sub-prime crisis
是什么造成了金融危 机? 英汉双语
Describe the main factors that lie behind the Sub-Prime Crisis.What Caused The Financial Crisis?Financial crisis, also known as financial tsunami, refers to the dramatic deterioration of the financial indicators of a certain country or several countries and regions in the world. It can be classified as currency crisis, debt crisis, banking crisis, sub-loan crisis, etc. The feature of the crisis is that people are pessimistic about the economic future because of monetary depreciation occurring throughout the region. The causes for the crisis are complicated with multiple reasons, mainly from three aspects, i.e., the U.S. consumption habits of borrowing, the idea of free economic management, and the economic environment and specific policy instruments.I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word —GREED. Over the years, mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn’t afford their mortgages. But they did it anyway because there was nothing to lose. These lenders were able to charge higher interest rates and make more money on sub-prime loans. If the borrowers default, they simply seized the house and put it back on the market. On top of that, they were able to pass the risk off to mortgage insurer or package thesemortgages as mortgage-backed securities. Easy money!and what went wrong with our financial system? The whole thing was one big scheme. Everything was great when houses were selling like hot cakes and their values go up every month. Lenders made it easier to borrow money, and the higher demand drove up house values. Higher house values means that lenders could lend out even bigger mortgages, and it also gave lenders some protection against foreclosures. All of this translates into more money for the lenders, insurers, and investors. Unfortunately, many borrowers got slammed when their adjustable mortgage finally adjusted. When too many of them couldn’t afford to make their payments, it causes these lenders to suffer from liquidity issue and to sit on more foreclosures than they could sell. Mortgage-backed securities became more risky and worth less causing investment firms like Lehman Brothers to suffer. Moreover, insurers like AIG who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble.The scheme worked well, but it reverses course and is now coming back to hurt everyone with a vengeance.The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing financial crisis characterized by contracted liquidity in global credit markets and banking systems triggered by the failure of mortgage companies, investment firms and government sponsored enterprises which hadinvested heavily in subprime mortgages. The crisis, which has roots in the closing years of the 20th century but has become more apparent throughout 2007 and 2008, has passed through various stages exposing pervasive weaknesses in the global financial system and regulatory framework.The crisis began with the bursting of the United States housing bubble and high default rates on supbrise and adjustable rate mortgages (ARM), beginning in approximately 2005–2006. For a number of years prior to that, declining lending standards, an increase in loan incentives such as easy initial terms, and a long-term trend of rising housing prices had encouraged borrowers to assume difficult mortgages in the belief they would be able to quickly refinance at more favorable terms. However, once interest rates began to rise and housing prices started to drop moderately in 2006–2007 in many parts of the U.S., refinancing became more difficult. Defaults and foreclosure activity increased dramatically as easy initial terms expired, home prices failed to go up as anticipated, and ARM interest rates reset higher. Foreclosures accelerated in the United States in late 2006 and triggered a global financial crisis through 2007 and 2008. During 2007, nearly 1.3 million U.S. housing properties were subject to foreclosure activity, up 79% from2006.Major banks and other financial institutions around the world have reported losses of approximately US$435 billion as of 17 July 2008 The liquidity concerns drove central banks around the world to take action to provide funds to member banks to encourage lending to worthy borrowers and to restore faith in the commercial paper markets. The U.S. government also bailed out key financial institutions, assuming significant additional financial commitments.是什么造成了金融危机?金融危机,又称金融风暴,是指一个国家或几个国家与地区的金融指标的急剧恶化。
Investment bank
高盛、摩根斯坦利从投资银行转为银行控股公司 雷曼兄弟破产 美林证券被美国银行收购 贝尔斯登被摩根大通收购
美联储有权监管所有银行控股企业 金融衍生工具等所有场外交易列入监管范畴 某种意义上意味着华尔街的终结
Federal Reserve chairman Greenspan lowers interest rate to 1%
1% means
investors banks
Hale Waihona Puke say no—very low return
borrow from Fed at low cost
10000$ ----11000$ 1000$
Safe investor Other banks Risk taker
Collateralized Debt
Investment bank
Safe 4% Okay 7% Risky 10%
More money
More CDO
Risk taker
Collateralized Debt
Investment bank
Risky 10%
Home owner
Interest rate 1%→5%
More and more house supply
Mortgage-----300,000$ House price---90,000$
【快乐学英语】绝望的主妇1 3季(第一部分)备考资料
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摘 要
KEYWORDS:subprime loans, overdue rates, sovereign debt crisis, the real economy, credit risk management
第一章 绪论
This article from the subprime mortgage crisis environment and the characteristics of the formation of deep research and analysis of the causes of the subprime crisis. And on this basis, and on the sub-prime crisis transmission mechanism. Crisis combined with the latest developments in nowadays, analyzing the sub-prime crisis and now the link between the sovereign debt crisis. Prospects and forecasts the impact of the crisis onChina's economy. While in theory with empirical analysis of summed up the financial crisis onChina's economic reform inspiration, exploring the sub-prime crisis onChina's financial industry experience. Paper consists of four major components.
