Synthesis of Large Area




二硫化钼纳米薄片分散液的剥离制备刘陈仁浪;李培真;陈龙;安琪【摘要】文中采用液相超声剥离粉末二硫化钼制备了纳米薄片分散液,通过紫外可见吸收光谱测定分散液的浓度,并探索了超声功率、超声时间以及二硫化钼初始浓度对纳米薄片分散液浓度的影响.实验结果表明,当超声功率为350 W,超声时间为48 h,二硫化钼初始浓度为10 mg/mL时,所制备的纳米薄片分散液浓度可达0.16 mg/mL.在剥离过程中加入聚乙烯吡咯烷酮,可以有效避免由于纳米薄片自身团聚而导致的分散液稳定性差的问题,所得到的二硫化钼纳米薄片分散液可稳定存放超过两个月;同时,PVP的加入可将二硫化钼纳米薄片分散液浓度提高至0.42 mg/mL.【期刊名称】《电子科技》【年(卷),期】2019(032)004【总页数】4页(P64-67)【关键词】液相超声剥离;二硫化钼;纳米薄片;团聚;聚乙烯吡咯烷酮;稳定性【作者】刘陈仁浪;李培真;陈龙;安琪【作者单位】电子科技大学材料与能源学院,四川成都 610054;电子科技大学材料与能源学院,四川成都 610054;电子科技大学材料与能源学院,四川成都610054;电子科技大学材料与能源学院,四川成都 610054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN04;O6-31二维材料(石墨烯[1]、过渡金属硫化物[2-4]和黑磷[5]等)具有优异的电、光、热和机械性能,被广泛应用于电子器件的制造中。


六方晶系MoS2具有与石墨烯类似的二维层状结构,层内由S-Mo-S三原子层通过较强的共价键结合(厚度仅为0.65 nm),层间通过较弱的范德华力相互作用,使得MoS2体材料易在外界环境影响下形成薄层结构。


介孔 二氧化硅

介孔 二氧化硅
































铜对石墨烯生长的催化作用English Answer:Introduction.Graphene, a two-dimensional material composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, has attracted significant attention in recent years due to its exceptional properties, including high electrical and thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, and optical transparency. The synthesis of high-quality graphene is crucial for realizing its full potential in various applications. Copper (Cu) has emerged as a promising catalyst for graphene growth due to its ability to promote the formation of large-area, single-crystalline graphene films. In this article, we will explore the catalytic role of Cu in graphene growth and discuss the mechanisms involved.Mechanism of Cu-Catalyzed Graphene Growth.The growth of graphene on Cu involves several key steps:1. Carbon Source Decomposition: The carbon source, typically methane (CH4) or ethylene (C2H4), is decomposedon the Cu surface, releasing carbon atoms.2. Carbon Diffusion: The released carbon atoms diffuse across the Cu surface, forming small graphene nuclei.3. Graphene Nucleation and Growth: Under appropriate growth conditions, the graphene nuclei grow and coalesce to form a continuous graphene film.Role of Cu in Graphene Growth.Cu plays a crucial role in graphene growth by providing several key functions:1. High Carbon Solubility: Cu has a high solubility for carbon, allowing it to dissolve carbon atoms from the gas phase and provide a continuous supply for graphene growth.2. Low Carbon Diffusion Barrier: Cu has a low diffusion barrier for carbon, facilitating the movement of carbon atoms across the surface and promoting the formation oflarge-area graphene films.3. Catalytic Activity: Cu acts as a catalyst for the decomposition of the carbon source, promoting the formation of carbon atoms and graphene nuclei.Optimization of Cu-Catalyzed Graphene Growth.The growth of high-quality graphene on Cu requires careful optimization of various parameters, including:1. Temperature: The growth temperature plays a critical role in the size, morphology, and quality of graphene films.2. Gas Composition: The composition of the growth gas, including the ratio of carbon source to hydrogen,influences the growth rate and properties of graphene.3. Pressure: The growth pressure affects the carbon solubility in Cu and can impact the thickness anduniformity of graphene films.Applications of Cu-Catalyzed Graphene.Cu-catalyzed graphene has a wide range of potential applications in various fields, including:1. Electronics: Graphene's high electrical conductivity makes it a promising material for next-generationelectronic devices, such as transistors, sensors, and displays.2. Energy Storage: Graphene's high surface area and electrochemical properties make it suitable for energy storage applications, such as batteries and supercapacitors.3. Composite Materials: Graphene can be incorporatedinto composite materials to enhance their mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties.Conclusion.Copper (Cu) serves as an effective catalyst for the growth of high-quality graphene films. Its high carbon solubility, low carbon diffusion barrier, and catalytic activity facilitate the formation of large-area, single-crystalline graphene. By optimizing growth parameters, such as temperature, gas composition, and pressure, the properties of Cu-catalyzed graphene can be tailored for specific applications. With its exceptional properties, Cu-catalyzed graphene holds great promise for advancing various fields of science and technology.Chinese Answer:铜对石墨烯生长的催化作用。



