



浙⼤远程操作系统原理离线作业及答案操作系统原理离线作业⼀、单选题1.进程P0和P1的共享变量定义及其初值为boolean flag[2];int turn=0;flag[0]=FALSE;flag[1]=FALSE;若进程P0和P1访问临界资源的类C代码实现如下:void P0() //P0进程{ while(TURE){flag[0]=TRUE; turn = 1;while (flag[1] && turn == 1) ;临界区;flag[0] = FALSE;}}void P1() //P1进程{ while(TURE){flag[1]=TRUE; turn = 0;while (flag[0] && turn == 0) ;临界区;flag[1] = FALSE;}}则并发执⾏进程P0和P1时产⽣的情况是:DA.不能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、会出现“饥饿”现象B.不能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、不会出现“饥饿”现象C.能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、会出现“饥饿”现象 D.能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、不会出现“饥饿”现象2.有两个进程P1和P2描述如下:shared data:int counter = 6;P1 :Computing;counter=counter+1;P2 :counter=counter-2;两个进程并发执⾏,运⾏完成后,counter的值不可能为 C 。

A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 73.某计算机采⽤⼆级页表的分页存储管理⽅式,按字节编址,页⼤⼩为210字节,页表项⼤⼩为2字节,逻辑地址结构为:页⽬录号页号页内偏移量逻辑地址空间⼤⼩为216页,则表⽰整个逻辑地址空间的页⽬录表中包含表项的个数⾄少是BA.64 B.128 C.256 D.5124.在动态分区系统中,有如下空闲块:空闲块块⼤⼩(KB)块的基址1 80 602 75 1503 55 2504 90 350此时,某进程P请求50KB内存,系统从第1个空闲块开始查找,结果把第4个空闲块分配给了P进程,请问是⽤哪⼀种分区分配算法实现这⼀⽅案? CA.⾸次适应B. 最佳适应C. 最差适应D. 下次适应5.在⼀页式存储管理系统中,页表内容如下所⽰。


7、 Excel 2010主界面窗口中编辑栏上的"fx"按钮用来向单元格插入____D____。 A.文字 B.数字 C.公式 D.函数 [解析]如上图所示,如果单击了编辑栏上的"fx"按钮,将弹出“插入函数”对话框。
8、 启动Excel 2010应用程序后自动建立的工作簿文件的文件名为____A____。 A.工作簿1 B.工作簿文件 C.Book1 D.BookFile1 [解析]略
16、 在Excel 2010的工作表中,最小操作单元是_____D_____。 A.一列 B.一行 C.一张表 D.单元格 [解析] 在Excel 2010中,最小的操作单元是工作表的单元格。






4.在TCP/IP协议模型的运输层中,不面向连接的协议是_ UDP_。


6.通信线路的__带宽__是指通信线路上允许通过的信号频带范围(或通频带) ,单位是HZ。












浙江大学2004–2005学年春夏季学期 《计算机网络基础》课程期末考试试卷 开课学院:计算机学院 ,考试形式:闭,允许带___________入场 考试时间: 2005 年 7月 5日,所需时间: 120 分钟 考生姓名: 学号: 专业: 题序 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 得分 评卷人 注意事项: 1.请把答案写在答题纸对应的题号内; 2.有关IP地址表达方式,如果没有特别的掩码标明,则均按标准地址分类表示。

