mesa肉锥种子中英文对照Mesa Garden 2018肉锥编号对照表(葫芦)Conophytum achabense SB1600 Achab, tiniest of all, snail paced(雪茄)Conophytum acutum e. Bitterfontein, tiny flowering cigars(雪茄)Conophytum acutum hort Wiese, shrinks underground(雪茄)Conophytum acutum Steenkampskraal, tiny cylinders(赤耳少将)Conophytum aequale = bilobum Numees (Rawe), red edged bilobe(紫毛球/毛蛋)Conophytum albipilosum Blesberg, +truncate, vigorous(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae lovely big form ex hort.(大型烧麦)Conophytum angelicae Aggeneys, living caramels(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum SB1376 Cone Peak, RV, square gems (烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum near Klipbok, square brown bodies (烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum Oemsberg, lovely green convolutions (烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum Rosyntjieberg, rough traits(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum mostly green, often spectacular(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae Pofadder, putty colored, very nice(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae SB2152 nw Kotzeshoop, Namibia, grey buttons(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae SH480 Witsand, near TL, beautiful ochre(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae GM183 Umdaus, red orange violet petals(少将)Conophytum bilobum SB1345 Remhoogte, hugeplump, full to bursting (紫鸟哈尼)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii SB628 Deurdrif, half opaque, striking (红鸟哈尼)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii n. Silverfontein, best form(猪皮)Conophytum armianum SH462 TL, Umdaus, tiny warted plants(巧克力流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides ssp arturolfago RR964 Brakfontein, fine mottles (红线元宝)Conophytum bicarinatum PB3251 Nuwerus, Cedarbergs, red lined lobes (红线元宝)Conophytum bicarinatum Skitterykloof, irregular red angles(少将)Conophytum bilobum SH670 n Komaggas, multi lined, nice(少将)Conophytum bilobum RR1157 6 m e Kleinzee, well rounded lobes(少将)Conophytum bilobum nr Klipbok, classic bilobum (少将)Conophytum bilobum Narraberg, green spots red keel(少将)Conophytum bilobum Japanese hybrid, screwed purple flowers(毛纽扣)Conophytum bolusii ssp primavernum Uitspanpoort, flat top cylinders1411(小红嘴B嘴)Conophytum breve Koornhuis, tiny, yellowish green(B嘴)Conophytum breve SB1136 Kuboos, pouting fissure(少将)Conophytum brevisectum RR1136 Nakanas, Port Nolloth, = bilobum(葡萄)Conophytum brunneum SH2592 Nuwerus, many spotted pale bodies, purple fl 1412(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri RR1265 /10/ Aggeneys (Fujiyamopsis), wonderberg(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri SH 409 Aggeneys, giant hersey kiss(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri Aggeneys, MBB 3337 glass paperweight(鸽子蛋)Conophytum calculus Quaggaskop light green,??yellow evening flower (鸽子蛋)Conophytum calculus Quaggaskop orange flowered formConophytum carolii /16/ n Kliprand, flat dark green windows (长安玉)Conophytum carpianum SB1029 Doringpoort, neat grey bodies(密纹安贞)Conophytum ceresianum Ceres Karoo, flat bodies tinged red(安贞)Conophytum ceresianum SB1025 Skitterykloof, delicate green tracings (安贞)Conophytum ceresianum SB1050 Karoopoort, white pink peach purple fl 1414(赤耳少将)Conophytum christiansenianum s Springbok, tall fuzzy bilobum (空卡佛)Conophytum concavum LAV22112 Riethuis, sweet white flowers(红边少将)Conophytum concordans SH2067 Brakfontein, ripply green windows(红边少将)Conophytum conradii SB1363 Eenriet, bold red edged lobes(红边少将)Conophytum coriaceum Helskloof, Richtersveld, leathery skins1415(方碗)Conophytum cubicum Eksteenfontein, cubicbowls, super long white fl (勋章)Conophytum cupreatum ex IVT; lovely coppery bodies(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum SH1322 Aasvoelkop, darkly marbled heads(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Boonstevlei, highly varied dark orange body (勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Dooddrink, Kliprand, tiny, deep brown(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Jakkalskoppie, Dauws, dark, coppery(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum RR896 4 m S Kliprand, convex bodies(荧光玉)Conophytum cupreatum SB888 Kliprand, murky green windows(红边猪蹄)Conophytum danielii Platbakkies, compressed wedge, red edged(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum LAV 28650 Garies??> Studers Pass, bold red lines (荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum Studers Pass, shiny round bodies(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum SB1189 Ottaspoort, Springbok(D毛肉锥)Conophytum depressum SB1612 Silverfontein, very robust form(佛肚风铃)Conophytum devium LAV27214 Doringwater, tiny body, flared clear lobes (风铃)Conophytum devium SB De Riet, Platbakkies, tiny rough body(佛肚风铃)Conophytum devium SB2275 Vanwyksbank, Concordia, rough angled top (冰风铃)Conophytum devium ssp stiriiferum B+H2298 Geelberg, very tiny icy body (深红神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae RR1213 Doringrivier, flaring lobes, dark red lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum 'Mabel's Fire', F2; greatrange of colors(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum RR557 Breekpoort, smallish (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum brownii SB2336 Narapberg (流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii heavy lines, pink purple fl(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii Ratelpoort, pink flower, yellow eye(流水铜壶) Conophytum ectypum v brownii SB785 Ratelpoort, deep throat(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii w Ratelpoort, very dark(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii LAV28553 4 k s Kosies Jct, delicate ridges(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii PV1036 Ratelpoort, waxy, raised lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v limbatum Anenous Pass, keeled bodies(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v limbatum w Anenous, flowers with large white eye (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum??limbatum SB2300 s Anenous(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v tischleri RR1140 Aribes, TL, strange green(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum SB2299 Geelvlei summit, odd shapes(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum SH466 Umdaus, very interesting form, no lines(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum Geelvlei, variable flowers, waxy green body(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum s Umdaus, very dark green!(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum Kosies junction, exquisite dwarf(小T)Conophytum eenkokerense SB1191 Konkyp, white or pink fl.(类似口迪)Conophytum elishae LAV 27947 Komaggas Pass, plump bilobe(类似口迪)Conophytum elishae SH585 Springbok, orange flowering parents(神铃)Conophytum elishae SB1334 Springbok, shiny spotted lobes(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum SB2035 Spitskop, densely spotted wedge(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum SB2232 n Rosh Pinah, broad squat wedge, pink fl 1420(猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme EA108 Brandwacht, curved lines, many spots(猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme Worcester, rich pink scented flowers(红纹猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme 'fossulatum' s Worcester, usually well lined(玉彦)Conophytum flavum Blesberg, big ornatum type(玉彦)Conophytum flavum LAV 26294A Doringwater, n Steinkopf, fat and shinyConophytum fragile SB2294 e Eksteenfontein(麻饼)Conophytum fragile Rooiberg II, long white tubes1422(类似少将)Conophytum frutescens SB2151 Komaggas, long stemmed in age, unique 1423(青团)Conophytum fulleri Namies (Rawe), small viridescent warts(青团)Conophytum fulleri Agter Pella, big form, yellow sheath(青团)Conophytum fulleri SB1543 Samoep, pink red blush (青团)Conophytum fulleri Matthew se gat, smallish form, big green spots(安贞)Conophytum giftbergense HH5142 near Vredendal, sweet flowers(安贞)Conophytum giftbergense SB623 Liebendal, fine red lines(大饼)Conophytum globosum ARM 1155A Dikdoring, big "deflated" formConophytum globosum Perdekop, large with dark flowersConophytum chauviniae Hoedkop, often very minuteConophytum gracilistylum Meulsteen, very slenderConophytum chauviniae SB1921 Ottaspoort, thick red lines, nice(雨月)Conophytum gratum 'geyeri' RR1222 n. Numees, large body, bold spots (雨月)Conophytum gratum SB1129 s Remhoogte, dotted body, green smile(雨月)Conophytum gratum SB1123 Lorelei, Namibia, spotted cushions(雨月)Conophytum gratum obscurum Hogsback, like ricardianum!