



南京农业大学 2004年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
A. ぐらい B. ほど C. まで D. でも 9、この洋服を着る( )、なんとなく、女らしくなった感じがするわ。 A. と B. なら C. し D. なり 10、もう一度その国へ( )前と違った季節に行ってみたい。 A. 行ったら B. 行くと C. 行けば D. 行くなら 11、歯が痛くて勉強する( )、じっとしているのもつらかった。 A. ところで B. ものを C. どころか D. もので 12、林の中( )散歩しているうちに、気持がよくなった。 A. を B. で C. に D. へ 13、誰( )来たらしい。 A. が B. も C. か D. の 14、電話をする( )手紙を書く( )必ず連絡してください。 A. でも B. なり C. まで D. ぐらい 15、教授からほめられ、時間をかけて調べた( )のことはあったと思った。 A. ぐらい B. まで C. ほど D. だけ 16、子供で( )そんな非常識なことはしない。 A. すら B. ほど C. でも D. こそ 17、手術は無事終了し、順調に回復しつつ( )。 A. いる B. する C. ある D. くる 18、留学生( )ビザは大切な問題だ。 A. にかけて B. について C. にして D. にとって 19、学生は勉強する( )ではないのか。 A. こと B. もの C. ほか D. わけ 20、道で転んで、車にひかれそうになったが、あぶない( )でで助かった。 A. ばかり B. ところ C. ながら D.つつも 三、 次の文章を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。(17点) 電車の中で立っている乗客がなにか紙切れのようなものを拾い、落とし主に 渡したらしい。こちらからは見えなかったが、受け取った人が「アリガト」と 本试题共4页,第2页



试题编号:435 试题名称:日语读解与写作注意:答题一律答在答题纸上,答在草稿纸或试卷上一律无效 第一部分 読解(105点)次に挙げる三篇の文章を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。

























(1) ふるさとや家族について、はじめて意識的に考えたのは18歳のときだった。









1 ふるさとから離れていると、都会にあるものがふるさとにはない二とに気づくことがある。

2 ふるさとは都会から遠く離れていて、何もないように見えるが、よく探してみると、都会と同じような魅力がある。

3 ふるさとのように、あるのが当然だと思っているものの価値は、そこから少し距離を置くことでわかるようになる。

4 ふるさとで家族と暮らしていると、そのありがたさが意識できるので、なんでもない日常の生活の大切さがわかるようになる。

(2) 建物や部屋、家具などには直線が多く使われています。




2009年4月湖北省高等考试自学考试第二外语(日语)试卷(课程代码 0840)本试卷共6页,满分100分:考试时间150分钟一、日语基础知识填空。


(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1、 日语字母中,ら、り、る、れ、ろ是( )行假名。


3、体言是日语中的数词、代词和( )的统称。


5、从意义、形态、语法功能上,日语的词汇可分为( )类。

6、动词“立つ”后接接续助词“て”时,要发生( )音便。

7、补助动词“おく”接在动词( )加て后面。

8、与汉语的“四声”一样,日语的词的发音也有( )。

9、日语的假名分为平假名和( )。

10、“話す”的假定形是( )。

答 题 栏10分。

















30答 题 栏语法选择题四、从A 、B 、C 、D 中选出一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母填入题后答题栏中。


)31、午前 私は新宿へ行きました。












213 翻译硕士日语,共5道大题,100分。



























南 京 林 业 大 学 试 卷日语专业四级考试模拟试卷(1)問題Ⅰ 聴解(略) 問題Ⅱ 文字・語彙・文法 問題1 次の文の____の言葉は平仮名でどう書きますか。


