Component-based system integration via (meta)model composition


Component integration system for an application pr

Component integration system for an application pr

专利名称:Component integration system for an application program发明人:C. Douglas Hodges,Srinivasa R.Koppolu,Michael Halcoussis,Clarence A.Glasse申请号:US08/893164申请日:19970715公开号:US05991794A公开日:19991123专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A component integration system including a component manager that controls the main message loop of the application program and allows a multiplicity of components running within a single process to share in main message loop services. If the application program supports multiple threads running within a single process, then the component manager allows a multiplicity of components running within a single thread to share in main message loop services. Specifically, the component manager routes messages from the main message queue to the various components and allows the components to share in the following services: (1) allocation of idle time, (2) pretranslation of accelerator and other messages, (3) notification of program state changes, and (4) pushing the main message loop. The component manager and the cooperating components define standard interfaces for introducing new components into the application program. Thus, these new components may share in the message loop services without having to duplicate the message loop processing code, and without developing parallel execution stacks.申请人:MICROSOFT CORPORATION 代理机构:Jones & Askew, LLP更多信息请下载全文后查看。



最后的英⽂参考⽂献2英⽂正⽂资料英⽂正⽂资料ABSTRACTDesign and manufacturing are the core activities for realizing a marketable and profitable product. A number of evolutionary changes have taken place over the past couple of decades in the areas of both design and manufacturing. First we explore the developments in what is called CAD. The major focus in CAD technology development has been on advancing representation completeness. First there was the development of a two-dimensional (2D) drafting system in the 1960s. Then the extension of 2D drafting systems to three-dimensional (3D) models led to the development of wire frame-based modeling systems. However, it was not possible to represent higher order geometry data such as surface data. To bridge this gap, surface based models were developed in the early 1970s. Even though the surface models provided some higher level information, such as surface data for boundary representation, this was still not sufficient to represent solid or volume enclosure information. The need for solid modeling intensified with the development of application programs such as numerical control (NC) verification codes and automation mesh generation. A volume representation of the part is needed for performing topological validity checks. The solid modeling technology has evolved only since the mid-1970s. A large number of comprehensive software products are now available that enable integration of geometric modeling with design analysis and computer aided manufacturing .The latest evolutionary development in the CAD/CAM industry has been knowledge-based engineering systems that can capture both geometric and nongeometric product information, such as engineering rules, part dependences, and manufacturing constraints, resulting in more informationally complete product definitions.Optimum DesignIn the design of any component , there are always associate with the design certain desirable and undesirable effects. It is possible to obtain design solutions without1西安交通⼤学城市学院本科⽣毕业设计(论⽂)paying too much attention to these effects (other than casually checking that the component will perform its required function without failure); such a solution might be termed an adequate design .In many instances, however, it is necessary to give more than casual consideration to the various effects: either to maximize a desirable one or minimize an undesirable one . The design solution may then be termed an optimum design . For example , it may be required to minimize the cost of a component (particularly if the design is for mass production ), to minimize weight or deflection , or to obtain maximum power transmission capability or load carrying capacity .When any component is designed , certain functional requirements must be satisfied , and there are usually many design solutions which will satisfy these requirements. It is the purpose of the optimum design method to present a procedure of design which will give an optimum solution , taking account of all the factors involved .Any idealized engineering system can be described by a finite set of quantities. For example, an elastic structure modeled by finite elements is characterized by the mode coordinates … Some of these quantities are fixed in advance and they will not be changed by the redesign process (they are often called prescribed parameters ). The others are the design variables; they will be modified during each redesign process in order to gradually optimize the mechanical system. A function of the design variables must be defined, whose value permits selecting different feasible design variables; this is the objective function (e.g. the weight of an aerospace structures ). A design is said to be feasible if it satisfies all the requirements that are imposed to the mechanical system when performing its tasks. Usually , requiring that a design is feasible amounts to assigning upper or lower limits to quantities characterizing the system behavior (inequality constraints ).Sometimes given values , rather than lower or upper bounds , are imposed to these quantities (equality constraints ).Taking again the case of structural optimization , the behavior constraints are placed on stresses, displacement , frequencies, buckling loads, etc…Reliability DesignConsumer products, industrial machinery , and military equipment are intently evaluated for reliability of performance and life expectancy. Although the “military” and particular industrial users (for example ,power plants both fossil fuel and muclear 2 fuel ) have always followed some sort of reliability programs, consumer products have of late received the widest attention and publicity. One of the most important foundations for product reliability is its design, and it is apparent that the designershould at least be acquainted with some of the guidelines.The article entitle d “A Manual of Reliability ”offers the following definition of reliability:” Reliability is the probability that a device will perform without failure a specific function under given conditions for a given period of time “. From this definition, we see that a thorough and in-depth analysis of reliability will involve statistics and probability theory .All products , systems , assemblies, components and parts exhibit different failure rates over their service lives. Although the shape of the curve varies, most exhibit a low failure rate during most of their useful lives and higher failure rates at the beginning and end of their usefullives.The curve is usually shaped like a bathtub as is shown in figure 1. Infant mortality of manufactured parts occurs because a certain percentage, however small , of seemingly identical parts are defective. If those parts are included in a system, the system will fail early in its service life. Product warranties are usually designed to reduce customer losses due to infant mortality. Parts wear out due to friction, overload , plastic deformation , fatigue , changes in composition do to excessive heat,3西安交通⼤学城市学院本科⽣毕业设计(论⽂)corrosion ,fouling , abuse , etc.The design function of engineering should include an examination of reliability and should seek to provide adequate reliability in a part or system commensurate with its use. When the safety of people is concerned, product reliability with respect to potential injury producting failure must be very high . Human health and safety cannot be compromised for the sake of profit .Computer-Aided DesignThe computer has grown to become essential in the operations of business, government, the military, engineering, and research. It has also demonstrated itself ,especially in recent years, to be a very powerful tool in design and manufacturing . In this chapter, we consider the application of computer technology to the design of a product. That is computer-aided design or CAD. Computer-aided design involves any type of design activity which makes use of the computer to develop, analyze, or modify an engineering design. Modern CAD systems (also often called CAD/CAM systems ) are based on interactive computer graphics (ICG). Interactive computer graphics denotes a user-oriented system in which the computer is employed to create, transform, and display data in the form of picture or symbols . The user in the computer graphics design system is the designer , who communicates data and commands to the computer through any of several input devices. The computer communicates with the user via a cathode ray tube (CRT).The designer create an image on the CRT screen by entering commands to call the desired software subroutines stored in the computer . In most systems, the image is constructed out of basic geometric elements-points, lines, circles, and so on. It can be modified according to the commands of the designer-enlarged, reduced in size, moved to another location on the screen, rotated, and other transformations. Through these various manipulations , the required details of the image are formulated.The typical ICG system is a combination of hardware and software.The hardware includes a central processing unit(CPU),one or more workstations (including the graphics display terminals), and peripheral devices such as printers, plotters, and drafting equipment . The software consists of the computer programs needed to implement graphics processing on the system. The software would also typically include additional specialized application programs to accomplish the particular4engineering functions required by the user company .It is important to note the fact that the ICG system is one component of a computer-aided design system. The other major component is the human designer . Interactive computer graphics is a tool used by the designer to solve a design problem. In effect, the ICG system magnifies the powers of the designer. This has been referred to as the synergistic effect. The designer performs the portion of the design process that is most suitable to human intellectual skills (conceptualization, independent thinking ); the computer performs the task best suited to its capabilities (speed of calculations, visual display, storage of large amounts of data ), and the resulting system exceeds the sum of its components.There are many benefits of computer-aided design, only some of which can be easily measured. Some of the benefits are intangible, reflected in improved work quality, more pertinent and usable information, and improved control, all of which are difficult to quantify. Other benefits are tangible, but the savings from them show up far downstream in the production process, so that it is difficult to assign a dollar figure to them in the design phase. Some of the benefits that derive from implementing CAD/CAM can be directly measured. In the subsections that follow, we elaborate on some of potential benefits of an integrated CAD/CAM system.Increased productivity translates into a more competitive position for the firm because it will reduce staff requirements on a given project. This leads to lower costs in addition to improving response time on projects with tight schedules.Surveying some of the larger CAD/CAM vendors, one finds that the productivity improvement ratio for a designer/draftsman is usually given as a range, typically from a low end of 3:1 to a high end in excess of 10:1(often far in excess of that figure). Productivity improvement in computer-aided design as compared to the traditional design process is dependent on such factors as:Complexity of the engineering drawing ;Level of detail required in the drawing ;Degree of repetitiveness in the designed parts;Degree of symmetry in the parts;5西安交通⼤学城市学院本科⽣毕业设计(论⽂)6Extensiveness of library of commonly used entities .As each of these factors is increased , the productivity advantage of CAD will tend to increase.Interactive computer-aided design is inherently faster than the traditional design process. It also speeds up the task of preparing reports and lists (e.g, the assembly lists) which are normally accomplished manually. Accordingly, it is possible with a CAD system to produce a finished set of component drawings and the associated reports in a relatively short time. Shorter lead times in design translate into shorter elapsed time between receipt of a customer order and delivery of the final product.The design analysis routines available in a CAD system help to consolidate the design process into a more logical word pattern. Rather than having a back-and-forth exchange between design and analysis groups, the same person can perform the analysis while remaining at a CAD workstation. This helps to improve the concentration of designers, since they are interacting with their designs in a real-time sense. Because of this analysis , capability designs can be created which are closer to optimum. There is a time saving to be derived from the computerized analysis routines, both in designer time and in elapsed time. This saving results from the rapid response of the design analysis and from the time no longer lost while the design finds its way from the designer’s drawing board to the design analyst’s queue and back again.An example of the success of this is drawn from the experience of the General Electric Company with the T700 engine. In designing a jet engine, weight is an important design consideration. During the design of the engine, weights of each component for each design alternative must be determined. This had in the past been done manually by dividing each part into simple geometrical shapes to conveniently compute the volumes and weights. Through the use of CAD and its mass properties analysis function, the mass properties were obtained in 25% of the time formerly taken.英⽂译⽂英⽂译⽂设计⽅法对于⽣产⼀种适合市场销售从⽽获利的产品来说,设计及制造是核⼼任务。

Refereed Journal Articles

Refereed Journal Articles

Sam MalekGraduate Research Assistant Immigration Status: U.S. CitizenSoftware Architecture Research Group Center for Systems and Software Engineering Computer Science DepartmentViterbi School of EngineeringUniversity of Southern California E-mail: malek@WWW: /~malek/ Address: 26242 Palmetto PlaceMission Viejo, CA, 92692, U.S.A Phone: +1 (949) 357-3501EducationDoctor of Philosophy Computer Science May 2007 University of Southern California GPA 3.9 Dissertation Title: A User-Centric Approach for Improving a Distributed SoftwareSystem’sDeploymentArchitectureAdvisor: Nenad MedvidovicDissertation Committee Members: Barry Boehm (USC CS), Sandeep Gupta (USC EE)Gaurav Sukhatme (USC CS), and Richard Taylor (UC Irvine) Master of Science Computer Science May 2004 University of Southern California GPA 3.9 Emphasis on Software EngineeringBachelor of Science Information and Computer Science December 2000 University of California Irvine GPA 3.9Research Interests•Software architecture and design•Architecture-based software development and deployment•Software engineering for embedded and distributed systems•Quality of service analysis and improvement•Middleware solutionsHonors and Awards•USC CS Department Outstanding Graduate Student Researcher Award 2005•USC Viterbi School of Engineering Fellowship 2004-2008•SIGSOFT CAPS Travel Scholarship to present at 14th ACM Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2006), Portland, Oregon•Magna Cum Laude 2000•Cody Thorne Memorial Scholarship Award for the Youngest and Highest Scholastic Student of the Year 1998-1999•1997-2000 Dean’s Honor ListPublicationsRefereed Journal ArticlesJ1. Sam Malek, Marija Mikic-Rakic, and Nenad Medvidovic. “A Style-Aware Architectural Middleware for Resource-Constrained, Distributed Systems.” IEEETransactions on Software Engineering, vol. 31, no. 3, pages 256-272, March 2005.J2. Nenad Medvidovic, Marija Mikic-Rakic, Nikunj Mehta, and Sam Malek.“Software Architectural Support for Handheld Computing.” IEEE Computer –Special Issue on Handheld Computing, vol. 36, no. 9, pages 66-73, September2003. Acceptance rate 5 of 87 (5.7%)Under PreparationJ3. Sam Malek, Nenad Medvidovic, Chiyoung Seo, and Marija Mikic-Rakic. “A User-Centric Approach for Improving a Distributed Software System’s DeploymentArchitecture.” To be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.Book ChaptersB1. Sam Malek, Nels Beckman, Marija Mikic-Rakic, and Nenad Medvidovic. “A Framework for Ensuring and Improving Dependability in Highly DistributedSystems.” In R. de Lemos, C. Gacek, and A. Romanowski, eds., ArchitectingDependable Systems III, Springer Verlag, October 2005.Refereed Conference and Workshop ProceedingsC1. Sam Malek, Chiyoung Seo, Sharmila Ravula, Brad Petrus, and Nenad Medvidovic.“Reconceptualizing a Family of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems via ExplicitArchitectural Support.” In proceedings of the29th International Conference onSoftware Engineering (ICSE 2007), Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2007.C2. Chiyoung Seo, Sam Malek, George Edwards, Nenad Medvidovic, Brad Petrus, and Sharmila Ravula. “Exploring the Role of Software Architecture in Dynamic andFault Tolerant Pervasive Systems.” In proceedings of the Workshop on SoftwareEngineering of Pervasive Computing Applications, Systems and Environments(SEPCASE 07), Minneapolis, MN, May 2007.C3. George Edwards, Sam Malek, and Nenad Medvidovic. “Scenario-Driven Dynamic Analysis of Distributed Architectures.” In proceedings of the 10th InternationalConference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2007),Braga, Portugal, March 2007.C4. Sam Malek. “A User-Centric Framework for Improving a Distributed Software System's Deployment Architecture.” In proceedings of the doctoral track at the14th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE2006), Portland, Oregon, November 2006.C5. Sam Malek, Chiyoung Seo, and Nenad Medvidovic. “Tailoring an Architectural Middleware Platform to a Heterogeneous Embedded Environment.” In proceedingsof the 6th International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware (SEM2006), Portland, Oregon, November 2006.C6. Sam Malek, Chiyoung Seo, Sharmila Ravula, Brad Petrus, and Nenad Medvidovic.“Providing Middleware-Level Facilities to Support Architecture-Based Development of Software Systems in Pervasive Environments.” In proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing (MPAC 2006), Melbourne, Australia, November 2006.C7. Sam Malek, Marija Mikic-Rakic, and Nenad Medvidovic. “A Decentralized Redeployment Algorithm for Improving the Availability of Distributed Systems.”In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Component Deployment (CD 2005), Grenoble, France, November 2005.C8. Marija Mikic-Rakic, Sam Malek, and Nenad Medvidovic. “Improving Availability in Large, Distributed, Component-Based Systems via Redeployment.” Inproceedings of the3rd International Conference on Component Deployment (CD2005), Grenoble, France, November 2005.C9. Christian Mattmann, Sam Malek, Nels Beckman, Marija Mikic-Rakic, Nenad Medvidovic, and Daniel Crichton. “GLIDE: A Grid-based LightweightInfrastructure for Data-intensive Environments.” In proceedings of the EuropeanGrid Conference (EGC 2005), Amsterdam, Netherlands, February 2005.C10. Sam Malek, Marija Mikic-Rakic, Nenad Medvidovic. “An Extensible Framework for Autonomic Analysis and Improvement of Distributed DeploymentArchitectures.” In proceedings of the ACM SISGSOFT Workshop on Self-ManagedSystems (WOSS 2004), Newport Beach, California, October 2004.C11. Marija Mikic-Rakic, Sam Malek, Nels Beckman, and Nenad Medvidovic. “A Tailorable Environment for Assessing the Quality of Deployment Architectures inHighly Distributed Settings.” In proceedings of the2nd International Conference on Component Deployment (CD 2004), Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004.C12. Marija Mikic-Rakic, Sam Malek, Nels Beckman, and Nenad Medvidovic.“Improving Availability of Distributed Event-Based Systems via Run-TimeMonitoring and Analysis.” In proceedings of the Twin Workshop on ArchitectingDependable Systems (WADS 2004), Edinburgh, UK, May 2004, and Florence,Italy, June 2004.C13. Nenad Medvidovic, Sam Malek, and Marija Mikic-Rakic. “Software Architectures and Embedded Systems.” In proceedings of the Monterey Workshop on SoftwareEngineering for Embedded Systems, Chicago, Illinois, September 24-26, 2003.Under SubmissionC14. Chiyoung Seo, Sam Malek, and Nenad Medvidovic. “An Energy Consumption Framework for Distributed Java-Based Systems.” Available as a technical reportUSC-CSE-2006-604.Academic Research ExperienceUniversity of Southern California January 2003 – April 2005, June 2006 – presentGraduate Research Assistant•Participated in a number of research projects supported by NSF, Jet PropulsionLaboratory, Boeing, and Bosch Research and Technology Center•Developed a style-aware architectural middleware, called Prism-MW. Optimized andenhanced the middleware to execute in embedded and resource-constrainedenvironments. This effort was sponsored by research funding from NSF and Bosch.•Developed and maintained a deployment modeling and analysis tool, called DeSi.This effort was sponsored by NSF, Jet Propulsion Lab, Boeing, and Bosch.•Ported Java version of Prism-MW to C++ and adapted it to execute on top of Bosch’ssensor-network hardware platforms. Integrated the original implementation of DeSiwith Prism-MW to provide support for deployment and analysis of Bosch’s sensor-network applications. This effort was sponsored by Bosch.Academic Teaching Experience•Teaching Assistant Fall 2003University of Southern CaliforniaCS 589 – Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (Graduate-level)Syllabus available at: /classes/cs589_2003/•Guest Lecturer Fall 2004, Fall 2006University of Southern CaliforniaCS 589 – Software Engineering for Embedded Systems (Graduate-level)2006 •Guest Lecturer Fall University of Southern CaliforniaCS 377 – Introduction to Software EngineeringIndustrial ExperienceBoeing April 2005 – present; on leave of absence since June 2006Software Architect•Participated in the US Army’s Future Combat Systems project – the largest eversystem of systems integration and development effort attempted by the US Army•Modeled various aspects of the system’s software architecture•Analyzed the models to determine the architectural “gaps” and issues•Resolved the issues and gaps by collaborating with the other software architects andvendors•Leveraged tools such as Generic Modeling Environment, Rational Rose, Matlab, andAsynchronous Discrete Event Simulator to analyze and ensure the architecture’sability to meet its non-functional requirementsIBM December2000 – May 2002 Software Engineer•Gained experience in a variety of technologies through internal training and projects •As a team member of a project for the biggest utility company on the U.S. West Coast, I was responsible for the design and coding of several EAI (enterpriseapplication integration) interfaces. The final result was a systematic method ofmessaging and real-time communication between the client's non-compatible Webservers, SAP systems, Siebel systems and Oracle DBs. Used SeeBeyond EGate 4.1and coded in MONK (a proprietary language of SeeBeyond technologies) toimplement the system.•As a team member of a 3-tier e-commerce project for a retail company, I was responsible for the code and configuration of several J2EE Servlets and EJBs thatprovided the backbone of the Web site. BEA Weblogic was used as the developmentplatform.FieldCentrix August 1999 – November 2000 Software Engineer•Applied principles of software engineering to the development of applications running on hand-held PCs•Modularized software systems by creating DLLs and separating similar features into separate packages•Used mostly VC++ and some VBNeural Computing Systems Labs May 1998 – September 1999 Software Engineer•Designed and developed GUIs for the data mining tools using VC++ and MFC•Developed an internal database for the company using MS SQL Server in VC++•Enhanced the encryption and security of an off-the-shelf data mining software package using unique encryption algorithmsFormal Presentations• A User-Centric Framework for Improving a Distributed Software System’s Deployment Architecture. Doctoral track of the Symposium on Foundations ofSoftware Engineering (FSE 2006), Portland, Oregon, November 2006.•Tailoring an Architectural Middleware Platform to a Heterogeneous Embedded Environment. International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware(SEM 2006), Portland, Oregon, November 2006.• A Decentralized Redeployment Algorithm for Improving the Availability of Distributed Systems. International Conference on Component Deployment (CD2005), Grenoble, France, November 2005•Improving Availability in Large, Distributed, Component-Based Systems via Redeployment. International Conference on Component Deployment (CD 2005),Grenoble, France, November 2005• A User-Centric Approach for Improving a Distributed Software System’s Deployment Architecture. USC Center for Software Engineering Annual Research Review, LosAngeles, California, March 2005•An Extensible Framework for Autonomic Analysis and Improvement of Distributed Deployment Architectures. ACM SISGSOFT Workshop on Self-Managed Systems(WOSS 2004), Newport Beach, California, October 2004• A Tailorable Environment for Assessing the Quality of Deployment Architectures in Highly Distributed Settings. Second International Conference on ComponentDeployment (CD 2004), Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004•Improving Availability of Distributed Event-Based Systems via Run-Time Monitoring and Analysis. Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS 2004) held inconjunction with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2004),Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004•Improving System Availability in Distributed Environments. USC Center for Software Engineering Annual Research Review, Los Angeles, CA, March 2004 Professional Activities•Reviewer, IEEE Software, 2006•Committee member of the 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'06), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2006•External reviewer for the 2007 International Working Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2007), Mumbai, India, 2007•External reviewer for the International Symposium on Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE 2006), Vasteras, Sweden, June 2006•Reviewer for the 39th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaii, January 2006•Committee member of the 2005 ISR Graduate Student Research Symposium, Irvine, California, June 2005•External reviewer for the 3rd International Working Conference on Component Deployment, Grenoble, France, November 2005•External reviewer for the 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005•External reviewer for the 8th International Symposium on Component-based Software Engineering, St. Louis, Missouri, May 2005•External reviewer for the International Symposium on Component-based Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004•External reviewer for the Twin Workshops on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS), Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2004•External reviewer for the ACM SISGSOFT Workshop on Self-Managed Systems (WOSS), Newport Beach, California, October 2004Professional Associations•Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)•ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT) ReferencesNenad MedvidovicAssociate Professor, University of Southern CaliforniaE-mail: neno@WWW: /~neno/Barry BoehmProfessor, University of Southern CaliforniaE-mail: boehm@WWW: /Research_Group/barry.htmlSandeep GuptaProfessor, University of Southern CaliforniaE-mail: sandeep@WWW: /sandeep/Richard TaylorProfessor, University of California, IrvineE-mail: taylor@WWW: /~taylor/Roshanak RoshandelAssistant Professor, Seattle UniversityE-mail: roshanak@WWW:/roshanak/web/。

