希望以下内容能够为⼤家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!Lesson 34Adolescence青春期What do adolescents respect in parents?Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed. They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents. Such loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part to their parents about the place or people they visit. Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells them anything, but they seldom realize that they have brought this on themselves.Disillusionment with the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and as individuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the parents themselves have been unsatisfactory, that it can hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. Parents would be greatly surprised and deeply touched if they hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. Parents would be greatly surprised and deeply touched if they realized how much belief their children usually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faith means to a child. If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity, always respects a parent who admits that he is wrong, or ignorant, or even that he has been unfair or unjust. What the child cannot forgive is the parent's refusal to admit these charges if the child knows them to be true.Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian attitude; in fact they did nothing of the kind, but children were then too cowed to let them know how they really felt. Today we tend to go to the other extreme, but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent. It is always wiser and safer to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment.DOTID OFLUM Journey Through AdolescenceNew words and expressions ⽣词和短语adolescencen.slurn. 青春期adolescentn. 底毁disloyaltyn. 青少年(12-18岁)spitefuladj. 恶意的,怀恨的disillusionmentn. 幻灭感evaluationn. 评价infallibilityn. ⼀贯正确resentv. 怨恨sincerityn. 诚挚victorianadj. 维多利亚式的retreatv. 后退unreasoningadj. 不凭理智的authoritarianadj. 专制的cowv. 吓唬参考译⽂当家长听到孩⼦赞扬⾃⼰朋友的家时,总感到不安,认为孩⼦在嫌弃⾃家的饭菜、卫⽣、或家具,⽽且愚蠢地让孩⼦看出⾃⼰的烦恼。
下载PhysX Plug-In for Autodesk 3ds Max插件,这是PhysX引擎对max的插件,Rayfire 动力学引擎缺它不可,网页地址:/physx3DS MAX界面中RayFire Tools 组件分布和参数详解1.1 Create面板——Geometry 几何体分类RayFire Tool,通过这里你可以打开RayFire Tool的主面板首先,因本人好久没怎么用Rayfire破碎工具,好像从1.46版本shooting就从原来的插件中给擦除掉了,因此,好多人去官网讨说法,官方说,后续的版本会更新进来,现在大家看到shooting从1.58就单独的为其设置个卷展览界面。
1.2 Create面板——Helpers辅助物体分类RayFire Tool,通过这里你可以访问RayFire 两个动力学辅助物体,RF_PhysX以及RF_Bomb。
1.57版本中菜单栏第一个Execution这个功能不在菜单栏中出现,重点看下各个控制组.Objects Dynamic/Impact Objects(动态/影响物体)在这个卷展览可以定义动态/影响对象。
斯语学习手册CATIC中国航空技术国际工程有限公司第一课字母发音元音Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu阿唉衣袄屋辅音Bb Pp Dd Tt Ff Vv Gg Hh Jj Kk 伯坡得特佛夫格喝杰克Ll Ss Mm Nn Rr Zz Ww Yy CH ch勒思母恩勒滋伍衣期SH sh TH th DH dh KH kh GH gh NY ny 希涩则河嘎涅NG ng ND nd NJ nj NZ nz MB mb MV mv恩格恩得恩杰恩滋木伯木夫注:辅音与元音相拼才能发出正确声音,组成单词拼音练习:ba be bi bo bu da de di do du巴拜毕抱布大代地到肚fa fe fi fo fu ga ge gi go gu法佛唉费夫袄佛嘎该给高故ha he hi ho hu ja je ji jo ju哈嗨黑好呼加界基交旧ka ke ki ko ku la le li lo lu卡开克考库拉来里劳路ma me mi mo mu na ne ni no nu马卖米毛姆纳耐尼脑怒pa pe pi po pu ra re ri ro ru趴派皮跑浦拉来里劳路sa se si so su ta te ti to tu撒赛西扫苏它太提陶土va ve vi vo vu wa we wi wo wu夫啊夫埃夫衣夫袄夫瓦外尾我屋ya ye yi yo yu za ze zi zo zu牙也衣要右杂载贼糟组第二课数量moja 1 mbili 2 tatu 3 nne 4 tano 5 sira 6 saba 7 毛加1 姆比里2 他土3 恩耐4 他脑5 西他6 撒巴7 nane 8 tisa 9 kumi 10 ishirini 20 thelathini 30那耐8 提撒9 库米10 衣西雷20 塞拉西尼30 arobaini 40 hamsini 50 sitini 60 sabini 70阿劳巴衣尼40 哈木西尼50 西提尼60 撒比尼70 themanini 80 tisini 90 mia 100 mia tatu 300赛马尼尼80 提西尼90 米亚100 米亚他土300elfu 1000 elfu kumi 10000 laki moja 100,000爱尔夫1000 爱尔夫库米10000 拉克毛加100,000 milioni 1,000,000 milioni mia moja 100,000,000米里袄尼1,000,000 米里袄尼米亚毛加100,000,000举例:1、kumi na sita 16库米那西他2、ishirini na tisa 29衣希雷尼那提撒3、mia saba na ishirini na tano 725米亚撒巴那衣希雷尼那他闹4、elfu mbili na mia tatu 2300爱尔夫姆比里那米亚他土5、China ina watu milioni mia saba naha msini奇那衣那瓦土米里袄尼米亚撒巴那哈姆西尼中国有十二亿五千万人6、Tanzania ina watu milioni kumi nambili坦桑尼亚衣那瓦土米里袄尼库米那姆比里坦桑尼亚有一千二百万人序数:-a kwanza 第一-a pili第二–a tatu第三–a nne第四亚筐砸亚皮里亚他土亚恩耐–a tano 第五–a sita 第六–a saba第七–a nane第八亚他闹亚西他亚撒巴亚那耐–a tisa第九-a kumi 第十–a thelathini na tano 第卅五亚提撒亚库米亚塞拉西尼那他闹注:每个词前的“-a”表示当第一、第二……等句在句中出现时,随句中被形容的名次此行的变格而变化。
学生学习手册(总25页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--软件技术专业(JAVA方向)综合实训Java C/S架构企业管理软件设计实训—银行管理系统的设计与开发学生学习手册班级学号姓名组别指导教师南京工业职业技术学院计算机与软件学院2010年9月一、项目任务名称《基于Java的银行管理系统(C/S)》1. 项目内容综合应用主流Java技术、JDBC数据访问技术、数据库技术、软件测试等技术,遵从IT企业生产性项目的软件产品生命周期开发过程模型,应用软件工程相关工具,完成银行管理系统的设计与开发。
2. 实训周期四周二、综合实训目的通过本课程的学习,解决两方面的问题,其一,将本专业群已学习过的专业课程中已掌握的知识、技能与所形成的单项、单元能力通过一个本综合性项目课程进行融合,使学生了解这些已掌握的知识、技能与所形成的单项、单元能力在完成一个本职业技术领域应用软件设计方面典型工作任务时所起的作用,并掌握如何运用这些知识、技能与单项、单元能力来完成一个综合性的项目,并激发与培养其从事本职业技术领域工作的兴趣与爱好;其二,通过本综合性项目课程,使学生在前期已进行过的“游戏软件设计”和“小型管理软件设计”项目基本技能项目训练的基础上,学习并培养自己完成一个本职业技术领域基于Java技术的典型工作任务的完整工作过程所需要的方法能力与社会能力,养成良好自觉的职业习惯与素养。
