Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion
这时,可以将励磁电流作为变量,然后扫描之,具体操作为:右键Optimetrics,选择add parametric,通过add定义励磁电流变化范围。
在calculations里面,点击左下角setup calculations,report type选择transient,parameter选择moving1,category选择winding,quantity 选择A相induced voltage,function选择none。
这时,点击add calculation,done,就会发现出现红叉叉,系统提示“calculation must be a dimension reducing ranged function,when using solution'setup1:transient'”。
之所以出现这个错误,原因就在于定义的A相induced voltage是一个函数,是随时间变化的量,而软件要求A相induced voltage也就是calculation expression必须是“single, real number”,因此在上述操作的基础上,还需点击右上角的Range function,category选择math,function选择rms,点击ok。
这时,再add calculation,done,就正确了。
现在,该知道错在哪里,以及如何避免出错了吧?其实,setup calculations功能完全多此一举,即使这个地方不设置,求解完成后,后处理一样可以得到表达式与扫描量的关系,不会的同学可自己试着发掘一下Maxwellhelp文件为Maxwell2D/3D的瞬态求解设置铁芯损耗一、铁损定义(coreloss definition)铁损的计算属性定义(CalculatingPropertiesforCoreLoss(BPCurve)要提取损耗特征的外特性(BP曲线),先在View/EditMaterial对话框中设置损耗类型(CoreLoss Type)是硅钢片(ElectricalSteel)还是铁氧体(PowerFerrite)。
关键字:变电所;短路电流计算;微机保护;防雷保护35/10KV Power System Design of Substation in Coal MineAbstract35kV substation is an important part of the coal mine supply system, which provides power protection for the whole mine. Reliable operation of the substation power supply system is very important and significant for economic efficiency and safety production of coal mine.This graduation project is about power systems preliminary design of A Coal Mine. The design includes load calculations, transformer selection, the main wiring design, short circuit calculations, electrical equipment selection, microcomputer protection setting, substation lightning protection and grounding. According to the results of load statistics, make load calculation with demanding coefficient method. Determine the number of the main transformer, load capacity and type of the transformer based on the results of load calculation. Calculate short circuit current for power supply system with Per-unit value method in order to provide data for the selection and verification of electrical equipment. According to the characteristics of coal-powered systems, make substation main wiring, mode of operation,relay protection programs and so on. Taking the possible leakage phenomenon of electrical equipment and substation was struck by lightning into account, make grounding and lightning protection for substation.Keywords: substation; short circuit calculations;microcomputer protection; lightning protection目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)前言 (1)第一章概述 (2)1.1设计内容 (2)1.2煤矿概述 (2)第二章负荷计算和无功补偿 (3)2.1负荷计算的目的 (3)2.2负荷计算方法 (3)2.2.1 用电设备组计算负荷的确定 (3)2.2.2 多个用电设备组的计算负荷 (4)2.3 负荷计算过程 (5)2.3.1各用电设备组负荷计算 (5)2.3.2 10kV侧补偿前的总计算负荷 (20)2.4无功补偿 (20)2.4.1 无功补偿计算 (20)第三章.变电所主变压器选型 (23)3.1 变电所主变压器的选型原则 (23)3.1.1 主变压器容量选型原则 (23)3.1.2 变压器台数选型原则 (24)3.2变压器的功率损耗 (26)3.2.1 变压器的有功功率损耗计算 (27)3.2.2变压器的无功功率损耗 (27)3.3 35kV侧全矿计算负荷及功率因数校验 (28)3.4 变压器经济运行分析方法 (28)3.4.1无功功率经济当量的概念 (28)3.4.2变压器的经济运行 (29)第四章.电气主接线设计 (33)4.1 对主接线的基本要求 (33)4.2 本所电气主接线方案的确定 (33)第五章.短路电流分析与计算 (35)5.1 短路的概述 (35)5.1.1 短路的种类 (35)5.1.2 短路电流计算的目的 (36)5.2 短路电流的危害 (37)5.3 短路电流计算的目的与基本条件 (37)5.3.1 进行短路计算得基本假设 (37)5.4 无限大容量电源系统三相短路电流计算 (38)5.4.1 标幺值计算的概念及优点 (38)5.4.2 短路电流计算中用到的相关物理量 (38)5.4.3短路功率Sk (39)5.4.4各路径元件阻抗计算公式 (40)5.4.5各元件短路阻抗标幺值计算 (40)5.5 短路电流计算过程 (42)5.5.1短路电流计算公式 (42)5.5.2最大运行方式 (43)5.5.3最小运行方式 (46)5.5.4 短路计算参数汇总表 (49)第六章.变电所一次设备的选型与校验 (51)6.1 高压电气设备选型原则 (51)6.2 高压开关柜设备的选型及校验 (52)6.2.1 35kV 侧高压开关柜的选型及校验 (52)6.2.2 10kV 侧高压开关柜的选型及校验 (58)6.3 设备选型汇总表 (62)第七章.电力线路的选型 (64)7.1 概述 (64)7.2 电力线路选型的原则 (64)7.2.1 供电可靠性 (64)7.2.2 操作方便,运行安全灵活 (64)7.2.3 经济合理 (64)7.2.4 具有发展的可能性 (65)7.3 35KV架空线的选型与校验 (65)7.4 10kV 电缆及架空线的选型与校验 (67)第八章.供电系统微机保护 (74)8.1 微机继电保护综述 (74)8.1.1 微机继电保护的主要特点 (74)8.1.2 微机继电保护与传统的继电保护技术相比的优缺点 (75)8.2微机继电保护的硬件原理: (77)8.2.1数据采集系统 (77)8.2.2 CPU主系统 (77)8.2.3开关量输入/输出回路 (78)8.2.4 微机继电保护实物图 (80)8.2.4 微机继电保护的算法 (80)8.3 微机继电保护的软件原理 (81)8.3.1 微机继电保护装置的软件构成 (81)8.3.2 微机保护的软件设计 (83)8.4 35/6KV供电系统微机保护汇总表 (83)KLD-9331微机变压器差动保护装置 (83)KLD-9371微机PT监测切换装置 (84)8.5 变压器的微机保护 (84)8.5.1 变压器的瓦斯保护 (84)8.5.2 微机变压器的差动保护装置 (85)8.5.3 变压器的过流保护 (86)8.6 备用电源自投保护测控装置 (86)8.6.1 装置功能及适用范围 (87)8.6.2 一次接线示意图: (87)第九章.变电所的防雷与接地 (88)9.1 变电所防雷 (88)9.1.1 常用的防雷保护装置 (88)9.1.2变电所的防雷措施 (89)9.2 变电所接地 (89)9.2.1 接地的要求 (90)9.2.2 接地的种类 (90)9.2.3回路式接地装置 (90)结论 (92)致谢 (93)参考文献 (94)前言本设计针对某A煤矿实际情况,进行供电系统设计解决矿山实际问题,即巩固了所学的专业知识,又培养分析问题、解决问题的能力及实际工程设计的基本技能,还学会查阅技术资料和各种文献的方法,最终掌握煤矿供电系统设计的基本方法。
CDM方法学ACM0002 ver12
CDM – Executive Board ACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01EB 56 Approved consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0002“Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connectedelectricity generation from renewable sources”I. SOURCE, DEFINITIONS AND APPLICABILITYSourcesThis consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology is based on elements from the following proposed new methodologies:•NM0001-rev: Vale do Rosario Bagasse Cogeneration (VRBC) project in Brazil whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document were prepared byEconergy International Corporation;•NM0012-rev: Wigton Wind Farm Project in Jamaica whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document were prepared by Ecosecurities ltd;•NM0023: El Gallo Hydroelectric Project, Mexico whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document were prepared by Prototype Carbon Fund(approved by the CDM Executive Board on 14 April 2004);•NM0024-rev: Colombia: Jepirachi Windpower Project whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document were prepared by Prototype Carbon Fund;•NM0030-rev: Haidergarh Bagasse Based Co-generation Power Project in India whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document was submitted byHaidergarh Chini Mills, a unit of Balrampur Chini Mills Limited;•NM0036: Zafarana Wind Power Plant Project in the Arab Republic of Egypt whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document were prepared byMitsubishi Securities;•NM0043: Bayano Hydroelectric Expansion and Upgrade Project in Panama whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document were prepared byEconergy International Corporation;•NM0055: Darajat Unit III Geothermal Project in Indonesia whose Baseline study, Monitoring and Verification Plan and Project Design Document were prepared by URS Corporation andAmoseas Indonesia Inc.This methodology also refers to the latest approved versions of the following tools:•Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system;•Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality;•Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality;•Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion.CDM – Executive Board ACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01EB 56 For more information regarding the proposed new methodologies and the tools as well as their consideration by the CDM Executive Board (the Board) please refer to<>.Selected approach from paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures“Existing actual or historical emissions, as applicable”.or“Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment”.DefinitionsFor the purpose of this methodology, the following definitions apply:Installed power generation capacity (or installed capacity or nameplate capacity). The installed power generation capacity of a power unit is the capacity, expressed in Watts or one of its multiples, for which the power unit has been designed to operate at nominal conditions. The installed power generation capacity of a power plant is the sum of the installed power generation capacities of its power units. Capacity addition. A capacity addition is an increase in the installed power generation capacity of an existing power plant through: (i) the installation of a new power plant beside the existing powerplant/units, or (ii) the installation of new power units, additional to the existing power plant/units. The existing power plant/units continue to operate after the implementation of the project activity.Retrofit (or Rehabilitation or Refurbishment). A retrofit is an investment to repair or modify an existing power plant/unit, with the purpose to increase the efficiency, performance or power generation capacity of the plant, without adding new power plants or units, or to resume the operation of closed (mothballed) power plants. A retrofit restores the installed power generation capacity to or above its original level. Retrofits shall only include measures that involve capital investments and not regular maintenance or housekeeping measures.Replacement. Investment in a new power plant or unit that replaces one or several existing unit(s) at the existing power plant. The new power plant or unit has the same or a higher power generation capacity than the plant or unit that was replaced.Existing reservoir. A reservoir is to be considered as an “existing reservoir” if it has been in operation for at least three years before the implementation of the project activity.In addition, the definitions in the latest approved version of the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system” apply.ApplicabilityThis methodology is applicable to grid-connected renewable power generation project activities that (a) install a new power plant at a site where no renewable power plant was operated prior to the implementation of the project activity (greenfield plant); (b) involve a capacity addition; (c) involve a retrofit of (an) existing plant(s); or (d) involve a replacement of (an) existing plant(s).CDM – Executive Board ACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01EB 56 The methodology is applicable under the following conditions:•The project activity is the installation, capacity addition, retrofit or replacement of a power plant/unit of one of the following types: hydro power plant/unit (either with a run-of-riverreservoir or an accumulation reservoir), wind power plant/unit, geothermal power plant/unit,solar power plant/unit, wave power plant/unit or tidal power plant/unit;•In the case of capacity additions, retrofits or replacements (except for wind, solar, wave or tidal power capacity addition projects which use Option 2: on page 10 to calculate the parameterEG PJ,y): the existing plant started commercial operation prior to the start of a minimum historical reference period of five years, used for the calculation of baseline emissions and defined in thebaseline emission section, and no capacity expansion or retrofit of the plant has been undertakenbetween the start of this minimum historical reference period and the implementation of theproject activity;•In case of hydro power plants, one of the following conditions must apply:o The project activity is implemented in an existing reservoir, with no change in the volume of reservoir; oro The project activity is implemented in an existing reservoir, where the volume of reservoir is increased and the power density of the project activity, as per definitions given in theProject Emissions section, is greater than 4 W/m2; oro The project activity results in new reservoirs and the power density of the power plant, as per definitions given in the Project Emissions section, is greater than 4 W/m2.The methodology is not applicable to the following:•Project activities that involve switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources at the site of the project activity, since in this case the baseline may be the continued use of fossil fuels atthe site;•Biomass fired power plants;•Hydro power plants1 that result in new reservoirs or in the increase in existing reservoirs where the power density of the power plant is less than 4 W/m2.In the case of retrofits, replacements, or capacity additions, this methodology is only applicable if the most plausible baseline scenario, as a result of the identification of baseline scenario, is “the continuation of the current situation, i.e. to use the power generation equipment that was already in use prior to the implementation of the project activity and undertaking business as usual maintenance”.In addition, the applicability conditions included in the tools referred to above apply.21 Project participants wishing to undertake a hydroelectric project activity that result in a new reservoir or an increase in the existing reservoir, in particular where reservoirs have no significant vegetative biomass in the catchments area, may request a revision to the approved consolidated methodology.2 The condition in the “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality” that all potential alternative scenarios to the proposed project activity must be available options to project participants does not apply to this methodology, as this methodology only refers to some steps of this tool.CDM – Executive Board ACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01EB 56 II. BASELINE METHODOLOGY PROCEDUREIdentification of the baseline scenarioIf the project activity is the installation of a new grid-connected renewable power plant/unit, the baseline scenario is the following:Electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity would have otherwise been generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation sources, as reflected in the combined margin (CM) calculations described in the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system”.If the project activity is a capacity addition