第一课Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。




The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。

Large-area synthesis of high-quality and uniform graphene films on copper foils

Large-area synthesis of high-quality and uniform graphene films on copper foils

DOI: 10.1126/science.1171245, 1312 (2009);324Scienceet al.Xuesong Li,Graphene Films on Copper Foils Large-Area Synthesis of High-Quality and Uniform (this information is current as of June 8, 2009 ):The following resources related to this article are available online at/cgi/content/full/324/5932/1312version of this article at:including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services,/cgi/content/full/1171245/DC1 can be found at:Supporting Online Material /cgi/content/full/324/5932/1312#otherarticles , 2 of which can be accessed for free:cites 25 articles This article/cgi/collection/mat_sci Materials Science: subject collections This article appears in the following/about/permissions.dtl in whole or in part can be found at: this article permission to reproduce of this article or about obtaining reprints Information about obtaining registered trademark of a Science 2009 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. 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(print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science o n J u n e 8, 2009w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m3.B.L.Cushing,V.L.Kolesnichenko,C.J.O ’Connor,Chem.Rev.104,3893(2004).4.Y.Yin,A.P.Alivisatos,Nature 437,664(2005).5.D.J.Norris,A.L.Efros,S.C.Erwin,Science 319,1776(2008).6.X.G.Peng et al .,Nature 404,59(2000).7.L.Manna,E.C.Scher,A.P.Alivisatos,J.Am.Chem.Soc.122,12700(2000).8.V.F.Puntes,K.M.Krishnan,A.P.Alivisatos,Science 291,2115(2001).9.V.F.Puntes,D.Zanchet,C.K.Erdonmez,A.P.Alivisatos,J.Am.Chem.Soc.124,12874(2002).liron et al .,Nature 430,190(2004).11.Y.D.Yin et al .,Science 304,711(2004).Mer,R.H.Dinergar,J.Am.Chem.Soc.72,4847(1950).13.H.Reiss,J.Chem.Phys.19,482(1951).14.T.Sugimoto,Adv.Colloid Interface Sci.28,65(1987).15.D.V.Leff,P.C.Ohara,J.R.Heath,W.M.Gelbart,J.Phys.Chem.B 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their help with the initial tests on the liquid cells.This project is supported by the Director,Office of Science,Office of Basic Energy Sciences,Materials Sciences and Engineering Division of the U.S.Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231.Supporting Online Material/cgi/content/full/324/5932/1309/DC1Materials and Methods Figs.S1to S3Movies S1and S2References10February 2009;accepted 8April 200910.1126/science.1172104Large-Area Synthesis of High-Quality and Uniform Graphene Films on Copper FoilsXuesong Li,1Weiwei Cai,1Jinho An,1Seyoung Kim,2Junghyo Nah,2Dongxing Yang,1Richard Piner,1Aruna Velamakanni,1Inhwa Jung,1Emanuel Tutuc,2Sanjay K.Banerjee,2Luigi Colombo,3*Rodney S.Ruoff 1*Graphene has been attracting great interest because of its distinctive band structure and physical properties.Today,graphene is limited to small sizes because it is produced mostly by exfoliating graphite.We grew large-area graphene films of the order of centimeters on copper substrates by chemical vapor deposition using methane.The films are predominantly single-layer graphene,with a small percentage (less than 5%)of the area having few layers,and are continuous across copper surface steps and grain boundaries.The low solubility of carbon in copper appears to help make this growth process self-limiting.We also developed graphene film transfer processes to arbitrary substrates,and dual-gated field-effect transistors fabricated on silicon/silicon dioxide substrates showed electron mobilities as high as 4050square centimeters per volt per second at room temperature.Graphene,a monolayer of sp 2-bonded car-bon atoms,is a quasi –two-dimensional (2D)material.Graphene has been attract-ing great interest because of its distinctive band structure and physical properties (1).Today,the size of graphene films produced is limited to small sizes (usually <1000m m 2)because the films are produced mostly by exfoliating graphite,which is not a scalable technique.Graphene has also been synthesized by the desorption of Si from SiC single-crystal surfaces,which yields a multilayered graphene structure that behaves like graphene (2,3),and by a surface precipitation process of carbon in some transition metals (4–8).Electronic application will require high-quality large-area graphene that can be manipu-lated to make complex devices and integrated in silicon device flows.Field-effect transistors (FETs)fabricated with exfoliated graphite have shown promising electrical properties (9,10),but these devices will not meet the silicon device scaling requirements,especially those for power reduction and performance.One device that could meet the silicon roadmap requirements beyond the 15-nm node was proposed by S.K.Banerjee et al .(11).The device is a “BisFET ”(bilayer pseudospin FET)that is made up of two graphene layers separated by a thin dielectric.The ability to create this device can be facilitated by the availability of large-area graphene.Making a transparent electrode,another prom-ising application of graphene,also requires large films (6,12–14).At this time,there is no pathway for the formation of a graphene layer that can be ex-foliated from or transferred from the graphene synthesized on SiC,but there is a way to growand transfer graphene grown on metal substrates (5–7).Although graphene has been grown on a number of metals,we still have the challenge of growing large-area graphene.For example,graphene grown on Ni seems to be limited by its small grain size,presence of multilayers at the grain boundaries,and the high solubility of car-bon (6,7).We have developed a graphene chem-ical vapor deposition (CVD)growth process on copper foils (25m m thick in our experiment).The films grow directly on the surface by a surface-catalyzed process,and the film is predominantly graphene with <5%of the area having two-and three-layer graphene flakes.Under our process-ing conditions,the two-and three-layer flakes do not grow larger with time.One of the major benefits of our process is that it can be used to grow graphene on 300-mm copper films on Si substrates (a standard process in Si technology).It is also well known that annealing of Cu can lead to very large grains.As described in (15),we grew graphene on copper foils at temperatures up to 1000°C by CVD of carbon using a mixture of methane and hydrogen.Figure 1A shows a scanning electron microscopy (SEM)image of graphene on a copper substrate where the Cu grains are clearly visible.A higher-resolution image of graphene on Cu (Fig.1B)shows the presence of Cu surface steps,graphene “wrinkles,”and the presence of non-uniform dark flakes.The wrinkles associated with the thermal expansion coefficient difference between Cu and graphene are also found to cross Cu grain boundaries,indicating that the graphene film is continuous.The inset in Fig.1B shows transmission electron microscopy (TEM)images of graphene and bilayer graphene.With the use of a process similar to that described in (16),the as-grown graphene can be easily transferred to alternative substrates,such as SiO 2/Si or glass (Fig.1,C and D),for further evaluation and for various applications;a detailed transfer process is described (15).The process and method used to transfer graphene from Cu was the same for the SiO 2/Si substrate and the glass substrate.Al-1Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Texas Materials Institute,1University Station C2200,The University of Texas at Austin,Austin,TX 78712–0292,USA.2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Microelectronics Research Center,The University of Texas at Austin,Austin,TX 78758,USA.3Texas Instruments,Dallas,TX 75243,USA.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:colombo@ (L.C.);r.ruoff@ (R.S.R.)5JUNE 2009VOL 324SCIENCE1312REPORTSo n J u n e 8, 2009w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mthough it is difficult to see the graphene on the SiO 2/Si substrate,a similar graphene film from another Cu substrate transferred on glass clearly shows that it is optically uniform.We used Raman spectroscopy to evaluate the quality and uniformity of graphene on a SiO 2/Si substrate.Figure 2shows SEM and optical im-ages with the corresponding Raman spectra and maps of the D,G,and 2D bands providing in-formation on the defect density and film thick-ness.The Raman spectra are from the spots marked with the corresponding colored circles shown in the other panels (in Fig.2,A and B,green arrows are used instead of circles so as to show the trilayer region more clearly).The thickness and uniformity of the graphene films were evaluated via color contrast under optical microscope (17)and Raman spectra (7,18,19).The Raman spectrum from the lightest pink background in Fig.2B shows typical features of monolayer graphene:(i)a ~0.5G –to –2D inten-sity ratio and (ii)a symmetric 2D band centered at ~2680cm –1with a full width at half maxi-mum of ~33cm –1.The second lightest pink flakes (blue circle)correspond to bilayer graphene,and the darkest one (green arrow)represents trilayer graphene.This thickness variation is more clearly shown in the SEM image in Fig.2A.The D map in Fig.2D,which has been associated with defects in graphene,is rather uniform and near the background level,except for regions where wrinkles are present and close to few-layer regions.The G and the 2D maps clearly show the presence of more than one layer in the flakes.In the wrinkled regions,there are peak height variations in both the G and 2D bands,and there is a broadening of the 2D band.An analysis of the intensity of the optical image over the whole sample (1cm by 1cm)showed that the area with the lightest pink color is more than 95%,and all 40Raman spectra randomly collected from this area show monolayer graphene.There is only a small fraction of trilayer or few-layer (<10)graphene (<1%),and the rest is bilayer graphene (~3to 4%).We grew films on Cu as a function of time and Cu foil thickness under isothermal and iso-baric ing the process flow de-scribed in (15),we found that graphene growth on Cu is self-limited;growth that proceeded for more than 60min yielded a similar structure to growth runs performed for ~10min.For timesFig.2.(A )SEM image of graphene transferred on SiO 2/Si (285-nm-thick oxide layer)showing wrin-kles,as well as two-and three-layerregions.(B )Op-tical microscope image of the same regions as in (A).(C )Raman spectra from the marked spots with cor-responding colored circles or arrows showing the pres-enceofone,two,andthree layers of graphene.a.u.,ar-bitrary units.(D to F )Ra-man maps of the D (1300to 1400cm –1),G (1560to 1620cm –1),and 2D (2660to 2700cm –1)bands,re-spectively (WITec alpha300,l laser =532nm,~500-nm spot size,100×objector).CCD cts.,charge-coupled device counts.Scale bars,5mm.Fig.1.(A )SEM image of graphene on a copper foil with a growth time of 30min.(B )High-resolution SEM image showing a Cu grain boundary and steps,two-and three-layer graphene flakes,and graphene wrinkles.Inset in (B)shows TEM images of folded graphene edges.1L,one layer;2L,two layers.(C and D )Graphene films transferred onto a SiO 2/Si substrate and a glass plate,respectively. SCIENCE VOL 3245JUNE 20091313REPORTSo n J u n e 8, 2009w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mmuch less than 10min,the Cu surface is usually not fully covered [SEM images of graphene on Cu with different growth time are shown in fig.S3(15)].The growth of graphene on Cu foils of varying thickness (12.5,25,and 50m m)also yielded similar graphene structure with re-gions of double and triple flakes,but neither discontinuous monolayer graphene for thinner Cu foils nor continuous multilayer graphene for thicker Cu foils,as we would have expected based on the precipitation mechanism.Accord-ing to these observations,we concluded that graphene is growing by a surface-catalyzed pro-cess rather than a precipitation process,as has been reported by others for Ni (5–7).Monolayer graphene formation caused by surface segrega-tion or surface adsorption of carbon has also been observed on transition metals such as Ni and Co at elevated temperatures by Blakely and coauthors (20–22).However,when the metal substrates were cooled down to room temper-ature,thick graphite films were obtained because of precipitation of excess C from these metals,in which the solubility of C is relatively high.In recent work,thin Ni films and a fast-cooling process have been used to suppress the amount of precipitated C.However,this process still yields films with a wide range of graphene layer thicknesses,from one to a few tens of lay-ers and with defects associated with fast cooling (5–7).Our results suggest that the graphene growth process is not one of C precipitation but rather a CVD process.The precise mechanism will require additional experiments to understand in full,but very low C solubility in Cu (23–25)and poor C saturation as a result of graphene sur-face coverage may be playing a role in limiting or preventing the precipitation process altogether at high temperature,similar to the case of im-peding of carburization of Ni (26).This provides a pathway for growing self-limited graphene films.To evaluate the electrical quality of the syn-thesized graphene,we fabricated dual-gated FETs with Al 2O 3as the gate dielectric and measured them at room temperature.Along with a device model that incorporates a finite density at the Dirac point,the dielectric,and the quantum ca-pacitances (9),the data are shown in Fig.3.The extracted carrier mobility for this device is ~4050cm 2V –1s –1,with the residual carrier concentra-tion at the Dirac point of n 0=3.2×1011cm –2.These data suggest that the films are of rea-sonable quality,at least sufficient to continue improving the growth process to achieve a ma-terial quality equivalent to the exfoliated natural graphite.References and Notes1.A.K.Geim,K.S.Novoselov,Nat.Mater.6,183(2007).2.C.Berger et al .,Science 312,1191(2006);published online 12April 2006(10.1126/science.1125925).3.K.V.Emtsev et al .,Nat.Mater.8,203(2009).4.P.W.Sutter,J.-I.Flege,E.A.Sutter,Nat.Mater.7,406(2008).5.Q.Yu et al 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two-dimensional limit is studied on ultrathin lead films down to two atomic layers,where only a single channel of quantum well states exists.Scanning tunneling spectroscopy reveals that local superconducting order remains robust until two atomic layers,where the transition temperature abruptly plunges to a lower value,depending sensitively on the exact atomic structure of the film.Our result shows that Cooper pairs can still form in the last two-dimensional channel of electron states,although their binding is strongly affected by the substrate.Studies of two-dimensional (2D)super-conductivities have been generally limited to the regime where the superconducting order parameter behaves as a 2D wave func-tion but the underline electrons are still three-dimensional (1–11).Recent advancements in materials synthesis have enabled the growth of epitaxial superconductor thin films with unprec-Fig.3.(A )Optical micro-scope imageofa graphene FET.(B )Device resistance versus top-gate voltage (V TG ),with different back-gate (V BG )biases,and ver-sus V TG -V Dirac,TG (V TG at the Dirac point),with a model fit (solidline).5JUNE 2009VOL 324SCIENCE1314REPORTSo n J u n e 8, 2009w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m。



小学下册英语上册试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "Respect"?A. Aretha FranklinB. Billie HolidayC. Ella FitzgeraldD. Nina Simone答案:A2.I want to _____ (learn) to surf.3.The ______ is a common farm animal.4.My pet ______ (仓鼠) loves to run at night.5.I want to _____ (play/learn) soccer.6.古代的________ (territories) 常常经历战争与和平的变迁。

