Why does UK not join the Euro zone(为什么英国不加入欧元区)
一、脱欧的主要原因1. 具有独特的历史背景和文化英国具有独特的历史背景和文化,强调国家主权和民主。
2. 控制移民和恢复边界移民问题是推动英国脱欧的一个主要原因。
3. 经济独立和法律自治脱欧的另一个重要原因是英国追求经济独立和法律自治。
二、脱欧的影响1. 经济影响(1)贸易关系受影响英国是欧盟的重要贸易伙伴,脱欧无疑会对双方的贸易关系产生巨大影响。
2. 国内政治影响(1)苏格兰的独立问题苏格兰是英国的一部分,但大部分苏格兰地区投票支持留在欧盟。
Fitbit Inspire 3手冊版本1.3说明书
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Closing down of mines: a case in Newcastle upon Tyne
Heaton Park: Used to be a coal mine
· 4Y/2e/2s0t20erday: Don’t bring coal to Newcastle.
The UK: A financial empire
➢ Agriculture is subsidised by the European Union"s Common Agricultural Policy.
British Crops
• About two-thirds of the production being devoted to livestock, one-third to arable crops;
UK economy: An introduction (2)
· Privatisation of state-owned enterprises under th Government of Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.
· in recent years the longest period of sustained economic growth in every quarter since 1992.
British Livestock
·The rise in commercial production of meats and poultry in recent years
欧洲债务危机(European debt crisis)The root of the European debt crisis:(1) the excessive debt of government and private sector over borrowing is the direct cause of the crisis. In addition to Spain and Portugal have experienced a net savings surplus in 1990s, five PIIGS were in debt investment in 1980 to 2009 years. Long term debt investment has led to huge government deficits. The European Union's stability and growth pact stipulates that the government's fiscal deficit should not exceed 3% of GDP, while the government deficit has increased sharply in the 2007~2009 years since the onset and early outbreak of the crisis. In the case of Greece, on the eve of the euro from 2001 to 2008 the average annual debt crisis, Greece deficit reached 5%, while the euro zone data is only 2%; Greece's current-account deficit 9% annual output in the euro area data is only 1%. In 2009, Greece's debt to GDP ratio was as high as 115%, and the country that used to overdraw the future has gradually lost its capital to continue borrowing. These problems are prevalent in the PIIGS five countries. With the deepening of European integration, some level of economic development in Greece and Portugal as the representative of the low countries, wages, social welfare, unemployment benefits and other aspects gradually to par with developed countries such as Germany, France, the expenditure level of excess domestic output more and more. Since wages and social welfare are difficult to adjust downward after rising, the so-called "Stickiness" leads to a rising debt ratio between the government and the private sector. The causes of debt problems in Spain and Ireland are slightly different from those in greece. The two countries were affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, the real estate market rapidlydepressed, a large number of bad debts appeared in the domestic banking system, and eventually formed a banking crisis. And the government's ability to borrow and repay debt is a problem in the process of bailing out the banking sector. At this point, the five governments that already have huge debts have no better ability to lend further, and the government credit can not make investors feel relieved to act as creditors. Investors generally regard 6% as a warning value of sovereign debt crisis, and once that exceeds this level, the country will face sovereign debt crisis. The debt problem in Italy is relatively optimistic in the PIIGS five countries, but the current 10 year treasury bond yield is close to 6%. In addition to Italy, the PIIGS five countries in 2009 the government deficit has been several times the warning value of 3%. When huge government budget deficits cannot be compensated by new debt, the debt crisis will inevitably erupt.(2) the income distribution system of deformity has accumulateda great deal of crisis. After the Second World War, European countries have set up the social income distribution system and social security system with high welfare. One is from the wage level, the European countries known as the "high salary", even in poorer countries such as Greece in Europe, social wage growth has been, although the GDP growth rate has remained at 1% ~ 2%, the real wage growth has been higher than 5%, reached 8%, 4 percentage points higher than in European countries 2008. The two is from the social welfare perspective, countries including the establishment of child allowances, sick leave allowance, health and education, housing, unemployment, pension insurance, funeral subsidies and other welfare system, covering all aspects of social life. In particular, the huge subsidy for theunemployed has become an important drag on the government's finances. The unemployment rate in Greece, for example, is around 10%, which is not the highest in Europe, but for a relatively thin country, unemployment relief is a heavy pressure. The Greeks still enjoy the most expensive pension system in the world today. Retired workers enjoy 96% of pre retirement income, and pension benefits are among the top 30 in the richest countries in OECD. The large population of unemployed also limits the increase of government revenue, and the total tax revenue in Greece has maintained 40% of GDP,Years have not increased, but spending has increased year by year. This kind of fiscal income barely keeps up with the rising wage and welfare, and the abnormal income distribution system brings more and more pressure to the government finance, and the hidden danger of the crisis is accumulating constantly.