Syntactic-Level Ontology Integration Rules for E-commerce
2 引入概念
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文 章编号 :0 324 (000 -7 10 10.832 1)50 2-6
混沌系统异结构之 间的指数反 同步
王兰梓 ,房辉
( 昆明理工大学理学院数 学系,云南昆明 6 0 9 ) 503
摘 要 : 文 引入 混沌 系统异 结 构之 间的指 数反 同步概 念 , 造恰 当的新 型 非 线性 反馈 控 制 函数 ,实现 L 论 构 v混 沌 系统 和 Lu i
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在系统( 中引入 3个非线性反馈控制函数, 6 ) 论文为了实现指数反 同步, 需要构造恰当的新型非线性反馈控 制函数, 因此的选取要巧妙得体.
定义驱动系统( 和响应系统( 的误差关系为 5 ) 6 )
混沌 系统之间的指数反同步, 通过数值模拟验证 该方法的有效性. 该方法比一般 的控制方法优越, 具有 更强的实用性.
关键 词 : 沌 系统 :异 结 构 : 数 反 同 步:非 线性 反 馈 控 制 函数 ; v混 沌 系统 ; i 沌 系统 :数 值模 拟 混 指 L Lu混 中图 分 类 号 : 9 O13 文 献标 识 码 : A
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Architecture and Performance Methods ofA Knowledge Support System ofUbiquitous Time ComputationYinsheng ZhangInstitute of Scientific & Technical Information of China, Beijing, ChinaCity University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong, ChinaEmail: zhangyinshengnet@Abstract— An architecture and main performance methods of a knowledge support system of ubiquitous time computation based on relativity are proposed. As main results, modern time theories are described as certain relations of term-nodes in a tree, and some space-time computation models in a large scale and time computation models in different time measurement systems (institutions) are programmed as interfaces for time computation in complex conditions such as time-anisotropic movement systems or gravity-anisotropic environments.Index Terms—Space-Time, Relativity, Real Time Communication, Time Ontology, Time MeasurementI.I NTRODUCTIONTime computation is so ubiquitous nowadays, not only in analyzing texts with time terms, but also in real time computation even in circumstance across time zones or in quantum application such as satellite positioning systems, time-anisotropic movement systems, gravity-anisotropic environments, or space scale in the cosmos. As the relativity theory and quantum mechanics, which we call modern time theories, have made great advances, time computation is desirable to be made on the new time knowledge. It is well known that an ontology made up of specific terms in relations can succinctly represent knowledge homogeneously structured in syntactic pattern and stratified in entailments or in contents with stem-branch relations, and easily be applied to navigate knowledge by relational calculus, so a time knowledge support system based on time ontology with some computational models is proposed here to suffice requirement of time computation based on modern time theories.II.E XTENSION OF T IME E XPRESSIONTime mostly is expressed in a form of natural number and suitable for a unified time measure system in the Earth. For example, Dan Ionescu & Cristian Lambiri[1], E.-R.Orderog & H.Dierks[2], and Merlin [3] respectively gave time definitions or expressions for the real-time system, which, however, relativity of time, time computation models which define how to calculate time units, are omitted. In contrast to some software application fields’ research, some time science organizations give serial time expressions based on modern time theories, among which the International Astronomical Union (IAU,1991) made time definition widely accepted in a reality frame [4] . Thus we need to integrate these definitions and expressions in a complete and standard form for ubiquitous time. To do this, we give a time expression as follows.The physical quantity of time can be expressed as a 4-tuple:T=< D,U,M,I > (1) where,D: Data about time in quantity, it may be numbers or circle physical signals indicating time, or symbols expressing a time in quantity; that is, D∈{ time reading, tick, time number expression}.U: Unit, the measure unit such as “second”,” day”.M: Model, the mathematical formulae, using which you get a time quantity by mathematical computations.I: Institution, it may be indicated by a code which stipulates what unit U is meaningful, from which start time point S an interval can be fixed, according to what model M about time can be computed. So we use I( ) to indicate determining a time physical quantity by some parameters.For example, you say “2 seconds”, you might refer to two units of the Universal Time i.e., of coordinated universal time (CUT, or UTC) set by IAU and the finally arbitrated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Of course, you probably might not refer to that, but to an atomic time (AT), as it may. Both the quantities can be computed by the corresponding models issued by the related organizations. Here, the institution determines the meanings of the time as a physical quantity and gives the computation methods, so we can give an expression similar with a programming expression as T=I(D,U,M), here, T serves as a return value ,and I, a function for the other parameters.Clearly, to set up a knowledge support system, we need to consider this time expression, its elements in the tuple will constitute the main profiles.© 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHER doi:10.4304/jsw.8.11.2947-2955Figure 1. The architecture of the knowledge support system ofubiquitous time computation.III. A RCHITECTURE OF THE K NOWLEDGE S UPPORTS YSTEM We designed such an architecture for the knowledge support system developed by the author for the time computation in the complex systems.The system mainly made up of the 4 components that ①Time Knowledge Navigation, ② Time Measurement and Computation Models, ③ Time Expression Semantics Computation Models,④ Time Institution Knowledge Texts.Component ① accepts users’ requests for knowledge relating to the time measuring data, for example, a user requests for a model for computing the derivation between its time readings and a time unit in another space or in a time measurement system. The kernel of Component ① is a tree describing time knowledge profiles, say its branches are classifications of the time knowledge in certain relations. It is a catalogue of classification and relations of time knowledge, and also mappings between the classification and the knowledge in Component ② and Component ③. It contains institutions I in (1), which determines Component ② and Component ③ in logic, however, Component ② and Component ③ are listed for directing call not through the nodes of institutions.Component ② is the mathematical models for time measurement and computation, written in software programs and can be called for other time computation programs.Component ③ and ④ are discussed in number V and VI.IV. T IME ONTOLOGY.4. 0 General Description sThe tree in Component ① is a time ontology based on modern time theories for logically showing and savingall the knowledge term nodes in certain relations.These relations are potential information for deeper application such as inference based on relational calculus. On time ontology, most studies focus on time expressions and computations of relations between these expressions. For example, Moen’s time ontology is about time concepts in linguistics [5][6].; Frank etc. came up with a plan and principles building space-time in 4 dimensions and 5 tiers [7]. The typical extant time ontology see WordNet in the part of time, DAML time sub-ontology [8],Time Ontology in OWL built by W3C [9] ,and NASASWEET (Semantic Web for Earth an Environmental Terminology)[10]. In addition, ISO 19111 [11] and ISO 19112[12] set out the conceptual schema for spatial references based on geographic identifiers. This work shows various profiles of data structure of time description, yet has the limitations that(1) Time it describes is in the periphery of the Earth, but not in cosmos large scales;(2) The time properties are unraveled only on non-symmetry (non-back as an arrow), a little on relativity, singularity and quantum property.This might lead to difficulties in computations based on modern time theories.In contrast with this work, the time knowledge tree in Component ① is a time ontology based on modern time theories (hereafter “TOboMTT”, the main branches see attachment) .The nodes between any two levels in top-bottom constitute relations which are propositions (note that when we say “A and B in a certain relation”, it just says a proposition) stating the main frame of modern time theories. So, in essence, we have :TOboMTT={N,R }={Propositions} (2)here, N,R refer to nodes and relations respectively.The root (0- level) and the nodes in the next (1-level) are as followingz TimeSpace-Time Type Time Type Time Property Time Measure Time ExpressionThe root “Time” constitutes “has ” relations with the nodes in the 1-level. That is, “Time has the Space-Time Types”, “Time has the Time Types”, “Time has the Time Properties”, “Time has the Time Measures”, “Time has the Time Expressions”. These relations are basic profiles of the up-to-date study on time.The relations of the nodes between the 1 and 2 levels continue such propositions of those relations between 0 and 1 levels, for example, we can say “Time has the Space-Time Types like Euclid Space-Time”, here, “Euclid Space-Time” just is a node in the 2nd level. Thus,© 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHERthe relations between the 1 and 2 levels are “includes ”, like “Space-Time Type includes Euclid Space-Time”. In the following contexts, we intuitively explain the main nodes which express some important assertions of modern time theories.4. 1 SPACE-Time TYPEAccording to Einstein’s field equation, space andtime are integrated. So we must take space as a parameterof time considering the space-time type. Einstein’s fieldequation see (3) [13]1()+=82R Rg g T αβαβαβαβ−Λπ (3)Here, α and β are space-time dimensions, i.e., α, β=0,1,2,3 and 0 denotes time for the left expression; R αβ is Ricci tensor, it is a 4×4 matrix of the 16 components ofsecond order space-time curvature, R is scalar curvature, g αβ is a 4×4 matrix of metric tensor, Λ is cosmological constant, T αβ is energy-momentum tensor, a 4×4 matrixtoo.From (3), we get (4), i.e., the differentiation of square of space-time intervals:2=ds g dx dy αβαβ (4) here, x,y are curvilineal coordinates, s is space-time interval. (4) adopts Einstein summation convention, normally like in physics, that a repeated index (α or β ) implies summation over all values of that indexed. (3) and (4) are well confirmed by some experiments in the scale 10-13 cm (the radius of a fundamental particle) to 1028 cm (the radius of the universe). A space-time type normally defined by a solution of the equations (3) or (4).See some basic nodes: Space-Time Type Euclidean space-time (absolute time) Riemannian space-time Inertial reference frame space-time Non-inertial reference frame space-time Friedmann- Walke space-time…… If (3) or (4) are determined as the nonlinear partial differential equations about g αβ , we call s is Riemannian space-time, which means space-time is of curvature and might not be flat (flatness is just a special instance, i.e., Minkowski space-time, in which gravity is neglected, it is regarded as inertial). In (3) or (4), if the time in different space places is described as absolutely not different , and independently from its different places and velocities, the space-time is Euclidean space-time or Newton space-time. Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker space-time, simply Robertson-Walker space-time [14][15] , put forwarded by Robertson and Walker, and meet the inference of Friedman [16] and Lamaitre [17] , describes homogeneous and isotropic space-time in a non-inertial system, for which, cosmological curvature k and cosmological time t are introduced into (3) or (4). k takes 3 constants 0,1,-1 representing 3 possible space-time types: flatness, positive curvature and negative curvature. If R in (3) is a constant, Robertson-Walker space-time will become some special instance: when R =0, itwill be Minkowski space-time; R >0, de_Sitter space-time;R <0, anti-de_Sitter space-time. Bianchy I space-time is more general than Robertson-Walker that the space-time is homogeneousbut might be anisotropic [18]. Taub-NUT space-time adds magnetic and electric parameters into (3) or (4) [19]. Godel space-time adds rotationally symmetric axis into (3) or (4) [20]. Rindler space-time expresses such space-time determined by inertial system and non-inertial system [21][22]. In some special cases, R is not easy to be determined. To solve (3) or (4), some parameters are given for specialtypes of space-time. These special types include spherical and axial space-time, and time’s elapse may be neglected for a space spot. For (4), Schwarzschild space-time [23] isspherically symmetric beyond a mass sphere. A spherewith great mass and a radius less than Schwarzschild radius is a black hole, which is thought to bear only 3 kinds of information of mass, charge and angular momentum. Schwarzschild black hole is considered as one with only mass, while Ressner-Nordstrom black hole, named as Ressner-Nordstrom space-time, with mass and charge [24][25]; Kerr black hole, named as Kerr space-time with mass and angular momentum [26]; Kerr-Newmanblack hole, named as Kerr-Newman space-time [27], simultaneously have information of mass, charge and angular momentum. Some spherically symmetric space-time like Vaidya space-time [28] and Tolman space-time [29] consider time as the variable of the function of mass and curvature. As an axial metric space-time, Weyl-Levi-Civita space-time [30] is typical. . 4. 2 Time TYPEWhen we solely study time, we can primarily dividetime into the 3 types: Proper time Coordinate time Cosmological time Proper time is the elapsed between two events as measured by a clock that passes through both events. In other words, proper time value is from the real readings of the clock set by an observer in a definite space spot (ifthe measured body moves, then the clock spot and the moved body’s end spot are considered as one area for the two spots are so near for a large scale space). © 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHERCoordinate time is integrated time under a coordinate system. It is not a real readings for a special spot (the difference between the different spots in the system is neglected), but a stipulated (calculated that it should be) time in the system. Proper time multiplied by (1- v2/c2)-2 is coordinate time (v is the velocity of the body, in which an implied observer is, c is light velocity). If we set a clock in a universe coordinate system indicating the integrated time, it would indicate the universal time (t in Robertson-Walker equation).The proper time in the Earth can be expressed in various forms as the follows.Ephemeris Time (ET) [31] was defined in principle by the orbital motion of the Earth around the Sun. Here, ephemeris is based on Julian calendar which had been reformed to be Gregorian calendar lasted to the nowadays.True solar time (apparent solar time) is given by the daily apparent motion of the true, or observed, Sun. It is based on the apparent solar day, which is the interval between two successive returns of the Sun to the local meridian [32].Mean solar time is the mean values of measured time of the intervals between two Sun passing an identical meridian [33].Sidereal Time is based on a sidereal day; a sidereal day is a time scale that is based on the Earth's rate of rotation measured relative to the fixed stars, normally to the Sun [34]. Sidereal time may be Greenwich Sidereal Time (GST) which calculated by Greenwich Royal Observatory in mean data or Local Sidereal Time (LST) which is computed by adding or subtracting the numbers of timezone [35] .Universal Time (UT) is computed by truly measured time data based on rotation of the Earth, it is a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and computed from the start of a midnight of Prime Meridian at Greenwich, and it has different versions such as UT0,UT1,UT2 and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the computations from varying data on non-exact time scales of the Earth rotation. UT0 is Universal Time determined at an observatory by observing the diurnal motion of stars or extragalactic radio sources. It is uncorrected for the displacement of Earth's geographic pole from its rotational pole. This displacement, called polar motion, causes the geographic position of any place on Earth to vary by several metres, and different observatories will find a different value for UT0 at the same moment.UT1 is the principal form of Universal Time. While conceptually it is mean solar time at 0° longitude, precise measurements of the Sun are difficult. UT1R is a smoothly tuned version of UT1, filtering out periodic variations due to tides. UT2 is a smoothed version of UT1, filtering out periodic seasonal variations. UTC is an atomic timescale that approximates UT1. It is the international standard on which civil time is based [36].Atomic time applies the principle of stimulated atom radiation in a constant frequency. The Thirteenth General Conference of Weights and Measures define a second that "the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom [37] ". That is a unit of International Atomic Time (ATI).The results of atomic time computed by different local laboratories are called local atomic time.Dynamical Time (DT) [38] is inferred from the observed position of an astronomical object via a theory of its motion, ET is a DT based on revolution of the Earth in replace of UT based on rotation of the Earth meet Newton’s time theory; to meet Einstein’s time theory IAU builds two versions of ET respectively in the system of Terrestrial Dynamic Time (TDT) Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB).Local civil time is the corrected version of UTC by adding timezone numbers and adjusting daylight saving time [35] .Coordinate time includes centroid coordinate time and Earth-centered coordinate time, they are set by IAU.4. 3 Time propertyThe time properties are divided into 4 kinds as follows.Time PropertyAsymmetryRelativitySingularityQuantum propertyAsymmetry is the property human first discovered, it refers to what seems to be an arrow went out in one direction and not back.Relativity means anisotropy against gravity or in a light-like velocity.Singularity is the property of some places, where the present physical laws break down, or it can be thought of as the property of edge of space-time [39].The quantum property of time refers to that of time in the particle-scale, where time appears the stranger phenomena far from the macro-scale as we see. For example, the former -latter sequence in macro-scale might be isochronous in the quantum –scale [40].4. 4 Time measure4. 4.1 CoordinatorThe space-time expressed in (3) or (4) can’t always be indicated by Cartesian system, mostly due to some properties which are difficult to be indicated by Cartesian system, and also due to the singularity in the space-time which normally cannot be indicated by the real number system. So two kinds of coordinates are mainly introduced, they are general coordinates and special coordinates. The former are popular in common sense, and transforming them for a special purpose we get the latter----special coordinates, which mainly for describing some new metrics -solutions of (3), (4) with some© 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHERsingularity variables, or for some particular space-time areas.The coordinates special for the metrics are introduced as follows.Schwarzschild coordinate indicates spherical symmetry, it sometimes becomes degeneratation of some more general conditions. Schwarzschild coordinate uses sphere coordinate with the radius r≠2GM/C2 and r≠0, here , G is universal gravitational constant, M is the mass. The coordinate is divided into two areas by r >2GM/C2 and r <2GM/C2 and leads to the two metrics in (3): g00= - (1-2GM/rC2) and g11= (1-2GM/rC2) -1.In Schwarzschild coordinate, there is not the expression that r=2GM/C2 (this is a singularity), but tortoise coordinate covers this singularity.Eddington coordinate does not diverge in r=2GM/C2 and r=0 by the linear transformation of the variables.Kruskal coordinate covers r=2GM/C2 and r=0 too, and more general in indicating space-time than tortoise and Eddington coordinate .Lemaitre coordinate covers r=2GM/C2 with a different method to Kruskal coordinate.Rindler coordinate indicates the space-time determined by both inertial and non-inertial system.Weyl coordinate indicates the function of metric and allows to indicate imaginary numbers.Fermi normal coordinate indicates space-like geodesic which is the trajectory that its covariant differential is 0 for (4). “space-like” denotes the velocity in the area is far less than light speed. And its time axis indicates proper time for a non-inertial or locally inertial conditions.Harmonic coordinate indicates harmonic conditions that coordinates in curved space satisfy a D' Alembert equation, it is a Cartesian-coordinate-like one in curved space.Local inertial coordinate indicates Minkowski space-time.The special coordinates for the particular space-time areas are introduced as follows.Centroid coordinate (center-of-mass coordinate system) is one taking the centre of a space area as the origin of coordinate. These coordinates include non-rotating geocentric reference system, rotating geocentric reference system, Barycentric Celestial Reference System (BCRS), International Celestial Reference System (ICRS).Non-rotating geocentric reference system takes the Earth centre as the origin of coordinate . IAU provides the metric and methods for computing proper time.Rotating geocentric reference system is supposed as rotated with the Earth together, its X3 axis is the rotation axis of the Earth, and it is taken as International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) by IAU. For the rotation direction is not considered, the time in non-rotating geocentric reference system and rotating geocentric reference system is the same.Barycentric Celestial Reference System (BCRS) is recommended by IAU, its origin is the mass centre of the solar system,its third axis is approximately the rotation axis of the Earth.International Celestial Reference System is a centroid coordinate, it is made up of circle of right ascension and circle of declination of approximate 600 quasars, the coordinates are provided by International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) Most general coordinates are introduced by the mathematical textbooks, so they are omitted here.4. 