萨特利斯斯泰迪姆生物技术公司Biostat RM TX产品说明书

萨特利斯斯泰迪姆生物技术公司Biostat RM TX产品说明书

Engineered for Life –BIOSTAT ® RM TX with Flexsafe® RM TX for Culturing Consistent Quality Cellular ProductsThe fight against cancer has taken a dra-matic step forward in recent years with the development of cellular immunotherapies such as CAR-T cells. To produce these cells to a consistent quality, manufacturers face issues including: maintaining product sterility, protecting the cell product from adverse stress or environment and maxi-mizing cell yield with efficient processing. These can be achieved with gentle expan-sion and harvesting techniques, in process controls and the use of bioanalytics to ensure lot-to-lot consistency, characterize the cellular product, as well as utilizing rapid and robust lot release testing methods.Our Competence in Cell and Gene TherapySartorius Stedim Biotech is a global solution provider to the biologics industry and is well positioned to support regenerative medicine companies with our tried and trusted technologies for applications in this sector. Utilizing our strong expertise in single-use technology and biopharmaceutical automation, Sartorius supports the development, analysis and manufacture of various types of regenerative medicines, including cellular immunotherapies.Sartorius provides a wide range of plat-forms to address the unique challenges around the production of both allogeneic and autologous cells.Solutions for Cellular ImmunotherapiesBIOSTAT ® RM TX bioreactor system and Flexsafe® RM TX bags –The Ideal Combination for Your CellsThe BIOSTAT ® RM TX and Flexsafe® RM TX bag combination provides you with an automated, wave-mixed and closed environment suitable for optimal growth of cell products in working volumes up to 5 L.The BIOSTAT ® RM TX system consists ofan automated control unit (based on our well-established BIOSTAT ® B) and a rocking platform, for gently agitating a single-use Flexsafe® RM TX bag. Enabling the ex vivo expansion of patient-specific T cells or other types of immune cells, the BIOSTAT ® RM TX is suitable for process development, as well as for the expansion of relevant cell numbers. Fed-batch, perfusion processes or a combination of culture modes are all possible with this system. You Can Rely on:– P roven industry leading Flexsafe® RM TX film that supports consistent cell growth – C losed system for minimal contamination risk– U nique gravity harvesting for maximizing cell recovery– A dvanced, automated system for walk-away monitoring and control of the cell culture including online biomass– P roven rocking motion platform for optimal cell growthBIOSTAT ® RM TX and Flexsafe® RM TX bags are for research use or further manufacturing use only – not for use in therapeutic or diagnostic procedures. They are not CE marked for in vitro diagnostic use nor are they medical devices. Drug manufacturers and clinicians are responsible for obtaining the appropriate IND | BLA | NDA approvals for clinicalapplications.The Right Solution for Your NeedsAt Sartorius, we help you develop a scalable, cost-effective process and combine this with the security of our worldwide supply chain and manufacturing capabilities. Product development in close cooperation with external industry partners guarantees the reliability of your equipment. Our expertise and experience allow us to provide you with a proven product portfolio to support early stage process development and establish scalable processes.Minimize Impact of Single-Use Material Flexsafe ® RM TX bags were introduced in June 2014 and have been used with con-tinuing success ever since by major global biopharma and cell therapy customers. The complete control of our raw materials, the extrusion process and the bag assembly, provides lot-to-lot product consistency. In collaboration with our resin and film suppliers, we have optimized the resin and minimized the additives in our Flexsafe ® film technology* ensuring excellent, reproducible batch-to-batch culture performance of even the most sensitive cells.**Protect Your Cell Product– A perfusion membrane (PES, 1.2 µm) is fixed at the bottom of the bag, forming a compartment for removal of cell free media during the perfusion process – for minimal loss or damage to the cells – S ingle-use sensors for pH, DO and viable biomass enable sophisticated process control with reduced sampling need – 100% integrity tested, gamma-irradiat-able and fully validated Sartopore ® Air sterile filters continuously protect the culture from contamination– I ndustry standard tubing option(DEHP free PVC) for seamless connection to up- & downstream processes* I ndependent labs have confirmed that Flexsafe ® bags are free of cytotoxic leachables. No bDtBPP is identified in WFI extracts of Flexsafe ® bags ** F enge et al. 2014. Consistently Superior Cell Growth: Achieved with New Polyethylene Film Formulation. Bioprocess International, Volume 12 Suppl 5.Zero Slipping Agents & Nontoxic Mechanical Antiblocking k N o risk of interference due to these agents*Optimize Cell GrowthRobust & Consistent Manufacturing Our BIOSTAT ® B control unit is ideal for walk-away automated analysis and control of high cell density perfusion cultures. Benefit from:– A dvanced control and monitoring of gas mixture and flow rate, filling volume and substrate addition; parallel activation of multiple controllers provides maximum flexibility– O n-line viable biomass analysis with culture volumes greater than 500 mL – U p to 4 internal pumps can be integrated into control loops for ease of operation without the need to constantly change the pumps' function.– E asy connection to industry standard Distributed Control (DCS) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems such as BioPAT ® MFCS, Siemens PCS 7 or Emerson DeltaV™.Straightforward integration into existing automation and single-use infrastructure for data and process consistency throughout– C omplete qualification of the system for GMP use to support regulatory complianceMaximize Cell YieldConventional harvesting procedures mostly use pumping which can reduce the number of live cells and affect cell viability. Since cell yield is critical for autologous cell therapies, we have designed our Flexsafe ® RM TX bags with a special port for hands-free gravity harvesting. This unique gravity harvesting concept in combination with the Flexsafe ® RM TX Harvest Device allows the safe recovery of as many cells as possible by reducing shear stress on these delicate cells and minimizes contaminationrisks from manual handling.* Patent pending.Viable biomass sensor (BioPAT ® ViaMass) integrated in the Flexsafe ® RM bag – connection to the hard-ware componentEfficient Cell ProcessingFlexsafe ® RM TX Harvest Device for hands-free gravity harvest of the cell culture with maximum recovery.BIOSTAT ® RM TXThe BIOSTAT ® RM TX system in combination with Flexsafe® RM TX bags support theculturing of consistent quality cells and is perfect for small volume autologousprocesses with multi-parallel scale out needs. Using this system, one Flexsafe® RM TX bagcan be controlled and monitored via the BIOSTAT ® B control unit. For scale-out, twoFlexsafe® RM TX bags and two separate rocking platforms can be attached to a twinBIOSTAT ® B control unit.Single | Twin ConfigurationOne controller can run up to twoBIOSTAT ® RM TX completely independentlyto save valuable lab space.12” Touch ScreenEasy-to-use and reliable operation of yourBIOSTAT ® RM TX system due to intuitivedesign of human-machine interface andadvanced touch-screen technology – evenwhile wearing laboratory gloves. IntegratedContains aeration, pumps and temperaturecontrol modules for various applicationneeds. The BioPAT® MFCS multi fermentercontrol system ensures reliable datamanagement and automation.Temperature ControlTogether with the control towerthe integrated temperature controlis optimized for small working volumesand perfusion membrane bags.Easy to UseTwo flap door magnetic lid concept forconvenient access to bag and filters.Handles allow for easy transport.Status LED – full control via DCU tower.Load CellsThe integrated precise load cells are idealfor small volume perfusion processes.The BioPAT® MFCS multi fermentercontrol system or third party SCADAsystem integration (DeltaV™) ensuresreliable data management andautomation.Protects operator & tubing frommechanical hazards of moving tray.Flexsafe ®RM TX BagsDifferent sizes of Flexsafe ® RM bags: 1 L, 2 L and 10 L total volume can be used with the BIOSTAT ® RM TX rocking platform, providing a working volume of up to 5 L. The Flexsafe ® RM TX bag has been intelligently designed with features including a special port for gravity harvesting and an internal cell retention membrane, making it ideal for perfusion culture of cellular products such as CAR-T cells.Vent FiltersSartopore ® Air filters are 100% integrity tested before gamma irradiation for improved process safety.BioPAT ®ViaMassIntegrated sensor for online biomass determination and reduced sampling need.*Perfusion MembraneIntegrated 1.2 membrane for secure cell retention during perfusion processes. No fouling and reduced shear as wave constantly flushes over the bottom fixed filter*.FilmIndustry leading proprietary Flexsafe ® film for optimal cell growth of most sensitive cells.Special harvest port for hands-freegravity harvesting. PVC tubing for seamless connectability to upstream and down-stream processes.Single use sensors for advanced process control. No cell accumulation as sensors are inserted from top into the liquid and constantly flushed.* perfusion bag design protected by patents US 9 017 997 B2 and EP 2 268 788 B1Cellular Immunotherapy ProcessesSartorius provides a wide range of single-use technologies. Our portfolio supports viral vector transduction, cell expansion and downstream processing steps including harvest, wash and concentration of cells.AnalyticsSartorius provides various analytical technologies that monitor and control your product during the entire manufacturing process.BIOSTAT STR Flexsafe ® 2D Bags– S ingle-use Flexsafe ® bags for media storage coupled with Flexsafe ® pre-designed solutions for sterile filtration, storage and transfer of media and buffers– P roven integrity to enhance process and product safety by reducing risks of contamination of valuable cell products BioPAT ® MFCS– W orld standard for supervisory process control with GAMP category 4 software package BIOSTAT STR ®– S calable, single-use bioreactor family based on stirred-tank design – W ide range of sizes (12.5 L to 2000 L working volume) and process regimes for flexible manufacturing kSep ® Centrifuge– C losed seal-less single-use fluidized bed centrifugation platform– T he opposing centrifugal and fluid flow mechanism provides low shear force which is ideal for wash & harvest of sensitive cells Biowelder ® TC– A utomated welder for sterile connection of dry or liquid filled thermoplastic tubing to support a functionally closed processProcessiQue ® Screener PLUS Platform Virus Counter ® 3100BioPAT ® Trace*Alternative:Sartorius Transfer SetsMicrosart® ATMP Mycoplasmaand Bacteria KitsCharacterization & CellBanking Services BioPAT® ViaMassService Level Agreement: All-Inclusive Coverage for Maximum Process SecurityOur Comprehensive Service Level Agreement offers the highest level of protection for your critical process equipment. Experience our worry-free contract support including our quickest reaction times and full cost coverage, in addition to the planned preventa-tive maintenance. Benefit from our technical helpdesk response within 4 hours and on-site response within 48 hours.We are working closely with customers to fully understand their needs, so we can help them address these during the early phase of their process development.We apply innovative design approaches to new product developments and test early so there is the opportunity to influence and adjust the scope.We hear what our customers tell us and are committed to serve their needs in the best possible way from start to end of the manufacturing process.Technical helpdesk response within 4 hours and on-site response within 48 hoursReaction Time Commitment:Sartorius as Your Partner for Cell and Gene Therapy ManufacturingTechnical Specifications BIOSTAT ® RM TXPower Supply (Country Specific) | Frequency | Electricity Consumption | Protection Class Rocker platform 230 V | 50 Hz | 1.3 A | IP23or120 V | 60 Hz | 2.5 A | IP23Control tower 230 V | 50 Hz | 10 A | IP21or120 V | 60 Hz | 12 A | IP21Load cells Integrated in rocker Gas Supply via BIOSTAT B Tower Inlet pressure (barg)1.5Connection hose coupling, externalHose barb for tubing with 6 mm IDGas Specification According to ISO 8573-1: dry, free of oil and dust Particle size: < 0.1 mm •Max. amount 0.1 mg/m3 (class 1) •Condensate: dew point < 3°C (class 4)•Oil < 0.01 mg/m3 (class 1) •Germs (class 0)•Operative EnvironmentAmbient temperature of between 5 – 40°CRelative humidity [%]< 80% for temperatures up to 31 °C (87.8 °F),decreasing linearly < 50% at 40 °C (104 °F)Facility and Utility RequirementsTotal Volume1 L2 L 10 L Working volume [L]*0.1 – 0.50.2 – 1 1 – 5Basic Bags for cultivations under constant conditions •••Optical Bags with SU pH & DO sensors••Perfusion Membrane Bags with SU pH & DO ••Integrated Viamass Sensor*••Flexsafe RM TX Design**•Applicable Bag Sizes and Designs* B ags with sensors might require higher minimum working volumes depending on rocking rate and angle. We recommend using 20 % of the total volume as the minimum working volume. ** i ncl. Sartopore Air Midisart vent filters, harvest port for gravity harvest, Press-In Plugs, PVC or C-Flex tubingTemperature Module Temperature controlHeating only – electrical heating plates Temperature control rangeambient temperature + 5°C to 40°C (min. set point 15°C , min. controllable temp = ambient temp. + 15°C)Temperature measurement 2°C to 50°C Temperature control accuracy (excl. measurement error)±0.2°CHeating capacity1 × 120 W (24 VDC)Over temperature protection •Gassing Module Control Tower 4-Gas mix (O 2, N 2, CO 2, air) with headspace outlet MFC– flow rates – accuracymax. 40.003 lpm – 5 lpm ± 1% full scale Advanced DO controller •Sensors & Measurement Temperature probe Pt 100•– temperature range Pt 1000 – 99°C – display resolution 0.1°C– amplifiers 1 (single) | 2 (twin)pH single use•– measurement range 6.5 – 8.5– display resolution 0.1 pH– amplifiers1 (single) |2 (twin)– recalibration function •DO single-use•– measurement range 0 – 250%– display resolution 0.1%– amplifiers1 (single) |2 (twin)– recalibration function•Process ControlDimensions W + D + H Weight MaterialBIOSTAT ® B control Tower Single | Twin 410 × 520 × 810 mm 16 × 20 × 32 in 40 | 55 kg 88 | 121 lbs Stainless steel AISI 304BIOSTAT ® RM TX Rocker complete 439 × 602 × 561 mm 17 × 24 × 22 in 35 kg 77 lbs Stainless steel, ABS Bag holder TX 430 × 602 × 86 mm 17 × 24 × 3.4 in 5.5 kg 12.1 lbs Stainless steel, ABS Lid TX430 × 602 × 495 mm 17 × 24 × 20 in 2.5 kg 5.5 lbsABS Lab-cart (optional)800 × 800 × 900 mm32 × 32 × 36 in 88 kg 194 lbsStainless steelSystem CharacteristicsSensors & MeasurementSingle-use viable biomass(BioPAT® ViaMass)Optional Integrated load cells•Media weight control range0 to 5 kg- Scale, absolute accuracy Static:± (10 + 0% of load) gDynamic:± (25 + 0% of load) g - Scale, relative accuracy Static:±3 gDynamic:±5 g*Resolution (DCU) 1 gExternal signal input max. 20 – 10 V or 4 – 20 mA Pump Module | Built-in PumpsWatson Marlow 114, fast load pump headFixed Speed for Base Addition / pHControl– Speed 5 rpmFlow rate (tubing wall thickness 1.6 mm)ID: 0.5 mm: 0 – 0.1 ml/min ID: 0.8 mm: 0.05 – 2.4 ml/min ID: 1.6 mm: 0.01 – 0.7 ml/min ID: 2.4 mm: 0.03 – 1.5 ml/min ID: 3.2 mm: 0.05 – 2.4 ml/min ID: 4.8 mm: 0.09 – 4.3 ml/minSpeed Controlled for Feed Addition– Speed 5 – 150 rpmFlow rate (tubing wall thickness 1.6 mm)ID: 0.5 mm: 0.1 – 3 ml/min ID: 0.8 mm: 0.2 – 6 ml/min ID: 1.6 mm: 0.7 – 21 ml/min ID: 2.4 mm: 1.45 – 43.5 ml/min ID: 3.2 mm: 2.35 – 70.5 ml/min ID: 4.8 mm: 4.25 – 127.5 ml/min* D ynamic weight measurement (while rocking) can be influenced by cables and tubing and interferences caused by the same.The BIOSTAT ® RM TX system is designed to communicate with industrial SCADA or DCS systems (e.g. DeltaV) through the Modbus TCP/IP protocol.Temperature Module Max. total volume (L)10 Max. working volume (L)5Rocking speed control range [rpm] 2 – 42 rpm ±1Rocking angle control range (°) 2 – 12 ± 0.3Clamping rails for bag fixation •Sensor clamps for secure fixation of glass fiber cables •Filter heater(2 variants: for std. Hepa filter or for Midisart Sartopore Air)•Safety measurement and shut-off 30 mbar Additional safety valve gasses (mbar)100 mbarWater inlet pressure reduction value 1.5 bar, integrated pressure control Different user level log in (•)Logbook function(•)Lab-cart for BIOSTAT ® B Control TowerSeparately available on requestTechnical DataCommunicationSales and Service Contacts For further contacts, visit EuropeGermanySartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH August-Spindler-Strasse 11 37079 GoettingenPhone +49.551.308.0Sartorius Stedim Systems GmbH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 5 – 7 34302 GuxhagenPhone +49.5665.407.0FranceSartorius Stedim FMT S.A.S.ZI des PaludsAvenue de Jouques – CS 91051 13781 Aubagne Cedex Phone +33.442.845600 Sartorius Stedim France SASZI des PaludsAvenue de Jouques – CS 71058 13781 Aubagne Cedex Phone +33.442.845600 AustriaSartorius Stedim Austria GmbH Modecenterstrasse 221030 ViennaPhone +43.1.7965763.18BelgiumSartorius Stedim Belgium N.V. Rue Colonel Bourg 1051030 BruxellesPhone +32.2.756.06.80HungarySartorius Stedim Hungária Kft. Kagyló u. 52092 BudakesziPhone +36.23.457.227ItalySartorius Stedim Italy S.r.l.Via dell’Antella, 76/A50012 Antella-Bagno a Ripoli (FI)Phone + Stedim Netherlands B.V.Phone +****************************************PolandSartorius Stedim Poland Sp. z o.o.ul. Wrzesinska 7062-025 KostrzynPhone +48.61.647.38.40Russian FederationLLC “Sartorius Stedim RUS”Vasilyevsky Island5th line 70, Lit. A199178 St. PetersburgPhone +7.812.327.53.27SpainSartorius Stedim Spain, S.A.U.Avda. de la Industria, 32Edificio PAYMA28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)Phone +34.913.586.098SwitzerlandSartorius Stedim Switzerland AGRingstrasse 24 a8317 TagelswangenPhone +41.52.354.36.36U.K.Sartorius Stedim UK Ltd.Longmead Business CentreBlenheim Road, EpsomSurrey KT19 9 QQPhone +44.1372.737159UkraineLLC “Sartorius Stedim RUS”Post Box 440 “B”01001 Kiev, UkrainePhone +380.44.411.4918AmericasUSASartorius Stedim North America Inc.5 Orville Drive, Suite 200Bohemia, NY 11716Toll-Free +1.800.368.7178ArgentinaSartorius Argentina S.A.Int. A. Ávalos 4251B1605ECS MunroBuenos AiresPhone +54.11.4721.0505BrazilSartorius do Brasil LtdaAvenida Senador Vergueiro 2962São Bernardo do CampoCEP 09600-000 - SP- BrasilPhone +55.11.4362.8900MexicoSartorius de México, S.A. de C.V.Libramiento Norte de Tepotzotlan s/n,Colonia Barrio Tlacateco,Municipio de Tepotzotlan,Estado de México,C.P. 54605Phone +52.55.5562.1102**********************Asia|PacificAustraliaSartorius Stedim Australia Pty. Ltd.Unit 5, 7-11 Rodeo DriveDandenong South Vic 3175Phone +61.3.8762.1800ChinaSartorius Stedim (Shanghai)Trading Co., Ltd.3rd Floor, North Wing, Tower 1No. 4560 Jinke RoadZhangjiang Hi-Tech ParkPudong DistrictShanghai 201210, P.R. ChinaPhone +86.21.6878.2300Sartorius Stedim (Shanghai)Trading Co., Ltd.Beijing Branch OfficeNo. 33 Yu’an RoadAirport Industrial Park Zone BShunyi District, Beijing 101300Phone +86.10.8042.6501Sartorius Stedim (Shanghai)Trading Co., Ltd.Guangzhou Branch OfficeRoom 1105Xing Guang Ying Jing BuildingNo. 119, Shui Yin RoadYue Xiu District, Guangzhou 510075Phone +86.20.3836.4193IndiaSartorius Stedim India Pvt. Ltd.#69/2-69/3, NH 48, JakkasandraNelamangala Tq562 123 Bangalore, IndiaPhone +91.80.4350.5250JapanSartorius Stedim Japan K.K.4th Fl., Daiwa Shinagawa North Bldg.8-11, Kita-Shinagawa 1-chomeShinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-0001 JapanPhone +81.3.4331.4300MalaysiaSartorius Stedim Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.Lot L3-E-3B, Enterprise 4Technology Park MalaysiaBukit Jalil57000 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaPhone +60.3.8996.0622SingaporeSartorius Stedim Singapore Pte. Ltd.10 Science Park RdThe Alpha #02-13/14Singapore Science Park IISingapore 117684Phone +65.6872.3966South KoreaSartorius Korea Biotech Co., Ltd.8th Floor, Solid Space B/D,PanGyoYeok-Ro 220, BunDang-GuSeongNam-Si, GyeongGi-Do, 463-400Phone +82.31.622.5700 S p e c i f icationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.CopyrightSartoriusStedimBiotechGmbH.PrintedintheEUonpaperbleachedwithoutchlorine.Version1/219/1。