to existing grid-connected renewable power plant/unit, the baseline scenario is the following:In the absence of the CDM project activity, the existing facility would continue to supply electricity to the grid at historical levels, until the time at which the generation facility would likely be replaced or retrofitted (DATE BaselineRetrofit). From that point of time onwards, the baseline scenario is assumed to correspond to the project activity, and no emission reductions are assumed to occur.If the project activity is the retrofit or replacement of existing grid-connected renewable powerplant/unit(s) at the project site, the following step-wise procedure to identify the baseline scenario shall be applied:Step 1: Identify realistic and credible alternative baseline scenarios for power generationApply Step 1 of the “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality”. The options considered should include:P1:The project activity not implemented as a CDM project;P2:The continuation of the current situation, i.e. to use all power generation equipment that was already in use prior to the implementation of the project activity and undertaking business as usual maintenance. The additional power generated under the project would be generated in existingand new grid-connected power plants in the electricity system; andP3:All other plausible and credible alternatives to the project activity that provide an increase in the power generated at the site, which are technically feasible to implement. This includes, inter alia, different levels of replacement and/or retrofit at the power plant/unit(s). Only alternativesavailable to project participants should be taken into account.Step 2: Barrier analysisApply Step 2 of the “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality”. Step 3: Investment analysisIf this option is used, apply the following:•Apply an investment comparison analysis, as per Step 3 of the “Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality”, if more than one alternative is remaining afterStep 2 and if the remaining alternatives include scenarios P1 and P3;CDM – Executive BoardACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01 EB 56• Apply a benchmark analysis, as per Step 2b of the “Tool for the demonstration and assessment ofadditionality”, if more than one alternative is remaining after Step 2 and if the remainingalternatives include scenarios P1 and P2.AdditionalityThe additionality of the project activity shall be demonstrated and assessed using the latest version of the“Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality” agreed by the Board, which is available onthe UNFCCC CDM website.Project boundaryThe spatial extent of the project boundary includes the project power plant and all power plants connectedphysically to the electricity system 3 that the CDM project power plant is connected to.The greenhouse gases and emission sources included in or excluded from the project boundary are shownin Table 1.Table 1: Emissions sources included in or excluded from the project boundary SourceGas Included? Justification / Explanation CO 2 Yes Main emission source CH 4 No Minor emission source B a s e l i n e CO 2 emissions from electricity generation in fossil fuel fired power plants that are displaced due to the project activityN 2O No Minor emission source CO 2 Yes Main emission source CH 4 Yes Main emission source For geothermal power plants, fugitiveemissions of CH 4 and CO 2 from non-condensable gases contained in geothermalsteamN 2O No Minor emission source CO 2 Yes Main emission source CH 4 No Minor emission source CO 2 emissions from combustion of fossilfuels for electricity generation in solarthermal power plants and geothermalpower plantsN 2O No Minor emission source CO 2 No Minor emission source CH 4 Yes Main emission sourceP r o j e c t a c t i v i t y For hydro power plants, emissions of CH 4from the reservoir N 2O No Minor emission sourceProject emissionsFor most renewable power generation project activities, PE y = 0. However, some project activities mayinvolve project emissions that can be significant. These emissions shall be accounted for as projectemissions by using the following equation:y HP,y GP,y FF,y PE PE PE PE ++= (1) 3 Refer to the latest approved version of the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system” fordefinition of an electricity system.CDM – Executive BoardACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01 EB 56Where:PE y= Project emissions in year y (tCO 2e/yr) PE FF,y= Project emissions from fossil fuel consumption in year y (tCO 2/yr) PE GP,y= Project emissions from the operation of geothermal power plants due to the release of non-condensable gases in year y (tCO 2e/yr)PE HP,y = Project emissions from water reservoirs of hydro power plants in year y (tCO 2e/yr)The procedure to calculate the project emissions from each of these sources is presented next.Fossil Fuel Combustion (PE FF,y )For geothermal and solar thermal projects, which also use fossil fuels for electricity generation, CO 2emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels shall be accounted for as project emissions (PE FF,y ).PE FF,y shall be calculated as per the latest version of the “Tool to calculate project or leakage CO 2emissions from fossil fuel combustion”. Emissions of non-condensable gases from the operation of geothermal power plants (PE GP,y )For geothermal project activities, project participants shall account fugitive emissions of carbon dioxideand methane due to release of non-condensable gases from produced steam.4 Non-condensable gases ingeothermal reservoirs usually consist mainly of CO 2 and H 2S. They also contain a small quantity ofhydrocarbons, including predominantly CH 4. In geothermal power projects, non-condensable gases flowwith the steam into the power plant. A small proportion of the CO 2 is converted to carbonate/bicarbonatein the cooling water circuit. In addition, parts of the non-condensable gases are reinjected into thegeothermal reservoir. However, as a conservative approach, this methodology assumes that all non-condensable gases entering the power plant are discharged to atmosphere via the cooling tower. Fugitivecarbon dioxide and methane emissions due to well testing and well bleeding are not considered, as they arenegligible.PE GP,y is calculated as follows:()y steam,CH4y CH4,steam,y CO2,steam,y GP,M GWP w w PE ⋅⋅+= (2) Where:PE GP,y= Project emissions from the operation of geothermal power plants due to the release of non-condensable gases in year y (tCO 2e/yr) w steam,CO2,y= Average mass fraction of carbon dioxide in the produced steam in year y (tCO 2/t steam) w steam,CH4,y= Average mass fraction of methane in the produced steam in year y (tCH 4/t steam) GWP CH4= Global warming potential of methane valid for the relevant commitment period (tCO 2e/tCH 4)M steam,y = Quantity of steam produced in year y (t steam/yr)4 In the case of retrofit or replacement projects at geothermal plants, this methodology does not account for baselineemissions from release of non-condensable gases from produced steam or fossil fuel combustion. Projectproponents are welcome to propose revisions to this methodology to account for these baseline emissions.CDM – Executive BoardACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01 EB 56Emissions from water reservoirs of hydro power plants (PE HP,y )For hydro power project activities that result in new reservoirs and hydro power project activities thatresult in the increase of existing reservoirs, project proponents shall account for CH 4 and CO 2 emissionsfrom the reservoir, estimated as follows:(a) If the power density of the project activity (PD ) is greater than 4 W/m 2 and less than or equal to 10 W/m :1000PE Re y HP,y s TEG EF ⋅=(3) Where:PE HP,y= Project emissions from water reservoirs (tCO 2e/yr) EF Res= Default emission factor for emissions from reservoirs of hydro power plants in year y (kgCO 2e/MWh)TEG y = Total electricity produced by the project activity, including the electricity supplied tothe grid and the electricity supplied to internal loads, in year y (MWh)(b) If the power density of the project activity (PD ) is greater than 10 W/m 2:0 PE y HP,= (4)The power density of the project activity (PD ) is calculated as follows: BLPJ BL PJ A A Cap Cap PD −−= (5) Where: PD = Power density of the project activity (W/m 2)Cap PJ = Installed capacity of the hydro power plant after the implementation of the projectactivity (W)Cap BL = Installed capacity of the hydro power plant before the implementation of the projectactivity (W). For new hydro power plants, this value is zeroA PJ = Area of the reservoir measured in the surface of the water, after the implementation ofthe project activity, when the reservoir is full (m 2)A BL= Area of the reservoir measured in the surface of the water, before the implementationof the project activity, when the reservoir is full (m 2). For new reservoirs, this value iszero Baseline emissionsBaseline emissions include only CO 2 emissions from electricity generation in fossil fuel fired power plantsthat are displaced due to the project activity. The methodology assumes that all project electricitygeneration above baseline levels would have been generated by existing grid-connected power plants andthe addition of new grid-connected power plants. The baseline emissions are to be calculated as follows:CDM – Executive BoardACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01 EB 56y CM,grid,y PJ,y EF EG BE ⋅= (6)Where:BE y= Baseline emissions in year y (tCO 2/yr)EG PJ,y = Quantity of net electricity generation that is produced and fed into the grid as a resultof the implementation of the CDM project activity in year y (MWh/yr)EF grid,CM,y = Combined margin CO 2 emission factor for grid connected power generation in year ycalculated using the latest version of the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for anelectricity system” (tCO 2/MWh)Calculation of EG PJ,yThe calculation of EG PJ,y is different for (a) greenfield plants, (b) retrofits and replacements, and (c) capacity additions. These cases are described next: (a) Greenfield renewable energy power plantsIf the project activity is the installation of a new grid-connected renewable power plant/unit at a site where no renewable power plant was operated prior to the implementation of the project activity, then: y facility,y PJ,EG EG =(7) Where:EG PJ,y = Quantity of net electricity generation that is produced and fed into the grid as a resultof the implementation of the CDM project activity in year y (MWh/yr)EG facility,y = Quantity of net electricity generation supplied by the project plant/unit to the grid inyear y (MWh/yr) (b) Retrofit or replacement of an existing renewable energy power plantIf the project activity is the retrofit or replacement of an existing grid-connected renewable power plant, the baseline scenario is the continuation of the operation of the existing plant. The methodology uses historical electricity generation data to determine the electricity generation by the existing plant in thebaseline scenario, assuming that the historical situation observed prior to the implementation of the project activity would continue.The power generation of renewable energy projects can vary significantly from year to year, due to natural variations in the availability of the renewable source (e.g. varying rainfall, wind speed or solar radiation). The use of few historical years to establish the baseline electricity generation can therefore involve asignificant uncertainty. The methodology addresses this uncertainty by adjusting the historical electricity generation by its standard deviation. This ensures that the baseline electricity generation is established in a conservative manner and that the calculated emission reductions are attributable to the project activity. Without this adjustment, the calculated emission reductions could mainly depend on the natural variability observed during the historical period rather than the effects of the project activity.5 5 As an alternative approach for hydropower plants, the baseline electricity generation could be established as a function of the water availability. In this case, the baseline electricity generation would be established ex-post based on the water availability monitored during the crediting period. Project participants are encouraged to consider such approaches and submit the related request for a revision to this methodology.CDM – Executive BoardACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01 EB 56 EG PJ,y is calculated as follows:)σ(EG EG EG historical historical y facility,y PJ,+−=; until DATE BaselineRetrofit (8) and0EG y PJ,=; on/after DATE BaselineRetrofit (9) Where:EG PJ,y=Quantity of net electricity generation that is produced and fed into the grid as a result of the implementation of the CDM project activity in year y (MWh/yr) EG facility,y=Quantity of net electricity generation supplied by the project plant/unit to the grid in year y (MWh/yr) EG historical=Annual average historical net electricity generation delivered to the grid by the existing renewable energy plant that was operated at the project site prior to the implementation of the project activity (MWh/yr) σhistorical=Standard deviation of