【最新2018】唐顿庄园经典台词-经典语录-对白-句子-语句-片段-桥段-精选word文档 (7页)
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唐顿庄园经典台词1)、Everything seems so golden one minute, then turns to ashesthe next.-一切本是那么美好,突然间就灰飞烟灭。
2)、I said you could go for a drink of water, not a trip up the Nile.我让你来喝点水,又不是让你去尼罗河。
3)、I will love you until my last breath leave my hody.我将爱你至死不渝。
4)、你站在道德高地上不冷吗5)、“——you have lived your life and I have lived mine . and now it is time we lived it together . ——we have been on the edge of this so many times , Matthew . please do not take me there again unless you are sure . —— I am sure . —— you must say it properly .I will not answer unless you kneel down and everything .—— will you6)、Its a big thing to give up your whole world.放弃你的整个世界,这不是小事。
唐顿庄园经典台词中英文摘抄1. "What's a weekend?" - Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham「什么是周末?」-葛兰瑟姆夫人维奥莱特·克劳利「我把那个当作是一种赞美。
」-马丽夫人3. "You're a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do." - Lady Grantham「你是一个拥有头脑和合理才能的女人。
」-格兰瑟姆夫人4. "I don't believe in types. I believe in people." - Tom Branson「我不相信什么类型,我相信人。
」-汤姆·布兰森5. "We're stuck with this lot, darling. Try to make the best of it." - Dowager Countess of Grantham「亲爱的,我们和这些人被捆绑在一起,尽量做出最好的努力吧。
」-葛兰瑟姆夫人维奥莱特·克劳利6. "No one wants to be foretold the weather." - Lady Violet Crawley「没有人想要对天气提前有所预测。
」-葛兰瑟姆夫人维奥莱特·克劳利7. "I've always lived by the rule that if you can't say something nice, then you shouldn't say anything at all." - Daisy Mason「我一直坚信,如果你无法说出一些好话,那你更应该保持沉默。
(Carson)Oh,pardonmeforliving.好家伙There’smorathanonewaytoskinacat.条条大路通罗马Don’tcatchmeout!别抬杠(Cora)Thatisallofit!没得商量(Robert)Dropusaline.写封信来(Anna)Butthenagain,it’sanillwind但话说回来,祸兮福所倚第二集What’veyougotthere?看什么呢?(Anna)Isityourplacetodoso?这话轮的到你说吗?(Cora)Alaughingstock笑柄Youcan’tbeserious.你不会开玩笑吧?(Mary) Ihaveafeelingwewillsinkorswimtogether.恐怕我们要共度过这个难关。
【优质文档】看《唐顿庄园》学英式俚语1-推荐word版 (2页)
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1. 睡到自然醒
清晨六点, Daisy 把各屋的女仆叫醒,这时 Anna 睡眼朦胧地说:
Just for once in my life , Id like to sleep until I woke up natural .
2. 太阳打西边出来
Mrs Patmore 对早晨的炉火还很旺表示不可思议,她说:
Oh , my , my , will wonders never cease ?
3. 说你迟了,你就是迟了
Thomas 见到 William 后, William 赶紧说,我没迟到吧,但 Thomas 可不这么想。
Youre late when I say youre late .