中文2570字外文文献翻译院、部:电气与信息工程学院学生姓名:指导教师:职称讲师专业:自动化班级: 09级01班完成时间: 2013.06.06出处:Computing, Communication, Control, and Management, 2008. CCCM'08. ISECS International Colloquium on. IEEE, 2008, 1: 538-541Component-based Safety Computer of Railway SignalInterlocking System1 IntroductionSignal Interlocking System is the critical equipment which can guarantee traffic safety and enhance operational efficiency in railway transportation. For a long time, the core control computer adopts in interlocking system is the special customized high-grade safety computer, for example, the SIMIS of Siemens, the EI32 of Nippon Signal, and so on. Along with the rapid development of electronic technology, the customized safety computer is facing severe challenges, for instance, the high development costs, poor usability, weak expansibility and slow technology update. To overcome the flaws of the high-grade special customized computer, the U.S. Department of Defense has put forward the concept:we should adopt commercial standards to replace military norms and standards for meeting consumers’demand [1]. In the meantime, there are several explorations and practices about adopting open system architecture in avionics. The United Stated and Europe have do much research about utilizing cost-effective fault-tolerant computer to replace the dedicated computer in aerospace and other safety-critical fields. In recent years, it is gradually becoming a new trend that the utilization of standardized components in aerospace, industry, transportation and other safety-critical fields.2 Railways signal interlocking system2.1 Functions of signal interlocking systemThe basic function of signal interlocking system is to protect train safety by controlling signal equipments, such as switch points, signals and track units in a station, and it handles routes via a certain interlocking regulation.Since the birth of the railway transportation, signal interlocking system has gone through manual signal, mechanical signal, relay-based interlocking, and the modern computer-based Interlocking System.2.2 Architecture of signal interlocking systemGenerally, the Interlocking System has a hierarchical structure. According to the function of equipments, the system can be divided to the function of equipments; the system can be divided into three layers as shown in figure1.Man-Machine Interface layerInterlocking safety layerImplementation layerOutdoorequiptmentsFigure 1 Architecture of Signal Interlocking System3 Component-based safety computer design3.1 Design strategyThe design concept of component-based safety critical computer is different from that of special customized computer. Our design strategy of SIC is on a base of fault-tolerance and system integration. We separate the SIC into three layers, the standardized component unit layer, safety software layer and the system layer. Different safety functions are allocated for each layer, and the final integration of the three layers ensures the predefined safety integrity level of the whole SIC. The three layers can be described as follows:(1) Component unit layer includes four independent standardized CPU modules. A hardware “SAFETY AND” logic is implemented in this year.(2) Safety software layer mainly utilizes fail-safe strategy and fault-tolerant management. The interlocking safety computing of the whole system adopts two outputs from different CPU, it can mostly ensure the diversity of software to hold with design errors of signal version and remove hidden risks.(3) System layer aims to improve reliability, availability and maintainability by means of redundancy.3.2 Design of hardware fault-tolerant structureAs shown in figure 2, the SIC of four independent component units (C11, C12, C21, C22). The fault-tolerant architecture adopts dual 2 vote 2 (2v2×2) structure, and a kind of high-performance standardized module has been selected as computing unit which adopts Intel X Scale kernel, 533 MHZ.The operation of SIC is based on a dual two-layer data buses. The high bus adopts thestandard Ethernet and TCP/IP communication protocol, and the low bus is Controller Area Network (CAN). C11、C12 and C21、C22 respectively make up of two safety computing components IC1 and IC2, which are of 2v2 structure. And each component has an external dynamic circuit watchdog that is set for computing supervision and switching.Diagnosis terminal C12C21C22&&Watchdog driverFail-safe switch Input modle Output Modle InterfaceConsole C11High bus(Ether NET)Low bus (CAN)Figure 2 Hardware structure of SIC3.3 Standardized component unitAfter component module is made certain, according to the safety-critical requirements of railway signal interlocking system, we have to do a secondary development on the module. The design includes power supply, interfaces and other embedded circuits.The fault-tolerant processing, synchronized computing, and fault diagnosis of SIC mostly depend on the safety software. Here the safety software design method is differing from that of the special computer too. For dedicated computer, the software is often specially designed based on the bare hardware. As restricted by computing ability and application object, a special scheduling program is commonly designed as safety software for the computer, and not a universal operating system. The fault-tolerant processing and fault diagnosis of the dedicated computer are tightly hardware-coupled. However, the safety software for SIC is exoteric and loosely hardware-coupled, and it is based on a standard Linux OS.The safety software is vital element of secondary development. It includes Linux OS adjustment, fail-safe process, fault-tolerance management, and safety interlocking logic. The hierarchy relations between them are shown in Figure 4.Safety Interlock LogicFail-safe processFault-tolerance managementLinux OS adjustmentFigure 4 Safety software hierarchy of SIC3.4 Fault-tolerant model and safety computation3.4.1 Fault-tolerant modelThe Fault-tolerant computation of SIC is of a multilevel model:SIC=F1002D(F2002(S c11,S c12),F2002(S c21,S c22))Firstly, basic computing unit Ci1 adopts one algorithm to complete the S Ci1, and Ci2 finishes the S Ci2via a different algorithm, secondly 2 out of 2 (2oo2) safety computing component of SIC executes 2oo2 calculation and gets F SICi from the calculation results of S Ci1 S Ci2, and thirdly, according the states of watchdog and switch unit block, the result of SIC is gotten via a 1 out of 2 with diagnostics (1oo2D) calculation, which is based on F SIC1 and F SIC2.The flow of calculations is as follows:(1) S ci1=F ci1 (D net1,D net2,D di,D fss)(2) S ci2=F ci2 (D net1,D net2,D di,D fss)(3) F SICi=F2oo2 (S ci1, S ci2 ),(i=1,2)(4) SIC_OutPut=F1oo2D (F SIC1, F SIC2)3.4.2 Safety computationAs interlocking system consists of a fixed set of task, the computational model of SIC is task-based. In general, applications may conform to a time-triggered, event-triggered or mixed computational model. Here the time-triggered mode is selected, tasks are executed cyclically. The consistency of computing states between the two units is the foundation of SIC for ensuring safety and credibility. As SIC works under a loosely coupled mode, it is different from that of dedicated hardware-coupled computer. So a specialized synchronization algorithm is necessary for SIC.SIC can be considered as a multiprocessor distributed system, and its computational model is essentially based on data comparing via high bus communication. First, an analytical approach is used to confirm the worst-case response time of each task. To guarantee the deadline of tasks that communicate across the network, the access time and delay of communication medium is set to a fixed possible value. Moreover, the computational model must meets the real time requirements of railway interlocking system, within the system computing cycle, we set many check points P i(i=1,2,... n) , which are small enough for synchronization, and computation result voting is executed at each point. The safetycomputation flow of SIC is shown in Figure 5.S t a r tS t a r t0τ1τ2τ1P2P0τ1τ2τ1P2P0T0TC1i Ci 21T2T1T2T…………………n+1τn+1τn Pn Pn τn τclockclockS a f e t y f u n c t i o n s T a s k s o f i n t e r l o c k i n g l o g i c i :p:c h e c k p o i n t I n i t i a l i z e S y n c h r o n i z a t i o n G u a r a n t e e S y n c h r o n o u s T i m e t r i g g e rFigure 5 Safety computational model of SIC4. Hardware safety integrity level evaluation4.1 Safety IntegrityAs an authoritative international standard for safety-related system, IEC 61508 presents a definition of safety integrity: probability of a safety-related system satisfactorily performing the required safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time. In IEC 61508, there are four levels of safety integrity are prescribe, SIL1~SIL4. The SIL1 is the lowest, and SIL4 highest.According to IEC 61508, the SIC belongs to safety-related systems in high demand or continuous mode of operation. The SIL of SIC can be evaluated via the probability of dangerous per hour. The provision of SIL about such system in IEC 61508, see table 1.Table 1-Safety Integrity levels: target failure measures for a safety function operating in high demand orcontinuous mode of operationSafety Integrity levelHigh demand or continuous mode of Operation (Probability of a dangerous Failure per hour)4 ≥10-9 to <10-83 ≥10-8 to <10-72 ≥10-7 to <10-61 ≥10-6 to <10-54.2 Reliability block diagram of SICAfter analyzing the structure and working principle of the SIC, we get the bock diagram of reliability, as figure 6.2002200220022002NET1NET2NET1NET2λ=1×10-7DC=99%Voting=1002D λ=1×10-7DC=99%Voting=1002D λ=1×10Β=2%βD =1%DC=99%Voting=1002D High busLogic subsystem Low busFigure 6 Block diagram of SIC reliability5. ConclusionsIn this paper, we proposed an available standardized component-based computer SIC. Railway signal interlocking is a fail-safe system with a required probability of less than 10-9 safety critical failures per hour. In order to meet the critical constraints, fault-tolerant architecture and safety tactics are used in SIC. Although the computational model and implementation techniques are rather complex, the philosophy of SIC provides a cheerful prospect to safety critical applications, it renders in a simpler style of hardware, furthermore, it can shorten development cycle and reduce cost. SIC has been put into practical application, and high performance of reliability and safety has been proven.模块化安全铁路信号计算机联锁系统1概述信号联锁系统是保证交通安全、提高铁路运输效率的关键设备。



第五单元●名词解释1. system specification 系统规格说明2. unit testing 单位(或单元、部件)测试3. software life cycle 软件生命周期(或生存周期)4. system validation testing 系统验证测试5. evolutionary development process 演化开发过程6. simple linear model 简单线性模型7. program unit 程序单元8. throwaway prototype 抛弃式原型9. text formatting 正文格式编排,文本格式化10. system evolution 系统演变11. 系统设计范例system design paradigm12. 需求分析与定义requirements analysis and definition13. 探索式编程方法exploratory programming approach14. 系统文件编制system documentation15. 瀑布模型waterfall model16. 系统集成system integration17. 商用现成软件commercial off-the-shelf (或COTS)software18. 基于组件的软件工程component-based software engineering(CBSE)19. 软件维护工具software maintenance tool20. 软件复用software reuse●翻译课文软件过程比较复杂,而且像所有其他的智能和创造性过程一样,依靠人们作出决定和判断。




布达乔治安全系统:Building Integration System (BIS) - 基本套餐

布达乔治安全系统:Building Integration System (BIS) - 基本套餐

uIntegration of Bosch and third party systems through deployment of OPCu All relevant information in one user interface u Fully embedded access controlu Full event log for forensic investigations uScalable system that grows with your needsThe Building Integration System (BIS)BIS is a flexible, scalable security and safetymanagement system that can be configured to handle an enormous spectrum of operational scenarios.It contains a huge range of applications and features which enable both the integration and coupling as well as the monitoring and control of all technical building systems.This new version builds on Bosch's many years of experience in management systems and was considerably influenced by the following market trends:•Increasing complexity of technical building equipment The increasing complexity of technical equipment inside buildings requires a powerful management system which combines the most varied functions (e.g. fire and intrusion alarm systems, access control,video systems and building automation... etc.) in the best possible way. The OPC standard enables BIS to process and share information efficiently with a huge variety of hardware devices and other sources.•Using new technologies and standardsWhile the strict regulations in the field of security technology ensure a high degree of reliability in security matters, they hinder the integrated use of new technologies from the IT world. BIS hassucceeded in harnessing the benefits of non-security-based technologies (e.g. OPC, CAD, web) and harmonizing them with the world of security technologies.•Need for complete solutionsFacility managers and integrators are demanding a single building-management solution that is nevertheless able to integrate all their security subsystems.System overviewThe Building Integration System is a versatile product made up of a basic package plus various optional components (also known as Engines) based on a common software platform. The engines can becombined to tailor building management systems to detailed requirements.These main components are:•Automation Engine •Access Engine •Video Engine •Security Engine* not available in all countriesThese engines are described in greater detail in separate datasheets.FunctionsSystem architectureThe BIS Engines provide fire and intrusion detection,access control, video surveillance plus the monitoring of HVAC and other vital systems.BIS is based on a performance-optimized multi-tier architecture especially designed for use in Intranet and Internet environments.Subsystems are connected via the well-established,world-wide OPC standard. This open standard makes it easy to insert BIS into existing OPC-compliant subsystems.Optionally, individual BIS systems can cooperate by providing data to, or consuming data from, other BISsystems. The result is a Multi-server BIS system.1. A BIS consumer server with workstations and router in a local area network (LAN)2.Wide area network (WAN)3.BIS provider servers with workstations and routers in local area networks (LAN)Organizational structure and configurationA number of automatic functions and easy-to-use tools make configuration installer-friendly, saving time and expense.Hierarchical location trees can be created by theimport of existing CAD data containing layers, named views and detector locations. Zooming and panning allow rapid navigation through the building.The user interface is web -based using dynamic HTML pages. Default pages for different screen resolutions and formats are included in the installation software,and the default pages can easily be customized using a standard HTML editor.BIS automatically detects the monitor resolution and provides the appropriate user interface.OperationThe system’s main task is to operate as the alarm-monitoring and control center for the various security systems within a site. Its graphical interface isdesigned to help the operator grasp the extent and urgency of an occurrence quickly, and to take promptand effective action.The heart of the system, the State Machine, monitors all incoming events and operator requests and, if desired, can take actions prescribed by user-defined rules or Associations, thus unburdening the operators.System securityAES encryption between BIS central server andworkstations provides additional security in addition to configurable user-access rights. If PCs within a corporate network are to be used as clientworkstations then enhanced security can be achieved by restricting operators to specific workstations or IP-addresses.Basic packageThe Building Integration System basic packageprovides many features used in common by the various Engines.•Customizable device condition counters to provide an overview of the condition of subsystems across the entire BIS system•Message processing and alarm display•Alarm queue with up to 5000 simultaneous alarmevents and detailed alarm information•Fixed assignment of operators to workstations for higher security•State machine for automated event and alarm handling.•Web-server-based platform allows client workstations to connect to BIS via just the Internet Explorer •Direct support for location maps in standardAutoCAD DWF vector format reduces configurationeffort.•Changes to architecture within a graphic (new walls,moving a door, etc.) can be implemented without changing the BIS configuration, simply import a new plot file.•Automated workflows between operators, with message broadcasting and customizable escalation paths•Huge library of standardized detector icons in standard vector format including color, event and control definitions•Direct control and monitoring of detectors via the context menus of their icons in the location maps •Direct control and monitoring of detectors via the logical tree-structure (e.g. building – floor – room) of a site, with hyperlinks to photos, manuals,instructions•Location tree generated automatically from the "named views" within the AutoCAD graphic•Action management for automatic and manual control into connected subsystems and their peripherals•Device overview for all connected subsystems, and their peripherals (detectors) and internal virtual devices (operator, server, ...) in the form of a tree structure with detailed information about address,status, type, location and notes. Control theperipherals via the context menus of their tree nodes.•Ability to compartmentalize the managed site into autonomous Divisions, and to restrict operators to the control of specific Divisions.•Ability to provide specific information to the operator in the form of free-form “miscellaneous” hypertext documents, including text, bitmaps, video images,etc.•Highly configurable operator access rights for monitoring and control of subsystems and their peripherals•Event log to ensure all events are completely documented (including messages received and actions taken)•Reporting services to quickly create reports from the event log•Linking and embedding of OPC servers from any computer in the network •Online HelpAction plans and location mapsBIS amplifies standard alarm-handling by its ability to display action plans and location maps, including graphical navigation and the alarm-dependentvisualization of layers inside those maps. This ensures optimal guidance to operators especially in stress situations, such as fire or intrusion alarms.Alarm-dependent action plans or workflows provide detailed event-dependent information such as standard operating procedures, live images, control buttons, etc. to the operator. Simply create and assign one action plan to each possible alarm type in your system, e.g. fire alarm, access denied, technical alarms, etc.With the deletion of an alarm message an unmodifiable snapshot of the displayed action plan is attached to the event log. This ensures accountability by providing a trace of all steps performed by the operator duringthe alarm response.•Location maps are a visualization of premises e.g.floors, areas or rooms, based on the popular AutoCAD vector-graphics format. Detectors and other devicesare represented by colored, animated icons thatprovide direct control via their context menus. In the case of an alarm the system zooms automatically tothe location in the map where it was triggered.• A location tree provides entry points to the locationmap and its graphical navigation functions (pan,zoom).•Alarm-dependent layer control allows the display ofadditional graphical information for specificsituations, e.g. escape routes in case of fire alarms. BIS optional accessoriesThe optional features listed below can be added to the BIS system to meet specific customer requirements. They are usable with all the BIS Engines (Automation, Access, Video and Security Engine).Alarm management packageThis package extends the standard alarm-handling of your BIS system by some additional features: Message distribution allows the definition of escalation scenarios which are activated automatically when an operator or operator group fails to acknowledge an alarm message within a defined period. BIS will then forward the message automatically to the next authorized operator group. The timer feature allows the setup of time schedules which can be used to perform automatic control commands, such as closing a barrier at 8:00 pm, as well as for time-dependent redirection of alarm messages, e.g. within time period 1 show message tooperator group 1 else to operator group 2.The operator alarm feature allows an operator to trigger an alarm manually from the location tree, for example, if informed by telephone of a dangerous situation. Such manual alarms are processed in the same way as those triggered by a detector: that is, the associated documents are displayed and all steps taken are recorded in the event log.The application launcher allows the invocation of non-BIS applications by the system based upon predefined conditions, e.g. alarms or timers. A typical application of this would be for an automatic, scheduled system backup.Building Integration System in figuresParts includedWhen ordered as Installation Media in Box the box contains:ponents1BIS Installation medium with software and installation manuals as PDF1Quick installation guide (printed)When downloaded (Version 4.0 and later) the online documentation is contained in the download.The basic package includes the following licenses: ponents1Operator client license1Division licenseTechnical specificationsMinimum technical requirements for a login or connection serverMinimum technical requirements for a client computerOrdering informationBIS is available in the following languages:•DE = German•EN = English•ES = Spanish•FR = French•HU = Hungarian•NL = Dutch•PL = Polish•PT = Portuguese•RU = Russian•TR = Turkish•ZH-CN = Simplified Chinese•ZH-TW = Traditional ChineseA BIS basic license is required when setting up a new systemBIS 4.1 Basic LicenseLicense for the use of the software as downloadedfrom the website. No physical parts are delivered andthe user documentation is contained in the download.Order number BIS-BGEN-B41BIS 4.1 Installation Media in BoxBox contains the installation medium for all languagesand the Quick Installation Guide.Order number BIS-GEN-B41-BOXBIS 4.1 Alarm Management PackageLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-FGEN-AMPK41BIS 4.1 additional 1 Operator ClientLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-XGEN-1CLI41BIS 4.1 additional 1 DivisionLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-XGEN-1DIV41BIS 4.1 Multi-Server Connect per ServerLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-FGEN-MSRV41BIS Upgrade from 3.0 to 4.xLicense for an upgrade between the versionsspecified.Order number BIS-BUPG-30TO40BIS Upgrade from 2.x to 4.xLicense for an upgrade between the versionsspecified.Order number BIS-BUPG-2XTO40BIS 4.1 BVMS ConnectivityLicense for the connection between one BIS and oneBVMS installationOrder number BIS-FGEN-BVMS41Represented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.203 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2015 | Data subject to change without notice 181****2875|en,V7,30.Nov2015。

半导体集成电路设计 附录 术语表

半导体集成电路设计 附录  术语表









∙ACL先进互补型金属氧化物半导体逻辑∙Activ e Component--有源组件一种具有增益或开关电流的(非机械)电路组件,如二极管、晶体管等。


∙ADSL非对称数字用户线路(机顶盒)∙AE自动曝光∙AEL机载曝光限制∙AES俄歇电子谱仪∙AF1) 音频2) 自动聚焦∙AFC自动频率控制∙AFM原子力显微镜∙AGC自动增益控制∙AI人工智能∙ALC自动电平控制∙Aligne--光刻机定位器r用于光刻的机器,根据硅芯片上提前刻的记号与掩模或模板对准。




∙Alignment mark--对准标记单个器件或电路中使几层光掩模对准的参考标志。


∙Alloy-合金1) 在半导体工艺中,合金工艺指加处理,用于改进硅衬底和互连金属的金相之间的相互作用。






集成无源器件和硅转接板集成方案设计刘宇;罗乐【摘要】集成无源器件(IPD)和穿硅通孔(TSV)技术是目前封装发展的一大趋势.为了实现高性能集成无源器件和硅转接板集成的目的,本文采取了设计两套不同的集成方案,对比研究的方法.方案结合了深槽电容,液态金属填充等先进技术,从集成方式、通孔制作、通孔填充、IPD类型等多方面进行对比,全面的研究IPD和TSV的集成方案.%Integrated passive device(IPD) and through silicon via(TSV) technology are the current trends in the field of packaging development.In order to achieve high performance IPD and Si interposer integration, we designed two different integrated solutions to contrast one method with the other. The solutions, combined with Deep trench capacitor, the liquid metal via-filling method and other advanced technology, is based on an integrated approach, through-hole production, through-hole filling, IPD, and many other types of contrast, in order to research IPD and TSV integration schemes more systematically.【期刊名称】《电子设计工程》【年(卷),期】2017(025)004【总页数】4页(P95-98)【关键词】封装;集成无源器件;穿硅通孔;硅转接板【作者】刘宇;罗乐【作者单位】上海微系统与信息技术研究所,上海 200050;上海微系统与信息技术研究所,上海 200050【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN402无源器件是智能消费电子等手持设备的重要组成部分,但也是占据较大空间的设备,在某些情况下占据70%以上的可用的电路板空间[1]。



Dynamically Re-Configurable
Service Oriented
Organizational Transformation
Service Oriented Modeling Process Integration via Services
Platform Independent Level 5
Cultural & Behavioral Transformation
Human Service Bus
Service Oriented Modeling
Define First Project and SOA Roadmap
itect ure Desi gn Wor Develop Architecktusreh/ Implementation Polapn
Pilot /
Proto type
Demonstrate SOA Production Feasibility
Domain Analysis
Service Infrastructure
Cross-layers Manageability
service modeling
SOA 服务模型
E2E Integration
Business System Management
工作流:以企业业务执行过程为基础的支持平台。在该模式下,一切都围绕企业业务执行的过 程进行调度,在这点上,工作流的和SOA流程引擎的理念比较相似。但工作流不太强调: 1、识别构成企业应用的服务并为服务的声明、注册、管理、透明访问提供支持 2、服务的定义标准以及和流程的装配关系 3、为企业提供统一的数据交换平台、包括可配置的寻址和路由