(1点×10=10点) (1)日本の大学受験は、年々、競争率が高くなっています。

1 きょそうりつ 2 きょっそうりつ 3 けいそうりつ 4 きょうそうりつ (2)科学技術は、最近非常に進歩しました。

1 しんほう 2 しんぽ 3 しんほ 4しんぽう (3)戦後、おじいさんが土産物の商売を始めた。

1 とさんもの 2 みやげもの 3 どさんぶつ 4 みやげぶつ (4)彼は会社の経営に生き甲斐を感じている。

1 うきかひ 2 いきかい 3 いきこい 4 いきがい (5)今日は気軽に楽しめる都内の博物館をご紹介しよう。

1 きまま 2 きがる 3 きらく 4 きもち (6)次の時間は実験を行います。

1 しかん 2 じけん 3 じっけん 4 じゅけん (7)屋上に登って下を見ると、工業地帯が広がっていた。

1 こうぎょう 2 こぎょう 3 こうきょう 4 こうじょう (8)機械は苦手という人にも楽にコンピューターが覚えられる本が出た。

1 くしゅ 2 くて 3 くるて 4 にがて (9)河は都市においてただ一つの自然といえる存在です。

1 とし 2 とうし 3 どし 4 どうし (10)手術が無事に終わり、回復することを祈っています。

1 むじ2 ぶじ3 うし4 なし問題2 次の文の___に入れる最も適当な言葉を後の1,2,3,4から一つ選びなさい。


1 サービス2 ランチ3 バーゲン4 バザー(2)ごみを出さないように、______に協力する人が増えて来た。

1 スペル2 ビル3 シャベル 4リサイクル(3)彼はいつも______意見を言うので、とても参考になる。
















--泰戈尔南京农业大学农学院数学(农学门类联考)2008化学(农学门类联考)2008植物生理学与生物化学(农学门类联考)2008高等数学2004——2008化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)生物化学2000——2008植物生理学2000,2002——2008农业生态学2004——2005,2007遗传学2002——2007(注:2003年有两种)作物育种学2004植物保护学院数学(农学门类联考)2008化学(农学门类联考)2008植物生理学与生物化学(农学门类联考)2008高等数学2004——2008化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)生物化学2000——2008分析化学2002——2008普通生态学2004——2008植物病理学2002物理化学2003资源与环境科学学院数学(农学门类联考)2008化学(农学门类联考)2008植物生理学与生物化学(农学门类联考)2008高等数学2004——2008化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)普通生态学2004——2008环境化学2002,2004——2008微生物学2002——2008(注:2003年有两种)环境学概论2008环境科学导论2004——2008土壤学2003——2008植物生理学2000,2002——2008农业生态学2004——2005,2007地理信息系统2004——2008土壤农化分析2004园艺学院数学(农学门类联考)2008化学(农学门类联考)2008植物生理学与生物化学(农学门类联考)2008化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)生物化学2000——2008园林规划设计2004——2008园林植物学2007——2008园林史2004——2006植物生理学2000,2002——2008高等数学2004——2008遗传学2002——2007(注:2003年有两种)中药学专业基础综合2007——2008作物育种学2004动物科技学院数学(农学门类联考)2008化学(农学门类联考)2008动物生理学与生物化学(农学门类联考)2008植物生理学与生物化学(农学门类联考)2008高等数学2004——2008化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)植物生理学2000,2002——2008农业生态学2004——2005,2007动物生物化学2003——2008动物生理生化2004——2007动物生理学2002——2004动物学2003——2004动物遗传学2003普通生态学2004——2008政治(单)2004——2005经济管理学院西方经济学2003——2008管理学基础2004——2005农业概论2004动物医学院数学(农学门类联考)2008化学(农学门类联考)2008动物生理学与生物化学(农学门类联考)2008化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)动物生理生化2004——2007动物生理学2002——2004动物学2003——2004动物遗传学2003动物生物化学2003——2008食品科技学院生物化学2000——2008微生物学2002——2008(注:2003年有两种)食品工程原理2004公共管理学院土地经济学2004——2008政治学2004——2008公共行政学2004行政管理学2006——2008管理学概论2005——2007管理学基础2004——2005资源与环境经济学2005——2008高等数学2004——2008地理信息系统2004——2008教育学2006——2008社会保障学2008社会保障学科基础2008人文学院哲学基础2004——2008邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论2007——2008 现代思想政治教育研究2007——2008马克思主义哲学2008管理学概论2005——2007社会学理论2004——2008社会学研究方法2004——2008经济法学2007——2008法理学2007——2008中国通史2004——2008古代汉语2004——2008科学技术史2004——2005科学技术简史2008历史学专业基础(全国统考试卷)2007——2008理学院高等数学2004——2008信号与系统2007——2008物理学2004——2006电子技术2004,2006高等代数2004——2008数学分析2004——2008有机化学2003——2005,2007——2008无机及分析化学2006,2008无机化学2004分析化学2002——2008生物物理学2004概率统计2004环境化学2002,2004——2008物理化学2003工学院工程材料与机械制造基础2008理论力学2004,2006——2008电工技术2007——2008电路2001,2003——2004,2006——2008自动控制原理2007电子技术2004,2006材料力学2006——2008汽车理论2007——2008环境科学导论2004——2008微机原理与应用2007——2008渔业学院数学(农学门类联考)2008化学(农学门类联考)2008高等数学2004——2008化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)动物生物化学2003——2008水生生物学2004——2008信息科学技术学院数据结构与操作系统2007——2008信息检索2004——2008文献分类编目2004——2008文献信息学2004——2008外国语学院二外德语2004——2008二外法语2005——2008二外日语2004——2008二外俄语2004——2007基础英语2004——2008英汉互译2004——2008英语二外2004——2008日语读解与写作2004,2006——2008日语专业基础综合2004——2006,2008生命科学学院化学2000——2008(注:2003年试卷为单考试卷)生物化学2000——2008高等数学2004——2008植物生理学2000,2002——2008微生物学2002——2008(注:2003年有两种)植物学2002——2004动物生理生化2004——2007动物生理学2002——2004动物学2003——2004动物遗传学2003动物生物化学2003——2008遗传学2002——2007(注:2003年有两种)分子生物学2004细胞生物学1997,2002——2004单考试卷日语(单)2004英语(单)2004——2005政治(单)2004——2005。



