

步科Kinco 低压伺服驱动器使用手册

步科Kinco 低压伺服驱动器使用手册

第 1 章 系统配置和型号说明.........................................................................................................................................1
Kinco 低压伺服驱动器使用手册
2.3.19 SMS80S-0040-30KBK-3DKU(80 法兰,400W,带抱闸,绝对值编码器)............................................ 21 2.3.20 SMC80S-0075-30AAK-3DKH(80 法兰,750W,不带抱闸,增量式编码器)........................................ 21 2.3.21 SMC80S-0075-30ABK-3DKH(80 法兰,750W,带抱闸,增量式编码器)............................................ 22 2.3.22 SMC80S-0075-30MAK-3DSU(80 法兰,750W,不带抱闸,磁电编码器)............................................ 22 2.3.23 SMC80S-0075-30MBK-3DSU(80 法兰,750W,带抱闸,磁电编码器)................................................ 23 2.3.24 SMS80S-0075-30KAK-3DKU(80 法兰,750W,不带抱闸,绝对值编码器)........................................ 23 2.3.25 SMS80S-0075-30KBK-3DKU(80 法兰,750W,带抱闸,绝对值编码器)............................................ 24 2.3.26 SMH110D-0120-30AAK-4DKR(110 法兰,1260W,不带抱闸,增量式编码器).................................. 24 2.3.27 SMH110D-0120-30ABK-4DKR(110 法兰,1260W,带抱闸,增量式编码器)...................................... 25 2.3.28 SMC130D-0120-30AAK-4DKR(130 法兰,1200W,不带抱闸,增量式编码器).................................. 25 2.3.29 SMC130D-0120-30ABK-4DKR(130 法兰,1200W,带抱闸,增量式编码器)...................................... 26 2.3.30 SMC130D-0150-30AAK-4DKR(130 法兰,1.5KW,不带抱闸,增量式编码器).................................. 26 2.3.31 SMC130D-0150-30ABK-4DKR(130 法兰,1.5KW,带抱闸,增量式编码器)...................................... 27 2.4 伺服电机矩频曲线............................................................................................................................................ 28 2.4.1 50W 伺服电机矩频曲线............................................................................................................................ 28 2.4.2 100W 伺服电机矩频曲线.......................................................................................................................... 28 2.4.3 200W 伺服电机矩频曲线.......................................................................................................................... 29 2.4.4 400W 伺服电机矩频曲线.......................................................................................................................... 29 2.4.5 750W 伺服电机矩频曲线.......................................................................................................................... 30 2.4.6 1.2KW 伺服电机矩频曲线........................................................................................................................ 30 2.4.7 1.5KW 伺服电机矩频曲线........................................................................................................................ 31 2.5 伺服电机安装.................................................................................................................................................... 32 2.5.1 安装要求................................................................................................................................................... 32 2.5.2 环境条件................................................................................................................................................... 32 2.5.3 注意事项................................................................................................................................................... 32 2.5.4 油封安装................................................................................................................................................... 33



Kinco®步进驱动器CM系列使用说明书V1.1Kinco Electric (Shenzhen) Ltd.为全球客户提供中国人的自动化解决方案深圳市步科电气有限公司深圳市南山区高新科技园北区朗山一路 6 号一栋(518057)客服热线:400-700-5281sales@ 1.使用安全事项●严格遵守安全守则。
















2. 产品概述2.1 产品确认图2-1 型号命名规则2.3 产品功能描述●电机自适应功能:在使能上电测试电机参数功能时,驱动器每次上电时都要自动检测所驱动的电机的电气参数(电阻、电感),并根据检测到的电气参数自动计算驱动电机的最佳运行参数。





.1 . . . . . .1 .1.1 .1. .1. .1. .1. . ..1 .. .1 . . . . . . . 10 11
拜科奇的产品特性 ......................................................................................................... 质量保证........................................................................................................................ 产品纯度........................................................................................................................ 耐受性和安全性的临床前证据 ....................................................................................... 临床前免疫原性模型...................................................................................................... 临床前疗效研究............................................................................................................. 拜科奇临床前研究小结 .................................................................................................. 临床研究........................................................................................................................ 对既往接受过治疗的患者(PTPs)的研究.................................................................... 0 药代动力学 .................................................................................................................... 0 疗效............................................................................................................................... 临床免疫原性 ................................................................................................................ 外科手术中的应用 ......................................................................................................... 安全性 ........................................................................................................................... 对既往未接受过治疗(PUPs)或仅接受过最低限度治疗(MTPs)的患者的研究 ....... 拜科奇用于治疗PUPs/MTPs的安全性及疗效 ................................................................ PUPs/MTPs中抑制物的产生率...................................................................................... 重组人凝血因子VIII抑制物的形成.................................................................................. 1 抑制物形成的潜在标志物 .............................................................................................. 1 抑制物形成的发生率...................................................................................................... 抑制物分子 ................................................................................................................... 抑制物的特异性............................................................................................................. 对PTPs的临床免疫原性研究 ......................................................................................... PUPs/MTPs中抑制物发生率的比较 ............................................................................. 抑制物产生的累积风险 .................................................................................................. 0 小结:拜科奇与凝血因子VIII抑制物 .............................................................................. 1 免疫耐受诱导 (ITI) ........................................................................................................ 长期预防........................................................................................................................ 产品亮点总结 ................................................................................................................ 0 参考文献........................................................................................................................



高分辨率伺服电机KINCO伺服驱动器参数设置说明一、速度环设定(Velocity controller)z p-gain velocity control (速度环比例增益kvp)要重新设置,设定值可参考如下表格C[Nm/rad] JL/JM Kvp E-Filter O-Filter Kpp>=250 1 10 1 1 805 10 1 1 8010 12 1 1 8015 16 1 2 8030 40 1 5 70100 70 1 7 7080 5 10 1 1 6010 12 1 1 6030 20 1 2 60100 40 1 7 60C=电机轴连接到负载的机械钢度JL/JM=额定负载惯量/转子惯量Kvp = p-gain velocity controlE-Filter=Time constant for error filterO-Filter=Time constant output filterKpp= p-gain position controlz i-gain velocity control(速度环积分增益Kvi)使用电机的编码器分辨率增加i-gain velocity control数值减小,如使用8000分辩率编码器Kvi设置为1,使用高分辨率编码器时应设置为0.1。

注: i-gain velocity control的可选数值为0或1,当小于1时i-gain velocity control设置为0,在i2-gain velocity control中设置具体参数。

z i2-gain velocity control(专为高分辨率编码器设置的速度环积分增益Kvi)单位选择为1/256时,i2-gain velocity control数值等于i-gain velocity control数值。