(雨月)Conophytum gratum Jenkinskop, boldly spotted(雨月)Conophytum gratum SB2034 flats by Lorelei, variable spottednessConophytum gratum SB2231 Anniskop, fat round spotted body(青光玉)Conophytum halenbergense Haalenberge, curved lines of green dotsConophytum halenbergense Tschaukaib, orange or wine red flowers(哈默灯泡)Conophytum hammeri SH2108 Nababiepseberge, thick conical dumpling (海伦小T)Conophytum helenae RR1635 Kosies, tiny bodies, purple flConophytum helenae SB789 Kosies, faceted minature(小米雏)Conophytum hians tiny wedge shaped bodies, fuzzy(小米雏)Conophytum hians SB951 Kleinzee, pubescent bodies(小米雏)Conophytum hians SB2028 Skimmelberg, short fat wedges(小米雏)Conophytum hians Lekkersing, reddish bodies and flowers(赤耳小迪)Conophytum klinghardtense ssp baradii Rooiberg, Namib, robust, odd (伊尔马)Conophytum irmae B+H2318 Anenous Pass, lumpy face, yellow flowers (伊尔马)Conophytum aff irmae MRO45 Rietkloof(P嘴中型)Conophytum johannis winkleri Namus Kloof, very pale bluishConophytum karamoepense Gamsberg, big and tiny spots (斑马)Conophytum karamoepense Koerries, tall spotted body(斑马)Conophytum karamoepense SB788 Naip, E Springbok, tapered1426(肯尼迪)Conophytum kennedyi SB631 Smorenskadu, pure green colony(赤耳小迪)Conophytum klinghardtense ISI1135 Heioab, Namibia, reddish fl.(巧克力流苏玉)Conophytum koubergense RR1077 Kouberg, Gamoep, chocolate colored (红纹安贞)Conophytum lamb. v conspicuum Gt Holbak, fine gloss, intense red lines (少将)Conophytum lavisianum Soebatsfontein, southern bilobum, bare(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ne Sargdeckel, variousbody colors, dense spots (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ne Sargdeckel, curved spotted pink lobes(勋章)Conophytum lilianum SB1175 Garies, red throated flowers(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum flat like angel fish!(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum Harras, long sleek body, waxy skin(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum e Kleinzee, translucent stripes(流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides Bok, Kangnas SH426 small, dark brown form (流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides Vioolskraalberg, pale flowers, very fine1429(安贞)Conophytum lambertense SB626 Strandfontein, "litorale" in past listsConophytum loeschianum SB1362 Remhoogte, tiny wedged bodiesConophytum loeschianum SB1138 Lorelei, bright green bodies, orange fl (流水红纹)Conophytum longibracteatum TS749 Komaggas, bright yellow flowers (红边小飞)Conophytum luckhoffii SB1028 Nieuwoudtville, turreted lobes, red linesConophytum luckhoffiiGrasberg(斑马)Conophytum marginatum Areb, abundant spots(斑马)Conophytum marginatum SB2239 Concordia, long lobed form1430(斑马)Conophytum marginatum SB632 Smorenskadu, bright red lines(丹空)Conophytum X marnierianum fine mix of colors(水蜜桃)Conophytum maughanii ex Japan, beet red when old, cold helpsConophytum maughanii Achab orange green, fairly small(毛汉尼粉红色)Conophytum maughanii 3 k e Pofadder, translucent pink red balls(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii 8 km e Concordia, pale green eyes, very soft(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Nous se poort, +well lobed, red and green(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Naip road, ghostly pale (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Vioolskraalberg, large nocturnal fl, green lobes(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Kouberg, reddish bodies (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Hester Malan, oddly thin and keeled apricot lobe (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Platberg, s Pofadder, translucent milky green(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii SB2327 Namiesberg, red green bodies, large lobes (水蜜桃)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum Maerpoort, red plums(橙色毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum SB2236 Nardegas Berg, orange blob (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum SH365 Augrabies(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii latum??small and glassy (红耳神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae Kosies, very long red lobes, yellow fl(红边神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae Lekkersing, upright woody trunk, red lined lobes(紫边神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae 'pole evansii' Eenriet, sharp purplish lobe tips(神灵玉)Conophytum meyeri SB1106 Augrabies, fuzzy, globoseConophytum meyeri sw Komaggas SB2288 dense clusters(神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae SB787 Swartpoort, huge yellow flowers(麻饼)Conophytum middelmostii Klipbok, long tubular flowers(红线墨小锥)Conophytum minimum Witteberg, bodies with red lines(大花墨小锥)Conophytum minimum > ceresianum Touwsfontein, big pink flowers!Conophytum minutum tiny bodies, masses of bright pink flowers(群碧玉)Conophytum minutum SB1227 Meulsteen, tiny; paler pink fl.(矮赤耳少将)Conophytum bilobum Sandberge "muscosipapillatum", fuzzy thick bilobeConophytum novicium Tafelberg, Umdaus, densely spotted (玉彦)Conophytum novicium SB1128 Breekriet, bright yellow fl, big spots1433(红小丁)Conophytum nudum HH5141 Holrivier, polished purple bodies in winter 1435 Conophytum obcordellum 'declinatum'Conophytum obcordellum??Botterkloof, flat spotted top, purple sides(红纹安贞)Conophytum obcord 'multicolor' SB1193 Heerenlogementsberg, red lines (安贞)Conophytum obcordellum 'mundum' BM 7923 Pakhuis Pass, bright spots (霓虹安贞)Conophytum obcordellum 'picturatum' SB622 w Clanwilliam, bold spots (OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum Klipbok, dark flowers(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum SB2238 ne Kleinsee(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurumNababiep Res.(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum ssp sponsaliorum Rietkloof, waxy pale body(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum ssp sponsaliorum s Skimmelberg, brilliant little fl (少将)Conophytum vlakmynense Vlakmyn, Rv., obese body1438(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum big yellow flowers with scarlet stigmas(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum 'percrassum' SH456 Umdaus, classic fat form(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum Jakkalswater, pale bodies, yellow red fl(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum SB1117 Animub, stigmas red or not(P嘴)Conophytum pageae Spektakel Mine, raised smiling fissure1439(P嘴红嘴)Conophytum pageae BM7964 Bowesdorp, beautiful red sides and fissures (P嘴)Conophytum pageae SB2171 Rosh Pinah, fat and flat bodies(P嘴)Conophytum pageae, Springbokkop SB2334, some with pink fl(皮尔森)Conophytum pearsonii Quaggaskop, flat grey green bodies, magenta fl.Conophytum pearsonii Moedgewin, Nuwerus(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum earthy colors, intricate lines(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2274 Bailey's Pass, olive brown, flattish(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB790 Bowesdorp, irregular dark shapesConophytum pellucidum from Leliefontein CR1388(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum Saalberg, black and white (鱼子酱)Conophytum pellucidum 10 km n. of Concordia, nice tan lines(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum n Concordia, classic