英文文献翻译专业班级:自动化06-1班学生姓名:周鑫学号:060410122 二〇一〇年六月一日1.英文资料8051 Embedded System Based on GPRS terminal to achieveWith the surge in demand for wireless data and GPRS mobile services in the painting fully operational, the application of wireless data communications more widely. GPRS network not only has covered a wide range of data transmission speed, high quality, always-on and meter fees in accordance with merit, and itself a packet-based data network to support TCP / IP protocol, without going through the PSTN network switch, etc. Then, communicate directly with the Internet network. GPRS wireless Internet access business, therefore, environmental monitoring, traffic monitoring, mobile office industry with unmatched cost advantage.GPRS terminals to meet the low-cost, compact and mobile and flexible, etc., are now widely used in microcomputer control on the GPRS terminal, and the introduction of embedded system TCP / IP protocol stack. The main difficulty now is: Run the TCP / IP protocol on the computer memory, computing speed higher, and will occupy a lot of system resources; and embedded systems are mostly 8-bit microcontroller, the hardware resources are very limited, support for TCP / IP protocol is difficult. This article uses real-time operating system in embedded uC / OS-II in the transplant of a small TCP / IP protocol stack uIP the ways in which embedded systems based on 8051 GPRS terminal can transmit data in the network; the same time improve the system performance, improved reliability, enhanced system scalability and product development can be continuity.A data transmission network based on GPRSGPRS is based on the introduction of GSM Packet Control Unit (PCU), Service Support Node (SGSN) and gateway support node (GGSN), and other new parts consisting of wireless data transmission system, its users to form groups at the end Next to send and receive data. GPRS network based data transmission system shown in Figure 1. Process-specific data:GPRS terminal through the interface from the client system, remove the user data;GPRS packet data after processing the form sent to the GSM base station (BSS);Packet data packaged by the SGSN, sent to the GPRS IP backbone network;If the packet data is sent to another GPRS terminals are first sent to the destination SGSN, and then sent to the CPBS terminal via BSS; if packet data is sent to the external network (such as the Internet), packets will be grouped by the GGSN to perform the conversion After sending to the external network.2 embedded real-time operating system uC / OS-IIuC / OS-II by Jean J. Prepared by Mr. Labrosse, now a popular free open source real-time operating system. It can be widely used from 8 to 64 different types of SCM, different sizes of embedded systems. With detailed notes of the uC / OS-II source code is only 200 pages or so; of which 95% is written in C, and the MCU type associated with the 8088 assembly code written in no more than 200 lines. uC / OS-II is not only compact in structure, can be cured, can be cut, multi-task and can be denied based real-time kernel, etc; and real-time, stability, reliability skirts have also been widely recognized. uC / OS-II can be compiled to the minimum core 2KB, generally take up memory in 10KB of magnitude for 8051-based embedded system needs. In the system, embedded uC / OS-II can be divided into many tasks throughout the process, relatively independent of each task, and then set the timeout function for each task, time after use, must surrender the right to use MCU. Even if a task problem, it will not affect the operation of other tasks. Embedded microcontroller system in uC / OS-II to improve system reliability, make it easy to debug programs, but also enhance the system scalability and product development can be continuity.However, uC / OS-II real-time operating system kernel is just a, compared with commercial real time operating system package, it lacks the Utilities section, such as file systems, remote function call library, communication software library. Communications software, including: TCP / IP software libraries, Bluetooth communication software library, IrDA infrared communications software libraries. This type of software solution in two ways: one is to purchase third party software; the other is to write your own. If only with MCU TCP / IP protocol in some of the features, you can use a small free open source TCP / IP protocol stack, it ported to uC / OS-II. Currently uC / OS-II's latest version V2.70, but now widespread study and application of the V2.52.3 small TCP / IP protocol stack uIPuIP computer by the Swiss Academy of Sciences, Adam Dunkels a free open source development such as small TCP / IP protocol stack, it is designed for 8-bit and 16-bit MCU write. uIP entirely in C language, it is to ensure a complete TCP / IP stack under the premise of retaining only the most necessary for a series of features to the code at least, occupied RAM minimum; it can only handle a single network interface .Normal TCP / IP stack with BSD socket API, need to multi-tasking operating system from the lower support, and task management, context switching and stack space allocation should occupy much of the overhead, beyond the eight-machine system capacity. uIP using an event-driven interface, by calling the application respond to events. The corresponding application as C function calls. Typically, uIP the source code although only a few KB, RAM occupied by only a few hundred bytes, but uIP provides necessary network communication protocols, including: ARP, SLIP, IP, UDP, ICMP (PINC) and TCP; to meet the 8-bit MCU access to TCP / IP network (such as the Internet) needs. UIP the latest version of the current V0.9, consistent with Internet standards.4 GPRS terminals and hardware implementation of the principleGPRS terminal control module controlled by the TCP / IP module and the wireless transmission module. The block diagram shown in Figure 2.4.1 Control ModuleThe role of the control module are:AT command control module initialization through GPRS wireless module, so attached to the GPRS network, access network operators dynamically allocated to GPRS terminal IP address and with the aim to establish a connection between the terminal or server;RS232 serial control module to the client system by sending and receiving data or instructions;RS232 serial port to the control module through TCP / IP modules send and receive data;control module independently or under remote control commands to take other action.Winbond MCU control module of the eight selection machine WINBOODW77E58. W77E58 is produced by Taiwan's Winbond, and MCS51 MCU-compatible and can be programmed repeatedly fast microprocessors, integrated within its 32KB of reprogrammable Flash ROM, 256 bytes of on-chip memory, IKB use MOVX instruction accesses the SRAM, a programmable watchdog timer, three 16-bit timers, two enhanced full-duplex serial port, on-chip RC oscillator, dual 16-bit data pointer, and many other features. On many occasions, almost no expansion of peripheral chips can meet the system requirements. Because of its design with a new microprocessor core, to remove and store the extra clock cycles, the crystal in the same frequency, according to the instructions of different types, which generally runs faster than the traditional 8051 Series 1.5 ~ 3 times. In general, an average of up to 2.5times. In addition, because a fully static CMOS design W77E58 can work in low-speed oscillator frequency. 8051 compared with the ordinary, if W77E58 with low frequency, in the same instruction throughput, W77E58 in power, will also be greatly enhanced.4.2 TCP / IP moduleTCP / IP module through RS232 serial communication with the GPRS wireless modules provide non-transparent and transparent two-way channel. Corresponding to the module has two transmission modes: transparent mode and non-transparent mode. Software switch module in a different transmission mode, the data flows are also different. When sending AT command set, the module into the transparent mode, you can directly access the GPRS wireless module; when the module into the non-transparent transmission mode, the user data from the serial port into the TCP / IP module, the first 10 d into the TCP / IP packet, and then Send to a GPRS module through the serial port; GPRS wireless module into its package GPRS GPRS packet data packet transmitted online. TCP / IP module from the 8051 microcontroller-based embedded system. Embedded systems use WINBOODW77E58 as microprocessors, embedded real-time operating systems use uC / OS-II, and then in the uC / OS-II in transplant uIP achieve TCP / IP protocol stack.4.3 GPRS wireless moduleGPRS wireless module as GPRS wireless terminal transceiver module, the From the TCP / IP module receives the TCP / IP packet and from the base station receives the GPRS packet data processing before forwarding the corresponding agreement. SIEMENS GPRS wireless module uses the company's MC35 GPRS modules. MC35 module mainly by the RF antenna, the internal Flash, SRAM, GSM baseband processor, power supply and a matching 40-pin ZIF socket component. GSM baseband processor is the core component, which acts as a protocol processor to handle the external system through the serial port to send over the AT command. Main achieved RF antenna signal modulation and demodulation, and the external RF signal and the internal signal conversion between the baseband processor. Matching power supply for the processor and the RF section provides the necessary power. MC35 GPRS module supports GSM900 and GSMl800 dual-band network, to receive rates up to 86.20kbps, send rates up to 21.5kbps, and easy integration. Maximum data throughput of course, also depends on the GPRS network support.5 TCP / IP software implementation5.1 uC / OS-II in 8051 on the transplantationuC / OS-II software is free, non-commercial use, such as research and teachingare free. Any user can download from the Internet, its source code, through appropriate modifications to be transplanted, hardware and systems to meet their own needs. To transplant, need to understand the uC / OS-II operating system, the overall structure, as shown in Figure 3 is the uC / OS-II structure and the relationship with the hardware.And processor-independent code contains uC / OS-II system function, making the system transplantation generally do not need to modify this part; Just UCOS-II. C file included in your project, you can be uC / OS-II in all MCU independent code contains the code to the transplant.And application-related code is the user according to their own custom application system suitable core services, which includes two files: OS_CFG. H, INCLUDES. H. One OS_CFG. H is used to configure the kernel, users needed to customize the kernel, set the system's basic information, such as system can provide the maximum number of tasks, whether custom mail service, the need for system tasks pending features, the availability of dynamic change task priority function. The INCLUDES. H is the system header files.Processor contains the code related to different types of MCU on the support needs of this part of the MCU according to their own modifications. For the Keil C51 compiler and the technical features of the 8051 chip, uC/OS- Ⅱ transplant and three documents related to: processor associated C file (OS_CPU.H, OS_CPU_C.C) and the compilation of documents (OS_CPU_A.ASM).(1) modify OS_CPU. HFile OS_CPU. H includes the use of # define statements related to the definition of processor constant, macro, and type. Transplantation, the main contents of the amendment are:The data type of compiler-related settings. Keil C51 compiler reference to the help file C51. PDF, the specific path for the \ Keil \ C51 \ HLP \ C51. PDF.use the # define statement defines two macros switch interrupts, the specific implementation are:# Define OS_ENTER_CRITICAL () EA = 0 / / off interrupts# Define OS_EXIT_CRITICAL () EA = 1 / / Open interruptAccording to the 8051 definition of the direction of the stack OS_STK_GROWTH.# Define OS_STK_GROWTH 0 / / 8051 stack increment from the bottom up OS_STK_GROWTH set to 0, that stack from the bottom (low address) up (high address) increments; set OS_STK_GROWTH to 1, indicating the stack from the(high address) down (low address) decrease.uC / OS-II from the low priority task to switch to high-priority tasks need to use OS_STK_SW (), through the implementation of OS_STK_SW () imitation interrupt generation. Will provide the majority of CPU instructions soft interrupt or trap (TRAP) to complete this function. Interrupt service routines or instruction trap handler (also called exception handling functions) of the interrupt vector address must point to the assembly language functions OSCtxSw (). Since 8051 there is no soft interrupt instruction, so instead of using program calls.# Define OS_TASK_SW () OSCtxSw ()(2) modify OS_CPU_C. CuC / OS-II porting examples require the user to write a simple C function 10, which OSTaskStklnit () is necessary, the other nine functions must be declared, but not necessarily contain any code. Because the default Keil C51 compiler to function as non-reentrant structure, but the system requirements for multi-task operation concurrent cause re-entry, so each C function and the declaration marked reentrant keyword, the compiler generated code running in support of the function reentrant. Another "pdata", "data" in uC / OS-II used to do some function parameter, but it is also a Keil C51 keyword, this will cause a compiler error. Usually the "pdata''into" ppdala "," data "into" ddata "to solve this problem. Specific changes to the code as follows:In the 8051's uC / OS-II, the transplanted uIP does not require the existing TCP / IP source code to make any changes, it must be for the network equipment (such as LAN chip, serial, etc.) to write a driver. Meanwhile, the integration of some existing systems have to deal with accordingly, for example, when data arrives or periodic timer count full, etc., the main control system should call uIP function [Liu. Portable concrete steps are as follows:In the directory uip-0.9 / directory to create its own, such as uip-0.9/8051 /;the uip_arch. c file from the directory uip-0.9/unix / copied to the directory uip-0.9/8051 in; it contains the C language with 32-bit adder, checksum algorithm;the uipopt. his ulP configuration file, which includes not only the IP address, such as uIP outlets and at the same time such as setting the maximum connection options, but also the system architecture and C compiler specific options;Reference examples unix / tapdev. c and uip / slipdev. c, write drivers for the serial port;Reference examples unix / main. c, write your own master control system to be called in due course ulP function;Compile the source code.This paper describes the embedded system based on the 8051 implementation of GPRS terminals, and introduces embedded RTOS uC / OS-II based on the 8051 transplant, and small TCP / IP protocol stack uIP transplantation: the use of the GPRS network and the GPRS terminals GPRS Internet to the corresponding terminal and the corresponding Internet terminal for data transfer. In the GPRS terminal TCP / IP module to introduce real time operating system will not only improve the system performance, improve system reliability, and enhance the system scalability and product development can be continuity.2.中文资料基于8051嵌入式系统的GPRS终端实现随着数据无线传输需求的骤增和中画移动GPRS业务全面投入运营,无线数据通信的应用越来越广泛。