单位选择为dec时,i2-gain velocity control乘以256为i-gain velocity control数值。



TEL : (03)462-6569 (桃園-總公司) / (04)2261-0357 (台中) / (06)208-6651 (台南)●BreadboardsSolid Aluminum Breadboard ............................ Honeycomb Optical Breadboard ......................●Benchtop Isolation Systems ..........................●Optical TablesWorkstations .................................................... Table System ................................................... Customized Workstations ................................●Optical RailsMiniature Series ............................................... Optical Bench / Rail / Carrier ............................●Bases / ClampsPost Adaptor .................................................... Base Clamps / Slide Bases ..............................●Posts / HoldersHolding Fork / Pedestal .................................... Miniature Series ...............................................12.7mm/12mm Posts / Holders ...................... Isolated Series .................................................●Optical MountsMirrors Mounts ................................................ Prism Mounts .................................................. Polarizer Mounts .............................................. Lens Holders .................................................... Filter Holders ................................................... Cylindrical Mounts ...........................................●Tilt PlatformsSingle Axis Tilt Platforms ................................ Multi-Axis Tilt Platforms . (3)4791524272935374349525559848894111119127131136168172175185188193206210216220226229230246251253254257258264267269●Manual StagesLinear Translation Stage ...................................Dovetail Linear Stage ........................................Large Platform Stage ........................................Rotation Stage ..................................................Jack ..................................................................●Goniometers ....................................................●Multi-Axis Stages ...........................................●Angle Brackets / Adaptor Platforms ..........●Fiber Alignment Stages ................................●Beam Steering ................................................●Large Stand Rods / Clamps / Platforms ...●Spatial Filters ...................................................●Magnetic Bases ...............................................●Screws ..............................................................●Actuators ..........................................................●Motorized SeriesRotation Mount ..................................................Iris Diaphragm ...................................................Compact Controller / Switchbox ........................Filter Wheel ........................................................Linear Translation Stage ....................................Rotation Stage ....................................................Driver / Controller ..............................................●Shutters ............................................................OptoMechanicsEmail:*****************.twAOptoMechanicsB e n c h t o p I s o l a t i o n S y s t e m sB r e a d b o a r d sO p t i c a l T a b l e sO p t i c a l R a i l sB a s e s /C l a m p sP o s t s / H o l d e r sO p t i c a l M o u n t s實心鋁合金光學平板(麵包板) / Solid Aluminum Optical Breadboard* 預壓型非磁性鋁合金材料經精密加工而成的光學平板特別的平整,提供方便和高性價比平台,非常適合簡易光學架構,模型組合、量測系統的安裝和配置。



KC-01产品使用说明书深圳市必爱歌电子科技有限公司型号:KC-01(客户型号:)拟制:DN:,,email=12019.05.0514:33:57 +08'00'使用说明书审核:批准:KC-01红外控制器使用说明一、产品功能概述●可以配合TA-185、TC-190等墙板对室内红外控制的空调进行控制●内置海尔、格力、美的、东芝、长虹、LG空调遥控器的功能●可以通过学习的方式适应其他空调的控制功能●自带记忆功能,可以学习7个长度为128bit的遥控码●简单快捷的拷贝即可把母机的参数拷贝到子机上●红外发射距离0-8米二、产品外观三、技术参数●工作电压:12V●工作功耗0.7W四、功能说明1、接线拓扑图●外型尺寸:90*90*25.5mm(长*深*高)●发射距离0-8米2、选择遥控器类型按住确认键,再通电开机,LED屏幕显示“U1”,再短按确认键,LED屏幕显示“01”,表示第一个遥控器,按上下键可以选择不同的遥控器,接上发射头,按确认键可以发射从1到7的遥控码,空调收到之后会做出不同的反应。





Kinco JD与FD系列伺服选型手册中文

Kinco JD与FD系列伺服选型手册中文
额定转速 30×100(rpm)
无抱闸 抱闸
带键槽 光轴
ENCCF SME系列电机编码器线 03、05
线长3m、5m、10m、15m 10、15

动力线不含抱闸线 动力线含抱闸线
4PIN动力插头 HF0系列普通航空插头 YL22系列普通航空插头 YL24系列普通航空插头 M17系列进口航空插头 M23系列进口航空插头
上海步科自动化股份有限公司,版权所有. KO01CN39-1303
Kinco 伺服系统
Shanghai Kinco Automation Co.,Ltd.
[上海]:上海市张江高科技园区张东路1387号1幢102室 (201203) 电话:021-68798588 传真:021-68797688 [深圳]:深圳市南山区科技中二路1号深圳软件园9栋7楼 (518057) 电话:0755-26585555 传真:0755-26616372
J D 4 3 0 - A A - 0 0 0 注:此驱动器需用户自行选配电机。



开孔尺寸 165×86mm 165×78mm 165×86mm 165×78mm
MT4201T MT4200T
■ 产品主要技术参数
MT4310C MT4300C(E)
MT4404T(E) MT4424TE
MT4500T(E) MT4523T(E)
- N系列高性能全数字步进驱动器 - 传统系列步进驱动器 - 步进电机
E D系 列 可 编 程 总 线 型 伺 服 系 统 , 可 以 内 部 编 制 运 动 顺 序 控 制 程 序 , 同时可以完成多个机械轴同步、联动和实时控制。内部集成了驱 动 、 控 制 、 总 线 、I / O等 功 能 , 可 以 优 化 整 个 系 统 配 置 。 独 特 的 领 先 解决方案同时有利于系统集成商和设备制造商形成和保护专有技 术。适合于烟草机械、纺织机械、印刷机械、太阳能设备等需要快 速启停和多轴控制的场合。 拥有ED100/430/630系列化产品。
■ 产品主要技术参数
我们拥有具备现场总线通讯能力的各类自动化产品,包括集成以太 网、CANopen、Profibus等通讯能力的HMI、PLC、伺服驱动器以及 总线协议转换桥、I/O模块等。



MK系列一体机用户手册目录第一章通用说明 (4)1.1简介 (4)1.2产品列表 (4)1.3产品概述 (5)1.3.1产品规格 (5)电气规格 (5)显示部分规格 (6)规格 (6)1.3.2各部分说明 (8)1.3.3尺寸 (8)第二章PLC部分介绍 (9)2.1各部分功能介绍 (9)2.1.1CPU状态 (9)2.1.2USB编程口 (9)2.1.3串行通信口 (10)2.1.4高速脉冲计数和高速脉冲输出 (10)2.1.5边沿中断 (10)2.1.6数据保持和数据备份 (11)2.1.7实时时钟(RTC) (11)2.1.8后备电池 (11)2.2接线图 (12)2.3尺寸图 (15)2.4技术数据 (16)第三章HMI与PLC软件功能及使用 (17)3.1HMI的使用 (17)3.1.1工程制作 (17)3.1.2Kinco DTools使用手册下载链接 (19)3.2PLC的使用 (19)3.2.1概述 (19)3.2.2安装USB编程口的驱动程序 (20)3.2.3高速计数器的使用 (25)高速计数器工作模式和输入信号 (26)控制寄存器和状态寄存器 (27)预置值(PV值)设定 (28)“CV=PV”中断编号 (30)高速计数器的使用方法 (31)3.2.4高速脉冲输出功能的使用 (32)高速脉冲输出指令 (32)指令的使用 (33)一体机的高速脉冲输出功能 (33)寄存器 (35)使用PTO功能 (36)使用PWM功能 (37)3.2.5定位控制指令的使用 (38)如何修改定位控制指令的经过值 (38)定位控制指令运行过程中是否可以改变最高输出频率? (40)3.3模拟量的使用 (41)3.3.1端子接线图 (41)3.3.2测量范围和测量值表示格式 (41)3.3.3软件使用 (41)第一章通用说明1.1简介Kinco MK系列产品结合了步科HMI+PLC+物联网的优势技术,是步科公司推出的支持物联网功能的经济型一体机。

