对法国烹调赞不绝口.同义词:enthuse---The customers were raving over our homemade chili.---He started raving at me.rave: n [尤作定语] (口) enthusiastic praise 热情的赞美; 活跃的聚会、舞会等: ---The play got raves from the critics. 该剧受到热烈的好评.have a rave-up 举办一次娱乐活动. “锐舞”---I am a great fan of rave music yet the lyrics have never made me want to try the drug.2. pulsate: v 1 (also pulse) [I] throb 有节奏地舒张及收缩, 脉动; vibrate(使)有规律地振动; be thrilled 受(激情)震动, 感动; 激动:blood pulsating in the body体内血脉搏动---The needle pulsates when the engine is running. 发动机开动时指针就颤动.pulsate with desire, excitement, joy, etc因满怀欲望、激情、喜悦等而激动.---I could see the veins in his neck pulsating.---The whole city seemed to pulsate with excitement.---The thumping, pulsating music shook the kitchen walls.pulsation: n. heartbeat 一次跳动或搏动, 心跳; 跳动:a rate of 60 pulsations per minute 每分钟60次的脉率the pulsation of the blood in the body 血液在体内的涌动the pulsations of the baby's heart3. psychedelic: adj(指药物)引起幻觉的, 致幻觉的; (色彩/声音等)产生迷幻效果的:---Mescalin and LSD are psychedelic drugs.仙人球毒和麦角酸二乙基胺都是迷幻药.psychedelic music 使人精神恍惚的音乐.---Fashion designers look back to the 1960s with dazzling psychedelic prints.---She was bouncing around in a tent-like dress, patterned in psychedelic swirls of purple and brown.4. sinister: adj 邪恶的; 险恶的; 不吉祥的; 凶兆的:a sinister motive, action, place邪恶的动机、险恶的行动、不祥之处.a sinister face凶恶的脸sinister looks阴险的神情.---There was something sinister about Mr Scott's death.---He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.帅得有点邪气---The man was dressed in a black suit and wore dark glasses. There was something sinister about him.---There may be more sinister forces at work behind the scenes.看不见的邪恶势力在作祟3.troll: v ~ (for sth)(在船后用杆和绳)拖饵钓鱼:trolling for pike拖钓狗鱼.---It's certainly true that both will now troll for votes in the same middle waters.6. periphery: n (fml) 外围, 边缘; (计) 外围设备industrial development on the periphery (ie outskirts) of the town郊区的工业发展---The ideas are also expressed by minor poets on the periphery of the movement.该运动外围一些不大出名的诗人也表达了这些观点.---There would be clashes on the periphery but none between the major powers.---Ken's friendships and the way he established them continued to surprise those who were on the periphery of his activities.---Motor racing had featured on the periphery of her life as far back as she could remember.7. marijuana: n [U]大麻; 大麻叶和花; 大麻烟. Cf 参看cannabis, hashish.---A certificate would be defense against marijuana possession charges.---Meanwhile, the administration wants to arrest doctors who approve marijuana for their patients.---Tea and marijuana are in themselves fairly harmless, yet tea is generally legal and marijuana not.8. snort: v (通常指动物, 尤指马)喷鼻息作声, 打响鼻; ~ (at sb/sth)(指人)发哼声(喷鼻息表示不耐烦、蔑视、厌恶、欢娱等); 从鼻孔吸入(毒品)snort with rage (at sb/sth)(对某人某物)愤怒地哼了一声snort with mirth at the suggestion对该建议高兴地哼了一声.snort cocaine从鼻孔吸入可卡因.同义词:sniff 吸毒--- Then an animal snorted quietly and broke the momentary stillness.snort: n 1喷鼻息; 打响鼻; 发哼声; (从鼻孔)吸毒:give a snort of contempt 轻蔑地哼了一声---She could not conceal a snort of laughter. 她忍不住扑哧一笑.a quick snort of cocaine 用鼻孔匆匆吸些可卡因.---There were snorts of laughter from the audience.9. pot: marijuana---Michael was smoking pot with some friends.10. nauseate: v使感到恶心:---The idea of eating raw shellfish nauseates me.我一想到吃生贝就恶心.V omit---The thought of food nauseated me.---It nauseates me to think that a person like that lived in this town.nauseating adj: Sickening, disgustingnauseating food令人作呕的食物a nauseating person令人厌恶的人The smell is quite nauseating. 这气味真叫人恶心.---It's almost nauseating to think this could be true.nauseous: adj disgusting 令人作呕的, 令人厌恶的; 感到恶心或厌恶的a nauseous smell---She felt/was nauseous during the sea crossing.她渡海时觉得恶心. Sick---The taste made me nauseous.nausea: n [U] 作呕; 恶心:filled with nausea at the sight of cruelty to animals看到虐待动物而极为厌恶.---A feeling of nausea suddenly came over me.---Cancer drugs often have unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and loss of hair.11. holdover: an action, feeling, or idea that has continued from the past into the present; 同义词:hangover---Her terrible fear of dogs is a holdover from her childhood.---Richard lived in a single-room occupancy, a holdover from the twenties, when Greenwich Village was filled with writers and artists.hold sth over: (常用于被动语态) postpone or defer sth 延缓或推迟某事物:---The matter was held over until the next meeting.此事推迟到下次会议解决.hangover:---After all you had to drink last night, I'm surprised you don't have a hangover.---This feeling was a hangover from her schooldays.12. heyday: n [sing]最成功、最繁荣、最强盛等的时期:---She was a great singer in her heyday.她在自己的黄金时代是个了不起的歌唱家.---Steam railways had their heyday in the 19th century. 19世纪是蒸汽机车的全盛时期.a picture of Greta Garbo in her heyday---In its heyday it must have been a good little vehicle, but now it was definitely finished.---In its heyday it was so popular long queues built up outside its shops.---The building had originally been a manor house and must have looked beautiful in its heyday.Cf. zenith, prime13. potent: adj(指药物等)效力大的; 威力大的; 说服力强的; (指男性)有性交能力的:a potent charm, cure, medicine很有效的符咒、治疗法、药物effectivepotent weapons威力大的武器powerfulpotent arguments, reasoning有说服力的论据、推理convincing--- Advertising is a potent force in showing smoking as a socially acceptable habit.---A good company pension scheme remains a potent weapon for attracting staff.potency:---The myth of male superiority was losing its potency.impotent: adj---Without the chairman's support, the committee is impotent.没有主席的支持, 委员会是无能为力的.---Emergency services seem impotent in the face of such a disaster.14. respiratory: adj [尤作定语] (医) 呼吸的; 呼吸用的; 呼吸器官:respiratory diseases, e.g. bronchitis, asthma 呼吸道疾病(如支气管炎、气喘)respiratory organs, systems、系统.respiratory acidosis, disease, distress, failure, illness, infection, problem, rate, symptom, system, tractrespire: v [I] (fml) breathe air 呼吸: respire deeply 深呼吸.---However, after dark the plants and algae stop producing oxygen and instead use it to respire.respiration: n 呼吸; 一次呼吸: respiration rate呼吸率.---Give the child artificial respiration if needed.respirator: n [C]1人工呼吸器; 口罩; 呼吸保护罩; 防毒面具:put the patient on a respirator给患者戴上人工呼吸器.---The baby was immediately put on a respirator.15. hepatitis: n [U] 肝炎. active, acute, chronic, viral hepatitis16. HIV: abbr 缩写= human immunodeficiency virus (the virus that causes AIDS) 人体免疫缺损病毒(艾滋病病毒):HIV positive/negative人体免疫缺损病毒检验呈阳/阴性反应.---A dentist from Florida is believed to have passed HIV to six of his patients, one of whom died.---In this way, the immune system learns to recognize and attack regions of real HIV if infection occurs.---Insurance companies can use saliva HIV tests, not just blood tests.AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 爱滋病full-blown AIDS (=AIDS at its most advanced stage)---About 70 percent of AIDS victims throughout the country are male homosexuals and bisexuals.17. vengeance: n [U] ᅳsynonym revenge~ (on/upon sb) revenge 报复, 复仇; (idm) with a vengeance(比正常的、预期的或想要的)程度更深或更甚:take/seek/swear vengeance for the bombing 因遭轰炸而进行/伺机/发誓报复.---Her desire for vengeance led her to shoot her daughter's murderer.set to work with a vengeance 加倍努力地干起活来---The rain came down with a vengeance.雨下得大极了.---The storm struck the Carolina coast with a vengeance.vengeful: adj (fml) vindictive 报复心驱使的; 图谋报复的; 复仇的.---What had he done to make Juliet so vengeful and bitter?revenge: n [U] 复仇, 报复; 复仇的欲望: get/have/take one's revenge (on sb) (for sth); take revenge (on sb) (for sth) 报仇; 报复; out of/in revenge (for sth)为了报复thirsting for revenge渴望报仇雪恨(谚) Revenge is sweet. 报仇的滋味是甜的.done in the spirit of revenge 在报复心驱使下干的.---They swore to take their revenge on the kidnappers. 他们发誓要向绑架者报仇.---Terrorists bombed the police station in revenge for the arrests.恐怖分子用炸弹袭击了警察局报复逮捕行动.---He took revenge on his employers by setting fire to the factory.--- She is seeking revenge for the murder of her husband.---The Australians took revenge for their defeat here last time.revenge: v为(某事)报仇; 洗雪(耻辱等); ~ oneself on sb. /be revenged on sb.向某人报仇.: revenge an injustice, injury, insult, etc 对受到的冤屈、伤害、侮辱进行报复.determined to revenge his dead brother 决心替他死去的哥哥报仇.---The terrorist group is still looking to revenge itself on its attackers.---The poor murdered girl must be revenged.revengeful: adj feeling or showing a desire for revenge 复仇的; 报复的.18. beat: adj [pred 作表语] tired out; exhausted 筋疲力尽; 疲惫不堪:---I'm (dead) beat. 我已筋疲力尽. ᅳsynonym exhausted---Come and sit down, you must be dead beat.19. sedative: n 镇静药:give sb. a sedative给某人镇静剂.sedative: adj [通常作定语]: a sedative drug, injection, etc镇静药、镇静注射剂.sedate: v (医) 给(某人)镇静剂.---She was heavily sedated for the pain.---He observed that his daughter was heavily sedated and that her breathing was extremely labored.sedate: adj(指人或人的行为)安静的, 庄重的, 镇静的, 沉着的.---The wedding was rather a sedate occasion.---We continued our walk at a sedate pace.---Still, I was fairly sedate compared to the man sitting a couple of seats away.sedation: n [U] 镇静作用; 镇静状态:the sedation of a hysterical patient病患者用药后的镇静状态---The patient was still under heavy sedation.在(大剂量的)镇静剂的作用下.20. snoop: v (口, 通常作贬义) ~ (about/around sth); ~ (about/around) 持续而秘密地寻找或调查(如找出错误、违章现象等): ~ into sth打听闲事snooping around at night夜晚四处窥探snooping about the school entrance looking for late-comers在学校入口处窥视迟到的人.---Bob caught her snooping through the papers on his desk.---Technology is making it easier to snoop on just about anybody.21. fatality: n (事故或战争等造成的)死亡; 致命性; 天数, 命中注定:---There have been ten swimming fatalities (ie Ten people have lost their lives while swimming) this summer.今年夏季已有十人游泳遇溺.the fatality of certain diseases 某些疾病之致命性---There was a strange fatality about their both losing their jobs on the same day.他们两人同一天失去工作, 真是天意叵测..---The most serious form of skin cancer has a 30 percent fatality rate.---Airplane fatality rates are low.---This year there have been 15% fewer traffic fatalities.fatal: adj ~ (to sb/sth)致命的; 灾难性的; 命中注定的:a fatal accident致命的事故---His illness was fatal to our plans, ie caused them to fail.他生病后我们的计画就落空了.a fatal mistake造成严重后果的错误. 3the fatal day/hour 决定性的一日/时刻---There was one fatal flaw (=serious weakness) in his argument.fatalism: n [U] 宿命论; 听天由命.fatalist: n 宿命论者; 听天由命者.fatalistic: adj 宿命论的; 听天由命的: a fatalistic person, attitude, outlook听天由命的人、态度、观点.fate: n destiny 命运, 天数, 定数; 死亡, 毁灭; :---I wanted to go to India in June, but fate decided otherwise.我本想六月去印度, 但天意难遂我愿.---The court met to decide our fate(s).法院开庭以决定我们的命运.---I am resigned to my fate. 我听天由命.---He met his fate (ie died) bravely.他死得很英勇.22. influx: n ~ (into...)(人或事物的)注入, 涌入, 汇集:frequent influxes of visitors 来访的人纷至沓来an influx of wealth财富的大量汇集---The influx of migrants to the city is estimated at 1,000 per week.---The sudden influx of families needing work and housing caused some problems at first.23. hefty: adj (-ier, -iest) (口)(指人)身高体壮的; (指物)又大又重的; 有力的; 大量的, 可观的:a hefty suitcase 又大又沉的衣箱deal sb. a hefty blow 给予某人重重的一击---She earns a hefty salary. 她的薪水很高.---Both of Myra's sons were hefty, energetic boys.---It was a $350,000 contract, plus hefty bonuses and expenses.heftily: adv: a heftily-built fellow高大健壮的人.heft: v. to lift something heavy---He hefted his bag into the car.---Quinn hefted the package in his hands.24. phase: n (月球的)位相, 消长盈亏(新月/满月等); 阶段, 时期; in/out of phase同相/异相; 同步/不同步; 协调/不协调:the phases of the moon 月相a phase of history 历史的一个阶段a critical phase of an illness疾病的危险期the most exciting phase of one's career 事业上最得意的时期---The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历着困难的阶段.---The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase and several accidents occurred.那两组交通灯不同步因而发生了几起事故.--- The electrical work will be carried out in phase with the other renovations.