D 見ると
A できるようで
B できたようで
C できるように
D できたように
A います
B します
C あります
D なります
A ひき
B ひいて
C ひいた
D ひくの
C あり
D おき
A かえった
B かえって
C かえる
D かえっていた
A 読ませよう
B 読ませる
C 読みたい
D 読んで
A 結婚します
B 結婚して
C 結婚する
D 結婚しよう

A はい、千代子さんだそうですよ
B はい、千代子さんのようですよ
C いいえ、千代子さんらしくないですよ
D いいえ、千代子さんじゃなさそうですよ
A うかがってみても
B うかがってみると
B 私は先生に会います。 C 私は病院にいきます。 D 私は図書館にいきます。 10.おとうさんはいすにおかけになりました。 A おとうさんはいすにたちました。 B おとうさんはいすにすわりました。 C おとうさんはいすによこになりました。 D おとうさんはいすにたおれになりました。



南京农业大学历年考博试题免费下载2006南京农大博士试题下载.rar.rar2008南京农业大学果树栽培学.rar2008年南京农业大学博士入学考试高级植物营养学.rar2009年南京农业大学考博专业课试题——代数学引论.rar.rar2009年南京农业大学考博专业课试题——电路.rar.rar2009年南京农业大学考博试题——波谱学与色谱学.rar.rar2009年南京农业大学考博试题——电路.rar.rar2009年南京农业大学考博试题——茶树育种学及茶叶化学工程.rar.rar 888南京农业大学_001农学院_作物育种学2004.rar888南京农业大学_001农学院_农业概论2004.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--土壤学.pdf.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--土壤学.rar.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--植物生理学.pdf.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--植物生理学.rar.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--生态学.pdf.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--生态学.rar.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--生物化学.pdf.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--生物化学.rar.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--种子学.pdf.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--种子学.rar.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--高等有机化学.pdf.rar南京农业大学2006年考博专业课试题--高等有机化学.rar.rar南京农业大学2006年考博试题汇总.rar.rar南京农业大学2007年考博英语真题及答案详解.rar南京农业大学2008年考博英语试题.rar.rar南京农业大学2009考博试题.rar.rar南京农业大学_002植物保护学院_动物学2004.rar南京农业大学《作物生态学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《作物育种学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《植物生理学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《植物病理学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《植物营养元素的土壤学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《植物营养学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《种子学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《英语》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学《西方经济学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar 南京农业大学《遗传学》2006年考博真题.rar.rar南京农业大学兽医免疫学考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学兽医免疫学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学农业信息学考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学农业信息学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学分子生物学2006年考博试题.rar南京农业大学动物生物化学考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学动物生物化学考博试题2007年.rar南京农业大学动物生物化学考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学动物生物化学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学动物生理学考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学动物生理学考博试题2007年.rar南京农业大学动物生理学考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学动物生理学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学土地经济学考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学土地经济学考博试题2007年.rar南京农业大学土地经济学考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学土地经济学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学土壤学考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学土壤学考博试题2007年.rar南京农业大学土壤学考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学土壤学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学微机原理与应用考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学微机原理与应用考博试题2007年.rar南京农业大学微机原理与应用考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学微机原理与应用考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学微生物学考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学微生物学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学植物生理学考博试题2006年.rar南京农业大学植物生理学考博试题2007年.rar南京农业大学植物生理学考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学植物生理学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学环境化学考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学环境化学考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学理论力学考博试题2006年.rar 南京农业大学理论力学考博试题2007年.rar 南京农业大学理论力学考博试题2008年.rar 南京农业大学理论力学考博试题2009年.rar 南京农业大学生物化学考博试题2006年.rar 南京农业大学生物化学考博试题2007年.rar 南京农业大学生物化学考博试题2008年.rar 南京农业大学生物化学考博试题2009年.rar 南京农业大学电路考博试题2008年.rar南京农业大学电路考博试题2009年.rar南京农业大学考博英语试题2009.rar南京农业大学考博试题——英语(2007).rar 南京农大-2006博士-生化.rar.rar。



