TX3001 安装使用说明书V1.0


VPE-T.3001_VPE 仪表模块

VPE-T.3001_VPE 仪表模块

Workbench 仪表模块仪表模块功能概述▼创建任何一种仪表▼创建仪表回路▼选择电缆路由▼设置控制系统I/O▼设置控制电缆VPE是工厂设计平台,所有专业共享同一数据源。


仪表模块培训的主要任务▼仪表索引表(仪表清册)▼I/O清册(系统配置图)▼仪表规格书(数据表)▼因果逻辑图▼电缆系统图▼仪表回路图(端子接线图)▼仪表电缆敷设图(仪表平面位置图)▼仪表安装图及材料汇总表▼仪表电缆表(电缆路由表)绝对满足仪表专业工程设计的深度要求准备创建仪表▼创建仪表的方法有两种–通过P&ID导入,对于已完成的P&ID图,可以将图中仪表信息(现场仪表、控制室仪表等)导入VPE–手动创建仪表,对于辅助仪表(接线箱、安全栅、信号转换器等)需手动创建,当然也可以手动创建现场仪表等▼在创建仪表之前,要完成仪表位号的定义▼从P&ID中导入仪表,要使VPE中的仪表位号设置与P&ID 中的仪表位号设置保持一致▼执行者:仪表工程师▼本节课程以创建孔板流量计和流量调节阀为例,讲解创建仪表的过程定义仪表位号▼通过以下菜单(由项目总负责人和仪表工程师完成)–Setup》Project》ProjectConfiguration》DisplayTagSetup定义仪表位号▼在V-9772窗口Tag Field Validation区,定义构成仪表位号的四个部分中那个部分要与数据库数据列表值关联▼构成仪表位号的四个部分可以与数据库中AREA、LETTER相关联,其中Pref或Sufx可以关联AREA,Letter或Number可以关联LETTER▼如图所示,Pref与AREA相关联,则必须完成AREA列表值设置设置工艺分区▼工艺分区的设置通过以下菜单(由工艺工程师完成)–Setup》Project》Process Areas创建仪表的主窗口V-2330▼通过以下菜单进入创建仪表主窗口–Design》Instruments▼V-2330主窗口Page 1主要是一般信息,包括P&ID导入的数据V-2330窗口▼V-2330窗口Page 2包括仪表安装位置、注释、承包商信息等V-2330窗口▼V-2330窗口Page 3包括采购信息(用于VPRM)、用户自定义信息及相关的设计标准V-2330窗口▼V-2330用来手动创建仪表或为从P&ID导入的仪表增加详细数据,也可以用来编辑已有的仪表数据▼主窗口用来输入一般性数据▼子窗口用来输入相关参数的详细数据▼通过主窗口进入子窗口创建仪表的流程–导入P&ID ▼第1步:将P&ID的仪表数据导入VPE,进入V-2330执行查寻,检查导入仪表的情况–关于数据导入操作详见P&ID与VPE数据传递文档▼第2步:将从P&ID导入的现场仪表发布出去,即改变仪表状态为RELEASED,供工艺专业关联工艺数据使用–工艺专业会收到提示信息改变为发布状态初始为工作状态Change State创建仪表的流程–关联工艺数据▼第3步:关联工艺数据并发布工艺数据–由工艺工程师完成–通过以下菜单Process》Design》Instruments进入仪表工艺数据窗口V-1241–可以生成每一块仪表的工艺数据表–工艺数据发布后,仪表专业将收到提示信息▼第1~3步相当于传统工作方式下,工艺专业向仪表专业提资信息提示区V-1241窗口▼在讲工艺模块时,曾讲过这个窗口的内容,现在让我们回忆一下–在这里完成仪表工艺数据的输入–操作条件子窗口DetailData,不同类型仪表窗口不同–报警及联锁关系子窗口Alarms/Trips–设计条件子窗口HostDes Cond–工艺专业的注释信息创建仪表的流程–查看工艺数据▼第4步:接收工艺数据,将已经关联工艺数据的仪表由RELEASED状态改变到WORKING,同时版号升高,则在仪表模块里可以查看(只读)工艺数据–在V-2330窗口里Process Data、Alarms/Trips、Host Des Cond按钮边会出现,表示这些子窗口已经被输入数据。



天讯®天网防火墙用户手册SkyNet Firewall User ManualVERSION 3.0适用于以下型号Baseline 基本型Enterprise 企业级Telecom 电信级广东天讯电信科技有限公司网址:Copy right © 2006 Guangdong Telecom Science & Technology Development Co.,Ltd尊敬的用户:您好!首先感谢您使用本公司生产的“天讯®天网防火墙”,但愿您及您所服务的单位能够感受到我们的产品带来的安全感与轻松感,享受到我们提供的优质技术服务。












