In 2008, Ford filed for bankruptcy due to increased competition from foreign carmakers and the global economic downturn.
which revolutionized car manufacturing and significantly
reduced production costs.
Expansion and Growth
Model T The Model T, introduced in 1908, became the first car to be mass-produced, selling over 15 million units.
Ford has formed partnerships with other companies to develop new technologies and expand its market reach.ervices of Ford Motor Company
Recent Developments
Return to Profitability
After emerging from bankruptcy, Ford returned to profitability and has since posted consistent profits.
介绍亨利福特英文作文英文:Henry Ford was an American industrialist and inventor who founded the Ford Motor Company. He is known for revolutionizing the automobile industry with the assembly line and mass production techniques. Ford's Model T was the first affordable car for the average American and it changed the way people lived and worked.One of Ford's most famous quotes is "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." This quote emphasizes the power of positive thinking and the importance of believing in oneself. Ford believed that anyone could achieve their goals if they had the right mindset and worked hard enough.Another important aspect of Ford's philosophy was his commitment to paying his workers a fair wage. In 1914, he introduced the $5 workday, which was a significant increasefrom the average wage at the time. This move not only helped his workers, but it also allowed them to afford the products they were producing.Overall, Henry Ford was a visionary who changed the world with his innovative ideas and determination. His legacy lives on today through the continued success of the Ford Motor Company and the impact he had on the automobile industry.中文:亨利·福特是一位美国工业家和发明家,他创立了福特汽车公司。
• 福特汽车的标志是采用福特英文 Ford字样,蓝底白字。 由于创建人亨利·福特喜欢小动物,所以标志设计者把福 特的英文画成一只小白兔样子的图案。
• 1970年,福特收购了Ghia。Ghia (Carrozzeria Ghia SpA),是一个著名的意大利 汽车设计公司,1921年由Giacinto Ghia创立。在世界大战期间,它曾为 阿尔法罗密 欧(Alfa Romeo), 菲亚特(Fiat), 和兰旗亚(Lancia)设计车型。二次大战后, Ghia更为克莱斯勒(Chrysler)、大众汽车(Volkswagen)等大型汽车企业设计汽 车。如今,Ghia 作为福特的设计工作室,为福特设计生产各式前卫的概念车。
176,900 元起
¥ 122,300 元起
1964年4月17日,经过福特团队反复论证、修改后的第一代量产版Mustang于纽约世博会上正式发布, 野马自此正式向全世界展示了它的风范,在刚推出时的价格为:2368美元。福特的时间表把握得非常之 巧,此时正值战后生育高峰期的一代刚刚进入购车的年龄,这一代人对车的要求与其父母大相径庭,他 们想张扬自己的个性,野马应运而生。野马是美国《速度与激情》系列和《极速60秒》等汽车电影最终 的王者,其实惠的价格和大功率的动力让它成为平民跑车的典型代表。
Unimog这个名字来源于德语“Universal Motor Geraumlt”,意思是“泛用自走机具”。 最初,乌尼莫克的设计是一台小型万能卡车。
派拉蒙掠夺者Marauder 由南非派拉蒙集团设计和制造,其不但可抵御冲锋枪、手榴弹的攻 击,还能抵御反坦克地雷的破坏。号称是“世界上最不可阻挡的车辆”的掠夺者可以防止地 雷,简易爆炸装置的攻击保护。它也可以携带多达10个全副武装的士兵,并且可以变换不同 的车辆角色及配置。
1943年5月26日埃兹尔·福特逝世 ,公司总裁的职位无人 占领 。亨利· 福特与埃兹尔 · 福特的遗孀在谁继承这个职位的 意见不一。最后亨利· 福特亲自当职。此后两年中福特公司的 情况非常困难 ,每月的损失达1千万美元 。美国总统罗斯福 甚至考虑联邦出钱资助福特渡过难关 ,来保证战时的生产 。 福特虽然是和平主义者,但是他看到纳粹在欧洲的所作所为 之后,同意加入美军战时工厂系统,利用在密西西比河旁边 500公顷土地建造飞机工厂 ,此飞机工厂造出了二战轰炸机 最多的架数的轰炸机---统一B-24解放者轰炸机。 在战争结束 之后,福特渐渐的把公司权利移交至孙子亨利二世‧福特身 上,当时的亨利二世已经大学毕业,担任福特车厂的设计师。 亨利二世在福特过世之后把福特T型车和A型车的设计图撕毁, 重新制造了新型车。
