



云南大学2007至2008学年上学期化学科学与工程学院《分析化学(2)》期中考试(闭卷)试卷A满分:100分考试时间:120分钟任课教师:学院:专业学号姓名题号一二三四总分得分一、选择题(共25分,每题1分)1、一个光量子的能量正比于辐射的( A )A:频率B:波长C:传播速度D: 周期2、下面四个电磁波谱区中能量最大的是( A )A:X射线;B:红外区;C:微波;D:紫外区3、原子吸收分析测定样品中的铷(Rb)时,加入了1%的钠盐溶液的作用是( C )A:较少背景;B:提高火焰温度;C:较少铷的电离;D:提高Rb+的含量4、空心阴极等对发射线宽度影响最大的因素是( C )A: 阴极材料;B: 填充气体;C:灯电流;D:阳极材料5|、光栅的色散率,在一定波长范围内,波长增大,色散率将( C )A:增加;B:较小;C:不变;D:不能确定6、在紫外光区测定时,吸收池的材料是( B )A:玻璃;B:石英;C: 透明塑料;D: 玻璃或石英7、分子的紫外-可见吸收光谱呈带状光谱,其原因是 ( D ) A: 分子中价电子运动的离域性质; B:分子中价电子能级的相互作用;C: 分子振动能级的跃迁伴随着转动能级的跃迁;D: 分子电子能级的跃迁伴随着振动、转动能级的跃迁8、下列化合物中,在近紫外光区中有两个吸收带的物质是哪个? ( B )A:丙烯; B: 丙烯醛; C: 1,3-丁二烯; D: 丁烯9、丙酮的紫外-可见吸收光谱中,对于吸收波长最大的那个吸收峰,在下列四种溶剂中吸收波长最短的是 ( C ) A: 环己烷; B: 氯仿; C: 水; D: 甲醇;10、下列四种因素中,决定吸光物质摩尔吸光系数大小的是 ( A )A:吸光物质的性质; B: 吸光物质的浓度; C:检测器的灵敏度; D: 光源的强度 11、下列四种化合物, 它们在紫外-可见光区中,λmax大小顺序为 ( C )1. 3. 4A: 1>2>3>4; B:3>4>1>2; C:2>3>4>1; D:4>1>2>312、原子吸收光谱法中,光源的作用是( D )A:使样品蒸发和原子化;B:气态的基态原子激发;C:使气态原子电离;D:产生待测元素吸收所需要的特征谱线13、氢化物原子化法和冷蒸气原子化法可分别测定( D )A:碱金属元素和稀土元素;B:碱金属元素和碱土金属元素;C:Hg和As;D:As和Hg14、某原子的基态光谱项符号为42S1/2,其第一电子激发态的光谱项符号有:42P1/2、42P3/2、41P1/2、41P3/2,该原子能产生几条较强的共振线( B ) A:1条;B:2条;C:3条;D:4条15、为了消除波长为275.16nm的谱线对分析线276.32nm测定的干扰,可以采用( D )A:zeaman效应扣除背景法;B:双线校正法;C:连续光源校正法;D:改变单色器狭缝16、用原子吸收光谱法测定NaCl溶液中的微量K+时,用纯KCl配制系列标准溶液,绘制标准曲线用于K+的定量分析,其测定结果将( A )A:偏高;B:偏低;C:与实际值一致;D:无法预测17、与原子发射光谱线强度无关的因素是( A)A:跃迁能级间的能量差;B:高能级上的原子总数;C:跃迁几率;D:蒸发温度18、采用摄谱法进行原子发射光谱的定性分析时通常使用的标准光谱是( A)A:铁光谱;B:铜光谱;C:碳谱;D:氢谱19、电磁辐射的二象性是指: ( D )A:电磁辐射是由电矢量和磁矢量组成; B:电磁辐射具有波动性和电磁性;C:电磁辐射具有微粒性和光电效应; D:电磁辐射具有波动性和微粒性;20、原子发射光谱是由下列哪一种跃迁产生的? ( D )A:辐射能使气态原子外层电子激发;B:辐射能使气态原子内层电子激发;C:热能使气态原子内层电子激发; D:热能使气态原子外层电子激发21、相对于火焰原子化器来说,石墨炉原子化器: ( A )A:灵敏度高,但重现性差; B:灵敏度高,且重现性好;C:灵敏度低,且重现性差; D:灵敏度低,而重现性好22、在一定波长处,用2.0cm吸收池测得某试液的百分透光率为71%,若改用3.0cm吸收池时,该试液的吸光度A为 ( B ) A:0.10; B:0.22; C:0.45; D:0.43423、影响原子吸收谱线宽度的下列因素中,哪种变宽是主要的?其变宽宽度是多少? ( B )A:热变宽和压力变宽,宽度可达10-5nm数量级;B:热变宽和压力变宽,宽度可达10-3nm数量级;C:自然变宽和自吸变宽,宽度可达10-5nm数量级;D:自然变宽和自吸变宽,宽度可达10-3nm数量级24、在原子发射光谱的光源中,激发温度最高的是 ( C )A: 直流电弧; B: 交流电弧; C: 火花; D: ICP25、有机化合物成键电子的能级间隔越小,受激跃迁时吸收电磁辐射的 ( C )A:能量越大; B:频率越高; C:波长越长; D:波数越大二、填空题(共25分,每空为1分)1、在定量分析中,除重量法和库仑法外,所有的分析方法都需要进行校正,即建立测定的分析信号与被分析物质量的关系。



A、中胶层 B、亮层 C、胞间层 D、初生壁层
A、高尔基体 B、内质网 C、液泡 D、微丝和微管
A、1/5 B、1/10 C、1/15 D、1/2
5、在细胞有丝分裂中,下面哪一个时期为 DNA 复制(合成)期()

2、蛋白质是_____的聚和物,而核酸则是_____的聚合物。每个单核苷酸分子由____、___ 和____三部分组成。 3、RNA有哪三种:_____、______ 、______ 4、动物组织有哪四大类:_______ 、__________、 _______、 _______ 5、高等植物光合同化 CO2 的生化途径有____、_____、______ 6、含副交感的脑神经是哪三对:_____ 、______、 _________ 7、植物激素包括____类_____类_____类_____类和____ 8、定向行为必须依靠感觉器官,故分为:_____和________、______三种 9、生死隔离中后合子机制(配后隔离)有哪三种结果:_______、_______ 、________ 10、变态为刺的植物器官可有__________和_______ 四、问答题(共 25 分) 1、举例论述生物时化的各种主要证据。(5 分) 2、为了帮助山区农村以展肉牛生产,请提出你的一个工作计划大纲。(10 分) 3、以你所了解的情况,草绘一个滇池被污染的湖的生态系统框图。(5 分) 4、血友病是伴性遗传病,基因型号为 Xh,主要使男性患病(基因型为 XhY)今有一女是 血友病基因携带者(XHXh),但表现型正常即未患血友病。如果她与一个正常男子 XHY) 婚配,其后代遗传情况如何?






4.我国刑法规定的相对负刑事责任的年龄阶段为—已满14 —周岁—不满16—周岁。






9.对与—累犯 ·—,不能适用缓刑和假释。





每小题2分,共20分)1.刑法条文中的“但书”表示的情况有( ACD )。

A.对前段的补充 B. 对前段的强调C. 对前段的限制D. 对前段的例外2.我国刑法解决溯及力问题的原则是( C )。

A. 从旧原则B.从新原则C. 从旧兼从轻原则D.从新兼从轻原则3.按照( B )划分,犯罪客体分为一般客体、同类客体和直接客体。

A.犯罪行为的多少B.犯罪行为所侵犯的社会关系的范围C. 犯罪行为侵犯具体社会关系的次数D.犯罪行为所直接侵犯的具体社会关系的多少4.生理醉酒后犯罪的人属于( A )。

A.完全刑事责任能力人B.完全无刑事责任能力人C. 相对无刑事责任能力人D。


对某甲应当( A )。

云南大学2004-2012 高等代数-数学分析-研究生入学试题

云南大学2004-2012 高等代数-数学分析-研究生入学试题

二、(15 分)设 是不为 1 的 5 次单位根,证明:行列式
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 4 3
2 2 4 2 2
三、(20 分)设 f (x1, x2,..., xn) X AX 是一实二次型,若有实 n 维向量 X1, X2 使
X1AX1 0, X2 AX2 0 ,
六、(20 分)设 f (x1, x2, x3, x4) 2x1x2 2x1x3 4x1x4 2x2x3 ,试分别在实数域上和复数
七、(10 分)设 A 为半正定矩阵,证明:对任意正实数 , E A 为正定矩阵
第 1 页,共 37 页
云南大学 2004 年硕士研究生入学考试试题 (答案必须写在答题纸上)
六、(15 分)将函数 f (x) ln(4x x2) 在 x 1 处展开为幂级数,并求出其收敛域。
( y,
y ) ,其中 x
, y
2 y2
, 2 xy
八、(15 分)设 xi 0 (i 1, 2,..., n) ,且 x1 x2 ... xn a ,求函数 n x1x2...xn 的最
(II) :1,2,3,4;
1 5
假设秩 (I ) =秩 (II ) =3,秩 (III ) =4。证明:向量组 (IV ) :1,2 ,3 ,5 4 的秩为 4。
七、(20 分)设 f (x1, x2,..., xn) 和 g(x1, x2,..., xn) 为两个实二次型,f (x1, x2,..., xn) 正定。