---Nizan's views were out of phase with the political climate of the time.phase: v [尤用于被动语态] 按阶段计画或进行某事; phase sth in逐步或分阶段引进; phase sth out:---The modernization of the industry was phased over a 20-year period.工业现代化分20年逐步实现.a phased withdrawal of troops 分阶段撤军.---The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in.无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广.---The old currency will have been phased out by 1990.旧币分阶段至1990年将全部禁止流通.---The new tests will be phased in over the next two years.---The subsidy for company cars is to be phased out next year.25. morgue: n mortuary 停尸房; 陈尸所.---So many people had left that the place was like a morgue.26. rehab: (short of) rehabilitationrehabilitation: n [U] 恢复; 复原:the patient's slow rehabilitation 病人的缓慢康复a rehabilitation centre康复中心rehabilitate: v [Tn]使恢复:rehabilitate the mentally/physically disabled in the community使社区中智力/身体有缺陷的人恢复正常的生活.rehabilitate a disgraced former leader为蒙受耻辱的原领导人恢复名誉.---A lot of the older houses have now been rehabilitated.---The city will be using some of its tax dollars to rehabilitate its downtown area.---This fund was set up to help to help rehabilitate victims of landmines.27. throw up: vomit (food) 呕出(食物)---Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up.--- I tried giving him some cool, boiled water, but he even threw that up.---Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.28. make one’s head spin:spin: (fig 比喻) My head is spinning, ie I feel dizzy.我头晕.somebody’s head is spinning: also the room is spinning; if your head or the room is spinning, you feel as if you might faint (=become unconscious) because you are shocked, excited, or drunk---I was pouring with sweat, and my head was spinning.---The room started to spin.29. pass out: lose consciousness; faint 失去知觉; 昏厥.---I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood.---I think the poor guy passed out. It looks like he's had a lot to drink.---When I first smoked a cigarette, I almost passed out.30. down and ou t: having no home, money, etc; destitute 无家、无钱等; 穷困潦倒:---He looked completely down and out. 他看上去已穷困潦倒.down-and-out homeless people 穷困潦倒、无家可归的人.31. grow out o f: 长得高大而不能穿某物; 年龄增长不再做某事:grow out of one's clothes长得高大致使穿不下自己原来的衣服.grow out of children's games, etc年龄大了不再做儿童游戏等.outgrow---Mike finally seems to be growing out of his rebelliousness.II Text1. be under way: having started and making progress 已经开始并进行着:---The project is now well under way. 这一项目现正顺利进行.---Plans are well under way for a new shopping center.---The tournament got under way on Friday.2.heighten: v (使)提高, 加强: 同义词:intensify, strengthenheightening tension 越来越紧张的情况her heightened color 她那绯红的脸庞(如因激动所致)music to heighten the dramatic effect 藉以提高戏剧效果的配乐.---There are fears that the march will heighten racial tension.---Increased levels of fat in the diet could heighten the risk of cancer.3. take in:(a)将…吸入或吞入(体内); 摄取:---Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼通过腮摄取氧气.(b)将(衣服)改瘦:---This dress needs to be taken in at the waist. 这件连衣裙的腰身需要改瘦.(c)(为赚钱)承揽(在家中做的工作):---She supplements her pension by taking in washing.她在家里替人洗衣服以贴补养老金之不足.(d)包括; 包含; 包罗:---The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰、北爱尔兰.---The tour took in six European capitals.那次观光包括欧洲六个国家的首都.---Her lecture took in all the recent developments in the subject.(e)顺便看(电影)或参观(博物馆等):---I generally try to take in a show when I'm in New York on business.我到纽约公干时常顺便看场演出.(f)observe sth 注视或观察某事物:---He took in every detail of her appearance. 他端详了她一番.---He took in the scene at a glance. 他看了一眼那里的景色.---The children took in the spectacle open-mouthed.孩子们张着嘴注视精彩表演.(g)理解或吸收(听到或阅读的):---I hope you're taking in what I'm saying.我希望你能听得进去我说的话.---Half-way through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in.这一章我看到一半才意识到我根本没看懂.4. high: a feeling of great happiness or excitement; a feeling of pleasure or excitement produced by somedrugs---They're bound to be on a high after such an incredible victory.---Britain, after its victory in 1945, was on a high.be high on sth: (口) 受到(尤指麻醉品或酒精饮料)影响:be/get high on cannabis因吸食大麻而神魂恍惚.4.quest: n (fml or rhet) ~ (for sth)寻求; 寻找; 搜索; 追求:the quest for gold, knowledge, happiness勘探黄金、寻求知识、追求幸福.---She had come in quest of advice.她曾来征求意见.---World leaders are now united in their quest for peace.---Industries are still engaged in a quest for increased productivity.---Foreign powers had long penetrated the area in quest of wealth or influence, or to counter the lusts of their adversaries.6. hook: 吸引;招徕;---Banks used to give away toasters and stuff to hook new customers.---I believe it was the fact that the preaching was truly expository that hooked him.hook a husband/wife嫁人/娶妻.be hooked (on sb): (sl) be in love (with sb) 爱上(某人)be/get hooked (on sth): (sl)迷上; 完全陷于…之中:get hooked on heroin, gambling, television, computer games吸海洛因/赌博/看电视/玩电脑游戏上了瘾---She's completely hooked on the idea of a camping holiday.她一心想着来个野营度假.---Don't let your children start smoking -- it's so easy for them to get hooked.---Some parents who are concerned about computer games believe their children are hooked.5.overdose: n(药物一次使用的)过量:take a massive overdose of sleeping tablets 服用过量的安眠药die of a heroin overdose死于使用过量海洛因---I've had rather an overdose of T. V. this week. (fig)这个星期我看电视看得太多了.---She took an overdose and died two days later.dose: n一次剂量, 一剂, 一服; (比喻, 口)不愉快/愉快的经历:give/administer the correct dose给规定的剂量.a lethal dose of radiation 致死的辐射量.a dose of flu, boring conversation, bad weather一次流感、令人厌倦的谈话、恶劣的天气---What you need is a good dose of laughter. 你需要的是大笑一场.6.pay the price: 为所得付出代价:---Our troops recaptured the city, but they paid a heavy price for it.我军收复了该市, 但为此付出了沉重代价.---Williams is now paying the price for his early mistakes.---And because of this he has paid the price for my sins and your sins.7.stumble: v ~ over绊脚; 跌跌撞撞地走;出错; stumble across/on意外地或偶然地发现:stumble and fall绊倒---I stumbled over a tree root.树根绊了我的脚.---She stumbled briefly (over the unfamiliar word) but then continued.她(碰到不认识的字)愣了一下, 接着又往下念.---The child stumbled through a piece by Chopin.那孩子演奏萧邦的曲子很不流畅.---A drunk stumbled past us.有个喝醉的人跌跌撞撞地从我们身边走过.---Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drugs ring.警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团.8.enforce: v ~ sth (on sb)强迫人服从(法律等); 使生效; 实施; 执行; 加强:---The police are there to enforce the law. 有警方管执法.enforced silence, discipline, idleness 被迫的沉默、强迫执行的纪律、被迫的无事可做---Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?你有没有支持自己论点的统计数字?enforcement: n [U]强制; 实施; 执行; 加强:strict enforcement of a new law新法令的强制执行.DEA: Drug Enforcement Administration 美国麻醉品强制管理局/美国缉毒署9.ring: 集团(尤指秘密的):a spy ring间谍网drug rings 贩毒集团10.smuggle: v偷运; 走私:smuggle Swiss watches into England走私瑞士表运进英国smuggle drugs through customs 偷运毒品过海关smuggle people out of the country 把人偷偷运送出国smuggle a letter into prison 把信偷偷带进监狱.11.untapped: adj 未使用的; 未开发的:an untapped source of wealth, talent, inspiration 未利用的财源、聪明才智、灵感draw on untapped reserves of strength 动用未曾用过的后备力量.12.fit: match, suit 与…相符; 相称; 相协调:---Something doesn't quite fit here.这里有些不太协调.---All the facts certainly fit your theory.所有的事实都和你的说法相符.---The punishment ought to fit the crime.罚需当罪.---Police said the car fits the description of the stolen vehicle.---Scientists often select facts to fit their theories.---He didn't fit the conventional image of a banker.13.stereotype: n [C]模式化的形象、思想、人物等; 老一套:---He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.a play full of stereotype characters充斥着公式化人物的话剧.women who don't fit the stereotype of the good motherstereotyped: adj (常作贬义) without individuality (指形象/思想/人物等)模式化的, 无个性的: stereotyped images of women in advertisements 广告中千篇一律的女性形象.---Homeless people are stereotyped as alcoholics or addicts.---Teachers often stereotype kids who speak with strong regional accents.---There is a tendency to stereotype childless women as being hard and career-orientated.14.excel in: be exceptionally good at sth 擅长:excel in foreign languages擅长外语---The firm excels at producing cheap transistor radios.该公司以生产廉价晶体管收音机见长.---Costner has excelled himself in this movie - definitely his best performance yet.---Rick has always excelled at foreign languages.15.pay off: (口)(尤指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好结果, 成功, 行得通:---The gamble paid off. 赌赢了.---I think if you show a bit more consideration for other road users, you'll find it pays off.pay sb. off:(a)付清某人工资予以解雇: pay off the crew of a ship付清全体船员工资并予以解雇.(b)(口) bribe sb. 贿赂某人使之不做某事; 全部偿还:pay off one's debts, a loan, a mortgage, etc 还清债务、贷款、抵押款等.18. stoned: adj [通常作表语] (sl)烂醉; 在(通常为软性的)毒品刺激下.---"What did you guys end up doing last night?" "Not much. We got stoned and watched TV - that's about it."---The guy playing lead guitar was completely stoned.---All she wanted now was to get really stoned and lie back on the mattress thinking good thoughts.19.prompt: v促使或激励; 激起(感情); 唤起(行动):---What prompted him to be so generous?是什么原因使得他如此大方呢?---The accident prompted her to renew her insurance. 这一事故促使她为投保续期.---Her question was prompted by worries about her future.她提出那个问题是因为她对前途十分忧虑.---What prompted that remark? 那话是怎么勾起来的?20.toll: n 1(道路、桥梁、港口等的)使用费, 通行费, 停泊费; 某事造成的损失或毁坏:the death-toll in the earthquake, on the roads, after the massacr地震、交通事故、大屠杀的死亡人数---The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命.---Every year at Christmas drunken driving takes its toll.每年的圣诞节都有醉酒驾车的伤亡事故.---The bombings took a heavy toll, killing hundreds of Londoners.---Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.21.feature给…以显著地位; 由…主演; 起重要作用或扮演主要角色; 放映,上演:a film that features a new French actress 由法国新女星主演的电影.---Does a new job feature in your future plans?新的工作在你的未来计画中十分重要吗?---The Retro Theatre is featuring films by Frank Capra this week.feature: [C]面部的一部分; [pl]面貌; 特征, 特色; 特写或专题节目; 正片, 故事片: ---His eyes are his most striking feature. 他面部最突出的部分是那双眼睛.a woman of handsome, striking, delicate, etc features 相貌漂亮、动人、秀气等的女子an interesting feature of city life城市生活的一个有趣特点---Many examples and extra grammatical information are among the special features ofthis dictionary.本词典别具特色, 诸如例证多及新增语法要点等.---This magazine will be running a special feature on education next week.这一杂志下周要发表一篇关于教育的专题文章.the main feature following the cartoon 动画片之后的正片 a feature film故事片22.take sb./sth. by surprise:出其不意或毫无预示而攻击,捕获, 突袭,偷袭:----The town was well defended so there was little chance of taking it by surprise.该城防守严密, 万难袭占.---The guerrillas were killed when army troops took them by surprise.take/catch sb. by surprise: 使某人吃一惊:---Her sudden resignation took us all by surprise. 她突然辞职, 我们都为之愕然.---He caught me by surprise and I sounded foolish.---He rolled towards Lily, taking her by surprise.---His deep voice took Romanov by surprise.23. block:限制或阻止(货币、资产等)使用或花费: blocked sterling冻结英国货币.24.brush:与某人有小冲突; 争吵:a brush with the law/police轻微的触犯法律/与警方有小冲突---She had a nasty brush with her boss this morning.今天早晨她跟老板大吵了一顿.---His first brush with the law came when he was arrested for disorderly behavior.---A brush with death can make you appreciate life more.与死神擦肩而过---Perhaps it was that close brush with death that had sharpened all her senses.25.clean: good; innocent无辜的, 清白的; 无过失记录的; not hiding any weapons or illegal drugs:lead a clean life过清白的生活.a clean driving-license无违章记录的驾驶执照---She has a clean record. 她无违法记录.---They searched him at the airport, but he was clean.---Dave's been clean for two years now.26.on the right/wrong track thinking or acting in a correct/incorrect way 想法或做法对不对]:---We haven't found the solution yet, but I'm sure we're on the right track.我们还没有找到解决办法, 但我肯定我们的思路是对的.Reading Enjoyment1. Of Studies[原文]Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business. [译文]读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。