4. 我会记清楚的
Thomas 向 Bates 交代工作, Bates 向他表态说:
Ill get the hang of it .。
1. When something bad happens, there's no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimize the damage.事情已经发生了,还希望事情不要发生没有意义,当务之急是减少损失。
•2. We all carry scars, Mr. Bates, inside or out.贝茨先生,我们都有伤疤,无论是内伤还是外伤。
3. No she's not being rude, just wrong.她没有对我无理,她只是无知。
4. You are no different to the rest of us, remember that.记住这点:你和别人没有任何不同。
5. "Love is like riding, or speaking French. If you don't learn it young, it's hard to get the trick of it later. 爱,就好比骑马、说法语。
"6. A woman of my age can face reality far better than most men.我这个年龄的女人比大部分男人还能面对现实。
7. You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. 有志者事竟成。
唐顿庄园奶奶经典语录1. “人生啊,就像一场盛大的舞会,你得时刻准备好迈出优雅的舞步。
”比如在面对困难时,奶奶会说:“难道你要像个呆子一样站着不动?赶紧像在舞会上那样动起来啊!”2. “别总是哭哭啼啼的,这世界可不会因为你的眼泪就对你格外开恩。
”就像玛丽遇到挫折时在那抹眼泪,奶奶就会说:“瞧瞧你,哭能解决问题吗?这世界又不是你一哭就围着你转!”3. “该果断的时候就得果断,不然机会就像煮熟的鸭子飞了。
”当有人犹豫不决时,奶奶会说:“你还在那磨蹭什么呢?难道要等机会自己跑掉吗?”4. “爱情可不是生活的全部,别傻愣愣地只知道追求爱情。
”就像伊迪丝为情所困时,奶奶会说:“哎呀,你就不能醒醒吗?生活可不只有爱情那点事儿啊!”5. “尊严比什么都重要,可别为了点小利就把尊严丢了。
”当有人试图走捷径时,奶奶会摇头说:“你以为得到了好处,可你把尊严丢到哪里去了呢?”6. “时尚会过时,但优雅永远不会。
”看着孙女们的穿着,奶奶会点评:“这穿的都是啥呀,难道不知道优雅才是永恒的吗?”7. “人要有骨气,不能随便就被人欺负了。
”当有人受了委屈却不吭声,奶奶会气道:“你怎么这么窝囊,就不能挺直腰板吗?”8. “家族荣誉可不是嘴上说说,要用行动去维护。
”在家族面临危机时,奶奶会严肃地说:“都这个时候了,还不知道为家族荣誉努力吗?”9. “有时候要学会睁一只眼闭一只眼,别什么都较真。
”看到有人为小事争执,奶奶会说:“哎呀,至于这么计较吗?就不能糊涂一点吗?”10. “生活充满了惊喜和意外,要随时做好准备。
2.11.but it's all at sixes and sevens today.乱七八糟2.How can that be? You were told you weren't wanted for active service. You can't jump in the army like a jack-in-the-box.3.You'll be putting me out of a job.4.I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.5. Your father has no one but you,of course he doesn'twant you to enlist.5.Ha! That'll come as a nasty shock.令人不快的事物6.Ethel, are you settling in?适应了吗7.I would be if Anna would stop teaching me how to suck eggs令人讨厌, 班门弄斧8.He's got enough on his hands9.I must remember to put Anna on alert for dinner tonight.10.I suppose they don't want to tempt fate冒险;玩命., 会招致不幸的11.We'd all hoped that he and Mary would sort things out between them整理, 找出解决问题的办法12.You've got a cheek on your first day.面颊, 对…大胆无礼13.As you can imagine, Molesley's father is beside himself with joy发狂14.He may love me, but he doesn't own me. He's not being fair.15.so Papa and I thought it would be a good time to mend our fences.16.I shouldn't have thought he was Papa's type at all.17.So, that's Mary's replacement.Well, I suppose looks aren't everything.18.I thought you'd come round to him.改变主意, 转而同意, 接受19.I don't think we're ever going to see eye to eye on this, Mrs Hughes.看法一致20.I thought caution was a virtue.21.That’s not snobbish, I suppose势利的22.They do have a vacancy. It's very short notice, because someone dropped out.23.My, my. You're very well-placed if you're ever in trouble with the law.置于适当地点的;瞄得准的;有良好的职位或社会地位的24.It does if you mean it.你当真就算25.I would go so far as to say there is no food on the earth that is supposed to look like that.