n-3 Fatty acid intake from marine food products amongQuebecers comparison to worldwide recommendatio






标签:鱼油;中医;活血化瘀Abstract:With the development of the economy,excessive fat intake and unreasonable lead to obesity,diabetes and other dyslipidemia associated with the incidence of chronic diseases increased year by year trend,the use of fish oil adjuvant treatment more and more recognized. The This paper attempts to discuss the effectiveness of fish oil from the perspective of Chinese medicine,in order to better develop,use and promote fish oil to provide a theoretical basis.Keywords:Fish Oil;Chinese Medicine;Blood Circulation鱼油是鱼体内的全部油脂类物质的总称,因富含n-3型多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3PUFA),在人体的营养、发育和健康等方面起着重要作用[1]。



Dietary Recommendations for Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Dietary Recommendations for Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Dietary Recommendations for Omega-3 Fatty AcidsMany leading authorities and nutrition and health organizations have developed specific dietary recommendations for omega-3 fatty acids for different countries around the world. We have obtained the following information to improve education on omega-3 fatty acids by providing the global perspective on their requirements and the agencies that developed the information to improve human nutrition and health.United StatesOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationInstitute of Medicine12 (Authoritative Body) Adult men ³ 19 yrs∙ALA :1.6 g/day of whichapproximately 10% EPA+DHA Adult women ³ 19 yrs∙ALA: 1.1 g/day of whichapproximately 10% EPA+DHAAmerican DieteticsAssociation23 (Expert Scientific Organization) General Adult Population∙500mg/day long-chainPUFA intakeMarch of Dimes32(Expert Scientific Organization) Pregnant and Nursing Women∙200mg DHA from fish,fortified foods or supplementsNational Heart, Lung, andBloodInstitute, National CholesterolEducation Program13 (Authoritative Body) Persons with CHD or multiple riskfactors for CHD∙Supported AHArecommendation to includefish as part of a CHD riskreduction diet. Higher dietaryintakes of n-3 PUFAs are anoption for reducing CHD riskAmerican Heart Association14 (Expert Scientific Organization) All adults without CHD∙Eat fish (particularly fattyfish) at least two times aweek; include oils and foodsrich in ALAPatients with CHD∙Consume approximately1 g/day of EPA+DHApreferably from oily fish.EPA+DHA supplements could be considered in consultation with the physicianPatients with high triglycerides ∙2-4 g/day EPA+DHA as capsules under a physician'scareDietary Guidelines AdvisoryCommittee16 (Authoritative Body) General adult population∙Two servings of fatty fishper week, equivalent to496mg EPA/DHA per dayCouncil for ResponsibleNutrition17 (Expert Scientific Organization) General adult population∙Approximately500mg/day EPA/DHAconsumption fromsupplementation or fatty fishconsumptionExecutive Office of thePresident18 (Authoritative Body) General populationDietary Guidelines and FoodGuide Pyramid should be revisedto emphasize the benefits ofincreasing consumption of foodsrich in omega-3 fatty acids.Agency for HealthcareResearch and Quality30 (Authoritative Body) General adult populationFish and fish oil supplementsreduce the risk of cardiovasculardiseaseGlobalOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationWorld Health Organization1 (Authoritative Body) General adult population∙n-3 PUFAs: 1-2% ofenergy/dayInternational Society for the Study of Fats and Lipids(ISSFAL)2 (Expert Scientific Organization) General adult population∙DHA+EPA: 0.65g/2000kcal/day∙DHA at least 0.22g/2000kcal/day∙EPA at least 0.22g/2000kcal/dayPregnant/nursing women∙DHA: 300 mg/day NATO Workshop on w-3 andw-6 Fatty Acids22 (Expert Scientific Organization) General Adult Population∙800mg EPA/DHA per dayWorld Association ofPerinatal Medicine29 (Expert Scientific Organization) Pregnant and Lactating Women∙200mg DHA per dayWorld GastroenterologyOrganization24 (Expert Scientific Organization) General Adult Population∙3-5 fish servings perweek to get EPA and DHAAustraliaOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationNational Heart Foundation of Australia3(Expert Scientific Organization) General adult population∙500mg EPA/DHA perday, obtained through fish,fish oil supplements, orenriched foods for preventionof heart diseasePatients with documented CHD∙1000mg EPA/DHA perday, obtained through fish,fish oil supplements, orenriched foods for preventionof heart diseasePatients withhypertriglyceridemia∙1200mg of EPA/DHAfrom fish oil capsules andenriched foods as first-linetherapy∙Raise to 4000mg ofEPA/DHA per day, as needed.Australian & New ZealandHealth Authorities (Department of Health & Infants (0-12 mo)∙0.5 g n-3polyunsaturated fats/dayadequate intakeAgeing, National Health &Medical Research Council)28 (Authoritative Bodies) Boys & Girls (1-3 yrs)∙40 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayadequate intakeBoys & Girls (4-8 yrs)∙55 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayadequate intakeBoys & Girls (9-13 yrs)∙70 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayadequate intakeBoys (14-18 yrs)∙125 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayadequate intakeGirls (14-18 yrs)∙85 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayadequate intakeMen (19+ yrs)∙160 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayadequate intake Women (19+ yrs)∙90 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayadequate intake Pregnancy (14 -18 yrs)∙110 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/day Pregnancy (19-50 yrs)∙115 mg total LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/day Lactating - (14-18 yrs)∙140 mg LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/day Lactating - (19-50 yrs)∙145 mg LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/dayDefence Science and Technology Organisation, Men∙610mg LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/day dietaryDepartment of Defence34(Authoritative Body)targetWomen ∙430mg LC n-3(DHA+EPA+DPA)/day dietarytargetMale soldiers ∙610mgEPA+DPA+DHA/dayFemale soldiers ∙430mgEPA+DPA+DHA/dayAustriaOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationAustrian Society for Nutrition33 (Expert Scientific Organization) General adult population∙250mg LCPUFA/day forprimary prevention of CVD General adult population∙0.5% of energy total n-3PUFA intakeCHD Patients∙1g LCPUFA/day forsecondary prevention of CVD Pregnant & nursing women∙At least 200mg DHA/dayBelgiumOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationBelgian Superior Health Council20 (Authoritative Body) Pregnant & nursing women∙250mg DHA/day General adult population∙Two servings of fattyfish/weekCHD Patients∙1g EPA/DHA per dayfrom capsulesCanadaOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationHealth and Welfare, Canada4 (Authoritative Body) General adult population∙ 1.1-1.6 g/day total n-3PUFA (ALA, EPA, DHA)Dieticians of Canada23(Expert Scientific Organization) General adult population∙500mg long-chainPUFA/dayEuropeOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationExpert Workshop of theEuropean Academy ofNutritional Sciences5 (Expert Scientific Organization) General Adult Population∙People who do not eatfish should considerconsuming marine n-3 PUFAequivalent to the amountobtained from fatty fish,namely 200 mg EPA + DHAdailyEuropean Food Safety Agency25 (Authoritative Body) General Adult Population∙250mg EPA+DHA perdayPregnant & Lactating Women∙100-200mg DHA per dayin addition to normal adultrequirementsChildren 7-24 months∙100mg DHA per day Children 2-18 years∙250mg EPA+DHA perdayThe PeriLip and EARNEST projects of the EuropeanCommission31 (Expert Scientific Organization) Pregnant & Lactating Women∙200mg DHA/dayFranceAFFSA21 (Authoritative Body) General Adult Population∙General Nutritiono250mg DHA perday (previously 120mg)o250mg EPA perdayo500mgEPA+DHA per day∙500mg per day formetabolic disease riskreduction∙500-750mg per day forcardiovascular disease riskreduction∙500mg per day for breastand colon cancer riskreduction∙>200-300mg per day forneuropsychiatric riskreduction∙500mg per day for AMDrisk reductionInfants (0-6 months)∙0.32% of fats from DHA∙EPAInfants & Toddlers (6 months to 3years)∙70mg DHA per day Children (3-9 years)∙125mg DHA per day∙250mg EPA+DHA perdayAdolescents (9 to 18 years)∙250mg DHA per day∙500mg EPA+DHA perdayPregnant & Nursing Women∙250mg DHA per day∙500mg EPA+DHA perdayGermanyGerman Society for Nutrition33 (Expert Scientific Organization) General adult population∙250mg LCPUFA / day forprimary prevention of CVD General adult population∙0.5% of energy total n-3PUFA intakeCHD Patients∙1g LCPUFA/day forsecondary prevention of CVD Pregnant & nursing women∙At least 200mg DHA/dayJapanOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationMinistry of Health, Labor andWelfare (Authoritative Body) General adult population6∙n-6:n-3 PUFAs: 4:1Infants (0-5 months) - boys andgirls26∙0.9g total omega-3 perdayInfants (6-11 months)- boys andgirls26∙ 1.0g total omega-3 perdayToddlers (1-2 years) - Boys26∙ 1.1g total omega-3 perdayToddlers (1-2 years) - Girls26∙ 1.0g total omega-3 perdayChildren (3-5 years) - Boys andGirls26∙ 1.5g total omega-3 perdayChildren (6-7 years) - Boys andGirls26∙ 1.6g total omega-3 perdayChildren (8-9 years) - Boys26∙ 1.9g total omega-3 perdayChildren (8-9 years) - Girls26∙ 2.0g total omega-3 perdayChildren (10-11 years) - Boys and Girls 26∙2.1g total omega-3 per dayChildren (12-14 years) - Boys 26∙2.6g total omega-3 per dayChildren (12-14 years) - Girls 26∙2.1g total omega-3 per dayChildren (15-17 years) - Boys 26∙2.8g total omega-3 per dayChildren (15-17 years) - Girls 26∙2.3g total omega-3 per dayAdults (18-49 years) - Men 26∙2.6g total omega-3 per dayAdults (18-49 years) - Women 26∙2.2g total omega-3 per dayAdults (50-69 years) - Men 26∙2.9g total omega-3 per dayAdults (50-69 years) - Women 26∙2.5g total omega-3 per dayAdults (Over 70 years) - Men 26∙2.2g total omega-3 per dayAdults (Over 70 years) - Women 26∙2.0g total omega-3 per dayPregnant Women 26∙2.1g total omega-3 per dayNursing Women 26∙2.4g total omega-3 per dayNetherlandsHealth Council of the Netherlands (Authoritative Body) Children 0-5 months∙Total n-3 PUFAs: 80mg/kg per day∙DHA: 20 mg/kg per day Adults∙Total n-3 PUFAs: 1% ofenergy7∙DHA: 150-200 mg perday7∙n-3 fatty acids from fish:450mg per day27ScandinaviaOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationNordic Council of Ministers8 (Authoritative Body) Adults and children over 3 yrs∙EPA+DHA: 450mg/day∙Total n-3 PUFAS: 1.0% ofenergy/daySwitzerlandOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationSwiss Society for Nutrition Research / Swiss Nutrition Association33(Expert Scientific Organization) General adult population∙250mg LCPUFA/day forprimary prevention of CVD General adult population∙0.5% of energy total n-3PUFA intakeCHD Patients∙1g LCPUFA/day forsecondary prevention of CVD Pregnant & nursing women∙At least 200mg DHA/dayUnited KingdomOrganization (org. Type) Target Population RecommendationBritish Nutrition Foundation9Adults, 19-50 yrs ∙one to two portions ofOrganization (org. Type) Target Population Recommendation(Expert Scientific Organization)oil-rich fish per week, whichwill provide around 2-3g of thevery long chain n-3 fatty acids ∙weekly intake of 1.5g of EPA + DHACommittee on the MedicalAspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA)10 (Authoritative Body) Adults∙at least two portions offish, of which one should beoily∙weekly n-3 PUFAs: > 0.2g/dayScientific AdvisoryCommittee on Nutrition11 (Authoritative Body) Adults∙weekly n-3 PUFAs @ 0.2g/dayReferences1.World Health Organization. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases.Technical report series 916.2.Simopoulos AP, Leaf A, Salem N Jr. Workshop statement on the essentiality of andrecommended dietary intakes for Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2000 Sep;63(3):119-121.3.National Heart Foundation of Australia. Position statement on Fish, fish oils, n-3polyunsaturated fattyacids and cardiovascular health. Presented at AIFST conference July 2008.4.Health and Welfare Canada. Nutrition Recommendations: The Report of the ScientificReview Committee. 1990. Ottawa, Ontario.5.de Deckere EA, Korver O, Verschuren PM, Katan MB. Health aspects of fish and n-3polyunsaturated fatty acids from plant and marine origin. Eur J Clin Nutr 1998Oct;52(10):749-753.6.Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan. Recommended dietary allowances for Japanese,6th edition. Tokyo: Daiichi-Shuppan Co, 1999.7.Health Council of the Netherlands. Dietary reference intakes: energy, proteins, fats, anddigestible carbohydrates. The Hague. Health Council of the Netherlands, 2001; publication no.2001/19 (in Dutch, with a summary and table in English).8.NNR (Nordic Nutrition Recommendations), 2004. Integrating nutrition and physicalactivity. Nord 2004:13. 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Washington, DC.14.AHA Scientific Statement: Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids andCardiovascular Disease, #71-0241 Circulation. 2002;106: 2747-2757.15.EFSA. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Dietetic products, Nutrition and Allergies on arequest from European Commission related to labelling reference intake values for n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The EFSA Journal (2009) 1176, 1-11.16.Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, Part D: Science Base, Section 4: Fats -EPA, DHA and fish. 2005.17.Council for Responsible Nutrition. White Paper. Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids in HumanHealth. Heart Health: The Role of EPA, DHA and ALA. 200518.Executive Office of the President. Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C..May, 200319.Department of Health & Ageing, National Health & Medical Research Council. NutrientReference Values for Australia & New Zealand - Including Recommended Dietary Intakes. 2006 20.Superior Health Council of Belgium. Recommendations and claims made on omega-3-fattyAcids (SHC 7945). 200521.AFFSA (France). Avis de l'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments relatif àl'actualisation des apports nutritionnels conseillés pour les acides gras. March 1, 2010.http://www.afssa.fr/cgi-bin/countdocs.cgi?Documents/NUT2006sa0359EN.pdf. Accessed March 25, 2010.22.Simopolous, A. Summary of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Dietary w3 andw6 Fatty Acids: Biological Effects and Nutritional Essentiality. Journal of Nutrition, 1989;521-528.23.American Dietetic Association and Dieticians of Canada. Position of the American DieteticAssociation and Dietitians of Canada: Dietary Fatty Acids. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2007; 1599-1611.24.World Gastroenterology Organisation. 10 nutritional recommendations to improveDigestive Health. Published May 29, 2008./assets/downloads/pdf/wdhd/2008/events/wdhd08_ca rtel_10_global_nutrition.pdf. Accessed August 3, 2008.25.EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion onDietary Reference Values for fats, including saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, and cholesterol. EFSA Journal 2010; 8(3):1461.[107 pp.]. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1461. Available online: www.efsa.europa.eu26."Japanese Nutritional Requirement - Dietary Reference Intakes ? Policy-MakingCommittee" (Chairperson ? Mr. Heizo Tanaka, Former Board Chairman of National Institute of Health and Nutrition). Announced October,2004 and valid from 2005 to 2010 (For 5 years) 27.Health Council of the Netherlands, 2006. Guidelines for a healthy diet 2006. The Hague:publication # 2006/21E. Available from: http://www.gr.nl/pdf.php?ID=1481&p=128.National Health and Medicines Research Council. Nutrient Reference Values for Australiaand New Zealand. Commonwealth of Australia, 2006. 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Consensus statement- Dietary fat intakes for pregnant andlactating women. Brit J Nutr. 2007; 98:873-877.32.March of Dimes. Omega-3 Fatty Acids During Pregnancy. March of Dimes Web Site, 2009.Accessed June 17, 2009 at /pnhec/159_55030.asp.33.D-A-CH, 2008 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Österreichische Gesellschaft fürErnährung, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ernährungsforschung, Schweizerische Vereinigung für Ernährung: Referenzwerte für die Nährstoffzufuhr, Umschau/Braus Verlag, Frankfurt. 34.Forbes-Ewan, C. Australian Defence Force Nutritional Requirements in the 21st Century(Version 1). Human Protection and Performance Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, 2009.。