步科Kinco CD系列伺服使用手册

步科Kinco CD系列伺服使用手册

目 录前言 (1)第一章产品确认与型号说明 (2)1.1产品确认 (2)1.1.1产品确认事项(包括配线) (2)1.1.2伺服驱动器铭牌 (2)1.1.3伺服电机铭牌 (2)1.2产品各部分名称 (3)1.2.1CD2代伺服驱动器各部分名称 (3)1.2.2CD伺服驱动器各部分名称 (4)1.2.3伺服电机各部分名称 (5)1.3产品型号说明 (5)1.3.1CD伺服驱动器型号说明 (5)1.3.2伺服电机型号说明 (5)1.3.3伺服电机动力线、抱闸线、编码器线 (6)第二章使用事项及安装要求 (7)2.1注意事项 (7)2.2环境条件 (7)2.3安装方向与间距 (7)第三章CD驱动器接口及连线 (9)3.1CD2代驱动器接口介绍 (9)3.1.1CD2代驱动器接口介绍 (9)3.1.2 CD2代驱动器外部接线 (10)3.1.3 CD2代驱动器X1接口接线图 (11)3.1.4 CD2代驱动器动力接口(CD422/X3、CD432/CD622/X3和X7) (12)3.1.5 CD2代驱动器X5和X6接口 (13) X5接口 (13) X6接口 (13)3.2CD驱动器接口介绍 (14)3.2.1CD驱动器接口介绍 (14)3.2.2 CD驱动器外部接线图 (15)3.2.3 CD驱动器X1接口 (16)3.2.4 CD驱动器动力接口(CD420/X2、CD430/CD620/X2和X5) (17)3.2.5 CD驱动器X3和X4接口 (18) X3接口 (18)第四章数字操作面板 (19)4.1数字操作面板介绍 (19)4.2数字操作面板操作方法 (20)例子4-1:利用进制切换,设置电子齿轮比分母为10000 (21)例子4-2:利用位单独调节,设置速度为1000RPM和-1000RPM (21)第五章驱动器操作指南与参数介绍 (22)5.1伺服驱动器选配电机使用指南 (22)5.2试运转操作 (25)5.2.1试运转操作目的 (25)5.2.2试运转操作注意事项 (25)5.2.3试运转操作步骤 (25)5.2.4试运转操作框图 (26)5.3参数介绍 (26)参数列表:F000组(设置驱动器指令) (27)参数列表:F001组(设置实时显示数据) (28)参数列表:F002组(设置控制环参数) (29)参数列表:F003组(设置输入输出及模式操作参数) (31)参数列表:F004组(设置电机参数,我司出厂未配置电机,必须先通过d4.19设置电机型号) (34)参数列表:F005组(设置驱动器参数) (36)第六章输入输出口操作 (38)6.1数字输入信号 (38)6.1.1数字输入信号极性控制 (38)例子6-1:数字输入信号DIN1极性设置 (38)6.1.2仿真数字输入信号 (39)例子6-2:仿真数字输入口DIN1 (39)6.1.3数字输入信号状态显示 (40)6.1.4数字输入信号地址以及功能 (40)6.1.5多段电子齿轮比切换功能和多段增益切换功能介绍 (42)例子6-3:驱动器使能设置 (43)例子6-4:取消正负限位设置 (44)例子6-5:驱动器工作模式控制 (44)6.1.6数字输入口接线 (45)6.2数字输出信号 (46)6.2.1数字输出信号极性控制(详细说明参考6.1.1) (46)6.2.2仿真数字输出信号(详细请参考6.1.2) (46)6.2.3数字输出信号状态显示 (46)6.2.4数字输出信号地址以及功能 (46)例子6-6:驱动器就绪设置 (47)第七章模式操作 (52)7.1脉冲控制模式(“-4”模式) (52)7.1.1脉冲控制模式接线 (52)7.1.2脉冲控制模式相关参数介绍 (54)7.1.3脉冲控制模式例子 (57)例子7-1:脉冲控制模式“-4”(通过选择不同的方式控制驱动器使能) (57)7.2速度模式(“-3”或“3”模式) (58)7.2.1模拟-速度模式接线 (59)7.2.2模拟-速度模式相关参数介绍 (60)7.2.3 模拟信号处理 (61)7.2.4模拟-速度模式计算步骤 (62)7.2.5模拟-速度模式例子 (62)例子7-2:模拟-速度模式(不设置死区电压与偏移电压) (62)例子7-3:模拟-速度模式(设置死区电压) (64)例子7-4:模拟-速度模式(设置偏移电压) (65)例子7-5:模拟-速度模式(设置死区电压和偏移电压) (67)7.3力矩模式(“4”模式) (69)7.3.1模拟-力矩模式接线 (69)7.3.2模拟-力矩模式相关参数介绍 (70)7.3.3模拟信号处理 (70)7.3.4 模拟-力矩模式计算步骤 (72)7.3.5模拟-力矩模式例子 (72)例子7-6:模拟-力矩模式(不设置死区电压与偏移电压) (72)例子7-7:模拟-力矩模式(设置死区电压和偏移电压) (74)7.4多段位置控制模式(“1”模式) (76)例子7-8:多段位置控制 (77)7.5多段速控制模式(“-3”或“3”模式) (79)例子7-9:多段速控制 (81)7.6原点控制模式(“6”模式) (82)例子7-10:要求电机以原点模式7找原点 (89)第八章控制性能 (94)8.1驱动器性能调节 (94)8.1.1手动调节 (94)8.1.2自动调节(只用于速度环,位置环手动调节见8.1.1) (97)8.2振动抑制 (99)8.3自动正反转 (100)8.4调试范例 (101)8.4.1示波器说明 (101)第九章通讯 (109)9.1传输协议 (109)9.2数据协议 (110)9.2.1下载(上位机到从站) (110)9.2.2上传(从站到上位机) (111)例子9-1:通过通讯进行原点模式/位置模式/速度模式等控制 (113)第十章报警排除 (114)10.1报警信息 (114)10.2报警信息原因及排除 (115)第十一章 附录 (116)附录一:制动电阻规格选择 (116)附录二:保险丝规格选择 (116)Kinco CD系列伺服使用手册前言前言Kinco歩科作为中国领先的机器自动化产品与解决方案供应商,多年来一直致力于伺服系统的研究与开发。