Text A课文 AThe humanities: Out of date?人文学科:过时了吗?When the going gets tough, the tough takeaccounting. When the job market worsens, manystudents calculate they can't major in English orhistory. They have to study something that booststheir prospects of landing a job.当形势变得困难时,强者会去选学会计。



The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising c ost of tuition,they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and "hard"skills that they bet will lead to employment. In oth er words, a college education is more andmore seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment.This is a trend that i s likely to persist and even accelerate.数据显示,随着学生肩负的学费不断增加,他们已从学习人文学科转向他们相信有益于将来就业的应用科学和“硬”技能。



⾼英⼆第四课Lesson 4 Love Is a Fallacy by Max Shulmas Teaching PointsⅠ. Background Knowledge Ⅱ. Introduction to the Passage Ⅲ. Text analysisⅣ. Rhetorical DevicesⅤ. QuestionsTeaching ProcessWarming upQuestion 1:What is love?Question 2: What is logic?Question 3: Love is blind?Question 4: Love is reason?Introduction to the Passage1. Type of literature: a piece of narrative writing--protagonist/antagonists--climax--denouement2. The main theme3. Well chosen title and words4. Style--a very fast pace with a racy dialogue full of American colloquialism and slang--employing a variety of writing techniques to make the story vivid, dramatic and colorfulText AnalysisVocabulary1. Pay attention to words and expressions in the following aspects respectively:Spelling and PronunciationSynonymsOppositesSimilar words and expressionsSettled or habitual usage2. Word building knowledgeEffective Writing Skills1. Employing colorful lexical spectrum, from the ultra learned terms to the infra clipped vulgar forms2. Too much figurative language and ungrammatical inversion for specific purposes3. The using of short sentences, elliptical sentences and dashes to maintain the speed of narration Rhetorical Devices1. metaphor2. antithesis3. transferred epithet4. hyperbole5. metonymy6. litotes7. ellipsis8. synecdoche9. inversion10. simile11. mixed metaphor12. rhetorical questionsSpecial DifficultiesAnalyzing the logical fallaciesUsing inverted sentences to achieve emphasisEffectively using many figures of speechUnderstanding colloquial expressions and slangAllusions:--Frankenstein--PygmalionParaphrasing some sentencesIdentifying figures of speechQuestions1. Define and give an example of each of the logical fallacies discussed in this essay.2. Can you find any evidence to support the view that the writer is satirizing a bright but self-satisfied young man?3. Comment on the language used by Polly. What effect does her language create?4. Why does the writer refer to Pygmalion and Frankenstein? Are these allusions aptly chosen?5. In what sense is the conclusion ironic?Assignment:Write a composition of classification.Lesson 4 Love Is a Fallacyby Max ShulmanⅠ. Additional Information Related to the Text:1. Max SchulmanMax Schulman (1919-1988) was a 20th century American writer humorist best known for his television and short story character Dobie Gillis, as well as for best-selling novels.He first delved into the world of writing as a journalist student at the University of Minnesota. Max Schulman?s earliest published writing was for Ski-U-Mah, the college humor magazine of the University of Minnesota, in the 1930s. His writing often focused on young people, particularly in a collegiate setting. He wrote his first novel, Barefoot Boy with Cheek《⽆礼的⾚脚少年》a satire on college life, while still a student. Schulman?s works include the novels Rally Round the Flag, Boys!,《孩⼦们,团结在旗帜的周围吧》which was made into a film starring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward; The Feather Merchant《⾐冠楚楚的商⼈》,The Zebra Derby, Sleep till Noon, and Potatoes Are Cheaper. He was also a co-writer, with Robert Paul Smith, of the long-running Broadway play, The Tender Trap, which was later adapted into a movie starring Frank Sinatra and Debbie Reynolds.Schulman?s college charater, Dobie Gillis, was the subject of a series of short stories complied under the title The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, which became the basis for the 1953 movie The Affairs of Dobie Gillis. Shulman also wrote the series? theme song. The same year the series began. Schulman published a Dobie Gillis novel, I was a Teenage Dwarf (1959). After his success with Dobie Gillis, Shulman syndicated a humor column, “On Campus”, to over 350 collegiate newspapers at one point.A later novel, Anyone Got A Match? satirized both the television and tobacco industries, as well as the Soth and college football. His last major project was House Calls, which began as a 1978 movie based on one of his stories; it spun off the 1979-1982 television series of the same name. Schulman was the head writer.Also a screenwriter, Schulman was one of the collaborators on a 1954 non-fiction television program, Light’s Diamond Jubilee, timed to the 75th anniversary of the invention of the lihght bulb.2. Logical fallacy:逻辑谬误An argument in logic presents evidence in support of some thesis or conclusion.(逻辑论证,即提⽀持某些论题或结论的论据。