1. Is there a bank near here?Yes. I saw him this morning.A. RightB. Wrong2.What does he look like?He is tall and thin.A. RightB. Wrong3.Where did you go for your holiday?Two years ago.A. RightB. Wrong4.What are you going to do this evening?I went there with some friends.A. RightB. Wrong5.How can I book a cheap hotel?If I were you, I'd phone a travel agent.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分词汇与结构(总计40分后,每小题2分后)6―25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

6. A: you watch television last night?B. No, I didn't.A. DoB. DidC. Can7. I went to see a film yesterday. The film was great.A. reallyB. veryC. too8. A. is at the door?B. It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.A. WhatB. WhichC. Who9. He answer my phone call yesterday.A. doesn'tB. didn'tC. wasn't10. She our car to go to Bristol yesterday.A. borrowedB. returnedC. lent11. I was watching TV the telephone rang.A. whileB. whenC. since12. They finished tennis at seven.A. to playB. playingC. on playing13. It was cold to go for a walk.A. veryB. tooC. enough14. The young girl fluent French.A. saysB. speaksC. talks15. I went shopping I needed a new pair of shoes.A. althoughB. becauseC. so16. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It anyone.A. could have beenB. should have beenC. must have been17. stole my purse when I was on the train.A. AnyoneB. SomeoneC. Something18. The computer doesn't work. You should get itA. to repairB. repairingC. repaired19. A: Which of these newspapers have you read?B: I’ve read them.A. bothB. both ofC. any of20. I can't arrive before 6.00. I'll try to be there 6.30.A. untilB. tillC. by21. a problem with the laptop yesterday, but it wasn't very serious.A. It wasB. There wasC. There is22. I smoke before, but I do now.A. didn't use toB. used toC. am used to23. It was raining and we went home.A. thatB. becauseC, so24. Kunming is the southwest of China.A. onB. inC. to25. She is very patient the children. She never shouts at them.A. inB. withC. on第三部分句型变换(共计15分,每小题3分)26―30题:根据括号里的提示信息或利用括号里的词语重写以下句子,并将答案写下在答题纸上。



