


每届联大开幕时,各国都要派外交部长或其他部长级官员率代表团出席,一些国家元首或政府首脑也到会发 表讲话。除正式会议外,各国外交家还展开频繁的外交活动。许多重要问题往往就在这种外交场合中达成默契和 协议。
通常联大在开议之后,第一项重大行事即为总辩论(General Debate),由各成员国的元首或高阶代表发 表演说。总辩论之后,多数议程即交付各主要委员会分别讨论,然后于十二月份前陆续审议由各委员会提......
在秘书长收到安全理事会或联合国会员国过半数所提出召开特别会议的请求,或得到会员国过半数赞同开会 的通知后,可于15天内召集特别会议。每届特别联大只审议一个特定的国际问题。如:1947年4月28日至5月15 日,召开第一届特别会议,讨论巴勒斯坦问题。至2014年,联大特别会议共召开了28届。
联合国大会作为联合国具有代表性的主要议事和决策机构。大会是一个讨论《宪章》涵盖的各种国际问题的 独特多边论坛,在审查、审议、监督以及制订标准和编纂国际法方面发挥着重要作用。
大会仅有权就其职权范围内的国际问题向各国提出不具约束力的建议,但它已经在政治、经济、人道主义、 社会和法律领域采取行动,对世界各地千百万人的生活产生了影响。2000年通过的具有历史意义的《千年宣言》 和2005年世界首脑会议《成果文件》表明,会员国决心实现下述具体目标:在促进发展和消除贫困的同时,实现 和平、安全和裁军;保障人权和促进法治;保护我们共同的环境;满足非洲的特殊需要;加强联合国。
1 9 5 0 年 11 月 大 会 通 过 “ 联 合 一 致 共 策 和 平 ” 的 决 议 ( 第 3 7 7 ( V ) 号 决 议 ) , 在 可 能 出 现 威 胁 和 平 、 破 坏 和 平或侵略行动的情况下,如安全理事会因一个常任理事国投反对票而未能采取行动,大会也可以采取行动。大会 可以立即审议该事项,以便建议会员国采取集体措施,维持或恢复国际和平与安全。

联合国发布2050全球人口展望报告 中国老龄化趋势极度严峻

联合国发布2050全球人口展望报告 中国老龄化趋势极度严峻














2、安 全 理 事 会
➢表决原则:② 少九关个于理程事序国问的题同的意决票定通以过15。个理事国中至
③对于实质性问题的决定也需九票通过, 并且不得有任何一个常任理事国投反对票 (弃权不算反对),即大国一致原则(5个 常任理事国一致的原则) ④常任理事国所拥有的这种权力,通常被 称之为“否决权”。
性质: 负责联合国经济和社会事务的最主要机构 组成:由54个理事国组成,任期三年,每届大会改选三
分之一,可连选连任 职责:①就有关事项进行研究并向大会、会员国及有关专门机
构提出议案; ②促进对人权和基本自由的尊重和遵守,提出建议。
我国从1971年恢复在 联合国的合法席位起, 便一直当选为理事国。
6、秘 书 处
性质: 联合国各机构的行政秘书事务机构
职责: 从事各种日常工作,为其他主要机构服务,
③对实质性问题的审议,五个常任理事国必须都投赞成票 联合国的主要审议机构是( )
从1948年向中东地区派出停战监督组织,到不久前部署 的苏丹特派团,联合国共实施了60项维和行动。
1988年,中国正式申请加入联合国维和行动特别委员会。 1989年中国首次派人参加了联合国纳米比亚过渡时期协 助团,帮助纳米比亚从南非独立的进程。
至2003年中国军队已经先后参加了10余项联合国维和行 动。中国最近一次较大规模参加联合国维和行动是2003 年4月向刚果(金)派遣一个175人的工兵连和一个43人 的医疗分队,目前,这支队伍仍在当地执行任务。