4.2 Measure UNITThe frame of time measure unit is as follows:Measure of timeUnits of measureTime intervalDynamical time intervalDuration fixed time intervalTime interval with the duration fixedby an ephemerisIntegral time scaleDynamical time scale is referred to as measured values of time parameters by physical quantities in a physical system. Basically, a proper time interval is a dynamical time scale.The main units of dynamical time scales in the ontology are concerned with ephemeris time units. A second in ephemeris time is defined as the fraction 1/31,556,925.9747 of the tropical year in Julian calendar for 1900 January 0 at 12 hours ephemeris time by International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM), from this unit, Julian century, year, week and day can be worked out.An integral time scale is accumulated value copied from a contracted time start point, for example, atomic time scale. So it may be proper time or coordinate time.V. T IME MEASURE AND COMPUTATION MODELSComponent ②is the set of the measure and computation models, which are from two resources: one is from the institutions put forward by some organizations such as IAU stipulating how to measure and computation, another resource is from the exact solutions of the (3) or (4).The models are programmed in Mathematica as the Application Programming Interface (API) so that a users’ programs can call these API.EXAMPLE 1[41]: a model (group) to compute a coordinated universal timeUTC (t) – TAI(t) = ns (5)UTC (t) –UT 1(t)=<0.9s; (6) Here, UTC(t) is a time expressed in coordinated universal time’ institution unit, TAI(t) means a time of Atomic Time International, n is natural number; s is the second, UT 1(t) is a time expressed in UT 1.© 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHEREXAMPLE 2 is calling from a user’s application for the interface of a model, which is drawn from reference [42] and re-wrote by the author, to get an exact solution of Einstein’s field equation given Roberson-Walker Metric:1 /*An application from users in pseudo-code callingthe model-interface. See the tree in the attachment*/2 e num Space-Time in non- inertial system3 {4 B ianchi I Space-Time,5……6R obertson-WalkerSpace-Time7 /*Here, all the 16 Space-Time in non- inertialsystem in the tree enumerated */8 } Metric[16];9 for(i=0;i<16;i++){10 switch(Metric [i])11 case Robertson-Walker Space-Time:12 input and assign vector:13 v = {t, r, e, phi};141516 M = {-1, R[t]^2/(1 - K (r^2), (r^2) (R [t]^2), (r^2) (Sin[e]^2) (R [t]^2)};Call Einstein [M, v]}“Einstein.m”1 E instein [g_, v_] := Block[2 {invsg, dg1, dg2, dg3, Christf2, dChristf2, Ruv1,Ruv2, Ruv3, Ruv4, RicciTensor, R, EMTensor} 3 EMTensor = {}; (*Save return value.*)(*Calculate the inverse metric of g.*)4 g=DiagonalMatrix[M];5 invsg = Inverse[g];(*Calculate the affine connection.*)6 dg1 = Outer[D, g, v];7 dg2 = Transpose[dg1, {1, 3, 2}];8 dg3 = Transpose[dg1, {2, 3, 1}];9 Christf2 = (1/2) invsg.(dg1 + dg2 - dg3);(*Calculate the Ricci tensor.*)10 dChristf2 = Outer[D, Christf2, v];11 Ruv1 = Table[Sum[dChristf2[[k, i, k, j]], {k, 4}],{i, 4}, {j, 4}];12 Ruv2 = Table[Sum[dChristf2[[k, i, j, k]], {k, 4}],{i, 4}, {j, 4}];13 R uv3 = Table[Sum[Christf2[[k, i, j]] Christf2[[h,k, h]], {k, 4}, {h, 4}], {i, 4}, {j, 4}];14 Ruv4 = Table[ Sum[Christf2[[k, i, h]] Christf2[[h,j, k]], {k, 4}, {h, 4}], {i, 4}, {j, 4}];15 RicciTensor = Ruv1 - Ruv2 - Ruv3 + Ruv4;(*Calculate the Curvature Scalar.*)16R = Sum[invsg[[i, i]] RicciTensor[[i, i]], {i, 4}];(*Calculate the field equation left part.*)17EMTensor = RicciTensor - (1/2) g R ;18return [EMTensor]19]20End[]21EndPackage[]This program is divided into two parts: the first part is user’s input for computation, which is space-time dimensions v in a spherical coordinator, in which, t is the cosmological time (see 4. 2 Time Type), M is Roberson-Walker Metric. Users can input similar metrics for calling the function Einstein[ ],which is saved in the second part, a document Einstein.m, starting from the sentence BeginPackage["Einstein`"]. mathlink.h in VC++ enables to run Mathematica programs in VC++ environment The section Block[] is a function of local variables for calling.Outer[] is to give the partial derivative ∂f/∂x.Transpose[dg1, {1, 3, 2}] is to transposes dg1 so that the k th level in dg1 is the n k th level in the result.D [] is to get partial differential.Table [] is to generate a list of the expression Sum[].Sum[] is to get sum.The line 19 is the computation result of left part of (3), yet the cosmological constant is omitted. The right part of (3) is considered as zero.VI. M ECHANISM AND R UNNING OF T HE A RCHITECTURETOboMTT is designed to be a tree not only for satisfying the structure and classification of knowledge of time, but also for developing the knowledge in Web Ontology Language (OWL), which is based on Resource Description Framework (RDF) in a tree. Thus we can divide TOboMTT into some sub-trees and further expressed them in OWL or RDF. Figure 2 is a sample of Class—SubClass relation in RDF. As a result, navigation of knowledge of time, based on TOboMTT, become navigation of resources and serves, based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML) compatible with both OWL and RDF.A query for a sub-class or property value will give the corresponding answer by rational calculus on a XML scheme. For the example in Figure 2, “Space-Time Type includes Euclid Space-Time ” will be the answer for the query “What kind does the Space-Time Type include?” Therefore, query and answer is the first and direct results of navigation of knowledge of time by TOboMTT.<?xml version="1.0"?>© 2013 ACADEMY PUBLISHER。
Ontology-based reasoning about lexical resources
Ontology-based Reasoning about Lexical ResourcesJan Scheffczyk,Collin F.Baker,Srini NarayananInternational Computer Science Institute1947Center St.,Suite600,Berkeley,CA,94704jan,collinb,snarayan@AbstractReasoning about natural language most prominently requires combining semantically rich lexical resources with world knowledge, provided by ontologies.Therefore,we are building bindings from FrameNet–a lexical resource for English–to various ontologies depending on the application at hand.In this paper we show thefirst step toward such bindings:We translate FrameNet to the Web Ontology Language OWL DL.That way,FrameNet and its annotations become available to Description Logic reasoners and other OWL tools.In addition,FrameNet annotations can provide a high-quality lexicalization of the linked ontologies.1.IntroductionCombining large lexical resources with world knowledge, via ontologies,is a crucial step for reasoning over natu-ral language,particularly for the Semantic Web.Concrete applications include semantic parsing,text summarization, translation,and question answering.For example,ques-tions like“Could Y have murdered X?”may require sev-eral inference steps based on semantic facts that simple lexicons do not include.Moreover,they require so-called open-world semantics offered by state-of-the art Descrip-tion Logic(DL)reasoners,e.g.,FaCT(Horrocks,1998) or Racer(Wessel and M¨o ller,2005).The FrameNet lex-icon(Ruppenhofer et al.,2005)has a uniquely rich level of semantic detail;thus,we are building bindings from FrameNet to multiple ontologies that will vary depending on the application.That way,we enable reasoners to make inferences over natural-language text.In this paper,we report on thefirst step toward this goal:we have automatically translated a crucial portion of FrameNet to OWL DL and we show how state-of-the-art DL reasoners can make inferences over FrameNet-annotated sentences. Thus,annotated text becomes available to the Semantic Web and FrameNet itself can be linked to other ontologies. This work gives a clear motivation for the design of our pro-posed ontology bindings and defines the baseline for mea-suring their benefits.This paper proceeds as follows:In Sect.2.we briefly intro-duce FrameNet–a lexical resource for English.We present our design decisions for linking FrameNet to ontologies in Sect.3.Sect.4.includes the heart of this paper:A formal-ization of FrameNet and FrameNet-annotated sentences in OWL DL.In Sect.5.we show how our OWL DL represen-tation can be used by the DL reasoner RacerPro in order to implement tasks of a question answering system,based on reasoning.We evaluate our approach in Sect.6.Sect.7. concludes and sketches directions for future research.2.The FrameNet Lexicon FrameNet is a lexical resource for English,based on frame semantics(Fillmore,1976;Fillmore et al.,2003; Narayanan et al.,2003).A semantic frame(hereafter sim-ply frame)represents a set of concepts associated with an event or a state,ranging from simple(Arriving,Placing)to complex(Revenge,Criminalaffect(which in turn inherits from the frames Transitiveact).In addition,Attack uses the frame Hos-tileact frame.3.Linking FrameNet to Ontologies forReasoningNLP applications using FrameNet require knowledge about the possiblefillers for FEs.For example,a semantic frame parser needs to know whether a certain chunk of text(or a named entity)might be a properfiller for an FE–so it will check whether thefiller type of the FE is compatible with the type of the named entity.Therefore,we want to provide constraints onfillers of FEs,so-called semantic types(STs). Currently,FrameNet itself has defined about40STs that are ordered by a subtype hierarchy.For example,the Assailant FE and the Victim FE in the Attack frame both have the ST Sentient,which in turn is a subtype of Animatething,Physical entity. It is obvious that FrameNet STs are somewhat similar to the concepts(often called classes)defined in ontologies like SUMO(Niles and Pease,2001)or Cyc(Lenat,1995). Compared to ontology classes,however,FrameNet STs are much more shallow,have fewer relations between them(we only have subtyping and no other relations),and are notFigure1:Abridged example frame Attack and some connected frames.context specific.Naturally,in a lexicographic project like FrameNet STs play a minor role only.Therefore,we want to employ the STs from existing large ontologies such as SUMO or Cyc;in this way we will gain a number of advantages almost for free:AI applications can use the knowledge provided by the target ontology.We can provide different STs suitable for particular applications by bindings to different ontologies.We can use ontologies in order to query and analyze FrameNet data.For example,we can measure the se-mantic distance between frames based on different tar-get ontologies or we can check consistency and com-pleteness of FrameNet w.r.t.some target ontology.The target ontologies would benefit from FrameNet, supplementing their ontological knowledge with a proper lexicon and annotated example sentences. Compared to other lexicon-ontology bindings(Niles and Pease,2003;Burns and Davis,1999),our bindings offer a range of advantages due to specific FrameNet character-istics:FrameNet models semantic and syntactic valences plus the predicate-argument structure.FrameNet includes many high-quality annotations,providing training data for machine learning.In contrast to WordNet synset annota-tions,our annotations include role labelling.Frame seman-tics naturally provides cross-linguistic abstraction plus nor-malization of paraphrases and support for null instantiation (NI).Notice that a detour via WordNet would introduce ad-ditional noise through LU lookup(Burchardt et al.,2005). In addition,WordNet synset relations are not necessarily compatible with FrameNet relations.The bindings from FrameNet to ontologies should be de-scribed in the native language of the target ontologies,i.e., KIF(for bindings to SUMO),CycL(for bindings to Cyc), or OWL(for bindings to OWL ontologies).This allows the use of standard tools like reasoners directly,without any intermediate steps.Also,arbitrary