the annual average historical net electricity generation delivered to the grid by the existing renewable energy plant that was operated at the project site prior to the implementation of the project activity (MWh/yr) DATE BaselineRetrofit =Point in time when the existing equipment would need to be replaced in theabsence of the project activity (date)EG historical is the annual average of historical net electricity generation, delivered to the grid by the existing renewable energy plant that was operated at the project site prior to the implementation of the project activity. To determine EG historical , project participants may choose between two historical periods. This allows some flexibility: the use of the longer time period may result in a lower standard deviation and the use of the shorter period may allow a better reflection of the (technical) circumstances observed during the more recent years.Project participants may choose among the following two time spans of historical data to determine EG historical :(a) The five last calendar years prior to the implementation of the project activity; or(b) The time period from the calendar year following DATE hist , up to the last calendar year prior tothe implementation of the project, as long as this time span includes at least five calendar years, where DATE hist is latest point in time between:(i)The commercial commissioning of the plant/unit; (ii) If applicable: the last capacity addition to the plant/unit; or(iii) If applicable: the last retrofit of the plant/unit. (c) Capacity addition to an existing renewable energy power plantIn the case of hydro or geothermal power plants, the addition of a new power plant or unit maysignificantly affect the electricity generated by the existing plant(s) or unit(s). For example, a new hydro turbine installed at an existing dam may affect the power generation by the existing turbines. Therefore,CDM – Executive BoardACM0002 / Version 12.0.0Sectoral Scope: 01 EB 56 the same approach as for retrofits and replacements is used for hydro power plants and geothermal power plants.In the case of wind, solar, wave or tidal power plants, it is assumed that the addition of new capacity does not significantly affect the electricity generated by existing plant(s) or unit(s).6 In this case, the electricity fed into the grid by the added power plant(s) or unit(s) could be directly metered and used to determine EG PJ,y .If the project activity is a capacity addition, project participants may use one of the following two options to determine EG PJ,y :Option 1: Use the approach applied to retrofits and replacements above. EG facility,y corresponds to thetotal electricity generation of the existing plant(s) or unit(s) and the added plant(s) orunit(s). A separate metering of electricity fed into the grid by the added plant(s) or unit(s)is not necessary under this option. This option may be applied to all renewable powerprojects.Option 2:For wind, solar, wave or tidal power plant(s) or unit(s), the following approach can beused provided that the electricity fed into the grid by the added power plant(s) or unit(s)addition is separately metered: y PJ_Add,y PJ,EG EG = (10)Where:EG PJ,y= Quantity of net electricity generation that is produced and fed into the grid as a result of the implementation of the CDM project activity in year y (MWh/yr) EG PJ_Add,y = Quantity of net electricity generation supplied to the grid in year y by the projectplant/unit that has been added under the project activity (MWh/yr)Project participants should document in the CDM-PDD which option is applied.Calculation of DATE BaselineRetrofitIn order to estimate the point in time when the existing equipment would need to be replaced/retrofitted in the absence of the project activity (DATE BaselineRetrofit ), project participants may take the following approaches into account:(a) The typical average technical lifetime of the type equipment may be determined anddocumented, taking into account common practices in the sector and country, e.g. based onindustry surveys, statistics, technical literature, etc.;(b) The common practices of the responsible company regarding replacement/retrofitting schedulesmay be evaluated and documented, e.g. based on historical replacement/retrofitting records forsimilar equipment. 6 In this case of wind power capacity additions, some shadow effects can occur but are not accounted under this methodology.。
MELSOFT-Software GX IEC Developer 产品说明书
MELSOFT-Software – GX IEC Developer Powerful integrated programming toolsGX IEC Developer is more than a powerful IEC 1131.3 programming and documenation package. It supports your entire MELSEC PLC impleentation from the initial project planning to everyday operation, with a wealth of advanced functions that will help you to cut costs and increase your productivity.The sophisticated program architecture comes with a range of new, user-friendly functions, including structured programming and support for function libraries.Top-down application architectureDuring the planning phase GX IEC Developer's structuring tools help you to organise your project efficiently: Use the intuitive graphical tools to identify and display tasks, functional units, dependencies, procedures and application structures. In addition to making your work easier, this also significantly reduces error frequency in later project stages.Flexible implementationIn the engineering phase you then choose the programming language that best matches the structure of your project.Program frequently-used functions in function blocks and organise them in libraries. This gives you the confidence that comes with knowing you are using tested, reliable code. Password support helps you to protect your valuable expertise.Simple configuration of control componentsConfiguration of controller components is performed quickly and efficiently in tables with interactive dialogs and graphical support. And this powerful support is available for standard and special function modules as well as for the controller CPUs. You no longer have to create application programs to configure your system.Setting up the hardware and network configuration Powerful testing and debugging tools provide information on the current status of the controllers and the network you are connected to. Network functions like status and error displays, remote SET/RST functions for controllers and peripherals, Live List, Cycle Time, Connection State and more enable you to locate and correct errors quickly and get your hardware and networks up and running in record time.Setting up the application programGX IEC Developer comes with everything you need to get your applications installed, set up and running as quickly as possible, including comprehensive online programming functions, fast and informative monitoring displays, the ability to manipulate device values with the graphical editors, manual and automatic step mode execution in IL, the display of manipulated device values in the EDM (Entry Data Monitor) and much more.Normal operationDuring normal daily operation you can also use GX IEC Developer to display important system status information, either in stand-alone mode or called by another program in the control room.Installation and maintenanceTop-down architecture, structured programming, comprehensive printed documentation and support for user-defined help for your function blocks all help to reduce the learning curve. You can make the information needed for installing and maintaining the system available to the operators quickly and efficiently, with minimum training overheads.Key features include:•Powerful "Top-down" development environment•Total overview of PLC project and resources•Suited to large and complex projects•One programming software for modular and compact PLCs (Q/A and FX Series) •Flexible program development•Superior program documentation for easy understanding•State-of-the-art PC software technology acc. to IEC 1131.3•Programming languages FBD, AWL, KOP, AS and STC•Powerful offline simulation•Online program modification•Function blocks (FB, FC)•Libraries Minimum downtimes。
科技英语翻译6.1 介词的一般译法第1节翻译练习1In general, man serves as the source of infection while animals act as such only occasionally.An industrial robot shares many attributes in common with a numerical control machine tool.一般来说,人可作为感染源,而动物只是偶然如此。
第1节翻译练习2With non-changeover control both the boiler plant and the chiller plant operate to provide simultaneous heating and cooling throughout the year.The online service delivers substantially more value to our global audience of e-business professionals in the chemical, plastics and allied industries.This device can mimic photosynthesis to produce usable energy from sunlight.采用非转换控制,锅炉设备和制冷装置都在运行,全年可同时供暖和制冷。
第1节翻译练习3The longitudinal axis of the turbine generator is perpendicular to the axis of the steam generator. In the right conditions, membranes are self-assembling.Winding of the spring induces residual stresses through bending.汽轮发电机的纵轴与锅炉轴线垂直。
雨水收集池用量计算公式English:To calculate the amount of water collected in a rainwater harvesting tank, you can use the following formula: A = (P x C x E) / 1000.In this formula, A represents the amount of water collected in liters, P stands for the total rainfall in millimeters, C denotes the catchment area in square meters, and E represents the efficiency of the collection system as a percentage.First, you need to determine the total rainfall by measuring the rainfall in millimeters. This can be done using a rain gauge. Once you have the total rainfall, multiply it by the catchment area, which is the surface area that collects rainwater. This can be the roof of a building or any other suitable surface.Next, multiply the result by the efficiency of the collection system expressed as a percentage. The efficiency takes into account factors such as evaporation, leakage, and overflow. For example, if the efficiency is 80%, you would use in the formula.Finally, divide the result by 1000 to convert the volume from milliliters to liters. The obtained value represents the amount of water collected in the rainwater harvesting tank.It is important to regularly monitor the catchment area, rainfall, and efficiency to accurately calculate the amount of water collected. By doing so, you can optimize the use of rainwater and ensure the system functions effectively.中文翻译:要计算雨水收集池中收集的水量,可以使用以下公式:A = (P x C x E) / 1000。
Before titration, it is necessary to check if the burette and stopper are clean.2.滴定过程中要严格控制容量的误差,以确保结果的准确性。
It is important to strictly control the volumetric error during titration to ensure the accuracy of the results.3.在滴定中,需注意滴定液的滴定速度,避免滴定过快或过慢。
During titration, pay attention to the titration rate of the titrant to avoid titrating too quickly or too slowly.4.记录滴定液滴定时的初始体积和终点体积,以便计算所需要的滴定液的用量。
Record the initial and final volumes of the titrant during titration to calculate the required amount of titrant.5.使用准确的指示剂和指示剂颜色变化的判定标准,确定滴定的终点。
Use an accurate indicator and the color change as the criteria to determine the endpoint of the titration.6.在滴定时要保持容器内的温度稳定,以确保反应的准确性。
Maintain a stable temperature inside the container during titration to ensure the accuracy of the reaction.7.确保所用的标准溶液浓度准确无误,以保证滴定结果的准确性。
Common Mode Filter Design Guide
Common M ode F ilter D esign G uideIntroductionThe selection of component values for common mode filters need not be a difficult and confusing process. The use of standard filter alignments can be utilized to achieve a relatively simple and straightforward design process, though such alignments may readily be modified to utilize pre-defined component values.GeneralLine filters prevent excessive noise from being conducted between electronic equipment and the AC line; generally, the emphasis is on protecting the AC line. Figure 1 shows the use of a common mode filter between the AC line (via impedance matching circuitry) and a (noisy) power con-verter. The direction of common mode noise (noise on both lines occurring simultaneously referred to earth ground) is from the load and into the filter, where the noise common to both lines becomes sufficiently attenuated. The result-ing common mode output of the filter onto the AC line (via impedance matching circuitry) is then negligible.Figure 1.Generalized line filteringThe design of a common mode filter is essentially the design of two identical differential filters, one for each of the two polarity lines with the inductors of each side coupled by a single core:L2Figure 2.The common mode inductorFor a differential input current ( (A) to (B) through L1 and (B) to (A) through L2), the net magnetic flux which is coupled between the two inductors is zero.Any inductance encountered by the differential signal is then the result of imperfect coupling of the two chokes; they perform as independent components with their leak-age inductances responding to the differential signal: the leakage inductances attenuate the differential signal. When the inductors, L1 and L2, encounter an identical signal of the same polarity referred to ground (common mode signal), they each contribute a net, non-zero flux in the shared core; the inductors thus perform as indepen-dent components with their mutual inductance respond-ing to the common signal: the mutual inductance then attenuates this common