presentation 英文演讲 原创 london olympic by 张磊 伦敦奥运会 中英文

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• One minute, the American flag was flying in the wind. The next, it was flying away. • 前一分钟,美国国旗还在迎风飘扬;下一分钟,国旗就被吹跑了。
• That was the scene Saturday at Wimbledon, after Serena Williams won the gold medal in women's single tennis, beating Russia's Maria Sharapova. • 这一幕发生在周六的温布尔顿网球场,美国网球选手小威廉姆斯在网 球女单比赛中击败对手俄罗斯的莎拉波娃夺得金牌。 • It was a gorgeous day at Centre Court, with the sun shining on the athletes standing on the podium, and America's national anthem playing to end the medal ceremony. But then, the flag simply fell from its post. • 在温布尔顿中心球场,这是多么明媚的一天啊,站在奥林匹克领奖台 上的运动员接受着阳光的洗礼,美国国歌在颁奖典礼上奏响。就在此 时,美国国旗就这么轻易地飘走了。
• “中国飞人”刘翔亮相伦敦碗,踏上男子110米栏预赛的赛道,开始 他的第三次奥运之旅。令无数关心他的人感到十分失望的是,在赛 前刘翔看起来状态不错,起跑速度很快,但过第一个栏时碰栏摔倒, 提前无缘伦敦奥运会男子110米栏的决赛。央视解说员在解说时看 到这一幕直接哽咽。 • 刘翔坚持单脚跳完全程,刘翔好像受伤,被轮椅推出了场外。
• 18. Team GB's arrival was greeted with a shower of confetti. • 奥运会主办国英国入场时受到热烈欢迎

• Olympics basketball: USA defend title against Spain • The USA won their 14th Olympic basketball gold medal as they beat Spain 107-100 to defend their title. • The favourites powered ahead in the first quarter before Spain recovered to within a point at the interval.
• A woman who gatecrashed India's parade at the Olympic opening ceremony was a member of the cast from the extravaganza but should not have been with the athletes, London 2012 chief Sebastian Coe said on Sunday. • 伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安· 柯在上周日表示,在奥运会开幕式上混入 印度代表团中的神秘女子不是运动员,只是一名热情的观众。
• Cameron van der Burgh of South Africa celebrates his gold medal in the men's 100m breaststroke. He later admitted that he took extra dolphin kicks during his swim, a violation of the rules.
• Great Britain's Beth Tweddle won a medal at last in the final Olympic appearance of her gymnastics career. • 来自英国的贝斯· 特维德尔在她退役之前的最后一届奥运会中终于获得 了一枚奖牌。 • Tweddle's score of 15.916 took bronze in her uneven bars final after a decade pursuing an elusive Olympic medal. • 在追逐一块奥运奖牌十年之后,特维德尔终于以前所未有的精彩表现 获得了15.916的高分,获得了一块高低杠的铜牌。 • Russia's Aliya Mustafina won the gold medal ahead of Beijing 2008 champion He Kexin of China. • 俄罗斯运动员阿利亚· 穆斯塔芬纳击败北京奥运会该项目冠军何可欣获 得冠军。
• American Michael Phelps won the 18th and final Olympic gold medal of his career with a win in the 4x100m medley relay, before heading into retirement. • 美国名将菲尔普斯在4x100米的混合泳接力比赛中获得了他的第18枚 奥运会金牌。这也是他职业生涯中最后一块奥运会金牌,比赛后他即 将退役。 • The 27-year-old swam the third butterfly leg at London's Aquatics Centre to help the United States past Japan in three minutes 29.35 seconds. • 混合泳接力比赛在伦敦水上运动中心举行。这位27岁的名将在这次比 赛中游第三棒蝶泳。最终,他帮助美国队以3分29秒35的成绩打败日 本队,夺得金牌。
• 6. Performers play drums during the ceremony. • 表演者在开幕式上表演击鼓。
• 10. An actor dressed to resemble the Queen parachutes from a helicopter over the stadium. • 一位特技替身演员扮作伊丽莎白女王从体育场上空的直升机上用降落 伞跳下。
• 8月12日,男篮决赛中,美国梦十队以107-100的比分击败西班牙队, 成功卫冕。这是美国男篮第14次奥运冠军。美国篮球球星杜兰特夺得 全场最高分30分,小皇帝詹姆斯砍下19分,科比17分。西班牙球星 加索尔为西班牙队贡献24分,却依然遗憾告负。
• China's Xu Lijia won Olympic gold in the women's Laser Radial class after a four-way shoot-out in the final race. • 中国队的徐莉佳经历苦战在女子帆船帆板激光雷迪尔级的比赛中获得 金牌。
• Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang
• Olympic men's 110 meter hurdles 奥运会 男子110米跨栏 • hurdler 跨栏选手 • track and field 田径 • semi-final 半决赛 • record-holder 纪录保持者
• "It's tough to put into words right now, but I finished my career how I wanted to," said an emotional Phelps. "Through the ups and downs of my career I've still been able to do everything that I've ever wanted to accomplish. • “我不知道怎么用语言来表达我现在的感觉,但我是以我所希望的形 式结束了我的职业生涯,”菲尔普斯很有感触地说道,“在经历了职 业生涯的各种起起伏伏后,我终于成功完成了我想要完成的一切。” • "I've been able to things that no-one else has ever been able to do and this is one of the funnest ways to finish it, in a relay." • “我做到了其他人都没能做到的事情,而且在一场接力比赛中完成它, 这实在是太有意思了。” • Phelps made his Olympic debut in Sydney in 2000 as a 15-year-old and won six golds and two bronze medals in Athens, followed by an historic eight gold medals in Beijing. • 2000年,15岁的菲尔普斯在悉尼奥运会中初露锋芒。在之后的雅典 奥运会中,他夺得了6块金牌和2块铜牌。而在北京奥运会上,菲尔普 斯包揽8块金牌,成就了历史性的一刻。 • After his final race the American was awarded with a trophy by swimming's world governing body, Final, confirming Phelps's status as the 'greatest Olympic athlete of all time.'
• 在这场最后一役后,国际泳联授予菲尔普斯一座奖杯,以确认他作为 “有史以来最伟大的奥运运动员”的地位。 • The swimmer used the opportunity to thank his coach of 15-years Bob Bowman. "Tonight was a very emotional for Bob and I," said Phelps. • 菲尔普斯借此机会感谢了15年来栽培他的教练,鲍伯· 鲍曼。“今晚 对于鲍伯和我而言意味非凡。”菲尔普斯说道。 • "I wouldn't be here today without everything he's done for me and I love him to death, and thankful I have someone who cares so much for me and who has put up with me over the past 15 years, so he's been great and I literally can't thank him enough. • “如果没有他为我所做的一切,我不可能站在这儿。我真的爱死他了。 有一个这样关心我、培养我15年的人,我非常幸运。他太伟大了,我 不知道要怎么感谢他。” • "I've been able to become the best swimmer of all time and I said we got here together and I thanked him." • “我对他说让我们携手共进,所以我才能成为最棒的游泳选手,我很 感谢他。”
• 19. The Olympic cauldron rises into position during the opening ceremony. • 开幕式上主火炬被点燃。
• Spice up the stage: The Spice Girls reformed to perform a spectacular set on the top of black London taxis at the closing ceremony. • 辣妹组合在黑色的伦敦出租车顶上进行表演。