姓名: 单位: 座位号: 分数:
试题1 (30分)
进料量:120000 1b/hr;质量分率:甲醇 36.8wt%,水 63.2wt%;
进料压力 P=18.5psi;饱和液体进料;
实际塔板数:N=20,进料板:N F=12;
塔顶为全凝器,塔顶压力为16.1psi,每板压力降为0.1psi,塔顶采出量为D=1245 1bmol/hr,
2.对塔进行设计(Sizing),计算出塔经:D= (塔板类型选用筛板塔)。
(保存为aspen1b.bkp) (10分)
3.建立塔内的设计规定要求塔顶蒸出物甲醇含量为99.9wt%,改变塔顶回流比范围为(0.8-3),记录算出的回流比:RR= 。
(保存为aspen1c.bkp) (10分)
2017 年一般高等学校招生全国一致考试(江苏卷)化学注意事项考生在答题前请仔细阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求1.本卷满分为120 分,考试时间为100 分钟。
2.答题前,请务势必自己的姓名、准考据用0.5 毫米黑色墨水的署名笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定地点。
4.作答选择题,一定用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需变动,请用橡皮擦洁净后,再选涂其余答案。
作答非选择题,一定用0.5 毫米黑色墨水的署名笔在答题卡上的指定地点作答,在其他地点作答一律无效。
5.如需作图,须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符等须加黑、加粗。
可能用到的相对原子质量: H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 Al 27 S 32 Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40Mn 55 Fe 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 Ag 108选择题1. 2017年世单项选择题:此题包含10 小题,每题 2 分 ,合计20 分。
....界地球日我国的主题为“节俭集约利用资源, 倡议绿色简洁生活”。
以下做法应倡议的是A.夏季设定空调温度尽可能的低B.推行使用一次性塑料袋和纸巾C.少开私人车多乘公共交通工具D.对商品进行豪华包装促使销售2.以下相关化学用语表示正确的选项是A.质量数为 31 的磷原子 : 3115PB.氟原子的构造表示图 :C.CaCl 2的电子式 :D.明矾的化学式 : Al 2(SO4) 33.以下相关物质性质与用途拥有对应关系的是A. Na 2O2汲取 CO2产生 O2,可用作呼吸面具供氧剂B. ClO 2拥有复原性,可用于自来水的杀菌消毒C. SiO 2硬度大,可用于制造光导纤维D.NH 3易溶于水,可用作制冷剂4.以下制取 SO2、考证其漂白性、采集并进行尾气办理的装置和原理能达到实验目的的是A. 制取5. 短周期主族元素SO2 B. 考证漂白性 C. 采集X、Y、Z、W原子序数挨次增大,此中只有SO2 D. 尾气办理Y、Z 处于同一周期且相邻,Z 是地壳中含量最多的元素, W是短周期中金属性最强的元素。
利用ASPEN EDR换热器软件计算风冷式换热器培训试题
利用ASPEN EDR换热器软件计算风冷式换热器培训试题
1、流程模拟是(),使用基本物性关系( ),速率系数();预测()、(),操作条件以及()。
2、ASPEN EDR全称为() ,包含以下模块:( )、Aspen Shell&Tube Mechanical 管壳式换热器的机械建模、Aspen Plate Exchanger 板框式或焊接板式换热器的建模、( )、( )、( )。
5、设计气温选用每年只允许有( )的实际气温超过它。
6、迎风面风速:当空气为标况时(),为标准迎风面风速UNF,一般来说( )。
ASPEN PLUS 上机练习(1)-混合、分流模型1.1、将1200 m3/hr的低浓甲醇(甲醇20%mol,水80%mol,30︒C,1 bar)与800 m3/hr的高浓甲醇(甲醇95%mol,水5%mol,20︒C,1.5 bar)混合。