D R A F T LECTURE NOTES Discrete Mathematics Maintainer:Anthony A.Aaby An Open Source Text DRAFT Version:α0.1Last Edited:August 18,2004Copyright c 2004by Anthony AabyWalla Walla College204S.College Ave.College Place,WA99324E-mail:aabyan@Original Author:Anthony AabyThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.To view a copy of this license,visit /licenses/by/2.0/or send a letter to Creative Commons,559Nathan Abbott Way,Stanford,California 94305,USA.This book is distributed in the hope it will be useful,but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose.No explicit permission is required from the author for reproduction of this book in any medium,physical or electronic.The author solicits collaboration with others on the elaboration and extension of the material in this ers are invited to suggest and contribute material for inclusion in future versions provided it is offered under compatible copyright provisions.The most current version of this text and L A T E Xsource is available at /~aabyan/Math/index.html.Dedication:WWC Computer Science Students4Contents1Sets,Relations,and Functions91.1Informal Set Theory (9)1.2Relations (12)1.3Functions (13)1.4References (14)2Paradox152.1Antinomies of intuitive set theory (15)2.2Zeno’s paradoxes (17)3The Basics of Counting193.1Counting Arguments (19)3.2The Pigeonhole Principle (19)3.3Permutations and combinations (20)3.4Solving recurence relations (20)3.5References (21)4Numbers and the Loss of Innocence234.1How many kinds of numbers? (23)4.2Pythagoras,the Pythagoreans,&Pure Mathematics (24)4.3How big is big? (25)4.4Why we will never catch up (26)5The Infinite295.1The infinite (29)6Cardinality and Countability3156.1The Cardinal Numbers (31)6.2Countability (31)7The Indescribable357.1Is the universe indescribable? (35)7.2Formal Languages (36)7.3Grammars (37)8Proof Methods in Logic398.1Preliminaries (39)8.2The Axiomatic Method (41)8.2.1Classical logic (41)8.2.2Hilbert’s Axiomatization (43)8.3Hilbert Style Proofs (44)8.4Natural Deduction (45)8.5The Analytic Properties (47)8.6The Method of Analytic Tableaux (49)8.7Sequent Systems(Gentzen) (52)9Many-sorted Algebra579.1Historical Perspectives and Further Reading (60)9.2Exercises (60)10Graphs and Trees6310.1Vertex,vertices (63)10.2Graphs (64)10.2.1Paths and cycles (64)10.3Trees and Forests (66)10.4Traversal strategies (67)11Discrete Probability6911.1Definition of probability (69)11.2Complementary events (70)11.3Conditional probability (70)11.4Independent events (70)11.5Bayes’theorem (70)611.6Random variables (71)11.7Expectation (71)Bibliography7378List of Figures7.1Alphabet and Language (37)8.1Formulas of Logic (42)8.2Natural Deduction Inference Rules (46)8.3Analytic Subformula Classification (48)8.4Block Tableau Construction (50)8.5Block Tableau Inference Rules (50)8.6Tableau for¬[(p∨q)→(p∧q)] (51)8.7Tableau for∀x.[P(x)→Q(x)]→[∀x.P(x)→∀x.Q(x)] (52)8.8Analytic Sequent Inference Rules (53)9.1Algebraic Definition of Peano Arithmetic (58)9.2Algebraic definition of an Integer Stack (59)9Chapter1Sets,Relations,and Functions1.1Informal Set Theory(Set theory is)Thefinest product of mathematical genius and oneof the supreme achievements of purely intellectual human activity.-David HilbertBag A bag is an unordered collection of elements.It is also called a multiset and may include duplicates.Set A set is an unordered collection of distinct elements selected from a domain of discourse or the universe of values,U.S,X,A,B,...are sets.a,b,x, y,...are elements.Set definition/description Sets may be defined by extension:specification by explicit listing of members A={x0,...,x n}.A set of one element is called a singleton set.Sets may be defined by intension/comprehension: specification by a membership condition or rule for inclusion in the set.A={x|P(x)}={x:P(x)}.P(x)is usually a logical expression.As no restrictions are placed on the condition or rule this method is called the unrestricted principle of comprehension or abstraction.Some Sets∅={x|x=x}The empty set is the set that has no elements.U The set of all the elements in the universe of discourse.N={0,1,2,...}The set of natural numbers.Z={...−1,0,1,...}The set of integers.11CHAPTER1.SETS,RELATIONS,AND FUNCTIONSA=∼A={x|x/∈A}=U\A The complement of a set A is a set consisting of those elements not found in the set A.Cross product-A×B={(a,b)|a∈A and b∈B}The cross product of a pair of sets is the set of ordered pairs of elements from each set.Note: sets are unordered while pairs are ordered thus{a,b}={b,a}while the tuple(a,b)=(b,a).Subset:A⊆B if x∈A then x∈B A set A is a subset of a set B if every element of A is an element of B.Proper subset-A⊂B={x|if x∈A then x∈B and A=B}A subset A of a set B is a proper subset if the sets are not equal.DRAFT COPY August18,200412RMAL SET THEORYCHAPTER1.SETS,RELATIONS,AND FUNCTIONS1.3.FUNCTIONSCHAPTER1.SETS,RELATIONS,AND FUNCTIONSChapter2ParadoxAntinomy a contradiction between two apparently equally valid principles or between inferences correctly drawn from such principlesParadox a self-contradictory statement that atfirst seems true.2.1Antinomies of intuitive set theoryThe paradoxes in intuitive set theory are actually antinomies and are the result of the use of the unrestricted principle of comprehension/abstraction(defining a set A={x:P(x)}where no restriction is placed on P(x).The most famous is Russell’s paradox.Russell(1901)and Zermelo:Let A={x|x/∈x}.Is A∈A?Boththe assumption that A is a member of A and A is not a member ofA lead to a contradiction(If R={x|x/∈x}then R∈R iffR/∈R).Two popular forms of this paradox are:•Is there is a bibliography that lists all bibliographies that don’tlist themselves.•In a village,there is a barber(a man)who shaves all those menwho do not shave themselves.Who shaves the barber?Logical antinomies•Burali-Forti(1897):Is there a set of all ordinal numbers?May have been discovered by Cantor in1885.•Cantor(1899):If there is a set of all sets,its cardinality must be the greatest possible cardinal yet the cardinality of the power set of the set17CHAPTER2.PARADOX2.2.ZENO’S PARADOXESCHAPTER2.PARADOXChapter3The Basics of Counting3.1Counting ArgumentsA set A isfinite if there is some n∈N such that there is a bijection from the set {0,1,2,...,n−1}to the set A.The number n is called the cardinality of A and we say“A has n elements,”or“n is the cardinal number of A.”The cardinality of A is denoted by|A|.3.2The Pigeonhole PrincipleThe fundamental rule of counting:The Pigeonhole Principle.The following are equivalent1.If m pigeons are put into m pigeonholes,there is an empty hole iffthere’sa hole with more than one pigeon.2.If n>m pigeons are put into m pigeonholes,there’s a hole with morethan one pigeon.3.Let|A|denote the number of elements in afinite set A.For twofinite setsA and B,there exists a1-1correspondence f:A→B iff|A|=|B|. Theorem3.1N can be placed in1-1correspondence with any infinite subset of itself.Proof:by the natural ordering of the elements of N.Theorem3.2|I|=|N|Proof:evens count positives and odds count negatives.Theorem3.3|N|=|Q|Place Q in tabular form and count along successive diagonals.21CHAPTER3.THE BASICS OF COUNTING(n−r)!Theorem3.9Let r,n∈N and r≤n.The number of combinations of n things taken r at a time is nr =n!3.5.REFERENCESCHAPTER3.THE BASICS OF COUNTINGChapter4Numbers and the Loss of InnocenceThere are several ideas that are introduced in this section that are covered in more detail in later sections:1.Relationship between language an new ideas.2.Emergence of pure mathematics.3.Consequences offixed world views.4.Big numbers as prelude to a discussion of infinity5.Big numbers as a prelude to a discussion of the limits of computation. 4.1How many kinds of numbers?In our examination of informal set theory,we saw an example of how informal language could lead to paradox.The solution offered was more precision and careful use of the nguage may also lead to new ideas as in the following example.In this example,our language is that of equations.Different types of numbers are required as solutions for slightly different forms of the equation.•Natural Numbers are solutions to equations of the form:x+a=b where a≤b,e.g.,x+3=7•Negative numbers are solutions to equations of the form:x+a=b wherea>b,e.g.,x+5=325CHAPTER4.NUMBERS AND THE LOSS OF INNOCENCE2is the length of the diagonal of a unit square,andπis the ratio of the length of the diameter of a circle to the length of its circumference.•Imaginary numbers are solutions to equations of the form;x2=−1All these numbers are solutions to polynomial equations with integer coefficients and are collectively called algebraic numbers.Numbers which are not algebraic are called transcendental numbers.Among the transcendental numbers are pi and e.4.2Pythagoras,the Pythagoreans,&Pure Math-ematicsPythagoras and the PythagoreansThe material here has been stolen from else where.Pure mathematicsPure mathematics-numbers detached from reality-the irrationals,and non-constructive(indirect)proofs.Zeno of EleaGreek philosopher,born at Elea,about490B.C.At his birthplace Xenophanes and Parmenides had established the metaphysical school of philosophy known as the Eleatic School.The chief doctrine of the school was the oneness and immutability of reality and the distrust of sense-knowledge which appears to testify to the existence of multiplicity and change.Zeno’s contribution to the literature of the school consisted of a treatise,now lost,in which,according to Plato,he argued indirectly against the reality of motion and the existence of the manifold.There were,it seems,several discourses,in each of which he DRAFT COPY August18,2004264.3.HOW BIG IS BIG?CHAPTER4.NUMBERS AND THE LOSS OF INNOCENCE4.4.WHY WE WILL NEVER CATCH UP.Running Time Func-tion Example:n=256(instructions)1microsec/instruction 1×10−6sec/instructionConstant time O(1)check the timea log log n+b0.000003secLog N time O(log n)an+b0.0025secN Log N time O(n log n)an2+bn+c0.065secPolynomial time O(n k)matrix multiplication ak n+... 3.67x1061centuries(k=2) Still computable Ackermann’s function Computable functionsNP-non-deterministic polyno-mial complexityP-deterministic polynomialcomplexity(tractable prob-lems)29DRAFT COPY August18,2004CHAPTER4.NUMBERS AND THE LOSS OF INNOCENCEChapter5The Infinite5.1The infiniteIts infinite all the way up and down!•Small numbers:the infinitesimals,non-standard arithmetic and non-standard analysis•<ahref="../Math/Cardinality.html">Counting and the definition ofinfinity;cardinality of N,I,Q,&R and transfinite arithmetic-Georg Can-tor•[0,1]and[−∞,+∞],R and R n•℘(N)and infinite binary strings•When will it ever end?-Hierarchy of infinitiesℵ0,ℵ1,...•Paradoxs–One way infinite,bounded and infinite,unbounded and infinite–<ahref="Paradox.html">Zeno’s paradox and infinite algorithms–Gabriel’s horn–The Axiom of Choice–Banach-Tarski paradox–Spacefilling curves-fractals in general31CHAPTER5.THE INFINITEChapter6Cardinality and Countability6.1The Cardinal NumbersIf a set A isfinite,there is a nonnegative integer,denoted#A or|A|,which is the number of elements in A.That number is one of thefinite cardinal numbers. To do arithmetic with cardinal numbers,you use facts aboutfinite sets and the number of elements in them,such as the following:•If A and B can be put into one-to-one correspondence,then#A=#B, and conversely.•If A is contained in B,then|A|≤|B|.•If A is disjoint from B and C is their union,then|C|=|A|+|B|.•If A and B are sets,and C=A×B is the set of all ordered pairs of elements,thefirst from A and the second from B,then|C|=|A|×|B|.•If C is the set of all subsets of A,i.e.,C=℘(A),then|C|=2|A|.6.2CountabilityIf the set is infinite,the corresponding cardinal number is not one of thefinite cardinal numbers,so it is called a transfinite(or infinite)cardinal number.The smallest infinite cardinal number isℵ0=|{0,1,2,...}|.Sets having this cardinal number are called countably infinite sets,or just countable sets,because they can be put into one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers,or counting numbers33CHAPTER6.CARDINALITY AND COUNTABILITY6.2.COUNTABILITY02i∞b...where each of the b’s are0or1.The1’s indicate that the corre-sponding natural number is in the set.The binary sequence of allzeros corresponds to the empty set.The binary sequence of all onescorresponds to N.Theorem6.7|A|<|℘(A)|Proof:Since A⊂℘(A)(every element of A is in℘(A)),|A|≤|℘(A)|.Assume that there is a1to1correspondence f between A and℘(A).Let B={x|x∈A,x∈f(x)}-x is not a member of the set towhich it corresponds.Let y∈A be such that f(y)=B.If y∈Bthen by the definition of B,y∈B.If y∈B then by the definitionof B,y∈B.A contradiction∴Therefore,|A|=|℘(A)|and we haveestablished the theorem.Theorem6.8|N|<|℘(N)|.Examples:There are infinite sequences such as•1/3=0.33333...•1/1+1/2+...+1/n+...•All x P(x)=P x0∧P x1∧...Arithmetic of the infinite cardinals•ℵ0+n=n+ℵ0=ℵ0•ℵ0+ℵ0=ℵ0•ℵ0∗n=n∗ℵ0=ℵ0(n>0)•ℵ0∗ℵ0=ℵ0•ℵn0=ℵ0(n>0Subtraction and division are not definable operations in this arithmetic.The Associative Laws of Addition and Multiplication hold,and the Commutative 35DRAFT COPY August18,2004CHAPTER6.CARDINALITY AND COUNTABILITYChapter7The IndescribableLanguage and structures•How big is the English Language?-Alphabet=Σ,Words⊂Σ*,Sentences ⊂Σ∗∗,Texts⊂Σ∗∗∗–|Σ|=n,|Σ∗|=ℵ0,Σ*=Σ**=Σ***•How big is the universe?Constants=Σ,Strings=Σ∗,Relations=2|Σ∗|•Theorem:An infinite universe is not completely describable.Proof:Fora givenfinite alphabet(Σ,|Sigma|=n),there are at most,countablyinfinite many descriptions(|Σ∗|=ℵ0).For a given infinite set of constants (N,|N|=ℵ0),there are uncountably many relations(|℘(N)=ℵ1≤|℘∪i∈N N i)|.Therefore,some relation in N cannot be described,ℵ0<ℵ1.Q.E.D.7.1Is the universe indescribable?How big is the English Language?-Alphabet=Σ;,Words⊂Σ∗,Sentences ⊂Σ∗∗,Texts⊂Σ∗∗∗•|Σ|=n,•|Σ∗|=ℵ0,•|Σ∗|=|Σ∗∗|=|Σ∗∗∗|How big is the universe?Is itfinite or infinite?Can it be described in terms of a possibly infinite set of constants(=Σ)and a set of relations(=℘(Σ∗))on those constants?37CHAPTER7.THE INDESCRIBABLE7.3.GRAMMARS Σan alphabet.Σis a nonempty,finite set of symbols.Λhe empty string.Λis a string with no symbols at all.L a language L over an alphabetΣis a collection of strings of ele-ments ofΣΣ∗The set of all possiblefinite strings of elements ofΣis denotedbyΣ∗.Λis an element ofΣ∗and L is a subset ofΣ∗.Figure7.1:Alphabet and LanguageCHAPTER7.THE INDESCRIBABLEChapter8Proof Methods in Logic8.1PreliminariesLetΣbe a set of symbols andΣ*be the set of all strings offinite length composed of symbols inΣincluding the empty string.A language L is a subset ofΣ*.Alternately,let G= Σ,P,S be a grammar whereΣis a set of symbols, P a set of grammar rules,and S the symbol for sentences in the language.The notation L(G)designates the language defined by the grammar G.The set of strings in L/L(G)are called sentences or formulas.Three sets of formulas are distinguished,axioms(A),theorems(T),and formu-las(F).In monotonic logic systems the relationship among them is:A⊂T⊂F=L⊂Σ*If the set of theorems is the same as the set of formulas(T=F),then the system is of little interest and in logic is said to be contradictory.Inference rules I are functions from sets of formulas to formulas(I:℘(L)→L for each I∈I).The set of theorems are constructed from the set of axioms by the application of rules of inference.A proof is a sequence of statements,each of which is an axiom,a previously proved theorem,or is derived from previous statements in the sequence by means of a rule of inference.The notation U⊢T is used to indicate that there is a proof of T from the set of formulas U.The task of determining whether or not some arbitrary formula A is a member of the set of theorems is called theorem proving.There are several styles of proofs.The semi-formal style of proof common in mathematics papers and texts is a paragraph style.Formal proofs are presented in several formats.The following are the most common.•Hilbert style proofs•Natural Deduction41CHAPTER8.PROOF METHODS IN LOGIC8.2.THE AXIOMATIC METHODCHAPTER8.PROOF METHODS IN LOGICThe set of atomic formulas,P,is defined byP={P i j t k...t k+i−1|t l∈C,i,j,k,l∈N}with f∈P where C={F i j t k...t k+i−1|t k∈C,i,j,k∈N}is a set of terms,{P0j|j∈N}is a set of propositional constants,and{F0j|j∈N}is a set of individual constants.The set of formulas,F,is defined byF::=P|→FF|2F|∀x.[F]x twhere V={x i|i∈N}is a set of individual variables,t∈C,x∈V, and textual substitution,[F]t x,is a part of the meta language and designates the formula that results from replacing each occurrence of t with x.Additional operators and infix notation:(A→B)≡→AB¬A≡(A→f)(A∨B)≡(¬A→B)(A∧B)≡¬(A→¬B)f≡(A∧¬A)(A↔B)≡((A→B)∧(B→A))3A≡¬2¬A∃x.A≡¬∀x.¬AFigure8.1:Formulas of Logic8.2.THE AXIOMATIC METHODCHAPTER8.PROOF METHODS IN LOGIC8.4.NATURAL DEDUCTION Hilbert Style Proof FormatQ By Modus Ponens explanation explanationA→B By Contrapositive AssumptionexplanationBut A holds because explanationP∧Q→R By Deduction Assumption Assumption explanationP By Contradiction Assumption explanationP By Contradiction Assumption explanationR By Case Analysis explanation explanation explanationP↔R By Mutual implication explanation explanation∀n.P By Inductionexplanation(Base step) Assumption(Induction hypothesis) explanation(Induction step)8.4Natural DeductionNatural deduction was invented independently by S.Jaskowski in1934and G.Gentzen in1935.It is an approach to proof using rules that are designed to mirror human patterns of reasoning.There are no logical axioms,only inference rules.For each logical connective,there are two kinds of inference rules,an introduction rule and an elimination rule.•Each introduction rule answers the question,under what conditions can the connective be introduced.•Each elimination rule answers the question,underheat conditions can the connective be eliminated.The natural deduction rules of inference are listed in Figure8.2.47DRAFT COPY August18,2004CHAPTER8.PROOF METHODS IN LOGICIntroductionRules¬¬A AA,B A∧B∨A∨B AA⊢B A,A→B∀x.∀x.P(x)[P(x)]c x for any c∈CP(c)∃x.P(x)8.5.THE ANALYTIC PROPERTIESCHAPTER8.PROOF METHODS IN LOGIC。