7.My favorite subject is __________.8.The anteater's long snout is perfect for eating ______ (蚂蚁).9. (Gutenberg) press revolutionized the way books were made. The ____10.The concept of ecological resilience refers to the ability of ecosystems to recover from ______.11.What do we call the area of land that is heavily populated?A. UrbanB. RuralC. SuburbanD. Remote答案:A Urban12.My dad is very ________.13.The ______ (生态恢复) involves planting native species.14.I can ______ (完成) tasks efficiently.15.What do birds build to lay their eggs?A. NestB. DenC. BurrowD. Hive答案:A16.What is the name of the famous English playwright?A. Charles DickensB. J.K. RowlingC. William ShakespeareD. Jane Austen答案:C17.The chemical symbol for aluminum is _______.18.I enjoy going for ________ in the park.19.The process of plants making their own food is called ______.20. A satellite orbits around a ______.21.The grass is _______ (wet) from the rain.22.In an electrochemical cell, oxidation occurs at the ____ electrode.23.We like to ________ together.24. A chemical reaction can be represented by a ______ equation.25.I saw a ______ (小马) grazing in the field. It looked very ______ (自在).26.Which month has Valentine's Day?A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. April27.What do you call a vehicle that travels on tracks?A. CarB. TrainC. BicycleD. Airplane答案:B28.What is the currency used in the USA?A. EuroB. DollarC. YenD. Pound答案:B29.The _____ (car/bike) is fast.30. A chemical reaction can involve the synthesis of _____.31._____ (herb) are often used in cooking.32.The chemical symbol for rubidium is ______.33.I like to watch ______ on weekends.34.What is the capital of Germany?A. MunichB. BerlinC. FrankfurtD. Hamburg35.The __________ (历史的多样性视角) enrich discussions.36.At the fair, I won a _________ (玩具熊) playing a game.37.What is the name of the famous park in New York City?A. Central ParkB. Hyde ParkC. Golden Gate ParkD. Stanley Park答案:A38.Who is the main character in a story?A. HeroB. VillainC. ProtagonistD. Antagonist39.The chemical formula for -bromobutanoic acid is ______.40.Which of these is a common pet?A. ElephantB. DogC. LionD. Tiger答案:B41.I love to _______ (观察) wildlife.42.The first successful airplane flight was in _______.43.My _____ (外公) loves gardening.44.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost a shoe?A. CinderellaB. Snow WhiteC. RapunzelD. Little Red Riding Hood答案:A45.Atom economy refers to the efficiency of a reaction in converting reactants into _____ products.46.An alligator lives in _________ (沼泽地).47. A solution can become saturated when it holds the maximum amount of ______.48.I enjoy _______ (hiking) in the woods.49.What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?A. MilkB. YogurtC. FruitD. Ice答案:C50.The first human to orbit the Earth was ________ (尤里·加加林).51.The painting is ___. (beautiful)52.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. MilkB. Cocoa beansC. SugarD. Vanilla答案:B53.The ancient Romans used _____ to entertain their citizens.54. A wheel helps reduce ______.55.My dog loves _______ (去公园) for walks.56.Certain plants can ______ (影响) local culture significantly.57.I want to learn how to _______.58. A lion's roar can be heard from ________________ (远处).59.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. CheeseD. Egg答案:B60.The chemical symbol for potassium is __________.61.What do we call the act of recognizing someone's efforts?A. AcknowledgmentB. AppreciationC. CommendationD. All of the Above答案:D62.The _____ (香草) in my garden is used for cooking.63.The _____ (咖啡) is brewed fresh.64. A _____ (水果) tree takes years to mature.65.What is the name of the largest desert in the world?A. SaharaB. GobiC. KalahariD. Atacama答案:A66.The ________ (文化节) highlights traditions.67.My sister is learning to play the ____ (flute).68.Which animal is known as the king of the jungle?A. LionB. TigerC. BearD. Elephant答案:A69. A ________ is a large area of land that is covered in snow.70.They are having a ___. (party)71.What do we call the study of weather?A. GeologyB. AstronomyC. MeteorologyD. Biology72.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. The ShardC. The GherkinD. The Tower of London答案:A73.我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)74.I like to ______ on sunny days. (play outside)75.My favorite game is _____ (chess/football).76.I _____ (am/are) going to the zoo.77.The ________ was a historic treaty that established new alliances.78.The _____ (植物生长阶段) varies from species to species.79.In ______, the days are longer, which means we have more time to play. I love watching the ______ change colors, painting the landscape in shades of ______. It makes everything look magical.80.He has a ___ (ball/book) in his hand.81.The __________ (古代中国) invented paper, gunpowder, and the compass.82.What do we call the lines that run north to south on a map?A. LatitudeB. LongitudeC. EquatorD. Meridian83.The _______ is often found near water.84.The __________ is a major trade center in Asia. (香港)85.What is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. MadridC. RomeD. Paris答案:A86.The __________ (非洲殖民时期) changed many countries.87.I have a ___ (cat/dog) at home.88. A _______ (小仓鼠) is often kept as a pet in a cage.89.I enjoy practicing mindfulness to stay present in the __________.90.The ________ (果实采摘) is enjoyable.91._____ (seedling) is a young plant.92.What is the name of the river that runs through Egypt?A. AmazonB. NileC. MississippiD. Yangtze答案:B93.The chameleon can blend into its _________. (环境) Armada was defeated in __________ (1588). The Span95.The capital of North Korea is __________.96.What do we call a small, round fruit that is red or green?A. OrangeB. AppleC. BananaD. Pear97.What is the name of the famous American landmark that is a national park in South Dakota?A. YellowstoneB. Mount RushmoreC. YosemiteD. Grand Canyon答案:B98.What is the main language spoken in Spain?A. FrenchB. ItalianC. SpanishD. Portuguese99.In a chemical reaction, products are formed from ________.100.The cat is _____ on the windowsill. (sitting)。



小学上册英语第五单元测验试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the capital of Georgia (the country)?A. TbilisiB. BatumiC. KutaisiD. Rustavi2. A plant's ______ (生长速度) can be influenced by sunlight.3.The main gas emitted by decaying organic matter is __________.4.The sunset is _______ (壮观的).5.The building blocks of all matter are ______.6.What is the capital city of Vietnam?A. HanoiB. Ho Chi Minh CityC. Da NangD. Nha Trang7.How many rings are on the Olympic flag?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 68.What kind of tree produces acorns?A. PineB. MapleC. OakD. Birch9. A ____(wetland) can filter pollutants from water.10.The butterfly is pretty and ______.11.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "I Will Survive"?A. Gloria GaynorB. Diana RossC. Aretha FranklinD. Whitney HoustonA12. A rabbit has big _____ ears.13. A solar eclipse can only occur during a new ______.14.Chemical reactions can be classified into different ________.15.The ______ (气味) of fresh grass is delightful.16.The soup is _____ (hot/cold) today.17. A saturated fat is solid at ______ temperature.18.What do you call a journey into space?A. ExpeditionB. AdventureC. MissionD. SpaceflightD19.The _____ (枫树) turns red in autumn.20.My brother is a ______. He enjoys building robots.21.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. BoilingD. Scorching22.What do you call the person who repairs computers?A. TechnicianB. EngineerC. ProgrammerD. Designer23.He _______ (喜欢) playing soccer after school.24.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her hit song "My Heart Will Go On"?A. Celine DionB. Whitney HoustonC. Mariah CareyD. AdeleA Celine Dion25. A chemical reaction can involve the synthesis of _____.26.What do you call the study of the Earth's structure?A. GeologyB. GeographyC. EcologyD. MeteorologyA27.My ________ (父母) take me to the zoo every summer.28.What do we call the process of planting seeds and growing crops?A. HarvestingB. GardeningC. AgricultureD. FishingC Agriculture29.What is the process of water vapor turning into liquid called?A. EvaporationB. PrecipitationC. CondensationD. SublimationC30.Salt forms when an acid reacts with a ________.31.How many zeros are in one thousand?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiveB32.What is the process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. DigestionD. CirculationB33.What do we call the time when we eat in the morning?A. DinnerB. LunchC. BreakfastD. SnackC34.What do you call a baby horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. PupB35. A reaction that produces light is called a ______ reaction.36.I usually eat ______ for breakfast.37.What do we call the large body of freshwater surrounded by land?A. OceanB. LakeC. RiverD. StreamB Lake38.The ____ has a long neck and eats leaves from tall trees.39. A ______ (小型花园) can flourish in a small space.40.The ________ (生态系统恢复) is ongoing.41.The ______ (气温) is rising today.42.What is the term for a young fish?A. FryB. CalfC. PupD. ChickA Fry43.The chemical symbol for titanium is ______.44.I enjoy playing ________ (动词) games with my toys. It helps me understand teamwork.45. A tarantula's silk is used to create a ______ (网).46.Plants need proper ______ (间距) to grow well.47.__________ are used in cosmetics for their thickening properties.48. A __________ is a geological feature formed by the movement of tectonic plates.pounds can be separated into their elements through a ________ reaction.50.The girl is very ________.51.What do we call a person who sings?A. DancerB. SingerC. PainterD. Writer52.We breathe in _____ and breathe out carbon dioxide.53.At the toy store, I saw a giant ____! (玩具名称)54.We are going to a ________ (展览).55. A _______ (小花猫) loves to play with string.56.The __________ (历史的启发性探讨) foster understanding.57.Binary star systems consist of two stars that are bound by ______.58.The _____ (大熊猫) is a rare animal that lives in China. 大熊猫是生活在中国的一种稀有动物。






工作经历:1.2004.8-2004.12:中国科学院固体物理研究所,助理研究员;2.2005.1-2006.1:香港中文大学,博士后;3.2006.3-今:华南师范大学,化学与环境学院,研究员教育背景:1.1994.9-1998.7:山东轻工业学院,材料系,硅酸盐工程专业(本科);2.1998.9-2001.7:吉林大学,地球科学学院,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学专业(硕士);3.2001.9-2004.7:中国科学院固体物理研究所,凝聚态物理专业(博士);主要论文:1.Fengqiang Sun, Jimmy C.Yu,Xinchen Wang, “Construction ofSize-Controllable Hierarchical Nanoporous TiO2 Ring Arrays and TheirModifications”, Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 3774-3779;2.Fengqiang Sun, Weiping Cai, Yue Li, Lichao Jia, Fang Lu, “Direct growth ofmonoand multilayer nanostructured porous films on curved surfaces and theirapplication as gas sensors”Advanced Materials, 2005, 17, 2872-2877;3.Fengqiang Sun, Weiping Cai, Yue Li, Bingqiang Cao, Fang Lu, Guotao Duan,Lide Zhang, “Morphology Control and Transferability of Orderly ArrangedThrough-Pore Arrays Based on Electrodeposition of Colloidal Monolayer”,Advanced Materials, 2004,16(13),1116~1121;4.Fengqiang Sun, Weiping Cai, Yue Li, Bingqiang Cao, Yong Lei, Lide Zhang,“Morphology-Controlled Growth of Large Area 2D Ordered Pore Array”,Advanced Functional Materials, 2004, 14(3), 283~288;5.Fengqiang Sun, Weiping Cai, Yue Li, Guotao Duan, W. T. Nichols, ChanghaoLiang, N. Koshizaki, Qi Fang, “Laser Morphological manipulation of goldnanopartilces periodically arranged on solid supports”, Applied Physics B:Lasers and Optics, 2005, 81,765-768;6.Fengqiang Sun, Weiping Cai, Yue Li, Bingqiang Cao, Yong Lei, Lide Zhang,“Morphology controlled growth of large area ordered porous film”, MaterialScience and Technology, 2005, 21(4), 500~504;7.Yu Lin, Fengqiang Sun, and Lide Zhang, “Sol–gel ElectrophoreticDeposition andOptical Properties of Fe2O3 Nanowire Arrays”, AppliedPhysics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2004,78,1197;8.Bingqiang Cao, Fengqiang Sun, Weiping Cai, “Electrodeposition-inducedhighly oriented zinc oxide ordered pore arrays and their ultraviolet emissions”, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 2005, 8(9), G237~G240;9.Bingqiang Cao, Weiping Cai, Fengqiang Sun, Yue Li, Yong Lei and LideZhang, “Fabrication of large-area zinc oxide ordered pore arrays withcontrollable morphology”,Chemical Communications 2004, 14,1604;10.Cuncheng Li, Weiping Cai, Bingqiang Cao, Fengqiang Sun, Yue Li, CaixiaKan, Zhang Lide, “Mass Synthesis of Large, Singel-Crystal Au NanosheetsBased on a Polyol Process”Advanced Functional Materials, 2006, 16, 83-90 主要专利:1.孙丰强,蔡伟平,李越,曹丙强,张立德,“溶液浸渍-单层胶体晶体模板法制备形态可控有序多孔功能薄膜材料”,专利号:CN200410044978.4;2.孙丰强,蔡伟平,李越,曹丙强,张立德,“电化学沉积法合成形态可控、可转移的有序通孔薄膜”,专利号:CN200410044976.5;3.孙丰强,蔡伟平,贾丽超,曹丙强,李越,“纳米结构有序多孔薄膜型气敏元件及其制备方法”,申请号:200510095606.9。