signal.The First Order FilterThe simplest and least expensive filter to design is a first order filter; this type of filter uses a single reactive component to store certain bands of a spectral energy without passing this energy to the load. In the case of a low pass common mode filter, a common mode choke is the reactive element employed.The value of inductance required of the choke is simply the load in Ohms divided by the radian frequency at and above which the signal is to be attenuated. For example, attenu-ation at and above 4000 Hz into a 50⏲ load would require a 1.99 mH (50/(2π x 4000)) inductor. The resulting common mode filter configuration would be as follows:50Ω1.99 mHFigure 3.A first order (single pole) common mode filter The attenuation at 4000 Hz would be 3 dB, increasing at 6 dB per octave. Because of the predominant inductor dependence of a first order filter, the variations of actual choke inductance must be considered. For example, a ±20% variation of rated inductance means that the nominal 3 dB frequency of 4000 Hz could actually be anywhere in the range from 3332 Hz to 4999 Hz. It is typical for the inductance value of a common mode choketo be specified as a minimum requirement, thus insuring that the crossover frequency not be shifted too high.However, some care should be observed in choosing a choke for a first order low pass filter because a much higher than typical or minimum value of inductance may limit the choke’s useful band of attenuation.Second Order FiltersA second order filter uses two reactive components and has two advantages over the first order filter: 1) ideally, a second order filter provides 12 dB per octave attenuation (four times that of a first order filter) after the cutoff point,and 2) it provides greater attenuation at frequencies above inductor self-resonance (See Figure 4).One of the critical factors involved in the operation of higher order filters is the attenuating character at the corner frequency. Assuming tight coupling of the filter components and reasonable coupling of the choke itself (conditions we would expect to achieve), the gain near the cutoff point may be very large (several dB); moreover, the time response would be slow and oscillatory. On the other hand, the gain at the crossover point may also be less than the presumed -3 dB (3 dB attenuation), providing a good transient response, but frequency response near and below the corner frequency could be less than optimally flat.In the design of a second order filter, the damping factor (usually signified by the Greek letter zeta (ζ )) describes both the gain at the corner frequency and the time response of the filter. Figure (5) shows normalized plots of the gain versus frequency for various values of zeta.Figure 4.Analysis of a second order (two pole) common modelow pass filterThe design of a second order filter requires more care and analysis than a first order filter to obtain a suitable response near the cutoff point, but there is less concern needed at higher frequencies as previously mentioned.A ≡ ζ = 0.1;B ≡ ζ = 0.5;C ≡ ζ = 0.707;D ≡ ζ = 1.0;E ≡ ζ = 4.0Figure 5.Second order frequency response for variousdamping f actors (ζ)As the damping factor becomes smaller, the gain at the corner frequency becomes larger; the ideal limit for zero damping would be infinite gain. The inherent parasitics of real components reduce the gain expected from ideal components, but tailoring the frequency response within the few octaves of critical cutoff point is still effectively a function of ideal filter parameters (i.e., frequency, capaci-tance, inductance, resistance).L0.1W n1W n 10W nRadian Frequency,WG a i n (d B )V s V s LR s LCs LC j L R j LC LR LCCMout CMin L L n n n L ()()=++=−+⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟=+−⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟≡≡≡≡111111212222ωωζωωωωωωζradian frequencyR the noise load resistance LFor some types of filters, the design and damping char-acteristics may need to be maintained to meet specific performance requirements. For many actual line filters,however, a damping factor of approximately 1 or greater and a cutoff frequency within about an octave of the calculated ideal should provide suitable filtering.The following is an example of a second order low pass filter design:1)Identify the required cutoff frequency:For this example, suppose we have a switching power supply (for use in equipment covered by UL478) that is actually 24 dB noisier at 60 KH z than permissible for the intended application. For a second order filter (12dB/octave roll off) the desired corner frequency would be 15 KHz.2)Identify the load resistance at the cutoff frequency:Assume R L = 50 Ω3)Choose the desired damping factor:Choose a minimum of 0.707 which will provide 3 dB attenuation at the corner frequency while providing favorable control over filter ringing.4)Calculate required component values:Note:Damping factors much greater than 1 may causeunacceptably high attenuation of lower frequen-cies whereas a damping factor much less than 0.707 may cause undesired ringing and the filter may itself produce noise.Third Order FiltersA third order filter ideally yields an attenuation of 18 dB per octave above the cutoff point (or cutoff points if the three corner frequencies are not simultaneous); this is the prominently positive aspect of this higher order filter. The primary disadvantage is cost since three reactive compo-nents are now required. H igher than third order filters are generally cost-prohibitive.Figure 6.Analysis of a third order (three pole) low pass filter where ω1, ω2 and ω4 occur at the same -3dB frequency of ω05)Choose available components:C = 0.05 µF (Largest standard capacitor value that will meet leakage current requirements for UL478/CSA C22.2 No. 1: a 300% decrease from design)L = 2.1 mH (Approx. 300% larger than design to compensate for reduction or capacitance: Coilcraft standard part #E3493-A)6)Calculate actual frequency, damping factor, and at-tenuation for components chosen:ζ = 2.05 (a damping factor of about 1 or more is acceptible)Attenuation = (12 dB/octave) x 2 octaves = 24 dB 7)The resulting filter is that of figure (4) with:L = 2.1 mH; C = 0.05 µF; R L = 50 ΩL 1L 2VCMout s VCMin s R R L s R L s sC R L s sC R L s L L s L s sC L L R s L Cs L L C R s L L L L L L L()()()()=+⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟+++++⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟=++++222121*********11Butterworth →+++112212233s s s n n n ωωω()()L L R R L L L n n L 12111222+==+ωω;()L L C n 1n2C =2;ωω2211414=.L L L L n n n 12L n3n2L2n2L2C R =1;R R ωωωωωω33224422===ωπωζωμn n n Lf C L L R L =====294248070727502rad /sec =1Hn .1215532πLC=Hz (very nearly 15KHz)The design of a generic filter is readily accomplished by using standard alignments such as the Butterworth (“maxi-mally flat”) alignments. Figure (6) shows the general analysis and component relationships to the Butterworth alignments for a third order low pass filter. Butterworth alignments provide an inherent ζ of 0.707 and a -3 dB point at the crossover frequency. The Butterworth alignments for the first three orders of low pass filters are shown in Figure (7).The design of a line filter need not obey the Butterworth alignments precisely (although such alignments do pro-vide a good basis for design); moreover, because of leakage current limits placed upon electronic equipment (thus limiting the amount of filter capacitance to ground),adjustments to the alignments are usually required, but they can be executed very simply as follows:1)First design a second order low pass with ζ ≥ 0.52)Add a third pole (which has the desired corner fre-quency) by cascading a second inductor between the second order filter and the noise load:L = R/ (2 π f c )Where f c is the desired corner frequency.Design ProcedureThe following example determines the required compo-nent values for a third order filter (for the same require-ments as the previous second order design example).1)List the desired crossover frequency, load resistance:Choose f c = 15000 Hz Choose R L = 50 Ω2)Design a second order filter with ζ = 0.5 (see second order example above):3)Design the third pole:R L /(2πf c ) = L 250/(2π15000) = 0.531 mH4)Choose available components and check the resulting cutoff frequency and attenuation:L2 = 0.508 mH (Coilcraft #E3506-A)f n= R/(2πL 1 )= 15665 HzAttenuation at 60 KHZ: 24 dB (second order filter) +2.9 octave × 6 = 41.4 dB5)The resulting filter configuration is that of figure (6)with:L 1 = 2.1 mH L 2 = 0.508 mH R L = 50 ΩConclusionsSpecific filter alignments may be calculated by manipu-lating the transfer function coefficients (component val-ues) of a filter to achieve a specific damping factor.A step-by-step design procedure may utilize standard filter alignments, eliminating the need to calculate the damping factor directly for critical filtering. Line filters,with their unique requirements, yet non-critical character-istics, are easily designed using a minimum allowable damping factor.Standard filter alignments assume ideal filter compo-nents; this does not necessarily hold true, especially at higher frequencies. For a discussion of the non-ideal character of common mode filter inductors refer to the application note “Common Mode Filter Inductor Analysis,”available from Coilcraft.Figure 7.The first three order low pass filters and their Butterworth alignmentse i +–e O +–R LL 2Ce i +–e O +–R LL 1Ce i +–e O +–R LL 1L 2Filter SchematicFilter Transfer FunctionButterworthAlignmentFirst OrderSecond OrderThird Ordere e Ls R o iL =+11e e LCs Ls R oi L=++112e e L L R s L Cs L L s R o iLL =++++111231212()e e s o in=+11ωe e LCs Ls R oiL =++112e e s s so i n n n =+++122133221ωωω。
齿轮箱第一级英语一、单词1. gearbox- 英语释义:A gearbox is a mechanical device that is used to change the speed or direction of rotational motion by using gears.- 用法:可作名词,在句中作主语、宾语等。
- 双语例句:- The gearbox in this car needs to be repaired.(这辆汽车的变速箱需要修理。
)- They are designing a new type of gearbox for the industrial machine.(他们正在为工业机器设计一种新型的齿轮箱。
)2. gear- 英语释义:A toothed wheel that works with others to alter the relation between the speed of a driving mechanism (such as the engine of a vehicle) and the speed of the driven parts (the wheels).- 用法:作名词时表示“齿轮;装置”,作动词时表示“使适应;使啮合”。
- 双语例句:- The gears in the machine are made of high - quality steel.(这台机器里的齿轮是由高质量的钢材制成的。
)- We need to gear the production process to the market demand.(我们需要使生产过程适应市场需求。
)3. shaft- 英语释义:A long, narrow part of a tool, weapon, etc., especially the long, thin part of a spear or an arrow, or a pole that forms the handle of a tool. In the context of a gearbox, it is a rotating rod that transmits power or motion.- 用法:作名词,在句中可作主语、宾语等。
(1) Supply Voltage B = 3V
(3) Package options: A = reserved B = 60° FOV C = reserved D = 40° FOV
Example: MLX90620ESF-BAB-000-TU
Functional diagram
Digital Active Thermopile Array
16x4 IR array
General Description (continued)
The results of the infrared sensor measurements are stored in RAM: • 16-bit result of IR measurement for each individual sensor (64 words) • 16-bit result of PTAT sensor Depending on the application, the external microcontroller can read the different RAM data and, based on the calibration data stored in the EEPROM memory, compensate for difference between sensors to build up a thermal image, or calculate the temperature at each spot of the imaged scene. These constants are accessible by the user microcontroller through the I2C bus and have to be used for external post processing of the thermal data. This post processing includes: • Ta calculation • Pixel offset cancelling • Pixel to pixel sensitivity difference compensation • Object emissivity compensation • Object temperature calculation The result is an image with NETD better than 0.5K at 1Hz refresh rate. The refresh rate of the array is programmable by means of register settings or directly via I2C command. Changes of the refresh rate have a direct impact on the integration time and noise bandwidth (faster refresh rate means higher noise level). The frame rate is programmable in the range 0,5Hz…512Hz and can be changed to achieve the desired trade off between speed and accuracy. The MLX90620 requires a single 3V supply (±0,6V). The customer can choose between 3 operating modes: • Normal. In this mode the device is free running under control of the internal state machine. Depending on the selected refresh rate Fps (Frame per second) the chip is constantly measuring both IR and PTAT and is refreshing the data in the RAM with specified refresh rate; • Step. This mode is foreseen for synchronization with an external micro-controller. The internal state machine is halted. If the command ‘StartMeas’ is received via the I2C bus, a single measurement of all IR and PTAT sensors will be done, then the chip will return in wait state. When in wait state the data in RAM can be read. The MLX90620 is factory calibrated in wide temperature ranges: • -40…85 ˚C for the ambient temperature sensor • -50…300 ˚C for the object temperature. Each pixel of the array measures the average temperature of all objects in its own Field Of View (called nFOV). It is very important for the application designer to understand that the accuracy of the temperature measurement is very sensitive to the thermal equilibrium isothermal conditions (there are no temperature differences across the sensor package). The accuracy of the thermometer can be influenced by temperature differences in the package induced by causes like (among others): Hot electronics behind the sensor, heaters/coolers behind or beside the sensor or by a hot/cold object very close to the sensor that not only heats the sensing element in the thermometer but also the thermometer package. This effect is especially relevant for thermometers with a small FOV as the energy received by the sensor from the object is reduced