class expressions can be used and ad-hoc classes can be defined if no exact corre-sponding class could be found in the target ontology.We expect this to be very likely because FrameNet is a lexico-graphic project as opposed to ontologies,which are usually driven by a knowledge-based approach.Finally,the bind-ing should be as specific as possible for the application at hand.For example,in a military context we would like to bind FEs to classes in an ontology about WMD or terror-ism instead of using a binding to SUMO itself,which only provides upper level classes.2The vital precondition for any such bindings is,however, to have FrameNet available in an appropriate ontology language(e.g.,KIF,CycL,or OWL).A representation of FrameNet in an ontology language bears the additional ad-vantages of formalizing certain properties of frames and FEs,and enabling us to use standard tools to view,query, and reason about FrameNet data.For querying,one could, e.g.,use the ontology query language SPARQL.Next,we describe a formalization of a portion of FrameNet in OWL DL,which easily generalizes to more expressive ontology languages like KIF or CycL.4.Formalizing FrameNet in OWL DL Our major design decisions for representing FrameNet as an ontology represent frames,FEs,and STs formally as classes, model relations between frames and FEs via exis-tential property restrictions on these classes, represent frame and FE realizations in FrameNet-annotated texts as instances of the appropriate frame and FE classes,respectively.Building on(Narayanan et al.,2003),we have chosen OWL DL as representation language mainly because better tools are available for it(particularly for reasoning)than for OWL Full or other similarly expressive languages.Our representation differs from many WordNet OWL represen-tations,which represent synsets as instances and hence can-not use class expressions for ontology bindings.3Instead, WordNet bindings to SUMO employ a proprietary mecha-nism,4which cannot be used“out of the box”by ontology tools like reasoners.In order to keep the size of our ontology manageable, we have chosen to split it into the FrameNet Ontology and Annotation Ontologies.The FrameNet Ontology in-cludes FrameNet data like frames,FEs,and relations be-tween them.Annotation Ontologies represent FrameNet-annotated sentences and include parts of the FrameNet On-tology that are necessary.4.1.The FrameNet OntologyFig.2shows a simplified excerpt of the FrameNet On-tology.The subclasses of the Syntax class are used for annotations and are connected to frames and FEs via the evokes andfillerOf relations,respectively.Frames and FEs are connected via binary relations,e.g.,the usesF prop-erty or the hasFE property,which connects a frame to its FEs.Consider our example frame Attack,which inher-its from the frame Intentionallyencounter.We model frame and FE inheritance via subclassing and other frame and FE relations via existen-tial property restrictions(owl:someValuesFrom).Thus,the class Attack is a subclass of Intentionallyencounter connected via the usesF property.The FEs of Attack are connected via an ex-istential restriction on the hasFE property.FE relations are modeled similarly to frame relations.Recall that class restrictions are inherited.Therefore,the class Attack inherits the restrictions hasFE Patient and hasFE Agent from the class Intentionallyaffect has exactly one instance of type Patient con-nected via the hasFE property:Intentionallyaffect hasFE or Intentionally5see /2001/sw/BestPractices/OEP/QCR/6Even now,the FrameNet Ontology reaches a critical size of 100,000triples.class Sentient.We intend to use this mechanism for link-ing FrameNet to other ontologies also.So we can use ar-bitrary OWL DL class expressions for our bindings and at the same time achieve a homogeneous formal representa-tion that OWL tools can make use of.One could use the FrameNet Ontology for querying and reasoning over FrameNet itself.For reasoning over natu-ral language text,however,we mustfind a way to incorpo-rate this text into the FrameNet Ontology.We do this by means of Annotation Ontologies,which we generate from FrameNet-annotated text.4.2.Annotation OntologiesFrameNet-annotated text provides textual realizations of frames and FEs,i.e.,the frames and FEs cover the se-mantics of the annotated sentences.In ontological terms, FrameNet-annotated text constitutes instances of the appro-priate frame and FE classes,respectively.From an anno-tated sentence we generate an Annotation Ontology,which includes parts of the FrameNet Ontology and fulfills all its class restrictions.In other words,the FrameNet Ontology provides a formal specification for Annotation Ontologies. Consider an example sentence,which we derived from an evaluation exercise within the AQUINAS project called “KB Eval;”where sentences for analysis were contributed by various members of the consortium.S48Kuwaiti jetfighters managed to escape the Iraqi invasion.7This sentence has three annotation sets:1.The target word invasion evokes the Attack frame,where Iraqifills the Assailant FE.The Victim FE has nofiller,i.e.,it is null instantiated(NI).2.The target word escape evokes the Avoiding frame,with FEfillers48Kuwaiti jetfighters Agent,the Iraqi invasion Undesirableaction frame,with FEfillers48Kuwaiti jetfightersProtagonist,to escape the Iraqi invasion Goal. From this annotated sentence wefirst create a syntactic de-pendency graph and generate the appropriate frame and FE instances as shown in Fig.3A Span represents a chunk of text that can evoke a frame or provide afiller for an FE. We derive Spans,syntactic subsumption,and the relations to frames and FEs based on the annotations.For example, invasion evokes the Attack frame.Thus we(1)generate a Span that represents the text invasion and place it properly into the Span dependency graph,(2)generate the frame in-stance Attack S(with type Attack),and(3)connect the Span to Attack S via the evokes property.We proceed similarly with the FEfiller Iraqi Agent.Here we generate the FE instance Agent S,connect it to its frame instance Attack S via the hasFE property,and connect the Span representing Iraqi to Agent S via thefillerOf property.Finally,we iden-tify FEs that are evoked by the same Span via owl:sameAs.Figure2:Part of the FrameNet Ontology for the Attack frame and some connected frames.Figure3:Annotation Ontology for:48Kuwaiti jetfighters managed to escape the Iraqi invasion.(Step1)We can do this purely based on syntactic evidence.For ex-ample,the FE instances Protagonist S and Agent S are iden-tified because the are bothfilled by the Span representing the text48Kuwaiti jetfighters.This significantly aids rea-soning about FrameNet-annotated text.8The second step in generating an Annotation Ontology is to satisfy the class restrictions of the FrameNet ontology, i.e.,to generate appropriate instances and to connect them properly.Thus,for a frame instance of type along each existential class restriction on a prop-erty to a class(),2.generate an instance of type,3.connect the instances and via the property,and4.proceed with instance.Fig.4illustrates this algorithm for our example frame instance Attack.We generate the frame instance Hos-tile1S and Sideencounter S via usesF.Sim-ilarly,we connect Assailant S to Side2S via usesFE.In addition,we identify the connected FE instances via owl:sameAs,which expresses the seman-tics of FE mappings:The Victim in an Attack is the Side encounter,i.e.,theirfillers are the same.In addition to the class restrictions,we also travel along the inheritance hierarchy,which could be useful,e.g.,for paraphrasing.Therefore,we generate the instance Inten-tionally8Alternatively,we could formalize a SWRL rule fillerOffillerOf owl:sameAs.We do not do so because not all reasoners provide a SWRL implementa-tion.9see succeeds,then the Spans bound to these FEs contain the an-swer,otherwise the question cannot be answered from the text.Consider three example questions.Q1How many Kuwaiti jetfighters escaped the Iraqi inva-sion?Q2How many Kuwaiti jetfighters escaped?Q3Did Iraq clash with Kuwait?Q4Was there a conflict between Iraq and Kuwait? Partial Annotation Ontologies for these questions are illus-trated in Fig.5.Given the Annotation Ontology of the question,we let Rac-erPro perform the following queries,which can be formal-ized in nRQL.10In the following we will use question Q1 as an example of how the algorithm works.1.For the question get the evoked frames instances,theirFEs,and Spans.Avoiding Q1Undesirables.Q1Undesirables.Undesirables.S the Iraqi invasionAgent S48Kuwaiti jetfightersAssailant S IraqiVictim S NIFigure4:Connecting the Attack instance(Step2of Annotation Ontologygeneration) Figure5:Abridged Annotation Ontologies for example questionsSince RacerPro is a reasoner(and no NLP tool), checking the compatibility of Spans is limited to checking syntactic equality.Therefore,the Span48 Kuwaiti jetfighters does not match the Span How many Kuwaiti jetfighters.We can,however,easily de-termine the Spans that are supposed to be compatible in order to yield an answer.Then Span compatibility can be determined by other NLP tools such as question type recognizers.Question Q2is simpler than Q1because we are asking for only one frame in which one FE is null instantiated.In this case our approach only using a reasoning engine yields the final answer:Undesirableencounter.Our ap-proach proceeds as follows:1.Get evoked frames instances,FEs,and Spans:Hostile1Q3IraqSideencounter Q3Hostile1Q3Side2Q3Sideencounter Hostile1Side2Side1S IraqiSide1S isthe same as Assailant S and Side1and Side1and Side1and Side11see /services/named entity recognizers.Also,we plan to evaluate the utility of DL reasoners in a fullyfledged question answer-ing system.Finally,we will translate FrameNet to other ontology languages such as KIF or CycL,in order to link FrameNet to SUMO or Cyc ontologies.AcknowledgementsThefirst author enjoys funding from the German Aca-demic Exchange Service(DAAD).The FrameNet project is funded by the AQUINAS project of the AQUAINT pro-gram.8.ReferencesA.Burchardt,K.Erk,and A.Frank.2005.A WordNet detour to FrameNet.In Proceedings of the GLDV2005 Workshop GermaNet II,Bonn.K.J.Burns and A.R.Davis.1999.Building and maintain-ing a semantically adequate lexicon using cyc.In Eve-lyne Viegas,editor,Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lex-icons.Kluwer.K.Erk and S.Pad´o.2005.Analysing models for semantic role assignment using confusability.In Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP-05,Vancouver,Canada.K.Erk and S.Pad´o.2006.Shalmaneser–a toolchain for shallow semantic parsing.In Proceedings of LREC-06, Genova, appear.C.J.Fillmore,C.R.Johnson,and M.R.L.Petruck.2003. 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) , 一。 。 +6 一 +
2 三个链式耦合混沌神经元 同步在恰 当时
{ 【 = c 一 一 y
: 一
; 一 ]
( 1 )
滞 作 用 下 的增 强
膜 电位 的平 均 同步 差 l 1 e I 1 可 以用 来 验 证 同 步状 态 的稳定 性 。平均 同步差 的定 义如 下 :
1 对 链 式 耦 合 混 沌 HR 神 经 元 模 型 加 入 时 滞
H i n d m a r s h a和 R o s e在 对 蜗 牛 的 神 经 细 胞 做
其中: g ≥0表示 耦合 强 度 , 下 标 表示 第 i 个 神 经 元 。系统 的参 数 取值 与 系统 ( 1 ) 的参 数 取值 是 完 全相 同的 , 也 就 是 说 这 些 神 经 元 全 部 相 同。下 面 研究 当 =3时 , 3个 链 式耦 合 的混沌 神 经 元 同步 受 时滞 的影 响。
为, 本文 取 l e x = 3 . 1 , 说 明神经 元处 于混 沌状 态 。
n= =Y n Y 一a — a x : n +6 +D n 一z —Z +1 n + 耐+ +
g ( 一 1 ( t一7 - )一 )
Y 。 = c— d x 一 Y
模拟过程中发现时滞可 以增强链式耦合混沌神经
元 间 的 同步 。
z =Y [ s ( x 一 )一Z ] , 2≤ i ≤ n 一1
g ( 2 ( t—r )一 1 )
7 2
C一 口 1一 Y I
1= Y 1 [ s ( x 1 ~ )一Z 1 ]