肌肉横截面积面积英文单词Muscle Cross-Sectional AreaMuscle is a remarkable tissue that plays a crucial role in the human body. From facilitating movement and maintaining posture to powering our daily activities, muscles are the driving force behind our physical abilities. At the heart of this muscular prowess lies a fundamental concept – the muscle cross-sectional area.The cross-sectional area of a muscle refers to the area occupied by the muscle fibers when viewed in a perpendicular plane. This measurement is significant because it directly correlates with the muscle's ability to generate force and power. The larger the cross-sectional area, the greater the potential for muscular strength and performance.Factors Affecting Muscle Cross-Sectional AreaThe cross-sectional area of a muscle is influenced by a variety of factors, both genetic and environmental. Genetics play a crucial role in determining an individual's muscle fiber type, distribution, and potential for growth. Some people are simply born with a predisposition to having larger muscle fibers, which can translate toa greater cross-sectional area.In addition to genetics, external factors such as physical activity and nutrition also have a significant impact on muscle cross-sectional area. Regular exercise, particularly resistance training, stimulates the muscle fibers to undergo hypertrophy, or an increase in size. This process is driven by the body's adaptive response to the stress placed on the muscles during strength-based activities.Proper nutrition, particularly the intake of adequate protein, is also essential for muscle growth and maintenance of cross-sectional area. Protein provides the building blocks for the synthesis of new muscle fibers and the repair of damaged ones, allowing the muscles to grow and maintain their size.Measuring Muscle Cross-Sectional AreaAccurately measuring the cross-sectional area of a muscle is crucial for assessing an individual's muscular development, monitoring progress, and informing training and nutritional strategies. Several techniques are available for this purpose, each with its own advantages and limitations.One of the most common methods is the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans. These imaging techniques allow for high-resolution, three-dimensional visualizationof the muscle structures, enabling precise measurement of the cross-sectional area. This approach is particularly useful for evaluating deeper muscles that are not easily accessible through physical examination.Another method involves the use of ultrasound imaging. This non-invasive technique uses sound waves to create real-time images of the muscle, allowing for quick and relatively accurate measurements of the cross-sectional area. Ultrasound is often preferred for its accessibility, portability, and the ability to capture dynamic muscle contractions.In some cases, more indirect methods, such as anthropometric measurements or bioelectrical impedance analysis, can be used to estimate muscle cross-sectional area. These techniques rely on correlations between body measurements, body composition, and muscle size, but may not provide the same level of precision as direct imaging methods.Applications of Muscle Cross-Sectional AreaThe knowledge of muscle cross-sectional area has numerous practical applications in various fields, including sports science, rehabilitation, and clinical medicine.In the realm of sports and athletics, measuring muscle cross-sectional area is crucial for evaluating an athlete's muscular development and potential for strength and power generation. Coaches and trainers can use this information to design tailored training programs, track progress, and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, this data can be used to compare an athlete's muscle characteristics with those of elite performers in the same sport, providing valuable insights for optimal performance.In the field of rehabilitation, the assessment of muscle cross-sectional area plays a pivotal role in monitoring the recovery and progress of individuals undergoing physical therapy or recovering from injuries. Reductions in muscle size, known as atrophy, can occur due to immobilization, disuse, or neurological conditions. By tracking changes in muscle cross-sectional area, healthcare professionals can develop targeted interventions to restore muscle function and optimize the rehabilitation process.In clinical medicine, the evaluation of muscle cross-sectional area is increasingly being used as a marker of overall health and physical function. Reduced muscle size, or sarcopenia, is associated with various age-related conditions, such as frailty, metabolic disorders, and chronic diseases. By quantifying muscle cross-sectional area, healthcare providers can identify individuals at risk of these conditions and implement appropriate interventions to maintain or improve muscle health.ConclusionThe muscle cross-sectional area is a fundamental concept in the realm of human physiology and performance. This measurement reflects the size and potential of our muscular system, serving as a crucial indicator of strength, power, and overall physical well-being. Understanding the factors that influence muscle cross-sectional area and the techniques used to measure it enables us to better understand, monitor, and optimize our physical capabilities, whether in the realm of sports, rehabilitation, or general health and wellness. As our knowledge in this field continues to evolve, the applications of muscle cross-sectional area will undoubtedly expand, providing valuable insights and guiding us towards a deeper understanding of the human body and its incredible potential.。



