Windows98 简介、选择题1、windows98最大的特点是( A )A、单用户多任务操作系统B、提供了友好的用户界面C、能干任何事D、是一个真正的32位操作系统2、windows98把所占据的屏幕空间称为( B )A、窗口B、桌面C、文档D、工具栏3、windows98的窗口可分为两大类:( C )A、我的电脑和回收站B、标题栏和工具栏C、应用程序窗口和文件夹窗口D、程序窗口和图标窗口4、确定鼠标指针的位置,不动任何鼠标键,仅移动鼠标指针到目的地的操作称( D )A、拖动B、双击C、单击D、指向5、打开控制菜单的键盘快捷键为:( C )A、ALT+ESCB、ALT+TABC、ALT+空格D、ALT+F46、关机前应先( C )A、退出windows98并回到DOS状态。
B、等待进入屏幕保护后C、关闭系统并选择“关闭计算机”D、可直接关机7、对菜单栏中显示出“文件(F)”的菜单,可用下列键盘操作中的( A )A、ALT+FB、CTRL+FC、SHIFT+FD、CTRL+SFIFT+F8、下列有关windows98窗口的说法,不正确的是( D )A、任何一个窗口都有控制菜单框B、任何一个窗口都有标题栏C、任何一个窗口都有滚动条D、应用程序窗口与文档窗口的最大区别是后者没有菜单栏9、下面关于windows窗口的描述中,( D )是不正确的?A、windows窗口有两种类型:应用程序窗口和文档窗口B、在windows中启动一个应用程序,就打开一个窗口C、在应用程序窗口中出现的其它窗口,称为文档窗口D、每一个应用程序窗口都有自己的文档窗口10、windows的“桌面”指的是( A )A、整个屏幕B、全部窗口C、某个窗口D、活动窗口11、对windows98系统,下列叙述中正确的是( D )A、不可以同时运行多个程序B、桌面上不可同时容纳多个窗口C、不可支持鼠标操作D、不可运行所有的DOS应用程序12、对windows98,下列叙述中正确的是( C )1A、windows98的操作只能用鼠标实现B、windows98为每一个任务自动建立一个显示窗口,其位置和大小不能改变C、windows98打开的多个窗口,既可平铺,也可层叠D、处于活动状态的窗口标题栏呈现的颜色为灰色13、在windows98的窗口中,单击最小化按钮后( C )A、当前窗口将消失B、当前窗口被关闭C、当前窗口缩小为图标D、打开控制菜单14、在windows98的快捷组合键中,全角和半角的转换组合键为( B )A、shift+空格B、Alt +空格C、Alt+ESCD、ALT+F415、在鼠标的基本操作中,移动鼠标并使鼠标指向要选择的对象称做( B )A、单击B、定位C、拖动D、双击16、DOS是目前微机上常用的一种操作系统,Windows98则是( A )A、另一种操作系统B、建立在DOS上的一种系统操作平台C、依赖于DOS的一种全新的窗口操作环境D、DOS管理下的一种人机界面环境17、Windows98的运行需要一定的硬件环境,下列叙述唯一正确的,即( C )A、CPU必须为“奔腾”或其以上B、内存容量至少为16MBC、硬盘至少有40MB以上的空间D、必须配有网卡(网络适配器)18、鼠标器在屏幕上产生的符号为一个“沙漏”,表明( A )A、windows98正在执行某一处理任务,请用户稍等B、windows98执行的程序出错,中止其执行C、等待用户键入Y或N,以便继续工作D、提示用户注意某个事项,并不影响计算机工作19、为了正常退出windows98,用户操作是( B )A、在任何时候关掉计算机的电源B、选择系统菜单中的“关闭系统”并进行人机对话C、在没有任何程序存在执行的情况下关掉计算机的电源D、在没有任何程序存在执行的情况下按CTRL+ALT+DEL键20、下面关于windows98的窗口描述中,( B )是错误的A、窗口是windows98应用程序的用户界面B、windows98的桌面也是windows98窗口C、窗口主要由边框、标题栏、菜单栏、工作区、状态栏、滚动条等组2成的D、windows98的窗口分为应用程序窗口和文件夹窗口两大类21、在windows98的桌面上,用鼠标单击左下角的“开始”按钮“,将(D )A、执行开始程序B、执行一个程序,程序名称在弹出的对话框中指定C、打开一个窗口D、弹出包含有使用windows98所需全部命令的“系统“菜单。
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一、 GSM900/1800 双频段数字蜂窝移动台 (一) 检验依据:YD/T 884-1996《 900MHz TDMA 数字蜂窝移动通信网移动台设备技术指标及测试方法》 (二) 参照标准:ETS 300 607-1《 Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2);Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification;Part 1:Conformance specification (GSM 11.10-1 version 4.22.1) 》(三) 核准频率范围:Tx : 885〜915MHZ/1710 〜1785MHz Rx : 930〜960MHZ/1805 〜1880MHz(四) 说明:1800MHz 移动台传导杂散发射值: 1.710 〜1.755GHz <36dBm1.755 〜12.75GHz <30dBm二、GSM900/1800双频段数字蜂窝基站 (一)检验依据:YD/T 883-1999《900/1800MHz TDMA 数字蜂窝移动通信网基站子系统设备技术要求及无线指标测试方法》 (二)参照标准:ETSI EN 301 087《Digital cellular telecommunications system (phase 2 &phase 2 ); Base Station System (BSS) equipment specification; Radio aspects(GSM 11.21version 8.2.1 Release 1999》)(三) 核准频率范围:Tx:: 930〜960MHz/1805 〜1880MHz Rx:: 885〜915MHz/1710 〜1785MHz(四)说明:1800MHz 基站传导杂散发射限值: W 36dBm/30/100kHz W 30dBm/30kHz W 30dBm/100kHz W 30dBm/300kHz W 30dBm/1MHz W 30dBm/3MHz W 98dBm/100kHz三、 GSM 直放机 (一)检验依据:信息产业部无线电管理局《有关直放站设备管理的规定》(信无 [1999] 62号) (二)参照标准:ETSI 300 609-4《Digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2);1805〜 1850MHz 1852〜 1855MHz 1855〜 1860MHz 1860〜 1870MHz 1870〜 1880MHz 1880〜12.75GHz 1710〜 1755MHzBase station System(BSS) equipment specification ;Part 4: Repeaters(GSM 11.26)》(三)核准频率范围:下行:930〜960MHZ/1805 〜1880MHz上行:885〜915MHZ/1710 〜1785MHz(四)说明:根据移动通信运营商的要求,直放机必须具备仅适用于某运营商使用频段的功能。
Capture Screen:抓屏功能,当您启动一个虚拟计算机后,该菜单有效,此时选择该菜单,VMWARE将会把当前的虚拟计算机屏幕保存为BMP文件。
如果您已经在计算机上安装了VMWARE,并且有了LINUX的安装光盘,如果您的网络速度够快,下载了LINUX的光盘映象ISO文件,那就没有必要刻录为光盘,同样可以进行LINUX的安装。以下以REDHAT LINUX 7.1(双光盘)为例说明如何使用VMWARE创建一个虚拟机以及在此基础上安装LINUX。
Vmware Tools Install:安装 VMWARE工具包
Show All Hints:显示所有提示
Local Priority、Global Priority:设置优先权
Full Screen:全屏,将虚拟机全屏显示
Open Recent:打开最近打开过的配置文件Instant Restore:立即恢复,当您在启动或者运行一个或多个虚拟机时按下了Suspend按钮,那么该虚拟机会保存当前的运行信息后关闭,当您想再次进入该虚拟机时,进入本菜单选择配置文件,VMWARE将立即恢复到该虚拟机上次退出时的状态。
第三部分: Windowsw98操作系统
WINDOWS 98的基本操作
快捷菜单:通常为右键单击后弹出的菜单 窗口菜单:每一个应用程序内菜栏内的菜单
黑色或灰色(可操作或不可操作) 后有…:表示一个对话框,需用户输入更详细信息 菜单后面有小三角符号 菜单后面括号内字母:
题栏及任务栏上按钮状态得知)任务为前台任务。 任务切换:通过单击任务栏上按钮;或右击弹出快捷菜单;
ALT+TAB 驻留任务指示器:常驻后台应用程序;试着用鼠标指向、单击、
第三部分: Windowsw98操作系统
WINDOWS 98的基本操作
Windows 98 的启动与关闭
ALT+TAB 驻留任务指示器:常驻后台应用程序;试着用鼠标指向、单击、
第三部分: Windowsw98操作系统
WINDOWS 98的基本操作 窗口与图标操作(续)
开始按钮操:打开、关闭、下级子菜单、对话框 快速启动栏 任务栏与驻留指示器
任务的概念 前台任务和后台任务:正对面用户操作(活动窗口,可通过标
第三部分: Windowsw98操作系统
记事本使用方法 启动 基本编辑:
新建、打开、保存文件 移动光标:箭头键或鼠标单击 选择文本:拖动鼠标 插入、删除 剪切、复制、粘贴
第三部分: Windowsw98操作系统
汉字处理 汉字处理
驻留任务指示器:输入法及其提示条 键盘组合键CTRL+SHIFT、CTRL+空格 了解:特殊字符的输入
WINDOWS 98的基本操作 窗口与图标操作(续)
开始按钮操:打开、关闭、下级子菜单、对话框 快速启动栏 任务栏与驻留指示器
2 编码规 则和 编码 文件 的生成
全站仪外业 采集数 据采用有 码作 业方式 。为实现后 期 自动 绘 图, 野外测点必须记录各点属性及连接 关系。因此制订如 下规
则 : 的编码 由“ 点 属性码 ( 位 ) 3 +特征码( 1位) +附加码 ( 位 )组 1 ” 成 。属性码采用 E S 测 图系统原有编码 , PW 熟悉 E S的用户不用 P
St fe =f . r tT xFl : e my l i l s C e e et i(c \my l . p, u) o a e i1r fe t " Tre a e i2 s C e e eti (C \my l . p, re St fe =f . r tT xFl : my l o a e i2r fe t " T u ) a
采 集结合 E S 8电子平板 自动绘 图这一难题 , P W9 极大地 提高 了工
2 9 pit 4 ,on 不依 比例 门墩——仅具有点特征。
作效率 , 降低了生产成本 。
4 程序设 计和代 码编 写
1 E S 8数据 交换 文件 C R及 编程 的 目的 P w9 O
C OR文件为文本 文件 , E S 8点 、 、 是 P W9 线 面状 地 物数 据交 换的主要文件 , 它由变长数 据块顺 序组 成 , 每个数 据块表 示 图形 中一个地物 , 由属性 编码 、 点数 、 线性 、 地物号 以及点 的位置等信
Sr mp函数将 点的属性码 同 sy t o c oi n数组 中 的属 性码进 行字符 串 过分类 、 、 计算 排序和数 据合并 等手段 转换 成符合 E s 8 P w9 格式 比较 , 若值相等 则按 数组 中对 编码 的线性 定义 ( i ,o t将 数 L eP i ) n n 的 c R文件 , 0 那么全站仪所采集的数据就 可以被 E s 8凋用 , P w9 据分类写入临时文件 , 关键代码如下 :
软件名称 SUPERMAP(组件式开发平台) GIS 基础软件 MAPGIS AM/FM 应用开发平台 GROW 扫描数字化软件 GEOSCAN 地图编辑制图软件 MAPCAD 地图编辑制图软件 方正智绘 GIS 基础软件 GEOSTAR GIS 基础软件 CITYSTAR GIS 基础软件 MAPENGINE 电力陪网软件 EFGIS 电子地图制作与出版系统 IntAtlas 电子平衡测绘软件 EPSW98 WEB 应用软件 GEDSURF MAPGIS 供水管网系统 研制单位 中国科学院 超图公司 深圳市雅都图形软件有限公司 武汉测绘科技大学 GIS 研究中心,吉奥信息 工程公司 中国地质大学 武汉中地公司 北大方正 武汉测绘科技大学 GIS 研究中心,吉奥信息 工程公司 北大三秦信息技术有限公司 北京图原空间数据技术有限责任公司,北京 朝夕开机有限责任公司 深圳市雅都图形软件有限公司 中科院资源与环境国家重点试验室 清华山维新技术开发公司 武汉测绘科技大学 GIS 研究中心,吉奥信息 工程公司 中国地质大学 武汉中地公司 中国地质大学,武汉中地公司
由北京大学研发的、面向桌面应用的GIS平台,其具体模块包括: 编辑模块:矢量数据的录入和编辑。 查询分析模块:矢量---栅格综合的空间数据管理、查询、分析 模块,并提供多种空间模型运算。 制图模块:提供了地图的整饰输出以及符号制作功能,同时也 可以制作影象地图。 扫描矢量化模块:提供了线状图形扫描、细化、跟踪并矢量化 的一系列操作,适用于地形等高线的录入。 可视开发模块:包括OCX控件,使用户可以进行二次开发。 遥感图象处理模块:提供了从遥感图象纠正到增强、变换、分 类以提取专题信息整个流程的功能。 数字地形模块:等值线、离散点插值生成DEM进行各种分析。 三维模块:基于DEM的三维生成和查询分析。 GPS模块:GPS数据的接收、显示和分析。
(98版)五笔字根口诀G 王旁青头五夫一, F 土干十寸未甘雨, D 大犬戊其古石厂,S 木丁西甫一四里, A 工戈草头右框七。
H 目上卜止虎头具, J 日早两竖与虫依,K 口中两川三个竖, L 田甲方框四车里, M 山由贝骨下框集。
T 禾竹反文双人立,R 白斤气丘叉手提, E 月用力豸毛衣臼, W 人八登头单人几, Q 金夕鸟儿犭边鱼。
Y 言文方点谁人去, U 立辛六羊病门里,I 水族三点鳖头小, O 火业广鹿四点米, P 之字宝盖补礻衤。