合成生物学的研究依据自组织系统结构理论 -泛进化论(structurity, structure theory, panevolution theory),从实证到综合(synthetic )探讨天然与人工进化的生物系统理论,阐述了结构整合 (integrative)、调适稳态与建构(constructive)层级等规律;因此,系统(systems)生物学也称为“整 合(integrative biology)生物学”,合成(synthetic)生物学又叫“建构生物学(constructive biology)”(Zeng BJ.中译)。系统与合成生物学的系统结构、发生动力与砖块建构、工程设计等基于结构理 论原理,从电脑技术的系统科学理论到遗传工程的系统科学方法,是将物理科学、工程技术原理与方法贯彻到细 胞、遗传机器与细胞通讯技术等纳米层次的生物分子系统分析与设计。
自2000年《自然》(Nature)杂志报道了人工合成基因线路研究成果以来,合成生物学研究在全世界范围 引起了广泛的**与重视,被公认为在医学、制药、化工、能源、材料、农业等领域都有广阔的应用前景。国际上 的合成生物学研究发展飞速,在短短几年内就已经设计了多种基因控制模块,包括开关、脉冲发生器、振荡器等, 可以有效调节基因表达、蛋白质功能、细胞代谢或细胞间相互作用。
合成生物学(synthetic biology),也可翻译成综合生物学,即综合集成,“synthetic”在不同地方翻 译成不同中文,比如综合哲学(synthetic philosophy)、“社会-心理-生物医学模式”的综合(synthetic) 医学(genbrain biosystem network -中科院曾邦哲1999年建于德国,探讨生物系统分析学“biosystem analysis”与人工生物系统“artificial biosystem”,包括实验、计算、系统、工程研究与应用),同时也 被归属为人工生物系统研究的系统生物工程技术范畴,包括生物反应器与生物计算机开发。
Lexical categories 词汇范畴
The name given to classes into which lexical items are grouped. --There are traditionally 8 classes: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective , adverb,preposition,conjunction --Modern linguistic theories have more, -- They are also known as parts of speech and word classes
• (1)Structural analysis-study the distribution of linguistic forms in a language . • Syntagmatic relation:is a relation between one item and others in a sequence , or between the elements which are all present (horizonal relation). • Paradigmatic relation:is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a atructure or between one element present and the others absent (verdical relation ,substitution relation)
The son of Pharaoh’s daughter is the daughter of Pharaoh’s son
(extended abstract)
Toward Automated Provability-Based Semantic Interoperability Between Ontologies for the Intelligence Community(extended abstract)Andrew Shilliday,Joshua Taylor,Selmer Bringsjord,Konstantine Arkoudas {shilla,tayloj,selmer}@,konstantine@Department of Cognitive ScienceDepartment of Computer ScienceRensselaer AI&Reasoning(RAIR)Lab:/research/rair/Troy NY12180USAJuly15,20071IntroductionThe need for interoperability is dire:Knowledge repre-sentation systems employ ontologies that use disparate formalisms to describe related domains;to be truly use-ful to the intelligence community,they must meaningfully share information.Ongoing research[3,4,7,15]strives toward the holy grail of complete interoperability,but has been hindered by techniques that are specialized for par-ticular ontologies,and that lack the expressivity needed to describe complex ontological relationships.In the sequel, we describe provability-based semantic interoperability (PBSI)[16],a means to surmount these hindrances;trans-lation graphs,one of our key formalism for describing the complex relationships among arbitrary ontologies;and ways in which these techniques might be automated.2PBSI and PBSI+We clarify our uses of syntactic and semantic.The syntax of a knowledgebase regiments the structure of expressions in it(e.g.,that(mother-of Amy)is a well-formed KIF term owes to KIF’s syntax);semantics attribute meaning to otherwise abstract constructs((mother-of Amy)des-ignates Amy’s mother according to the semantics of an ontology).A syntactic translation occurs when knowl-edge from one ontology is moved into another using the same semantics.In other words,when ontologies de-scribe the same kind of things,and differ only in the way object-level information is structured,interoperabil-ity is achieved by mere syntactic translation.When on-tologies differ not only in syntax,but also in semantics (yet relate meaningfully),a stronger form of translation is needed:semantic translation enables the transfer of in-formation across such ontologies.Systems capable of se-mantic translation(e.g.,[4,6])provide some language in which to formalize the semantic connections between on-tologies.Unfortunately,the relationships associating on-tologies may be so complex that translation of knowledge from one ontology into another is not feasible.Moreover, when interoperability is achieved between complex on-tologies,justification is needed to support trust that the meaning of the data has been preserved.PBSI provides a language for formalizing the rela-tionships between ontologies via bridging axioms,and our extension,PBSI+,associates each information ex-change with a proof certifying the conservation of seman-tic meaning.The basic construct of PBSI+is the signa-ture,a collection of statements in the meta-theory which, coupled with a set of axioms,captures a given ontology.A signatureΣconsists of a setσof sorts,and a setφof functors.A sort s∈σis a domain—a collection whose elements are considered the same kind of thing,1(e.g.,the months in the year,boolean values,natural numbers,US citizens).A functor f∈φmaps between objects of the sorts inσ.In the case that f maps onto the boolean val-1Our current formalization draws on many-sorted logic,and so do-mains are disjoint.While this is a limitation on the expressitivity of the language(many ontologies require a subsort hierarchy),it is not a technical restriction.Specifically,we are investigating the use of other ontology representation languages[11,8].1Figure1:A sample translation graph enabling interoper-ability between four related ontologies.ues,f is a relation;if it also takes no arguments,it is a proposition.Having defined signatures,the specifications of ontologies,we present translation graphs,a framework for bridging signatures(and so,ontologies)while preserv-ing semantics.3Translation GraphsA translation graph,like the one infigure1,is a directed graph G=(V,E)where the vertices v∈V are each unique signatures,and each edge e=(u,v)∈E describes the ap-plication of a primitive operation to u yielding v,viz., adding or removing either a sort or functor.The addition of a new functor also has associated information poten-tially relating the new functor to existing functors of the modified signature.As a toy example,let signatureΣ1consist of the do-mainsσ1={People,Firearms}and just one functorφ1= {OwnerOf:Firearms→People},which is understood to map afirearm to its owner.Furthermore,signature Σ2consists of the domainσ2={People}and the func-torφ2={IsArmed:People→Boolean}so that IsArmed holds for those people who own guns(in this example, all signatures implicitly have the boolean domain).A translation graph enabling interoperability between these signatures might apply the following primitive operations bridgingΣ1toΣ2:1.AddFunctor(IsArmed)with the bridging axiom∀p[∃g OwnerOf(g)=p]→IsArmed(p) so that the the relation IsArmed holds for any person, p where there is afirearm that p owns.2.RemoveFunctor(OwnerOf)3.RemoveSort(Firearms)PBSI between the two described ontologies is made possible:Suppose that thefirst ontology has among the declarative information in its knowledgebase that Mo-hammed Al Harbi is the owner of an AKS-74U assault riffle,and that the knowledgebase of the second ontol-ogy contains no information about Mohammed Al Harbi except that he is a person.A query of whether or not Mohammed is armed,issued in the second ontology and making use ofσ1’s knowledgebase along with bridging axioms generated by traversing the path fromσ1toσ2, would yield the correct answer and the associated,certi-fying proof.4AutomationIn this section,we discuss ways to automate the process of creating and applying translations graphs.The proce-dure to extract appropriate bridging axioms from a trans-lation graph has been accomplished,and systems whose ontologies are present as nodes in a translation graph can interoperate with other nodes in the graph.PBSI does not always yield translation;in some cases,bridging axioms can be converted to techniques for syntactic translation, but typically interoperability is achieved by a system is-suing a query expressed in its own syntax and semantics and the search for an answer incorporates knowledge from related ontologies.A detailed example of the above is presented in the in-teroperability experiment[2]between our own advanced reasoning system,Slate,and Oculus’geospatial and tem-poral visualization system,GeoTime.In the experiment, Slate and GeoTime collaborate to solve a portion of a case study used at the Joint Military Intelligence College. Additionally,the IKRIS Workshop[12]culminated in a demonstration of interoperability between three systems, Slate[1],Cycorp’s N¨o scape[14],and IBM and Stanford’s KANI[5].2This automation gets us half way there,but the holy grail of PBSI is to automate not only the intoperation be-tween systems,but the generation of translation graphs as well.Translation graphs are of course implemented in code,so the challenge of fully automating PBSI+be-comes the challenge of so-called automatic programming [13].Because of the capability of the system we have de-signed for intelligence analysts(Slate),we are optimistic 2Demonstrations of these experiments and other Slate-related content is made available online at /slate/Demos/2about being able to devise programs that generate the pro-grams that implement translation graphs.Slate integrates deductive,inductive,and abductive reasoning.To the best of our knowledge,there has not been a single effort in automatic programming that synthesizes these three el-ements.The tradition of deductive program automation [10]is based exclusively on deduction;the tradition of machine learning(e.g.,genetic programming[9])is based exclusively on induction;while abduction has not even been explored in thisfield.And yet,typically,when hu-mans approach a programming problem they employ all three of these.They use induction(in tandem with testing and checking)to formulate conjectures about the problem and their tentative solutions;they use deduction in order to reason about the consequences of their design decisions and about the correctness of their solutions;and they use abduction to explain the behavior of their algorithms.We look forward to reporting on our progress toward full au-tomaticity at OIC2007.5A Robust ExampleIn the presentation corresponding to this extended ab-stract at OIC2007itself,we will also describe a PBSI+-enabled interoperabilty example too robust to present within present space constraints.The example will be based on ongoing DTO-sponsored R&D,in which the aforementioned Oculus and Slate systems interoperate to enable analysts,working on a challenging case study,to issue hypotheses and recommendations that would not otherwise be attainable.References[1]B RINGSJORD,S.,S HILLIDAY,A.,AND T AYLOR,J.Slate,/slate/,2007.[2]C HAPPELL, A.,B RINGSJORD,S.,S HILLIDAY,A.,T AYLOR,J.,AND W RIGHT,W.Integra-tion Experiment with GeoTime,Slate,and VIKRS.ARIV A Principal Investigator Meeting Handout, March2007.[3]C HOI,N.,S ONG,I.-Y.,AND H AN,H.A surveyon ontology mapping.SIGMOD Rec.35,3(2006), 34–41.[4]D OU, D.,M C D ERMOTT, D.,AND Q I,P.On-tology Translation by Ontology Merging and Au-tomated Reasoning.Whitestein Series in Soft-ware Agent Technologies and Autonomic Comput-ing.Birkh¨a user Basel,2005,pp.73–94.[5]F IKES,R.E.,F ERRUCCI, D.,AND T HURMAN,D.A.Knowledge Associates for Novel Intelligence.In Proceedings of the2005International Conferenceon Intelligence Analysis(IA2005)(McLean,V A,USA,May2005).[6]G OGUEN,J.A.Data,Schema,Ontology and LogicIntegration.Logic Journal IGPL13,6(2005),685–715.[7]H ENDLER,J.Agents and the Semantic Web.IEEEIntelligent Systems(March/April2001),30–37.[8]K LYNE,G.,AND C ARROLL,J.J.Resourcedescription framework(rdf):Concepts and ab-stract syntax,available at /tr/rdf-concepts/.Tech.rep.,W3C,February2004.[9]K OZA,J.Genetic Programming:On the Program-ming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection.MIT Press,Cambridge,MA,1992.[10]M ANNA,Z.,AND W ALDINGER,R.Fundamentalsof deductive program synthesis.In Logic,Algebra,and Computation,F.L.Bauer,Ed.Springer,Berlin,Heidelberg,1991,pp.41–107.[11]M C G UINNESS,D.L.,AND VAN H ARMELEN,F.OWL Web Ontology Language overview.Tech.rep.,W3C,Available at /TR/owl-features/,2004.[12]MITRE.IKRIS,workshop site:/NRRC/ikris.htm,2007. [13]R ICH,C.,AND W ATERS,R.C.Automatic pro-gramming:Myths and puter21,8(Aug.1988),40–51.[14]S IEGEL,N.,S HEPARD, B.,C ABRAL,J.,ANDW ITBROCK,M.Hypothesis Generation and Evi-dence Assembly for Intelligence Analysis:Cycorp’sNo¨o scape Application.In Proceedings of the2005International Conference on Intelligence Analysis(IA2005)(McLean,V A,USA,May2005). [15]S MITH, B.The basic tools of formal ontology.In Formal Ontology in Information Systems(1998),N.Guarino,Ed.,IOS Press,pp.19–28.[16]T AYLOR,J.,S HILLIDAY,A.,AND B RINGSJORD,S.Provability-based semantic interoperability viatranslation graphs.In International Workshop onOntologies and Information Systems for the Seman-tic Web(ONISW2007)(2007).3。
