Tobamovirus infection is independent of HSP101 mRNA induction and protein expression
CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS铜绿假单胞菌是临床常见的病原体类型,会直接引起下呼吸道、肺部感染等疾病,分布广泛[1]。
PARVOVIRUS INFECTIONWhat is Canine Parvovirus disease?Canine parvovirus (CPV) infection is a relatively new disease that first appeared in 1978. Because of the severity of the disease and its rapid spread through the canine population, CPV has aroused a great deal of public interest. The virus that causes it is very similar to feline enteritis, and the two diseases are almost identical. Therefore, it has been speculated that the canine virus is a mutation of the feline virus. However, that has never been proven.How does a dog become infected with parvovirus?The causative agent of CPV disease, as the name infers, is a virus. The main source of the virus is thefaeces of infected dogs. The faeces of an infected dog can have a high concentration of viral particles.Susceptible animals become infected by ingesting the virus. Subsequently, the virus is carried to theintestine where it invades the intestinal wall and causes inflammation.Unlike most other viruses, CPV is stable in the environment and is resistant to the effects of heat,detergents, and alcohol. CPV has been recovered from dog faeces even after three months at roomtemperature. Due to its stability, the virus is easily transmitted via the hair or feet of infected dogs,contaminated shoes, clothes, and other objects. Direct contact between dogs is not required to spread the virus. Dogs that become infected with the virus and show clinical signs will usually become ill within 7-10 days of the initial infection.How does this disease affect the dog?The clinical manifestations of CPV disease are somewhat variable, but generally take the form of severe vomiting and diarrhoea. The diarrhoea may or may not contain blood. Additionally, affected dogs often exhibit a lack of appetite, depression, and fever. It is important to note that many dogs may not showevery clinical sign, but vomiting and diarrhoea are the most common signs; vomiting usually begins first.Parvo may affect dogs of all ages, but is most common in dogs less than one year of age. Young puppies less than five months of age are often the most severely affected and the most difficult to treat.How is it diagnosed?The clinical signs of CPV infection can mimic other diseases causing vomiting and diarrhoea; consequently, the diagnosis of CPV is often a challenge for the veterinary surgeon . The positive confirmation of CPV infection requires the demonstration of the virus in the faeces or the detection of anti-CPV antibodies in the blood serum. Occasionally, a dog will have parvovirus but test negative for virus in the faeces. Fortunately, this is not a common occurrence. A tentative diagnosis is often based on the presence of a reduced white blood cell count (leukopaenia). If further confirmation is needed, faeces or blood can be submitted to a veterinary laboratory for the other tests. The absence of a leukopaenia does not always mean that the dog cannot have CPV infection. Some dogs that become clinically ill may not necessarily be leukopaenic. Can it be treated successfully?As with any virus disease there is no treatment to kill the virus once it infects the dog. However, the virus does not directly cause death; rather, it causes loss of the lining of the intestinal tract. This results in severe dehydration, electrolyte (sodium and potassium) imbalances, and infection in the bloodstream (septicaemia).It is when the bacteria that normally live in the intestinal tract are able to get into the blood stream, that it becomes more likely that the animal will die.The first step in treatment is to correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. This requires theadministration of intravenous fluids containing electrolytes. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs aregiven to prevent or control septicemia. Antispasmodic drugs are used to inhibit the diarrhoea and vomiting that perpetuate the problems.What is the survival rate?Most dogs with CPV infection recover if aggressive treatment is used and if therapy is begun before severe septicaemia and dehydration occur. For reasons not fully understood, some breeds, notably the Rottweiler, have a much higher fatality rate than other breeds.Can it be prevented?The best method of protecting your dog against CPV infection is proper vaccination. Puppies receive a parvo vaccination as part of the vaccines given from 6 and about 12 weeks of age. In some situations,veterinary surgeons will give the vaccine at two week intervals and an additional booster at 18 to 20weeks of age. After the initial series of vaccinations when the dog is a puppy, all dogs should be boosted at least once a year. Dogs in high exposure situations (i.e. kennels, dog shows, field trials, etc.) may bebetter protected with a booster every six months. Bitches should be boosted before mating or immediately before whelping in order to transfer protective antibodies to the puppies. The final decision about a proper vaccination schedule should be made by your veterinary surgeon.Is there a way to kill the virus in the environment?The stability of the CPV in the environment makes it important to properly disinfect contaminated areas.This can be accomplished by cleaning food bowls, water bowls, and other contaminated items with asolution of 250 mL of chlorine bleach in 5 litres of water. It is important that chlorine bleach orglutaraldehyde based disinfectants be used because many other "viricidal" disinfectants will not kill thecanine parvovirus.Does parvovirus pose a health risk for me? How about for my cats?It is important to note that at the present time, there is no evidence to indicate that CPV is transmissible to cats or humans.Ark Veterinary Centre。
普通植物病理学试题题库一、第一部分: 拉丁学名二、病原菌拉丁学名1、真菌Plasmodiophora (根肿菌属)Physoderma (节壶菌属)Achlya (绵霉属)Pythium (腐霉属)Phytophthora(疫霉属)Peronospora(霜霉属)Spongospora (粉痂菌属)Polymyxa (多粘菌属)Saprolegnia (水霉属)Aphanomyces(丝囊霉属)Sclerospora(指梗霉属)Plasmopara (单轴霉属)Pseudoperonospora (假霜霉属)Bremia (盘梗霉属)Albugo(白锈属)Peronophthora(霜疫霉属)Rhizopus (根霉属)Mucor(毛霉属)Choanephora(笄霉属)Absidia(犁头霉属)Taphrina(外囊菌属)Blumeria(布氏白粉属)Ceratocystis(长喙壳属)Gibberella(赤霉属)Valsa(黑腐皮壳属)Elsinoe(痂囊腔菌属)Guignardia(球座菌属)Venturia (黑星菌属)Sclerotinia (核盘菌属)Erysiphe(白粉属属)Sphaerotheca(单丝壳属)Podosphaera (叉丝单囊壳属)Phyllactinia(球针壳属)Uncinula (钩丝壳属)Microsphaera(叉丝壳属)Meliola(小煤炱属)Glomerella (小丛壳属)Gaeumannomyces(顶囊壳属)Cryphonectria(隐球丛赤壳属)Gnomonia(日规壳属)Phyllachora(黑痣菌属)Diaporthe (间座壳属)Claviceps (麦角菌属)Myrangium(多腔菌属)Mycosphaerella(球腔菌属)Sphaerulina(亚球壳属)Pleospora(格孢腔菌属)Pyrenophora(核腔菌属)Cochliobolus(旋孢腔菌属)Rhytisma(斑痣盘菌属)Lophodermium (散斑壳属)Puccinia(柄锈菌属)Gymnosporangium(胶锈菌属)Ustilago (黑粉菌属)Tranzschelia(疣双胞锈菌属)Uromyces (单胞锈菌属)Phakopsora (层锈菌属)Melampsora(栅锈菌属)Urocystis(条黑粉菌属)Entyloma(叶黑粉菌属)Tilletia(腥黑粉菌属)Sphacelotheca(轴黑粉菌属)Neovossia(尾孢黑粉菌属)Doassansia(实球黑粉菌属)Septobasidium(隔担菌属)Helicobasidium(卷担子属)Exobasidium (外担菌属)Phragmidium(多胞锈菌属)Pyricularia(梨孢属属)Penicillium (青霉属)Bipolaris (平脐蠕孢属)Fusarium (镰孢属)Rhizoctonia(丝核菌属)Colletotrichum (炭疽菌属)Macrophomina(壳球孢属)Monilia (丛梗孢属)Botrytis(葡萄孢属)Trichothecium(聚瑞孢属)Ramularia(柱隔孢属)Oidium(粉孢属)Aspergillus (曲霉属)Verticillium (轮枝孢属)Cercospora (尾孢属)Alternaria (链格孢属)Cladosporium(枝孢属)Fusicladium (黑星孢属)Drechslera(内脐蠕孢属)Exserohilum (突脐蠕孢属)Curvularia (弯孢属)Sclerotium(小核菌属)Ustilaginoidea (绿核菌属)Sphaceloma(痂圆孢属)Marssonina (盘二孢属)Cylindrosporium(柱盘孢属)Pestalotia (盘多毛孢属)Phoma (茎点霉属)Phyllosticta (叶点霉属)Macrophoma (大茎点霉属)Phomopsis(拟茎点霉属)Septoria (壳针孢属)Cytospora (壳囊孢属)Diplodia (色二孢属)Ascochyta(壳二孢属)2. 细菌Agrobacterium(土壤杆菌属)Erwinia (欧氏杆菌属)Pseudomonas (假单胞杆菌属)Xanthomonas (黄单胞杆菌属)Ralstonia(拉尔氏菌属)Burkholderia (布克氏菌属)Xylella (木质部小菌属)Liberobacter(韧皮部杆菌属)Clavibacter (棒形杆菌属)Arthrobacter (节杆菌属)Curtobacterium (短小杆菌属)Rhodococcus(红球菌属)Bacillus(芽孢杆菌属)Streptomyces(链丝菌属)Phytoplasma(植原体属)Spiroplasma(螺原体属)3. 病毒Tobamovirus (烟草花叶病毒属)Cucumovius (黄瓜花叶病毒属)Potyvirus (马铃薯Y病毒属)Luteovirus (黄症病毒属)Nepovirus(蠕传病毒属)Furovirus(真菌传杆状病毒属)Sobemovirus(南方菜豆花叶病毒属)Phytoreovirus (植物呼肠孤病毒属)Geminivirus(联体病毒属)4. 线虫Anguina (粒线虫属)Ditylenchus (茎线虫属)Heterodera (异皮线虫属)Meloidogyne (根结线虫属)Aphelenchoides(滑刃线虫属)5. 寄生性种子植物Cuscuta(菟丝子属)Orobanche (列当属)Loranthus(桑寄生属)Viscum (槲寄生属)Striga(独脚金属)三、请写出引起下列病害的病原菌拉丁文属名(不写种名)十字花科霜霉病十字花科软腐病茄科青枯病马铃薯晚疫病小麦白粉病稻瘟病柑橘溃疡病棉花枯萎病第二部分: 名词解释半寄生:孢囊孢子(sporangiospore):孢子(spore):孢子囊(sporangium):胞间联丝:胞囊(cyst):被动抗病性(passive resistance):闭囊壳(cleistothecium):避病性(avoidance):并发症(complex symptoms):病毒(Virus):病害三角(disease triangle):病害循环(disease cycle):病害严重度(disease severity):病情指数(disease index):病因:病原生物(pathogen):病征(sign):藏卵器(oogonitun):层出现象(proliferation):长生活史型(long life-cycle):初次侵染(Primary infection):初生菌丝体(primary myceliun):次生菌丝体(secondary mycelium): 单分体病毒:单循环病害(monocyclic disease): 单游现象(rnonoplanetism):单主寄生(autoecism):担孢子(basidiospore):担子(basidium):担子果(basidiocarp):垫刃型食道(Tylenchoid oesophagi):冬孢子(teliospore):毒素(toxin):短生活史型(short life-cycle):多分体病毒:多型现象(polymorphism):多循环病害(polycyclic disease):发病率(incidence):发病期(symptom appearance):非寄主抗性(non-host-resistance):非寄主专化性毒素(host-non-specifictoxin):非侵染性病害(Noninfectious diseases):非小种专化抗病性(race-nonspecific re-sistance): 非循回型(noncirulative):分生孢子(conidiurn):分生孢子座(sporodochium):分生孢子梗(conidiophore):分生孢子盘(acervulus):分生孢子器(pycnidium):腐生物(saprogen):附生植物(adnascent plant):附属丝(appendage):附着胞(appressorium):复制增殖(multiplication):刚毛(seta):共栖(commensalism):共生〔symbiosis〕:过敏性坏死反应(necrotic hypersensitivereaction):合子(zygote):核配(karyogamy):厚垣孢子(chlamydospore):滑刃型食道(Aphelenchoid oesophagi):会阴花纹(perineal pattern):活体营养型(biotrophe):获毒(取食)期(acquisition period):基因对基因学说(gene-for-gene theory):季节流行曲线(disease progress curve):寄生物(parasite):寄生性(parasitism):寄生性植物(paraatic plaut):寄生专化性(specialized parasitism):寄主(host):寄主专化性毒素(host specific toxin):假根(rhizoid):假菌丝(pseudomycelium):假囊壳(psendoperithecium或pseudothecium): 兼性寄生物(facultative parasite):减数分裂(meiosis):检疫法规(quarantine regulations):胶质(gum):接合孢子〔zygospore〕:节孢子(arthrospore):介体传播(vector transmission):经济阈值(economic threshold):菌核(sclerotium):菌落(colony):菌丝(hypha):菌丝融合(anastomosis):菌丝型分生孢子:菌索(rhizomorph):苗网(networks loops):抗病性(resistance to disease):抗逆性(resistance):柯赫氏法则(Koch's Rule),类病毒(Viroid):两游现象(diplanetism):卵孢子(oospore):卵囊(egg sac):卵球(oosphere):逻辑斯蒂增长期:矛型食道(Dorylaimoid oesophagi): 木栓化(suberization):内含体(inclusions):耐病性(tolerance):拟薄壁组织(pseudoparenchyrna):农业防治:配子(gamete):配子囊配合(gametangial copulation): 喷菌现象(bacteria exudation, BE):匍匐菌丝(stolon):潜育期(incubation period):侵染过程(infection process):侵染剂量(infection dosage):侵染性病害(infection disease):侵入期(penetration period):侵填体(tylose):全锈型(eu-form rust):缺素症(nutrition deficiencies):茸鞭(tinsel):神经环(nerve ring):生化变种(biovar):生活史(life cycle):生物防治(biological control):受精作用(spermatization):疏丝组织(prosenchyma):死体营养型(necrotroph):锁状联合(clamp connection):同宗配合(homothallism):微效基因抗病性(minor gene resistance): 尾鞭(whiplash):卫星RNA(satellite RNA, sRNA):无隔菌丝(aseptate hypha):无性孢子(asexual spore):无性繁殖(asexual reproduction):无性阶段(imperfect stage):物理防治:吸器(haustonum):系统侵染(systemic infection):夏孢子(uredispore 或urediniospore):线虫(nematodes):小种(race):小种专化抗病性(race-specific resistance): 性孢子(pycrrospore):性不亲和(sexual incompatible):性亲和(sexual compatible):雄器(antheridium)休眠孢子囊(resting sporangium):休止孢(cystcspore):锈孢子(aecicepore):循回期(circulative period):循回型关系(circulative):芽殖(blastic):亚种(subspecies,简称subsp.):异核体(heterokaryon):异宗配合(heterokaryon):隐症现象(masking of symptom):营养体(thallus或soma):游动孢子(zoospore):游动配子配合(planogametic copulation): 有隔菌丝(septate hypha):有性孢子(sexual spore):有性阶段(perfect state或stage):有性生殖(sexual reproduction):诱发抗病性(inducing resistance):诱发植物(evocator plant):预测(prediction)和预报(forecasting): 原担子(probasidium):原核生物(Procaryotes):原质团(plasnodium):越冬和越夏:再次侵染(secondary infection):黏菌(slime molds):真菌(fungus):症状(symptom):植物保卫素(phytoalexin):植物病害(plant disease):植物病害流行:植物检疫(plant quarantine):植原体(phytoplasma):指数增长期:质粒(plasmid):质配(plasmogamy):致病变种(pathovar, 简称pv.):致病力(virulence):致病性(pathogenicity):致发根质粒(rhizogen inducing plasmid俗称Ri质粒):致瘤质粒(tumor inducing plasmid, 俗称为Ti质粒):种(species):主效基因抗病性(major gene resistance):专性寄生物(obligate parasite):转主寄生(heteroecism):准性生殖(parasexuality):子囊(ascus):子囊孢子(ascospore):子囊果(ascocarp):子实层(hymenium):子实体(fruit body):子座(stroma):综合防治:综合症(syndrome):参考答案:半寄生: 寄生物对寄主的寄生关系主要是水分和无机盐的依赖关系这种寄生方式称为半寄生, 俗称为“水寄生”。
艾滋病的特征英文作文高中英文:AIDS, also known as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is characterized by a weakened immune system, making the body vulnerable to various infections and diseases.One of the most prominent features of AIDS is the presence of opportunistic infections. These are infections that take advantage of the weakened immune system in individuals with AIDS. For example, a person with AIDS may develop pneumonia, a type of lung infection, that would not normally affect a person with a healthy immune system. Other common opportunistic infections include tuberculosis, candidiasis, and cytomegalovirus.In addition to opportunistic infections, individuals with AIDS are also at a higher risk of developing certaintypes of cancer, such as Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma. These cancers are more likely to occur in people with weakened immune systems, and they can be particularly aggressive in individuals with AIDS.Another characteristic of AIDS is the presence of HIV-related complications, such as HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). These disorders can affect cognitive function, motor skills, and behavior, and they can significantly impact the quality of life forindividuals with AIDS.It's important to note that the symptoms and progression of AIDS can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience rapid deterioration of their immune system, while others may have a slower progression of the disease. Additionally, the availability of antiretroviral therapy has significantly improved the prognosis for individuals with AIDS, allowing many to live longer and healthier lives.中文:艾滋病,也被称为获得性免疫缺陷综合症,是一种由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的慢性、潜在危及生命的疾病。
A new tobamovirus infecting tomato crops in Jordan