与炎症和大腹便便斗争的七种食物Seven kinds of food fight inflammation and potbellied水果和蔬菜Fruits and vegetables因为含有丰富的营养和纤维素,所有的水果都能够帮助抵抗慢性炎症,因此每天要确保这类食品的充足,比起其它的来,一些生鲜的农产品更具抗炎的潜力。


绿茶Green Tea温和的饮料可以有效的缩减腰围,减少炎症。


单一的不饱和脂肪Single unsaturated fatty这些有益心脏健康的不饱和脂肪可以降低胆固醇,减少炎症。


欧米珈—3脂肪酸Oumi Jia - 3 fatty acids研究发现:炎症的减少都与高分比的欧米珈—3脂肪酸和低分比的欧米珈—6脂肪酸有关系。





全谷类Whole grains丰富的纤维和全谷物可以帮助控制身体的胰岛素,谷类食物里高含的B族维生素也能帮助降低体内的炎症激素胱氨酸。




标准评析《ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸强化鸡蛋》农业行业标准解读■ 朱 宏1 梁克红1 洪翊棻2 杜 莉2 毕晓宇3 贾 安3(1. 农业农村部食物与营养发展研究所;2. 安佑集团生物科技有限公司;3. 内蒙古自治区质量和标准化研究院)摘 要:为加快蛋鸡产业转型升级,促进我国居民膳食中脂肪酸摄入平衡,农业农村部立项制定了农业行业标准《ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸强化鸡蛋》。



关键字:ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸,营养强化鸡蛋,标准解读DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2021.21.028Interpretation of the Industry Standard “Omega-3 Polyunsaturated FattyAcids Fortified Egg”ZHU Hong1 LIANG Ke-hong1 HONG Yi-Fen2 Du Li2 BI Xiao-yu3 JIA An3(1. Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs;2. AnYou biotechnology Group Co., Ltd.;3. Inner Mongolia Institute of Quality and Standardization)Abstract: In order to accelerate the upgrading of layer industry and promote the balance of fatty acid intake in the diet of Chinese residents, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has developed an agricultural industry standard “ω- 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid fortified eggs”. This paper makes a detailed interpretation, including: background, standard technical content, comparison of international and domestic standards, coordination with other standards and the significance of standard implementation, aiming to further publicize and implement this standard.Keywords: ω- 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, fortified eggs, standard Iiterpretationω-3多不饱和脂肪酸(ω-3 PUFA)指从脂肪酸的甲基端(ω端)开始,第一个不饱和双键出现在第3和第4个碳原子之间的多不饱和脂肪酸,主要包括α-亚麻酸(ALA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)。



食疗:帮你提高记忆力的食物The art of memory has fascinated us since…well, I can’t quite remember. Nowadays however, there seem to be so many more things to keep track of. From what floor our dentist office is on, to an average of seven passwords and PIN numbers per person, we use our memories more than ever before. Improve your memory by choosing the right foods, and here is a fistful of five foods for the memory which are both respected by science and revered by the ancients.记忆艺术的魅力让我们深深着迷,那是从什么时候开始的呢?唉,我都记不清了。


提高记忆力,要选择正确的食物,下面这五种食物受到科学和古老文明的一致推崇,是提高记忆力的不二食疗法宝:Herbs 草本植物One of the most famous memory-enhancing herbs is rosemary. Rosemary is rich in the anti-oxidant, carnosic acid which dilates the cerebral vascular tissues. Studies have shown that even the smell of rosemary can improve memory performance in office workers.最著名的提高记忆力的草本植物是迷迭香。