EB48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesTYPE I - RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTSProject participants shall apply the general guidance to the small-scale CDM methodologies,information on additionality (attachment A to appendix B) and general guidance on leakage inbiomass project activities (attachment C to appendix B) provided at<> mutatis mutandis.renewable electricity generationI.D. GridconnectedTechnology/measure1. This category comprises renewable energy generation units, such as photovoltaics, hydro,tidal/wave, wind, geothermal and renewable biomass, that supply electricity to and/or displaceelectricity from an electricity distribution system that is or would have been supplied by at leastone fossil fuel fired generating unit.2. If the unit added has both renewable and non-renewable components (e.g.,. a wind/dieselunit), the eligibility limit of 15 MW for a small-scale CDM project activity applies only to therenewable component. If the unit added co-fires fossil fuel1, the capacity of the entire unit shall notexceed the limit of 15 MW.3. Combined heat and power (co-generation) systems are not eligible under this category.4. In the case of project activities that involve the addition of renewable energy generationunits at an existing renewable power generation facility, the added capacity of the units added bythe project should be lower than 15 MW and should be physically distinct2 from the existing units.5. Project activities that seek to retrofit or modify an existing facility for renewable energygeneration are included in this category. To qualify as a small-scale project, the total output of themodified or retrofitted unit shall not exceed the limit of 15 MW.Boundary6. The physical, geographical site of the renewable generation source delineates the projectboundary.Baseline7. In the case of landfill gas, waste gas, wastewater treatment and agro-industries projects,recovered methane emissions are eligible under a relevant Type III category. If the recoveredmethane is used for electricity generation the baseline shall be calculated in accordance withparagraphs below. If the recovered methane is used for heat generation it is eligible under categoryI.C.1 Co-fired system uses both fossil and renewable fuels.2 Physically distinct units are those that are capable of generating electricity without the operation of existingunits, and that do not directly affect the mechanical, thermal, or electrical characteristics of the existingfacility. For example, the addition of a steam turbine to an existing combustion turbine to create acombined cycle unit would not be considered “physically distinct”.EB 48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Grid connected renewable electricity generation (cont)8. For a system where all generators use exclusively fuel oil and/or diesel fuel, the baseline emissions is the annual kWh generated by the renewable unit times an emission factor for a modern diesel generating unit of the relevant capacity operating at optimal load as given in Table I.D.1.Table I.D.1Emission Factors for diesel generator systems (in kg CO 2e/kWh*) for three different levels ofload factors**Cases:Load factors [%]Mini-grid with 24 hour service 25% i) Mini-grid with temporary service (4-6 hr/day) ii) Productive applications iii) Water pumps 50% Mini-grid with storage 100%<15 kW2.4 1.4 1.2 >=15 <35 kW1.9 1.3 1.1 >=35 <135 kW1.3 1.0 1.0 >=135<200 kW0.9 0.8 0.8 > 200 kW*** 0.8 0.8 0.8 *A conversion factor of 3.2 kg CO 2 per kg of diesel has been used (following revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories)**Values are derived from fuel curves in the online manual of RETScreen lnternational’s PV 2000 model, downloadable from /***Default values9. For all other systems, the baseline emissions are the product of electrical energy baseline y BL EG , expressed in kWh of electricity produced by the renewable generating unit multiplied by an emission factor. 2*,CO y BL y EF EG BE = (1)Where:y BE Baseline Emissions in year y; t CO 2y BL EG , Energy baseline in year y ; kWh2CO EFCO 2 Emission Factor in year y; t CO 2e/kWh 10. The Emission Factor can be calculated in a transparent and conservative manner as follows:(a) A combined margin (CM), consisting of the combination of operating margin(OM) and build margin (BM) according to the procedures prescribed in the ‘Tool to calculate the Emission Factor for an electricity system’.EB 48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Grid connected renewable electricity generation (cont)OR(b) The weighted average emissions (in kg CO 2e/kWh) of the current generation mix. The data of the year in which project generation occurs must be used.Calculations must be based on data from an official source (where available)3 and madepublicly available.11. In the case of project activities that involve the addition of renewable energy generation units at an existing renewable power generation facility, where the existing and new units share the use of common and limited renewable resources (e.g., streamflow, reservoir capacity, biomassresidues), the potential for the project activity to reduce the amount of renewable resource available to, and thus electricity generation by, existing units must be considered in the determination of Baseline Emissions, project emissions, and/or leakage, as relevant.For project activities that involve the addition of new generation units (e.g., turbines) at an existing facility, the energy baseline corresponding to the net increase in electricity production associated with the project should be calculated as follows:y èxisting y PJ y add EG EG EG ,,,−= (2)Where:y add EG , Net increase in electrical energy generation at existing plant in year y ; kWh/yy PJ EG ,The total net actual electrical energy produced in year y by all units, existing andnew project units; kWh/y 3 Plant Emission Factors used for the calculation of Emission Factors should be obtained in the following priority:1. Acquired directly from the dispatch center or power producers, if available; or2. Calculated , if data on fuel type, fuel Emission Factor, fuel input and power output can beobtained for each plant;If confidential data available from the relevant host Party authority are used, the calculation carried out by the project participants shall be verified by the DOE and the CDM-PDD may only show the resultant carbon Emission Factor and the corresponding list of plants;3. Calculated , as above, but using estimates such as: default IPCC values from the 2006 IPCCGuidelines for National GHG Inventories for net calorific values and carbon Emission Factors for fuels instead of plant-specific values technology provider’s name plate power plant efficiency or the anticipated energy efficiency documented in official sources (instead of calculating it from fuelconsumption and power output). This is likely to be a conservative estimate, because under actual operating conditions plants usually have lower efficiencies and higher emissions than name plateperformance would imply; conservative estimates of power plant efficiencies, based on expertjudgments on the basis of the plant’s technology, size and commissioning date; or4. Calculated , for the simple OM and the average OM, using aggregated generation and fuel consumption data, in cases where more disaggregated data is not available.EB 48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Grid connected renewable electricity generation (cont)y existing EG , The estimated net electrical energy that would have been produced by existingunits (installed before the project activity) in year y in the absence of the projectactivity, kWh/yThe value y existing EG , is given by),(,,,y estimated y actual y existing EG EG MAX EG = (3) Where:y actual EG ,The actual, measured net electrical energy production of the existing units in year y ; kWh/y y estimated EG , The estimated net electrical energy that would have been produced by the existingunits under the observed availability of the renewable resource (e.g., hydrologicalconditions) for year y ; kWh/yIf the existing units shut down, are derated, or otherwise become limited in production, the project activity should not get credit for generating electricity from the same renewable resources that would have otherwise been used by the existing units (or their replacements). Therefore, the equation for y existing EG , still holds, and the value for y estimated EG , should continue to be estimated assuming the capacity and operating parameters are the same as that at the time of the start of the project activity.If the existing units are subject to modifications or retrofits that increase production, then y existing EG ,can be estimated using the procedures described for EG BL, retrofit,y below.12. For project activities that seek to retrofit or modify an existing facility for renewable energy generation the baseline scenario is the following:In the absence of the CDM project activity, the existing facility would continue to provide electricity to the grid EG BL retrofit,y at historical average levels y historical EG , until the time at which the electrical generation facility would be likely to be replaced or retrofitted in the absence of the CDM project activity (etrofit BaselineRr DATE ). From that point of time onwards, the baseline scenario is assumed to correspond to the project activity, and baseline electricity production is assumed to equal project net electricity production (EG PJ, retrofit, y ), and no emission reductions are assumed to occur.()etrofit BaselineRr y estimated y historical y retrofit BL DATE until EG EG MAX EG ,,,,,,=(4) etrofit BaselineRr y retrofit PJ y retrofit BL afterDATE on EG EG /,,,,= (5)EB 48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Grid connected renewable electricity generation (cont)Where:y retrofit BL EG ,,Net electrical energy production by an existing facility in the absence of the project activity; kWh/y y historical EG , Average of historical net electrical energy levels delivered by the existingfacility, spanning all data from the most recent available year (or month, weekor other time period) to the time at which the facility was constructed, retrofit,or modified in a manner that significantly affected output (i.e., by 5% or more);kWh/yA minimum of 5 years (60 months) (excluding abnormal years) of historicalgeneration data is required in the case of hydro facilities. For other facilities, aminimum of 3 years of data is required. In the case that 5 years of historicaldata (or three years in the case of non hydro project activities) are not available- e.g., due to recent retrofits or exceptional circumstances as described infootnote 4 - a new methodology or methodology revision must be proposedy estimated EG , Estimated net electrical energy that would have been produced by the existingunits under the observed availability of renewable resource in year y; kWh/yDATE BaselineRetrofitDate at which the existing generation facility is likely to be replaced orretrofitted in the absence of the CDM project activity The baseline emissions (y CO retrofit BE ,,2) then correspond to the difference of electricitysupplied by the project activity to the grid (EG PJ,,retrofit, y ) and the baseline electricity supplied to the grid in the absence of the project activity y retrofit BL EG ,, multiplied by the emission factor of the fossil fuel that would have been used to generate the incremental energy as follows:()2,,,,,2,*CO y retrofit BL y retrofit PJ y CO retrofit EF EG EG BE −= (6)All project electricity generation above baseline levels y retrofit BL EG ,,would have otherwise been generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation sources, as reflected in the combined margin (CM) calculations described.The requirements concerning demonstration of the remaining lifetime of the replacedequipment shall be met as described in the general guidance for SSC methodologies 5. If theremaining lifetime of the affected systems increases due to the project activity, the crediting period shall be limited to the estimated remaining lifetime, i.e., the time when the affected systems would have been replaced in the absence of the project activity. 4 Data for periods affected by unusual circumstances such as natural disasters, conflicts, and transmission constraints shall be excluded.5 Refer to: “General guidance to Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories”.