ANNOTATED SEQUENCE RECORDA new tobamovirus infecting tomato crops in JordanN.Salem 1•A.Mansour 1•M.Ciuffo 2•B.W.Falk 3•M.Turina 2Received:22September 2015/Accepted:4November 2015/Published online:19November 2015ÓSpringer-Verlag Wien 2015Abstract In this study,we completed the whole genome sequence of a new tobamovirus isolated from tomato plants grown in greenhouses in Jordan during the spring of 2015.The 6393-nt single-stranded RNA (ssRNA)genome encodes four proteins,as do other tobamoviruses:two replication-related proteins of 126kDa and 183kDa,a 30-kDa movement protein (MP)and a 17.5-kDa coat pro-tein (CP).Phylogenetic analysis showed that this virus does not group with either the tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)or the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)clades.Instead,it stems from a branch leading to the TMV clade.Analysis of possible recombination events between this virus and rep-resentative isolates of closely related tomato-infecting tobamoviruses showed that at least one region originated by recombination.We provide evidence that we have identified a new tobamovirus,for which we propose the name ‘‘tomato brown rugose fruit virus’’.Tobamoviruses are among the most serious threats to vegetable and ornamental crops around the world [1,2].The most important tobamoviruses infecting tomato aretobacco mosaic virus (TMV),tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)and the recently characterized tomato mild mottle virus (ToMMV)[3,4].By far,the historically most important tobamovirus infecting tomato is ToMV,although the recently characterized ToMMV is of growing concern in many parts of the world,including Mexico,the USA and China [5,6].Tobamoviruses are particularly feared in tomato crops grown in protected environments all over the world.They are transmitted long distance through external seed contamination,and mechanically from plant to plant through common culture practices or through circulating water in the case of hydroponic tomato crops [7].Tobamoviruses are characterized by a 300-nm-long rod-shaped particle encapsidating a single-stranded,positive-sense (?ss)RNA genome encoding four proteins:the genomic segment expresses two replication-related pro-teins of 126and 183kDa,resulting from partial suppres-sion of a stop codon;a 30-kDa movement protein (MP)is expressed through a subgenomic RNA1(sgRNA1);and a 17.5-kDa coat protein (CP)is expressed from a second subgenomic RNA2(sgRNA2)[1].TMV was the first virus to be identified as a new class of disease-causing agents in 1898[8,9].Tobamoviruses are a thoroughly studied model system for plant viruses in all aspects of their infection cycle [9].In April 2015,a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ,cv.Candela)crop grown in greenhouses in Jordan showed mild foliar symptoms at the end of the season but strong brown rugose symptoms on fruits that greatly affected the market value of the crop.Disease incidence was close to 100%.The type of symptoms and the pattern of disease distribution in the affected fields suggested a viral aetiol-ogy.Total RNA was extracted from fruits and leaves of symptomatic plants,using an SV-Total RNA Extraction Kit (Promega,Madison,WI,USA)followingElectronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00705-015-2677-7)contains supplementary material,which is available to authorized users.&;massimo.turina@r.it1Department of Plant Protection,Faculty of Agriculture,The University of Jordan,Amman 11942,Jordan2Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante,Sez.di Torino,CNR,Strada delle Cacce 73,10135Turin,Italy 3Department of Plant Pathology,University of California,Davis,CA 95616,USAArch Virol (2016)161:503–506DOI 10.1007/s00705-015-2677-7manufacturer’s instructions.A number of RT-PCR tests were conducted against the most common tomato-infecting viruses,including pepino mosaic virus(PepMV)[10], tomato torrado virus(ToTV)[10],potato virus Y(PVY) [11],alfalfa mosaic virus(AMV)[12],and tomato spotted wilt virus(TSWV)[13];a general test for tobamoviruses was also employed[14].We also performed DAS-ELISA for PVY and TSWV using specific antisera from BIOR-EBA AG(Reinach,Switzerland),following a standard method[15].Furthermore,we performed mechanical transmission to a set of indicator plants using0.01M phosphate buffer[13].Indicator plants showing symptoms were back-indexed by RT-PCR for tobamoviruses.ELISA results showed that none of the tested samples were infected with PVY or TSWV,whereas RT-PCR only gave an amplified product of the expected size(400bp) using the generic tobamovirus oligonucleotides.To con-firm the identity of the amplified product,the DNA was gel purified using a Wizard DNA Clean-up System kit(Pro-mega),and Sanger sequencing was carried out by Quintara Biosciences,CA,USA.Surprisingly,BLASTn searches [16]of the databases revealed that the most closely related sequence was that of ToMMV(KP202857),with92% coverage and86%identity at the nucleotide level(E value,1e-98).This level of identity suggested that this virus could represent a new tobamovirus species. Mechanically inoculated plants showed a variety of local and systemic symptoms(Supplementary Table S1).Virus infection was confirmed in inoculated plants through RT-PCR for tobamoviruses and further sequencing.TheTMV strain Ohio VRheMVisolate:_JapaneseToMV strain ToMV1-2ToMV K1_strainToMV strain_N5ToMV S-1ToMMV isolate_MX5ToMMV10-100ToMV XJT-1BPMV Eggplant isolateTMV isolate_ShaoxingTMV isolate Tianzhu-1TMV isolate Changle-9TMV ChinaTMV isolate TMV-017TMV isolate TMV-WS06TMV Pingtang2Tobamovirus Jordan504N.Salem et al.resulting RT-PCR product had the exact sequence of the one obtained from the original symptomatic tomato plants. Back-inoculation from a single local lesion(Nicotiana tabacum cv.White Burley)reproduced mosaic symptoms on tomato plants(cv.Marmande).In order to obtain the complete virus genome sequence we made a cDNA library of overlapping clones as described previously[17].Terminal sequences were obtained by5’-3’RACE fol-lowing previously described protocols[18].A Thermo-script RT-PCR kit(Invitrogen,Grand Island,NY,USA) and Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase(Fisher Sci-entific,Pittsburgh,PA,USA)were used for reverse tran-scription and PCR,respectively,according to manufacturer’s instructions.PCR fragments were ligated into pCRBlunt plasmid(Invitrogen),cloned in Escherichia coli DH5a competent cells according to standard protocols, and sequenced.Overlapping clones were assembled to obtain the complete sequence using Vector NTI software v. 10(Invitrogen).The full-length genome sequence is6393nt in length,and the genome organization is typical of tobamoviruses,con-taining four ORFs:two ORFs encoding replication-related proteins(ORF1a and ORF1b)of126and183kDa;ORF2 encoding an MP of ca.30kDa,and ORF3encoding a CP of ca.17.5kDa.The genome sequence was deposited in the GenBank database with the accession number KT383474.In order to compare this new sequence with those of closely related tobamoviruses,we selected a number of full-length genome sequences from the databases (GenBank accession numbers in Supplementary Table S2) and performed alignments with Clustal W(implemented in MEGA6)[19].Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the neighbour-joining method[20]as well as the maxi-mum-likelihood method based on the general time-re-versible model run within MEGA6,allowing1000 bootstrap replicates.Percent pairwise identities among the aligned full-length nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequences were calculated using MatGAT v.2.03 software[21].All four phylogenetic trees(one for the complete gen-ome nucleotide sequence and three for the deduced amino acid sequences of ORF1b,MP and CP)showed similar topologies,and the proposed new tobamovirus from Jordan does not group with any of the clades that include the three other tomato-infecting tobamoviruses(Fig.1and data not shown).In each phylogenetic tree,this novel virus stems from a branch in common with TMV isolates.The new tobamovirus from Jordan had the highest nucleotide sequence identity(82.4%)with TMV strain Ohio V (Table1).In the case of ToMMV,which has recently been proposed to be a member of a distinct tobamovirus species, the most closely related virus(ToMV)had84.6% sequence identity.Therefore,the lower percent identity for the new tobamovirus from Jordan strongly suggests that it should be considered a member of a new species(Table1). Accordingly,examining the percent identity among deduced CP amino acid sequences(data not shown),the virus from Jordan has the highest identity(90.4%)to threeTable1Percent pairwise identities(top set of data)and similarities(lower set of data)among the full-length genomic nucleotide sequences of the isolates considered in this study,generated using MatGAT v.2.03software12345678910111213141516171819202122232425261TMV (Variant 1)79.762.579.386.698. strain OM79.863.184.679.979.579.579.679.679.579.579.379.479.299.599.399.499.284.678.981.699.277.770.970.970.73ORSV62.963.462.762.362.462.462.262.262.562.462.262.562.863.163.263.16362.762.363.46363.864.264644ToMMV 10-10079.484.66379.879.379.379.579.479.279.379.379.278.684.684.684.684.699.678.781.284.677.569.969.769.75TMV strain Ohio V86.68062.679.986.486.486.486.586.586.686.485.28679.979.879.879.879.88482.479.875.669.769.669.56TMV isolate_Shaoxing98.279.662.979.486.499.298.998.798.198.798.484.994.379.579.379.479.379.384.282.379.475.6707069.97TMV isolate Tianzhu-198.179.662.879.486.499.298.798.59898.598.384.99479.579.479.479.379.384.382.379.475.770.170708TMV Pingtang-298.279.762.679.686.498.998.798.69898.798.48594.179.579.479.479.379.584.382.279.475.769.969.969.89TMV isolate Changle-998.179.762.679.586.598.798.598.698.198.798.484.99479.579.379.479.379.484.282.279.475.669.869.869.710TMV China99.579.66379.386.598.1989898.19897.784.994.279.679.579.479.479.28482.279.575.669.969.969.711TMV isolate TMV-01798.179.662.879.386.698.798.598.798.79898.484.894.179.479.379.379.379.384.182.179.475.669.869.869.712TMV isolate TMV-WS0697.879.562.679.486.498.498.398.498.497.798.484.693.879.379. Japanese8579.462.879.385.284.984.98584.984.984.884.684.179.379. Rakkyo94.379.363.278.78694.39494.19494.294.193.884. strain ToMV1-279.899.563.584.68079.679.679.779.779.779.679.579.479.399.399.299.284.678.981.699.277.670.870.870.616ToMV K1_strain79.799.363.584.679.979.579.579.579.579.679.579.379.279.299.399.199.184.678.781.59977.671.17170.717ToMV strain_N579.799.463.484.679.979.579.579.679.679.679.579.379.379. S-179.699.263.484.679.979.479.479.579.579.579.479.379.27999.299.198.984.678.681.498.877.570.870.870.619ToMMV isolate_MX579.484.66399.679.979.479.479.679.579.379.379.479.378.784.684.684.684.678.681.284.677.47069.869.720RheMV_isolate_Henan84.178.962.878.88484.284.384.384.28484.18494.183.97978.778.978.778.781.178.774.469.869.669.721Tobamovirus Jordan82.281.763.881.482.482.382.382. XJT-179.899.263.484.679.979.579.579.679.679.679.579.479.279.399.29999.398.884.678.881.777.670.970.870.6 23BPMV Eggplant isolate75.877.764.377.675.775.775.875.775.775.775.675.77575.677.677.677.677.677.574.576.677.77069.970.1 24PMMoV strain_Iw70.271.264.770.269.870.270.27069.97069.970.170.469.571.171.471.371.170.37069.871.270.299.697.325PMMoV strain L4BV70.271.164.77069.770.270.27069.97069.970.170.369.571.171.271.27170.169.869.771.17099.697.2 26PMMoV strain BR-DF017070.964.569.969.67070.269.969.869.969.87070.369.470.8717170.869.969.969.870.970.397.397.2All pairwise identities related to the new tobamovirus from Jordan are shown in gray.The highest percent identity is shown in brownA new tobamovirus infecting tomato crops in Jordan505TMV isolates,whereas for ToMMV,the closest ToMV isolate,has91%identity.Possible recombination events among the four tomato-infecting tobamoviruses(including the Ohio V TMV strain)were investigated using Recombination Detection Program(RDP)v.4.16[22],using as the inputfile the alignment of thefive full-length tobamovirus genomes obtained with Clustal W.The analysis was done using all seven recombination detection algorithms(GENECONV, Bootscan,Chimaera,MaxChi,SiScan,3Seq and RDP)with default settings,and it revealed a number of putative recombination events.Specifically,the new virus from Jordan displays one well-supported recombination event comprising the region between nt534and nt848;the minor parent could potentially be ToMMV,and the major parent,the strain Ohio V of TMV(Supplementary Tab S3).A phylogenetic tree derived from sequences within the segment from nt534to848shows that the tobamovirus from Jordan stems from a branch together with ToMV and ToMMV isolates,contrary to the phylogenetic tree derived from the remainder of the genome(Supplementary Fig.S1).Taken together,our results indicate that we have iso-lated a new tobamovirus,for which we propose the name ‘‘tomato brown rugose fruit virus’’.Acknowledgments Massimo Turina was in part supported by a ‘‘short-term mobility scholarship’’awarded by the National Research Council of Italy.Nida’Salem is grateful to Saja Odeh for her tech-nical help.References1.Adams MJ,Antoniw JF,Kreuze J(2009)Virgaviridae:a newfamily of rod-shaped plant viruses.Arch Virol154:1967–1972 2.Pagan I,Firth C,Holmes EC(2010)Phylogenetic analysis revealsrapid evolutionary dynamics in the plant RNA virus genus Tobamovirus.J Mol Evol71:298–3073.Hanssen IM,Lapidot M,Thomma BPHJ(2010)Emerging viraldiseases of tomato crops.Mol Plant Microbe Interact23:539–548 4.Li R,Gao S,Fei Z,Ling KS(2013)Complete genome sequenceof a new tobamovirus naturally infecting tomatoes in Mexico.Genome Announc1(5).doi:10.1128/genomeA.00794-135.Li YY,Wang CL,Xiang D,Li RH,Liu Y,Li F(2014)Firstreport of tomato mottle mosaic virus infection of pepper in China.Plant Dis98:14476.Webster CG,Rosskopf EN,Lucas L,Mellinger HC,Adkins S(2014)First report of tomato mottle mosaic virus infecting tomato in the United States.Plant 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2019高考英语一轮选练习题Unit 2 Healthy eating(含解析)新人教版必修3编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2019高考英语一轮选练习题Unit 2 Healthy eating(含解析)新人教版必修3)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
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Unit 2 Healthy eating李仕才一、阅读理解AA new study has found the amount of antibiotics (抗生素) given to farm animals is expected to increase by two。
thirds over the next 15 years. Researchers are linking the growing dependence on the drugs to the increasing need for meat, milk and eggs. However, the drugs could quicken the development of antibiotic。
resistant infections (感染)。
Such infections are already a major public health concern in the United States。
The World Health Organization(WHO) notes when people stop living in poverty(贫困), the first thing they want to do is eat better,rather than earn more money。
0 引言非洲猪瘟(African swine fever ,ASF )是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus ,ASFV )引起的一种急性、热性、高度接触性、广泛出血性猪烈性传染病。
该病发病急、病程短,具有较高的死亡率,家猪急性感染后病死率高达100%[1-3],该病可感染家猪、野猪和软蜱,ASFV 是虫媒病毒中唯一的DNA 病毒。
2018年8月ASF 疫情首次在中国境内被报道[4],zhou XT 等[5]对辽宁沈阳分离毒株进行遗传进化分析,结果可见毒株ASFV-SY18为基因II 型,该毒株的P72基因与格鲁吉亚(Georgia 2007)、爱沙尼亚(Estonia 2014)、俄罗斯(Krasnodar 2012、Irkutsk 2017)流行株具有100%一致性,从遗传进化分析结果推测此次中国疫情的出现可能来自俄罗斯和东欧。
农业农村部统计数据显示,截至2021年12月底,我国共报告发生ASF 疫情196起,累计扑杀生猪120.79万头,给我国生猪产业造成巨大的经济损失。
国家统计局数据显示,2021年末全国生猪存栏44 922万头,同比增长10.5%,其中能繁母猪存栏4 329万头,同比增长4.0%,分别达到2017年末的101.7%和96.8%;全国生猪出栏67 128万头,比2020年基金项目:贵州省科技支撑项目“贵州省家猪和野猪非洲猪瘟病毒传播途径的流行病学调查和MCDA-LFB 检测方法的建立及初步应用”(黔科合支撑〔2020〕1Y037号);“基于蒙特卡洛仿真技术的规模养殖场非洲猪瘟定量风险评估模型构建与示范应用”(黔科合支撑〔2021〕一般163号)作者简介:李世静(1990-),女,汉族,贵州遵义人,硕士研究生,兽医师,主要从事动物疫病防控及卫生监督。
Epstein-Barr Virus Infection (Infectious Mononucleosis)
In 1923, Downey and McKinlay – detailed description of the lymphocyte morphology.
In 1932, Paul and Bunnell – Identified heterophile antibodies in serum during acute IM.
No previous
AAP. Red book2006;286-288.
EBV-associated tumors
In normal hosts, cellular immune : adequate for control and sequestration of EBV-infected cells.
Epstein-Barr Virus Infection (Infectious Mononucleosis)
Pranee Sitaposa, M.D.