A more complete TLA

A more complete TLA

A More Complete TLAStephan MerzInstitut f¨u r Informatik,Universit¨a t M¨u nchenmerz@informatik.uni-muenchen.deAbstract.This paper defines a generalization of Lamport’s Temporal Logic ofActions.We prove that our logic is stuttering-invariant and give an axiomatizationof its propositional fragment.We also show that standard TLA is as expressive asour extension once quantification overflexible propositions is added.1BackgroundTemporal logics are routinely used for the specification and analysis of reactive systems. However,Lamport[10]has identified a shortcoming of standard linear-time temporal logic(LTL):because it is based on a global notion of“next state”,it does not allow to relate specifications written at different levels of abstraction.He has therefore main-tained that specifications should be invariant under“stuttering”,that is,finite repetitions of identical states,and has proposed the Temporal Logic of Actions(TLA)[12,13,6]. Characteristically,TLA formulas contain the“next-time”operator only in a restricted form and can therefore not distinguish between stuttering-equivalent behaviors.Sev-eral case studies have established TLA as a useful formalism for describing systems; on the theoretical side,researchers have studied questions such as the description of real-time and hybrid systems[3,11],the representation of assumption-commitment reasoning[4,5],and the expressiveness of propositional TLA[17].Moreover,Lamport has developed a formal specification language TLA+based on TLA.Although TLA has been found to be expressively complete for stuttering-invariant -regular languages[17],this does not necessarily imply that specifications can be ex-pressed in a natural way.In fact,the syntactic restrictions imposed by Lamport that ensure invariance under stuttering occasionally make it hard to express seemingly sim-ple properties.For example,whereas the requirement“eventually will be true,and will hold at some later state”is expressed by the formula,as in standard LTL,the analogous requirement“eventually action will be performed,some time later followed by action”is not expressed as easily.Eventual occurrence of action is expressed by the formula,where describes the action as a relation on pairs of states,and is(roughly speaking)the tuple of all state components of interest. One might therefore expect to express the informal requirement above by a formula such as,but TLA does not allow temporal formulas to occur inside an action formula(i.e.,inside angle brackets).In some cases one can identify a state formula that is true iff action has happened sometime in the past:for example, might represent a request for a resource,and could be defined from the system’s log-file.In those cases,we can express our requirement by the formula.Thisformula requires that eventually action occurs with being true—hence must have occurred before.Observe,however,that the“point of reference”has changed with respect to the informal statement of the requirement,and that action is no longer mentioned directly.If no suitable formula exists,we can“create”one using TLA’s quantification over state variables,and write1This formula defines to become true at thefirst occurrence of action and then remain true forever;it is an example for a so-called history variable[2].Although the formula can be shown to capture the informal requirement,it is certainly not natural.Another concern that has not been resolved in a satisfactory way is the question of proof systems,even for propositional mport[12]states a relative complete-ness result forfirst-order TLA,subject to expressiveness assumptions similar to those for Hoare logics,for specifications in so-called“normal form”.Formulas that deviate from“normal form”specifications arise naturally when specifications are composed[4]. Abadi[1]has proposed an axiomatization of an earlier version of TLA,but it is not clear whether his proof system can be adapted to the present-day TLA.This is in contrast to standard propositional temporal logic(PTL)whose axiomatization has been well un-derstood since a landmark paper by Gabbay et al[8].Complete axiomatizations are perhaps of rather academic interest;nevertheless they supply important information about the principles that underly a given logic,and they can form the basis of practical verification systems.For example,an accepted axiomatization would have helped us with the mechanization of TLA in the generic interactive theorem prover Isabelle[14].In this paper we argue that the two shortcomings of TLA identified above are in fact related:we define the logic GTLA,which is a variant of TLA,but has a more lib-eral syntax.For example,is a GTLA formula.We prove that GTLA, like TLA,is invariant under stuttering and provide a sound and complete axiomatiza-tion,via two different presentations.Finally,we show that TLA and GTLA are equally expressive once we add quantification overflexible propositions,preserving stuttering invariance.More precisely,while TLA is a sublogic of GTLA,every GTLA formula (possibly containing quantifiers)can be effectively translated to a quantified TLA for-mula.We argue that GTLA is better suited for verification than TLA.The addedflex-ibility in expressiveness,which comes at no extra cost,may prove useful for writing specifications.The plan of the paper is as follows:section2defines GTLA and contains the proof of stuttering invariance.Sections3and4introduce thefirst,heterogeneous version of an axiomatization for GTLA;an alternative,homogeneous presentation is derived in sec-tion5.Section6compares the expressiveness of TLA and GTLA.Section7concludes the paper.Throughout,we restrict ourselves to propositional(or quantified proposi-tional)logics,although the logic is easily extended to afirst-order language.2A generalized TLAWe define the syntax and semantics of propositional GTLA and prove that all formulas are invariant under stuttering.2.1Syntax and semanticsAssume given a denumerable set of atomic propositions.Definition1.Formulas and pre-formulas of GTLA are inductively defined as follows.1.Every atomic proposition is a formula.2.If are formulas then,,and are formulas.3.If is a pre-formula and then is a formula.4.If is a formula then and are pre-formulas.5.If are pre-formulas then and are pre-formulas.The pre-formulas of GTLA generalize the transition formulas(actions)of TLA.In fact,propositional TLA can be defined similarly,except that clause(4)above should then be changed to4’.If is an atomic proposition then and are pre-formulas.We will use symbols such as for formulas,for pre-formulas,and for either formulas or pre-formulas.Note that,as in TLA,we consider and2This notation introduces an ambiguity when is an atomic proposition.However,both possible interpretations are equivalent under the semantics of definition2below.iff tt(for).iff does not hold.iff implies.iff holds for all.iff for all,or.iff.For a formula,we usually write instead of.We say that a formula is valid over a behavior iff holds for all. Formula follows from a set of formulas(written)iff is valid over all behaviors over which all formulas are valid.Finally,is valid(written) iff it is valid over all behaviors,which is equivalent to saying that it follows from.Note that we have chosen the definition offloating validity,which is the traditional definition for modal logics,rather than the alternative anchored validity,which Lam-port[12]uses.It is well known that either choice leads to the same set of valid formulas, although the consequence relation is different.We preferfloating validity because it is usually easier to axiomatize.We say that a(pre-)formula is tautological if it results from a propositional tautology of classical logic by consistently replacing atomic subformulas of by formulas or pre-formulas.It is easy to see that every tautological formula is valid.2.2Stuttering invarianceDefinition1allows the operator to be applied only to formulas.For example,is not a pre-formula,although is.Had we allowed pre-formulas to freely contain outermost boxes,we would not obtain invariance under stuttering:consider,for exam-ple,,which is not a GTLA formula,and the behaviors and,where differs from only in the repetition of a single state,as illustrated by the following diagram(where means“don’t care”):It follows that implies whenever holds.In particular, stuttering equivalence is thefinest relation among all.Let us list some elementary facts about stuttering equivalent behaviors.Proposition4.Assume that holds for behaviors and.1..2.For every there is some such that and. Theorem5(stuttering invariance).For any GTLA formula and any behaviors, such that,we have iff.Proof.We simultaneously prove the following assertions by induction on the structure of(pre-)formulas,for all behaviors and.1.If then iff.2.If and then iff.Wefirst consider the different cases in the definition of formulas.The assertion follows from proposition4.1,since.immediate from the induction hypothesis.Since and,the assumptionimplies both and.This observation, together with the induction hypothesis,implies the assertion.By symmetry of,it is enough to prove“if”.So assume that, and let be arbitrary.Proposition4.2implies that there exists somesuch that.From we conclude,and therefore by induction hypothesis,since.Again,we need only prove the“if”part.Assume that,and let be arbitrary.Choose such that and also;proposition4.2ensures that exists.Proposition4.1 implies that and.If,it follows that,and we are done.Otherwise,by the assumption it follows that,and the induction hypothesis(for assertion2) gives because.Turning to assertion2,we consider the cases in the definition of pre-formulas:a formula immediate from the induction hypothesis for assertion1.The assumption that and the induction hypothesis for asser-tion1imply iff,and therefore iff.analogous to the corresponding cases for formulas.3An Axiomatization of GTLAWe now present a proof system for GTLA and prove its adequacy.is based on two provability relations and for formulas and pre-formulas;we therefore(ax0)whenever is tautological(pax0)whenever is tautological (ax1)(pax1)(ax2)(pax2)(ax3)(pax3)(ax4)(pax4)(ax5)(pax5)(mp)(sq)(nex)operator.Axiom(ax5)effectively asserts that the pre-formula in is evaluated only when changes value.Axiom(pax1)expresses that time is linear.We cannot state an induction principle for formulas of the form because orare not even pre-formulas.For this reason,(pax4)is stronger than its counterparts(ax1) and(pax3).Axiom(pax5)asserts a form of commutativity for the and operators. The rules(sq)and(nex)reflect thefloating definition of validity.The necessitation rule(alw)(ax3)It suffices to prove,for any formula and any behavior.So suppose and.We prove for every,by induction on.The base case being trivial,assume that.If,we have, and theorem5ensures that.Otherwise,there is somesuch that,and the assumption implies that,hence again.(pax5)Suppose,that is,,for every.We prove that .Let be arbitrary.The assumption ensures that, and therefore.This suffices.(sq)Assume that,that is some behavior such that all formulas in are valid over,and that.We need to prove that.So letbe arbitrary.By induction hypothesis,we know that,and therefore .This suffices.We also have a version of the deduction theorem for,as stated in the fol-lowing theorem.Theorem7.For any set of formulas,any formulas,and any pre-formula we have iff and iff.Proof.“if”:Assume.A fortiori,we have.The derived rule(alw)implies that,and therefore we haveby(mp).The second assertion is proven similarly.“only if”:The proof is by induction on the assumed derivations of and (simultaneously for all and).–If is an axiom or,we have,and follows by propositional reasoning.The same argument applies for the second assertion when is an axiom.–If is,then is an instance of(ax1).–If results from an application of(mp)to previously derived formulasand,then the induction hypothesis implies as well as,from which we conclude by propositional reasoning.The same argument holds for(pmp).–Assume that results from an application of(sq),say,.By induction hypothesis,we have,and we continue as follows:(1)(ind.hyp.)(2)(sq)(1)(3)(ax4)(4)(ax2)(5)(prop)(2)(3)(4)–If results from an application of(pre),then by induction hypothesis we have ,and therefore also,by(pre).–If results from an application of(nex),then the induction hypothesis yields.Rule(nex)shows,and we obtainby(pax2)and(pmp).The conclusion follows with the help of(pax3).The following are some derived theorems of,which will be used later. Derivations of these theorems are given in section A of the appendix.(T1)(T2)(T3)(T4)(T5)(T6)(T7)(T8)By rule(pre),every provable formula is also provable as a pre-formula.An impor-tant result for shows that the converse is also true.This can be shown by a careful analysis of the derivations in,given in section B of the appendix. Theorem8.For any set of formulas and any formula:iff iff4Completeness ofWe will now prove the completeness of.Let usfirst note that GTLA,just as PTL,is not compact:Example9.Let.It is easy to see that ,but we can clearly not derive,because this would require the infinitary invariant.We can therefore only hope for completeness when is afinite set,and by theo-rem7it is enough to show that implies.Our completeness proof follows the standard approach[9]of constructing a model for afinite and consistent set of formulas.To do so,we have to assemble information about pre-formulas as well as formulas.Nevertheless,the critical step in the proof is to show that all the essential information is contained in the formulas used for the con-struction;this is due to the fact that the assumptions in a derivation do not contain pre-formulas.For a set of formulas and pre-formulas,we denote by the set of all formulas contained in.We also use to denote the conjunction of all(pre-) formulas in;it will always be clear from the context whether we refer to the set or the (pre-)formula.A set is called inconsistent if,otherwise it is called consistent.Note that if is consistent and is any formula or pre-formula,one of the sets oris again consistent.We inductively define a set for any formula or pre-formula,as follows:For a set,we define as the union of all,for all(pre-)formulas contained in.Note that our definitions ensure that isfinite whenever isfinite.We say that is complete if it contains either or,for every(pre-)formula from.Observe that for everyfinite and consistent there exist onlyfinitely many finite,consistent,and complete,since is itselffinite;we call any sucha completion of.We note the following elementary facts about complete sets.The proofs of assertions1and3are standard,whereas the second assertion follows from the first and theorem8by propositional reasoning,since holds for any set by (ax0).Proposition10.1.Assume that isfinite and consistent,and that are all the differentcompletions of.Then.2.Assume that is afinite and consistent set of formulas,and that,...,are allthe different completions of.Then.3.Assume that is consistent and complete and that are(pre-)formulas.