UN DocumentsGathering a Body of Global AgreementsHome | Sustainable Development | Education | Water | Culture of Peace | Human Rights |Keywords | SearchOur Common Future, From One Earth to One WorldFrom A/42/427. Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission onEnvironment and DevelopmentAn Overview by the World Commission on Environmentand DevelopmentI.The Global Challenge1.Successes and failures2.The Interlocking Crises3.Sustainable Development4.The Institutional GapsII.The Policy Directions4.Institutional and Legal Change4.1 Getting at the Sources4.2 Dealing with the Effects4.3 Assessing Global Risks4.4 Making Informed Choices4.5 Providing the Legal Means4.6 Investing in our FutureIV. A Call for Action1. In the middle of the 20th century, we saw our planet from space for the first time. Historians may eventually find that this vision had a greater impact on thought than did the Copernican revolution of the 16th century, which upset the human self-image by revealing that the Earth is not the centre of the universe. From space, we see a small and fragile ball dominated not by human activity and edifice but by a pattern of clouds, oceans, greenery, and soils. Humanity's inability to fit its activities into that pattern is changing planetary systems, fundamentally. Many such changes are accompanied bylife-threatening hazards. This new reality, from which there is no escape, mustbe recognized - and managed.2. Fortunately, this new reality coincides with more positive developments new to this century. We can move information and goods faster around the globe than ever before; we can produce more food and more goods with less investment of resources; our technology and science gives us at least, the potential to look deeper into and better understand natural systems. From space, we can see and study the Earth as an organism whose health depends on the health of al its parts. We have the power to reconcile human affairs with natural laws and to thrive in the process. In this our cultural and spiritual heritages can reinforce our economic interests and survival imperatives.3. This Commission believes that people can build a future that is more prosperous, more just, and more secure. Our report, Our Common Future, is not a prediction of ever increasing environmental decay, poverty, andhardship in an ever more polluted world among ever decreasing resources. We see instead the possibility for a new era of economic growth, one that must be based on policies that sustain and expand the environmental resource base.And we believe such growth to be absolutely essential to relieve the great poverty that is deepening in much of the developing world.4. But the Commission's hope for the future is conditional on decisive politicalaction now to begin managing environmental resources to ensure both sustainable human progress and human survival. We are not forecasting a future; we are serving a notice - an urgent notice based on the latest and best scientific evidence - that the time has come to take the decisions needed to secure the resources to sustain this and coming generations. We do not offer a detailed blueprint for action, but instead a pathway by which the peoples of the world may enlarge their spheres of cooperation.I. The Global Challenge1. Successes and failures5. Those looking for success and signs of hope can find many: infant mortality is falling; human life expectancy is increasing; the proportion of the world's adults who can read and write is climbing; the proportion of children starting school is rising; and global food production increases faster than thepopulation grows.6. But the same processes that have produced these gains have given rise to trends that the planet and its people cannot long bear. These have traditionally been divided into failures of 'development' and failures in the management of our human environment. On the development side, in terms of absolute numbers there are more hungry people in the world than ever before, and their numbers are increasing. So are the numbers who cannot read or write, the numbers without safe water or safe and sound homes, and the numbers short of woodfuel with which to cook and warm themselves. The gap between rich and poor nations is widening - not shrinking - and there is little prospect, given present trends and institutional arrangements, that this process will bereversed.7. There are also environmental trends that threaten to radically alter the planet, that threaten the lives of many species upon it. including the human species. Each year another 6 million hectares of productive dryland turns into worthless desert. Over three decades, this would amount to an area roughly as large as Saudi Arabia. More than 11 million hectares of forests are destroyed yearly, and this, over three decades, would equal an area about the size of India. Much of this forest is converted to low-grade farmland unable to support the farmers who settle it. In Europe, acid precipitation kills forests and lakesand damages the artistic and architectural heritage of nations; it may have acidified vast tracts of soil beyond reasonable hope of repair. The burning of fossil fuels puts into the atmosphere carbon dioxide, which is causing gradual global warming. This 'greenhouse effect' may by early next century have increased average global temperatures enough to shift agricultural production areas, raise sea levels to flood coastal cities, and disrupt national economies. Other industrial gases threaten to deplete the planet's protective ozone shield to such an extent that the number of human and animal cancers would rise sharply and the oceans' food chain would be disrupted, industry andagriculture put toxic substances into the human food chain and into underground water tables beyond reach of cleansing.8. There has been a growing realization in national governments and multilateral institutions that it is impossible to separate economic development issues from environment issues; many forms of development erode the environmental resources upon which they must be based, and environmental degradation can undermine economic development. Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. It is therefore futile to attempt to deal with environmental problems without a broader perspective thatencompasses the factors underlying world poverty and internationalinequality.9. These concerns were behind the establishment in 1983 of the World Commission on Environment and Development by the UN General Assembly. The Commission is an independent body, linked to but outside the control of governments and the UN system. The Commission's mandate gave it three objectives: to re-examine the critical environment and development issues and to formulate realistic proposals for dealing with them; to propose new forms of international cooperation on these issues that will influence policies and events in the direction of needed changes; and to raise the levels of understanding and commitment to action of individuals, voluntary organizations, businesses,institutes, and governments.10. Through our deliberations and the testimony of people at the public hearings we held on five continents, all the commissioners came to focus on one central theme: many present development trends leave increasing numbers of people poor and vulnerable, while at the same time degrading the environment. How can such development serve next century's world of twice as many people relying on the same environment? This realization broadened our view of development. We came to see it not in its restricted context ofeconomic growth in developing countries. We came to see that a new development path was required, one that sustained human progress not just in a few pieces for a few years, but for the entire planet into the distant future. Thus 'sustainable development' becomes a goal not just for the 'developing'nations, but for industrial ones as well.2. The Interlocking Crises11. Until recently, the planet was a large world in which human activities andtheir effects were neatly compartmentalized within nations, within sectors (energy, agriculture, trade), and within broad areas of concern (environment, economics, social). These compartments have begun to dissolve. This applies in particular to the various global 'crises' that have seized public concern,particularly over the past decade. These are not separate crises: an environmental crisis, a development crisis, an energy crisis. They are all one.12. The planet is passing through a period of dramatic growth and fundamental change. Our human world of 5 billion must make room in a finite environment for another human world. The population could stabilize at between 8 and 14 billion sometime next century, according to UN projections. More than 90 per cent of the increase will occur in the poorest countries, and 90 per cent of thatgrowth in already bursting cities.13. Economic activity has multiplied to create a $13 trillion world economy,and this could grow five to tenfold in the coming half century. Industrial production has grown more than fiftyfold over the past century, four-fifths of this growth since 1950. Such figures reflect and presage profound impacts upon the biosphere, as the world invests in houses, transport, farms, and industries. Much of the economic growth pulls raw material from forests, soils,seas, and waterways.The World Commission on Environment and Development first met in October 1984. and published its Report 900 days later, in April 1987. Over those fewdays:•The drought-triggered, environment-development crisis in Africapeaked, putting 36 million people at risk, killing perhaps a million.