中国免疫学杂志2024 年第 40 卷真菌毒素对树突状细胞免疫应答的影响于欢 尚国富 欧沙 洪亮 曾柱 胡祖权 (贵州医科大学生物与工程学院,贵州省感染免疫与抗体工程特色重点实验室,省部共建药用植物功效与利用国家重点实验室,贵阳 550025)中图分类号 R392 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000-484X (2024)04-0862-04[摘要] 真菌毒素是病原真菌产生的次级代谢产物,常污染多种农作物,通过食物链对人畜健康造成严重危害。
树突状细胞(DCs )作为功能最强大的抗原提呈细胞,在启动先天免疫和获得性免疫应答中发挥重要作用。
现有研究发现真菌毒素能够影响DCs 的内吞作用、刺激T 细胞活化的能力以及细胞因子和趋化因子的分泌,本文旨在综述真菌毒素对DCs 免疫应答的影响,为后续研究阐明真菌毒素的免疫毒性机制提供参考。
[关键词] 真菌毒素;免疫毒性;树突状细胞;抗原提呈细胞Effects of mycotoxins on immune response of dendritic cellsYU Huan , SHANG Guofu , OU Sha , HONG Liang , ZENG Zhu , HU Zuquan. School of Biology and Engineering , Key Laboratory of Infectious Immune and Antibody Engineering in Guizhou Province , State Key Laboratory of Func⁃tions and Applications of Medicinal Plants , Guizhou Medical University , Guiyang 550025, China[Abstract ] Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by pathogenic fungi. They often contaminate various crops , and aredetrimental to human and animal health. Mycotoxins have a variety of toxic effects , such as neurotoxicity , hepatotoxicity , immunotox‑icity , teratogenicity , and carcinogenicity. However , the mechanism of immunotoxicity is still unclear. Dendritic cells (DCs ), as the most potent antigen presenting cells , play a vital role in initiating innate and adaptive immune responses. Previous studies have found that mycotoxins can affect the endocytosis of DCs , the ability to stimulate T cell activation , the secretion of cytokines and chemokines.Thus , this review is aim to summarize the effects of mycotoxins on DCs -mediated immune responses , which may provide reference for researches to clarify the immunotoxicity mechanism of mycotoxins.[Key words ] Mycotoxins ;Immunotoxicity ;Dendritic cells ;Antigen -presenting cells病原真菌不仅侵染植物引起病害,还可在临床上引起侵袭性真菌病、角膜炎和真菌性鼻窦炎等严重疾病[1-4]。
The largest outbreak of the deadly disease Ebola was caused b y an infected bat biting a toddler, say a group of international re searchers.The 17-strong team of European and African tropical disease resear chers, ecologists and anthropologists(人类学家) have spent three weeks investigating the outbreak of the d isease in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Nigeria.The researchers captured the batsand other creatures near the village of Meliandoua in remote ea stern , where the present epidemic began in December 2013.The boy was bitten and passed the infection on to his mother a nd both were dead within a week. The disease was then spreadfar and wide by mourners who came to the funeral.Scientists have long believed that bats are the main carriers for the disease but it is rare for them to pass it on to man.Most of the previousoutbreaks have been caused by meat from dead infected anim als collected by hunters who then sell it on.Fruit bats, however, are widely eaten in rural west Africa – eithe r smoked, grilled or in a spicy soup.The team lead by epidemiologist Fabian Leendertz, a disease e cologist at the Robert Koch Institute in , are expected to publish their results in a major journal soon.Initial research believed that a new strain of Ebola had e merged in west Africa but according to Herr Leendertz the strai n of the disease is one related to as Zaire ebolavirus, identified more than 10 years ago in the Congo.Herr Leendertz's team believe that an infected straw-coloured fruit bat brought the disease to .The mammals are known to travel long distances and usually settle in forests near cities.More than 1,300 people have died in the current epidemic man y in .Herr Leendertz said: "We spent eight days in Meliandoua. They told us they regularly catch bats,like every other village in Guinea, Sierra Leone and . The evide nce is not 100 percent and we can only say that it is possible.'They can travel far in one night. I don't think an individual bat or colonymigrated all the way from Congo or to west Africa. These big c olonies are connected. There is a possibility for the virus to mix between colonies. [The bats] share the same fruit. It is likely not to have even been one species of bat. The virus may j ump from one species to another."If the bat theory confirmed, locals would try to destroy the coloni es which says Herr Leendertz 'would be an ecological disaster because bats pollinat e(授粉) plants and devour(吞食,毁灭)insects. And bat hunts would also only increase human contact with potentially infected animals."科学家发现埃博拉病毒的源头一个由多国科学家组成的研究团队宣称找到此次埃博拉病毒大爆发的源头:一名2岁男孩被感染该病毒的果蝠叮咬。
Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases中国动物传染病学报2023,31(1):26-33·研究论文·猫冠状病毒对猫的致病性研究张心琴1,黄崇强1,余星莹1,李修文1,周华波1,2,刘林林1,郭嘉宁1,郭金凡1,曾 昊1,余良政1,韦祖樟1,欧阳康1,黄伟坚1,陈 樱1(1.广西大学动物科技学院 家畜传染病与分子免疫学实验室,南宁530004;2.南宁市华波宠物医院,南宁530004)摘 要:为了解猫冠状病毒(FCoV )在猫体内感染导致猫传染性腹膜炎(FIP )的临床特征和病变情况。
本研究通过猫腹腔攻毒感染试验,验证两株来自患病猫腹水样品的FCoV 阳性毒株能否导致猫出现FIP 。
结果表明,FCoV -GXNN531组攻毒14 d 后,猫出现发热(>39.5℃),食欲逐渐废绝,体内出现严重的腹水(超过原来体重的25%),SAA 值最高达到79.65 mg/L ,而FCoV -HNZZ527组攻毒猫在感染32 d 后出现发热(>39.5℃),厌食、消瘦、鼻眼分泌物增多、拉稀等临床症状,SAA 最高到达105.81 mg/L 。
RT -PCR 检测结果表明两株病毒在肝脏、肺脏、脾脏、肾脏、膀胱、肠管、腹水均有复制。
结果证明临床获得的两株毒株均能引起猫出现较为明显FIP 症状,其中FCoV -GXNN531毒株可使猫出现严重腹水,临床表现为严重的腹膜炎。
本研究为今后临床上及早诊断和预防FCoV 的感染提供了一定的理论指导。
关键词:猫冠状病毒;猫传染性腹膜炎;致病性中图分类号: S858.293文献标志码: A文章编号:1674-6422(2023)01-0026-08Pathogenicity of Feline Coronavirus in CatsZHANG Xinqin 1, HUANG Chongqiang 1, YU Xingying 1, LI Xiuwen 1, ZHOU Huabo 1,2,LIU Linlin 1, GUO Jianing 1, GUO Jinfan 1, ZENG Hao 1, YU Liangzheng 1, WEI Zuzhang 1,OUYANG Kang 1, HUANG Weijian 1, CHEN Ying 1(1. Laboratory of Animal Infectious Disease and Immunology, College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning530004, China; 2. Huabo Pet Hospital, Nanning 530004, China)收稿日期:2020-09-09基金项目:大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201910593085);广西自然科学基金联合资助培育项目(2018GXNSFAA294048)作者简介:张心琴,女,本科,动物医学专业;黄崇强,男,本科,动物医学专业;余星莹,女,本科,动物医学专业通信作者:陈樱,E-mail:****************.cn Abstract: Feline coronavirus (FCoV) commonly causes intestinal infection in cats and occasionally causes systemic and lethal immune-mediated diseases, which is known as feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). The purpose of the present study was to experimentally verify whether two FCoV strains from the ascetic fl uid of sick cats could induce FIP in cats. The cats inoculated with the FCoV-GXNN531 strain showed fever (>39.5℃), gradual appetite abrogation and severe ascetic fl uid (more than 25% of their original body weight), and SAA value up to 79.65 mg/L at 14 days post inoculation. The cats inoculated with the FCoV-GXNN531 strain showed fever (>39.5℃), anorexia, increased nasal and ocular discharges, diarrhea and SAA value up to 105.81 mg/L at 32 days post inoculation. Both strains induced visible lesions in many organs of infected cats, especially lungs, kidneys and livers. Pathological examination revealed pulmonary· 27 ·张心琴等:猫冠状病毒对猫的致病性研究第31卷第1期猫 冠状病毒(Feline coronavirus, FCoV)是一种大型球状有囊膜的单股正链RNA病毒,属于 冠状病毒科的α 冠状病毒。
医学微生物学常用英语词汇AAbortive infection 顿挫感染* Absorption 吸附* Acid-fast bacilli 抗酸杆菌Acquired immunity 获得性免疫* Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合征* Actinomyces 放线菌属Acute infection 急性感染* Adenovirus 腺病毒Adhesin 粘附素A.flavus 黄曲霉A. israelii 衣氏放线菌* Anaerobic bacteria 厌氧性细菌Anaerobic medium 厌氧培养基Antibody dependent enhancement,ADE 抗体依赖的促进作用Antigenic drift 抗原漂移Antigenic shift 抗原性转换* Antisepsis 防腐* Antistreptolysin O (ASO) test, 抗链球菌溶素O试验Antiviral protein,AVP 抗病毒蛋白Apoptosis 细胞凋亡* Apparent infection 显性感染Arbovirus 虫媒病毒* Artificial active immunization 人工主动免疫* Artificial passive immunization 人工被动免疫* Asepsis 无菌Aspergillus 曲霉* Assembly and release 装备与释放* Astrovirus 星状病毒Autotroph 自养菌* Attenuated vaccine 减毒疫苗B* Bacillus 杆菌、芽胞杆菌属* Bacillus anthracis 炭疽芽胞杆菌Bacillus cereus 蜡样芽胞杆菌* Bacteremia 菌血症Bacterial infection 细菌感染* Bacterial L form 细菌L型* Bacteriocin 细菌素* Bacteriophage 噬菌体* Bacterium 细菌Bartonella 巴尔通体属* Bacteriodes fragilis 脆弱类杆菌Bifidobacterium 双歧杆菌属* Binary fission 二分裂B.hanselae 汉赛巴尔通体* Bioproduct 生物制品* Biosynthesis 生物合成Biotype 生物型* Biovar trachoma 沙眼生物亚种Blastospore 芽生胞子* Borrelia burgdoyferi 伯氏疏螺旋体* Botulin 肉毒毒素Bovine spongiform encephalopathy,BSE 牛海绵状脑病(疯牛病) * Bordetella pertussis 百日咳鲍特菌* Brucella 布鲁菌属Burkitt,s lymphoma,BL 伯基特淋巴瘤C* Candida albicans 白假丝酵母菌* Calicivirus 杯状病毒Campylobacter 弯曲菌属* Capsid 衣壳Capsomere 壳粒* Capsule 荚膜* Carrier 带菌者* Carrier state 带菌状态Cat scratch disease, CSD 猫抓病* C.botulinum 肉毒梭菌 C.difficile 艰难梭菌Cell membrane 细胞膜Cellular microbiology 细胞微生物学Cell wall 细胞壁* Chlamydia 衣原体Chlamydospore 厚膜胞子Cholera toxin,CT 霍乱毒素* Chronic infection 慢性感染 C.jejuni 空肠弯曲菌* Classical biotype 古典生物型* Clostridium 梭菌属* Coagulase 凝固酶* Coccus 球菌* Colony 菌落Colonization 定植Complex symmetry 复合对称* Conditional pathogen 条件致病菌* Conjugation 接合Core polysaccharide 核心多糖Coronavirus 冠状病毒* Corynebacterium diphtheriae 白喉棒状杆菌* Coxsackievirus 柯萨奇病毒* Coxiella burnetii 贝纳柯克斯体* C.perfringens 产气荚膜梭菌* C.pneumoniae 肺炎衣原体* Cryptococcus neoformans 新生隐球菌* C.tetani 破伤风梭菌* C.trachomatis 沙眼衣原体* Culture medium 培养基* Cytomegalovirus,CMV 巨细胞病毒Cytoplasme 细胞质* Cytopathic effect,CPE 细胞病变效应D* Darkfeild microscope 暗视野显微镜Decline phase 衰亡期Defective interfering particles,DIP 缺陷干扰颗粒* Defective virus 缺陷病毒* Dengue virus 登革病毒* Dermatophytes 皮肤癣菌* Diplococcus 双球菌Differential medium 鉴别培养基* Disinfectant 消毒剂* Disinfection 消毒* Dysbacteriosis 菌群失调* Dysentery bacterium 痢疾杆菌EE.aerogenes 产气肠杆菌EB early antigen,EA EB病毒早期抗原EB nuclear antigen,EBNA EB病毒核抗原* Eclipse period 隐蔽期* Ehrlichia 埃立克体属Electron microscope 电子显微镜elementary body 原体* El tor biotype Eltor 生物型* Encephalitis B virus 乙型脑炎病毒* Endogenous infection 内源性感染Endospore 内芽胞* Endotoxemia 内毒素血症* Endotoxin 内毒素Enteric adenovirus 肠道腺病毒* ECHO , Enteric cytopathogenic human orphan virus ECHO病毒* EAggEC, Enteroaggregative E.coli 肠凝集性大肠埃希菌* EHEC, Enterohemorrhagic E.coli 肠出血性大肠埃希菌* EIEC, Enteroinvasive E.coli 肠侵袭性大肠埃希菌* EPEC, Enteropathogenic E.coli 肠致病性大肠埃希菌* ETEC, Enterotoxigenic E.coli 肠产毒性大肠埃希菌* Enterotoxin 肠毒素* Enterovirus 肠道病毒* Envelope 包膜Epidermolytic toxin 表皮溶解毒素Epidermophyton 表皮癣菌* Epstein-Barr virus,EBV EB病毒Erythrogenic toxin 红疹毒素* Escherichia coli 大肠埃希菌Exfoliative toxin,or exfoliatin 表皮剥脱毒素* Exogenous infection 外源性感染* Exotoxin 外毒素* Extracellular bacteria 胞外菌F* Facultative anaerobe 兼性厌氧菌* Fertility factor,F factor 致育因子Filamentous fungus 丝状菌Filter 滤菌器* Filtration 滤过除菌法* Fimbriae 菌毛* Flagellum 鞭毛Flaviviridae 黄病毒科Forest encephalitis virus 森林脑炎病毒Fractional sterilization 间歇蒸气灭菌法* Fungus 真菌G* Generalized infection 全身感染Generalized transduction 普遍性转导* Gene transfer 基因转移* Genus 菌属* Gonococcus 淋球菌* Gram stain 革兰染色* Growth curve 生长曲线* Growth factor 生长因子H* Haemophilus influenzae 流感嗜血杆菌* Hantavirus 汉坦病毒Hantaan virus 汉滩病毒Heat-labile enterotoxin,LT 不耐热肠毒素Heat-stable enterotoxin,ST 耐热肠毒素Heat-stable nuclease 耐热核酸酶* Helicobacter pylori 幽门螺杆菌* Helical symmetry 螺旋对称* Hemagglutinin ,HA 血凝素* α-hemolytic streptococcus 甲型(α)溶血链球菌* β-hemolytic steptococcus 乙性(β)溶血性链菌Hepadnaviridae 嗜肝DNA病毒科* HAV, Hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒* HBV, Hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒* HCV, Hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒* HDV, Hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒* HEV, hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒* HGV, hepatitis G virus 庚型肝炎病毒Herpesviridae 疱疹病毒科Histoplasma capsulatum 荚膜组织胞浆菌* Horizontal transmission 水平传播* Herpes simplex virus,HSV 单纯疱疹病毒Heterotroph 异养菌Human cytomegalovirus HCMV 人巨细胞病毒* Human herpes viruses,HHV 人疱疹病毒Human herpesvirus 6,HHV-6 人疱疹病毒6型Human herpesvirus 7,HHV-7 人疱疹病毒7型Human herpesvirus 8,HHV-8 人疱疹病毒8型* Human immunodeficiency viru ,HIV 人类免疫缺陷病毒* Human papillomavirus,HPV 人乳头瘤病毒属Human T-cell lymphotropic virus, HTLV 人类嗜T细胞病毒* Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶* Hypha 菌丝IIatrogenic infection 医源性感染* Icosahedral symmetry 二十面体对称Immortalization 永生化Immune enhancement 免疫促进作用* Inactivated vaccine 灭活疫苗* Inactivation 灭活* Inapparent infection 隐性感染* Inclusion bodies 包涵体* Infection immunity 传染免疫* Influenza virus 流行性感冒病毒Initial body 始体* Innate immunity 天然免疫lnsertion sequence, IS 插入序列* Integration 整合Interference 干扰现象* Interferon 干扰素* Invasiveness 侵袭Invasin 侵袭素JJapanese encephalitis virus 日本脑炎病毒KKanagawa phenomenon,KP 神奈川现象klebsiella 克雷伯菌属K.pneumoniae 肺炎克雷伯菌Kuru disease 库鲁病L* Latent infection 潜伏感染Latent membrane protein,LMP 潜伏感染膜蛋白Lecithinase 卵磷脂酶* Legionella 军团菌属* Leptospira 钩端螺旋体Light microscope 光学显微镜L.interrogans 问号状钩端螺旋体* Lipid A 脂质A* Lipopolysaccharide, LPS 脂多糖Lipoteichoic acid, LTA 脂磷壁酸Liver specific Protein,LSP 肝特异性脂蛋白抗原Logarithmic phase 对数期L. Pneumophila 嗜肺军团菌* Lyme disease 莱姆病Lyophilization 冷冻真空干燥法* Lysogenic phage 溶原性噬菌体* Lysogenic bacterium 溶原性细菌* Lysogenic conversion 溶原性转换* Lysozyme 溶菌酶MMacrocomidium 大分生孢子Malassezia furfur 秕糠马拉癣菌Matrix prote M1 基质蛋白M1 * Measles virus 麻疹病毒Median infective dose ID50 半数感染量Median lethal dose LD50 半数致死量* Medical microbiology 医学微生物学* Medical virology 医学病毒学Membrane antigen,MA 膜抗原* Meningococcus 脑膜炎球菌Mesosome 中介体* Metachromatic granule 异染颗粒Methicillin resistant S.aureus,MRSA 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌* Microaerophilic bacterium 微需氧菌* Microbiology 微生物学Microcapsule 微荚膜Microconidium 小分生孢子Microecology 微生态学* Microorganism 微生物Microsporum 小孢子癣菌* M.leprae 麻风分枝杆菌* Mold 霉菌* M. Pneumoniae 肺炎支原体* M.tuberculosis 结核分枝杆菌Mucor 毛霉Multiple resistance 多种耐药性* Mumps virus 腮腺炎病毒* Mycelium 菌丝体* Mycobacterium 分枝杆菌Mycolic acid 分枝菌酸* Mycoplasma 支原体N* Negri body 内基小体* Negative staining 负染* Neisseria 奈瑟菌属* Neuraminidase, NA 神经氨酸酶Neurotoxin 神经毒素* N.gonorrhoeae 淋病奈瑟菌* N.meningitidis 膜炎奈瑟菌Nocardia asteroids 星形诺卡菌Nocardia brasiliensis 巴西诺卡菌* Nonpathogenic bacterium,nonpathogen 非病原菌Nonpermissive cells 非容许性细胞* Nonspecific immunity 非特异性免疫Nontuberculosis mycobacteria 非结核分枝杆菌* Normal flora 正常菌群Norwalk 诺瓦克病毒* Nosocomial infction 医院内感染* Nuclear material 核质Nucleoprotein,NP 核蛋白* Nuclocapsid 核衣壳Nutrient agar 营养琼脂Nutrient broth 营养肉汤O* Obligate aerobe 专性需氧菌* Obligate anaerobe 专性厌氧菌Old tuberculin,OT 旧结核菌素* Opportunistic pathogenesis 机会致病性Ordinary pilus 普通菌毛Orientia 东方体属* Orthomyxoviridae 正粘病毒科Outer membrane 外膜* Outer membrane protein,OMP 外膜蛋白PP.aeruginasa 铜绿假单胞菌Papovaviridae 乳多空病毒科属Parainfluenza virus 副流感病毒Paramyxoviridae 副粘病毒科Parasite 寄生菌* Parvovirus 细小病毒* Pasteurization 巴氏消毒法* Pathogenic bacterium,pathogen 病原菌* Pathogenicity 致病性Penetration 穿入Penton 五邻体* Peptostreptococcus 消化链球菌属* Peptidoglycan 肽聚糖Permissive cells 容许性细胞* Persistent viral infection 持续性病毒感染* Phagocytosis 吞噬作用Phagolysome 吞噬溶酶体Phagosome 吞噬体* Picornaviridae 小RNA病毒科Pilin 菌毛蛋白* Pilus 菌毛* Pinocytosis 吞饮作用Pinosome 吞饮体Plaque 噬斑Plaque forming units, pfu 噬斑形成单位* Plasmid 质粒* Pneumocystis carinii 卡氏肺孢菌* Pneumococcus 肺炎球菌* Poliovirus 脊髓灰质炎病毒Primary atypical pneumonia 原发性非典型性肺炎* Prion ( prion protine,PrP ) 朊粒* Prokaryotae 原核生物界* Prophage 前噬菌体Proteus 变形杆菌Protopast fusion 原生质体融合Pseudomonas 假单胞菌属Pure culture 纯培养Purified protein derivative,PPD 纯蛋白衍生物* Pyemia 脓毒血症* Pyogenic coccus 化脓性球菌Pyogenic streptococcus 化脓性链球菌*Pyrogen 热原质Pyrogenic exotoxin 致热外毒素R* Rabies virus 狂犬病病毒Reassortment 重配Recombination 重组Reovirus 呼肠病毒Resistance transfer factor, RTF 耐药性传递因子* Respiratory syscytial virus, RSV 呼吸道合胞病毒Restricted transduction 局限性转导Reticulate body 网状体* Retroviridae 逆转录病毒科Reverse transcriptase 逆转录酶Rhabdoviridae 弹状病毒科Rhinovirus 鼻病毒Ribonucleoprotein,RNP 核糖核蛋白Ribosome 核糖体* Rickettsia 立克次体* Rotavirus 轮状病毒Rough colony 粗糙型菌落R.prowazekii 普氏立克次体R.tsutsugamushi 恙虫病东方体R.typhi 斑疹伤寒立克次体* Rubella virus 风疹病毒S* Salmonella 沙门菌属Samonellosis 沙门菌病* S.boydii 鲍氏志贺菌* S.dysenteriae 痢疾志贺菌* Septicemia 败血症* Serological diagnosis 血清学诊断Sex pilus 性菌毛* S.flexneri 福氏志贺菌* Shigella 志贺菌属Shiga-like toxin,SLT 志贺样毒素S.hirschfeldii 希氏沙门菌* Slow virus infection 慢发病毒感染Small round structured virus,SRSV 小园形结构化病毒Smooth colony 光滑型菌落* S.paratyphi A 甲型副伤寒沙门菌Specific immunity 特异性免疫* Specific polysaccharide 特异多糖* Spike 刺突* Spiral bacterium 螺形菌* Spirochete 螺旋体* S.pneumoniae 肺炎链球菌* Spore 芽胞S.schottmuelleri 肖氏沙门菌*S.sonnei 宋内氏志贺菌* Staphylococcus 葡萄球菌属Staphylococcal protein A ,SPA 葡萄球菌A蛋白Staphylolysin 葡萄球菌溶素* Sterilization 灭菌* Stormy fermentation 汹涌发酵* Strain 菌株Streptococcal fibrinolysin 链球菌溶纤维蛋白酶* Streptococcus 链球菌属* γ-streptococcus 丙型(γ)链球菌Streptodornase,SD 链道酶Streptokinase,SK 链激酶* StreptolysinO, SLO 链球菌溶素O StreptolysinS, SLS 链球菌溶素S * S.typhi 伤寒沙门菌Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, SSPE 