(Mixer)1.2、建立以下过程的Aspen Plus 流程:1) 将1000 m3/hr 的低浓酒精(乙醇30%w,水70%w,30︒C,1 bar )与700 m3/hr 的高浓酒精(乙醇95%w,水5%w,20︒C,1.5 bar)混合;2) 将混合后物流平均分为三股:一股直接输出;第二股与600 kg/hr 的甲醇溶液(甲醇98%w,水2%w,20︒C,1.2 bar)混合后输出;第三股与200 kg/hr 的正丙醇溶液(正丙醇90%w,水10%w,30︒C,1.2 bar)混合后输出。
求:三股输出物流的组成(摩尔分率与质量分率)和流量(摩尔流量及体积流量)分别是多少?(Mixer、Fsplit)1.3、建立以下过程的Aspen Plus 仿真模型:1) 将1000 m3/hr 的低浓酒精(乙醇30%w,水70%w,30︒C,1 bar )与700 m3/hr 的高浓酒精(乙醇95%w,水5%w,20︒C,1.5 bar)混合得到溶液A;2) 将600kg/hr 甲醇溶液(甲醇98%w,水2%w,20︒C,1.2 bar)与200 kg/hr 的正丙醇溶液(正丙醇90%w,水10%w,30︒C,1.2 bar)混合后得到溶液B;3) 将溶液A 分别与400 kg/hr、800kg/hr、1600 kg/hr 溶液B 混合后输出。
求:三种情况下的输出物流组成(摩尔分率与质量分率)和流量(摩尔流量及体积流量)分别是多少?(Mult 、Dupl)ASPEN PLUS 上机练习(2)-压力改变模型2.1、一台离心泵的特性曲线如下表:为降低能耗,采用变频电动机改变离心泵转速来调节输送流量,转速变化范围为1500~2800 rpm。
一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分,每题的备选项中,只有 1 个事最符合题意)1、公用工程管道及仪表流程图中应标识出的内容包括__。
A.从左向右进行B.从右向左进行C.处于平衡态D.方向无法判定6、变压器的损耗主要有____A:铁损耗;B:铜损耗;C:铁损耗和铜损耗;D:无损耗7、在0℃和1atm下,若CCl4蒸气可近似的作为理想气体处理,则其密度(g/l)A:4.52;B:6.88;C:3.70;D:3.448、一定量的H2(g),在绝热、恒容下发生下列反应:H2(g)+O.5O2(g)→H2O(g) 则此过程的△U__;△H__;△S__;△A__;△G__。
A:粗实线;B:细虚线;C:细实线;D:点划线10、与液体相比,输送相同质量流量的气体,气体输送机械的____A:体积较小;B:压头相应也更高;C:结构设计更简单;D:效率更高11、某设备进、出口测压仪表中的读数分别为p1(表压)=1200mmHg和p2(真空度)=700mmHg,当地大气压为750 mmHg,则两处的绝对压强差为____mmHg。
化学平衡(全国卷)(2017全国I)(3)H2S与CO2在高温下发生反应:H2S(g)+CO2(g) ==COS(g) +H2O(g)。
在610 k时,将0.10 mol CO2与0.40 mol H2S充入2.5 L的空钢瓶中,反应平衡后水的物质的量分数为0.02。
②在620 K重复试验,平衡后水的物质的量分数为0.03,H2S的转化率α2_____α1,该反应的△H_____0。
(填“>”“<”或“=”)③向反应器中再分别充入下列气体,能使H2S转化率增大的是________(填标号)A. H2SB. CO2C. COSD. N2(2017全国II)27.(14分)丁烯是一种重要的化工原料,可由丁烷催化脱氢制备。
回答下列问题:(1)正丁烷(C4H10)脱氢制1-丁烯(C4H8)的热化学方程式如下:①C4H10(g)= C4H8(g)+H2(g) ΔH1已知:②C4H10(g)+ 1/2O2(g)= C4H8(g)+H2O(g) ΔH2=-119 kJ·mol-1③H2(g)+ 1/2O2(g)= H2O(g) ΔH3=-242kJ·mol-1反应①的ΔH1为________ kJ·mol-1。
A.升高温度B.降低温度C.增大压强D.降低压强(2016全国I)27. (2)CrO42−和Cr2O72−在溶液中可相互转化。
室温下,初始浓度为1.0 mol·L−1的Na2CrO4溶液中c(Cr2O72−)随c(H+)的变化如图所示。