福特 野马 细节展示
福特野马的外形朴实无华,但从骨子里散发着一种野 性,毫不矫揉造作的朴实外形,一切以实用为主,是野马 的一个突出特点。前脸显得过于保守,与普通轿车相比并 没有太大区别,丝毫没有显示出跑车的霸气。发动机舱盖 上的两条折线总算为整个前部调节了一下气氛。而整个动 感好像来自那匹奔驰的野马车标,黑色的蜂窝状散热格栅, 更加衬托出镀铬车标的气势来。都说眼睛是心灵的窗口, 看来平淡的前灯组应对整车气势低沉负主要责任。 1966年 投产后不到两年,便生产出第1百万辆野马汽 车。
就在卡尔· 本茨发明汽车后不到20年的时间,1905 年,一个有着爱尔兰血统的美国农民成立了自己的汽 车公司,从此之后,世界汽车的发展是因为他而改变, 这个是就是亨利· 福特。当时欧洲的汽车都是贵族们的 专属,普通人很难拥有,这个出身平民的工程师却一 心想改变这种现状,能让更多的人驾驶并拥有一辆汽 车是他的梦想。在T型车诞生前5年的时间里,亨利· 福 特带领他的团队研发了19款不同的车型,并按字母的 顺序命名,在发动机和传动系统上都作了很多尝试, 也为此后T型车的诞生打下了基础。
亨利·福特年幼时经常在祖家不远处的矮树林玩耍,那片矮树林位于美国密芝根州Dearborn 市以南数公里的Rouge河旁边。
这里就是后来被称为“The Rouge”的汽车生产厂房,但它并非一般汽车生产线那么简单,而是亨利·福特理想中的一个能自给自足,一切原料以至汽车制成品都可在同一处地方实现的车城。
Rouge厂设立之前,福特汽车原本是在Highland Park(高地公园)厂房出产的,该厂多次因为供应商缺货而停工,这更加强了亨利·福特要自给自足的决心。
福特汽车公司的历史始于上个世纪初,凭着创始人亨利· 福特“制造人人 都买得起的汽车”的梦想和卓越远见,福特汽车公司历经一个世纪的风 雨沧桑,已经成长为全球最大的卡车制造商和第二大汽车公司。它拥有 世界著名的八大汽车品牌:福特(Ford)、林肯(Lincoln)、水星 (Mercury)、马自达(Mazda)、阿斯顿· 马丁(AstonMartin)、路虎 (LandRover)和捷豹(Jaguar),沃尔沃(Volvo)。 其中阿斯顿· 马丁、路虎、捷豹和沃尔沃已经被卖出,已经不属于福特品 牌。
福特汽车在中国的历史可追溯到1913年,当时第一批T型车销售到中国。 1979年中,福特向中国出售了750辆F系列卡车。这是自1949年以来美国汽 车第一次销售到中国来。
2003年,福特信贷、长安福特与中国建设银行和中国银行合作,在中 国向福特品牌经销商和福特汽车的顾客提供批售和零售的汽车金融服 务。 2004 年2月,长安福特正式宣布第二个轿车厂选址南京。
目前,福特汽车在中国发展的比较迅速。新车型有蒙迪欧-致胜, 福克斯、新福克斯、嘉年华、翼虎、翼搏 等。
福特(Ford) 是福特汽车公司品牌家族的第一个成员。福特汽车公司成立于1903年, 由亨利· 福特和11个股东用最初的28,000美元共同创立。1908年,亨 利· 福特在试造了几个车型后,终于推出了改变世界的T型车。1913年, 福特发明了现代工业革命史上具有里程碑意义的流水装配线,奠定了大 规模生产方式的基础。福特基于“为全世界大多数人造车”的理想,首 创了工人日工资5美元/8小时的标准(当时是2.34美元/9小时),造就了 千千万万的有车阶级,使T型车的足迹遍布世界每个角落,亨利· 福特也 被尊称为“为世界装上轮子的人”。在1999年的世纪末评选中,福特T 型车被评为“世纪之车”,亨利· 福特本人也获得了《财富》杂志“二十 世纪商人”的称号。 福特品牌的代表性产品有:T型车(ModelT)、A型车(ModelA)、 Thunderbird、Mustang、F系列、Taurus、Windstar、CrownVictoria、 Maverick、Explorer、Transit、Fiesta和Focus。
1901年亨利福特与Childe 合资成立亨利福特公司,但与其他投资人不合没多久即离开,该公司在亨利‧李兰入股后改名为凯迪拉克(Cadillac)汽车公司。
最早的一批T型车都是在皮科特制造车间完成装配,后来公司将生产部分移动到空间更大的高地公园(Highland Park)的车间来满足市场对于T型车源源不断的需求。
在美国第一个使用装配线进行生产作业是Oldsmobile汽车创办人兰塞姆·奥茨(Ransom Olds),他也将装配线生产的方法登记专利,之后福特汽车另外独立发展装配线生产方法。
福特生产流水线 (1913)机械传送带在当时并没有立刻取得成效,而且工人的失误率相当高,然而失误就意味着更多的生产延误以及更多对工人进行培训所需的额外支出,还有就是要使用干活较慢的工人。
【汽车⼈物志】“汽车⼤王”亨利·福特Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.当你看到众多困难的时候,通常是你忘记⽬标的时候。
The first car
The first gasoline car
October 1885 , Carl Benz , designed and manufactured a gasoline loading threewheel car .
high-speed like planes computer control,safer
less more humanzied design
multifunctional less accident
general speed not snsitive enough
large more defects
丰田购买福特汽车的引擎,研究并研发自己的产品。 在精益生产方式的带领下,丰田走在日本汽车制造商 的前沿,然后也逐渐成为世界领先的汽车制造商。
The most famous automobile brands:
USA: General Motors 通用 Ford 福特 Europe: volkswagen 大众 daimler 戴姆勒 Japan: Toyota 丰田
(1885年10月,奔驰发明 了世界上第一台由汽油引 擎机发动的三轮车)
After the 20th century , cars no longer just the Europeans dominated , Ford , invented Ford "T" car , which built water production line ,starting a new car period. (20世纪后,汽车不再只是欧洲人主 导,美国福特公司推出T型车并且发 明了流水线生产方式,将汽车行业领 入新时代。)