•A leak from a pesticides factory in Bhopal, India, killed more than 2,000 people and blinded and injured over 200,000 more.•Liquid gas tanks exploded in Mexico City, killing 1,000 and leavingthousands more homeless.•The Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion sent nuclear fallout acrossEurope, increasing the risks of future human cancers.•Agricultural chemicals, solvents, and mercury flowed into the Rhine River during a warehouse fire in Switzerland, killing millions of fishand threatening drinking water in the Federal Republic of Germanyand the Netherlands.•An estimated 60 million people died of diarrhoeal diseases related to unsafe drinking water and malnutrition; most of the victims werechildren.14. A mainspring of economic growth is new technology, and while this technology offers the potential for slowing the dangerously rapid consumption of finite resources, it also entails high risks, including new forms of pollution and the introduction to the planet of new variations of life forms that could change evolutionary pathways. Meanwhile, the industries most heavily reliant on environmental resources and most heavily polluting are growing most rapidly in the developing world, where there is both more urgency for growth and less capacity to minimize damaging side effects.15. These related changes have locked the global economy and global ecology together in new ways. We have in the past been concerned about the impacts of economic growth upon the environment. We are now forced to concern ourselves with the impacts of ecological stress - degradation of soils, water regimes, atmosphere, and forests upon our economic prospects. We have in the more recent past been forced to face up to a sharp increase in economic interdependence among nations. We are now forced to accustom ourselves to an accelerating ecological interdependence among nations. Ecology and economy are becoming ever more interwoven locally, regionally, nationally, and globally into a seamless net of causes and effects.16. Impoverishing the local resource base can impoverish wider areas: deforestation by highland farmers causes flooding on lowland farms; factory pollution robs local fishermen of their catch. Such grim local cycles now operate nationally and regionally. Dryland degradation sends environmental refugees in their millions across national borders. Deforestation in Latin America and Asia is causing more floods, and more destructive floods, in downhill, downstream nations. Acid precipitation and nuclear fallout have spread across the borders of Europe. Similar phenomena are emerging on a global scale, such as global warming and loss of ozone. Internationally traded hazardous chemicals entering foods are themselves internationally traded. In the next century, the environmental pressure causing population movements may be increase sharply, while barriers to that movement may be even firmerthan they are now.17. Over the past few decades, life-threatening environmental concerns have surfaced in the developing world. Countrysides are coming under pressure from increasing numbers of farmers and the landless. Cities are filling with people, cars, and factories. Yet at the same time these developing countries oust operate in a world in which the resources gap between most developing and industrial nations is widening, in which the industrial world dominates in the rule-making of some key international bodies and in which the industrial world has already used much of the planet's ecological capital. This inequalityis the planet's main 'environmental' problem; it is also its main 'development'problem.18. International economic relationships pose a particular problem forenvironmental management in many developing countries. Agriculture, forestry, energy production, and mining generate at least half the gross national product of many developing countries and account for even larger shares of livelihoods and employment. Exports of natural resources remain a large factor in their economies, especially for the least developed. Most of these countries face enormous economic pressures, both international and domestic, to overexploit their environmental resource base.19. The recent crisis in Africa best and most tragically illustrates the ways in which economics and ecology can interact destructively and trip into disaster. Triggered by drought, its real causes lie deeper. They are to be found in part in national policies that gave too little attention, too late, to the needs of smallholder agriculture and to the threats posed by rapidly rising populations. Their roots extend also to a global economic system that takes more out of a poor continent than it puts in. Debts that they cannot pay force African nations relying on commodity sales to overuse their fragile soils, thus turning good land to desert. Trade barriers in the wealthy nations - and in many developing nations - make it hard for African nations to sell their goods for reasonable returns, putting yet more pressure on ecological systems. Aid from donor nations has not only been inadequate in scale, but too often has reflected the priorities of the nations giving the aid, rather than the needs of the recipients.The Commission has sought ways in which global development can be put on a sustainable path into the 21st Century. Some 5,000 days will elapse between the publication of our report and the first day of the 21st Century. What environmental crises lie in store over those 5,000 days?During the 1970s, twice as many people suffered each year from 'natural' disasters as during the 1960s. The disasters most directly associated with environment/development mismanagement - droughts and floods - affected the most people and increased most sharply in terms of numbers affected. Some 18.5 million people were affected by drought annually in the 1960s, 24.4 million in the 1970s. There were 5.2 million flood victims yearly in the 1960s, 15.4 million in the 1970s. Numbers of victims of cyclones and earthquakes also shot up as growing numbers of poor people built unsafe houses on dangerousground.The results are not in for the 1960s. But we have seen 35 billion afflicted by drought in Africa alone and tens of millions affected by the better managed and thus less-publicized Indian drought. Floods have poured off the deforested Andes and Himalayas with increasing force. The 1960s seem destined to sweepthis dire trend on into a crisis-filled 1990s.20. The production base of other developing world areas suffers similarly from both local failures and from the workings of international economic systems. As a consequence of the 'debt crisis' of Latin America, that continent's natural resources are now being used not for development but to meet financialobligations to creditors abroad. This approach to the debt problem isshort-sighted from several standpoints: economic, political, and environmental. It requires relatively poor countries simultaneously to accept growing poverty while exporting growing amounts of scarce resources. 21. A majority of developing countries now have lower per capita incomes than when the decade began. Rising poverty and unemployment have increased pressure on environmental resources as more people have been forced to rely more directly upon them. Many governments have cut back efforts to protect the environment and to bring ecological considerations into developmentplanning.22. The deepening and widening environmental crisis presents a threat to national security - and even survival - that may be greater than well-armed, ill-disposed neighbours and unfriendly alliances. Already in parts of Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, environmental decline is becoming a source of political unrest and international tension. The recent destruction of much of Africa's dryland agricultural production was more severe than if an invading army had pursued a scorched-earth policy. Yet most of the affected governments still spend far more to protect their people from invading armiesthan from the invading desert.23. Globally, military expenditures total about $1 trillion a year and continue to grow. In many countries, military spending consumes such a high proportion of GNP that it itself does great damage to these societies' development efforts.Governments tend to base their approaches to 'security' on traditional definitions. This is most obvious in the attempts to achieve security through the development of potentially planet-destroying nuclear weapons systems. Studies suggest that the cold and dark nuclear winter following even a limited nuclear war could destroy plant and animal ecosystems and leave any human survivors occupying a devastated planet very different from the one theyinherited.24. The arms race - in all parts of the world - pre-empts resources that mightbe used more productively to diminish the security threats created by environmental conflict and the resentments that are fuelled by widespreadpoverty.25. Many present efforts to guard and maintain human progress, to meethuman needs, and to realize human ambitions are simply unsustainable - in both the rich and poor nations. They draw too heavily, too quickly, on already overdrawn environmental resource accounts to be affordable far into the future without bankrupting those accounts. They may show profit on the balance sheets of our generation, but our children will inherit the losses. We borrow environmental capital from future generations with no intention or prospect of repaying. They may damn us for our spendthrift ways, but they can never collect on our debt to them. We act as we do because we can get away with it: future generations do not vote; they have no political or financial power; theycannot challenge our decisions.26. But the results of the present profligacy are rapidly closing the options for future generations. Most of today's decision makers will be dead before the planet feels; the heavier effects of acid precipitation, global warming, ozone depletion, or widespread desertification and species loss. Most of the young voters of today will still be alive. In the Commission's hearings it was the young, those who have the most to lose, who were the harshest critics of theplanet's present management.3. Sustainable Development27. Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that itmeets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The concept of sustainable development does imply limits - not absolute limits but limitations imposed by the present state of technology and social organization on environmental resources and by the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities. But technology and social organization can be both managed and improved to make way for a new era of economic growth. The Commission believes that widespread poverty is no longer inevitable. Poverty is not only an evil in itself, but sustainable development requires meeting the basic needs of all and extending to all the opportunity to fulfil their aspirations for a better life. A world in which poverty is endemic will always be prone to ecological and othercatastrophes.28. Meeting essential needs requires not only a new era of economic growth for nations in which the majority are poor, but an assurance that those poor get their fair share of the resources required to sustain that growth. Such equity would be aided by political systems that secure effective citizen participation in decision making and by greater democracy in international decision making.29. Sustainable global development requires that those who are more affluent adopt life-styles within the planet's ecological means - in their use of energy, for example. Further, rapidly growing populations can increase the pressure on resources and slow any rise in living standards; thus sustainable developmentcan only be pursued if population size and growth are in harmony with the changing productive potential of the ecosystem.30. Yet in the end, sustainable development is not a fixed state of harmony, but rather a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are made consistent with future as well as present needs. We do not pretend that the process is easy or straightforward. Painful choices have to be made. Thus, in the final analysis, sustainable development must rest onpolitical will.4. The Institutional Gaps31. The objective of sustainable development and the integrated nature of the global environment/development challenges pose problems for institutions, national and international, that were established on the basis of narrow preoccupations and compartmentalized concerns. Governments' general response to the speed and scale of global changes has been a reluctance to recognize sufficiently the need to change themselves. The challenges are both interdependent and integrated, requiring comprehensive approaches andpopular participation.32. Yet most of the institutions facing those challenges tend to be independent,fragmented, working to relatively narrow mandates with closed decision processes. Those responsible for managing natural resources and protecting the environment are institutionally separated from those responsible for managing the economy. The real world of interlocked economic and ecological systems will not change; the policies and institutions concerned must.33. There is a growing need for effective international cooperation to manage ecological and economic interdependence. Yet at the same time, confidence in international organizations is diminishing and support for them dwindling.34. The other great institutional flaw in coping with environment/development challenges is governments' failure to make the bodies whose policy actions degrade the environment responsible for ensuring that their policies prevent that degradation. Environmental concern arose from damage caused by the rapid economic growth following the Second World War. Governments,pressured by their citizens, saw a need to clean up the mess, and they established environmental ministries and agencies to do this. Many had great success within the limits of their mandates - in improving air and water quality and enhancing other resources. But much of their work has of necessity been after-the-fact repair of damage: reforestation, reclaiming desert lands, rebuilding urban environments, restoring natural habitats, and rehabilitatingwild lands.35. The existence of such agencies gave many governments and their citizens the false impression that these bodies were by themselves able to protect and enhance the environmental resource base. Yet many industrialized and most developing countries carry huge economic burdens from inherited problems such an air and water pollution, depletion of groundwater, and the proliferation of toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes. These have been joined by more recent problems - erosion, desertification, acidification, new chemicals, and new forms of waste - that are directly related to agricultural, industrial, energy, forestry, and transportation policies and practices. 36. The mandates of the central economic and sectoral ministries are also oftentoo narrow, too concerned with quantities of production or growth. The mandates of ministries of industry include production targets, while the accompanying pollution is left to ministries of environment. Electricity boards produce power, while the acid pollution they also produce is left to other bodies to clean up. The present challenge is to give the central economic and sectoral ministries the responsibility for the quality of those parts of the humanenvironment affected by their decisions, and to give the environmental agencies more power to cope with the effects of unsustainable development.37. The same need for change holds for international agencies concerned with development lending, trade regulation, agricultural development, and so on.These have been slow to take the environmental effects of their work intoaccount, although some are trying to do so.38. The ability to anticipate and prevent environmental damage requires thatthe ecological dimensions of policy be considered at the same time as the economic, trade, energy, agricultural, and other dimensions. They should be considered on the same agendas and in the same national and internationalinstitutions.39. This reorientation is one of the chief institutional challenges of the 1990sand beyond. Meeting it will require major institutional development andreform. Many countries that are too poor or small or that have limited managerial capacity will find it difficult to do this unaided. They will need financial and technical assistance and training. But the changes required involve all countries, large and small, rich and poor.II. The Policy Directions40. The Commission has focused its attention in the areas of population, food security, the loss of species and genetic resources, energy, industry, and human settlements - realizing that all of these are connected and cannot be treated inisolation one from another. This section contains only a few of theCommission's many recommendations.1. Population and Human Resources41. In many parts of the world, the population is growing at rates that cannotbe sustained by available environmental resources, at rates that are outstripping any reasonable expectations of improvements in housing, healthcare, food security, or energy supplies.42. The issue is not just numbers of people, but how those numbers relate to available resources. Thus the 'population problem' must be dealt with in part by efforts to eliminate mass poverty, in order to assure more equitable access to resources, and by education to improve human potential to manage thoseresources.43. Urgent steps are needed to limit extreme rates of population growth. Choices made now will influence the level at which the population stabilizes next century within a range of 6 billion people. But this is not just a demographic issue; providing people with facilities and education that allow them to choose the size of their families is a way of assuring - especially for women - the basic human right of self-determination.44. Governments that need to do so should develop long-term, multifaceted population policies and a campaign to pursue broad demographic goals: to strengthen social, cultural, and economic motivations for family planning, and to provide to all who want them the education, contraceptives, and servicesrequired.45. Human resource development is a crucial requirement not only to build up technical knowledge and capabilities, but also to create new values to help individuals and nations cope with rapidly changing social, environmental, and development realities. Knowledge shared globally would assure greater mutual understanding and create greater willingness to share global resourcesequitably.46. Tribal and indigenous peoples will need special attention as the forces of economic development disrupt their traditional life-styles - life-styles that can offer modern societies many lessons in the management of resources in complex forest, mountain, and dryland ecosystems. Some are threatened with virtual extinction by insensitive development over which they have no control.Their traditional rights should be recognized and they should be given a decisive voice in formulating policies about resource development in their areas. (See Chapter 4 for a wider discussion of these issues andrecommendations.)。