<>.EB 48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Grid connected renewable electricity generation (cont)Project emissions13. For most renewable energy project activities, PE y = 0. However, for the following categories of project activities, project emissions have to be considered. Geothermal power plantsFor geothermal project activities, project participants shall account the following emission sources, where applicable: fugitive emissions of carbon dioxide and methane due to release of non-condensable gases from produced steam; and, carbon dioxide emissions resulting from combustion of fossil fuels related to the operation of the geothermal power plant 6, 7. Project emissions are calculated as follows:y y y PEFF PES PE +=(7) Where:y PE Project emissions in year y (tCO 2/y)y PESProject emissions of carbon dioxide and methane due to the release of non-condensable gases from the steam produced in the geothermal power plant inyear y (tCO 2/y) y PEFF Project emissions from combustion of fossil fuels related to the operation of thegeothermal power plant in year y (tCO 2/y)Project emissions of carbon dioxide and methane due to the release of non-condensable gases from the steam produced in the geothermal power plant is calculated as:()y S CH CH Main CO Main y M GWP w w PES ,44,2,**+=(8)Where: y PESProject emissions due to release of carbon dioxide and methane from the produced steam in the geothermal power plant in year y (tCO 2/y) 2,CO Main wAverage mass fraction of carbon dioxide in the produced steam (non-dimensional) 4,CH Main w Average mass fraction of methane in the produced steam (non-dimensional)4CH GWP Global warming potential of methane valid for the relevant commitment period(tCO 2e/tCH 4)y S M ,Quantity of steam produced during the year y (tonnes) 6 Fugitive carbon dioxide and methane emissions due to well testing and well bleeding are not considered, as they are negligible.7 In the case of retrofit projects at geothermal plants, this methodology does not currently subtract Baseline Emissions from steam components or fossil fuel combustion. Project proponents are welcome to propose new methodologies or methodology revisions to address these baseline emissions.EB 48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Grid connected renewable electricity generation (cont)Project emissions from combustion of fossil fuels related to the operation of the geothermal power plant is calculated as:y j FC y PE PEFF ,,=(9)Where: y PEFFProject emissions from combustion of fossil fuels related to the operation of the geothermal power plant in year y (tCO 2/y) y j FC PE ,, CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in process j during the year y (tCO 2/y).This parameter shall be calculated as per the latest version of the “Tool to calculateproject or leakage CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion” where j stands forthe processes required for the operation of the geothermal power plantLeakage14. If the energy generating equipment is transferred from another activity, leakage is to be considered.Emission reductions15. Emission reductions are calculated as follows:y y y y LE PE BE ER −−=(10) Where:y EREmission reductions in year y (t CO 2e/y). y BEBaseline Emissions in year y (t CO 2e/y). y PEProject emissions in year y (t CO 2/y). y LELeakage emissions in year y (t CO 2/y).Monitoring 16. Monitoring shall consist of metering the net electricity supplied by the project activity to the grid. easurement results shall be cross checked with records for sold electricity. Hourly measurement and monthly recording are required.17. For projects where only biomass or biomass and fossil fuel are used the amount of biomass and fossil fuel input shall be monitored.48EB Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categorieselectricity generation (cont)renewableI.D. Gridconnected18. For projects consuming biomass a specific fuel consumption8 of each type of fuel (biomassor fossil) to be used should be specified ex ante. The consumption of each type of fuel shall bemonitored.19. If fossil fuel is used, the electricity generation metered should be adjusted by deducting theelectricity generation from fossil fuels using the specific fuel consumption and the quantity offossil fuel consumed.20. If more than one type of biomass fuel is consumed each shall be monitored separately.21. The amount of electricity generated using biomass fuels calculated as per paragraph 19shall be compared with the amount of electricity generated calculated using specific fuelconsumption and amount of each type of biomass fuel used. The lower of the two values should beused to calculate emission reductions.Project activity under a programme of activitiesThe following conditions apply for use of this methodology in a project activity under aprogramme of activities:22. In the specific case of biomass project activities the applicability of the methodology islimited to either project activities that use biomass residues only or biomass from dedicatedplantations complying with the applicability conditions of AM0042.23. In the specific case of biomass project activities the determination of leakage shall be donefollowing the general guidance for leakage in small-scale biomass project activities (attachment Cof appendix B9 of simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale clean developmentmechanism project activities; decision 4/CMP.1) or following the procedures included in theleakage section of AM0042.24. In case the project activity involves the replacement of equipment, and the leakage fromthe use of the replaced equipment in another activity is neglected, because the replaced equipmentis scrapped, an independent monitoring of scrapping of replaced equipment needs to beimplemented. The monitoring should include a check if the number of project activity equipmentdistributed by the project and the number of scrapped equipment correspond with each other. Forthis purpose scrapped equipment should be stored until such correspondence has been checked. Thescrapping of replaced equipment should be documented and independently verified.- - - - -8 Specific fuel consumption is the fuel consumption per unit of electricity generated (e.g., tonnes of bagasseper MWh).9 Available on <>.EB48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Gridconnectedrenewableelectricity generation (cont)History of the document*Version Date Nature of revision(s)14 EB 48, Annex 2317 July 2009 To include more guidance on: the monitoring of electricity generated; calculation of project emissions for geothermal project activities; and editorial changes.13 EB 36, Annex 2614 December 2007 To refer directly to the “tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system” for reasons of clarity.12 EB 33, Annex 2327 July 2007 To allow for their application under a programme of activities (PoA), where the limit of the entire PoA exceeds the limit for small-scale CDM project activities.11 EB 31, Annex 2104 May 2007 To include guidance on monitoring of biomass project activities. All small-scale biomass project activities applying AMS-I.D. (firing only biomass or firing biomass and fossil fuel) are required to monitor the biomass and any fossil fuel used.10 EB 28, Annex 2223 December 2006 The proposed revision includes guidance on consideration of capacity limit and on estimation of baseline/project/leakage emissions in the case of project activities that involve the addition of renewable energy generation units at an existing renewable power generation facility.09 EB 25, Annex 2928 July 2006 An amendment to the procedure for estimating the combined margin emission factor of AMS-I.D, making it thereby consistent withACM0002.08 EB 23, Annex 3224 February 2006 To (i) include provisions for retrofit and renewable energy capacity additions as eligible activities; (ii) provide clarification for baseline calculations under Category I.D; and (iii) provide clarification on the applicability of Category I.A as against Category I.D.Decision Class: RegulatoryDocument Type: StandardBusiness Function: Methodology* This document, together with the ‘General Guidance’ and all other approved SSC methodologies, was part of a single document entitled: Appendix B of the Simplified Modalities and Procedures for Small-Scale CDM project activities until version 07.Appendix B of the Simplified Modalities and Procedures for Small-Scale CDM project activities contained both the General Guidance and Approved Methodologies until version 07. After version 07 the document was divided into separate documents: ‘General Guidance’ and separate approved small-scale methodologies (AMS).Version Date Nature of revision07 EB 22, Para. 5925 November 2005References to “non-renewable biomass” in Appendix B deleted.06 EB 21, Annex 2220 September 2005 Guidance on consideration of non-renewable biomass in Type I methodologies, thermal equivalence of Type II GWhe limits included.05 EB 18, Annex 625 February 2005 Guidance on ‘capacity addition’ and ‘cofiring’ in Type I methodologies and monitoring of methane in AMS-III.D included.04 EB 16, Annex 222 October 2004 AMS-II.F was adopted, leakage due to equipment transfer was included in all Type I and Type II methodologies.03 EB 14, Annex 230 June 2004New methodology AMS-III.E was adopted.02 EB 12, Annex 228 November 2003 Definition of build margin included in AMS-I.D, minor revisions to AMS-I.A, AMS-III.D, AMS-II.E.EB48Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologiesfor selected small-scale CDM project activity categoriesI.D. Gridconnectedrenewableelectricity generation (cont)01 EB 7, Annex 621 January 2003 Initial adoption. The Board at its seventh meeting noted the adoption by the Conference of the Parties (COP), by its decision 21/CP.8, of simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities (SSC M&P).Decision Class: Regulatory Document Type: Standard Business Function: Methodology。
Dimensions: [mm]Scale - 1.5:1MXXP225474K310ACPP45004890334026014CSMXXP225474K310ACPP45004 890334026014CSMXXP225474K310ACPP45004 890334026014CSMXXP225474K310ACPP45004 890334026014CSMXXP225474K310ACPP45004 890334026014CST e m p e r a t u r eT T T MXXP225474K310ACPP45004890334026014CSFurther informationComponent Libraries:download_3d_WE-FTXX_22,5x26x7x14,5_CSAltium_WCAP-FTXX (23b)Downloads_CADENCE_WCAP-FTXX (23b)CadStar_WCAP-FTXX (19b)Eagle_WCAP-FTXX (23a)PSpice_WCAP-FTXX (23a)Download_STP_890334026014xxFree Sample Order:Order free samples of this article directly here!Tutorials:■Capacitor Portfolio Fyler (PDF)■Capacitors for Interference Suppression - X1/Y2, X2 MLCCs and X2 Film Capacitors (PDF)REDEXPERT:Calculate losses for 890334026014CS in REDEXPERTWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODFPu003.0002023-11-01DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors MXXP225474K310ACPP45004ORDER CODE890334026014CSSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGECautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of Film Capacitors of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for a written approval (following the certain PPAP level procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in the field such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •Direct mechanical impact to the product shall be prevented as material of the body, pins or termination could flake or in the worst case it could break.•Avoid any water or heavy dust on capacitors surface, which may cause electrical leakage, damage, overheating or corrosion.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristic, beyond Würth Elektronik specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The customer is responsible for the functionality of his or her own products. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.•The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the body, pins or termination may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not apply any kind of flexural or compressive force onto soldered or unsoldered component.•The capacitance tolerance as specified within the datasheet is only valid on the date of delivery and according specified measurement criteria.Product specificStorage conditions• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components into direct sunlight.•The storage condition in the original packaging is defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The environment in which the capacitors are operated and stored has to have atmospheric characteristics and must be free of dew condensation and toxic gases (e.g. chlorine, ammonia, sulfur, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen sulfate).•Do not expose the capacitor to environments with hazardous gas, ozone, ultraviolet rays or any kind of radiation. Avoid any contact of the capacitor with direct sunshine, saltwater, spray of water or types of oil during storage. •The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Operating climatic conditions•Do not exceed the lower nor the upper specified temperature under no circumstances.•Do not use the capacitors under high humidity, high temperature or under high or low atmospheric pressure which may affect capacitors reliability.•Surface temperature including self-heating must be kept below the maximum operating temperature.Operating load conditions•Due to self-heating the reliability of the capacitor may be reduced, if high frequency AC or pulse is applied.•Consider carefully possible specific changes of electrical characteristics like capacitance over temperature, voltage and time as well as the specific performance over frequency for the actual use conditions.