汽车的历史发展英语作文英文回答:The history of the development of automobiles is truly fascinating. It all started back in the late 19th century when inventors like Karl Benz and Henry Ford began experimenting with motorized vehicles. These early carswere quite primitive compared to what we have today, but they laid the foundation for the modern automobile industry.One of the biggest milestones in the history of automobiles was the introduction of the assembly line by Henry Ford in the early 20th century. This innovation revolutionized the way cars were manufactured, making them more affordable and accessible to the general public.Ford's Model T became a symbol of the mass production era and paved the way for the widespread adoption ofautomobiles around the world.Over the years, cars have evolved significantly interms of design, technology, and performance. From the sleek and aerodynamic sports cars of the 1960s to the fuel-efficient hybrids and electric vehicles of today, the automotive industry has come a long way. Innovations like automatic transmission, power steering, and advanced safety features have made driving more convenient and safer than ever before.I remember growing up in the 90s and dreaming about owning a flashy sports car one day. The thrill of driving fast and feeling the wind in my hair was something I always looked forward to. But now, as I've gotten older, I appreciate the comfort and reliability of a luxury sedan or SUV. The advancements in car technology have made long road trips a breeze, with features like adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assist taking the stress out of driving.Overall, the history of automobiles is a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. From the early pioneers of the industry to the cutting-edge technologies of today, cars have become an essential part of our daily lives. Whether it's commuting to work, running errands, or goingon a road trip, cars have made transportation more convenient and enjoyable for people all over the world.中文回答:汽车的发展历史真是令人着迷。
关于汽车发展史的英语作文英文回答:History of Automobiles.The development of automobiles has revolutionized human transportation. In the early 19th century, inventors were experimenting with steam-powered vehicles. In 1885, Karl Benz developed the first internal combustion engine, which used gasoline as fuel. This invention marked the birth of the modern automobile.In the early 20th century, automobiles became more affordable and accessible to the general public. HenryFord's introduction of the Model T in 1908 made cars affordable for the average American family. Over the years, automobiles have undergone significant improvements in performance, safety, and comfort.Today, automobiles are an integral part of our dailylives. They provide convenient and efficient transportation, allowing us to travel far distances quickly and easily. Automobiles have also played a crucial role in economic development, creating jobs and fostering trade.中文回答:汽车发展史。