亚急性硬化性全脑炎* Subclinical infection 亚临床感染* Subvirus 亚病毒* Sulfur granule 硫磺样颗粒Superinfection 重迭感染TTCID50 (50%tissue culture infective dose) 半数组织感染剂量* Teichoic acid 磷壁酸* Temperate phage 温和噬菌体Temperature sensitive mutant 温度敏感突变株Tetani 破伤风* Tetanospasmin 破伤风痉挛毒素* Tetanus antitoxin,TAT 破伤风抗毒素* Titer 效价或滴度Togaviridae 披膜病毒科* Toxemia 毒血症Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1,TSST-1 毒性休克毒素综合征毒素-I * Toxin 毒素* Toxoid 类毒素* Treponema pallidium 苍白密螺旋体* Transduction 转导* Transformation 转化Transposon, Tn 转座子Trichophyton 毛癣菌Tubercle bacilli 结核杆菌* Type 型* Typhoid fever,or enteric fever 肠热症U* Uncoating 脱壳* Ureaplasma.Urealyticum 溶脲脲原体V* Vaccine 疫苗* Varicella-zoster virus VZV 水痘-带状疱疹病毒Verotoxin vero毒素* Vertical transmission 垂直传播Vibrio 弧菌属* Vibrio cholerae 霍乱弧菌* Virion 病毒体Viroid 类病毒* Virology 病毒学* Virulence 毒力* Virulent phage 毒性噬菌体* Virus 病毒* V.parahemolyticus 副溶血性弧菌WWall teichoic acid 壁磷壁酸* Weil-Felix reaction 外斐反应* Widal reaction 肥达反应YYeast 酵母菌Yeast-Like fungus 类酵母菌Yersinia pestis 鼠疫耶尔森菌ZZones of inhibition 抑菌圈* Zoonosis 动物源性疾病Medical Parasitology 医学寄生虫Aedes 伊蚊alternation of generations 世代交替amastigote 无鞭毛体AmoebiasisAncylostoma duodenale 十二指肠钩口线虫Anopheles 按蚊ascariasis 蛔虫病ascaris lumbricoides 似蚓蛔线虫arthropod 节肢动物bradysporozoite 迟发型子孢子bradyzoite 缓殖子Brugia malayi 马来布鲁线虫capsule 荚膜,被膜,囊胞carrier 携带者,载体,载流子,带虫者cercaria 尾蚴cercarial dermatitis 尾蚴性皮炎daughter cyst 子囊ectopic parasitism 异位寄生egg 卵elephantiasis 象皮肿enterobiasis 蛲虫病Enterobius vermicularis erythrocytic stage 红细胞内期facultative parasite 兼性寄生虫fasciolopsiasisfasciolopsis buskifertile egg 受精卵filaria 丝虫filariasis 丝虫病filariform larvae 丝状蚴final host 终宿主flea 蚤fly 蝇gametocyte 配子体Giardia lamblia 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫Giardiasis 贾第虫病gravid proglottid 孕节helminth 蠕虫helminthiasis 蠕虫病hemimetabola 不全变态hexacanth 六钩蚴hookworm disease 钩虫病host 宿主human parasitology 人体寄生虫学hydatid cyst 棘球蚴囊hydatid diseaseimmature proglottid 幼节immune evasion 免疫逃避infective stage 感染阶段infertile cyst 不育囊larva 幼虫larva migrans 幼虫移行症Leishmania donovani 杜氏利什曼原虫Leishmaniasis 利什曼病life cycle 生活史louse 虱macrogametocyte 大配子体malaria 疟疾malaria pigment 疟色素mature proglottid 成节medical arthropodology 医学节肢动物学merozoite 裂殖子metacercaria 囊蚴microfilaria 微丝蚴microgametocyte 雄配子体,小配子体miracidium 毛蚴mosquito 蚊myiasis 蛆病Necator americanus 美洲板口线虫Nematode 线虫nocturnal periodicity 夜现周期性nymph 若虫obligatory parasite 专性寄生虫onchosphere 六钩蚴oocyst 卵囊ovum 卵,卵细胞Pagumogonimus skrjabini 斯氏狸殖吸虫paragonimiasis 肺吸虫病parasite 寄生虫parasitic zoonosis 人兽共患寄生虫parasitism 寄生paratenic host (transport host)转续宿主plerocercoid (sparganum)裂头蚴Pneumocystis carinii 卡氏肺孢子虫premunition 带虫免疫procercoid 原尾蚴promastigote 前鞭毛体protoscolex 原头蚴protozoon (protozoa)原生动物pseudocyst 假包囊pupa 蛹recrudescence 再燃redia 雷蚴relapse 复发reservoir host 保虫宿主sandfly 白蛉sarcoptes mites 疥螨Sarcoptes scabiei 人疥螨scabies 疥疮Schistosoma haematobium 埃及血吸虫Schistosoma japomicum 日本血吸虫Schistosoma mansoni 曼氏血吸虫Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病schistosomule (schistosomula)童虫schizont 裂殖体Schuffners dots 薛氏小点scolex 头节soft ticks 软蜱somatic antigen 虫体抗原sparganosis 裂头蚴病Spirometra mansoni 曼氏迭宫绦虫sporocyst 胞蚴sporozoite 子孢子sterilizing immunity 消除性免疫surface antigen 表面抗原tachysporozoite 速发型子孢子tachyzoite 速殖子taeniasis 带绦虫病tapeworm 绦虫。
Frequently asked question (in English)Part I Noun expla nati on1. convert infection/subclinical infection :it means only a special immune response without or withvery mild damage to the host after the pathogens entered which can be diagnosed by serologic means with demonstration of either a single high titer or a fourfold rise intiter to the infection.The patients haven 't any symptoms and signs clinically,no c of biochemical aspects are present in laboratory findings. It is also called subclinical infection.2. black-water fever: A complication of MALARIA,FALCIPARUM characterized by an acuteintravascular hemolysis, hemoglobinuria and hemolytic jaundice when the red blood cells are destroyed and lytic in the blood vesse,l severe patients can result in acute renal failureMost commomly in those who have taken antimalarial treatment irregularly or are deficient inG-6-PD.May be provoked by administering primaquine or chlorquine, or by fatigue. It is also called hemolytic urinemic syndrome3. carrier state病原携带状态):it is a person who is colonized with an organism but shows noevidence of disease, although diseasemay have been present earlier. A carrier is a veryimportant source of infection as the organisms can be disseminated from him.4. late nt in fectio n(潜伏性感染):it means an orga nism en ters a host and lies dorma n静止的)for a period of time, possibly for years, before producing disease as the host's immunitydecreased.5. inv asive ness 侵袭力):the ability of the age nt to en ter and to move through tissue.6. source of infection(传染源):it is referred to a person or animal in which the pathogen stay andmultiply and can be disseminated .7. route of transmission传播途径):the route the pathogen entered another susceptible after beendisseminated from the source of infection.8. susceptible(易感者):it is referred to a person who lacks immunity to a specific infectiousdisease.9. relapse复发):it means the return of symptoms after they have apparently ceased duringconvalescencewhich is caused by the multiplication of the pathogen in the host. It is often seen in typhoid fever, malaria, et al.10. recrudesce nee 再燃): it means the reappeara nee of symptoms after temporary cessation.11. sustained fever (稽留热): high fever, lasting and little change in 24 hours, usually <1 degree.Often seen at fastigium of typhoid fever, septicemia, and EHF.12. remittent feve(r 弛张热): high fever, temperature changes > 1 degree in 24 hours, but the lowestpoint of the fever is still above the upper limit of the normal temperature. Often seen in the defervascence of typhoid fever or EHF.13. relapsing fever 回归热):several days of high fever with interruption of a few days' normality.typical fever pattern in brucellosis and relapsing fever.14.1 ntermittent fever (间歇热):temperature fluctuates between the high fever and thedegree below the normality. Usually seen in septicemia and malaria.15. Irregular fever (不规贝U热):the fever curve is irregular. See n in in flue nza or septicemia.16. palmer erythema/liver palm(肝掌):This is intense reddening, mottled in nature, of the palmeraspects due to vasodilati on. See n mai nly over the the nar and hypothe na大、小鱼际)eminences.17. spider angiomata(蜘蛛痣):Spider angiomata are small red macules with fine red lines radiating from it like "spider legs". They bla nch whe n compressed压之褪色).They represent tiny dilated collateral blood vessels and are seen in patients with chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis. 18. window phase (窗口期):The window phase is the time from exposure to the organism until oneis tested positive for the infection. Someone in the window phase may test negative but actually be positive and able to spread the organism.19. street strain野毒株/街毒株):it is referred to rabies virus isolated from the naturally infectedanimals or human with strong pathogenecity and long incubation period.20. fixed strain(固定毒株):After being subcultured in rabbit brain for many times (at least50 times), the virulence of the street strain decreasedgreatly, but its immunogenicity remained.It is called fixed strain and often used for vaccine production.21. Negri body (内基本氏小体):Negri body is pathog nomonic for rabies virus infection .It is ovaleosinophilic neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion measuring 3-10 micron in diameter. They are most consistenetly seen in the pyramidal cells of hippocampus and Purkinje cells of cerebellum. 22. septicemia(败血症):Septicemia is an acute generalized infection caused by the invasion intothe blood stream of a pathogenic or an opportunistic organism. While staying persistently and multiplying rapidly in the blood stream, these organisms liberate toxins or metabolites which elicit general toxic symptoms and tissue damage of various organs.23. bacteriemia (菌血症):The bacteria enter the blood and multiply in it, but stay only a short timeand don'tliberate toxins or metabolites which elicit general toxic symptoms and tissue damage of various organs.24. pyemia (脓毒血症):The multiplying site of bacteria is also in the blood, but it is caused bypyogenic (化脓性的)gram-positive cocci, metastatic lesions are always present, the symptoms are the same as septicemia.25. toxemia (毒血症):The bacteria only live and multiply in the local parts of the body, they don'tenter the blood streamb,ut the toxins and metabolites liberated by them do. The symptoms are similar to septicemia.26. rose spots玫瑰疹):They are blanking pink macular spots 2-4 mm in diameter at day 7~13 oftyphoid fever. The rash is seen most commonly on the thorax and abdomen, rarely on back and the extremities.27. relative bradycardia(相目对缓脉):it means pulse-temperature dissociati on .It is usuallydefined as increase in heart rate < 10 beats/minutes/C1 increase in tem°perature in adults. It is usually seen in typhoid fever, acute schistosomiasis, severe jaundice, et al.28. herxheimer react ion(赫氏反应):It is caused as a direct result of using spirocheticidal drugs(mainly antibiotics) to treat individuals with a spirochetal disease which results inan increase in the symptoms of the treated condition.29. hemolytic urinemic syndrome /black urine fever: A serious, often fatal complication of malaria,characterized by an acute intravascular hemolysis, hemoglobinuria and hemolytic jaundice. It is often provoked by antimalarial drugs.30. ectopic lesion(异位损害):the schistosome eggs and/or adult worm migrate and parasitize theorgans outside the portal venous system and cause damages. It is relatively high in lung and brain.31. Hepatorenal syndrome: Acute renal failure occurring without other cause in a person withsevere liver disease. The exact cause of hepatorenal syndrome is unknown. The kidneystructure remains essentially normal and the kidneys often will instantly function well if the liver disease is corrected.32. Widal 's test: A test involving agglutination of typhoid bacilli when they are mixed with serumcontaining typhoid antibodies from an individual having typhoid fever; used to detect thepresence of Salmonella typhi and S. paratyphi.Part n : Qustion.1. the five manifestation of infection(感染过程的五种表现)Pathogen is killed or eliminated;Covert infection or subclinical infection, it is usually the most common;Overt infection or clinical infection: the pathogen enter the host and caused damages as well asimmunological response. It is usually easy to be recognized in clinics.Carrier state: It is a very important source of infection;Latent infection: it is usually seen in herpesviridae, tuberculosis, malaria, et al.2. Please describe briefly the factors involved in the pathogenecity of a pathogen(致病能力包括哪几个方面)?Invasiveness: the ability of the agent to enter and to move through tissues;Virulence: it is consists of toxins and other virulent factors;Quantity: bigger quantity, stronger pathogenecity in the same disease;Variability: The pathogen may mutate under the pressure of the environment or host.3. the prerequisite of an epidemic of a communicable disease?(传染病流行的必要条件)Three prerequisite are required for a communicable disease to spread. First, there must be a source of infection which disseminate pathogen continuously. Second, there must some persons who lack special immunity to the disease, ie, susceptible. Last, the pathogen must reach the susceptible, the route of transmission.4. the basic characteristic of communicable disease (传染病的基本特征)?The main difference between communicable disease and other disease is that the former has four basic characteristics. All communicable diseases are infectious diseases and both are caused by a pathogen. But the former have infectivity/ communicability, it is the main difference between them. And communicable diseases have some epidemiological feature. In addition, there is post-infection immunity no matter covert infection or overt infection.5. clinical characteristics / diagnostic criteria of fulminant hepatitis/hepatitis gravis(重型肝炎的诊断标准)?Fulminant hepatitis is a rare syndrome usually associated with hepatitis B. It is characterized by rapid clinical deterioration. Its diagnostic criteria in our country is:Severe digestive disorder: poor feeding, nausea and frequent vomiting, fatigue; Progressively deepenedjaundice;Hepatoencephalopathy;Hepatorenal syndrome;Decreased volume of liver;Bleeding pronenss;Rapidly increased ascites6. clinical characteristics / diagnostic criteria of cholestatic hepatitis ?Clinical symptoms : Jaundice is the main manifestation and it lasts longer than three weeks. Skin itch is usually more severe at night. Rashes can occur on the neck, chest, back, and wrists. Stool color becomeslighter and urine color becomes darker. Although there can be many symptoms, the patient usually will not feel extremely ill.Laboratory tests : Direct bilirubin in the serum elevated and its proportion is more than 60% of the total bilirubin. Serum combined bile acid elevated to 10 to 20 times higher than the normal range. AKP, GGT,cholesterol, and 5- nucleotidase are obviously elevated, and the ALT elevation is moderate.B-Ultrasound: It can distinguish intra or extra liver obstruction.7. common / main manifestation of acute viral hepatitis ?Malaise, anorexia, fever, dark urine, pale stools, jaundice, right upper quadrant pain and tender hepatomegaly;Increased liver enzymes (ALT, AST), bilirubin, prothrombin time and globulin;Serum positive for hepatic virus;May have history of recent ingestion of undercooked shellfish or sewage-contaminated water.8. main manifestation of epidemic encephalitis B?The disease is mainly manifested by high fever, impairment of consciousness, convulsion, respiratory failure. Signs of meningeal irritation, increased intracranial pressure and other neurological signs. The typical pro cases of epidemic encephalitis B is lymphocytic pleocytosis, normal or slightly elevated protein level, normal glucose level, and elevated CSF pressure. The specific IgM antibody detection is most useful for the diagnosis of this disease.9. the principal of wound treatment after bitten by a rabid dog( 被狂犬咬伤后伤口处理)?The wound should be thoroughly cleansed for half an hour, preferably with a quaternary ammonium deterge nt(季胺类消毒液)or 20% soap (which can not be mixed together); the n rinse with 70% etha nol or iodine; damaged tissues should be excised and the wound left unsatured. Rabies can usually be prevented if treatment is started within a day or two of biting. For maximum protection hyperimmune serum and vaccine are required. One should pay attention to tetanus and infection of other bacteria.10. main manifestation of rabies/ hydrophobia?The disease begins as a nonspecific illness marked by fever, headache, malaise, nausea, and vomiting. Abnormal sensations at or around the site of viral inoculation occur frequently and probably reflect local nerve involvement. After the prodromal period of 2~4 days, the characteristic fear of water, responsible for the alternative name of ‘hydrophobia ',and fear of wind, becomes evident in many cases. Delusionsand hallucinations may develop accompanied by spitting, biting and, and maniacal behavior, with lucid intervals in which the patient is acutely anxious. Cranial nerve lesions develop and terminal hyperpyrexia is common. Death ensues, usually within a week from the onset of symptoms.11. describe briefly the five phase of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.Typical cases of HFRS evolve in 5 stages: ① the febrile stage with myalgia, lasting 3 to 4 days; ② the hypotensive stage, often associated with shock and lasting from a few hours to 48h; ③ the oliguric phase usually lasts from 3 to 7 days. The rising concentration of blood urea and creatinine is accompanied by persistent oliguria. ④ the diuretic stage with diuresis and hyposthenuria; and ⑤ the convalescent stage, getting full recovery within 1 to 6 months.12. main manifestation of sepeticemiaThe main clinical manifestations of septicemia are chills, high fever, severe toxemic symptoms(such as headache, dysphoria), petechia (瘀点)‘arthralgia (关节痛),hepatosplenomegaly (肝脾肿大),some patients may have metastatic (迁徙性) lesions;in severe patients, septic shock, toxic cerebrosis (脑病),toxic pneumonia, toxic myocarditis (心肌炎) ,toxic hepatitis and toxic enteritis (肠炎) may be present13. the key points of blood culture(1) before administration of antibiotics and during chills or high fever ;( 2) repeat more than 3 times;(3) the amount of the blood sample should be > 10ml in adults or older children, > 5ml in infants ; (4) blood samples should be treated with chemicals if antibiotics was used before or use blood clot for culture. ⑸ bone marrow culture is recommended; ⑹ drug sensitivity test is very necessary.14. main manifestation of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitisEpidemic encephalitis B is an encephalitis caused by flavovirus, which belongs to the family of Togaviruse. The infection is transmitted by mosquito.The disease is mainly manifested by high fever, impairment of consciousness, convulsion, respiratory failure. Signs of meningeal irritation, increased intracranial pressure and other neurological signs. The typical pro cases of epidemic encephalitis B is lymphocytic pleocytosis, normal or slightly elevated protein level, normal glucose level, and elevated CSF pressure. The specific IgM antibody detection is most useful for the diagnosis of this disease.15. therapeutic principals of fulminant meningococcal meningitis?