试题3 (30分)
混合物的进料量为100kg/hr,温度:20℃,压力:1 atm
1-CL:C5H9CL 结构式:C
3-CL:C5H9CL 结构式:C
提示:采用两个塔分离,脱轻塔塔顶压力为19 Kpa,全塔压降为3 Kpa,物性方法采用NRTL-RK;1-CL、3-CL精馏塔塔顶压力为10 Kpa,全塔压降为4 Kpa物性方法采用PEN-ROB。
ASPEN PLUS 培训理论考试一、填空题:(每题3分 共48分)1、在精馏塔的模拟计算中用(芬斯克方程)求最小平衡级数(全回流)、用(恩德伍德方程)求最小回流比(平衡级数无穷大)、利用(吉利兰关联式)求出在一定回流比时对应的平衡级数;2、物性模型分为:⑴、理想、状态方程(EOS)模型,写出其中常用的两个PENG-ROB 、RK-SOAVE ,该模型用到范德华方程,其表达式为:(P+a/V 2)(V-b) = RT c c P T R a 642722= cc P RT b 8= ⑵、活度系数模型,写出其中常用的三个NRTL 、UNIFAC 、UNIQUAC ,3、特殊模型, 如要处理液相中的轻气体或超临界组分,需要采用亨利定律。
5、在做板式塔的设计计算时,需要提供计算范围、塔板类型、液流数、直径、板间距;同时也要运用到其约束条件,主要包括液泛因子、起泡因子、过设计分数等;6、在精馏塔RADFRAC 严格核算模型,对于塔的收敛算法有三种,主要是外循环即计算相平衡、中循环即计算设计规定、内循环即计算质量、能量平衡。
7、精馏塔的水力学计算包括: ①塔板类型:Glitsch BALLAST 、Koch Flexitray 、Nutter Floatlve 、Bubble Cap 、Sieve 。
②填料类型;③板式塔的设计计算;④填料塔的设计计算; ⑤板式塔的核算;⑥填料塔的核算;⑦冷凝器/再沸器曲线。
7.下列家庭小实验不合理的是A .用灼烧并闻气味的方法检验真皮衣料B .用淀粉和水检验食盐中的碘元素C .用食用碱(Na 2C03)溶液洗涤餐具上的油污D .用食醋区别小苏打和食盐8.用N A 代表阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法正确的是A. 16gCH 4含有的共价键数为4N AB .化学反应中每生成1molO 2转移电子数为4N A C. 12gC 136含有的碳.原子数是N A D. 0.1molNa 202所含阴离子数是0.2N A 9.下列说法错误的是A .乙烷室温下能与浓盐酸发生取代反应B .乙烯可以用作生产食品包装材料的原料C .乙醇室温下在水中的溶解度大于溴乙烷D .乙酸与甲酸甲酯互为同分异构体10.下列有关实验仪器的使用及实验操作正确的是A .加热蒸发皿和烧杯必须垫石棉网B .除去乙醇中的乙酸,加入Na0H 溶液后分液C .将硫酸铜溶液蒸发浓缩、冷却结晶得到CcSO 4·5H 2OD .配制1L0.1mol ·L -1NaCl 溶液的实验中,用托盘天平称取5.85gNaCl 11.某盐桥式电池如图1所示.下列说法不正确的是( )A.电子由锌电极流向铜电极B.将锌、铜电极互换也能形成原电池C. U型管中的K+向铜电极移动D.铜电极反应式是Cu2++2e-=Cu12.下列关系的表述中,正确的是( )A. 0.1mol·L-1的Na2CO3溶液中:c(Na+)+c(H+)=2c(CO32-)+c(OH-)B. 0.1mol·L-1的NH4Cl溶液中:c(Cl-)>c(NH4+)>c(OH-)>c(H+)C.恰好完全中和pH和体积都相同的硫酸和醋酸,消耗Na0H的物质的量相同D. pH=4的盐酸和pH=4的FeC13溶液中,水电离的c(H+)不相等13.短周期主族元素A、B、C、D、E的原子序数依次增大,其中只有C是金属元素,B是地壳中含量最多的元素,A是原子半径最小的元素,A与C的最外层电子数相同,C、D两元素原子的电子数之和为A、B两种元素原子的电子数之和的3倍。
部分 A:
• 用如下数据完成甲烷塔核算:
塔进料: 63.2 wt% 水 36.8 wt% 甲醇
练习:严格多级精馏 (续)
部分 C:
• 规定每块板效率为65% Murphree效率后 执行同一 个设计计算。假设冷凝器和再沸器的板效率为90%。 • 这些效率是如何影响塔的冷凝器和再沸器负荷的?