N 已类左框心尸羽, B 子耳了也乃框皮, V 女刀九艮山西倒, C 又巴牛厶马失蹄,X 幺母贯头弓和匕11G 王旁青头五夫一解释:G键位上有字根:王, ,戋,五,一,共5个字根。
13D 大犬三(羊)古石厂解释:在D键位上有字根:大,犬,三,“羊底字根” 古,石,厂共7个字根。
补充口诀:套上套下,龙头左右百(摆)补充口诀说明:D键位上包括了“套”字的上下两部分字根:即:大,镸;还包括:龙的左上部分字根,左右两个字的左上部分字根,即“ ”字根;还包括“百”字的上面部分字根,即“丆”字根。
14S 木丁西解释:S键位上字根只有三个,即:木,丁,西15A 工戈草头右框七(“右框”即“匚”)解释:A键位上的字根有:工,戈,艹,匚,七,共5个字根,此外,草头字根还包括:廿, ;“七”字根还包括多个变种,如“东”字上面部分,即去掉小的部分,也是“七”字根,还有“切”字左边部分字根。
21H 目具上止卜虎皮(“具”指具字的上部)解释:H键位上的字根有:目,“具字上面部分字根”,上,止,卜,“虎字上面部分字根”,“皮字上面部分字根”补充:事实上,H键位上还包括“丨”这个字根。
22J 日早两竖与虫依解释:J键位上的字根有:日,早,刂,虫共4个字根,其中两坚有多个变种:如:竖的上面左边部分字根,师字的左边部分字根,利字的右边部分字根。
11G王旁青头五夫一, 21H目上卜止虎头具,12F土干十寸未甘雨, 22J日早两竖与虫依,13D大犬戊其古石厂, 23K口中两川三个竖,14S木丁西甫一四里, 24L田甲方框四车里,15A工戈草头右框七。
31T禾竹反文双人立, 41Y言文方点谁人去,32R白斤气丘叉手提, 42U立辛六羊病门里,33E月用力豸毛衣臼, 43I水族三点鳖头小,34W人八登头单人几, 44O火业广鹿四点米,35Q金夕鸟儿犭边鱼。
Photos hop 版本最低电脑硬件配置要求+ 功能区别经常看到一些人在问,Photos hop 哪个版本最好用,其实结果不言而喻,最好用的肯定是最新版的,但最新版的未必适合你现在的配置,再好用跑起来不流畅就没啥意义了。
以下便是历代 Photos hop 的运行配置要求:注意:这些都是最低运行的配置(可启动),而不是流畅运行配置要求哦!Photos hop 5.5 系统要求Window s·IntelPentiu m 166MHz或者更高的中央处理器以及兼容的机器系统。
(建议使用 MMX 技术的芯片)。
·配置有 32MB 或者更多的内存(推荐 64MB 以上)。
·VGA 256 色及性能更高的相兼容的图形适配卡。
· 100MB可用硬盘空间(需要提供大约 80MB 的硬盘空间来安装该软件系统的基本功能)。
· Micros oft Window s 95、Micros oft Window s NT 4.0 或更高操作系统。
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(1)上海市宝山区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Vincent Van Gogh (文森特.梵高) was one of the most famous Dutch artists ofthe 19th century. O 92 the course(人生历程) of his 37 years, V an Gogh paintedsome of the most renowned(有名的)paintings of our time. At the age of sixteen, hebegan a career not as a painter but as an art salesman for the firm( 公司) Goupil & Cie.Van Gogh spent seven years with the firm, but became unhappy. In the followingyears, V an Gogh went from job to job, living in v 93 cities in Europe.V an Gogh was not c ___ 94 ____ of his own abilities, but through theencouragement and support of his beloved brother, Theo, he went to Brussels(布鲁塞尔)to begin studies in art. During the next ten years, he painted 872 paintings.Although Van Gogh is a world-famous artist today, he was 1 95 known to theart world while he was alive. He sold only one painting during his lifetime but hisfame (名声)grew rapidly in the years after his death.Later Van Gogh also s ____ 96 ____ from severe depression! (严重忧郁症)and was Admitted(准许进入)to an asylum! (精神病院).While in the asylum Van Gogh painted one of his best-known paintings—Starry Night(昼夜). On July 27, 1890 Vincent Van Gogh shot himself in the chest in a wheat field. Two days later he died with his younger brother, Theo, by his s 97 .Van Gogh produced more than 2.000 art works, consisting of around 900 paintings and 1,100 drawings and sketches. His work was a strong influence on the modern art, and today many of his pieces, including his numerous(极多的s 98 portraits (画像) , landscapes (风景画)and oil paintings, are among the world's most recognizable and expensive works of art.(2)上海市崇明县2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷A few days ago, Adrian bought six bottles of ink at a $1 Store. Then he found a deal (交易)on better ink at a local computer store. So Adrian went back to the $1 Store to e 92 the ink for some other things.When he entered the store, he showed the bag of ink to a clerk and told her that he was returning some things. She was very busy and said nothing. Not knowing e 93 what to do, Adrian put the bag into a push-cart and started shopping.He was shopping when a woman shop assistant stopped him. “Sir,” she said strictly, “you are not a 94 to carry a bag of things around in this store. What’s in this bag? Show me what’s in the bag!”Adrian felt like a shoplifter(商店扒手). He looked around to see if anyone was paying attention. He opened the bag and showed her the six bottles of ink. “I’m returning these for some other things,” he said.“ P 95 in the future you’ll learn how to follow store rul es. Leave this bag here with the clerk. You can have your bag back when you check out.”Adrian was angry. He asked what her n 96 was. She said, “Ursula.”When Adrian got home, he called the store. He described his experience to a man. The man said, “O ur shop assistants are taught to be polite to c 97 . Give me your phone number and I will call you back.”Two days later, Adrian received a phone call from the man. “I’m sorry,” the man said, “but there’s no one at that store called Ursula. Can you de scribe her? I’ll find out who she is.”By this time, Adrian had calmed down. He didn’t really want the shop assistant to lose herj 98 . He told the man to forget about it.(3)上海市奉贤区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷We love obento (便当)!It's time for lunch! Today we have obento. In fact, "obento" is a n 92 for lunch in Japanese. It’s tasty, healthy and eye-catching.There are some interesting rules in an obento. First, rice is separated from the other dishes. So the rice won't pick up any other flavors(口味). B 93 there is the main dish and the two side dishes. The main dish can be anything from dumplings, to fried chicken, to fish. And the side dish can be anything, like salad.During obento making, you must learn to combine (结合) the food colors of red, yellow, and green. The red food will make people feel hungry, the yellow food is usually healthy, and the green food is full of vitamins. So if you can put t 94 colors well together, you can make a good obento.Nowadays the obento plays an i 95 part in Japanese life. When a class goes for an outing, all the students will b 96 their mom-made obento. You see, the obento is a 97 filled with love, just as a mother said, "I remember my mother making obento for me. Now I make obento for my daughter every day. Hopefully, she'll make obento for her children too, w 98 the same love."