软 件 说 明 书版本:V1.00KincoOpc 软件说明书目 录绪言 (2)1. KincoOpc服务器安装 (3)1.1 OPC服务器操作系统配置要求 (3)1.2 安装步骤 (3)2. OPC 服务器界面介绍 (6)2.1 服务器界面的组成 (6)2.1.1 标题栏 (6)2.1.2 菜单栏 (6)2.1.3工具栏 (6)2.1.4通道/ 设备 / 标签组树状区 (6)2.1.5事件日志区 (7)2.1.6标签区域 (7)2.1.7菜单说明 (7)2.2通道 (9)2.2.1 通道属性 (9)2.3 设备 (10)2.3.1 设备属性 (10)2.4 标签 (12)2.4.1 标签属性 (12)3. 创建新工程 (17)3.1 运行新建工程 (17)3.2 通道添加与设置 (17)3.3 设备添加与设置 (20)3.4 标签组添加与设置 (24)3.5 标签添加与设置 (25)3.6 工程变换 (27)3.7 CSV 导入与导出 (28)4. 服务器选项 (31)4.1 参数设置 (31)5. 客户端系统参数 (32)5.1 概要 (32)5.2 客户端视窗 (32)5.3 测试项目 (33)5.3.1 服务器连接添加 (34)5.3.2 组与标签的添加 (35)5.4 服务器连接设置 (39)5.4.1 组 (41)5.4.2 项目操作 (42)1绪言2绪 言随着工业生产过程的不断发展,工业控制软件取得了很大的进步。




KincoOpc是基于PC为终端,微软 Windows为操作系统平台、COM/DCOM访问机制的纯软件产品。




1.打开“驱动器D→基本操 作” 2.将“工作模式”写入3 3.将“目标速度”写入100 4.将“控制字”写入F,此 时电机就转起来了 5.若需要电机停止,只需 将“控制字”改为6即可
02 模式控制
-4 脉冲模式 -3 立即速度模式 4 力矩模式 1 位置模式 3 速度模式 6 找原点模式 7 插补模式
编码器接口 动力线接口
根据需求 232调试口
引脚 3 4 6
功能 驱动器发送
通讯地 驱动器接收
引脚 1 2 3
1.打开“电机M-电机配置” 2.“电机型号”里输入相应型号 3.点击“驱动器D→初始化/保存/重启”, 将弹出下面界面 4.点击“存储电机参数”,再点击“重启” 5.点击“初始化控制参数” 再点击“存储控制参数” 再点击“重启” 6.电机配置完成
1.上位机写入参数后需敲下电脑“enter”键确认 2.若电机带抱闸,需将“电机附件”改为1,然后 保存参数(并记得接抱闸线)
2.点击相应参数,右键,点击添 加,在搜索框输入相关词组,点 击搜索,即可弹出相应变量,双 击该变量即可添加到原有界面上
3.属性类型决定该变量是否支持 读写或存储
一.工作模式无法保存怎么办? 1.DIN设置“工作模式控制” 2.打开基本操作,设置“工作模式选 择0”为相应的控制模式 3.存储控制参数 二.速度无法保存怎么办? 1.DIN设置“Din速度索引0” 2.打开基本操作,右键添加“Din速度 0”,设置相应的速度 3.存储控制参数

步科Kinco 2M1180N 2M2280N User Manual 090402

步科Kinco 2M1180N 2M2280N User Manual 090402

Kinco® N系列步进驱动器 2M1180N/2M2280N使用说明书2M1180N/2M2280N步进驱动器目录第一章安全事项 (2)第二章产品概述 (3)2.1 产品确认 (3)2.2 产品型号说明 (3)2.3 产品概述 (3)2.4 产品特点 (3)2.5 产品功能 (4)2.6 应用领域 (4)第三章产品参数与安装 (5)3.1 产品参数 (5)3.2 接线端子说明 (5)3.3 接线图示 (7)3.4 控制信号时序图 (7)3.5 拨码开关设置 (8)3.6 驱动器的安装 (9)第四章常见问题及解答 (10)4.1 驱动器指示灯显示指南 (10)4.2驱动器及步进电机常见问题及解答 (10)N系列多功能细分步进电机驱动器使用手册版本说明涉及产品:2M2280N及2M1180N步进电机驱动器。

版本:V1.0日期:2009年4月2日版本历史记录版本日期更改内容V1.0 2009-4-2使用手册第一章安全事项为了避免人身伤害和财产损失,请在调试及使用驱动器前仔细阅读以下安全信息。













精工技术源自德国Precision Technology from Germany 朗科精工产品手册前言朗科精工秉承“工艺模具化、制造流水化、品牌一体化、服务全球化”的企业理念,二十年来一直专注于称重设备系统的研发、制造、方案、销售和服务,目前已发展成为专业化集团公司;我们在上海、宁波、广州、郑州开设了四家公司,在美国设立了分公司,在全球我们拥有500余名员工、23000平方米厂房。










深圳步科Kinco CD伺服使用手册KO02CN07-1011

深圳步科Kinco CD伺服使用手册KO02CN07-1011
第五章 试运转操作与参数介绍 ...........................................................................................................................................20 5.1 试运转操作 ..............................................................................................................................................................20 5.1.1 试运转操作目的 ............................................................................................................................................20 5.1.2 试运转操作注意事项 ....................................................................................................................................20 5.1.3 试运转操作步骤 ...........................................................................................................................................20 5.1.4 试运转操作框图 ...........................................................................................................................................21 5.2 参数介绍 ..................................................................................................................................................................22 参数列表:F000 组(设置驱动器指令) ............................................................................................................22 参数列表:F001 组(设置实时显示数据) ........................................................................................................23 参数列表:F002 组(设置控制环参数) ............................................................................................................24 参数列表:F003 组(设置输入输出及模式操作参数) ....................................................................................26 参数列表:F004 组(设置电机参数) ................................................................................................................28 参数列表:F005 组(设置驱动器参数) ............................................................................................................29