第一章Britishthe republic of ireland became independent in the year(1949)the british empire was replaced by the british commonwealth in(1931)the English people and the English language were born from the union of(norman conquerors an the defeated anglo-sax ons the first known settlers of Britain were (the iberians)about 80000 scots speak gaelic which is an ancient (celtic language)the ancestors of the welsh were the ancient(celts)the average population density in Britain is(250)people per square kiloin 1066 harold and his troops fought against William on Senlac field near(hastlings)the Plantagenet dynasty was found by(henry 2)english reformation was carried out by(henry8)simon de Montfort reform beginning of English (parliament)from 1649 to 1658,it was ruled first by oliver Cromwell as(lord protector)it was during the reign of(anne)the the name great Britain came into being in 1707the 1851 london great exposition was held in the crystal palace designed by queen(victoria)husband albert.the house of commons has(650)members of parliamentbritish conservative party(tory)party in the 18th centurythe house of common is headed by(the speaker)the economic policy in the 1950s and 1960s was based on(john maynard keynes)in Britain less than(2/)are farmersbritain became a net exporter of oil in the(1980s)the following financial institutions have their headquarters in London except(royal bank of scotland)to stimulate economic recovery, the thacher polcies but(interventionism)britain is the(sixth)largest trading nationbritish oil fields were discovered on the(north sea)the national health service was established in(1948)(central government)is directly responsible for the nhschildren up to the age of (16) can receive family allowance for children(the baptists)is not among the anglican churches(the Methodist church)is the largest of the free churchesthe principal non-Christian communities in Britain are(the jews)the church of scotland is a(Presbyterian)(the free churches)in Britain have also been known as dissenters(7) roman catholic provinces in great Britainthe church of english has two provinces, they are(Canterbury and york)there are some (90)universitiesthe universities of oxford and cambridge date from the (12th and 13th)(public schools)are independent schoolssecondary education in(northern ireland) is selectiveharrow school is a(public school)higher education is usually defined as advanced course of a standard higher(gce a level)the following universities belong to red brick except(glasgow)the leading scientific society in Britain is(the royal society)the times is a (quality daily) the daily mirror is a popular daily(the mail on sunday)is the most read sunday newspaperof the following four sports,(cricket)has the longest historythe beatles was a band from(liverpool)the bbc is financed principally by(an annual television license fee)第二章America(the appalachain highlands)ex tend from the northern tip of marine southwestwards to Alabamawhat is the leading commercial crop of the south(tobacoo)which midwestern city is the automobile capital of the world(detroit)one of the most important lakes is(superior)which is the largest fresh water lake in the wordnew england lies in (the northeastern part)the smallest state is(rhode island)the largest city along the pacific coast is(los angeles)the progressive movement wanted to(initiate strict government regulation) to stop big business controlthe 1920s has been described as (material success and spiritual frustration)the purpose of the new deal measures was to (save American democracy and the capitalist system)at the time of cuban missile crisis the president is (kennedy)new frontier and war on poverty were initiated by(pre kennnedy and johnson)the conservatism during the Reagan was known as(the new right)the current situation of african americans presents(a mixed picture)cuban americans mainly live in(florida)now about 80/ to90/of immigration is from(Asian and latin American countries)the first immigrates in American history came from England and netherlandsamong the major hispanic groups the largest is(mexican)among the hispanic groups(Cuban a)have the highest social statuspolitical parties are the basis of political system (but A constitution C founding father)two major parties today have(some)differencesthe us congress has the power to override the president vote by a (2/3)majorityservice industries account for about(three fouths) of the us gross domestic productthe westward expansion is a demonstration of (individualism)as the world leading maker of industrial goods the us now produces around (25/) of industrial productsthe american social security system includes the following programs except(medicaid)americans may start receiving their pensions at the age of (65)the main federal welfare programs in the usa consist of except(medicare)belongs to the single issue oriented voluntary organization(NCH)belongs to the religious welfare organization(CCHD)among private foundations, which increasingly prominent in private charity activity?