AMS Wireless Configurator组态软件的设置
AMS Wireless Configurator组态软件的设置
在路径System settings→Protocols→Protocols And Ports中可选择、设置通讯协议,选择会使用的通讯协议。点击Save Changes即可。
在路径System settings→Protocols→Modbus下可设置选择设备寄存位置和设备PV、QV、TV、SV、电池电压等。
在网关运行一段时间后,如果网关没有扫描的新的设备网关会自动把Active Advertising改为NO,此时网关扫描设备的周期会默认为半个小时,如果此时我们需要添加新设备,必须把Active Advertising重新改为YES,这样才能快速扫描到设备。(在设备突然断线时,也可使用此办法)
二、将智能预测技术扩展到之前因技术或经济原因无法使用的区域: 1.使任何 HART 设备具备无线功能,以获得新的测量点 2.使用高级仪表诊断功能 3.远程管理设备并监控设备运行状况 4.有效地从多变量设备收集数据 5.增强阀门的功能
1.无线网关设置 打开控制面板→网络和Internet→网络连接→本地连接内修改Internet 协议版本(TCP/IPV4)属性。更改IP地址(I)为192.168.1.20(不能与网关的IP地址相同),子网掩码(U)为255.255.255.0。如下图所示:
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Development of a direct metal freeform fabrication technique usingCO 2laser welding and milling technologyDoo-Sun Choi a,*,S.H.Lee b ,B.S.Shin a ,K.H.Whang a ,Y .A.Song c ,S.H.Park c ,H.S.Jee daKorea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM),P .O.Box 101,Jangdong,Taejeon,South Korea bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,Yonsei University,#134Shinchon,Seoul,South Korea cKorea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST),P .O.Box 131,Cheongryang,Seoul136791,South Korea dDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,Hong-Ik University,72-1Sangsudong,Seoul,South KoreaAbstractSince the ®rst introduction of rapid prototyping in 1986,several techniques have been developed and successfully commercialized in the market.However,most commercial systems currently use resins or waxes as the raw materials.Thus,the limited mechanical strength for functional testing is regarded as an obstacle towards broader application of rapid prototyping techniques.To overcome this problem,direct metal deposition methods are being investigated worldwide for rapid prototyping and even for rapid tooling applications.As a contribution to this development,a fundamental study on a process combination of wire welding technology using CO 2laser radiation with milling was carried out and is reported in this ser welding enables accurate deposition of metals and the subsequent milling increases the surface quality and accuracy to machining pared to powder,the use of wire is of advantage in terms of a simple feeding mechanism as well as a higher deposition rate.The main focus of the experimental investigation is to ®nd the basic process characteristics.For this purpose,basic parts were fabricated as a function of process parameters such as laser power,welding speed and bead distance.The microstructure,hardness and tensile strength are then examined as a function of these process parameters.In conclusion,the advantages and disadvantages of this process are discussed in comparison with other direct metal fabrication techniques.#2001Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Rapid prototyping and tooling;Metal deposition;Laser welding;Mild steel;Metal fabrication1.IntroductionTo remain competitive in the international market,it is important to respond quickly to the changing market and produce products that re¯ect these changes.This capability along with the quality and price of the products are the most important factors for survival.The lead time involved in product development is considered the most cost-and time-consuming process of development,and therefore CAD/CAM technology has been employed to meet these technical demands.CAD/CAM has revolutionized the time required for numerical data to be transferred into manufactured products.Rapid prototyping,which is a direct transfer of design data to an actual product,is a very important part of CAD/CAM technology.The fact that an actual model can be created and tested is concurrent to the technology of CAD/CAM,and for these reasons,rapid prototyping has received much attention from its initial development.Changes that occur in the designprocess will be least costly compared to changes made in other stages of product development.Because of these advantages there has been a constant explosion of interest in the research of rapid prototyping.The concept of auto-mating the procedure of transferring design data to an actual product in an automated way is the critical component of development automations in use today [1].Research in RPs date back to the mid 1980s.Since then there has been a rapid advance in its development.The technology involved can be classi®ed into two groups:those that are being in use today,and those that are under mercialized technologies include laser utilized stereolithography,SLS,FDM which integrates extruded thermoplastic resin,LOM which integrates thin layers of the product's sections,and LENZ which is an advanced form of clading technology using laser melted metal particles [2±6].Excluding the SLS technology by the DTM company,other widely used commercial rapid prototyping techniques such as FDM,LOM,etc.utilize plastic,paper or polymer and have the disadvantage of not being able to produce actual metal products[7].Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113(2001)273±279*Corresponding author.Tel.: 82-42-868-7124;fax: 82-42-868-7149.E-mail address (D.-S.Choi).0924-0136/01/$±see front matter #2001Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.PII:S 0924-0136(01)00652-51.1.Metal depositionUnlike conventional rapid prototyping systems where non-metallic materials were used to form the products, current research focuses on integrating metal layers to form an actual metallic model.The metal deposition method that is in commercial use today is a by-product of research in this ®eld.However,accuracy problems that arise in the process of rapid prototyping,along with problems in the character-istics of the metal and the high cost of production,have impeded further development.Metallic integration techni-ques include a variety of methods such as laser cladding, ballistic particle manufacturing(BPM),droplet-based man-ufacturing(DBP),3D printing,shape deposition manufac-turing(SDM),direct metal deposition(DMD),and selective laser sintering(SLS)[8±13].A few critical methods are introduced below.Steen and his associates have been used laser cladding to form3D structures.This method is considered as a rapid prototyping method based on laser welding.Regular beads are formed using coaxial metal powder supply equipment through a control technique for bead height.Products are formed based on this technology[14].Prinz and his associ-ates have proposed microcasting,5-axis CNC milling,shap-ing through electrical discharge machine(EDM),stress control through shot peening,or a metal cladding rapid prototyping process through an integrated sensing system in the SDM process.They have also proposed that cooling rate, metallic defaults and internal stress are the critical factors in determining the quality of the metal-composed product. Mazumder proposed direct metal deposition methods using cladding techniques along with applications for the direct production of products,low cost and fast casts for order and die production.He predicted40%of the conventional die production time as well as millions of dollars in savings.He is also proposing that by using lasers for cladding,the thermal stress which occurs during metal integration could be greatly reduced[15,20,21].On the same note,Kreutz and associates also claim that the use of the laser is a critical method for realizing metal integration processes.The laser is already widely used in cutting,welding and surface treating procedures as well as being recognized as a production process tool that can be usefully applied in expansive large scale production[8]. The DTM company,in association with the University of Texas,has further advanced the SLS process in developing a commercial rapid metal prototyping product called Sinter-station,which can be an alternative for liquid substance RP &M.In this process,metal powder was used instead of Acrylat.The metal powder was heated to just below the melting point,after which a laser scan would instantly melt the powder to form a layer of the product.The rest of the powder will remain to support the melted layer and prevent distortion.When a cycle is completed,a roller reapplies the powder and the process is repeated.Since the product is formed through deposition,precision of surface quality is inevitably compromised.A post process is required.In this aspect,layer integration systems coupled with milling post-processing are very realistic candidates for further research. The rapid prototyping system proposed by Song et al.[16] utilizes technology which has been in existence before current developments in rapid prototyping started,resulting in a cost effective and practical rapid prototyping system. This led to metal layer integration via welding,which is later post-processed through milling,and through this technique basic products have been successfully produced[17±19]. This study is based on the same line of thought.The main concept can be described as a rapid prototype mold or tooling in a wire welding method using laser techniques which are suitable for rapidly producing products such as large scale molds.Also,this system utilizes a simpli®ed wire feeding device compared to the delicate metal powder feeding systems required in previous rapid prototyping systems.This rapid prototyping system can be classi®ed as3D welding technology in a broad sense,and its categorization is shown in Fig.1[8].In this study,metallic materials are melted through laser heating and arc welding to form sections and integrated in layers.After the shape is formed,cutting is applied to enhance the surface roughness.By combining layer integra-tion and cutting techniques into one and utilizing the good points of each,shapes that were impossible to manufacture with cutting alone can be formed.Also precision and surface accuracy,which were two weaknesses related to layer integration,could be fullyattained.Fig.1.The RP technical tree[8].274 D.-S.Choi et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology113(2001)273±279Therefore,in this study,optimal conditions for bead formation are determined through laser and arc welding. Using this condition,the shape of the product is formed and various mechanical characteristics are tested.Ultimately,a prototype for injection molding can be manufactured.2.System2.1.Hybrid RP rapid prototyping processA laser beam is projected onto the material surface while a wire is introduced to the focal point of the laser at a steady speed to induce a melt pool.The X±Y table is translated to form a one line bead which is then integrated to a multi-layer structure.The fundamental routine involved is a repetition of this process in Fig.2.The one line bead is overlapped horizontally to form a two-dimensional layer,which is then integrated vertically to form a three-dimensional structure.After the bead or the2D plane is constructed,a milling machine is used to process the top part of the beads by cutting.This provides a¯at and stable surface on the top of the beads upon which additional layers can be stacked with greater stability.After the3D structure is completed,the surface is processed by a®nish-ing cutting process.(Fig.2)The result is the®nal product.2.2.Hybrid RP rapid prototyping equipmentTest equipment can be largely subdivided into three parts: CO2laser or arc welding equipment,a regular milling machine and the wire feeding apparatus.For the CO2laser equipment,a product from Ro®n±Sinar(maximum output: 1.5KW),Germany was used.Conventional regular milling machines were inadequate because the control unit could not be applied to the study.Therefore,an integrated PC±NC based control unit suitable for rapid prototyping was devel-oped.The new control unit is a5-axis simultaneous control system which was designed to control laser welding,milling and wire feeding processes.The wire feeding system is actuated by servo motors for a steady feed of the wire into the framework.In actual testing,the direction of the laser beam in relation to the direction of the wire feed proved to be very critical,and so the wire feed direction was aligned with the direction of the shape forming process.The wire feed angle can also be adjusted manually for optimal effect.The equipment set-up is detailed in Fig.3.The principal material used for processing is mild steel,also used as the wire element in experiments.Nitrogen gas was used to deter oxidation during layer integration,and the entire process was captured using a CCD camera and monitored through a monitor.2.3.Software compositionThe data utilized in rapid prototyping is the two-dimen-sional data obtained from CLI(common layer interface)®les.Since CLI®les only contain information about the internal and external outlines of the product,further infor-mation besides the two-dimensional dissection information is required.The extra data in this case is de®ned as process variables.They include information of welding speed for ®lling the dissection gap,the distance between the bead and the welding bead,the cutting speed for leveraging the sur-face height and other information related to welding,cutting, dissection®lling,welding layer integration direction,etc. Fig.4is a¯owchart of the rapid NC process and Fig.5is a rapid NC composition chart.In rapid NC,the data collected from experiments is stored and managed in a collective database.Two-dimensional data is read from CLI®les and stored in binary®les called RPG®ing the RPG®les, the tool path data are generated and translated to NC data format which can later be used in rapid prototyping processes.2.3.1.Process variablesThe variables that in¯uence the quality of the end product can be divided into®xed and un®xed variables.Fixed Fig.2.The3D laser welding and millingprocess.Fig.3.Schematic diagram of the rapid direct metal depositionmachine.Fig.4.Flowchart of rapid NC.D.-S.Choi et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology113(2001)273±279275variables refer to values which cannot be altered for each process and include values such as welding wire type and size,type of gas used,principal base material,welding frequency,welding voltage,current,laser power and wire feed rate.Un®xed variables on the other hand are values which can be changed for each different process to achieve better quality and consume less time.The type of un®xed variable and its optimum value are determined by experi-mentation and are subdivided into technology,parallel,cutting and path process variables,depending on their function.2.3.2.Technology process variablesTechnology process variables affecting the bead quality and size are the distance between the beads,the welding speed and compensation values.Since the bead thickness is inversely proportional to the welding speed,the thickness and width can be controlled by adjusting the welding speed.When welding the external surface,the bead size must be smaller than that applied to the dissection.This can be controlled by setting the external welding speed higher than that of the internal speed.Other problems include the bead ¯owing out towards the welding direction at the end of a weld.To compensate for this,the welding direction is slightly offset in the opposite direction near to the end.The compensation value determines the compensation amount.2.3.3.Parallel process variableParallel process variables are used to select the layer integration type.The values include outline welding and internal section welding options,the priority of welding processes,the scale value,the layer integration procedure during internal section welding and the integration direction selection between layers.Dissections formed in welding are divided into outlines and internal sections which can be selectively generated by manipulating the process values.Scale values generate welding paths by enlarging or redu-cing the outlines or internal sections actually formed in the process.When the outlines and internal sections require simultaneous welding,the scale value may be used to alleviate overlap.Fig.6shows the internal section and outline welding paths generated by rapid NC.In this casethe N th layer is being integrated in a cellular phone mold core.2.3.4.Cutting,path process variablesCutting process variables determine the cutting process types.Cutting is administered after every layer integration to ensure that the dissection surface is level.The values include the tool radius,cutting speed,z -axis direction or side cutting selection and cutting path in the z -direction.Path process variables include the operation initiation and conclusion height along with layer rotation selection values pertaining to the welding process.2.4.Experiment variablesLaser power determines the output needed to melt the wire.Table speed and wire feed rates determine the bead thickness and width,while the protective gas prevents oxidation of the bead.The key values in the experiment are laser power,table speed and wire feed rate.The variables required during the layer integration and composition of the wire are listed in Tables 1and 2.A single-line experiment was conducted to optimize these values.The same values were used in generating the basic geometricmodel.Fig.5.Display of rapidNC.Fig.6.External and internal path of welding.Table 1Parameters and range of experiments ParameterRangeLaser power (P )600±700WTable speed (F t )200±600mm/min Wire feed rate (F w )400±600mm/min Shield gas pressure 10±15l/min Spot size (diameter) 2.5±3.0mm Angle of wire feeding20±308Table 2Composition of the wire (wt.%)C Mn Si P S D.-S.Choi et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113(2001)273±2792.5.Experimental procedureSingle-line experiments and layer integration experiments were conducted separately.In the single-line experiment,the feed angle,the laser power and the wire feed rate were controlled while the table speed was varied to determine its effects on bead formation.In the next stage,the laser power and table speed were controlled to determine the effects of the wire feed rate ser power variation experi-ments were conducted in the same way.Repeated experi-ments were conducted along with investigations into the effects of the laser spot size and the pressure exerted from protective gases.Fig.7shows the ¯owchart of the experi-ments.In these experiments,properly formed beads were isolated and measured in terms of height and width and relations to variables.In layer integration experiments,the optimal conditions and bead-to-bead distances were varied in order to obtain conditions for generating a level surface.3.Experiment results and discussion 3.1.Dissection experimentIn this experimental set-up,the wire feeding mechanism supplies the wire to the focal point of the laser.Therefore the layer integration direction can only be formed in the x -direction on the x ±y plane.Due to these characteristics,feeding cannot occur along the z -axis and beads will be formed along the line between the point of the wire feed and the melt pool formed by the yer integration has similar directional characteristics so that bead formation along with layer integration occurs only when the wire feed direction coincides with the table translation direction in the x ±y plane.In experiments,this occurred in the x direction.To select optimum melting conditions,a single-line test was ser power and wire feed rates were controlled,whereas the table speed was varied for investiga-tion.As the table speed was increased,the bead thickness and width decreased,while a decrease in table speed led to an increase in bead thickness and width.Additional experi-ments were conducted where the laser power and table speeds were controlled and the wire feed rate varied.An increase in wire feed rate led to increased bead thickness andwidth.A decrease in wire feed rate resulted in decreased bead thickness and width.In conclusion,table speed varied inversely to bead size,while the wire feed rate varied proportionally.Similar experiments were conducted with laser power,table speed,wire feed rate,laser focal point size,and feed angle.The optimal conditions from these tests are listed in Fig.8.yer integration experimentThe results of the layer integration experiments show that basic beads form walls,which ultimately form hexagonal structures.These fundamental structures become the build-ing blocks for the actual mold being manufactured.When data collected from dissection experiments was used in layer integration tests,the layer thickness and line width began to differ between layers due to differences in heat transfer conditions.For example,the laser power for the melting and welding processes in the ®rst layer was the highest,while the subsequent layers required less power in succession.This can be explained by the differences in heat-transfer rates.When beads are formed,the top part has a curvature.This led to the problem of the melted metal sliding down the sides when a new layer was being integrated.To make matters worse,some layers had poor surface ®nishing,leading to bigger defects as a result of integration.To provide a solution,a cutting process was implemented before adding a layer by removing 2mm off the top of the previous layer.Beads with regular heights could be formed through this procedure.Also,any surface defects could be alleviated by removing them completely.Cutting off the top portion of the bead also prevented melted metal from sliding down the side.Fig.9shows the optimal conditions in layer integration and Fig.10shows the ®nalproduct.Fig.7.Flowchart of theexperiments.Fig.8.Single line of thebead.Fig.9.Thin wall.D.-S.Choi et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113(2001)273±2792773.3.Tensile specimen creation and tensile testAlong with the basic geometry production,the rapid prototyped metallic part was also tested according to ASTM standards in tensile tests in order to evaluate the mechanical characteristics of the product.A specimen for the test was created.By creating the specimen,the precision and strength of the product could be assessed.Hence,whether this procedure would be adequate for a rapid prototyping mold process could also be determined.To test the strength,a standard ASTM tensile test speci-men was created,as shown in Fig.11.The wire used in laser welding was a AWE ER 70S-6carbon steel wire of 0.9mm diameter.The tensile test results showed a tensile strength of 55.66kg/mm 2and an elongation percentage of 53%.The elongation percentage in this case is almost identical to that of conventional carbon steels.Table 3below lists the comparison between conventional carbon steels and the specimen tested in the experiment.3.4.MicrostructureFig.12shows an SEM image of a layer integrated bead.There is a clear indication of a general mild steel structure at the base.Beads integrated by welding base level can becategorized as the same type of mild steel,although their compositions will vary slightly.[A]shows the base level,while Fig.12in [B]shows the HAZ (heat affected zone)directly under the beads in the initial layer of integration.[C][D][E]show the structure of the welded beads.[F]shows the martensite structure formed by rapid cooling at the top.[G]is an example of a bead from a different integration layer where the welding has not been completed properly leading to gaps between the beads.Such defects occurred when melting power was insuf®cient or when melting materials were insuf®ciently provided.The key focus of the experiment was determining the link structure between the beads and whether it would provide suf®cient strength and ductility.Oxidation composition charts at the dissection segment do not contain martensite structures.This is because the martensite structure is removed by the cutting that takes place after each layer has been integrated.Microstructure photos indicate that the structures formed at the intersection area of the beads (20±30m)are larger than those formed inside a bead (5±10m m).This growth in structure is assumed to be a result of the tampering effect when a new layer is added.The larger structure displays less strength in comparison to the internal portion of the bead [E],but it can be assumed to be less brittle and thus less prone to cracks,etc.The upper-most layer contains martensite structure due to rapid cooling as clearly shown in the picture.It is also important to note that bubbles were not observed during the layer integration process,which is an advantage when manufacturing molds.3.5.HardeningLasers,much like arc welding,allow effective control over heat-induced effects in comparison to other heat-related processes.Nevertheless,local hardening caused by heat is unavoidable in this case also.When injection molds are manufactured using this tech-nique,the hardening effect may be bene®cial since the mold must have enough strength to withstand wear and crack formation.Heat-induced hardening is closely related totheFig.10.Block.Fig.11.Test specimen.Table 3Comparison between mild steel and test specimen of mechanical propertiesYield strength (kg/mm 2)Tensile strength (kg/mm 2)Elongation (%)Mild steel 475630Test specimen*55.752Fig.12.Microstructure of a wall.278 D.-S.Choi et al./Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113(2001)273±279heat distribution characteristics,and therefore,research in heat exchanges and distribution is of critical importance.However,experimental techniques are limited in handling high temperatures and heat distribution so that alternative methods utilizing numerical analysis are expected to provide better solutions in determining heat distribution.It is important to note that the melted intersection part of the layers has hardness values of about 20Hv less than that of a regular layer.This softening effect can be attributed to the tampering effect caused by heat when a layer is inte-grated with another layer beneath it.This effect is most clearly observed in the lower portion of the beads.In terms of the entire bead stack,the hardness values decrease and converge as the height increases.At the very top,the martensite structure formed by rapid cooling provides a very hard structure.Fig.13shows the micro-hardness.4.Conclusions1.With fundamental experiments in rapid prototyping,the optimum variables were determined.Initial bead formation,fundamental vertical walls,hexagonal for-mations and tensile test specimens were created.From these basic parts,test data for manufacturing precision molds or metallic prototypes could be determined.2.The characteristics of the entire part could be determined from investigating the microstructures on the integrated layers.A reliable mechanical connection between layers could be observed.Also the fact that bubble formation did not occur throughout the entire bead will be of bene®t when molds are actually manufactured.3.Hardness and tensile tests on rapid prototype mold parts show that they have suf®cient hardness and dimensional precision to be applied to prototype mold production through the injection process.5.Future researchRapid prototyping with a laser welding process allow the manufacture of many products which were previously dif®-cult to produce with conventional cutting techniques.The following areas provide guidelines for future research:1.The production time may be reduced by 50±70%by improving table speeds,processing at higher power and single processing being applied after the integration of multiple layers.2.Improved precision:the precision needs to be improved suf®ciently for the process to be used for dental work or ®ne molds.3.Reduction of thermal distortion and FEM analysis is required to test for residual stress.4.Molds designed by rapid prototyping will be applied to injection processes and the processing time compared to that of conventional cutting methods.References[1]M.Murphy,C.Lee,W.M.Steen,ICALEO,1993,p.882.[2]L.Ahmad,L.Eckstrand,J.Pantarotto,Can.Ceramics Quart.66(2)(May 1997)104.[3]Rapid Prototyping Report,CAD/CAM Publishing 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manufacturing readiness level -回复

manufacturing readiness level -回复什么是制造成熟度水平(Manufacturing Readiness Level,简称MRL)?制造成熟度水平(MRL)是评估和衡量新产品或技术在制造方面准备就绪程度的一种工具。




以下将逐级详细介绍每个级别:1级:研究开发阶段(Basic Research)在1级,产品或技术的基础研究正在进行中,还没有进入实际制造的阶段。


2级:技术概念证明(Technology Concept)在2级,初步的概念验证已经完成,技术方案的可行性经过了初步分析。


3级:实验室验证(Laboratory Validation)在3级,技术方案的实验室验证已经完成,初步的技术参数和性能指标得到了验证。


4级:实验室验证(Laboratory Validation)在4级,技术方案的实验室验证已经完成,产品或技术的性能参数已经评估。


5级:组件验证(Component Validation)在5级,关键部件和元件的验证已经完成。


6级:系统验证(System Validation)在6级,整个系统的验证已经完成。


dap组立流程图 英文 船舶建造

dap组立流程图 英文 船舶建造

dap组立流程图英文船舶建造Title: The DAP assembly process flowchart in shipbuilding industryIntroduction:In the shipbuilding industry, the process of assembling DAP (dll-directed air propelled) components is crucial for the construction of a vessel. This process involves the integration of various components and systems to create a seamless and functional ship. A detailed flowchart outlining the steps involved in the DAP assembly process can help streamline operations and ensure efficiency in shipbuilding projects.Main Body:1. Component identification and sorting:The first step in the DAP assembly process is the identification and sorting of components. This involves ensuring that all necessary parts are available and organizing them in a logical order for assembly.2. Pre-assembly preparation:Once the components are sorted, the next step ispre-assembly preparation. This includes cleaning, lubricating,and testing components to ensure they are ready for integration into the vessel.3. Component integration:The actual assembly process begins with the integration of components. This step involves fitting together various parts according to the vessel's design specifications, using tools and equipment as necessary.4. System installation:After the components are assembled, the next step is the installation of systems such as electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. This requires skilled technicians to ensure the systems are properly integrated and functioning correctly.5. Quality control and testing:Once the DAP components and systems are installed, quality control and testing procedures are conducted to ensure everything is working as intended. This includes performance testing, functional testing, and safety checks.6. Final inspection and finishing:The final step in the DAP assembly process is the inspection and finishing of the vessel. This involves a thorough visualinspection, touch-up painting, and final detailing to ensure the ship meets the required standards.Conclusion:The DAP assembly process in shipbuilding is a complex and critical operation that requires careful planning, precise execution, and quality control measures. By following a detailed flowchart outlining the steps involved in the assembly process, shipbuilders can ensure efficiency and effectiveness in constructing vessels. Through proper component identification, pre-assembly preparation, integration, system installation, testing, and finishing, shipbuilders can deliver high-quality ships that meet industry standards and customer expectations.。

Autodesk Fusion 360 与 SAP 的连接方式 使用说明书

Autodesk Fusion 360 与 SAP 的连接方式 使用说明书

About meo Development Manager @ CIDEONo Based close to Dresden, Germanyo Married, 2 kidso Diplom(equiv. Master) in Computer Scienceo Very interested in technology, seen some changes over timeAutodesk partner for 25+ yearso Consulting, implementation, training, project solutions, individual software developmento Based in Germany and Austriao Cross-industry customer base with an emphasis on Mechanical engineering and Plant DesignSAP implementation partner for 20+ years o Provider of CAD integrations for SAPo Integration customers worldwideCIDEON Software & ServicesSAP integration use cases with Forge APIs Fusion 360 data integrated with SAPSAP configuration within the Forge viewer(“bonus”)Two case studiesFusion 360 and SAPBut you also know questions like this –right?CAD is greatMy manufacturing process is controlled by the ERPsystem, can I have the full BOM available there?And could it please be correct and complete?I need to pre-order some of the parts, way ahead ofmanufacturing. Could we create a BOM now, even ifdesign is not complete yet? And update it laterwithout manual side-by-side comparison?And what about plant maintenance, spare partsorders?Can I have a serious cost calculation, based oncountry, customer, special VAT conditions …?What is the price / availability of this part? (Should Iuse a different one?)CAD Direct Integrations e.g. Inventor –SAP –Integration PDM Integrationse.g. Vault –SAP -IntegrationOur answer to that are integrationsCloud business is growing Things are changing –a bitAutodesk offers more and more cloud solutions. Just think of:AutoCAD WebBIM360 / Autodesk Construction CloudFusion 360Fusion ManageRendering Services, Generative DesignSharing Services from AutoCAD, Inventor, RevitSAP offers cloud solutions –e.g. S/4HANA public cloudCentrally hosted by SAPSoftware-as-a-Service (SaaS)Web based instead of (Windows-) SAPGUIHow does an integration fit into this scenario?Fusion 360 –SAPAnalyzing the requirementsSome properties of Fusion 360:One CAD VersionCAD data in the cloudBuilt-in document management (access management, search, versions, milestones)Main requirements:Transfer Bill of Materials into the ERP system, including all the data necessaryMake SAP information accessible for a specific CAD componentSome optional document management requirements:Neutral files for follow-up processes in SAP (STEP, STL)Some previewsMaybe an indicator which CAD documents are releasedProvide functionality to:Assign SAP items to F360 componentsCreate SAP items using CAD informationFor reused CAD component recognize SAP infoCreate and update SAP BOM from CADstructuresDisplay SAP data for a selected componentFusion 360 integration tasksHow we approached itTechnology platformWeb-based, SaaS solutionUsing the SAP BTP (SAP Business Technology Platform)CIDEON Cloud CAD Integration with Fusion 360Accessing Fusion 360’s dataNo frontend modules (means: not using Fusions local API)Using Forge APIsWhat was availableData Management API –works well for Project and Folder navigation, findingmodel versions, but of course not the contents of the CAD modelsModel Derivative API –Neutral file creation as well as delivering somemetadata, including structures. However, not designed for tracking of changesor recognition of re-used parts in different model versions(Design Automation API) –Powerful automation tool for AutoCAD, Inventor,Revit, 3ds Max. Not available for Fusion 360, but a background CAD actionwould be too expensive anyway.Checking out Forge APIs→PoC / Demo implementation, then seeking conversation with AutodeskA two-part journey –Part 1Autodesk started working on Forge Data some years agoInvitation for the “Forge Data Vanguard team” CIDEON participated in the Private BetaFirst task: Understanding the underlying data modelFeedback sessions with Autodesk,good discussionsAlong comes Forge DataCIDEON’s Feedback: This would solve our needs; however, it seems a steep learning curve.A two-part journey –Part 2A GraphQL-based API with the familiar CAD object terminology and structureAlong comes ForgeFusion DataCAD Terminology GraphQL-based ComponentComponent VersionOccurrenceComponent VersionA Short Demo of the SolutionSAP Configuration within the Forge ViewerA “typical” graphical configuratorSelection fieldswith pre-definedlists(Logic often in Web UI)Download generated Files (single SVF, STEP , CAD)Design Automation / Model DerivativeUser makesselections andstarts generation 1Trigger generation23Our Solution Requirements-Model once, configure anywhere!-Better user experience, as intuitive as possible-Configuration by interacting within the graphics.-Ideally, have an immediate graphical response-Starting at the source of CAD data (in our project: Inventor). Test and verify right in CAD!Model once –configure anywhere Manufacturing Engineering Order Management SAPS/4HANA Variant Configuration Delivery Service Procurement Back Office Variant Configurationand PricingConfigureRequest Quote Offer CustomerCommerce Solutions Sales RepSales SolutionsCPQ -Configure PriceQuote Custom SolutionsCloud Platform•Lightweight auto-assembly functionality in the viewer •Component combination is a good starting point •We need a connection point systemApproaching the SolutionForge Viewer API Check list•Can it load several models (instead of one SVF)? Yes!•How about the placement of viewables in 3D space? Yes!•Does it have built-in constraint logic?No.•SVF as the viewable format? Yes!CAD model creation Inventor as source systemCreate models with Inventor functionality, UI to support component creations:Define named connection points at the componentValidation against configuration model, Inventor as test environment for logical and graphical configurationUpload component files and conversion to SVFStore viewables and meta info on our serverFinal application logic User interacts with the componentSAP configuration service delivers config options based on the current state of the product configurationAfter user inputo Configuration metadata is recalculated by the configurator serviceo Add / remove components as needed o Place the componentsaccording to connection point logic SAP Configurator Service Component PoolA short demo of the solutionQ&A*******************************Autodesk and the Autodesk logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.。