部分 D:
• 完成整个塔的设计计算,假定使用泡罩塔盘塔 (完成后, 另存为文件名: RADFRAC.BKP)
性能曲线 压头 流量 [m] [cum/hr] 40 2 250 5 300 10 300 20
碳钢 系列号 40 直径为1-in 直径为 长度为25-m 长度为
Temperature = 1100 F Pressure = 850 psi
Temperature = 1450 F Pressure Drop = 20 psi CH4 conversion = 0.995
用 Peng-Robinson 物性方法 完成后另存为 文件名: 文件名 Fortran.BKP
• 冷却水
– – – –
练习:HeatX (续)
阅读 篇章1 当前题号:第1-10题,总题数:50题Line Low wages, chronic unemployment and underemployment lead to low income,lack of property ownership, absence of savings, absence of food reserves inthe home, and a chronic shortage of cash. These conditions reduce thepossibility of effective participation in the larger economic system. And asa r e s p o n s e t o t h e s e c o n d i t i o n s w e f i n d i n t h e culture of poverty a high incidence of pawning personal goods, borrowing from localmoney-lenders at higher rates of interest, spontaneous informal credit devices organized by neighbors, the use of secondhand clothing andfurniture, and the pattern of frequent buying of small quantities of foodmany times a day as the need arises.People with a culture of poverty produce very little wealth andreceive very little in return. They have a low level of literacy and education,usually do not belong to labor unions, are not members of political parties,generally do not participate in the national welfare agencies, and makevery little use of banks, hospitals, department stores, museums or art gal l eri e s. T he y h a ve a c ri t i c al a t t i t u de t o w a rd s om e or the basic institutions of the dominant classes, hatred of the police,mistrust of government, and a cynicism that extends even to the church.This gives the culture of poverty a high potential for protest and forBeing used in political movements aimed against the existing socialorder.People with a culture of poverty are aware of middle-class values,talk about them and even claim some of them as their own, but on thewhole they do not live by them. Thus it is important to distinguishbetweenwhat they say and what they do. For example, many will tellyou that marriage by law, by the church, or by both is the ideal form ofmarriage, but few will marry. To men who have no steady jobs or othersources of income, who do not own property and have no wealth to passon to their children, who are present-time oriented and who want toavoid the expense and legal difficulties involved in formal marriage anddivorce, free unions or consensual marriages make a lot of sense.Women will often turn down offers of marriage because they feel it tiesthem down to men. Women feel that consensual union gives them abetter break; it gives them some of the freedom and flexibility that menhave. By not giving the fathers of their children legal status as husbands,the women have a stronger claim on their children if they decide toleave their men. It also gives women exclusive rights to a house or anyother property they may own.1. According to the passage, a defining characteristic of poverty is that poor people__________.A. are isolated from the mainstream of societyB. lack the skills to find decent jobsC. are responsible for their own poverty510 1520 25 30 35D.are constantly in a state of crisis2.The author of the passage uses the phrase “culture of poverty” (Line 6) to suggestthat __________.A.there are several classifications of poor peopleB.poor people often take pride in their povertyC.poor people share a common ethnicityD.poverty has become a prevailing way of life for some people3.The word “incidence” in Line 6 is closest in meaning to __________.A.inflationB.introductionC.accidentD.occurrence4.The word “literacy” in Line 12 refers to the ability to __________.A.go to schoolB.read and writeC.understand mathD.receive an education5.By asserting that the culture of poverty can be used by political movements (Line19), the author is __________.A.cautioning against an uprising by the poorB.showing how poverty may threaten social stabilityC.calling upon the middle class to fight against the poorD.justifying the motives of politicians6.Which of the following best describes people with a culture of poverty?A.They work hard but receive little in returnB.They’re cynical to all but the churchC.They usually ignore the national welfare agenciesD.They are economically active7.According to the last paragraph, consensual union can provide poor women whorefuse to get married legally with all of the following EXCEPT __________.A.a free church wedding or civil ceremonyB.some of the freedom and flexibility that men haveC. a stronger claim on their children