机电一体化技术英语Introduction:Mechatronics, the integration of mechanical andelectrical engineering, has become a prominent field in the modern era. This interdisciplinary approach combinesexpertise from various domains to design and developintelligent systems. In this document, we will explore thekey concepts and terminology related to mechatronics in English.1. Definition of Mechatronics:Mechatronics refers to the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering, electronics, control engineering, and computer science. It aims to create intelligent systems and products that leverage the capabilities of each discipline.2. Core Components:2.1 Mechanical Engineering:Mechanical engineering involves the design, analysis, and manufacturing of mechanical systems. It encompasses areassuch as structure, materials, thermodynamics, and kinematics. In mechatronics, mechanical engineering provides thefoundation for the physical components and mechanisms.2.2 Electronics:Electronics refers to the study and application of electronic devices, circuits, and systems. It includes topics such as digital and analog electronics, semiconductor devices, and signal processing. Electronics plays a vital role in mechatronics by enabling control and communication within the system.2.3 Control Engineering:Control engineering deals with the analysis and design of systems that regulate the behavior of dynamic systems. It involves the application of feedback control techniques to achieve desired system performance. Control engineering is crucial in mechatronics for maintaining stability and ensuring proper functioning of the integrated components.2.4 Computer Science:Computer science focuses on the study of algorithms, programming languages, and information systems. In mechatronics, computer science is utilized for data processing, decision-making, and system integration. It enables the intelligent behavior and advanced functionalities of mechatronic systems.3. Applications of Mechatronics:3.1 Industrial Automation:Mechatronics finds wide application in industrial automation, where intelligent systems are employed for process control, robotics, and machine vision. It enhances productivity, quality, and reliability in manufacturing processes.3.2 Automotive Systems:The automotive industry extensively utilizes mechatronics in areas such as engine management systems, anti-lock braking systems, and vehicle stability control. Mechatronic systemsin automobiles ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and safety.3.3 Robotics:Robotics combines mechanics, electronics, and computer science to create robots capable of performing various tasks. Mechatronics provides the foundation for robot control,sensing, and actuation, enabling robots to interact intelligently with their environment.Conclusion:In conclusion, mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field that integrates mechanical, electrical, control, and computer engineering. It encompasses various core components and finds applications in industrial automation, automotive systems, and robotics. Understanding the terminology and concepts related to mechatronics in English is essential for effective communication and collaboration in this field.。
Co sr c i n f e k r o c r c mb n n TRAI e p e so e t r a d su y o t n —C6— l m a n t u t o u a y t e o i a t s o i L x r s in v c o n t d n i a t - s i -i g o
a a n tC l ma c l l e M e h d Af rc n t cin o u a y t e o i a t T g i s 6 g i e 1 i . o n to s t o s t f k r oi r c mb n n RAI x r s in v c o 一 e u r o e c s L e p e so e t r 一 c P DNA— TRA L b a s o CR a d d r ce ln n .t e C l ma c l 1 e wa r n f ce y c t n c s I y me n fP n i td co i g h 6 gi e o e1 i s ta se td b a i i n o l o o a d h p o i r t n n a o tss f c l w s e e t d y C i s me n te r l e a i a d p p o i o e l a d t ce b F M.Re u t Th c n t ci n o p f o s sl s e os u r t f o e k r o i rc mb n n T u ay t e o i a ts RAI x r si n v co - —P D c L e p e so e tr — c NA— T — RAI o f me u c s y g n e u n ig a d s L c n r d a S c e sb e e s q e c n n i
如何测试Rasa NLU模型?NLU(自然语言理解)是聊天机器人的核心功能之一。
在Rasa中,我们可以通过rasa test nlu命令来测试NLU模型。
这个命令主要完成以下几个任务:1. 意图识别测试:评估模型在识别用户意图方面的准确率、召回率和F1值。
2. 实体提取测试:评估模型在识别和提取预定义实体方面的性能指标。
3. 交叉验证测试:如果没有提供单独的测试集,命令会自动执行交叉验证,即将数据集分成多个训练/测试组合,评估模型的泛化能力。
4. 生成测试报告:测试完成后,你会在results目录下看到详细的测试报告,包括意图/实体的混淆矩阵、分类报告以及错误预测的样本等。
5. 模型性能对比:如果你训练了多个版本的模型,可以通过该命令在统一的测试集上对比它们的性能差异,从而选出最优的模型。
以下是在Rasa中使用spaCy的基本步骤: 1. 安装spaCy及相应的语言模型,如英文的en_core_web_md:pip install spacypython -m spacy download en_core_web_md2. 在Rasa的配置文件(config.yml)中添加spaCy相关的组件:pipeline:- name: SpacyNLPmodel:"en_core_web_md"- name: SpacyTokenizer- name: SpacyFeaturizer- name: SpacyEntityExtractor- name: EntitySynonymMapper- name: SklearnIntentClassifier3. 像往常一样使用rasa train命令训练模型。
基线期镜像体素同伦连接特征对SSRI 类抗抑郁剂疗效预测作用的研究共3篇基线期镜像体素同伦连接特征对SSRI类抗抑郁剂疗效预测作用的研究1基线期镜像体素同伦连接特征对SSRI类抗抑郁剂疗效预测作用的研究摘要:抑郁症是一种常见的精神疾病,SSRI类抗抑郁药是治疗抑郁症的常用药物。
同时,所有患者均接受SSRI 类抗抑郁剂治疗。
本科毕业论文论文题目:基于知识图谱的关系概念化院系:软件学院专业:软件工程姓名:范思奇学号:11302010045 指导教师:肖仰华职称:副教授单位:复旦大学日期:2015 年 06 月 11 日目录摘要 (1)ABSTRACT (2)1.引言 (3)1.1.背景 (3)1.1.1.知识图谱 (3)1.1.2.实体关系 (4)1.1.3.实体关系抽取 (5)1.2.研究内容与主要贡献 (6)2.相关工作 (8)2.1.早期关系抽取中的关系分类体系 (8)2.1.1.早期关系分类方法与封闭领域关系抽取 (8)2.1.2.早期关系分类与抽取的局限性 (8)2.2.基于知识库的关系抽取中的关系分类体系 (8)2.2.1.基于知识库的关系分类和关系抽取系统 (8)2.2.2.现有实体关系分类体系的局限性 (11)3.研究内容 (12)3.1.定义 (12)3.1.1.概念分类体系 (12)3.1.2.实体关系 (12)3.1.3.常用符号表 (13)3.2.问题描述 (13)3.2.1.研究目标 (13)3.2.2.问题的难点 (15)3.3.算法设计 (16)3.3.1.概念对生成 (17)3.3.2.聚类压缩 (21)4.实验 (26)4.1.数据处理 (26)4.2.准确率 (26)4.3.聚类效果 (28)4.4.质量评估 (31)5.结论 (33)5.1.研究结论 (33)5.2.应用 (33)5.2.1.基于语义的关系分类体系 (33)5.2.2.基于语义关系的模板匹配 (34)5.3.改进方向 (34)5.3.1.概率方法 (34)5.3.2.多元关系 (35)5.3.3.偏移问题 (35)6.参考文献 (36)7.致谢 (38)摘要随着一些质量高、体积大的知识图谱的出现,信息抽取工作获得了更多的语义知识。
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基于短语结构和词语词性相结合的情感分类方法郑亚平;施佺【摘要】针对传统文本分类方法忽略词语间的语义特征的问题,并为了改善输入文本的表示质量,提出一种基于短语结构和词语词性相结合的情感分类方法.该方法首先通过短语结构优化分词,可以更好地提取文本特征;其次利用Word2vec工具训练词语和词性相结合的文本语料库得到词向量模型,解决了Word2vec无法识别一词多义的问题;最后通过SVM算法对文本进行情感分类.实验结果表明,该算法能够提高文本情感分类的正确性.该方法对舆情监控、股票市场行情预测和了解消费者对产品的偏好等具有较高的实用性.%A sentiment classification based on the combination of phrase structure and word parts of speech is proposed to improve the quality of the input text and the semantic features between words. This method firstly optimizes word segmentation through phrase structure to extract text features better, and then Word2vec is used to train the text corpus combined of words and parts of speech to obtain a word vector model to solve the problem that Word2vec cannot recognize the word polysemy. Finally, the text is subjected to emotional classification through SVM algorithm.The experimental results show that the algorithm can improve the correctness of text sentiment classification. This method has high practicability for monitoring public opinion, forecasting the stock market, and understanding consumers'' product preference.【期刊名称】《南通大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(017)003【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】短语结构;词性;情感分类;Word2vec;SVM【作者】郑亚平;施佺【作者单位】南通大学计算机科学与技术学院, 江苏南通 226019;南通大学计算机科学与技术学院, 江苏南通 226019【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391随着社交网络平台特别是微博的快速发展,大量网民能更加便捷地对社会事件发表意见和表达自己的情感,由此产生了海量的微博评论数据.通过分析这些大规模微博数据中的情绪,有助于股票预测[1-2]、推荐系统[3]以及舆情监控[4-5]等,因此针对微博文本的海量数据如何深入分析挖掘其情感倾向已经成为一个热门的研究方向[6-8].传统的文本情感分类[9-10]只关注词汇特征和句法特征,而忽略了词语间的语义特征.实际上语义特征由于蕴含着词语之间更加隐含的信息,会对情感信息的识别起到更大的作用.近年来,词向量技术发展迅速,尤其2013年谷歌推出一款基于深度学习的Word2vec[11-13]工具,它能够学习词语的分布式表示,以此来避免维数灾难以及体现词语之间的语义信息.1 研究方法Word2vec工具虽然能够解决维数灾难问题和挖掘词语间的语义信息,但也存在一些问题.一是不能直接提取更能反映文本情感倾向的短语结构.例如,“不开心”被分为“不”和“开心”,Word2vec训练时按照“不”和“开心”两个词进行上下文语义的学习,不能直接学习到“不开心”短语的矢量.二是不能区分相同词语在不同词性下的语义.例如:“小明买了一捆香用于祭祀”和“小明烧的饭可真香”.前一句中的“香”是名词,指的是祭祖或是敬神时使用的用木屑搀上香料做成的细条,没有感情色彩,是中性词;后一句中的“香”是形容词,形容气味好闻,是褒义词.由此看出,同一个词在不同语境下会有不同的含义,更带有不同的感情色彩.如果直接将词不带区分地训练,这样训练出来的模型会产生语义上的歧义,从而给分类模型训练带来噪声干扰,因此本文提出基于短语结构和词语词性相结合的方法来解决上述问题.利用Word2vec和SVM进行情感的正负面二元分类,即将情感分为积极和消极两大类.本文情感分类方法由两部分组成:一是先使用Word2vec工具训练分词数据,生成每个单词的词向量,再通过每条评论文本中所有词语的每一维矢量相加取平均值,从而得到数据集的特征向量;二是分析文本数据短语结构来优化分词,并把词语和词性相结合构成“词语-词性对”序列文本,其次利用Word2vec工具得到词语-词性Word2vec模型,然后通过词语-词性Word2vec模型对每条评论的所有词语或者短语的每一维矢量相加后取平均值来表示文本,从而得到数据集的特征向量.将得到的两个特征向量分别结合SVM分类器对文本特征向量进行训练得到情感分类模型,总体框架图如图1所示.1.1 基于短语结构优化分词本文使用Python Jieba分词工具对文本进行分词操作,删除无意义词语和标点符号,发现一些词语能够直接表达作者感受,例如“有用”、“不好”.但是,一些短语被分成几个词语,会出现以下情况.一是原始词语情感极性会增强或是减弱.例如“超级好”、“特别差”,其中“超级好”会被分为“超级”和“好”,“好”没有比“超级好”更能表达用户强烈的感受,只用“好”降低了用户对某事物的喜好程度;“特别差”被分为“特别”和“差”,“特别差”比“差”表达对某事物的厌恶程度更深.二是原始词语情感极性将会改变.例如“不麻烦”、“不实惠”,其中“不麻烦”被分为“不”和“麻烦”,“麻烦”是个贬义词,但在前面加了个否定词“不”,就改变了原来的情感极性;“不实惠”被分为“不”和“实惠”,“实惠”是个褒义词,前面加了个“不”,情感倾向就为负面情绪了.被分开的这些短语实则是不同的短语结构,而Word2vec不能识别短语结构,因此,需要设置一些规则来优化分词.本文将为各种词语的词性设置标签,定义如表1所示.图1 总体框架示意图表1 词语标签设置规则标签含义D 代表一个单独的程度副词N代表一个否定词W 代表一个程度副词或否定词修饰的词(主要包括名词、形容词和动词)如上面所述,一些短语可以更精准地反映文本的情感,但是经过中文分词之后,这些短语将会被分开,词语的情感可能会被加强或是减弱,甚至可能会被翻转,因此需要优化分词操作.本文将通过一些规则组合使得被分开的词组成一个新的短语,而这些新的短语将可以正确表达作者的感受,这些规则如表2所示.表2 词语组合规则词语组合例子D+W 非常喜欢N+W 不喜欢N+D+W 不那么喜欢D+N+W 尤其不喜欢D+W表示程度副词修饰情感特征词,使得特征词的情感强度加强或减弱,情感极性不变;N+W则表示否定词修饰特征词,使得特征词的情感强度不变,情感极性发生转变;N+D+W指否定词加程度副词修饰特征词,使得特征词的情感强度加强或减弱,且情感极性发生改变;D+N+W指程度副词加否定词修饰特征词,使得特征词的情感强度加强或减弱,且情感极性发生改变.要想实现优化分词的操作,首先利用Jieba分词工具对数据集进行分词,然后根据表2的规则,将被分开的词重新组成一个新的短语,最后计算其极性.极性计算使用PMI方法,若该短语属于贬义词或是褒义词,则加入“多元搭配情感词典”中.1.2 训练词向量模型1.2.1 Word2vec模型利用Word2vec工具训练分词后的文本生成Word2vec模型.1.2.2 词语-词性Word2vec模型首先利用上文得到的多元搭配情感词典进行优化分词操作,其次把词语和词性相结合,表示方式为(词语,词性),获得“单词-词性对”序列文本,最后利用Word2vec工具训练得到词语-词性Word2vec模型.训练词语-词性Word2vec模型流程如图2所示.图2 训练词语-词性Word2vec模型示意图1.3 分类模型训练利用上文得到的词向量模型来表示文本,形成特征向量,输入到SVM分类器,分类器根据训练集的正负标签和相应的特征值,生成分类模型.2 实验验证2.1 实验数据本文采用NLPCC2014[14]提供的微博数据集,其中积极和消极的微博数据各5 000条,共10 000条数据.通过观察发现,NLPCC2014提供的数据集含有少量的脏数据,这些数据对情感分类结果会造成影响.本文对数据集进行删选并重新标注情感标签,最终保留了8 000条数据,其中包含4 000条积极数据和4 000条消极数据.将正负4 000条数据按9∶1的比例,分为训练集和测试集.2.2 实验评价标准本文主要采用正确率、准确率、召回率和F1值作为评价标准.正确率是从全局层面衡量分类模型的性能,准确率、召回率和F1值是从正面和负面两个角度衡量分类模型的性能.2.3 实验结果与分析实验设置Word2vec参数神经网络隐藏层的单元数size为100,SVM参数惩罚因子C为1,实验结果如表3所示.实验数据表明,无论是正负类准确率、召回率、F1值,还是从全局正确率这些指标上来看,基于短语结构和词语词性相结合的情感分类方法都优于原始方法,优化方法的正确率达到了78.50%,比原始方法提高近5.70%.优化方法的正类F1值达到了80.94%,比原始方法提高了5.70%.优化方法的负类 F1值达到了 75.33%,比原始方法提高了5.40%.表3 两种方法实验结果对比原始Word2vec 词语-词性Word2vec正类负类正类负类准确率/% 73.91 71.47 77.45 80.00召回率/% 76.61 68.42 84.76 71.18 F1 值/% 75.24 69.91 80.94 75.33正确率/% 72.83 78.50评价指标为了研究训练Word2vec模型时设置不同的参数size值对分类结果的影响,设置参数size的取值范围是100~400,实验结果如图3所示.实验数据表明,当选择300维时,分类效果达到最佳.此时正确率达到了81.39%,正类F1值达到了83.55%,负类F1值达到了78.56%.这表明将文本中的每个词映射到300维的向量空间中,词语和词语之间的语义相似度最高.为了研究SVM算法惩罚因子C对实验结果的影响,本文从正类F1值、负类F1值和正确率3个维度研究惩罚因子C对分类结果的影响,实验结果如图4所示.从图中可以看出,参数C=1时分类效果最好,正确率达到了81.39%,正类F1值达到了83.55%,负类F1值达到了78.56%,且随着惩罚因子C值的增大,分类模型的正确率、正负类的F1值都明显下降.图3 参数size对实验结果的影响曲线图图4 参数C对实验结果的影响曲线图3 结论采用本文提出的文本情感分类方法基于Word2vec工具和SVM分类器进行情感的正负面二元分类.利用Word2vec工具既可以深度学习文本词语间的语义关系,又可以避免维数灾难.为了提高分类器的性能并得到更好的分类模型,基于短语结构优化分词,以此更好地提取文本特征词;通过词语和词性相结合的方式,解决了Word2vec无法捕捉一词多义的问题.实验结果表明了本文方法的有效性.参考文献:【相关文献】[1]周胜臣,施询之,瞿文婷,等.基于微博搜索和SVM的股市时间序列预测研究[J].计算机与现代化,2013(4):22-26.[2]CHEN W H,CAI Y,LAI K,et al.A topic-based sentiment analysis model to predict stock market price movement using Weibo mood[J].Web Intelligence,2016,14(4):287-300.[3]YANG D Q,ZHANG D Q,YU Z Y,et al.A sentiment-enhanced personalized location recommendation system[C]//Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media,May 1-3,2013,Pairs,France.New York:ACM,2013:119-128. 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1.猫初级视皮层神经元的双眼整合反应特性研究 [J], 谢芳;史学锋;许丽敏;张腾月;王嘉星;宁玉贤;赵堪兴