(bill and Melinda gates) the government will require most americans to have health insurance by (2014)(FHA)provided loans to companies willing to build low rent accommodation for needy peoplethere are currently(94)district courtsthere are currently(11)courts of appeals(solicitor general)argues cases for the government before the supreme courtthe grand jury consists of(16-23)ordinary citizensmurder is the main cause of death among non white males between the age of(24-45)(great) diffeence in tuition rates between public and private institution of high learningthe community college (offers associate degrees)elementary and secondary education covers(12)yearspublic policies and legal decisions emphasizing special rights for ethnic and linguistic minorities except(proposition227) the catholic faith was first brought to the north by(the spanish)the great waves of jewish immigration start in(1836)by the end of the seventeenth century (puritanism)lose its energiesthe first great awakening of (18th century)god role in direting the fortune of his chosen peoplethe second great awakening of(19th century)church membership range of sectarianismthe (first)amendment of constitution states thatminority religion is deemed by the mainstream religion to advocate beliefs against the public interest(mormonism) protestant witnessed significant loss of members except(evangelists)postwar evangelicalism has made use of (tv)to reach massive auiencecontemporary religious groups is relying upon big rallies to draw Christian men(promise keepers)one of the first activities at home is to(doing repair work)one out of every(3)volunteershigh brow culture except(ballet)the super bowl refers to(football)第三章Canadaindigenous peoples aboriginal make up about(3)percent Canada inhabitantscanada occupies north of latitude(49)Nthere may be (2million)lakes in Canadathe largest lake is(the great bear)(the st lawrence)is the largest river in volume of waterthe largest island is(Baffin island)provinces in canadian interior plains except(quebec)(chiese)is the fastest growing mother tongue(british Columbia and alberrta)were beneficiaries of the westward movement(nunavut)is the first large political unitkanata mean(a settlement)(Jacques cartier)was the first french to discover canada(Samuel de champlain)found the first permanent settlement at quebecin 1774 the british passed(the quebec act)canada given internal selfgovernment(1849)(sir john maconald)was the first prime ministerin 1905(albert and saskatchewan)were carved out of the northwest territoriesin 1967(o canada) was approved as th e national anthemthe canadian government followed a policy of bilingualism(1969)quebec voters narrowly rejected secession in the(1995)referendumalmost (half)of the land is covered by forestsbritish columbia ranks (first)in the productivity of forestsmost farmland is located in (the prairie provinces)sea animals most important exports from the atlantic coast except(salmon)much of pre confederation history revolve the profitable (fur trade)Canada is the world largest producer expect(nicket)Canada is the world(tenth)largest exporter of oil0.6percent population (4/)exportslargest trading partner(the us)federation of (ten)provices(three)territories(the constitution of 1982)cut the last legal tiethe constitution of 1982 gather the acts into a single framework and added(the Canadian charter of rights ad fredoms)Canada is divided into(308)districts called ridings(105)senators in the canadian parliaamentQuebec has a (civil law)system based on (the french)in canada general elections once every(five years)the third party with a tradition of national support is(the new democratic party)in 2003 the progressive conservatives and the (canadian alliance)form a new party conservative partyin (1971)government adopted a policy of multiculturalismas far as canadian education each province has its own system because(education is primarily the responsibility of provincial government) according to (Canada health act)canada health systemshould provide services regardless of incomethe first church sponsored university is(king college)the federal department of environment was established in(1971)the official language act was passed in (1969)the charter of the French language in (1977)the largest protestant denomination is(the united church )july 1st dominion day became canada day in(1982)in canada thanksgiving day (the second Monday of oct)第四章Australiaaustralia is (the sixth largest) countrymost australians live on the cool wet forested (southeast )australia is politically divided into (six)states and (two)territoriesthe only city on the western coast population of more than one million is(perth)adelaide the capital of south australia (arts festival)tasmania is a island(south of the southeastern corner)(the northern territory)forms the essence of the australia outbackThe corals of the great barrier reef fringe the coastline of(Queensland)more2000kilometerstorres strait islanders live on(the island between the tip of Queensland an Papua new guinea)australian aborigines the land