 一、 Please select the best choice for following questions (50 points)1.What is the advantage of using a layered model of networking?A. Simplified the networkB. For the purpose of standardizationC. Divides the complexity of internetworking into discrete, more easily learned operationsubsetsD. All of the above2.What is the name of protocol data unit (PDU) at the network layer of the OSI referencemodel?A. TransportB. FrameC. PacketD. Segment3.Which is true when a broadcast is sent out in an E thernet 802.3 LAN?A. The broadcast is sent only to the default gateway.B. The broadcast is sent only to the destination hardware address in the broadcast.C. The broadcast is sent to all devices in the collision domain.D. The broadcast is sent to all devices in the broadcast domain.4.Segmentation of a data stream happens at which layer of the OSI model?A. PhysicalB. Data LinkC. NetworkD. Transport5.Which of following international standard defines for Fast Ethernet?A. IEEE 802.3B. IEEE 802.3zC. IEEE 802.3uD. IEEE 802.3ae6.What does the Data Link layer use to find hosts on a local network?A. Logical network addressesB. Port numbersC. Hardware addressesD. Default gateways7.What were the key reasons the ISO released the OSI model?A. To allow companies to charge more for their equipmentB. To help vendors create interoperable network devicesC. To help vendors create and sell specialized software and hardwareD. So the IBM mainframe would be replaced with the PC8.What is used at the Transport layer to stop a receiving host’s buffer from overflowing?A. SegmentationB. PacketsC. AcknowledgmentsD. Flow control9.When data is encapsulated, which is the correct order?A. Data, frame, packet, segment, bitB. Segment, data, packet, frame, bitC. Data, segment, packet, frame, bitD. Data, segment, frame, packet, bit10.What does the term “Base”indicate in 100Base-TX?A. The maximum distanceB. The type of wiring usedC. A LAN switch method using half duplexD. A signaling method for communication on the network11.What is the maximum distance of 100Base-T?A. 100 feetB. 1000 feetC. 100 metersD. 1000 meters12.Which of the following would describe a transport layer connection that would ensure reliabledelivery?A. RoutingB. AcknowledgmentsC. SwitchingD. System authentication13.Which of the following is not considered a reason for LAN congestion?A. Low bandwidthB. Too many users in a broadcast domainC. Broadcast stormsD. Routers14.Which of the following are two basic types of dynamic routing?A. Static and defaultB. TCP and UDP exchangeC. Distance-vector and link-stateD. None of the above15.If your LAN network is currently congested and you are using only hubs in your network, whatwould be the BEST solution to decrease congestion on your network?A. Cascade you r hubs.B. Replace your hubs with switches.C. Replace your hubs with routers.D. Add faster hubs.16.What technology is a used by most switches to resolve topology loops and ensure that dataflows properly through a single network path?A. RIPB. STPC. IGRPD. Store-and-forward17.Which of the following is one of the characteristics of IP?A. reliable and connectionlessB. unreliable and connectionlessC. reliable and connection-orientedD. unreliable and connection-oriented18.What is the valid host range for subnet (Mask through through through through range of addresses can be used in the first octet of a Class B network address?A. 1–126B. 128–190C. 128–191D. 129–19220.Which of the following is not true?A. IP is connectionless and provides routing.B. ARP is used to find an IP address of a host.C. UDP is connectionless.D. TCP is connection oriented.21.Which class of IP address provides a maximum of only 254 host addresses per network ID?A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D22.Which protocol tool use ICMP?A. TelnetB. PingC. ARPD. FTP23.Which of the following is an IEEE standard for frame tagging?A. 802.1XB. 802.3ZC. 802.1QD. 802.3U24.A client will use ____ to send emails to mail-server.A.POP3B.SMTPC.TELNETD.FTP25.Which protocol used in PPP allows multiple Network layer protocols to be used during aconnection?A. LCPB. NCPC. HDLCD. X.2526.When too many packets are present in the subnet, performance degrades. What is this situationcalled?A. dead lockB. congestionC. network faultD. network busy27.Which language can be used to realize the client-side dynamic web page generation?A. CGIB. ASPC. JavaScriptD. PHP28. The two-wire connections between each subscriber’s telephone and the end office are knownin the trade as the____.A. trunkB. local loopC. linkD. switch29.When web page is transmitted over SSL, the protocol used is _____.A. HTTPB. SHTTPC. HTTPSD. SSL30.Nyquist proved that if an arbitrary signal has been run through a low-pass filter of bandwidth H,the filtered signal can be completely reconstructed by making only ________ (exact) samples per secondA. HB. 0.5HC. 2HD. 4H31.To convert a binary message to an ASCII message in email system, we can use _____ encoding,which break up groups of 24 bits into four 6-bit units, with each unit being sent as a legal ASCII character.A. base64B. quoted-printableC. SMTPD. POP332.A CRC generator polynomial is G(x)= X8+X5+X2+l. How many bits will the checksum be?A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 1033. If the length of sequence is 4 bits, the maximum sending window size should be ____.A. 13B. 14C. 15D. 1634.In 802.11, to solve the _______ station problem and the hidden station problem, we can useCSMA/CA protocol. According this protocol, before the station sending a data, it must send RTS frame and wait a CTS frame back.A. faultB. mobileC. exposedD. wireless35.If the congestion window size is 20KB, and the receive window size is 30KB, what is themaximum bytes can the TCP entity transmit?A. 20KBB. 30KBC. 50KBD. 10KB36.Port numbers below ________ are called well-known ports and are reserved for standardservices.A. 256B. 1024C. 4096D. 100037.________, which are overlay networks on top of public networks but with most of theproperties of private network.A. PBXB. VPNC. CDMA 1XD. GPRS38.The problem of running out of IP addresses is not a theoretical problem that might occur atsome point in the distant future. Some people felt that a quick fix was needed for the short term.This quick fix came in the form of ____________________.A. IP6B. DHCPC. RARPD. NAT39.Public-key algorithms have the property that ____________________ keys are used forencryption and decryption and that the decryption key cannot be derived from the encryption key. These properties make it possible to publish the public key.A. one timeB. randomC. sameD. different40.The main public-key algorithm is ____________________ which derives its strength from thefact that it is very difficult to factor large numbers.A. DESB. AESC. MD5D. RSA41.Various schemes have been devised for digital signatures, using both symmetric-key and________-key algorithms.A. publicB. privateC. one timeD. one way42.Often, authentication is needed but secrecy is not, based on the idea of a one-way hash functionthat takes an arbitrarily long piece of plaintext and from it computes a fixed-length bit string.This hash function, MD, often called a ________.A. message digestB. packet-switchedC. message-detectD. mini data43.URL(Uniform Resource Locator) have three parts: the ________, the DNS name of themachine on which the page is located, and a local name uniquely indicating the specific page.A. protocolB. addressC. port numberD. name44.HTTP1.1, which supports ________ connections. With them, it is possible to establish a TCPconnection, send a request and get a response, and then additional requests and get additional response.A. one timeB. persistentC. stop and waitD. one-way45._______, when it is used, a bad frame that is received is discarded, but the good framesreceived after it are buffered.A. selective repeatB. go back NC. sliding windowD. stop and wait46.How does the FDM multiplexing schemes work like?A. each user having exclusive possession of some bandB. each user take turns, periodically getting the entire bandwidth for a litter burst of timeC. each user transmit over the entire frequency spectrum all the time with different codingD. each user transmit over a shared fiber using different wavelength47.When we use a modem, which use 16 phases signal to modulation, then how much can we getthe maximum data rate in a 2400 baud channel (in noiseless channel)?A. 400bpsB. 2400bpsC. 9.6kbpsD. 14.4kbps48.______ is a small java program that has been compiled into binary instruction running in JVM,and can be embedded into HTML pages, interpreted by JVM-capable browsers.A. JavaScriptB. JavaBeanC. AppletD. JSP49.Which of the following best describes the function of the OSI reference model’s transportlayer?A. It sends data by using flow controlB. It provides the best path for deliveryC. It determines network addressesD. It provides error-correcting50.What is the most efficient subnet mask to use on point-to-point WAN links?A.二、 Please choose true(T) or false( F) for the following questions (15 points)1.Error-correcting and error-detecting are two types of technique in error control.2.Link state dynamic routing algorithms operate by having each router maintain a tablegiving the best known distance to each destination and which line to use to get there. These tables are updated by exchanging information with the neighbors.3.With Manchester encoding, each bit period is divided into two equal intervals. A binary 1bit is sent by having the voltage set high during the first interval and low in the second one.A binary 0 is just the reverse: first low and then high.4. A connection is established in TCP by means of the two-way handshake.5.The range of frequencies transmitted without being strongly attenuated is called bandwidth.6.Shannon’s major result is that the maximum data rate of a noisy channel whose bandwidthis H Hz, and whose signal-to-noise ratio is S/N, is given byMaximum number of baud/sec = H log2 (1+S/N)7.Two different switching techniques are widely used nowadays: circuit switching and packetswitching.8.The protocols used to determine who goes next on a multi-access channel belong to asub-layer of the data link layer called the LLC sublayer.9.The b asic function of RTP is to multiplex several real-time data streams onto a singlestream of UDP packets.10.The Internet solution is to realize that two potential problems exist n etwork capacity andreceiver capacity and to deal with each of them separately. To do so, each sender maintains two windows: the window the receiver has granted and a second window, the congestion window.11.Selective repeat, is for the receiver simply to di scard all subsequent frames, sending noacknowledgments for the discarded frames.12.The IPSec is a set of open standards that provides data confidentiality, data integrity, andauthentication between participating peers at the IP layer.13.B2C, the full name i s Business to Company.14.One type of person-to-person communication often goes by the name of end-to-endcommunication, to distinguish it from the client-server model.15.An issue that occurs at every level is how to keep a fast sender from swamping a slowreceived with data. This subject is called flow control.三、 Please answer the following questions briefly.1.What are the principal differences between connectionless communications andconnection-oriented communications? (5 points)2.Data link protocols almost always put the CRC in a trailer rather than in a header. Why? (5points)3.Suppose that the TCP congestion window is set to 18KB and a timeout occurs. How big willthe window be if the next four transmission bursts are all successful? Assume that the maximum size of segment is 1KB. (5 points)四、 A large number of consecutive IP address are available starting at Supposethat four organizations, A, B, C, and D, request 4000,2000,4000, and 8000 addresses, respectively, and in that order. For each of these, give the first IP address assigned, the last IP address assigned, and the mask in the w.x.y.z/s notation. (8 points)(Notice: To start with, all the requests are rounded up to a power of two.)五、 The following figure describes a simple authentication p rotocol. Assume you are Trudy, pleaseuse reflection attack to attack Bob.(1). Draw the attack figure and give clear the steps of the attach(2). What are the differences between authentication and authorization? (12 points)。