① specific an tibiotics should be give n in trave no usly promptly. The preferred drug is peni cilli n; ②anti-shock therapy; ③ use of glucocorticoids( 糖皮质激素) such as methylprednisolone or DXM; ④ if clinical signs suggest cerebral edema or the cerebrospinal fluid pressure is very high, measures to reduce brain swelling are indicated; ⑤ anticoagulant therapy if DIC is present; ⑥ supportive therapy to maintain vital organs.16. main characteristic of typhoid feverTyphoid fever, also called enteric fever, is characterized by sustained fever, gastrointestinal symptoms, rose spots, relative bradycardia, hepatoslenomegaly, neuropsychiatric features and leukopenia. The clinical course of the disease can be divided into 4 stages(: 1)prodromal stage, (2)stage of prominent manifestation,( 3) remission stage, and( 4) convalescent stage. The two major complications are intestinal hemorrhage and perforation, both can belife-threatening.17. main characteristic of bacillary dysentery/shigellosisshigellosis is an acute bacterial infection caused by the genus Shigella resulting in colitis affecting predominantly the rectosigmoid colon. It is characterized by fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and tenesmus. It is usually limited to a few days. Early treatment with antimicrobial drugs results in more rapid recovery.18. main manifestation of cholera (霍乱).Cholera is an acute, sometimes fulminant watery diarrheal disease resulting from an enterotoxin elaborated by Vibiro. Cholerae in the small intestine. It generally occurs in epidemics and may cause a rapid massive gastrointestinal fluid loss with extreme saline depletion, acidosis, and shock.19. main manifestation of leptospirosis (钩体病)Leptospirosis is a zoonotic (动物源的) disease of worldwidedistribution caused by spirochetes (螺旋体) of the genus (种) Leptospira . It is divided into three phases according to its clinical manifestation: ① the initial phase: leptospira bacteremia (钩体菌血症); ② the second phase: organic injury and dysfunction; ③ t he third phase: immune response. The initial clinical symptoms are fever, headache, myalgia (肌痛), conjunctival injection (眼结膜充血) and swelling of lymph nodes (淋巴结肿大), in some cases followed by a more severe illness that may include jaundice (黄疸) and renal failure, meningitis (脑膜炎) or hemorrhagic pneumonitis (出血性肺炎). Intravenous penicillin has demonstrated good clinical efficacy for leptospirosis.20. amebic colitis/ intestinal amebiasis (肠阿米巴病) .Amebiasis is defined as infection with the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. The manifestation of amebic colitis may be subtle or severe and range from mild watery diarrhea to explosive, bloody dysentery with a fulminant couse. Amebic colitis mainly presents with lower abdominal pain, mild diarrhea, malaise, and weight loss. The stools contain little fecal material and consist chiefly of blood and mucus.21. main manifestation of hepatic amebiasis/ amebic liver abscess(肝阿米巴病/阿米巴肝脓肿). Amebic liver abscess is the most common extraintestinal manifestation of amebiasis. Patients may note right-upper-quadrant pain that is either dull or pleuritic in nature. Often pain is referred to the right upper shoulder. Less than 50% of patients have an enlarged liver. Patients typically manifest long-term fever and weight loss. Diarrhea is found in less than one-third of patients with Amebic liver abscess. Exam may reveal abdominal tenderness, tender hepatomegaly, and crackles at right lung base. Jaundice is uncommon.22. main manifestation of malaria(疟疾)The first symptoms of malaria are nonspecific, including the lack of a sense of well-being, fever, headache, fatigue, and abdominal discomfort. The classic “ trilogy ” of malarial paroxysm(发作) includes chills, rigors, spike fever (体温骤升骤降), and heavy sweating. The intervals are irregular in P. falciparum (恶性疟),with in 48h in P. vivax (间日疟),and 72h in P. malariae (三日疟),respectively. Splenic enlargement is very common.The diagnosis of malaria rests on the demonstration of the parasite in peripheral blood smears. Both thin and thick blood smears should be examined.23. the prerequisite for the epidemic of schistosomiasis(血吸虫病) .the epidemic of schistosomiasis in any specific area is dependent upon the unsanitary disposal of faeces, the presence of suitable snail hosts, and human exposure to cercaria-infected (尾蚴) water bodies.24. main manifestations of acute schistosomiasis?The majority of infected person are asymptomatic or have mild, nonspecific symptoms. Only 5 to 10 percent of infected populations have severe clinical symptoms. They include chills, spiking fever,generalized weakness, myalgia, headache, anorexia, profuse diarrhea, and weight loss. Extensive urticaria may occur in large patches on various parts of the body. Nausea and vomiti ng are com mon and cough may be prominent. The fever usually lyses spontan eously 2 to10 weeks after on set.Physical findings are usually minimal but many include urticaria, patches of moist rales over both lung fields, generalized lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. Marked elevation of peripheral blood eos in ophilia is com mon..25. Hemodialysis in dicati on :⑴Oliguric lasts > 4d, or anuria > 24h⑵Concentration of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine increased:BuN > 28.56mmol/l⑶High catabolism state ⑷Hyperkalemia,(5) Pulmonary edema or hypervolemic syn tromeStool Menin gococcalmenin gitisPurule ntcerobroso inalTuberulousmenin gitis meni gitis Epidemic en cephalitisToxicShigellosisEtiology Menin gococcus Other bacterial T.B En cephalitis B virus Shigelle On set abrupt slow slow abrupt abrupt Age <10year any age any age <10year childre n Season Win. & Spr. any time any time Sum. & Aug Sum .& Aug. Petechial com mon rare no no noEarly shock com mon rare no no com mon menin gealirritati on + + + + -BR : WBC +++ +++ +/- + ++ N +++ +++ -/+ + ++CSF:WBC >1.0 >1.0 0.05~0.3 0.05~0.5 n ormalGlucose normal no rmalChloride normal no rmalJJ 15. Differen tial Diag nno sis of Epidemic en cephalitisrouti nenormalnormalnormalnormal16.The main Differenee Between G - Septicemia and Typhoid FeverG "Septiemia Typhoid FeverOn set abruptly in sidiously or slowly Toxic Symptoms severe slightGastroi ntesti nal Symptoms seldom obviously Specific Toxic Symptoms seldom may be prese ntof Cen tral Nervous SystemPrimary septic focus may be prese nt(50%) noDIC may be prese nt noIn cipie nt septic shock 40%patie nts may have noRash petechia predo minan tly rose spotDifferential Count n eutrophilia lymphocytosisof WBCWidal's Reaction n egative positiveBlood Culture corresp onding pathoge ns typhoid bacillus17.The Main Differences Between G + cocci and G - Bacilli SepticemiaG+ Cocci Septicemia G- Bacilli SepticemiaAge youth and middle-aged old-agedSex male femaleGen eral healthy good poorcon diti on beforeon setPrimary Septic in fecti on of skin and mucous membra ne. in fecti on of biliary, in testi nal and Focus in cisi on and drain age of immature urinary tract, patient with liver cirrhosisabscess, tympa nitis and osteomyelitis,atc. or with a history abdo minal operati on Clinical Symptoms obvious/marked chills,feve , joint double peak fever, relative bradycardia- trouble , metastatic lesions in cipie nt septic shock and DIC,Blood rout ine leukocytosis no rmal WBC or leukope niaLLT n egative positiveTreatme nt good curative effect can be gained whe n good curative effect can be gainedusing the an timicrobial age nts aga inst when using the an timicrobial age ntsG+ cocci aga inst G- bacilliBlood Culture G+ cocci G- bacilli18. The Main Differences Between Bacilliary dysentery and amebic dysenteryBacilliary dyse ntery amebic dyse nteryIncubation period endotoxemia symptoms abodo minal tendern ess diarrheaTen esmus Predilection site Stool::several hours-7daysusually(fever) ,obvious leftlower quadra nts as high as20~40times/day +++ —++++rectosigmoid colon pus andblood1-2weeksseldom or mild(fever) right upper quadra ntseveral times/day(-)~ (+)appe ndices and asce nding colon, bloodystool usually sca nty with mucusetiology Culture : shigella en tamoeba trophozoitesvolume small largeWBC much lessRBC less muchBlood WBC no rmal or on set fSigmidoscopic diffuse erythema with flask- shaped ulcers with raisedExam ination superficial ulcers edges and no rmal in terve ning mucosa Treatme nt an tibiotics an ti- ameba19. The Main Differences Between amebic liver abscess and bacterial liver abscessamebic liver abscess bacterial liver abscess history amebic colitis septicemia or abdo minal purule nt disease symptom on set slow, l on g-term fever, weight loss. on set urge nt,toxemia symptoms strik ing Liver:enl arged liver,te ndern ess no table mildabscess sin gle,large, man y,small,brow n colour pus yellow-white pusen tamoeba trophozoites be found bacterium culture :positive Blood WBC,N f fffBlood culture n egative positiveTherapeutic resp onse good curative effect can be gained good curative effect can be gainedwhe n using he an ti- ameba age nts whe n using t an tibiotics Prog no sis relatively good easy to relapse。
蜜谱市嫩翠学校高考英语一轮复习 Unit Environm
赛察州蜜谱市嫩翠学校高考英语一轮复习基础强化:Unit 22 Environmental Protection(北师大版选修8)Ⅰ.品句填词1.Unfortunately,many species are in danger of ____________(灭绝) nowadays.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________2.As the forests are being destroyed,the ____________ (保护区)for them is becoming necessary.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________3.Unless we can get more ____________(财政,资金),we will close the hotel.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________4.The scientists ____________(计算) using various kinds of data when the spacecraft would reach the moon.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________5.The murderer was ____________(判刑) to death for what he had done.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________6.Scientists are ____________(宣称) a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________7.We’ve ____________(分配) accommodation to reach of the refugees.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________8.The owner ____________(威胁)to drive us out of the pub if we got drunk.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________9.The fruit is ____________(超过)my reach.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________10.We still don’t know exactly how the universe first came into ___________(存在).句子译文_______________________________________________________________________Ⅱ.短语识境refer to; trap; lead to; considerate; apart from;answer for; wrap up; carry off; all in all; on one’s behalf1.Even such a small mistake would perhaps ____________ disastrous consequences.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________2.____________,he is more learned than he was ten years ago.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________3.That just about____________it________for today.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________4.My colleagues are now on vocation,so I’m attending the meeting ____________.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________ 5.Whatever you do now,you must ____________ it one day.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________6.You might be more ____________ towards other people.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________7.She was ____________ in the burning house.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________8.Don’t ____________ this matter again,please.I don’t wa nt to talk about it any more.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________9.____________the cost,building a house also takes up a lot of time.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________10.She ___________ the first prize in the singing competition.句子译文_______________________________________________________________________Ⅲ.完成句子1.那位老师轮流帮助每一位学生,此事占用了他大量的时间。
odonoghue三联征英语Odonoghue syndrome is a medical condition characterizedby the combination of three specific symptoms: Superior Oblique Myokymia (SOM), Trochlear Hyperexcitability (THE),and Hemifacial Spasm (HFS). This syndrome, named after theIrish neurologist William Odonoghue who first described it in 1955, is relatively rare but can have a significant impact on a patient's quality of life.Superior Oblique Myokymia is a condition that causes fine, involuntary movements of the affected eye. These eye movements often appear as repetitive, continuous twitching, and can be quite bothersome for the patient. This symptom typically affects only one eye and can cause blurred vision and eye strain.Trochlear Hyperexcitability refers to an abnormal excessive excitability of the trochlear nerve, which controls the movement of the superior oblique muscle. This hyperexcitability can result in an abnormal twitching or jerking of the eye. Patients with Trochlear Hyperexcitability may experience intermittent episodes of diplopia, or double vision, especially when looking downwards or to the side.Hemifacial Spasm is the involuntary contractions offacial muscles on one side of the face. These spasms canrange from mild to severe and can be quite painful. Theyoften start with twitching around the eye and can gradually spread to involve other facial muscles. Hemifacial Spasm is typically caused by the compression of the facial nerve by a blood vessel, leading to the abnormal firing of the facial muscles.Diagnosis of Odonoghue Syndrome involves a thorough medical history, physical examination, and potentiallyfurther diagnostic tests such as electromyography (EMG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment options for Odonoghue Syndrome aim to alleviate the symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life. These may include medication to help relax the affected muscles, botulinum toxininjections to temporarily paralyze the muscles and reduce spasms, and surgical interventions in severe cases.In conclusion, Odonoghue Syndrome is a rare medical condition characterized by Superior Oblique Myokymia, Trochlear Hyperexcitability, and Hemifacial Spasm. Though it may not be well-known, the combination of these three symptoms can significantly impact a patient's daily life. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help manage the symptoms and improve the overall well-being of individuals affected by this syndrome.。
Veterinary clinical science | 兽医临床科学86 ·2021.230 引言猪心肌炎是对年龄较小的猪造成严重危害的一类病毒性传染性疾病,主要表现为脑膜心肌出现炎症。
1 发病特点脑心肌炎病毒是自然环境当中分布较为广泛的一类病毒,具有极强的传染性,属于小核糖核酸病毒科心病毒属成员,病毒粒子外观是20面的对称体,直径通常在25~30 nm 为单股正链的RNA 病毒。
A M蛋白 B
人心肌/肾小球基底 膜细胞
链球菌 心肌细胞
1、抗原的理化特性 化学性质、分子量、结构复杂性、分子构象、易接近性、 物理状态 2、宿主因素:遗传、年龄、性别、健康状态
蛋白质分子中被MHC分子递呈并被TCR识别的肽段称为T 细胞表位(T cell epitope )。 MHC
