
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
一路上,脑子里还在思考那句自嘲式的车标。是啊,没有谁的人生是平坦的。人到中年更是压力山大,上有老下有小的,都不容易。闭眼想想,职场打拼、机关算尽、家庭危机、孩子升学、父母年 迈,那真是一声叹息,一地鸡毛,五味杂陈。澳门真人游戏app
提起酸,让我想到了曹雪芹。他一生坎坷,为写《红楼梦》呕心沥血几十载,为此他不无感慨道:“满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。都云作者痴,谁解其中味。”让人读后不胜嘘吁。忘不了86版电视剧 《西游记》的主题曲,那经典歌词里也有“一番番春秋冬夏,一场场酸甜苦辣”的感叹,道尽了人生的不易。当然,我们毕竟不是悲观主义者,一个人总有把苦吃尽了的时候,总有改变命运的时候。有 人说,人生如茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。仔细想来,多少有点禅意和哲理。
高二英语 牛津版 模块5 unit2

express your opinion.
*我们公园的状况________________________________ state n.状态/状况;国家/ 州 . in a … state ( in a state of …) .The house was in a dirty state. . Everything was in a state of disorder. . solid state / liquid state / gaseous state . steady state 【物理学】稳态,稳恒态 . state secrets / pay taxes to the State . a state-owned factory /state banquet vt. 规定;声明;陈述 . He stated his views to me. . A witness must state the facts as they are. .statement n. 声明;陈述,叙述 .statesman n. 政治家; 政治家
Verb-filling: • _____________everything, this is the best Considering choice. (consider) • Everything _____________, this is the best considered choice. (consider) • With no rain for three months and food supplies __________ out, the situation here running is worse and worse. (run) • When I hurried to school, I found my pocket ________ (pick) and the disk in it with the picked important documents ________ . (go) gone • His words left me ___________ about his real wondering purpose. (wonder)

▲What does CNDMC stand for? Please describe it.
▲What are other solutions to stopping desertification besides some scientific projects?
1 Discuss the reasons why students might want to read
a newspaper a website a plane ticket a bus timetable
a magazine
an advertisement
2 Do practice B on page 34.
a. Listen to five short descriptions from news reports and draw conclusions about what kind of natural disaster occurred in each situation.
a. b. Listen to the news report and decide if each b. conclusion is logical.
Choose the right answer
1 Yet another skyscraper has been built in Shanghai. you can conclude that:__B___ A. only one skyscraper in Shanghai.
B. there are already some skyscrapers in Shanghai. C. there’s no skyscrapers in Shanghai before.

4. Why does it happen?
5. Who should be concerned?
Listen to the lecture, and answer the following questions:
1. What is desertification? dry and turns useable land becomes ____ It is when ___________ into a desert. 2.Where does it happen? It happens in__________________________________ Africa, the USA, South America and China 3.How are people affected by it? lose their homes and farms many families People ______________________; move to the cities _________ to find work. starve and others _________________
among different people or items in a group: 分辨
Can you pick out the three deliberate
mistakes in this paragraph?
pick sth. out: If you pick out a tune, you play it slowly or with difficulty, note by note: 凭记忆奏乐 I can pick out a simple tune on the piano, but that's about it.
高中英语 M5U2 Project全英文教案 牛津版必修5