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云南大学大学英语(一)(1-A)单选题1.I was afraid ________ being off by myself, away from my family for the first timeA. ofB. atC. butD. that2.I soon learned that my life was ________ me.A. up toB. towardC. out forD. onto3.As a result, I began to look upon myself ________ a different perspective.A. atB. toC. fromD. around4.____________ Louis went to his father’s workshop.A. Three-years-oldB. Three year oldC. Three-year oldD. Three-year-old5.One day, the pastor of Louis church told his parents _______ a school for the blind in ParisA. aboutB. onC. ofD. to6.Louis thought the officer‘s code was slow and the dashes took _______ too much space.A. outB. upC. downD. away7.The child __________ and fell down on the ice.A. slippedB. sprangC. stoppedD. fitted8.The poor boy was __________ with hunger and cold.A. faintedB. curiousC. shockedD. blunt9.Jenny ____________ to pass her driving test on the fifth attempt.A. managedB. controlledC. handled C. handled10.When the teacher ___________ the classroom, all the students stood up.A. cameB. arrivedC. appearedD. entered多选题1.What was the author of A Transition Point in My Life afraid of when entering college?A. Being away from homeB. Being not so smart as the new schoolmatesC. Being surrounded by the people he didn‘t know.D. Being unable to do well in his studies2.What did the writer of A Transition Point in My Life do in order to do well in his studies?A. Asking his friends to helpB. Going to class on timeC. Doing his assignment and handing them in.D. Making notes3.Why does Alexis Walton think that higher learning is necessary in today‘s society?A. Maintaining assurance of ourselvesB. Making other people confused.C. Becoming good at math.D. Making us be familiar with our environment and everyone in it.4. A university professor is different from a high school teacher in that ___________.A. he knows more about the subject he teachesB. he teaches his students how to learn the subjectC. he helps his students to study by themselvesD. he writes books for his students5.Braille was _____________.A. the only sun of the familyB. youngest child in the familyC. slow in his class because of his blindnessD. helped with his homework by his sisters and a friend6.Books for the blind to read in the Paris school _____________.A. were big and heavyB. were written with large and raised lettersC. were only of 14D. took much time to read7.Braille system___________.A. consists of dots and dashesB. was created when Braille was 15C. is only used in FranceD. uses six dots to express different letters8.For hundreds of years, people in Europe and America ____________ .A. thought tomatoes were poisonousB. did like the colour of tomatoesC. did not dare to eat tomatoesD. rejected to plant tomatoes9.The Wright brothers tried ______________ .A. automobilesB. kitesC. glidersD. The Wright Flyer10.What decisions did the author of A Transition Point in My Life have to make?A. When to go to bedB. When to eat, when and what to drink.C. What courses to take.D. With whom to be friendly是非题1.Short after you left, a girl came into our office looking for you.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.When you‘re away from your family, you have to be responsible to yourself.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.Tom fell and broke his leg. As a result, he would have to be away from school for a monthor twoY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.My friend told me how to play the game long ago, but I have forgotten it now.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.The earth is surrounding by air, which makes up its atmosphere.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.The book says that modern music was first developped in Italy.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.Don‘t you think watching TV has taken up too much of your time?Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.“记着到那儿以后给我写信“的正确译文是:Remember to write to me when you will get home.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.The message had spread among the soldiers before they were delivered to the officers.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.Did it still rain when you came in?Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(1-B)单选题:1.When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid _______ I was not ableto do well in my studies.A. ofB. atC. butD. that2.I would have to make friends _______ them and perhaps also compete ______ themfor grades.A. to…forB. with…withC. at…toD. to…to3.However, after a short period of time, I had my life ___________ control.A. inB. atC. underD. within4.I really was not certain what I would do with the years _________ me.A. in the front ofB. ahead ofC. out ofD. away from5.Louis’s father was a saddle maker who made items out ________ leather.A. fromB. byC. throughD. of6.It took the workers two years ___________ the bridge.A. buildingB. builtC. buildD. to build7.It suddenly came _________ me that Mary hates fish.A. forB. atC. towardD. to8.The news has already _________ all over the country.A. imitatedB. spreadC. shockedD. increased9.Women, _________ men, have the right to work.A. as soon asB. as long asC. as far asD. as well as10.I had to work hard to ____________ the other students.A. keep away fromB. keep up withC. keep backD. keep out多选题1.How did the author of A Transition Point in My Life manage his college life?A. Set a study program.B. Buy some interesting books.C. Decide when to go to bedD. Go to class on time2.What mistakes did the writer of A Transition Point in My Life make at first?A. Taking his courses improperly.B. Using his time improperlyC. Staying in the dorm all dayD. Spending too much time making friends.3.What does Alexis Walton plan to do after his graduation after high school?A. Go to college.B. Pursue higher learningC. Begin a careerD. Make history in his family4.Devlin‘s Advice is written for the students _____________ .A. who have just finished their high school educationB. who have finished their college educationC. who have just entered collegeD. who were the freshmen in colleges5.Devlin‘s advice includes the pieces of _____________.A. being successfulB. enjoying your college lifeC. working hard at the subjects you don‘t likeD. taking college as the pre-life6.Braille was blind ________________.A. because he was born soB. because his father injured his eyes by accidentC. because he himself injured one of his eyes accidentally when he was threeD. because his good eye was infected and lost its sight7.How did Braille think about Charles Bar bier‘s alphabet code?A. Complicated.B. The dashes took up much spaceC. UselessD. Slow to read8.According to Michael William, tomatoes were first found _______________.A. in North AmericaB. in Central AmericaC. in South AmericaD. growing wild in Peru9.Which of the following statement is true?A. A woman got fainted when biting a tomato.B. The courthouse tried the case whether tomatoes could be eatenC. Today‘s tomatoes are massively consumed at tables.D. Robert Johnson corre cted the people‘s false attitude toward tomatoes.10.Flyer II was better than The Wright Flyer in that _____________.A. it had a stronger bodyB. its engine was more powerfulC. it could stay longer in the airD. it could change directions more easily是非题1.George is a very smart boy; he is one of the best student in his class.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.John was so comfortable and warm in bed that he didn’t want to get upY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.The boy said that he wanted to be a computer scientist when he grew upY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.In additionally, I have something else to do this weekendY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.“他们把数学老师视为他们最好的老师“的译文:They looked upon their math teacheras their best friend.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.My finger was injured when I tried to collect the broken glass by hand.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.I don‘t think quarrels will ever lead to any good results.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.Wanted very much to read himself, Louis decided to create a better way of readingfor the blindY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.It is fitting that October 1, the birthday of the People’s Republic of China,is picked up as the National DayY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(2-A)一、单选题1.__________ of us know what has happened in that place. It is no use asking ussuch a questionA. FewB. A fewC. LittleD. A little2.I send you my best wishes on ___________ of your silver wedding anniversaryA. occasionB. caseC. the caseD. the occasion3.There are so many reasons to say thank you. You were always there when you were________A. neededB. needingC. to needD. need4.The film reminded him __________ what he had seen in ChinaA. toB. forC. atD. of5.Nothing could keep their son _________ going abroad.A. forB. ofC. fromD. out6.She was running __________ outside her house, shouting for help.A. from and toB. to and fromC. up and downD. down and up7.I prefer to live in the countryside ___________ spend a lot of time travellingto work every dayA. instead ofB. would ratherC. rather thanD. to8.Believe it or not, our foreign teacher is quite _____________ cooking Chinesedishes.A. skill forB. skilled atC. well atD. nice on9.Mary _______ for the Normans for six months now. She _________ theNormans‘ rooms every dayA. works…cleansB. has worke d…is cleaningC. has worked…cleansD. has working…clean10.While I was sitting the re, I examined every part of the room with my eyes“ canbe changed into__________.A.While I sat there, examining every part of the room with my eyesB.I sat there, examined every part of the room with my eyesC.While sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyesD.I sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyes二、多选题1.When Bob Burns was a boy, he occasionally had ____________ on his bodyA. bumpsB. scrapesC. inkD. cuts2.What does Bob Burns think of his mother?A. Gentle.B. Hard on her children.C. Best mother.D. Helpful.3.Wyverne Flatt‘s four grandparents wanted to arrange for each kid to be placed_____________.A. in the neighbourhoodB. in an orphanageC. with a different uncle and auntD. with themselves4.Why did the man‘s business become so welcomed?A.He brought pleasure to his children.B.He got pleasure from his children.C.He served the customers pleasantly.D.His service was excellent5.Which of the following phrases describe the characters of Lisa‘s mother?A. A bargain shopper.B. Shy.C. Loving to socialize.D. Tolerant.6.Which of the following are the basic skills for running?A. Speed.B. EnduranceC. BalanceD. Gravity7.How to use gravity pul l to save one‘s energy when running?A.Lean forward enoughB. Swing arms long to keep balanceC. Keep the leaning position in the entire courseD. Jump at times8.In Exercise: What Can It Do for You, people believe that exercise can help thembecome ________A. attractiveB. relaxedC. tallerD. healthy9.You can become relaxed by ___________.A. not smokingB. exerciseC. positive attitudeD. good diet10.If you have decided to begin your walking routine, you should ________A.pay attention to the weatherB. choose proper shoesC. set practical goalsD. find a good place三、是非题1.He didn‘t speak for long, but everything he said was around the pointY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.The monitor will be in charge when the teacher leaves the classroom.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.“The most difficult thing is to decide“ can be changed into “Nothing is sodifficult as to decide“.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.During the winter I decided that I would grow tomatoes when summer cameY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.The odd couple‘s personalities are quiet different.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.Most sports require athletes to be skilled at both speed or endurance.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.She seems so quiet, but actual she likes to talk.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.Tom was hit by a car when he was crossing the streetY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.What about reducing stress by exercising?Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.The body doesn‘t really start burning its fat stores untill after 30 minutesof activity.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(2-B)一、单选题1.The country didn‘t want to get caught __________ in another country’s warA. downB. upC. outD. outside2.He often takes weekends __________ his motherA. in visitingB. on visitingC. to visitD. visit3.Your contract is _________ and I think you have to look for another jobA. duingB. duedC. dueD. to due4.There was nothing quite so humbling ________ standing outside my elementaryschool classroom.A. soB. asC. thatD. upto5.But you were never _______ busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand.A. soB. tooC. suchD. much6.You can become a faster runner __________ learning and practicing runningtechniques.A. byB. withC. inD. through7.The disease is commonly ____________ heart attackA. know ofB. known asC. known forD. know as8.Is there anything ____________ that you like to do this afternoon?A. specialB. speciallyC. especialD. especially9.When we were kids, we ______ to Beijing for our holidays, but I ______ therefor years.A. go…am notB. went…did not goC. gone…haven‘t beenD. went…haven‘t been10.Actually, the less she worried, ____________.A. the better she didB. she did betterC. she did the betterD. the better she does二、多项题1.Bob Burns has the following reasons to say “Thank you“ to his motherA.His mother tended him very well when he was hurt in his boyhood.B.She kept him on the straight pathC.She mentioned him that he was in charge when he grew upD.She taught him by taking herself as an example2.What did Bob Burns‘ mother do for him when he was youngA. The laundry.B. The cooking and cleaningC. Letting him learn the basics in the kitchenD. Chiding him gently but right to the point3.I need some time to ____________ what has just happenedA. doB. think aboutC. reflect onD. think4.What did the children do to help the family?A. CookingB. Making farming equipmentC. FarmingD. Laundry5.Lisa Giacomo regards her parents as “an odd couple“ because they are oppositein ___________.A. personalitiesB. attitude toward moneyC. temperamentsD. clothing6.Which of the following phrases describe the characters of Lisa‘s fatherA. ConservativeB. Fond of champagne.C. A house bookkeeperD. Stubborn7.When sprinting, an athlete uses his ___________ to gain his top speed.A. heelsB. armsC. padD. toes8. A football player needs __________.A. speedB. thick legsC. enduranceD. powerful fists9.Practically,____________ can change your appearance a bitA. weight-liftingB. readingC. dietingD. exercise10.In Walk, Don‘t Run, walking is believed to be good for___________.A. heartB. weight lossC. helping solve problemsD. big appetite三、是否题1.Thank you for reminding me that someone is waiting for me in the officeY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.With no one taking care of him, the boy had to be on one‘s own after his father‘sdeathY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.This was given to me as a present on the occasion of I graduation from high schoolY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.Our computer was broken and we hoped the new one will arrive soonY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.This man‘s work had been the lonely but joyful task of raising his family.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.Speed is the measure of how fast a person can runY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.But as with any other athletic skill, the more often one practices, the betterone becomes.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.This word has four seperate meaningsY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.Americans of all ages are running, jumping, and lifting weights to keeping inshape.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.These running techniques sound easy to learn and practice, but in a matter offact they are rather difficult.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(3-A)单选题1.The old farmer sent _______ his sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them.A. forB. awayC. offD. to2.I‘ve told you __________ not to play with fire, but you never listen to me.A. many timeB. now and thenC. time and time againD. here and there3.There are many interesting English books in my library. You can _________ a few to read inyour vacation.A. pick upB. pick outC. pick atD. pick apart4._______ the accident happened.A. After soonB. Soon afterC. Soon afterwardsD. Afterwards soon5.The younger brother spent much time ___________ the carambola tree and gained a good harvestA. to care forB. caring forC. cared forD. to caring for6.At last I‘ve managed ___________ my fear of public speaking.A. to overcomeB. to overworkC. to overdoD. to outcompete7.Did hear what _____________ David last night?A. happened toB. was happening toC. happened onD. was happening on8.He is staying at home these days. His arm hasn‘t healed ________ the injury.A. overB. fromC. offD. on9.At the stair corner, a running girl __________ and scattered the books in my arm onto thestepsA. ran over meB. happened on meC. clashed to meD. bumped into10.Though in great pain, he forced himself to exercise ______ and finally took a few painfulstepsA. daysB. everydayC. daylyD. daily多选题1.In The Treasure in the Orchard, the dying man ___________. 选BC也对A. was middle-agedB. had two sonsC. had an orchardD. had buried some treasure in the orchard2.What kinds of fruit grew in the orchard?A. bananasB. applesC. cherriesD. oranges3.When the two sons were digging up for the treasure, they _______________ .A. were in fact weeding the orchardB. found some precious stonesC. were getting rid of the stones in the orchardD. could sometimes rest in the tree shade4.At last the two sons found_________ .A. the treasure was some special stonesB. the treasure was that they had become good farmersC. the precious stones his father had hiddenD. the treasure was the good harvest after their hard work5.Choose the true statements about the connection between the younger brother and the carambolatree.A. He spent all his time caring for the tree.B. He hoped the tree would bear a rich crop of fruit.C. He decided to sell the fruit to his greedy brotherD. The carambola tree finally brought him some gold coins.6.In A Dinner of Smells, the poor man __________ . 选BC也对A. was a special person who could steal smellsB. had no money to pay for the smellC. couldn‘t sleep because the restaurant owner would take him to the court the next morningD. begged the wise mullah to pay for him7.While running, Ashley Hodgeson thought _____________ . 选BC也对A. The “Hooray!“ from the crowd was the loudest she had ever heardB. she could beat the girl ahead of her in the next year, but not that momentC. the crowd would keep watching her running until the last minuteD. she would not compete in track the next year8.Ashley Hodgeson __________ .A. lost the raceB. told the crowd her foot was injuredC. won the crowd‘s respect for her courageD. the running is not worthwhile9.Ashley Hodgeson concluded from the racing that ____________ .A. kindness and confidence make difference to peopleB. strength and courage are not always measured in medals and victoriesC. you would defeat the others if you kept onD. participants(参与者)should not try to win the race10.The leg-injuring boy __________ before he became a world-class runnerA. exercised every dayB. took painful stepsC. threw away crutches and tried to walk independentlyD. practiced running是非题1.We didn‘t consider him for the job, not because he was inexperienced, but because he didn‘tdo well in the test.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.We elected John the captain of our football teamY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.He wants me to give up my job when we are married, but I could never agree to that.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.“挣些外快”can be translated into “earn some extra money“.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.Owing to the storm, the flight was delayed for one and a half hours.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.I‘ve voiced my opinion at every meeting I‘ve attended to.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.I wouldn‘t lose courage e ven if I should fail ten times.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.What would you do if you were in his position?Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.Mike, rather than his brothers, is responsible for the loss.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.If it had not been for your help, I would have failed.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(3-B)单选题1.____________ the students‘ request, the teacher has begun to give them more chances to speakin class.A. To answer toB. To reply toC. In responsibility forD. In answer to2.The kid __________ his homework immediately after getting home from school.A. set upB. set toC. set offD. set out3.But I‘ve hidden a treasure in my orchard __________ you ___________.A. of…to findB. for…findC. of…findingD. for…to find4.The price was fair. And they ___________ the bargain delightedly.A. agreedB. deniedC. acceptD. struck5.I will pay you in pure gold ________ .A. to what I eatB. for what I eatC. to what do I eatD. for what do I eat6.He helped us entirely out of ________ , not for moneyA. kindB. kindlyC. kinderD. kindness7.After five miles, Tara felt tired and started to ___________A. leave behindB. keep behindC. stay behindlyD. fall behind8.Hurry up! Everyone is waiting ___________.A. for you finishing your make-upB. for you to finish your make-upC. for you to have finished your make-upD. for your finish9.It is part of a teacher‘s job _________ self-confidence _________ his or her students.A. to place … onB. to put … intoC. to instill … inD. to jam … into10.Looking deep _________ his student‘s eyes, the teacher said seriously, “Tell me the truth.“A. atB. forC. ontoD. into多选题1.___________ believed it had always been a good orchard for years.A. The fatherB. One of the two sonsC. Both of the sonsD. Neither the father nor his two sons2.The treasure was supposed to have been hidden _____________ .A. right under the treesB. closely near the treesC. in the midway between two treesD. not too far from the trunks3.The orchard had a wonderful harvest after the father‘s death because __________ .选BC也可以A. the father had buried some treasure in itB. the weather was so favourableC. the two sons spent much time digging up the treasure without realizing they were in factcaring for the orchardD. no one disturbed them4.In The Golden Carambola Tree, the parents left ___________ to their two sons after their deathA. coinsB. goldC. housesD. land5.After exchanging(交换)his fortune with his younger brother, the greedy brother _________A. also found a chance to collect gold coins on the islandB. picked handfuls of coins for each piece of his fruitC. was brought home on the back of the phoenix successfullyD. had more than enough wealth, but he did not share it with his brother6.In Tracking Down My Dream, the writer __________.A. took part in a national meetB. took a 3200-meter raceC. had a strong desire to attend the sports meetD. fell behind ever since the beginning7.The enthusiastic cheer at the ending of Ashley Hodgeson‘s race was _________ .选BC也可以A. for the boysB. for Ashley HodgesonC. as loud as the one for the first girl who passed the finish lineD. the loudest one she had ever heard8.The girl bumped into Ashley Hodgeson and said __________A. they were cheering for herB. Ashley Hodgeson had got courageC. she would have quit if she were Ashley HodgesonD. she would take Ashley Hodgeson as an example9.The world-class runner ___________ .选BC也可以A. was naughty(淘气的)in his boyhoodB. had suffered a serious burning injury when he was a boyC. his legs were nearly to be amputatedD. was trained to be a racing athlete by a doctor10.Socrates _________ .A. was the wisest of the townB. liked to teach his students by illustrationC. wanted to drown(溺死)the boyD. taught the boy how to survive when under water 是非题1.This is the most difficult exercise he has yet done.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)2.I‘m tired of travelling; I‘d like to settling down in a small town.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.We‘d better start work straight away. Here, “straight away“ means “directly off“.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)4.You will have to buy some new shoes as these are used up.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)5.Scientist are interested in finding out if or not the earth‘s temperature is beginning toriseY. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.I often mistake her as her sister on the phone.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)7.This book is as more interesting as the one I read last week.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)8.Several of the students was absent.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)9.It is time you cleaned out the drawers(抽屉)of your desk.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)10.The book is worthy of 15 dollars.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)。