浙⼤远程操作系统原理离线作业浙江⼤学远程教育学院《操作系统原理》课程作业姓名:学号:年级:15年春学习中⼼:—————————————————————————————⼀、单选题1.进程P0和P1的共享变量定义及其初值为boolean flag[2];int turn=0;flag[0]=FALSE;flag[1]=FALSE;若进程P0和P1访问临界资源的类C代码实现如下:void P0() //P0进程{ while(TURE){flag[0]=TRUE; turn = 1;while (flag[1] && turn == 1) ;临界区;flag[0] = FALSE;}}void P1() //P1进程{ while(TURE){flag[1]=TRUE; turn = 0;while (flag[0] && turn == 0) ;临界区;flag[1] = FALSE;}}则并发执⾏进程P0和P1时产⽣的情况是:A.不能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、会出现“饥饿”现象B.不能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、不会出现“饥饿”现象C.能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、会出现“饥饿”现象D.能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、不会出现“饥饿”现象答:D.能保证进程互斥进⼊临界区、不会出现“饥饿”现象2.有两个进程P1和P2描述如下:shared data:int counter = 6;P1 :Computing;counter=counter+1;P2 :Printing;counter=counter-2;两个进程并发执⾏,运⾏完成后,counter的值不可能为。

A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答:C. 63.某计算机采⽤⼆级页表的分页存储管理⽅式,按字节编址,页⼤⼩为210字节,页表项⼤⼩为2字节,逻辑地址结构为:页⽬录号页号页内偏移量逻辑地址空间⼤⼩为216页,则表⽰整个逻辑地址空间的页⽬录表中包含表项的个数⾄少是A.64 B.128 C.256 D.512答:210÷2=29是⼀张页表中可以存放页表项的项数,216是逻辑地址空间的总页数,也就是说包含216个页表项,那么27就是需要有多少张页表,也就是页⽬录表中包含表项的个数。







5.人们把将要发送的完整的数据块称为报文,在运输层直接对应用层交下来的报文进行封装的协议是_ UDP _。







诸如“万维网、电子邮件和文件传输”服务在运输层使用_ TCP_协议封装,而“域名转换协议DNS和IP电话”服务在运输层使用_ UDP协议封装。





当B向A发送回信时,其TCP报文段的首部中的源端口和目的端口分别是_ n 和m __。



操作系统原理第二次离线作业(第3章)-1应用题1.在一个请求分页系统中,采用FIFO页面置换算法时,假如一个作业的页面访问顺序为4,3,2,1,4,3,5,4,3,2, l,5,当分配给该作业的物理块数M为4时,试试写出页面访问的过程,并计算访问中所发生的缺页次数和缺页率?解:FIFO置换算法用FIFO置换算法产生缺页次数 10 次缺页率83%2.某采用页式存储管理的系统,假如系统分配给一个作业的物理块数为4,作业执行时依次访问的页为: 2,3,2,1,5,2,4,5,3,2,5,2。