(200)(4)上海市虹口区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Most people think that the capital of the movie world is Hollywood(好莱坞) in the United States. However, the real movie capital is Mumbai, in India. Mumbai used to be k 92 as Bombay, and so the film industry there is called “Bollywood”. Bollywood makes twice as many as movies each year as Hollywood—more than 800 films a year.The movies from Bollywood are very d 93 from Hollywood movies. For one thing, Bollywood movies are much longer than most Hollywood movies. Most Bollywood movies are more than three hours long, and contain singing, dancing, action, romance and so on. Because Bollywood films contain so many different fe atures, this style of film is sometimes called a “masala” film. (“masala” is an Indian word for a mixture of spices.)A 94 big difference between Bollywood and Hollywood movies is the way movies are made. It takes much longer to make a movie in Hollywood than in Bollywood. In fact, filming may begin on a Bollywood movie before the script(剧本) is even finished. The directors(导演) and writers can make up the story while the film is being made. Sometimes they will even write the script by hand i 95 of taking time to type it.Bollywood actors are very popular and some are in such high demand(需求) that they may work on several movies at the same time. They may even shoot scenes(到现场实拍) for several films on the same day using the same costumes(服装) . Since most Bollywood movies follow the same k 96 of story, shooting scenes for several films at the same time is not a big problem for actors and directors. This also helps keep the cost of Bollywood movies l 97 than the cost of Hollywood movies. The average Bollywood film, with a budget(预算) of only two million U.S. dollars, seems very c 98 compared to the average budget of sixty million US. dollars for a Hollywood film—thirty times as much.(5)上海市黄浦区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Hi, SamIt's been such a long time since I heard from you. 1 don't mean to boast, but I have to tell you about a fantastic performance I was recently lucky enough to enjoy. My parents arranged for us to go and see a Beijing Opera show last week. B 92 I went, I thought that Beijing Opera was only for old people. How w 93 I was! Itwas great! The performers wore really colorful costumes and beautiful make-up, which were different from each character. I was amazed by the exciting fight scenes.The opera we saw was a very old s 94 called Legend of White Snake. It is about a girl, a 95 a snake, who falls in love with a young man, and the problems they face. It was really enjoyable. I stayed seated for the whole show. I really liked how each of the performers had a different role to play and how they each sang and acted differently.I liked the show very much. When I came home, I s 96 online for more information about Beijing Opera. It seems that some theatres are giving out free tickets to schools in order to a 97 more young people to watch Beijing Opera. I think this is an excellent idea. Beijing Opera is an important part of Chinese c 98 and it is very entertaining to watch.Anyway, Sam, it is late and I have to go to school tomorrow. Take care and I'll talk to you soon(6)上海市嘉定区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Body language is one of the best ways to find out what is really going on inside someone's head.A small movement of the mouth or nose, or a wink (眨眼) of the eye — these actions can say so much more about a person's, feelings than a 92 they say to you.But you need to be very experienced to u 93 what you see completely. Here are some basic movements made by Westerners — and explanations of what they mean— to get you started.Pat or rub your stomach. If someone rubs their stomach, they are not feeling sick. They are just h 94 .Shrug your shoulders (耸肩). This means "I don't know" or "I am not bothered". If your friend shrugs their shoulders when invited to a party, it shows they are not very i 95 in going along to it.Keep your fingers crossed. It is a gesture that wishes for good 1 96 . Before people take exams, they often cross their fingers in the hope of good grades. Football fans do the same thing when their favorite team gets a penalty (点球) — they wish the player will score a goal.Rub your chin (下巴) . If someone rubs their chin, it often means they dont believe what someone is s 97 ! So if your friend makes this gesture, it secretly tells you what they feel.Scratch your head 挠头). If your foreign English teacher scratches his head when you ask a question, then he is confused and might n 98 have understood what you said. Either that, or he cant remember your name!(7)上海市金山区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Children have their own rules in playing games. They s 92 need a referee and rarefy trouble to keep scores. They don’t c93 much about who wins or loses, and it doesn't seem to worry them if the game is not finished. Yet, they like games that depend a lot on i 94 . so that each one's own abilities cannot be directly compared. They also enjoy games that move in stages, in which each stage, the choosing of leaders, the picking-up of sides, or the deciding of which side shall start, is almost a game in itself.Parents can hardly find children's games i 95 , and they often don't understand why their children play such simple games again and again. However, it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons. He can be a good player without having to think whether he is a popular person or not He becomes a leader when it comes to his turn. He can be c 96 . too. In some games it is his place to g 97 orders, to throw a ball actually at someone, or to kick someone who has been caught.It appears to us that when children play a game they imagine a situation under their control.Everyone knows the rules, and more importantly, everyone plays according to the rules. Those rules may be simple, but they make sure that every child has a c 98 to win.(8)上海市静安区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷In the United States, when you become rich, you want people to know about it And even if you aren't very rich, you want people to think that you are. That is w 92 "keeping up with the Joneses" is about. It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbours.The expression was f 93 used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning (挣) $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very rich neighbourhood o 94 New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired (雇) a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.It was like a race, but one could never f 95 this race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could not pay for their new way of life any 1 96 .They moved back to New York City, living in an old flat.Momand looked around him and noticed that many people did things just to keep up with the rich lifestyle of their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories about this. He called it "Keeping up with the Joneses" because "Jones" is a very c 97 name in the United States. "Keeping up with the Joneses" came to mean keeping up with the rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momand's series a 98 in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.