2.猫初级视皮层神经元的双眼整合反应特性研究 [J], 谢芳;史学锋;许丽敏;张腾月;
3.猫皮层18区神经元整合野特性的研究 [J], 李朝义;雷静江
4.大鼠初级视皮层神经元整合野调制的多重分形去趋势波动分析 [J], 胡玥;刘晓芳;朱妍雯
5.猫纹状皮层神经元整合野的形状和范围 [J], 李武;李朝义
小鼠杏仁内侧核中白细胞介素1β的表达调控依赖于雌激素受体α(英文)张庆红;曹军;吕顺艳;黄艳红;胡玉珍;韦耿泽【期刊名称】《神经解剖学杂志》【年(卷),期】2004(20)3【摘要】研究雌激素受体 ( ER)敲除小鼠脑内,ERα和ERβ在介导内侧杏仁核中白细胞介素1β( IL -1β)表达的作用。
IL-1β表达有显著的性别差异 ,并且在 ER敲除小鼠含量减少。
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相似的是 ,外源性雌激素能抑制野生型和 BERKO小鼠 IL -1β表达 ,后者时间稍有延搁 ,但对 ERKO IL-1β表达没有影响。
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Syntactic-Level Ontology Integration Rules for E-commerceBorys OmelayenkoVrije Universiteit,Division of Mathematics and Computer ScienceDe Boelelaan1081a,1081HV,Amsterdam,The marketplaces,or e-commerce portals,bring together many online suppliers and buyers.Each individual participant can potentially use his own format to represent the products in his product catalog,and mapping between them becomes plicated products require knowledge-intensive descriptions,or ontologies,and catalog integration shifts to integration of product ontologies.The industrial experience analyzed in the paper shows that in some cases the marketplaces require syntactic-level integration of product ontologies,in which the integration rules are created and updated (semi)automatically.Ontology integration tools that satisfy these requirements have not yet been developed,and accordingly we sketch a framework for automated ontology integration that is able to fulfill these requirements.1.IntroductionElectronic marketplaces,or e-commerce portals,bring together many online suppliers and buyers.Each individual participant can potentially use his own format to represent the products in his product catalog. Complicated products require knowledge-intensive descriptions,or ontologies.Thus,catalog integration requires integration of product ontologies.If a marketplace mediates between n suppliers and m buyers, then it must be able to map each of the n suppliers’catalogs into m buyers’formats performing n x m mappings.The numbers n and m can be high enough to make the problem of creation and maintenance of these catalog integration rules non-trivial.Management of product ontologies and product catalogs occur as a subtask of knowledge management done by the companies.In consequence,it becomes an important part of the ontology-based knowledge management tools, which are now under development within the OntoKnowledge project().The three types of e-commerce mediation:Business-to-Business(B2B),Business-to-Customer(B2C),and Customer-to-Customer(C2C)differ in terms of number of catalogs,speed requirements,and integration quality. Copyright©2000,American Association for Artificial Intelligence ().All rights reserved.These differences produce different requirements for product integration.Inference mechanisms developed by the knowledge engineering community provide a standard way to integrate the ontologies.But in B2C and C2C areas the number of catalogs can be in the same order as the number of customers.This makes inference relatively expensive and no longer efficient.In this paper we consider the problem of ontology integration applied to the task of product integration.In section2we survey the requirements for ontology integration that come from the industries;and in section3 we survey the existing tools for ontology integration.The paper continues with a sketch of the automated ontology integration tool in Section4,before arriving to final conclusions.2.The Requirements for Ontology Integration The three types of electronic commerce,B2B and B2C extensively discussed in(Fensel2001),and C2C provide different requirements for the integration of product ontologies as surveyed below.B2BIn the B2B area the numbers of formats n and m are relatively small,because both correspond to the number of companies.Once created and verified,a rule will be applied many times to a large number of product descriptions.These rules can be constructed manually and must be carefully verified.This gives us the first requirement:(1)The rules must be understandable by a domain specialist,who may not be a technical expert.B2B suppliers provide their catalogs in a syntactically unified way,where XML becomes a de-facto standard, and several standards for product descriptions have already been proposed(Li2000).This brings us to the following requirement:(2)The rules must be able to translate XML representations of product catalogs.B2B participants tend to sell more and more complicated products.As a result,the corresponding product ontologies become very complicated.IntegrationIn: Proceedings of The 14th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-2001), Key West, FL, May 21-23, 2001, (c) AAAI Pressis not only required at the instance level,but at the schema level as well:(3)The rules must be able to deal with ontology schemas: classes,attributes,inheritance,etc.Electronic product catalogs can be used not only for trade mediation,but also to improve the supply chain used by a company.The paper(Baron,Shaw,and Bailey2000) discusses implementation of e-catalogs to support the information flows in the supply chain used by the company,its suppliers and customers(B2B procurement) and arrives at the following requirements for product ontology integration:(4)It must perform integration with the representations used by the legacy systems,which usually have a flat structure and based on the database technology.(5)The integration must be compatible with security services used in the company.B2CThe B2C area assumes participation of a large number of individual customers,which can easily reach the order of millions.The product catalogs are customer-oriented and tend to use textual and graphical representation of the products rather than formalized XML descriptions. Accordingly:(6)Catalog integration rules must be able to interact with wrappers that will translate ill-formalized descriptions into XML.Many of the requirements are necessitated by the presence of many individual customers and are similar in both B2C and C2C areas.B2C and C2CIn C2C mediation,suppliers and buyers are represented by individuals,who sell or buy goods.This means that the number of participants can be very high(it can even reach millions)while each participant can use his own format to represent his product.They tend not to use XML,but graphical or textual representations.This imposes special requirements for catalog integration,linked with web site development and customer assistance.Web-site development for e-business already feels the need to customize product descriptions to the views used by the customers(Santesmases et al.2000)and requires the integration process to be:(7)Automatic because each customer requires special integration,and(8)Easily adaptable to changes in data formats.The rapidly growing number of suppliers available on the Web has inspired the development of intelligent sales assistants for the Web,able to consult the customers and guide them through the maze of product catalogs and online shops(Traphoner2000).These service bring with them the following requirements:(9)Product ontologies must be standardized on the syntactical level with XML.(10)Product ontologies must be‘derivable’, e.g. composed from its technical and market descriptions.(11)Specific product ontologies must be integrated with general domain ontologies.For its catalog administration tool,Cohera Corp. (Cohera2000)works with two different types of catalogs. Static catalogs contain slowly changing information that is uploaded and updated periodically and,possibly by several vendors.Meanwhile dynamic catalogs that can change on the fly and typically reside at each seller’s catalog system.This requirement is quite unusual for manual of semiautomatic knowledge management.The requirements(Cohera2000)for the integration system are as follows:(12)It must be able to integrate the ontologies from multiple and remote sources,where meta-models and inference can be difficult.(13)Static ontologies have to be integrated together with dynamic ontologies.(14)It must be able to deal with different expressiveness in the ontology representation languages.(15)Integrated ontologies will require creation of new categories over the source ontologies,which can lead to generation of the descriptions for‘virtual’products.This requirement is also unusual for knowledge management:creation of a new super-class must be well-justified because it has to correspond a product(even if it is virtual).(16)The rules and patterns used to integrate the ontologies must be able to evolve and easily adapt to changes in usage patterns and business relationships. Thus,the B2C and C2C areas require simple and highly automated techniques at the class-attribute name level.These requirements differ slightly from expressed by (Ng,Yan and Lim2000),who argue for the development of a simple,scalable and fully automated schema integration technique for B2B and B2C e-commerce.3.Existent Ontology Integration ToolsIn this section we survey the tools and algorithms available to the industry in the field of ontology integration.In principle we can perform two types of concept integration:concept-level integration,and syntactical-level integration.Concept-level integration requires inference over the domain ontology to make a decision about integration of a particular pair of classes. In addition,it also requires an integration ontology that captures the knowledge about the methods able to integrate the classes.Both ontologies are not available explicitly and so the tools require a human expert to make these decisions.Syntactical integration defines the rules in terms of class and attribute names used in the ontologies to be integrated.Such integration rules are conceptually blind but are easy to develop and implement.This level is widely used in the database community for database schema integration and has proved to be sound(Batini, Lenzerini,and Navathe1986).Model-based semantic integration(Bowers and Delcambre2000)works on a level of semantic models that provides more rationale and flexibility for rules.However, in the B2C and C2C areas customer-oriented representations often come without their underlying models.Furthermore,these algorithms presently concentrate on manual ontology integration and provide no method capable of integrating the ontologies automatically.Two