HIV peptide
T 细胞表位 (T Cell epitope)
Ep1 Ep2 Ep3
能够与MHC并被TCR识别的肽段 与蛋白质分子构象无关 与肽段在蛋白质分子中的位置无关
Immunogenicity Innagen (INg)/Innate Molecular Pattern (IMP) Immunogen Antigen (Ag) Reactigenicity
熊思东.道亦道,非故道----试论固有免疫中的抗原和 免疫原的定义.现代免疫学, 2007 , 27 (6):441-443
**自身成分在胚胎期末未与免疫活性细胞接触过的 物质 (精子、眼内容物等,又称为隐蔽性抗原)
**同种异体 (ABO血型、HLA分子等)
江苏农业学报(JiangsuJ.ofAgr.Sci.)ꎬ2023ꎬ39(2):344 ̄351刘亚楠ꎬ孙㊀枫ꎬ涂丽琴ꎬ等.本氏烟组蛋白H4与番茄斑驳花叶病毒外壳蛋白互作调控病毒侵染[J].江苏农业学报ꎬ2023ꎬ39(2):344 ̄351.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000 ̄4440.2023.02.006本氏烟组蛋白H4与番茄斑驳花叶病毒外壳蛋白互作调控病毒侵染刘亚楠1ꎬ㊀孙㊀枫2ꎬ㊀涂丽琴2ꎬ㊀高丹娜2ꎬ㊀李㊀硕2ꎬ㊀吴淑华2ꎬ㊀季英华1ꎬ2ꎬ㊀郭青云1(1.青海大学农林科学院/青海省农业有害生物综合治理重点实验室/农业农村部西宁作物有害生物科学观测实验站ꎬ青海西宁810000ꎻ2.江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所ꎬ江苏南京210014)收稿日期:2023 ̄02 ̄10基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD1401202)ꎻ国家自然科学基金项目(32072506)ꎻ江苏省农业科技自主创新基金项目[CX(21)1011]ꎻ现代农业产业技术体系项目(CARS ̄24 ̄C ̄01)ꎻ沿海集团揭榜挂帅项目(2022YHTDJB03)ꎻ高端外国专家引进计划项目(G2022014073L)ꎻ江苏省农业科学院科学仪器开放共享自主研究课题[GX(22)1001]作者简介:刘亚楠(1997-)ꎬ女ꎬ河南驻马店人ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ研究方向为作物病毒ꎬ(E ̄mail)2228239761@qq.comꎮ孙枫为共同第一作者ꎮ通讯作者:郭青云ꎬ(E ̄mail)Guoqingyunqh@163.comꎻ季英华ꎬ(E ̄mail)㊀㊀摘要:㊀以番茄斑驳花叶病毒(TomatomottlemosaicvirusꎬToMMV)外壳蛋白(CoatproteinꎬCP)为研究对象ꎬ通过荧光素酶互补技术(LuciferasecomplementationimagingassayꎬLCI)研究ToMMVCP与本氏烟组蛋白H4在植物体内的互作情况ꎮ亚细胞共定位结果显示ꎬToMMVCP定位于细胞核和细胞质中ꎬ组蛋白H4定位于细胞核中ꎬ两者共定位于细胞核中ꎮ双分子荧光互补(BiFC)试验结果表明ꎬToMMVCP与组蛋白H4的互作位置主要在细胞核中ꎮ上述2种试验结果证明ꎬ烟草花叶病毒CP与本氏烟组蛋白H4在植物体内存在互作ꎮ采用病毒诱导的基因沉默(Virus ̄inducedgenesilencingꎬVIGS)技术沉默本氏烟烟草中的H4基因ꎬ对沉默H4基因的植株接种ToMMVꎬ接种后第4dꎬ通过实时荧光定量PCR检测方法检测系统叶的病毒含量ꎬ发现病毒含量显著低于对照组ꎬ结果表明H4基因的沉默会影响ToMMV在植株中的复制ꎬ组蛋白H4可能是ToMMV侵染植株的本氏烟感病因子ꎮ病毒编码的CP可能与寄主组蛋白H4在细胞核内发挥作用ꎬ进而使病毒完成系统侵染ꎮ关键词:㊀番茄斑驳花叶病毒ꎻ外壳蛋白ꎻ组蛋白ꎻ蛋白质互作中图分类号:㊀S436.412.1+1㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:㊀A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:㊀1000 ̄4440(2023)02 ̄0344 ̄08VirusinfectionregulatedbyinteractionbetweenhistoneH4ofNicotianabenthamianaandcoatproteinoftomatomottlemosaicvirusLIUYa ̄nan1ꎬ㊀SUNFeng2ꎬ㊀TULi ̄qin2ꎬ㊀GAODan ̄na2ꎬ㊀LIShuo2ꎬ㊀WUShu ̄hua2ꎬ㊀JIYing ̄hua1ꎬ2ꎬ㊀GUOQing ̄yun1(1.AcademyofAgricultureandForestrySciencesꎬQinghaiUniversity/KeyLaboratoryofAgriculturalIntegratedPestManagementofQinghaiProvince/Sci ̄entificObservingandExperimentalStationofCropPestinXiningꎬMinistryofAgricultureandRuralAffairsꎬXining810000ꎬChinaꎻ2.InstituteofPlantProtectionꎬJiangsuAcademyofAgriculturalSciencesꎬNanjing210014ꎬChina)㊀㊀Abstract:㊀Thecoatprotein(CP)oftomatomottlemosaicvirus(ToMMV)wasusedastheresearchobjectꎬandtheinteractionbetweenCPofToMMVandhistoneH4ofNicotianabenthamianawasconfirmedbyluciferasecomplementationimagingassay(LCI).Subcellularlocali ̄zationresultsshowedthatCPofToMMVwaslocalizedinthenucleusandcytoplasmꎬhistoneH4waslocalizedinthenucleusꎬandbothwereco ̄localizedinthenucleus.Inthebimolecularfluorescencecomplementation(BiFC)assayꎬtheinteractionsitesbetweenCPofToMMVandhistoneH4weremainlyinthenucleus.TheresultsoftheabovetwoexperimentsshowedthattherewasaninteractionbetweencoatproteinandhistoneH4ofN.benthamianainplants.443H4wassilencedinN.benthamianabyvirus ̄inducedgenesilencing(VIGS).PlantswithsilencedH4wereinoculatedwithToMMVꎬandtheviruscontentinsystemicleaveswasdetectedbyreal ̄timefluorescencequantitativePCRonthefourthdayafterinoculation.ItwasfoundthattheviruscontentwassignificantlylowerthanthatofthecontrolgroupꎬindicatingthatthesilencingofH4genewouldaffectthereplicationofToMMVinplantsꎬandhistoneH4maybethecauseofToMMV ̄infectedplants.TheCPencodedbythevirusmayplayaroleinthenucleuswiththehosthistoneH4ꎬtherebyassistingthevirustocompletethesystemicinfection.Keywords:㊀tomatomottlemosaicvirusꎻcoatproteinꎻhistoneꎻprotein ̄proteininteraction㊀㊀番茄斑驳花叶病毒(TomatomottlemosaicvirusꎬToMMV)主要侵染茄科和十字花科植物及部分豆科㊁葫芦科植物[1]ꎮ被ToMMV侵染后ꎬ番茄植株病叶上往往出现斑驳皱缩等症状ꎬ严重者导致番茄叶片坏死ꎬ进而影响植株发育ꎬ最终影响番茄的品质和产量[2]ꎮToMMV属帚状病毒科(Virgaviridae)㊁烟草花叶病毒属(Tobamovirus)[3 ̄5]ꎬ为正义单链RNA(+ssR ̄NA)病毒[6]ꎮ番茄斑驳花叶病毒基因组由4个开放阅读框(OpenreadingframeꎬORF)构成ꎬ编码4个大小不同的蛋白质[7]ꎬ分别为相对分子质量为29800的运动蛋白(MovementproteinꎬMP)㊁相对分子质量为17700的外壳蛋白(CoatproteinꎬCP)[6]㊁相对分子质量为183000的RNA依赖型RNA聚合酶(RNA ̄dependentRNApolymeraseꎬRdRP)蛋白㊁相对分子质量为126000的甲基转移酶/解旋酶蛋白(Methyltransferase/helicase)[8]ꎮ对与番茄斑驳花叶病毒同属的烟草花叶病毒属其他成员的研究发现ꎬ很多外壳蛋白作为病毒结构蛋白存在[9]ꎬ在组装病毒粒子的过程中扮演着非常重要的角色[10]ꎮ同时ꎬCP也参与多项生物功能的行使ꎬ如病毒运动[11]㊁病毒致病过程中症状的形成[12]㊁病毒复制酶在合成负链RNA过程中的位点识别[13]㊁病毒复制复合物(VirusreplicationcomplexesꎬVRC)的调控[14]等ꎮ上述研究结果显示ꎬCP在病毒的侵染循环中扮演着重要角色[15]ꎮ但是ꎬ目前关于ToMMVCP与寄主植物本氏烟间分子互作的研究还比较少ꎮ组蛋白参与DNA的包装和转录调控ꎬ是染色质的主要成分[16]ꎮ组蛋白家族包括32个成员ꎬ分别是6个H1㊁11个H2A㊁8个H2B㊁5个H3和2个H4[17]ꎮH3㊁H4组蛋白在调节染色质的结构和功能方面起着重要的作用[18 ̄19]ꎮ在相应酶的作用下ꎬ组蛋白会发生甲基化[20]㊁乙酰化㊁磷酸化[21]㊁腺苷酸化㊁泛素化和腺苷5ᶄ ̄二磷酸(ADP)核糖化等进而达到组蛋白修饰[19ꎬ22]ꎮ修饰组蛋白会通过适配器分子㊁染色质修饰酶㊁转录因子和转录抑制因子读取等影响染色质的组装ꎬ从而对转录过程起到调控作用[23]ꎮ本研究利用荧光素酶互补技术(Luciferasecom ̄plementationimagingassayꎬLCI)㊁亚细胞共定位和双分子荧光互补技术(Bimolecularfluorescencecomple ̄mentationꎬBiFC)验证ToMMVCP与本氏烟H4蛋白的分子互作ꎬ并利用病毒诱导的基因沉默(Virus ̄in ̄ducedgenesilencingꎬVIGS)技术明确本氏烟H4蛋白在ToMMV侵染过程中的作用ꎬ使人们进一步了解ToMMV侵染植物的机制ꎮ1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀材料与试剂本氏烟植株种植于25ħ光照培养箱中ꎬ16h/8h光照/黑暗交替培养ꎮGateway入门载体pDONR㊁荧光素酶载体(cLUC㊁nLUC)㊁亚细胞共定位载体(pHYG ̄YFP㊁pHYG ̄CFP)㊁BiFC载体(YN㊁YC)㊁农杆菌GV3101感受态菌株和ABI感受态菌株均由笔者所在实验室保存ꎬ大肠杆菌TreliefTM5α购自北京Tsingke公司ꎮVIGS载体TRV1㊁TRV2由笔者所在实验室保存ꎬTRV1㊁TRV2 ̄GUS㊁TRV2 ̄PDS㊁mCherry ̄H2B㊁农杆菌菌液由笔者所在实验室保存ꎮMicroElute GelExtractionKitD6294微量胶回收试剂盒㊁常规质粒提取试剂盒(PlasmidMiniKitID6943 ̄2)ꎬ购自OmegaBio ̄Tek公司ꎻ克隆载体pMD18 ̄T㊁T4DNA连接酶㊁限制性快切酶ꎬ购自宝日医生物技术(北京)有限公司ꎮ1.2㊀基因克隆与载体的构建以实验室保存的ToMMVCP和本氏烟cDNA为模板ꎬ设计特异性引物(表1)进行目的基因扩增ꎬ经BP反应连接到pDONR上后转化大肠杆菌TreliefTM5αꎬ测序正确后ꎬ提取质粒ꎬ经LR反应连接至终载543刘亚楠等:本氏烟组蛋白H4与番茄斑驳花叶病毒外壳蛋白互作调控病毒侵染体cLUC㊁nLUC㊁pHYG ̄YFP㊁pHYG ̄CFP㊁YN㊁YC[24]上ꎬ分别获得质粒cLUC ̄H4㊁nLUC ̄CP㊁pHYG ̄YFP ̄H4㊁pHYG ̄CFP ̄CP㊁YN ̄CP㊁YC ̄H4ꎮ用构建的质粒转化农杆菌感受态后进行PCR检测ꎮ设计含有合适酶切位点的引物(表1)对H4基因进行扩增ꎬ与同样经过酶切处理的TRV2连接ꎬ得到TRV2 ̄H4载体ꎬ将其转入农杆菌GV3101中ꎮ表1㊀本试验所用引物Table1㊀Primersusedinthisstudy引物名称㊀㊀引物序列(5ᶄң3ᶄ)CP ̄attb ̄FGGGGACAAGTTTGTACAAAAAAGCAGGCTTCATGTC ̄TTACGCTATTACTTCCP ̄attb ̄RGGGGACCACTTTGTACAAGAAAGCTGGGTCTTAGGA ̄CGCTGGCGCAGAAGH4 ̄attb ̄FGGGGACAAGTTTGTACAAAAAAGCAGGCTTCATGTC ̄TGGACGTGGAAAGGGH4 ̄attb ̄RGGGGACCACTTTGTACAAGAAAGCTGGGTCACCTCC ̄AAATCCGTACAAGGH4 ̄FCTCTAGAATGTCTGGACGTGGAAAGGGH4 ̄RCGGTACCTTAACCTCCAAATCCGTACAH4 ̄qPCR ̄FGCGGTCAGTTTAAGCTAGGGTH4 ̄qPCR ̄RAAGAGCGAGGATATGCAATGTCP ̄qPCR ̄FCCCGACTACAGCCGAAACATCP ̄qPCR ̄RTCCAGGCCAACCCAGACATANbActin ̄FCAATCCAGACACTGTACTTTCTCTCNbActin ̄RAAGCTGCAGGTATCCATGAGACTA1.3㊀农杆菌接种本氏烟分别将携带nLUC ̄CP㊁cLUC ̄H4㊁YFP ̄H4㊁CFP ̄CP㊁YN ̄CP㊁YC ̄H4㊁TRV2 ̄H4㊁TRV2 ̄GUS㊁TRV2 ̄PDS㊁TRV1的农杆菌于28ħ恒温摇床内培养至OD600ʈ0 6ꎬ离心去上清后将菌体分别重悬于悬浮液(10mmol/LMgCl2㊁50mmol/L2 ̄吗啉乙磺酸pH5 6㊁100μmol/L乙酰丁香酮)中ꎬ使其OD600为1 0ꎬ于28ħ恒温培养箱中悬浮1~2hꎮ在荧光素酶互补试验中以nLUC ̄CP:cLUC ̄H4㊁nLUC ̄CP:cLUC㊁nLUC:H4 ̄cLUC㊁nLUC:cLUC分别共浸润本氏烟叶片ꎮ双分子荧光互补试验中以YN ̄CP:YC ̄H4共浸润本氏烟叶片ꎮ在注射2d后使用化学发光/荧光图像分析系统进行观察ꎬ进行荧光素酶互补分析ꎮ在亚细胞共定位和双分子荧光互补试验中ꎬ使用激光共聚焦显微镜(ZEISS公司产品ꎬ德国)观察注射菌液48h后的本氏烟叶片ꎮ在VIGS试验中ꎬ分别以TRV1:TRV2 ̄H4㊁TRV1:TRV2 ̄GUS(阴性对照)㊁TRV1:TRV2 ̄PDS(阳性对照)3种组合共浸润接种本氏烟ꎬ接种后的本氏烟以TRV ̄H4本氏烟㊁TRV ̄GUS本氏烟(阴性对照)㊁TRV ̄PDS本氏烟(阳性对照)命名ꎮ每个组合接种7株ꎬ以待进行进一步试验ꎮ1.4㊀实时定量RT ̄PCR(qRT ̄PCR)首先使用TransZolUpPlusRNA试剂盒提取样品RNAꎬ然后将RNA稀释至相同含量进行反转录(参照说明书)ꎬ按照比例制备反应液ꎬ之后进行定量分析ꎬ每个样品设置3个生物学重复ꎬ设3个技术重复ꎮqPCR反应体系(总体积20 0μl):10 0μl2ˑSu ̄perFastUniversalSYBRMasterMixꎬ0 5μl正向引物ꎬ0 5μl反向引物ꎬ1 0μl模板DNAꎬ8 0μlddH2OꎮqPCR反应程序:95ħ预变性30sꎻ95ħ变性10sꎬ60ħ退火/延伸30sꎬ45个循环ꎮ熔解曲线:95ħ15sꎬ95ħ1minꎬ60ħ15sꎮ1.5㊀WesternBlot取0 1g本氏烟叶片ꎬ用200μl蛋白质提取缓冲液[0 125mol/L三羟甲基氨基甲烷盐酸盐(Tris ̄HCl)ꎬ4 00%十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)ꎬ20 00%甘油(Glycerol)ꎬ2 00%巯基乙醇(Mercaptoethanol)ꎬ0 05%溴酚蓝(Bromophenolblue)]研磨ꎬ于95ħ㊁10min煮沸后置于预冷的4ħ离心机中ꎬ12000r/min离心5minꎬ取上清液ꎬ获得蛋白质提取液ꎬ取适量蛋白质提取液ꎬ进行10%十二烷基硫酸钠 ̄聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS ̄PAGE)(130Vꎬ80min)ꎬ电泳结束后ꎬ电转至聚氯乙烯膜ꎬ在室温下置于自动摇床上ꎬ于70r/min孵育1hꎬ用磷酸盐吐温缓冲液(1ˑPBST)洗脱3次ꎬ每次5minꎮ以α ̄ToMMV蛋白质抗体(由笔者所在实验室保存)作为一抗孵化1 5h后ꎬ用1ˑPBST溶液洗脱3次ꎬ每次5minꎬ用HRP标记二抗(碧云天公司产品ꎬ中国)于脱色摇床常温孵育1h后ꎬ再用1ˑPBST溶液洗脱3次ꎬ每次5minꎮ使用高敏型ECL(化学发光底物)化学发光试剂盒(南京诺唯赞生物科技股份有限公司产品)检测电转化后的聚氯乙烯膜ꎬ取1ml化学发光底物(ECL)BufferA㊁1mlECLBufferB液体等体积混匀后均匀滴加到电转后的聚氯乙烯膜上ꎬ在室温下孵育1~2min后放在化学发光成像仪器(Tanon5200全自动化学发光图像分析系统)下观察结果ꎮ643江苏农业学报㊀2023年第39卷第2期2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀本氏烟组蛋白基因H4的克隆及组蛋白H4特征分析㊀㊀H4基因全长312bp(图1A)ꎬ编码1个由102个氨基酸组成的蛋白质(相对分子质量为11400)ꎬ该蛋白质具有1个保守的组蛋白折叠域(HFD)[25]ꎬ其中包含3个串联的α ̄螺旋ꎬ两端是N末端㊁C末端ꎬ这2个区段易发生转录后修饰ꎬ对基因转录的调控作用明显[26]ꎬ组蛋白H4的结构见图1BꎮA:组蛋白基因H4的克隆结果ꎻB:组蛋白H4结构ꎮ图1㊀组蛋白基因H4的克隆和组蛋白H4结构示意Fig.1㊀CloningofhistonegeneH4andstructureofhistoneH42.2㊀ToMMV外壳蛋白(CP)与组蛋白H4的互作验证㊀㊀近年来ꎬ荧光素酶互补成像(Luciferasecomple ̄mentationimagingꎬLCI)技术因具有可量化㊁高灵敏度的特征而在蛋白质互作试验中被广泛使用[26]ꎬ本试验拟通过此方法分析CP与组蛋白H4之间的互作关系ꎮnLUC ̄CP与cLUC ̄H4共浸润本氏烟ꎬ2d后对烟草叶片喷施荧光素酶ꎬ用化学发光成像系统观察荧光素酶的活性ꎮ如图2A所示ꎬ与含有空载体的农杆菌一起被浸润的所有阴性对照中ꎬ荧光信号都没有被检测出来ꎬ只有共表达的nLUC ̄CP+cLUC ̄H4试验组能检测到明显的荧光信号ꎮ上述结果表明ꎬToMMVCP与组蛋白H4能在烟草细胞中发生相互作用ꎮ㊀㊀为了进一步验证CP与组蛋白H4在植物体内的互作情况ꎬ笔者将CP基因㊁H4基因分别连入双分子荧光互补(BiFC)载体YN㊁YC中ꎬ用农杆菌浸润烟草叶片2d后ꎬ通过激光共聚焦观察本氏烟细胞内的黄色荧光ꎮBiFC结果表明ꎬYN ̄CP和YC ̄H4共浸润烟草叶片后可以在细胞核位置观察到点状YFP荧光ꎬ表明ToMMVCP和组蛋白H4能够在烟草叶片细胞中互作ꎬ其他组合均未观察到荧光(图2B)ꎮA:荧光素酶互补成像试验验证ToMMVCP与本氏烟组蛋白H4的互作关系(左侧为荧光图ꎬ右侧为叶片不同区域菌液组合的示意图)ꎻB:双分子荧光互补试验验证ToMMVCP与本氏烟组蛋白H4的互作关系ꎮ图2㊀番茄斑驳花叶病毒(ToMMV)外壳蛋白(CP)与本氏烟组蛋白H4互作的验证Fig.2㊀Verificationofinteractionbetweencoatproteinandhis ̄toneH4ofNicotianabenthamianainplants2.3㊀ToMMVCP和本氏烟组蛋白H4的亚细胞定位㊀㊀为了明确ToMMVCP及本氏烟组蛋白H4的亚细胞定位ꎬ本研究分别构建pHYG ̄CFP ̄CP㊁pHYG ̄YFP ̄H4重组表达载体ꎮ用含有pHYG ̄CFP ̄CP㊁pHYG ̄YFP ̄H4质粒的农杆菌菌液和含有mCherry ̄H2B质粒的农杆菌菌液共浸润本氏烟叶片ꎬ其中mCherry ̄H2B的主要作用为细胞核红色荧光标记ꎬ743刘亚楠等:本氏烟组蛋白H4与番茄斑驳花叶病毒外壳蛋白互作调控病毒侵染接种后2dꎬ通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察荧光ꎮ结果显示ꎬToMMVCP定位于细胞核㊁细胞质中ꎬ组蛋白H4定位于细胞核中(图3A)ꎬ两者共定位于细胞核中(图3B)ꎮA:ToMMVCP与本氏烟组蛋白H4的亚细胞定位B:ToMMVCP与本氏烟组蛋白H4的亚细胞共定位ꎮ图3㊀番茄斑驳花叶病毒(ToMMV)外壳蛋白(CP)与本氏烟组蛋白H4的亚细胞定位Fig.3㊀SubcellularlocalizationofcoatproteinandhistoneH4ofNicotianabenthamiana2.4㊀本氏烟沉默H4基因抑制ToMMV的侵染为了进一步明确组蛋白H4对ToMMV侵染植株的影响ꎬ利用TRV诱导的基因沉默技术沉默H4基因ꎬ以TRV ̄GUS㊁TRV ̄PDS为对照ꎬTRV ̄H4通过农杆菌浸润对六叶期的本氏烟进行H4基因沉默ꎬ相关结果见图4ꎮ当阴性对照TRV ̄PDS出现白化症状时ꎬ取试验组的系统叶进行实时荧光定量PCRꎬ检测H4基因的沉默效率ꎮ结果显示ꎬH4基因的相对表达量显著下降(图4B)ꎮ㊀㊀对沉默后的植株浸润接种ToMMVꎬ并于接种后第4d取其系统叶进行实时荧光定量PCR以检测病毒含量ꎮ结果表明ꎬH4基因沉默后ꎬToMMVCP基因在本氏烟中的积累量降低(图4A)ꎬ病毒在系统叶中的复制水平显著低于对照(图4B)ꎬ表明H4基因的沉默会影响ToMMV的侵染ꎬ组蛋白H4可能是ToMMV侵染植物的感病因子ꎮ3㊀讨论病毒外壳蛋白的主要功能是形成衣壳ꎬ保护病毒基因组ꎬ以防降解[27]ꎮ然而ꎬ除了结构功能外ꎬ外843江苏农业学报㊀2023年第39卷第2期A:接种病毒4d后植株的表现ꎻB:H4基因的沉默效率检测和接种病毒4d后外壳蛋白基因(CP)相对表达量的检测结果(∗∗∗∗表示差异极显著ꎬP<0.0001)ꎻC:接种病毒4d后CP的WesternBlot检测结果ꎮ图4㊀沉默本氏烟H4基因抑制番茄斑驳花叶病毒(ToMMV)侵染Fig.4㊀Inhibitionoftomatomottlemosaicvirusinfectionbysi ̄lencingH4geneinNicotianabenthamiana壳蛋白在病毒的感染周期和寄主植物对病毒感染的防御反应中还有许多其他重要功能[28]ꎬ包括参与病毒的蚜传[29]㊁病毒的长距离运动[30]和胞间运动[31]㊁病毒症状的形成等[32 ̄33]ꎮ以此可见ꎬCP在病毒侵染植株的过程中发挥了重要作用ꎬ因此研究CP的互作因子对了解病毒侵染过程及其致病机制有着十分重要的意义[34]ꎮ已有的研究结果表明ꎬ水稻矮缩病病毒外壳蛋白P2可以与植物体内恩特 ̄贝壳杉烯氧化酶(Ent ̄kaureneoxidases)互作ꎬ导致水稻产生矮缩症状[35]ꎮLi等[36]研究发现ꎬ烟草IP ̄L与烟草花叶病毒(ToMV)CP间存在相互作用ꎬToMVCP同IP ̄L的互作会影响植物的光合作用ꎬ从而引起植株黄化症状ꎮ黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒外壳蛋白与烟草RPL14存在互作ꎬ这种互作可能会影响病毒的增殖机制[37]ꎮ本研究选择番茄斑驳花叶病毒CP作为诱饵筛ꎬ在烟草中筛选到与其互作的组蛋白H4ꎬ这是关于ToMMVCP与植物组蛋白互作的首次报道ꎬ为ToMMVCP功能的后续研究奠定了基础ꎮ组蛋白是构成真核生物染色体的基本结构蛋白[38 ̄39]ꎬ在某些情况下组蛋白中的特定氨基酸位点可发生甲基化㊁乙酰化等表观遗传学修饰[40]ꎮ在表观遗传调控中ꎬ这些不同位点的不同修饰作用是不一样的[41]ꎮ研究发现ꎬ酿酒酵母组蛋白H4K16位点与酵母乙酸耐受性相关[42]ꎮ对拟南芥的研究发现ꎬ通过减少开花抑制因子FLC的组蛋白H4赖氨酸5(H4K5ace)的乙酰化ꎬ会使植物提前开花[43 ̄44]ꎮ此外ꎬ组蛋白H4的乙酰化是基因表达激活的标志ꎬ这些标志在动物病毒基因组特别是动物病毒基因激活和再激活的调控区域的富集ꎬ是病毒从感染潜伏状态到烈性感染状态转变的重要因素[45]ꎮ本研究在沉默本氏烟H4后发现ꎬToMMV的侵染能力下降ꎬ表明H4在ToMMV与寄主互作的过程中发挥重要作用ꎬ由此笔者推测ꎬ病毒编码的CP在细胞核内通过影响组蛋白的修饰等ꎬ进而使病毒完成系统侵染ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀李月月ꎬ周文鹏ꎬ路思倩ꎬ等.番茄斑驳花叶病毒在我国茄科作物上的发生及生物学特性[J].中国农业科学ꎬ2020ꎬ53(3):539 ̄550.[2]㊀AMBRÓSSꎬMARTÍNEZFAꎬIVARSPꎬetal.Molecularandbi ̄ologicalcharacterizationofanisolateofTomatomottlemosaicvirus(ToMMV)infectingtomatoandotherexperimentalhostsineasternSpain[J].EuropeanJournalofPlantPathologyꎬ2017ꎬ149(2):261 ̄268.[3]㊀金凤媚ꎬ薛㊀俊ꎬ孙海波ꎬ等.基于小RNA技术的天津地区番茄花叶病毒分子检测与基因组部分序列分析[J].华北农学报ꎬ2021ꎬ36(5):176 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高考英语外刊时文精读精练 (13)A new outbreak of disease: The spread of monkeypox新的疾病爆发:猴痘的传播【外刊原文】(斜体单词为超纲词汇,认识即可;下划线单词为课标词汇,需熟记。
)SINCE BRITAIN reported a case of monkeypox on May 7th, more than 300 further cases have been reported across the world. The disease, which is usually confined to Africa, is now present in at least 17 countries in Europe and five other non-African ones.The symptomsare similar to those of smallpox(天花), a disease that once troubled humans but has now been wiped out. Some researchers suggest that, ending routine anti-smallpox vaccination(疫苗) may have opened the door for monkeypox to spread.The World Health Organisation (WHO) says the illness rarely kills healthy adults if treated early, but can be dangerous for children, pregnant women and the immunocompromised(免疫缺陷的). Those warnings are important. There is no recorded case of anyone outside Africa having died of monkeypox. But in that land, where health care is often poor, it is fatal3-6% of the time. Also, a strain prevalent(流行菌株)in Congo is much more likely to kill than the west African variant (变种) now spreading outside the continent.Previous European outbreaks have been limited to travellers from Africa, or their close contacts. The first case found in Britain this month involved someone recently arrived from Nigeria. Since then, the disease has spread more widely. By May 25th Britain had diagnosed71 cases. Spain had reported 119. Portugal, 39. Argentina, Austria and Denmark confirmed infections on May 23rd.Monkeypox is most frequently transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, bodily fluids or polluted material such as clothes and bedding. Many of the recent European infections have been linked to big events. Hans Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, has warned thatfestivals and parties could accelerate transmission during the summermonths. He recommends thorough handwashing and protective equipment for health workers. Infected people and their contacts have been advised to isolate for 21 days and health authorities are using contact-tracing to reduce the spread.But the virus is not as rapidly transmissible as SARS-COV-2. Nor does itdevelop as quickly as coronaviruses , reducing the risk of it suddenly becoming more dangerous. And Western countries know how to deal with it. The last big outbreak outside Africa was in 2003, when monkeypox-carrying prairie dogs caused more than 70 cases in America. That incident was quickly contained.Vaccination can help people recover even after they have been infected, and smallpox jabs (of which many countries keep large stocks) are estimated to be 85% effective against monkeypox. Some places are already “ring-vaccinating” the personal contacts of those infected, both to protect the individuals in question and to break the chain of infection. So, although the number of cases will probably continue to rise for a while, monkeypox is most unlikely to lead to lockdowns in the way that covid-19 did.【课标词汇精讲】1.confine v.限制;使局限Your boating will mostly be confined to a few hours at weekends.你通常只限于在周末划几个小时船。
高考英语 话题九 第一节 话题阅读 环保 健康 饮食拓展训练
落堕市安心阳光实验学校第一节话题阅读——环保·健康·饮食5年真题拓展训练【原题体验】(2009·全国Ⅰ·阅读理解C)We have met the enemy,and he is ours.We bought him at a pet shop.When monkeypox,a disease usually found in the African rain forest,suddenly turns up in children in the American Midwest,it’s hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing in on human beings.“Most of the infections(感染) we think of as human infections started in other animals,”says Stephen Morse,director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at Columbia University.It’s not just that we’re going to where the animals are;we’re also bringing them closer to us.Popular foreign pets have brought a whole new disease to this country.A strange illness killed Isaksen’s pets,and she now thinks that keepin g foreign pets is a bad idea.“I don’t think it’s fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them,”says Isaksen.“Laws allowing these animals to be brought in from deep forest areas without stricter control need changing,”says Peter Schantz.Monkeypox may be the_wakeup_call.Researchers believe infected animals may infect their owners.We know very little about these new diseases.A new bug(病毒) may be kind at first.But it may develop into something harmful(有害的).Monkeypox doesn’t look a major infectious disease.But it is not impossible to pass the disease from person to person.64.We learn from Paragraph 1 that the pet sold at the shop may ________. A.come from ColumbiaB.prevent us from being infectedC.enjoy being with childrenD.suffe r from monkeypox答案D解析细节理解题。