terricolor(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum w Tweefontein, intense brick red(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum s. Rietfontein, wonderful red form(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum Garies, charcoal grey, small (勋章)Conophytum pellucidum w Garies, tiny form(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum ssp cupreatum PV1005 Papkuils River, shiny orange (勋章)Conophytum pellucidum v terricolor Rietberg, hourglass figures(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum RCL950/61 Steyerkraal, bold dark windows(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum RR1061 20 m s Kamieskroon, contractile form 1444(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2023 Ottaspoort, dark red brown windows (勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2210 Pedroskloof, shiny dark olive pink(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB1059 e Soebatsfontein, dark hour glass window (紫鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii SB1187 Silverfontein, lovely specklesConophytum pellucidum neohallii??SB2337 Bleskop(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii SH1977 Krymekaar(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SH1956 Nuweputs, the one in the book!(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii Windhoek,Springbok, shining dots(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum SB2291 s Concordia, shiny black body, white fl(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' stained glass windows(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' ex De Boer, very nice(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Kweekfontein, rich orange form(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Leeupoort, clear green bodyConophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Goegap, near TL, very fine colony(青光玉)Conophytum pictum Matjiesfontein (Rawe), thin lines, robust1446 Conophytum subfenestratum Knersvlakte, windowed, many dotsConophytum subfenestratum Soutrivier Bridge, pink to white flowers(翠星)Conophytum subfenestratum SB624 Grootgraafwater jct., windowedConophytum piluliforme Poortjieskloofdam, scented nocturnal fl(云母会)Conophytum piriforme SB1107 Kuboos, very fat (P毛)Conophytum pubicalyx SB2024 Banke, Platbakkies, tiny grey hairy heads(P毛)Conophytum pubicalyx ARM1248 Witkoppie, incredibly tinyConophytum pulchellum Nutabooi, tiny spotted body, dark pink flConophytum quaesitum SB2153 Namusberge, very thick pale bodies(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum 14 km se Rooiberg, Nam, huge green spotted formConophytum quaesitum SB1115 Lorelei, straw to rose pink fl.(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum SB2030 Skorpion Mine, conical wedge, bumpy keel (鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum SB2150 Mt Stewart, cream to yellow flowers(鹿角)Conophytum ramosum RR937 4 m N Kourkam, clumps, shiny body, yellow fl (荧光玉)Conophytum rauhii Messelpad, shiny bronze body(火柴头)Conophytum reconditum Boonste Matjiesfontein, warty windowed tipsConophytum reconditum SB2170 Banke, cold winter, tiny pointy lobes1450(大眼睛)Conophytum regale SB793 Ratelpoort, soft bodies, large windows on sides(恐龙蛋)Conophytum smorenskaduense ssp hermarium Smorenskadu, TL, extremely tiny (河马)Conophytum hermarium Areb, large body, long green or purple stigmas (路飞)Conophytum rolfii RR1003 Elandsbay, pubescent, reddish(鲁提辖)Conophytum roodiae SB2292 ne Silverfontein, violet grey tendencies(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum SB1100 Remhoogte, beaked lobes(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum EVJ 8841 W Stink/Orange confluence, thick form(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum PB5154 Gamkab, bold, very nice form(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum SB1101 Cone Peak, long irregular lobesConophytum rubrolineatum RR1398 Oorlogsfontein, red lines on tiny bodies (麻饼)Conophytum ruschii SB1114 Cone Peak, fat dumplings, many spotsConophytum ruschii Black Face Mts, early flowering(小糖豆)Conophytum saxetanum H4706 Chamais Gate, ivory white flowers(小糖豆)Conophytum saxetanum PB3261 e Aurus, fantastic redConophytum saxetanum Grootmis, grows like moss on rocks Conophytum saxetanum Rooiberg, Namib, very large form, pastel fl.Conophytum schlechteri SB1197 Farquharsonskop, concave topConophytum simplum SB1121 Soebatsfontein, rounded bilobum(类似恐龙蛋/玉米)Conophytum smorenskaduense SB633 ex TL, winter flowers last for weeks! (白底安贞)Conophytum spectabile Kaaimans Gat, exquisite markings(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum LAV28279 10 k s Garies, small and metallic(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum SB884 Garies, flat metallic disks(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum SB1986 Ottospoort, boldly spotted(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum 40 k N of Bitterfontein, pale and robustConophytum stephanii ssp abductum SB1119 Augrabies, miniature hairshirts (斯蒂芬妮毛球)Conophytum stephanii'helmutii' Eenrietberge, very hairy(大型斯蒂芬妮毛球)Conophytum stephanii Rosyntjieberg, largest form, great red flowers(奶油嘴)Conophytum stevens jonesianum Cornelsberg, tiny heads1453(红线红斑点)Conophytum stipitatum tiny dark heads, red lines & dots(翠绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum ARM 50 Volstruishoek, jade green eyes(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum EVJ7908 Pella, cherry scented fl.(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum 12 mi sw Pofadder, green eyed monster(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum SH385 Achabseberg, small, intensely green eyesConophytum limpidumne Katkop(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum /16/ e Namies, highly variable green eyes(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum SB2213 Windhoek Mtn, clear pale green, spotted (玛瑙玉)Conophytum subglobosum Uniondale, rounded truncatum(紫色荧光玉)Conophytum subincanum RR622 Wolwenes, tiny red grey bodies(紫色荧光玉)Conophytum subincanum SB885 Wolwenes, peculiar pale grey(大型S红嘴)Conophytum subrisum Vaalputz, Stofkloof, slightly rounded(大型S红嘴)Conophytum subrisum PV1014 w Aalwynsfontein, quite largeConophytum subrisum 'pageae' SB798 Witwater, the biggerthe better!Conophytum subrisum SB1199 Booisberg, protruding red fissure(大葫芦)Conophytum 'subterraneum'Mt Stewart(饺子皮)Conophytum sulcatum SB1118 Animub, grey chiselled body(饺子皮)Conophytum sulcatum n Steinkopf, bright white flowers1455 Conophytum supremum Kliphoogte, Rv., supreme bilobum(小T)Conophytum tantillum v amicorum SB1988 s Steinkopf, fearless perches (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum H4638 Schlafkuppe, Klinghardts, twisted, odd (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp nova Cornelsberg(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum bumpy pink keel1456(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum Namus Kloof, fine purple fl(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp ernianum Zebrafontein, sharp edged body (英仁玉)Conophytum ernianum peak s Witputz, jagged keels(勋章)Conophytum terrestre papillate convoluted ochre body(勋章)Conophytum terrestre SB1493 Burdensputs, white "scaley" sidesConophytum terrestre SB1989 Aalwynsfontein(勋章)Conophytum terrestre??> cupreatum GM128 s Gamoep, rough dark body 1458(大翠饼)Conophytum truncatum the original dumpling, nocturnal fl.