(3) the government dereliction of duty and system defects of PIIGS countries experienced such a serious crisis, slow, or not as indiscriminate government five prescription "of the blame. Although the five governments performed differently in the crisis and in the crisis, their dereliction of duty was an important factor in the crisis. First of all, in order to pursue short-term interests, please the people and public opinion survey in the general election, the government adopts the "obscurantism", take "harm than good behavior. The Greek government, for example, hid large amounts of financial deficits before 2009.Second, some governments try to evade regulatory sanctions between the European Commission and the European Central Bankin various ways. Germany, France and other economic development "leader" was a negative example in this regard, and other countries have followed suit. Again, in Ireland and Spain as the representative of the national government allowed the domestic economy bubble, once the bubble burst, and spend a lot of money to help taxpayers virtual economy, resulting in economic structure distortion. Finally, the head of government is overcautious, did not dare to take decisive measures to nip the crisis in the bud". The Italy government, for example, failed to take decisive action when the deficit reached 5.3% in 2009, but only delayed it, which led to the escalation of the crisis.(4) the defects of the euro zone system and the institutional defects of the euro zone are also evident in this crisis. First of all, according to the system design of the euro area, the member states do not have the right to issue currency, nor do they have independent monetary policy. The European Central Bank is responsible for currency issuance and monetary policy implementation in the whole region. In the process of European economic integration, the unification of the currency to countries in the region to enjoy the many benefits in the economic recession, this arrangement can promote regional and international trade development, reduce the macro transaction cost. However, in a storm, the crisis of the country cannot to implement monetary policies, and thus unable to devalue the currency to reduce the debt scale and to increase the international competitiveness of export products, only through austerity and raising taxes such as total demand to increase the compression of debt financing, which makes the already ailing economy one disaster after another. The president ofIceland recently pointed out that Iceland is able to rebound quickly from bankruptcy, because the government and the central bank to be able to own the currency devaluation to promote exports, this is any euro zone countries are unable to enjoy the "welfare policy". The British government has repeatedly reiterated that it will not join the euro zone. To sum up, Europe and the United States and other developed countries are burdened with more and more heavy debt burden, the main factors are not to be ignored:First, the social security, health care and other social welfare expenditures continue to grow, the financial burden is increasingly heavy;Two is affected by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the government used to save financial institutions and stimulate economic growth in fiscal spending increased substantially;The three is due to the negative impact of the U.S. subprime crisis is not eliminated, Europe and the United States actually slow economic growth, fiscal revenue growth rate is severely damaged, causing public debt sustainability and safety questioned by the market. European debt crisis solutions and solutions and future trendsSolutions to European debt crisis and future trends:Crisis countries have been unable to solve their own chronic illness by themselves, and the aid programs and efforts of neighboring countries and institutions will determine the course of the crisis to a large extent. As the largest sovereigncountry in the euro area, Germany's willingness to rescue and aid to the crisis countries will become an important factor in the development of the crisis. As mentioned above, the economic and financial situation in Germany is gradually recovering, and the prospects are more optimistic,So Germany has the power to help countries in