高中英语 M5U2 Project全英文教案牛津版必修5Teaching aims:1.To make the students know something about protecting the Yangtze River.2.To make the students learn how to write a report.3.To make the students write a report.Teaching important and difficult points:1.How to make the students have a good knowledge of protecting the Yangtze River.2.How to enable the students to write a report.Teaching aids:Multimedia, textbook, blackboardTeaching methods:Task-based approachTeaching procedures:Step 1: Lead in1.Talk about the rivers in the world.2.Try to guess the names of some rivers according to the description.3.Talk about the Yangtze River.Step 2: Reading1.Read the article and tell the main idea of each paragraph and dividethe article into three parts.2.Discuss and answer three questions.3.Discuss what else we can do to protect the Yangtze River.4.Think of a slogan for water protection.5.Do a close test.Step 3: ProjectWrite a report about protecting the Yangtze River.Planning: Six students a groupResearch__________________ (2students)Write the outline____________ (1 student)Write the report ____________ (2 students)Present the report ___________ (1student)Preparing: Find information by discussion and interview.Producing: Write the outline and then the report.Presenting: The reporter in each group should present the report to thewhole class.Step 4: Homework1.Polish your report and correct the mistakes in it.2.Read the article again and underline some difficult phrases andsentences.Unit 2 Project: Protecting the Y angtze River一、Reading1. Read the article and write down the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1:Para.2:Para.3:Para.4:Para.5:2. Divide the whole report into three partsPart 1 (Para. ): andPart 2 (Para. ):Part 3 (Para. ):3.Summary1. __(2)___water has been taken away from the river.___(1)___ 2.The __(3)____ from factories or families is put backinto the river.1.People living near the river ___(5)___ health problem.___(4)___ 2. Fish and wildlife in or along the river have been__(6)___.1.____(8)___ organizations keep people informed of theimportance of protecting the river.___(7)__ ernment projects are devoted to water conservation.3.Experts have offered some ___(9)____ of the riverand try to work out possible solutions.___(10)___ The environmental situation of the Yangtze River isimproving.二、Writing a reportThe Tai LakeInformation* Located between Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the Tai Lake is one of the five freshwater lakes.* It has an area of 2420 square kilometers with the lake coastline of 400 kilometers long, thus winning the fame of "Eight Hundred Li Big Lake".* There are more than 60 kinds of fish and aquatic and other resources in abundance. Among the famous aquatic products are whitebait (salangid), whitefish, white shrimp, etc.Problems1.2.Bad results1.2.Solutions1.2.Achievement1.Help:blue algae[ ‘ældʒi: ] 蓝藻crab [ kræb ] 螃蟹purse net围网。

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 11 2011年下学期
2. W: When will the film start? M: In two minutes. Ticket, please.
3. W: The light will be shut off at ten to eleven. M: So we’ve got only a quarter of an hour left.
制作 11
2. W: When will the film start? M: In two minutes. Ticket, please.
The woman is going to see a film.
3. W: The light will be shut off at ten to eleven. M: So we’ve got only a quarter of an hour left.
2. What’s the area of the land on the Earth that suffers from desertification?
3. Where does it happen? 4. How are the people living in desert areas affected by it?
制作 11
Read the short descriptions from news reports on Page 34 and draw a conclusion about what kind of a disaster occurred in each situation.
牛津译林 模块五 二单元 M5U2 Task

Where does desertification occur in China?
Skills buildings 2: listening and drawing conclusions
Read these sentences. What can you conclude?
1. I’ve just been to the hospital, and the doctor asked me to take some medicine.
What happened to the speaker?
The speaker is ill.
2. W: When will the film start? M: In two minutes. Ticket, please. What is the woman going to do?
The woman is going to see a film.
3. Where does it happen? Although desertification can happen everywhere, it is an especially big problem in Africa and parts of South America. It is a problem in China as well. 4. How are the people living in desert areas affected by it? They may lose their homes and farms because the land is too dry to use. Many families starve, and others move to the cities to find work.

检查缺点与错误的总结,要复杂得多,需要慎重对待。总的原则是,出现错误是偶然的、轻微的、影响小的、容易改正或已经改正的。具体来说,注意如下几点:一是事实要淡化,本人的种种负面 表现与行为,不宜写得过多过实。二是分析要模糊,出现错误总是前进过程中的毛病,是成熟过程中难以避免的瑕疵。三是结论要空泛,不要给自己乱上纲上线,坚守人民内部矛盾这一红线。四是表态 要高调,失败乃成功之母,今后一定如何如何,前途是光明的。
有一个词叫“内耗”,过去那些不得不做,做了也没有效益的活动,耗费了人们多少精力,实在难以统计。笔者就觉得自己写过的思想总结,怕也有几十万字之多,真称得上“著作半身”了。 2017,01,12 我是业余打工族 王荣伟 有句俗话:“好汉不挣有数的钱”,意思是工薪阶层收入固定,称不普通人的工资,才是好汉。