(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum Kruidfontein, flattish spotted body(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum e. Oudtshoorn, large bold spots1460(小麻团)Conophytum brevitubum Sevenweekspoort, pink or white fl(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum Uniondale poort, prominent spots(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum PV1073 n Ladismith, dark green bodies, bold spots (小海豚)Conophytum turbiniforme SH2324 Spektakel Pass, flat spotted bodies(奶油嘴)Conophytum udabibense SH902 Rooiberg, bodies like pink balls(少将)Conophytum umdausense SH458 Umdaus, mixed colored, long gaping lobes (白底安贞)Conophytum ursprungianum SB635 Lokenburg, superlative markings (白底安贞)Conophytum ursprungianum v stayneri RR992 40 m n Ceres, tiny streaksConophytum uvaeforme e. Grasberg, huge white flowers(红色荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme 30 m N Vanrhynsdorp, small and reddish(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme sw Kliprand, bold red spots(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme SH520 foot of Vanrhynspas, curved spots(荧光玉)Conophytum uviforme Sterkstroom, very dotted (荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme v 'clarum' clusters of tiny colorful heads1468(荧光玉)Conophytum uviforme 'hillii' Vosfontein, grey red body(玉米)Conophytum vanheerdei SB794 Kangnas, oodles of tiny windows, pink fl 1469(小型少将)Conophytum variabilesmallish bilobum, yellow fl.1470 Conophytum velutinum Komaggas, heart shaped leaf pairs(红纹明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum shiny bodies, red lines(明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum SB2284 Springbok kop, vigorous(明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum RR1108 tapered lines lobes(玉彦)Conophytum viridicatum Viskull, s Laingsburg, dots and dashesConophytum vitreopapillumRiethuis(小槌)Conophytum wettsteinii RR430 Anenous Pass, pale and flat, purple flsConophytum wettsteinii se Koufontein, quite spottyConophytum wettsteinii SB795 Modderfontein, strange lumpy; pink fl(超大饼)Conophytum wettsteinii SB2205 Narraberg, flat round disks, pink flConophytum wiggettae Hazenjagt, green clumps with purple spots(墨小锥)Conophytum wittebergense PV913 Matjiesfontein, fantastic lines(墨小锥)Conophytum wittebergense Klein Spreeufontein, very lovely parents1473(方糖)Conophytum ectypum ssp cruciatum SB791 W Anenous, square!(小T)Conophytum tantillum ssp inexpectatum Umdaus, huge yellow (!) fl.Conophytum lindenianum w. Spektakel, chartreuse bodies(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum v rosynense PB3266 Rosyntjieberg, great flowers (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp rosynense Quachous, very odd, cf. viola. (水晶鞋)Conophytum phoeniceum SH1212 Umdaus, windowed fuzzy dumpling (拉登)Conophytum ratum SH1200 sw Namies, deflated burgeri(拉登)Conophytum ratum Japanese import model, ex HornConophytum wettsteinii x flavum F2, super colors(混合)Conophytum spp olla podrida, full mix of species。
When it comes to the beauty of landscapes around the world, there is an endless array of breathtaking sights that can inspire awe and wonder in anyone who has the fortune to experience them. From the majestic mountains to the serene beaches, each place has its own unique charm that sets it apart from the rest.In the heart of the Swiss Alps, one can find a symphony of snowcapped peaks and lush valleys that seem to stretch on forever. The crisp, clean air and the sound of cowbells echoing through the meadows create an atmosphere of tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere. The Matterhorn, a symbol of the Alps, stands tall and proud, inviting adventurers to conquer its challenging slopes.Venturing to the other side of the world, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia offers a different kind of beauty. This underwater paradise is teeming with vibrant coral and an astonishing variety of marine life. Snorkeling or scuba diving in these crystalclear waters is like stepping into a different world, one filled with color and life that is both mesmerizing and humbling.The Grand Canyon in the United States is a testament to the power of nature and the passage of time. Its vastness and depth are aweinspiring, and the changing colors of the rock formations as the sun moves across the sky create a dramatic and everevolving landscape. Hiking along its rim or taking a mule ride down into its depths offers a unique perspective on this geological marvel.No discussion of landscapes would be complete without mentioning the Great Wall of China. This ancient wonder stretches over 13,000 miles and is a symbol of the countrys rich history and architectural prowess. Walking along its winding path, one cant help but be impressed by the sheer scale of the structure and the stunning views of the surrounding mountains.Lastly, the lush rainforests of the Amazon Basin in South America are a treasure trove of biodiversity. The dense canopy teems with life, from the tiniest insects to the majestic jaguar. The sounds of the rainforest are a symphony of nature, and the vibrant greenery is a feast for the eyes.In conclusion, the world is filled with landscapes that are as diverse as they are beautiful. Each offers a unique experience and a glimpse into the wonders of our planet. Whether its the serenity of the Swiss Alps, the underwater splendor of the Great Barrier Reef, the grandeur of the Grand Canyon, the historical significance of the Great Wall of China, or the vibrant life of the Amazon rainforests, these landscapes are truly a testament to the beauty and diversity of our world.。
Henry Wadsworth LongfellowHenry Wadsworth Longfellow MonumentWhen this staute was unveiled on M and Connecticut Streets NW, the place was absolutely buzzing. The heroic bronze figure sat draped in his academic robe, book in hand, and looked out on the streets packed with the wide spectrum of adoring fans: men, women, and children “of all races and nationalities.”It was May 7, 1909. The Marine Band played "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful" while the flag that had previously covered thestatue “floated above the heads of the great throng.” Then a Reverend blessed the ceremony—such was the power of the man!And yet for all the pomp with which it was dedicated, when DCist went to see this monument of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow one recent evening, we could hardly see him. The man described as “the joyful, enthusiasti c mouthpiece of what was best in his time” sits unlit, alone, and stranded on an island in the middle of the noisy intersection southeast of Dupont Circle.Rev. George R. Grose wrote in the Zion’s Herald that at the dedication there was a large shield in the middle of the platform which read (from Longfellow’s “The Building of a Ship”):“Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!Sail on, O Union, strong and great!Humanity, with all its fears,With all the hopes of future years,Is hanging breathless on thy fate!”The only inscription we could find was one word: LONGFELLOW.Even though interest in the monument has obviously waned considerably—our contact at the NPS said, “In my six years here, no on has ever asked about the monument”—the original context of the monument’s construction is, as the Revisiting Series tends to find with most forgotten monuments, rather fascinating.The monument was erected not only as a testament to one of this country’s greatest poets, but also as a statement of American culture. For at the time of the unveiling, according to Grose, there were no national monuments in D.C. that commemorated American literature.Grose mentions the Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey, and is both relieved and jubilant that the nation was able to raise the $35,000—“by gifts from rich and poor”—to celebrate Longfellow’s contribution to American literature and society. Grose was sure the monument cemented the U.S.’s legitimacy in global culture and expressed the nation’s propulsion into a new age. Indeed, L ongfellow, “while he makes us feel the nobility of his white soul, and brings close to our view the great, simple, normal life of humanity,” would be a fine model for America as it sought to keep its morals and traditions in order while adjusting to a frenetically industrialized, internationalizing modernity.There may not be “flags, wreaths, and festoons of laurel and bunches of iris, the poet’s favorite flower,” commemorating Longfellow anymore, but surely we have space in our hearts for a little appreciation for one of the most important figures in American literature. So next time you find yourself stuck in traffic or transitioning from one Dupont bar to another, take a second to pay your respects. Remember peaceful old Longfellow, the poet who was not only "the purest democrat known to humanity," but a crucial player in this country's cultural maturation.