crisis. From another point of view, the stable and harmonious euro zone is an important guarantee for German economic growth, and Germany itself has been unable to dissociate itself from the euro area.On the one hand, the European monetary integration is an irreversible process, which determines the German difficult to withdraw from the euro area; on the other hand, Germany could not let the crisis country's problems while standing on the sidelines, system integration is destined to "pull one hair and the whole body", is the only common development the only way out.So Germany has a willingness to bail out countries with crisis. Although the German domestic disputes on the issue of aid continued, but only truly to the crisis countries to lend a helping hand, just in line with Germany's own interests. In the middle of July 2011, after the fierce debate at home, the German government announced that it would coordinate with the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to determine the second round of rescue plans for greece. Although the domestic situation in France is not optimistic in Germany, the situation is similar. If Germany and France can further work together on the issue of aid, then the rescue process will likely be greatly shortened. In the rescue process, theEuropean Central Bank, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and other institutions have put forward solutions to crisis countries, to lend a helping hand. Greece, Ireland and Portugal have all applied to the European Commission for aid, and the rescue program is in the making or early stage of implementation. Aid to Ireland by these organizations is a more successful case.At the end of 2010, Ireland reached an agreement with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to accept 85 billion euros of aid. According to the agreement, the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank's joint review group will be a quarterly review of the Irish Financial and economic situation and promote the effectiveness of the rescue plan. In mid July 2011, the review showed that the rescue plan on schedule, the use of funds, the Irish government implemented the relevant measures stipulated in the agreement, the industry wage for some useful adjustment, especially the adjustment of some of the current unemployment rate is high for the industry wage structure. These adjustments have positive significance for the recovery of macroeconomic supply level. After the review, Ireland will receive another 4 billion euros of bailout money. In the long run, the rescue of the crisis depends not only on external aid, but also on the direction and effort of the crisis countries themselves. Previously, the investment and consumption patterns of these countries in crisis leads to excessive overdraft crisis staged, and the government not only failed to carry out proper guidance in the policy system, and even the fire in the wrong direction "".If these countries can not "means", still maintain beyond their output capacity range of consumer spending, even temporarily survived the crisis, the future will also appear in a series of problems caused by the deficit. After the baptism of the crisis, the euro area must be more cautious, strict and perfect in system construction, rules making, policy implementation and so on. Previously, the European Central Bank has been unable to formulate policies for specific countries in the region, and seems to be rigid and lagging behind in formulating policies for curbing inflation and ensuring economic growth. Before the European debt crisis, the ECB's untimely policy was considered a catalyst for the crisis.In the United States subprime crisis swept the world in July 2008, the European Central Bank, despite the vulnerability of the eurozone economy, the benchmark interest rate increased from 4% to 4.25%, so that some countries had overwhelmed the financial and real estate industry in the "besieged on all sides of the situation, and a large area of bad debts of the real estate industry will inevitably affect the financial industry.In addition, the European Central Bank has a large number of bonds held by member states. Three small economies, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, are in crisis,The amount of treasury bonds held by the European Central Bank is 47 billion euros, 19 billion euros and 21 billion euros respectively. Therefore, the solvency of Member States is closely related to the central bank itself. It is believed that after the crisis, the core macroeconomic management institutions represented by the ECB will conduct a moreprofound self-examination, which will be conducive to the long-term and healthy development of the entire euro area.。
2011 考研英语阅读真题Text 4(英语二)