(9)上海市卢湾区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷When you cut your skin, you bleed (流血) . If a person loses a lot of blood, he will become ill and may die. Blood is very important. People have always known that. At one time, some people even drank blood to make them strong!When doctors understand how blood goes around i 92 the body, they try ways of giving blood to people who need it. They take blood from the healthy people and give it to people who need it. This is called "blood transfusion" (输血). The blood goes from the arm of the healthy person into the arm of the s 93 person.But there are two problems. First, it does not always w 94 . Sometimes people die when they have blood transfusion. Later, doctors find that we do not all have the s 95 kind of blood. There are four groups—O, A, B and AB. We all have blood of one of these groups. They also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB. But they find that they must give A-group blood to A-group people and B-group blood to B-group people. I have O-group blood and the doctor told me that I could give blood to anyone else s 96 .There is a 97 problem. To give blood of the right kind, doctors have to find a person of the right blood group. Often they can not find a person in time. If they have a way to keep the blood u 98 someone needs it, they can always have the right kind of blood. At first they find they can keep it in bottles for fifteen to twenty days. They do this by making it very cold. Then they find how to keep it longer. In the end they find a place to keep blood for a very long time—"blood bank".(10)上海市闵行区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷“Fire! Fire!” What horrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and s 92 out into the passage. It was full of thick smoke.I began to run, but as I was still only half awake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the oppositedirection. The smoke grew t 93 and I could see flames all around and the floor became hot under my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window. But before I could reach it, one of my feet was caught in something soft and I fell down. The thing I had fell over was l 94 a bundle(一捆)of clothes, and I picked it up to protect my face from smoke and heat. Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the below with pieces of wood all around me.I saw a flaming doorway in front, put the bundle of clothes over my face and ran. The fire around my feet burned me t 95 , but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry. I nearly dropped it in my s 96 . Then I saw a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night dress and a borrowed man’s coat screamed when she saw me and came running madly. “My baby! My baby!” she cried. The crowd cheered widely as she took the smoke bundle out of my a 97 . I had some difficulty in recognizing her. She was Mayor’s wife, and I had s98 her baby. I was a hero.(11)上海市浦东新区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷A Bike Hire Plan Has Started in LondonLondon has become a cycle friendly area after the action of a new bike hire (租用)project. It has been designed to e 92 more people to cycle in and around central London. So how does it work? First you have to sign up to the project to get a key. The key will unlock one of the bikes, which are kept at parking stations in and around central London. You have to pay for the key and then you pay as you go, according to the l 93 of time you use the bike. The organization, Transport for London, runs the project and h 94 to have 6,000 bikes and 400 parking stations by the end of the year. The new hire system wants to ease congestion (缓解拥堵) in London and is expected to have up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day into the city centre.London Mayor Boris Johnston started the project and said London used to be a f 95 of thousands of shining cars and the project might change the outlook of their streets. However, a few problems have appeared s 96 the project was started last Friday. Transport for London admitted they could expect a few small difficulties and allow cyclists not to pay for the first day as a bush. Some people found they couldn’t park their bike e 97 and nobody recorded their hire time of the bike on the first day. Others aren’t satisfied with the number of the parking stations for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles. Although the organization has received some complaints, the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very a 98 about the Bike Hire Plan, saying, “My plan for the capital to become the greatest big cycling city in the world has taken a big step forward.”(12)上海市普陀区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Flat 4B, Sunrise Court68, Orchard RoadSingapore 108431st October 2010Dear Celine,Hello! How are you? I hope you are well.I’m writing to tell you about my plans for the Christmas holidays. My family is planning to go to Japan for two weeks this winter. F___92___, we’re going to spend a few days in Tokyo. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Then we’ll take a plane to Hokkaido. This is an island in the north of Japan. We’re going skiing there.I’m very e__93___ about th e trip. I’ve neither been to Japan nor been skiing before, a__94___ I have never seen snow! My friend Carol went skiing last year. Unfortunately, she broke her leg. I hope I don’t get hurt! At first, I’m going to ski very slowly because I want to be s_ 95__.We’re going to leave Singapore on 20th December. Singapore will be warm t_96__, but the weather in Tokyo will be cold. It will be very cold at night. We’re staying in Tokyo for three days before f_97__ to Hokkaido so I will have enough time to buy a new Discman. Of course, it will be very cold in Hokkaido and there will be lots of snow. When we leave Singapore, we will wear summer clothes. Then a few days later in Japan, we will wear thick j_98__ and gloves so that we are warm! We are going to come ba ck to Tokyo on New Year’s Eve. We will leave Japan on 2nd January.Well, that’s all for now. I’ll send you a postcard from Japan.Love,Alice(13)上海市青浦区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷On two wheels in a green LandIt's often said that the best way to see a country is to use the method of transport which is traditional in that place. So people should see Australia on horseback, Nepal on foot and the US by car. If this is true, then a bicycle is the p (92) way to visit Sri Lanka. Although the 18-speed mountain bike I used is not an everyday sight, more traditional types can be seen all over the c (93) .Sharing the same kind of transport as local people changes the way you see the place. You are traveling at a speed that fits the environment. It is not so slow that you only see a s (94) area each day, and not so fast that the details of the countryside are missed. Better still, you can stop whenever you want to listen to the birds or the sound of water, you can talk to people, smell their cooking or take a photo. H (95) , this doesn't mean that cycling in Sri Lanka is relaxing. If you want to see the whole country, you have to leave the towns and villages and cycle through forest—where the temperature is 37°C, cross rivers, climb hills and go over paths which are made of mud, rock or sand.The most pleasant paths in the forest follow the irrigation canals. T (96) carry water into the bright green rice fields. During the afternoon, groups of children, farm workers and water buffaloes all come to s (97) in canals. Then, when you climb up the hills in the centre of the country, you see that the side of every hill is covered with rows of trees in another lovely green. In fact, the whole country is covered in more different and beautiful shades of green t (98) I've ever thought.Now I'm wondering where to ride my bike next — perhaps along the canals of the Netherlands, or through the city streets of China...(14)上海市松江区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or use it to do good things; they can spend it by buying things they want; or they can save it. Requiring children to save part of their allowances can also open the door to f 98 saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finances. For example, one dollar invested at two percent interest for two years will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent of one dollar and two cents, and so on. That may not seem like a lot. But over time it adds up.(15)上海市徐汇区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping, watching TV and buying things by phone. New teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some European countries, people can turn on theirTVs and shop for clothes, food, toys and many other things.Teleshopping is becoming p___92______ in Sweden. For example, the biggestSwedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen European countries,and in one year, it makes $10 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels,and the French spend about $20 million a year in buying things t _93___ thosechannels. In Germany, until last year teleshopping was only possible on onechannel for one hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping.Other channels can open for telebusiness, i___94____the largest American company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German businessmen are hoping these will help them sell more things.Some people like teleshopping b 95_____ it allows them to do their shoppingwithoutgoing out. With all the traffic p ____96____ in cities, going shopping is not an easy thing. But at the time, other Europeans don't like this new way of buying things. They call teleshopping "junk(垃圾)"on the air. Many Europeans u ____97__ worry about the quality (质量) of thethings for sale on TV. They think high quality is the most important thing, and they don't believe they can be sure about the quality of the things on TV.The need of high quality m ____98___ that European teleshopping companies will have tobe different from the American companies. They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things.(16)上海市杨浦区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture ofpeace. Many artists t 92 . The king looked at all the pictures. But there were o 93 two hereally liked, and he had to choose between them.One picture was of a beautiful lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful mountains allaround it. Overhead was a b 94 sky with white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that itwas a perfect picture of peace.The other picture had mountains, too. But these were lifeless and awful. Above was an angry sky, and from the sky rain was f 95 and wind was blowing. Down the side of the mountain there was a running waterfall (瀑布). This did not l 96 peaceful at all.But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a small tree growing in a h 97 in the rock. In the tree a mother bird had built her nest (巢). There, in the midst of the angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest—in perfect peace.Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose the second picture. Do you know why? "Because," explained the king, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, t 98 , or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm (平静的) in your heart. That is the realmeaning of peace."(17)上海市闸北区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷Owning a dog is not as easy as some people think. It needs a lot of r ________(92) . You have to take your dog for walks regularly, feed it and bathe it. You have to c_______ (93) for it every day. I think it is also important to take it to see the vet regularly.B_________ (94) you get a dog, 1 feel it is important to think about why you want to. Do you want a dog for love and friendship? Maybe you want a dog to p (95) yourself or your home? You can also ask yourself these questions:Do I have enough time to take care of a dog?Do I have enough money to pay for food and visits to the vet?I_________ (96) my home big enough for a dog?These questions should help you decide w_______ (97) you really should have a dog as a pet. If you are sure you can give a dog a good life, then go ahead and look for a dog that would suit you. Good luck with your dog Remember : a pet is f ___________(98) life.