诺特莱斯 RID14 8-通道字段指示器说明书

诺特莱斯 RID14 8-通道字段指示器说明书

Products Solutions Services TI00145R/09/EN/13.1371232470Technical InformationRID148-channel field indicatorwith FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ or PROFIBUS® PAprotocolField indicator for easy integration intoexisting fieldbus systemsApplication•Field indicator with 8 input channels and FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ or PROFIBUS®PA protocol for displaying process values and calculated values•Also optionally available for Ex d applications•Onsite display of process parameters in fieldbus systemsYour benefits•Bright, backlit LC indicator with bar graph, diagnostic symbols and plain text field•Listener mode for up to 8 analog channels or digital statuses•8-channel indicator via function block interconnection in the case of FOUNDATIONFieldbus™•Safe operation in hazardous areas thanks to international approvals such as–FM IS,NI–CSA IS,NI–ATEX Ex ia,Ex nAfor intrinsically safe installation in zone 1 and zone 2•Aluminum housing or optional stainless steel housingRID142Endress+HauserFunction and system designMeasuring principleBacklit display for up to 8 process values or calculated values of the fieldbus users connected to the fieldbus system via listener mode, or also via function block interconnection in the case of FOUNDA-TION Fieldbus™.Measuring systemEndress+Hauser has a wide range of innovative products which can be used with the FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ and PROFIBUS® PA protocol. Together with the sensors and transmitters, the indicators form a complete measuring point for various applications in the industrial sector.Device architectureSystem integration via FOUNDATION Fieldbus™System integration via PROFIBUS® PARID14Endress+Hauser 3The 8-channel indicator displays the measured values, calculated values and status information of the fieldbus users in a fieldbus network. In the listener mode, the device listens to the set fieldbusaddresses and displays their specific values. Furthermore, values available on the bus can be also dis-played via function block interconnection in the case of a FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ indicator.Individual settings can be made for each channel. Analog values from the bus user are displayed as a five-digit number while digital values are displayed as plain text (ON/OFF, OPEN/CLOSE, numerical values). The process value status is indicated by icons or as plain text on the measured value display. Plain text display makes it possible to display alphanumeric character combinations, such as the TAG. For trend analysis, in addition to indicating measured values the indicator also has a bar graph, with indicators for overranging and underranging, which can be scaled independently of the display value.The device is powered by the fieldbus and can be used in hazardous areas up to temperature class T6.Communication and data processingBreakdown information•Status message as per the fieldbus specification.Switch-on delay •8 sFOUNDATION Fieldbus™•FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ H1, IEC 61158-2•FDE (Fault Disconnection Electronic) = 0 mA•Data transmission rate: supported baud rate = 31.25 kBit/s •Signal coding = Manchester II•LAS (link active scheduler), LM (link master) function is supported:Thus, the indicator unit can assume the function of a link active scheduler (LAS) if the current link master (LM) is no longer available. The device is supplied as a BASIC device. To use the device as an LAS, this must be defined in the distributed control system and activated by downloading the con-figuration to the device.•In accordance with IEC 60079-27, FISCO/FNICO PROFIBUS® PA •PROFIBUS® PA in accordance with EN 50170 Volume 2, IEC 61158-2 (MBP)•FDE (Fault Disconnection Electronic) = 0 mA•Data transmission rate: supported baud rate = 31.25 kBit/s •Signal coding = Manchester II•Connection data in accordance with IEC 60079-11 FISCO, EntityProtocol-specific dataFOUNDATION Fieldbus™Basic data Device type 10CF (hex)Device revision 01 (hex)Node Address Default: 247ITK version5.2.0ITK Certification Driver No.IT064000Link Master-capable (LAS)YesLink Master / Basic Device selectable Yes; factory setting: Basic Device Number of VCRs58Number of Link Objects in VFD64Virtual communication relationships (VCRs)Permanent Entries 58Client VCRs 0Server VCRs 5Source VCRs 8Sink VCRsRID144Endress+HauserSubscriber VCRs 35Publisher VCRs 10Link settings Slot time4Min. inter PDU delay 12Max. response delay 40BlocksBlock description Block index Permanent Block execu-tion timeBlock classResourceDisplay Transducer Advanced Diagnostic PIDInput Selector 1Input Selector 2Arithmetic Integrator40050060070080090010001100YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO100 ms 35 ms 35 ms 50 ms 60 msExtendedManufacturer-specific Manufacturer-specific Standard Standard Standard Standard StandardBrief description of the blocks Resource Block:The Resource Block contains all the data that clearly identify and charac-terize the device. It is like an electronic device nameplate. In addition to parameters that are needed to operate the device on the fieldbus, the Resource Block also makes other information available, such as the order code, device ID, software revision, order ID etc.Display Transducer:The parameters of the "Display" Transducer Block allow the configuration of the display.Advanced Diagnostic:All the parameters for automatic monitoring and diagnosis are grouped together in this Transducer Block.PID:This function block contains input channel processing, proportional inte-gral-differential control (PID) and analog output channel processing. The following can be implemented: basic controls, feedforward control, cas-cade control and cascade control with limiting.Input Selector (ISEL):The block for selecting a signal (Input Selector Block - ISEL) allows the user to choose up to four inputs and generates an output based on the configured action.Integrator (INT):The Integrator Block integrates one or two variables over time. The Block compares the integrated or totalized value to limit values and generates a discrete output signal if the limit value is reached. It can be selected from six integration types.Arithmetic (ARITH):The Arithmetic function block permits standard computing operations and compensations. It supports the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of values. Furthermore, mean values are calculated, and flow values are compensated (linear, quadratic compensation), in this block.PROFIBUS® PA Basic dataIndicator for PROFIBUS PA, can be used in conjunction with PROFILE 2 and PROFILE 3 (3.0, 3.01 and 3.02) devicesDevice master files (GSD)How to acquire device master files (GSD) and device drivers:•FieldCare/DTM: → Select country → Solutions → Field Network Engineering → Fieldbus device integration → PROFI-BUS → PROFIBUS ® GSD files and certificatesWrite protectionWrite protection enabled by hardware setting (DIP switch)RID14Endress+Hauser 5Power supplyElectrical connectionTerminal assignment of the field indicator 1FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ or PROFIBUS® PASupply voltageVoltage is supplied via the fieldbus.U = 9 to 32 V DC, polarity-independent (max. voltage U b = 35 V).Mains voltage filter 50/60 Hz Current consumption 11 mACable entryThe following cable entries are available:•Thread NPT1/2•Thread M20•Thread G1/2•2x gland NPT1/2 + 1x dummy plug •2x gland M20 + 1 x dummy plugInstallationInstallation instructionsMounting locationWall or pipe mounting (see 'A ccessories')OrientationNo restrictions, the orientation depends on the readability of the display.EnvironmentAmbient temperature limits-40 to +80 °C (-40 to 176 °F)The display can react slowly at temperatures < -20 °C (-4 °F).The readability of the display is no longer guaranteed at temperatures < -30 °C (-22 °F).Storage temperature -40 to +80 °C (-40 to 176 °F)Altitude Up to 4000 m (13100 ft.) above mean sea level in accordance with IEC 61010-1, CSA 1010.1-92Climate classAccording to IEC 60654-1, Class CRID146Endress+HauserHumidity•Condensation permitted as per IEC 60 068-2-33•Max. rel. humidity: 95% as per IEC 60068-2-30Degree of protection IP67. NEMA 4X.Shock and vibration resis-tance10 to 2000 Hz for 5g as per IEC 60 068-2-6Electromagnetic compatibil-ity (EMC)CE EMC conformityThe device complies with all the requirements of IEC 61326-1:2006 and NAMUR NE21:2007.This recommendation is a consistent determination as to whether the devices used in laboratories and in distributed control systems are immune to interference, thus increasing their functional safety.Measuring categoryMeasuring category II as per IEC 61010-1. The measuring category is provided for measuring on power circuits that are directly connected electrically with the low-voltage network.Degree of contaminationPollution degree 2 as per IEC 61010-1.Mechanical constructionDesign, dimensionsDie-cast aluminum housing for general applications, or optional stainless steel housingDimensions of the field indicator; dimensions in mm (in)•Aluminum housing for general applications, or optional stainless steel housing•Electronics compartment and terminal compartment together in the single-chamber housing •Display pluggable in 90° stagesWeight•Approx. 1.6 kg/3.5 lb (aluminum housing)•Approx. 4.2 kg/9.3 lb (stainless steel housing)ESD (electrostatic discharge)IEC 61000-4-2 6 kV cont., 8 kV air Electromagnetic fields IEC 61000-4-30.08 to 4 GHz 10 V/mBurst (fast transients)IEC 61000-4-4 1 kV Surge IEC 61000-4-5 1 kV asym.Conducted RFIEC 61000-4-60.01 to 80 MHz10 VRID14Endress+Hauser 7MaterialTerminals Screw terminals for cables up to max. 2.5 mm 2 (14 AWG) plus ferruleHuman interfaceDisplay elementsLC display of the field indicator (backlit, pluggable in 90° stages)Item 1: bar graph display in increments of 10% with indicators for underranging (item 1a) and overranging (item 1b)Item 2: measured value display, digit height 20.5 mm (0.8"), status indication "Bad measured value status"Item 3: 14-segment display for units and messages Item 4: 'C ommunication' symbolItem 5: 'P arameters cannot be modified' symbol Item 6: '% unitItem 7: 'U ncertain measured value status' symbol•Display range -9999 to +99999ConfigurationFOUNDATION Fieldbus™The configuration of FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ functions and of device-specific parameters is per-formed via fieldbus communication. Special configuration systems provided by various manufacturers are available for this purpose.PROFIBUS® PAThe parameters can either be configured remotely via the DTM and configuration software or locally via DIP switches.HousingNameplateDie-cast aluminum AlSi10Mg with powder coating on polyester baseAluminum AlMgl, black anodized Stainless steel 1.4435 (AISI 316L), optional1.4301 (AISI 304)Distributed control systems Asset management systemsEndress+Hauser ControlCare National Instruments NI-Configurator ( 3.1.1)Emerson DeltaV Emerson AMS and Handheld FC375RockwellControl Logix/FFLD -Honeywell PKS Experion -YokogawaCentum CS3000-RID148Endress+HauserCertificates and approvalsCE markThe device meets the legal requirements of the EC directives. Endress+Hauser confirms that the device has been successfully tested by applying the CE mark.Ex-approvalInformation about currently available Ex versions (ATEX, FM, CSA, etc.) can be supplied by your E+H Sales Center on request. All explosion protection data are given in a separate documentation which is available upon request.Other standards and guide-lines•IEC 60529:Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)•IEC 61010-1:Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use •IEC 61326 series:Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC requirements)•NAMUR:International user association of automation technology in process industries ( safety UL Recognized component to UL61010-1CSA GPCSA General PurposeRID14Endress+Hauser 9Ordering informationDetailed ordering information is available from the following sources:•In the Product Configurator on the Endress+Hauser website: → Select country → Instruments → Select device → Product page function: Configure this product •From your Endress+Hauser Sales Center: /worldwide AccessoriesVarious accessories are available for the device, and these can be ordered with the device or at a later stage from Endress+Hauser. Detailed information on the order code in question is available from your local Endress+Hauser Sales Center or on the product page of the Endress+Hauser website: .Device-specific accessoriesCommunication-specific accessoriesDocumentation•Overview brochure: System Components and Data Managers - Solutions for a Complete Measuring Point: FA00016K/09•Operating Instructions 'F ield indicator RID14 with FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ protocol': BA00282R/09•Operating Instructions 'F ield indicator RID14 with PROFIBUS® PA protocol': BA01267K/09•ATEX Safety instructions:–ATEX II1G Ex ia IIC: XA00096R/09–ATEX II2G Ex d IIC: XA00097R/09–ATEX II2D Ex tD A21: XA00098R/09–Ex nA, Ex nL: XA01001K/09Product Configurator - the tool for individual product configuration•Up-to-the-minute configuration data•Depending on the device: Direct input of measuring point-specific information such as measuring range or operating language•Automatic verification of exclusion criteria•Automatic creation of the order code and its breakdown in PDF or Excel output format •Ability to order directly in the Endress+Hauser Online ShopDesignation TypePipe mounting kitMounting bracket, pipe 2", 316LDesignation TypeFieldbus connector FOUNDATION Fieldbus™•M20→7/8"PROFIBUS® PA•NPT ½" → M12•M20 → M12•M20→7/8"Interface cableCommubox FXA291 incl. FieldCare Device Setup + DTM Library。



半导体专业词汇1.a cceptance testing (WAT: wafer acceptance testing)2.a cceptor: 受主,如 B ,掺入 Si 中需要接受电子3.A CCESS :一个 EDA (Engineering Data Analysis )系统4.A cid :酸5.A ctive device :有源器件,如 MOS FET (非线性,可以对信号放大)6.A lign mark(key) :对位标记7.A lloy :合金8.A luminum :铝9.A mmonia :氨水10.A mmonium fluoride : NH4F11.A mmonium hydroxide : NH4OH12.A morphous silicon :α -Si ,非晶硅(不是多晶硅)13.A nalog :模拟的14.A ngstrom : A (1E-10m)埃15. Anisotropic :各向异性(如 POLY ETCH )16 . AQL(Acceptance Quality Level) :接受质量标准,在一定采样下,可以95%置信度通过质量标准(不同于可靠性,可靠性要求一定时间后的失效率)17 . ARC(Antireflective coating) :抗反射层(用于 METAL 等层的光刻)18.A ntimony(Sb) 锑19.A rgon(Ar) 氩20.A rsenic(As) 砷21.A rsenic trioxide(As2O3) 三氧化二砷22.A rsine(AsH3)23.A sher:去胶机24.A spect ration :形貌比( ETCH 中的深度、宽度比)25.A utodoping :自搀杂(外延时 SUB 的浓度高,导致有杂质蒸发到环境中后,又回掺到外延层)26.B ack end:后段( CONTACT 以后、 PCM 测试前)27.B aseline:标准流程28.B enchmark :基准29.B ipolar :双极30.B oat:扩散用(石英)舟31. CD :( Critical Dimension )临界(关键)尺寸。