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an American poet whose works include Paul Revere's Ride, A Psalm of Life, The Song of Hiawatha and Evangeline. He also wrote the first American translation of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and was one of the five members of the group known as the Fireside Poets. Longfellow was born and raised in the Portland, Maine area. He attended university at an early age at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. After several journeys overseas, Longfellow settled for the last forty-five years of his life in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in a wood frame house once occupied during the American Revolution by General George Washington and his staff.Early life and educationBirthplace in c. 1910Longfellow was born in 1807 to Stephen and Zilpah (Wadsworth) Longfellow in Portland, Maine, and grew up in what is now known as the Wadsworth-Longfellow House. His father was a lawyer, and his maternal grandfather, Peleg Wadsworth Sr., was a general in the American Revolutionary War. He was descended from the Longfellow family that came to America in 1676 from Yorkshire, England and from Priscilla and John Alden on his father's sideLongfellow's siblings were Stephen (1805), Elizabeth (1808), Anne (1810), Alexander (1814), Mary (1816), Ellen (1818), and Samuel (1819).Longfellow was enrolled in a "dame school" at the age of only three, and by age six, when he entered the Portland Academy, he was able to read and write quite well. He remained at the Portland Academy until the age of fourteen and entered Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine in 1822. At Bowdoin, he met Nathaniel Hawthorne, who became his lifelong friend. He was a 5th great grandson of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley who were on the Mayflower.First European tour and professorship at BowdoinAfter graduating in 1825, he was offered a professorship at BowdoinCollege with the condition that he first spend some time in Europe for further language study. He toured Europe between 1826 and 1829 (visiting England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy and Spain), and upon returning went on to become the first professor of modern languages at Bowdoin, as well as a parttime librarian. During his years at the college, he wrote textbooks in French, Italian, and Spanish and a travel book, Outre-Mer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. In 1831, he married Mary Storer Potter of Portland.Second European tour and professorship at HarvardHenry Wadsworth LongfellowLongfellow was offered the Smith Professorship of French and Spanish at Harvard with the stipulation that he spend a year or so abroad. His 22-year old wife, Mary Storer Potter died during the trip in Rotterdam after suffering a miscarriage in 1835. Three years later he was inspired to write "Footsteps of Angels" about their love.When he returned to the United States in 1836, Longfellow took up the professorship at Harvard University. He settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he remained for the rest of his life, although he spent summers at his home in Nahant. He began publishing his poetry, including "Voices of the Night" in 1839 and "Ballads and Other Poems", which included his famous poem "The Village Blacksmith", in 1841.Marriage to Frances "Fanny" AppletonFanny Appleton LongfellowLongfellow began courting Frances "Fanny" Appleton, the daughter of a wealthy Boston industrialist, Nathan Appleton. During the courtship, he frequently walked from Harvard to her home in Boston, crossing the Boston Bridge. That bridge was subsequently demolished and replaced in 1906 by a new bridge, which was eventually renamed as the Longfellow Bridge. After seven years, Fanny finally agreed to marriage and they were wed in 1843. Nathan Appleton bought the Craigie House, overlooking the Charles River as a wedding present to the pair.His love for Fanny is evident in the following lines from Longfellow's only love-poem, the sonnet "The Evening Star," which he wrote in October, 1845: "O my beloved, my sweet Hesperus! My morning and my evening star of love!"He and Fanny had six children:Charles Appleton (1844-1893)Ernest Wadsworth (1845-1921)Fanny (1847-1848)Alice Mary (1850-1928)Edith (1853-1915)Anne Allegra (1855-1934).When the younger Fanny was born on April 7, 1847, Dr. Nathan Cooley Keep administered the first obstetric anesthetic in the United States to Fanny Longfellow.Longfellow retired from Harvard in 1854, devoting himself entirely to writing. He was awarded an honorary doctorate of Laws from Harvard in 1859.The death of FrancesLongfellow was a devoted husband and father with a keen feeling for the pleasures of home. But his marriages ended in sadness and tragedy.On a hot July day, while putting a lock of a child's hair into an envelope and attempting to seal it with hot sealing wax, her dress caught fire causing severe burns.She died the next day, aged 44, on July 10, 1861. Longfellow was devastated by her death and never fully recovered. The strength of his grief is still evident in these lines from a sonnet, "The Cross of Snow" (1879) which he wrote eighteen years later to commemorate her death:Such is the cross I wear upon my breastThese forty five years, through all the changing scenesAnd seasons, changeless since the day she died.DeathLongfellow died on March 24, 1882, after suffering from peritonitis for five days.He is buried with both of his wives at Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1884 he was the first American poet for whom a commemorative sculpted bust was placed in Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey in London.Longfellow's workLongfellow was such an admired figure in the United States during his life, that his 70th birthday in 1877 took on the air of a national holiday, with parades, speeches, and the reading of his poetry. He had become one of the first American celebrities.His work was immensely popular during his time and is still today, although some modern critics consider him too sentimental. His poetry is based on familiar and easily understood themes with simple, clear, and flowing language. His poetry created an audience in America and contributed to creating American mythology.Longfellow's poem "Christmas Bells" is the basis for the Christmas carol "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day".Longfellow's home in Cambridge, the Longfellow National Historic Site, is a U.S. National Historic Site, National Historic Landmark, and on the National Register of Historic Places. A two-thirds scale replica was built in Minneapolis, Minnesota at Minnehaha Park in 1906 and once served as a centerpiece for a local zoo.Noted minister, writer and abolitionist Edward Everett Hale founded organizations called the Harry Wadsworth Clubs.TriviaA number of schools are named after him in various states, including Maine, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Montana, Pennsylvania, New York and Texas."Longfellow Serenade" is a pop song by Neil Diamond.In March 2007 the United postal service made a stamp after him.。
人教版高中英语选择性必修三UNIT 4 Section A Reading and Thinking
With four other crew they launched the James Caird into the seas of the Antarctica and against all the odds they reached South Georgia.Then having to go across mountain ranges to the other side of the island,they finally reached help on May 20th 1916 before rescuing the rest of the crew on August 30th.