2011 Text 4(英语⼆)欧洲的未来Will make it?The question would have sounded strange not long ago.Now even the project's greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a " triangle" of debt, , and lower growth.As well as those chronic problems, the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core, the 16 countries that use the single currency.Markets have lost faith that the euro zone's economies, weaker or stronger, will one day converge thanks to the discipline of sharing a single currency, which denies uncompetitive members the quick fix of devaluation.Yet the debate about how to save Europe's single currency from disintegration is stuck.It is stuck because the euro zone's dominant powers, France and Germany, agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro-zone, but disagree about what to harmonies.Germany thinks the euro must be saved by stricter rules on borrow spending and competitiveness, backed by quasi-automatic sanctions for governments that do not obey.the European Union 欧盟能⾏吗?在不久前,这个问题听来让⼈觉得奇怪。
zone的用法总结大全zone的意思n. 地带,区域,范围,地区,时区,[物]晶带vt. 划分成带,用带子围绕vi. 分成区,分成地带变形:过去式: zoned; 现在分词:zoning; 过去分词:zoned;zone用法zone可以用作动词zone作名词时意思是“区域”,用作动词时意思是“划分区域”,指用划定界限、利用自然障碍物等方法将一个地区分隔成若干个小面积。
zone多用作及物动词,后接地点名词作宾语,还可接以“as/for+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。
zone用法例句1、The security zone was set up to prevent guerrilla infiltrations.设立了平安区以防止游击队员的渗入。
2、They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.他们成了军队人员与平民雇员之间身份界定不清的人。
3、The area could be turned into a demilitarized zone.该地区可能会成为非军事区。
词汇精选:zone的用法和辨析一、具体释义:n.地区,区域,地带[C]例句:It is forbidden to take photographs in this zone.此处严禁摄影。
例句:They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone.他们正把部队调离战区。
例句:Do not enter the danger [zone]!切勿进入危急区!气候带[C]例句:Ninety per cent of the country lies in the Temperate Zone. 这个国家百分之九十的地方都是温带。
China has an age-old saying:"A gentlemen makes money in a right way". Such a right "way", in today's context, must be mutual benefit.In a globalised world, Chinese and European markets should be open to each other. Protectionism and market monopoly are not viable options.Only healthy competition can set higher bars for Chinese and European businesses. Only cooperation can generate a win-win scenario for both of us.In both China and Europe, governments, corporations and society need to pay greater attention to corporate social responsibility. Companies should give back to local communities. In turn society and the public should accommodate and support enterprises.今年是中国党和国家非常重要的一年。
否定句式(5):双重否定 1. There is no rule that has no exception. 任何规则都有例外。 2. A successful entrepreneur should fight no battle unprepared. 成功的企业家不打无准备之仗。 3. There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 有一利必有一弊。 4. We are not reluctant to accept your proposal. 你方的建议我方愿意接受。 5. Not a day passed without trade conflicts between the two countries. 这两个国家没有一天不发生贸易摩擦。
否定句式(3):形式否定 1.The importance of market research cannot be overstated. 市场调研的重要性无论怎样强调都不为过。 2. Our company could not get enough capital on this project. 在这个项目上,我们公司无论如何也得不到足够的资金。 3. It’s a good workman that never blunders(犯大错). 智者千虑,必有一失。 1. cannot…too; cannot…over- ; cannot …enough 等 表 示 “无论怎样也不为过”,“越…越好”,其意义是肯定的。 2. It is a (an)+形容词+名词+否定从句,这种结构表示肯定, 往往翻译成“再……也会”。
英语和汉语在表示比较的结构形式和使用方法上 有较大的差别,从文化差异方面来看英美人一般不 作绝对的肯定或否定,总是作相对的比较,而汉语则 习惯于使用最高级形式。此外,还有一些比较句式在 汉语中反映不出来。常见的比较句式结构有以下几个 方面:
英语国家社会与文化入门全文翻译A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom该国,我们正在研究的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
欧元区的抉择时刻 Decision Time for the Euro zone
Also progress seen, but still a long road ahead
• Ireland in external balance already, while also Spain come a long way • Restoring competitiveness will take years
– Euro-zone governments need to pave the way for a tighter monetary union – In the end, the ECB will do what is needed to save the euro – Pressure to let inflation accelerate – Risk of an uncontrolled chain of events not zero, although still small
A Greek exit threatening to escalate the debt crisis once again
Bank run in Spain much more difficult to handle than one in Greece
2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 Jan-99 Deposits excluding monetary financial institutions and the central government, EUR bn
Note: European Commission Spring 2012 Economic Forecasts
US banking system looking much healthier compared to Europe
1999 年1 月1 日,以“欧元”为标志的欧洲经济和货币联盟已经准时启动,从而初步实现了通过一体化把各个民族国家组成超国家的经济联盟。
目前,除了因为经济状况太差而未达标的希腊之外,以法国和德国为首的11 国已经顺利入盟,以英国为首的3 国则做出了暂时不加入的决定。
Sterling is the British national currency, although the UK is the EU’s member states, they did not join in the euro zone.
A Brief History of the British currency
The pound has been the world’s most important international means of payment and reserve currency (支付和贮藏货币)until the early 20th century,after the World War Ⅰ the states of pound tended to decline because of gradual appreciation (增值) of the dollar
All coins and notes are use the British monarch --- Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ as there positive pattern, while the back are different according to different districts.