公司管理中的英文缩写收藏 6分类:?英语学习发布时间: 2011/9/19 12:52:16阅读(5084) | 评论(0)推荐1.????????MM --- Materials Management:?物料管理2. CMM --- Component Module Move:?零组件?(乡村包围城市);?系统组装?(火车头火车头工业驱动供应链);?整合供应链?(运筹物流, ERP, VMI, SFC … )3. ECMMS$ --- Engineering Component Module Move Service Dollars:?工程?(研究开发);?零组件?(乡村包围城市);?系统组装(火车头火车头工业驱动供应链);?整合供应链?(运筹物流, ERP, VMI, SFC … ) ;?服务,?代收钱4. Forecast ---?客户需求预测5. WO --- Work Order = PO --- Production Order:?生产工令6. MRP --- Material Requirement Planning:?物料需求计划7. VPO --- Vendor Purchase Order:?供货商采购订单8. MAWB --- Master Air Waybill:?空运主提单9. HAWB --- House Air Waybill:?小提单10. B / L --- Bill of Loading:?海运提单11. Consignee:?收货者12. ETD --- Estimated to Departure:?预计出发13. MIN / MAX --- Minimum and Maximum:?最小量与最大量14. VPO Burning:?向供货商采购货的平衡量15. VMI --- Vendor Management Inventory:?供货商免费存放,?在距离客户组装地2小时车程内, 3天到2周之库存16. VDPS --- Vendor Daily Planning Schedule:?供货商日生产排配17. ETA --- Estimated to Arrival:?预计到达时间18. Stock Level:?库存水准19. WO / PO Consumption --- Work Order / Production Order Consumption:?工令消耗20. BO Replenish --- Back Order Replenish:?订单欠交补货21. VMSA Burning --- Vendor Managed Stock Area Burning:?供货商管理库存平衡22. Pull Back:?由后往前拉23. Pipeline:?物流供应链中的库存24. ERP –SAP --- Enterprise Resource Planning / System Application Productin Process:?企业资源规划及生产应用管制操作系统25. SFC --- Shop Floor Control:?现场车间管制操作系统26. MOQ --- Minimum Order Quantity:?最小订购量27. MSQ --- Maximum Supply Quantity:?最大供应量28. Where Use Report:?零件共同使用报表28. Where Use Report:?零件共同使用报表29. EXW-EX??Works:?工厂交货价30. RTV- Return to vendor:?退货Material Approval?退货验收Time of Arrival?预计到港时间Time of Departure?预计离港时间ERP专业词汇1 ABM Activity-based Management?基于作业活动管理2 AO Application Outsourcing?应用程序外包3 APICS American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc?美国生产与库存管理协会4 APICS Applied Manufacturing Education Series?实用制造管理系列培训教材5 APO Advanced Planning and Optimization?先进计划及优化技术6 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling?高级计划与排程技术7 ASP Application Service/Software Provider?应用服务/软件供应商8 ATO Assemble To Order?定货组装9 ATP Available To Promise?可供销售量(可签约量)10 B2B Business to Business?企业对企业(电子商务)11 B2C Business to Consumer?企业对消费者(电子商务)12 B2G Business to Government?企业对政府(电子商务)13 B2R Business to Retailer?企业对经销商(电子商务)14 BIS Business Intelligence System?商业智能系统15 BOM Bill Of Materials?物料清单16 BOR Bill Of Resource?资源清单17 BPR Business Process Reengineering?业务/企业流程重组18 BPM Business Process Management?业务/企业流程管理19 BPS Business Process Standard?业务/企业流程标准20 C/S Client/Server(C/S)\Browser/Server(B/S)?客户机/服务器\浏览器/服务器21 CAD Computer-Aided Design?计算机辅助设计22 CAID Computer-Aided Industrial Design?计算机辅助工艺设计23 CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing?计算机辅助制造24 CAPP Computer-Aided Process Planning?计算机辅助工艺设计25 CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering?计算机辅助软件工程26 CC Collaborative Commerce?协同商务27 CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System?计算机集成制造系统28 CMM Capability Maturity Model?能力成熟度模型29 COMMS Customer Oriented Manufacturing Management System?面向客户制造管理系统30 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture?通用对象请求代理结构31 CPC Collaborative Product Commerce?协同产品商务32 CPIM Certified Production and Inventory Management?生产与库存管理认证资格33 CPM Critical Path Method?关键线路法34 CRM Customer Relationship Management?客户关系管理35 CRP capacity requirements planning?能力需求计划36 CTI Computer Telephony Integration?电脑电话集成(呼叫中心)37 CTP Capable to Promise?可承诺的能力38 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model?分布式组件对象模型39 DCS Distributed Control System?分布式控制系统40 DMRP Distributed MRP?分布式MRP41 DRP Distribution Resource Planning?分销资源计划42 DSS Decision Support System?决策支持系统43 DTF Demand Time Fence?需求时界44 DTP Delivery to Promise?可承诺的交货时间45 EAI Enterprise Application Integration?企业应用集成46 EAM Enterprise Assets Management?企业资源管理47 ECM Enterprise Commerce Management?企业商务管理48 ECO Engineering Change Order?工程变更订单49 EDI Electronic Data Interchange?电子数据交换50 EDP Electronic Data Processing?电子数据处理51 EEA Extended Enterprise Applications?扩展企业应用系统52 EIP Enterprise Information Portal?企业信息门户53 EIS Executive Information System?高层领导信息系统54 EOI Economic Order Interval?经济定货周期55 EOQ Economic Order Quantity?经济订货批量(经济批量法)56 EPA Enterprise Proficiency Analysis?企业绩效分析57 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning?企业资源计划58 ERM Enterprise Resource Management?企业资源管理59 ETO Engineer To Order?专项设计,按订单设计60 FAS Final Assembly Schedule?最终装配计划61 FCS Finite Capacity Scheduling?有限能力计划62 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System?柔性制造系统63 FOQ Fixed Order Quantity?固定定货批量法64 GL General Ledger?总账65 GUI Graphical User Interface?图形用户界面66 HRM Human Resource Management?人力资源管理67 HRP Human Resource Planning?人力资源计划68 IE Industry Engineering/Internet Exploration?工业工程/浏览器69 ISO International Standard Organization?国际标准化组织70 ISP Internet Service Provider?互联网服务提供商71 ISPE International Society for Productivity Enhancement?国际生产力促进会72 IT/GT Information/Group Technology?信息/成组技术73 JIT Just In Time?准时制造/准时制生产74 KPA Key Process Areas?关键过程域75 KPI Key Performance Indicators?关键业绩指标76 LP Lean Production?精益生产77 MES Manufacturing Executive System?制造执行系统78 MIS Management Information System?管理信息系统79 MPS Master Production Schedule?主生产计划80 MRP Material Requirements Planning?物料需求计划81 MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning?制造资源计划82 MTO Make To Order?定货(订货)生产83 MTS Make To Stock?现货(备货)生产84 OA Office Automation?办公自动化85 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing?原始设备制造商86 OPT Optimized Production Technology?最优生产技术87 OPT Optimized Production Timetable?最优生产时刻表88 PADIS Production And Decision Information System?生产和决策管理信息系统89 PDM Product Data Management?产品数据管理90 PERT Program Evaluation Research Technology?计划评审技术91 PLM Production Lifecycle Management?产品生命周期管理92 PM Project Management?项目管理93 POQ Period Order Quantity?周期定量法94 PRM Partner Relationship Management?合作伙伴关系管理95 PTF Planned Time Fence?计划时界96 PTX Private Trade Exchange?自用交易网站97 RCCP Rough-Cut Capacity Planning?粗能力计划98 RDBM Relational Data Base Management?关系数据库管理99 RPM Rapid Prototype Manufacturing?快速原形制造100 RRP Resource Requirements Planning?资源需求计划101 SCM Supply Chain Management?供应链管理102 SCP Supply Chain Partnership?供应链合作伙伴关系103 SFA Sales Force Automation?销售自动化104 SMED Single-Minute Exchange Of Dies?快速换模法105 SOP Sales And Operation Planning?销售与运作规划106 SQL Structure Query Language?结构化查询语言107 TCO Total Cost Ownership?总体运营成本108 TEI Total Enterprise Integration?全面企业集成109 TOC Theory Of Constraints/Constraints managemant?约束理论/约束管理110 TPM Total Productive Maintenance?全员生产力维护111 TQC Total Quality Control?全面质量控制112 TQM Total Quality Management?全面质量管理113 WBS Work Breakdown System?工作分解系统114 XML eXtensible Markup Language?可扩展标记语言115 ABC Classification(Activity Based Classification) ABC分类法116 ABC costing?作业成本法117 ABC inventory control ABC?库存控制118 abnormal demand?反常需求119 acquisition cost ,ordering cost?定货费120 action message?行为/活动(措施)信息121 action report flag?活动报告标志122 activity cost pool?作业成本集123 activity-based costing(ABC)?作业基准成本法/业务成本法124 actual capacity?实际能力125 adjust on hand?调整现有库存量126 advanced manufacturing technology?先进制造技术127 advanced pricing?高级定价系统128 AM Agile Manufacturing?敏捷制造129 alternative routing?替代工序(工艺路线)130 Anticipated Delay Report?拖期预报131 anticipation inventory?预期储备132 apportionment code?分摊码133 assembly parts list?装配零件表134 automated storage/retrieval system?自动仓储/检索系统135 Automatic Rescheduling?计划自动重排136 available inventory?可达到库存137 available material?可用物料138 available stock?达到库存139 available work?可利用工时140 average inventory?平均库存141 back order?欠交(脱期)订单142 back scheduling?倒排(序)计划/倒序排产?143 base currency?本位币144 batch number?批号145 batch process?批流程146 batch production?批量生产147 benchmarking?标杆瞄准(管理)148 bill of labor?工时清单149 bill of lading?提货单150 branch warehouse?分库151 bucketless system?无时段系统152 business framework?业务框架153 business plan?经营规划154 capacity level?能力利用水平155 capacity load?能力负荷156 capacity management?能力管理157 carrying cost?保管费158 carrying cost rate?保管费率159 cellular manufacturing?单元式制造160 change route?修改工序161 change structure?修改产品结构162 check point?检查点163 closed loop MRP?闭环MRP164 Common Route Code(ID)?通用工序标识165 component-based development?组件(构件)开发技术166 concurrent engineering?并行(同步)工程167 conference room pilot?会议室模拟168 configuration code?配置代码169 continuous improvement?进取不懈170 continuous process?连续流程171 cost driver?作业成本发生因素172 cost driver rate?作业成本发生因素单位费用173 cost of stockout?短缺损失174 cost roll-up?成本滚动计算法175 crew size?班组规模176 critical part?急需零件177 critical ratio?紧迫系数178 critical work center?关键工作中心179 CLT Cumulative Lead Time?累计提前期180 current run hour?现有运转工时181 current run quantity?现有运转数量182 customer care?客户关怀183 customer deliver lead time?客户交货提前期184 customer loyalty?客户忠诚度185 customer order number?客户订单号186 customer satisfaction?客户满意度187 customer status?客户状况188 cycle counting?周期盘点189 DM Data Mining?数据挖掘190 Data Warehouse?数据仓库191 days offset?偏置天数192 dead load?空负荷193 demand cycle?需求周期194 demand forecasting?需求预测195 demand management?需求管理196 Deming circle?戴明环197 demonstrated capacity?实际能力198 discrete manufacturing?离散型生产199 dispatch to?调度200 DRP Distribution Requirements Planning?分销需求计划201 drop shipment?直运202 dunning letter?催款信203 ECO workbench ECO工作台204 employee enrolled?在册员工205 employee tax id?员工税号206 end item?最终产品207 engineering change mode flag?工程变更方式标志208 engineering change notice?工程变更通知209 equipment distribution?设备分配210 equipment management?设备管理211 exception control?例外控制212 excess material analysis?呆滞物料分析213 expedite code?急送代码214 external integration?外部集成215 fabrication order?加工订单216 factory order?工厂订单217 fast path method?快速路径法218 fill backorder?补足欠交219 final assembly lead time?总装提前期220 final goods?成品221 finite forward scheduling?有限顺排计划222 finite loading?有限排负荷223 firm planned order?确认的计划订单224 firm planned time fence?确认计划需求时界225 FPR Fixed Period Requirements?定期用量法226 fixed quantity?固定数量法227 fixed time?固定时间法228 floor stock?作业现场库存229 flow shop?流水车间230 focus forecasting?调焦预测231 forward scheduling?顺排计划232 freeze code?冻结码233 freeze space?冷冻区234 frozen order?冻结订单235 gross requirements?毛需求236 hedge inventory?囤积库存237 in process inventory?在制品库存238 in stock?在库239 incrementing?增值240 indirect cost?间接成本241 indirect labor?间接人工242 infinite loading?无限排负荷243 input/output control?投入/产出控制244 inspection ID?检验标识245 integrity?完整性246 inter companies?公司内部间247 interplant demands?厂际需求量248 inventory carry rate?库存周转率249 inventory cycle time?库存周期250 inventory issue?库存发放251 inventory location type?仓库库位类型252 inventory scrap?库存报废量253 inventory transfers?库存转移254 inventory turns/turnover?库存(资金)周转次数255 invoice address?发票地址256 invoice amount gross?发票金额257 invoice schedule?发票清单258 issue cycle?发放周期259 issue order?发送订单260 issue parts?发放零件261 issue policy?发放策略262 item availability?项目可供量263 item description?项目说明264 item number?项目编号265 item record?项目记录266 item remark?项目备注267 item status?项目状态268 job shop?加工车间269 job step?作业步骤270 kit item?配套件项目271 labor hour?人工工时272 late days?延迟天数273 lead time?提前期274 lead time level?提前期水平275 lead time offset days?提前期偏置(补偿)天数276 least slack per operation?最小单个工序平均时差277 line item?单项产品278 live pilot?应用模拟279 load leveling?负荷量280 load report?负荷报告281 location code?仓位代码282 location remarks?仓位备注283 location status?仓位状况284 lot for lot?按需定货(因需定量法/缺补法)285 lot ID?批量标识286 lot number?批量编号287 lot number traceability?批号跟踪288 lot size?批量289 lot size inventory?批量库存290 lot sizing?批量规划291 low level code?低层(位)码292 machine capacity?机器能力293 machine hours?机时294 machine loading?机器加载295 maintenance ,repair,and operating supplies?维护修理操作物料296 make or buy decision?外购或自制决策297 management by exception?例外管理法298 manufacturing cycle time?制造周期时间299 manufacturing lead time?制造提前期300 manufacturing standards?制造标准301 master scheduler?主生产计划员302 material?物料303 material available?物料可用量304 material cost?物料成本305 material issues and receipts?物料发放和接收306 material management?物料管理307 material manager?物料经理308 material master,item master?物料主文件309 material review board?物料核定机构310 measure of velocity?生产速率水平311 memory-based processing speed?基于存储的处理速度312 minimum balance?最小库存余量313 Modern Materials Handling?现代物料搬运314 month to date?月累计315 move time , transit time?传递时间316 MSP book flag MPS登录标志317 multi-currency?多币制318 multi-facility?多场所319 multi-level?多级320 multi-plant management?多工厂管理321 multiple location?多重仓位322 net change?净改变法323 net change MRP?净改变式MRP324 net requirements?净需求325 new location?新仓位326 new parent?新组件327 new warehouse?新仓库328 next code?后续编码329 next number?后续编号330 No action report?不活动报告331 non-nettable?不可动用量332 on demand?急需的333 on-hand balance?现有库存量334 on hold?挂起335 on time?准时336 open amount?未清金额337 open order?未结订单/开放订单338 order activity rules?订单活动规则339 order address?订单地址340 order entry?订单输入341 order point?定货点342 order point system?定货点法343 order policy?定货策略344 order promising?定货承诺345 order remarks?定货备注346 ordered by?定货者347 overflow location?超量库位348 overhead apportionment/allocation?间接费分配349 overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate?间接费率350 owner's equity?所有者权益351 parent item?母件352 part bills?零件清单353 part lot?零件批次354 part number?零件编号355 people involvement?全员参治356 performance measurement?业绩评价357 physical inventory?实际库存358 picking?领料/提货359 planned capacity?计划能力360 planned order?计划订单361 planned order receipts?计划产出量362 planned order releases?计划投入量363 planning horizon?计划期/计划展望期364 point of use?使用点365 Policy and procedure?工作准则与工作规程366 price adjustments?价格调整367 price invoice?发票价格368 price level?物价水平369 price purchase order?采购订单价格370 priority planning?优先计划371 processing manufacturing?流程制造372 product control?产品控制373 product family?产品系列374 product mix?产品搭配组合375 production activity control?生产作业控制376 production cycle?生产周期377 production line?产品线378 production rate?产品率379 production tree?产品结构树380 PAB Projected Available Balance?预计可用库存(量) 381 purchase order tracking?采购订单跟踪382 quantity allocation?已分配量383 quantity at location?仓位数量384 quantity backorder?欠交数量385 quantity completion?完成数量386 quantity demand?需求量387 quantity gross?毛需求量388 quantity in?进货数量389 quantity on hand?现有数量390 quantity scrapped?废品数量391 quantity shipped?发货数量392 queue time?排队时间393 rated capacity?额定能力394 receipt document?收款单据395 reference number?参考号396 regenerated MRP?重生成式MRP397 released order?下达订单398 reorder point?再订购点399 repetitive manufacturing?重复式生产(制造)400 replacement parts?替换零件401 required capacity?需求能力402 requisition orders?请购单403 rescheduling assumption?重排假设404 resupply order?补库单405 rework bill?返工单406 roll up?上滚407 rough cut resource planning?粗资源计划408 rounding amount?舍入金额409 run time?加工(运行)时间410 safety lead time?安全提前期411 safety stock?安全库存412 safety time?保险期413 sales order?销售订单414 scheduled receipts?计划接收量(预计入库量/预期到货量) 415 seasonal stock?季节储备416 send part?发送零件417 service and support?服务和支持418 service parts?维修件419 set up time?准备时间420 ship address?发运地址421 ship contact?发运单联系人422 ship order?发货单423 shop calendar?工厂日历(车间日历)424 shop floor control?车间作业管理(控制) 425 shop order , work order?车间订单426 shrink factor?损耗因子(系数)427 single level where used?单层物料反查表428 standard cost system?标准成本体系429 standard hours?标准工时430 standard product cost?标准产品成本431 standard set up hour?标准机器设置工时432 standard unit run hour?标准单位运转工时433 standard wage rate?标准工资率434 status code?状态代码435 stores control?库存控制436 suggested work order?建议工作单437 supply chain?供应链438 synchronous manufacturing?同步制造/同期生产439 time bucket?时段(时间段)440 time fence?时界441 time zone?时区442 top management commitment?领导承诺443 total lead time?总提前期444 transportation inventory?在途库存445 unfavorable variance, adverse?不利差异446 unit cost?单位成本447 unit of measure?计量单位448 value chain?价值链449 value-added chain?增值链450 variance in quantity?量差451 vendor scheduler,supplier scheduler?采购计划员/供方计划员452 vendor scheduling?采购计划法453 Virtual Enterprise(VE)/ Organization?虚拟企业/公司454 volume variance?产量差异455 wait time?等待时间456 where-used list?反查用物料单457 work center capacity?工作中心能力458 workflow?工作流459 work order?工作令460 work order tracking?工作令跟踪461 work scheduling?工作进度安排462 world class manufacturing excellence?国际优秀制造业463 zero inventories?零库存464?465 Call/Contact/Work/Cost center?呼叫/联络/工作/成本中心466 Co/By-product?联/副产品467 E-Commerce/E-Business/E-Marketing?电子商务/电子商务/电子集市468 E-sales/E-procuement/E-partner?电子销售/电子采购/电子伙伴469 independent/dependent demand?独立需求/相关需求件470 informal/formal system?非/规范化管理系统471 Internet/Intranet/Extranet?互联网/企业内部网/企业外联网472 middle/hard/soft/share/firm/group ware?中间/硬/软/共享/固/群件473 pegging/kitting/netting/nettable?追溯(反查)/配套出售件/净需求计算474 picking/dispatch/disbursement list?领料单(或提货单)/派工单/发料单475 preflush/backflush/super backflush?预冲/倒冲法/完全反冲476 yield/scrap/shrinkage (rate)?成品率/废品率/缩减率477 scrap/shrinkage factor?残料率(废品系数)/损耗系数478?479 costed BOM?成本物料清单480 engineering BOM?设计物料清单481 indented BOM?缩排式物料清单482 manufacturing BOM?制造物料清单483 modular BOM?模块化物料清单484 planning BOM?计划物料清单485 single level BOM?单层物料清单486 summarized BOM?汇总物料清单487?488 account balance?账户余额489 account code?账户代码490 account ledger?分类账491 account period?会计期间492 accounts payable?应付账款493 accounts receivable?应收账款494 actual cost?实际成本495 aging?账龄496 balance due?到期余额497 balance in hand?现有余额498 balance sheet?资产负债表499 beginning balance?期初余额500 cash basis?现金收付制501 cash on bank?银行存款502 cash on hand?现金503 cash out to?支付给504 catalog?目录505 category code?分类码506 check out?结帐507 collection?催款508 cost simulation?成本模拟509 costing?成本核算510 current assets?流动资产511 current liabilities?流动负债512 current standard cost?现行标准成本513 detail?明细514 draft remittance?汇票汇出515 end of year?年末516 ending availables?期末可供量517 ending balance?期末余额518 exchange rate?汇率519 expense?费用520 financial accounting?财务会计521 financial entity?财务实体522 financial reports?财务报告523 financial statements?财务报表524 fiscal period?财务期间525 fiscal year?财政年度526 fixed assets?固定资产527 foreign amount?外币金额528 gains and loss?损益529 in balance?平衡530 income statement?损益表531 intangible assets?无形资产532 journal entry?分录533 management accounting?管理会计534 manual reconciliation?手工调账535 notes payable?应付票据536 notes receivable?应收票据537 other receivables?其他应收款538 pay aging?付款账龄539 pay check?工资支票540 pay in?缴款541 pay item?付款项目542 pay point?支付点543 pay status?支付状态544 payment instrument?付款方式545 payment reminder?催款单546 payment status?付款状态547 payment terms?付款期限548 period?期间549 post?过账550 proposed cost?建议成本551 simulated cost?模拟成本552 spending variance,expenditure variance?开支差异553 subsidiary?明细账554 summary?汇总555 tax code?税码556 tax rate?税率557 value added tax?增值税558?559 as of date , stop date?截止日期560 change lot date?修改批量日期561 clear date?结清日期562 date adjust?调整日期563 date available?有效日期564 date changed?修改日期565 date closed?结束日期566 date due?截止日期567 date in produced?生产日期568 date inventory adjust?库存调整日期569 date obsolete?作废日期570 date received?收到日期571 date released?交付日期572 date required?需求日期573 date to pull?发货日期574 earliest due date?最早订单完成日期575 effective date?生效日期576 engineering change effect date?工程变更生效日期577 engineering stop date?工程停止日期578 expired date?失效日期,报废日期579 from date?起始日期580 last shipment date?最后运输日期581 need date?需求日期582 new date?新日期583 pay through date?付款截止日期584 receipt date?收到日期585 ship date?发运日期586?587 allocation?已分配量588 alphanumeric?字母数字589 approver?批准者590 assembly?装配(件)591 backlog?未结订单/拖欠订单592 billing?开单593 bill-to?发票寄往地594 bottleneck?瓶颈资源595 bulk?散装596 buyer?采购员597 component?子件/组件598 customer?客户599 delivery?交货600 demand?需求601 description?说明602 discrete?离散603 ergonomics?工效学(人类工程学) 604 facility?设备、功能605 feature?基本组件/特征件606 forecast?预测607 freight?运费608 holidays?例假日609 implement?实施610 ingredient?配料、成分611 inquire?查询612 inventory?库存613 item?物料项目614 job?作业615 Kanban?看板616 level?层次(级)617 load?负荷618 locate?定位619 logistics?后勤保障体系;物流管理620 lot?批次621 option?可选件622 outstanding?逾期未付623 overhead?制造费用624 override?覆盖625 overtime?加班626 parent?双亲(文件)627 part?零件628 phantom?虚拟件629 plant?工厂,场所630 preference?优先权631 priority?优先权(级)632 procurement?采购633 prototyping?原形测试634 queue?队列635 quota?任务额,报价636 receipt?收款、收据637 regeneration?全重排法638 remittance?汇款639 requisition?请购单640 returned?退货641 roll?滚动642 routing?工艺线路643 schedule?计划表644 shipment?发运量645 ship-to?交货地646 shortage?短缺647 shrink?损耗648 spread?分摊649 statement?报表650 subassembly?子装配件651 supplier?供应商652 transaction?事务处理653 what-if?如果怎样-将会怎样654?655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing?后减库存处理法656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing?前减库存处理法657 generally accepted manufacturing practices?通用生产管理原则658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing?直接增减库存处理法659 Pareto Principle?帕拉图原理660 Drum-buffer-rope?鼓点-缓冲-绳子661?663 Open Database Connectivity?开放数据库互连664 Production Planning?生产规划编制?665 Work in Process?在制品?666 accelerated cost recovery system?快速成本回收制度667 accounting information system?会计信息系统?668 acceptable quality kevel?可接受质量水平?669 constant purchasing power accounting?不买够买力会计670 break-even analysis?保本分析671 book value?帐面价值672 cost-benefit analysis?成本效益分析673 chief financial office?财务总监674 degree of financial leverage?财务杠杆系数675 degree of operating leverage?经济杠杆系数676 first-in , first-out?先进先出法?677 economic lot size?经济批量?678 first-in ,still-here?后进先出法679 full pegging?完全跟踪?680 linear programming?线性规划?681 management by objective?目标管理?682 value engineering?价值工程?683 zero based budgeting?零基预算684 CAQ computer aided quality assurance?计算机辅助质量保证? 685 DBMS database management system?数据库管理系统?686 IP Internet Protocol?网际协议?687 TCP Transmission Control Protocol?传输控制协议?689?690 API Advanced Process Industry?高级流程工业691 A2A Application to Application?应用到应用(集成)692 article?物品693 article reserves?物品存储694 assembly order?装配订单695 balance-on-hand-inventory?现有库存余额696 bar code?条形码697 boned warehouse?保税仓库698 CPA Capacity Requirements Planning?能力需求计划699 change management?变革管理700 chill space?冷藏区701 combined transport?联合运输702 commodity inspection?进出口商品检验703 competitive edge?竞争优势704 container?集装箱705 container transport?集装箱运输706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program?连续补充系数707 core competence?核心才能708 cross docking?直接换装709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value?客户生命周期价值710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing?客户关系营销711 CSS Customer Service and Support?客户服务和支持712 Customer Service Representative?客户服务代表713 customized logistics?定制物流714 customs declaration?报关715 cycle stock?经常库存716 data cleansing?数据整理717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support?数据知识和决策支持718 data level integration?数据层集成719 data transformation?数据转换720 desktop conferencing?桌面会议721 distribution?配送722 distribution and logistics?分销和后勤723 distribution center?配送中心724 distribution logistics?销售物流725 distribution processing?流通加工726 distribution requirements?分销量727 DRP distribution resource planning?配送/分销资源计划728 door-to-door?门到门729 drop and pull transport?甩挂运输730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module?动态企业建模技术731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response?有效顾客反应732 e-Government Affairs?电子政务733 EC Electronic Commerce?电子商务734 Electronic Display Boards?电子公告板735 EOS Electronic order system?电子订货系统736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution?电子软件分发737 embedding?插入738 employee category?员工分类739 empowerment?授权740 engineering change effect work order?工程变更生效单741 environmental logistics?绿色物流742 experiential marketing?直效行销(又称体验行销)743 export supervised warehouse?出口监管仓库744 ERP Extended Resource Planning?扩展资源计划745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell?现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售746 franchising?加盟连销权747 FCL Full Container Load?整箱货748 Global Logistics Management?全球运筹管理749 goods collection?集货750 goods shed?料棚751 goods shelf?货架752 goods stack?货垛753 goods yard?货场754 handing/carrying?搬运755 high performance organization?高绩效组织756 inland container depot?公路集装箱中转站757 inside sales?内部销售758 inspection?检验759 intangible loss?无形消耗760 internal logistics?企业物流761 international freight forwarding agent?国际货运代理762 international logistics?国际物流763 invasive integration?侵入性集成764 joint distribution?共同配送765 just-in-time logistics?准时制物流766 KM Knowledge Management?知识管理767 lead (customer) management?潜在客户管理768 learning organization?学习型组织769 LCL less than container load?拼装货770 load balancing?负载平衡771 loading and unloading?装载772 logistics activity?物流活动773 logistics alliance?物流联盟774 logistics center?物流中心775 logistics cost?物流成本776 logistics cost control?物流成本管理777 logistics documents?物流单证778 logistics enterprise?物流企业779 logistics information?物流信息780 logistics management?物流管理781 logistics modulus?物流模数782 logistics network?物流网络783 logistics operation?物流作业784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning?物流资源计划785 logistics strategy?物流战略786 logistics strategy management?物流战略管理787 logistics technology?物流技术788 MES Manufacture Execute System?制造执行系统789 mass customization?大规模定制790 NPV Net Present Value?净现值791 neutral packing?中性包装792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing?联机/在线分析系统793 OAG Open Application Group?开放应用集成794 order picking?拣选795 outsourcing?外包796 package/packaging?包装797 packing of nominated brand?定牌包装798 palletizing?托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant?个人数据助理800 personalization?个性化801 PTF Planning time fence?计划时界802 POS Point Of Sells?电子收款机803 priority queuing?优先排队804 PBX Private Branch Exchange?专用分组交换机805 production logistics?生产物流806 publish/subscribe?发布/订阅807 quality of working life?工作生活品质808 Quick Response?快速反映809 receiving space?收货区810 REPs Representatives?代表或业务员811 return logistics?回收物流812 ROI Return On Investment?投资回报率813 RM Risk Management?风险管理814 sales package?销售包装815 scalability?可扩充性816 shipping space?发货区817 situational leadership?情境领导818 six sigma?六个标准差819 sorting/stacking?分拣/堆拣820 stereoscopic warehouse?立体仓库821 storage?保管822 stored procedure?存储过程823 storehouse?库房824 storing?储存825 SRM Supplier Relationship Management?供应商关系管理826 tangible loss?有形消耗827 team building?团队建立828 TEM Technology-enabled Marketing?技术辅助式营销829 TES Technology-enabled Selling?技术辅助式销售830 TSR TeleSales Service Representative?销售服务代表831 TPL Third-Part Logistics?第三方物流832 through transport?直达运输833 unit loading and unloading?单元装卸834 Value Management?价值管理835 value-added logistics service?增值物流服务。