ontology integration tools have been developed in the knowledge engineering community:Chimaera (McGuinness et al.2000)and PROMPT(Noy and Musen 2000).Both tools support the merging of ontological terms(class and attribute names)from varied sources. During the class merging process they present the user with pairs of classes whose names are similar enough and might represent either the same class from different input ontologies,or might require taxonomic edition to make one a subclass of the other.A human expert then decides what integration operation to apply to the pair of classes, and the system guides him to the next pair.PROMPT provides more automation in ontology merging.For each ontology merging operation PROMPT suggests the user to perform a sequence of actions on copying the classes and their attributes,creating necessary subclasses and putting them in the right places in the hierarchy.The action sequences are hard-encoded into the system,but experiments showed that they perform very well.In both approaches an expert still has to decide which ontology integration operation to perform for each pair of classes.This does not correspond to the needs of the industries that require automatic ontology integration. Recently the database community provided the algorithm for(semi)automatic database schema integration(Palopoli et al.,2000).This paper presents two techniques able to integrate and abstract database schemes.These techniques assume the existence of a collection of relations between the schema attributes,like synonymy,homonymy,hyponymy,a dictionary of overlappings,and a type conflict dictionary.Normally this set of dictionaries does not exist and its construction requires a large investment of time and human effort. Natural language ontologies,like WordNet(Fellbaum 1998)provide a valuable information source for creation of some of these dictionaries and it is essential that the ontology integration algorithm make use of them.4.Automated Ontology Integration Tool:theFirst SketchThe product concepts are represented with classes that correspond to the products or classes of products,and with class attributes that correspond to the product properties. The input of the algorithm is two sets of classes,each of which corresponds to one ontology to be integrated;the set of class names with the SubclassOf relation between them.Each class has a set of attributes associated with the class,where each attribute is represented by its name.The algorithm has to integrate two ontologies1O and 2O,where the first ontology contains the set},...,{111nccO=of classes,and the second has the set},...,{212nccO=of classes.Each classic has the associated set of its attributes},...,{1miiaaA=.Within this section we will useic andja to denote the name of a class or an attribute,correspondingly,andiC to denote the class,or the concept.Naturally,humans perform incremental ontology integration,comparing the classes one by one,opposite to the batch model,where the expert is supposed to analyze all the classes at once.For automatic integration we have a choice either to perform incremental or batch integration.We will consider incremental integration in this paper,but the batch integration model also has to be considered.From the root of1O the algorithm runs an exhaustive(breadth-first or depth-first)search through 1O.On each iteration it compares the current class1c from1O with all classes from ontology2O. Consequently,for each pair of classes11Oc∈and 22Oc∈the algorithm performs a comparison step described in the next three subsections:it compares the class names,then compares the sets of attributes associated with the two classes,and then compares individual attributes of the classes.4.1.Integration operationsThe integration rules will lead to one of the integration operations to be performed.Until now no unified set of operations has been proposed.The operations available in the literature(Sofia Pinto et al.1999)are quite general and cannot be used for automated integration.The closest approach to ours,PROMPT,uses the following five merging operations:merge classes,merge slots,merge bindings between a slot and a class,perform a deep copy of a class(with its subclasses and referring classes), perform a shallow copy of a class(only the class itself).In our framework we can use the following operations: -Merge classes with the union of their attributes;-Create a superclass over the pair of classes with the attributes that both classes have in common;-Rename the classes to fix class name collision;-Mark the classes as Disjoint;-Add a subclass-of relation between a pair of classes;-Remove a subclass-of relation between a pair of classes.4.2.The Framework for Automated Ontology IntegrationDuring the comparison step we generate the hypotheses about the integration operation required by the pair of classes.Each syntactical feature of the classes,i.e. similarity of their names,can produce a hypothesis about which operation to apply.It is quite possible that several features will produce several different hypotheses.For example,suppose that the class Printer from1O with the attributes Technology,Resolution,Interface must be compared with the class The_Printer from2O that describes the device with the attribute PrintingTechnology.The comparison of the class names will produce the hypothesis that the classes should be merged because their names are semantically equivalent,but the comparison of their attributes might indicate that The_Printer must be defined as a superclass of Printer .4.3.The AlgorithmThe algorithm assumes that some kind of domain ontology of terms exists.It must represent the dictionary used in the domain to recognize the ‘synonyms’relation (e.g.Monitor and Display )and the ‘is-a’relation between the language concepts (e.g.General_Printer is more specific than Laser_Printer ).Name preprocessing.Before comparing the ontologies some lexical naming confusions must be eliminated at a name preprocessing stage.At this stage for each class name or attribute name the algorithm will:•Remove the articles,e.g.The_Printer which is equal to Printer ;•Remove encoding prefixes included by a programmer,e.g.strPrinterName which indicates that the attribute PrinterName has string type.•Separate several words merged to create an identifier,ser_Printer ,LaserPrinter ,and even laserprinter .An ad-hoc solution that exploits language ontologies like WordNet (Fellbaum 1998)or its domain-specific modifications,can be easily developed for this stage and will perform very effective.Comparing Class Names.On this stage we compare the names 1c and 2c ,as listed in Table 1.The symbols class names 1c and 2c are literally compared with the operations =,≠,and substring inclusion ⊂as shown in lines (1)-(3).Class concepts i C are compared in lines (5)-(7)with the operations >that refers to a “more general than”relation,≈that refers to a “synonymous”relation,and ||that stands for a “disjoint”relation,ser_printer ,ink_printer ,matrix_printer .We expect that case (8)will occur most often:the algorithm compares each possible pair of classes from the pair of ontologies,and most of the pairs will not require any operations.Comparing Attribute Sets.After comparing class names we can compare attribute names.Generally,attributes provide more information than the class name.First,the algorithm takes a look at the attribute sets,and then continues by comparing individual attributes.Possible situations with the attribute sets 1A of the class 1c and 2A of the class 2c together with the generated hypotheses are listed in Table 2.Operator A used in line (1)returns the number of all attributes of the class,including the attributes that were inherited from the paring paring individual attributes gives us additional hypotheses about the integration operation to use.At this stage the algorithm passes each possible pair of attributes 11A a ∈and 22A a ∈that belong to the classes 1c and 2c correspondingly.TheirTable 1.The hypotheses derived from comparison of the class names Condition Description Hypothesis (1)21c c =The names are literally equal,then Merge 21,C C (2)21c c ≠else (3)21c c ⊂1c is a substring of 2c Make 2C a subclass of 1C (4)else use domain ontology:(5)21C C ≈Synonymous classes Merge 21,C C (6)21C C >1C refers to a more general concept than 2C Make 2C a subclass of 1C (7)21||C C 1C and 2C are disjoint Mark 1C and 2C as disjoint (8)else No action Table 2.The hypotheses derived from comparison of the sets of attributes1(2)21A A ⊂All attributes of 1C are included in 2C Make 2C a subclass of 1C Table 3.The hypotheses derived from comparison of the individual attributes Condition Description Hypothesis (1)21a a =The names of the attributes are literally equal Duplicate class comparisonhypothesis(2)21a a ≠else(3)use domain ontology:(4)21a a ≈The names are synonymous Duplicate class comparisonhypothesis (5)21a a ⊂1a is a substring of the name of 2a No action (6)elseJust two different attributesNo actioncomparison gives several additional hypotheses as listed in Table 3.Recently developed ontology representation languages (i.e.RDF (Lassila and Swick,1999))include subslot-of relation between the attributes and allow to build hierarchies of attributes similar to class hierarchies.Full integration of such ontologies will also require integration of attribute hierarchies,and extending of Table 3with new cases.Making the Decision.For each pair of classes the algorithm will generate the set of possible integration operations to be performed over the pair of classes (the hypotheses).The algorithm generates all possible pairs of classes for comparison,and we expect that most of the pairs will require no integration.To find the class 22C c ∈that has to be merged with the class 11C c ∈the algorithm will pass all 2n classes from 2C and m n ⋅2attributes,where m is the average number of attributes of a class from ontology 2O ,and has to perform only one merging operation.For a realistic case of 502=n and 7=m this will give 350tests,that can lead to up to 350hypotheses.The decision-making step must select only one integration operation out of these hypotheses,and lots of ‘noisy’hypotheses must be ignored.The opinion aggregation algorithm has a user-adjustable threshold:the number of generated hypotheses must exceed some predefined threshold for the algorithm to perform an integration operation.The hypotheses are aggregated with simple voting,a method with a long history that approved its robustness in many application areas.Thus,if the comparison of two classes from a pair produces three hypotheses ‘merge ’and five hypotheses ‘make 1c a subclass of 2c ’then the algorithm will perform the second operation.5.ConclusionsThe paper shows that,in the case of B2C and C2C,the e-commerce requires syntactic-level integration of product ontologies,where the integration rules are created and updated (semi)automatically.There are no ontology integration tools that satisfy these requirements,and the closest approaches force the user to make a decision how to integrate a certain pair of classes.The proposed integration algorithm attempts to automate this decision-making process.Acknowledgement.The author would like to thank to Dieter Fensel for helpful discussions and comments on this paper.ReferencesBaron,J.;Shaw,M.;Bailey, A.2000.Web-based E-catalog Systems in B2B Procurement,Communications of the ACM 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