ContentsCONTENTS (1)CHAPTER I WELCOME TO USE KINCOBUILDER (10)1.1O VERVIEW (10)1.2G ENERAL D ESIGNATION IN THE M ANUAL (11)CHAPTER II HOW TO USE KINCOBUIL DER ... A QUICK GUIDE. (14)2.1C OMPUTER R EQUIREMENTS (14)2.1.1 Minimum hardware requirements to run KincoBuilder: (14)2.1.2 Minimum Software requirements to run KincoBuilder: (14)2.2U SER I NTERFACE OF K INCO B UILDER (16)2.3U SING K INCO B UILDER TO C REATE P ROGRAMS FOR Y OUR A PPLICATIONS (18)2.3.1 Project Components (18)2.3.2 Where to store the Project Files (19)2.3.3 Importing and Exporting a Project (19)2.4H OW T HE CPU E XECUTES I TS T ASKS IN A S CAN C YCLE? (22)2.5H OW TO CONNECT THE COMPUTER WITH THE K INCO-K5 (24)2.6H OW TO MODIFY THE CPU‟S COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS (27)2.7E XAMPLE:C OMMON S TEPS TO C REATE A P ROJECT (28)CHAPTER III CONCEPTS FOR PROGRAMMING (36)3.1POU(P ROGRAMME O RGNIZATION U NIT) (36)3.2D ATA T YPES (38)3.3I DENTIFIERS (40)3.3.1 How to define an identifier (40)3.3.2 Use of Identifiers (40)3.4C ONSTANT (41)3.5V ARIABLES (43)3.5.1 Declaration (43)3.5.2 Declaring Variables in KincoBuilder (44)3.5.3 Checking Variables (44)3.6H OW TO A CCESS PLC M EMORY (45)3.6.1 Memory Types and Characteristics (45)3.6.2 Direct Addressing (47)3.6.3 Indirect Addressing (54)3.6.4 Memory Address Ranges (56)3.6.5 Function Block and Function Block Instance (58)3.6.6 Using FB Instances (60)3.6.7 FB Instances Memory Ranges (62)CHAPTER IV HOW TO USE KINCOBUIL DER ... BASIC FUNCTION S (63)4.1C ONFIGURING G ENERAL S OFTWARE O PTIONS (63)4.2A BOUT D OCKING W INDOWS (65)4.3C ONFIGURING H ARDWARE (66)4.3.1 How to open the Hardware window (67)4.3.2 Copy and paste the hardware configuration in different projects (67)4.3.3 Add/Remove Modules (67)4.3.4 Configuring Module Parameters (68)4.4T HE I NITIAL D ATA T ABLE (77)4.4.1 Opening the Initial Data Table (77)4.4.2 Editing a Cell (77)4.4.3 Making Initial Data Assignments (78)4.4.4 Editing the Initial Data Table (78)4.5T HE G LOBAL V ARIABLE T ABLE (79)4.5.1 Opening the Global Variable Table (80)4.5.2 Declaring the Global Variables (80)4.6T HE C ROSS R EFERENCE T ABLE (82)4.6.1 Opening the Cross Reference Table (82)4.6.2 The Pop-up Menu (83)4.7T HE S TATUS C HART (84)4.7.1 Opening the Status Chart (86)4.7.2 Monitoring the Variable Value (86)4.7.3 The Force Function (86)4.7.4 Right-click Menu (87)4.7.5 Force and Cancel Force (87)4.8P ASSWORD P ROTECTION (89)4.8.1 Protection Privileges (89)4.8.2 How to change the password and the protection level (89)4.8.3 How to recover from a lost password (91)CHAPTER V HOW TO US E KINCOBUILDER ... PRO GRAMMING (92)5.1P ROGRAMMING IN IL (92)5.1.1 Overview (92)5.1.2 Rules (93)5.1.3 The IL Editor in KincoBuilder (95)5.1.4 Converting IL Program to LD Program (98)5.1.5 Debug and Monitor the Program (98)5.2P ROGRAMMING IN LD (101)5.2.1 Overview (101)5.2.2 Network (101)5.2.3 Standardized graphic symbols (101)5.2.4 The LD Editor in KincoBuilder (104)5.2.5 Monitoring and Debugging the Program (111)CHAPTER VI KINCO-K5 INSTRUCTION SET (114)6.1S UMMARY (114)6.2B IT L OGIC I NSTRUCTIONS (115)6.2.1 Standard Contact (115)6.2.2 Immediate Contact (119)6.2.3 Coil (121)6.2.4 Immediate Coil (123)6.2.5 Set And Reset Coil (124)6.2.6 Set and Reset Block Coil (126)6.2.7 Set And Reset Immediate Coil (128)6.2.8 Edge detection (129)6.2.9 NCR (NOT) (131)6.2.10 Bistable elements (132)6.2.11 ALT (Alternate) (135)6.2.12 NOP (No Operation) (137)6.2.13 Bracket Modifier (138)6.3M OVE I NSTRUCTIONS (140)6.3.1 MOVE (140)6.3.2 BLKMOVE (Block Move) (141)6.3.3 FILL (Memory Fill) (144)6.3.4 SWAP (145)6.4C OMPARE I NSTRUCTIONS (148)6.4.1 GT (Greater Than) (148)6.4.2 GE (Greater than or Equal to) (150)6.4.3 EQ (Equal to) (152)6.4.4 NE (Not Equal to) (154)6.4.5 LT (Less than) (156)6.4.6 LE (Less than or Equal to) (158)6.5L OGICAL O PERATIONS (160)6.5.1 NOT (160)6.5.2 AND (162)6.5.3 ANDN (164)6.5.4 OR (166)6.5.5 ORN (168)6.5.6 XOR (Exclusive OR) (170)6.6S HIFT/R OTATE I NSTRUCTIONS (172)6.6.1 SHL (Shift left) (172)6.6.2 ROL (Rotate left) (174)6.6.3 SHR (Shift right) (176)6.6.4 ROR (Rotate right) (178)6.6.5 SHL_BLK (Bit String Shift Left) (180)6.6.6 SHR_BLK (Bit String Shift Right) (182)6.7C ONVERT I NSTRUCTIONS (185)6.7.1 DI_TO_R (DINT To REAL) (185)6.7.2 R_TO_DI (REAL To DINT) (186)6.7.3 B_TO_I ( BYTE To INT ) (188)6.7.4 I_TO_B ( INT To BYTE ) (189)6.7.5 DI_TO_I ( DINT To INT ) (192)6.7.6 I_TO_DI ( INT To DINT ) (194)6.7.7 BCD_TO_I ( BCD To INT ) (195)6.7.8 I_TO_BCD (INT To BCD ) (196)6.7.9 I_TO_A ( INT To ASCII ) (199)6.7.10 DI_TO_A ( DINT To ASCII ) (201)6.7.11 R_TO_A ( REAL To ASCII ) (203)6.7.12 H_TO_A ( Hexadecimal To ASCII ) (206)6.7.13 A_TO_H ( ASCII to Hexadecimal ) (208)6.7.14 ENCO (Encoding) (210)6.7.15 DECO (Decoding) (212)6.7.16 SEG ( 7-segment Display) (214)6.7.17 TRUNC (Truncate) (215)6.8N UMERIC I NSTRUCTIONS (217)6.8.1 ADD and SUB (217)6.8.2 MUL and DIV (219)6.8.3 MOD (Modulo-Division) (221)6.8.4 INC and DEC (223)6.8.5 ABS (Absolute Value) (225)6.8.6 SQRT (Square Root) (226)6.8.7 LN (Natural Logarithm), LOG (Common Logarithm) (227)6.8.8 EXP(Exponent with the base e) (228)6.8.9 SIN (sine), COS (cosine), TAN (tangent) (229)6.8.10 ASIN (arc-sine), ACOS (arc-cosine), ATAN (arc-tangent) (231)6.9P ROGRAM C ONTROL (233)6.9.1 LBL and JMP Instructions (233)6.9.2 Return Instructions (235)6.9.3 CAL(Call a subroutine) (237)6.9.4 FOR/NEXT ( FOR/NEXT Loop) (240)6.9.5 END (Terminate the scan cycle) (243)6.9.6 STOP (Stop the CPU) (244)6.9.7 WDR (Watchdog Reset) (245)6.10I NTERRUPT I NSTRUCTIONS (246)6.10.1 How the Kinco-K5 handles Interrupt Routines (246)6.10.2 Interrupt Priority and Queue (246)6.10.3 Types of Interrupt Events Supported by the Kinco-K5 (246)6.10.4 Interrupt Events List (247)6.10.5 ENI (Enable Interrupt), DISI (Disable Interrupt) (248)6.10.6 ATCH and DTCH Instructions (249)6.11C LOCK I NSTRUCTIONS (253)6.11.1 Adjusting the RTC online (253)6.11.2 READ_RTC and SET_RTC (254)6.11.3 RTC_R (256)6.11.4 RTC_W (258)6.12C OMMUNICATION I NSTRUCTIONS (261)6.12.1 Free-protocol Communication (261)6.12.2 XMT and RCV (261)6.12.3 Modbus RTU Master Instructions (271)6.12.4 SDO (277)6.12.5 CAN Communication Command (283)6.13C OUNTERS (292)6.13.1 CTU (Up Counter) and CTD (Down Counter) (292)6.13.2 CTUD (Up-Down Counter) (295)6.13.3 High-speed Counter Instructions (297)6.13.4 High-speed Pulse Output Instructions (313)6.14T IMERS (329)6.14.1 The resolution of the timer (329)6.14.2 TON (On-delay Timer) (329)6.14.3 TOF (Off-delay Timer) (331)6.14.4 TP (Pulse Timer) (333)6.15PID (336)6.16P OSITION C ONTROL (341)6.16.1 Model (341)6.16.2 The correlative variables (342)6.16.3 PHOME (Homing) (344)6.16.4 P ABS (Moving Absolutely) (347)6.16.5 PREL (Moving Relatively) (349)6.16.6 PJOG (Jog) (353)6.16.7 PSTOP (Stop) (355)6.16.8 PFLO_F (356)6.16.9 Examples (358)6.17A DDITIONAL I NSTRUCTIONS (369)6.17.1 LINCO( Linear Calculation ) (369)6.17.2 CRC16 ( 16-Bit CRC ) (371)6.17.3 SPD (Speed detection) (373)APPENDIX A COMMUNICA TE USING MODBUS RTU PROTOCOL (375)1.PLC M EMORY A REA (375)1.1 Accessible Memory Areas (375)1.2 Modbus Register Number (375)2.B ASIC R EPORT F ORMAT OF M ODBUS RTU (378)2.1 Modbus RTU (378)2.2 CRC Verification Algorithm in Modbus Protocol (381)APPENDIX B DYNAMIC MODIFICATION