云南大学2009至2010学年下学期 信息学院2009级本科《电路分析基础》期末考试(闭卷)试卷A满分100分 考试时间:120分钟 任课教师:学院: 专业: 学号: 姓名:题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分得 分一、 填空 (每空1分,共20分)1、 电流、电压是电路分析中最常用的两个基本变量,其中电压的定义式为u(t)= 。

2、 电感是存储磁能的元件,它的储能公式为w L (t)= 。

3、 电路分析的两种约束关系是元件约束(VAR )和 。

4、 关联参考方向是指 。

5、 若已知某元件上 U =-3V 、I =2A ,且U 、I 取非关联参考方向,则其吸收的功率P = 。

6、 理想变压器的主要特性是变电压、变电流、 。

7、 动态电路中初始状态均为零时,仅由施加于电路的激励所引起的响应称为 。

8、 电路等效互换的条件是_______________________________________。

9、 电路中任意闭合路径称为 。

10、 u(t)=10 Cos (100πt-10°)(V)和i(t)=10 Cos (100πt+20°)(A),u(t)与i(t)的相位差为 ;u(t)的相位比i(t)的相位 。

11、 5、电流i(t)=10 Cos (314t +60°)(A)的有效值相量为: 。

12、 i 1(t) = I 1m cos(ωt +θ1), i 2(t) = I 2m cos(ωt +θ2). 如果相位差2π12±=. 称u 1(t)与u 2(t)____________。

13、 利用并联电阻的 原理可以扩大电流表的量程。

14、 已知某电路的复功率为3040~j S +=(VA),则其视在功率S 为 。

15、 在电路分析中,若计算出某支路电流正值时,说明电流的参考方向与实际方向 。

16、 定值电流4A 从t=0时开始对电容充电,u C (0)=0V, C=2F ,在10S 后电容的储能是 焦耳。









二、名词解释基因库光合自养成熟组织无性生殖病毒messener ribonucleic acid三、判断1、软体动物的肺与脊椎动物的肺既是同源器官也是同工器官。














学 七、(20
y x
∂u ∂x
∂u ∂y
∂2u ∂y 2
∂2u ∂x∂y
八、(15 分)设 x i > 0(i = 1,2,Λ , n), 且 x1 + x 2 + Λ + x n = a, 求函数 u = n x1x 2 Λ x n
的最大值,并证明不等式 n
七、(10 分)设 A 为半正定矩阵,证明:对任意正实数 ,E A 为正定矩阵.
2004 年云南大学硕士研究生入学考试试题
专业:基础数学、计算数学、应用数学、运筹学与控制论 考试科目:《数学分析》
其中 s 是上半球面 z R 2 x 2 y2 的下侧。
5 4
(1)求 A 的特征值,特征向量。
(2)试求使 C1AC为对角矩阵的C,求A 2(n n为正整数)。
七、(20 分)设 A,B,C,D Pnn,若A:X AXB CX XD,X Pnn ,
证明:(1)A为Pnn的线性变换,。(2)当C D 0时,A,B可逆 A可逆 。
x tan x
x = 3t 2 + 2t + 3



1. 2009年 HŒÆ《高等代数》ïÄ)\Æ•ÁÁK
˜! W˜K( 6 K, zK 5 ©, 30 ©)
1. A ´ s • , |A| = m, B • t • , |B| = n, C = 0 A , K |C| =
2. g. f (x1, x2, x3) = x21 + 2x22 + 3x23 − 4x1x2 − 4x2x3 IO/´
13 HŒÆ 2012 cïÄ)\Æ•ÁÁKêÆ©Û
14 HŒÆ 2013 cïÄ)\Æ•ÁÁKêÆ©Û
15 HŒÆ 2014 cïÄ)\Æ•ÁÁKêÆ©Û
16 HŒÆ 2015 cïÄ)\Æ•ÁÁKêÆ©Û
17 HŒÆ 2016 cïÄ)\Æ•ÁÁKêÆ©Û
18 HŒÆ 2017 cïÄ)\Æ•ÁÁKêÆ©Û

提示:本套资料经过精心编排,前 2 页是封面和提示部分,后面是资 料试题部分。资料涵盖了考试的重点知识和题型,可以很好的帮助你 复习备考。资料不在多而在精,一套系统的涵盖考试重点的资料,能 够帮助你很好的提高成绩,减轻学习负担,再加上自己勤奋练习,肯 定能取得理想的成绩。 寄语:无论你是考研、期末考试还是准备其他考试,既然决定了,就 要坚持到底,花几个月的时间,精心准备,在加上资料的帮助,必然 会得到回报。 1. 一份合理科学的学习计划是你备考的领航灯。要有总体的时间规划, 也要有精细到每天的计划,不打无准备的仗。 2. 资料需要反复练习,任何一件看似轻而易举的事情,都是经过反复 刻意练习的结果。公众号:第七代师兄,学习也是一样的,手里的资料, 一定要反复练习几遍,才能孰能生巧,融汇贯通,考场上才能轻松应 对。 3. 态度决定一切,不要手稿眼底,从最基础的知识学起,基础扎实了, 才能平底起高楼,才能将各类知识点运用自如。 4. 坚持到底,无论是考试还是做事情,很多人打败自己的永远是自己。 切记心浮气躁,半途而废。 5. 希望这套资料能够很好的帮助你复习备考,祝学习进步,加油。