福特的创业历程亨利·福特(Henry Ford)是美国汽车工业的奠基人之一,他不仅创立了福特汽车公司,还领导了现代工业制造业的革新。
1. 初出茅庐的创业者亨利·福特于1863年生于美国密歇根州的一个农场家庭。
2. 福特汽车公司的创立1903年,福特与一些投资者共同创办了福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Company)。
3. "T型"汽车的诞生福特汽车公司的重要突破是在1908年推出了代表性的"T型"汽车(Model T)。
4. 增加工人福利福特不仅关注汽车的制造,也关心工人的福利。
5. 福特的影响力扩大福特的创新和成功吸引了全球的关注。
6. 对社会的影响力福特的创业历程对社会产生了深远的影响。
7. 福特的遗产亨利·福特于1947年去世,但他的遗产仍然在全球范围内产生影响。
汽车的历史发展英语作文英文回答:The history of the automobile is a story of innovation and evolution that has spanned centuries. From its humble beginnings as a steam-powered carriage to the sleek, high-performance vehicles of today, the automobile has transformed the way we live, work, and travel.The first attempts at self-propelled vehicles date back to the 17th century, when inventors such as Ferdinand Verbiest and Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot experimented with steam-powered carriages. However, these early vehicles were impractical and unreliable, and it wasn't until the 19th century that the automobile began to take shape as a viable mode of transportation.In 1860, Etienne Lenoir invented the first internal combustion engine, which used a spark plug to ignite a mixture of air and fuel in a cylinder. This engine was muchmore efficient than steam engines, and it paved the way for the development of the modern automobile.In 1885, Karl Benz built the first successful gasoline-powered automobile. Benz's vehicle was a three-wheeled, open-top carriage that could reach speeds of up to 10 miles per hour. This invention marked the birth of the modern automobile industry, and it wasn't long before other inventors and manufacturers entered the field.In 1893, Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company, which would go on to revolutionize the automobile industry. Ford's Model T, introduced in 1908, was the first mass-produced automobile, and it made cars affordable for millions of Americans.The early 20th century saw rapid advancements in automobile technology. Electric starters, headlights, and closed bodies became standard features, and cars became more comfortable and convenient to drive. By the 1920s, the automobile had become an essential part of American life, and it continued to play a vital role in the development ofthe United States and other countries around the world.Today, the automobile industry is a global powerhouse, with manufacturers from around the world competing for market share. Cars have become increasingly sophisticated, with advanced safety features, fuel-efficient engines, and cutting-edge technology. The future of the automobile is uncertain, but it is clear that this remarkable invention will continue to play a major role in our lives.中文回答:汽车的历史是一部跨越数个世纪的创新和演变史。
Ford 福特公司
Toyota 丰田公司
Compaq 康柏电脑公司
Toshiba 东芝公司
Brazilian 巴西人
Specialize 专门从事;详细说明
Sawing 缝纫业
1、What is the difference between sports and countries competition?
4、What benefits can people get from trading with others? What about countries?