我敢说26.It's my lucky charm. I've had it always. So, you must promise to bring it back without a scratch.27.Just come back safe and sound.28.I mean it. You send me off to war a happy man.29.What is this dark secret?30.but I am uneasy with surprises at the best of times and I wonder if the whole exercise is entirely appropriate在最有利的情况下31.so please don't give me away.32.Suit yourself.随你便;按自己的意愿行事33.I'll take the blame. 承担过错34.wasn't my patience rewarded.35.Well! That takes the ticket for the tale of the year.36.It's a pack of lies!一派胡言37.your precious Anna’s going to figure in the story, too.被计算进,被考虑入,被包括进:38.Be my guest.请自便,别客气39.till we get ourselves sorted处理停当40.I owe him my loyalty!"讲义气41.I'm sorry, Bates, that was a low shot.失态42.I thought we'd crossed a great divide successfully. Well, 跨过了鸿沟43.well. I've had my say.It's your life. But you've disappointed me, Bates.该说的我都说了44.that I must give my vows another chance. I had no right to involve you in my life.破镜重圆45.You're doing something gallant here, making a sacrifice for my honour,英勇的,勇敢的;华丽的;雄伟的46.Don't be so hard on yourself. No one wants to go to war为难自己47.What is this driving mania?狂热;狂躁;热衷48.Oh, please stop treading on eggshells. I've other fish to fry另有更重要的事情要做;另有企图49.That means he'll be in full fig.穿着盛装50.It'll be hard to let you go, my last link with home.51.I've told myself and told myself you're too far above me, but things are changing. When the war is over, the world won't be the same place as it was when it started. And I'll make something of myself, I promise.出人头地52.Then bet on me. And if your family casts you off, itwon't be forever. They'll come around. And until they do, I promise to devote every waking minute to y our happiness.不遗余力53.Please don't make fun of me. It's cost me all I've got to say these things.我鼓足了勇气才说出这番话54.I promise, Carson. You can drop the last veil.面55.But you are saying that Bates fell on his sword to protect the reputation of my family.自刎。
毕业即分手!毕业即失业!致这操蛋的青春!1.Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it.Every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.有的菊花全开了,露出鹅黄的花蕊;有的菊花半开着,像位害羞的小姑娘,尤其是含苞欲放的花骨朵儿,在绿叶的衬托下,显得格外娇美。
——《唐顿庄园》2.There can be too much truth in any relationships.人与人之间实话说得太多也会物极必反。
——《唐顿庄园》3.I will love you until the last breath leaves my body.56:女人本是无泪的天使,因为遇见爱的人就落下泪来,落入凡间,所以男人不能辜负女人,因为女人为他放弃了整个天堂!我会一直爱你,直到咽下最后一口气。
——《唐顿庄园》4.I know,and I know I said a mother's love was worth more than all they had to give,but I said it for me,not for him.我知道,我也知道我说过母爱胜过他们能给他的一切,但那时私心,不是为他。
——《唐顿庄园》校园生活埋葬着我们的青春,下面为大家搜集了一篇“校园唯美句子”,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友!5.Love is like riding,or speaking French.If you don't learn it young,it's hard to get the trick of it later.爱,就好比骑马、说法语。
1. “我亲爱的,难道生活不是一场华丽的冒险吗?就像在唐顿庄园里,每天都有新故事发生!”比如老夫人看到孙女为爱情纠结时说这话。
2. “哼,年轻人总是那么冲动,就像没头苍蝇似的,唐顿庄园可不允许这样!”当孙子做事莽撞时老夫人会这么说。
3. “在唐顿庄园,传统就是一切,这有什么不好理解的呢?”老夫人对试图改变传统的人说。
4. “哎呀呀,这些麻烦事,就跟唐顿庄园的走廊一样弯弯曲曲!”面对家族的一些棘手问题时老夫人会感叹。
5. “难道你们不知道尊重长辈吗?在唐顿庄园这可是最基本的!”当晚辈们对她不敬时老夫人会这样斥责。
6. “唐顿庄园的名声可不能毁在你们手里,这责任你们担得起吗?”老夫人对可能损害家族名声的人说。
7. “这里的规矩可不是随便说说的,就像唐顿庄园的根基一样重要!”老夫人教导新来的仆人时会这么讲。
8. “你们这些年轻人啊,就是没经历过风浪,唐顿庄园以前可比这复杂多了!”老夫人对晚辈们感慨。