ω-3多聚不饱和脂肪酸对心血管疾病的保护作用迪拉热·阿迪【摘要】ω-3多聚不饱和脂肪酸是在鱼类或鱼油中发现的,目前被认为对人体健康有诸多益处,在人整个生命周期中能减少心血管疾病的风险性,对机体生长发育有着很重要的作用.这篇综述将系统地阐述ω-3多聚不饱和脂肪酸对心脏性猝死、心力衰竭、心律失常、动脉粥样硬化及高三酰甘油血症等心血管疾病的影响.%Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( m-3 PUFAs ) are found in fish and fish oil. ω-3 PUFAs have been attributed with several health benefits including mitigating the risk of cardiovascular disease and affecting human growth and development. This review describes the efficacy of ω-3 PUFAs on sudden cardiac death, arrhythmias, heart failure, hypertriglyceridemia and atherosclerosis.【期刊名称】《心血管病学进展》【年(卷),期】2012(033)006【总页数】4页(P768-771)【关键词】ω-3多聚不饱和脂肪酸;心血管疾病;保护作用【作者】迪拉热·阿迪【作者单位】新疆医科大学第一附属医院心脏中心,新疆,乌鲁木齐,830054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R54多聚不饱和脂肪酸(PUFAs)最初来源于藻类、浮游生物及植物类,人体自身不能合成,主要是通过摄入鱼类获得。





十大美容食品英语介绍十大美容食品英语介绍1. Wild salmon:A primo source for omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce skin inflammation, preventing redness, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. It’s also potent in antioxidants and vitamins B and D.1.野生鲑鱼:是ω- 3脂肪酸的首要来源,可以减少皮肤炎症,防止发红,皱纹,和松弛。

而且野生鲑鱼中还富抗氧化物以及维生素B、D.2. Low-fat yogurt:In one word, calcium. Good for strong bones, nails, and teeth. One cup of plain low-fat yogurt has more calcium than a glass of skim milk.2.低脂酸奶:一个字,钙。



3. Oysters:The best source of zinc, period. Zinc helps build collagen, which supports the structure of skin and speeds up renewal and repair.3.牡蛎:锌的最佳来源,特别是经期。


4. Blueberries:Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that preventlong-term cell damage.4.蓝莓:富含抗氧化成份和能够防止细胞受到长期损伤的消炎成份。

5. Kiwifruit:Another good source of antioxidants, kiwis are also a great source of vitamin C and potassium, all which help prevent wrinkles.5.猕猴桃:另一个抗氧化成份的好来源,猕猴桃同时也是的维生素C和钾的好来源,这些成份对防止皱纹都有很好的效用.6. Sweet potatoes:Chock-full of beta-carotene, something the body converts to vitamin A, which keeps skin smooth and is thought to protect against sun damage.6.红薯:大把的β胡萝卜素、一些能在体能转换成维生素A的物质,这些都能保持皮肤光滑,防止晒伤。

暨南大学食品化学本科课件 第六章 脂质

暨南大学食品化学本科课件 第六章 脂质

烟点:在避免通风情况下观察到油脂冒烟的温度 着火点:指挥发性产物可以持续燃烧的温度 闪点:释放出的挥发性物质可能点燃但不能维持燃烧的 温度。 脂肪酸比甘油三酯易挥发,所以烟点、闪点、着火点主 要取决于游离脂肪酸的含量。
4.结晶特性(图) 晶体结构: (三斜,烃链平面平行)、(正交,烃链平面 垂直)、(六方,随机取向) 稳定性: > > 脂肪酸组成相同的三酰甘油酯易形成晶形结构。
固体脂肪指数(SFI):一定温度下的固/液比(ab/bc)。 SFI低,脂肪易熔化;SFI太高,脂肪脆、硬。
60 50 40 30 20 10
0 10 20 25 30 40 温度
椰子油 复合起酥油 人造奶油
脂肪塑性: P165(1)~(3) 乳化剂(食品添加剂介绍) 了解HLB值:
第六章 脂质
The omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids belong to the family of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) with three or more double bonds with the first unsaturation site occurring on the third carbon from the methyl end group. The location of the first unsaturation site dictates the biological activity of the molecules involved. Other double bonds are positioned in a methylene-interrupted manner with respect to the first and subsequent double bonds.



钠饱和脂肪糖雅思小作文英文回答:Sodium-saturated fatty foods are becoming more and more popular in our modern society. People are indulging in fast food, processed snacks, and other convenience foods that are high in sodium and unhealthy fats. This trend is concerning because excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health issues.I personally try to avoid sodium-saturated fatty foods as much as possible. Instead, I opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. For example, instead of grabbing a bag of potato chips for a snack, I'll reach for a handful of almonds or a piece of fruit. I also make an effort to cook my own meals at home using fresh ingredients, rather than relying on processed foods.It's important to be mindful of what we put into our bodies and to make healthy choices whenever possible. Bymaking small changes to our diet and lifestyle, we can improve our overall health and well-being.中文回答:钠饱和脂肪食物在我们现代社会中变得越来越受欢迎。

Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Production of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Production of ω-3 Fatty Acids with Enzyme
Lipase (脂肪酶) can catalyze hydrolysis (水解), esterification (酯化作用) or exchange of fatty acids in esters. Concentration of ω-3 fatty acids may be achieved either by hydrolysis of esterification of marine oil with specific lipases.
Fatty Acid Specific Lipase
Lipase produced by Geotricum candidum (yeast) has a fatty acid specificity of processing longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids containing a cis double-bond in the 9-position.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Eskimos were also found to have less chronic and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis (关节炎), psoriasis (牛皮廯), asthma (哮喘), and diabetes (糖尿病). Since then, the beneficial effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) have been known for their ability to lower serum triacylglycerol (TAG,三酰甘油酯) and cholesterol (胆固醇) levels in human bodies.

高中英语一轮课件第一部分必修三Healthy Eating

高中英语一轮课件第一部分必修三Healthy Eating

Choose fresh, hygienic ingredients and dishes
Purchase fresh ingredients
When buying vegetables, fruits, meat, and other ingredients, choose those that are fresh, free of pests and diseases, and have good color and luster.
Enhancing concentration
A healthy diet can help to improve concentration and focus, making it easier to learn and retain information.
Boosting memory
Certain nutrients, such as B vitamins and antioxidants, have been shown to improve memory function.
Vitamins and Minerals
Consume healthy fats from sources like olive oil, avocados, and nuts, while limiting saturated and trans fats.
Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.
Have dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed, and choose light and digestible foods. Avoid eating too much or too late at night to prevent indigestion and obesity.


• Glycerolipids: mono-, di-, and trisubstituted glycerols
• Glycerophospholipids: phospholipids • Sphingolipids: common structural feature,
a sphingoid base backbone
• α-Linolenic acid is classified as a n−3 or omega-3 fatty acid. The most commonly researched fatty acid biosynthetic pathways are n−3 and n−6.
Essential fatty acids (EFAs)
• The positions of any double bonds are specified by superscript numbers following △ (delta); a 18-carbon fatty acid with one double bond between C-9 and C-10 (C-1 being the carboxyl carbon) and another between C12 and C-13 is designated 18:2(△ 9,12).
• Humans must ingest because the body requires them for good health but cannot synthesize them.
• Only two EFAs are known for humans: alphalinolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid).



英文作文均衡饮食的好处附中文翻译Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for our overall health and well-being. It involves consuming a variety of foods in appropriate proportions to ensure that our bodies receive the necessary nutrients. Here are the benefits ofa balanced diet:1. Provides essential nutrients: A balanced diet includes foods from all major food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products. This ensures that we get a wide range of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other essential nutrients that our bodies need to function properly.2. Supports optimal physical health: A balanced diet helps prevent various health issues, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It provides the right balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), which are essential for maintaining healthy body weight, strong bones, muscles, and organs.3. Boosts energy levels: Nutrient-dense foods are the fuel that our bodies need to carry out daily activities andmaintain energy levels. A balanced diet consisting of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats helps stabilize blood sugar levels and provides sustained energy throughout the day.4. Supports mental health: What we eat can also have an impact on our mood and mental well-being. A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants is associated with a lower risk of depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Conversely, a diet high in processed foods and sugar may contribute to mood swings and decreased cognitive function.5. Promotes healthy weight management: A balanced diet helps maintain a healthy weight by providing adequate nutrients while controlling calorie intake. It emphasizes portion control and encourages the consumption of nutrient-dense foods, which can help prevent overeating and promote satiety.中文翻译:保持均衡饮食对我们的整体健康和福祉至关重要。



描述15种燃脂食物的英语大家知道我们平时吃的食物有什么效果吗啊?小编今天就给大家带来了英语小知识,欢迎大家阅读和借鉴英语小知识1. Walnuts1. 核桃All nuts do contain some amount of the omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid, but most only contain traceamounts. The real fat hero in most nuts is monounsaturated fats. Walnuts are actually a rich source of omega-3s.所有的坚果都含有一定量的Ω-3脂肪酸α-亚麻酸,但大多数只含有微量的。


2. Ginger2. 生姜Used for centuries to help relieve digestive upset/disturbances, ginger can also help reduceinflammation, boost blood flow to muscles and aid muscle recovery.生姜已经用了几个世纪,它可以帮助缓解消化系统的紊乱,也有助于减少炎症、促进血液流向肌肉和帮助肌肉恢复。

3. Oatmeal3. 燕麦This very slow-digesting carb keeps blood sugar and insulin levels low, so fat burning can stay high.这种缓释碳水化合物可以使血糖和胰岛素水平降低,因此脂肪燃烧量能保持在较高的水平。