(3)如下选项必错: A indifference/indifferent (冷漠的不关心的/冷漠不关心)
考研常考话题: A经济学(西方经济学):年年,了解基本概念,术语
(3)做题步骤: A返回原文,定位该例子
B 80%向上,20%向下,搜索例子所支持的观点.
补充: But后面的信息无比重要,But前面的信息不重要.
(2)解题思路: A主旨题最后做
This is great for them because housing prices has been rising practically forever.
One day,the lander gets s call from an investment banker who wants to buy the mortgages.The lender sells it to him for a very nice fee
A family want a house,so they save for a down payment.
And contact a mortgage broker.
The mortgage broker connects the family to a lender who gives them mortgages..The broker makes a nice commission.The family buys a house and becomes home owners.
The investment banker then borrows millions of dollars an buys thousands more mortgages and put them into a nice little box.This means that every month he he gets payments from the home owners of all the mortgages in the box.
Who is affected? EVERYONE!!!!
Warm-up activities
Activity 1: Lead-in pair/group discussion How much do you know about the British and/or American economy? List as many aspects as you can. Activity 2: Video watching and Q&A Watch the video课上视频1.2 U.S - The Crisis of Credit Visualized - Part 1.2 and answer the following questions: According to the video clips, what is the credit crisis? And who is involved and affected by it? What are CDO and CDS?
Skimming & scanning
Skim the passage 1.FastReading How to Prevent Foreclosure and find the answers to the following questions. 1.What is foreclosure? Key: The legal process where a property owner ( mortgagor) fails to make his or her mortgage payment, therefore creating a delinquent loan, a lender (mortgagee) obtains a termination of the mortgagor’s equitable right of redemption of his or her property either by court order or by operation of law (after following a specific statutory procedure), and the mortgagor’s property ends up being sold at public auction . 2.How many types of foreclosure are mentioned in the passage? What e they? Key: Four. They are foreclosure by sale, power of sale foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, and tax foreclosures.
次贷危机中英文版 Household debt crisis
Household debt crisis – a looming threat to the US economyUS economic activity slowed in late 2007 as the credit crisis spawned by the sub-prime mortgage debacle intensified. Banks cut back their lending to individuals and companies, causing the annualized rate of GDP growth to fall to a tepid 0.6% in the fourth quarter last year, significantly lower than the 4.9% recorded in the previous quarter. The worsening outlook has prompted the US government to take unprecedented measures to stimulate the ailing economy.家庭债务危机- 美国经济面对的威胁随着美国次按问题恶化,并引发信贷进一步收缩,美国经济在2007 年年底明显降温。
US households are the rescue target …A wide range of new measures have been introduced by the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve (the Fed) in an attempt to prevent the sub-prime woes from spiraling into a full-blown economic meltdown. First, Congress and the Administration have agreed on a US$152 billion economic stimulus package. This includes tax rebates of up to US$600 per individual and US$300 for each dependent child. Second, the benchmark Fed Funds Rate (FFR) has been slashed by a combined three percentage points in six rate cuts since September 2007 to the current 2.25%. Moreover, liquidity is being pumped into financial institutions by expanding the range of securities accepted as collateral for loans issued by the Fed and by increasing investments in the mortgage market by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – the two largest US home finance companies. T he Fed’s support of the bailout of the failing investment bank Bear Sterns marked yet another step to stave off a broader confidence crisis in financial markets.美国政府致力维持家庭消费增长美国财政部及联邦储备局(联储局)采取一连串措施,以阻止次按危机蔓延至其他经济层面。
Financial crisisByToDecember2010IntroductionThe economic always has problems and many crisis arise. That is natural. The healthy economic will improve people’s living standard. However, when the economic dedvelop to a certain extent, the recession is inevitable. After the recession, the economic will be revived. The key is to do well policy to the crisis. If the country has enough preparation, it will dealwith perfectly.I.The cause and impact of the financial crisis.The financial crisis is caused by the too low interest rate and more borrowing. More investment, more consumption, more output, more income, higher housing price. However, there are risky mortgages in the CDO and the risky ones are imposed. Then, the housing boom burst and the credit crunch happen. The financial crisis occur. The economic come to the recession.II. The financial crisis with the equation Y=C0+C1(Y-T)+I+G and I=I(Y(+),i(-)). This equation explain the influence of financial crisis. Before the financial crisis, the investment and GDP is high. After the financial crisis, the investment and GDP come down. The crisis strikes the