when they want to leave their menD.rights to a house or any other property8. A conclusion can be drawn from the last paragraph that men and women in theculture of poverty __________.A.consider themselves unworthy of legal marriageB.prefer not to be in relationshipC.avoid legalized marriages for practical and economic reasonsD.do not trust each other to be faithful husbands and wives9.In the discussion of poverty, the author is most likely to agree that poverty__________.A.is more widespread than most people thinkB.cannot be eliminatedC. weakens the fabric of societyD. means more than lack of money10. The word “it” in Line 37 refers to __________.A. a better breakB. legal statusC. consensual unionD. illegal marriage篇章2 当前题号:第11-20题,总题数:50题;Line Cars account for half the oil consumed in the U.S., about half the urban pollution and one-fourth of the greenhouse gases. They take asimilar toll of resources in other industrial nations and in the cities of thedeveloping world. As vehicle use continues to increase in the coming decade, the U.S. and other countries will have to deal with these issues or else face unacceptable economic, health-related and political costs. Itis unlikely that oil prices will remain at their current low level or thatother nations will accept a large and growing U.S. contribution to globalclimate change.Policymakers and industry have four options: reduce vehicle use,increase the efficiency and reduce the emissions of conventionalgasoline-powered vehicles, switch to less harmful fuels, or find lesspolluting driving systems. The last of these — in particular theintroduction of vehicles powered by electricity — is ultimately the only sustainable option. The other alternatives are attractive in theory but inpractice are either impractical or offer only marginal improvements. Forexample, reduced vehicle use could solve traffic problems and a host ofsocial and environmental problems, but evidence from around the worldsuggests that it is difficult to make people give up their cars to any significant extent. In the U.S., mass-transit ridership and carpoolinghave declined since World War II. Even in Western Europe, with fuelprices averaging more than $1 a liter (about $4 a gallon) and with easilyaccessible mass transit and dense populations, cars still account for 80percent of all passenger travel.Improved energy efficiency is also appealing, but automotive fueleconomy has barely made any progress in 10 years. Alternative fuelssuch as natural gas, burned in internal-combustion engines, could beintroduced at relatively low cost, but they would lead to only marginalreductions in pollution and greenhouse gas emissions (especiallybecause oil companies are already spending billions of dollars everyyear to develop less polluting types of gasoline).11. It can be learned from the passage that the increased use of cars will __________.A. consume half of the oil produced in the worldB. have serious consequences on the well-being of all nationsC. impose an economic burden on residents of large cities 5 10 15 20 25D.widen the gap between the developed and developing countries12.America has to solve the problems arising from vehicle use because __________.A.few Americans are reluctant to switch to public transportationB.the present level of oil prices is considered unacceptableC.it should take the lead in conserving natural resourcesD.other countries are unsatisfied about its large greenhouse emissions13.According to the author, America’s contribut ion to global climate change is__________.A.increasingB.decreasingC.fluctuatingD.stabilizing14.Which of the following is the best solution to the problems mentioned in thepassage?A.The designing of highly efficient car enginesB. A reduction of vehicle use in citiesC.The use of less polluting fuelsD.The development of electric cars15.What does “host” in Line 17 mean?A.Person who serves people as guestsB.Anchor of a television program, etc.rge number of somethingD.Caretaker of an inn16. What is the meaning of “carpooling” in Line 20?A. People riding together in one carB. A number of cars used by a company’s salesmenC. A person who owns many carsD. Cars owned by an organization for the use of its members17. According to the passage, after World War II many people in the U.S.__________.A.only used railwaysB.preferred their own cars for travelC.always used public transportationD.insist on carpooling18. Which of the following is practical but only makes a small contribution to solvingthe problem of greenhouse emissions?A.Slowing down fuel economyB.The use of fuels other than gasolineC.Reducing car use by carpoolingD.The introduction of less polluting driving systems19. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.The decline of public transportation accounts for increased car use in WesternEuropeB.Cars are popular in Western Europe even though fuel prices are fairly highC. Western Europe oil companies cannot sustain the cost of developing new-type fuelsD. The reduction of vehicle use is the only sustainable option in denselypopulated Western Europe20. The word “they” in Line 28 refers to __________.A. internal-combustion enginesB. marginal reductionsC. alternative fuelsD. greenhouse emissions篇章3 当前题号:第21-30题,总题数:50题;Line Cancer has always been with us, but not always in the same way. Its care and management have differed over time and have its identity. visibility, and meaning. Pick up the thread of history at its most distant end and you have “cancer the crab”—so named because its pain is like the pinch of a crab’s claw. Pre -modern cancer is a lump that sometimes b r e a k s t h r o u gh t h e s k i n i n u l c e r a t i o n s p r o d u c i n g f o u l -s m e l l i n g discharges. The ancient Egyptians knew about many tumors that had a bad outcome, and the Greeks made a distinction between benign tumors and evil ones. In the second century A.D., Galen reckoned that the cause was systemic, an excess of sadness or black bile, one of the body’s four “humors” brought on by bad diet and environmental circumstances.Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but theprognosis was known to be grim .The experience of cancer has always been terrible, but, until modern times, its mark on culture has been light. In the past, fear came from infectious and epidemic diseases, strokes, heart attacks, and tuberculosis.The agonizing manner of cancer death was dreaded, but that fear was notcentrally situated in the public mind — as it now is. This is one reasonwhy the medical historian Roy Porter wrote that cancer is “the modern disease par excellence ”.At one time, it was thought that cancer was a “disease ofcivilization,” belonging to much the same causal domain as“neurasthenia” and diabetes, the former a nervous weakness believed tobe brought about by the stress of modern life and the latter a condition produced by bad diet and indolence. In the eighteenth and nineteenthcenturies, some physicians attributed cancer to psychological andbehavioral causes. William Buchan’s wildly popular eighteenth -centurytext Domestic Medicine judged that cancers might be caused by“excessive fear, grief, and religious melancholy”. In the nineteenth century, reference was repeatedly made to a “cancer personality”, and, insome versions, specifically to sexual repression. As Susan Sontagobserved, cancer was considered shameful, even obscene. “It seemsunimaginable”, Sontag wrote, “to aestheticize” cancer.5 10 1520 25 3021. According to the passage, the ancient Egyptians __________.A.were able to tell benign tumors from evil onesB.knew about a lot of cancerous tumorsC.found out the cause of cancerD.looked at cancer as the crab22. According to Galen, cancer is triggered by all of the following EXCEPT _______.A.the excess of sadnessB. a poor dietC.sociological factorsD.environmental conditions23. The word “benign” in Line 8 refers to _______.A.unharmfulB.badC.positiveD.brutal24. The word “grim” in Line 13 is closest in meaning to _______.A.dirtyB.dreadfulC.strikingD.excellent25. Which of the following statements about the cancers of the past is best supportedby the passage?A.Ancient people did not live long enough to become prone to cancerB.Cancer death might be considered a badge of refinementC.In the past, people did not fear cancer at allD.Some physicians believed behavioral characteristics could lead to cancer26. According to the passage, with which of the following would the author mostlikely agree?A.Today people understand cancer in fundamentally new waysB.Cancer would be totally eliminated in the 21st centuryC.Cancer care and management are very sophisticatedD.There is a dramatic rise in mortality in modern cancer world27. “Neurasthenia and diabetes” are mentioned in Paragraph 3 for the purpose of_______.A.emphasizing that they are as fatal as cancerB.illustrating that they are regarded as “diseases of civilization”C.explaining that they are brought about by the pressure of modern lifeD.showing that people dread them very much28. Sontag’s remark about cancer indicates that one time _______.A.infectious and epidemic diseases were major causes of deathB.cancer ranked just below heart disease as a cause of deathC.cancer was viewed as a dirty disease related to human being’s behaviorsD.the cancers of the past were visible on the body’s surface29. The author’s attitude towards cancer can be described as _______.A. criticalB. concernedC. helplessD. objective30. Which of the following best summarizes the passage?A. Cancer’s identity has never changedB. Cancer is the price paid for modern lifeC. The care and management of cancer have developed over timeD. The cultural significance of cancer has shifted over time篇章4 当前题号:第31-40题,总题数:50题;Line Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weaponthat you can use to change the world”. Nearly everybody agrees: It’s going to take a revolution to fix America ’s public schools. Louis V .Gerstner Jr., one of the business leaders in education reform, proclaims the Noah principle: “No more prizes for predicting rain. Prizes only for bi lding arks. We’ve got to change whole schools and whole schoolsystem.”But this isn’t so. Firstly, nobody really wants a revolution. Revolutionwould mean removing the whole present structure of education overnightand inventing a new one from the beginning, in the conviction thatanything must be an improvement —no matter what it costs. What thesefolks really want isn’t revolution but major reform, changing the system radically but in an orderly fashion. The changes are supposed to be tested in large-scale pilot programs —Gerstner’s “arks”—and then installed nationally. But even that is just a distant gleam in the eye and a dubious proposition too. There’s nothing like a consensus even on designing those arks, let alone where they are supposed to come to ground. And anyone who has watched radical reforms in the real world has to be wary of them: Invariably, they take a long time and cost a great deal, and even so they fail more often than they succeed. The best and most natural changescome not in wholesale gulps, but in small bites.What the think-big reformers fail to acknowledge is that schools allover the country are changing all the time. From head-start programs to after-school big brother/big sister projects to self-esteem workshops, it’sprecisely these small-scale innovations and demonstration programs that are doing the job, in thousands of schools. Some of these efforts are only partly successful; some fail; some work small miracles. They focus varyingly on children, teachers, and parents, on methods of administration and techniques of teaching, on efforts to motivate kids, teach values andmobilize community support. Some are relatively expensive; others cost almost nothing. But all of them can be done —and have been done.The important thing is that local schools aren’t waitin g for a 25 30 3510 5 1520revolution. They are working out their own problems and making theirown schools better. And anyone—teachers, parents, principals, schoolboard members—anyone who cares enough and works hard enough can dothe same.31. According to the Nelson Mandela quote, education can__________.A. be used to hurt peopleB. be accessible to powerful peopleC. teach people to use weaponD. help create change32. According to the passage, Gerstner believes __________.A. the present school system is functioning adequatelyB. the emphasis should be shifted to finding solutions rather than focus ondescribing problemsC. the school curriculum should include more classesD. in the value of monetary prizes to outstanding students33. The word “installed” in Line 14 is closest in meaning to __________.A. implementedB. informedC. explainedD. stressed34. The author views the pilot programs as all of the following EXCEPT __________.A. costlyB. time-consumingC. uncertain to succeedD. a product of consensus35. The word “they” in Line 18 refers to __________.A. folksB. pilot programsC. changesD. schools36. The word “wholesale” in Line 22 is closest in meaning to __________.A. cheapB. largeC. valuableD. fair37. Which best summarizes the idea of “small bites” in Line 22?A. Changing the system radically but in an orderly fashionB. Allowing children to choose from a variety of programsC. Using modest innovations to improve schoolsD. Teaching the theory of evolution in the classroom38. According to the author, the “small-scale innovations” mentioned in Line 26__________.A. are largely theoretical so farB. do not work on a large scaleC. are unavailable in many areasD. have in many cases been shown to work39. Judging from the author’s discussion, he believes that local schools __________.A. should embrace sweeping plans for national educational reform.B. are relatively expensiveC. are producing small but useful innovations all the timeD. can only be as good as their curricula40. The primary purpose of the passage is to __________.A. present an alternative view to a widely-held beliefB. describe plans to implement an educational revolutionC. relate the historical events that have shaped a situationD. uncover and analyze new flaws in an old system篇章5 当前题号:第41-50题,总题数:50题。