4. Avocado4. 牛油果The monounsaturated fats found in avocados are burnedreadily for fuel during exercise and actually encourage fat burning.鳄梨中的单一不饱和脂肪酸可以在锻炼时直接燃烧供能,而且它实际上能促进脂肪燃烧。



令人快乐的食物(Happy food)Are you blue? Well, take a look at what foods can make you happy!The WHO has pointed out that in the future, human beings will be threatened by three major chronic diseases, namely cancer, heart disease and depression. However, some foods help maintain balance between body and mind, and when you eat them, you will become cheerful, because the substances they contain are anti - depression.Deep water fishStudies show that people around the world living on the beach are happier and healthier. Not just because the sea is refreshing, but mostly because they use fish as their staple food. Both Finland, Britain and the United States have found the same results. The Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have a similar effect on antidepressants, such as lithium carbonate, which blocks nerve pathways and increases serotonin production, according to a Harvard University study.BananaBananas contain a substance called alkaloid that can boost spirits and boost confidence. And bananas are super sources of tryptophan and vitamin B6, which help the brain produce serotonin and reduce the risk of depression.GrapefruitGrapefruit not only has a strong fragrance, but also can purifya variety of thoughts, but also refreshing. As for grapefruit, a high amount of vitamin C, not only can maintain the concentration of red blood cells, so that the body resistance, and vitamin C can also be resistant to compression. Most importantly, vitamin C is one of the important ingredients in the manufacture of dopamine and norepinephrine.SpinachSpinach in addition to a large number of iron, but also more human body needs folic acid. The medical literature consistently points out that the lack of folic acid can lead to mental illnesses, including depression and early-onset dementia. The study also found that those who did not take enough folic acid were unable to fall asleep after 5 months, and produced symptoms such as forgetfulness and anxiety. The researchers concluded that lack of folic acid causes serotonin in the brain to decrease and cause depression.CherryResearchers at the University of Michigan in the United States have found that cherry has a substance called anthocyanin that reduces inflammation. Scientists think the density, eat 20 cherries to eat is more effective than aspirin. Other reports point out that people who face computer work for a long time suffer from headaches, muscle aches and other problems, and they can also eat cherries to improve conditions.garlicA German study of the effect of garlic on cholesterol, from a patient answer questionnaire, found that after eating garlic pills, they felt less tired, less anxious and less likely to be angry. Researchers had not thought that garlic would have this extra effect.PumpkinPumpkins make a good mood because they're rich in vitamins B6 and iron. These two nutrients help the body store blood sugar and turn it into glucose, which is the only fuel for the brain.Low-fat milkMount Sinai pharmaceutical research center of New York found that for premenstrual women, after eating 1000 milligrams of calcium for 3 months, 3/4 of the people are not nervous, irritable or anxious. Low fat or skimmed milk is the best source of calcium.chickenBritish psychologist Benton and Cook to the subjects ate 100 micrograms of selenium, the subjects generally feel in good spirits and thoughts more harmonious. The United States Department of agriculture has also published similar reports. Abundant sources of selenium are chicken, seafood, whole grains, etc..Whole wheat breadDr. Judith Waterman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said, eat complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread, crackers, they contain trace minerals such as selenium, can improve the mood, such as antidepressants.Next time you have a big meal, remember to eat healthy and enjoy yourself!German nutritionists said that eating chocolate can make people feel happy, this is because chocolate releases serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is formed by tryptophan, the body cannot manufacture, can only rely on the food intake from the outside world. Chocolate itself is not very high in tryptophan, but it contains a lot of sugar and can trigger insulin production. Ensure that the insulin sugar into cells, leaving tryptophan to enter the brain, is for the synthesis of serotonin.Stay on the person's mood when serotonin in the brain will have a positive impact in synapses. In addition to chocolate, bananas, Boudin and other sweets can also achieve this effect, help people drive out frustration.Have some snacks and be refreshedThere is a close connection between snacks and emotions, and the spirit of many desserts is in the best shape. Chocolate, for example, helps to produce two pleasurable hormones in the body. When you are lovelorn or tired, you can eat a bar of chocolate.Sugars and sugars in bread can stimulate the brain to secretea chemical that helps balance, make people more likely to sleep, and relieve people's sensitivity to pain. In addition, eating orange and grapes can also improve your mood when you're tense, irritable, or depressed.Some foods can really change people's psychological pressure, affect sleep, so that people produce pleasure or irritability, two entirely different effects. We call them "low pressure food" and "high pressure food"".High pressure foodExcessive coffee: although coffee has a soothing effect on body and mind, however, drinking too much coffee can lead to insomnia and stomachache, and the resulting headache can not be avoided. Therefore, please don't drink more than two cups of coffee a day.Fatty foods: fatty foods are not easy to digest. They tend to stay in the gastrointestinal tract for 5~7 hours and concentrate their blood into the gastrointestinal tract, which makes it very easy to feel tired and irritable.Easy to gas production of vegetables: such as wild cabbage, cauliflower, beans, bean etc..Sweets: sweets are easy to get excited in a short time, and the feeling is tired.Low pressure foodsHighly complex carbohydrates: whole wheat bread, Cereals, vegetables, fruits, low fat yogurt, etc.. These foods are digestible and provide energy for the body in a short period of time. The bread takes 1~3 hours, and the fruit takes more than 30 minutes to digest.High protein foods: foods rich in amino acids such as peeled chicken, lean beef, and fish.Coffee free beverages such as orange juice, milk, mineral water, etc..Foods rich in vitamin B: this type of food can boost the secretion of anti stress hormones in the adrenal glands. Nuts, legumes, leafy greens, and milk are rich in B vitamins.Can Xiaoshi Shun gas: beer, food hawthorn, orange, rose, radish, lotus root can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so as to achieve the function of spleen and stomach, Qi Xiaozhang, often eat will make people feel comfortable.When you are alone, when you are sad, when you are angry, when you are impulsive, who comes to rescue you?...... People's emotions, psychology, and even personality are closely related to eating habits and nutritional intake. We can keep away from bad emotions such as anger, doubt, laziness, sadness and so on.When you're angryThe most important food: melon seedsMelon seeds are rich in vitamin B and magnesium that can release your anger. They also help smooth your blood sugar and help you feel calm. No meat or sugar. Much meat, high levels of adrenaline in the body make you impulsive. Eat too much sugar. Have you heard of "sugar addiction"?Rose: tea time into roses, drink can shun gas can also single bubble rose to drink.Hawthorn: Hawthorn medicine that longer than Shun gas pain relief, consumption of food product, can alleviate the angry caused by abdominal distension and pain, for the anger caused by tachycardia, arrhythmia also have certain curative effect. Lotus: lotus to ventilation, and to spleen and stomach, tranquilize the mind, also shun gas jiapin.Radish: radish is best eaten raw, people who have stomach trouble can drink carrot soup.When you're sadThe most important food: Chicken SoupDepression causes malnutrition, malnutrition increases depression and depression. The lack of tryptophan is an important cause of depression. Remember to add foods rich in tryptophan, such as beans, black beans, pumpkin kernels, fish fillets and so on. Lack of magnesium, bananas, grapes, apples, oranges, can bring a relaxed feeling of pleasure.The thick soup contains a variety of free amino acids, so thechicken soup can balance the needs of the body, improve the brain's dopamine and adrenaline, the body is full of vitality and passion, overcome be pessimistic and worldweary mood.When you're worriedThe most important food: oatsModern people can't be without anxiety. There are 10 chances for you to worry during the day. You can have a bowl of cereal in the morning. Oats are rich in vitamin B, and vitamin B helps balance the central nervous system and calms you down.We should eat some light and food containing choline (such as soybean, egg, rice, flour), and foods rich in niacin (such as peanuts, bread, tomatoes, etc.), this is because the combination of choline and nicotinic acid can form acetylcholine, help alleviate the anxiety mood.When you're paranoidFirst food: all kinds of snacksIn the tense work gap, eat a little snacks, you can divert people's sight, relieve anxiety. Because the hope is too high, tense, excessive state, easy to cause people suspicious, and even suffer from insomnia.Eat less, doubts and worries most is pale and thin, which is the main energy and protein intake is too little too low, and can lead to anemia, lack of physical strength. Years ofvegetarian diet, not enough fat, and those contained in animal foods lecithin and carnitine, thereby affecting the use of energy cells, brain tissue affect the synthesis and release of nerve substances. People with zinc deficiency are also prone to depression and emotional instability.Green tea: green tea can relax people's mood, make the spirit in a relaxed and cheerful state.Vegetables: potassium in vegetables helps to calm nerves and stabilize mood.Cordyceps: Cordyceps in the efficacy of righting the foundation, calm and soothe the nerves of the said. Such as Jinshui Bao, bailing capsule and so on.When you're lazyThe most important food: TofuLaziness is a symptom that reflects some kind of deviation in the diet. If excessive salt, salt accumulation in the body, there will be unresponsive, like sleeping and so on. Body acid, as the saying goes limp limp, really is the acid will be lazy. Iron deficiency, eating too monotonous, and do not pay attention to meat collocation feeding people, will be prone to iron deficiency.And tofu contains rich protein, will increase people's alertness level, and enhance the motivation of doing things, so that people in a more active mood.When you're restless and out of focusThe most important foods: eggs, carbohydratesEggs are rich in choline, a form of the vitamin B complex that helps improve memory and concentration. Carbohydrates can trigger the release of insulin and, after a series of chemical reactions, can act as an analgesic, relaxing, and calming agent.When you wrongedThe most important food: BananaWhether you are because the boss is denounced and indignant? Do you feel wronged because your parents don't understand? Bananas can make you laugh at your self-esteem, your depression, your grievance, and your depression.When you lack inspirationMeat first: MeatEat dairy products, meat or fish, and its rich protein can make people quick witted, quick response, energetic.When you're in high fearThe most important food: dessertsEat more vegetables, fruits, chocolate and sugar to regulate people's anxiety and depression.When you miss homeThe most important food: fishEat more fish, especially salmon, sardines and mackerel. Fatty acids and vitamin B12 in fish can help drive negative emotions away.When you lose your jobRecipe 1: Turkey meat. Meat rich in tryptophan.Recipe 2: low fat cheese. Dairy products rich in tyrosine and tryptophan.Recipe 3: germ. Vegetarian food containing rich tyrosine and tryptophan. The embryo is also rich in fiber and can slowly provide sugar to the brain.When you're out of loveRecipe 1: chocolate beans. Chocolate contains a chemical called PEA, has the effect of excitement, can inhibit the pain of losing love.Recipe 2: caviar. Caviar is rich in protein and hormones, it can make a person radiant and energetic. But the price is too expensive, not the general lovelorn can afford to eat.Recipe 3: mint. Peppermint soothes nerves and adds strength. When you're in a bad mood, eating a peppermint can relax your body and see the light.In order to improve depression, you should always pay attention to your eating habits.1, choose light appetizer food, try to new tastes and all kinds of food, in order to mobilize a positive attitude. Usually can also add lemon, bayberry, hawthorn and other fruits, stimulate appetite, in order to facilitate protein, carotene, vitamin C, zinc, iron and other nutrients absorbed.2, no excessive intake of chocolate and coffee. Excessive intake of chocolate and caffeine can lead to depression and increased depression. On the contrary, some nutrients have a stabilizing effect on mood, such as calcium, magnesium and so on. Adults should supplement 1500 mg of calcium and 1000 mg of magnesium per day. In addition, bananas can act as a calming agent.3 quit smoking and drink less. Although cigarettes and alcohol can temporarily relieve depression, bad feelings can come back later. Also, stay away from carbonated drinks, fried foods and other high calorie foods.In the face of life and work pressure, whether you have depression, feeling depressed? So, how can these annoying mood "out"? In fact, as long as you eat food, you will be happy!A mood regulating nutrientTryptophan: must rely on food supplements. Tryptophan absorbed by the body, can synthesize the neurotransmitter 5- serotonin, it is like the body's "messenger", play an effective role in regulating, so that the mood has become calm and pleasant.Tyrosine: a substance needed to maintain brain function. Tyrosine in the body into adrenaline, can enhance the positive attitude.Vitamin B6: maintain normal levels of nerve mediators, including 5-, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc.. Vitamin B6 accumulation in the body to a certain extent, will produce a "antidepressant", to alleviate the role of depression.Vitamin E: helps brain cells maximize oxygen in the blood and activate brain cells.Folic acid: can improve the brain 5- serotonin levels, and effectively combat depression.In fact, a long time ago, it has been observed in food can affect people's mood, the Greek Aristotle and even wrote a paper devoted to different blood people should have different mood food, he even suggested that ministers should be considered when eating the food of the monarch, to report the good news to the monarch or the bad news.People's emotions are closely related to eating and drinking.Some foods can make people happy and peaceful, while some food can make people sad, sad, anxious, angry, even scared and tired.Theoretically speaking, people with melancholic temperament tend to be depressed, and generally speaking, people with depression or exuberant liver Qi are unhappy. That is to say, people born in spring and in autumn are rather melancholy.People born in spring are sentimental and melancholic.How to solve this problem?As the saying goes, the trouble should end it, eat some food Confidante color can make your mood become happy, such as red meat, apple, cherry, red pepper, etc.. Eat animal heart, or fruits of plants can also be melancholy.So the food I recommend to my depressed friends is chicken.In addition to chicken, you can eat more cherries in the fruit.People born in the autumn eat more potatoes.Potato。