环境伦理是指人对自然的伦理。环境伦理学旨在系统地解释有关人类和 自然环境间的道德关系。环境伦理学假设人类对自然界的行为能够而且 也一直被道德规范约束着。环境伦理学的理论必须解释这些行为规范, 解释谁或那些人有责任,这些责任如何被论证。
1 生命中心主义:代表人物是P.W.泰勒,他在《尊重自然》一书中写 到:采取尊重自然的态度,就是把地球自然生态系统中野生动植物看作 是具有固有价值的东西。“尊重自然”就是尊重“作为整体的生物共同体”, 而尊重“生物共同体”就是承认构成共同体的每个动植物的“固有的价值”。 提出生命中心主义的环境伦理观,其目的是为了保护野生的动植物,避 免被 人类伤害。 2 地球整体主义 :代表人物是李奥波德,他主张:不仅生命体具有内 在的价值,包括土地、岩石和自然景观在内的整个自然界都有其“固有的 价值”和“权利” 。所有的一切万物,均有其内在的生命价值,均应看成和 人 一样,得到尊重。 3 代际均等的环境伦理观:强调人类各成员间的平等关系从“代 内”扩展到“代际”,认为在享有自然资源与拥有良好的环境上,我 们的子 孙后代与我们当代人具有同等的权利。
自1972年联合国人类环境会议通过的《人类环境宣言》 以来, 人们逐渐对环境问题引起重视,1987年,以挪威首相布伦特兰夫人任 主席的世界环境与发展委员会 (WCED)向联合国提交了研究报告— —《我们共同的未来》。报告中明确提出了可持续发展的概念。经过 多年的认识和实践,在1992年的联合国环境与发展大会上, 可持续发 展的理念取得了全球共识,实施可持续发展成为人类的共同行动。围 绕可持续发展的理论和指标体系进行了一系列的探讨,开展了一系列 的国际合作,可持续发展成为人类最高级别的全球共识。可持续发展 战略的提出,不仅是当代人有感于环境与资源问题的恶化加剧,威胁 到人类的生存和发展而作出的一种生存选择,而且是标志着人类的价 值观念与生活方式的一场深刻变革。




