PARAMETER OF RS485 COMMUNICA TION PORT (385)1.G ENERAL D ESCRIPTION (385)2.R EGISTER I NSTRUCTION (386)3.I NSTRUCTIONS (389)4.E XAMPLE (391)APPENDIX C DA TA BACKUP (393)APPENDIX D ERROR DIAGNOSE (394)1.E RROR L EVEL (394)2.E RROR CODES (396)3.H OW TO R EAD E RRORS O CCUR B EFORE (399)4.E RROR R EGISTER (401)APPENDIX E DEFINITION OF SM AREA (404)1.SMB0: SYSTEM STATUS BYTE (404)2.SMB2: SYSTEM CONTROL BYTE (405)3.C OMMUNICATION P ORT R ESET (406)4.O THER FUNCTIONAL VARIABLES (408)5.SMD12 AND SMD16:T IMER I NTERRUPTION C YCLE (409)Chapter I Welcome to Use KincoBuilder1.1OverviewIEC61131-3 is the only global standard for industrial control programming. Its technical implications are high, leaving enough room for growth and differentiation. It harmonizes the way people design and operate industrial controls by standardizing the programming interface. IEC 61131-3 has a great impact on the industrial control industry, and it is accepted as a guideline by most PLC manufacturers. With its far-reaching support, it is independent of any single company.KincoBuilder is the programming software for Kinco-K5 series Micro PLC, and it's a user-friendly and high-efficient development system with powerful functions.KincoBuilder is developed independently and accords with the IEC61131-3 standard. It becomes easy to learn and use because many users have acquired most of the programming skills through different channels.KincoBuilder is provided with the following features:Accords with the IEC61131-3 standardSupports two standard programming languages, i.e. IL (Instruction List) and LD (Ladder Diagram)Powerful instruction set, build-in standard functions, function blocks and other special instructionsSupports structured programmingSupports interrupt service routinesSupports subroutinesSupports direct represented variables and symbolic variables, easy to develop and manage the user project.User-friendly and high-efficient environmentFlexible hardware configuration, you can define all types of the hardware parameters1.2General Designation in the Manual▪ Micro PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)According to the general classification rules, micro PLC generally refers to the type of PLC with the control points below 128. This type of PLC usually adopts compact structure, that is, a certain number of I/O channels, output power supply, high-speed output/input and other accessories are integrated on the CPU module.▪ CPU bodyNamely, the CPU module, it‟s the core of the control system. The user program is stored in the internal storage of the CPU module after being downloaded through the programming software, and will be executed by the CPU.Meanwhile, it also executes the CPU self-test diagnostics: checks for proper operation of the CPU, for memory areas, and for the status of any expansion modules.▪ Expansion module & expansion busThe expansion module is used to extend the functions of the CPU body and it is divided into expansion I/O module (to increase the input/output channels of the system) and expansion functional module (to expend the functions of CPU).The expansion bus connects the CPU and expansion modules, and the 16-core flat cable is adopted as the physical media. The data bus, address bus and the expansion module‟s working power supply are integrated into the expansion bus.▪ KincoBuilderThe programming software for Kinco-K5 series PLC, accords with IEC61131-3 standard KincoBuilder,presently provides LD and IL languages for convenience and efficiency in developing the control programs for your applications. KincoBuilder provides a user-friendly environment to develop and debug the programs needed to control your applications.▪ CPU firmwareIt is the “operating system”of the CPU module, and is stored in the Flash memory. At power on, it starts operation to manage and schedule all the tasks of the CPU module.▪ User programIt‟s also called user project or application program, the program written by the user to execute some specific control functions. After the user program is downloaded to the CPU module, it is stored in the FRAM. At power on, the CPU module shall read it from FRAM into RAM to execute it.▪ Main program and Scan CycleThe CPU module executes a series of tasks continuously and cyclically, and we call this cyclical execution of tasks as scan.The main program is the execution entry of the user program. In the CPU, the main program is executed once per scan cycle. Only one main program is allowed in the user program.▪ Free-protocol communicationThe CPU body provides serial communication ports that support the special programming protocol, Modbus RTU protocol (as a slave) and free protocols. Free-protocol communication mode allows your program to fully control the communication ports of the CPU. You can use free-protocol communication mode to implement user-defined communication protocols to communicate with all kinds of intelligent devices. ASCII and binary protocols are both supported.▪ I/O Image AreaIncluding input image area and output image area. At the beginning of a scan cycle, signal status are transferred from input channels to the input image area; at the end of a scan cycle, the values stored in the output image area are transferred to output channels;In order to ensure the consistency of data and to accelerate the program execution, the CPU module only access the image area during each scan cycle.▪ Retentive RangesThrough “Hardware” configuration in KincoBuilder, you can define four retentive ranges to select the areas of the RAM you want to retain on power loss. In the event that the CPU loses power, the instantaneous data in the RAM will be maintained by the super capacitor, and on the retentive ranges will be left unchanged at next power on. The retaining duration is 72 hours at normal temperature.▪ Data backupData backup is the activity that you write some data into E2PROM or FRAM through relevant instruction for permanent storage. Notice: Every type of permanent memory has its own expected life, for example, E2PROM allows 100 thousand of times of writing operations and FRAM allows 10 billions of times.Chapter II How to Use KincoBuilder … A Quick GuideIn this chapter, you will learn how to install KincoBuilder on your computer and how to program, connect and run your Kinco-K5 PLC. The purpose of this chapter is to give you a quick guide, and further details will be presented in the following chapter.2.1 Computer Requirements2.1.1 Minimum hardware requirements to run KincoBuilder:CPU: 1 GHz or higherHard disk space: at least 20M bytes of free spaceRAM: 512M or moreKeyboard, mouse, a serial communication port256-color VGA or higher, 1024*768 or higher2.1.2 Minimum Software requirements to run KincoBuilder:Operating system: Windows XP(32bit), Windows Vista(32bit), Windows7(32/64bit), Windows8 (32/64bit), Windows 8.1(32/64bit)Users may find errors when running KincoBuilder on OS of Windows 7 or above. Possible solutions are as follows:[COM] port in the Communication setting is nullKincoBuilder detects available COM port on a computer by reading the hardware information in the REGEDIT. In previous versions, KincoBuilder requires authorities from the Administrators to