Guida all'installazioneAdattatore Internet WiFi Dual Band (WNCE3001)AlimentazioneUSB EthernetVista dall'alto e dal bassoRipristinopulsantepulsanteWPSPorta Alimentazione USB cavoAdattatorePorta(con supporto)LEDInstallazione con WPSFare 2: atte n dere che il LED supulsanteWPS Fase 3: premere il tasto WPS sul router. Qua n doFase 1: collegare WNCE3001La co nn essio n e wireless è stata stabilita, il LED cambia colore per i n dicare la qualità della co nn essio n e: verde se n za i n ter-mitte n za, giallo se n za i n termitte n za o rosso se n za i n termitte n -za. Per ulteriori i n formazio n i sui sig n ificati di ciascu n colore,co n sultare la sezio n e sull'"Attività del LED dell'adattatore".alla TV , XBox o al lettore Blu-ray utilizza n do il cavo Ether n et (for n ito i n dotazio n e) e segue n do u n o dei metodi di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e i n dicati. Per ulteriori i n formazio n i sulle modalità di acce n sio n e, co n sultare la sezio n e "Opzio n i di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e".WNCE3001 lampeggia di verde.Premere il tasto WPS su WNCE3001. Il LED lampeggerà i n giallo e verde a i n dicare che la fu n zio n e WPS è i n esecuzio n e.Fase 4: complime n ti! L'i n stallazio n e è stata completata co n successo.Cosa significa WPS?Se si è i n possesso di u n router NETGEAR, questa fu n zio n alità è n ota come Push ‘N’ Co nn ect. Cercare i simboli o sul router per assicurarsi che il router NETGEAR supporti la fu n zio n alità WPS. I n caso di router n o n NETGEAR, co n sultare il ma n uale ute n te per sapere se la fu n zio n alità WPS è supportata. U n a volta accertato se il router supporta o me n o la fu n zio n alità WPS, scegliere il metodo di i n stallazio n e più i n dicato tra quelli riportati di seguito.WPS sig n ifica "WiFi Protected Setup" ed è u n a procedura che co n se n te di collegare u n dispositivo a u n a rete esiste n te i n ma n iera semplice e sicura.Installazione senza WPSFase 1: i n stallare WNCE3001 sul computer, scollegare la relativa co nn essio n ewireless al router e/o rimuovere il cavo Ether n et collegato al computer.È possibile ripristi n are la co nn essio n e dopo aver completato l'i n stallazio n e di WNCE3001.Fase 2: collegare WNCE3001 al computer utilizza n do il cavo (for n ito i n dotazio n e),segue n do u n o dei metodi di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e.Per ulteriori i n formazio n i sulle modalità di acce n sio n e, co n sultare la sezio n e"Opzioni di collegamento per l'alimentazione".Fase 3:ti verde lampeggia n te. Verificare che computer dis-po n ga dell'i n dirizzo IP . Qui n di aprire il browser I n ter n et, che caricherà auto-maticame n te la pagi n a per la co n figurazio n e (se questo n o n succede, digitare ma n ualme n te n el browser l'i n dirizzo ).Seguire le istruzio n i co n te n ute n ella pagi n a per la co n figurazio n e, qui n di tor-n are al ma n uale e passare alla fase 4.Fase 4: scollegare i cavi Ether n et e USB dal computer.Fase 5: collegare WNCE3001 alla TV, XBox o al lettore Blu-ray.Se il dispositivo n o n dispo n e di u n a porta USB, co n sultare la sezio n e "Opzio n i di collegame n to per l'alime n tazio n e".Fase 6:n e è stata completata co n successo.pulsanteWPS NOTA : accertarsi di verificare le impostazio n i di co nn essio n e di TV, XBox o lettore Blu-ray dopo aver co n figurato e co nn esso WNCE3001. Se richiesto per il tipo di co nn essio n e, accertarsi di aver selezio n ato WIRED (CABLATA).Giugno 2011© 2011 di NETGEAR, I n c. Tutti i diritti riservati. NETGEAR, il logo NETGEAR e Co nn ect with I nn ovatio n so n o marchi commerciali e/o marchi registrati di NETGEAR, I n c. e/o delle sue co n sociate n egli Stati U n iti e/o i n altri Paesi. Altri n omi di prodotti e marche so n o marchi registrati o marchi commerciali dei rispettivi proprietari. Le i n formazio n i so n o soggette a modifica se nza preavviso.Opzioni di collegamento per l'alimentazioneÈ possibile alime n tare WNCE3001 segue n do uno dei segue n ti metodi:•Collegare WNCE3001 a u n a presa a muro utilizza n do l'alime n tatore co n te n uto n ellaco n fezio n e.•do il cavo di alime n tazio n e USB co n te n uto n ella co n fezio n e:Procedura WPSSeque n za di eve n ti registrati alla pressio n e del tasto WPS per stabilire la co nn essio n e wireless:•Qua n do la procedura WPS è i n corso, il LED dive n ta verde per 500 milliseco n di, qui n di si speg n e per 500 milliseco n di, dive n ta di colore giallo per 500 milliseco n di, si speg n e per 500 milliseco n di, se n za i n terruzio n e.•U n a volta completata la procedura WPS, sul LED vie n e visualizzata l'i n formazio n e relativa alla qualità della velocità di co nn essio n e: verde se n za i n termitte n za, giallo se n za i n termitte n za o rosso se n za i n termitte n za.Note: i n caso di ma n cato completame n to della procedura WPS, il LED passa dal verde al rosso a i n tervalli di 0,5 seco n di.Alimentazione AdattatoreAlimentazione USB Domande frequenti1. Qual è il metodo di collegame n to migliore per l'alime n tazio n e?Molti dispositivi elettro n ici so n o dotati di porte USB e Ether n et poste molto vici n o tra loro. Utilizza n do il cavo di alime n tazio n e USB, è possibile liberare u n a presa di alime n tazio n e, così da utilizzarla per altri dispositivi. Se il dispositivo al quale si collega WNCE3001 n o n dispo n e di u n a porta USB libera, verificare che ci sia u n a porta USB libera su u n dispositivo raggiu n gibile co n il cavo da WNCE3001 e che tale dispositivo possa essere acceso i n co n tempora n ea co n WNCE3001. Qualora sussista n o queste co n dizio n i, è possibilecollegare il cavo di alime n tazio n e USB co n il suddetto dispositivo. Te n ere prese n te che alcu n e porte USB potrebbero n o n essere i n grado di for n ire l'alime n tazio n e elettrica richiesta da WNCE3001. WNCE3001 potrebbe qui n di riavviarsi o speg n ersi automaticame n te. I n questo caso, utilizzare l'adattatore di alime n tazio n e di WNCE3001 per acce n dere WNCE3001.2. Dura n te la co n figurazio n e di WNCE3001 se n za WPS, è n ecessario che il computer siaimpostato su DHCP per la buo n a riuscita dell'i n stallazio n e?Sì.3. Perché vie n e visualizzato l'errore “Co nn ectio n was n ot established to the selected n etwork”("La co nn essio n e alla rete selezio n ata n o n è stata stabilita.")?Le ragio n i posso n o essere molteplici. Prima di tutto, è possibile che sia n o stati i n seriti u n n ome o u n a chiave di rete i n corretti. Assicurarsi di aver i n serito i dati i n ma n iera corretta face n do clic su Ca n cel (A nn ulla) e digita n do n uovame n te n ome e chiave di rete. I n seco n do luogo, è possibile che il router abbia i n terrotto la trasmissio n e del seg n ale wireless. Assicurarsi che il router sia acceso e che ci sia u n a chiara li n ea di visio n e tra WNCE3001 e il router. Se possibile, avvici n are WNCE3001 al router e fare clic su Try Again (Riprova). Se il messaggio di errore co n ti n ua ad apparire a n che dopo diversi te n tativi di rico nn essio n e, potrebbe essere n ecessario aggior n are il router oppure acquistare u n Ra n ge Exte n der per aume n tare la copertura del seg n ale.4. Ho cercato di i n stallare il prodotto se n za WPS ma, al la n cio del browser, è apparsa u n apagi n a di errore. Come risolvere il problema?Assicurarsi che il cavo Ether n et sia be n collegato a WNCE3001 e al computer e che il LED LAN di WNCE3001 sia acceso. I n caso co n trario, ricollegare il cavo Ether n et e avviare n uovame n te il browser I n ter n et.5. Di che colore si illumi n a n o i LED per i n dicare la corretta co n figurazio n e di WNCE3001?Il LED di WNCE3001 lampeggia i n verde se il dispositivo n o n è collegato ad alcu n access poi n t. U n a volta stabilita la co nn essio n e wireless, il LED resta verde se n za i n termitte n za, giallo se n za i n termitte n za o rosso se n za i n termitte n za i n base alla qualità del collegame n to wireless.6. Cosa fare n el caso i n cui il LED sia rosso?La migliore co nn essio n e si stabilisce qua n do è prese n te u n a li n ea di visio n e chiara tra WNCE3001 e il router a cui ci si co nn ette. Assicurarsi che n o n ci sia n o ostacoli fisici tra WNCE3001 e il router. Si co n siglia i n oltre di avvici n are WNCE3001 qua n to più possibile al router.7. Il LED di acce n sio n e è rosso dura n te l'acce n sio n e. Perché?È probabile che la porta USB alla quale si è co nn essi n o n for n isca u n 'alime n tazio n e sufficie n te per WNCE3001. Collegare subito il prodotto all'alime n tatore co n te n uto n ella co n fezio n e. Per ulteriori i n formazio n i, fare riferime n to alla doma n da 1.8. Come posso cambiare le impostazio n i dopo aver co n figurato WNCE3001 la primavolta?Seguire le istruzio n i riportate n ella sezio n e "I n stallazio n e se n za WPS". Collegarsi alla pagi n a per co n figurare le impostazio n i ava n zate. 9. Il dispositivo si avvia ripetutame n te i n ma n iera automatica. Come procedere?Fare riferime n to alla doma n da 1.Attività del LED dell'adattatorePer la docume n tazio n e completa, visitare la sezio n e Dichiarazio n e di co n formità EU del sito Web NETGEAR, dispo n ibile all'i n dirizzo:/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621Attività del LEDSPENTOIl dispositivo non è alimentato.Rosso senza intermittenzaLa qualità del collegamento è bassa in base alla velocità di connessione oppure la porta USB non fornisce un'alimentazione sufficiente.Rosso lampeggianteSe il LED lampeggia di rosso con intervalli acceso/spento ciascuno di 0,5 secondi, il firmware è corrotto. Per le istruzioni, fare riferimento al manuale utente.Giallo senza intermittenza La qualità del collegamento è sufficiente, in base alla velocità di connessione.Lampeggiante (giallo)È in corso il riavvio del sistema o il sistema è statoripristinato. Dopo aver premuto il pulsante di ripristino per più di cinque secondi, il LED è giallo lampeggiante. Il LED lampeggia di giallo anche durante l'aggiornamento di un firmware.Verde senza intermittenza L'unità è accesa e la qualità del collegamento è buona, in base alla velocità di connessione.Lampeggiante (verde)L'avvio è terminato, ma non è stata stabilita alcuna connessione wireless, pertanto l'indirizzo IP non è disponibile.。