1.(2017天津理综,1)下列有关水处理方法不正确的是()A.用石灰、碳酸钠等碱性物质处理废水中的酸B.用可溶性的铝盐和铁盐处理水中的悬浮物C.用氯气处理水中的Cu2+、Hg2+等重金属离子D.用烧碱处理含高浓度N H4+的废水并回收利用氨C石灰和碳酸钠都可以与酸反应,A正确;Al3+、Fe3+都可以发生水解反应,分别生成的Al(OH)3胶体、Fe(OH)3胶体可吸附水中的悬浮杂质,B正确;铵盐的性质之一是与碱反应生成氨气,D正确;C项中Cl2与Cu2+、Hg2+等重金属离子不能发生反应,应用硫化物除去Cu2+、Hg2+等重金属离子,C项不正确。
下列有关汉黄芩素的叙述正确的是()A.汉黄芩素的分子式为C16H13O5B.该物质遇FeCl3溶液显色C.1 mol该物质与溴水反应,最多消耗1 mol Br2D.与足量H2发生加成反应后,该分子中官能团的种类减少1种B烃和烃的含氧衍生物分子中氢原子个数一定是偶数,汉黄芩素的分子式为C16H12O5,A项错;该有机物含有酚羟基,故B正确;该有机物可以与1 mol Br2发生酚羟基邻位上的取代反应,还可以与1 molBr2发生的加成反应,C项错;与足量H2发生加成反应的是苯环、碳碳双键、羰基,D项错。
3.(2017天津理综,3)下列能量转化过程与氧化还原反应无关的是()A.硅太阳能电池工作时,光能转化成电能B.锂离子电池放电时,化学能转化成电能C.电解质溶液导电时,电能转化成化学能D.葡萄糖为人类生命活动提供能量时,化学能转化成热能A B项、C项属于电化学反应,一定有电子转移,一定发生氧化还原反应;D项营养物质为人类提供能量的过程,是被O2氧化的过程,发生了氧化还原反应;A项光能转化成电能的过程没有新物质生成,没有发生化学反应,故选A。
4.(2017天津理综,4)以下实验设计能达到实验目的的是()萃取D NaHCO 3受热易分解,而Na 2CO 3受热不易分解,故A 项错;AlCl 3易水解,故蒸发Al 与稀盐酸反应后的溶液得不到AlCl 3而是得到Al(OH)3,B 项错;苯甲酸常温下微溶于水,故提纯苯甲酸时,应将粗品在加热条件下溶于水,趁热过滤,冷却结晶,C 项错;氯水与NaBr 和KI 反应分别生成Br 2、I 2,两者都易溶于CCl 4,分别在CCl 4层中显橙红色、紫红色,D 项正确。
一、单选题(共5题,每题1分,共5分)1、用水做吸收剂,吸收烟气中的酸性气,可用如下哪个模型模拟?A、DecanterB、AbsorberC、RadFracD、EXTRACT2、以下精馏塔塔顶操作温度,较理想的是:A、0℃B、25℃C、30℃D、50℃3、反应精馏塔中,可以选择的反应集类型包括:A、PowerLawB、LHHWC、REAC-DISTD、Chemistry4、因为萃取操作中,液液传质较慢,所以常用的萃取塔类型为:A、填料塔B、喷洒塔C、带搅拌的板式塔D、带搅拌的填料塔5、把一股物流变为多股进行模拟,用哪个模型最简单?A、MultB、DuplC、CalculatorD、Transfer二、多选题(共5题,每题2分,共10分)1、以下Aspen Plus的反应器模型中,不能进行严格化学平衡计算的是?A、RStoicB、RYieldC、REquilD、RPLUG2、以下模型中,能进行严格平衡分离计算的是?A、Flash2B、DecanterC、SepD、DSTWU3、查询乙醇-水-苯混合物中存在的共沸物信息,可以通过以下哪些途径?A、Ternary DiagB、Distillation SynthesisC、BinaryD、Azeotrop Search4、欲分析精馏塔中进料位置变化时对塔顶馏出产物纯度的影响,可用:A、设计规定B、灵敏度分析C、计算器D、手动调整分析5、Distillation Synthesis(精馏综合分析)的功能包括:A、绘制Txy相图B、计算三元混合物的蒸馏边界和剩余曲线图C、自动计算精馏理论板数D、计算三元混合物的液液相平衡数据三、填空题(共5题,每空1分,共10分)1、Aspen Plus流程模拟计算过程中所有的错误、警告等信息汇总可在_________中查看。
2、RStoic模型中,Heat of Reaction是指______,Selectivity是指_____。
2017年高考全国卷I理综化学试卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 Cl 35.5 K 39 Ti 48 Fe 56 I 1271.下列生活用品中主要由合成纤维制造的是()A.尼龙绳B.宣纸C.羊绒衫D.棉衬衣2.《本草衍义》中对精制砒霜过程有如下叙述:“取砒之法,将生砒就置火上,以器覆之,令砒烟上飞着覆器,遂凝结累然下垂如乳,尖长者为胜,平短者次之。
下列说法不正确的是()A.X的简单氢化物的热稳定性比W强B.Y的简单离子与X的具有相同的电子层结构C.Y与Z形成化合物的水溶液可使蓝色石蕊试纸变红D.Z与X属于同一主族,与Y属于同一周期7.常温下将NaOH 溶液滴加到己二酸(H 2X )溶液中,混合溶液的pH 与离子浓 度变化的关系如图所示。
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表 2 单元模块的操作条件
压力 / kPa 3923 3406 3406 3406 3310 3310
温度 / ℃ 538 649 687 --82 ---
反应器的出口物流 4 与物流 QUENCH 混合后的温度为 621℃,甲苯的转化率为 75%,副反应中苯的转化率 为 2%,换热器的总传热系数为 340.7 W/(m2·K)。物性方法选用 NRTL。
共 3 页 第 2页
河 北 工 业 大 学 期 末 考 试 试 卷 (A)
2017 年(秋)季学期
各物流及模块的操作条件如下: 物流 H2IN:温度 50℃,压力 2.5 MPa,总流量 330 kmol/h,其中 H2、N2、CH4 的摩尔分数分别为 0.975、0.005 和 0.02。 物流 BZIN:温度 40℃,压力 0.1 MPa,组分为纯苯,流量 100 kmol/h。
课程名称: 化工过程模拟
2017 年秋季学期 A 卷 (开卷)课程号: 0003106820 适用专业:化工工艺
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总分
分数 阅卷 人
一、下图为甲苯转化为苯的工艺流程图,试确定所得产品苯的量(即 PROD 中苯的摩尔流率)。
FEED-MIX 模块(Heater 模块):温度 150℃,压力 2.3 MPa;
REACT 模块(RStoic 模块):温度 200℃,压降 0.1 MPa,苯转化率 0.998;
VFLOW 模块(FSplit 模块):物流 H2RCY 的分率为 92%;
LFLOW 模块(FSplit 模块):物流 CHRCY 的分率为 30%;
PIPE 模块(Pipe 模块):材质为碳钢,系列号为 40,直径为 1 in,长度为 25 m; PUMP 模块(Pump 模块):பைடு நூலகம்口压力为 2.6 MPa; COMP 模块(Compr 模块):采用等熵压缩机,压力增量为 0.4 MPa; VALVE 模块(Valve 模块):出口压力为 2 MPa,阀门规格为 V810 equal percent flow 球形阀,公称直径为 1.5 in。 物性方法为 RK-SOAVE。
主反应为:C7H8 + H2 → C6H6 + CH4 副反应为:2 C6H6 → C12H10 + H2
组分 氢 甲烷 苯 甲苯 联苯 温度 / ℃ 压力 / kPa
图 1 甲苯转化为苯的工艺流程
表 1 进料条件
FEED / kmol/h ------125 --24
RECYCLE / kmol/h ----1.54 37.5 0.45 121
HP-SEP 模块(Flash2 模块):温度 50℃,压降 0.05 MPa;
COLUMN 模块(Radfrac 模块):理论板数为 12,回流比为 1.2,进料位置为第 8 块理论板,塔压为 1.5 MPa,
塔釜流出率为 99 kmol/h,冷凝器为只有蒸汽采出的部分冷凝器;
FEEDPUMP 模块(Pump 模块):泵的效率为 0.6,电动机的效率为 0.9,特性曲线数据如下表所示。
二、下图为环己烷生产流程图,采用 Aspen Plus 创建该流程模拟环己烷的生产过程,求出最终得 到的环己烷产品中环己烷的摩尔分数。
图 2 环己烷生产流程 环己烷可以用苯加氢反应得到,反应如下: C6H6 (苯) + 3 H2 (氢气) → C6H12 (环己烷) 在进入固定床接触反应器之前,苯和氢气进料与循环氢气和环己烷混合。假设苯的转化率为 99.8%,反应器 出料被冷却,轻气体从产品物流中分离出去。部分轻气体作为循环氢气返回反应器。从分离器出来的液相产品物
GAS-RECY / kmol/h 928 1370 19.4 2.4 --19.5 3923
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河 北 工 业 大 学 期 末 考 试 试 卷 (A)
2017 年(秋)季学期
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