(18)上海市长宁区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷It is one o'clock in Seattle (西雅图) in the afternoon. You are walking d 92 the street. A lot of people are outside for lunch. You see a woman. She is holding a white and green paper cup. You see another person. He is also holding a cup in his hand. You see another and another. Everybody holds a cup! What are they all drinking? You s 93 the air in Seattle. It's coffee!People in Seattle love coffee. Some say it's because Seattle has many rainy d 94 and people need coffee to be happy. There is caffeine in coffee and it helps people be happy. These people like latte (拿铁咖啡) better. Others say coffee shops are popular because people in Seattle are very relaxed. They need coffee to stop them from falling a 95 easily. These people like espresso (浓咖啡) better.Coffee shops in Seattle are like teahouses in China. In Seattle, people go to coffee shops to talk to friends, read books, play games, work on the computer or relax. Coffee is an important p 96 of people's life. The world's largest coffee shop chain, Starbucks, first o 97 in Seattle in 1971. There are many good baristas (咖啡师) in Starbucks. But Starbucks is not the o 98 popular coffee shop chain in the city. There are other large chains. Seattle also has many small neighbourhood coffee shops.(19)06年中考When the London Undorground goes on strike(罢工),my journey to work can be terrible I remember a strike which happened a few years a___________(104). The station near my house was closed and I had to use another station and take a different train.This a____________(105) about an hour to my journey,so I wasn't very happy.E___________(106) went wrong at the station. People were late and they were panicking(惊恐)! By the time I got on the train, I Was feeling upset and sorry for myself. Then I saw this man. There was something about him-he had such a familiar f___________(107). A few minutes later, I realized that he was Jack, a friend from my school days in Scotland. At the same time he a___________(108) realized who I was.Then we started talking about school days and the people we both used to k___________(109).I was even more surprised when the train came into my station and he started to get off too!I asked himw___________(110) he was going and he said he was going to work.He told me he worked in Fitzroy Street. You see,I work in Fitzroy Street,too. It's a small w__________(111)! It was such an amazing coincidence!(20)07年中考Some people have problems falling asleep; others have trouble getting up in the morning . The following suggestions may help.Don't spend longer than thirty minutes trying to fall asleep . If you can’t get to sleep after half an hour, get up and do s___________(97) quiet, like reading. Only go back to bed when you feel tired.Drink a glass of warm milk fifteen minutes before you go to bed --- it helps you to relax. But don’t drink . But don'tdrink coffee or tea: they have chemicals which make it d______________(98) for you to sleep.Have a warm bath---it's a great way to relax. But n__________(99) stay in there too long. More than twenty minutes and you will lose all your energy. And the bathroom isn't the best place to fall asleep!Listen to some music. However, if you have to get up and turn off the recorder when the music f_________(100),it won't work!Set all the clocks in the house ten minutes fast before you go to bed ( and try to forgetthat youd __________(101) this when you wake up the next morning).Get a friend to phone you in the morning. And hope that your friend is better atwaking up than you are... and is able to have an interesting t________(102) with you on thephone to help you wake up.Go to bed e_________(103) than usual. It may not be easy at first, but they say that an hour of sleep before midnight has the same effect as two hours after midnight.中考英语首字母填空专项练习题一Do you know Sweden(瑞典)?It l 1 in the north of Europe.It is the fourth largest country in Europe with an a 2 of 450, 000 square kilometers and the population of about 8.5 million. Over one third of them live in the three largest cities, namely Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo. More than half of Sweden is c 3 with trees. It is one of the r 4 countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Today less than one third of the people are f5.Sweden is the country where the famous Nobel Prizes are awarded. Many people who have been to Stockholm, the c6of Sweden, must have visited the places where Nobel Prizes are awarded.The first language of Sweden is Swedish. English is the first f7 language in schools. Manymiddle-school students can s 8 two to three languages. Most of the Swedish people,men and women, o9 and young, can speak English. So there is no p 10 to speak with them in English.二I still remember visiting Moscow. It is the capital of Russia, the b 1 country in the world. I went there w 2 my parents when I was eight years old. I lived and studied there for one year, I had some happy memories.One of the most interesting things of that city was that t 3 were many dogs. Perhaps Russians l 4 dogs very much. You can see dogs here and there. Almost each of the families had a dog. I made friends with many Russian children w 5 I was living and studying there. They were all very nice. They had fair hair and fair skin. I played with them h 6 though I could only speak a little Russian at first. They were f 7 to me. The weather in Moscow was very cold. It snowed almost every in winter. The ground was always c 8 with a lot of snow. We often made s 9 together.。