大会报告:分会场A 主题 特邀报告人石墨烯基础研究中方主席:徐志平, 清华大学 (中国) 丁古巧, 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 (中国)曲良体, 北京理工大学 (中国)外方主席: Stephan Roche, ICN2 (Spain). Joshua A. Robinson, The Pennsylvania State University (USA) 徐志平, 清华大学Defects in Graphene: Their Topology, Geometry and Roles in Material DesignAlain Penicaud , CNRS (France)From Graphenide (Negatively Charged Graphene) Solutions toTransparent Electrodes Stephan Roche , ICN2 (Spain)Understanding Charge Transport in Graphene-based Materials:From Concepts to Applications 丁古巧, 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所 Fabrication and Application of Graphene Quantum Dots 曲良体, 北京理工大学Structure Control of Graphenes for Energy-conversion and -storage ApplicationsJoshua A. Robinson , The Pennsylvania State University (USA) Utilization of Epitaxial Graphene as a Template for Advanced van der Waals Heterostructures邱介山, 大连理工大学A New Strategy for Fabrication of Graphene Monoliths and theirApplications(Oral)李寅峰, 上海交通大学 大会报告人 所属机构 报告题目Rodney S. Ruoff 韩国蔚山国家科技研究院 Carbon Materials for the Future未来的碳材料Young Hee Lee 韩国成均馆大学 Graphene/Carbon Nanotubes Hybrid for Electronics石墨烯/碳纳米管复合结构的电子学研究Takayoushi Sasaki 日本国立材料研究所 2D Oxide Nanosheets as a Graphene Analogue with versatile Functionalities多官能团的类石墨烯二维氧化物纳米片Andrew Wee 新加坡国立大学 Graphene Nanoribbons and 2D Materials for Novel Device Applications石墨烯纳米带和二维材料在新型器件中的应用Mauricio Terrones 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 2-Dimensional Materials: From Doped Graphene, MoxW1-xS2 Monolayersto van der Waals Solids二维材料: 从掺杂石墨烯、单层MoxW1-xS2到范德华固体成会明 中国科学院金属研究所 Fabrication and Application Explorations of Graphene Materials石墨烯材料的制备及其应用前景展望Andrea C. Ferrari剑桥大学石墨烯研究中心 Raman Spectroscopy in Graphene and Layered Materials拉曼光谱在石墨烯及其他层状材料中的应用Hydrogenation Regulated Mechanical Properties of Graphene Materials(Oral)Yoke Khin Yap ,Michigan Technological University (USA)Self-assembled Graphene on Boron Nitride Nanotubes and theirNonlinear Transport Properties(Oral)Wei Xing , 中国石油大学Studies in the Capacitance Properties of Diaminoalkane-intercalated Graphene(Oral)Jinwook Chung , Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea)Graphene-Mediated Functional Dirac Materials(Oral)Geliang Yu , University of Manchester (UK)Hierarchy of Hofstadter States in Graphene Superlattices(Oral)郑毅, National University of Singapore (Singaoore)Triradiate Nanoripple Array Formation in MoS2 Atomic Layer byCentrosymmetric Bilayer Expitaxy(Oral)Yohannes Achenefe , Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia)Electron Scattering in Graphene by Remote Nanomagnets分会场 B: 石墨烯材料制备分会场 分会场主题 特邀报告人分会场 B1 石墨烯低成本、规模化制备技术 中方主席:刘兆平, 中科院宁波材料所 外方主席: 刘兆平, 中科院宁波材料所Industrial Preparation of Graphene Materials: Challenge andBreakthrough卢红斌, 复旦大学Scalable Preparation and Applications of Graphene andPolymer Composites张博增, Angstron Materials (USA) Industrial-Scale Production and Commercial Applications of Graphene Materials (Oral)赵亚平, 上海交通大学Scalable Production of Defect-free Graphene with Cost-efficiency UsingSupercritical CO 2 and Its Applications(Oral)陶海华, 上海交通大学Exploring The Unique Ultraviolet Photochemical Oxidation Techniquefor Propelling Graphene Industrialization分会场 B2 石墨烯薄膜大面积、连续化制备技术中方主席:任文才, 中科院金属研究所 外方主席:Karlheinz Strobl, CVD Karlheinz Strobl , CVD Equipment Corporation (USA) Low-Cost, High-V olume Scale Up of CVD Graphene 钟敏霖, 清华大学Laser Rapid Fabrication of Large-area and Patterned Graphene: AnEquipment Corporation (USA) Engineering Approach to Nano-materials李雪松, Laslumin LLC. (USA)Synthesis of Large-Area Graphene Films and the Challenges(Oral)赵沛, 浙江大学Controlled CVD Growth of Graphene from Ethanol(Oral)施良晶, 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所A Symmetrical Bi-electrode Electrochemical Techniquefor High-efficiency Transfer of CVD-grown Graphene分会场 B3 氧化石墨烯材料制备技术中方主席:瞿研, 常州第六元素(中国) 外方主席:Takayoshi Sasaki, NIMS (Japan) 瞿研, 常州第六元素材料科技股份有限公司Large-Scale Production of Graphene Using a Weak Oxidation Approach孙立涛, 东南大学Strategies for Assembling Graphene Sheets into Macrostructures武高辉,哈尔滨工业大学Exploring the Graphene Reinforced Aluminum AlloyBingqing Wei , University of Delaware (USA)Anomalous Capacitive Behaviors in Graphene Oxide Based Solid State Supercapacitors (Oal)彭同江,西南科技大学The Preparation of Graphene and Its Composites Applied Research(Oral)何孝军,安徽工业大学MgO-templated Strategy for Direct Synthesis of Three-dimensionalPorous Graphene from Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Super Capacitors withHigh Energy Density(Oral)耿宏章,天津工业大学Fabrication and Characterization of Nano Graphene Oxide withImproved Process Utilizing Common Raw Graphite Materials分会场 B4 石墨烯大尺寸单晶畴生长制备技术中方主席:谢晓明, 中科院微系统所(中国) 外方主席:许建斌, 香港中文大学 (中国) 谢晓明, 中科院微系统所On The Controlled Synthesis of Graphene on h-BN Substrate丁峰, 香港理工大学纺织服装学院The Mechanisms of Graphene Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)Growth 刘云圻, 中科院化学所 Controllable Growth of Single-crystal Graphene Domains by Chemistry Vapor Deposition(Oral)于广辉, 中科院上海微系统所Wrinkle-dependent Hydrogen Etchingof Chemical VaporDeposition-grown Graphene分会场 C: 石墨烯基材料的应用探索分会场 分会场主题 特邀报告人分会场 C1 石墨烯在高频电子领域的应用 中方主席:金智, 中科院微电子研究所 (中国) 外方主席:Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)金智, 中科院微电子研究所Graphene Field-effect Transistors冯志红, 中国电科13所专用集成电路国家级重点实验室 High fmax Graphene FET for RF Applications Albert Cabellos-Aparicio , Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) The Future of Miniaturized Wireless: Graphene Wireless Communications 符汪洋, University of Basel (Switzerland) High-frequency Measurement of Graphene Transistor for Biosensing 吴华强, 清华大学 Inverted Process for Graphene Frequency Multiplier Working at 10GHz Range (Oral)何泽召,中国电科13所专用集成电路国家级重点实验室Graphene Transistors Grown and Fabricated on Sapphire Substrate分会场 C2 石墨烯在光电应用领域的应用 中方主席:Linyou Cao, North Carolina State University (USA) 外方主席:Thomas Mueller, Vienna University of Technology (Austria) (Keynote)许建斌, 香港中文大学A Study of Interface Engineering for Graphene and the Related DevicesLinyou Cao , North Carolina State University (USA)2D TMDC Materials and Heterostructures: Towards The Age of Atomic-scalePhotonicsThomas Mueller , Vienna University of Technology (Austria) 2D Materials and Heterostructures for Applications in Optoelectronics Masataka Hasegawa , AIST (Japan) Graphene Synthesis by Using Plasma Technique and Its Transparent Conductive Film Applications 段镶锋,UCLA (USA) 2D Materials and Heterostructures for Highly Flexible Atomically Thin Electronics and Optoelectronics 孙捷, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene at Chalmers University of Technology andIts Application in GaN Based Optoelectronics(Oral)李福山,福州大学Optoelectronic Devices Based on Graphene Hybrid Nanocomposites(Oral)宋也男, 浙江大学Field emission properties ofgraphenenanoplatelets分会场 C3 石墨烯在传感器领域的应用 中方主席:朱彦武, 中国科技大学 外方主席: 朱彦武, 中国科技大学Graphene Based Hybrid Films in The Application of Surface Plasmonic Sensing(Oral)Ling Hao , National Physical Laboratory (UK) Graphene Applications and Characterization at Microwave Frequencies (Oral)黄乐, 北京大学 High Performance Graphene Hall sensors and Graphene/Si Hybrid Hall IC (Oral)Alberto Cagliani , Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) Large-Area Nanopatterned Graphene For Ultrasensitive Gas Sensing(Oral)耿建新, 中国科学院理化技术研究所Preparation of Graphene-Based Hybrid Structures and the Applications分会场 C4 石墨烯在柔性电子领域的应用 中方主席:林时胜, 浙江大学 (中国) 外方主席:Teng Li, University of Maryland (USA)林时胜, 浙江大学Two Dimensional Ultrathin Materials: The Great Opportunity forFlexible Electronics李峰, 中科院金属研究所Graphene-Based Flexible electrodes for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Devices 黄佳琦,清华大学 Three-dimensional Graphene Architectures for Cathode Scaffold in Li-S Batteries (Oral)陈韦, 中科院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 Graphene Based Artificial Muscle Actuators (Oral)孙明娟, 济宁利特纳米技术有限责任公司Development and Application of Graphene Conductive Ink Materials in ElectronicField分会场 C5 石墨烯在生物相关领域的应用 中方主席:刘敬权, 青岛大学 (中国) 外方主席:Arben Merkoçi, ICN2 (Spain) Arben Merkoçi , ICN2 (Spain)Graphene-based Sensing and Biosensing Platforms刘敬权, 青岛大学Applications of Graphene in Drug Delivery and Sensing Technology Teng Li , University of Maryland (USA) Graphene Origami: Toward Unconventional Carbon Nanostructures (Oral)臧剑峰, 华中科技大学 Origami of Large-area Graphene Enables On-demand Multifunctionalities (Oral)王亮, 上海大学 Single-crystalline Graphene Quantum Dots for Bioimaging分会场 C6 石墨烯在海水淡化领域的应用 中方主席:贾宝平, 常州大学 (中国) 外方主席: 贾宝平, 常州大学 Graphene Based Electrodes for Capacitive DeionizationWei Zhang , University of South Australia (Australia) Application of Capacitive Deionisation in Inland Brackish Water Desalination: A Case Study Philippe Poncharal , University of Lyon (France) From Desalination to Osmotic Energy Conversion with Nanotubes 分会场 C7 石墨烯在太阳能电池领域的应用 中方主席:朱宏伟, 清华大学 (中国) 朱宏伟, 清华大学Graphene-based Solar Cells and Photodetectors Francesco Bonaccorso , Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs (Italy)Solution Processing of Graphene and Other 2D Crystals for Large Area外方主席:Francesco Bonaccorso, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs (Italy)PhotovoltaicsWallace C.H. Choy , 香港大学 Transparent Graphene Electrodes for Flexible Organic Photovoltaics 黄富强, 中科院上海硅酸盐研究所Graphene Preparation and Photovoltaic Applications李炫华, 西北工业大学Efficient NPs-Film Coupling Systems by Using Monolayer Graphene as theSub-nanospacer and Its Application in Graphene-Silicon Solar Cells(Oral)于畅, 大连理工大学Low-Cost Graphene-based CounterElectrodes for High-PerformanceDye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) 分会场 C8 石墨烯在燃料电池领域的应用中方主席:智林杰, 国家纳米科学中心 (中国)外方主席:Andrew Wee, NUS (Singapore) 智林杰, 国家纳米科学中心Funtional Graphene-based Nanomaterials and their Application in ElectrochemicalCatalysis杨树斌,北京航空航天大学Harnessing the Unique Properties of Graphene to Design and FabricateHigh-performance Electrode Materials for Energy Storage and Conversions张建,中科院宁波材料所 Group-Controlled Functionalization of Nanocarbons for Biomass Conversion and Electrocatalysis 王建国,浙江工业大学Role of Nitrogen in Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Graphene(Oral)Meng Wang , University of Wollongong (Australia)N-Doped Macroporous Graphene Framework Derived from Vapor PhaseDeposition of PPy − Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts in AlkalineMembrane Fuel Cell分会场 C9 石墨烯在催化剂领域的应用中方主席:郭守武, 上海交通大学 (中国)外方主席:Zhenhai Xia, University of North Texas (USA) 郭守武, 上海交通大学Graphene Quantum Dots: Preparation and Biological Catalytic Activity夏振海, University of North Texas (USA)Heteroatom-doped Graphene as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells and Li-AirBatteries 冷金凤, 济南大学Recent Progress on Graphene-based Photocatalysts 张益, 中科院上海应用物理研究所Charging, Discharging, and Charge Transfer between Individual rGO sheets on Insulating Substrates吴明铂, 中国石油大学Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported Pt Nanocatalysts for Highly SelectiveConversion of Cellulose or Cellobiose to Sorbitol分会场D: 石墨烯基材料的应用和商业化分会场分会场主题特邀报告人分会场D1 石墨烯在触摸屏领域的应用中方主席:史浩飞, 重庆墨希科技有限公司(中国)外方主席:Tapani Ryhänen, Nokia(Finland)史浩飞, 重庆墨希科技有限公司Large-size Manufacture Technology of Graphene Film andIts application in Touch ScreenTapani Ryhänen, Nokia (Finland)Flexible Electronics Applications of Graphene彭鹏, 常州二维碳素有限公司The Application of CVD Graphene Films in Touch Screen:Commercialization Progress, Prospects and ChallengesValerio Pruneri, ICFO (Spain)Ultrathin Metals and Graphene Directly Deposited on DielectricSubstrates and Their Applications to Transparent Electrodes分会场D2 石墨烯在锂离子电池领域的应用中方主席:李琦, SuperC Technology Ltd.(中国)外方主席:Guihua Yu, The University ofTexas at Austin (USA)李琦, SuperC Technology Ltd. (中国)Status and Challenge of Graphene Application in Li-ion BatteriesGuihua Yu, The University of Texas at Austin (USA)Chemically Integrated Graphene/Inorganic Hybrid 2D Materialsfor Flexible Energy Storage Devices刘兆平, 中科院宁波材料所The Progress in Applications of Graphene Materials in Li-ionBatteries杨全红, 天津大学Graphene Used in Li-based Batteries: Optimizing Ion and ElectronTransfer季恒星, 中国科学技术大学Graphene Based Composite Material for Electrochemical EnergyStorage(Oral)陈欣, 山东玉皇新能源科技有限公司Mass Production of Graphene Applied in Energy Storage Areas分会场D3 石墨烯在超级电容器领域的应用中方主席:杨全红, 天津大学(中国)外方主席:李丹, Monash University(Australia)杨全红, 天津大学Highly Dense and Porous Carbons: Towards High VolumetricEnergy Density for Energy Storage李丹, Monash University (Australia)What Makes Graphene Unique for Supercapacitors王大伟, University of New South Wales (Australia)A Journey from Anode to Cathode: Graphene or Graphene Oxide范壮军, 哈尔滨工程大学The Design of Graphene Based Materials for High PerformanceSupercapacitors朱彦武, 中国科技大学Three-dimensional Graphene Networks for High-Performance Electrical Energy Storage马仁志, National Institute for Materials Science (Japan) Supercapacitors Using Redoxable Nanosheets and Graphene (Oral)樊玮, 复旦大学Nitrogen-doped Graphene Hollow Nanospheres as Novel Electrode Materials for Supercapacitor Applications(Oral)刘苗苗, 中科院上海硅酸盐研究所In Situ Growth of Monodisperse Fe3O4 Nanoparticles on Graphene as Flexible Paper for Supercapacitor分会场D4 石墨烯在散热领域的应用中方主席:李晓强, 杭州格蓝丰纳米技术有限公司(中国)外方主席:李晓强, 杭州格蓝丰纳米技术有限公司Self-assembled Graphene: Powerful Candidate for Thermal InterfaceMaterials陈成猛, 中科院山西煤炭化学研究所Pilot Production and Research on Surface Chemistry of ChemicallyDerived Graphene于伟, 上海第二工业大学Research on The Application of The Graphene, A ThermalConductive Material陈明祥,华中科技大学Thermal Management of High-power LED Packaging:Materials andProcesses张留成,常州碳元科技股份有限公司Graphite Application Approaches on Electronic Devices分会场D5 石墨烯在涂料领域的应用中方主席:陈成猛, 中科院山西煤炭化学研究所(中国)外方主席:刘兵,常州第六元素材料科技股份有限公司Graphene Materials in Application of Paints and CoatingsAntonio León J, IEDISA (Spain)Graphene Application in CoatingsRaman Singh, Monash University (Australia)Ultra-thin Graphene Coating: The Novel Nanotechnology forRemarkable Corrosion Resistance李琦, SuperC Technology Ltd. (中国)Applications of Few Layer Graphene in Conductive Anti-CorrosionPaints and Conductive Adhesives分会场D6 石墨烯在导电油墨领域的应用中方主席:卢红斌, 复旦大学(中国)外方主席:Felice Torrisi, University ofCambridge (UK)卢红斌, 复旦大学Fabrication, Structure and Properties of Highly ConductiveGraphene-Based InksFelice Torrisi, University of Cambridge (UK)Large-scale Manufacturing of Graphene and Related Material Inksfor Flexible (Opto)electronicsWei Zhang, 吉林大学Using Electron "Ink" to Write on Graphene "Paper"分会场D7 石墨烯在环保材料领域的应用中方主席:孙立涛, 东南大学(中国)外方主席:Pedro Gómez-Romero, ICN2(Spain)孙立涛, 东南大学Graphene-related Materials for The Environmental ProtectionPedro Gómez-Romero, ICN2 (Spain)Synthesis of Graphene Hybrid Nanocomposites for Energy andEnvironmental Applications李宜彬, 哈尔滨工业大学Large Scale Synthesis of Nitrogen-doped Graphene/Carbon NanoFiber Hybrid Sponge via a Low Cost Method彭新生,浙江大学Two Dimensional Layered Materials for Novel SeparationMembranes肖思群, FEI Company ChinaTitan Themis -The New Aberration Corrected S/TEM - ItsApplication in Graphene/CNT and Catalytic Process(Oral)王武聪, 上海交通大学Anti-corrosion of Pristine Graphene to Metal分会场D8 石墨烯在聚合物领域的应用中方主席:陈国华, 华侨大学(中国)外方主席:Vincenzo Palermo, TheInstitute of Organic Synthesis andPhotoreactivity (Italy)陈国华, 华侨大学Novel Strategy Double the Toughness of Polycarbonate-GrapheneCompositeVincenzo Palermo, The Institute of Organic Synthesis andPhotoreactivity (Italy)Graphene-organic Composites for Electronics; Optical andElectronic Interactions in Vacuum, Liquids and Thin Solid Films刘天西, 复旦大学Physical Hybridization of Graphene and Its Polymer Composites刘力, 北京化工大学Graphene/Elastomers Nanocomposites with Excellent PerformancesPrepared by Facile Approaches Aiming at Application andIndustrialization郭宝春, 华南理工大学Modification of Graphene and Their Polymer Composites(Oral)Zheling Li, The University of Manchester (UK)Analyzing the Reinforcement Efficiency of Graphene inGraphene-Based Nanocomposites(Oral)张好斌, 北京化工大学Electrically Conductive and Magnetic Polystyrene/Graphene/Fe3O4Nano Composites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding分会场 D9 石墨烯纤维及其应用中方主席:高超, 浙江大学 (中国)外方主席: 高超, 浙江大学Graphene Fibers: Preparation, Function and Prospect曲良体, 北京理工大学Multifunctional Graphene Fibers曲丽君, 青岛大学Preparation and Properties of Multifunctional Cellulose/GrapheneComposite Fibers李清文,苏州纳米所 Spinning Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Fibers with Multifunctionalities(Oral)侯成义,东华大学Graphene in Intelligent Hydrogel(Oral)田明伟,青岛大学Functionalization of Cotton Fabric at Low Graphene NanoplateContent for Ultrastrong UV Blocking(Oral)陈少华, 东华大学Non-liquid-crystal Spinning toward Graphene-based MacroscopicFibers for Wearable Supercapacitors分会场D10 石墨烯在建材领域的应用 中方主席:张东, 同济大学 (中国) 外方主席:Duan Wenhui, Monash University (Australia) 张东, 同济大学Green Production of Graphene and Its Application Research forEngineeringDuan Wenhui , Monash University (Australia)Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Materials - New Perspectivefrom Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes 贺鹏飞,同济大学 Application of Graphene in Energy Storage Building Materials 隋同波, 中材国际研究院 What Modern Sci.&Tech. can Do for Cement Sustainability吕生华, 陕西科技大学Use of Graphene Oxide Nanosheets to Regulate the Microstructureof Hardened Cement Paste to Increase its Strength and Toughness芦泽宇,香港科技大学Advanced Building Materials in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology分会场E 主题 特邀报告人石墨烯材料表征及标准化中方主席:倪振华, 东南大学 (中国)徐科, 苏州纳米研究所 (中国)外方主席:Haibing Peng, University of Houston (USA) 倪振华, 东南大学 Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Graphene: Defects, Strain and Stacking Geometry Haibing Peng,University of Houston (USA) Hot Carrier Transport in Multilayer Graphene Field-effect-transistorsVittorio Pellegrini, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs (Italy) Vittorio Pellegrini , Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs (Italy) Graphene-based THz Detectors孙立涛, 东南大学Setting up A Nanolab inside A TEM for 2D Materials Research楼俊, Rice University (USA)Understanding the Role of Defects in Two Dimensional Materials于霆, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)Optical Probing 2D Materials: Graphene and Beyond梁铮, 泰州巨纳集团Graphene Characterization and Standardization in China(Oral) 钟海舰, 苏州纳米所The Investigation of Local Electrical Properties Between Graphene and GaN byConductive Atomic Force Microscope(Oral) Wen-Bin Jian , 台湾国立交通大学Band Gap Opening for The Dirac Particle System in Graphene(Oral) Xiaomeng Sui , Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)Measurement of The Interfacial Adhesion in CNT-based Composite Systems分会场 F: 石墨烯国际创新合作中方主席:萧小月, 中国石墨烯产业技术创新战略联盟 外方主席: 石定寰, 中国产学研合作促进会Introduction on International CooperationAndrea C. Ferrari , University of Cambridge (UK)The Graphene Flagship: Past, Present and Future谢晓明, 中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所Progresses of graphene research at Shanghai Institute of Microsystem andInformation TechnologyMauricio Terrones , Pennsylvania State University (USA) Center for Atomically Thin Multi-functional Coatings: A synergy between Industry and AcademiaTricia Chong , National University of Singapore (Singapore) Specialization Stephan Roche , ICN2 (Spain) Graphene Research and Initiatives in Barcelona Ivan Buckley , The National Graphene Institute at the University of Manchester(UK)Commercialisation Strategies for Graphene: Beyond the Sticky Tape 许建斌, 香港中文大学Development of Graphene and Related Technologies in the Chinese Universityof Hong Kong and Beyond李丹, Monash University (Australia)Graphene R&D in Australia: Potential Collaboration Opportunities with China萧小月, 中国石墨烯产业技术创新战略联盟Global Graphene Alliance (GGA) Introduction会场 H: 石墨烯产业投资机会 中方主席:中信建投 外方主席:Iñigo Charola, Graphenea (Spain) 中信建投 “中国石墨烯产业投融资联盟”成立授牌 侯士峰, 济宁利特纳米技术有限公司 全球石墨烯产业未来5-10年的投资机会 Iñigo Charola , Graphenea (Spain) Applying Graphene’s Unique Properties To De velop Electronic And Optoelectronic Devices其他:分会场 X: 石墨烯技术交易会 中方主席:侯士峰, 济宁利特纳米技术有限公司 外方主席:Antonio Correia, Phantoms Foundation (Spain) 侯士峰, 济宁利特纳米技术有限公司 Antonio Correia , Phantoms Foundation (Spain)分会场 Y: 石墨烯新产品发布会中方主席:高飞, 济南墨希新材料技术有限公司外方主席:高飞, 济南墨希新材料技术有限公司 丁荣,巨纳集团 Solution to CVD Graphene Synthesis System 分会场 Z: 石墨烯专场招聘会徐燕, 南京科孚纳米技术有限公司 分会场 G: 石墨烯资源合作与利用中方主席:宋立禄, 青岛赛瑞达电子装备股份有限公司(中国)外方主席:金瑜伯, 南澳林肯矿业股份有限公司(澳大利亚) 王文利, 中国非金属矿工业协会秘书长国内外石墨资源与产业现状分析孙连昌, 萝北县委副书记、政府县长 黑龙江萝北县石墨资源的开发与利用概述顾岩, 中国石墨烯产业技术创新战略联盟资源委员会主任石墨矿资源类型、成因及分布 朱江, 平度市人民政府副市长 青岛平度地区石墨资源的开发与利用概述 聂传凯, 青岛新材料科技创新园发展有限公司 青岛国际石墨烯科技创新园规划简介王春龙、饶文涛, 青岛海纳尔纳米科技有限公司石墨烯合金材料及热处理应用中方主席:徐燕, 南京科孚纳米技术有限公司外方主席:Viviana Estêvão, Phantoms Foundation (Spain) Viviana Estêvão, Phantoms Foundation (Spain)。