(a)If,and or then.(b)If then iff or.We now define a set of formulas that,intuitively,transfer information from one state of the model under construction to the next one.andor orLemma11.Assume that isfinite.1..2.If is consistent,then so is.Proof. 1.By(T8),it is enough to show,for every formula.We distinguish the different cases in the definition of.–For,we have,so the assertion follows by(pax0).–If,then,and the assertion follows using(pax1).–If,we have;use(pax3)to prove the assertion.–If,the definition ensures,and the assertion follows by(T7),(pax1),and propositional logic.–For,use(pax4)to prove the assertion.–If,the definition and(pax0)yield, and the assertion follows by(pax4)and(pax1).2.If is inconsistent,we have.By rule(nex),we obtain.Using axiom(pax1)and propositional logic,assertion(1)implies,that is, is inconsistent.Given afinite and consistent set of formulas,we inductively define a graphof sets of pre-formulas as follows:–All different completions of are nodes of,called the roots of.–If is a node in then its successors are all different completions of.It follows that every node isfinite,consistent,and complete.Also,the sub-graph of that consists of all nodes reachable from the successors of is just. Lemma12.Assume that is afinite and consistent set of formulas.1.contains onlyfinitely many different nodes.2.Assume that are all the different nodes in.(i)(for).(ii).(iii).Proof. 1.The completions of afinite set only contain–possibly negated–pre-formulas from the set,which is alsofinite.On the other hand,the only pre-formulas in that are possibly not in are of the form or such that contains or,hence the number of operators decreases,which is possible onlyfinitely often.Therefore,onlyfinitely many different(pre-)formulas occur in,hence can contain onlyfinitely many different nodes.2.(i)Let be arbitrary,and consider the set of formulas from whichthe node was constructed—either the initial set or the set where is a predecessor of in.Proposition10.1implies because all consistent completions of are contained in.Since is a completion of,it follows that,hence we have by(ax0),and therefore the assertion.(ii)Wefirst note,for every node of,by lemma11.Proposition10.2ensures.Applying rule(nex)and(pax2), we obtain,for every,hence also.The assertion follows with the help of(i)and propositional logic.(iii)Let denote the formula.Assertion(ii)and rule(sq)imply ,hence by axiom(ax3).On the other hand,proposi-tion10.2implies,and the assertion follows.We will construct a model for from the paths in.Let us call a path complete iff it satisfies the two following conditions,for every:–If then for some.–If then for some,and either or .Lemma13.Assume that is afinite and consistent set of formulas.Then con-tains a complete path starting at some root.Proof.Wefirst prove that for every node of and any formula such that there is some node in that contains.Suppose not.Then, in particular,every root of contains and(becauseand is a completion of),hence.Inductively,it follows that holds for every node of.Let be all nodes of ,and let denote the formula.Then(ax0)gives, which proves,using rule(alw).By theorem7,we conclude. Lemma12.2(iii)yields,but on the other hand we havebecause.Therefore,and(by lemma11.2)also is inconsistent,and a contradiction is reached.Similarly,we show that there is some node in that contains and either or whenever and either oror.Suppose not.Then an argument analogous to the one above establishes that every node contains or or.By axiom(pax0), this shows.Lemma12.2(i)implies,and by(ax1)and(pre), a ing rule(sq)and(ax4),this shows, and(T3)implies that.But as above we have,and thus also by(ax2),which proves.On the other hand,we know by assumption and reach a contradiction.These two claims ensure that for every node in that contains either or there exists some node reachable from that satisfies the condition from the definition of a complete path.For if itself does not satisfy the condition,the formula is contained in,hence,which is just the subgraph of whose roots are the sons of,contains a node as required.The assertion is now proved byfixing some order on thefinite set of formulasand that occur in and an iterative construction that constructs a complete path piecewise by repeatedly considering the eventuality formulas in the chosen order. The details of this construction are standard[8,9].Lemma14.Assume that is afinite and consistent set of formulas and thatis a complete path in.For every,the following assertions hold:1.If then iff.2.If then iff for all.3.If then iff for all,or or.Proof. 1.If then and therefore,which is a completion of.If then(because is complete),so,and again .The consistency of implies.2.Assume.Then we have,and because of(ax1)and proposition10.3,it follows that.Moreover,and therefore .Inductively,we conclude that holds for all.Conversely,if for all then the definition of a complete path and the consistency of the ensure that cannot hold.The assumption and the fact that is complete imply.3.Assume.Then,and by(pax4)and proposition10.3,the assertion follows for using the completeness and consistency of and propositional logic.Moreover,and therefore .Inductively,the assertion follows for all.Conversely,if or or holds for all, the consistency of the implies that there can be no such thatand either or.Therefore,using the definition of a complete path,it follows that cannot hold,hence.We now have all the bits and pieces to construct a model for afinite and consistent set from.Lemma15.For everyfinite and consistent set of formulas there is a behavior such that holds for all.Proof.Assume that is afinite and consistent set of formulas.Construct and choose some complete path that starts at some root of;such a path exists by lemma13.Now define the behavior by tt iff,for every.By induction on the structure of(pre-)formulas,we prove that for all(pre-)formulas and all,if then iff.Because of and for every,this in particular implies for all formulas.The inductive proof of the assertion is again standard;we only give a few cases: Assume.Therefore,either or.In the former case,lemma14.3implies that,for all,or or.By induction hypothesis and lemma14.1,this implies that,for all,or,and therefore.If,then the definition of a complete path ensures that for some, we have and either or,and the induction hypothesis and lemma14.1ensure.Assume.By lemma14.1,iff iff(by induction hypothesis)iff.Theorem16(Completeness).For every formula,if then.Proof.Assume.Then holds for no behavior,and lemma15implies that is inconsistent,that is,from which follows by theorem8.1and propositional logic.5A Homogeneous AxiomatizationThe system is based on the auxiliary relation besides the relation that we are really interested in.One may argue that one could instead simply translate proposi-tional(G)TLA to PTL and use any standard PTL proof system.Still,proofs may then contain PTL formulas such as that are not even pre-formulas of GTLA.We now(hx0)whenever is tautological(hx7)whenever is tautological (hx1)(hx8)(hx2)(hx9)(hx3)(hx10)(hx4)(hx11)(hx5)(hx12)(hx6)(hx13)(hmp)(alw)Fig.2.The proof system.show that it is possible to eliminate the auxiliary relation and define a“homogeneous”axiomatization of GTLA based on a single provability relation.The key observation is that in,a derived pre-formula can only be used via rule(sq)in the derivation of a formula.It therefore suffices to“box”the axioms(pax0)–(pax5)and rephrase(pre), (nex),and(pmp)accordingly.The proof system shown infigure2is based on this idea and some further simplifications.The following theorems and rules can be derived in;the proofs are again given in section A of the appendix.(H1)(H2)(H3)(H4)(H5)Again,it is easy to derive analogues of these rules where the“index”is replaced by a finite set of atomic propositions,or by a GTLA formula.We now prove that the two provability relations agree(where is defined in the obvious way).In particular,is also sound and complete.It is therefore a matter of taste and convenience which axiomatization to use.The homogeneous proof system is aesthetically more satisfactory,but the heterogeneous system may be easier to use.(This is why the completeness proof was given for.)Theorem17.For any set of formulas and any formula,iff. Proof.“only if”:By induction on the length of the assumed derivation in,we prove that whenever and that,for all atomic propositions ,whenever,for any pre-formula.If is from or if it is an instance of(ax0),(ax1),(ax3),(ax4)or(ax5)then the assertion holds trivially because these axioms are also contained in.Axiom (ax2)is derived in as follows:(1)(H5)(2)(1)(hx4)(mp)(3)(hx2)(4)(prop)(2)(3)If the last step in the derivation of is an application of(mp)to previously derived formulas and then by induction hypothesis we have and ,so follows by rule(hmp).If the last step in the derivation of is an application of(sq)to some previ-ously derived pre-formula(so is)then by the induction hypothesis for the second assertion we already have.The second assertion is trivial if the last step in the derivation of is an instance of(pax0),(pax1),(pax2)or(pax5)because contains correspond-ing axioms.The case of(pax3)is taken care of by(H5).As for(pax4),it could obviously be replaced by(pax4a)(pax4b)(pax4c)without changing the set of pre-formulas derivable in.The axioms(hx10) and(hx12)directly correspond to(pax4a)and(pax4c),so it remains to consider the case of(pax4b):(1)(hx11)(2)(H2)(1)(3)(hx10)(4)(H3)(2)(3)(5)(H4)(6)(H3)(4)(5) Considering the rules,the case of(pmp)is handled by the induction hypothesis and (H1).If the last step in the derivation of is an application of(pre),then is actually a formula and has already been derived,so we may assume by induction hypothesis.We obtain by(H2).If the last step is an application of(nex),then is,for some previously derived formula,and by induction hypothesis we may assume.We continue as follows:(1)(ind.hyp.)(2)(alw)(1)(3)(2)(hx3)(hmp)(4)(hx13)(5)(H1)(3)(4)(6)(hx10)(7)(H1)(5)(6)(8)(7)(H4)(H1)“if”:The proof is again by induction on the assumed derivation of.The cases of (hx0),(hx1),(hx4),(hx5),and(hx6)are trivial because contains the same axioms.For(hx7),(hx8),(hx9),(hx10),(hx12),and(hx13),the proof uses the corresponding axioms of and rule(sq).For(hmp)and(alw),the assertion follows from the induction hypothesis and rules(mp)and(alw),which is a derived rule in.The axiom(hx2)is derived in as follows:(1)(ax1)(pre)(2)(sq)(1)(3)(2)(ax4)(mp)(4)(ax2)(5)(prop)(3)(4)The derivation of(hx3)is similar,using(pax3)instead of(ax1).The derivation of (hx11)is very similar to that of(T4)and is omitted.6Quantification and ExpressivenessWe have remarked in section2that propositional TLA is a sublanguage of GTLA whose pre-formulas are restricted to boolean combinations of primed and unprimed proposi-tion symbols.On the other hand,GTLA can be considered as a sublanguage of PTL by removing the distinction between formulas and pre-formulas and considering as a short-hand notation for the PTL mport’s intention in introducing TLA was to allow the implementation relation between two descriptions of systems,even at different levels of abstraction,to be represented by model inclusion on the semantic side,and by validity of implication inside the logic[13].Theorem5gives a formal expression to this intention,so GTLA satisfies Lamport’s requirement.Does GTLA add any undesired expressiveness to TLA?We will now show that this is not the case by proving that TLA and GTLA become equi-expressive once we add quantification over atomic propositions.We introduce two auxiliary relations on behaviors that are used in a stuttering-invariant semantics of quantification over atomic propositions.Definition18.For we define the relations and on behaviors as follows: 1.Two behaviors and are equal up to,written iffor all and,except possibly.2.The relation,called similarity up to,is defined as,whereis stuttering equivalence and denotes relational composition.Proposition19.1.For any,the relations and are equivalence relations.2.,for any and.We now extend GTLA by quantification over atomic propositions.Conceptually,ex-istential quantification corresponds to the hiding of state components in specifications. Following Lamport,we use a bold quantifier symbol to emphasize that its semantics is non-standard,which helps to preserve stuttering invariance.Definition20(-GTLA).1.Formulas and pre-formulas of-GTLA are given inductively as in definition1,except by adding the following clause:6.If is a formula and then is a formula.2.The semantics of-GTLA is obtained by adding the following clause to defini-tion2.iff holds for some.For a formula,we define the set as,since be-comes bound by the quantifier.Our definition of the semantics of quantification agrees with that of Lamport[12]who motivates it by showing that a naive definition would not preserve stuttering invariance.In fact,-GTLA is again insensitive to stuttering: Theorem21.For any-GTLA formula and behaviors,such that, we have iff.Proof.Extending the proof of theorem5,we need only consider the case of a quantified formula.So assume that and that.Choose some behav-ior such that,by the definition of.Then, and by proposition19it follows that,which in turn implies ,because.Hence,there exists some behavior such that and.By induction hypothesis it follows that, and thus as required.The semantics of quantified formulas is defined for-GTLA in the same way as for TLA.It is therefore immediate that quantified propositional TLA is again a sublogic of-GTLA.We now show that the two logics are equally expressive by effectively constructing an equivalent(quantified)TLA formula for every-GTLA formula. Theorem22.For every-GTLA formula there is a TLA formula such that for every behavior,iff.Proof.In afirst step,eliminate all quantified subformulas of by successively choos-ing a fresh atomic proposition for every(innermost)subformula of,and replacing by,where is obtained from by replacing the subformula by.It is easy to see that the resulting formula is equivalent to the original formula.If does not contain any quantified subformulas except those introduced above, thefinal formula and every formula in is translated as follows:choose a new atomic proposition for every(topmost)non-atomic formula such that or。