was create during (dreamtime)aboriginal culture disrupted by(European settlement of australia from 1788)massacres large numbers of aborigines died(the impact of dieases)first europeans who reached australia were (the Spanish and Portuguese)in 1788australia was settled as a colony to(receive convicts from britain)australia day (January 26)(melbourne)the financial an commercial center of australia during the gold rushin the 1950s australia stressed the importance of association with the united states (ANZ US)Whitlam proposed reforms except (establishing a republic)in(1999)the question of becoming a republic was put to a referendum(wheat )is the leading grain cropofficial estimates suggested that a total of (one fifth)was native forestfishing zone ranks(third)in sizemanufacturing now contributes about(one eighth)to gdpaustralia boasts the world largest known recoverable resources except(gold)australia ranks (first) in both gem or near gemtelecommunications and it market is the(tenth)the australia constitution can only be changed by (referendum)in australia each state has(12)senators(queensland)has only one house in the state parliamentparty politics started in 1910 when (Australia votera began to choose between the labor party an liberal party) oldest surviving political party is(the Australia labor party)the present form of the liberal party was refounded in (1944)by(Robert menzies)the liberal party has been in coalition with (the national party)since 1923the largest minor party in australia is (the Australia democrats )the interpreting power of the constitution belongs to (the supreme court)the effective end of the white australia policy is dated to(1972)the first official national multicultural policy was implemented by the(fraser)school education is compulsory until age (15)among sunday papers (sun telegraph)is the most widely circulatedanzac day on(april 25) troops Gallipoli ww2the oldest international arts festival in Australia was held in(perth)第五章New Zealandthe largest lake in new Zealand is(lake taupo)the highest peak in new Zealand is(mount cook)volcanic mountains in the north island ex pect(mt cook)the most serious natural disasters are (earthquakes and volcano eruptions)(kiwi)is the flightless bird(80/)of the population of new Zealand is of europeanthe first european to reach new Zealand was(abel tasman)maori refer to the Europeans as(pakeha)in (1840),new Zealand constitution act new Zealand was grant self governmentin the year of(1907)new Zealand changed from being a colony to a separate dominionin (1893)new Zealand first country to give women the right to vote(1947)new Zealand gained its full independencemmp came into effect with the(1996)elections(rugby union football)is traditionally the favorite national sportnew Zealand schooling is compulsory for children aged 6 to 16waitangi day(February 6)not true of the political system in new Zealand (has a written constitution)in 1993 a referendum on(whether new Zealand should adopt a voting system of proportional ) the constitution act of(1986)cut the last remaining ties of new Zealandto the britishthe two largest parties in new Zealand are (labor and national)new Zealand depends on increasing its export income by(diversifying its products)the closer economic relations cer between Australia and new Zealand in(1982)。
7S管理学习手册 (1)
要与不要, 科学布局, 清除垃圾, 洁净环境, 形成制度, 时刻注意, 提高效益,
一留一弃; 取用快捷; 美化环境; 贯彻到底; 养成习惯; 时刻注重; 降低成本;
整理目的:减少 有效空间的浪费;
在岗位上只放置必需物品 ;
2.1、所在的工作场所(范围)全面检查, 包括看得到和看不到的; 2.2、制定“需要”和“不需要”的判别基 准; 2.3、清除不需要物品; 2.4、调查需要品的使用频度,决定日常 用量; 2.5、制订废弃物处理方法; 2.6、每日自我检查;
• • • • • • • • 7S —起源 7S —管理真谛 7S —定义及推行要点 7S —作用及能效 7S —实施阶段 7S —查检要点及标准 7S —推行原准及管理误区 先进企业的7S执行图片
1、“7S”是在“5S”的基础上发展的 它起源于日本,是规范现场管理的一种有效方法; 2、形成良好的习惯必须从小事做起,培养每个人的日常 行为; 3、“7S”管理是推行精细化管理的最基本要求; 4、抓好“7S”管理的关键是提高全体员工的素养;
客户的要求! 屋顶 方针、目标
品 质 生 产 环 境 6S 物 料 … 地基
7S可以帮我们提升品质,降低不良(Quality) 因为在整洁美观的工厂里,不良品会非常的显眼, 从而能及时的进 行改善; 7S可以帮我们减少浪费,减低成本(Cost) 因为地、物、时得以最有效利用,自然降低成本; 7S可以确保交期、顺利交货(Delivery) 因为干清整齐的办公环境,每个人都愉快的工作,物品清清楚楚、 一目了然,办公设备保养良好,运作正常,交期自然不会延误; 7S使我们安全有保障,工厂无伤害(Safety) 因为清洁整齐的工厂,危险点有隔离管制,并作醒目的标识,让人 安心工作;
希望以下内容能够为⼤家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!Lesson 28Patients and doctors病⼈与医⽣What are patients looking for when they visit the doctor?This is a sceptical age, but although our faith in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened, our confidence in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same a theirs. This modern faith in medicines is proved the fact that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures and shows no signs at present of ceasing to rise. The majority of the patients attending the medical out-patients departments of our hospitals feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine, a box of pills, or a small jar of ointment, and the doctor in charge of the department is only too ready to provide them with these requirements. There is no quicker method of disposing of patients then by giving them what they are asking for, and since most medical men in the Health Services are overworked and have little time for offering time-consuming and little-appreciated advice on such subjects as diet, right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits etc., the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them.Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who was such faith in the bottle of medicine. It is recounted of Thomas Carlyle that when him in his pocket what remained of a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyle's. Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained, of the nature of the illness from which his friend was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong with his wife, but a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness would surely be of equal benefit in another, and comforted by the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, he hastened to Henry Taylor's house. History does not relate whether his friend accepted his medical help, but in all probability he did. The great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste, and that is what all patients demand of their doctors -- to be cured at no inconvenience to themselves.New words and expressions ⽣词和短语scepticaladj. 怀疑的forefathersn. 祖先ferventlyadv. 热情地curativeadj. 治病的astronomicaladj. 天⽂学的tangibleadj.实实在在的remedyn. 药物ointmentn. 药膏v. 开药⽅indispositionn. ⼩病inconveniencen. 令⼈讨厌的inconveniencen. 不便参考译⽂这是⼀个怀疑⼀切的时代,可是虽然我们对我们祖先笃信的许多事物已不太相信,我们对瓶装药品疗效的信⼼仍与祖辈⼀样坚定。
新概念英语第一册学习手册【Lesson109、111、113】【课文】CHARLOTTE: Shall I make some coffee, Jane?JANE: That's a good idea, Charlotte.CHARLOTTE: It's ready. Do you want any milk?JANE: Just a little, please.CHARLOTTE: What about some sugar? Two teaspoonfuls?JANE: No, less than that. One and a half teaspoonfuls, please. That's enough for me.JANE: That was very nice.CHARLOTTE: Would you like some more?JANE: Yes, please.JANE: I'd like a cigarette, too. May I have one?CHARLOTTE: Of course. I think there are a few in that box.JANE: I'm afraid it's empty.CHARLOTTE: What a pity!JANE: It doesn't matter.CHARLOTTE: Have a biscuit instead. Eat more and smokeless!JANE: That's very good advice!【课文翻译】夏洛特:我来煮点咖啡好吗,简?简:这是个好主意,夏洛特。
在线资源:提供学习Solidworks、了解Solidworks和参与Solidworks 应用技术的讨论联接。
SAP学习手册1.1. Client Copy问题公司正在实施SAP项目,我们想将一个公司的配置拷贝至其他公司,听我们的顾问讲有些配置是无法拷贝过去的,但他又讲不出具体是哪些配置拷贝不过去,谁能帮帮我?正常的配置一般都能transfer过去的。
CLIENT TO CLIENT USE T-CODE:SCCL,CROSS CLIENT USE T- CODE:SCC9求助!!如何导出一个client的用户数据到本地硬盘,再导到另外一个R/3学习系统scc8导出,把文件放到 data files: /user/sap/trans/data; control files: /user/sap/trans/cofiles, 然后用scc1导入,我做的时候,是直接就是client export,要输入目标系统,根本没有说到文件放到哪里。
请问是怎么回事呢?一个是用EXPORT/IMPORT的方式,一个是用Directly client copy,不一样的。
请问在IDES中,Copy Client (SCCL)是否允许?系统提示:Target Client is productive and protected against client copySAP CLIENT拷贝详细说明相关的事物代码:SCC3 (集团拷贝时查看日志)SCC4 (配置全部集团的目录)SCC5 (集团删除)SCCL (执行集团拷贝)Client(集团)拷贝操作步骤:1.用scc4在集团管理目录里添加一个目的Client(集团). 城市:重庆货币:RMB 集团属性:测试集团相关对象:不更改集团无关对象:没有更改2.登陆刚才产生的新集团,用SAP*, pass.3.用sccl执行client copy程序. 比如选参数文件:sap_all 源集团:300 源集团用户:300 然后选后台计划最后选调度作业.client copy 的数据选项:er master data (用户主数据)你的SAP USER ID 的相关数据2.authorization profiles(授权脚本)用户权限数据3.Customizing data(定制数据) SPRO的后台配置4.application data (运用数据) 业务数据: 如销售订单,生产单,领料单等等client copy 可选的操作如下:SAP_ALL All client-dependent dataSAP_USER User master data and authorization profilesSAP_CUST Customizing - application data is deletedSAP_UCUS Customizing and user data - application data is deletedSAP_APPL Customizing data and application data原来Client Copy操作Target 默认就是当前系统。
Sap开发学习手册(简单入门材料-提供了大量SAP的技术以及学习的方向)SAP 开发学习手册高危及重要客户安全供用电管理信息系统需求说明编制人:李县臣编制日期:2011年1月31日星期一目录第1章第2章 SAP学习手册2.1 引言2.1.1 编写目的本手册的编制,便于日后在工作中查询相关的知识和完善自己的技术水平。
2.1.2 背景2011年1月31日,开始正式开发学习SAPAbap开发语言,以前从未接触过。
2.1.3 定义无。
2.1.4 参考资料《SAP录像及讲义》视频教程(2008年河北省电力公司实施ERP时录制)《重点_SAP_ABAP学习笔记.pdf》《sap开发者指导.pdf》2.2 名词解释2.2.1 各个业务模块名词SD—Sales Dietribution-销售与分销MM—Material Management-物料管理PP—Production Planning-生产计划FI—Financial Accounting-财务会计CO—Controlling 管理控制AM—Asset Management 资产管理HR—Human Resource 人力资源QM—Quality Management 质量管理PM—Plant Management 设备管理PS—Project Management 项目管理PLM—Product Lifecycle Management WF—Work Flow 业务流程IS—Industry Solution 产业研发CA—Cross-Application Components BC—Basis ComponentsSAP一句话入门:SD PP MM FICO HR2.2.1.1 SD(Sales and Distribution)SD是Sales and Distribution的简称。
· SM04
· SM12
· SM21
· SM50
· SM51
· SM59
· SCC4
发表人:sunxufeng | 发表时间: 2006年三月27日, 17:30
1.1. IMG
Implementation Guide(IMG)是SAP系统的配置工具,它可按你公司的要求配置SAP系统以适合你公司的要求。有三种类型的IMG,分别是:
SAP Reference IMG,可在这里配置SAP系统的所有功能。
我们可为不同版本的SAP系统建立IMG,如4.0x,4.5x。这种IMG叫做版本相关IMG。通过“help”--“Release notes”菜单可显示各个SAP发布版的区别。
我们可用事务码“spro”来进入SAP Reference IMG。使用“spro_admin”进入project IMGs。
· KS01
· KSH1
· KA01
· KA06
· KP26
· KP06
· KSU5
scc4->选种要改的client->修改->在client-independent object changes中选change....allowed就可以了但是对于生产系统最好不要改动,其他的重要CLIENT改完后——如果只是CUSTOM配置后台或测试——最好立即改回去。
英语活动手册 三上
Unit 1: Hello
1. 学会用英文进行简单的自我介绍和问候,例如:Hello, my name is ... What's your name?