9. “哼,这点小事都办不好,还不如唐顿庄园的厨子呢!”看到有人做事不力时老夫人会如此讥讽。
10. “唐顿庄园的辉煌可不是一天建成的,你们也得努力啊!”老夫人鼓励家人时会说这话。
I don’t want George to catch it.别让乔治学坏了。
Put it there and I’ll see to it. 放那就好,我来。
Daisy is grumbling because they did’t replace Ivy.黛西在发牢骚,艾薇走了没找人替上。
I doubt I’ll be troubled by it.我可不会担心这么遥远的事情。
I don’t want to be pursued by him or Lord anyone.我不想他追求我,或者别的什么伯爵。
Oh, it that the time? We mustn’t hold you up. 这么晚了吗?可不能耽误了您There is nothing simpler than avoiding people you don’t like. 想避开不喜欢的人,这还不简单。
Well,you know me.“irresistible”is my middle name. 你知道我就是这样,天生人见人爱You are their traditional leader and they like you to pray with them,in mourning and in gratitude. 你是他们的传统领导人,他们希望在哀悼和致敬时,跟你一同祈祷。
That’s it. And he is a considerable figure in the village.正是,而且他在村子里德高望重。
Oh, i don’t know,it might be rather fun for her to reinvent herself as a great lady of the county and put us all in our proper place. 不好说,如果她能重塑自我,成为郡里受人尊敬的夫人,让我们都摆正自己的位置,或许会很有意思。
唐顿庄园台词范文以下是一些《唐顿庄园》中的经典台词:1. "What is a weekend?"(什么是周末?) - 贾尼斯夫人这句台词凸显了英国上层社会与下层社会在对待休闲时间上的差别。
2. "I was born in a world you wouldn't understand."(我出生在你无法理解的世界。
) - 玛丽·克劳利夫人玛丽用这句台词回应了贵族们对她出身的质疑,表达了她成长背景与唐顿庄园里人们的差异。
3. "You men have no idea what we're dealing with, do you?Just because you have power doesn't mean you're right."(你们这些男人根本不知道我们在处理什么,是吧?仅仅拥有权力并不意味着你们是正确的。
) - 艾德丽安娜·布鲁克这句台词表现了艾德丽安娜对当时社会极端男权主义的不满和质疑。
4. "No one wants to kiss a girl in black."(没人愿意亲吻一个身穿黑色礼服的女孩。
) - 玛丽玛丽·塔尔顿这句台词展现了玛丽玛丽对她在社交场合中的角色和穿着的困惑。
5. "I'm a woman, Mary. I can be as contrary as I choose."(我是一个女人,玛丽。
) - 片尾歌词这句台词强调了女性在那个时代中为了自由和平等权利而斗争的精神。
6. "You have a straightforward choice. You must choose either death or life."(你只有两个简单的选择,要么选择死亡,要么选择活着。
2.41. Oh, all right. One song, and that's your lot.(份额;许多;命运)你命该如此,就这么多2.I need to steal you for a minute.你的过来帮我个忙3. Please, can it wait? I've a mountain to get through.我简直应接不暇4. He lives in a tough world.世间险恶5. And you can dance on the grave of a fallen family捡没落家族的便宜6. It's time to move forward.7. Does she have anyone in her sights?8. Are you sure she has no chap in mind?9. How odd. I had an endless series of crushesat her age.芳心悸动have a crush on暗恋,迷恋10. Really, Granny. How can you say that I am too worldly, but Sybil's not worldly enough?11. Well, we'll see about that.我们走着瞧12. I mean it! I cannot operate where I am notvalued. You must see that.13. But all the volunteers are spoken for.已被预订的.被抢走了14.Anna said you were honouring us withyour presence at dinner.15. You've been taking those logic pills again.你又开始过度思考了16. What did you want me to do? Tell him toget knotted?[英国口语][用于祈使语气]别烦我;滚开;见鬼去17.Well, you know what they say, be carefulwhat you wish for老话说的好,别许错了愿18.He says he parted with Your Lordship onbad terms. He felt it might beembarrassing.不和;关系不好19. I don't have time to get up to anything else我没有世间做别的事20. I just want you to be on your guard.提醒你一下21. Well, don't jump down my throat, dear. I'monly offering friendly advice.粗暴地与我讲话22. Let's not fall to pieces quite yet我们险别乱了阵脚23. There's no reason why you should.随时愿意效劳24. I may not be a woman of the world, but Idon't live in a sack!