economic.III. The multipliers on the credit crisis.What is the credit crisis? The cause of the credit crisis is that the borrowers can not pay the mortgages and the investment become less and less. The multipliers can make a little money into a lot of money. Also, it can make a little worry about the lending into the shrinking currency. The credit crisis lead to the shrinking economic.IV. The relationship between the USA’s bond rate and the financial crisis. The relationship between the China’s, Amercia’s MPC, MPS and financial crisis.The real data about the USA’s bond rate will explain in the IS and LM curve. The shift of LM curve will related to the interest rate and output. Then, it will explain into the cause of the financial crisis.China’s MPC is opposite to the America’s. China’s MPC is very low and have a lot of savings. Then, when the financial crisis happens, China can deal with it well. Therefore, China can invest in America. Real data will explain well for the crisis.V. America’s bailout and moral hazard.What is the bailout? It says that the government give capital to the company which is going to bankrupt. What is moral hazard? It means that one side who has more information will make use of the information and will be more beneficial than the other side. Then explain the relationship between bailout and moral hazard.VI. Explain the China’s stimulus package to the financial crisis.The stimulus package is consisted of the fiscal and monetary policy. Then, the AS, AD, IS and LM curve will related the policy.VII. Compare China’s and USA’s government response to the financial crisis and explain.VIII. The definition of free market economic and explain cause of crisis into the inevitable recession.Body1. Explain the cuase and impact of the current financial crises. Use your ownwords with a step explanation and incorporate real data.The interest rate is so low that people begin to borrow money and the government have the current account deficits such as Amercia. This is about the data about the current account deficits of USA in recent years.Therefore, USA begin borrow money from the global financial market and many investment come into USA. Then, too much assests reach Amercia and the price of houses increases. From the picture above, we know GDP decreasea from 2006 to 2008 and it is caused by borrowing from other countries. At the same time, the investors have many mortgages and they are very happy. However, in the CDO(collateralised debt obligation) there are many unsafe mortages and are hidden under the AAA and BBB(healthy mortgages). Later, the defective mortgages increase. From a website, “during 2007, defective mortgages (from mortgage originators contractually bound to perform underwriting to Citi's standards) increased to over 80% of production" tells the situation of the CDO. In the following picture, we can know there are many CDO in 2006 and 2007.Of course, the credit market occurs. There comes the U.S. Housing Bubble. People can not pay the mortgages. The picture tells that the pricegoes up in 2005 and comes down in 2006 and 2007.Most of the defective mortgages are made by the people who have sub-prime mortgages. They can not pay and have high risk of borrowing. In March of 2007, it is estimated that there are $1.3 trillion sub-prime mortages of USA.As they can’t pay mortgages and the price of houses decreases.Then, more and more CDO are imposed and it burst. Investors stoplending and economic begion to go into depression.2. Explain the financial crisis in relation to the following equationY=C0+C1(Y-T)+I+G and I=I(Y(+),i(-)).From Y=C0+C1(Y-T)+I+G and I=I(Y(+),i(-)), we can get this function Y=C0+C1(Y-T)+ I(Y(+),i(-))+G.At first, the interest rate is very low and people begin borrow money from banks. Then, the ooutput goes up and consumption increases. Then, people can have more disposable income. After a time, the bank have not enough money and government help borrow money from other countries and put into the market. Certainly, output increases. However, the boom in the CDO burst and the investment decreases. The price of houses goes down and people can’t pay mortgages. Last, the income decreases and economic slow down.The following picture can show us the USA investment before and after the financial crisis.In the middle, the investment decreases from 2006 to 2008.From the equation Y=C0+C1(Y-T)+ I(Y(+),i(-))+G, less investment will lead to less output. The Y means GDP. Less output leads to less GDP.After financial crisis, the investment and GDP decreases.3. Explain the importance of macroeconomic multipliers on the credit crisis.In one hand, when bank lend a sum of money, people cunsume a part and save the rest in the bank. One by one, the multipliers will make a lot of money. For instance, when the reserve ratio is 1%, the money is $100, then the bank will lend $99 and reserve $1. A person’s MPC is 0.5 and he will consume 99/2 and save 99/2 into