2. 学习并掌握一些基本的英语单词和短语,例如:hi, goodbye, nice to meet you等。
Unit 2: Colors
1. 学习并掌握一些基本的颜色单词,例如:red, blue, green, yellow等。
2. 通过颜色分类游戏等活动,巩固所学知识并提高英语口语表达能力。
Unit 3: Animals
1. 学习并掌握一些常见的动物单词,例如:cat, dog, bird, elephant等。
2. 通过模仿动物声音和动作等活动,增强英语学习的趣味性和互动性。
Unit 4: Body Parts
1. 学习并掌握一些基本的身体部位单词,例如:head, face, eyes, nose等。
2. 通过指认自己或同学的身体部位,提高英语口语表达能力和听力理解能力。
Unit 5: Food and Drink
1. 学习并掌握一些常见的食品和饮料单词,例如:apple, banana, milk, water等。
2. 通过角色扮演等活动,模拟购物、点餐等场景,提高英语口语表达能力和交际能力。
第一部分语法单元一时态1. 选择填空:1) —______ you ever ______ to Beijing?—Yes, I have. I went there in 2016.A. Have been; goneB. Have gone; beenC. Did; goD. Have been; been答案:A2) Look! It ________ heavily outside. We _________ take an umbrella.A. is raining; shouldB. is raining; mustC. rains; shouldD. rains; must答案:A3) —Excuse me, can I use your pen?—Sorry, I ________ mine at home.A. have leftB. leftC. forgetD. have forgotten答案:B2. 完成句子:1) 他们已经完成了作业。
They __________________________ already.答案:have finished their homework2) 你明年会学习中文吗?__________ you _______________ Chinese next year?答案:Will; study3) 我们刚刚错过了那班车。
We ___________________ just ___________________ the bus. 答案:have; missed单元二语态1. 选择填空:1) The house ______ by my grandparents 50 years ago.A. is builtB. was builtC. has been builtD. had been built答案:B2) —Tom, have you cleaned your bike yet?—Oh, I ______ to do it today. I'll do it right after lunch.A. forgotB. have forgottenC. had forgottenD. forget答案:B3) This novel ______ in many languages, so it's popular around the world.A. translatesB. is translatedC. has been translatedD. was translated答案:C2. 完成句子:1) 这首歌是由谁写的?Who _______________________ this song?答案:wrote2) 这座城市将会被大量游客所光顾。
LightTools 中文学习手册
LightTools 中文学习手册LightT ools 中文学习手册(一)这是我2005年9月在上海的时候翻译的一段,LightTools Manual的一部分。
LightTools的光学建模设计考虑到了和CODE V一起配合来解决各种光学工程任务。
这些建模的核心就是LightTools Core Module-这本手册所描写的。
如何使用本手册The Core module user’s guide 描写了LightTools程序的用处,包括具有方便的界面、LightTools针对你的光学系统的各种视图和对你系统操作的各种工具。
如果你没有这些背景,我们建议你去找一本好的光学书籍,例如Warren J. Smith (McGraw Hill) 的《Modern Optical Engineering》。
菜单选项是黑体特别的项目和文字为了保证重点突出在句子中被标记为斜体字,就像下面的例子:LightTools利用commas来区分坐标值和white space区分命令中的数据。
例如,View > 2D Design 表示点击了主菜单View,然后又点击了子菜单2D Design。
命令的标记为黑体字,例如,DXY 12,3,7意味着输入了DXY命令,紧接着就是一组变量(LightTools利用commas来区分坐标值和white space区分命令中的数据),除了字符串外(镜头文件的名字),用户输入的命令不是立即执行,你输入可以是各种情况。