TE3001 电气火灾监控设备 安装使用说明书

TE3001 电气火灾监控设备 安装使用说明书


电气火灾监控系统依据GB 50016-2014《建筑设计防火规范》、GB 50116-2013《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》、GB 25506-2010《消防控制室通用技术要求》、GB 14287.1-2014《电气火灾监控系统第1部分:电气火灾监控设备》标准要求而设计,为室内使用设备。






目录1 概述 (4)2 功能 (4)3 特点 (4)4 技术指标 (4)5 配置说明及结构特征 (5)5.1 外观及面板说明 (5)5.2 内部结构说明 (6)5.3外接端子说明 (7)5.4布线要求 (7)5.5接线说明 (7)6 安装与调式 (8)6.1 开箱检查 (8)6.2 监控设备内部配置及连接状况检查 (8)6.3 开机前检查 (8)6.4 安装方法 (8)6.5 外部设备检查 (9)6.6 调试 (9)7 操作说明 (9)7.1 键盘介绍 (9)7.2 键盘的解锁与锁键盘 (9)7.3进入主菜单 (10)7.4查询实时信息 (10)7.4.1报警信息查询 (10)7.4.2联动信息查询 (10)7.4.3故障信息查询 (11)7.4.4屏蔽信息查询 (11)7.5记录查询 (11)7.6登录查询 (11)7.6.1总线部件 (11)7.6.2回路登录信息 (12)7.6.3重新登录 (12)7.7屏蔽操作 (12)7.8用户操作 (13)7.8.1时间设置 (13)7.8.2打印设置 (13)7.8.3系统工作模式 (13)7.8.4密码设置 (13)7.8.5按键声设置 (14)7.8.6联动模式 (14)7.9管理员操作 (14)7.9.1分机网络设置 (14)7.9.2总线设备配置 (15)7.9.3离线设置 (16)7.9.4联动编程 (16)7.9.5恢复出厂设置 (16)7.10复位 (17)7.11查询 (17)7.12自检 (17)7.13 消音 (17)7.14 操作级别设置 (17)8 常见故障及维修 (17)9 日常维护及保修 (18)10 打印机使用说明 (18)请联系我们 (19)1 概述TE3001型电气火灾监控设备(简称监控设备)是根据国家标准GB14287.1-2014《电气火灾监控系统第1部分:电气火灾监控设备》,针对电气火灾进行实时监控的全新系统。



引脚名 CS NC VC
输出电流采样引脚,CS 参考电压为 0.21V。 无连接。 内部电压调节器旁路电容引脚,在典型应用中,需要在 VIN 与 VC 引脚之间连接 1 个 1uF 电容。 电源输入引脚,支持 8V 到 40V DC 范围电压输入,需要在 VIN 与 GND 之间并联电解电容以消除噪声。 功率开关输出引脚,SW 是输出功率的开关节点,金属片电气 属性是 SW。 接地引脚。
VIN=8V,IOUT=925mA VIN=12V,IOUT=925mA VIN=24V,IOUT=925mA VIN=36V,IOUT=925mA
LED String(N*3W)
图17. XL3001系统效率曲线
Rev 1.2 10
220KHz 40V 3A开关电流降压型LED恒流驱动器
Rev 1.2
图 18. XL3001 系统参数测量电路(LED OVP)
220KHz 40V 3A开关电流降压型LED恒流驱动器
Rev 1.2 12
220KHz 40V 3A开关电流降压型LED恒流驱动器
220KHz 40V 3A开关电流降压型LED恒流驱动器
典型系统应用(VIN=8V~40V, IOUT=615mA)
图 14. XL3001 系统参数测量电路(VIN=8V~40V,IOUT=615mA)
Efficiency VS LED String