Alfred KaoLesson OnePart One: Words Study1. accomplishment n. sth. completed successfully; an achievementa girl of many accomplishments 多才多艺的姑娘Among her accomplishments weresewing, cooking, playing the piano and dancing.accomplish v.to succeed in doing; to reach the end ofaccomplish one’s object 达到目的accomplish one’s mission 完成使命He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class. accomplishedadj.very good at a particular thing; having a lot of skillsan accomplished artist/actor/chef2. assume v.a. to take for granted; to supposeThey had assumed that prices would rise these days, but in fact they were wrong.b. to take upon oneselfassume one ’s responsibility/ other ’s debt assumed adj.assumed name 伪名assumption n.a belief or feeling that sth is true or that sth will happen,although there is no proofan underlying/implicit assumption 潜在的/含蓄的假想We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up. It was impossible to make assumptions about people's reactions. assuming ed to suppose that sth is true so that you can talkaboutwhat the results might beI hope to go to college next year, always assuming I pass my exams. assumptive adj.3. body a. a group of people as a unit who work and act together,often for an official purpose , or who are connected in some other way. a legislative body / a law-making bodyb. the main part of sth.The body of the writing is not well-developed.the body of a vehicle / buildingc. a body/ bodies of sth. = large amount of sth. a body of rumour/ evidence/ information4.certify v. to confirm formally as true, accurate, orgenuine~ (that)…He handed her a piece of paper certifying (that) she was in good health.Thisis to certify that… ~ sb/sth + adj.He was certified dead on arrival. ~ sb/sth (as) sthThe accounts were certified (as) correct by the finance department. ~ sb/sth to be/do sthThe plants must be certified to be virus free. certified accountant 注册会计师5. enrollv. to arrange for yourself or somebody else to officially join acourse , school , etc.We enrolled in the army.Universities will enroll new students this spring. enrollee n. a person who has officially joined a course,etc.enrolmentn.School enrollment is currently falling.6.expose v. a. to subject or allow to be subjected to anaction or aninfluence 使受影响The parents exposed their children to classical music at home.b. to subject (a photographic film, for example) to theaction of light 使曝光The film has been exposed.c. to make known (sth. discreditable);to reveal (the guiltor wrongdoing of)揭发The crime of the corrupt officials must be exposed without anyreserve.exposed adj. not protected from attack or sheltered from bad weatherexposure n. a. the state of being in a placeor a situation where is noprotection from sth. harmful or unpleasantThey risked exposure to harmful radiation.b. the fact of being discussed on television, in newspapers, etc.(=publicity)Her movie has a lot of exposure in the media.7.facultyn. a.any of the powers of the body or mindthe faculty of the sight; mental facultiesb. department or group of related departmentsin a universitythe Faculty of Lawc.the whole teaching staff in one of the departments or in thewhole universityThe entire faculty of the university will attendthe meeting.8.freshadj. to have just come from a particular place; to have just hada particular experienceStudents fresh from Business schoolshould have a three-monthprobation in the company .freshness n.We guarantee the freshness of all our produce.freshlyadv.freshly ironed shirtsfreshenv.The rain had freshened the air.Can Ifreshen your drink, sir?freshen oneself upFresher/ freshmansophomorejuniorseniorgraduatepostgraduate9.generatev. to produce as a result of a chemical orphysical processWhen coal burns, it generates heat.a generating station 发电站generation n.the generation of electricitygenerator n.the wind generator 风能发电机Alfred KaoAlfred Kaothe UK ’s major electricity generator 发电公司 generative adj.human adj./n. 人的/人类humanly adv. 在人所能及的范围内 humane adj. 仁慈的;人道的 humanely adv.仁慈地;人道地 humanism n. 人道主义 humanitariann. 人道主义者humanity n. 人道/人性/人文 humanizev.使人性化10. literaladj. a. being the basic or usual meaning of a word or a phraseThe literal meaning of “petrify ” is to turn stones b. that follows the original words exactly a literal translation c. lacking imaginationHer interpretation of the music is too literal. literalness Un.literary adj. connected with literature literary criticism/theoryliterate adj. able to read and writeThough nearly twenty, he was barely literate. illiterate adj.literacyn.11. rear n. a behind partThere are toilets at both front and rear of the plane bring up the rearto be at the back or at lastDavid was the first to reach the summit, followed by pat, leaving Tom to bring up the rear.v. to care for young children or animals until they are grownShe reared a family of five on her own.rear sb./ sth. onsth.to give a people or an animal a particular kind of food,entertainment, etc. while they are young.I was the son of sailors, and reared on stories of the sea. rearing n. the process of raising a child as he grows up12. sufficev. to be enough for sb./ sth.Generally a brief note or a phone call will suffice. One example will suffice to illustrate the point.Suffice it to say that …足以说明…I won ’t go into all details. Suffice it to say that the whole event was a complete disaster.sufficiency n. an amount of something that is enough for a particularpurposea sufficiency of well-trained teachers sufficient adj. insufficient adj. self-sufficient adj. sufficiently adv.Part Two: Phrases Study 刚从……离开;刚经历过……be fresh out of……中的一员全体学生part ofthe student body抱着胳膊fold on e’s arms仿佛在说as if to say对……新鲜;陌生be new to指出point out得到reach for碾碎药片grind the pills专门从事于specialize in暴露在……;接触……be exposed to想出一个主意generate an idea在历史的进程中within the history呆在……be around像这样阐述put it this way平均为……average out to保持稳定、有效tend to hold专业技能professional skills确保……;保证……see to it that躲避;不存在;不含有stay out of跳出篱笆jump the fence受电刑go to the electric chair 有用的活动、事业useful pursuits连同……along with基本的满足感basic satisfactions养活妻子support on e’s wife抚养孩子rear your children养家raise a family有点;某种sort of深刻性的见解penetrating ideas主管一个家庭preside over a family保持关联maintain contact with民主的智者great democratic intellect一个对艺术敏感的人 a reasonably sensitive man因……卡住be stuck for签发票sign checks大学的意义、作用the business of college让某人接触某事put sb in touch with为了……的延续for the continuity of美术fine arts没资格做……have no business doing新物种new species of有勇无谋的野蛮人mechanized savage机械化的push-button Neanderthal行尸走肉life forms一个有教养的人 a civilized human刻在石头上cut into the stone有可能……The chances are保持清醒stay awake能从过去中学到……what the past learned for you 人类的精神财富mankind’s spiritual resources 储存在……be stored in特别的成就peculiar accomplishmentAlfred Kao……的碎片fragments of实际上in literal time在本质上in essence急于赚钱too much in a hurry一个成熟的人 a developed human一个民主的市民 a useful citizen of a democracy 大学文科liberal arts专科学校specialized schools尝试;努力做in one’s attempt to使某人……成为可能make available to sb.Part Three: Extension1.Word Building----izedrama dramatize 使戏剧化Helen Hellenize 使希腊化idol idolize 偶像崇拜anesthetic anesthetize 施以麻醉tyranny tyrannize 压制Pasteur Pasteurize 巴氏消毒material materialize 具体化botany botanize 采集植物capital capitalize 使资本化;大写central centralize 使集中化final finalize 完成hospital hospitalize 送……入院ideal idealize 使理想化natural naturalize 加入国籍;归化social socialize 使社会化apology apologize 道歉civilization civilize 教化fertilization fertilize 施肥industrial industrialize 使工业化real realize 实现special specialize 专门从事western westernize 使西方化colony colonize 将……开拓为殖民地local localize 使地域化normal normalize 使标准化oriental Orientalize 使东方化private privatize 使私有化global globalize 使全球化robot robotize 使自动化standard standardize 使标准化2.Word Building----fybase basify 碱化clarity clarify 澄清class classify 分类identity identify 鉴别intense intensify 加强just justify 证明……有道理note notify 通知pure purify 净化quality qualify 使……合格simple simplify 简化Alfred Kaounity unify 使统一;联合electricity electrify 使充电;使电气化sign signify 意味着;有……的意思3.Expanded expressionsmake a distinction betweensimplified novelsget around with the difficultythe ever-increasing crime ratein the first half of the yearnuclear power stationinterfere in other countries’ internal affairsgive a straightforward answerresort to such meansin the years aheadanaffectionate lettertoss aroundcommute tostorm out ofcontend with sthbe superior to sthon one’s minddo on e’s level best to do sthpropagandize for/against sthbe overwhelmed with sthnameless dreadskip doing sthAlfred Kao。