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Virus Research121(2006)33–41Tobamovirus infection is independent of HSP101mRNA inductionand protein expressionTyrell Carr a,Yongzeng Wang a,1,Zhonglian Huang a,2,Joanne M.Yeakley b,Jian-Bing Fan b,Steven A.Whitham a,∗a Department of Plant Pathology,Iowa State University,351Bessey Hall,Ames,IA50011-1020,USAb Illumina,Incorporated,9885Towne Centre Drive,San Diego,CA92121,USAReceived6February2006;received in revised form25March2006;accepted26March2006Available online27April2006AbstractHeat shock protein101(HSP101)has been implicated in tobamovirus infections by virtue of its ability to enhance translation of mRNAs possessing the5 -leader of Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV).Enhanced translation is mediated by HSP101binding to a CAA-repeat motif in TMV leader.CAA repeat sequences are present in the5 leaders of other tobamoviruses including Oilseed rape mosaic virus(ORMV),which infectsArabidopsis thaliana.HSP101is one of eight HSP100gene family members encoded by the A.thaliana genome,and of these,HSP101and HSP98.7 are predicted to encode proteins localized to the cytoplasm where they could potentially interact with TMV RNA.Analysis of the expression of the HSP100s showed that only HSP101mRNA transcripts were induced significantly by ORMV in A.thaliana.The induction of HSP101mRNA was also correlated with an increase in its protein levels and was independent of defense-related signaling pathways involving salicylic acid,jasmonic acid,or ethylene.A.thaliana mutants lacking HSP101,HSP98.7,or both supported wild-type levels of ORMV replication and movement.Similar results were obtained for TMV infection in Nicotiana benthamiana plants silenced for HSP101,demonstrating that HSP101is not necessary for efficient tobamovirus infection.©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Heat shock protein;HSP101;Tobamovirus;Oilseed rape mosaic virus;Tobacco mosaic virus1.IntroductionIncreased expression of genes encoding heat shock proteins (HSPs)is a common response of plant and animal hosts to diverse viruses(Aparicio et al.,2005;Aranda et al.,1996; Escaler et al.,2000;Glotzer et al.,2000;Whitham et al., 2003).In plants,this response was initially characterized by the induction of HSP70at sites of active virus replication (Aranda et al.,1996).In Arabidopsis thaliana,several positive-strand RNA viruses elicit the accumulation of mRNA tran-scripts of HSP17.4,HSP17.6A,HSP23.6,HSP70,and HSP83 (Whitham et al.,2003).In addition, A.thaliana HSP101 appeared to be induced effectively by the tobamoviruses Oilseed ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+15152944952;fax:+15152949420.E-mail address:swhitham@(S.A.Whitham).1Present address:Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research,Tower Road, Ithaca,NY14853-1801,USA.2Present address:Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN47907,USA.rape mosaic virus(ORMV)and Turnip vein clearing virus (TVCV).The increased expression of HSP101mRNA in response to tobamovirus infection in A.thaliana is interesting in the light of studies that show HSP101orthologs from other plants bind to a CAA-rich sequence in the5 leader of the Tobacco mosaic virus strain U1(TMV)genomic RNA(Tanguay and Gallie,1996).The 5 leader of TMV is referred to as the Omega( )leader,and its interaction with HSP101enhances translation in vitro and in vivo (Gallie,2002;Wells et al.,1998).In particular,tobacco HSP101 was shown to enhance the translation of mRNA transcripts fused to the TMV leader(Wells et al.,1998)and an endogenous plant mRNA also containing CAA repeats(Ling et al.,2000).These observations suggest that increased expression of HSP101could potentially benefit tobamovirus infection.In A.thaliana,the HSP100gene family consists of at least eight genes including HSP101(Agarwal et al.,2001), which is more closely related to its orthologs from tobacco (NtHSP101;AF083343),wheat(TaHSP101;AF083344),and0168-1702/$–see front matter©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2006.03.01334T.Carr et al./Virus Research121(2006)33–41yeast(ScHSP104;M67479)than to its paralogs in A.thaliana (Carr and Whitham,unpublished).Among the A.thaliana HSP100gene family,only HSP101and HSP98.7encode for cytoplasmic proteins(Agarwal et al.,2001)making them the most likely candidates for interacting with viral RNAs or proteins.A key role for HSP101in heat tolerance in A.thaliana seedlings has been established through analysis of loss-of-function mutants(Hong and Vierling,2001).The function of HSP101in thermotolerance is probably medi-ated by its chaperone activity.As for HSP98.7,there is cur-rently little information about its function in A.thaliana. Other HSP100s that are targeted to the chloroplast have been reported to be necessary for chloroplast functions(Constan et al.,2004;Park and Rodermel,2004).Thus,HSP100family members have various functions in host growth and develop-ment under normal and stress conditions.However,their roles in plant–pathogen interactions have not been investigated in detail.Of particular interest to us was the role of HSP101in success-ful tobamovirus infections.To address this topic,we used the model plant systems A.thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana to investigate HSP101expression and its function in tobamovirus infections.2.Materials and methods2.1.Preparation of virus inoculumORMV inoculum was prepared from sap isolated from virus-infected Nicotiana tabacum cv.SR1(nn genotype)by grinding leaves in20mM phosphate buffer(pH7.2)or from purified viri-ons(Chapman,1998).Sap inoculum of TMV strain U1tagged with GFP(TMV-GFP)was prepared from N.benthamiana leaves that became infected after infiltration with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV2260harboring a full length infectious cDNA clone(Jin et al.,2002).2.2.Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana HSP101and HSP98.7 mutants and ORMV inoculationMutants of A.thaliana HSP101(hot1-3),HSP98.7(hsp98.7), and the hot1-3/hsp98.7double mutant were kindly provided by Dr.E.Vierling(University of Arizona).The hot1-3mutant was derived from the Columbia(Col-6)ecotype,and the hsp98.7 mutant was derived from the Wassilewskija(Ws-2)ecotype (Hong and Vierling,2001).Wild-type and mutant plants were grown with a14h photoperiod at22◦C until21or28days of age.Four leaves on each of three plants were labeled with a Sharpie TM,dusted with carborundum,and then rub inoculated with10l of ORMV virions that were diluted to0.1g/l in 20mM phosphate buffer(pH7.2).Control plants were mock inoculated with the phosphate buffer alone.In all experiments, inoculated or systemic leaves were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at−80◦C.In each experiment,viral disease symptoms were monitored in a parallel set of plants up to14 days after inoculation(DAI).2.3.RNA gel blot analysis of ORMV viral RNA accumulationPlant RNA was isolated using a modified TRIZOL method (38%saturated phenol,pH4.3,0.8M guanidine thiocyanate, 0.4M ammonium thiocyanate,0.1M sodium acetate,and5% glycerol)(Chomczynski and Sacchi,1987;Huang et al.,2005). Total RNA(5g)was treated with glyoxal,electrophoresed in1%agarose gels,and then transferred to nylon membranes (Zeta-probe GT,Bio-Rad,Hercules,CA,USA).The blots were hybridized with an ORMV coat protein(CP)gene-specific probe,stripped,and hybridized with an18S rRNA probe.The ORMV CP probe was amplified using the primers ORMVCPF 5 -TCACCCATGGTTTACAACATCACGAGCTCG-3 and ORMVCPR5 -CACTTCTAGACTATGTAGCTGGCGCAGT-AGCC-3 .The18S rRNA probe was amplified from A.thaliana DNA using the primers18SF5 -GACAGACTGAGAGCTC-TTTCTTGA-3 and18SR5 -ACGTAGCTAGTTAGCA-GGCTGAG-3 .The PCR products were labeled with␣32P-dCTP using the Prime-a-Gene labeling system(Promega, Madison,WI,USA).Northern blot hybridizations were per-formed in Rapid-Hyb buffer according to the manufacturer’s protocol(Amersham,Piscataway,NJ,USA).Radioactive signals were detected by phosphorimager,and then quanti-fied using Image Quant version5.2(Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale,CA,USA).2.4.Gene expression measurements by the DNA-mediated annealing,selection,extension,and ligation(DASL TM)assay andfiber optic bead array matricesGene expression analysis of the HSP100gene family mem-bers in A.thaliana wild type Col-0and defense-related sig-naling mutants was performed using microarray data gener-ated in our previous studies(Huang et al.,2005).The nor-malized expression data were reported as“average signal”values.Statistical significance of the values were analyzed using a linear mixed effects statistical model(Huang et al., 2005).2.5.Inducible expression of ORMV CP and analysis ofHSP101gene expression by QRT-PCRThe estradiol-inducible pER8binary vector(Zuo et al., 2000)was modified by introducing the leader sequence of ORMV and a HA tag sequence into the multiple cloning site.The three oligomers used for the modification were:5 -ATCACTCGAGGTTTTATTTTTGTTGCAACAACAACAA-CAAATTACAATAACAACAAAACAAATACAAACAACAA-CAAC-3 (Xho I underlined);5 -TGGCGCGCCGGGCCCAG-CGCTGTTAATTAAGTTGTTGTTGTTTGTATTTGTTTTGT-TG-3 (Asc I,Apa I,Eco47III,and Pac I underlined);and5 -GGACTAGTTAGAGGCTAGCGTAATCCGGAACATCGTAT-GGGTACATTGGCGCGCCG GGCCC-3 (Spe I,Asc I,and Apa I underlined).The PCR products were digested with Xho I and Spe I and cloned into pER8to replace original multiple cloning sites.Thefinal clone was designated pXVEWHAT.Carr et al./Virus Research121(2006)33–4135(Fig.2A).ORMV CP and GFP::GUS genes were cloned into pXVE HA at the Pac I and Asc I sites,and transgenic Col-0plants were made byfloral-dip transformation with A. tumefaciens strain GV3101(Clough and Bent,1998).Estradiol induction conditions were optimized using a homozygous GFP::GUS line.Homozygous seeds were germinated on1/2X Murashige-Skoog(MS)medium,and8-day-old seedlings were transferred to1/2X MS medium containing20M 17--estradiol(Sigma,St.Louis,MO,USA)plus0.1% DMSO or to1/2X MS medium containing only0.1%DMSO. At32h after transfer,seedlings were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen,and total RNA was extracted from the seedlings using RNAqueous(Ambion,Austin,TX,USA).Accumulation of HSP101mRNA and18S rRNA transcripts was measured by quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR(QRT-PCR)as described by(Cooper,2001;Whitham et al.,2003)using primers HSP101F5 -AGGGAAGCTTGATCCTGTGA-3 and HSP101R5 -CCTGGCTCTCCAATAAGCAC-3 ;and 18SF5 -GACAGACTGAGAGCTCTTTCTTGA-3 ,and18SR 5 -ACGTAGCTAGTTAGCAGGCTGAG-3 ,respectively.2.6.Virus-induced gene silencing(VIGS)of HSP101in N. benthamianaVIGS was performed using a Tobacco rattle virus(TRV)vec-tor(Dinesh-Kumar et al.,2003)containing a406bp fragment of the N.benthamiana HSP101gene.This HSP101fragment was amplified with the following primers:HSP101F5 -GGGGACAAGTTTGTACAAAAAAGCAGGCTGGCTACCT-TCTCAAACACCGG-3 and HSP101R5 -GGGGACCAC-TTTGTACAAGAAAGCTGGGTGCTAAATGGCTGTCACC-ACG-3 .The resulting PCR fragments were introduced into TRVRNA2by Gateway®recombination(Invitrogen, Carlsbad,CA,USA)to make the TRV-HSP101clone.The TRVRNA2vector and TRV-HSP101were each transformed into A.tumefaciens strain GV2260for co-infiltration into the leaves of21-day-old N.benthamiana plants together with GV2260containing TRVRNA1(Dinesh-Kumar et al., 2003).The age of N.benthamiana plants and the positions of leaves suitable for efficient VIGS with the TRV system was determined using a TRV vector carrying a segment of the phytoene desaturase(pds)gene that causes photobleaching as a visible marker(Liu et al.,2002).Silencing of HSP101 was verified at14days post infiltration(DPI)by removing the two leaves directly above those that were infiltrated and subjecting them to heat shock at42◦C for2h.Immunoblot analysis was performed as described below to demonstrate that HSP101did not accumulate in selected tissues of silenced plants.The HSP101-silenced and control N.benthamiana plants were rub-inoculated with TMV-GFP sap at14DPI onto two sys-temic leaves(opposite of each other)that were directly above the infiltrated leaves.Accumulation and spread of TMV-GFP was monitored daily by visualizing GFPfluorescence under long-wave UV light.Leaves were sampled at3,7and10DAI for virus accumulation assays.2.7.Isolation of total protein from plant tissuesTotal soluble proteins were extracted with TBS(50mM Tris–HCl,300mM,NaCl,and5mM EDTA at pH7.4)con-taining the protease inhibitors leupeptin(5g/ml),aprotinin (5g/ml),and PMSF(100M).Protein was quantified in extracts using the Bradford assay(Bio-Rad Protein Assay, Bio-Rad,Hercules,CA,USA).For detection of HSP101in mock-inoculated and ORMV-infected leaves,30g of total pro-tein were precipitated with20%trichloracetic acid and resus-pended in sample loading buffer(0.5M Tris–HCl(pH6.8), 50%glycerol,10%SDS,0.5%bromophenol blue,and5%-mercaptoethanol).For detection of viral CP,10g of total protein were used without precipitation.2.8.Immunoblot analysisProtein extracts were separated by polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis(PAGE)using8%or15%polyacrylamide in the presence of SDS running buffer(25mM Tris,pH8.3,192mM glycine,and1%SDS),and then transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride(PVDF)membrane(Bio-Rad,Hercules,CA,USA). Protein transfer efficiency and equal loading was estimated by staining the membranes with Ponceau S solution(0.1%w/v in 5%acetic acid v/v).For immunoblot assay,the membranes were incubated in blocking buffer(5%non-fat milk in20mM Tris base,pH7.6, 137mM sodium chloride)for1h,then incubated for3h at room temperature with antisera of A.thaliana HSP101at1:1000 (Hong and Vierling,2000),wheat HSP101at1:2000(Wells et al.,1998),ORMV CP at1:4000(generated and character-ized in our laboratory),or TMV CP at1:1000dilution(ATCC, PV AS-961,Manassas,V A,USA),respectively,in blocking buffer with1%Tween-20.Next,the membranes were incubated with donkey anti-rabbit IgG conjugated with horseradish per-oxidase(1:20,000dilution;Amersham,Piscataway,NJ,USA) for1h at room temperature.The membrane blot images were developed using an enhanced chemiluminescence system(ECL, Amersham,Piscataway,NJ,USA)according to manufacturer’s instruction.3.Results3.1.Expression of A.thaliana HSP100gene family members in response to ORMVPrevious results suggested that HSP101mRNA is induced during tobamovirus infection in A.thaliana(Whitham et al., 2003).Because HSP101is one of eight members of a multi-gene family in A.thaliana,it was necessary to further examine the specificity of its induction in response to viral infection.To accomplish this objective,we profiled the expression of the A. thaliana HSP100family in response to ORMV infections by analyzing gene expression data that was previously generated by Huang et al.(2005).In brief,fully expanded rosette leaves of Col-0plants had been inoculated with ORMV or mock treated with phosphate buffer alone in three independent biological36T.Carr et al./Virus Research 121(2006)33–41replications.Total RNA was extracted from inoculated leaves that were harvested at 2and 5DAI,and infection was confirmed by detection of ORMV viral RNAs in inoculated leaves using RNA gel blot and qRT-PCR analyses.Subsequently,total RNA samples were labeled by the DASL TM assay (Fan et al.,2004;Shou et al.,2004),and hybridized to custom fiber-optic array matrices representing 388unique A.thaliana genes (Huang et al.,2005).The average signals of seven of the eight HSP100genes in the ORMV-infected samples were divided by their average signals in the mock-inoculated samples to produce an average signal ratio (fold change)for each gene (Fig.1A).HSP92.7Fig.1.Expression of A.thaliana HSP101mRNA and protein in response to ORMV .(A)Expression of HSP101mRNA was induced in response to ORMV treatment.HSP101(At1g74310),HSP98.7(At2g25140),HSP105.7(At3g48870),HSP108.9(At5g15450),HSP103.4(At5g50920),HSP103(At5g51070),HSP108.7(At5g57710).The average signal ratio was determined by dividing the average signal of the virus-infected sample by the mock-inoculated sample.A ratio of approximately 1indicates no change in expression.Average signals were taken from Huang et al.