7. envy
n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌
8. sink
9. abandon vt.舍弃;抛弃;放弃
11. navy
1.What inspired Shackleton to make the great expedition to Antarctica? 2.What do you learn from Shackleton’s story? 答案 1.His spirit of adventure,his bravery and his persistence. 2.略。
15.adversity n. 困境;逆境
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenasporttitor congue massa. FusceLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenasporttitor congue massa. Fusce
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenasporttitor congue massa. FusceLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenasporttitor congue massa. FusceLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenasporttitor congue massa. Fusce
recital superficial syndicated columns tabloid ticker top the list virulence wire services adversity arbitrary arthritis barricade bittersweet come to terms conserve contingent (up) on cost of Living debilitating defective deprivation desolation dignified diagnostic discrepant drastically eradicate euphemism excruciatingly existential folder fraudulent fulfilling funnel herein hearing aids housing humiliating impair inflationary inherently inhospitable superstitious tippet wring accelerator backboard blocks blueberry 使整洁 打听,窥探(常作贬义,口语化用 boulevard 词) bulge 勒死,掐死,限制,阻止 click 小事,琐事 cop 放松,松弛 crib (人)瘦长而结实的 dash 使羞愧,使窘迫 dent 理解;领悟 dopey 秘密的,暗地的,偷偷地 dribble 狡猾,狡诈的 droop 滑稽的 exhale (嗓音)颤抖,结结巴巴地说 feel like oneself 烦躁,坐立不安,惹人生厌 fender 烦躁的,不安的 flip 焦急,不安;心绪不宁 hot dog 短柄小斧 hot-shot 铰链 (美国历史上)移民到某地定居并 ignition 耕种政府分给的土地 ignition key 用打成花结连接 irk 孤单的,寂寞的,偏远的 jerk 衬裙 lettuce 用小布拼缝被子
光照灵敏度英文English:Photoperiod sensitivity, also known as photoperiodism, refers to the way in which an organism responds to changes in day length. Different species exhibit varying levels of sensitivity to changes in day length, with some being classified as long-day plants, short-day plants, or day-neutral plants. Long-day plants require longer periods of daylight to initiate flowering, while short-day plants require shorter periods of daylight. Day-neutral plants, on the other hand, are not affected by changes in day length. The sensitivity to changes in day length is controlled by specific genes that regulate the production of flowering hormones. In addition to plants, many animals also exhibit photoperiod sensitivity, which can influence their behavior and physiological processes. Overall, photoperiod sensitivity plays a crucial role in determining the life cycle and reproductive success of various organisms in different environments.Translated content:光期敏感性,也被称为光期效应,指的是生物对白昼长度变化作出反应的方式。
Climbing a mountain can be an exhilarating experience that not only provides a physical challenge but also offers a chance to enjoy the beauty of nature.Heres an English composition about a mountain climbing adventure,followed by its translation into Chinese.English Composition:Last weekend,I embarked on a mountain climbing adventure that I will never forget.The journey began early in the morning as I gathered my gear and set off with a group of enthusiastic climbers.The air was crisp and fresh,filled with the scent of pine and the promise of adventure.As we started our ascent,the path was initially easy,winding through lush forests and across babbling brooks.The sound of birds singing and the rustling of leaves underfoot accompanied us,creating a symphony of nature that was both calming and invigorating.Gradually,the terrain became more challenging.The incline steepened,and the path became rocky and uneven.We had to use our hands to help us climb over large boulders and navigate narrow ledges.Despite the increasing difficulty,the camaraderie among the group was uplifting,and we encouraged one another to keep pushing forward.The summit was a sight to behold.Standing at the peak,we were greeted with a breathtaking panorama that stretched out before us.The sun was setting,casting a golden glow over the landscape,and the distant mountains seemed to fade into the horizon.It was a moment of profound tranquility and awe.As we descended,the fatigue from the climb was evident,but so too was the sense of accomplishment.The mountain had tested our physical limits and mental fortitude,but we had conquered it together.The experience was a testament to the power of teamwork and the beauty of natures grandeur.Chinese Translation:上周末,我开始了一次难忘的爬山冒险。
指南涉及的文献依据探讨方法和结果分成5个层次,举荐看法的举荐级别依据Delphi分级分为A E级,其中A 级为最高。
表1 Delphi分级标准举荐级别A 至少有2项I级探讨结果支持B 仅有1项I级探讨结果支持C 仅有II级探讨结果支持D 至少有1项III级探讨结果支持E 仅有IV级或V探讨结果支持探讨课题分级I 大样本,随机探讨,结果清楚,假阳性或假阴性的错误很低II 小样本,随机探讨,结果不确定,假阳性和/或假阴性的错误较高III 非随机,同期比照探讨IV 非随机,历史比照和专家看法V 病例报道,非比照探讨和专家看法危重症患者人工气道的选择人工气道是为了保证气道通畅而在生理气道与其他气源之间建立的连接,分为上人工气道和下人工气道,是呼吸系统危重症患者常见的抢救措施之一。
图1 交通流模型[1]是⼤多数宏观交通模型的基础,虽然并不完美,但它的不⾜很容易理解,理基于流体⼒学的交通流理论(Lighthill and Whitham,1955;Richards,1956)所当然被应⽤在交通⼯程分析中。
CarlosF.Daganzo在1993年提出来Cell TransmissionModel(CTM)模型[5],CTM模型能够根据仔细选择的中间点预测交通流⾏为,由于CTM模型分析简单,能够描述重要的交通⾏为,如排队的形成、波动、消散、拥挤波的逆向传播,因此⽬前有众多学者对其进⾏研究,该模型有⼴泛的应⽤前景。
[1]Lighthill,M.H.and GB.Whitham,(1955).On Kinematic Waves—II.A Theory of TrafficFlow on Long Crowded Roads.Proceedings,RoyalSociety(London),A229,No.1178,PP.317-345.[2]G.F.Newell,A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic,Part I:General Theory.Transpn.Res.,1 993,V01.27B(4):281-287[3]G.F. Newell,A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic,Part III:Multi-destination flows, Transpn.Res.B.,1993,V01.27B(4):305-313[4]G.F. Newell,A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic,Part II:Queuingat freeway bottlenecks.Transpn.Res.,1993,V01,27B(4):289-303[5] Daganzo, C. F. (1993a). The cell-transmission model. Part I: A simple dynamic representation of highwaytraffic.Research report, UCB-ITS-PRR-93-7, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California,Berkeley.。
大卫爱登堡英文介绍David Attenborough is a renowned British broadcaster and natural historian who has dedicated his life to exploring and preserving the natural world. He has brought the beauty and wonders of nature to millions through his documentaries and books, becoming a beloved figure in the world of science and conservation.Born in 1926, Attenborough's love for nature began at a young age. He studied natural history at Cambridge University and went on to work for the BBC, where he created a number of landmark documentaries including "Life on Earth", "The Blue Planet", and "Planet Earth". His ability to capture the essence of the natural world in his programming has made him one of the most influential figures in modern television.Attenborough's documentaries have not only showcased the wonders of nature but have also played a crucial role in conservation efforts. His programs have highlighted the fragility of ecosystems and the impact of human activity on the environment, sparking global awareness and action. He has been a staunch advocate for biodiversity and the protection of endangered species, using his platform to raise funds and awareness for conservation causes.In addition to his documentaries, Attenborough has authored numerous books on natural history, including collections of his own observations and studies. His writing is engaging and accessible, makinghim a popular figure among both experts and the general public.David Attenborough's legacy is immense. His contribution to science communication and conservation is immeasurable. His impact has been profound, inspiring a new generation of naturalists, scientists, and environmentalists. He remains a tireless advocate for the planet, continuing to share his knowledge and passion for nature well into his nineties.。
Gravitional waves
WWW: /
DANIEL SIGG LIGO Hanford Observatory, P.O. Box 1970 S9-02, Richland, WA 99352, USA E-mail: sigg d@
California Institute of Technology LIGO Project - MS 51-33 Pasadena CA 91125 Phone (626) 395-2129 Fax (626) 304-9834 E-mail: info@