见过世面/ 孤陋寡闻25. I'm sure. It's cost her job.26. She can’t hold me now她再无法要挟我了27. It’s no good in thinking he can turn up herewithout a moment’s notice and be cock of the walk有威望的领导人/ 称王称霸的人28. More than all that, I loved him like a son更重要的是29. Then why did she start talking about“inappropriate friendship”out ofnowhere?30. It's just Granny being Granny. Don't makesuch a thing of it.奶奶就是这样,没必要大惊小怪31. I don't deserve to be told off not by her orby you.责备32. I'm just trying to get it straight in my head.理清思绪33. Oh, darling, darling, don't be such a baby.This isn't fairyland.别耍小孩脾气34. He is frightfully full of himself.及其自以为是35. Mr Bates. You're a sight for sore eyes.见到你真高兴(原见的人和物)36. So, we've both returned, you and I. Coupleof bad pennies.不想要偏又出现的人(或物);不受欢迎的人(或物)37. That's all. That's it. The rest is detail.就这么简单,这才是关键, 其他的都不重要38. I want a clean break and not an openwound if we can just be patient a littlewhile longer.一刀两断而不是藕断丝连39. It didn't seem right to keep you in thedark.40. You mean, you're going to let them getaway with it?做了坏事而未受惩罚;侥幸成功45. Just because you're a poacher turnedgamekeeper, there's no need for rudeness.(偷猎者变成了猎场看守人)身份变了,出人头地46. I think Barrow has taken it on board.(纳入考虑范围)会长记性47. He's getting grander than Lady Mary andthat's saying something.重大的,显要的48. Well, now I've seen everything.这下我可开眼了50. I hardly know him, but I'm sure I'll likehim when I do. That's if he's good to you.If he's not, he'll have me to answer to我饶不了他51. I've lived in such a fog of misery since Ileft you苦不堪言52. I knew nothing bad had happened. I felt itin me waters直觉告诉我53. What about you? Did you have me boxedup and buried?把我忘了吗。
1.I f something's wrong, put it right!2.T hen you refer them to me and I'll give them a piece of my mind. Hmm?告诉/严厉地责备3.F ancy a tour in England, Davis? 想回英国玩玩吗4.I assume you're having me on, sir.拿我寻开心5.A nd keep people's spirits up,which is very important.6.N o reason. I only meant I hope you're enjoying yourself. I know I would be in your shoes.7.Y ou be careful, Mary. Sir Richard Mustn't think you're after him.8.T he truth is neither here nor there. 不相干;与题目不相干;不重要;It's the look of the thing that matters. Ask Rosamund. It'll take the edge off it.使情形缓和9.M y dear, Rosamund is not a house party. She's blood.10.They can dig something up11.Why not? He's got broad shoulders.能担负重任; 能担当重任; 身体结实12.I expect there's no end to the things they could manage.13.I understand, milord. But we'd rather know the worst than wonder.14.which should do the trick.解决问题/ 对……有用15.There's room for sentiment, but not sentimentality.16.She's a soppy sort.自做多情的17.It's not so bad. And it lived up to its name and got me home.18.We'll have none of your cheek,thank you, Thomas.别这么放肆19.And tell her I mean it. Really.20.You can cover for Nurse Crawley21.Is everything under control?22.Stage fright.23.Thank God Touch wood但愿走好运24.What do you think Mary sees in him?25.So now you've met Granny. I warn you, shehas very strong opinions.26.You don't think she'd be happier with a more traditional set-up?27.I must trust the dinner to you.28.I don't understand it. He seemed so solid when I met him, even taciturn. Now he's a bundle of29.nerves.