run; otherwise it shows null port lists.In the latest version, KincoBuilder will automatically detect branches. If KincoBuilder is not given authority to read port list, it will list ports from COM1 to COM9 for user to choose manually.KincoBuilder unable to run on computersUsers may turn to Compatibility Mode to run KincoBuilder and set as follows:Right click the shortcut of “KincoBuilder V1.5.x.x” and click [Properties];Click [Compatibility] in [Properties] dialogues, as shown in figure 2-1Figure 2-1 “Compatibility Mode” setting Figure 2-2 Open with SyncFail when using USB to RS232 convertor to communicate with PLCThe failure is caused by the driver programme of the convertor not compatible with the computer. Most of cases are caused with 64-bit Windows 7.Open KincoBuilder and find [Tool] →[Software Setting] →[Open Port Parallel], click “Open Port with Sync” and click “OK”. See figure 2-2.Afterwards KincoBuilder will open ports with sync and in most cases will successfully work.2.2 User Interface of KincoBuilderThe user interface uses standard Windows interface functionality along with a few additional features to make your development environment easy to use.Figure 2-1 User Interface of KincoBuilder▪Menu: It contains all the operation commands in KincoBuilder.▪Toolbar: It provides easy mouse access to the most frequently used operation commands.▪Statusbar: It provides status information and prompts for the operations.▪Manager: The Manager window provides a tree view of all project objects, including PROGRAM, Hardware,Global Variable, etc, and this can assist you in understanding the structure of the project. The project manager is a convenient tool for program organization and project management. A context menu will pop up when you right click on any tree node.▪Editor: It includes the Variable Table and the Program Editor (IL or LD). You can programming in the Program Editor and declare the local variables and input/output parameters of the POU in the Variable Table.▪Instructions: LD instruction set and IL instruction set. Here a tree view of all the available instructions is provided.▪Output: The Output Window displays several types of information. Select the tab at the base of the window to view the respective information: the “Compile”window displays the latest compiling information and the “Common” window displays some information concerning the latest operations.2.3 Using KincoBuilder to Create Programs for Your Applications2.3.1 Project ComponentsIn this manual, a user program and a user project have the same meaning.While programming for a specific application, you need to configure the controllers used in your control system, define symbolic variables and write all kinds of POUs, etc. In KincoBuilder, all of these data (including POUs, hardware configuration, global variables, etc.) are organized to structure a user project. You can manage the project information consistently and easily.The components of a project are described in the following table. The items marked with “Optional” are not essential components in the project, so you can ignore them.Table 2-1 Project Components2.3.2 Where to store the Project FilesWhen creating a project, KincoBuilder firstly ask you to specify a full path for the project file, and then an empty project file (with the ".kpr" extension) shall be created and saved in this path. In addition, a folder with the same name as the project shall be also created in this path; this folder is used to store all the program files, variable files and other temporary files of the project.For example, if you create a project named “example” in “c:\temp” directory, the project file path is“c:\temp\example.kpr”, and other files are stored in the “c:\temp\example” folder.2.3.3 Importing and Exporting a ProjectKincoBuilder provides [File]>[Import…] and [File]>[Export…] menu commands for you to backup and manage a project.[Export…]Compress all the files related to the current project into one backup file (with the “.zip” extension). Select the [File]> [Export…] menu command.The dialog box “Export Project…” appears, as shown in Figure 2-2.Figure 2-2 Export the ProjectSelect the path and enter the filename, then click [Save].The backup file for the current project shall be created.[Import…]Import a project from an existing backup file (with the extension .zip) and open it.Select the [File]> [Import…] menu command.The dialog box “Import Project…” appears, as shown in Figure 2-3.Figure 2-3 Import a Project: Select a backup fileSelect a backup file, and then click [Open].The following dialog box appears for you to select the directory to save the restored project files.Figure 2-4 Import a Project: Select the destination directorySelect a directory, then click [OK], and the project files shall be restored into the selected directory, withthat the restored project shall be opened.2.4 How The CPU Executes Its Tasks in a Scan Cycle?The CPU module executes a series of tasks continuously and cyclically, and we call this cyclical execution of tasks as scan. Only can the main program and interrupt routines be executed directly in the CPU module. The main program is executed once per scan cycle; an interrupt routine is executed once only on each occurrence of the interrupt event associated with it.The CPU module executes the following tasks in a scan cycle, as shown in Figure 2-11:Figure 2-5 Scan CycleExecuting the CPU diagnostics: The CPU module executes the self-test diagnostics to check for proper operation of the CPU, for memory areas, and for the status of the expansion modules.Read the inputs: The Kinco-K5 samples all the physical input channels and writes these values to the input image areas.Executing the user program: The CPU module executes the instructions in the main program continuously and updates the memory areas.Processing communication requestsWriting to the outputs: The Kinco-K5 writes the values stored in the output areas to the physical output channels.Interrupt events may occur at any moment during a scan cycle. If you use interrupts, the CPU module willinterrupt the scan cycle temporarily when the interrupt events occur and immediately execute the corresponding interrupt routines. Once the interrupt routine has been completed, control is returned to the scan cycle at the breakpoint.Figure 2-6 Execution of Interrupt Routines2.5 How to connect the computer with the Kinco-K5The CPU module provides an integrated RS232 or RS485 serial communication port to communicate with other equipments. Here we discuss how to connect a CPU module (with RS232 port) with the computer to start programming the Kinco-K5 PLC using KincoBuilder.Launch KincoBuilder, open an existing project or create a new project;Connect the serial port of the computer with that of the CPU module with a proper programming cable. Notice: RS232 connections are not hot-swappable, so you must switch off the power supply for at least one side (the CPU module or the computer) before you connect/disconnect the cable. Otherwise, the port may be damaged.