n-3多不饱和脂肪酸的抗癌功效及其生物学机制的研究进展贺延苓;黄若安;蔡昌兰【期刊名称】《现代肿瘤医学》【年(卷),期】2018(026)024【摘要】n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids(n-3 PUFA)is a kind of unsaturated fatty acid polymer,which is wide-ly exists in animals and plants.It has a great demand in pharmaceutical,food,nutraceutical applications,and plays a crucial role in diseases prevention and treatments,due to which has a variety of biological benefits.The research from recent papers found that the consumption or intake of n-3 PUFA is beneficial for reducing carcinogenesis risk of hu-man.The aim of this review summerized the evidence of the effects of n-3 PUFA on different type of comman cancer and its anticancer biological mechanisms,is to provide theoretical fundation and innovation basis of application and futher research of n-3 PUFA in anticancer.%n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids,n-3 PUFA)是广泛存在于动物、植物中的具有多种生物学活性的一类多聚不饱和脂肪酸,在疾病治疗和预防中起着重要作用.因此,在医药和食品等行业有广泛的应用.近年来,研究表明n-3 PUFA的摄入能够降低癌变风险.文章主要就n-3 PUFA对几类常见癌症及其生物学机制的研究进展和应用现状进行了综述,以期为n-3 PUFA在抗癌方面的应用和深入研究提供理论依据.【总页数】4页(P4025-4028)【作者】贺延苓;黄若安;蔡昌兰【作者单位】海军总医院,北京 100048;海军总医院,北京 100048;海军总医院,北京100048【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R730.231【相关文献】1.高n-3多不饱和脂肪酸鸡蛋的开发研究进展 [J], 胡涛;刘春雪;洪平2.不同类型n-3多不饱和脂肪酸对心血管疾病的防治作用及其机制研究进展 [J], 马方;杨宜婷;陈则华3.n-3多不饱和脂肪酸的功能及其在家禽生产上的研究进展 [J], 阳金金;王志跃;杨海明;赵凤至;鞠耿越4.n-3多不饱和脂肪酸抑制骨骼肌蛋白异常分解的研究进展 [J], 高颐雄;赵勤;谭信;张坚5.补充n-3多不饱和脂肪酸对妊娠期糖尿病影响的研究进展 [J], 郁诗雯;吕祝武因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



3种海洋鱼油脂肪酸组成及其位置分布张惠君;王兴国;金青哲【摘要】采用米黑根毛霉源固定化脂肪酶(Lipozyme RM IM)对常见的海洋鱼油甘三脂进行水解,分析了凤尾鱼、金枪鱼、三文鱼甘三酯中脂肪酸的组成及位置分布.采用硅胶色谱柱分离3种海洋鱼油甘三脂,利用Lipozyme RM IM的sn-1,3特异性,将酯化在sn-1,3位上的脂肪酸(EFA)水解成游离脂肪酸(FFA),然后通过薄层层析(TLC)分离得到sn-2-单甘酯,再甲酯化后利用气相色谱(GC)测定sn-2位脂肪酸组成,并按照脂肪酸的不饱和程度和n-3,6-多不饱和脂肪酸归类分析海洋鱼油甘三酯中各类脂肪酸位置分布的特点.结果表明:3种海洋鱼油(凤尾鱼油、金枪鱼油、三文鱼油)中不饱和脂肪酸含量达到60%以上,其中单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)占24.67%~33.51%,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)占26.89%~36.15%,而且一半以上PUFA分布在sn-2位,有利于其吸收和提高其耐氧化性;而SFA和MUFA倾向于分布在sn-1,3位上.n-3与n-6 PUFAs之间的比例均>10,均符合FAO/WHO推荐摄入的标准(>4),是理想的n-3PUFA天然营养补充剂.%In this study,the purified triacylglycerols (TAG) of selected marine fish oils (anchovy,tuna and salmon oils) were subjected to stereospecific hydrolysis by an sn-1,3-specific lipase (Lipozyme RM IM) which cleaves selectively the sn-1 and sn-3 position ester bonds of TAG yielding to sn-2-monoglycerides (2-MAG).After lipase hydrolysis,the released free fatty acids and sn-2-MAG were isolated by thin-layer chromatography (TLC).The original TAG and sn-2-MAG were respectively converted to fatty acid methyl esters (FAME),then analyzed by gas chromatography(GC).Results showed that TAG of these marine fish oils were made up of unsaturated fatty acids mainly accountingfor 60%.Polyunsaturated fatty acids are preferentially located at sn-2 position,whose percentage is more than 50%,while saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids are most distributed in sn-1,3 position.The ratio between n-3 and n-6 PUFAs is greater than 10,which is in line with the FAO/WHO recommended intake standard (> 4) and is ideal for n-3 PUFA natural nutritional supplements.【期刊名称】《食品与机械》【年(卷),期】2017(033)009【总页数】5页(P59-63)【关键词】甘三酯;米黑根毛霉源固定化脂肪酶;sn-2-单甘酯;薄层层析;气相色谱【作者】张惠君;王兴国;金青哲【作者单位】江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214122;江南大学国家功能食品工程技术研究中心,江苏无锡214122;江南大学江苏省食品安全与质量控制协同创新中心,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214122;江南大学国家功能食品工程技术研究中心,江苏无锡214122;江南大学江苏省食品安全与质量控制协同创新中心,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品学院,江苏无锡214122;江南大学国家功能食品工程技术研究中心,江苏无锡214122;江南大学江苏省食品安全与质量控制协同创新中心,江苏无锡214122;江南大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,江苏无锡214122【正文语种】中文n-3型多不饱和脂肪酸在人体中具有许多特殊的生理功能。