the bank. The bank will reserve (99/2)*1% and lend the rest. One after another, the currency in the market is 200. If the MPC is high, then the currency in the market will be more at last. The consumption inreases, the income will increase, the job will go up, the GDP also will go up.On the other hand, when people have more money and consume more, they become more confident. When some people are confident, other people will be stimulated to consume more. On the contrast, when people are not confident, they will consume less.The credit crisis is the shrinking credit supply. When mortgagees can not pay the mortgage , lenders will be scared of bankruptcies and defaults. Then banks will not lend much money. Everyone will be nervous and unconfident. The consumption decreases, the output decreases, the income decreases, the GDP come down. Under the action of the multipliers, the little shrinking money supply leads to decrease the consumption largely, the little lenders’ worry leads to lots of consumers’ intension. Economic begins to work tardily and come backward.The macroeconomic multipliers is important to the credit crisis.4.Track Amertica’s bond rate for the last years and explain with the IS and LM model and explain the relation with the financial crisis.I find a website “United States - Benchmark bond - USA 10-yearGovernment Benchmark bond yield”. It is about the bond rate of America from 1987 to 2010. From this website, in every June, the bond rate is 4.7313 in 2004, 3.9987 in 2005, 5.1040 in 2006, 5.1040 in 2007 and 4.0912 in 2008. From 2004 to 2008, the bond rate decreases in general. This is the data chart for the bond rate.At first, the bond rate is so low that people won’t buy the bonds. Certainly, the currency in the market goes up. Then, the consumption increases and output increases. Of course, the interest rate decreases. This is a graph for IS and LM curve to explain the bond rate and the interest rate.First of all, it is at A. As the monetary policy, the bond rate is low and change the output, the interest rate decreases. Then, the LM shift to right. Therefore, it shifts to B. More sub-prime mortgages and more booms in the CDO burst. The housing bubble and credit crisis occur. The financial crisis happpen and economic begin to slow down.5. O utline America’s, China’s Marginal Propensities to consume and explain their relevance to the current financial crisis.From a book “Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth”, I get some data about USA.This is the GDP of USA and is increases every year.However, this is the real GDP of America and the percentage change tells us the amount increased is smaller and smaller. It implies that the economic slow down.It is the data about the saving. From 1990 to 2006, the saving is increasing. From 2006 to 2008, the saving decreases. It means that people’s consumption increases.It is about expenditures of USA and it is increasing.From the data above, we can see that America’s MPC is very high and MPS is very low.Of course, I find some data from anot her book “Post-Crisis China: Saving and Consumption Dynamic”. The following pictures are two charts about China’s consumption and saving.It tells us that Chineses have low consumption and the consumption decreases from 1980 to 2007.From this chart, we know the saving is rising. At that time, Chineses have many savings and can do investment.Now, we can draw a graph about the consumption and disposable income of America and China. The consumption function is C = c0 + c1Y d , c1 represents MPC and the slope of the curve.When the disposable income increase from Y1 to Y2, USA increase consumption more than China. USA has high MPC and China has low MPC. Then, American want to borrow money and China invest into USA. However, American make mortgages by their houses and the risky part in CDO increases and the boom burst. Then, China stop investing and the economic in USA start to slide backward. Then it is the financial crisis.6. Do you support the American government bail out plan for the American financial sector? Give justifications the idea of moral hazard may be useful. What is bailout? The bailout means giving capital to those who will do bankrupt. Paul Volcker is the chairman of Barack Obama's White House Economic Recovery Advisory Board. In a website, I got this “Paul Volcker said that bailouts create moral hazard: they signal to the firms that they can take reckless risks, and if the risks are realized, taxpayers pay the losses, also in the future. "The danger is the spread of moral hazard could make the next crisis much bigger".”It tells us that bailout forment the moral hazard and ordinary people suffer from the moral hazard.When people can’t pay the mortgages and banks lend less, economic begin to decay. At the moment, government is very nervous and want to warm up the economic. They will bail out a plenty of money into the banks. Because this amount of money