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Component-based System Integration via(Meta)Model Composition∗Krishnakumar Balasubramanian,Douglas C.Schmidt,Zoltán Molnár,Ákos LédecziInstitute for Software Integrated SystemsVanderbilt University,Nashville{kitty,schmidt,zolmol,akos}@AbstractThis paper provides three contributions to the study of functional integration of distributed enterprise systems. First,we describe the challenges associated with function-ally integrating the software of these systems.Second,we describe how the composition of domain-specific modeling languages(DSMLs)can simplify the functional integration of enterprise distributed systems by enabling the combina-tion of diverse middleware technologies.Third,we demon-strate how composing DSMLs can solve functional integra-tion problems by reverse engineering an existing CORBA Component Model(CCM)system and exposing it as Web Service(s)to web clients who use these services.This paper shows that functional integration done using(meta)model composition provides significant benefits with respect to au-tomation,reusability,and scalability compared to conven-tional integration processes and methods.1.Introduction1.1.Challenges of Functional IntegrationWith the emergence of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)component middleware technologies,such as En-terprise Java Beans(EJB),CORBA Component Model (CCM),and Framework,software de-velopers are increasingly faced with the task of integrat-ing heterogeneous enterprise distributed systems built using different COTS technologies,rather than just in-tegrating proprietary software developed in-house.Al-though there are well-documented patterns[8]and tech-niques[4]for system integration using various compo-nent middleware technologies,system integration is still largely a tedious and error-prone manual process.To im-prove this process,component developers and system in-tegrators must therefore understand key properties of the ∗This work was sponsored in part by grants from Raytheon and Lock-heed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories systems(“system”refers to an enterprise distributed sys-tem built using component middleware like EJB,Microsoft .NET,or CCM in the remainder of this paper)they are in-tegrating,as well as the integration technologies they are applying.This paper describes technologies that help sim-plify the functional integration of systems built using component middleware.This type of integration oper-ates at the logical business layer,typically using distributed objects/components,exposing existing functionality as ser-vices,or using messaging middleware.Functional integra-tion of systems is hard due to the variety of available com-ponent middleware technologies.These technologies differ in many ways,including the protocol level,the data for-mat level,the implementation language level,and/or the deployment environment level.In general,however,com-ponent middleware technologies are a more effective technology base than the brittle proprietary infrastruc-ture used in legacy systems,which have historically been built in a vertical,stove-piped fashion.Despite the benefits of component middleware,key chal-lenges in functional integration remain unresolved when integrating large-scale systems developed using heteroge-neous COTS middleware.These challenges include(1)in-tegration design,which involves choosing the right abstrac-tion for integration,(2)interface mapping,which recon-ciles different datatypes,(3)technology mapping,which reconciles various low-level issues,(4)deployment map-ping,which involves planning the deployment of heteroge-neous COTS middleware,and(5)portability incompatibili-ties between different implementations of the same middle-ware technology.The lack of simplification and automation in resolving these challenges significantly hinders effective system integration.1.2.Solution Approach→Functional Integra-tion using(Meta)Model CompositionA promising approach to address the integration chal-lenges outlined above is Model-Driven Engineering (MDE),which involves the systematic use of models as es-sential artifacts throughout the software lifecycle[20].Atthe core of MDE is the concept of domain-specific model-ing languages(DSMLs)[12],whose type systems formal-ize the application structure,behavior,and requirements within particular domains,such as software defined ra-dios,avionics mission computing,onlinefinancial services, warehouse management,or even the domain of middle-ware platforms.While DSMLs have been used to help software devel-opers create homogeneous systems[11,21],enterprise dis-tributed systems are rarely homogeneous.A single DSML developed for a particular component middleware technol-ogy,such as EJB or CCM,may therefore not be applica-ble to model,analyze,and synthesize key concepts of Web Services.To integrate heterogeneous systems successfully, therefore,system integrators need tools that can provide them with a unified view of the entire enterprise system, while also allowing themfine-grained control over specific subsystems and components.Our approach to integrating heterogeneous systems is (meta)model composition1[1],which(1)creates a new DSML from multiple existing DSMLs by adding new el-ements or extending elements of existing DSMLs,(2)spec-ifies new relationships between existing elements,and(3) defines relationships between new and existing elements. This paper describes System Integration Modeling Lan-guage(SIML),which is our open-source DSML that en-ables functional integration of component-based systems via(meta)model composition.We developed SIML using the Generic Modeling Environment(GME)[13],which is an open-source meta-programmable modeling environ-ment.2.Functional Integration of Component-based SystemsTo motivate the need for model-driven functional inte-gration capabilities,this section describes the challenges in functional integration of component-based systems.2.1.Functional Integration ChallengesFunctional integration of systems is hard and involves activities that map between various levels of abstraction in the integration lifecycle,including design,implementation, and use of tools.We now describe key challenges associated with integrating older component middleware technologies, such as CCM and EJB,with newer technologies,such as Web Services.Challenge1.Choosing an appropriate level of integra-tion.As shown in Step1of Figure1,a key activity is to 1The term“(meta)model”conveys the fact that this composition tech-nique can be applied to both metamodels and models.TypeSpecificIIOP SOAPFigure1.Functional Integration Challenges identify the right level of abstraction at which functional in-tegration should occur,which involves selecting elements from different technologies being integrated that can serve as conduits for exchanging information.Among the differ-ent possible levels at which integration can be performed, criteria for determining the appropriate level of integration include:(1)the number of normalizations,i.e.,conversion to/from the native types,required to ensure communica-tion between the peer entities being integrated,(2)the num-ber(and hence the overhead)of as well as theflexibility of deployment,i.e.,in-process/out-of-process etc.of run-time entities required to support the functional integration, (3)the number of changes to the integration architecture re-quired corresponding to changes to the peers that are being integrated,(4)available choices of platform-specific infras-tructure,i.e.,operating systems,programming languages et al.,associated with performing integration at a particu-lar level.Attempting integration at the wrong level of ab-straction can yield brittle integration architectures that break when changes occur to either the source or target system be-ing integrated.Challenge2.Reconciling differences in interface specifi-cations.After the level of abstraction to perform functional integration is determined,it is necessary to map the inter-faces exposed by elements of the different technologies as shown in Step2of mon COTS middleware technologies usually have an interface definition mecha-nism that is separate from the implementation details,e.g. CCM uses the OMG Interface Definition Language(IDL), whereas Web Services use W3C Web Services Definition Language(WSDL).Irrespective of the mechanism used to define interfaces,mapping of interfaces between any twotechnologies involves at least three tasks:(1)datatype map-ping,which involves mapping a datatype(both pre-defined and complex types)from source to target technology,(2)ex-ception mapping,which involves mapping exceptions from source to target technology;exceptions are not clubbed to-gether with datatypes since the source or target technolo-gies might not have a notion of exceptions(e.g.Microsoft’s COM uses a HRESULT to convey errors instead of using ex-ceptions),and(3)language mapping,which involves map-ping datatypes between two technologies while accounting for differences in languages at the same time.2Performing these mappings is non-trivial,requires exper-tise in both the source and target technologies,and exposes severe scalability problems due to their tedium and error-proneness if they are not automated.Challenge3.Managing differences in implementation technologies.The interface mapping described above ad-dresses the high-level details of how information is ex-changed between different technologies being integrated. As shown in Step3of Figure1,however,low-level tech-nology details such as networking,authentication and au-thorization et al.are responsible to actually delivering such integration.This involves a technology mapping and in-cludes the following activities:(1)protocol mapping,which reconciles the differences between the protocols used for communication between the two technologies,(2)discov-ery mapping,which allows bootstrapping and discovery of components/services between source and target technolo-gies,and(3)Quality of Service(QoS)mapping,which maps QoS mechanisms between source and target technologies to ensure that service-level agreements(SLAs)are main-tained.Mapping of protocol,discovery,and QoS technology de-tails requires not only expertise in the source/target tech-nologies,but also intimate knowledge of the implementa-tion details of these technologies.Challenge4.Managing deployment of -ponent middleware technologies use declarative notations (such as XML descriptors,source-code attributes,and an-notations)to capture various configuration options.Exam-ple metadata include EJB deployment descriptors,.NET as-sembly manifests,and CCM deployment descriptors.As shown in Step4of Figure1,system integrators must track and configure metadata correctly during integration and de-ployment.In many cases,the correct functionality of the integrated system depends on correct configuration of the metadata.Challenge5.Dealing with interoperability issues.Un-less a middleware technology has only one version imple-mented by one provider,there may be multiple implemen-2Functional integration is very limited when attempting the latter map-ping,which is often done via inter-process communication.tations from different providers.As shown in Step5of Fig-ure1,differences between these implementations will likely arise due to non-conformant extension to standards,dif-ferent interpretations of the same(often vague)specifica-tion,or implementation bugs.Regardless of the reasons for incompatibility,however,problems arise that often mani-fest themselves only during system integration.Examples of such differences are highlighted by the presence of ef-forts like the Web Services-Interoperability Basic Profile (WS-I)[3],which is a standard aimed at ensuring compati-bility between the Web Services implementations from dif-ferent vendors.Due to the challenges described above,significant inte-gration effort is spent on configuration activities,such as modifying deployment descriptors,and interoperability ac-tivities,such as handcrafting protocol adapters to link differ-ent systems together,which does not scale up as the num-ber of components in the system increases or the number of adaptations required increases.Problems discovered at integration stage often require changes to the implementa-tion,and thus necessitate interactions between developers and integrators.These interactions are often inconvenient, and even infeasible(especially when using COTS prod-ucts),and can significantly complicate integration efforts. The remainder of this paper shows how our GME-based (meta)model composition framework and associated tools help address these challenges.3.DSML Composition using GMEThis section describes the(meta)model composi-tion framework in the Generic Modeling Environment (GME)[13].GME is a meta-programmable modeling en-vironment with a general-purpose editing engine,separate view-controller GUI,and a configurable persistence en-gine.Since GME is meta-programmable,it can be used to design DSMLs,as well as build models that con-form to a DSML.DSMLs are defined by metamodels,hence,DSML com-position is defined by(meta)model composition.The speci-fication of how metamodels should be composed,i.e.,what concepts in the metamodels that are composed relate to each other and how,can be specified via normal associa-tion relationships and additional composition operators,as described in GME[1].A key property of a composite DSML is that it supports the open-closed principle[15],which states that a class should be open for extension but closed with respect to its public interface.In GME,elements of the sub-DSMLs are closed,i.e.,their semantics cannot be altered in the com-posite DSML.The composite DSML itself,however,is open,i.e.,it allows the definition of new interactions and the creation of new derived elements.All tools that arebuilt for each sub-DSML work without any modifications in the composite DSML and all the models built in the sub-DSMLs are also usable in the composite DSML.Figure 2.Domain-Specific Modeling LanguageComposition in GMEWe use the following GME(meta)model composition features to support the SIML-based integration of systems built using different middleware technologies,as described in Section4:•Representation of independent concepts.To enable complete reuse of models and tools of the sub-DSMLs,the composition must be done in such a way that all concepts defined in the sub-DSMLs are preserved.As shown in Step 1of Figure2,no elements from either sub-DSMLs should be merged together in the composite DSML.GME’s com-position operators[1]can be used to create new elements in the composite DSML,but the sub-DSMLs as a whole must remain untouched.As a consequence,any model in a sub-DSML can be imported into the composite language,and vice versa.All models in the composite language that are using concepts from the sub-DSMLs can thus be imported back into the sub-DSML.Existing tools for sub-DSMLs can be reused as well in the composite environment.This tech-nique of composing DSMLs is referred to as metamodel in-terfacing[6]since we create new elements and relationships that provide the interface between the sub-DSMLs.•Supporting(meta)model evolution.DSML compo-sition enables reuse of previously defined(sub-)DSMLs. Just like code reuse in software development,(meta)model reuse can also benefit from the concept of libraries.If an existing(meta)model is simply copied into new composite (meta)models,any changes or upgrades to the original will not propagate to the places where they are used.As shown in Step2of Figure2,if the original(meta)model is im-ported as a library,GME provides seamless support to up-date it when new versions become available(libraries are supported in any DSML with GME,not just the metamod-eling language)Libraries are read-only projects imported to a host ponents in the host project can cre-ate references to and derivations of library components. The library import process creates a copy of the reused project,so subsequent modifications to the original project are not updated automatically.To update a library inside a host project,a user-initiated refresh operation is required. To achieve unambiguous synchronization,elements inside a project have unique ids,which facilitates correct restoration of all relationships that are established among host project components and the library elements.•Partitioning(meta)model namespaces.When two or more(meta)models are composed,name clashes may occur. To alleviate this problem,(meta)model libraries(and hence the corresponding components DSMLs)can have their own namespaces specified by(meta)modelers,as shown in Step 3of Figure2.External software components,such as code generators or model analysis tools that were developed for the composite DSML,must use the fully qualified names. But tools that were developed for component DSMLs will still work because GME sets the context correctly before in-voking such a component.•Handling constraints.The syntactic definitions of a metamodel in GME can be augmented by static semantics specifications in the form of Object Constraint Language (OCL)constraint expressions.When metamodels are com-posed together,the predefined OCL expressions coming from a sub-DSML should not be altered.Therefore GME’s Constraint Manager uses namespace specifications to avoid any possible ambiguities,and these expressions are evalu-ated by the Constraint Manager with the correct types and priorities as defined by the sub-DSML as shown in Step 4of Figure2.The composite DSML can also define new OCL expressions to specify the static semantics that aug-ment the specifications originating in the metamodels of the sub-DSMLs.4.Integrating Systems with SIMLThis section describes how we created and applied the System Integration Modeling Language(SIML),which is our open-source composite DSML that simplifies functional integration of component-based systems built using hetero-geneous middleware technologies.4.1.The Design and Functionality of SIMLApplying GME’s (meta)model composition features to SIML.To support integration of systems built us-ing different middleware technologies,SIML uses theGME (meta)model composition features described in Sec-tion 3.SIML is thus a composite DSML that allows inte-gration of systems by composing multiple DSMLs,each representing a different middleware technology.Each sub-DSML is responsible for managing the metadata (cre-ation,as well as generation)of the middleware tech-nology it represents.The composite DSML defines the semantics of the integration,which might include rec-onciling differences between the diverse technologies,as well as representing characteristics of various imple-mentations.System integrators therefore have a single environment that allows the creation and specification of el-ements in each sub-DSML,as well as interconnecting them as if they were elements of a single domain.Applying SIML to compose CCM and Web Services.Our initial use of SIML was to help integrate CCM with Web Services in the context of the shipboard computing case study described in Section 2.The two sub-DSMLs we needed to integrate to support the new requirements de-scribed in Section 2were:•The Platform-Independent Component Model-ing Language (PICML),which enables developers of CCM-based systems to define application in-terfaces,QoS parameters,and system software building rules,as well as generate valid XML de-scriptor files that enable automated system deploy-ment.•The Web Services Modeling Language (WSML),which enables development of Web Services,and sup-ports key activities in Web Service development,such as creating a model of a Web Services from existing WSDL files,specifying details of a Web Service in-cluding defining new bindings,and auto-generating ar-tifacts required for Web Service deployment.Since SIML is a composite DSML,all valid elements and interactions from both PICML and WSML are valid in SIML.It is therefore possible to design both CCM com-ponents (and assemblies of components),as well as Web Services (and federations of Web Services)using SIML,just as if either PICML or WSML were used independently.The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,however,be-cause SIML defines new interactions that allow connecting a CCM component (or assembly)with a Web Service and automates generation of necessary gateways,which are ca-pabilities that exist in neither PICML nor WSML.TypeSpecific IIOP SOAP Figure 3.Generating a Web Service Gateway Us-ing SIML4.2.Resolving Functional Integration Challengesusing SIMLWe now show how we applied SIML to resolve the func-tional integration challenges discussed in Section 2.1.Al-though we focus on the initial version of SIML that supports integration of CCM and Web Services,its design is suffi-ciently general that it can be applied to integrate many other middleware technologies without undue effort.Figure 3shows how SIML resolves the following challenges to gen-erate a gateway given an existing CCM application:Resolving challenge 1.Choosing an appropriate level of integration.As mentioned in Section 2.1,determining the right level of integration requires expertise in all the dif-ferent technologies being integrated.To allow interactions between CCM components and Web Services,SIML de-fines interactions between ports of CCM components and ports exposed by the Web Services.Since SIML also auto-mates the generation of the glue code,some choices with respect to the level of integration,e.g.,mapping of a CCM port to a Web Service port,are pre-determined,while other decisions,e.g.,aggregation of more than one CCM com-ponent into a single Web Service,are customizable.SIML thus extends the list of valid interactions of both CCM com-ponents and Web Services,which is an example of a com-posite DSML defining interactions that does not exist in its sub-DSMLs.SIML can also partition a large system into hi-erarchies via the concept of“modules,”which can be either CCM components(and assemblies of CCM components) or Web Services.SIML’s architecture can be enhanced to support integration of many middleware technologies,by extending the list of interactions defined by SIML to inte-grate new technologies.For example,SIML could be ex-tended to support interactions between CCM and EJB,or even between Web Services and EJB.Extending SIML to support other technologies,e.g.EJB,requires specification of a DSML that describes the elements and interactions of EJB.Once the DSML for EJB is specified,it can be im-ported into SIML as a library while also assigning a new namespace to it;the creation of a new namespace prevents any clash between the type systems e.g.,between a CCM component and EJB component.Interactions between ele-ments of CCM and EJB can then be defined in the com-posite DSML.From these new interactions,generative tech-niques(as explained in resolution to Challenge3below)can be applied to automate the task of integration.Resolving challenge2.Reconciling differences in inter-face specifications.To map interfaces between CCM and Web Services,SIML provides a tool called IDL2WSDL, which automatically converts any valid CORBA IDLfile to a corresponding WSDLfile.As part of this conversion pro-cess,IDL2WSDL performs both datatype mapping,which maps CORBA datatypes to WSDL datatypes,and exception mapping,which maps both CORBA exceptions to WSDL faults.System integrators are therefore relieved from the intricacies of the mapping.As shown in Figure3,both IDL and WSDL can also be imported into the DSML en-vironment corresponding to CCM(PICML)and Web Ser-vices(WSML),allowing integrators to define interactions between CCM components and Web Services.SIML also supports language mapping between ISO/ANSI C++and Microsoft C++/CLI,which is framework exten-sion to C++.SIML therefore automates much of the tedious and error-prone details of the interface mapping,thereby al-lowing system integrators to focus largely on the business logic of the application being integrated.Resolving challenge3.Managing differences in imple-mentation technologies.While the rules defined in SIML allow definition of interaction at the modeling level,this feature is not very useful if these definitions cannot be translated into runtime entities that actually perform the interactions.SIML therefore generates resource adapters, which automatically convert SOAP requests into IIOP re-quests,and vice-versa.A resource adapter in SIML is im-plemented as a gateway.SIML allows system integrators to define connections between ports of a CCM component and a Web Service,as shown in Figure3.These connec-tions are then used by a model interpreter,which automati-cally determines the operation/method signatures of opera-tions/methods of the ports on either end of a connection,and uses this information to automatically generate a gateway. The generated gateway contains all the“glue code”neces-sary to perform datatype mapping,exception mapping,and language mapping between CCM and Web Services.The gateway generator is configurable and can currently gener-ate Web Service gateways for two different implementation of Web Services:GSOAP[24]and Microsoft . The generated gateway also performs the necessary proto-col mapping(i.e.,between IIOP and SOAP)and discovery mapping(i.e.automatically connecting to a Naming Ser-vice to obtain object references to CCM components).Our initial implementation does not yet support QoS mapping, which is the focus of future work,as described in Section6. Resolving challenge4.Managing deployment of subsys-tems.After the necessary integration gateways have been generated,system integrators also need to deploy and con-figure the application and the middleware using a variety of metadata in the form of XML descriptors.Since SIML is built using(meta)model composition it can automatically use the tools developed for the sub-DSMLs(i.e.,PICML to handle deployment of CCM applications and WSML to handle deployment of Web Services)directly from within SIML.By encapsulating the required resource adapters inside a a Web Service or CCM component,SIML allows reuse of deployment techniques available for any given middle-ware system.System integrators therefore do not need to deploy resource adapters separately.While this approach works for in-process resource adapters(such as those gener-ated by SIML),out-of-process resource adapters need sup-port from a deployment descriptor generator.Since SIML is a DSML itself,this support could be added to SIML so it can generate deployment support for out-of-process re-source adapters.Resolving challenge5.Dealing with interoperability is-sues.Since knowledge of the underlying middleware tech-nologies is built into SIML,it can automatically compen-sate for incompatibilities during design time.For exam-ple,IDL2WSDL allows generation of WSDL that supports SOAP RPC encoding or an interoperable subset defined in the WS-I Basic Profile.System integrators therefore are bet-ter prepared to handle incompatibilities that only show up during integration testing.SIML can also define constraints on WSDL definition as prescribed by the WS-I Basic Pro-file,so that violations can also be checked at modeling time. Similarly,gateway generation can add workarounds for quirks of particular implementations automatically,thereby relieving system integrators fromfinding these problems duringfinal integration testing.The automation of gateway generation also scales the integration activity since develop-Level of Automation(#of distinct steps)Using SIML Using Native Tools Integration Activity Supported?Automated?Design Implementation Tool Use Design Implementation Tool Use Integration Design Yes No001110 Interface MappingDataType Mapping Yes Yes001110 Exception Mapping Yes Yes001110 Language Mapping Yes Yes001110 Technology MappingProtocol Mapping Yes Yes001110 Discovery Mapping Yes Yes001110 QoS Mapping No No110110 Deployment MappingDescriptor Generation Yes Yes001001 Gateway Placement No No110110 Interoperability Mapping Yes Yes001010Table1.Evaluating Functional Integration using SIMLers need not write system specific integration code.In addi-tion,SIML allows evolution of the integrated system by in-crementally adding more components,or targeting different middleware implementations as future needs dictate.4.3.Evaluating SIMLTo evaluate the benefits of SIML,wefirst define a tax-onomy for evaluating technologies that assist the functional integration of CCM and Web Services.We then use this tax-onomy to compare SIML with tools that are supplied by vendors for either technology,referred to in Table1as Na-tive tools.Examples of native tools include the Microsoft Visual Studio and the IBM Eclipse suite,which develop-ers using middleware technologies and EJB are likely to use.This table depicts the different mapping activ-ities described in Section4.2that are typical in functional integration of middleware systems.For each activity the ta-ble describes the level of support in SIML and whether the activity is automated.It also describes the level of automa-tion measured as the number of distinct steps performed by a system integrator.Table1further decomposes the level of automation into three broad categories:(1)design,which denotes that system integrators need to perform a design ac-tivity that might include domain analysis,requirement anal-ysis,etc.,(2)implementation,which denotes that system in-tegrators need to implement some functionality usually by writing code,and(3)tool use,which denotes that a tool needs to be used by the system integrators to perform that activity.This categorization assigns a weight commensurate to the skills of the individual responsible for carrying out the task in a particular organization.Our taxonomy also assumes that design and implementa-tion are orders of magnitude more difficult/time-consuming than tool use.In Table1,therefore,multiple activities of the same category are considered equal,since the magni-tude difference will likely dwarf any small number of steps of any particular category.Thus the table uses1to indi-cate one or more,i.e.,1...n steps,and0to indicate that the effort is automated.To estimate the amount of effort re-quired,we sum up each of the three columns(i.e.,design, implementation,and tool)and then multiply the result by the weight assigned to each category.For example,a rea-sonable assignment of weight for these activities might be 10,5and1,for each of design,implementation and tool use.With this assignment,we can see that using SIML re-quires2×10+2×5+8×1=38distinct steps to achieve functional integration.In comparison,using just the native tools would result in8×10+9×5+1×1=126distinct steps to achieve the same.It should be noted that the num-ber of steps will get reduced drastically as(and when)na-tive tools add support for integration activities.The numbers in Table1are for each unique unit of work per unique pair of source and target technologies,i.e.,for a single datatype mapping,a single exception mapping,a sin-gle protocol mapping.To calculate the total cost of integra-tion,we must take into account both the number of distinct types/exceptions/languages,and the number of unique pairs of technologies being integrated.Since SIML allows hierarchical composition of the in-tegration infrastructure,the integration architecture scales along with the increase in the number of components.While the generative techniques applied to generate the gateways scale with the number of components in the system,when the number of components increases to thousands of com-ponents,the limitations of visual design tools tend to show up.To overcome the issues with scalability of modeling techniques,we have applied techniques like aspect-oriented weaving of domain-specific models[2]in prior efforts. Such techniques can be applied to automate the modeling activities in SIML in the presence of large number of com-ponents,since SIML itself is a domain-specific language for integration.Table1shows that SIML helps reduce the effort by re-。