沉默寡言的;无言的,不太说话的/ 神经极紧张的人30.As if any man in his right mind could prefer Miss Swire to you.31.But I'm not ashamed of being what they call a self-made man. I'm proud of it.32.But even I will concede that the heart d oes not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood33.That is charming. Especially from you. But Mary seems to have...blotted her copybook in some way.有污点,34.Sir Richard is powerful and rich, and well on the way to a peerage. Of course, he maynot be all that one would wis h, but Mary can soon smooth off the rough edges.35.How can Matthew have chosen that little blonde piece?36.I was merely reminding you it was in my power.37.Miss Swire and I were just talking about old times.38.Well, they do say honesty's the best policy,39.But I cannot see what other course was open to me.40.There is a solution and it's staring us in the face.远在天边,近在眼前41.After this I think they can be made to他们不同意也得同意42.But I can't help thinking that tradition demands a little mention of love.43.Your proposal is improving by leaps and bounds飞跃地,突飞猛进地44.I'm counting on it.She's awfully cut up that I have to go early, 难过45.I'm sorry you've had a wasted journey 白跑一趟46.No, no. I just needed a word with you.47.No. You see...if you had a child and that child was taken from you. If--if the child was sent to the moon, there'd never be one day when they were out of your thoughts. Nor one moment when you weren't praying for their welfare, even if you knew you'd never see them again.48.But when there's so much good can be done. 这是行善积德的事49.To say nothing of pocketing the spoons50.So now I’m an outsider51.At the front...the men pray to be spared, of course...but if that's not to be...they pray for a bullet that kills them cleanly. For too many of them today, that prayer had not been answered.幸免/ 大难不死52.William? What a treat to see you. And howsmart you look. Welcome. 见到你太好了53.She’s found her métier她找到了用武之地54.Too late for second thoughts now,现在改主意太晚了55.. And breakfast is not a taxing assignment.56.I'm afraid we've all bullied you into the whole thing. 逼你这样做57.Not dreading it, exactly, but it's a brave new world we're headed for, no doubt about that. We must try to meet it with as much grace as we can muster. 从容得面对。
2唐顿庄园精彩句子Season OneSeries Two第二集继承人Matthew Crawley 和他的母亲Isobel Crawley来到唐顿庄园。
母亲Isobel Crawley则坚持在领地内的医院工作,并成功救助了一名重病的农夫。
1. I still don't see why I couldn't just refuseit. 我还是不明白为什么我不能直接推辞2. There's no mechanism for you to do so.你无法这么做3. But nothing's settled yet. 一切尚未确定4. Not while your mother breathes air.老夫人只要尚有余息绝不会善罢甘休5. I have to be myself, Mother. I'll be no useto anyone if I can't be myself.我得做我自己妈妈否则我将一无是处6. Well, they're clearly going to push one of thedaughters at me.显而易见他们定要把一位女儿强嫁给我7. So what are they like? 他们是什么样的人- She's nice enough, but he's...very full ofhimself. 她人挺好的但他...很是妄自尊大8. Did you hear me call or have you goneselectively deaf? 你故意当我耳旁风啊?9. And never make me remind you of it again.