•Avoid any overvoltage and do not apply a continuous overvoltage. If an overvoltage is applied to the capacitor, the leakage current can increase drastically. The applied working voltage is not allowed to exceed the rated working voltage of the specific capacitor.•If film capacitors with safety approvals are operated with a DC voltage exceeding the specified AC voltage, the approvals given on the basis of IEC 60384-14 are no longer valid.•For the WCAP-FTDB film capacitor the maximum peak voltage V peak+ shall not be greater than the rated voltage V R according to the temperature derating of the rated voltage V R. The peak-to-peak value of the ripple voltage V p-p should not be greater than 0.3*V R according to the temperature derating of the rated voltage V R. The rated voltage of the capacitor may need to be reduced for different operating temperatures. See voltage derating curve within this datasheet.Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Soldering•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customer’s own risk.•Strong forces which may affect the coplanarity of the component’s electrical connection with the PCB (i.e. pins), can damage the part, resulting in void of the warranty.•Customer needs to ensure that the applied solder paste, the paste thickness and solder conditions are enough to guarantee a sufficient solder result according to the relevant criteria of IPC-A-610.•Excessive amount of solder may lead to higher tensile force and chip cracking. Insufficient amount of solder may detach the capacitor due to defective contacts.•Do not use excessive nor insufficient flux.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODFPu003.0002023-11-01DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors MXXP225474K310ACPP45004ORDER CODE890334026014CSSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGECleaning•Do not use any other cleaning solvents for box-typed capacitors except: ethanol, isopropanol, n-propanol - water mixtures. After cleaning a drying process with temperatures not exceeding 65°C and not longer than 4 hours is mandatory to prevent any kind of electrical damage.Coating, molding and potting of the PCB•If the product is potted in the costumer’s application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the body and termination. Expansion could damage the body or termination. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.•If final assemblies will be placed completely in any plastic resin, physical, chemical and thermal influences must be considered. •When coating and molding the PCB, verify the quality influence on the capacitor.•Verify the curing temperature and assure that there is no harmful decomposing or reaction gas emission during curing. •Do not exceed the specified max. self-heating.Vibration resistance•Do not exceed the vibration limits given by IEC60068-2-6.Handling•After soldering, please pay attention not to bend, twist or distort the PCB in handling and storage. •Avoid excessive pressure during the functional check of the PCB. •Avoid bending stress while breaking the PCB.•WCAP-FTXX and WCAP-FTX2 capacitors are not designed and not recommended to be used in series connection to the mains. •The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.Flammability•Avoid any external energy or open fire (passive flammability).These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.(V2.2)Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG EMC & Inductive Solutions Max-Eyth-Str. 174638 Waldenburg GermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCEPROJECTION METHODFPu003.0002023-11-01DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONTECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTXX Film CapacitorsMXXP225474K310ACPP45004ORDER CODE890334026014CSSIZE/TYPEBUSINESS UNITSTATUSPAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODFPu003.0002023-11-01DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTION TECHNICAL REFERENCEWCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors MXXP225474K310ACPP45004ORDER CODE890334026014CSSIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
failed to calculate the value of task
failed to calculate the value of task"Failed to Calculate the Value of Task" - A Common Error in Task ManagementTask management is the process of managing tasks or projects from beginning to end in an organized way. It involves planning, organizing, and monitoring tasks, and ensuring that they are completed on time and within budget. However, as with any process, there are bound to be errors, mistakes, and failures, and one common error that occurs in task management is "Failed to Calculate the Value of Task".What does it mean when you receive the error message, "Failed to Calculate the Value of Task"? This error message typically indicates that some aspect of your task has not been calculated correctly, causing the entire task or project to fail. It could be that the cost estimate was incorrect, the time estimate was too short or too long, or the resources needed were not properly accounted for.Why is it so important to calculate the value of a task? When you calculate the value of a task, you are essentially determining whether it is worth doing, and if so, how much time and resources to allocate to it. If you fail to accurately calculate the value of a task, you may end up wasting time and resources on a project that ultimately does not deliver the desired outcome or benefits.So, how can you avoid the "Failed to Calculate the Value of Task" error? Here are some tips:1. Define the task clearly - Before you start any task or project, make sure you have a clear understanding of whatneeds to be done, why it needs to be done, and what the desired outcome or benefits are.2. Estimate the costs and resources accurately - Make sure you have a detailed estimate of the costs and resources needed to complete the task. This should include everything from labor costs to equipment and materials.3. Analyze the risks and potential outcomes - Consider the potential risks and outcomes of the task, and weigh them against the costs and resources. Is the task worth doing, and what are the potential benefits?4. Monitor progress and adjust as needed - Once the task has started, monitor progress regularly and adjust as needed. This will help ensure that the task stays on track and on budget.In conclusion, "Failed to Calculate the Value of Task"is a common error in task management, but one that can be avoided with proper planning, estimation, and monitoring. By taking the time to accurately calculate the value of a task, you can help ensure that your projects are successful,deliver the desired outcome or benefits, and avoid wasted time and resources.。
预拌混凝土生产工艺温室气体减排基准线和监测方法学(第一版)一、来源、定义和适用条件1.来源本方法学属于“大规模”方法学,参考以下UNFCCC EB的CDM/CCER 方法学:• ACM0005 “Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight”• AMS-III.AK “Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight”• CCER方法学CM-002-V01“水泥生产中增加混材的比例”本方法学也参考了以下UNFCCC EB的CDM工具:• Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system;• Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality;• Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight.2.定义【混凝土】是指由胶凝材料将骨料胶结成整体复合材料的统称。
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Differences in Calculation of Pipeline LeakageRate in Different Standards and Suggestions for ModificationLI Anhu(Guizhou Anke Labor Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guiyang 550014,China)Abstract :Purpose :To find out the correctness of calculation results of pipeline leakage rate by various standards.Process and method :discuss how to calculate the two states of liquid leakage and gas leakage respectively with simple examples ,using liquefied natural gas (LNG)and compressed natural gas (CNG),ignoring the specific properties of the state and the application details of the standard.For national recommended standards and industrial standards SY/T 6714—2008,GB/T 27512—2011,GB/T 34346—2017,AQ /T 3046—2013,GB /T 26610.5—2014,HJ 169—2018,GB /T 37243—2019and APIRP 581—2016(2019)are used for actual calculation and list comparison.Results :In addition to HJ 169—2018Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment of Construction Projects ,several standards need to be corrected and improved.In particular,the formula or terminology of API 581of American Petroleum Institute in multiple versions is defective,and the domestic industry standards are insufficient when used by reference.Key words :conduit;leakage rate;calculate the difference;standard comparison不同标准对管道泄漏速率计算的差异及修改建议李安虎(贵州安科劳动保护技术有限责任公司,贵州贵阳550014)【摘要】目的目的::为了找出各类标准对管道泄漏速率计算结果的正确性。
astm f2096-11《通过内部加压(气泡试验)检测包装较大泄漏的标准试验方法》
astmf2096-11《通过内部加压(气泡试验)检测包装较大泄漏的标准试验方法》ASTM F2096-11 "Standard Test Method for Detecting Gross Leaks in Packaging by Internal Pressurization (Bubble Test)"This article introduces a standard test method for detecting gross leaks in packaging by internal pressurization, also known as the bubble test. This method is applicable to various types of packaging, such asplastic bags, cardboard boxes, glass bottles, etc., and can effectively evaluate the sealing performance and integrity of the packaging.The principle of the bubble test is to place the packaging in water and inject air or other gases into the packaging, observing whether bubbles appear on the surface of the packaging to determine if there is a leak. The steps of the bubble test are as follows:- Prepare the test equipment and materials, including a water tank, air source, pressure gauge, flow meter, fixtures, scissors, etc.- Select the appropriate air pressure and flow rate based on the size and material of the packaging, typically ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 MPa and 0.1 to 1 L/min.- Place the packaging in the water tank and secure it with fixtures, ensuring that a part of the packaging is exposed above the water surface for gas injection.- Use scissors to create a small hole in the exposed part of the packaging and connect the air source to the interior of the packaging to start injecting gas.- Observe the surface of the packaging and record the number, location, size, and shape of the bubbles. If bubbles appear, it indicates a leak in the packaging; if no bubbles appear, it indicates no leakage.- Stop the gas injection, disconnect the air source, remove the packaging, seal the incision with tape, and record the weight and volume of the packaging to calculate its air tightness.- Repeat the above steps for different packaging, compare and analyze the test results, and evaluate the sealing performance and integrity of the packaging.The advantages of the bubble test are its simplicity, speed, visual nature, and cost-effectiveness. It can provide qualitative and quantitative testing for various types of packaging. However, the bubble test haslimitations as it can only detect gross leaks. It may not be able to detect small or hidden leaks and cannot determine the specific cause and location of leaks. Therefore, it is necessary to combine other testing methods such as dye penetration, pressure change, vacuum testing, etc., for comprehensive evaluation and analysis.In conclusion, ASTM F2096-11 provides a standardized and efficient method for detecting gross leaks in packaging through internal pressurization. While the bubble test hasits limitations, it remains a valuable tool in evaluating the sealing performance and integrity of various types of packaging.。
excel calculate error 英文