Unit 11)【译文】塑料袋所印的广告承诺了什么?【答案】The ad printed on the bag promised leisurely, lucrative work of delivering more such bags.2)【译文】父亲让他上大学的儿子思考什么?为何他想让他们这样做?【答案】The father told his college sons to think about earning money by themselves. He wanted them to do so because they had been asking for money so long that it no longer embarrassed them.【解析】从文中第四段可找出答案。

3)【译文】开始他们是如何答复父亲的建议的?父亲为何对于他们的答复感到伤心?【答案】At first, they were not interested in their father's suggestion and reluctant toaccept it. The father was hurt by their response because they could live with the indignity of having to ask for money all the time.【解析】父亲的反应从侧面反映了做任何赚钱的工作都不易与两个孩子的单纯作4)【译文I公司给两个男孩提供了什么样的工作?为什么他们非常高兴地接受了?【答案】The company offered the two boys $ 600 for hand-delivering the advertising inserts to 4,000. houses by Sunday morning. They were overjoyed to take it because they thought it very easy to do, and they could finish the job in two hours.【解祈】这是文章主体内容的开始。



The most classic form is senting Roses
A representative of roses - my mind only you Two representatives of roses - only a catalyst(触媒) for this world! Three representatives of roses - I love you
Classic Chocolate
Mint(薄荷) chocolate lover on your behalf: Do you think that Valentine's deep understanding enrichment Milk chocolate lovers on your behalf: Valentine‘s feeling very pure, very obedient(顺从的)
There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.
Valentine's Day 情人节
February 14 is Valentine's Day Although it is celebrated as a lover's holiday today



Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury —circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research.1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。



大学体验英语综合教程2passageA翻译句子Unit1Passage ARead and translate1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。

(be eligible to, vote)Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。

(apply for, scholarship)A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester.3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。

(on the advice of)On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking.4. 公园位于县城的正中央。

(be located in)The park is located right in the center of town.5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。

(facilities)The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire.Read and simulate1鲁迅是中国最伟大的作家之一,同时也是世界杰出文学家之一。

Lu Xun is one of the greatest writers in China and one of the wor ld’s outstanding men of letters. 2.大部分研究生选择了文学作为其研究领域,其余的选择了语言学。

Most graduate students chose literature as their fi eld of study, and the rest made linguistics their choice.3.人们购买什么样的房子居住是根据各自的特殊需要和有关专家的建议。

高级英语第二册第一课 词汇

高级英语第二册第一课 词汇

第一课intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships 错综复杂的;难以理解的,难懂的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------indulge (v.) : give way to one’s own desire尽情享受;从事于----------------------------------------------------------------------------------meander (v.) : wander aimlessly or idly;ramble漫步;闲逛----------------------------------------------------------------------------------conversationalist (n.) : a person who converses;esp.,one who enjoys and is skilled at conversation 交谈者;(尤指)健谈者----------------------------------------------------------------------------------anecdote (n.) : a short,entertaining account of some happening,usually personal or biographical 轶事,逸事----------------------------------------------------------------------------------intimate (n.) : a close friend or companion密友,知己----------------------------------------------------------------------------------on the rocks[colloq.] : in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe (婚姻)破坏的;失败的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------musketeer (n.) : (formerly)a soldier armed with a musket火枪手----------------------------------------------------------------------------------delve (v.) : investigate for information;search发掘;调查(研究)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------recess (n.) : a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place幽深处----------------------------------------------------------------------------------desultorily (adv.) : aimlessly;at random随意地;无目的地----------------------------------------------------------------------------------alchemy (n.) : an early form of chemistry,whose chief aims were to change baser metals into gold:a method or power of transmutation; esp. the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into something better炼金术;变化物质的方法或魔力----------------------------------------------------------------------------------tart (adj.) : sharp in taste;sour;acid辛辣的;尖酸的;刻薄的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------convict (n.) : a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court罪犯----------------------------------------------------------------------------------churl (n.) : a farm laborer;peasant农民;庄稼人,乡下人----------------------------------------------------------------------------------rift (n.) : an open break in a previously friendly relationship分裂;失和----------------------------------------------------------------------------------scamper (v.) : run or go hurriedly or quickly急驰,快跑----------------------------------------------------------------------------------rendering (n.) : a translation翻译----------------------------------------------------------------------------------bilingual (adj.) : of,in or using two languages(用)两种语言的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------intercept (v.) : seize or stop on the way,before arrival at the intended place拦截;截断;截击。

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Contents 1. Introduction 2. Telescoping and Partial Fractions 3. Finite Series Transformations 4. Geometric Series 4.1. Convolution of Geometric Series 4.2. A Sum Formula 4.3. A q -Analog 5. Integral Representations 5.1. Single Integrals I 5.2. Single Integrals II 5.3. Double Integrals I 5.4. Double Integrals II 5.5. Integration by Parts 5.6. Triple Integrals I 5.7. Triple Integrals II 5.8. Complex Line Integrals I 2 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 14 14
Date : February 1, 2005. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 11M41; Secondary: 11M06, 40B05. Key words and phrases. Multiple harmonic series, multiple zeta values, Euler sums, Euler-Zagier sums. Research of the first author supported by NSERC.
ζ (s 1 , . . . , s m ) =
k1 >···>km >0 j =1
kj j .
The identity ζ (2, 1) = ζ (3) (1.2)
goes back to Euler [34] [35, p. 228] and has since been repeatedly rediscovered [24, 25, 36, 45]. The more general formula
n ∈ Z+ ,
2. Telescoping and Partial Fractions For a quick proof of (1.2), consider 1 1 = S := nk (n + k ) n,k>0 n2 n,k>0 On the other hand, S=
15 17 17 19 19 21 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 29 30 31 32
1. Introduction For positive integers s1 , . . . , sm and signs σj = ±1, consider [9] the m-fold Euler sum ζ (s1 , . . . , sm ; σ1 , . . . , σm ) :=
k1 >···>km >0
σj j sj . k j j =1
As is now customary, we combine strings of exponents and signs by replacing sj by sj in the argument list if and only if σj = −1, and denote n repetitions of a substring S by {S }n . Thus, for example, ζ (1) = − log 2, ζ ({2}3) = ζ (2, 2, 2) = π 6 /7! and
5.9. Complex Line Integrals II 5.10. Contours Integrals and Residues 6. A Stirling Number Generating Function 7. Polylogarithm Identities 7.1. Dilogarithm and Trilogarithm 7.2. Convolution of Polylogarithms 8. Fourier Series 9. Further Generating Functions 9.1. Hypergeometric Functions 9.2. A Generating Function for Sums 9.3. An Alternating Generating Function 9.4. The Digamma Function 9.5. The Beta Function 10. A Decomposition Formula of Euler 11. Equating Shuffles and Stuffles 12. Conclusion References
1 1 − k n+k

1 n2Biblioteka nk =11 = ζ (3) + ζ (2, 1). k
1 1 + n k
1 1 1 = + = 2ζ (2, 1), 2 2 (n + k ) n(n + k ) k (n + k )2 n,k>0 n,k>0
by symmetry. The above argument goes back at least to Steinberg [45]. See also [46]. For (1.5), first consider
2ζ (m, 1) = mζ (m + 1) −
j =1
ζ (j + 1)ζ (m − j ),
is also due to Euler [34] [35, p. 266]. Nielsen [50, p. 229] [51, p. 198] [52, pp. 47–49] developed a method for obtaining (1.3) and related results based on partial fractions. Formula (1.3) has also been rediscovered a number of times [63, 57, 55, 38, 17, 60]. Crandall and Buhler [32] deduced (1.3) from their general infinite series formula which expresses ζ (s, t) for real s > 1 and t ≥ 1 in terms of Riemann zeta values. Study of the the multiple zeta function (1.1) led to the discovery of a new generalization of (1.2), involving nested sums of arbitrary depth: ζ ({ 2 , 1 } n ) = ζ ({ 3 } n ), n ∈ Z+ .
Although numerous proofs of (1.2) and (1.3) are known (we give several in the sequel), the only proof of (1.4) of which we are aware involves making a simple change of variable in a multiple iterated integral (see [9, 10, 14] and (5.11) below). An alternating version of (1.2) is 8ζ (2, 1) = ζ (3), (1.5)
arXiv:math.NT/0502034 v1 1 Feb 2005
Abstract. We give diverse proofs of the fundamental identities ζ (2, 1) = ζ (3) = 8ζ (2, 1). We also discuss various generalizations for multiple harmonic (Euler) sums and some connections, thereby illustrating the wide variety of techniques fruitfully used to study such sums.
which has also resurfaced from time to time [52, p. 50] [58, (2.12)] [28, p. 267] and hints at the generalization originally conjectured in [9], and which still remains open—despite abundant evidence [7]. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate some of the techniques used to study Euler sums by focusing on the identities (1.2), (1.5) and various generalizations. For some of the broader issues relating to Euler sums, we refer the reader to the survey articles [14, 29, 61, 62, 64]. Computational issues are discussed in [31] and to an extent in [10]. Notation and Terminology. For positive integer N , denote the N th partial sum of the ′ harmonic series by HN := N n=1 1/n. We also use ψ = Γ /Γ to denote the logarithmic derivative of the Euler gamma function (also referred to as the digamma function), and recall the identity ψ (N + 1) + γ = HN , where γ = 0.5772156649 . . . is Euler’s constant. As usual, the Kronecker δm,n is 1 if m = n and 0 otherwise. We organize the proofs by technique, although clearly this is somewhat arbitrary as many proofs fit well within more than one category. In some of the later sections the proofs become more schematic. We invite readers to add selections to our collection. 8n ζ ({2, 1}n ) = ζ ({3}n),