目 录2009年南京农业大学626基础英语考研真题2008年南京农业大学626基础英语考研真题2007年南京农业大学626基础英语考研真题2006年南京农业大学626基础英语考研真题2005年南京农业大学626基础英语考研真题2004年南京农业大学626基础英语考研真题2009年南京农业大学626基础英语考研真题南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题试麒编号:626试晚名称:基础英语注意;答题-律答在答题纸上,答在草稿纸或试卷上一律无效Part 】 Reading eoniprehcn^ioii (2 point each, 40 points)Directions: M this part, there are four passages Jbllmved by 20 multiple-choicequestions. Read the passages cnrefiiHy md then choose the right anxwers (o each ofthe questhns. H-W/e your answers on the ANSIVER SHEET.Passage 1In dealing with a student who is acting aggressivety toward his classmaies, you want to send a strong message that aggressive behavior will not be tolerated in yowclassroom. In addition, you want to help him develop more appropriate ways ofsettling disputes with peers.[ftwo elementary* students are engaged in a fight, use a strong loud voice to slop it.If thal doesn^ work, you mighl say something odd ("Look up! The ceiling is falling!)to divert their attention. If they still don't stop and you can't separate them, send astudent to the office to get help. If a crowd of children is gathering, insist that theymove asvay or sit down, perhaps clapping your hands to get their attention. After theincident is over, meet with the combatants together so they can give yon their versionsof what happened and you can help them resolve any lingering problems. Also nolifj rthe parents.Speak in a firm, no-nonsense manner to stop a sludenf s aggressive behavior; uses physical restraint as a last resort. When responding to lhe student, pay attention toyour verbal as well as non-verbal langitage. Even if he is yelling at you; slay calm.Allow him to express wh^t he 曲upset about without internipting him and thenacknowledge liis feelings. Avoid crossing your arms, poiiHing a finger or makingthreats; any of those actions could intensify his anger and siiflen his Rsislancc, You might conclude ihat a shident T s aggres-sive behavior warrants separating him from the rest of the class, either to send him a strong message that whal lie did meritsa serious consequence or to protect the other students- Ybu cam do that by giving him atime out in class or by sending him to the office.Ahhough he might expect you to react punitivwlv, Surprising him by reacting siipportivcly. Express your confidence that he can resolve problems without beinghurtful to his pcer^. Tell him that you think he must be upset about scmethitig to losecontrol as he did and you want to understand what might be bothering him. If he doesopen, up to you, listen attentively without interrupting. Speak in calm voice, tell himthat you understand why he was upsets but stress that he has to find a way to expresshis anger with words rather than with his hands.You dori t want to force an aggressive student to say he as sonry because that might第i页共14页南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题fuel his anger, however, you want to strongly encourage him to make amends with the student he hit. If he is wiling to do that, it will help soothe hurt feelings and avoid conflicts.1. What is tlie purpose of saying something odd when seeing students in a fight?A. To please the students.B. To surprise the students.C. To gel the students' attention.D. To distract the students' attention.2. What is to be done about a student's aggressive behavior?A. Respond calmly but firmly.B. Tell the students parents iminediateiy.C Ask other students for help to stop the action.D. [lave the student go to see the principal3. What is NOT encouraged to do toward an aggressive studentA. Use physical restraint.B- Give the student a time out,C. Point at the students or make threats,D. Talk with the student privately.4. What does the word 4b punitively T, (in Para, 5) probably mean?A. Surprisingly-B” Depres^ingly.C. Involving persuasion.D. Involving punishment.5. What might be the last step to help an aggressive student?A. Encourage the student to be nice to the student he hit.B. Ask the student to promise he will never do it again.C. Force the student to apologize tor his behaviorD. Persuade the student to open up to you,Passage 2At the time Jane Austin's novels were published-between 1811 and 1818, English literature was not part of any academic curriculum. In addition, fiction was under strenuous attack. Certain religious and political groups felt novels had the power to make so-called immoral characters so interesting that young readers would identifywith them; these groups also