云南大学2020-2021学年第1学期《高等教育学》考试试卷(A 卷)考试范围:《高等教育学》;满分:1。

0分;考试时间:120分钟院/系 __________ 年级 ___________专业 ___________ 姓名 ___________ 学号 ___________注意事项:1 .答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2. 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、单选题(共10题,每题2分,共20分。

每题的备选项中, 只有一个最符合题意)1. 政府对高校的管理和领导应通过立法、经费调配等手段进行间接控制,其主要目的是()OA. 增强高等教育的办学自主权B. 建立新的高等教育投资体制C. 形成新的教育教学体制D. 提高高等学校的办学效益和工作效率 2. 目前我国大学毕业生就业实行( )。

A. 供需见面双向选择的分配制度B. 指令性和指导性计划相结合的制度C. 统一分配制度D. 自主择业制度3. 所谓的及时复习,应该是指( )。

A. 在学习结束立刻复习 B. 一周之后复习C. 在大而积遗忘开始之前复习D. 当天复习4. 下面儿种事物不属于创造性作品的是( )。

A. 《红楼梦》B. 《四书集注》C. 《爱弥儿》中文译文D.《金刚经》原文手抄稿5.在群体压力下,成员有可能放弃自己的意见而采取与大多数人一致的行为,这就是A. 集体观念B. 从众C. 服从大局D. 集体凝聚6. 下列关于非正式群体积极作用的叙述,不正确的是( )。

A. 能够满足大学生多方面的心理需要B. 及时解决问题C. 增强信息的沟通D. 有利于班集体工作的开展7. 一个安静、稳重、动作缓慢、不易激动、情绪不易外露的人,其气质类型属于()OA. 胆汗质B. 多血质C. 抑郁质D. 粘液质8. 教学测量的目的在于考核( )。

A. 教学成效B. 学生成绩C. 教学目标D. 教师绩效9. 下面哪种不是估计信度系数的方法?( )A. 再测法B. 复本法C. 分半法D. 异质法10. 下面关于教育调查研究的类型,()种是按照调查对象的选择范围进行划分。



云南大学财务管理岗位招聘考试真题一、单项选择题1.财务管理的核心是() [单选题] *A.财务预测B.财务预算C.财务决策(正确答案)D.财务控制2.下列不属于资金筹集的是() [单选题] *A.购买股票(正确答案)B.发行股票C.发行债券D.银行借款3.下列属于资金分配的是() [单选题] *A.支付工资B.上交增值税C.提取盈余公积(正确答案)D.发行债券4.企业与职工之间的关系是指() [单选题] *A.企业内部各部门之间的经济利益关系B.企业向职工支付劳动报酬所形成的经济利益关系(正确答案)C.企业与投资人之间的经济利益关系D.企业与债权人之间的经济利益关系5.()是企业进行财务活动所要达到的最终目的。

[单选题] *A.获利B.财务管理目标(正确答案)C.利润最大化D.企业价值最大化6.小李将1000元存入银行,年利率为6%。


[单选题] *A.1060B.1300(正确答案)C.1338D.16007.资金是企业再生产过程中财产物资的()。

[单选题] *A.运动对象B.经济关系C.物质表现D.货币表现(正确答案)8.()被认为是最为合理的财务管理目标。

[单选题] *A.企业利润最大化B.企业资产最大化C.企业股东财富最大化D.企业价值最大化(正确答案)9.利润最大化目标的缺点不包括() [单选题] *A.适用范围狭窄(正确答案)B.忽略了货币时间价值C.容易使企业忽略风险D.容易使企业产生短期行为10.()目标比较容易量化,便于考核与奖惩。

[单选题] *A.利润最大化B.企业资产最大化C.股东财富最大化(正确答案)D.企业价值最大化11.下列属于企业与债权人之间的关系的是() [单选题] *A.购买债券B.购买股票C.银行借款(正确答案)D.支付工资12.下列关于货币时间价值的说法,错误的是() [单选题] *A.货币时间价值的实质是货币周转使用后的增值额B.货币时间价值可以用绝对数表示,也可以用相对数表示,在实务中人们习惯用绝对数表示(正确答案)C.一定数量的货币资金在不同时点上具有不同的价值D.货币在周转使用中由于时间因素而形成的差额价值,称之为资金的时间价值二、多项选择题1.下列属于利润最大化目标下的短期行为的有() *A.拼资源,拼设备(正确答案)B.忽视新产品开发(正确答案)C.忽视人才开发(正确答案)D.增加职工生活福利设施E.提高技术装备水平2.企业价值最大化目标中的“企业价值”指() *A.企业全部资产的账面价值B.企业全部资产的市场价值(正确答案)C.企业净资产的账面价值D.企业净资产的市场价值E.企业未来预期现金流量的现值(正确答案)3.财务决策方法包括() *A.比较分析法(正确答案)B.比率分析法C.因果关系法D.时间序列法E.线性规划法(正确答案)4.股东财富最大化目标的优点有() *A.适用范围狭窄,只适用于上市公司,非上市公司很难适用B.考虑了货币时间价值(正确答案)C.只强调股东的利益,忽视了股东以外的其他利益相关者的利益D.在一定程度上能够克服企业在追求利润上的短期行为(正确答案)E.比较容易量化,便于考核与奖惩(正确答案)5.财务控制的主要内容包括() *A.筹资控制(正确答案)B.投资控制(正确答案)C.营业收入控制D.成本费用控制(正确答案)E.利润控制(正确答案)6.下列属于资金筹集的有() *A.银行借款(正确答案)B.购买固定资产C.发行债券(正确答案)D.对外投资E.购买股票7.利达公司购买了A公司的股票,购买了B公司的债券,接受了C公司的投资,向D公司赊销产品,向E公司赊购原材料。



一.(每小题6分,共12分)求极限:⑴30lim 2x x → ⑵()21sin 0lim cos .x x x → 二. (每小题6分,共24分)求下列积分:()()210210cos (1);(2)cos(ln );(3);(4)sin cos 222ln e dx dx t x dx dt t t x x x π+++⎰⎰⎰⎰ 三.(每小题7分,共21分)⑴设(0,1)(,);z x y dz =求⑵已知((,,)ln (1,0,1),(3,2,2),(,,)f x y z x A B f x y z =--及点求函数在点A 处沿由A 到B 的方向导数,并求此函数在电A 处方向导数的最大值.⑶设函数(,)z z x y =由方程22,..zz z z x y z e x y x ∂∂∂++=∂∂∂给出求及 四.(第一小题4分,第二小题6分,共10分)⑴给定空间三点:(1,2,0),(1,3,1),(2,1,2),.A B C ABC S --∆求的面积 ⑵求经过直线1123:234x y z L -++==且平行于直线2:2z L x y ==的平面方程. 五.(7分)求函数1(),0x f x x x =>的极值.六.(12分)设函数32(1)(),(1)x f x x -=+求⑴此函数的单调区间与极值点;⑵此函数的凹凸区间与拐点;⑶此函数的渐近线.七.(每小题7分,共14分) ⒈求证不等式sin tan 2,0;2x x x x π+><<⒉设函数()f x 在闭区间[a ,b ]上二阶可导,且()()0,()0,(,).f a f b f x x a b ''==≠∈求证:()0,(,).f x x a b ≠∈恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!恭祝各位考生金榜题名!。