1. 生理学是研究生物体正常功能的一门科学。






Physiology is the study of thefunctions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations . The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite mac hines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry. Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for example —many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology. 2. 正如要了解一个动物如何活动,首先需要了解它的构成,要充分了解一个生物体的生理学活动就必须掌握全面的解剖学知识。



单层二硫化钼的制备及其晶界的原位光学表征孙璐璐;刘保强;建方方【摘要】近年来, 新兴的二维过渡金属硫族化合物 (TMDs) 材料一直是研究的热点.其中, 二硫化钼 (MoS2) 的优异性能引起了人们的广泛关注.TMDs材料制备方法多样, 然而所制备的材料都不可避免地存在着晶界缺陷.晶界的存在会对材料的性能产生很大影响, 人们通过各种方法来研究它.传统的研究方法存在很多局限性如操作复杂、耗时、引入人为缺陷等.这里报道了一种通过光学显微镜直接观察MoS2晶界的方法:通过化学气相沉积法 (CVD) 成功制备了大面积单层MoS2, 将铜沉积在MoS2的表面在光学显微镜下可以直接观察到MoS2的晶界, 实现了对其晶界的原位光学显微观测.同时, 借助扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 等进一步证实了该方法的简便可靠性.%In recent years, there is a hot topic of the emerging two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides (TMDs) .Two dimensional molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has attracted a lot of attentions.There are many ways to prepare this material but the grain boundaries are inevitable.The grain boundaries have a great influence on their properties and people have been studying this field through various means.In traditional, studying the grain boundaries has many disadvantages, such as complex operations, time consuming and artificial defects.Here we report a simple method for the visualization of large GBs in MoS2.Copper was deposited on the MoS2 grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and then the GBs could be observed by optical microscope.At the same time, the simple reliability of the method was confirmed by scanning electron microscope.【期刊名称】《青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(040)001【总页数】4页(P53-56)【关键词】化学气相沉积;二硫化钼;晶界;光学显微镜;原位观测【作者】孙璐璐;刘保强;建方方【作者单位】青岛科技大学材料科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266042;青岛科技大学材料科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266042;青岛科技大学材料科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266042【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O063以石墨烯为代表的二维材料,各方面性能优异。