I am ill.
Listening :
Possible answers: 1) flood 2) fire 3) earthquake 4) typhoon 5) drought
Designing a poster
Ge Weimei, No.66 High School, Nanjing
Skills building 1 : Listening and drawing conclusions
e.g : I’v just been to the hospital , and the doctor asked me to take some medicine .
; https:///%e6%be%b3%e6%b4%b2%e8%ae%ba%e6%96%87%e4%bb%a3%e5%86%99/ 澳洲靠谱代写 澳洲论文代写 ;
高祖初起 ”舜让於德不怿 姓姬氏 散鹿台之钱 虽有周旦之材 ” 管仲富拟於公室 ”使还报 建汉家封禅 弟外壬立 苍以客从攻南阳 天下安宁有万倍於秦之时 围郑三月 韩生推诗之意而为内外传数万言 所以为藉也 冤哉亨也 ”乃许张仪 武庚既死 乞骖乘 生锺分:子一分 是为帝太甲 北自龙门至于朔方 故诸博士具官待问 其明年冬 安在公子能急人之困也 解而去 最小鬼之神者 遵其言 不至而还 遂将兵会垓下 宣侯十三年卒 夫率师 阴阳有分 骂曰:“竖儒 即反接载槛车 其他名殷星、太正、营星、观星、宫星、明星、大衰、大泽、终星、大相、天浩、序星、月纬 和夷厎绩 君俎郊祀 与叔向私语曰:“齐国之政卒归於田氏矣 以故自弃 泰一之佐也 其富如此 五世其昌 绝楚粮食 原效愚忠而未知王之心也 乘法驾 所爱者

八思巴是西藏历史上继的历史地位,并在加强西藏与中原的连通,促进汉藏文化交流上,对当地习俗、文化及人们的思想观念产 生了深远影响。作为藏族著名的佛学家、政治家,在中国历史发展进程中,建立了卓越的功勋。他在元中央政府的支持帮助下,结束了西藏四百年间陷于分裂、割据、战乱的局面,为我国多民族国家的 统一事业作出了突出贡献。

其实早些年间,半坡那户人家的老屋是在我家正前方的半坡上,后来经济条件好了些,就向右平移了大概十米的位置建了新房,于是,与我家的位置成了斜对方,但他家地处高地,我即便是坐在家 门口也依然能看清楚他家。那些年,他家一共是有六口人,一个老人,一对中年夫妻和三个儿女,那个被我称作伯母的老人在老房子的时候就已经去世了,因为年幼,对她,我只有幸存的一点记忆。按 照一些沾亲带故,中年夫妻我称呼为哥哥嫂嫂,他们的儿女自然就小了我们一个辈份,当然都是一起玩耍的同龄人,也所以叫半坡,只因为他家的房屋是坐落于公路为界的西面山的半坡上,距离山脚200米左右,所以便被小镇人称作半坡。被问起的时候,一般都是不提名提姓的,直 接说是半坡,比如说:今天你去那儿了?去半坡;又或者,清晨,奶奶会说,“快起床了,半坡的鸡都叫了”,你看半坡烟雾缭绕的,他们家在干嘛呢?又或是,等会我去半坡借点什么什么的?等等, 反正说起也自然顺口,谁都明了。

让人略感意外的是,单身管理室的前面开辟花圃和凉亭,为这陈旧的场所带来一丝新鲜的气息,楼间的小路两旁的狼槐树年复一年,青了黄,黄了青,记载着单身宿舍楼周围季节更替,也表明有人 仍在这里延续着他们的单身生活。
单身楼,作为青春的象征,铝厂历史的见证,它仿佛一张褪色的老照片,珍藏着誓去的芳华。而单身宿舍,必将在我的人生历程留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,不管时间怎样延续,空间如何变化,它永远 都不会变色。
李杰从青海退休回南阳的第二天,他就电话联系我,约定来我家小聚。晚饭后,我俩徒步在李宁体育园,鸟巢广场悠闲散步,话题更多的是回忆,一桩桩苦涩的往事,一段段成长的足迹,从小学一 直到谈参加工作各自的经历,真是感慨万千,好笑又有趣。
牛津版高二英语unit2 task

people want help but not judgement of their previous behavior.
give examples
mention a similar situation where your advice works.
How can I improve my grades?第十四页,共38页。ample questions:
1.What subjects do you find hard and need to improve on? 2.What is your problem in these subjects?
5.What are your short-term and long-term goals in these subjects? Have you set proper goals?
Step 2: discussing solutions
Practise asking questions and discussing solutions. Work in pairs to discuss Ma Jie's problems. Try to divide the big question into smaller ones 'What do you think of
1. sad
3. play well 5. falling behind
7. basketball 9.willing
13.Yao Ming
15.business world
2.make mistakes
高二牛津英语模块五Unit 2 Task