只此一次下不为例10. Well. It seems a very silly occupation fora grown man.你是个男子汉做这工作有点可笑11. Now he's here, I don't see any future in it.Not the way things are现在他来了就目前这情形再挣扎也是无用12. Why do you always have to be pretend to benicer than the rest of us你怎么老充好人,让我们唱白脸13. Don’t push your luck别得寸进尺14. Glad to catch you alone. 就剩你一个人正好.15. For once in your life, will you please just listen! 请你听我说好吗哪怕这辈子就这么一次16. Stop that silly nonsense before you put yourjoints out 别干那种蠢事了小心关节扭脱臼17.Well, she may even have a point, but it doesnot seem to me realistic.她也许确有道理但在我看来有些不切实际18. Put an end to her meddling让她的多管闲事到此为止吧19.I see my life's work.我看到我倾注一生的心血20.Don’t come all high and mighty with me.别在那拿腔拿调的.21.If you could just be patient for a little longer, sir. 请稍安勿躁先生22.He threatened to expose my past, to make mea laughing stock in this house他威胁要揭露我的过去让我成为庄园的笑柄23.And now my disgrace is complete. My lord, you have my resignation既然现在我已名誉扫地老爷我向您递交辞呈24.You think you're such a big man, don't you?你以为你是个大人物是吗25.Just because you're a lord, you think you can do what you like with me.就因为你是个老爷你以为你就能对我为所欲为26.We're running out of options. The lawyers I write to only huff and puff.我们要没主意了. 与我通信的律师只会打哈哈27.She looked extremely determined.她看起来意志坚决28.I have a feeling we will sink or swim together. 恐怕我们要共同度过这个难关29. Well, I wouldn't quite put it.我倒没这么想30. Your mother derives satisfaction from her work at the hospital, I think?-你母亲在医院工作得到了满足感不是吗31.Some sense of self-worth?所谓实现自我价值的成就感对吗32.I'm afraid Papa wants to teach Granny a lesson. -恐怕爸爸想给奶奶个下马威33.I hope you don't judge me too harshly.希望您不会对我有成见34.Putting on airs and graces I have no right to摆架子;装腔作势,其实啥也不是。
唐顿庄园唯美句子1.Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it.Every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.没有翻不了的山,也没有沉不了的船。
——《唐顿庄园》2.There can be too much truth in any relationships.人与人之间实话说得太多也会物极必反。
——《唐顿庄园》3.I will love you until the last breath leaves my body.我会一直爱你,直到咽下最后一口气。
——《唐顿庄园》4.I know, and I know I said a mother's love was worth more than all they had to give, but I said it for me, not for him. 我知道,我也知道我说过母爱胜过他们能给他的一切,但那时私心,不是为他。
——《唐顿庄园》5.Love is like riding, or speaking French. If you don't learn it young, it's hard to get the trick of it later. 爱,就好比骑马、说法语。
——《唐顿庄园》6.There are rules to this way of life. And if you are not prepared live by them, then it's not the right life for you. 每种生活都有它自己的规矩。
——《唐顿庄园》7.I don't wan my daughter to be married to a man who treatens her with ruin! I want a good man for you. A brave man. 我不想我女儿嫁给一个威胁着要毁掉她的男人!我希望你又好的归宿,嫁给一个勇敢的男人。
跟英剧学表⽩:《唐顿庄园》经典求婚⽚段 热门英剧《唐顿庄园》讲述了1912-1914年唐顿庄园⾥Grantham伯爵⼀家的种种纠葛和摩擦,呈现了英国等级制度下的⼈间百态,剧中男⼥主⾓Matthew 和 Lady Mary的感情故事可谓是相当纠结。
现在就让我们来重温⼀下这段告⽩吧!对话中的重点句⼦和关键短语⼩编都特别标出,浪漫表⽩学起来啦~ 【《唐顿庄园》经典表⽩台词】 MATTHEW You're really going to America. 你真的要去美国吗? LADY MARY Mm. 嗯。
MATTHEW Would Carlisle make your life a nightmare if you stayed? 如果留下来,卡莱尔会让你深陷苦海吗? LADY MARY I couldn't tell you. Maybe. 我也说不准,也许吧。
Even if he does let me go, my story's still out there and always will be. 即使他放过我,谣⾔依然流传在外,⽽且覆⽔难收。
MATTHEW Would you stay...if I asked you to. 你能留下来吗?如果我求你留下。