(2005).(B)Induction of HSP101protein by ORMV .In each lane,30g of total protein were loaded and separated by SDS-PAGE.HSP101was detected by immunoblot assay in ORMV-infected (I)and mock-inoculated (M)rosette leaves at 1,2,3,and 4days after inocu-lation (DAI).As a positive control,HSP101was detected in protein extracts from leaves that were heat shocked (HS)for 2h at 37◦C.(C)HSP101mRNA transcript levels derived from Whitham et al.(2003)were graphed for ORMV-infected (I)and mock-inoculated (M)rosette leaves at 1,2,and 4DAI.(At4g14670)was excluded from Fig.1A,because its signal was not significantly different from the background in all samples indicating it was not expressed.Among the HSP100genes that produced a significant signal,HSP101(At1g74310)mRNA was induced in infected rosette leaves at 5DAI (p <0.05).In contrast,the abundance of the mRNA transcripts of the other HSP100genes was similar in virus-infected and mock-inoculated sam-ples,because their average signal ratios were approximately 1.These results demonstrated that of the HSP100family mem-bers HSP101mRNA was significantly induced by ORMV infection.3.2.Accumulation of A.thaliana HSP101protein was induced by ORMV infectionBecause HSP101mRNA was induced by ORMV infection,we then examined whether this correlated with an increase in the accumulation of HSP101protein in inoculated rosette leaves of A.thaliana Col-0plants collected at 1,2,3,and 4DAI (Fig.1B).In each lane,30g of total protein were loaded for separa-tion by SDS-PAGE and detection of HSP101by immunoblot assay.HSP101accumulation was increased at least from 1to 3DAI in ORMV-infected leaves,whereas,it remained unde-tectable in mock-inoculated leaves (Fig.1B).Increased accu-mulation of HSP101was reproducible in numerous replications of this experiment and was also found to occur in response to another tobamovirus,TVCV .The abundance of HSP101protein was correlated with the accumulation of its mRNA transcripts over the 4-day time course (Fig.1C)indicating that HSP101expression in response to ORMV infection is transcriptionally regulated.3.3.ORMV CP induces HSP101mRNATMV CP was previously implicated as an elicitor of virus-induced HSP gene expression in tobacco (Jockusch et al.,2001),however,this function for TMV CP was not uncou-pled from other TMV proteins or viral replication.In our pathosystem,we tested if ORMV CP alone was sufficient to induce A.thaliana HSP101mRNA expression.The ORMV CP was expressed under control of an estradiol-inducible pro-moter in transgenic Col-0plants (XVE;Zuo et al.,2000).The binary plasmid carrying the promoter was modified for efficient translation and detection of expressed target proteins (Fig.2A).Homozygous transgenic A.thaliana lines were gener-ated that contained either the empty pXVE HA vector (XVE)that expresses an HA tag,or versions that express the GFP-GUS fusion gene (GG)or the ORMV CP in the presence of estradiol.Analysis of HSP101mRNA expression by QRT-PCR in seedlings harvested at 32h after estradiol induction showed that HSP101mRNA was significantly induced 5–6fold (p <0.05)in ORMV CP transgenic plants compared to non-induced or vector control plants (Fig.2B).The accumulation of HSP101mRNA accumulation in the GG line was not signif-icantly different from the Col-0and XVE plants at the p <0.05threshold.T.Carr et al./Virus Research 121(2006)33–4137Fig.2.ORMV CP is sufficient to induce the expression of HSP101mRNA.(A)A modified pXVE estradiol-inducible promoter system was used to express viral and reporter proteins (Zuo et al.,2000).(B)RNA was extracted from samples collected at 32h after treatment with 20M 17--estradiol.QRT-PCR was used to assay the levels of HSP101mRNA in Col-0wild-type and transgenic plants expressing genes under control of the estradiol-inducible promoter.HSP101mRNA levels were normalized to 18S rRNA and then plotted as the ratio of estradiol-induced/non-induced.Vertical lines represent the standard deviation of two biological replicates.Col-0,Columbia-0ecotype;wild-type;XVE,vector alone;CP,coat protein;GG,GFP::GUS.Fig.3.Expression of A.thaliana HSP101after mock inoculation or ORMV infection in defense signaling mutants.In this experiment,Col-0(wild type Columbia-0),ein2(ethylene insensitive 2),jar1(jasmonic acid resistant 1),eds5(enhanced disease susceptibility 5),npr1(no expression of pathogenesis related genes 1),NahG (salicylic acid hydroxylase ),and pad4(phytoalexin deficient 4)plants were inoculated with ORMV or mock-inoculated.Inoculated leaf tissue was harvested at 5days after inoculation (DAI)for RNA extraction and gene expression was assayed by fiber optic bead array.The average signal of HSP101in response to mock or ORMV treatment at 5DAI were taken from Huang et al.(2005)and graphed here.Vertical bars represent the standard deviation of three biological replicates.3.4.ORMV-induced expression of HSP101mRNA is not dependent on salicylic acidSalicylic acid (SA),jasmonic acid (JA),and ethylene (ET)are key signaling molecules that regulate defense responses to pathogens in A.thaliana and other plants (Kunkel and Brooks,2002).SA is required for the increased expression of a suite of defense-related genes that are upregulated during ORMV infection in susceptible Col-0plants (Huang et al.,2005).Other studies suggest that there are links between these signaling path-ways and expression of heat shock genes in biotic and abiotic stress responses (Clarke et al.,2004;Cronje and Bornman,1999;Larkindale et al.,2005).Therefore,we tested whether defense-related signaling pathways mediate the induction of HSP101mRNA transcripts in response to ORMV infection.Expression of HSP101was analyzed in our previous data set that included wild-type Col-0plants as well as mutants defective in SA (pad4-1,eds5-1,npr1-1,and NahG ),JA (jar1-1),and/or ET (ein2-1)signaling pathways that had been mock inoculated or infected with ORMV (Huang et al.,2005).As shown in Fig.3,accumu-lation of HSP101mRNA transcripts was significantly greater (p <0.05)in response to ORMV infection in all wild type and mutant genotypes tested when compared to mock-inoculated plants.These results suggest that induction of HSP101gene expression is independent of SA-,JA-,and/or ET-mediated signaling pathways that regulate expression of defense-related genes in compatible and incompatible interactions.3.5.Analysis of ORMV infection in HSP101and HSP98.7mutantsBased on published observations that HSP101enhances the translation of model mRNAs containing the TMV leader,HSP101is a chaperone that could assist in proper folding of viral proteins,and our findings that HSP101mRNA and pro-tein expression can be induced by tobamovirus infection,we next investigated whether HSP101is necessary for tobamovirus infection in A.thaliana .TMV strain U1does not infect the Col-0ecotype of A.thaliana efficiently in our hands.Therefore,we elected to use ORMV in HSP101functional studies.The leader sequence of TMV strain U1is not identical to those of ORMV or other tobamoviruses,which efficiently infect Col-0plants,but importantly,the leader sequences are all rich in poly(CAA)sequence motifs (Fig.4).The poly(CAA)sequence that has been implicated in HSP101binding in the TMV leaders is identified in Fig.4(Tanguay and Gallie,1996),and ORMV ,TVCV ,and TMV strain Cg,also have an additional stretch of poly(CAA)sequences toward the 3 end of their leader sequences.Inter-estingly,the leader of a plant mRNA that is rich inpoly(CAA)Fig.4.Alignment of the 5 -leader of TMV-U1(M24955),TMV-Cg (D38444),ORMV (NC 004422)and TVCV (NC 001873).Sequences were aligned using the Clustal W program (Thompson et al.,1997).The line segment indicates the position of poly(CAA)sequences in TMV-U1that bind to HSP101(Tanguay and Gallie,1996).38T.Carr et al./Virus Research121(2006)33–41sequence motifs can also enhance translation of model mRNA substrates in a HSP101-depedent fashion(Ling et al.,2000).To investigate the question of whether HSP101has a signif-icant role in ORMV infection in A.thaliana,null mutants of HSP101(hot1-3)and HSP98.7(hsp98.7)and a hot1-3/hsp98.7 double mutant were analyzed for accumulation and systemic movement of ORMV.These two HSP100s were selected, because they are predicted to be cytoplasmic and their expres-sion is detectable in virus-infected plants.hot1-3and hsp98.7 are null mutants as a result of T-DNA insertions(Hong and Vierling,2001).We expected that if HSP101and/or HSP98.7 facilitate ORMV infection,then virus accumulation would be reduced in the mutants compared to wild-type plants.Fully expanded rosette leaves of mutant and wild-type plants were inoculated with ORMV and analyzed over a4-day time-course in two independent replications.The accumulation of ORMV genomic and subgenomic RNAs was not reduced in hot1-3,hsp98.7,or hot1-3/hsp98.7double mutants when com-pared to wild-types Col-0and Ws-2at2and4DAI(Fig.5A and B).Similar results were observed for the accumulation of the ORMV CP in the mutants(data not shown).The appar-ent increase in ORMV genomic RNA in hot1-3leaves at2 DAI(Fig.5A)was not reproducible in other replications of this experiment.In summary,the accumulation of ORMV RNA species and CP were similar to wild-type in this panel of mutants suggesting that it was independent of HSP101and HSP98.7.We reasoned that the effects of the HSP101and/or HSP98.7 mutants might not be detectable in inoculated leaves,but per-haps could result in delayed systemic movement.Therefore,we investigated whether accumulation of ORMV in systemic tissues was affected in the hot1-3,and hot1-3/hsp98.7mutants.Inocu-lated rosette leaves and systemicfloral tissues were collected at 8DAI.Analysis of ORMV CP accumulation in collected tissues showed that levels of ORMV CP were similar in the mutants and wild-type controls in inoculated and systemic tissues(Fig.5C). These results indicated that the loss of cytoplasmic HSP100pro-teins(HSP101and HSP98.7)did not inhibit the accumulation of ORMV in local and systemic tissues in A.thaliana under these experimental conditions.3.6.Silencing of HSP101in N.benthamiana does notinhibit TMV replication and movementThe unexpected results from the A.thaliana-ORMV pathosystem could be due to sequence differences in the lead-ers of TMV-U1and ORMV and/or the necessity of A.thaliana HSP101to interact with the ORMV leader.Because TMV strain U1did not infect the Col-0ecotype of A.thaliana in our hands, we alternatively used the N.benthamiana-TMV pathosystem to further investigate if HSP101plays a role in promoting virus infection.N.benthamiana was selected since it is a good host for TMV infection,the HSP101protein is nearly identical to its tobacco ortholog,and VIGS with a TRV vector is very efficient (Dinesh-Kumar et al.,2003).In order to silence N.benthamiana HSP101,a406bp frag-ment of the gene was amplified and cloned into theTRVRNA2Fig.5.ORMV accumulation in inoculated leaves and systemic tissues of hot1-3 and hsp98.7mutants and wild-type Col-0and Ws-2plants.(A)and(B)ORMV genomic and coat protein(CP)subgenomic RNAs were detected at2(A)and 4(B)days after inoculation(DAI)by RNA gel blot analysis with a CP probe. Relative accumulation of ORMV RNA species was normalized to18S rRNA and graphed.Vertical lines represent the standard deviation of two biological repli-cates.(C)Systemic accumulation of ORMV CP in Col-0,hot1-3,and hsp98.7 plants at8DAI.In each lane,10g of total protein were separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot assay was used to detect ORMV CP in inoculated rosette leaves and non-inoculatedfloral tissues of Col-0,Ws-2,hot1-3,and hot1-3/hsp98.7 plants.For the loading controls,membranes werefirst stained with Ponceau S to detect total proteins,and the region corresponding in size to rubisco is shown.T.Carr et al./Virus Research121(2006)33–4139Fig.6.TMV-GFP accumulation and pathogenesis in HSP101-silenced N.benthamiana plants.A406bp fragment of N.benthamiana HSP101was cloned into the TRVRNA2vector to make the TRV-HSP101construct.(A)Confirmation of silencing of HSP101expression.N.benthamiana leaves were infected with TRVRNA1/TRVRNA2(TRV)or TRVRNA1/TRV-HSP101(TRV-HSP101).At14days after infiltration,systemic leaves were heat shocked at42◦C for2h and allowed to recover for4h or12h.Total protein was extracted,quantified,and10g of were loaded and separated by SDS-PAGE,and immunoblot assay was used to determine levels of HSP101expression in non-silenced(NS)leaves and silenced(S)leaves.For the loading controls,membranes werefirst stained with Ponceau S to detect total proteins,and the region corresponding in size to rubisco is shown.(B)TMV-GFP infection foci at7DAI in HSP101-silenced and control plants.(C)Accumulation of TMV CP at7DAI in inoculated leaves in silenced and non-silenced plants.In each lane,10g of total protein were loaded and separated by SDS-PAGE,and TMV CP was detected by immunoblot assay using a TMV CP antiserum(ATCC,PV AS-961).The loading controls are as described for panel(A) above.(D)Symptoms of HSP101-silenced and control plants at7days after TMV-GFP inoculation.vector to make the TRV-HSP101construct.Sequence analy-sis demonstrated that this fragment of N.benthamiana HSP101 was99%identical to N.tabacum HSP101.VIGS of N.ben-thamiana HSP101was induced by co-infiltrating A.tumefaciens strains harboring TRVRNA1and TRV-HSP101,and the effi-ciency of HSP101silencing was tested at14DP1.The leaves immediately above those that were infiltrated were removed and subject to heat shock at42◦C for2h followed by4and 12h recovery periods at room temperature.HSP101protein was not found in the heat-shocked leaves of silenced plants,but it was abundant in corresponding leaves of non-silenced control plants,demonstrating that expression of HSP101was effec-tively silenced(Fig.6A).In three independent repetitions of this experiment each using3–5plants,the corresponding leaves of HSP101-silenced(TRV-HSP101)and non-silenced control plants(TRV)were inoculated with TMV-GFP.GFPfluores-cence was observed daily under illumination with ultra-violet light in both silenced and non-silenced control leaves.Leaves were photographed at7DAI to demonstrate that the numbers and sizes of TMV-GFP infection foci were similar in silenced and non-silenced plants(Fig.6B).Furthermore,the accumula-tion of TMV CP was similar in the inoculated leaves of silenced and non-silenced controls at3and7DAI(Fig.6C and data not shown).Virus disease symptoms characterized by wilting of the systemic leaves developed simultaneously in silenced and non-silenced plants infected with TMV-GFP(Fig.6D).This result indicated that there was no delay in TMV-GFP systemic movement or reduction in pathogenicity in HSP101-silenced versus non-silenced plants.In summary,TMV-GFP accumula-tion in HSP101-silenced N.benthamiana plants coincided with the results obtained from the A.thaliana-ORMV pathosystem and further indicated that HSP101is not essential in mediating tobamovirus infections under our experimental conditions.4.DiscussionA variety of heat shock genes are induced in response to plant virus infections and many have been postulated to have roles in viral infections.Here the expression and functions of the mem-bers of the HSP100gene family in A.thaliana were investigated in response to viral infection.The data demonstrated that the accumulation of only HSP101mRNA and protein was induced in response to ORMV infection.Some of the other genes are expressed to significant levels in A.thaliana leaves,but their mRNA transcript levels are not altered significantly in response to ORMV.Increased expression of HSP101was not dependent on replicating virus,because the ORMV CP alone was sufficient to induce its expression.It is possible that the ability of ORMV CP to induce HSP101is parallel to the role of the adenovirus Gam1protein in inducing HSPs and as such is a specific elicitor of HSP expression(Glotzer et al.,2000).A second possibility is that accumulation of ORMV CP triggers a general response to protein accumulation in the cytoplasm as has been demon-strated recently for other viral proteins(Aparicio et al.,2005).。