1. 越界保护在动态分区的保护的常用方法是由系统提供硬件:一对界限寄存器。





浙江⼤学05-06秋冬计算机⽹络考试试卷浙江⼤学2005–2006学年秋季学期《计算机⽹络》课程期末考试试卷开课学院:软件学院,考试形式:闭卷考试时间:_____年____⽉____⽇, 所需时间:120分钟考⽣姓名: ___学号:专业:得分:答案:For every following question, please select your best answer only1.The transmission unit for the physical layer is a/an __________.A.)packetB.)frameC.)bitD.)byte2.Which best describes the structure of an encapsulated data packet?A.)Segment header, network header, data, frame trailerB.)Segment header, network header, data, segment trailerC.)Frame header, network header, data, frame trailerD.)Frame header, segment header, data, segment trailer3.The communication subnet consists of __________.A.)physical layer, data link layer, and network layerB.)physical layer, network layer, transport layerC.)physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layerD.)data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer4.Which of the following statements best describes a WAN?A.)It connects LANs that are separated by a large geographic area.B.)It connects workstations, terminals, and other devices in a metropolitan area.C.)It connects LANs within a large building.D.)It connects workstations, terminals, and other devices within a building.5.Which is the movement of data through layers?A.)WrappingB.)EncapsulationC.)TravelingD.)Transmission6.Which is the OSI model?A.) A conceptual framework that specifies how information travels through networks.B.) A model that describes how data make its way from one application program to another throughout a network.C.) A conceptual framework that specifies which network functions occur at each layerD.)All of the above7.Which of the OSI layers divides the transmitted bit stream into frames?A.)Physical layerB.)Data link layerC.)Network layerD.)Transport layer8.Which of the following is incorrect?A.)The OSI model is better the TCP/IP model.B.)The OSI model provides more efficient implementation than the TCP/IP model.C.)The OSI model has more layers than the TCP/IP model.D.)The OSI model makes the distinction between services, interfaces, protocols.9.In the TCP/IP model, which layer deals with reliability, flow control, and error correction?A.)ApplicationB.)TransportC.)InternetD.)Network access10.The TCP/IP protocol suite has specifications for which layers of the OSI model?A.) 1 through 3B.) 1 through 4 and 7C.)3,4,and 5 through 7D.)1,3,and 411. A noiseless 4-k Hz channel is sampled every 1 msec. What is the maximum data rate?A.)8000 bpsB.)4000 bpsC.)1000 bpsD.)Can be infinite12.If a binary signal is sent over a 4-k Hz channel, what is the maximum achievable data rate?A.)8000 bpsB.)4000 bpsC.)1000 bpsD.)Can be infinite13.If a binary signal is sent over a 4-k Hz channel whose signal-to-noise ratiois 127:1, what is the maximum achievable data rate?A.)28000 bpsB.)8000 bpsC.)4000 bpsD.)Can be infinite14. A modem constellation diagram has data points at the following coordinates: (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), and (-1, -1). How many bps can a modem with these parameters achieve at 1200 baud?A.)1200 bpsB.)2400 bpsC.)4800 bpsD.)None of the above15.What is WDM?A.)Multiplexing on fiber-optic cable.B.)Multiplexing using the density of the transmission media.C.) A form of flow control that monitors WAN delays.D.) A form of congestion management for WANs.16.Which technology is not a type of wireless communication?A.)CellularB.)BroadbandC.)InfraredD.)Spread spectrum17.What is one advantage of using fiber optic cable in networks?A.)It is inexpensive.B.)It is easy to install.C.)It is an industry standard and is available at any electronics storeD.)It is capable of higher data rates than either coaxial or twisted-pair cable.18. A telephone switch is a kind of __________.A.)packet-switchingB.)buffer-switchingC.)fabric-switchingD.)circuit-switching.19. A cable TV system has 100 commercial channels, all of them alternating programswith advertising. This kind of multiplexing uses ___________.A.)TDMB.)FDMC.)FDM + TDMD.)None of the above.20. A bit string, 01101111101111110, needs to be transmitted at the data link layer.What is the string actually transmitted after bit stuffing (Whenever the sender’s data link layer encounters five consective 1s in the data, it automatically stuffs a 0 bit into the outgoing bit stream)A.)01101111101111110B.)0110111110011111010C.)011011111011111010D.)None of the above21.When DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) is employed, 802.11 uses a protocolcalled __________.A.)CSMA/CAB.)CSMA/CDC.)ALOHAD.)WDMA22.Which of the following can NOT directly be used for framing?A.)Character count.B.)Flag bytes with byte stuffing.C.)Starting and ending flags, with bit stuffing.D.)Physical layer coding violations.23.Which of the following can a VLAN be considered?A.)Broadcast domainB.)Collision domainC.)Both a broadcast and a collision domainD.)Domain name24.What is the purpose of Spanning Tree Protocol? (Network Bridging)A.)To maintain single loop pathsB.)To maintain a loop-free networkC.)To maintain a multiloop networkD.)To maintain a reduced loop network25.Which uses the twisted pairs?A.)10Base5.B.)10Base2.C.)10Base-F.D.)10Base-T.26.How do switches learn the addresses of devices that are attached to their ports?A.)Switches get the tables from a router.B.)Switches read the source address of a packet that is entering through a port.C.)Switches exchange address tables with other switches.D.)Switches are not capable of building address tables.27.Repeaters can provide a simple solution for what problem?A.)Too many types of incompatible equipment on the networkB.)Too much traffic on a networkC.)Too-slow convergence ratesD.)Too much distance between nodes or not enough cable.28.Which of the following is true of a switch’s function?A.)Switches increase the size of a collision domains.B.)Switches combine the connectivity of a hub with the capability to filteror flood traffic based on the destination MAC address of the frame.C.)Switches combine the connectivity of a hub with the traffic