Aacclimatization [əklaimətaizeiʃən] n环境适应性accumulation [əkju:mjʊ'leiʃ(ə)n]n 积聚,累积,积聚物acetic acid n 乙酸acid [æsid] adj酸味的,酸的尖刻的n〈化〉酸酸味物质acidification [əsidifikeiʃən] n 使发酸,酸化,成酸性ad libitum [æd`libitəm] adv 随意,自由采食additive ['æditiv] n 添加剂algae ['ældӡi:] n 海藻alimentary canal n 食道Amino Acids, their salts and analogues:氨基酸盐及其类似物ammonia [æməunjə]n氨,氨水ammonian n 氨水animal feed ingredient 动物饲料成分antibiotic[æntibai'ɔtik]a(adj)抗菌的n 抗生素antigen ['æntidʒən]n 抗原antinutritional adj 抗营养的appetite ['æpitait] n 食欲,胃applicable ['æplikəbəl] adj 合适的,适用的applicable feed category: 适用饲喂类群appraisal [əpreizəl] n 估计,估量,评价approximate adj 大约的,近似的ash [æʃ]n.灰分assess v 估定,评定attain v 达到,获得attenuate [ətenjueit] vt使变细减弱,贬值aujeszky's disease 伪狂犬病Bbacteria[bæk'tiəriə] n细菌betterment ['betəmənt] n改善,改进BHBA β-羟基丁酸bioavailability[͵baiəuə͵veilə'biliti] n 生物学效价biodiversity [baiəudaivə:siti] n 生物品种biotin ['baiətin]n 生物素,boar[bɔ:]n (未阉割)公猪bovine ['bəuvain] adj 牛的; n牛bovine spongiform encephalopathy 疯牛病breeding ['bri:diŋ] n 生育;育种繁殖;饲养教养;熏陶;训练breeding stock 种畜brucellosis[͵bru:sə'ləusis] n 布鲁氏菌病,地中海热,马耳他热buffer [bʌfə] n 起缓冲作用的人(或物)〈机〉缓冲器,减震器vt 缓冲,减轻buildup 富集,积累bulk milk 散奶,原料奶bulk milk collection 收集牛奶butyric acid n 丁酸Ccalculate [kælkjuleit]vt & vi 计算,估计calf [kɑ:f]n呆子;犊;腓;小牛calving date 分娩日期:对本胎次而言。