will grow into a large number of money and GDP. It is the function of the multipliers. If the risk is higher, the return will be more. Then the economic will be hotter. Therefore, I agree with the bail out. However, there is another problem--- Moral Hazard.What is Moral Hazard? For example, when a person buy the kind of a car insurance, he won’t pay attention on the lock of the car. Then, the car is stolen and the insurance company will pay for it. The another example, when a principal and a agent do something, the agent has more information and will take advantage of the information. In the aspect of moral problem, it is bad. However, if the insurance work well and pay more attention to those who always lose cars and work well, the company will work better. If the agent make more profit from the information than the principal will make, the economic will go better. Certainly, in this sphere, the moral hazard is useful.7. The Chinese government stimulus package is aimed at sustaining economic growth during the financial crisis. This package includes both Monetary and Fiscal policy. Analysis in detail this package, by applying Macroeconomic theory both in the short and medium term.From a book “China’s Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis ”,the growth pattern of the China is high investment and exports. This picture shows us the high investment and export growth rate from 2002 to 2005.The rate decreases from 2006 to 2007.The stimulus package is consisted of expansionary fiscal policy and monetary policy.On one hand, the expansionary fiscal policy is that government increases its spending. The spending can be on the aspect of public infrastructure, the earthquake area reconstruction, road and technology improvement. In 2008, government introduce RMB 4 trillion. Although it enlarge the government deficit, the fiscal policy stabilizes and revives the economic.At first, the economic is at A and government spending rises. The disposable income increases and the demand for the goods increases. The output increases and the interest rate goes up. So the IS curve shift to right. Y1 move to Y2.Because the LM shift to right, the AD shift to right. The output rise, the unemployment decreases, the expected price rises, the AS curve shift to left. At last, the output come back to the Y0 .On the other hand, the expansionary monetary policy is that the bank credit increases by 7.3 trillion RMB. Later, the interest of the inter-bank market is low.When the money supply increases, the interest rate decreases, the investment increases and the output increases. The LM will shift to right.This AS and AD curve are the same as the graph above. The impact of the expansionary fiscal and monetary policy is the same. Ultimately, the economic will be revived.8. Contrast China’s and Americ’s government response to the crisis, explain some reasons for these differences and give evidence of the results of these policies effectiveness.From the question 7, we know China’s government respone to the crisis is to increase the government spending on many aspects. As a result, the government introduce 4 trillion RMB. In my opinion, I think it is effective. Of course, China’s banking system is very stabilized and have a lot of savings. When western banking system is collapsing, China’s banking system is safe and sound. Then, the monetary multiplier does not fall and no credit crisis happen. Therefore, the bank credit increases and money become more and more.From a piece of news, it says “China’s economy c ooled to its slowest pace in seven years in 2008, expanding 9 percent year-on-year as the widening global financial crisis continued to affect the world’s fastest-growing economy, official data showed Thursday.” That means China’s policy is effective. In t his news, Wang Qing, Morgan Stanley Asia chief economist for China, said GDP growth would hit a trough in the first or second quarter. China will perform better than most economies affected by the global crisis and gradually improve this year, he said. And another economist Wang Tongsan, with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said whether GDP growth exceeds 8 percent this year depends on how the world economy performs and how well the government stimulus policies are implemented. From the information, we can see the China policy is good. On the contrary, USA’s government does not control the market and it is controlled by the important banks and Federal Reseve. Government just change the bond rate. What the USA mainly focus on is the monetary policy of the Federal Reseve. USA’s response is the stimulus.This picture can tell us something about how is the stimulus. For example, in September 18,“50 basis point cut in target federal funds rate at regular FOMC meeting”; In October 31, “25 basis point cut in target federal funds rate at regular FOMC meeting”; In December 11,” 25 basis point cut in target federal funds rate at regular FOMC meeting”;The stimulus includes Classic Keynesian consumption-led stimulus. It means more consumption, more investment, high employment rate and more disposable imcome. The following picture shows that the stimulus encourage the employment gorw and the economic revived. If the economic can work well again, the policy is good. The America’s response to the crisis is effective.9. Some people say that the main cause of the financial crisis is the free market economic system and its inevitable cycles. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?In my opinion, I agree with this statement.What is the free market economic system? The free market economic is the market goes with economic intervention. In the market, sellers and buyers make transactions voluntarily and the price will be made by themselves. The price is the result of the transaction and the goods or service supply and demand. Of course, the purchasing power is decided by the supply and demand. When the supply and demand are harmonized, it means people’s living standard is high and the economic woeks well. Therefore, this market is consisted of sellers and buyers. When the market doesn't work well, the financial crisis happen.As far as I can see, the root cause of the financial cause is too much lending of the banks and too high price of the houses. The interest rate is so low and people borrow so much maoney from the banks. Then, the banks lend too much and have not enough money. Later, the investment from other countries lead to the higher house price. When the subprime can not afford the house price and the housing boom burst. Of course, government will bail out for the crisis. In addition, the credit crisis and moral hazard happen.As I have told above, more and more risky mortgages explode the CDO and housing boom arise. In gerenal, a healthy economic is made by the investment. High investment, more output, more consumption, more disposable income and higher living standard. In the housing boom, the subprime mortgages contaminate the investment. Gold Subject says:”Recessions are necessary to purge malinvestments from the economy.”From this sentence, we know that the bad investment will take the economic into a recession. This recession will clean the bad investment and the economic will be healthy again.As a consequence, the free market economic system’s cycle is inevitable.ReferenceWebsite :Financial crisis retrieved on November 2010 from/wiki/Financial_crisis_of_2007%E2%80%932010U.S.Housing Bubble retrieved on November 2010 from/wiki/United_States_housing_bubble“United States - Benchmark bond - USA 10-year Government Benchmark bond yield” retrive on December 2010 from 10YT_RR.YLDA“Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth”(pdf) retrive on December 2010 from/compendia/statab/cats/income_expenditures_pover ty_wealth.htmlBailout retrive on December 2010 from /wiki/Bailout Xinhua News Agency (2009),”China's GDP grows 9% in 2008”retrive on December 2010 from/business/news/2009-01/22/content_17169174.htm Free market economic retrive on December 2010 from/wiki/Free_marketGold Subject(2010), “Why boom/bust cycles and recessions are inevitable”retired on December 2010 from/why-boom-bust-cycles-and-recessions-are-ine vitable/Book:MasterCard company, “Post-Crisis China: Saving and Consumption Dynamic”Yu Yongding(2009),“China’s Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis”.Productivity Commission,MelbourneStephen G. Cecchetti(2008), “Monetary Policy and the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008”Anthony P. Carnevale(2009),”The American Response to Financial Crisis”。
低信贷标准:在次贷危机前,美国银 行业对房贷采取了过于宽松的信贷政 策,使得大量信用记录较差、还款能 力不足的借款人获得了房屋贷款。ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 些次级按揭贷款将成为次贷危机的起 点
错误的风险评估:投资银行和评级机 构未能正确评估MBS的风险。它们过高 估计了这些证券的信用质量和价值, 未能预见到住房市场的下滑和贷款违 约率的飙升
美国次贷危机(subprime crisis) 也称次级房贷危机,也译为次债 危机。它是指一场发生在美国, 因次级抵押贷款机构破产、投资 基金被迫关闭、股市剧烈震荡引 起的金融风暴。它致使全球主要 金融市场出现流动性不足危机
次级抵押贷款是一个高风险、高 收益的行业,指一些贷款机构向 信用程度较差和收入不高的借款 人提供的贷款。与传统意义上的 标准抵押贷款的区别在于,次级 抵押贷款对贷款者信用记录和还 款能力要求不高,贷款利率相应 地比一般抵押贷款高很多。那些 因信用记录不好或偿还能力较弱 而被银行拒绝提供优质抵押贷款 的人,会申请次级抵押贷款购买 住房
三、影响 美国次贷危机对全球经济造成了重大影响 1. 全球金融市场动荡:次贷危机导致全球金融市场陷入动荡,股市暴跌,金融机构面临 破产风险,投资者信心受到严重打击 美国历史上最大的破产事件之一:雷曼兄弟破产清算就在此时发生。由于无法获得足够的 资金支持,雷曼兄弟宣布破产,引发了全球金融市场的动荡 2. 全球经济衰退:次贷危机引发了全球经济衰退。由于美国是全球最大经济体之一,其 经济衰退波及全球,导致全球经济增长放缓,许多国家出现负增长 3. 银行业危机:次贷危机使得许多美国和国际银行陷入困境。许多银行面临巨额损失, 需要政府救助,例如 贝尔斯登,是美国历史最悠久的投资银行之一,但在次贷危机中遭受了巨大损失。为了防 止其破产,美国联邦储备系统推动了贝尔斯登的收购,并将其整合到摩根大通集团
金融学开题报告金融学开题报告推荐金融学开题报告一:一、课题来源及研究的目的和意义:课题题目:次贷危机对我国经济的影响分析课题来源:教师规定课题目的和意义:2007年夏季美国次级抵押贷款危机(Sub-prime mortgage crisis)的爆发,迅速向全球蔓延。
四、具体研究方案及进度安排和预期达到的目标:1、资料收集与整理阶段(兼实习):2月15日– 4月17日2、确定论文基本结构及内容阶段:4月18日– 4月25日3、完成论文初稿阶段:4月26日 - 5月7日4、论文修改阶段:5月8日– 5月25日5、论文评审阶段:5月26日– 5月31日6、论文答辩阶段:6月1日– 6月8日五、研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题及解决的措施:可能遇到的问题:1、对次贷危机影响企业程度把握不够,在研究过程中可能对一些涉及金融专业知识词汇需研究查询。
sub-prime crisis
Thanks for your attention!