小学下册英语第1单元真题试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My pet _____ loves to snuggle.2.The rabbit is under the ______ (tree).3.My puppy loves to dig in the ______ (沙土).4.The cupcakes are _______ (frosted) with icing.5.My grandpa tells great ______. (我爷爷讲的故事很精彩。

)6.The manatee is a gentle _______ (巨兽).7.What is the capital of Italy?A. VeniceB. RomeC. MilanD. Florence答案:B.Rome8.The ______ (小鸟) flies south for the ______ (冬天) to find warmer weather.9.She made a _____ drawing. (pretty)10.Chlorine is used to disinfect ______.11.They are _____ (friends/enemies).12.I enjoy _______ (和朋友聊天) after school.13.The __________ (历史的洞察) fosters enlightenment.14.My ______ loves to share her knowledge with others.15. A flamingo's feeding technique involves filtering ________________ (食物) through its beak.16.I like to explore new ______ (地方) whenever I travel.17. A __________ is a type of bond formed by sharing electrons.18.What do we call the time when the daylight is the shortest?A. EquinoxB. SolsticeC. Lunar phaseD. Eclipse答案:B.Solstice19.Chinchillas have very ______ (柔软的) fur.20.The _______ of an object can be affected by temperature changes.21.He is a mechanic, ______ (他是一名机械师), fixing cars.22.__________ are used in the treatment of wastewater.23.The ____ has a sharp beak and is very intelligent.24.The garden is ______ (full) of colors.25.听一听,圈出与你听到的句子相符的图片。



小学上册英语第三单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (desk/table) is made of wood.2.In a synthesis reaction, two or more reactants combine to form a _____ product.3.My mom and I bake __________ together. (饼干)4.What do you call the weather phenomenon of falling ice?A. RainB. SnowC. SleetD. HailD5.I enjoy _______ (进行探索) in my backyard.6.What do we call the young of a frog?A. TadpoleB. LarvaC. FryD. CalfA7.The boy is a good ________.8.The process of sublimation turns solid directly into ______.9.My sister is _____ a picture. (drawing)10.Hydrogen is the lightest _______ on the periodic table.11.My aunt loves __________ (唱歌).12.What do you call the ability to see things clearly?A. VisionB. SightC. PerceptionD. ClarityA13.What do you call a group of stars?A. PlanetB. GalaxyC. Solar SystemD. ConstellationD14. A __________ is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is.15.The dog barks _____ the mailman. (at)16.The ancient Chinese philosopher _____ founded Confucianism.17. A __________ is a large area of flat land.18.What do you call a person who works with computers?A. ProgrammerB. EngineerC. TechnicianD. DeveloperA19.The ______ (章鱼) can change color to hide from predators.20.The Sun will exhaust its hydrogen fuel in about ______ billion years.21.What do you call the lines on a graph?A. AxesB. GridsC. PointsD. CurvesA22.Which of these is a form of transportation?A. BicycleB. ChairC. TableD. BedA23.The _____ (小鸟) is chirping happily in the tree.24. A _______ is used to measure the height of a building.25. A ____ has a strong beak and is often seen in parks.26.The __________ is a famous area known for its scenic routes.27.We should protect __________ (濒危) plant species.28.Which insect makes honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. SpiderC29.t brothers are credited with inventing the first __________. (飞机) The Wrig30.The dog is ______ in the sun. (laying)31.I have a _______ (project) due tomorrow.32.Which of these is a type of fish?A. SalmonB. ChickenC. BeefD. PorkA33.The ________ is a friend to everyone it meets.34. A ______ (植物保护) initiative can help endangered species.35.I love drawing __________ (地图) of my neighborhood.36. A dolphin communicates with clicks and ________________ (哨声).37.How do you spell "cat"?A. KatB. CatC. KattD. CattB38.I enjoy painting ________ in art class.39.My dad works in an ________.40.The city of Rome is known for its ancient ________ (罗马以其古老的________而闻名).41.We play _____ during recess. (games)42.What do we call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. FawnB43.Which of these is a type of cheese?A. CheddarB. WheatC. RiceD. PotatoA44.What do bees make?A. HoneyB. MilkC. JamD. ButterA45.The _______ (金鱼) swims gracefully in its bowl.46.My favorite animal is a ______ (猫) that loves to cuddle.47.The __________ is a large lake located in Africa. (坦噶尼喀湖)48.I like to watch wildlife documentaries to learn about ________ (动物) in the wild.49.What instrument is used to measure distance?A. RulerB. ScaleC. StopwatchD. Protractor50.The chemical symbol for iron is ____.51.The _______ can be very large or very small.52.The ancient Egyptians made ______ (木乃伊) as part of their burial practices.53.An alloy is a mixture of ______.54.The capital of Micronesia is ________ (帕劳).55.I can _______ (用英语说) simple sentences.56.The _____ (蜗牛) carries its house on its back.57.What do you call the outer layer of the Earth?A. CoreB. MantleC. CrustD. LayerC58.The bear is known for its strength and ____.59. A _____ (植物实验室) can study plant genetics and growth.60. A _______ is a negatively charged ion.61.The atomic structure of an atom consists of a nucleus and ______.62.What do we call the process of forming new ideas?A. CreativityB. ImaginationC. InnovationD. All of the aboveD63.The chemical formula for ammonium phosphate is _____.64. A ______ is an area where tectonic plates meet, often causing earthquakes.65.I want to eat a ________ sandwich.66.Which ocean is located between Africa and Australia?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. PacificB Indian67.My cousin is a ______. She loves to create websites.68.The country of Spain is famous for its ________ (西班牙以其________而闻名).69.My mom is a ______. She enjoys baking cakes.70.What do we call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. HerdD. PrideA71. A __________ (反应节) is a specific step in a chemical reaction.72.The bird is singing in the ______.73.I can ______ (尊重) different opinions.74.Frogs can ______ (跳) very far.75.The process by which rocks are broken down by weather and water is called ______.76. A ________ (金鱼) swims gracefully in its bowl.77.The hummingbird flaps its wings rapidly while feeding on ______ (花蜜).78.What do you call the time it takes for the Earth to rotate once?A. DayB. YearC. MonthD. HourA79. A pig's sense of smell is incredibly ______ (敏锐).80. A ______ is a rule that describes a pattern in nature.81.The _______ (The Bolshevik Revolution) established the Soviet regime.82.What do we call a person who studies the development of organisms?A. BiologistB. GeneticistC. BotanistD. ZoologistA83._____ (有机肥料) is better for the environment.84.What is the sum of 7 + 2?A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11C85.The __________ is a famous site for ancient ruins in Greece. (雅典)86.What is the color of bananas?A. RedB. YellowC. GreenD. BlueB87.We need to ________ (clean) our room.88.What is 8 + 2?A. 7B. 9C. 10D. 1189.在古代,________ (leaders) 的决策影响了国家的命运。



小学上册英语第五单元自测题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I love to eat ______ ice cream.2.What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. DoughB. RiceC. BreadD. Pasta答案:A3.Julius Caesar was a famous ________ in Rome.4.The ancient Romans built roads to facilitate ________ (贸易).5.The bee visits each ______.6.My sister enjoys __________ (文学创作).7.The ________ is a gentle friend that listens.8.We have ___ (sport/music) practice today.9.What do you call a person who acts in movies or plays?A. DirectorB. ActorC. ProducerD. Writer答案: B10.What do we call the act of telling someone to be quiet?A. SilenceB. HushC. ShhD. Quiet答案:B11. A _______ is a compound that contains carbon.12.I saw a _______ (小变色龙) on a branch changing colors.13. A ______ is a type of bird that can mimic sounds.14._____ (florists) create beautiful arrangements.15.I love _______ (读书) at night.16.The flowers smell ______. (wonderful)17.Synthesis reactions involve combining two or more reactants to form a _______.18.The ______ (狐狸) is very clever and sly.19.What is the opposite of "long"?A. TallB. ShortC. BigD. Small答案:B Short20.The __________ (历史的编纂) requires careful research and analysis.21.Dolphins are very _________. (聪明)22.The ancient Greeks celebrated ________ as a tribute to their deities.23.What do you call a person who designs clothing?A. Fashion designerB. TailorC. SeamstressD. All of the above答案:D24.The flowers are ________ in the vase.25.I like to ___ (listen/sing) to songs.26.The _____ (种子) can remain dormant for years.27.The _______ (猴子) loves to eat fruits.28.Light pollution can affect our ability to see ______.29.The chemical formula for ammonium chloride is __________.30.We go _____ (swimming) in the lake.31.When it rains, I use my ________.32.The girl has a happy ________.33.I have a _______ (相机) to take pictures of my adventures.34.The chemical name for HO is _____.35.What do you call the main character in a movie?A. ActorB. ProtagonistC. DirectorD. Extra答案:B36.The _______ (The Renaissance) led to advancements in arts and sciences.37.The sunset is _______ (美丽的).38.They are _____ (skipping) rope.39.My sister likes to watch ____.40.I want to plant a ________ in my garden.41.I love to bake ______ with my grandma.42.The _____ (小猫) chases a ball of yarn.43.The ______ (青蛙) lives in wet environments.44.The chemical reaction that occurs when food is cooked is called ______.45.ipation Proclamation was issued by ________ (林肯总统). The Eman46.I can run ______ fast. (very)47.Where do fish live?A. TreesB. SkyC. WaterD. Land答案:C48.The toy chest is full of ______.49.The _____ (sandcastle) is tall.50.I admire __________ (科学家) for their discoveries.51.I found a _______ (小蟹) on the beach.52.The discovery of ________ has transformed our approach to health care.53.What do we call the process of a plant making its own food using sunlight?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. DigestionD. Fermentation答案: A54. A _____ is a large area of water that is deep.55. A wave's amplitude affects its ______.56.The fruit is ___. (fresh)57.My sister's favorite _____ is a plush unicorn.58.My dad is _______ (cooking) dinner.59. A ______ is a type of substance that can change its state.60.I see a _____ (鱼) in the tank.61.Fossils are found in ______ rock.62.The ________ (生态伦理) guides conservation efforts.63.The symbol for dysprosium is _____.64.The Earth's surface is composed of various geological ______.65.I have a toy _______ that can make me laugh.66.I have a toy _______ that rolls and spins everywhere I go.67.Wildflowers bloom in ______ (自然) settings.68.I want to ________ (advance) in my career.69.The ancient Sumerians are known for creating the first ________ (城市).70.We will have a ________ (庆祝活动) for New Year.71.The _____ (bat/ball) is used in baseball.72.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington, D.C. C. Los AngelesD. Chicago答案:b73.I want to _______ (参加) a dance competition.74.I have fun playing board games with my ____.75.Objects that are far away appear ______ (smaller).76.I like to ______ (参与) in artistic activities.77.Did you see the _______ (小海豹) basking in the sun?78.The chemical symbol for iron is _____.79.The show was _____ (exciting/boring).80.The atmosphere of Venus is mostly carbon _______.81.I see _____ (clouds/stars) in the sky.82.My _____ (滑板) is my favorite way to travel.83.I can ______ (保持) a balanced life.84.The North Star is also known as ______.85. A dilute solution contains a ______ concentration of solute.86.My brother likes to play _____ (basketball/football).87.I love to explore with my toy ____ by my side. (玩具名称)88.I like to _______ (study) science.89.Different ________ (地区) support different plants.90.What is the name of the famous lion in "The Lion King"?A. SimbaB. MufasaC. ScarD. Nala答案:A91.小羊羔) plays with its siblings. The ___92.The _______ can help create a relaxing environment.93.The puppy is _____ (cute/ugly).94.Friction happens when two surfaces ______ (rub) against each other.95.The ____ is known for its incredible speed and agility.96._____ (果实成熟) marks the end of the growing season.97.The bear is very ____.98.What do you call a house made of ice?A. IglooB. CastleC. HutD. Cabin答案:A99. A group of wolves is called a ______.100. ________ (画画) after school. She love。