considered novels to be of little practical use. Even Coleridge, certainly no literary reactionary, spoke for many when he asserted thatil novel-re»ding occasions the destruction of the mind's powers?5第2页共舛页南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题These attitudes toward novels help explain why Austin received little attentiona novelist publishedfrom early nineteenth-centur>, literary critics- (In any caseTanonymously, as Austin was, would net be likely to receive much critical attention)The literary response that was accorded her, however, was often as incisive asiwentieth-century criticism. In his attack in 1816 on novelistic portrayals ^outside of ordinary experience^, for example^ Scott made an insightful remark about the meritsof Austin5s fiction. Her novels, wrote Scott, "present to the reader an accurate andexact picture of ordinary everyday people and places, reminiscent of seventeenth-century Flemish Painting?5 Scott did not use the word "realism'^ but he undoubtedly used a standard of realistic probability in judging novels, the critic Whately did' not use the word realism either, but he expressed agreement with Scotfs evaluation, and went on to suggest the possibilities for moral instruction in what we have called Austin's realistic method. Her characters, wrote AMiately, are persuasive agents for moral truth since they are ordinary persons t4so clearly evoked that we feelan interest in their fate as if it were our own?1 Moral instruction, explained Whately, is more likely to be effective when, conveyed through recognizably human and interesting characters than when imparted by a sermonizing narrator. Whately especially praised Austin's ability to create characters who "mingle goodness and villainy, weakness and virtue, as in life they are always mingled/1, Whately concludedhis remarks by comparing Austin's art of characterization to Dickens1, stating his preference for Austin's-Yct the response of nineteenth-century literary critics to Austin was not always so laudatory, and often anticipated the reservations of twentieth century critics. An example of such a response was Lewes' complaint in 1859 that Austin^ range ofsubjects and characters was too narrow. Praising her verisimilitude, Lewes added that nonetheless her focus was too often upon only the unlofty and the commonplace. (Twentieth-century r Marxists, on the other hand, were to complain about what theysaw as her exclusive emphasis on a lofty upper-middle class.) In any case, havingbeen rescued by some literary critics (rom neglect and indeed gradually lionized by them, Austin steadily reached, by the mid-nin^teenth century, the enviable pitinacle of being considered controversial,6. The primary purpose of the passage is toA. demonstrate the nineteenth-centur}r preference for realistic novels rather thanromantic ones,B. explain way Jane Austin^ novels were not included in arty academiccurriculum in the early nineteenth century.C. urge a reassessment of Jane Austin's novels by twentieth-century literarycritics,D. describe some of the responses of nineteenih-century critics to Jane Austin'snovels as well as to fiction in general.第,页共14页7. The passage supplies information for answering which of the fbllossdng questions?A. Was Whately aware of Scottis remarks about Jaiw Austin5s novels?B. Who is an example of qwentiethYentury Marxist critic?C; Who is an example of a twentielh-century critic who admired Jane Austin's novels?D. What is the author's judgment of Dickcris?8. The author mentions that English literature "was not part of any academiccurrieidiim” in the early nineteenth century in order toA. emphasize the need for Jane Austin to create ordinary, everyday characters inher novels.B. give support to those religious and political groups that had attacked fiction.give one reason why Jane Austin's novels received little critical attenlion in Crthe early nineteenth century.D. suggest the superiority of an informal and un systematized approach to thestudy of literature.9. The passage suggests that twentieth-century Marxists would have admired JaneAustin's novels more if the novels, as the Marxists understood them, hadA. described the values of upper-middle class society.B. avoided moral iiistniction and sermonizing.C. depicted ordinary society in a more flattering light.D. portrayed characters from more than one class of society10. it can be inferred from the passage that whitely found Dickens* characters to beA. especially interesting to young