Sub-prime Mortgage lenders
Invest banks
hedge funds
The impact of sub-prime crisis
–Banking Panics 银行恐慌 – Losses of invest banks & MNCs
–Stock market crashes 股市崩溃 –Bursting of financial bubbles
Example 2: RBS 苏格兰皇家银行
Losses: 2008 = £24 billions £324 billions toxic assets(不良资产) out of £1 trillion (80% overseas) High £7 (Jan 07), low £0.1 (Jan 09)
The introduction of sub-prime crisis
The sub-prime crisis of 2008 was started with the failures of large financial institutions in the United States. And it rapidly evolved into a global crisis resulting in a number of European bank failures.
The introduction of sub-prime crisis
In the sub-prime crisis, many financial institutions suddenly lost a large part of their value. American economic had suffered a heavy strike and just printed dollars to deal with the crisis.
The economics of the Eurozone crisis
The immediate financial/fiscal problems •Insolvency of Greece •Fragility of Portugal, Spain and Italy (“contagion”) •The capitalisation and interconnectedness of European banks The structural dilemma •Huge macro-economic imbalances inside the Eurozone (surplus versus deficit countries; divergence in competitiveness; etc.)
The United States subprime mortgage crisis (美国次贷危机)
Given the scale of recent events, any observer could hardly be blamed for asking the questions posed at the beginning of this article - 'how did this happen; how can we resolve it; and how can we prevent it from happening again?' This commentary has so far discussed the first question, and we now turn to the second and third parts.
8. Investors become Complacent - Greed triumphs Fear - "Fear, what Fear?" 9. Institutions Create Structured Investment Vehicles and Conduits - People Lose Track of Who Owns What. 10. People start to worry about being paid back - holders of capital go on strike.
The United States subprime mortgage crisis
Sub-Prime And The Credit Crunch
The global financial market is at its most critical juncture in almost 80 years. How did this happen? How can we resolve it and how can we prevent it from happening again?
Is there a future for the EU after the crisis
Is there a future for the EU after the crisis?
Olaf Cramme
Director, Policy Network & Visiting Fellow, LSE
Email: ocramme@ Twitter: @olafcramme
(Adopted and modified from Rodrik/O’Rourke)
Two-speed Europe
• Old debate (see e.g. Schäuble/Lamers paper in the 1990s) broadly differentiating three models: (a) Multi-speed integration (b) Europe à la carte (c) Concentric circles • Yet implications of deeper integration in the Eurozone on the EU-27 possibly farreaching (role of economic governance, decision-making procedures; Single Market reform; financial regulation, etc.) Significant U-turn in the position of the UK: current government now openly endorses a two-speed Europe. What will this mean for Britain?
The economics of the Eurozone crisis
The immediate financial/fiscal problems •Insolvency of Greece •Fragility of Portugal, Spain and Italy (“contagion”) •The capitalisation and interconnectedness of European banks The structural dilemma •Huge macro-economic imbalances inside the Eurozone (surplus versus deficit countries; divergence in competitiveness; etc.)
在2007年夏季爆发并延续至今的美国次级债危机(Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis)中,以次级抵押贷款资产池为基础而发行的抵押贷款支持证券(Mortgage Backed Securities,MBS)和担保债务权证(Collateralized Debt Obligations,CDO)扮演了至关重要的角色。
基础资产(Underlying Asset)的违约风险骤然上升,导致以基础资产为支持的MBS和CDO的信用评级显著下降,从而给实施盯市定价(Mark to Market)策略的国际金融机构造成巨大的账面损失。
危机爆发后,信用评级机构广泛而迅猛地调低了几乎所有CDO 产品的信用等级(Downgrade)。
在所有金融机构都拼命追逐流动性的情况下,市场上出现了持续的流动性短缺(Liquidity Squeeze)和信贷紧缩(Credit Crunch)。
• Just when the scale of the crisis was becoming manifest in America, sub-prime related difficulties emerged around the world;
The Origin of the Crisis
• Subprime mortgages are given to people whose credit rating do not qualify them for mortgages;
• The banks lent aggressively and recklessly to these financially less secure households and individuals
Presented by Kwabena Nyarko Otoo (Director, Labour Research & Policy Institute, Ghana TUC)
Outline of Presentation
• In Autumn 2008, the world economy went into the Great Recession
• The crisis is said to have originated in the US housing mortgage system
Studies of Defaults Contagion Mechanism under sub-primeCrisis and Strategies Analysis 作者: 谢尚宇[1] 周勇[1,2]
作者机构: [1]中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,北京100190 [2]上海财经大学统计学系,上海200433
出版物刊名: 管理评论
页码: 121-128页
主题词: 次贷危机 违约风险 传染机制 违约传染模型
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EU (27)
89 156 97 236 174
131 92
South and Central America
2 122
2 1
Middle East
Table 1:Trade Growth of Some East and Southeast Asian Economies,1995-2005
583 51.2 132 99.7 41.6 104
15.2 1.9 13.6 2.2 1.4 3.4 12.2 32.5 14.5 31.6 16.3 4.3 9.7 4.2 5 4.2
Hong Kong
Japan South Korea Singapore
469 136 126
505 252 196
(WTO, International Trade Statistics 2008).