direction ofa router.D.)Switches perform Layer 4 path selection.29.Ethernet MAC addresses are how many bits in length?A.)12B.)24C.)48D.)6430.What is the information that is “burned in ” to a network interface card?A.)NICB.)MAC addressC.)HubD.)LAN31.Which connector does UTP (Unshield Twised Pair) use?A.)STPB.)RJ-45C.)RJ-69D.)BNC/doc/a9251a5077232f60ddcca14b.html ing repeaters does which of the following to the collision domain?A.)ReducesB.)Has no effect onC.)ExtendsD.)None of the above33.Which of the following is not a feature of microsegmentation?A.)It enables dedicated access.B.)It supports multiple conversions at any given time.C.)It increases the capacity for each workstation connected to the network.D.)It increases collisions.34.Which of the following protocols would have the highest channel utilization?A.)0.5-persistent CSMAB.)1-persistent CSMAC.)Pure ALOHAD.)Slotted ALOHA35.Which of the following is true concerning a bridge and its forwarding decisions?A.)Bridges operate at OSI Layer 2 and use IP addresses to make decisions.B.)Bridges operate at OSI Layer 3 and use IP addresses to make decisions.C.)Bridges operate at OSI Layer 2 and use MAC addresses to make decisions.D.)Bridges operate at OSI Layer 3 and use MAC addresses to make decisions.36.Fast Ethernet supports up to what transfer rate?A.) 5 MbpsB.)10 MbpsC.)100 MbpsD.)1000 Mbps37.Media Access Control refers to what?A.)The state in which a NIC has captured the networking medium and is readyto transmitB.)Rules that govern media capture and releaseC.)Rules that determine which computer on a shared-medium environment is allowed to transmit the dataD.) A formal byte sequence that has been transmitted.38.Which best describes a CSMA/CD network?A.)One node’s transmission traverses the entire network and is received and examined by every node.B.)Signals are sent directly to the destination if the source knows both theMAC and IP addressesC.)One node’s transmission goes to the nearest router, which sends it directlyto the destination.D.)Signals always are sent in broadcast mode.39.Which of the following statements about IPv4 header fields is incorrect?A.)An address has 32 bits.B.)The TTL has 4 bits.C.)The version has 4 bits.D.)The identification has 16 bits.40.The subnet mask for a class B network is How many subnetworks are available? (Disregard special addresses)A.) 2B.) 4C.)1024D.)19241.Which of the following can be used to connect a keyboard with a computer?A.)802.3B.)802.11C.)802.15D.)802.1642.Which of the following can be used as the wireless local loop for public switched telephone systems?A.)802.3B.)802.11C.)802.15D.)802.1643.What is the IP address of the internal loopback?A.) does the network layer forward packets from the source to the destination?A.)By using an IP routing tableB.)By using ARP responsesC.)By referring to a name serverD.)By referring to the bridge45.What is one advantage of dynamic routing?A.)Takes little network overhead and reduces network trafficB.)Reduces unauthorized break-ins because security is tightC.)Adjusts automatically to topology or traffic changesD.)Requires little bandwidth to operate efficiently46.Which best describes a default route?A.)Urgent-data route manually entered by a network administratorB.)Route used when part of the network failsC.)Route used when the destination network is not listed explicitly in therouting tableD.)Preset shortest path47.What does ICMP stand for?A.)Internal Control Message PortalB.)Internal Control Message ProtocolC.)Internet Control Message PortalD.)Internet Control Message ProtocolE.)48.What does TTL stand for? (For IP Header fields)A.)Time-To-ListB.)Time-To-LiveC.)Terminal-To-ListD.)Terminal-To-Live49.What is one advantage of distance vector algorithms?A.)They are not likely to count to infinity.B.)You can implement them easily on very large networks.C.)They are not prone to routing loops.D.)They are computationally simple50.Which of the following best describes a link-state algorithm?A.)It recreates the topology of the entire internetwork.B.)It requires numerous computations.C.)It determines distance and direction to any link on the internetwork.D.)It uses litter network overhead and reduces overall traffic.51.What is the minimum number of bits that can be borrowed to form a subnet?A.) 1B.) 2C.) 4D.)None of the above52.In order to find out its IP address, a machine can use __________.A.)ARPB.)RARPC.)ICMPD.)UDP53.Which portion of the Class B address is the network address?A.)154B.)154.19C.)154.19.2D.) many host addresses can be used in a Class C network?A.)253B.)254C.)255D.)25655.Which of the following can NOT be used to traffic shaping?A.)OverprovisioningB.)Leaky bucket algorithmC.)Token bucket algorithmD.)Packet scheduling56.When the congestion is very seriously, which kind of control should be used?A.)Warning bitsB.)Load sheddingC.)Chocke packetsD.)Hop-by-hop chope packets57.Which of the following is most appropriate in order to make the full use of IP addresses?A.)SubnetingB.)CIDRC.)NATD.)All of the above58.How many bits does an IPv6 address have?A.)32B.)64C.)128D.)25659.Which of the following is true for distance vector routing?A.)Useful for nothing.B.)Used in OSPFC.)Used in BGPD.)None of the aboveGiven the subnet shown in (a) and the incomplete routing table shown in (b), please use distance vector routing to answer the next 4 questions.60.What is the new distance and next hop for going to C?A.)28,IB.)28,AC.)12,ID.)12,G61.What is the new distance and next hop for going to F?A.)30,HB.)30,IC.)18,AD.)18,K62.What is the new distance and next hop for going to H?A.)0,AB.)3,IC.)12,HD.)18,K63.What is the new distance and next hop for going to L?A.)6,AB.)13,IC.)14,HD.)15,K64.What does the window field in a TCP segment indicate?A.)Number of 32-bit words in the headerB.)Number of the called portC.)Number used to ensure correct sequencing of the arriving dataD.)Number of octets that the device is willing to accept65.What do TCP and UDP use to keep track of different conversations crossing a