readers.B. ordinary persons in recognizably human situations.C・ less liable than Jane Austin's characters to have a realistic mixture of moral qualities.D. more often villainous and weak than virtuous and good.Passage 3The Anniversary** Good morning Jennifer/1 Jason Maxwell whispered as he dutifully kissed hiswith lightly on the forehead."Darling! How lovely; you*ve brought breakfast in. Whereas Emily this morning?"44Fve given the servants the day off so that we could spend our anniversary aloneZ, Jason exited to the terrace and set down the culinary delight he had prepared for the pleasure of his bride of two years. Pleasing Jennifer had become a habit he had grown to resent.第4页共M页Jennifer eyed him lovingly, appreciating how happy she had become since her marriage to Jason. Three years ago, when Jennifer Macy5s father died, the problems confronting htr seemed ''insurmountable. She had always been helplessly frail and dependent upon her father*® care. At 42, she liad never done a day's work in her life, and suddenly she had the monumentai responsibility of managing the family's nationwide chain of department stores. Thanks to the bright capable young psychiatrist who counseled her through those difficult timesthe business was doingsbetter than ever.Many of Jennifer's friends were skeptical when she announced her marriage tolhat bewitching chestnut-haired Adonis of New York's psychiatric circ elevenyears her junior; but now they could see that Jason seamed indeed the model husband, Jennifer had never been happier and could not imagine her life without Jason.I7ve made yaur favorite breakfast, Jen. Blueberry waffles with fresh blue-berries and whipped cream,71 Ja^on boasted as he poured them each a glass of Dorn Perignon.“Oh, Jason/ Jennifer whined. ^That's not enough champagne. Please, darling.Fill my glass/' Jennifer always wanted Lhe most and best of everything, and she hadin turn, had be come accustomed to satisfying become accustomed to getting it. Jason7her whims.As he handed Jennifer her glass, Jason settled next to her on the bed and masked his contempliaous thoughts with an adoring ga2C. He had become quite adept al feigning adorahon in the two years he had been tied to the pitiful creature he called his wife. He supposed that some men might Hud her stately manner and sleek lines moderately attractive, but all he could see was the fading remnant of a woman, declining with each passing year. It had become increasingly difficult for him tomeageriy endowed ciimouflage the revulsion he felt whenever he saw this drabtwoman, completely insubstantial and deficient when compared with the youthfiil beauty and vitality of Rachel, the lover with whom he sought *'refuge from the charade he called his marriage.Jason had grown to despise Jennifer^ childlike dependency and the energy hehad to expend toward a neiationsliip which meant nothing to him. The only thingwhich had any meaning tor Jason was the Macy fortune, a ibrtuiie that was no longer worth the sacrifices it entailed. Jason had merely been biding his time Linlil he could arrange for Jennifer's premature demise.After months of careful preparation, he was finally ready to execute his plan as part of this anniversary ccJebration. It had not been easy to come up with the proper weapon for Jennifer's elimination from Jason's life, but after repeated experimentation in his basement laboratory, Jason had finally concocted the perfect poison: Aitrepomine, This chemical mixture coutd easily be concealed in Jennifer^ would cause her to have an apparently natural heart attack^ and would remain unfbodtdelectable in her body after death. The plan was so brilliantly conceived that Jason smiled with self-satisfaction. His extensive medical training was not in vain,“What are you smiling about, darling?" Jennifer inquired..