网络报警模块TXC300使用说明书2013年5月目录目录..............................................................................................................................................2简介................................................................................................................................................3安装使用.........................................................................................................................................4外观及端子排列.....................................................................................................................4电气接线.................................................................................................................................4端子定义及指示.............................................................................................................4LED灯指示............................................................................................................................5Premier816主机出厂默认及系统,主机编程使用注意事项.............................................5保养、维护.............................................................................................................................6附录:............................................................................................................................................7研发定制说明.................................................................................................................................9注意:只有写入正确的UDL Passcode后模块才能从主机获取到到信息以及向主机发送指令!!!简介TXC300 是配合 TexeCom premier816报警主机使用的网络接入报警模块,该模块可通过TCP/IP协议报警主机的COM1或者COM2采集到的主机状态信息上传给接警中心,并且可以在接警中心模拟键盘发送键盘命令,实现对Premier816主机报警主机进行撤布防、防区旁路、防区旁路恢复等主机命令操作。


附录 ................................................................................................................................................47 附录一、RedHat AS 5 Linux 安装 .......................................................................................47 一、版本介绍................................................................................................................. 47 二、安装概述................................................................................................................. 48 三、初次使用................................................................................................................. 56 四、系统登陆................................................................................................................. 60 五、远程登陆................................................................................................................. 62 附录二、大容量 NAS 存储视频监控方案...........................................................................64 一、应用需求................................................................................................................. 64 二、解决方案................................................................................................................. 65 附录三、多录像多转发视频监控方案................................................................................. 65 一、应用需求................................................................................................................. 65 二、解决方案................................................................................................................. 66

TX3001 安装使用说明书V1.1

TX3001 安装使用说明书V1.1
TX3001 火灾报警控制器采用壁挂式结构,采用模块式设计,具有功能强、可靠性高、配置灵活的特 点。系统采用 128×64 点汉字液晶显示,全汉字操作及提示界面。打印机可打印系统所有报警、故障及各 类操作的汉字信息。最大容量为 242 个总线部位点,具有全面的现场编程能力。
TX3001 火灾报警控制器可与我公司生产的各类开关量型、模拟量型、智能型火灾探测器和控制模块 连接,构成一个总线控制器,是消防工程的最佳选择。
第四章 键盘操作及菜单系统详解 ............................................................................................................ 13 4.1 键盘介绍 ........................................................................................................................................ 13 4.2 键盘的解锁与锁键盘 .................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 主菜单进入 .....................................................................................................................................13 4.4 各菜单功能及操作 .........................................................................................................................13 4.6 复位 .................................................................................................................................................20 4.7 声光警报器启动/停止 ...................................................................................................................21 4.8 火警传输设备启动 .........................................................................................................................21 4.9 消音 ................................................................................................................................................ 21



Installation GuideUniversal Dual Band WiFi Internet Adapter (WNCE3001)PowerUSB Ethernet Top and Bottom ViewsReset buttonbuttonWPSPortUSB power cableEthernet cableadapterPort(with stand)LEDInstallation with WPSStep 2: Wait until the LED on thebuttonWPS Step 3: Push the WPS button on your router. When theStep 1: Connect the WNCE3001wireless connection has been established, the LED changes color to indicate the quality of theconnection—solid green, solid amber, or solid red.Check “Adapter LED Activity” on the reverse side for more information about what these colors mean.to your TV, XBox, or Blu-ray player using the Ethernet cable (included) and one of the power connectionoptions. For more information on power-up methods, see “Power Connection Options” on the reverse side.WNCE3001 is blinking green.Push the WPS button on the WNCE3001. The LED will blink amber and green, showing that the WPS is running.Step 4: Congratulations! Your installation is complete.What is WPS?If you have a NETGEAR router, this feature is called Push ‘N’ Connect. Look for the or symbols on the router to make sure the NETGEAR router supports WPS. For non-NETGEAR routers, please refer to the user manual to determine if the router supports WPS. Once you know whether your router supports WPS, choose the appropriate installation method below.WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a simple and secured way to connect a device to an existing network.Installation without WPSStep 1: On the computer you will use to install the WNCE3001, disconnectits wireless connection to the router and/or remove the Ethernet cable currently connected to the computer. You may restore the connection after the WNCE3001 installation is complete.Step 2: Connect the WNCE3001 to your computer, using the Ethernet cable (included) and one of the power connection options. For more information on power-up methods, see “Power Connection Options” on the reverse side.Step 3: Wait until the LED is blinking green. Make sure the computergets the IP address. Then, open you Internet browser and it will automatically take you to the setup page. (If not, manually type as the browser address.) Follow theinstructions on the setup page, then return to this guide and continue to Step 4.Step 4: Disconnect the Ethernet and USB cables from your computer.Step 5: Connect the WNCE3001 to your TV, Box, or Blu-ray player. If your device does not have a USB port, see “Power Connection Options” on the reverse side.buttonWPS NOTE : Make sure you go through the connection settings on your TV, XBox, or Blu-ray player after the WNCE3001 is configured and connected. If asked for the type of connection, make sure WIRED is selected.June 2011© 2011 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved. NETGEAR, the NETGEAR logo, and Connect with Innovation are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries n the United States and/or other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectiveholders. Information is subject to change without notice.Power Connection OptionsYou can power on your WNCE3001 using either of these methods:•Connect the WNCE3001 to a wall outlet with the included power adapter.•Connect the WNCE3001 to any USB port using the included USB power cable:WPS ProcessHere is the sequence of events when you press the WPS button to establish your wirelessconnection:•When WPS is in process, the LED turns green for 500 milliseconds, then off for 500milliseconds, then turns amber for 500 milliseconds, then off for 500 milliseconds,continuously.•When WPS is done, the LED displays the link rate quality: solid green, solid amber, orsolid red.Note: In the event of a WPS failure, the LED switches between green and red atintervals of 0.5 seconds.PoweradapterUSB powercableFAQ1. Which power connection options should I choose?Many consumer electronics devices have Ethernet and USB ports in close proximity. Usingthe USB power cable option allows you to free up one power outlet that can be used forsomething else. Even if the device to which you connect the WNCE3001 does not have afree USB port, as long as there is a free USB port on a neighboring device within cablelength of the WNCE3001, and that device can be turned on when you use the WNCE3001,you can plug the USB power cable into the neighboring device. Note that some USB portson consumer electronic devices may not be capable or providing the power that theWNCE3001 requires. In such cases, the WNCE3001 may reset itself or turn itself off.When this happens, please use the WNCE3001 power adapter when powering up theWNCE3001.2. When setting up the WNCE3001 without using WPS, does the computer have to be onDHCP for the installation to work?Yes.3. Why am I getting the error “Connection was not established to the selected network.”?There are a few reasons for this. First, you may have entered the incorrect network name orkey. Make sure it is typed in correctly by clicking Cancel and re-typing the name and key.Second, the router may have stopped broadcasting. Make sure the router that isbroadcasting your wireless network is still turned on and there is a clear line of sightbetween the WNCE3001 and the router. If possible, move the WNCE3001 closer to therouter and click Try Again. If after repeated attempts to connect, you are still seeing thismessage, you may need to upgrade your router to one that provides greater wireless range,or purchase a Range Extender to extend its wireless range.4. I tried to install without WPS, but when I launched my browser, I got an error page. Whatcan I do?Make sure that your Ethernet cable is fully seated between the WNCE3001 and thecomputer, and that the LED on the device to which the WNCE3001connected is on. If not,re-connect the Ethernet cable, and re-launch your Internet browser.5. What should the LED colors be when the WNCE3001 is set up correctly?The LED on the WNCE3001 should be blinking green if it is not connected to any AccessPoint. After the wireless connection is established, the LED should remain solid green,solid amber, or solid red, depending on the wireless link quality.6. What should I do if the LED is red?The best connection is established when there is a clear line of sight between theWNCE3001 and the router you are connecting to. Make sure there are no physicalobstacles between the WNCE3001 and the router, and try to move the WNCE3001 closerto the router.7. Why is the LED solid red during power on?It is likely that the USB port you are connected to does not provide enough power forthe WNCE3001. Please see Question 1 for more details and immediately switch thepower supply to the included power adapter.8. How do I change the settings after the WNCE3001 is set up initially?Follow the instructions in the “Installation without WPS” section. As you enter http://, you may further configure advanced settings.9. My device resets itself intermittently. What should I do?Please refer to Question 1.Adapter LED Activity/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621。