Excel Calculate Error1. IntroductionExcel is widely used for data analysis, financial calculations, and a variety of other tasks. However, users may encounter calculation errors when working with Excel. This article will explore somemon Excel calculation errors and provide solutions to resolve them.2. Types of Calculation ErrorsThere are several types of calculation errors that can occur in Excel:1) #DIV/0!: This error occurs when a formula attempts to divide a number by zero.2) #VALUE!: This error occurs when a formula cont本人ns invalid data types or values.3) #REF!: This error occurs when a formula refers to a cell that is invalid or does not exist.4) #NUM!: This error occurs when a formula cont本人ns invalid numeric values.5) #N/A: This error occurs when a value is not av本人lable.3. Common Causes of Calculation Errors1) Input errors: Users may enter incorrect or invalid data into cells, leading to calculation errors.2) Formula errors: Incorrect or iplete formulas can result in calculation errors.3) Data type errors: Using the wrong data type in a formula or function can cause calculation errors.4) Circular references: Formulas that create circular references may lead to calculation errors.5) External data errors: Importing data from external sources can introduce errors into calculations.4. How to Identify Calculation ErrorsBefore resolving calculation errors in Excel, it's important to accurately identify them. Here are some methods to identify calculation errors:1) Error checking: Excel provides an error checking feature that can identify and highlight calculation errors in a worksheet.2) Visual inspection: Reviewing the formulas and data in the worksheet can help identify calculation errors.3) Using the ISERROR function: The ISERROR function can be used to identify cells that cont本人n errors.5. Resolving Calculation ErrorsOnce calculation errors have been identified, it's important to resolve them to ensure the accuracy of the data and calculations in Excel. Here are some methods to resolve calculation errors: 1) Check input data: Verify the input data in the affected cells to ensure it is correct and valid.2) Review formulas: Check the formulas in the affected cells for errors or inconsistencies.3) Use error-handling functions: Excel provides error-handling functions such as IFERROR and ISERROR to manage calculation errors.4) Use data validation: Implement data validation rules to restrict the type of data that can be entered into cells, reducing the potential for calculation errors.5) Update external data connections: If calculation errors are related to external data sources, update the connections and ensure the data is formatted correctly.6. Best Practices for Avoiding Calculation ErrorsTo minimize the occurrence of calculation errors in Excel, it's important to follow best practices for data entry, formulas, and functions. Here are some best practices to avoid calculation errors:1) Double-check data entry: Always double-check the dataentered into cells for accuracy and validity.2) Validate formulas: Validate formulas before using them in calculations to ensure they are correct andplete.3) Use consistent data types: Ensure that data types are consistent throughout the worksheet to prevent data type errors.4) Avoid circular references: Refr本人n from creating formulas that result in circular references to prevent calculation errors.5) Update external data carefully: When importing data from external sources, carefully review and format the data to minimize errors in calculations.7. ConclusionCalculation errors are amon problem in Excel, but they can be effectively identified and resolved using the methods outlined in this article. By following best practices for data entry, formulas, and functions, users can minimize the occurrence of calculation errors and ensure the accuracy of their calculations in Excel.。
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Annex 11Page 1Methodological tool“Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion”(Version 02)I. SCOPE, APPLICABILITY AND PARAMETERSScope and applicabilityThis tool provides procedures to calculate project and/or leakage CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels. It can be used in cases where CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion are calculated based on the quantity of fuel combusted and its properties. Methodologies using this tool should specify to which combustion process j this tool is being applied.ParametersThis tool provides procedures to determine the following parameters:ParameterSI Unit DescriptionPE FC,j,y tCO2/yr CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in process j during the year y II. BASELINE METHODOLOGY PROCEDURECO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in process j are calculated based on the quantity of fuels combusted and the CO2 emission coefficient of those fuels, as follows:∑×=iy i,yj,i,yj,FC,COEFFCPE(1) Where:PE FC,j,y= Are the CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in process j during the year y(tCO2/yr);FC i,j,y= Is the quantity of fuel type i combusted in process j during the year y (mass or volumeunit/yr);COEF i,y= Is the CO2 emission coefficient of fuel type i in year y (tCO2/mass or volume unit)i = Are the fuel types combusted in process j during the year yThe CO2 emission coefficient COEF i,y can be calculated using one of the following two Options, dependingon the availability of data on the fossil fuel type i, as follows:Annex 11Page 2Option A: The CO 2 emission coefficient COEF i,y is calculated based on the chemical composition of thefossil fuel type i , using the following approach:If FC i,j,y is measured in a mass unit:(2)44/12w COEF y i,C,y i,×=If FC i,j,y is measured in a volume unit: (3) 44/12w COEF y i,y i,C,y i,×ρ×=Where: COEF i,y = Is the CO 2 emission coefficient of fuel type i (tCO 2/mass or volume unit); w C,i,y = Is the weighted average mass fraction of carbon in fuel type i in year y (tC/mass unit of the fuel);ρi,y = Is the weighted average density of fuel type i in year y (mass unit/volume unit of the fuel)i=Are the fuel types combusted in process j during the year yOption B: The CO 2 emission coefficient COEF i,y is calculated based on net calorific value and CO 2emission factor of the fuel type i , as follows:yi,CO2,y i,y i,EF NCV COEF ×= (4)Where: COEF i,y = Is the CO 2 emission coefficient of fuel type i in year y (tCO 2/mass or volume unit)NCV i,y = Is the weighted average net calorific value of the fuel type i in year y (GJ/mass or volume unit)EF CO2,i,y = Is the weighted average CO 2 emission factor of fuel type i in year y (tCO 2/GJ) i=Are the fuel types combusted in process j during the year yOption A should be the preferred approach, if the necessary data is available. III. MONITORING METHODOLOGY PROCEDURE Monitoring proceduresDescribe and specify in the CDM-PDD all monitoring procedures, including the type of measurementinstrumentation used, the responsibilities for monitoring and QA/QC procedures that will be applied. Where the methodology provides different options (e.g. use of default values or on-site measurements), specify which option will be used. Meters should be installed, maintained and calibrated according to equipment manufacturer instructions and be in line with national standards, or, if these are not available, international standards (e.g. IEC, ISO).All data collected as part of monitoring should be archived electronically and be kept at least for 2 years after the end of the last crediting period. 100% of the data should be monitored if not indicated differently in the comments in the tables below.Annex 11Page 3 Data and parameters monitoredData / parameter: FC i,j,yData unit: Mass or volume unit per year (e.g. ton/yr or m3/yr)Description: Quantity of fuel type i combusted in process j during the year ySource of data: Onsite measurementsMeasurement procedures (if any): • Use either mass or volume meters. In cases where fuel is supplied from small daily tanks, rulers can be used to determine mass or volume of the fuel consumed, with the following conditions: The ruler gauge must be part of the daily tank and calibrated at least once a year and have a book of control for recording the measurements (on a daily basis or per shift); • Accessories such as transducers, sonar and piezoelectronic devices are accepted if they are properly calibrated with the ruler gauge and receivinga reasonable maintenance;• In case of daily tanks with pre-heaters for heavy oil, the calibration will be made with the system at typical operational conditions.Monitoringfrequency:ContinuouslyQA/QC procedures: The consistency of metered fuel consumption quantities should be cross-checked by an annual energy balance that is based on purchased quantities and stock changes.Where the purchased fuel invoices can be identified specifically for the CDMproject, the metered fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked withavailable purchase invoices from the financial records.Any comment: -Annex 11Page 4 Data / parameter: w C,i,yData unit: tC/mass unit of the fuelDescription: Weighted average mass fraction of carbon in fuel type i in year ySource of data: The following data sources may be used if the relevant conditions apply:Data source Conditions for using the data sourcea) Values provided by the fuelsupplier in invoicesThis is the preferred sourceb) Measurements by the projectparticipantsIf a) is not availableMeasurement procedures (if any): Measurements should be undertaken in line with national or international fuel standardsMonitoring frequency: The mass fraction of carbon should be obtained for each fuel delivery, from which weighted average annual values should be calculatedQA/QC procedures: Verify if the values under a) and b) are within the uncertainty range of the IPCC default values as provided in Table 1.2, Vol. 2 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. If thevalues fall below this range collect additional information from the testinglaboratory to justify the outcome or conduct additional measurements. Thelaboratories in b) should have ISO17025 accreditation or justify that they cancomply with similar quality standards.Any comment: Applicable where Option A is usedAnnex 11Page 5 Data / parameter: ρi,yData unit: Mass unit/volume unitDescription: Weighted average density of fuel type i in year ySource of data: The following data sources may be used if the relevant conditions apply:Data source Conditions for using the data sourcea) Values provided by the fuelsupplier in invoicesThis is the preferred sourceb) Measurements by the projectparticipantsIf a) is not availablec) Regional or national defaultvaluesIf a) is not availableThese sources can only be used forliquid fuels and should be based onwell-documented, reliable sources(such as national energy balances).Measurement procedures (if any): Measurements should be undertaken in line with national or international fuel standardsMonitoring frequency: The density of the fuel should be obtained for each fuel delivery, from which weighted average annual values should be calculatedQA/QC procedures:Any comment: Applicable where Option A is used and where FC i.j.y is measured in a volume unit.Preferably the same data source should be used for w C,i,y and ρi,y.Annex 11Page 6 Data / parameter: NCV i,yData unit: GJ per mass or volume unit (e.g. GJ/m³, GJ/ton)Description: Weighted average net calorific value of fuel type i in year ySource of data: The following data sources may be used if the relevant conditions apply:Data source Conditions for using the data sourcea) Values provided by the fuelsupplier in invoices This is the preferred source if the carbon fraction of the fuel is not provided (Option A)b) Measurements by the projectparticipantsIf a) is not availablec) Regional or national defaultvaluesIf a) is not availableThese sources can only be used forliquid fuels and should be based onwell documented, reliable sources(such as national energy balances).d) IPCC default values at the upperlimit of the uncertainty at a 95%confidence interval as providedin Table 1.2 of Chapter 1 ofVol. 2 (Energy) of the 2006IPCC Guidelines on NationalGHG InventoriesIf a) is not availableMeasurement procedures (if any): For a) and b): Measurements should be undertaken in line with national or international fuel standardsMonitoring frequency: For a) and b): The NCV should be obtained for each fuel delivery, from which weighted average annual values should be calculatedFor c): Review appropriateness of the values annuallyFor d): Any future revision of the IPCC Guidelines should be taken into accountQA/QC procedures: Verify if the values under a), b) and c) are within the uncertainty range of the IPCC default values as provided in Table 1.2, Vol. 2 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. If thevalues fall below this range collect additional information from the testinglaboratory to justify the outcome or conduct additional measurements. Thelaboratories in a), b) or c) should have ISO17025 accreditation or justify that theycan comply with similar quality standards.Any comment: Applicable where Option B is usedAnnex 11Page 7 Data / parameter: EF CO2,i,yData unit: tCO2/GJDescription: Weighted average CO2 emission factor of fuel type i in year ySource of data: The following data sources may be used if the relevant conditions apply:Data source Conditions for using thedata sourcea) Values provided by the fuelsupplier in invoicesThis is the preferred sourceb) Measurements by the projectparticipantsIf a) is not availablec) Regional or national defaultvaluesIf a) is not availableThese sources can only beused for liquid fuels andshould be based on well-documented, reliable sources(such as national energybalances)d) IPCC default values at the upperlimit of the uncertainty at a 95%confidence interval as provided intable 1.4 of Chapter1 of Vol. 2(Energy) of the 2006 IPCCGuidelines on National GHGInventoriesIf a) is not availableMeasurement procedures (if any): For a) and b): Measurements should be undertaken in line with national or international fuel standardsMonitoring frequency: For a) and b): The CO2 emission factor should be obtained for each fuel delivery, from which weighted average annual values should be calculated.For c): Review appropriateness of the values annuallyFor d): Any future revision of the IPCC Guidelines should be taken into accountAny comment: Applicable where option B is used.For a): If the fuel supplier does provide the NCV value and the CO2 emission factoron the invoice and these two values are based on measurements for this specific fuel,this CO2 factor should be used. If another source for the CO2 emission factor is usedor no CO2 emission factor is provided, Options b), c) or d) should be used.IV. REFERENCES AND ANY OTHER INFORMATIONNot applicable.- - - - -Annex 11Page 8History of the documentVersion Date Nature of revision(s)02 EB 41, Annex 1102 August 2008 The tool was revised to clarify that the use of rulers is an acceptable measurement method for monitoring FC i,j,y.01 EB 32, Annex 922 June 2007Initial adoption.。