第5页辉】4页T'm jusi happy about the prospect of being alone with you all day,” was Jason's obligatory response. ^Let^s go out on the terrace and have breakfastM he remarked+anxiously.As they enjoyed another glass of champagne, Jason lavished bliieberries and whipped cream on the waffles, being careful to place the waffle with the extra ingredient in front of Jennifer,-"This looks scriirnptious.n Jennifer was brimming with delight at the sight and smell of her fovorite breakfast. "Oh, Jason, This is all so perfect. You're such a wonderful husband and I'm such a lucky woman."This touching scene was abruptly interrupted when the phone rang. "I'll get it,Jem You sit and enjoy your waffledJason hurried lo answer lhe leiephone, annoyed that Rachel was calling so early. When he returned he found Jennifer savoring the last bite of her waffle. He poured her another glass of champagne and sat back in his chair with a sigh of relief as he ate his waffle and awaited the inevitable. As he finished his breakhe watched Jennifer impatiently. Jennifer looked back at him with the face of a mischievous child and said, "I have a confession to make, Jason. Yau know how much I love whipped cream; andsince your waffle had more whipped cream than mine, I traded. I hope you dorTt mind、 darling/*IL Jason gave the servants the day off so that.A. Jennifer and he could spend their anniversary aloneB. Jennifer would be more dependent on himC.they could have more leisureD. he could put his scheme through12, The anniversary was their ,A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth13, Jennifer thought that Jason was“A. cunningB. arrogantC. obedieirtD. modest14, Jennifer loved Jason for he was.A, handsome, young, and capableB- strong, young, and capableC” handsome and capable, though not youngD. young and capable, though not handsome15, Jason married Jennifer because she was.A. popular in high social circlesB. intelligent and attractiveC. beautiful and dependent D, rich in wealth and fortune第6页共M页16. Jason wanted to murder Jennifer because.A, she was ungrateful B. he simply hated herC. he 菖口t bored with herD. he had some ulterior motive17. Jason planned to kili Jennifer by.A. poisonB. shootingC. strangulationD. pushing her off the balcony18. Did Rachel have as hand in Jason's scheme? .A. Absolutely yesB. NoC. Perhaps D, Ifs iinpossible for us to answer19. It can be inferred that.A. Jennifer would dieB. Jason would dieC. both of them would die D, neither of them would die20. The message of the story is that -A. to do evil is to fry in one's qwh greaseB. nothing is worse than a familiar enemyC. one careless move loses whole gameD. believe not all; you hear, and tell not all you knowPart II VocabwJajy (I point each, 30 points)Directions: In this part, there are thirty sentences. Beneath each sentence, 血宾arefour words or phrases marked At BrC and D. Choose one (hat best 冲姑g theunderlined part in the sentence or be^t completes the sentence by filling the blank therein. l¥rita yuvr answer on lhe ANSWER SHEET.Section A:21. The audience was 诵taied by the speaker at the auditorium, but unresponsiveuA. excitedB. suipriscdC. shockedD. silenced22. He was gmtmined to withdraw this proposal from the manager for theconstruction of electronic fiictor)r there.A. summonedB. supposedC, fbnxd D. persuaded23,The scholar d&gi•眦d in detail on the poetic style of John Keat^ al the university hall.A. quotedB. talkedC. whisperedD. rationalized第7夷共M萸南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题24, After a careful study, he afiRnnud these statements to be true-A, imposed B. necessitatedCr grudged D. testified25, By 1817 the United States Congress had demes awav with all interna! taxes and was relying on tariffs on imported goods to provide sufficient revenue to run the government.allocated B. increasedAaC, decreased D. eliminated26, Louise May Alcolt based the 口而cdnal characters of her novel LiHie Woinen on her sisters and herself.A* original B, centralC. subjunctiveD. oriental27, Mirs. Smith canU believe that her daughter Betty would read of her own accord,A. meaningfully B『persuasivelyC. voluntarily D, reluctantly28, Plants, like human beings, are to various diseases and demand proper attention.A. exposed to B, susceptible toC, immune to D_ compatible with29, The feeling of imnending dimter haunted them all the time,happening B, approachingArC. seriousD. bnital30, Being out of emptoyment, they have to lou惜at the street comers and wait for a chance to get a job.A. do no workB. do somethingC. go for a walkD. pass time idly31, The constant winds have seriously erodM the statues in the caves, and will destroy them in ten years* time.A. dissolvedB. deterioratedC. split awayD. worn away32, The two copper mini cig companies wi II be iii 心n^d soon sc as to become more competitive at the world market.A, operated Bk reorganizedC. combinedD. bankrupted第8页英]4页南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题33. Laboratory technicians must be trained to handle delicate instniments gingerly.A. adeptlyC t cautiouslyB. firmlyD. confidently34, Waler is chron哄Hy scarce in Southern California.A. persistently C. disagreeablyB. unseasonably