捷星广达 UTREK-310 实时软件接收机和中频数据采集系统用户使用手册说明书

捷星广达 UTREK-310 实时软件接收机和中频数据采集系统用户使用手册说明书

一 简介........................................................................................................... 7
包装列表............................................................................................ 8
使 用
手 册
注意................................................................................................................... 3 目录................................................................................................................... 6

UTREK-310 是一款针对 GPS 的 L1 频段 CA 码信号和 GLONASS 卫星导航系统 L1
端和 PC 机接口硬件系统和数据处理软件包。其射频前端对来自天线的 GPS 和

UTREK-310 主机

Insane Audio JL3001 安装说明书

Insane Audio JL3001 安装说明书

I.IntroductionII.Safety precautionsIII.Opening the DashIV.ConnectionsV.Finishing upVI.Tips & tricksAppendix A: Installing camerasCongratulations! If you are reading this, then you are most likely about to install Insane Audio’s super awesome JL3001 in your Jeep Wrangler JL or Gladiator pickup. This document is intended to give you a few helpful hints and tips.This should go without saying, but PLEASE USE YOUR NEW INSANE AUDIO HEAD UNIT RESPONSIBLY. Never attempt to operate the unit or view videos while driving. When in doubt, pull over first then do what you need to do. While driving, always keep both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road!Should you run into problems or need any additional assistance, feel free to drop us an e-mail at ***********************or visit us at/support and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible.Once you get your JL3001installed, a helpful document is our Quick Start Guide which you can be found at /supportYou’ll also want to check out our online user forum athttps:///forum It’s a great place to share ideas and join the Insane Audio community! Of course, you can always find additional information and documentation at our homepage at Enjoy your new Insane Audio JL3001and we’ll see ‘ya on the trail!A quick note from the Insane Audio engineering staff…Please note that this is a brand new product. So much so, that we haven’t yet had a chance to complete a detailed installation manual. This document has the basics for now, but will continue to be updated over the next few days so please bear with us. If you have any specific questions or need technical support, hit us up anytime! Insane Audio’s JL3001 is the culmination of years of research and development and we are quite proud of the results. We’re sure you will absolutely love Insane Audio’s all new JL3001 in your vehicle!Again, our support staff can always be reached via/support•Disconnect the negative battery terminal before beginning this installation!•If you are not comfortable installing this product yourself, we highly recommend consulting a professional installer. •Don’t run with scissors.The JL Dash is held together withpressure clips. Use a dash trimtool to pry the center dashpanel. The plastic is easy toscratch, so be careful!Remove the two (2) Phillipsscrews on the bottom of theOEM radio bracket.Remove the two (2)Phillips screws onthe top of the OEMRadio BezelRemove the two (2)Phillips screws on thebottom of the OEM Radiobezel.You’ll want to save some of the dash pressure clips from your old OEM dash panels and use them for your sexy new Insane Audio JL3001GPS and WiFi antennasOEM Backup Camera•Connect the "Rockcam GND" wire (from the RCA pigtail) to the "GND" wire (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006)•Connect the "Rockcam Power" wire (from the RCA pigtail) to the "ACC" wire (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006)•Plug in both cables "JEEP AHD CAMERA CABLE" and "Factory Camera Input" to the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006•Connect "REVERSE CVBS OUTPUT" (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006) to the "Backup Cam"from the JL CanBus wiring harness (make sure to connect the Backup Cam wire from the black connector that plugs into the back of our head unit).•Connect "Factory Camera Input" (from the Black CanBus module: MODEL: XSYBOX-006) to the OEM RED port.•Connect Parking Radar Sensor speaker to "speaker" wire from CanBus wiring harness.OEM AUX ConnectionOEM USB ConnectionExternal Mic ConnectionYour JL3001comes with a built-inBluetooth microphone, but wealso include a complementary highquality external mic that may workbetter in some applications.This external mic will work at justabout any location, but we dohave some recommendations as toplacement. Try to keep this micaway from any windows, air vents,or speakers to avoid backgroundsounds or feedback. Most folks dowell placing this directly on thesteering column as far away fromParking Radar•Your new JL3001is packed with features… so much so that the best way to fully get familiar with it is to just go ahead and start using it! •Be sure to check out our online user forum. It’s a great place to share technical information and creative uses of your Insane Audio product. It’s entirely free and here as a resource for our customers!/forum•There are quite a few safety features that come pre-enabled on the JL3001 such as the ability to watch video while driving. This can all be turned off through the settings. We don’t recommend this,though. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE AND ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD AND BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL!•Launch the Torque app for live engine data. There are tutorials on how to use Toque on our forum as well as our YouTube channel. •Insane NavEngine can be accessed by pressing the navigation icon on the home screen. This will get you where you’re going both on and off the road.•Insane Audio’s JL3001 comes with a microSD card slot. Load up a data card with movies or music and access the content via theVIDEO or MUSIC icons. Remember to format large capacity cards as NTFS first (NOT exFAT).•Don’t forget to remove the screen protector. That is only there for shipping and isn’t needed once you’ve installed your new InsaneAudio product.•Feel free to get creative! Customize your new Insane Audio product, install apps, and make it yours!Thank you!You can always find out more information or view user manuals online at https:///support.In addition, feel free to “like” us here:https:///insanejeepaudioWe hope you enjoy your new Insane Audio product and we’ll see you on the trail!Insane Audio’s JL3001 is designed to support a backup camera as well as a front facing camera. You can use any camera that provides an RCA video signal. You also have the necessary adapters to re-use an OEM backup camera (where equipped).Insane Audio has a few camera offerings that we highly recommend, as they have been designed and tested to work specifically with our head units. Like all Insane Audio products, our cameras are built tough and ready for the trail. You can see our cameras and other accessories at In addition, your Insane Audio head unit will also support things like wirelessly viewing and controlling a GoPro by downloading the appropriate app.This appendix will cover the physical installation of backup and front facing cameras.The A/V pigtail offers two wires labeled “RockCam Power” and “RockCam GND” that automatically provide +12V whenever you reverse the vehicle or open the RockCam app.We recommend you use these wires to power your front camera, your backup camera or both if you’ve got ‘em!Before making any connections, unplug the A/V pigtail from the head unit and make sure that everything is powered off.A. Installing camerasBACKUP CAMERA INSTALLATION (NON-OEM)For vehicles that don’t already have an OEM backup camera, you will need to run the RockCam wires from the front of your Jeep all the way to your backup camera. Insane Audio’s IACAM1 and IACAM2 include a DC power cable that you will wire directly to the red and black RockCam terminals. You will have to strip some insulation from the RockCam wires.Protect the head unit by ensuring that the electrical connection is safely insulated.Note that if you are not using cameras, then you should keep the RockCam power terminals unexposed and out of the way.The backup camera feed will connect to the “CAM IN” video input female RCA terminal. Insane Audio’s cameras include an RCA extension cable that you can run from the head unit to the rear of the vehicle.FRONT CAMERA INSTALLATIONInstallation of a front facing camera with Insane Audio’s JL3001 is fairly simple. Connect the camera’s power lines to the red and black RockCam terminals. Remember that these power terminals can support a front camera, a backup camera, or both cameras simultaneously.Finally feed the IACAM2 video signal into the “RockCam Video In” RCA port.At this point, you may plug the A/V pigtail back into the head unit and power everything back on.Check the installation by opening the RockCam app.If you see a “No signal” warning, ensure that the front video feed is connected to “RockCam Video In” RCA port and the power wires are properly connected.Note that with the RockCam app, you can even view any installed backup camera, too. Tap on the upper left camera icon to switch between front and rear views whenever you’re parked or moving forward.。