network at the same time?A.)Port numbersB.)IP addressesC.)MAC addressesD.)Route numbers66.Which range of port numbers is unregulated?A.)Below 255B.)Between 256 and 512C.)Between 256 and 1023D.)Above 102367.Which of the following is incorrect for the TCP header fields?A.)The source port has 16 bits.B.)The URG has just 1 bit.C.)The Window size has 32 bits.D.)The acknowledgement number has 32 bits.68.How does TCP synchronize a connection between the source and the destination before data transmission?A.)Two-way handshakeB.)Three-way handshakeC.)Four-way handshakeD.)None of the above69.What is true for TCP’s retransmission timer?A.)Fixed value to allow 90% of segments arrive without retransmissionB.)Fixed value to allow 80% of segments arrive without retransmissionC.)Dynamic value based on the past successful transmission historyD.)Dynamic value based on the last successful transmission’s RTT70.UDP segments use what protocols to provide reliability?A.)Network layer protocolsB.)Application layer protocolsC.)Internet protocolsD.)Transmission control protocols71.Which of the following is most appropriate?A.)UDP just provides an interface to the IP protocol with the added feature of demultiplexing multiple processes using the ports.B.)UDP can be used to implement RPC.C.)UDP can be used to implement RTP.D.)All of the above.72.Which of the following is a basic service of the transport layer?A.)Provides reliability by using sequence numbers and acknowledgementsB.)Segments upper-layer application dataC.)Establishes end-to-end operationsD.)All of the above73.The TCP primitives depend on __________.A.)both the operating system and the TCP protocol.B.)the operating system only.C.)the TCP protocol only.D.)the operating system and the TCP protocol and the IP protocol.74.The default port for TELNET is __________.A.)21B.)22C.)23D.)2475.Which of the following is incorrect?A.)DNS stands for Domain Name System.B.)There is only one record associated with every IP.C.)Domain names can be either absolute or relative.D.)Domain names are case insensitive.76.What does MIME stand for?A.)Messages In Multi EncodingB.)Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsC.)Multipurpose Internet Mail EncodingD.)None of the above77.Which of the following is not a protocol for email?A.)SMTPB.)POP3C.)IMAPD.)GOPHER78.Which of the following is incorrect?A.)HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.B.)XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language.C.)XHTML stands for eXtended HyperText Markup Language.D.) A browser can display HTML documents as well as XML documents.79.Which of the following tags is used to define a hyperlink?A.) …B.) …C.) …D.)…80.Which of the following is not a built-in HTTP request methods?A.)GETB.)POSTC.)PUTD.)FETCH81.Which of the following is not able to generate dynamic content on the server side?A.)CGIB.)JSPC.)ASPD.)JavaScript82.Which of the following is able to generate dynamic content on the client side?A.)Java AppletB.)JavaScriptC.)ActiveXD.)All of the above83.Which of the following is true?A.)WAP 1.0 is successful while I-Mode is not.B.)I-Mode is successful while WAP 1.0 is not.C.)Both WAP 1.0 and I-Mode are successful.D.)Neither WAP 1.0 nor I-Mode is successful.84.Which of the following security policies is hopeless?A.)802.11 WEPB.)Bluetooth securityC.)WAP 2.0 securityD.)None of the above85.Which of the following is incorrect?A.)X.509 can be used to describe the certificates.B.)An organization that certifies public keys is now called a CA.C.)The Diffie-Hellman key exchange allows strangers to establish a shared secret key.D.)The Diffie-Hellman key exchange can be attacked by the bucket brigade or man-in-the-middle attack.86.In a public key encryption system, a sender has encrypted a message with the recipient's public key. What key does the recipient use to decipher the message?A.)The recipient's private key.B.)The recipient's public key.C.)The sender's private key.D.)The sender's public key.87.Which of the following statements is true of ping?A.)The ping command is used to test a device’s network connectivity.B.)The ping stands for packet Internet groperC.)The ping command is used to verify the operation of the TCP/IP stack.D.)All of the above.88.Which of the following can be used to test application protocols?A.)pingB.)tracertC.)netstatD.)telnet89.Which of the following can be used to display TCP connections?A.)pingB.)tracertC.)netstatD.)telnet90.Which of the following system calls is used to create a server socket?A.)socketB.)openC.)requestD.)creat91.Which of the following system calls is to specify queue size for a server socket?A.)bindB.)sizeC.)listenD.)acceptFor the following cipher chaining modes, please answer the following three questions.92.Which mode is most suitable for use with interactive terminals?A.)Cipher chaining AB.)Cipher chaining BC.)Cipher chaining CD.)Cipher chaining D93.Which mode is most suitable for use with real-time streaming?A.)Cipher chaining AB.)Cipher chaining BC.)Cipher chaining CD.)Cipher chaining D94.Which mode is most suitable for use with disk files?A.)Cipher chaining AB.)Cipher chaining BC.)Cipher chaining CD.)Cipher chaining D95.Which of the following is the strongest symmetric-key encryption algorithm?A.)DESB.)AESC.)RSAD.)MD596.Which of the following is the strongest public-key encryption algorithm?A.)DESB.)SHA-1C.)RSAD.)MD5Consider the figure shown below, which takes some plaintext as input and produces signed ciphertext in some ASCII format as output. Please answer the next questions97.Which of the following should be used for blank (I)?A.)DESB.)AESC.)MD5D.)None of the above98.Which of the following should be used for blank (II)?A.)RSA with Alice’s private RSA keyB.)RSA with Alice’s public RSA keyC.)RSA with Bob’s private RSA keyD.)RSA with Bob’s public RSA key99.Which of the following should be used for blank (III)?A.)MD5B.)AESC.)SHA-1D.)Base64 encoding100.Which of the following should be used for blank (IV)?A.)MD5B.)AESC.)SHA-1D.)None of the above。