联合国年度报告显示 去年香港吸引外资首列全球第四

联合国年度报告显示 去年香港吸引外资首列全球第四
人 民币 汇率 改 革 的影 响 , 6月 2 以 3日为 例 , 当天 港 币兑 人 民 币贬 值近 05 , 多 敏感 的港 .% 许
人前 来兑 换 点将 港 币转 为人 民币 , 网点 当 日港 币兑 换人 民币 的总金 额较 平 时增 长 了五成 , 其 而且 一 万元 以上 的大额 兑换 增长 了三成 , 日常消 费兑换 也就 几 千元 , 而 这说 明港人 将港 币转
事蔡 日 基表示 , 内地人投资香港物业用途众多 , 包括投资移 民及方便子女读书等, 预期在人 民币升值 之 下 , 内地 人 购买香 港 资产 相对 便 宜 , 会 加速 内地人 在 港置 业 的步伐 。 将 此 外 , 港 旅 游业者 也 希望 借此 机会 做 生意 。如果人 民币升值 , 意 味着 内地游 客 到港 香 这
测经济进一步复苏 , 亚洲 的投资增长将较全球快 。外来直接投资流人香港 的金额于 2 1 0 0年 首季 达 20亿 美 元 , 0 比去 年 同期大 幅增 长 7 % , 速较全 球 1% 的升橱 陕。 2 增 7 投 资推 广署 署 长贾 沛 年表示 , 港 首次 于 全球 外 来 直 接投 资 流 人 金 额最 多 的排 名 上升 香 至第 4位 , 分 反 映香港 作 为 国际经 济体 系 的地 位 。香 港位 处 亚 洲地 区 中心 , 充 并作 为进 入 中 国内地 的门户 , 受 惠于 亚 洲 区 的经 济 复 苏 。他 又 指 出 , 来 直 接 投 资 对 香 港 经 济 非 常 重 将 外 要, 为香港带来新科技 、 软性技巧并创造就业。港府加强推动 “ 紧密经贸关系” 将香港发 更 , 展 成人 民币 贸易 离岸 中心 , 有助 推进 香 港成 为外 国及 中国 内地 公 司 的首选 投 资地 方 。 均


2.由于预计将有超过10亿人口增加,撒哈 拉以南非洲国家可能占2019年至2050年世界 人口增长的一半以上,预计该地区的人口将 在本世纪末继续增长。相比之下,东亚和东 亚,中亚和南亚,拉丁美洲和加勒比以及欧 洲和北美的人口预计将达到人口最高峰,并 在本世纪末开始下降。
3 . 预 计 到 2050年 全 球 人 口 预 计 增 长 的 三 分 之二将受当前年龄结构的驱动,即使今天高 生育率国家的生育率在一生中立即降至每名 妇女生育两次左右,也会出现这种情况。这 是事实,因为这些国家的大量儿童和青年将 在未来几十年内达到生育年龄,并开始拥有 自己的孩子。
4.持续快速的人口增长给可持续发展带来 了挑战。该 47个最不发达国家是世界上增长最快的国家 之一 - 预计2019年至2050年期间人口将翻一 番 - 给已经紧张的资源带来压力
旨在实现可持续发展目标并确保不让任何人 掉队的具有挑战性的政策。对于许多国家或 地区,包括一些小岛屿发展中国家而言,实 现可持续发展的挑战因其易受气候变化,气 候变化和海平面上升的影响而更加复杂。
2019年 “ 世 界 人 口 前 景 ” 修 订 版 是 联 合 国 人 口 估 计 和 预 测 的 第 二 十 六 版 。 它 通 过 对 历 史 人口趋势的分析得出了235个国家或地区从1950年到现在的人口估计数。该最新评估考虑 了 1950年 至 2018年 间 进 行 的 1,690次 全 国 人 口 普 查 的 结 果 , 以及 来 自 生 命登 记 系统 和 2,700次全国代表性抽样调查的信息。2019年修订版还提供了到2100年的人口预测,反映 了全球,区域和国家层面的一系列合理结果。