LADY MARY Oh, Matthew, you don't mean that. 马修,你不是认真的。
You know yourself we carry more luggage than the porters at King's Cross. 你了解⾃⼰,我们背负的包袱⽐国王⼗字⽕车站的脚夫背的还重。
And what about the late Mr Pamuk? Won't he resurrect himself every time we argued? 还有已故的帕努克先⽣呢?我们每次吵架,你都会旧账重提吧。
1. 睡到自然醒清晨六点,Daisy把各屋的女仆叫醒,这时Anna睡眼朦胧地说:Just for once in my life, I'd like to sleep until I woke up natural.哪怕这辈子只有一次,我真想睡到自然醒。
2. 太阳打西边出来Mrs Patmore对早晨的炉火还很旺表示不可思议,她说:Oh, my, my, will wonders never cease?太阳打西边出来了啊。
)3. 说你迟了,你就是迟了Thomas见到William后,William赶紧说,“我没迟到吧”,但Thomas可不这么想。
他霸道地说:You're late when I say you're late.我说你迟了就是迟了。
4. 我会记清楚的Thomas向Bates交代工作,Bates向他表态说:I'll get the hang of it.我会记清楚的。
(get the hang of:熟悉某物的用法;掌握做某事的窍门。
比如:I don't get the hang of his remarks.我不明白他讲话的要点。
)5. “胜任”工作怎么说?Carson对Bates的能力表示怀疑,他对老爷说:I'm not entirely sure that he'll prove equal to the task.我不太确定他能否胜任这份工作。
6. 东方不亮西方亮Thomas不甘心做男仆,和O'Brien密谋把Bates赶走,自己去做老爷的贴身侍从,但一时没有得逞。
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Season One
Series Two
继承人Matthew Crawley 和他的母亲Isobel Crawley来到唐顿庄园。
母亲Isobel Crawley则坚持在领地内的医院工作,并成功救助了一名重病的农夫。
1. I still don't see why I couldn't just refuse
it. 我还是不明白为什么我不能直接推辞
2. There's no mechanism for you to do so.
3. But nothing's settled yet. 一切尚未确定
4. Not while your mother breathes air.
5. I have to be myself, Mother. I'll be no use
to anyone if I can't be myself.
6. Well, they're clearly going to push one of the
daughters at me.
7. So what are they like? 他们是什么样的人
- She's nice enough, but he's...very full of
himself. 她人挺好的但他...很是妄自尊大
8. Did you hear me call or have you gone
selectively deaf? 你故意当我耳旁风啊?
9. And never make me remind you of it again.
10. Well. It seems a very silly occupation for
a grown man.
11. Now he's here, I don't see any future in it.
Not the way things are现在他来了就目前
12. Why do you always have to be pretend to be
nicer than the rest of us
13. Don’t push your luck别得寸进尺
14. Glad to catch you alone. 就剩你一个人正好.
15. For once in your life, will you please just listen! 请你听我说好吗哪怕这辈子就这么一次
16. Stop that silly nonsense before you put your
joints out 别干那种蠢事了小心关节扭脱臼
17.Well, she may even have a point, but it does
not seem to me realistic.
18. Put an end to her meddling
19.I see my life's work.
20.Don’t come all high and mighty with me.
21.If you could just be patient for a little longer, sir. 请稍安勿躁先生
22.He threatened to expose my past, to make me
a laughing stock in this house
23.And now my disgrace is complete. My lord, you
have my resignation
24.You think you're such a big man, don't you?
25.Just because you're a lord, you think you can
do what you like with me.
26.We're running out of options. The lawyers I
write to only huff and puff.
我们要没主意了. 与我通信的律师只会打哈哈
27.She looked extremely determined.
28.I have a feeling we will sink or swim together.
29. Well, I wouldn't quite put it.我倒没这么想
30. Your mother derives satisfaction from her
work at the hospital, I think?
31.Some sense of self-worth?
32.I'm afraid Papa wants to teach Granny a lesson.
33.I hope you don't judge me too harshly.
34.Putting on airs and graces I have no right to