一、A + B题目描述:读入两个小于100的正整数A和B,计算A+B.需要注意的是:A和B的每一位数字由对应的英文单词给出.输入:测试输入包含若干测试用例,每个测试用例占一行,格式为"A + B =",相邻两字符串有一个空格间隔.当A和B同时为0时输入结束,相应的结果不要输出.输出:对每个测试用例输出1行,即A+B的值.样例输入:one + two =three four + five six =zero seven + eight nine =zero + zero =样例输出:39096答案:#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int toInteger(string A){if(A=="one")return 1;else if(A=="two")return 2;else if(A=="three")return 3;else if(A=="four")return 4;else if(A=="five")return 5;else if(A=="six")return 6;else if(A=="seven")return 7;else if(A=="eight")return 8;else if(A=="nine")return 9;else if(A=="zero")return 0;elsereturn -1;}int main(){string s[1000];int i=0;while(cin>>s[i]){if(s[i]=="="&&s[i-1]=="zero"&&s[i-3]=="zero")break;i++;}for(int j=0;j!=i;){int num1=0,num2=0;int sum=0;while(s[j]!="+"){if(toInteger(s[j])==-1)return 0;elsenum1=num1*10+toInteger(s[j]);j++;}j++;while(s[j]!="="){if(toInteger(s[j])==-1)return 0;elsenum2=num2*10+toInteger(s[j]);j++;}j++;sum=num1+num2;if(sum==0)return 0;cout<<sum<<endl;}return 1;}之二:#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int StoInt(char s[]){if(strcmp(s,"zero")==0) return 0;if(strcmp(s,"one")==0) return 1;if(strcmp(s,"two")==0) return 2;if(strcmp(s,"three")==0) return 3;if(strcmp(s,"four")==0) return 4;if(strcmp(s,"five")==0) return 5;if(strcmp(s,"six")==0) return 6;if(strcmp(s,"seven")==0) return 7;if(strcmp(s,"eight")==0) return 8;if(strcmp(s,"nine")==0) return 9;}int main(){char a[50],b[50];int a1[10],b1[10],top1=-1,top2=-1,i,a2,b2;while(scanf("%s",a)!=EOF){if(strlen(a)==1&&a[0]=='+'){while(scanf("%s",b)!=EOF){if(strlen(b)==1&&b[0]=='='){a2=b2=0;for(i=0;i<=top1;i++){a2=a2*10+a1;}for(i=0;i<=top2;i++){b2=b2*10+b1;}if(a2==b2&&a2==0){break;}else{top1=top2=-1;printf("%d\n",a2+b2);break;}}else{b1[++top2]=StoInt(b);}}}else a1[++top1]=StoInt(a);if(a2==b2&&a2==0) break;}return 0;}AC代码。