1 开机与关机开机:确认交流电源正确连接后,将机内主/备电源的开关打到上方(I),控制器即进入开机过程。





2 联动模式在主机菜单里面可以设置系统手/自动模式转换。





3 火灾报警当系统配接的探测器、手动报警按钮等报警部件确认发现火情时,通过总线将报告给控制器将报警信息传给控制器。








360终端安全管理系统用户手册© 2021 360企业安全集团■版权声明本文中出现的任何文字叙述、文档格式、插图、照片、方法、过程等内容,除另有特别注明外,所有版权均属360企业安全集团所有,受到有关产权及版权法保护.任何个人、机构未经360企业安全集团的书面授权许可,不得以任何方式复制或引用本文的任何片断。

目录| Contents一、产品简介 (4)1。

1产品概述 (4)1。

2设计理念 (4)1.3产品架构 (5)二、安装部署 (6)2。

1环境准备 (6)2.1.1服务器准备 (6)2.1.2终端环境准备 (7)2.1.3网络环境准备 (7)2.2控制中心安装 (8)2.3客户端安装 (12)2。

3.1客户端功能定制和下载 (12)2.3.2客户端在线安装 (12)2。


3客户端离线安装 (13)2。


4客户端域安装 (15)三。

功能使用说明 (17)3.1登录 (17)3.2界面说明 (17)3。

2.1Banner区 (18)3。


2 .................................................................................................................... 主功展示区域183.3首页 (19)3。

3.1........................................................................................................................ 安全概况193.3。

2待处理任务 (19)3。


3服务器性能监控 (20)3。


4安全动态 (20)3。

3.5文件鉴定 (20)3。


6病毒查杀趋势 (21)3。


7病毒分类 (21)3。

3.8高危漏洞修复趋势 (22)3.3.9XP盾甲趋势 (22)3.3.10常用功能 (23)3.3。




前 一

公 司 简 介 .................................................................................................................................................................................. I 言 ...............................................................................................................................................................................II 火灾探测器 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 二 JTY-GM-LA1550 型点型光电感烟火灾探测器 .............................................................................................................. 1 JTW-ZDM-LA1400 型点型感温火灾探测器(A2) ...................................................................................................... 2 JTY-GM-LA1550A 型点型光电感烟火灾探测器 ........................................................................................................... 3 JTW-ZDM-LA1400A 型点型感温火灾探测器(A2) ................................................................................................... 3 SAN1700B 型基座 ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 JTY-GM-TX3100 型点型光电感烟火灾探测器 .............................................................................................................. 3 JTW-ZDM-TX3110 型点型感温火灾探测器(A2R) ................................................................................................... 5 JTF-GOM-TX3120 型点型复合式感烟感温火灾探测器 ............................................................................................... 6 JTY-GM-TX3101 型点型光电感烟火灾探测器 .............................................................................................................. 7 JTW-ZDM-TX3111 型点型感温火灾探测器(A2R) ................................................................................................. 8 TX3980 型底座 ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 TX3981 型底座 ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 JQB-HX2132 点型可燃气体探测器 ............................................................................................................................ 10



F S T3001仪表说明书(总18页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--FST3001使用说明书适合调速秤恒速秤静态秤料位大皮带计量仪表计量精度%可方便接入DCS系统可组网TW3000一 : 系统性能1:专用工业级控制微处理器,系统稳定,运行可靠。