康柏电脑(Compaq)公司,美国电脑公司,是由罗 德· 肯尼恩(Rod Canion),吉米· 哈里斯(Jim Harris) 和比利· 默顿(Bill Murto)三位来自 德州仪器公司 的 高级经理于 1982年 2月,分别投资1000美元共同创建 的。2002年为惠普收购。康柏电脑最初的产品是IBM 的第一个版本的便携式兼容性个人电脑“Compaq Portable”。1983年3月的价格是3590美元。此便携式 电脑为如今笔记型电脑的原型之一了。
公司简介 丰田汽车公司(トヨタ自动车株式会社,Toyota Motor Corporation;)是 一家总部设在日本爱知县丰田市和东京都文京区的汽车工业制造公司,隶属于 日本三井财阀.丰田汽车公司自2008始逐渐取代通用汽车公司而成为全世界排行 第一位的汽车生产厂商。其旗下品牌主要包括凌志、丰田等系列高中低端车型 等。 标志 丰田公司的三个椭圆的标志是从1990年初开始使用的。标志中的大椭圆代 表地球,中间由两个椭圆垂直组合成一个T字,代表丰田公司。它象征丰田公 司立足于未来,对未来的信心和雄心,还象征着丰田公司立足于顾客,对顾客 的保证,象征着用户的心和汽车厂家的心是连在一起的,具有相互信赖感,同 时喻示着丰田的高超技术和革新潜力。 品牌释义 品牌释义象征丰田公司立足于未来,对未来的信心和雄心。
英文回答:The history of automobiles can be traced back to thelate 19th century. The invention of the first practical automobile is often attributed to Karl Benz, who built the Benz Patent-Motorwagen in 1886. This marked the beginningof a new era in transportation.The early cars were quite different from the ones wesee today. They were powered by internal combustion engines and had a basic design with a single cylinder. These cars were not very powerful and had a limited top speed. However, they were a significant improvement over horse-drawn carriages and quickly gained popularity.As the technology advanced, cars became more sophisticated and efficient. Manufacturers startedexperimenting with different engine configurations and designs. The introduction of the Ford Model T in 1908 revolutionized the automobile industry. It was the first car to be mass-produced using assembly line techniques, making it affordable for the average person.Over the years, cars have undergone numerous changes and improvements. The introduction of electric cars and hybrid vehicles has brought about a shift towards more environmentally friendly transportation options. Advanced safety features, such as airbags and anti-lock braking systems, have also become standard in modern cars.The automotive industry has had a significant impact on society and the economy. It has created jobs, stimulated economic growth, and provided people with a convenient mode of transportation. Cars have also become a symbol of status and personal freedom.中文回答:汽车的历史可以追溯到19世纪末。
汽车发展史的英文作文英文:The history of automobile development is a fascinating journey that has revolutionized the way we travel and live. The invention of the automobile can be traced back to the late 19th century, when Karl Benz patented the first gasoline-powered car in 1886. This marked the beginning of a new era in transportation.From the early days of the automobile, there have been significant advancements in technology and design. For example, the introduction of the assembly line by Henry Ford in the early 20th century revolutionized the production process, making cars more affordable and accessible to the general public. This led to a surge in car ownership and a shift in the way people lived and worked.Over the years, cars have become more than just a modeof transportation. They have become a symbol of freedom, independence, and status. People often use phrases like "hitting the road" or "going for a drive" to express the joy and excitement of driving. Cars have also become a reflection of personal style and identity, with phrases like "car enthusiast" or "car culture" highlighting the passion and community surrounding automobiles.In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainability and innovation in the automotive industry. The development of electric and hybrid cars, as well as advancements in autonomous driving technology, are shaping the future of transportation. Phrases like "going green" and "driving into the future" capture the shift towards more environmentally friendly and technologically advanced vehicles.Overall, the history of automobile development is a testament to human ingenuity and progress. From the invention of the first car to the advancements in technology and design, cars have had a profound impact on our lives and society as a whole.中文:汽车发展史是一个迷人的旅程,它彻底改变了我们的出行方式和生活方式。
亨利福特 英文介绍
Ford resigned from the Edison Company and founded the
Detroit Automobile Company on August 5, 1899.However, the company was not successful and was dissolved soon.His second company——the Henry Ford,his racing cars are the main products.He even won the game by driving his own car on
Born:July 30, 1863
Died:April 7, 1947 (aged 83)
Nationality:American Occupation:Founder of Ford Motor Company
In 1891, Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. After his promotion to Chief Engineer in 1893, he had enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on gasoline engines. These experiments culminated in 1896 with the completion of a self-propelled vehicle which he named the Ford Quadricycle.
automobile experimentation.
Encouraged by Edison, Ford designed and built a second vehicle, completing it in 1898.
亨利福特 英文介绍
These are Ford's experiences of setting up the business , hope you have known him better .
Thank you for listening!