浙江大学远程教育学院《程序设计基础(C)》课程作业姓名:学号:年级:学习中心:—————————————————————————————第1章C语言的基本构成程序调试题1.编辑、调试以下程序步骤1:在Visual C++环境下新建文件可用[开始]→[程序]→[Microsoft Visual C++6.0] →[Microsoft Visual C++6.0] →[文件] →[新建]→[文件] →[C++ Sourse File],输入文件请思考文件ex1-1.c由几个函数构成?调用了那几个系统函数?此程序中用到了哪几个保留字?哪几个用户自定义标识符?答:文件ex1-1.c由两个函数构成,分别是add()和主函数main()。


程序中用到如下几个保留字:int, return。

使用了如下几个用户自定义标示符:x, y, z, a, b, c.步骤3:编译并运行程序,程序运行时输入两个整数,20 40 ,观察程序运行的结果。

答:问题出在main函数第5行这句:scanf("%d %d\n",&a,&b);对于scanf函数内有”\n”,直接回车是无效的,建议去掉“\n”:变成:scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);重新运行再输入,回车,得出结果是60程序运行结果,20+40=602.编辑、调试以下程序步骤1:在Visual C++环境下新建文件可用[开始]→[程序]→[Microsoft Visual C++6.0] →[Microsoft Visual C++6.0] →[文件] →[新建]→[文件] →[C++ Sourse File],输入文件名ex1-2.c步骤2:在文本编辑器中输入以下C程序printf("%d || %d=%d\n",a,b,c);}步骤3:[文件] →[新建]→[文件] →[C++ Sourse File],输入文件名ex1-2-2.c,源程序代int and(int a,int b){int c;c=a&&b;return c;}步骤4:[文件] →[新建]→[文件] →[C++ Sourse File],输入文件名ex1-2-3.c,源程序代码为:int or(int a,int b){int c;c=a||b;return c;}步骤5:点击编译图标,编译程序1-2.c步骤4:点击执行图标,执行程序1-2.c ,当程序运行时,键盘输入20 40,按回车。




A 数据链路层,网络层(即网际层)B 网际层, 应用层C 网络层, 会话层D 网际层, 传输层正确答案:D2.【第01章】TCP/IP协议一个()层体系结构。

A 2B 3C 4D 7正确答案:C3.【第01章】计算机网络由通信子网(核心部分)和资源子网(边缘部分)两部分组成。


A 链路B 路由器C 结点交换机D 主机正确答案:D4.【第01章】世界上第一个投入使用的分组交换网是()。

A InternetB ARPAnetC EthernetD NSFNET正确答案:B5.【第01章】下列哪个协议不是TCP/IP的应用层协议?A TELNETB PPPCC FTPDD SMTP正确答案:B6.【第01章】通信子网(指因特网的核心部分)为网络源结点与目标结点之间提供多条传输路径的可能性,路由选择指的是()。

A 建立并选择一条物理链路B 建立并选择一条逻辑链路C 网络中间结点即路由器收到一个分组后,确定转发分组的路径D 选择通信介质正确答案:C7.【第01章】在OSI参考模型的7层结构中,实现帧同步功能的是()。

A 物理层B 数据链路层C 网络层D 传输层正确答案:B8.【第01章】下列不属于局域网的拓扑结构是()。

A 总线型B 开放型C 星型D 环型正确答案:B9.【第01章】按照网络信号的传输时延,从小到大排列顺序正确的是()。

A 局域网、广域网、城域网B 城域网、广域网、局域网C 局域网、城域网、广域网D 城域网、局域网、广域网正确答案:C10.【第01章】下列哪一个关于交换的描述是不正确的?A 分组交换采用存储转发技术B 电路交换采用存储转发技术C 报文交换技术在计算机网络中使用较少D 在分组交换的网络中,各个分组可根据序号重新拼装成报文正确答案:B11.【第01章】对于单个结点的故障不会影响到网络的其他部分,但中心接点的故障会导致整个网络的瘫痪网络拓扑结构是()。












3.长度为100字节的应用层数据交给运输层传送,需加上20字节的TCP 首部。




答:数据长度为100字节时传输效率=100/(100+20+20+18)=% 数据长度为1000字节时,传输效率=1000/(1000+20+20+18)=%4.试将TCP/IP和OSI的体系结构进行比较。



























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