小学上册英语第4单元寒假试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (花卉) are often used for special occasions.2.The ______ helps us learn about mathematics.3.Plants can create a ______ (宁静的环境) in our lives.4.The country known for its coral reefs is ________ (以珊瑚礁闻名的国家是________).5.I like to _____ (visit) my grandparents.6.What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. CheeseD. BreadB7.The clouds are ______ (fluffy) and white.8. A bat is a flying ______ (哺乳动物).9.Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?A. StrawberryB. TomatoC. CherryD. Raspberry答案:B10. A flamingo stands on one ______ (脚).11.The chemical symbol for aluminum is ______.12.What is the main purpose of a pen?A. EatB. WriteC. DrawD. Paint13. A mouse can fit through very ______ (小) holes.14.My favorite sport is ______ (足球). I play it with my friends every ______ (星期).15.The chemical symbol for californium is ______.16.It is _____ (sunny/rainy) today.17.I enjoy _______ (和朋友一起) outdoor activities。



小学上册英语第5单元期中试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The capital city of Kuwait is ________ (科威特的首都城市是________).2.The platypus is a unique ______ (哺乳动物).3.The _______ can help prevent soil erosion.4.What do we call a young bear?A. CubB. FawnC. CalfD. Kid答案:A5.The Hubble Space Telescope has taken many _____ images.6. A chemical reaction can involve the synthesis of _____.7.What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. Giza答案: A8.__________ are important for food security.9. Wall is a famous landmark in _____ (17). The Grea10.What is the name of the famous mountain in South America?A. KilimanjaroB. AndesC. RockiesD. Himalayas答案:B11.I want to learn how to ______ (play) chess.12.We have a toy ____ that we can control with a remote. (玩具名称)13.What do you use to cut paper?A. GlueB. ScissorsC. TapeD. Ruler答案: B14.My ______ is an expert in technology.15.What do you call the process of plants making food?A. RespirationB. PhotosynthesisC. DigestionD. Evaporation答案: B16.The chemical property of a substance describes its ability to ______ with other substances.17.What do we call a large area of land that is covered with grass?A. DesertB. PrairieC. ForestD. Wetland答案: B18.The chemical formula for glucose is __________.19.My brother is very __________ (友好) to his peers.20.My sister's favorite toy is a _____.21.I enjoy playing ________ (模拟游戏) where I manage my own farm. It’s a________ (有趣的) challenge.22.The cat is ___ (purring/meowing).23.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. The Last SupperC. Mona LisaD. The Scream 答案: C24.The clouds are ________ today.25.The parrot can ______ (说话) and mimic sounds.26. A manatee is often called a sea ________________ (牛).27.I have a _____ (手链) that I made with colorful beads. 我有一个用彩色珠子制作的手链。



小学上册英语基本全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I love to listen to ________ while I study.2.The __________ (历史的映像) reflects society.3.Do you think __________ (玩具名) is too __________ (形容词)?4.What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. GizaD. Luxor5.My favorite season is ______ (春天).6. A ______ (海豚) plays with seaweed.7.Rust forms when iron reacts with _______.8.The _____ (猫) is known for its independence.9.The _______ tells us the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom.10.What do we wear on our feet?A. HatB. ShoesC. GlovesD. Scarf11.My favorite _____ is a cuddly lion.12. A __________ (化学安全) is crucial in laboratory settings to prevent accidents.13.The reaction between an acid and a base produces __________.14.The sky is _______ (明亮的) today.15.What is the name of the holiday celebrated on December 25th?A. ThanksgivingB. New YearC. ChristmasD. HalloweenC16.We will go ______ for a walk after dinner. (outside)17.The ______ (植物的生长速度) can vary based on conditions.18.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. The ShardC. The Eiffel TowerD. The ColosseumA19.The __________ (历史的桥梁) connect past and present.20.The ______ (马) has a mane that flows in the wind.21.What do we call a young pangolin?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. ChickA Pup22.The monkey is swinging from one ______ (树) to another. It is very ______ (灵活).23.The ______ (植物的多样性) is celebrated in many cultures.24.How many legs does a cat have?A. TwoB. FourC. SixD. EightB25.They are _______ (朋友) who always help each other.26.What is the first letter of the alphabet?A. BB. CC. AD. D27.What do we call the area of land surrounded by water?A. IslandB. PeninsulaC. LakeD. River28.What is 20 10?A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 20B29.What do we call the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly?A. MetamorphosisB. GerminationC. EvolutionD. PollinationA30.What do we call a person who plays music?A. ArtistB. MusicianC. DancerD. ActorB31.The ________ was a famous queen of ancient Egypt.32.How many months are there in a year?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1333.The ____ hops around and loves to chase things.34.I built a huge _________ (城堡) with my building blocks and it looks _________ (很棒).35.What is the capital of Sri Lanka?A. ColomboB. KandyC. GalleD. Jaffna36.I enjoy drawing ________ in my notebook.37.I like to ___ (try) new foods.38.The _______ (Wright brothers) are credited with inventing the first airplane.39. A _____ is a body of water that is less salty than the ocean.40.I feel ______ when I try something new.41.An ion is an atom that has gained or lost a _____.42.How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8C43.The cat's purring is a sign of ______ (放松).44.We go to school by ________ (自行车).45. A molecule that can donate protons is called an ______.46.In summer, I like to ride my ________ (自行车) around the neighborhood with my friends.47.The _______ (小蜉蝣) dances above the water.48.She is a dancer, ______ (她是一位舞者), who practices every day.49.How many legs does an octopus have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. TwelveB50.Which ocean is the largest?A. Atlantic OceanB. Indian OceanC. Arctic OceanD. Pacific OceanD51.The ______ helps kids learn how to read.52.The teacher gives _____ (评估) to check progress.53.What is the hottest planet in our solar system?A. MarsB. VenusC. MercuryD. Jupiter54.How many teeth does an adult human typically have?A. 20B. 24C. 28D. 32D55.My favorite toy is a ________ that I can ride.56.The sloth moves very _________. (慢)57.What is the capital of Slovakia?A. PragueB. BratislavaC. BudapestD. LjubljanaB Bratislava58. A ______ is a small, flying insect that can bite.59.We are having ______ at the picnic tomorrow. (sandwiches)60.The _____ (mountain/river) is high.61.What do we call the process of making a food safe to eat?A. CookingB. PreservingC. CanningD. PasteurizationD62.What is the name of the famous American author known for his works on adventure?A. Mark TwainB. Ernest HemingwayC. F. Scott FitzgeraldD. John SteinbeckA63.The ________ (根系) holds the plant in place.64. A single atom of oxygen can bond with two _____ atoms to form water.65. A __________ is formed by the action of glaciers.66.In chemistry, we measure volume in ______.67. A __________ is a measurement of how much matter is in an object.68.My grandma enjoys going to the ____ (farmers' market).69.The parrot can _______ (说话) like a human.70.I want to ___ (learn/know) more about science.71. A ___ (小龙) is a mythical animal.72.The symbol for selenium is _____.73. have bushy ______ (尾巴). Squirrel74.What is the name of the ocean next to the USA?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. Pacific75.In winter, I wear a ______.76.The _______ (狮子) is majestic and strong.77.The __________ (历史的鼓舞) inspires resilience.78.We like to ________ (play) board games.79.What do you call a person who is trained to help others with mental health issues?A. PsychologistB. CounselorC. TherapistD. All of the aboveD80.We play ________ (games) after school.81.The _____ (海豚) loves to surf the waves.82. A garden can attract various ______ (昆虫).83.Which instrument is used to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. SpeedometerD. RulerB84.Synthesis reactions involve combining two or more reactants to form a _______.85.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five86.The first successful manned mission to the moon was ________ (阿波罗11号).87.What is the capital of South Africa?A. PretoriaB. Cape TownC. JohannesburgD. Bloemfontein88.Which word means the opposite of 'happy'?A. ExcitedB. SadC. AngryD. JoyfulB89.What do we call a large animal that lives in the ocean and has a blowhole?A. DolphinB. SharkC. WhaleD. Seal90.The capital of Moldova is __________.91.The _____ (香草) adds flavor to many dishes.92. (73) is known for its unique culture and traditions. The ____93.I enjoy _______ (参加) charity events with friends.94.My aunt has a beautiful __________ (花园).95.I like to pretend I'm a pilot with my toy ________ (玩具名称).96.What do we call a story that explains how something came to be?A. LegendB. MythC. FolktaleD. FableB97.Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?A. ChinaB. JapanC. KoreaD. ThailandB98.Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into ______.99.The __________ (历史的平衡) requires multiple viewpoints.100.What do you call the large area of land with many trees?A. DesertB. ForestC. SavannahD. Tundra。

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