Ford resigned from the Edison Company and founded the
Detroit Automobile Company on August 5, 1899.However, the company was not successful and was dissolved soon.His second company——the Henry Ford,his racing cars are the main products.He even won the game by driving his own car on
Born:July 30, 1863
Died:April 7, 1947 (aged 83)
Nationality:American Occupation:Founder of Ford Motor Company
In 1891, Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. After his promotion to Chief Engineer in 1893, he had enough time and money to devote attention to his personal experiments on gasoline engines. These experiments culminated in 1896 with the completion of a self-propelled vehicle which he named the Ford Quadricycle.
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During November 2008, Ford, together with Chrysler and General Motors, sought government bridge loans at Congressional hearings in Washington, D.C. in the face of conditions caused by the 2008 financial crisis. The three companies presented action plans for the sustainability of the industry. Ford opted not to seek government loans. GM and Chrysler received government loans and financing through T.A.R.P. legislation funding provisions.On December 19, the cost of credit default swaps to insure the debt of Ford was 68 percent the sum insured for five years in addition to annual payments of 5 percent. Through April 2009, Ford's strategy of debt for equity exchanges, erased $9.9 billion in liabilities (28% of its total), in order to leverage its cash position. These actions yielded Ford a $2.7 billion profit in fiscal year 2009, the company's first fullyear profit in four years. In 2012, Ford's corporate bonds were upgraded from junk to investment grade again, citing sustainable, lasting improvements.
By 2005, both Ford and GM's corporate bonds had been downgraded to junk status, as a result of high U.S. health care costs for an aging workforce, soaring gasoline prices, eroding market share, and an over dependence on declining SUV sales. In the latter half of 2005, Chairman Bill Ford asked newly appointed Ford Americas Division President Mark Fields to develop a plan to return the company to profitability. Fields previewed the Plan, named The Way Forward, at the December 7, 2005 board meeting of the company and it was unveiled to the public on January 23, 2006. "The Way Forward" included resizing the company to match market realities, dropping some unprofitable and inefficient models, consolidating production lines, closing 14 factories and cutting 30,000 jobs.
Ford offered the Lifeguard safety package from 1956, which included such innovations as a standard deep-dish steering wheel, optional front, and, for the first time in a car, rear seatbelts, and an optional padded dash. Ford introduced child-proof door locks into its products in 1957, and in the same year offered the first retractable hardtop on a mass-produced six-seater car. The Ford Mustang was introduced in 1964. In 1965 Ford introduced the seat belt reminder light. With the 1980s, Ford introduced several highly successful vehicles around the world. In 1990 and 1994 respectively, Ford also acquired Jaguar Cars and Aston Martin. During the late 1990s, Ford continued to sell large numbers of vehicles, in a booming American economy with a soaring stock market and low fuel prices.
Ford and the United Auto Workers, representing approximately 46,000 hourly workers in North America, agreed to a historic contract settlement in November 2007 giving the company a substantial break in terms of its ongoing retiree health care costs and other economic issues. The agreement included the establishment of a company-funded, independently run Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) trust to shift the burden of retiree health care from the company's books, thereby improving its balance sheet. This arrangement took effect on January 1, 2010. The automaker reported the largest annual loss in company history in 2006 of $12.7 billion,and estimated that it would not return to profitability until 2009.However, Ford surprised Wall Street in the second quarter of 2007 by posting a $750 million profit. Despite the gains, the company finished the year with a $2.7 billion loss, largely attributed to finance restructuring at Volvo.
History of Ford Motor Company
The main brands of Ford
Henry Ford's first attempt at a car company under his own name was the Henry Ford Company on November 3, 1901. During its early years, the company produced just a few cars a day. Groups of two or three men worked on each car, assembling it from parts made mostly by supplier companies contracting for Ford. Within a decade the company would leadnd refinement of the assembly line concept; and Ford soon brought much of the part production in-house in a vertical integration that seemed a better path for the era. Henry Ford was 40 years old when he founded the Ford Motor Company, which would go on to become one of the world's largest and most profitable companies, as well as being one to survive the Great Depression. In 1908 Ford introduced the first engine with a removable cylinder head, in the Model T. In 1930, Ford introduced the Model A, the first car with safety glass in the windshield.Ford launched the first low priced V8 engine powered car in 1932.