D. momentously35, Some critics claim that Art Nouveau was a great artistic movement, one that has consistency mMepresented,A. described incorrectly C. ignoredB. printed with mistakes D. exploitedSection B:36. It is very difficult to the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreignlanguage.A.exchange C. conveyB. transfer D. convert37, The British National Corpus has been carefully designed and contains the material from thousands of sourcesA. trampled C. crumpled Bu sampled D. scrubbed3& The arguments fbr and against the scheme have been in a booklet which appear shortly.A、set about C. set out B. set down D- set up39. Tlie idea of a balanced food is very difficult to to anyone who knowsnothing about food values.A. put across C. take inB. give up D. make over40. The present location of their corporate headquarters i$ a definite, whichis estimated at 300 million dollars.A, feat C. factorB. assetD. concern 第9页共14页南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题41 _ The science program on TV showed me that mosquitoes were the only means af_____一of malaria,transformationA. conductivity B=C. transportationD. transmission42. Although the report is interesting and informative^ much of the material was notto the subject assigned.A. pertinentB. PermanentC. positiveD. perplexing43. Whatever you aay, J have to admit that iny new secretary- i$ a most responsibleand person.A, cOTspicuous B. consciousC. contemptuous D, conscientious44. A woman walked over many broken pieces, taking care that she wouldnot get hurt.A. proudlyB. warilyC・ viciently D. insincerely45. The tourists went to the Alps to ski. We could know it well from theirdress.A, vaguely B. implicitlyC・ expressly D, exquisitely46. They discussed the problem =tea and cakes,A. byB. overC. atD. with47. your request for a refund, we have referred the matter to our mansger.A. With regard forB. In regard ofC・ With regard to D. In regard for48. You can take Carol out to dinner you promise to send her back before 10o'clock..A. so fer asB. as far asas long as D. as muchCr49. Now that you've read that sentence, reread the one .A. proceedsB. advancesC, marches D. precedes第io页共u城南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题50. The of his first novel appeared in The Times yesterday, no doubt he wasvery happy to see tliat.A. review C. appraisalB. surveyD. inspectionPart III General knowledge (1 point each, 10 points)Directions: In this park there are 10 stafements concerning genera! knowledge of literature, linguistics and culture. Beneath each statement, there are four choice marked A, BtC and D. Chwxe the one that correctly completes the statement. IWtey^ttr answer on rhe ANSWER SHEET.51. studies the internal stwctitre of words, and the rules by which wordsare formed.A. MorphologyB. SyntaxC. PhonologyD. Semantics52. The word "lab" is formed throughA. back formationB. blendingC. clippingD. derivation53. is the defining properties of units like noun (number, gender, etc.) andverb (tense, aspect, etc.).A. Parts of speech B, Word classesC. Grammatical categoriesD. Functions of words54. is a phrase which can only be understood as a unit not as a summationof the meaning of each constituent word.A. CollocationB. IdiomC. Semantic componentD. Synonym55. I t is alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us acomprehcrisive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.A, Geoffrey Chaucer B. Martijn LutherC, William Langland D. John Gower56“ “D q you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless"…and if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, 1should have made it as hard for you to leave m% as it is now for m<i to leave you.”The above quoted passage 讯more probably, taken from .A. Great ExpectationsB. Wuthering HeightsC. Jane EyreD. Pride and Prejudice第11页共14爽南京农业大学2009年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题57. Francis Bacon is best known for his which greatly influenced thedevelopment of this literary form.A一 essays B. poems C; works D. plays58rChristianity was first brought to England by ..A. the NormansB. the DanesC. tlie RomansD. the Anglo-Saxons59. The Beatles^ isA. a classical mu^ic groupB. a papular music groupC. a drama organizationD. a football team60. were originally called Wt■鸵&which came to stand for all Americans,A. People living by the Mississippi RiverB. People living in the New England areaCL People living in the age of 'gold ru"。

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