On the 13th March 2007 a new £20 note was issued by the bank of England.
• Adam smith
The change of status
• Until the early 20th century
• After the World war Ⅱ • • • • 1949 1967 1990 Now
中国驻英国大使刘晓明在诺丁汉大学英语演讲稿戴维·格林纳威校长,老师和同学们,女士们,先生们:Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham,Faculty members and students,Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴首次来到诺丁汉市和诺丁汉大学访问。
I am delighted to be on my first visit to the City of Nottingham and your picturesque university, which lives up to its reputation as one of the most beautiful campuses in the UK.最近英国和中国正同时热映一部电影——《罗宾汉》,据说,这位劫富济贫的绿林好汉当年就活跃在诺丁汉郊外的舍伍德森林里。
The recent film Robin Hood has been a big hit with audiences both in China and here in the UK. The story as I am sure youknow, is about a man who robbed from the rich to give to the poor, while living in Sherwood Forest on the outskirts of Nottingham. But it has been as much about the stunning natural beauty and rich British culture depicted in the film, which has fascinated a lot of Chinese viewers. I believe this is great news for you, as Nottingham should expect to receive more visitors from China, and University of Nottingham will be home to more Chinese Students.创建于1881年的诺丁汉大学,是英国排名前十的高等学府。
人教部编版《二战后的世界变化材料》达标 试题(1)
英国为什么要退出欧盟的原因引言英国脱欧(Brexit),指的是英国离开欧洲联盟(European Union)的进程和结果。
euro造句1、Accordingly, some observers say there are signs the euro selloff is only just getting started.因此有些观察人士认为,有迹象表明欧元的抛售只是刚刚开始。
2、The euro suffered from a birth defect.欧元生来就有缺陷。
3、It may, of course, simply be that the fetters of euro membership alarm investors more than red ink.可能简单来说欧元对于其成员的束缚,比起英国的财政赤字,更让投资者担忧。
4、The euro embodies these aims.欧元是这些目标的体现。
5、Experiment Study on CA498 Diesel Engine for Euro Ⅲ Emission LegislationCA498柴油机达欧Ⅲ排放的试验研究6、Wee accept American Express, Master card, Visa card and Euro card. What kind have you got?我们接受美国运通卡,大来卡,维萨卡和欧洲卡,您用哪一种。
7、UK and Euro Zone英国与欧元区——基于数据的分析8、Shares of Allied Irish Banks Plc dropped 13 percent to 28.8 euro cents.爱尔兰联合银行股价下跌13%,至28.8欧分。
9、A new prize invites economists to provide a blueprint to dismantle the euro zone.一种新的奖项邀请经济学家提出解散欧元区的蓝图。
10、The euro comes in at 35% over its PPP rate, a little higher than half a year ago.欧元高于其购买力平价率35%,稍高于其半年前的指标。
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Finally, there is no any experience for euro in the world. If EU one day fails, then it must bring about global economy crisis. Cautious and conservative British will not do that thing firstly.
Secondly, the British conservative economic policy is inconsistent with other European countries’, thus joining the Euro zone will affect the direction of economic development. In Britain, if Britain joining the euro zone to prove their monetary policy was a failure, so they want to defend the position of the pound (both the government and the people, are against joining the euro).
Moreover, Britain had ever joint the European exchange rate system(欧 洲汇率体系), which resulted in Pound losing the status in financial martain has great relationship with America in economy. After World War Two, it has been a strategy to keep close and special relationship with America due to the economic damage caused by the war, which helps Britain keep its origin status.
Thirdly, British central bank belongs to the private bank (for historical reasons). They control the power to issue Pounds and do not allow others to carve up their interests, so they will also put pressure on the British government.
Why does UK not join the Euro zone?
First of all, UK’s unemployment rate and inflation rate are lower reversely, while the economy of other countries in Eurozone continue to slow down. This situation may lead to the UK’s economy recession.
The Eurozone, officially called the euro area, is an Economic and Monetary Union(EMU) of 17 European Union(EU) member states that have adopted the euro(€) as their common currency and sole legal tender(唯一法定货币). The Eurozone currently consists of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.