Table 2: World Market Share (WMS) Changes of Exports for Selected Regions/Countries, 2005
Value Share in World Trade (%)
East Asian intra-regional
East Asia to China Declining in WMS
United States Japan
12.2 8.9
12 9.1
12.5 7.7
9.2 6
-3.3 -1.7
-3 -2.9
3 4.4
5.7 5
Table 3:
Merchandise Trade Balance of China, the US, Japan and Their Trading Partners (Billion US$), 1997-2007
China Indonesia India Malaysia Philippine Thailand
161 47.9 33.9 78.1 21.6 60.5
674 75.9 90.8 123 36.6 96.3
15.4 4.7 10.4 4.6 6 4.8
142 42.5 37 80.1 36.7 74.1
91.7 73.4 2.2 89.2
Japan Six East Asian Traders
-58.6 -23.7
-67.2 -44.7
and filing for bankruptcy of the country's largest sub prime lender, New Century Financial suffering from liabilities exceeding $100 million in April 2007.
-15.5 55.1
-18 47.5
-21.7 46
2.8 -30.5
6.3 -32.6
1.9 -46.9
-3.3 -72.3
-4.7 -96
1.9 -103
-3.6 -101
-9.1 -106.3
82.2 33.2 -
Trade with EU(27) Trade with Six East Asian Traders
Figure 4. Direction of Merchandise Export Flows (over total exports) of China
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1997 Trade with The U.S. Trade with Japan Trade with ROW 2000 2003 2006 2007
107.5 42.4 -
107.6 52.4 -
99.7 71.5 -12.6 58.5
54.4 58.8 -15.5 37.7
79.5 61.7 -9.3 48.9
88.9 57.6 -2.6 59.4
111.1 65.1 -1.4 79
78.2 70.4 -10.1 79.9
67.9 77.8 -6.6 78.1
Trade with EU(27) Trade with Six East Asian Traders
The mounting trted States with its
trading partners could have an impact on the liquidity of its economy.
1990 1995 2000 2005
Share Change (%)
2000-2005 1990-2005
Annual Growth Rate (%)
2000-2005 1990-2005
Increasing in WMS East Asia (15) 13 1.9 4.2 0.8 17.9 3.1 7.1 1.6 19.2 4 7.3 1.7 21.7 7.7 9.1 2.9 2.5 3.7 1.8 1.1 8.7 5.8 4.9 2.1 12.3 25 14.6 21 11.5 18.2 13.4 17.8
Figure 2. Directions of Merchandise Export Flows (over total exports) of the U.S.
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1997 2000 2003 2006 2007 Trade with North America Trade with China Trade with Six East Asian Traders Trade with EU(27) Trade with Japan Trade with ROW
To examine the issues relating to increasing economic integration of Asian economies with a focus on China and Japan.
• •
delineate the relationships among China, Japan and the United States in view of current trade imbalance and global financial and economic problems; review the major actions that have been undertaken by China, Japan and the Unites States in tackling the economic slump; suggest sustainable economic development strategies for China and the United States to achieve long–term economic stability and growth.
Global Financial Crisis and Economic Recession
The American housing bubbles in terms of rising
mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures became apparent in late 2006 followed by the first subprime related writeoff of $10.5 billion by HSBC in February 2007;
0.7 6.4 4.5
354 147 134
450 232 176
2.4 4.7 2.8
11.3 18.7 19.7
-0.2 4.6 3.8
The United States, which is not included in Table 1, had an annual growth rate of 2% in exports and 4% in imports during the period of 2000-2007,
How China, Japan and the US Can Tackle the Current Economic Slump: From the Viewpoint of Asian Economic Integration
Eden S. H. Yu
City University of Hong Kong
The surplus of the trading partners of the United States is
likely to be used to buy the securities of the U.S.