这是《西门子S7-1200/1500PLC学习手册:基于LAD和SCL编程》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的精彩 内容摘录。
第1章可编 S71200 PLC 的硬件
第3章 S71500 PLC 的硬件
第4章 TIA 博途 (Portal) 软件使用入 门
第6章 S71200/150 0 PLC的程 序结构
第5章 S71200/150 0 PLC的编 程语言
本书从基础和实用出发,全面详细介绍了西门子S7-1200/1500 PLC编程及应用。全书共分两部分:第一部分 为基础入门篇,主要介绍西门子S7-1200/1500的硬件和接线,TIA博途软件的使用,PLC的编程语言、编程方法与调 试;第二部分为应用精通篇,包括西门子S7-1200/1500 PLC的通信及其应用,工艺功能及其应用,西门子人机界面 (HMI)应用,S7-1200/1500 PLC的故障诊断技术和工程应用。本书内容全面系统、重点突出,强调知识的实用性, 为便于读者更深入理解并掌握西门子S7-1200/1500 PLC编程及应用,本书配有大量实用案例,实例都有详细的软 硬件配置清单,并配有接线图和程序,读者可以模仿学习。为方便读者学习,书中的重点内容还专门配有视频及程 序源文件,读者用手机扫描书中二维码即可观看和下载,辅助学习书本内容。本书可供从事西门子PLC技术学习和 应用的人员使用,也可作为高等院校相关专业的教材使用。
何谓9S9S就是整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SETKETSU)、作法(saho)、速度(speed)、安全(SAFETY)、节约(SA VING)、素养(SHITSUKE)九个项目,简称为9S。
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★规范管理★迈向国际★立足市场目录第一章:6S基本概编第二章:6S与各管理系统的关系第三章:6S执行技巧第四章:定置管理的实施第五章:开展“6S”活动程序第一章 6S基本概编我们有下列“症状”吗在工作中常常会出现以下情况:a) 急等要的东西找不到,心里特别烦燥b) 桌面上摆得零零乱乱,以及办公室空间有一种压抑感c) 没有用的东西堆了很多,处理掉又舍不得,不处理又占用空间d) 工作台面上有一大堆东西,理不清头绪e) 每次找一件东西,都要打开所有的抽屉箱柜狂翻f) 环境脏乱,使得上班人员情绪不佳g) 制订好的计划,事务一忙就“延误”了h) 材料、成品仓库堆放混乱,帐、物不符,堆放长期不用的物品,占用大量空间;i) 生产现场设备灰尘很厚,长时间未清扫,有用和无用的物品同时存放,活动场所变得很小;j) 生产车道路被堵塞,行人、搬运无法通过。
6S是什么a) 整理:工作现场,区别要与不要的东西,只保留有用的东西,撤除不需要的东西;b) 整顿:把要用的东西,按规定位置摆放整齐,并做好标识进行管理;c) 清扫:将不需要的东西清除掉,保持工作现场无垃圾,无污秽状态;d) 清洁:维持以上整理、整顿、清扫后的局面,使工作人员觉得整洁、卫生;e) 修养:以“人性”为出发点,透过整理、整顿、清扫、清洁等合理化的改善活动,培养上下一体的共同管理语言,使全体人员养成守标准、守规定的良好习惯,进而促进全面管理水平的提升。
整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养、安全的日语外来词汇的罗马文拼写时,它们的第一个字母都为S,所以日本人又称之为6S,近年来,随着人们对这一活动的不断深入认识,有人又添加了“坚持、习惯”等两项内容,分别称为7S或8S 活动。
6S之释解1.4.1 整理整顿的含义整理整顿是塑造良好工作环境的方法。
“工作环境”包括:a) 工厂周边、外围;b) 厂房建筑的本身;c) 办公室;d) 空地、马路;e) 机器、设备及其配置;f) 工作场所;g) 仓库场地;h) 通风;i) 照明;j) 温湿度。
1.4.2 日本整理、整顿的含义在开展整理、整顿活动时,由于内容具体而实在,故将整理整顿简化为6个词进行概括,同时给下了非常明确的定义,员工不但一听就懂,而且能做。
a) 影响人们的工作情绪;b) 造成职业伤害,发生各种安全事故;c) 降低设备的精度及使用寿命;d) 由于标识不清而造成误用;e) 影响工作和产品质量。
推行6S管理的作用a) 提供一个舒适的工作环境;b) 提供一个安全的作业场所;c) 塑造一个企业的优良形象,提高员工工作热情和敬业精神;d) 稳定产品的质量水平;e) 提高工作效率降低消耗;f) 增加设备的使用寿命减少维修费用。
推行管理的目的a) 员工作业出错机会减少,不良品下降,品质上升;b) 提高土气;c) 避免不必要的等待和查找,提高了工作效率;d) 资源得以合理配置和使用,减少浪费;e) 整洁的作业环境给客户留下深刻印象,提高公司整体形象;f) 通道畅通无阻,各种标识清楚显眼,人身安全有保障;g) 为其他管理活动的顺利开展打下基础。