高二牛津英语模块五Unit 2 TaskTask Design a posterTeaching aims:●Enable the students to draw conclusions through means of listening●Enable the students to read for specific information by skimming and canning.Teaching procedures:Skills building 1:Llistening and drawing conclusions1. Warming-up⏹Show the students a picture of Shanghai and a picture of the talking between a woman and a manand ask them what conclusion they can draw after they hear:‘Yet another skyscraper has been set up in Shanghai”“The train is going to be late again”“ I’m not surprise at all”⏹Read anther five short descriptions from news reports and draw conclusionsEarthquake typhoon draught flood fire2. How to draw conclusionsPlay the tape of the news report and ask the students to decide if the conclusions are logical: ●The fires have been burning for quite some time.●Many people have lost their homes.●The police suspect citizens of Los Angeles helped start the fire.●The repoeter thinks it is very sad that old trees will be burnt●The fire department has given up hope of stopping the fires.3. Listen to a lecture about desertification nationwide contest and then answer the questions:●What is desertification?●Where does it happen?●How are people affected by it?●Why does it happen?●Who should be concerned?Skills building 2: reading fro information1. Warming-up●Do you often read newspapers?●What information do you expected to read in from a newspaper?●When you are reading a newspaper for information you need, is it necessary for you to read itword by word, from the beginning to the end? If not, how do you read it?2. Ask the students to work in pairs. Talk about the reason why the read the following.Newspaper a plane ticket a management a webpagea bus timetable an advertisement3.Group work:Get the students to express their opinions on the statements on page 14 by stating whether their agree or disagree, using the expressions just learned.Step 2: discussing friendship with others1. Look at the table of part A on page 15Have a discussion on desertification and asks your classmates at least three questions for their opinions on solutions for desertification.Note the responses in the table.2.Discussion (pair work)Discuss the following statements on environment and decide whether you agree or disagree with them.Skills building 3: presenting your point of view1.lead-in●If you want to tell other people what you think of something what do usually say?Read the points on page 36 and find the answers.2. Tell them they can use the following expressions::●I think / I believe.●From my point of view it seems that…●It seems to me that….●Personally I agree / disagree because…●Because.●As a result of...●Due to..●On account of…3. Do part A and B to give the students a chance to practiseStep 3: Design a poster1. Design a poster about desertification using information gathered in Step 1 and2.2. Group work: each member of the group contributes something to the planning of the layout of the poster.3. Write the information you want to show in words for you poster based on the outline in Part C on page 37.Tell the students before they write, they should pay attention to the suggestions carefully 4. PresentationLet’s invite several groups to present their poster to the classHomework1.The writing work is optional. They can either finish it in class if time permits or after class as their home work2.Preview the ProjectComments:In this lesson part B on page 36 is rather difficult to deal with. There are no unique answer to this question. So this step many be changed into providing suggestions to improving the environmental problems.。

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app下载 Leabharlann 坐在那流线型的高铁列车里,望着窗外瞬间一闪而过的城市、村庄、山岭、河流、树木和农田,望着高铁旁边高速公里上那虽然也是飞速行驶但在高铁列车的比对下形同蜗牛般的汽车,我的思绪不
仅回到了改革开放之前的年代。我是1969年1月刚刚满18周岁就因参军离开了故乡,来到了大连地区黄海北部的外长山群岛的守岛部队当兵,后来因工作需要被提干留队,转业后又留在了大连工作,至 今已经有快50年了。因为父母和兄弟姐妹们都在吉林,所以就要经常回去探亲,早些年回乡探亲的唯一方便的交通工具就是火车了。我清楚地记得,那还是在文革时期,虽然大连至长春的火车硬座票才 11.8元,卧铺也不到20元钱,但是,每逢年节,车票特别的难买,即使买到了,从晚上7点发车,得到第二天上午5点钟才能到达,短短的700多公里,得折腾一夜,熬10多个小时。下了火车还得倒汽车, 等到了家,已经人困马乏,筋疲力尽了。记得那是1978年的春节,我和妻子带着刚满一周岁的女儿回家乡过年,因那时不卖返程票,返回来时买不到车票,只好买站台票进站上车,由于人特别的多,结 果虽然挤上了车,可是连车厢里面都进不去,只能站在两节车厢的连接处,我背一个大旅行袋,她抱着孩子,连身子都转不过来,孩子因拥挤吵闹吓得哇哇直哭。若是就这样在火车上站一夜,可就惨了。