模拟量输入:16位 .模拟量输出12位。








D:0~10ma 或0~20ma 或4~20ma 外部流量设定输入(全隔离)E:0~10ma 或0~20ma 或4~20ma 当前流量输出(全隔离)。













二:技术指标1:供电电源:AC220V±10% 20W 50HZ/60HZ。


3:传感器供电6v ,放大器最大输入。


5:外部流量设定输入:4~20ma 0~20ma 0~10ma (隔离)。


第四章 与 PLC 的连接方法 .................................................................................................................. 40
4.1 三菱 FX 系列 ............................................................................................................................ 40 4.2 西门子 S7-200 系列 ................................................................................................................ 41 4.3 欧姆龙 C 系列 .......................................................................................................................... 41 4.4 施耐德 NEZA/TWIDO 系列 .................................................................................................... 42 4.5 台达 DVP 系列 ........................................................................................................................ 43 4.6 松下 FP 系列 ............................................................................................................................ 43 4.7 LG Master-K CNet 系列 ......................................................................................................... 44 4.8 LG 系列 Modbus 协议........................................................................................................... 45 4.9 LG Master-K 120S 编程口通讯 ............................................................................................ 46 4.10 FACON 永宏系列 .................................................................................................................. 46 4. 11 光洋 S 系列........................................................................................................................... 47 4.12 ECOSTEP 系列 .................................................................................................................... 48 4.13 AB Micrologix 系列................................................................................................................ 49 4.14 MODBUS RTU/ASCII/EMERSON/RTU EXTEND ........................................................... 50 4.15 MODBUS SERVER .............................................................................................................. 51 4.16 自由协议 ................................................................................................................................ 52 4.17 SAIA PCD S-BUS 协议 ........................................................................................................ 53 4.18 丰炜 VIGOR PLC .................................................................................................................. 54 4.19 EMERSON EC20 系列 PLC ................................................................................................... 55



Anti arp防火墙网络版(彩影网盾)使用说明及常用问题解答(在安装软件前先卸载其他版本的彩影网盾)1.双击客户端文件夹,运行[ARPClient.exe]文件如下图:2.单击[ 下一步 ]按钮开始安装,使用本软件需要接受许可协议,如下图:3.点选[ 我同意该许可协议的条款 ] 按钮说明你接受我们的许可协议,点击[ 下一步 > ]按钮之后,再点击[ 下一步 > ]按钮开始安装本程序,安装程序在大约需要五秒钟左右,如果出现以下安装界面恭喜您已经安装成功,如下图:4.点击[完成]按钮之后,软件开始安装驱动程序,大约需要等待十秒钟左右,并出现驱动安装成功的界面,点击确定之后配置服务端IP如下图:5.服务端IP填写安装本软件的服务端程序的IP地址,我校的服务端IP是172.17.1.237。