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Public Health Nutrition:13(1),63–70doi:10.1017/S1368980009005679 n-3Fatty acid intake from marine food products among Quebecers:comparison to worldwide recommendationsMichel Lucas1,2,*,Genevie`ve Asselin1,Me´lanie Plourde3,Stephen C Cunnane3,E´ric Dewailly2,4and Sylvie Dodin1,51Lucie and Andre´Chagnon Chair for the Teaching of an Integrated Approach in Prevention,Laval University, Saint-Franc¸ois d’Assise Hospital(CHUQ),Que´bec,QC,Canada:2Axe Sante´des populations et environnement, Centre Hospitalier de l’Universite´Laval(CHUL-CHUQ),2875Laurier Blvd,Delta Building#2–Office600,Que´bec,Que´bec(QC)G1V2M2,Canada:3Research Centre on Aging,Sherbrooke University,Sherbrooke, QC,Canada:4Department of Social and Preventive Medicine,Laval University,Sainte-Foy,QC,Canada:5Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Laval University,Que´bec,QC,CanadaSubmitted25July2008:Accepted31March2009:First published online12May2009AbstractObjective:To quantify marine food product consumption and EPA1DHA intakeamong Quebecers,and to compare the results with the most recent recommen-dations.Design:Data were obtained from a representative cross-sectional telephonesurvey(June2006).Intakes of marine food product species and EPA1DHA wereestimated from a validated FFQ on the consumption of marine food productsduring the previous month.Prevalence offish oil consumption in the last6months was also assessed.Setting:Province of Quebec(Canada).Subjects:A representative sample(n1001)of adults in the province of Quebec.Ofthese,eight were excluded from the present analysis(n993).Results:Mean and median EPA1DHA intakes for all participants were estimated tobe291mg/d(SEM11)and207mg/d,respectively.85?0%(95%CI82?7,87?3)ofQuebecers had an EPA1DHA intake lower than500mg/d,which is the amountinternationally recommended for the prevention of CVD.Mean and median DHAintakes among women of childbearing age(n128,18–34years)were estimated tobe169mg/d(SEM17)and126mg/d,respectively.Of these women,27?7%had a daily intake.200mg DHA and15?9%had an intake.300mg DHA.We noted that 13%of Quebecers take$1capsule offish oil/d.Conclusions:Consumption of marine food products and EPA1DHA among Quebecers clearly appears to be lower than international recommendations.Since EPA1DHA confer health benefits and may reduce health costs,strategies to increase their consumption should be implemented to improve public health in Quebec.Keywordsn-3Fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid Docosahexaenoic acidSeafoodFish Marine food productsDecreasing intake of n-3fatty acids and increasing intake of n-6fatty acids are widely considered to be contributing to the rising incidence of many chronic,degenerative diseases(1).However,it has been suggested that n-3from fish and seafood might be the more important factor in total n-3/total n-6ratios,and that the utilisation of ratios is mathematically problematic(2).Fish and seafood contain two n-3long-chain(LC)PUFA–EPA and DHA–both of which appear to be beneficial for the prevention or treatment of CVD(3)and inflammatory disorders,such as rheumatoid arthritis(4).Although humans are technically capable of endogenously synthesising EPA and DHA from the n-3precursor in plants(a-linolenic acid;a-LNA), this conversion is a very inefficient way of increasing DHA in tissues(5).Therefore,in general,EPA and DHA concentrations in blood reflect habitual dietary EPA and DHA intake(6).In CVD prevention,it has been proposed(7)that inter-ventions should initially concentrate on lifestyle factors linked to CVD risk factors(hypertension,hypercholes-terolaemia or diabetes)(8)or nutritional factors for which there is evidence of a protective effect,such as the con-sumption offish,fish oil or marine food products(3). Several organisations recommend n-3LC PUFA to reduce CVD risk,especially sudden death and death from CHD in adults(3,9).n-3LC PUFA may also have beneficial out-comes on mental health(10).A recent evidence-based review of international recommendations for LC n-3fatty*Corresponding author:Email michel.lucas@crchul.ulaval.ca r The Authors2009acids indicates that an intake of500mg/d of EPA and DHA reduces CVD risk(11).This daily EPA and DHA intake has been suggested by several health agencies world-wide(Table1).The intake of n-3LC PUFA during pregnancy and lac-tation is also associated with beneficial effects for mothers and the mental development of their children(10,12).Since the fetus is unable to synthesise sufficient DHA for the development of its nervous system,it depends on the mother for DHA(13).Preformed DHA is preferred for infants and is obtained prenatally via the placenta,post-natally from breast milk,fat stores,supplemented formula and,later,from foods(14,15).Breast-feeding is the pre-ferred method of infant feeding(16).The DHA content of breast milk is strongly positively associated with the fre-quency offish intake and n-3LC PUFA intake(12,16). However,supplementation of breast-feeding mothers with the DHA precursor a-LNA(10?7g/d)fromflaxseed oil does not increase DHA in breast milk(17).Recently,a European collaborative group indicated that providing EPA and DHA at1–2?7g/d to pregnant and lactating women had no significant adverse effects(18).To assure sufficient DHA for fetal and maternal tissue DHA accre-tion,the recommended daily intake of DHA during pregnancy and lactation has been set at200mg by the Perinatal Lipid Intake Working Group(PeriLip)(18),and 300mg by the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids(ISSFAL)(19).In1990,the consumption offish and n-3LC PUFA did not represent a significant part of the diet of Quebe-cers(20,21).Between1990and1992,Sante´-Que´bec,an organisation of the Que´bec Ministry of Health and Social Services,conducted a series of health surveys among southern Quebecers,James Bay Cree(Northwestern Quebec)and Inuit of Nunavik(Northern Quebec).Data from24h dietary recalls revealed that on the day before each survey,mean daily consumption offish was13g for Southern Quebecers,60g for James Bay Cree,and 131g for the Inuit of Nunavik.The dailyfish intake of the Cree and Inuit populations provided,700–900and 2115mg of EPA1DHA,respectively(21).However,fish intake among Southern Quebecers provided,200mg/d of EPA1DHA,a level also observed in the USA(22).In parallel,a natural health product that is becoming more popular in the Canadian population isfish oil or sup-plements containing EPA and DHA.Indeed,according to the2000–2001Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)results,the proportion of Canadians who took fish oil was9?4%(23).Much scientific and lay publicity concerning the benefits of n-3LC PUFA intake has circulated worldwide since Sante´-Que´bec’s health surveys in the1990s(20,21).Although EPA and DHA have recently gained in popularity,little is known about their actual intake by Quebecers.From a public health standpoint,it was therefore important to know the actual EPA1DHA intake of the Quebec popu-lation.To our knowledge,no other recently published studies have attempted to quantifyfish consumption and dietary EPA1DHA intake among Quebecers.The primary objective of the present study was,therefore,to analyse marine food product consumption and EPA1DHA intake among a representative sample of adults from the province of Quebec,and to compare these values with the most recent recommendations(Table1).Subjects and methodsStudy design and participantsData were obtained from a representative cross-sectional telephone survey(n1001)by random digital dialling for the selection of one adult(.18years)per household. During the telephone survey,participants were asked to complete a validated FFQ about marine food products(6). Telephone interviews were conducted by trained inter-viewers from the largest independent market researchTable1International recommendations for EPA and DHASource(date)and referencesRecommendations EPA and DHA(mg/d)UK Committee on MedicalAspects of Food Policy(1994)(24)100–200FNB-IOM,USA(2002)(25)130–270*Eurodiet(2000)(26)200Health Council of theNetherlands(2001)(27)200PeriLip(18)Pregnancy and lactation.200DHAANC(France)(2001)(28)450(DHA,110–120)NHMRC of Australia(2005)(29)430-(women),610-(men) WHO/FAO(2003)(30)400–1000(1–2fish meals/week)UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (2004)(31)Minimum twofish meals/week (one fattyfish)E450ISSFAL Workshop(2004)(32)$500ADA/DC(2007)(33)Twofish meals/week(fattyfish),8oz cookedfish E500AHA/AHA Nutrition Committee (2002,2006)(3,34)Twofish meals/week(fattyfish) E430–570ISSFAL Expert Workshop650(1999)(35)Pregnancy and lactation.300DHANATO Workshop(1989)(36)800British Nutrition Foundation(1992)(37)1100-AHA(2002)(3)1000(2nd CHD prevention)European Society ofCardiology(2003)(38)1000(2nd CHD prevention)a-LNA,alpha-linolenic acid(18:3n-3);ADA,American Dietetic Association;AHA,American Heart Association;ANC,Apports nutritionnels conseille´s;DC,Dietitians of Canada;DHA(22:6n-3);EPA(20:5n-3);FNB-IOM,Foodand Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies ofScience;ISSFAL,International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids andLipids;NATO,North Atlantic Treaty Organization;NHMRC,National Healthand Medical Research Council;PeriLip,Perinatal Lipid Intake WorkingGroup.*EPA and DHA can contribute up to10%of total n-3intake and,therefore,up to this percentage can contribute toward the adequate intake of a-LNA(18:3n-3)(1?3–2?7g/d).-n-3long-chain PUFA:EPA,DHA,DPA(docosapentaenoic acid,22:5n-3).64M Lucas et al.firm in Canada–Le´ger Marketing(Montre´al).Sampler software(ASDE Survey Sampler Inc.,Gatineau,QC, Canada)selected the random sampling population.The margin of error for the95%CI of this survey was63?4%. The response rate was56?9%.Among the1001participants interviewed,eight gave aberrant answers to questions on marine food product consumption(e.g.twenty meals of 226g or8oz/week)and were,therefore,excluded from the present analysis(n993).Gender,age,occupation,level of education,income and region were available for each respondent.Furthermore,a weight was established for each respondent according to the latest data from Statistics Canada regarding region,maternal language,gender and age.Therefore,the data presented in the present paper were obtained from weighted data and represented the adult population of Quebec as a whole.Assessment of marine food product intakeData on the consumption of marine food products were generated by completion of a validated FFQ,which evaluated marine food product intake within the last month.Validation and more details of the FFQ have been given elsewhere(6).Briefly,the FFQ was validated by measuring the relationship between baseline EPA1DHA intake assessed by this FFQ and EPA1DHA concentra-tion in red blood cells(RBC)among a sample of middle-aged women(n65)participating in a randomised clinical trial.Analyses indicated that baseline EPA1DHA intake, measured by our FFQ,correlated reasonably well (Spearman’s r50?42,P50?0005)with EPA1DHA con-centration in RBC at baseline.The FFQ had two principal questions.Thefirst question referred to the portion size offish consumed:‘In general,what is the portion size that corresponds best to your habitual consumption when you eatfish?’The second question of the FFQ was aimed at knowing the frequency of marine food products con-sumed:‘Based on your food consumption of the last month,how many times did you consume the following marine food products?’The questionnaire included seven groups of marine food products:(i)oilyfish(fresh or canned salmon,herring,mackerel,sardines);(ii)canned tuna;(iii)trout or halibut;(iv)whitefish(sole,rockfish, haddock,cod,etc.);(v)molluscs(mussels,oysters,clams, scallops);(vi)crustaceans(shrimps,crabs,lobsters,etc.); (vii)imitation crab.Based on the2005Canadian Nutrient File of Health Canada(39),each of these groups of marine food products was assigned an amount of EPA and DHA.A question concerningfish oil consumption was also added to the FFQ:‘Over the last6months,what was your fish oil supplement consumption(capsules containing marine omega-3fatty acids)?’Statistical analysisThe statistical distribution of marine food product and EPA1DHA intakes was found to be skewed.Therefore, log transformation was undertaken to compare marine food product and EPA1DHA intakes relative to socio-economic characteristics.Arithmetic means were also calculated to facilitate comparisons with other studies. Student’s t test was only used to compare EPA1DHA intake between genders.An ANOVA test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons compared EPA1 DHA intake according to other participant characteristics (age,occupation,level of education and income).Geo-metric mean values(95%CI)were presented for com-parisons according to participants’characteristics.The x2test was performed to compare the proportion of Quebecers who had an intake lower than the interna-tional recommendation for CVD protection(500mg EPA1DHA/d),according to gender.Since DHA intake is a key nutrient during pregnancy and lactating periods,we extracted data on this parameter among women of childbearing age(n128,18–34years).DHA intake of these women was compared to the daily intake recom-mended during pregnancy and lactation by PeriLip (.200mg/d)(18)or ISSFAL(.300mg/d)(19).Statistical analyses were conducted with the SAS program for Windows v?9(SAS Institute Inc.,Cary,NC,USA).Differ-ences between groups and associations were considered significant at P#0?05(bilateral).ResultsDemographic characteristics of the study respondents are presented in Table2.Among the993adults who responded to the survey,forty-two had missing information on portion size,leaving951subjects for the estimation of intakes of marine food products and EPA1DHA.Of these,a total of 109subjects(11?5%)were non-consumers of marine food Table2Characteristics of the study subjects(n993) Characteristics% Female51?9 Age(years)18–2412?2 25–4439?0 45–6432?4 $6516?3 Family income in2005,$1999911?7 $20000to$3900026?1 $40000to$9900036?2 $$10000010?8 Don’t know/refuse to answer15?3 EducationPrimary school(,7years)6?1 Secondary school(8–12years)36?1 College degree24?4 University degree33?4 OccupationStudent8?5 Unemployed3?1 At home7?2 Workers59?3 Retired21?9n-3Fatty acid intake among Quebecers65products.Mean intakes (g/d)of oily fish,canned tuna,trout or halibut,white fish,molluscs,crustaceans and imitation crab were 12?0(SD 16?4),7?3(SD 13?3),3?6(SD 8?3),5?6(SD 10?7),1?6(SD 4?0),4?9(SD 7?7)and 1?7(SD 6?4),respectively.Their EPA 1DHA contributions (mg/d)were 179(SD 244),28(SD 50),34(SD 77),19(SD 36),8(SD 20),14(SD 22)and 11(SD 39),respectively.Total fish intake was 28?4g/d (SD 31?7)and contributed to an EPA 1DHA intake of 258mg/d (SD 307).The mean intake of total marine food products was 