WIN2003,序列号JCDPY-8M2V9-BR862-KH9XB-HJ3HM 有效XXXXX-640-5831675-45358 JCBPD-YMX9T-G34HP-PTDWM-CDBQY 有效XXXXX-640-2826262-45437 JB94R-RDRMF-BR67T-Q8RX6-2MDHM 有效XXXXX-640-2144082-45511 JCBP6-9D7HT-HGBGB-HMB39-4QGBB 有效XXXXX-640-2557097-45582 JCGTT-VF8FF-4DQCX-KVBBH-2QKVM 有效XXXXX-640-2367631-45659 JCDGV-2JM2W-FB7WY-YTWJ6-RR8YB 有效XXXXX-640-1114356-45731 JB74G-FC8KR-B66C2-V82YF-Q3GBB 有效XXXXX-640-4061082-45801 JB9R8-TFRJC-7KH2B-X2RFP-CRXVM 有效XXXXX-640-7965787-45874 JCCR9-KFWPK-2GTR9-GQTXW-XDWYB 有效XXXXX-640-1638987-45946 JCD2V-D2X43-637B7-GRTY3-3FMQY 有效XXXXX-640-5413242-45026 JB8QF-K8K9G-YRR29-HHGFR-RKCMB 有效XXXXX-640-4593923-45101 JCC9Q-K34Q3-6GX8X-QPYQV-CBT7M 有效XXXXX-640-1761931-45184 JB9M2-HTRYC-49FH2-M7RDK-733HM 有效XXXXX-640-4789232-45263 JCBVQ-749J8-CJ43K-XBY66-GJWYB 有效XXXXX-641-0457595-45342 JB86D-M9G38-XXMV3-GY6WF-62QHM 有效XXXXX-640-5462263-45422 JCD8X-XM9RX-VD3QT-VY8R8-P9MQY 有效XXXXX-640-1233552-45522 JB86C-88C4Y-VKYHC-QQ77P-C9MQY 有效XXXXX-640-9792431-45602 JB9F7-V7HQB-D3G62-TY2YC-W98YB 有效XXXXX-640-3843361-45677 JCDWX-7RGFR-DWR89-3TKJB-B2V3Y 有效XXXXX-640-1437427-45779 JB749-DFK7Y-6B88J-X332W-VQBQY 有效XXXXX-641-0421833-45866 JCF76-8FH33-72X4C-3P8FT-HHFDY 有效XXXXX-641-0409564-45968 JCDYH-HB4W4-7DHFQ-9K9K3-TTT7M 有效XXXXX-640-7581446-45044 JB768-4XV48-WVGTB-WX6FW-39TBB 有效XXXXX-640-2750806-45122 JCF67-WVF2V-CW3H7-KJVYW-TKCMB 有效XXXXX-640-5086664-45200 JCC96-G3MFQ-Q2KTR-QH8JF-2CJYB 有效XXXXX-641-0303224-45281 JB9XR-VBMP7-QJK8D-RQ7QP-BWKVM 有效XXXXX-640-6166702-45362 JCCWC-DPMT9-6PG6J-9JTKH-KD73Y 有效XXXXX-640-9086543-45437 JB8VH-HM6R2-8JJRV-WDB8G-X3KVM 有效XXXXX-640-9760794-45513 JCGX6-22TTM-4WX4P-G86D7-GJBQY 有效XXXXX-640-5873462-45599 JCFP8-PWPK7-4DX4R-K6BW2-MDGBB 有效XXXXX-640-2215065-45681 JCGPR-F82WD-X3HX8-F8MTR-BPJYB 有效XXXXX-640-0609652-45759 JCC3B-CHW97-QRDW2-KH7W2-4DBQY 有效XXXXX-640-1833947-45835 JCFVQ-2FR6K-X2MBC-G6DQF-RQRDY 有效XXXXX-640-5782067-45910 JCHVX-XXXF3-TVYFH-6DGWK-4K4DY 有效XXXXX-640-7373753-45990 JB78C-KK4PQ-HCRYR-F67HV-9VFDY 有效XXXXX-640-1986641-45062 JB9DG-4WDXB-T269Q-3KV9C-4767M 有效XXXXX-640-6832045-45142 JCBYG-4HM7F-4RGPR-4666R-C9TBB 有效XXXXX-640-7112987-45224 JB9KT-THYVQ-FMVPQ-3RCVK-VPQHM 有效XXXXX-640-7939176-45300 JCFPY-M3XYD-JTDW3-YKBGK-4VFDY 有效XXXXX-640-6947673-45377 JCHJB-XBJK4-VT6FB-P86F4-X4TBB 有效XXXXX-640-8018191-45456 JCBY4-9X8M8-QJ7JC-6WG2K-J4TBB 有效XXXXX-640-5304207-45533 JCG9Y-BBRM7-2CBPP-VVHBP-BY6BB 有效XXXXX-640-0766207-45625 JB9P6-JRF2D-FM3YX-XWWMC-78GBB 有效XXXXX-640-6039406-45702 JB8H6-WTCGX-2W4XP-YDKX9-7GDHM 有效XXXXX-640-5208204-45781 JB9PF-CCW8R-GQTGY-H2K73-M7JYB 有效XXXXX-640-3451107-45860 JCGPW-RF8W6-KJFFJ-2X4RC-V2JYB 有效XXXXX-640-6702166-45939 JCC7K-FRJGR-9DXQ8-C2CJT-RK8YB 有效XXXXX-640-7086876-45017 JB7R7-R3TMB-KKXJC-WJ8X3-D8GBB 有效XXXXX-640-2205685-45091 JCBR7-68CC9-26JHT-V99T4-3CJYB 有效XXXXX-640-2459895-45901 JCHWV-G76BV-Y4GW3-R8Q2P-3DKVM 有效XXXXX-640-6207686-45988 JCCPQ-XD96H-7T4QM-VRJTB-7YT7M 有效XXXXX-640-2781532-45079 JCFP8-FMKTV-KQPBC-BDFWP-DD3HM 有效XXXXX-640-1067374-45171 JCCPF-CBCKF-3YVW6-2M8YH-M7JYB 有效XXXXX-640-3463543-45253 JCBMH-C9JBX-DYVMC-CQD9B-JJ73Y 有效XXXXX-641-0208254-45326 JCGXM-3D7C4-GRHVM-8GBMD-G6H3Y 有效XXXXX-640-2546731-45405 JCHP9-K8KDD-TTYHV-46BBP-RM6BB 有效XXXXX-640-4682546-45479 JCF2X-W3FV4-6CCGW-FM24V-Y4G7M 有效XXXXX-640-7077313-45565 JCBQG-P92XY-7DFD7-9MHBW-9T9VM 有效XXXXX-640-1929095-45641 JCFPT-GDC63-27YH8-G98RV-TKMQY 有效XXXXX-640-5937031-45714 JCC6B-JG3Y7-VM727-XBGPK-8WRDY 有效XXXXX-640-8912125-45792 JCFV4-CCWYC-82B39-VW8WD-6YH3Y 有效XXXXX-640-3469247-45879 JB9J4-X6R9C-VJKHK-PCVVV-XY9VM 有效XXXXX-641-0438497-45961 JCGG4-RR4FB-JB7D2-RWMTH-7QGBB 有效XXXXX-640-1772963-45040 JCHQD-V2739-4YR8Y-4CQ24-XX4DY 有效XXXXX-640-3438442-45113 JCDXF-TYG8M-PRFQC-QBQ6C-CVFDY 有效XXXXX-640-3089422-45192 JB7WH-269X4-7MJDK-W66FQ-YTPMB 有效XXXXX-640-8534816-45262 JCF2Y-CDHCP-W6VXD-8MBT9-B98YB 有效XXXXX-640-6879435-45344 JCJBJ-DBY37-XWM32-P4696-QYH3Y 有效XXXXX-640-4831327-45423 JCGH7-WJG2D-XWQDH-J2BKM-T4MQY 有效XXXXX-640-3085615-45510 JCB7Q-48863-7RXPP-BTF4F-HGYQY 有效XXXXX-640-6068044-45589 JB8CJ-RCKJM-WXFMV-DW8BT-4KCMB 有效XXXXX-640-7596852-45666 JCDBC-G2MCM-P73RD-69RBV-7873Y 有效XXXXX-640-7890396-45773 JCFK6-XFW88-V8DBF-PD2RF-G72MB 有效XXXXX-640-9440227-45869 JB867-884MK-XF4GY-CPRD3-KM9VM 有效XXXXX-641-0294463-45941 JCGMH-HTH86-X7V2W-JW9VV-9Q3HM 有效XXXXX-640-5805737-45031 JCCY3-XC6CJ-KGRH7-7J3H2-8QGBB 有效XXXXX-640-0191613-45107 JCFV2-Q49M7-38YVM-RQVH4-WC2MB 有效XXXXX-640-6519034-45188 JCGCH-BMQW3-77K8T-HTTJB-33BQY 有效XXXXX-640-0160077-45265 JCCQ8-T6R4H-XQ6C9-QJQDF-494DY 有效XXXXX-640-4344751-45351 JCHQ8-KG6KV-W48VK-PMTFG-76PMB 有效XXXXX-640-5922773-45436 JCJFJ-GYDFG-869KC-9Y2RQ-HQGBB 有效XXXXX-641-0038901-45526 JCJFB-8FHGM-BV768-RR8YK-RYYQY 有效XXXXX-641-0226121-45607 JB83Y-QPFT8-W4FHY-DPKJG-F9CMB 有效XXXXX-640-1138924-45688 JCDXV-2TDG4-FQW6X-B773Y-D9G7M 有效XXXXX-640-1817585-45767 JCDM4-G8Y4B-CD7CC-K66BX-RGPMB 有效XXXXX-640-6022963-45853 JB87Q-T38DR-D2JFH-D7X9R-CFG7M 有效XXXXX-640-7247573-45927 JCFVR-D9CB2-6QTYX-WPRWC-F8WYB 有效XXXXX-640-5457275-45015 JCJBY-XYK77-9QG2M-PVH93-JJGBB 有效XXXXX-640-8539154-45098 JB82M-GVQDP-WBRP9-MPJ89-BWBQY 有效XXXXX-640-3635495-45179 JCB7W-GH4DW-T8GJ3-HGYYC-2W3HM 有效XXXXX-640-5939252-45261 JB9XT-BCKXT-RW9H6-4GQQQ-HWRDY 有效XXXXX-640-8269656-45351 JB8RH-KMG28-FYBMJ-3RWQ9-34G7M 有效XXXXX-640-5602735-45428 JCG8B-7494M-PQGTK-G9DDJ-9QBQY 有效XXXXX-640-0697085-45510 JCGD7-H4GPD-DXVHV-GGWJY-B9CMB 有效XXXXX-640-9040107-45585 JB9V6-GWPTG-X3HHH-K978H-GQRDY 有效XXXXX-640-5320882-45669 JCG2R-VGMTJ-K3398-HQX78-8D3HM 有效XXXXX-640-1482355-45752 JCHYM-48GQC-YM62W-PQKRY-GC67M 有效XXXXX-640-6188237-45840 JCH7P-W7MR3-MG9JV-M7B2F-THJYB 有效XXXXX-640-1321894-45938 JB9Y6-8VMXR-YWPCX-VHJPK-FV67M 有效XXXXX-640-7829513-45019 JB7RT-HKKR6-PG43C-HX3CT-6HJYB 有效XXXXX-640-4595642-45092。
Microsoft Windows 98 第二版自述文件
如果从 Windows 95 升级,现有的 .grp 文件将被删除。安装
Windows 98 时会引起部分问题。如果从 Windows 3.x 升级,旧的
.grp 文件将保留在系统中,程序管理器依然会保留部分功能。如果
* 除了安装程序所需的磁盘空间以外再释放 120 MB 磁盘空间。从
Windows 95 升级,“安装程序”通常需要 165 MB 磁盘空间。
* 在该驱动器上创建名为“W98Flat”的临时文件夹以储存安装程序文件。
* 将 Windows 98 CD 上 Win98 文件夹中的内容复制到刚创建的临时
* 删除引用 Mscdex.exe 一行前面的文本“Rem by Windows 98 Setup”。
* 依次按下 ALT、F 和 X 键退出“编辑器”并在提示保存时保存该文件。
* 重新启动。安装程序应能够自动继续执行,否则请再次运行“安装程序”,
从硬盘安装“Windows 98 第二版”
计算机的 Config.sys 和 Autoexec.bat 文件通知计算机在启动时要
加载哪些程序和设备(如 Autoexec.bat 文件中的病毒扫描程序可使
(c) Microsoft Corporation 版权所有,1999
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1. 关于无错安装的快速提示
在Wndows 98下安装方正电子出版系统软件
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E id ws 8- W o 9 F n
安 装 方 正 电子 出版 系 统 软 件
安徽省 六安市 7 6 1 队 57 部
北 大方正公 司的 电子 出版 系统 软件是一 个功 能齐全 .
2 .配置 好系统 修 改C NI S S Wi o s O F Y 或 n w 目录 下的S S E I G d Y TM I文 N
柯 述保 丽光印 艺集团北京代表 处市场经理 任 晖
用C P T 后经 济效益 如何 7如何 将 印前工 艺流程转变为数字 化 制作 与 管理 7到 底应该 选择 哪一种 C P技术 哪一种 T CP T 技术 可以保证用户购 买后不会很快被 淘汰 如何解 决 打样 问题 这 一系列 的问题使得 国内印刷企 业在选择使 用 C P前顾虑 重重 . T 与 此形 成 鲜 明 对 比 的是 . 国外 . 算 机 直接 制版 在 计 技术 近 几年 发 展 迅猛 . 机 量直 线 上 升 那 么 . 什 么 装 是 原 因 使 得 国 内外 印刷 企 业 在 选 择 CTP时 有 如 此 反 差
业 内同 行进 行过探讨 也与方正分公 司出版部 的人 员进行
然后 重新启 动计 算机 注意 . 安装前 的准 备工作 是必须 的 尤 其是 在打 印机 接 口问题上 . 通过这样 的安装 .无论 是打 印方正排 版软件
处理的文件 . 还是打 印WP 或 O f e S( fc )软件处理的 文件 . i
系统也可 能无法 正常运行 .