大学英语一(1-A)单选题1.I was afraid ________ being off by myself, away from my family for the first timeA. ofB. atC. butD. that2.I soon learned that my life was ________ me.A. up toB. towardC. out forD. onto3.As a result, I began to look upon myself ________ a different perspective.A. atB. toC. fromD. around4.____________ Louis went to his father’s workshop.A. Three-years-oldB. Three year oldC. Three-year oldD. Three-year-old5.One day, the pastor of Louis church told his parents _______ a school for the blind in ParisA. aboutB. onC. ofD. to6.Louis thought the officer‘s code was slow and the dashes took _______ too much space.A. outB. upC. downD. away7.The child __________ and fell down on the ice.A. slippedB. sprangC. stoppedD. fitted8.The poor boy was __________ with hunger and cold.A. faintedB. curiousC. shockedD. blunt9.Jenny ____________ to pass her driving test on the fifth attempt.A. managedB. controlledC. handled C. handled10.When the teacher ___________ the classroom, all the students stood up.A. cameB. arrivedC. appearedD. entered多选题1.What was the author of A Transition Point in My Life afraid of when entering college?A. Being away from homeB. Being not so smart as the new schoolmatesC. Being surrounded by the people he didn‘t know.D. Being unable to do well in his studies2.What did the writer of A Transition Point in My Life do in order to do well in his studies?A. Asking his friends to helpB. Going to class on timeC. Doing his assignment and handing them in.D. Making notes3.Why does Alexis Walton think that higher learning is necessary in today‘s society?A. Maintaining assurance of ourselvesB. Making other people confused.C. Becoming good at math.D. Making us be familiar with our environment and everyone init.4. A university professor is different from a high school teacher in that ___________.A. he knows more about the subject he teachesB. he teaches his students how to learn the subjectC. he helps his students to study by themselvesD. he writes books for his students5.Braille was _____________.A. the only sun of the familyB. youngest child in the familyC. slow in his class because of his blindnessD. helped with his homework by his sisters and a friend6.Books for the blind to read in the Paris school _____________.A. were big and heavyB. were written with large and raised lettersC. were only of 14D. took much time to read7.Braille system___________.A. consists of dots and dashesB. was created when Braille was 15C. is only used in FranceD. uses six dots to express different letters8.For hundreds of years, people in Europe and America ____________ .A. thought tomatoes were poisonousB. did like the colour of tomatoesC. did not dare to eat tomatoesD. rejected to plant tomatoes9.The Wright brothers tried ______________ .A. automobilesB. kitesC. glidersD. The Wright Flyer10.What decisions did the author of A Transition Point in My Life have to make?A. When to go to bedB. When to eat, when and what to drink.C. What courses to take.D. With whom to be friendly是非题1.Short after you left, a girl came into our office looking for you. (错)2.When you‘re away from your family, you have to be responsible to yourself.(错)3.Tom fell and broke his leg. As a result, he would have to be away from school for a monthor two (对)4.My friend told me how to play the game long ago, but I have forgotten it now. (对)5.The earth is surrounding by air, which makes up its atmosphere. (错)6.The book says that modern music was first developped in Italy. (错)7.Don‘t you think watching TV has taken up too much of your time? (对)8.“记着到那儿以后给我写信“的正确译文是:Remember to write to me when you will get home. (错)9.The message had spread among the soldiers before they were delivered to the officers. (错)10.Did it still rain when you came in? (错)大学英语一(1-B)单选题:1.When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid _______ I was not ableto do well in my studies.A. ofB. atC. butD. that2.I would have to make friends _______ them and perhaps also compete ______ themfor grades.A. to…forB. with…withC. at…toD. to…to3.However, after a short period of time, I had my life ___________ control.A. inB. atC. underD. within4.I really was not certain what I would do with the years _________ me.A. in the front ofB. ahead ofC. out ofD. away from5.Louis’s father was a saddle maker who made items out ________ leather.A. fromB. byC. throughD. of6.It took the workers two years ___________ the bridge.A. buildingB. builtC. buildD. to build7.It suddenly came _________ me that Mary hates fish.A. forB. atC. towardD. to8.The news has already _________ all over the country.A. imitatedB. spreadC. shockedD. increased9.Women, _________ men, have the right to work.A. as soon asB. as long asC. as far asD. as well as10.I had to work hard to ____________ the other students.A. keep away fromB. keep up withC. keep backD. keep out多选题1.How did the author of A Transition Point in My Life manage his college life?A. Set a study program.B. Buy some interesting books.C. Decide when to go to bedD. Go to class on time2.What mistakes did the writer of A Transition Point in My Life make at first?A. Taking his courses improperly.B. Using his time improperlyC. Staying in the dorm all dayD. Spending too much time making friends.3.What does Alexis Walton plan to do after his graduation after high school?A. Go to college.B. Pursue higher learningC. Begin a careerD. Make history in his family4.Devlin‘s Advice is written for the students _____________ .A. who have just finished their high school educationB. who have finished their college educationC. who have just entered collegeD. who were the freshmen in colleges5.Devlin‘s advice includes the pieces of _____________.A. being successfulB. enjoying your college lifeC. working hard at the subjects you don‘t likeD. taking college as the pre-life6.Braille was blind ________________.A. because he was born soB. because his father injured his eyes by accidentC. because he himself injured one of his eyes accidentally when he was threeD. because his good eye was infected and lost its sight7.How did Braille think about Charles Barbier‘s alphabet code?A. Complicated.B. The dashes took up much spaceC. UselessD. Slow to read8.According to Michael William, tomatoes were first found _______________.A. in North AmericaB. in Central AmericaC. in South AmericaD. growing wild in Peru9.Which of the following statement is true?A. A woman got fainted when biting a tomato.B. The courthouse tried the case whether tomatoes could be eatenC. Today‘s tomatoes are massively consumed at tables.D. Robert Johnson corrected the people‘s false attitude toward tomatoes.10.Flyer II was better than The Wright Flyer in that _____________.A. it had a stronger bodyB. its engine was more powerfulC. it could stay longer in the airD. it could change directions more easily是非题1.George is a very smart boy; he is one of the best student in his class. (错)2.John was so comfor table and warm in bed that he didn’t want to get up(对)3.The boy said that he wanted to be a computer scientist when he grew up (对)4.In additionally, I have something else to do this weekend (错)5.“他们把数学老师视为他们最好的老师“的译文:They looked upon their mathteacher as their best friend. (错)6.My finger was injured when I tried to collect the broken glass by hand. (对)7.I don‘t think quarrels will ever lead to any good results.(对)8.Wanted very much to read himself, Louis decided to create a better way of readingfor the blind (错)9.It is fitting that October 1, the birthday of the People’s Republic of China,is picked up as the National Day (对)10.He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning. (对)大学英语一(2-A)一、单选题1.__________ of us know what has happened in that place. It is no use asking ussuch a questionA. FewB. A fewC. LittleD. A little2.I send you my best wishes on ___________ of your silver wedding anniversaryA. occasionB. caseC. the caseD. the occasion3.There are so many reasons to say thank you. You were always there when you were________A. neededB. needingC. to needD. need4.The film reminded him __________ what he had seen in ChinaA. toB. forC. atD. of5.Nothing could keep their son _________ going abroad.A. forB. ofC. fromD. out6.She was running __________ outside her house, shouting for help.A. from and toB. to and fromC. up and downD. down and up7.I prefer to live in the countryside ___________ spend a lot of time travellingto work every dayA. instead ofB. would ratherC. rather thanD. to8.Believe it or not, our foreign teacher is quite _____________ cooking Chinesedishes.A. skill forB. skilled atC. well atD. nice on9.Mary _______ for the Normans for six months now. She _________ theNormans‘ roo ms every dayA. works…cleansB. has worked…is cleaningC. has worked…cleansD. has working…clean10.While I was sitting the re, I examined every part of the room with my eyes“ canbe changed into__________.A.While I sat there, examining every part of the room with my eyesB.I sat there, examined every part of the room with my eyesC.While sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyesD.I sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyes二、多选题1.When Bob Burns was a boy, he occasionally had ____________ on his bodyA. bumpsB. scrapesC. inkD. cuts2.What does Bob Burns think of his mother?A. Gentle.B. Hard on her children.C. Best mother.D. Helpful.3.Wyverne Flatt‘s four grandparents wanted to arrange for each kid to be placed_____________.A. in the neighbourhoodB. in an orphanageC. with a different uncle and auntD. with themselves4.Why did the man‘s business become so welcomed?A.He brought pleasure to his children.B.He got pleasure from his children.C.He served the customers pleasantly.D.His service was excellent5.Which of the following phrases describe the characters of Lisa‘s mother?A. A bargain shopper.B. Shy.C. Loving to socialize.D. Tolerant6.Which of the following are the basic skills for running?A. Speed.B. EnduranceC. BalanceD. Gravity7.How to use gravity pull to save one‘s energy when running?A.Lean forward enoughB. Swing arms long to keep balanceC. Keep the leaning position in the entire courseD. Jump at times8.In Exercise: What Can It Do for You, people believe that exercise can help thembecome ________A. attractiveB. relaxedC. tallerD. healthy9.You can become relaxed by ___________.A. not smokingB. exerciseC. positive attitudeD. good diet10.If you have decided to begin your walking routine, you should ________A.pay attention to the weatherB. choose proper shoesC. set practical goalsD. find a good place三、是非题1.He didn‘t speak for long, but everything he said was around the point(错)2.The monitor will be in charge when the teacher leaves the classroom. (对)3.“The most difficult thing is to decide“ can be changed into “Nothing is sodifficult as to decide“.(对)4.During the winter I decided that I would grow tomatoes when summer came (对)5.The odd couple‘s personalities are quiet different.(错)6.Most sports require athletes to be skilled at both speed or endurance. (错)7.She seems so quiet, but actual she likes to talk. (错)8.Tom was hit by a car when he was crossing the street (对)9.What about reducing stress by exercising? (对)10.The body doe sn‘t really start burning its fat stores untill after 30 minutesof activity. (错)大学英语一(2-B)一、单选题1.The country didn‘t want to get caught __________ in another country’s warA. downB. upC. outD. outside2.He often takes weekends __________ his motherA. in visitingB. on visitingC. to visitD. visit3.Your contract is _________ and I think you have to look for another jobA. duingB. duedC. dueD. to due4.There was nothing quite so humbling ________ standing outside my elementaryschool classroom.A. soB. asC. thatD. upto5.But you were never _______ busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand.A. soB. tooC. suchD. much6.You can become a faster runner __________ learning and practicing runningtechniques.A. byB. withC. inD. through7.The disease is commonly ____________ heart attackA. know ofB. known asC. known forD. know as8.Is there anything ____________ that you like to do this afternoon?A. specialB. speciallyC. especialD. especially9.When we were kids, we ______ to Beijing for our holidays, but I ______ therefor years.A. go…am notB. went…did not goC. gone…haven‘t beenD. went…haven‘t been10.Actually, the less she worried, ____________.A. the better she didB. she did betterC. she did the betterD. the better she does二、多项题1.Bob Burns has the following reasons to say “Thank you“ to his motherA.His mother tended him very well when he was hurt in his boyhood.B.She kept him on the straight pathC.She mentioned him that he was in charge when he grew upD.She taught him by taking herself as an example2.What did Bob Burns‘ mother do for him when he was youngA. The laundry.B. The cooking and cleaningC. Letting him learn the basics in the kitchenD. Chiding him gently but right to the point3.I need some time to ____________ what has just happenedA. doB. think aboutC. reflect onD. think4.What did the children do to help the family?A. CookingB. Making farming equipmentC. FarmingD. Laundry5.Lisa Giacomo regards her parents as “an odd couple“ because they are oppositein ___________.A. personalitiesB. attitude toward moneyC. temperamentsD. clothing6.Which of the following phrases describe the characters of Lisa‘s fatherA. ConservativeB. Fond of champagne.C. A house bookkeeperD. Stubborn7.When sprinting, an athlete uses his ___________ to gain his top speed.A. heelsB. armsC. padD. toes8. A football player needs __________.A. speedB. thick legsC. enduranceD. powerful fists9.Practically,____________ can change your appearance a bitA. weight-liftingB. readingC. dietingD. exercise10.In Walk, Don‘t Run, walking is believed to be good for___________.A. heartB. weight lossC. helping solve problemsD. big appetite三、是否题1.Thank you for reminding me that someone is waiting for me in the office (对)2.With no one taking care of him, the boy had to be on one‘s own after his father‘sdeath (错)3.This was given to me as a present on the occasion of I graduation from high school(错)4.Our computer was broken and we hoped the new one will arrive soon (错)5.This man‘s work had been the lonely but joyful task of raising his family.Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)6.Speed is the measure of how fast a person can run (对)7.But as with any other athletic skill, the more often one practices, the betterone becomes. (对)8.This word has four seperate meanings (错)9.Americans of all ages are running, jumping, and lifting weights to keeping inshape. (错)10.These running techniques sound easy to learn and practice, but in a matter offact they are rather difficult. (错)大学英语一(3-A)单选题1.The old farmer sent _______ his sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them.A. forB. awayC. offD. to2.I‘ve told you __________ not to play with fire, but you never listen to me.A. many timeB. now and thenC. time and time againD. here and there3.There are many interesting English books in my library. You can _________ a few to read inyour vacation.A. pick upB. pick outC. pick atD. pick apart4._______ the accident happened.A. After soonB. Soon afterC. Soon afterwardsD. Afterwards soon5.The younger brother spent much time ___________ the carambola tree and gained a good harvestA. to care forB. caring forC. cared forD. to caring for6.At last I‘ve managed ___________ my fear of public spea king.A. to overcomeB. to overworkC. to overdoD. to outcompete7.Did hear what _____________ David last night?A. happened toB. was happening toC. happened onD. was happening on8.He is staying at home these days. His arm hasn‘t healed ________ the injury.A. overB. fromC. offD. on9.At the stair corner, a running girl __________ and scattered the books in my arm onto thestepsA. ran over meB. happened on meC. clashed to meD. bumped into10.Though in great pain, he forced himself to exercise ______ and finally took a few painfulstepsA. daysB. everydayC. daylyD. daily多选题1.In The Treasure in the Orchard, the dying man ___________. 选BC也对A. was middle-agedB. had two sonsC. had an orchardD. had buried some treasure in the orchard2.What kinds of fruit grew in the orchard?A. bananasB. applesC. cherriesD. oranges3.When the two sons were digging up for the treasure, they _______________ .A. were in fact weeding the orchardB. found some precious stonesC. were getting rid of the stones in the orchardD. could sometimes rest in the tree shade4.At last the two sons found_________ .A. the treasure was some special stonesB. the treasure was that they had become good farmersC. the precious stones his father had hiddenD. the treasure was the good harvest after their hard work5.Choose the true statements about the connection between the younger brother and the carambolatree.A. He spent all his time caring for the tree.B. He hoped the tree would bear a rich crop of fruit.C. He decided to sell the fruit to his greedy brotherD. The carambola tree finally brought him some gold coins.6.In A Dinner of Smells, the poor man __________ . 选BC也对A. was a special person who could steal smellsB. had no money to pay for the smellC. couldn‘t sleep because the restaurant owner would take him to the court the next morningD. begged the wise mullah to pay for him7.While running, Ashley Hodgeson thought _____________ . 选BC也对A. The “Hooray!“ from the cr owd was the loudest she had ever heardB. she could beat the girl ahead of her in the next year, but not that momentC. the crowd would keep watching her running until the last minuteD. she would not compete in track the next year8.Ashley Hodgeson __________ .A. lost the raceB. told the crowd her foot was injuredC. won the crowd‘s respect for her courag eD. the running is not worthwhile9.Ashley Hodgeson concluded from the racing that ____________ .A. kindness and confidence make difference to peopleB. strength and courage are not always measured in medals and victoriesC. you would defeat the others if you kept onD. participants(参与者)should not try to win the race10.The leg-injuring boy __________ before he became a world-class runnerA. exercised every dayB. took painful stepsC. threw away crutches and tried to walk independentlyD. practiced running是非题1.We didn‘t consider him for the job, not because he was inexperienced, but because he didn‘tdo well in the test. (对)2.We elected John the captain of our football teamN. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误)3.He wants me to give up my job when we are married, but I could never agree to that. (对)4.“挣些外快”can be translated into “earn some extra money“.(对)5.Owing to the storm, the flight was delayed for one and a half hours. (对)6.I‘ve voiced my opinion at every meeting I‘ve attended to.(错)7.I wouldn‘t lose courage even if I should fail ten times.(对)8.What would you do if you were in his position? (对)9.Mike, rather than his brothers, is responsible for the loss. (对)10.If it had not been for your help, I would have failed. (对)大学英语一(3-B)单选题1.____________ the students‘ request, the teacher has begun to give them more chances to speakin class.A. To answer toB. To reply toC. In responsibility forD. In answer to2.The kid __________ his homework immediately after getting home from school.A. set upB. set toC. set offD. set out3.But I‘ve hidden a treasure in my orchard __________ you ___________.A. of…to findB. for…findC. of…findingD. for…to find4.The price was fair. And they ___________ the bargain delightedly.A. agreedB. deniedC. acceptD. struck5.I will pay you in pure gold ________ .A. to what I eatB. for what I eatC. to what do I eatD. for what do I eat6.He helped us entirely out of ________ , not for moneyA. kindB. kindlyC. kinderD. kindness7.After five miles, Tara felt tired and started to ___________A. leave behindB. keep behindC. stay behindlyD. fall behind8.Hurry up! Everyone is waiting ___________.A. for you finishing your make-upB. for you to finish your make-upC. for you to have finished your make-upD. for your finish9.It is part of a teacher‘s job _________ self-confidence _________ his or her students.A. to place … onB. to put … intoC. to instill … inD. to jam … into10.Looking deep _________ his student‘s eyes, the teacher said seriously, “Tell me the truth.“A. atB. forC. ontoD. into多选题1.___________ believed it had always been a good orchard for years.A. The fatherB. One of the two sonsC. Both of the sonsD. Neither the father nor his two sons2.The treasure was supposed to have been hidden _____________ .A. right under the treesB. closely near the treesC. in the midway between two treesD. not too far from the trunks3.The orchard had a wonderful harvest after the father‘s death because __________ .选BC也可以A. the father had buried some treasure in itB. the weather was so favourableC. the two sons spent much time digging up the treasure without realizing they were in factcaring for the orchardD. no one disturbed them4.In The Golden Carambola Tree, the parents left ___________ to their two sons after their deathA. coinsB. goldC. housesD. land5.After exchanging(交换)his fortune with his younger brother, the greedy brother _________A. also found a chance to collect gold coins on the islandB. picked handfuls of coins for each piece of his fruitC. was brought home on the back of the phoenix successfullyD. had more than enough wealth, but he did not share it with his brother6.In Tracking Down My Dream, the writer __________.A. took part in a national meetB. took a 3200-meter raceC. had a strong desire to attend the sports meetD. fell behind ever since the beginning7.The enthusiastic cheer at the ending of Ashley Hodgeson‘s race was _________ .选BC也可以A. for the boysB. for Ashley HodgesonC. as loud as the one for the first girl who passed the finish lineD. the loudest one she had ever heard8.The girl bumped into Ashley Hodgeson and said __________A. they were cheering for herB. Ashley Hodgeson had got courageC. she would have quit if she were Ashley HodgesonD. she would take Ashley Hodgeson as an example9.The world-class runner ___________ .选BC也可以A. was naughty(淘气的)in his boyhoodB. had suffered a serious burning injury when he was a boyC. his legs were nearly to be amputatedD. was trained to be a racing athlete by a doctor10.Socrates _________ .A. was the wisest of the townB. liked to teach his students by illustrationC. wanted to drown(溺死)the boyD. taught the boy how to survive when under water 是非题1.This is the most difficult exercise he has yet done. (对)2.I‘m tired of travelling; I‘d like to settling down in a small town.(错)3.We‘d better start work straight away. Here, “straight away“ means “directly off“.(错)4.You will have to buy some new shoes as these are used up. (错)5.Scientist are interested in finding out if or not the earth‘s temperature is beginning torise (错)6.I often mistake her as her sister on the phone. (错)7.This book is as more interesting as the one I read last week. (错)8.Several of the students was absent. (错)9.It is time you cleaned out the drawers(抽屉)of your desk. (对)10.The book is worthy of 15 dollars. (错)大学英语一(4-A)单选题1.At that moment, few people ___________ the danger ahead.A. were awaring ofB. were aware ofC. were aware thatD. were aware for2.When the ticket collector(查票员)asked him to show his ticket, he pretended to _______ itin his pocket.A. fumble atB. fumble toC. fumble onD. fumble for3.Time is urgent. We must finish the work today _________.A. in the caseB. in caseC. in no caseD. in any case4.It is this picture ________ I want to show you.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. how5.How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame her _______ her sister‘s deathA. atB. onC. inD. for6.Professors can only _______ for you to create learning through your own actions.A. make a platformB. work out a stageC. set the stageD. set aside a room7.Adjusting your learning style _______ your teacher‘s will be to your advantage.A. toB. atC. forD. with8.We ______ an old friend when we were having dinner at a restaurant.A. went acrossB. came acrossC. went crossD. came cross9.He works hard only before examinations. In fact, he is very lazy__________.A. sometimesB. other timeC. at other timesD. at times10.Successful language learners ____________ make mistakes and try again.A. willingB. are toC. areD. are willing to多选题1.In the jail cell, Antoine de Saint-Exuppery ___________.A. thought he would be executed the next dayB. felt nervous and upsetC. fumbled for a cigarette in his pocketD. asked the jailer if he had a light2.Both the jailor and Antoine de Saint-Exuppery ______________ .选BC也对A. were captured soldiers in the warB. had tears in their eyes when talking about their kidsC. loved their kids deeplyD. escaped from the jail3.In Blameless, Jane‘s family was quite different from Kathy‘s in that ________ .A. they didn‘t think it was important to place blameB. they had more childrenC. Jane‘s parents thought blame was bad for the growing-up of their children, or even fo rtheir whole lifeD. their children could drive cars4.In A Lady Named Lill, Lill found it hard to get a suitable job because ____________A. English was her second languageB. she was not brave enoughC. her education and skills were limitedD. there were a lot of typists(打字员)to compete with her5.We can use ______________ to express “for many times“.A. over and overB. again and againC. time and time againD. now and then6.You can learn effectively by _________ .A. following the procedure(步骤)of preview →class →review →study →B. learning activelyC. learning concentrativelyD. learning time-fully7.Effective study skills and strategies can help you ___________.A. become a successful studentB. know yourself betterC. bring yourself all over the worldD. use time effectively。