②Configure the parameters of the computer‟s serial communication port. Notice: Communications can’t be established unless the serial communication parameters of the computer’s port are identical with those of the CPU’s port.Select [Tools]>[Communications…] menu command, or double-click the [Communications] node in the Manager window, or right-click the [Communications]node and select the [Open] command on the pop-up menu, then the “Communications” dialog box appears.Figure 2-7 The “Communications ” Dialog BoxSelect the station number of the target PLC in the [Remote] list box; Select a COM port used on the computer in the [Port] list box; Configure the parameters of the selected COM port (including[Baudrate], [Parity], [Data Bits] and [Stop Bits]) according to those of the CPU‟s port, and then click [OK] button to save and apply them.If you don‟t know the communication parameters of the CPU‟s port, how to acquire them?There are two ways:Select a [Port] used on the computer, then click [Search] button to make KincoBuilder search for the parameters of the online CPU module automatically. It shall take several seconds to several minutes to complete. If the search completes successfully, KincoBuilder will automatically configure the appropriate parameters for the computer.Turn off the power supply for the CPU module; Place its operation switch at STOP position; Then turn the power supply on, and now the CPU‟s port will use the default serial communication parameters: Station number, 1; Baudrate, 19200; None parity check; 8 data bits; 1 stop bit. You can configure the computer‟sserial COM port according to these parameters. Notice: Do not change the switch’s position until you have modified the CPU’s communication parameters.After you have configured the communication parameters of the computer‟s COM port, you are ready to program the Kinco-K5 PLC.2.6 How to modify the CPU’s communication parametersAfter you have connected a CPU module with the computer, you can modify its communication parameters at will using KincoBuilder.First, open the “Hardware” window by using one of the following ways:⏹Double-click the [Hardware] node in the Manager window;⏹Right-click the [Hardware] node, and then select the [Open…] command on the pop-up menu. The upper part of the hardware window shows a detailed list of the PLC modules in table form, and we call it Configuration Table. The Configuration Table represents the real configuration; you arrange your modules in the Configuration Table just as you do in a real control system.The lower part of the hardware window shows all the parameters of the selected module in the Configuration Table, and we call it Parameters Window.Select the CPU module in the Configuration Table, and then select the [Communication Ports] tab in the Parameters Window. Now, you can modify the communication parameters here, as shown in the following figure.Figure 2-8 Communication ParametersAfter you have modified the parameters, you must download them into the CPU module. Notice: The configuration parameters won’t take effect unless they are downloaded.2.7 Example: Common Steps to Create a ProjectIn order to help the beginners to understand the Kinco-K5 quickly, in the following we‟ll use a simple example to introduce some common steps for creating and debugging a project step by step. Please refer to the related sections to know a specific function in detail in the following chapters.Assume that we shall create the following project:Project: named “Example”;Hardware: a Kinco-K506-24A T CPU module;Control logic: Toggle Q0.0---Q0.7 in turn and cyclically. For better structure, we use two POUs: a subroutine named “Demo” to realize the control logic; the Main Program named “Main” in which “Demo”is invoked.Firstly, launch KincoBuilder.If necessary, modify the defaults used in KincoBuilder by using the following way:Select the [Tools]>[Options…] menu commandThe “Options” dialog box appears, in which you can configure some defaults, e.g. the default “Programming language”, etc. These defaults will be saved automatically; and so you just need configure them once before the next modification.Default programming language is [LD Ladder Diagram].Create a new project by using one of the following ways:Select the [File]>[New project...] menu commandClick the icon in the toolbarThe “New Project…” dialog box appears. You just need to enter the project name and assign its directory, and then click [Save], the new project shall be created.For this example, let‟s select “D:\temp” as the project directory, and name the project as “Example”.Modify the hardware configuration. You can configure the hardware at any time. However, because the hardware configuration is necessary for a project, you are recommended to complete it at first.When a new project has been created, KincoBuilder will automatically add a default CPU assigned in the “Options” dialog box.You can open the “Hardware” window by using one of the following ways:⏹Double-click the [Hardware] node in the Manager window;⏹Right-click the [Hardware] node, and then select the [Open…] command on the pop-up menu. Please refer to 2.6 How to modify the CPU‟s communication parameters for detailed steps.For this example, a Kinco-K506-24A T module with the default parameters is used.Initializing dataYou may initialize the data at any time. You may assign initial values to BYTE, WORD, DWORD, INT, DINT and REAL variables in V area. Before CPU is turned power on and enters into the main loop, the initial data will be processed and the initial values assigned by the user will be valued corresponding addresses.NOTE: Any memory areas that permanently saved by orders as “initialize data”or “data maintain”will be recovered or valued after CPU enters into the main loop. They will follow a sequence: recover the memory as per defined in “data maintain”, initialize value of areas as per defined in “initialize data”, recover permanently saved data as per defined by users.Create the example programs.KincoBuilder provides IL and LD programming languages. You can select the [Project]>[IL] or [Project]>[LD] menu command to change the current POU‟s language at will.For this example, a main program named “Main”and a subroutine named “Demo”shall be written in LD language.。





进入软件界面,由菜单栏—扩展功能—写驱动器配置,直接把用户调试好的驱动器数据name .cdi 文件,下载到驱动器。

注:必须从网站 下载最新软件。




驱动器按键操作上位机软件操作与PC 连接通讯线CD120-AA-000√CD420-AA-000 CD430-AA-000 CD620-AA-000 CD421-AA-000 √ √JD430-AA-000 JD620-AA-000√ √(1) 配置电机(按键操作)请用户务必正确配置电机型号后再重启驱动器。








工控编程吧 工控编程吧

F1 PLC Fast Start
Step1 Install Target File
• Press "InstallTarget" in CoDeSys as following figure.
Step 3 Communication Parameters
• When you need to download program to F1 PLC.First you need to set communication parameters as following figure.
• Choose a language of the POU.Here we choose “LD”,then press OK;
• Following figure is the program interface of CoDeSys.Then we can begin to program.
• Create a new project,it will popup following window,then choose F122-D1608T PLC.
• Press OK,it will popup following window.We can set all the parameters by default Then press OK to finish the configuration.
Step 2 Programming
• Open Codesys V2.3,as following figure:



1. 内部编程功能在搬运机械手上应用
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135 t
2. 内部编程功能在塑料圆织机上应用-1
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