联合国全球水资源状况报告英文版**English Content:**The United Nations Global Water Resources Report, published annually, offers a comprehensive overview of the state of the world's water resources, highlighting both the achievements and challenges faced in water management, conservation, and sustainability. This year's report,titled "The Global Water Resources: Trends, Challenges, and Solutions," focuses on the evolving dynamics of water scarcity, climate change impacts, and the role of innovation in addressing these pressing global issues.Water scarcity, a phenomenon that has been on the rise in recent decades, is a central theme of the report. With the global population growing and urbanization rates accelerating, the demand for freshwater resources is increasing exponentially. This, coupled with the effects of climate change, such as changing rainfall patterns and melting glaciers, is leading to a significant imbalance between supply and demand. The report underscores the need for urgent action to conserve existing water resources and enhance water use efficiency.Climate change, another significant concern addressed in the report, is altering the hydrological cycle, leading to extreme weather events like floods and droughts. These events not only affect water availability but also pose a threat to water security and sustainability. The report emphasizes the need for adaptation strategies that can mitigate the impacts of climate change on water resources. Innovation, on the other hand, offers hope in addressing these challenges. The report highlights several innovative approaches, including water conservation technologies, water reuse systems, and smart water management solutions, that are being implemented around the world to improve water use efficiency and sustainability. These solutions not only help in managing water scarcity but also contribute to climate resilience.The report also calls for a strengthened global partnership in water resources management. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between governments, international organizations, the private sector, and communities to ensure sustainable water management. By working together, the report suggests, we can ensure thatwater resources are used efficiently, equitably, and sustainably, meeting the needs of present and future generations.In conclusion, the United Nations Global Water Resources Report provides a valuable platform for understanding the complexities and challenges surrounding water resources. It serves as a call to action, urging all stakeholders to take urgent measures to conserve, protect, and sustainably manage the world's most precious resource. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, we can ensure that water remains a source of life and prosperity for all.**Chinese Content:**联合国全球水资源状况报告英文版深度解析联合国每年发布的全球水资源状况报告,为世人提供了一个全面了解全球水资源现状的窗口,其中不仅展示了水资源管理、保护和可持续性的成就,也揭示了所面临的挑战。


联合国安理会2月28日就两份分别由美国和俄罗斯起草的涉及委内瑞 拉问题的决议草案进行表决,两份草案均未获通过。
中国常驻联合国副代表吴海涛2月28日在纽约联合国总部表示,中方 反对外部势力干涉委内瑞拉内政,希望国际社会做真正有利于委内瑞拉国家 稳定、经济发展、民生改善的事情。
(1)性质: 负有维护国际和平与安全的主要责任的机构 (2)机构构成——由中、法、俄、英、美五个常任理事国 和十个由大会选出、任期两年的非常任理事国组成。
(2)现状:1994年,最后一个托管国——美国管理 下的太平洋岛屿战略托管地密克罗尼西亚群岛中的部 分岛屿独立,至此,世界上所有托管地区都已获得独 立或自治,托管理事会的使命已完成。
5、国 际 法 院
性质: 联合国为和平解决国际争端而设立的主要司法机构
国际法院(International Court of Justice),又称为国际法庭,是联合国的司法 裁决机构,根据《国际法院规约》于1946年2月 成立。院址在荷兰海牙的和平宫,亦称“海牙 国际法庭”。国际法院的主要功能是对各国所 提交的案件做出仲裁,或在联合国大会及联合 国安理会的请求下提供咨询性司法建议。它还 可以审理涉嫌违反国际法的案件。
(3)原则:对于程序问题的决定以15个理事国中至少九个 理事国的同意票通过。对于实质性问题的决定也需九票通 过,并且不得有任何一个常任理事国投反对票(弃权不算 反对);后者体现的是“大国一致”规则。
①安全理事会,负有维护国际和平与安全的主要责任, 安理会有权调查可能引起国际摩擦的任何争端或局势, 提出调解争端的方法; ②制定计划,以处理对和平的威胁或侵略行为,建议应 采取的行动; ③促请各会员国实施经济制裁和除使用武力以外的其他 措施,以防止或制止侵略; ④对侵略者采取军事行动。



2022年7月11日,联合国发布的《2022年世界人口展望》报告中预测,截 止到今年11月15日,世界人口总数预计将达到80亿,到2030年将增至85亿, 2050年将增至97亿。联合国人口司在报告中称,人口增长的部分原因是死亡率 的下降以及预期寿命的提高,2019年,全球平均预期寿命为72.8岁,较1990 年增加近9岁。报告中预测,到2050年,全球平均寿命将达到77.2岁。
资源开发利用不尽合理、不够科学,依靠消 耗大量资源换取经济发展的现象突出,由此造成 的浪费、损失、污染和破坏都很严重。我国面临 的资源形势非常严峻。
(1)资源是有限的,特别是不可再生资源。对资源的过度开发、粗放利用和 无节制消耗,必然导致资源的枯竭和对生态环境的破坏,严重影响经济的可 持续发展,经济发展的空间和后劲也会越来越小。所以,我不赞同“为了保 障经济快速发展,多用些资源也是值得的”的说法。
A 3. (2022年湖北武汉)漫画表明我国( )
A.转变发展方式,推动绿色发展 B.严守资源消耗下限和环境质量底线 C.坚持民主立法,为生态文明护航 D.促进经济由高质量发展向高速发展转变
4. (2022年甘肃天水)2021年10月,甘肃省委省政府印发《甘肃省黄河流 域生态保护和高质量发展规划》(简称《规划》),《规划》指出:要通过多 种途径,着力改善黄河流域生态环境,优化水资源配置,促进高质量发展,筑
上述材料和图片说明了什么? 当前我国生态环境虽总体有所改善,但生态环境形势仍不容乐观。