第二章 6S与各管理系统的关系6S与企业改善的关系(见表1)表16S与质量管理体系的关系6S与ISO9000之关系(见表2)表26S与ISO9000关系之二(见图1)图1第三章 6S执行技巧整理(SEIRI)3.1.1 定义:工作现场,区别要与不要的东西,只保留有用的东西,撤除不需要的东西3.1.2 对象:主要在清理现场被占有而无效用的“空间”3.1.3 目的:清除零乱根源,腾出“空间”,防止材料的误用、误送,创造一个清晰的工作场所3.1.3.1 零乱的根源,主要来源于:a) 未及时舍弃无用的物品;b) 未将物品分类;c) 未规定物品分类标准;d) 未规定放置区域、方法;e) 未对各类物品进行正确标识;f) 不好的工作习惯;g) 未定期整顿、清扫。 腾出空间整理地方和对象主要表现在:a) 存物间、框、架;b) 文件资料及桌箱柜;c) 零组部件、产品;d) 工装设备;e) 仓库、车间、办公场所、公共场所;f) 室外;g) 室内外通道;h) 门面、墙面、广告栏等。
3.1.4 整理的实施方法3.1.4.1 深刻领会开展的目的,建立共同认识a) 确认不需要的东西,多余的库存会造成浪费b) 向全体员工宣讲,取得共识c) 下发整理的措施d) 规定整理要求3.1.4.2 对工作现场进行全面检查点检出那些东西是不需要和多余的具体检查要求:a) 办公场地(包括现场办公桌区域)检查内容:办公室抽屉、文件柜的文件、书籍、档案、图表、办公桌上的物品、测试品、样品、公共栏、看板、墙上的标语、月历等;b) 地面(物别注意内部、死角)检查内容:机器设备大型工模类具,不良的半成品、材料、置放于各个角落的良品、不良品、半成品,油桶、油漆、溶剂、粘接剂,垃圾筒,纸屑、竹签、小部件;c) 室外检查内容:堆在场外的生锈材料、料架、垫板上之未处理品、废品、杂草、扫把、拖把、纸箱;d) 工装架上检查内容:不用的工装、损坏的工装、其它非工装之物品,破布、手套、酒精等消耗品、工装(箱)是否合用;e) 仓库检查内容:原材料、导料、废料、储存架、柜、箱子、标识牌、标签、垫板;f) 天花板检查内容:导线及配件、蜘蛛网\尘网、单位部门指示牌、照明器具;3.1.5 制定“需要”与“不需要”标准工作现场全面盘点,就现场盘点的现场物品逐一确认,判明哪些是“要”哪些是“不要的”。
根据上面的确认,订出整理“需要”与“不需要”标准表,员工根据标准表实施“大扫除”3.1.6 不需品的处理实施分类:依分类的种类,该报废丢弃的一定要丢掉,该集中保存的由专人保管。
3.1.7 开展整理活动应注意事项a) 虽然现在不用,但是以后要用,搬来搬去怪麻烦的,因而不搬又留在现场;b) 好不容易才弄到手,就算没用,放着也不碍事;c) 一下子处理报废这么多,管理者有意见怎么办,谁来承担这个责任;d) 为什么别人可以留下来,而我不行,太不公平了。
整顿(SEITON)3.2.1 定义:把要用的东西,按规定位置摆放整齐,并做好标识进行管理;3.2.2 对象:主要在减少工作场所任意浪费时间的场所3.2.3 目的:定置存放,实现随时方便取用不方便取用的情况举例说明:a) 多种物品混放,未分类,难以寻找;b) 物品存放未定位,不知道何处去找;c) 不知道物品的名称,盲目寻找;d) 不知道物品的标识规则,须查对;e) 物品无标识,视而不见;f) 存放地太远,存取费时;g) 不知物品去向,反复寻找;h) 存放不当,难以取用;i) 无适当的搬运工具,搬运困难;j) 无状态标识,取用了不适用的物品等。
3.2.4 整顿的实施方法整顿的主要对象在“场所”而工作场所最大的时间浪费是在“准备工作时间”,在工作中“选择”和“寻找”花费一定的时间。
所以,要想消除“选择”和“寻找”带来的时间浪费必须做到以下几点: 落实整顿工作,根据“整理”的重点进行3.2.4.2 决定放置场所a) 经整理所留下的需要东西,物品要定位存放;b) 依使用频率,来决定放置场所和位置;c) 用标志漆颜色(建议黄色)划分通道与作业区域;d) 不许堵塞通道;e) 限定高度堆高;f) 不合格品隔离工作现场;g) 不明物撤离工作现场;h) 看板要置于显目的地方,且不妨碍现场的视线;i) 危险物、有机物、溶剂应放在特定的地方;j) 无法避免将物品放于定置区域时,可悬挂“暂放”牌,并注明理由时间。 决定放置方法a) 置放的方法有框架、箱柜、塑料篮、袋子等方式;b) 在放置时,尽可能安排物品的先进先出;c) 尽量利用框架,经立体发展,提高收容率;d) 同类物品集中放置;e) 框架、箱柜内部要明显易见;f) 必要时设定标识注明物品“管理者”及“每日点检表”;g) 清扫器具以悬挂方式放置。 定位的方法一般定位方式、使用:a) 标志漆(宽7-10cm);b) 定位胶带(宽7-10cm)。
一般定位工具:a) 长条形木板;b) 封箱胶带;c) 粉笔;d) 美工刀等。
黄色:工作区域,置放待加工料件绿色:工作区域,置放加工完成品件红色:不合格品区域蓝色:待判定、回收、暂放区定位形状,一般有下列三种:a) 全格法:依物体形状,用线条框起来b) 直角法:只定出物体关键角落c) 影绘法:依物体外形,实际满者3.2.5 开展活动注意事项a) 刚开始大家摆放很整齐,可是不知从谁,从什么时候开始,慢慢又乱了;b) 识别的手法只有自己看得懂,别人看不懂,识别手法不统一,有和没有一样;c) 摆放位置转移今天换一个地方,明天又换一个地方,很多人来不及知道;d) 一次搬入现场的物品太多,在摆放的地方都没有。
清扫(SEISO)3.3.1 定义:将不需要的东西清除掉,保持工作现场无垃圾,无污秽状态;3.3.2 对象:主要在消除工作现场各处所发生的“脏污”3.3.3 目的:a) 保持工作环境的整洁干净;b) 保持整理、整顿成果;c) 稳定设备、设施、环境质量、提高产品或服务质量;d) 防止环境污染。