件 1要 在西文 Wi o 1 下 安装 .然后 用其 自身所带 n ws 3 1 d 的汉化 软件 F ud t n 行汉化处 理 .如果 要在其他 中文 o n ai 进 o 操作 系统上安 装 将 导致系统 不能正 常工作 . 情况 果真如
三、特点与功能1. Win98操作系统:采用Win98操作系统进行控制,操作界面简洁明了,易于上手。
2. 高精度切割:采用电火花腐蚀技术,切割过程中产生高能量电火花,能够精确切割出符合要求的形状。
3. 快速切割:采用电火花腐蚀技术,能够以较快的速度完成切割加工。
四、操作与维护1. 操作:通过Win98操作系统进行控制,操作界面简单明了。
第一章1-1:已知:V=72cm3m=129.1g m s=121.5g G s=2.70则:129.1121.56.3%121.5ssm mwm--===3333 129.1*1017.9/72121.5452.77245271.0*27121.5*1020.6/72sssV ssat w V ssat satmg g KN mvmV cmV V V cmm V mg g g KN mV Vγρρργρ========-=-=++=====3320.61010.6/121.5*1016.9/72sat wsdsat dKN mmg KN mVγγγγγγγγ'=-=-===='>>>则1-2:已知:G s=2.72 设V s=1cm3则33332.72/2.722.72*1016/1.72.720.7*1*1020.1/1.720.11010.1/75%1.0*0.7*75%0.5250.52519.3%2.720.525 2.721.sssd ds V wwrw w V rwsw sg cmm gmg g KN mVm Vg g KN mVKN mm V S gmwmm mg gVργρργργγγργρ======++===='=-=-========++===当S时,3*1019.1/7KN m=1-3:3477777331.70*10*8*1013.6*1013.6*10*20%2.72*1013.6*10 2.72*10850001.92*10s d w s s wm V kg m m w kg m m V mρρ======++==挖1-4: 甲:33334025151* 2.72.7*30%0.81100%0.812.70.811.94/10.8119.4/2.71.48/1.8114.8/0.81p L P s s s s w r wV ws w s w s d s w d d v sI w w V m V g m g S m V m m g cm V V g KN m m g cm V V g KN m Ve V ρρργρργρ=-=-=======∴==++===++=====+====设则又因为乙:3333381 2.682.68*22%0.47960.47962.680.47962.14/10.47962.14*1021.4/2.681.84/1.47961.84*1018.4/0.4796p L p s s s s w s V s w s V s d s w d d VsI w w V m V g m m w g V cm m m g cm V V g KN m m g cm V V g KN m V e V ρργρργρ=-========++===++======+=====设则则γγ∴<乙甲 d d γγ<乙甲 e e >乙甲 p p I I >乙甲则(1)、(4)正确 1-5:1s wd G eρρ=+ 则2.7*1110.591.7022%*2.7185%0.59s wds r G e wG S e ρρ=-=-====>所以该料场的土料不适合筑坝,建议翻晒,使其含水率降低。
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沈 阳政协 建 议 中小 学
增设 逃 生 和急 救训 练课
针 对 未 成 年 人 教 育 中 出 现 的 “ 重 学 校 教 育 、 轻 社 会 教 育 , 重 知 识 学
习、 轻能力培养” 等现象 , 青岛市 2 0 1 0年借助社会教育 资源 开辟 了
本 刊讯 : 近 日, 在政协沈 阳市 第十四届委 员会第一次会 议金城 城 乡 7 3万名 中小学生免费开放 , 打造没有 围墙 的校 园。学 生可描
, 。
根据市教委调查 。 学生反映每天锻炼大约有-j J , 时和超过一小时 的 负责人介绍 本次 “ 公益学堂 “ 开设 学科为数学 , 面 向初一和高 一
达9 8 . 0 3 %。数据同时显示 , 各区县 学生体质健康合格与优 良比例均 学生开展 免费网上辅导讲座 有不 同程度提高。
沈 阳市 网络 “ 公 益 学堂 ” 正 式上 线 开课
寒假里 , 除了休息放松 外 , 不少学生都 想利用假期 为
பைடு நூலகம்
1 月2 6日 , 沈 阳市 网 络 “ 公益学堂” 正式上线开课 , 学 近年来 , 中小学生的体 质健康引起全社会 的广 泛关注。上海将 生不 出家 门就能听到优 秀教 师的精彩讲解
山东 青岛 “ 社 会课 堂 ” 迷住 7 3 万 中小 学生
本刊讯 : 在 青岛市少先 队“ 红领 巾心 向党——十八大 与我们
未来” 联合主题 队会活动上 , 来 自李沧 区各小学 的少先队员 , 以“ 教 运动 的健身技能 ;静安 区 2 1 所 中小学还对, q P _ _ , / l T 等体质方面有 “ 特 心 中的美丽中国” 为主题 通 过诗歌 朗诵 、 美术作 品、 舞台剧表演等 需” 的孩子提供 “ 运动处方” , 7 5 %的孩子体质状况有了 明显好转 。 方式 , 畅想未来的美好画卷 , 激励 同龄人健 康成长 。
担任辅 导讲 座的授课教 师均 为沈 阳
市优 秀数学教师 授课 时间为每周六 8时 3 0分至 1 2时 , 学 生在 收
如果每天锻炼 一小 时的活动局限于长跑 、 跳远, 学生们会 感觉 看讲座 的同时还可 以随时与授课教 师进行语音互动 ,由教 师进 行 沽燥 。不少 区县和学校创意 多样化 的运动项 目, 如宝山区成立 了手 现场解答 。
球 、 篮 球 、 击 剑 等 8 个 项 目 联 盟 , 全 区 超 过8 0 % 的 中 小 学 校 学 生 要 掌
握两项运 动技 能 ; 在嘉定 , 学生每 天上 午享 受“ 大课 间” , 广播操结束 后, 中学生增加俯 卧撑 , 小学 生增 加支撑类小游戏 ; 浦东要求小学二 年级 人人会打乒乓球 , 三年级人 人学会游泳 , “ 修炼 ” 一项可 以终身
上海 9 8 %中小 学生 每天 锻炼 一 小 时 本 刊 讯 : 保 证 每 天 在 校 锻 炼 - j J , 时 , 是 提 高 青 少 年 体 质 的 基 本
要求, 上海做得如何?市政府召开 的专项工作会议上传 出消息 , 上海 市9 8 %的学生反映在校锻炼时间达到了一小 时。 本刊讯
2 0 0 处 “ 社 会 课 堂 ” , 分 为 科 普 教 育 、 实 践 活 动 等1 2 个 类 别 , 向 全 市
宾馆 委员驻地 , 沈 阳红十字会工作人 员用模拟人为委员们进行人工 参观券在任何 时间到任何场馆免费学 习、 参观 。 呼吸、 清除 口腔异物 、 胸外心脏按压等急救演练。 本着“ 一馆一特色 , 一馆一 品牌 ” 原则 , 青岛市拓展场馆 的服 务 功能 提高场馆 的互动性 、 参与性和吸引力 , 开展 了“ 阅读经典让心 据悉 , 这是 因为政协委员马瑛关于在 中小学增设逃生和急救训 灵与时代 同步 ” 美文诵读 “ 我讲书 中的故 事” 等 主题活动 , 努 力实
为落实学生校园锻炼- -/ J , , 时, 各 区县 加强督查。徐汇 区将锻炼
这是青岛市借助学生们易于接受的平台和载体 ,加强未成 年
刚刚公布 的全 国测评结果中列省会副省级城市 第一 名。 青 岛市 文 明办未成年人思想道 德建设工作 处处长李信 阳说 ,
方案通过 网站和公 示栏公布 ; 虹E l 区公 布监督 电话 , 还 将其纳入办 人思想道德建设的缩影之一 。该市未成年人思想道德建设 工作 在
在博 物馆里穿越 时空 , 和文物对话 ; 在 名人故居 , 了解名人 故
为了这一提案 , 马瑛委员做 了大量调查 , 并查 阅了一些资料。据 事 , 感悟大师的思想 ; 到农业观光基地 , 亲眼看看 蔬菜 、 水果 的种植 介绍 , 沈阳市 目前有中小学 1 5 0 0余所 , 在校学生 7 0余万 , 但只有部 过程 ; 到名牌企业 , 亲身体会科技创造的美好生活 ……对孩 子们 而 分学校在 5月 1 2曰全 国“ 防灾减灾 日” 搞过地震逃 生训练 , 至于遭 言 , 这 些“ 社会课堂” 体验都是新鲜和有趣 的 , 其 中受到 的潜移 默化 遇火 灾、 溺水 、 突然窒息等 自救 、 施救训练 , 几乎 是空 白。他说 , 据有 的影响更是无价 的。 青 岛开发 区实验 小学的学生 来到 “ 社会课 堂” ——青 岛港 碉 关资料介绍 , 每年 因意外伤害 死亡 的儿童有 1万 多 , 如果 这些孩子 头 聆听 中国产业工人代表许振超介绍港 口的发展历程。当了解 掌握了一定 的自救 、 施救知识 , 这个数字会大大减少。 青 岛港去年集装箱吞吐量排名世界第七 、许振超带领 团队先后六
自己“ 充电”
体育考试纳入中考 , 引导学校和 家长重视体育锻炼。2 0 1 1 年又将 中
在沈 阳市教 育研究院看 到 , 沈 阳市第 5 6中学 数学教 师 小学 生“ 每天锻炼- -/ J ' , 时” 作 为实施学 生健 康促进工程 的首要举措 。 高文珍正在通过网络直播 为学生讲课 据沈阳市教育研究 院相 关
练课提案 引起委员共鸣 , 会议临时增加了这一 内容。马瑛委员说 , 目 现学校教育与社会教育的有效对接 , 让未成年人在潜移默 化 、 润 前, 人们 普遍 缺少逃生和急救 知识 , 尤其是 中小学 生 , 因此 , 他 建议 无声中感 受生活的真谛。
教育部 门把逃生和急救训练作 为必修课加入 中小学教学 中。