Massachusetts Institute of Technology LIGO Project - MS 20B-145 Cambridge, MA 01239 Phone (617) 253-4824 Fax (617) 253-7014 E-mail: info@
Gravitational Waves
Daniel Sigg LIGO Hanford Observatory, P.O. Box 1970 S9-02, Richland, WA 99352 to be published in the Proceedings of TASI 98 (Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics) Boulder, Colorado
According to general relativity theory gravity can be expressed as a spacetime curvature1,2 . One of the theory predictions is that a changing mass distribution can create ripples in space-time which propagate away from the source at the speed of light. These freely propagating ripples in space-time are called gravitational waves. Any attempts to directly detect gravitational waves have not been successful yet. However, their indirect influence has been measured in the binary neutron star system PSR1913+163,4,5,6. This system consist of two neutron stars orbiting each other. One of the neutron stars is active and can be observed as a radio pulsar from earth. Since the observed radio pulses are Doppler shifted by the orbital velocity, the orbital period and its change over time can be determined precisely. If the system behaves according to general relativity theory, it will loose energy through the emission of gravitational waves. As a consequence the two neutron stars will decrease their separation and, thus, orbiting around each other at a higher frequency. From the observed orbital parameters one can first compute the amount of emitted gravitational waves and then the inspiral rate. The calculated and the observed inspiral rates agree within experimental errors (better than 1%). Gravitational waves are quite different from electro-magnetic waves. Most electro-magnetic waves originate from excited atoms and molecules, whereas observable gravitational waves are emitted by accelerated massive objects.
Wolverine,a character from the Marvel Comics universe,is one of the most iconic and enduring figures in the world of comic books.With his distinct appearance, incredible abilities,and complex personality,Wolverine has captured the hearts of fans for decades.Origin and BackgroundWolverine,whose real name is James Howlett,was born in Canada in the late19th century.He is a mutant with animallike senses,enhanced physical capabilities,a regenerative healing factor,and retractable bone claws coated with the indestructible metal adamantium.His past is shrouded in mystery,with hints of a troubled and violent history that has shaped his character.Character TraitsWolverine is known for his fierce independence,quick temper,and nononsense attitude. Despite his rough exterior,he possesses a strong sense of justice and loyalty to his friends. His gruff demeanor often hides a deep emotional depth and a capacity for love and compassion,which is evident in his relationships with other characters such as Jean Grey and Rogue.Abilities and PowersWolverines most notable power is his healing factor,which allows him to recover from virtually any injury at an accelerated rate.This ability,combined with his adamantium claws,makes him a formidable opponent in combat.His heightened senses,agility,and strength are also key components of his fighting prowess.Role in the XMenAs a member of the XMen,Wolverine plays a crucial role in the teams adventures.His experience and skills often make him a leader in battles against various threats,from other mutants to powerful villains.His relationship with the XMen,particularly Professor X,showcases his growth from a lone wolf to a valued member of a family.Popularity and Cultural ImpactWolverines popularity has transcended the pages of comic books,with successful appearances in animated series,video games,and blockbuster films.Hugh Jackmans portrayal of Wolverine in the XMen film series has further cemented the characters place in popular culture,bringing his story to life for a new generation of fans.Evolution Over TimeThroughout the years,Wolverines character has evolved,exploring different aspects of his past and present.Storylines such as Old Man Logan and Wolverine:Origin havedelved into his history and the consequences of his actions,adding layers to his character and making him more relatable to readers.ConclusionWolverine stands as a testament to the power of storytelling and character development in comic books.His enduring appeal lies in his complexity,his resilience,and his ability to connect with readers on an emotional level.As a symbol of struggle and redemption, Wolverine continues to inspire fans around the world with his unwavering spirit and indomitable will.。
Light waveguide with a high tensile strength
专利名称:Light waveguide with a high tensile strength 发明人:Hubert Aulich,Nikolaos Douklias,HeinzHacker,Guenter Zeidler申请号:US05/917782申请日:19780622公开号:US04213672A公开日:19800722专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A light waveguide with a high tensile strength including a light conducting or optical fiber being coated with a plastic coating to improve the tensile strength characterized by the plastic coating being a plastic lacquer applied directly on the surface of the light conducting fiber, being a high temperature stable material selected from a group consisting of polyurethanes, epoxides, polyesters, polyesterimides, polyimides, and polyvinyl dimethoxymethane, which material has a softening temperature of at least 150° C. The coating has a thickness of at least 2 &mgr;m and is uniformly concentrically applied over the entire length of the light conducting fiber without any surface defects. The light waveguide may include an outer covering which is either tightly applied or loosely applied onto the light conducting fiber and its coating. To improve movement of the light conducting fiber and its coating in the covering, a slide layer may be interposed between the outer covering and the plastic lacquer coating.申请人:SIEMENS AG代理机构:Hill, Van Santen, Steadman, Chiara & Simpson更多信息请下载全文后查看。
再见白头海雕英语The white-tailed sea eagle, a majestic bird of prey, has been a symbol of freedom and strength. Its presence in our skies has been a constant reminder of the wild beauty that surrounds us.As I stood by the shore, the sight of its powerful wings slicing through the air was both awe-inspiring and humbling. It was a dance of nature, a silent conversation between the eagle and the wind.Yet, the time has come to bid farewell to this noble creature. The reasons for its departure are as complex as the ecosystem it inhabits, a tapestry of human impact and environmental change.We must reflect on the lessons the white-tailed sea eagle has taught us. Its departure is a call to action, urging us to protect the delicate balance of our natural world.The memory of its grace will linger, a reminder of what we have lost and what we must strive to preserve. The sky, once filled with its silhouette, now echoes with the silent plea for conservation.In the absence of the white-tailed sea eagle, we are left with a profound sense of responsibility. It is up to us to ensure that future generations can witness the grandeur ofsuch a species in its natural habitat.The goodbye is bittersweet, a moment of mourning for what has been lost, and a moment of resolve for what can still be saved. Let us honor the white-tailed sea eagle by committing to a greener, more sustainable future.As the last echoes of its call fade into the distance, we carry forward the legacy of the white-tailed sea eagle. Its spirit will soar on, inspiring us to protect the skies and the earth below.。