拦截 IP 冲突---->受到外部攻击的IP冲突欺骗累计次数。





本机 IP/MAC----->本机的IP以及MAC地址,支持多网卡多IP。

网关 IP/MAC----->网关的IP以及MAC地址。


ARP攻击详细信息说明:图片说明:+ [外部攻击数据] 受到外部计算机攻击的次数达到1110次,对于检测是否存在ARP攻击非常有效。

+ [ IP 冲突数据] 受到外部IP冲突攻击的次数,0表示没有发生IP冲突攻击。



3001D Smart Safe Manual For 3001D-1HL/3001D-3HL/3001D-5HLSUMMARYThank you for using our company’s smart safe. Before you use this product, please read this manual carefully, it will help you to use the smart safe in a correct way. Compare with the general safe, this smart safe will be more securely and conveniently. Welcome to visit our web site, please contact us if you have any demands and comments in our product.SMART SAFE 3001D-1HLSMART SAFE 3001D-3HLSMART SAFE 3001D-5HLELECTRONIC PARAMETERS ●Power supply: 4*AA alkaline batteries ●Alarm voltage: DC 4.2V±0.2V●Static current: ≤30uA●Dynamic current: ≤400mA●Working temperature: 0℃~55℃●Working humidity: 20% ~ 93% ±2RHNOTICES●Position the smart safe in a level and a covert area.●Place the smart safe in cool and dry place.●Avoid direct sunlight.●Do not dismantle the smart safe privately.●Do not tread on the smart safe.●Do not mix the different types of batteries or mix new batteries and the old batteries together.●Make sure that the positive and negative electrodes are connected correctly.●The man-made destruction is not on the warranty in the contract scope.MATERIAL CONTAINED INSIDE THE PACKAGINGINSATLLATIONWhen you received the smart safe, you need to carry out some simple operations. INSTALLING BATTERIESRemove the protective lid unscrewing the screws, and fit the batteries into their seats.POSITIONNow you can position the smart safe on the top of a piece of furniture, or inside a cabinet. Lock it in place using the 2 wooden screw provided with the smart safe. For fastening in place, the smart safe has 4 through holes – 2 on the back wall and 2 on the horizontal surface. The installer should use these, at his own discretion, depending on where the smart safe is to be placed.DRILLING DIAGRAMSSMART SAFE 3001D-1HLSMART SAFE 3001D-3HLSMART SAFE 3001D-5HLUSER INSTRUCTIONSNow the smart safe is delivered to the user with the door open and ready to use.ASSIGNING OWNER CODE●Make sure that the smart safe has been initialized and was open●Press the *, 0 and # button, input original owner code 123456, and then press # button.●Press the *, 0 and # button again in 6 seconds, when 1St display on the screen, input a new ownercode as you like, then press the # button●When 2nd display on the screen, input the same owner code and press # button again●When dOnE display on the screen, it means owner code was set successful.●Only one owner code is allowed.CHANGE AN OWNER CODE●Make sure that the smart safe was open.●Press the *, 0 and # button, input owner code you set before, and then press # button.●When PrOG display, press the *, 0 and # button●When 1St display, input a new code, and then press # button●When 2nd display, input the same code and press the # button again●When dOnE display, it means owner code has changed successfulNOTICEOnce the safe initialized, the Owner Code return to factory setting code 123456.OPEN THE SAFE BY OWNER CODE●Press the *, 0 and # button, input the owner code that you set before, and then press # button.●When OPEn display, the door has opened.NOTICEIn Privacy Mode, just input correct Owner Code, safe will be open, and press # will be close.ASSIGNING SERVICE CODE●Make sure that the smart safe is open.●Press the *, 0 and # button, input owner code you set before, and then press # button.●When PrOG display, press the *, 1 and # button●When 1St display, input a 1st service code, and then press # button●When 2nd display, input the 1st service code and press the # button again●When dOnE display, it means 1st service code has set successful●When dOnE was change into PrOG, press the *, 2 and # button, the display will show 2nd, inputthe 2nd service code, and then press # button, 2nd service code will be confirmed assignment.NOTICEService Code assignment can be continue before display offDELETE SOME SERVICE CODE●Make sure that the smart safe was open.●Press the *, 0 and # button, input owner code, and then press # button.●When PrOG display, press the *, *, 1 and # button●When dOnE display and after one beep sounded, 1st service code has been deleted.●Service key can be deleted until the display offDELETE ALL SERVICE CODE●Make sure that the smart safe was open.●Press the *, 0 and # button, input owner code, and then press # button.●When PrOG display, press the *, *, *,and # button●When dEL ALL display, input owner code and press # button●When dOnE display and after one beep sounded, all of service codes have been deleted. OPEN THE SAFE BY SERVICE CODE●Press the *, 1~5 and # button, input the corresponding service code that you set before, and thenpress # button. (1~5 corresponding service code group 1 to group 5 )●When OPEn display, the door has opened.SWITCH TO SHARE MODE/ PRIVACY MODE●Switch to SHARE MODE : Press the Reset button last one second, release the button if heard“Beep”, continuous “Beep” will indicated Share Mode has been activated.●Switch to PRIVACY MODE : Press the Reset button last three seconds, release the button if heard“Beep Beep”, continuous “Beep” will indicated Privacy Mode has been activated.CLOSING AND OPENING THE SAFE IN SHARE MODETo close the safe, the user must keep the door pressed and key the code onto the keyboard, followed by the key #. This code may consist of anything between 4 and 9 digits, at the discretion of the user. To indicate that the door has closed, CLSd will show up on the display.To open the safe, you just need to key in the same code. As you set the code, if you key in a wrong digit, you can press * to delete it and re-key in the right digit.You can change the One-Time Code during any safe closing or opening cycle.CLOSING AND OPENING THE SAFE IN PRIVACY MODETo close the safe, the user must keep the door be pressed and press the button #. To indicate that the door has closed, CLSd will show up on the display.To open the safe, you just need to key in the Owner Code as you set before, In Privacy Mode, don’t need to key in *, 0 and# any more before key in Owner Code, but should be key in *, 1~5 and# button before inputting any group of Service Code.One Time Code will not available when safe work on Privacy Mode.If you key in a wrong digit, you can press * to clear the display and re-key in the right digit again.NOTICEFor the public area, double press*before input the secret code, the safe will turn into Security Mode. It means that the LED screen will not display the code numbers. The sign “-”will be instead of the code number.NOTICEIf someone input the wrong password for more than 5 times, the keypad will locked and the LED screen will show HOLd. The keypad will be available again after 5 minutes.USING THE MECHANICAL KEYIn case of accidental forget the owner code and the service code; you can open the safe by the mechanical key, proceeding as follows.Take the front adhesive off from the door and put the mechanical key – provided with the product – into the lock. You may now open the door manually.NOTICENever leave the mechanical key and the hand terminal inside the safe.UNIVERSAL SOCKET (OPTIONAL)On request, a universal power socket can be provided. It willbe located on the inside of the door of the safe. It canconnect various devices – for example, a personal computeror a cell phone battery charger – to the power mains. Thepower supply cable of this socket comes out from the backof the safe, and ends with three small cables (phase, neutraland earth) which can be directly connected to the terminalsof the wiring system, or to a normal plug. In case of directconnection to the wiring system, the wiring system must beequipped with a complete line cut off device, with a contactopening distance of at least 3.5mm. If the power supplycable is connected to a normal plug, the plug must beperfectly accessible.If the power supply cable is damaged for any reason whatsoever, disconnect it from the power supply system – or take the plug out of the socket – and get in touch with our Sales Service.ERROR LIST INTRODUCTION。

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TX3001 火灾报警控制器采用壁挂式结构,采用模块式设计,具有功能强、可靠性高、配置灵活的特 点。系统采用 128×64 点汉字液晶显示,全汉字操作及提示界面。打印机可打印系统所有报警、故障及各 类操作的汉字信息。最大容量为 242 个总线部位点,具有全面的现场编程能力。
TX3001 火灾报警控制器可与我公司生产的各类开关量型、模拟量型、智能型火灾探测器和控制模块 连接,构成一个总线控制器,是消防工程的最佳选择。

( Ver.1.0,2012.08 )
JB-QB-TX3001 火灾报警控制器
JB-QB-TX3001 火灾报警控制器(简称 TX3001)是深圳市泰和安科技有限公司充分调研消防市场需 求,总结多年消防工程经验,融会国标 GB4717-2005《火灾报警控制器》的要求和精神,设计的新一代 报警智能控制器。
安装使用说明书(Ver .1.0, 2012.08)
JB-QB-TX3001 火灾报警控制器
第一章 概 述 .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 功能强、可靠性高 ...........................................................................................................................4 1.2 窗口化、汉字菜单式操作界面 .......................................................................................................4 1.3 灵活的模块化结构和多种功能配置选择 .......................................................................................4 1.4 具有 USB 离线编程接口 ...................................................................................................................4 1.5 具备对控制模块全面的自检功能 ...................................................................................................5 1.6 可配接汉字式火灾显示盘 ...............................................................................................................5
第二章 控制器结构及配置说明 .................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 控制器典型配置 .............................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 控制器面板说明 ...............................................................................................................................5 2.3 控制器内部构成及连线说明 .......................................................................................................... 7 2.4 主要技术特性 .................................................................................................................................. 8
第三章 基本功能与报警处理 ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 开机、关机与自检 .......................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 火灾报警 .........................................................................................................................................10 3.3 监管报警 .........................................................................................................................................10 3.4 总线上部位故障报警 .....................................................................................................................10 3.5 回路总线短路报警 ........................................................................................................................ 11 3.6 主电故障报警 ................................................................................................................................ 11 3.7 备电故障报警 ................................................................................................................................ 11 3.8 声光警报输出口故障报警 ............................................................................................................ 11 3.9 火警传输设备故障报警 .................................................................................................................12 3.10 清洗预报 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 3.11 屏蔽报警 .......................................................................................................................................12 3.12 用作分机 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 3.13 传送回路信息及联动信息 .......................................................................................................... 12
第四章 键盘操作及菜单系统详解 ............................................................................................................ 13 4.1 键盘介绍 ........................................................................................................................................ 13 4.2 键盘的解锁与锁键盘 .................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 主菜单进入 .....................................................................................................................................13 4.4 各菜单功能及操作 .........................................................................................................................14 4.6 复位 .................................................................................................................................................20 4.7 声光警报器启动/停止 ...................................................................................................................21 4.8 火警传输设备启动 .........................................................................................................................21 4.9 消音 ................................................................................................................................................ 21