36?6g/d (SD 37?7).However,the median intakes of oily fish,total fish and marine food products were 7,19and 28g/d,respectively.Mean and median EPA 1DHA intakes were estimated to be 291mg/d (SD 328)and 207mg/d,respectively.The geometric mean of EPA 1DHA intake was 217mg/d (95%CI 203,232).EPA 1DHA intakes were not statisti-cally different between men and women (t 84051?26,P 50?2097).However,the proportion of Quebecers who had an intake ,500mg EPA 1DHA/d was 85?0%(95%CI 82?7,87?3),and was higher among males (88?8%,95%CI 85?9,91?7)than females (81?5%,95%CI 78?0,84?9)(x 2510?0,P 50?0015).EPA 1DHA intakes increased progressively with age (P trend 50?0389),income (P trend 50?0020)and education (P trend 50?0441)(data not presented).No statistical differences (P .0?05)were noted for geometric means of EPA 1DHA intake according to age or education groups.Among people with income ,$20000,the geometric mean of EPA 1DHA intake was 151mg/d (95%CI 121,188)and was significantly lower (P ,0?05)–by about 79mg –com-pared to other income classes.Mean and median DHA intakes among women of childbearing age (n 128)were estimated to be 169mg/d (SD 198)and 126mg/d,respectively.The geometric mean of DHA intake among these women (n 111)was 127mg/d (95%CI 104,155).The proportions of womenof childbearing age who had adequate DHA intake,as recommended by PeriLip (.200mg/d DHA)and ISSFAL (.300mg/d DHA),were 27?7%(95%CI 20?4,35?1%)and 15?9%(95%CI 9?9,21?9%),respectively.The prevalence of fish oil capsule consumption (n 993)was 20?7%,with 13%taking $1capsule of fish oil/d.The prevalence of fish oil consumption (x 250?81,P 50?369)and taking $1capsule of fish oil/d (x 250?40,P 50?529)was not significantly different between men and women.Among women,the rate of $1capsule of fish oil/d was three times higher among older compared to younger women ($45years 519?1%v.,45years 56?2%,P ,0?0001).However,this difference was not observed among males ($45years 53?9%v.,45years 59?8%,P 50?18).Among participants aged 45–64years,the rate of $1capsule of fish oil/d was two times higher among women than men (OR 52?0,95%CI 1?05,3?79).The weekly portions of each marine food category of the FFQ that are needed to attain international recommendations of 500mg/d of EPA 1DHA are shown in Fig.1.DiscussionIn a representative sample of adults in the province of Quebec,we estimated mean and median EPA 1DHA intakes to be 291mg/d and 207mg/d,respectively.Sev-eral organisations have recognised the importance of consuming marine food products as well as n -3LC PUFA to reduce the risks of CVD.In its recent revision of diet and lifestyle recommendations (2006),the American Heart Association urged the consumption of two fish meals per week (preferably fatty fish),which is equivalent to 430–570mg of EPA and DHA daily (34).A review of the risks and benefits of fish consumption suggested that a modest intake of fish (1–2fish meals/week),especiallyCrustaceans White fish Canned tunaMolluscs Imitation crab T rout and halibutOily fishWeekly portions a (number/week) needed to attain 500mg EPA +DHA/d1234567891011Fig.1Quantity of weekly portions*needed to attain the international recommendation of 500mg EPA 1DHA/d.This daily EPA and DHA intake has been suggested by several health agencies worldwide (see Table 1)(*1portion 5113g (4oz)cooked;DHA,22:6n -3;EPA,20:5n -3)66M Lucas et al.those rich in EPA and DHA,decreases the risk of CHD death by36%(40).Analysis offifteen randomised clinical trials indicates that n-3LC PUFA reduce total mortality by 17%(40).A daily intake of E500mg of EPA and DHA has been chosen by many organisations as a target for CVD risk reduction(11).Only15?0%of the Quebecers we surveyed had a self-proclaimed EPA1DHA intake$500mg/d. Moreover,the median intake of oilyfish among these Quebecers was49g/week,which is equivalent to about one oilyfish meal pared to Western populations,the Japanese CHD death rate is very low and EPA1DHA intake is very high(41).In our population, twofish meals/week is the target,whereas among the Japanese,the reference group(the lowest)is often com-prised of those who eat1–2fish meals/week.Among the women of childbearing age we surveyed, mean intake of DHA was169mg/d(SEM17),a result agreeing with that of Innis and Elias who reported on fifty-five pregnant women in British Columbia(42).They administered an FFQ between weeks28and35of preg-nancy,and noted a mean DHA intake of160mg/d(SEM20), with16%of women they surveyed consuming.300mg DHA/d.Similarly,we observed that15?9%of women of childbearing age had a DHA intake.300mg/d,and27?7% had a DHA intake.200mg/d.Based on dietary intakes from a3d food record among twenty pregnant women from Ontario,Denomme et al.noted a mean DHA intake of82mg/d(SEM33)(43).The third trimester of pregnancy is a critical growth period that is highly susceptible to nutri-tional insults(16).Clandinin et al.suggested that80%of the DHA present in the human brain at birth accumulates during the third trimester(44).DHA levels in the brain increase in parallel with rapid brain growth(45),from the third trimester through thefirst years of life,and are closely linked to the presence of DHA in the infant’s diet(15). Combining our present results with two Canadian studies among pregnant women(42,43),it seems clear that DHA intake among women of childbearing age or pregnant women in Canada is lower than what is recommended for pregnancy and lactation.Thesefindings indicate a need for studies addressing the effects of low DHA intake on pregnancy outcomes and infant neurodevelopment in Canada.To our knowledge,no other recently published studies have attempted to quantifyfish consumption and dietary EPA1DHA intake among Quebecers.In our present work,mean intakes of totalfish and total marine food products were28?4g/d and36?6g/d,respectively.In the 1990Sante´-Que´bec survey among Quebecers,fish intake was determined by FFQ administered by a nutritionist during face-to-face interviews at home.The FFQ mea-sured consumption during the month before the survey and included only twofish items:fish and friedfish.Each participant was asked to provide the usual frequency of consumption and the usual portion size.The participants’reported meanfish intake was95g/week during the month before the survey.The median intake of totalfish consumed was55g/week.In the present study,median intake of oilyfish and totalfish was49g/week and134g/ week,respectively.This divergence in results between the1990survey and our present survey can probably be explained by the proportion of non-consumers offish in the1990Sante´-Que´bec survey,which was43?3%in 1990but was only11?5%in our survey.The different results may also be due to the use of two very different questionnaires.The FFQ in the present study evaluated the consumption of seven categories of marine food products,whereas the questionnaire in the1990Sante´-Que´bec survey had only two questions,one of them on friedfish.EPA1DHA in RBC,a biomarker of marine n-3 fatty acid consumption,correlates very well with the risk of CHD death(46)and with human myocardial n-3con-centration(47).EPA1DHA intake measured by our FFQ correlated reasonably well with EPA1DHA concentra-tion in RBC(Spearman’s r50?42,P50?0005)(6).In North America,an increasing number of persons are turning to natural health products(48).Indeed,according to2000–2001CCHS results,the proportion of Canadians who tookfish oil was9?4%(23).In the present study,we noted that20?7%of participants consumedfish oil cap-sules,with13%ingesting$1capsule offish oil/d.Among women,the rate of$1capsule offish oil/d was three times higher among older compared to younger women, but this difference was not observed among males.In the CCHS,the prevalence of past2d natural health product use was1?5–2times higher in women between the ages of36and75,than men of the same age group(23). However,among participants aged45–64years,we noted that the rate of$1capsule offish oil/d was two times higher among women than men.This confirms the fact that middle-aged women are important consumers of natural health products(23).However,we did not ask about the format or n-3concentration offish oil taken and we were,therefore,unable to estimate EPA and DHA intake fromfish oil.Since13%of the Quebecers we surveyed take more than1fish oil capsule/d,the EPA1 DHA intake among some Quebecers is probably higher than the level estimated by only the FFQ.In addition,the dietary EPA and DHA intakes of Quebecers might be higher than we estimated because a low level of those n-3 fatty acids might be provided by chicken and regular egg consumption(an additional contribution of E30mg of EPA1DHA/d)(39).Moreover,EPA1DHA intake may be even higher if Quebecers consume food products,such as eggs,yoghurts,milk,cheese and beverages,fortified with these n-3fatty acids.Our study has a number of limitations.Data collection by telephone survey is relatively quick and inexpensive, but it has the problem of growing coverage and falling response rates.Indeed,the major biases with telephone surveys are observational errors(or sampling errors),such as non-coverage bias,non-response bias(non-participation)n-3Fatty acid intake among Quebecers67and sampling bias(49).Because of the trend away from fixed landlines to cellular phones,the non-coverage bias is becoming a major problem in telephone survey research.Even if ownership of cellular phones is high among Quebecers(46%),most of these adults also have landline telephone service(Le´ger Marketing,personal communication).Indeed,98–99%of Quebecers have a fixed landline phone,and only1%has no service at all.It is generally accepted that the response rate to telephone surveys is decreasing(50).Reports have indicated that for response rates in the40–70%range,non-response bias does not appear to significantly affect survey esti-mates(51,52).A comparison of non-responses in surveys revealed that face-to-face situations had the highest completion rate,telephone surveys,the next highest, and mail surveys,the lowest(53).Our response rate was 56?9%.Moreover,our results were weighted according to the latest Statistics Canada data to make the sample representative of the adult Quebec population.Taken together,these potential sampling errors are unlikely to have seriously influenced ourfindings.Other limitations could be attributed to the fact that our FFQ has been validated in face-to-face interviews among middle-aged women(6).However,conversion of a-LNA to EPA or DHA has been suggested to be higher among young women due to oestrogen(54).Nevertheless,if the a-LNA conversion rate is likely higher among women compared to men,it indicates that the relationship between EPA1DHA intakes and RBC EPA1DHA con-centrations might be at least equal,or superior,to that in men.However,data from our validation study were self-reported.Therefore,the results might be different since distinct modes of administration of the FFQ were used. Another limitation that affects every FFQ or any estimated nutrient intake tool is the utilisation of nutrient databases that might not adequately reflect temporal changes in food composition(55).Moreover,dietary EPA and DHA may vary considerably in the samefish species.We pre-viously noted,that EPA1DHA in skinlessfillets(100g raw)of farmed Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout ranged, respectively,between414–1460mg and263–1334mg(56). In addition,intakes of EPA and DHA can be very different if consumers eat only skinlessfillets or subcutaneous fat. If the recommendation to consume twofish meals/ week is to become the norm in the Quebec population, modifications of the food environment and public health strategies are warranted.To reach the international recommendation of500mg of EPA1DHA/d,two meals (113g or4oz)per week of oilyfish are required,whereas nine meals of whitefish would be needed(Fig.1).Con-sumption of fattyfish,such as salmon,herring,mackerel or sardines,is the cheapest and easiest way to increase EPA1DHA intake.However,a large proportion of the population is unable or unwilling to consume EPA1DHA fromfish alone.In fact,only one-third of the participants reported an oilyfish intake of$1meal/week.Alternative strategies would be the intake offish oil capsules or increased intake of foods enriched with n-3LC PUFA. Even iffish oil capsules are associated with health ben-efits(4,9,10)and with reduced health costs from secondary CHD prevention(57,58),fish and seafood are still preferred because they contain nutrients other than n-3fatty acids and,thus,represent an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion,the estimated intake of marine food pro-ducts and EPA1DHA among adult Quebecers is much lower than international recommendations.Since n-3LC PUFA confer health benefits and may reduce health costs, strategies to increase their consumption should be imple-mented to improve public health in Quebec. AcknowledgementsThe present study was supported in part by grants from the Lucie and Andre´Chagnon Chair of Laval University, the Department of Medicine,Sherbrooke University (post-doctoral fellowship to M.P.),Canada Research Chairs and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council(S.C.C.).None of the authors have reported any financial or personal conflict of interest to the present manuscript.As the principal investigator,M.L.had full access to the study data,and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the data analysis.The contributions of each author in this work are as follows: study concept and design–M.L.,G.A.and S.D.;devel-opment of the FFQ and analysis of the data–M.L.;data interpretation–M.L.,G.A.,M.P.,S.C.C.,E.D.and S.D.; drafting the manuscript–M.L.,M.P.and S.C.C.;critical revision of the manuscript–M.L.,G.A.,M.P.,S.C.C.,E.D. and S.D.The authors also express their gratitude to all participants in this survey.References1.Simopoulos AP(2006)Evolutionary aspects of diet,theomega-6/omega-3ratio and genetic variation:nutritional implications for chronic diseases.Biomed Pharmacother 60,502–507.2.Harris WS(2006)The omega-6/omega-3ratio and cardio-vascular disease risk:uses and abuses.Curr Atheroscler Rep 8,453–459.3.Kris-Etherton PM,Harris WS&Appel LJ(2002)AHAScientific Statement.Fish consumption,fish oil,omega-3 fatty acids,and cardiovascular disease.Circulation106, 2747–2757.4.Calder PC(2006)n-3polyunsaturated fatty acids,inflam-mation,and inflammatory diseases.Am J Clin Nutr83, 6Suppl.,1505S–1519S.5.Plourde M&Cunnane S(2007)Extremely limited synthesisof long chain polyunsaturates in adults:implications for their dietary essentiality and use as supplements.Appl Physiol Nutr Metab32,619–634.6.Lucas M,Asselin G,Me´rette C,Poulin MJ&Dodin S(2008)Validation of an FFQ for evaluation of EPA and DHA intake.Public Health Nutr(Epublication ahead of print version).68M Lucas et al.。