莫辜负绿海盈盈,水碧山青,作文英文回答:In nature's verdant embrace, where azure waters intertwine with emerald hills, a tapestry of beauty unfolds before our eyes. Amidst this harmonious interplay of colors and textures, a profound sense of tranquility descends upon the soul. The lush foliage, shimmering like an emerald sea, beckons us to lose ourselves in its boundless embrace. The murmuring streams, their crystalline waters cascading over smooth pebbles, serenade our ears with a soothing symphony.Beneath the canopy of verdant trees, an array of wildflowers blooms in vibrant hues, painting the forest floor with a vibrant mosaic. The air is alive with the sweet fragrance of blossoms, carried by the gentle breeze that whispers secrets through the leaves. As we wander deeper into this sylvan paradise, we encounter hidden nooks and secluded clearings, each holding its own enchanting allure.The majestic mountains, their peaks reaching towards the heavens, stand as silent guardians of this pristine realm. Their rugged slopes, adorned with ancient forests and cascading waterfalls, create a breathtaking panorama that fills us with awe and inspiration. The interplay of light and shadow upon their rugged surfaces paints a constantly evolving masterpiece, a symphony of colors and textures that captivates the imagination.As we bask in the ethereal beauty of this natural sanctuary, a sense of gratitude washes over us. We marvel at the delicate balance and interconnectedness of the ecosystem, where every element plays a vital role in maintaining the harmony of the whole. The towering trees, the babbling brooks, the vibrant wildflowers, and the majestic mountains – they are all inseparable parts ofthis exquisite tapestry.In the face of such natural splendor, we are reminded of the importance of preserving and protecting our planet's precious ecosystems. The verdant hills, the crystal-clearwaters, and the pristine air we breathe – they are gifts that must be cherished and safeguarded for generations to come. As stewards of this fragile environment, we have a responsibility to ensure that its beauty and wondercontinue to inspire and uplift the human spirit forcenturies to come.中文回答:莫辜负绿海盈盈,水碧山青。
Majestic Pines
Majestic PinesNestled deep within the heart of a lush forest, Majestic Pines stands tall and proud, casting an enchanting shadow over its surroundings. This majestic haven of tranquility is a testament to the beauty of nature and the power it holds to captivate our souls.As you approach Majestic Pines, a sense of awe washes over you. The towering trees reach towards the heavens, their branches stretching outwards as if embracing the sky. The scent of pine fills the air, invigorating your senses and drawing you further into this magical realm.The forest floor beneath your feet is a tapestry of vibrant colors. Soft moss cushions your every step, while delicate wildflowers peek through the undergrowth, adding a touch of whimsy to this picturesque scene. Sunlight filters through the dense canopy above, casting dappled shadows that dance across the forest floor.Birdsong fills the air, a symphony of melodies that serenade your journey through Majestic Pines. The chirping of sparrows, the trilling of thrushes, and the haunting call of the owl create a harmonious chorus that resonates through the trees. It is as if nature itself is singing its praises to this sacred place.As you wander deeper into Majestic Pines, you come across a tranquil stream that meanders through the forest. Its crystal-clear waters glisten in the sunlight, inviting youto dip your toes and immerse yourself in its cool embrace. The gentle babbling of the stream soothes your spirit, washing away the stresses of everyday life.Among the trees, you may encounter some of Majestic Pines' elusive residents. Squirrels scurry playfully along the branches, their fluffy tails trailing behind them. Deer gracefully roam the forest floor, their eyes curious yet cautious. And if you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the elusive fox, its fiery red coat blending seamlessly with the autumn foliage.Majestic Pines is not just a place of natural beauty; it also offers a sanctuary for reflection and introspection. The stillness of the forest allows your mind to wander freely, untethered from the distractions of the modern world. Here, you can find solace and reconnect with your inner self, gaining a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.Whether you seek adventure or simply a moment of respite, Majestic Pines has something to offer everyone. Hiking trails wind their way through the forest, leading you to breathtaking vistas and hidden treasures. Picnic areas provide the perfect setting for a leisurely lunch amidst nature's splendor. And for those seeking a more immersive experience, camping grounds offer the opportunity to spend a night under the starry sky, enveloped by the peaceful embrace of Majestic Pines.In a world that often feels chaotic and fast-paced, Majestic Pines stands as a reminder of the inherent beauty and tranquility of nature. It beckons us to slow down, to breathe in the fresh air, and to appreciate the wonders that surround us. Majestic Pines is not just a place; it is an experience that touches the soul and leaves an indelible mark on our hearts.So, let Majestic Pines be your guide as you embark on a journey of discovery and wonder. Allow yourself to be transported to a realm where time slows down, and the beauty of nature reigns supreme. Majestic Pines awaits, ready to unveil its secrets and embrace you in its timeless embrace.。
On a crisp Saturday morning, I set out on an adventure to Mount Tai, one of the most revered mountains in China, known for its majestic beauty and historical significance. The journey began with the anticipation of witnessing the grandeur of this natural wonder.As the sun rose, casting a golden glow over the landscape, I embarked on the trek, surrounded by lush greenery and the sounds of nature. The path was lined with ancient trees and vibrant wildflowers, creating a serene atmosphere that was both calming and invigorating.The climb was challenging but rewarding, with each step bringing me closer to the summit. The air grew cooler and fresher as I ascended, and the panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and plains were breathtaking. The sense of accomplishment was palpable as I reached higher elevations, and the mountains rich history and cultural significance became more evident.At various points along the trail, I encountered ancient temples and shrines, a testament to the spiritual importance of Mount Tai throughout Chinese history. The intricate carvings and architectural details of these structures were aweinspiring, and I couldnt help but feel a deep connection to the generations of people who had come before me to pay their respects and seek enlightenment.As I reached the summit, the view was nothing short of spectacular. The vast expanse of the land below, bathed in the warm light of the afternoon sun, was a sight to behold. The sense of awe and humility washed over me as I stood at the peak, realizing the scale and beauty of the natural world.Descending the mountain was a different experience altogether. The journey back was filled with reflection on the days experiences and the lessons learned from the mountains teachings. The descent was easier physically, but the emotional impact of leaving such a sacred place was profound.As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the mountain, I made my way back to the base, filled with gratitude for the opportunity to explore Mount Tai. The experience was humbling and inspiring, a reminder of the power and beauty of nature, and the importance of preserving and respecting these sacred spaces for future generations to enjoy.。
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On Kinematic Waves. II. A Theory of Traffic Flow on Long Crowded Roads
Author(s): M. J. Lighthill and G. B. Whitham
Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 229, No. 1178 (May 10, 1955), pp. 317-345
Published by: The Royal Society
Stable URL: /stable/99769
Accessed: 21/01/2010 10:14
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