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云南大学经济学院经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)管理学原理(管理科学与工程专业)2006——2009管理学(企业管理专业)2004——2009(2004、2005年名称为“管理学原理”)会计学原理2005——2006统计学原理2005公共管理学院政治学原理2006——2009当代中国政府与政治2006——2009政治学概论2007——2009(2007、2008年试题名称为“国际政治学概论”)社会学人类学理论与方法2007——2009社会学基础2007——2009民族学基础2004——2006(注:2006年试卷为回忆版)社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004行政管理2008——2009行政学概论2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)西方经济学二2008——2009西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2007西方经济学(含微观经济学和宏观经济学)(产业经济学专业)2008图书馆、情报与档案管理实务2006——2009图书馆学、情报学与档案学基础2006——2009法学院经济法学、民法学、刑法学2006——2009法理学、宪法学2006——2009马克思主义研究院马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009马克思主义基本原理概论2009毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论2009民族学理论与方法2009发展研究院经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)管理学原理(管理科学与工程专业)2006——2009管理学(企业管理专业)2004——2009(2004、2005年名称为“管理学原理”)会计学原理2005——2006统计学原理2005社会学人类学理论与方法2007——2008社会学基础2007——2008民族学基础2004——2006(注:2006年试卷为回忆版)社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004人文学院马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009专业综合理论2007——2009中国语言文学基础2007——2009理论批评2007——2009传播理论2002——2005,2007——2009新闻传播实务2002——2005,2007——2009世界近现代史2005——2006中国通史2005——2006西方哲学史2006马克思主义政治经济学原理2006外国语学院二外日语2002,2004——2009二外德语2002,2004——2009二外法语2002,2004——2009二外英语2004,2006——2007,2009基础英语(含写作、翻译、阅读)2004——2009综合考试(英语语言文学专业)1999——2000,2004——2009综合考试(法语语言文学专业)2004,2006——2007,2009基础法语2004,2006——2007,2009翻译(法汉互译)2002法国文学2002英美文化与文学2002英美文学1999——2000英语写作1999——2000英汉互译1999——2000写作与翻译(英语专业)2002民族研究院马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009综合专业理论2007——2009社会学人类学理论与方法2007——2009社会学基础2007——2009人类学基础2009民族学基础2004——2006(注:2006年试卷为回忆版)民族学理论与方法2009社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004马克思主义政治经济学原理2006工商管理与旅游学院经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)管理学原理(管理科学与工程专业)2006——2009管理学(企业管理专业)2004——2009(2004、2005年名称为“管理学原理”)会计学原理2005——2006统计学原理2005旅游综合考试2005国际关系研究院政治学概论2006——2009近现代国际关系史2007——2009世界民族与民族问题2007——2009民族学概论2007——2009经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)艺术与设计学院中外艺术史2004,2005,2009(其中2005年的试卷内容不全)艺术理论2009文化人类学2009艺术概论2004(A卷),2005(A卷)(其中2005年的试卷内容不全)高等教育研究院院教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007——2009(2007——2009有答案)教育学综合(含教育学原理、中外教育史)2006马列主义教学研究部马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009马克思主义基本原理概论2009毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论2009 马克思主义哲学基本原理2007马克思主义政治经济学原理2006邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想概论2006——2007民族学理论与方法2007数学与统计学院数学分析2004,2007——2009高等代数2004,2007——2009数学分析与高等代数2003,2005——2006概率论数数理统计2005——2009(2006年试题有两份)西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009生命科学学院普通生物学2006——2009遗传学2005——2009生物化学2000——2003微生物学2002信息学院离散数学2002——2009信号与系统2003,2005——2006,2008——2009自动控制原理2007——2009数据结构与操作系统2003,2005——2008数据结构与数据库技术2003数据结构与算法2003数据结构2003计算机程序设计2007——2008数据结构与程序设计2003,2005,2007——2008数字电路2005——2006化学科学与工程学院化学(一)2005——2009化学(二)2005——2009化学(三)2005——2009分析化学2004有机化学2004综合化学2004物理科学技术学院量子力学2003,2007——2009大学物理(物理科学技术学院使用)2007——2009高等数学2005——2009程序设计与数值算法基础2007电路理论2008——2009电磁场原理2008电路与电磁场理论2007普通化学2006——2008普通化学(一)2007——2009普通物理2006——2009量子物理基础2008——2009固体物理基础2008固体物理2003,2007——2008材料科学基础2007,2009资源环境与地球科学学院城市与区域规划(人文地理专业)2005土地利用规划与管理2009高等数学2005——2009高等数学(二)2009综合地理学2009天气学2009地震学与地质学基础2009结构力学2009软件学院计算机程序设计2007——2009高等数学一(自命题)2009数据结构与程序设计2003,2005,2007——2008 数据结构与操作系统2003,2005——2006,2008 数据结构与数据库技术2003数据结构与算法2003数据结构2003离散数学2002——2009古生物重点实验室地质学基础2006普通生物学2006——2009古生物地史学2006城市建设与管理学院城市与区域规划(人文地理专业)2005土地利用规划与管理2009高等数学2005——2009高等数学(二)2009综合地理学2009天气学2009地震学与地质学基础2009结构力学2009文化产业研究院经济人类学2009民族文化与经济2009文化产业概论2009中外艺术史2004(A卷),2005(A卷)(其中2005年的试卷内容不全)社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004工程技术研究院大学物理(工程技术研究院使用)2007——2009普通化学2006——2008普通化学(一)2007——2008普通化学(二)2009教育技术学基础2006——2009多媒体技术基础2006——2008计算机网络基础2009。