而早在1945年5月,李士钊就把这首歌用 中文译配出来了。同年7月6日,重庆《世界日 报》率先予以发表。
产生与发展 组织机构
联合国安全理事会 位于纽约的总部大厦 联合国总部建筑
猜一猜,这些标志性设 计有什么象征意思?
非暴力 枪口拧 成死结的手枪象征 “不要武器,要和 平”。 铸剑为犁 雕塑中的 人一手拿着锤子,另一 只手拿着他要改铸为犁 的剑,象征着人类要求 终结战争,把毁灭的武 器变为创造的工具,以 造福全人类 。
• 6.联合国的成员国由当初的51个增加到 2019年的_____个国家。
• 6.联合国的成员国由当初的51个增加到 2019年的_____个国家。
• 7.联合国中唯一有权采取行动来维持国际和 平与安全的机构是:________。
• 7.联合国中唯一有权采取行动来维持国际和平与 联合国安全理事会简称“安理会”。 安全的机构是: _______________________
5.《联合国歌》是由一位___国(国家)诗人 根据苏联的一首歌曲重新填词而成。
5.《联合国歌》是由一位___国(国家)诗人 根据苏联的一首歌曲重新填词而成。
1.联合国的作用有哪些?(至少说两点?) 联合国在维护世界和平,缓和国际 紧张局势,解决地区冲突方面,在 协调国际经济关系,促进世界各国 经济、科学、文化的合作与交流方 面,都发挥着积极的作用。



A/56/1联合国秘书长关于联合国工作的报告大会正式记录第五十六届会议补编第1号(A/56/1)大会正式记录第五十六届会议补编第1号(A/56/1)秘书长关于联合国工作的报告联合国 2001年,纽约A/56/1ISSN 0082-8173[2001年9月6日]目录章次段次页次导言.............................................................. 1-13 1一. 实现和平与安全.................................................... 14-87 2预防冲突和建立和平............................................ 20-41 2维持和平与建设和平............................................ 42-71 5选举援助...................................................... 72-74 9裁军.......................................................... 75-84 10制裁.......................................................... 85-87 11二. 履行人道主义承诺.................................................. 88-128 12协调人道主义行动和保护平民.................................... 90-95 12提供人道主义服务和应付资金不足的紧急情况...................... 96-113 13在保护和援助难民方面面临的挑战................................ 114-122 15应对自然灾害:鼓励发展中国家参与和进行能力建设................ 123-128 16三. 进行合作促进发展.................................................. 129-195 18概览:极端贫穷................................................ 129-139 18最不发达国家:给最贫穷的国家一个机会.......................... 140-145 20防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病146-151 20社会发展...................................................... 152-170 21可持续发展.................................................... 171-183 24非洲.......................................................... 184-195 26四. 国际法律秩序和人权................................................ 196-227 28人权发展情况.................................................. 196-202 28国际刑事法院.................................................. 203-205 29iii目录(续)章次段次页次国际法庭...................................................... 206-215 29增强法治...................................................... 216-221 30法律事务...................................................... 222-227 31五. 加强管理.......................................................... 228-249 33行政和管理.................................................... 228-235 33问责制和监督.................................................. 236-249 34六. 伙伴关系.......................................................... 250-271 36通讯.......................................................... 250-259 36联合国国际伙伴关系基金........................................ 260-262 37项目事务...................................................... 263-267 37与民间社会的伙伴关系.......................................... 268-271 38 ivA/56/11导言1. 本人这份关于联合国工作的年度报告回顾了联合国为我们当代各种基本问题寻求建设性解决办法所作的努力。



GLOBAL WATCH每年的4月22日,是“地球日”。










很多时候,人们不得不承受代价,但承受代价的人却不一定是享受收益的 祀 人人。






如果真的列入,生态系统联合国《千年生态系统 指出地球生态堪忧提供的服务在价值上会使我们的任何成就都相形见绌。

”生态系统 价值几何人们常用“不可估量”来形容一个物品的价值之高,但地球生态系统面临的严峻形势让人们不得不考虑给这些原本“不可估量”的价值定个价。

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以美國一般的飲食標準來看,吃全素一年可減少1.5 噸的溫室氣體排放,這比不開雪佛蘭越野車,改成 開豐田普瑞斯油電混合動力車,還多百分之五十。
不吃肉、騎單車並節約購物, 你就能幫助遏止全球暖化。
பைடு நூலகம் 感恩聆聽!
《牲畜的巨大陰影:環境問題與選擇》 聯合國糧食及農業組織羅馬,二○○六年
超過70%的亞馬遜熱帶雨林遭到砍伐 是為了生產肉品
畜牧業是造成海洋無生命地帶、化學污染、 珊瑚礁死亡、人類健康問題,抗生素抗藥性 的主要因素。
畜牧業所產生的溫室氣體 比全球交通運輸業的總排放量還更多。
人類活動所產生的一氧化二氮 有65%來自肉食, 而一氧化二氮的溫室效應為二氧化碳
一氧化二氮 = 溫室效應 296 x 二氧化碳 溫室效應
人類活動所產生的甲烷量有37%來自肉食, 而甲烷溫室效應為二氧化碳的二十三倍。
甲烷 = 溫室效應 23 x 二氧化碳 溫室效應
「畜牧養殖業是造成當今最嚴重環境問題的 主因之一,需要立即採取行動才能挽救。」